How the myopia is treated with moderately. Diagnosed myopy of high degree? Correction and treatment

The deterioration of vision is the consequence of poor ecology, an improper lifestyle and rapid technical progress. Mixed myopia is one of the most common diagnoses. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in childhood or youth. Older people rarely suffer from myopia. Myopia is synonymous with this ophthalmologic disorder. If you do not turn to the oculist on time, the disease will progress. The acuity of sight is increased by wearing points or contact lenses. It is possible to get rid of myopia forever with the help of an operation.

What is the myopia of moderate?

Eyes are a tool of the visual system. A special center in the brain is responsible for the perception of the image. A person with good vision rays of light are projected onto the retina center, refracted and transmit a picture into the brain. Under myopia, the eyeball is extended. The rays of light do not reach the retina and focus before it.

A person with myopia of the second degree sees well close, and the items in the distance spread and seem fuzzy.

Eye muscles are strained and stretched. This leads to a deterioration of the state.

The second degree of myopia is characterized by the presence of such symptoms as:

  • reduction of visual acuity;
  • blur of objects located away;
  • frequent migraines;
  • seeking an eye to obtain a clarity of the image;
  • increased tear;
  • pain in eyes and between eyebrows.

To increase visual sharpness, it is important to understand what myopia is and why it appears. Myopia is a violation of refraction. Deals occur due to improper refraction of light rays. The visual muscles are in constant voltage. The eye is lengthened by 1-3 mm, turning from the sphere in the oval. To improve vision, ophthalmic gymnastics is prescribed. Exercises are aimed at relaxing and restoring the functionality of the muscular eye apparatus.

Myopia 2 degrees is a refractive deviation within the framework of -3.25 to -6 diopter. With such a violation, a person is poorly focused in space. He cannot distinguish the number of transport, does not see the letters at the distance of an elongated hand, will not recognize familiar people on the street. Myopia is 2 degrees must be corrected by points or contact lenses. Otherwise, the quality of life will worsen.

Hypertonus eye muscles provokes damage to vessels and capillaries.

Frequent hemorrhages are noted. The state of the eye bottom is worsening. In the absence of therapy, complications arise. Retinal disinsertion - dangerous consequence The launched form of myopia. Dystrophic changes lead to blindness. So that this does not happen, it is important to start the treatment of myopia to moderate in time. Therapy and correction are selected taking into account age and individual physiological factors. The task of the eyepiece - to strengthen the vessels of the eye and write out the glasses or contact lenses.

Medication methods of therapy

Mostic people feel dry and itching in the eyes. This is due to the constant voltage and frequent friction of the age of fingers. Redness appears on the mucous membrane. Eyes begin to root. To relax visual organs, the oculist writes to the patient drops. Medical treatment does not dispose of pathology, but only eliminates physical discomfort. However, this is also important.

Myopia of 2 degrees is facilitated with the help of such drugs like:

  1. ICF. Drops output excess liquid and expand pupils, contributing to eye muscles relaxing. The medicine narrows the vessels and strengthens the retina. Eye bottom gets all the necessary substances.
  2. Upgal. The drug is intended for cleansing lens and removal of voltage. Potassium is the main component of the drop, it feeds the eye structures at the cellular level. Regular use of the drug contributes to the purification of vessels and capillaries.
  3. Taufon. Sulfur and amino acid-based drops improve exchange processes and promote fast tissue regeneration. The drug is effective on 1 and 2 stages of myopic disorder.
  4. Vita Yodurol. These are universal eye drops. They are rich in minerals and trace elements. Children are prescribed with caution.
  5. Emoxipin. The drug protects the cornea and strengthens the retina. It contains a complex of antioxidants and is assigned to improve vascular system organs of vision.

If myopia progresses, the doctor discharges vitamin drops. The following drugs have efficacy:

  • Quenax;
  • Vyysiomax;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Aquadeurim;
  • Okobit;
  • Focus V.

If you need to remove inflammation or explore the eye bottom, the doctor discharges tropics. For 6 years, the medicine is dropped in the presence of an ophthalmologist, since the active substance has a strong effect on the nervous system. It is important to correctly calculate the dosage to avoid negative consequences.

Drops are an additional method of therapy.

The main treatment is to use the correction and performing exercises for the eyes. You can treat myopia drops only with the permission of the eyepiece. Incorrect selection and dosage of medication can adversely affect the functioning of visual organs.

Optical Correction of Middle Degree Myopia

You can increase visual acuity with glasses or contact lenses. This is an optical correction. This method is completely safe and suitable for people of all ages. The use of therapeutic accessories will not save from pathology, but only improve the clarity of the visible picture. This will have a positive effect on the work of the eye muscles, since during the use of the correction they will relax.

Myopia of the average degree of both eyes is corrected by glasses with scattering lenses having minus indicators. Glass thickness depends on the number of diopters. The launcher of the pathology, the thicker the lenses in the glasses. Glasses, corrective myopia, visually reduce eyes. Points are written out by an ophthalmologist for constant wearing. A man puts on them in the morning and shoots immediately before bedtime.

People with 2 degree of illness it is more convenient to use contact lenses. Therapeutic accessories are made of hypoallergenic material, so we can wear them comfortably. The lenses for the correction of myopia also have minus indicators and are dissipating. People with a hype-sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes are recommended to wear glasses.

Contact lenses can provoke the development of conjunctivitis.

The method of correction picks only an ophthalmologist. The doctor conducts examination of the patient, diagnoses the degree of deviation and discharges a recipe for glasses or contact lenses. You can not choose a correction accessory yourself. With recipe for glasses, the patient goes to optics. Contact lenses can be purchased in an ordinary pharmacy.

Laser correction and ophthalmosurgery

Myopia 2 degrees can be fully cured with a laser. The procedure is modern, safe and efficient. It allows you to return to the patient 100% visibility. Laser correction has age limits, it is carried out by people from 18 to 40 years. This is explained by the fact that before the adulthood, visual bodies are still formed. After 40 years, the laser correction of myopia can give the opposite effect, while the myopia will go into the long-haziness.

The essence of the procedure is to change the shape of the cornea. The top layer is cut into the laser, the similarity of the minus lenses is formed. A flat cornea scatters light rays better, the image is projected clearly on the retina. There are several types of laser correction. The most expensive method is characterized by the ability to adapt to the individual physiological features of the patient. This is necessary in the case of serious congenital pathologies. With ordinary myopia, the standard laser correction procedure is suitable.

Middle degree progressive myopia is a dangerous pathology, which is recommended to correct with the help of ophthalmosurgery. This method is applied in cases where the degree of violation exceeds -20 diopter. The operation is complex and requires a long rehabilitation period.

Natural lens is replaced by artificial.

Sometimes a corneal layer is transplant. Iol or a faky lens are implanted into the eye. Ophthalmosurgery is a good alternative to laser correction. The cost of such an operation depends on the stage of the disease, the popularity of the clinic and the reputation of the attending physician.

Myopia (myopia). Causes, species, symptoms, signs and diagnostics


The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

What is myopia?

Myopia ( myopia) - This is a disease of the eyes, in which a person does not see far-sized objects, but sees relatively well near. With time ( especially if you do not fix the causal factor) Myopia can progress, as a result of which the patient's vision will gradually deteriorate. For some time it will be compensated by the operation of the accommodation apparatus ( fixtures) However, over time, the compensatory possibilities of the refractive eye system exhaust themselves, as a result of which certain complications will begin to develop, which in the end can lead to a complete loss of vision ( that is to blindness).

In order to understand the mechanisms of development, the principles of diagnosis and treatment of myopia, certain knowledge of the structure of the eye and the functioning of its refractive system is necessary.

The person's eye is a complex system that provides perception of images from the surrounding world and transmitting their brain.

From anatomical point of view, human eye consists of:

  • Outdoor shell. The outer sheath of the eye is formed by the scleria and cornea. The sclera is an opaque white fabric that covers most eyeball. The cornea is a small portion of the outer shell of the eye, which is located on its front surface and has a slightly curved ( out) form ( in the form of a hemisphere). The cornea is transparent, as a result of which light rays easily pass through it. The cornea is an important organ The refractive system of the eye, that is, the light rays passing through it are refracted and collected together at a certain point.
  • Medium shell. Average ( vascular) The eye shell provides blood supply and nutrition of the eyeball and all intraocular structures. In the region of front department eyeball ( right behind the cornea) is vascular shell Eyes formed iris ( iris). This is a kind of diaphragm in the center of which there is a small hole ( pupil). The main function of the iris is the regulation of the amount of light entering the eye. With excessively bright lighting, there is a reduction in certain muscles of the iris, as a result of which the pupil is narrowed, and the amount of light passing through it decreases. The dark process is noted in the dark. The pupil expands, as a result of which the eye can catch more light rays.
  • Inner shell. Inner eye sheath ( retina) is represented by a plurality of photosensitive nerve cells. These cells perceive the light particles penetrating ( photons), when generating nerve impulses. These pulses on special nerve fibers are transmitted to the brain, where the image formation occurs.
Inside the eye also contain certain elements that ensure its normal functioning.

The intraocular structures include:

  • Glassy body. This is a transparent formation of a student consistency, which occupies the main volume of the eyeball and performs a fixing function ( that is, ensures the maintenance of eye shape).
  • Crystal. This is a small formation, located right behind the pupil and having the shape of a bicon-like lens. The substance of the lens is surrounded by a transparent capsule. At the edges to the lens capsule, special bundles are attached, which connect it with ciliary body and ciliary muscle. Crystal, like the cornea, is an important component of the refracting system of the eye.
  • Eye chambers. Eyes chambers are small alcohol spaces located between the cornea and the iris ( front camera eyes), iris and lens ( rear camera eyes). The data space of the chambers is filled with a special fluid ( water moisture), which provides food intraocular structures.
In addition to the eyeball and intraocular structures, there are a number of auxiliary bodies of the eyes, playing an important role in its normal functioning ( these are glazing muscles, tear glands, eyelids and so on). In the development of myopia, the defeat of the ice muscles may be marked, so they will be described in more detail.

TO overall muscle Eyes include:

  • Outdoor straight muscle - Provides a lead ( turn) Eyes outward.
  • Inner straight muscle - Provides a turn of the eye Knutrice.
  • Lower straight muscle - Provides lowering eyes.
  • Top straight muscle - Provides eye lift.
  • Top oblique muscle - Raises and removes the eyes.
  • Lower oblique muscle - lowers and removes the eyes.
As mentioned earlier, the main structures of the refractive system of the eye are lens and cornea. The cornea has a constant refracting force equal to about 40 diopters ( diopteria - a unit of measurement of the refractive force of the lens), While the refractive strength of the lens can vary from 19 to 33 diopters.

Under normal conditions, when passing through the cornea and crystal, light rays are refracted and collected in one point, which must be placed in the norm ( projected) Right on the retina. In this case, a person gets the most clear image of the observed item.

When a person looks into the distance, the refractive capacity of the lens is reduced, as a result of which the image of the far located object becomes clearer. This is due to the relaxation of the ciliary muscle, which leads to the tension of the lens and its capsules and the flattening of the lens itself.

When viewed by the close-built subject, the reverse process takes place. As a result of the reduction in the cereal muscle, the tension of the ligaments and the crystal capsule, it itself acquires a more convex form, and its refractive force increases, which allows you to focus the image on the retina.

The mechanism of the development of myopia is that due to the various anomalies of the structure of the eyeball or due to the functioning of the functioning of its refractive image system, the farms located are not focused directly on the retina, and in front of it, as a result of which they are perceived by a person as fuzzy, vague. Closely located objects of the person sees more or less normal.

Causes and forms of myopia

Myopia can develop due to the anatomical defects of the eyeball or the refractive system of the eye, as well as as a result of non-compliance with hygiene of view.

Types of myopia

The immediate cause of myopia can be the defeat of the eyeball and various components of the refractive system.

Depending on the affected structure, allocate:
  • Axing ( axial) Myopia. Developed as a result of an excessively long front-length size of the eyeball. The refractive systems of the eye are not amazed.
  • Lenticular myopia. Developed by increasing the refractive force of the lens, which may be observed in certain diseases ( for example, with diabetes) either when receiving some medicines ( hydralazine, chlortalidone, phenothiazine and other).
  • Myopia with damage to the cornea. In this case, the cause of the development of the disease is too large curvature of the cornea, which is combined with an excessively pronounced refractive force.
Depending on the development mechanism, allocate:
  • true myopia;
  • false myopia.

True myopia

True myopia is called a number of pathological conditions, in which the organic lesion of the eyeball, cornea or lens occurs. True myopia can be congenital or acquired. Without timely elimination of the cause of the disease, true myopia can progress and lead to the development of complications.

False myopia ( accommodation spasm)

Accommodation is an eye adaptation that provides a clear vision of objects at various distances from humans. False myopia is pathological condition, developing in children and people of young age as a result of overvoltage of the accommodation apparatus.

As mentioned earlier, during the viewing of closely arranged items, a decline in the eyelic muscles and an increase in the refractive forces of the lens will occur. If the cereal muscle is in abbreviated state for a few hours, it may disrupt the metabolism and nervous regulation In it, as a result of which her spasm will occur ( that is, pronounced and long-term reduction). If a person at the same time tries to look at the distance, the spashed ciliac muscle will not relax, and the refractive force of the lens will not decrease, as a result of which the subject the subject it is not visible. This state is called accommodation spasm.

Contribute to the development of spasm accommodation can:

  • long continuous reading;
  • long work at the computer;
  • long-lasting telecast;
  • reading ( or work at the computer) with bad lighting;
  • non-compliance with labor and recreation;
  • defective sleep;
  • incompute nutrition.
Since the accommodation spasm is temporary and is almost completely permitted after eliminating the cause of its occurrence, this state is called false myopia. No anatomical defects in the eyeball or in the refractive system of the eye at the same time are not observed, however, with a long-term exposure of the causal factor and often repetitive accementary spasms, true myopia can develop.

Depending on the cause of development, allocate:

  • hereditary myopia;
  • acquired myopia.

Healthy myopia

Numerous studies have been proven that myopia can be inherited, with various degrees of the disease inheritance in various mechanisms.

The human genetic apparatus consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes located in cell nuclei. Each chromosome has a huge number of different genes that can be active or inactive. It is the activation of certain genes that defines all the properties and functions of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism as a whole.

During conception, the merging of male and female sex cells occurs, with the result that the forming embryo inherits 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosome from the Father. If there are defective genes in the resulting chromosomes, the likelihood that the child will inherit the existing mutation and it also will also develop a certain disease.

Myopia is weak and moderately inherited by autosomal dominant type. This means that if a child inherits at least 1 defective gene, it will develop this disease. The probability of inheritance of this gene depends on the one of the parents sick with myopia. If both parents are sick, the likelihood of the birth of a sick child will be from 75 to 100%. If only one of the parents is sick, the child will inherit defective genes with a probability of 50 to 100%.

Myopia high degree It is inherited by autosomal-recessive type. This means that if only one of the parents is sick, and the second is healthy and is not a carrier of a defective gene, the child will have healthy, but it may inherit 1 defective gene and will also become asymptomatic carrier of the disease. If both parents are sick, the likelihood of the birth of a sick child will be 100%. If both parents are asymptomatic carriers of a defective gene, the probability of the birth of a sick child will be 25%, and the likelihood of the birth of asymptomatic carrier is 50%.

Acquired myopia

About acquired myopia speak when at the moment of birth, the child has no signs of this disease, and the probability of the hereditary factor is excluded ( if parents, grandmothers and grandparents have no myopia, the likelihood of availability genetic predisposition Extremely Mala). The cause of the development of the disease is the factors of an external environment that affect the organ of vision in the process of human life.

Contribute to the development of myopia can:

  • Non-compliance with hygiene of view. As mentioned earlier, when reading, as well as when working at a computer or when watching TV at close range, accommodation voltage occurs ( that is, the clarity muscle is strained, which leads to an increase in the refractive capacity of the lens). If a person works in this position for a long time, certain changes begin to occur in the ciliac muscle ( it is hypertrophy, that is, it becomes thicker and strong). The process of hypertrophy of the ciliary muscle can take several years, but if this happens, the mechanism of its relaxation will be offended. When a person will look in the distance, the clarity muscle will not relax completely, and will remain in partially abbreviated state. As a result, the ligament of the lens capsule will remain relaxed, and the lens itself will not be constructed to the necessary degree, which will be the immediate cause of myopia.
  • Adverse working conditions. Reading or working at a computer with poor lighting requires a more pronounced stress of accommodation, which over time can lead to the development of myopia.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins ( especially vitamin B2.) It may also contribute to the development of myopia. This is explained by the fact that Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin) Iron improves many of the functions of the eye, in particular, facilitates the processes of dark adaptation ( improving view in the dark) And eliminates eye fatigue during overwork. With the lack of this vitamin, there is also an excessive stress and overwork of the eye structures.
  • Primary weakness accommodation. According to the data, the pathological state is denoted, in which the refractive force of the cornea and / or the lens is not expressed enough. The light rays passing through them are focused somewhat behind the retina, and the eyeball is stretched as a compensatory reaction in anterior-margin. If at a certain time, the disease that caused the weakness of the accommodation is eliminated, the rectified eyeball will cause myopia.
  • Injuries. Eye injuries, accompanied by damage to the eyeball, cornea or lens can also cause the development of myopia.

Night myopia

This condition cannot be called pathological, as it meets in people with normal vision. The mechanism for the development of night myopia is due to the fact that in the dark there is an expansion of the pupil, as well as the reduction of the ciliac muscle and an increase in the refractive force of the lens, as a result of which the images of the observed objects ( located on a remote distance from the eye) Focus not directly on the retina, but somewhat in front of it. It is assumed that these adaptive reactions are aimed at improving vision in the dark, since, with the expansion of pupil to the retina, a larger number of photons are received, and the development of minor "myopia" causes a person to consider items at a closer distance.

Night myopia completely disappears during the daytime and with good lighting.

Myopia in children

All the above listed factors can lead to the development of myopia in a child. At the same time, there are a number of other pathological and physiological conditions that contribute to the development of myopia in childhood.

Depending on the mechanism of development of myopia in children allocate:

  • congenital myopia;
  • physiological myopia.

Congenital myopia

Congenital myopia can be observed in premature children who were born before the deadline ( normally, the child should be born no earlier than 37 weeks of intrauterine development). This is explained by the fact that embryo at the age of 3 - 4 months the shape and sizes of the eye differ from those in an adult. The rear department of the sclera is a bit protruded by the stop, as a result of which the front-facing size of the eyeball increases. Also, at this age, there is a more pronounced curvature of the cornea and lens, which increases their refractive force. All this leads to the fact that the light rays passing through the refractive system focusing before the retina, as a result of which the birth of the premature child will be marked by myopia.

A few months after birth, the shape of the eyeball of the child changes, and the refractive ability of the cornea and the lens decreases, as a result of which myopia disappears without any correction.

Physiological Myopia

Physiological myopia can develop in children aged 5 to 10 years, when there is a particularly intense growth of the eyeball. If its front-facing size becomes excessively large, passing through the cornea and crystal rays focusing before the retina, that is, myopia is developing.

As the child grows, the severity of myopia may increase. This process is usually ends by 18 years when the growth of the eyeball is stopped. At the same time, in some cases, the progression of physiological myopia is possible up to 25 years.

Symptoms and signs of myopia

The main complaint of patients with developing myopia is to reduce visual acuity. Other symptoms may be associated with the progression of the disease.

Reduction of visual acuity during myopia

The first thing begins to disturb patients with myopia is a fuzzy vision of far-sized items. With a slowly progressive disease, patients immediately notice this symptom, often writing off the reduction of visual acuity and fatigue. Over time, myopia progresses, as a result of which patients begin to see far-spaced items and worse. Working with objects at close range ( for example, reading) Does not cause any inconvenience with people with myopia.

Also, people with myopia are constantly pushing, trying to consider far from the objects. The mechanism of development of this symptom is explained by the fact that with a partial closure of the eye slit, the pupil is lightly overlap. As a result, the nature of the light rays passing through it is changing, which contributes to the improvement of visual acuity. Also, when the eyelid is covering, there is a slight compaction of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, which can help improve vision in myopia, combined with corneal astigmatism ( the disease in which the wrong curricular curve is marked).

Other signs of myopia

As the disease progresses, other symptoms associated with damage to the refractive eye system and visual impairment may appear.

Myopia can manifest itself:

  • Head pains. The development of this symptom is associated with the overvoltage of the accommodation apparatus, with a violation of the blood supply to the ciliary muscle and other intraocular structures, as well as with a fuzzy image of far-sized objects, which affects the functioning of the entire central nervous system.
  • Burning and pain in the eyes. There are shortly after starting work with objects at close range ( for example, when working at a computer). The development of these symptoms is also associated with the overwork of various intraocular structures and disruption of accommodation. It is worth noting that burning in the eyes can also point to the accommodation spasm.
  • Tear. Enhanced tears can be marked during a long-term work at the computer and when reading books, but this symptom may also occur healthy people (in the latter case, it appears much later and disappears after a few minutes of rest.). In addition, in patients with myopia, tears can be celebrated in clear sunny days or with bright lighting. It is explained by the fact that in myopia more pronounced ( than normal) Expansion of pupil, which is associated with damage to the ciliary muscle. As a result, too much light goes into the eye, and the enhanced tear is a kind of protective reaction in response to this phenomenon.
  • Increase the size of the eye slit. This symptom may be invisible in myopia weak degree, however, is usually expressed in severe progressive myopia. This is explained by an excessive increase in the eyeball, which is somewhat forward, lifting the eyelids.

Diagnosis of myopia

An ophthalmologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of myopia. You can suspect myopia on the basis of the patient's complaints, however, to confirm the diagnosis, the determination of the severity of the disease and the appointment of the right treatment always requires additional research.

To diagnose myopia use:

  • measurement of visual acuity;
  • study of the Eye DNA;
  • study of field fields;
  • skiaskopy;
  • refractometry;
  • computer kerathotopography.

Measurement of visual acuity at myopia

As mentioned earlier, the first thing that suffers in myopia is the acuteness of vision, that is, the ability to clearly see objects at a certain distance from the eye. Objective research methods of this indicator allow you to determine the degrees of myopia and plan further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

The procedure for studying visual acuity is simple and performed in minutes. A study is conducted in a well-lit room in which there is a special table. This table contains rows of letters or signs ( symbols). The largest letters are located in the upper row, and in each subsequent - smaller.

The essence of the study is as follows. The patient sits on a chair, which is located 5 meters from the table. The doctor gives the patient a special opaque damper and asks to cover one eye ( at the same time not closing it, not a shoy age), And the second eye look at the table. After that, the doctor indicates the letters of various sizes ( first on big, then smaller) And asks the patient to call them.

People with normal urgency are capable of ease ( do not squinting) Read the letters from the tenth ( from above) A number of table. In myopia, the patients see worse in the distance, as a result of which small details are worse ( including letters and symbols on the table). If, during the study, a person incorrectly calls any letter, the doctor returns to 1 row above and checks whether it sees the letters in it. The degree of myopia is determined depending on whether the patient can be read from which series. After determining the visual acuity on one eye, it should be covered with a damper and carry out the same studies with the second eye.

If during the study, the patient cannot read letters from the highest row, this indicates an extremely pronounced violation of vision. In this case, the doctor becomes 4 - 5 meters from the patient, shows it a certain amount of fingers on his hand and ask for them to count them. If the patient cannot do this, the doctor slowly comes to him ( holding a hand in the same position), while the patient must call the number of fingers immediately as soon as they can count them. If he can't do this, even when the doctor's hand is located right in front of his eye, it means that it is practically blind on this eye ( such a state arises in the far events, with the development of complications of untreated myopia). The last stage of diagnostics in this case will be checking lights ( the doctor periodically shines the lantern into the eyes of the patient and asks to say when he sees the light). If the patient cannot determine the moment of turning on the light, it means that it is completely blinded on the eye studied.

Degrees of myopia

Determining the degree of myopia is carried out immediately after determining visual acuity. For this, there are special glasses with removable lenses to the patient. In the frame in front of one eye, the doctor inserts an opaque plate, and in front of another eye begins to install scattering lenses alternately. These lenses dispel the rays passing through them, as a result of which the general refractive ability of the refractive system ( that is, lenses, cornea and lens) decreases, and the focus of the image is shifted back.

As the lenses replaced, the doctor asks the patient to read letters from various ranks of the table until it can clearly define the letters ( symbols) From 10 rows. The degree of myopia in this case will be equal to the strength of the lenses that required for vision correction.

Depending on the severity of myopia, it is distinguished:

  • Weak degree of myopia - Up to 3 diopters.
  • Middle degree of myopia - from 3 to 6 diopters.
  • High degree of myopia - More than 6 diopters.

Study of the Eye DNA in myopia

With the progression of myopia, there is almost an increase in the front-length size of the eyeball. Outdoor eye sheath ( sclera) It is stretched relatively easily, while the retina ( consisting of photosensitive nerve cells) is able to carry tension only to certain limits ( which are usually extremely small). That is why atrophic changes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe optic nerve disk are often observed during myopia. driving nerve disk is a plot on the back wall of the eyeball, in which nerve fibers are harvested, transmitting nerve impulses from photosensitive nerve cells to the brain.).

I can identify these changes using the eye study research ( ophthalmoscopy). The essence of the study is as follows. The doctor puts on his head a special mirror with a hole inside and sits in front of the patient. After that, it sets the magnifying glass in front of the patient's eye and directs the rays of light reflected from the mirror directly in the pupil of the examined eye. As a result, the doctor can study the rear ( internal) The wall of the eyeball, to estimate the condition of the optic nerve and reveal the so-called myopic cone - the sick-shaped section of the affected retina, located around the disk of the optic nerve.

Before studying the study, the patient usually bury several drops of preparations that expand the pupil ( for example, Atropine). The need for this procedure is due to the fact that when conducting a survey, the doctor directs the patient the rays of light into the eye, which normally leads to a reflex narrowing of the pupil, through which the doctor will not be able to consider anything. Based on this, it follows that the conduct of ophthalmoscopy is contraindicated, if the patient cannot be prescribed said drugs ( for example, when glaucoma - disease characterized by a persistent increase in intraocular pressure).

Study of vision fields in myopia

With the progression of myopia, not only visual acuity suffers, but also peripheral vision. It is manifested by the narrowing of the fields of view, which can be detected during special studies. The mechanism for the development of this symptom is to damage the retina, which is observed with an excessive stretching of the eyeball.

It is possible to explore field fields using approximate ( subjective) or an objective method. For subjective method Studies The doctor and the patient sit opposite the other in such a way that the patient's right eye looks into the left eye of the doctor, while their eyes should be at a distance of 1 meter from each other. The doctor asks the patient to look right in front of him and does the same. Then it sets the side of the head a special white label, which he first sees neither he nor the patient. After that, the doctor begins to move the label from the periphery to the center ( to a point, located between his eye and the eye of the patient). In this case, the patient himself must file a doctor immediately as soon as the mark moves. If the doctor notices the label simultaneously with the patient, then the field of view in the latter normal ( provided that they are normal at the doctor himself).

In the course of the study, the doctor sets the label to the right, on the left, on top and from the bottom from the eye, checking the boundaries of the fields from all sides.

With an objective research method, the patient sits opposite the special apparatus, which is a large semichere. He puts on a special stand in the center of the hemisphere on a special stand in the center of the hemisphere, after which it fixes the vision at the point, located right in front of his eyes. The doctor then begins to move a special label from the periphery of the sphere to its center, and the patient must file him a sign as soon as he sees it. The main advantage of this method is its independence from the state of vision of the doctor. Moreover, on the reverse ( convex) The side of the hemisphere has special ruins with gradation, for which the doctor immediately determines the boundaries of fields in various planes.

The study itself is absolutely safe and does not take more than 5 - 7 minutes. To perform research, no special training is required, and the patient can go home immediately after the end of the procedure.

Skiascopia at myopia

This is a simple research method that allows you to diagnose myopia and determine its degree. At skioscopy, the functions of all refractive structures of the eye are investigated ( crustal and cornea) At the same time. The essence of the method is as follows. The doctor sits on a chair in front of the patient and sets 1 meter from the light source under study ( this is usually a mirror with a hole in the center, which reflects the light from the lamp on the side of the patient). The light rays reflected from the mirror pass through the cornea and lens, fall on the retina of the eyes under study and are reflected from it, as a result of which the doctor sees a round spot of red through the pupil ( red color due to blood vessels located on the bottom of the eyeball).

If after that the doctor will start moving the mirror up or down, the form of the reflecting spot will begin to change, and the nature of the change will depend on the state of the refractive eye system. For example, if a person has myopia in 1 diopter, reflected from the retina rays will be collected ( focus) At a distance of exactly 1 meter from the eye. In this case, as soon as the doctor moves the mirror aside, the red spot will immediately disappear.

If a patient has a myopia in more than 1 diopter, while the doctor will see a shadow during the movement of the mirror, which will move to the side opposite to the movement of the light source. In this case, the doctor sets a special skiascopic ruler between the mirror and eye of the patient, in which there are many scattering lenses of various power. Then he begins to change the lenses until the mirror is moving the red spot will not begin to disappear instantly ( without the formation of a moving shadow). The degree of myopia is determined depending on the strength of the scattering lens required to achieve this effect.

Other research methods at myopia

After identifying myopia and determine its degree, it is recommended to investigate the components of the refracting eye system, which in some cases allows you to establish the true cause of the disease.

To identify the cause of myopia, the doctor may assign:

  • Ophthalmometry. This study allows you to evaluate the refractive force of the cornea. During the study, special test brands are projected on the patient's cornea, the character of which will depend on its refractive force.
  • Refractometry. Principle this study It is similar to those with ophthalmometry, however, in this case, the test images are not projected on the cornea, but on the retina, which allows you to simultaneously explore both refractive structures of the eye ( corneal and Crystalik). Refractometry can be carried out manually ( using special devices) or automatically. In the latter case, all measurements and calculations make a special computer, after which the monitor displays all the information you who are interested in.
  • Computer kerathotopography. The essence of the method is to study the shape and refractive force of the cornea with the help of modern computer technologies.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Eyes - soul mirror. If the mirror shows not what I would like, it greatly complicates life. Bad vision was the problem of the XXI century. But at the same time modern achievements Sciences help solve these problems.

What is myopia?

Myopia is a disease of the organs of view, which characterized by a decrease in the possibility of a person to see the items located. In the people, this disease is more often referred to as myopia. At the same time, the patient retains the ability to see objects located nearby.

At the same time, the object of the object is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. A man suffering from myopia, in the distance sees items blurry and fuzzy. The strength of blur depends on how his degree of myopia.


Reducing the visual acuity as a result of myopia is divided into several degrees:

  1. Myopia of a weak degree is a violation of up to 3 diopters. The viewing of items located far, problematic for the patient, those objects that are near, do not cause any difficulties.
  2. Myopia is modeled - a violation of vision from 3 to 6 diopters. To distinguish the items in the distance, a person requires special corrective agents. The function of view near too will be broken, but it can well distinguish objects at a distance of up to 30 cm.
  3. Myopia is a high degree - the eyes from 6 diopters and more. Objects located near, as well as far away, is visible bad and blurred. A person sees clearly just what is in close proximity. Such myopia needs constant correction with glasses or lenses.

Myopia of moderate degree

Despite the seemingly relatively small deviations in the visual sharpness, the myopia of the Eye of the Middle degree has greatly affect the change in the eye bottom, provokes a lot of complications. Such myopia must be adjusted when your eyes look into the distance. Otherwise, due to the constantly occurring voltage, the disease will begin to develop further.

The causes of myopia of moderate severity

Causes of myopia can be divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital reasons:

  1. Heredity - if the parents of the child suffer from myopia is both, then their kid is 50% likelihood also to be born with this problem. Consequently, if only one parent, then 25%, but what is also a lot.
  2. Congenital reasons, such as muscle weakness, incorrect the size of the eyeball from birth. Such deviations arise, even if there was no one before anyone in the human race.
  3. High intracranial and intraocular pressure. This reason for the development of myopia to the secondary degree can also be attributed to acquired reasons, as it does not always arise from birth.

Causes of acquired myopia:

  1. Failure to comply with the norms of work and recreation in front of the computer, tablet, TV. Long-flowing in front of the screen keeps the eyes in constant voltage, which negatively affects vision.
  2. Reading books and work with dim lighting, viewing gadgets in the dark.
  3. Vitamin starvation of organs of vision. The best way is not to hurt - it is to warn the disease. If the eyes do not systematically get necessary vitaminsThe vision will gradually begin to fall.
  4. Often, people who begin to lose sight are not referring to a specialist for the purpose of diagnostics, and they go and independently buy glasses or lenses, not knowing the true "minus". The wrong selection of the means of correction will cause constant stress of the eyes and deterioration of their condition.
  5. The reason for the myopia of the average degree can also become the injuries of the brain.
  6. Some infectious diseases give a complication in the form of a deterioration of visual acuity.

Symptoms of myopia

The development of such a disease, like myopia, can not be noticed immediately, since the vision worsens gradually and many people change in the perception of objects are attributed to a long time at a computer or fatigue.

Symptoms of Middle Eye Symptoms:

  1. Blurred image of objects located and at a distance of up to 30 cm.
  2. Objects located right "under the nose", the patient is still able to see without a correction.
  3. Seeking eyes. When promised, the sharpness of the image is enhanced, since the central vision increases by reducing the pupil area.
  4. In some cases, the eye protrusion occurs due to the increase in the axis of the eyeball.

Middle degree myopia diagnosis

Noticing one or more of the above symptoms, a person appeals to the ophthalmologist. Only qualified specialist It can make such a diagnosis as myopia to moderate.

He will hold:

Myopia and pregnancy

Myopia is not a contraindication of pregnancy, but there are a number of risks associated with this. If the eye bottom with pathologies and at the same time the disease progresses, then during childbirth there is a risk of breaking or detaching the retina. This will lead to a significant deterioration or complete loss of vision.

For this reason, the outcome of pregnancy during myopia is moderately most often happens cesarean section. The final decision on this issue will be behind the gynecologist who led pregnancy.

Myopia in children

Myopia is rapidly young, according to statistics, 75% of cases in childhood falls for 9-12 years. Types of illness are the same as adults. But there are reasons that are observed only at a young age:

  1. Myopia often suffer from premature children.
  2. Eye injuries received during birth.
  3. Radically improved load on organs of vision during school preparation.
  4. Frequent infectious diseases and their complications.
  5. Fast growth of the body and active hormonal restructuring.

While the child does not know how to speak, to identify the deviations of the visual apparatus not easy. For the first time, the oculist examines the newborn in the hospital, but if you later have any alarming moments, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Child diseases are better to treat, the earlier they were discovered. To talk about the myopia of the average degree of both eyes can be in the event that:

  1. In 3 months, the baby cannot focus on a bright object.
  2. At about 1 year 1, the child, trying to consider the toy, pushed, brings it too close to her face, often blinks.
  3. Up to 6 months at the kid, let's say the moment when your eyes look a little in different directions. If the squint was not passed by half a year, the parents are recommended to consult a doctor, since in infant age, strabismus and myopia often accompany each other.
  4. At the older age, the child will be able to complain to the fact that it does not see objects or experiences headaches, it is easily tires, feels in their eyes discomfort.

If you do not recognize myopia in the child in time, this may cause the lag in general development, poor performance, the formation of complexes.

Execiential correction

In the treatment of myopia, the medium correction is the leading position. This is due to the fact that the deviation from the norm of view to this degree is still small and it is easy to correct this method. And it is also recommended for children and older people.

pros optical correction:

The disadvantages of optical correction can be divided between glasses and lenses. Children's and adolescent complexes about the wearing glasses are still alive, no matter how fashionable accessory points are neither becoming. Only for this reason, many young people suffer and do not wear them.

The main reason why people are forced to refuse to use lenses is allergic and increased sensitivity eye. They are also impossible if there is infectious diseases organs of vision. Some people in the contact lenses scare away the moment of their dressing, it seems to them that it hurts and scary.

Laser correction

If the patient is tired of using the optical ways of correction, then the laser operation will help. Myopia is moderately easily corrected by such a method, in contrast to the same disease, weak and high. Such a procedure is recommended to those people who have a deviation from -1 to -15 diopter. Recommended age for operation from 18 to 55 years.

The laser changes the shape of the cornea, and the image of the subject will again fall on the retina, as it should be.

Pluses of laser correction:

  1. A constant result - unlike glasses and lenses, the laser will correct the vision of the compere, it will be good in any weather and temperature conditions.
  2. The speed of operation - along with the preparation it takes 20 minutes. Immediately after a successful operation, the patient can go home.
  3. Painlessness - in the process of operation, a anesthetic agent is used. During rehabilitation, dryness and burning in the eyes are possible. In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn to your doctor, it will write moisturizing or soothing drops.
  4. Warranty - the patient will receive perfect vision, if he initially did not have any deviations and contraindications.

Surgical correction

In some cases, when the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is too thin, the age exceeds the upper bar and in some diseases it is impossible to make a laser correction. The question arises, how to treat myopy of high degree in this case?

In this case, can help alternative methods surgical intervention:

  1. Replacing the lens - its own lens is replaced by artificial through the micro-breaking on the eyeball.
  2. The implantation of the faky lens - the silicone lens is inserted into the eye, while maintaining its own lens. The operation helps those who have a subtle cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye or other eye diseases at which it is impossible to make a correction with a laser.
  3. Plastic cornea - the donor cornea transplants and imitates the necessary form. This operation restores and increases the transparency of the cornea and visual sharpness.

The consequences of myopia

With the launched myopia of the average and high degree develop serious complications:

  1. Deviation in vision only in one eye is called amblyopy. Correction of such deviation is impossible to standard optical correction facilities. It manifests itself with long-term myopia as a result of damage to the structure of the eye. In order to cure amblyopia, it is necessary to first eliminate the initial factor.
  2. Cataracts - with long-term myopia, the ability of the ciliary muscle is reduced, there is a violation of the circulation of water and moisture. The function of this moisture consists in the power of the lens and regulating the metabolism in it. If there is a disruption of metabolism, the cloudy zones are formed in the lens. Such a consequence is eliminated, by replacing the lens.
  3. Dravel squint is observed most often in myopia. At the same time, pupils of the eyes look towards the temples. When a person looks into the distance, the pupils of his eyes are somewhat divergent to improve the focus, when the subject is approached, the eye is close. The distance at which a person can clearly focus both eyes is limited. There is a constant stress of the eye muscles, which is why pathological changes are developing in the bodies of vision. Before being taken for fixing the squint, it is necessary to eliminate the cause caused.
  4. In myopia, the eyeball is incremented in size. The retina is very sensitive and low-elastic, her regeneration is weak. The retina with an increase in the eyeball is stretched, there is no power failure, pathological processes are developed in them. If myopia will progress further, the retina can be detached from the wall.
  5. When the degree of myopia is launched, the blood vessels of the eye shells are damaged. This leads to hemorrhages in the retina of the eye and violation of vision.

Prevention of the disease

Before the question arises, "how to treat myopy to a moderate degree?" It is recommended to study information about what kind of prevention methods are effective or will help with only beginnings?

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes every half an hour of loads on the organs of vision.
  2. Only the correct lighting - it is impossible to work or read when dull or jumping light.
  3. It is categorically not recommended to read in transport or on the go.
  4. Proper balanced nutrition with mandatory vitamins and minerals in it.
  5. Distance between the eyes and the working surface is not less than 30 cm.
  6. As prevention and reduction of eye tension, dryness and irritation, a variety of droplets are prescribed. In myopia, medium-based drugs and useful biodeadows are prescribed. Regular use of their use can significantly improve the condition of the visual apparatus.

Middle Degree Myopia - serious deviation From normal vision, but with the operational intervention of the doctor and the correctly selected correction is easily corrected. Like any disease, it is not worth running it and wait for the appearances of complications.

Myopia is 2 degrees are an ophthalmic disorder, in which a person does not see the objects that are at a distance. First of all, it should be understood what myopia is. We are talking about myopia (in Latin - myopia), which is a disease of the eyes, in which light rays directed by the lens converge in front of the retina and, thus, on the retainer itself there is a fuzzy image.

Important! In accordance with international System Classification of ICB-10 diseases - myopia has the code H52.1

As a rule, the reason is the excessive length of the axis of the eyeball, less often the disorder causes the fragility of the optical system of the visual organ (mainly congenital). The main symptom of myopia, including moderately - poor eyesight With regard to remote items. Myopia is 2 degrees, in most cases, corrected using glasses or contact lenses, in some points, surgical intervention is recommended.

In accordance with the diopters, myopia is divided into different degrees:

  • low (myopia 1 degree) - from 0 to -3 diopters;
  • average / moderate (myopia of 2 degrees) - from -3 to -6 diopters;
  • high (pathology 3 degrees) - from -7 diopters.

Classification of medium myopia

A typical mid-myopia representative is school myopia. This disorder is usually manifested in 6-7 years of life, and rarely exceeds 6D. In most cases, the violation is progressing slowly (0.3-0.5D / year), and stabilizes at the end of puberty (girls are somewhat earlier).

Late myopia of 2 degrees arises at the age of about 18 years, and are not inclined to progress to a higher degree (usually persisted on -3d).

Popular glasses

The glasses have always been and, probably, for a long time will be the most important assistant to correct the majority of refractive eye disorders. Despite the fact that glasses in last years They became a popular fashion accessory, many people are not perceived by their wearing, as they are somehow limited in work or hobby. However, glasses are the least invasive correction method.

Each peaceful person is interested in the question, whether the glasses spoil the eyesight even more, whether their use is affected by from the average degree to high, no does not affect. On the contrary, a person who is not wearing glasses, but requiring correction, soon meets complications in the form of problems with accommodation, pain in the eyes or headache.

A short man, putting his first glasses, may be disappointed that after the correction he sees acute, but less than before. When viewed glass glasses It is important to understand that the acute and highest image quality is obtained through its optical center and about 30ยบ to the side of it. On the peripheral part of the glass, the image is already somewhat distorted with spherical aberration and prismatic effect. The greater the diameter of the glass, the more significant peripheral distortion.

In myopia, highly degree today are preferred highly index plastic lenses or glass, which, thanks to a higher refractive index, have a smaller edge thickness and weight with similar diopters. However, such glass have a greater reflectivity, therefore, it is necessary to have an anti-reflective coating that improves light transmitting and significantly reduces unwanted reflections.

Contact lenses

In addition to glasses, the average myopia can be easily adjusted by contact lenses. They provide high-quality, convenient and unlimited vision. Thanks to its advantages (preservation of the field of view, the best image quality, the possibility of a freer and active lifestyle) contact lenses have become indispensable in many professions. They have not only optical, but also aesthetic advantages. With their help, you can not only save the natural face of the face, but also with the help of some modern color lenses change the color of the eyes.

Wearing contact lenses, compared with glasses, has not only aesthetic, but also some practical advantages. A direct connection of contact lenses with a cornea forms an image on the retina, as close as possible to the vision healthy Eyes. When correction, with the help of glasses it is impossible to achieve such an effect.


The myopia of the moderate can also be corrected using laser or surgical operation. Laser operation It is to remove several thousandth millimeters of the thickness of the cornea and, therefore, the correction of its surface so that it acts as a lens.

Surgical correction is used mainly to correct serious defects or leakage damage. The principle is to replace the lens.

Important! A surgical approach with medium myopia is recommended if the correction of points or contact lenses is not suitable.

The method of correction of medium myopia depends on the financial capabilities, the general state of the patient, the health of its second eye or the presence of accompanying diseases.

Myopia is an ophthalmologic disorder affecting more than a third of the population. If you feel about this group, do not worry, myopia, including, moderately, has a solution - contact lenses or high-quality glasses that not only correct vision, but also will provide a modern appearance.

Violation of vision - the disease is quite common if the load from the small years to the eyes is high. The ophthalmologist puts the student diagnosis: myopia of the eye or myopic disease, called according to the classification of the ICD 10, known as the name - myopia.

What is myopia - causes

Human eye is a complex optical device adapted to work in various conditions. In the structure, several elements are simultaneously responsible for creating an image on the rear wall of the vascular shell.

In the event of a failure in the operation of any of the elements, images or not, or it is incorrect. It is also happening at myopia, which is characterized by improper refraction, or the refraction of light rays and the focusing of them before the retina.

As a result, the image is blurred, especially in a distance, if a person makes a thing closer to his eyes, he sees it better, why the name has arisen - myopia. Because of the constant voltage, the vision of the Nearby man only worsens, which can lead to full blindness.

The disease is manifested primarily at young age and rarely occurs in the elderly, since they degeneration occurs in the opposite direction and the far-sightedness develops.

Among the causes of the disease there is a hereditary predisposition (as practice shows the likelihood that the child will have pathology in the presence of a parent with myopia amounts 25 percent, and if there are two patients with parents - already 50 percent, and the impact of external factors:

  • high eye voltage associated with poor lighting, heavy load and other moments;
  • improper nutrition in which useful vitamins and trace elements are lacking;
  • hypodynamine, including the weakening of the muscles of the eye;
  • generic injuries;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • card and brain injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • some inflammatory diseases;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Today, young men with myopia take into the army if the degree of illness is low.

Degrees of myopia - classification

The development of myopia can occur in different form, one way or another the patient sees a little better or worse. Experts distinguish 3 degrees of the disease:

  • With myopia of the first degree, the violation is small, up to 3 diopters. A person sees fine, but the contours of items that seem to be blurred at all. At the same time, he tries to better consider the items and squints the eyes, which he quickly gets tired;
  • myopia 2 degrees is stronger, the diffraction impairment is from 3 to 6 diopters, as a result of which the patient sees the items that are at a distance of more than 25 centimeters. A small pureglasie can occur, headache and fast fatigue of organs of vision. Mixed myopia easily progresses, which leads to an even greater impairment of vision;
  • Myopia of 3 degrees is manifested by a violation of refractures by more than 6 diopters, as a result of which a person does not see anything. The world It is blurred for it, and in order to distinguish the outlines of objects you need strongly strain your eyes. Myopia is highly accompanied by astigmatism and other pathologies of vision.

In addition to degrees, experts distinguish myopia progressive and unpressing.

The first is characterized by a gradual strengthening of the violation on 1 or more diopters per year. It is characteristic of school-age children, whose body is growing, and affects the organ of vision, besides, at school age increases the load on the eyes, which also contributes to the deterioration of vision.

With age, progress may stop or not, in the latter case is developing a severe degree to degenerative myopia, which leads to disabilities. Also, with age, changes occur in the lens, leading to the development of presbyopia or, on the contrary, hypermetropy.

The immanent is more often observed at a lightweight degree of myopia and belongs to the abnormalities of refraction. Sometimes false myopia or transient myopia is accepted for it. Myopia is highly rarely congenital, more often is a consequence of a developing disease.

In addition, it happens:

  • congenital myopia, the same belongs to the Tomsen disease;
  • youth;
  • school
  • early adult;
  • late adult.

In terms of eye damage, the disease may be in both eyes or on one, and this is characteristic of different degrees of gravity, it is found as myopia of a weak degree of both eyes and myopia of the average degree of both eyes.

It is often encountered with a complicated myopia, in which another one, for example, a medium-sized myopia with astigmatism is added to the main disease.

Due to the emergence, myopia is divided into:

  • axial arising due to an increase in the axial eye length;
  • refractive, characterized by a change in the structure of refractive elements;
  • the myopia of curvature, characteristic of the eye of the refractive elements of which have a great curvature, is often a high degree myopia.


Symptoms of illness is distinguished by an explicit manifestation and at the same time not immediately happens noticeable. The first sign is a hard to distinguish between the items. In childhood, it is difficult to understand, so you don't simply make a diagnosis of small children, parents sometimes do not notice the characteristics of the behavior of the baby, and therefore do not know about the problem.

In addition, the disease is accompanied by:

  • pain in the eyes and headaches, especially after trying to strain her eyes;
  • rapid fatigue of the visual apparatus;
  • the appearance of Pucheglasia;
  • reduced twilight view;
  • appearance before the eyes of light flies, threads and flashes;
  • desire to quit the eyes or lose them;
  • blue Schleler.

Myopia during pregnancy

The period of having a child is quite complicated and requires high energy costs and forces from the mother's body, therefore, somewhat myopia 1 degree during pregnancy begins to progress. However, with the normal course of the process, nothing threatens. Some factors such as pressure increase and gestosis can provoke the formation of myopia of a weak degree during pregnancy, therefore women who have a tendency to this disease or already patients need additional observation from an ophthalmologist.

Myopia and childbirth causes the greatest question. In detail, there is a strong tension of all the muscles of the organism, which can provoke a deterioration in the disease. Therefore, during pregnancy, women with myopia 2 degrees and 3 recommend making a cesarean section.

Myopia in children

Myopia in children is congenital or "earned" as a result of a large load on the eyes. This is often found in school age children who have forced to spend a lot of time at the computer and books. Treatment in kids is not always justified, sometimes the disease passes itself, but the observation of a specialist is necessary.

The doctor will control the changes that occur with the organ of vision, in the child and, if necessary, will appoint hardware treatment: Physiosters for astigmatism or electrostimulation of myopia and other techniques.

Diagnosis of myopia

Diagnose the disease must be a specialist, and see the first signs - parents or a person himself, if his eyesight has become worse.

The doctor uses special diagnostic methods that allow it to accurately determine the problem:

  • automatic refractometry;
  • tonometry;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • preliminary correction.


Myopia therapy is made according to the reason, provoked it. It is divided into medication and surgical. In the first case are assigned medications and vitamin complexes that improve the nutrition of the organ of vision, which helps to eliminate myopia in some cases.

In addition, eye drops (Taufon, Meston, Tropics and others) can be used, tension and tiredness, and physiotherapy techniques:

  • charging eye
  • swimming;
  • massage of the collar zone and others.

The treatment of myopia is highly taken mainly through operational interventionif it is possible. In this case, the doctor eliminates the structure defect, for example, reduces the curvature of the cornea, after which the vision is restored to normal.

This treatment is applied in adults, which are fully formed. Adolescents are more important to stop the progress with ophthalmological means, such as lenses in myopia.

Correction of myopia

Vision correction occurs through wearing glasses or lenses that correct the disorders of the eye, as a result of which the image focuses correctly.

The lenses at myopia use two-screwed. It is important that a literate specialist make them, in this case, vision in the lenses will be normal, and the person will feel comfortable. If the points are chosen incorrectly, it will arise permanent discomfort, Headache, and vision only worsen.

Today, most patients are available laser vision correction. It is used after 18 years, is carried out with a laser for several hours, after which the patient's vision is completely restored. The procedure is not possible for all diseases.


  1. Avoid large loads on the eyes and give them periodically rest;
  2. Eat properly;
  3. Monitor eye protection and avoid injuries, this applies to some groups of professions;
  4. Use complexes physical training, the so-called eye gym, which helps strengthen the muscles of the eye and remove the tension;
  5. When symptoms of myopia appear, immediately consult a doctor and fulfill its recommendations.

There is a special leaf, the execution of which helps to stop the progression of the disease and even restore vision in the early stages. But the specialist should appoint exercises during myopia, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

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