Incomplete offers. Incomplete offers - 10 incomplete offers

Incomplete sentences

Summary of the lesson practitioner in the 10th grade

Purpose: consolidate practical skills on "incomplete sentences";

develop spelling, punctuation skills, logical thinking, the ability to make your own conclusions;

rail interest in the word, striving for knowledge.

During the classes:

1. Slice workout. Write down correctly, in case of doubt, consult a spelling dictionary.

Essay, future, tradition, mosaic, environmental, progressive, effect, pessimism, optimism, reserves, accompany, intense, electrification, colossal, tradition, commentator, worldview, worldview, ideology, resources, humane, honor the hero, active.

Work in pairs. Multi-test. The teacher highlights the words for self-test.

Teacher: What suggestions do you know? (Answers: Simple, complex, complex different species.) And what do we call proposals in which one of the members's members is missing? Consider the offer recorded on the board. What is it in your opinion?

In each blade, in every drop of moisture, in the wind - the joy of life.

(Incomplete) So what are the tasks of our lesson? Yes, it's right, consolidate, repeat the material about incomplete sentences.

Two pre-prepared student are published to the board and tell the material about incomplete proposals that students are recorded in the notebook.

Material on the theory of the issue

1 student. In a combination or single-parting sentence, one of the members may be missing, for example:

Lakes attract us with their stroke, the sea - the scoring, the rocker.

2 student. Skipping one or more suggestions is possible in a complex sentence. In its parts, besides the first, in the dialog, since the missed members are clear from the context or from the situation and can be restored, and the offer in this case becomes complete.

Example: a city has opened with a small swath. The slope stretched the bumps of the suburbs, and then the chains of the lanterns and the fiery thread of the bridge, thrown over the river.

What did you notice in incomplete sentences? (Availability of dash)

It is necessary to distinguish an incomplete offer from full single-maintained. What sign of punctuation is put in incomplete sentence when passing one of the members?

2. Implementation practical tasks Through the diaperoctor. Signs of punctuation Students are affiliated independently and comment comment on punctuation marks

Each craft has its own fragrance. Shorniki smells with raweric, coalchers - birch smoking, sheepskinniki and fuel-sheep wool, Rodges - fragrant urban, Vorodaza - Olifa, Bondari Yes - oak chips, potters yes bricks - grazing clay, brazers - bitterness, about smolders with tarkers and talk about there is nothing.

3. Independent work on cards in pairs.


Emphasize the grammatical foundations of the proposals. Arrange the punctuation marks.

Not for nothing, every post -shkinsky time poet considers happiness for himself to inherit and develop at least one of the many Pushkin qualities. So Nekrasov develops the people's poem. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Epic Power and psychological characteristic The spiritual world, Alexey Konstantinovich, the Tolstoy plot-dramatic element of a fet scenery-lyrical block of stress-thought-thoughtful tragedy Akhmatova is a concentrated-personal.

Checked work in pairs. The teacher raises an assessment for independent work.

4. Difference incomplete sentences from one-point. Work at the board. Find offers impersonal, definitely personal, called.

Pouring without end. In the forest. We are going by Borok, black forests. Here is a mountain, sandy descent to the valley. Evening. On the grief in front of us a bristle bristle a new vertex. I see in the window shine and distance mountains, hills of naked.

Teacher: We conclude incomplete sentences.

Students make a conclusion, write it down: incomplete sentences should be distinguished from one-delivery in incomplete proposals in the absence of any member of the sentence put a dash. Incomplete offers are one of the bright expressive funds, they make our speech brighter. Therefore, they are often used in proverbs and aphorisms.

Recording bright aphorisms from the board:

The flatter creates friends, the truth is hated.

Gold is mined from the ground, knowledge is from the book.

In the words of old people - wisdom, in the saying - teaching.

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. Cowardly and greedy will escape the first, courageous and generous - second.

Homework: write out of the works of L.N. Tolstoy or I.S. Turgenev incomplete offers - 10 sentences.

Incomplete sentences

Purpose: give an idea of \u200b\u200bincomplete sentences, the sphere of their use;
Tasks: Formation of skills:
1) synonymous replacement of incomplete proposals full;
2) distinguish with call and incomplete two-part offers;
3) determine the role of incomplete proposals in the text of the artwork, use incomplete proposals in spoken-language;
4) correctly put the punctuation marks in incomplete and complex proposals, which are incomplete;
5) Warn speech errors; cultivate speech culture; develop the ability to use incomplete sentences when describing pictures; Skills of proper intonation of incomplete offers

During the classes:
1. Repetition.
Rules of single-part offers
Defined type simple sentence
1. Let us work.
2. In the door knocked.
3. Park closed long ago.
4. It is cold.
5. The horse came to me.
6.Live you, Peter Creation.
7.Sostrov small on the seaside visible.
8.Good fog.
9. The bass do not feed.
10.What we sleep, you will get enough.
Check yourself:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
O / l n / l n / l b / l n / l o / l bvspost calling rev / l

2. Acquaintance with the new topic
Motivational moment
The school has always made efforts to teach students to enjoy full offers. "Answer the full answer," the teacher from students persistently requires. This is explained by the fact that the school teaches intellectual speech in which complete offers are often mandatory, and mastering the skills of their construction and use is a difficult task for students, since children to school and outside school are surrounded by household speech elements, for which incomplete proposals are completely ordinary and natural. In many cases, the use of full proposals in the household speech causes a direct sensation of inappropriateness, funny heavyness and unnaturalness.
In this regard, it should be borne in mind that if in some styles (for example, in scientific speech), a full offer is dominated, then incomplete proposals are often appropriate. In general, some cases incomplete offers are preferable to complete.
The cherry bloomed only in the first days of June. Lilac - even later. (In the last sentence, the leaky is missing. Lilac flies even later).

3. The sphere of use of incomplete proposals.
Live spoken speech and fiction in the transfer of dialogue.
Incomplete offers are used in the dialogue, since there is an interlocutor and mutual questions arise, there is a situation that facilitates understanding, the community of everyday experience.
Dialogue from Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"
- So you are married! I did not know the wound! How long have it been?
- About two years.
- On whom?
- on Larina.
- Tatiana!
- Do you sign her?
- I am a neighbor.
We find in each replica missing a member of the sentence that completes it.
- So you are married! I did not know the wound (that you are married)! How long have you been married?
- (I'm married) for about two years.
- On whom (are you married for about two years)?
- (I'm married) on Larina.
- (You're married to) Tatiana!
- Do you sign her?
- I am a neighbor.
The missed member is easily restored due to the previous proposals and the situation during the conversation.
Hence the widespread incomplete proposals in dramatic works.
Importance for dramatic works of natural spoken speech with large number Incomplete offers are visible from work on the "auditor". Here is an example of the detailed challenging sentences of the first edition being replaced in the final text of the concurrent statement. Initially, the answer to the statement of the judge about the possibility of the war represented a whole speech.
Gingerbread. From your words, you can see that the smart person can be mistaken. Where to our county town! Another thing, if he were border, then there was still a symbol; But being in such wilderness, the hell knows where: Twenty thousand miles, I think it will be in Turkey or Austria.
In the second edition, this replica is processed like this:
Gingerbread. Ec, where enough! More smart man! In the county town of Treason! What is he, border, or what? Yes, from here, at least three years of download, no to which state you will not reach.
High liveliness, naturalness and expression (expressiveness, the strength of expression of feelings, views) speeches in the last edition compared to the first directly striking.
In monologue speech, incomplete offers are widespread, for example, in a friendly correspondence. They give her the liveliness and ease of speech. Here is an excerpt from the letter of Chekhov brother Alexander Pavlovich on the production of "Ivanov":
Well, the play drove. I describe everything in order. First of all: the Kush promised me ten rehearsals, and only four, from which rehearsals can only be called two, for the rest of the two were depicted from themselves tournaments, on which GH. Artists practiced in words and brave.
Let's try to restore the full text (only four rehearsals, the other two rehearsals ...)
Many incomplete offers among proverbs, sayings. They help in a compressed form more clearly express thought and avoid repeats.
For two hares, you will not catch one. What is missing? (Supplement - Bare)
An incompleteness punctuation signal often serves a single dash. It is a dash that is put at the lack of members of the proposal or their parts. Eating a dash in these proposals is associated with the intonational dismemberment of the statement, with the presence of a strong pause.
1. Upite proverbs with a special intonation (pause) in place of dash.
2. To recover proverbs and restore the missed words.
-Sam porridge brewed - himself (her) and clear
-Berieg dress dreams, and honor - (take care) by fruit
Red bird feathers, and man - (red) teach
-What says he sees who listens - (that) collects
Incomplete offers can be found in artistic descriptions. Here is an example of the description of the painting of Levitan "March".
In the picture of Levitan "March", all the nature is permeated with gentle, spring sun. At the porch - (standing) the horse, even winterly shaped in Sani. Left - (Lying) Substanting snow drifts. And right in front of the audience - (visible) the road frees from snow.
Insert the missing members of the sentence in the description of the painting of Levitan "Over the Eternal Region".
Missed members of the sentence are easily restored thanks to the previous proposals (that is, the context) or general situation speech.
In the landscape "Over the Eternal Region", Levitan wrote a calm surface of the river, and away - (portrayed) Low shores. A little church was lost in the endless expanses, next to her - (located) a poor village cemetery. And above all this - (hung) heavy lead clouds.

4. The difference between called and incomplete two-part offers.
In the call suggestions, only secondary members of the proposals belonging to the group, that is, the definition of different types (coordinated and inconsistent) is possible. If a minor member relates to a group of the faded, this is an incomplete twusting offer.
Night. Full silence. - Calling offers
For the polar circle now night. (stepped)
In the ice full of silence. (dominant) - two-part incomplete, as they have secondary members with a circumstantial meaning: where? - for the polar circle; Where? - in ice; when? - now. There is no faith in them, but clearly "seen" the meaning of the verb of being, existence. (came, triumph).

5. Generalization of the studied.
Suggestions in which individual members can be missed are the main or secondary, are called incomplete.
Separation of incomplete offers:
Dialogue. Live spoken speech and fiction
Epistolar genres
Proverbs, sayings
Artistic descriptions

6. Primary control
Find and write incomplete sentences.

Check: 1,2,5,6,8,10; Proof - Restoration of the missed member of the sentence.

7. The result of the lesson
The presence of cases where incomplete proposals are relevant and expressive, should not be considered as an indication that the school should weaken the struggle for the development of the ability to use complete proposals in the vast majority of school speech, especially in writing. Student errors consisting in the passing of individual members of the sentence are very frequent and require persistent correction. They or darken the meaning of the outlined, or create a sloppy style that does not correspond to the goals.
Find the error and correct:
1.Propus subject. We were dissolved on the summer holidays and conceived to go to the aunt in the Crimea. (I)
2. Pass the fad. Frequent quarrels of the house did not allow to learn further, but thinking about earnings. (forced)
3. He having learned the lessons, I could not go to school, so I often missed. (classes)
8. Evaluation.
9. Homework
The writing. Description of the room using incomplete offers.

That is, those in which one of the members are missing are often found both in conversational and in the literary speech. There may be not only secondary, but also the main members of the sentence are subject to either a sure.

Their meaning load is easily restored both from the context (from proposals that predict this) and from the knowledge of the interlocutor or the reader of the situation.

An example of an incomplete sentence:

Where is your brother?

Here "left" - an incomplete offer, consisting of one word. It is missed in it, but you can understand from the previous statement, about whom it is in question (about brother).

A certain difficulty represents the distinguishing of incomplete and single-parting proposals in which either the subject is missing. Here you can use the following criterion. For example, from the offer "Berries in the forest" is completely incomprehensible, who exactly makes an action. Take another example: "Where are your girlfriends? - Berries collected in the forest. " It is missed here to, but from the context you can easily install, who exactly performs the specified action (girlfriend). So, in the first case, we are dealing with a single-main way, and in the second - with an incomplete two-part proposal, although the list of words in them is exactly the same.

It should be noted that the dialogue with incomplete sentences is the most common, the characteristic situation of their use. Teacher, exploring such examples in curriculum, is enough just to create an idea of \u200b\u200ban incomplete sentence as a variety of complete - unlike single-delivery proposals, where one of (required!) The main members are not missed, but simply impossible. To do this, you can also compare full and incomplete sentences. In incomplete all members retain the same grammatical forms and functions as in full. In turn, can also be incomplete if the word that is missed in them can be easily restored from context:

How do you choose, maiden?

Incompletes (examples can be found below) can be of two types, depending on how their meaning is restored: contextual or situational. Inside the first allocate:

Knowledge is power.

As for the signs of punctuation in incomplete sentences, they are often rated in them. His role in this case, as mentioned above, is to replace the missed word, usually faced.

I came with the lessons early, and my sister is late.

In this example, the dash replaces the word "came", allowing to avoid incorrect, unnecessary repetitions.

On the table - bread and fruit.

In this example, the dash is used instead of a missing faith (elliptic offer).

D.Z.: Saturday I.T. 7-10 sentences, UPR.34, 39 (Bogdanova, 2 part), Personal sheets
In speech, especially in conversational and artistic, meet incomplete sentences. Incompletely calledoffers in which any member of the sentence is missing. It is usually easy to restore it from a context or a situation of communication.
- Where is Dimka?
- walks.
Walks. - Incomplete offer, missed subject.
Miscelred can be both the main and secondary members of the sentence.

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Particular offers should be distinguished from one-stop. In cases where any member of the proposal is missed in an incomplete sentence, it is easily restored. In single-service offers, it is impossible to do this, because these are complete sentences that have a structural feature.

- How are you feeling?
- Okay.
Okay. - Two-part, incomplete. Wed: I feel good. - Two-part, full.
Okay! - Single, impersonal sentence.
Can there be incomplete single suggestions?
May if the word is missing, easily restored from the context.
- What's your name?
- Anna.
Anna. - The proposal is one-stop, incomplete. Wed: My name is Anna. - Single, uncertainty-personal, complete.
Infant can be both in simple and complex offers. Often the words are descended to avoid repeats. There is a dash at the checkpoint:
On Monday, he came early, and on Tuesday - only for dinner.

P olny and incomplete sentences
From the point of view of completeness, the proposal structure is divided into complete and incomplete.
Completed proposals in which there are all members needed to express thoughts. Yellow lilies are disclosed from the very sunrise.
Incompletely called proposals in which a member of the sentence is missing in meaning and structure (main or secondary). Incomplete, there may be twisted and monastery, common and non-prolonged proposals.
1. Yellow lilies are disclosed from the very sunrise, and 2. White reveal at ten hours.
1. Two-part, common, complete;
2. Twisted, common, incomplete.
The ability to skip members of the sentence is explained by the fact that they are clear from the context, from the situation of speech or from the structure of the proposal itself. Thus, the meaning of incomplete sentences is perceived with a support for a situation or context.
Here is an example of incomplete sentences in which the missed subject is restored from the context.
Went down, went. And suddenly, before him, the Lord sees the house, the village, the grove near the hill and the garden over the Light River (A.S. Pushkin). (Context is a preceding offer: in the field Pure, the Moon at the light of silver, in its dreams is immersed, Tatiana was one for a long time.)
Missed can be:
Subject to:
Would disappear, like a blister on the water, without any trace, without leaving the descendants, without having deliberate children a state or an honest name! (N.V. Gogol) (subject to be restored by adding from the previous proposal: what do not say, - he said himself, - not a custom Capitan-Correspondent, I would, maybe, it would not be for the light of God to look !) (N.V. Gogol);
Addition: And I took it on my hands! And I'm so for the ears of Drare! And I fed the gingerbread! (A.S. Pushkin) (Previous offers: how Tanya grew up! For a long time, I seem to be baptized?);
Predicate: Only not to the street, but from here, through a black move, and there are yards. (MA Bulgakov) (Previous offer: Run!);
Several members of the sentence immediately, including the grammatical basis:
How long have it been? (A.S. Pushkin) (Previous offer: Do you compose Requiem?).
The incomplete proposals are very common in conversational speech, in particular, in a dialogue, where the initial proposal is deployed, grammatically complete, and subsequent replicas, as a rule, are incomplete sentences, since they are not repeated already named words.
- I am angry with my son.
- For what?
- For evil crime. (A.S. Pushkin)

In an incomplete sentence constituting part complex offerAt the site of the missed member (usually a fag) is a dash if the missed member is restored from the preceding part of the proposal or from the text and there is a pause.
They stood against each other: he was confused and embarrassed, she - with an expression of a call on her face.
However, in the absence of pause, the dash is not put.
Alyosha looked at them, and they are on him. Under it is a jet of light lazories, over it is a golden ray of the sun.
Attention! There are no incomplete sentences with zero bunch in the composite name of the fag: the book is a source of knowledge.
Incomplete offers are proposals with a missed chief or secondary sentence. Such proposals are usually found in conversational speech and in artworks, and in bookstores (scientific and official-business) are not used.
Elliptical offers
In Russian, there are suggestions called elliptical (from the Greek word Ellipsis, which means "omission", "disadvantage"). They are missing, but the word depends on it is preserved, and the context is not needed to understand such proposals. These may be sentences with the value of movement, movement:
I am to the Tauride Garden (K.I. Chukovsky).
Some scientists consider elliptic proposals with a type of incomplete, others - a special type of proposals that adjoins incomplete, similar to them.
The dash is set:
1. The dash is placed on the site of the zero faugible with the pause.
They are shaking each other at home. Behind them are gardens. Above yellow straw fields, over the era - blue sky Yes white clouds (Sol.).
2. The dash is put in incomplete sentences at the site of skipping members of the sentence or their parts. These skips are common in parts of a complex sentence with a parallel structure when the missed member is restored from the context of the first part of the sentence.
In the evening, and the clouds did not diverge, did not come in now from three sides: on the left - almost black, with blue lumens, on the right - gray, rumbling with a continuous thunder, and from the West, because of the hoschinsky estate, because of the river valley - Mute, in the dusty rain stripes, through which the mountains of distant clouds poveped the mountains (Bun).
3. The dash is set at the passage of members of the proposal, restored in the context of the replica of dialogue or nearby offers.
Do you love pies with green onions? I am a passion like! (M. G.)
4. The dash is set in sentences consisting of two wordforms with the value of the subject, the object, the circumstances and built according to the schemes: who - what, who - where, what - to whom, that - where, what - like that - wherein the other book - mail. Trains - "Green"!

Incomplete sentences - These are the proposals in which a member of the sentence required for the completeness of the structure and the values \u200b\u200bof this offer are missing.

The missed members of the proposals can be restored by participants in communication from the knowledge of the situation, which is discussed in the proposal.

For example, if one of the passengers, looking at the road at the bus stop, will say: "Walk!", the remaining passengers easily restore the missed subject: Bus Going.

The missed members of the sentence can be recovered from the previous context. Such contextually incomplete offers are very frequent in the dialogs.

For example: - Is your company tomorrow assigned to the forest? - asked Prince Poltoratsky. - My. (L. Tolstoy). The replica of Poltoratsky is an incomplete sentence that is missed by the subject, the target, the circumstance of the place and the circumstance of time (Wed: My rota Tomorrow is assigned to the forest ).

Incomplete designs are common in complex suggestions:

I obediently, i am nothing (Pushkin). The second part of the complicated non-union offer ( i am nothing) It is an incomplete sentence that is missed by the leaky (Wed: I am not obedient nothing).


Incomplete offers and single-service offers are different phenomena.

IN single proposals There is no one of the main members of the sentence, the meaning of the proposal is clear to us without this member. Moreover, the structure of the proposal itself (the absence of the subject or the subject, the unique major member shape) has a definite value.

For example, form multiple number The verb-faithful in the uncertainty-personal sentence transmits the following content: the subject of action is unknown ( On the door knocked), not important ( His wounded under Kursk) or hiding ( I told me a lot about you yesterday).

IN incomplete sentence Any sentence may be omitted (one or more). If we consider such a proposal outside the context or situation, then its meaning will not be incomprehensible to us (Wed outside the context: My; I am nothing).

In Russian, there is one kind of incomplete sentences in which the missing member is not restored and is not suggested by the situation, the previous context. Moreover, the "missed" members are not required to disclose the meaning of the proposal. Such proposals are clear and outside the context, situations:


These are the so-called "Elliptical offers". A secondary member is usually subject to the subject and addition. The same is missing, and we often can not say which exactly missed.

Wed: Behind the back located / Located / Viden Forest.

Nevertheless, most scientists consider such proposals to be structurally incomplete, since a secondary member of the proposal (circumstance or addition) belongs to the legend, and the faithful in the proposal is not presented.


Elliptical incomplete sentences should be distinguished by: a) from single-maintained calls ( Forest) and b) from double-supplied - with a composite nameless, expressed indirect case of a noun or adverbing with a zero ligament ( All trees in silver). To distinguish between these structures, it is necessary to consider the following:

1) Single-maintained calls cannot contain circumstances, since the circumstance is always associated with the faithful. Among the minor members in calling proposals are the most typical are agreed and inconsistent definitions.

Spring forest; Entrance to the hall;

2) Nominal part of the composite name of the facility - the noun or adherent in the twisted full sentence indicates a sign-state.

Wed: All trees in silver. - All trees are silver.

Passing a member inside the sentence in oral speech can be observed by a pause, on the site of which the letter is made by a dash:

Behind the back - the forest. On the right and left - swamps (Sand); I obediently, I am nothing (Pushkin).

The most regularly dash is set in the following cases:

    in an elliptical sentence, containing the subject and circumstance, the complement is only if there is a pause in oral speech:

    Behind the night window - fog (Block);

    in the elliptical sentence - under the parallelism (the same type of members of the sentence, the order of words, the forms of expression, etc.) of structures or their parts:

    in incomplete sentences built according to the scheme: nouns in the vinema and given Pades. (with the passage of the subject and faithful) with a clear intonation division of the sentence to parts:

    Skiers are a good skiing; Youth - jobs; Young families - benefits;

    in an incomplete sentence, which constitutes part of a complex proposal, when the missed member (usually led) is restored from the previous part of the phrase - only if there is a pause:

    Nights steel black, days - overwork (in the second part restores a bunch become).

Party Sampling Plan

  1. Specify the type of sentence (complete - incomplete).
  2. Name missed member of the sentence.

Sample analysis

Guys - for axes (A.N. Tolstoy).

Incomplete proposal; Missed faithful crasted.

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