Adeline instructions for use in veterinary medicine. Without trial

ON THE. Danilov, L.L. Matsevich, S.A. Arrest, E.N. Anashkina, V.A. Fishing

1. General view of the situation

The most common way to regulate the number of homeless animals in Russia in the last 20 years is their remote killing ("shooting") with the help of "flying syringes" or darts containing muscle relaxants strip-like action (dithiline, leafenon; in last years - Adin).

At the same time, as a rule, there is no practice of temporary content of caught animals: the killing is made right on the spot. Similar method It is subjected to severe criticism from the zoorzochetical community, as well as in a number of regions, has already come under the formal ban - or by decision of the courts referring to its contradiction to some federal legislation (for example, the Civil Code), or during the adoption of regional legislation directly prohibiting the killing of animals On the place of Calov. The effectiveness of this method is also limited - because it is not accompanied by additional measures to prevent homelessness, and also has low popularity among the population: people often do not rush to call the catches when contacting homeless dogs, spare animals, which are only guaranteed death.

The reasons for widespread in Russia the practice of such shooters are as follows:

* Lack of consistent federal legislation regulating the issues of calculation, content and euthanasia of street animals;

* The unwillingness of municipalities is truly civilized to organize calibises; * Saving forces and funds with direct performers, including due to the scarce of funds released (incoming) for calves, which is expressed, among other things, in the absence of equipped premises (temporary content points, shelters) for the placement of caught animals;

* the absence of agencies in Russia for professional training and, accordingly, the requirements from the municipal authorities (as customers) on the compulsory presence of such training;

* The vicious practice of assessing the results of the work and the accrual of salaries of employees of the division of divisions by the number of not caught, but the destroyed heads.

In this paper, we stop at one of the negative aspects of the use of strip-like muscle relaxants - the sufferings of animals when killed.

2. general characteristics Mioroselaksanta stripping action and mechanisms of their action

For a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of the Miorosantes, we turn to brief information on neuromuscular physiology.

Nervous muscular synaps is a compound between the nervous fiber and the fiber skeletal muscle. The transmission of the signal from the nerve to the muscle is carried out by the release of the molecules of a particular mediator molecule, acetylcholine - from the side nerve fiber. Acetylcholine is then associated with a n-cholinoreceptor of the muscular cell membrane ("post-synptic receptor"), causing a change in its condition. The distribution of electrical charges outside and inside the muscular cell membrane (depolarization) is changed, which generate a short-term electric potential drop by the process of muscle contraction. For the next launch of the muscular fiber reduction process, the charge state of the muscular membrane should be reset to its original state (repolarization). After activating the reduction, the acetylcholine is very fast (~ 0.001 c) is destroyed by the cholinesterase enzyme, and the membrane is repolarized and becomes capable of receiving a new signal from the nervous fiber.

Miorlaxants of strip-like action affect the transmission process in the neuromuscular synapse. They are divided into depolarizing and nonpolarizing.

Non-opalarizing muscle relaxants (for example, tubocurarine) block the effects of acetylcholine on the muscular membrane H-cholinoreceptors, thereby preventing the passage of the signal activating the muscular abbreviation, but the condition of the receptor itself does not change. Depolarizing minelaxants (dithilin, leafenon) in the structure of the molecule are related to acetylcholine and affect the receptors like acetylcholine, but are not split by the enzyme with cholinesterase in the synaptic slit, and therefore cause a resistant depolarization of the muscular membrane, making it insensitive to enter control signals. (Blood enzyme pseudocholinesterase gradually splits depolarizing muscle relaxants, neutralizing their action, but this is a slow process).

After injection, stripped Miorlaxants cause relaxation and paralysis of the muscles in such a sequence: Mimic muscles, larynx muscles ( voice ligaments), Neck, muscles of limbs, torso, and finally, the muscles of the diaphragm responsible for breathing. With the introduction of critical doses of mines, breathing is possible (in medicine in this case, the patient is transferred to artificial ventilation of lungs) and subsequent death. Note that the immediate impact of the drug that has fallen into the bloodstream to other vitality important organs (for example, the heart) is not a factor capable of causeing a fatal outcome.

3. The veterinary aspect of the use of Miorolaksantov, the opinion of international and foreign organizations.

One of the most authoritative, accurate and comprehensive sources characterizing various methods of killing animals, suitable and unsuitable for euthanasia different speciesIs "Guidelines for Euthanasia", developed by the American Association of Veterinary Doctors by analyzing and synthesizing existing scientific data. The last updated edition of the leadership was published in 2007; Thus, these data are also the most relevant.

All substances acting as neuromuscular blockers (magnesium sulfate, nicotine, all stripped muscle relaxants), in this manual are attributed to the category of drugs, the use of which is permissible only after the preliminary immersion of the animal into a state of anesthesia. The use of neuromuscular blockers without pre-drugization is definitely unacceptable.

The scientific laboratory practice also does not allow the use of minelaxants for animal euthanasia, including dogs and cats, without prior anesthesia. Such use of Miorosantes is contrary to the recommendations of the International Human Society (HSI), and with the European Convention for the Protection of Animal Companions (according to which the use of killing methods based on artificial ceases are prohibited if such methods do not initiate the immediate loss of consciousness or not Start with immersion in deep anesthesia).

The reason for such a conclusion is that these drugs lead to the emergence of a painful feeling of choking, but at the same time they do not have narcotizing, nor sedative properties. The use of lethal doses of neuromuscular blockers causes paralysis of skeletal muscles, including respiratory muscles. In full consciousness of the animal, the acute respiratory failure of neuromuscular etiology occurs.

At the same time, the use of muscle relaxants is inhuman, even though, starting with certain concentrations of carbon dioxide in the blood, the animal develops the unconscious state, and the heart stop comes after the essay of the electrical activity of the brain - since the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide is too slow. The accumulation of carbon dioxide when using Miorolaksantes does not follow the chemical decomposition of the introduced drug, but only due to the exchange processes of the organism itself (as in any other case, the cessation of air flow into light). Exchange processes It is not fast enough to give a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood during the period of time, small enough so that the animal does not have to feel a suffocation.

As a result of the loss of consciousness and the extinction of the electrical activity of the brain, with the use of muscle relaxants, a sufficiently long (up to a few minutes) is preceded by a period when the animal is in full consciousness experiencing a painful suffocation. Thus, it can be argued that the killing with the help of muscle relaxants of the rapid effect of animals in consciousness causes them suffering.

For comparison, we note: with an inhalation euthanation of animals with carbon dioxide, based on the anesthetic effect of high concentrations of carbon dioxide, use gas mixtures of cylinders with a concentration of carbon dioxide at least 70-80% so that the desired concentration of carbon dioxide in the animal blood is achieved in the shortest possible time.

Sometimes the assertion that the moment of death occurs when using Miorolaxants occurs in the absence of sensitivity, unnoticed for the body, in fact, is not related to the essence of the question under consideration, since here it is not important to be the moment of death - and the processes that go long before him when An animal is still in consciousness. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles and choking take place before the loss of consciousness and fuse of the electrical activity of the brain (and the next after the cessation of cardiac activity).

4. "Adilin" as one of the muscle relaxants

We have at our disposal a number of documents that contain approval about allegedly a very fast attack of the animal death after the introduction of one of their muscle relaxants - namely, "Adilina" (which is produced by the Kazan association of Vetribusers LLC). So, in conclusion on the use of the drug "Adilin", provided by the staff of the FGBOU VPO "Donskaya State Agrarian University" V.H. Födorov, V.S. Stepanenko and N.V. Sumina in 2012, it is noted that the deadline for the occurrence of death is 15-60 s after the administration of the drug. However, such information is not confirmed by scientific sources; Such a deadline is only referred to the stage of relaxation of skeletal muscles. Moreover, the producers themselves indicate the time of death for about 1-3 minutes.

At the same time, no information is not available, confirming any doubt that the mechanism of the effect of the drug "Adilin" is solved by anything different from the mechanism of the impact of other muscle relaxants. Moreover, the drug "ADILIN" (bis-dimethyl sulfate bis-dimethylaminoethyl ether of amber acid) is a similar chemical analogue of Ditilin preparations (bis-dimethylaminoethyl diyodmethylate) and "Leafenon" (bis-dimethylaminoethyl hetermetile dichloromethyl), possessing stripping properties, and not applicable to humane euthanasia without preliminary animal immersion in anesthesia.

Thus, there is all the grounds to include the drug "Adilin" to the group of substances, the use of which for euthanasia is permissible only after the introduction of an animal into a state of anesthesia with the help of certified veterinary preparations intended for this purpose - but in no case as the only means used.

On the other hand, we recognize the forced need to apply euthanasia in the course of measures to regulate the number of neglect animals. Russia belongs to countries with the "European style" of the content of dogs (most dogs are owned, and homeless dogs are their descendants). For such countries, the optimal main method of working with existing neglect dogs is irretrievable calf, followed by placement in the municipal shelter.

From such a shelter, the caught animals can be transferred to the further content of previous owners, or citizens and public organizations, who expressed the desire to become new owners of the animal, and contain it according to the current mainstream rules. However, the term of the causal animals in the municipal shelter should be limited to a reasonable framework, since the municipal shelter must be able to accept all the innergable animals to be caught. Otherwise, irretrievable beasts of street animals in the city will be paralyzed, and measures to regulate the number of homeless animals will become ineffective.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for the owners of the animals, this period should be at least 6 months, since the acquisition of ownership of this type of property occurs after passing such a term - however, for unwinding animals, the deadline for compulsory content can be reduced, since the fathers of such animals are produced In order to regulate their number, and not acquiring ownership of them.

Therefore, in case the number of animals returned to the former owners and transferred to new owners, less than the number of animals of animals; Either the animals received from the catch, due to the peculiarities of behavior or health, cannot be transferred to new owners - there is a need for euthanasia of unclaimed animals. To eliminate the need for euthanasia of healthy animals, a long work is needed to prevent homelessness and neglect within comprehensive approachproviding for the fight against excessive reproduction of domestic animals.

Although there are no certified veterinary preparations in Russia, which can be used for humane euthanasia produced in one reception - it remains possible to use euthanasia circuits providing for two stages:

a) the immersion of the animal into a state of anesthesia with the help of veterinary preparations certified for such use (for example, intramuscular injection The drug "Gold" or its mixture with Xilazine preparation, or intravenous administration preparation "propofol");

b) after that, the introduction of an animal in a state of anesthesia of one of the drugs certified for use in order to kill animals (for example, Adilin preparation);

6. Temporary immobilization during catch.

The use of the drug "Adilin" is not for killing, but for temporary immobilization of animals also raises questions, since there are no official instructions regarding dosages for temporary immobilization of animals by this drug. Therefore, first of all, we propose to consider using xilazine preparations for this purpose, "Xilazine" and other xilazine-containing) and "golden" (its mixtures with Xilazine preparation). This method of temporary immobilization of dogs has already been used in a number of cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl).

As for use for temporary immobilization of Miorolaksanta, in this case it is necessary to apply to the use of not "adiline", but another drug - "dithiline", for which there are officially approved instructions for its application for temporary immobility. As for the use of the drug "Adilin" for this purpose, it seems to us that this possibility can be considered only after the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation or another authorized executive authority will be developed and approved official instruction indicating accurate dosages The drug, knowingly non-lethal outcome.

In any case, the use of miliolaxants of fast action should be only an extreme measure used in catching highly wild animals, which cannot be caught up with less dangerous funds; In addition, the brigade of catcher using such muscle relaxants must have with them injection preparations, weakening the effect of Miorolaksanta (vitamin B1 - thiamine, as well as a 0.1% adrenaline solution in a sodium chloride hypertensive solution), and be able to apply them under the relevant circumstances.

1. W.F. Ganong. Neuromuscular junction, p. 53-54. In Ganong, W. F., Review of Medical Physiology. Lange Medical Publ., Los Altos, Calif. 577 pp. 1963.

2. J. Appiah-Ankam, J. Hunter. Pharmacology of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs.//continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. Vol.4 (1), P.2-7, 2004

3. Pharmacology // Ed. R.N. Alautina. - 2nd ed., Act. - M.: Gootar-Honey, 2004. - 592 with

4. Avma Guidelines on Euthanasia. // American Veterinary Medical Association, June 2007. The document is available at the link:

5. Recommendations for Euthanasia of Experimental Animals: Part 1.//Laboratory Animals, Vol.30, P.293-316, 1996

6. Recommendations for Euthanasia of Experimental Animals: Part 2.//Laboratory Animals, Vol.31, P.1-32, 1997

7. European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals // Strasbourg, 13.xi.1987. Document on english language Available by reference to the Council of Europe website:

8. General Statement Regarding Euthanasia Methods for Dogs and Cats // Humane Society International Electronic Library, 1999. The document in English is available on the link on the HSI website:

9. Admission to use dithiline for temporary immobilization of animals // Department of Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation, document No. I3-5-2 / I236, 12.05.1998. The document is available at the link:

10. The official written response of employees of FGU FTCTRB, prof. Yu.A. Zimakova, prof. R.D. Gareeva №678 dated December 17, 2006 on a request for the humanity of the use of muscle relaxants for domestic euthanasia. The written response scan is available on the link:

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Department of Scientific and Technological Policy and Education
FGBOU VPO Donskaya State Agrarian University

On the use of the drug "Adilin"

Adilin refers to the preparations of the Miorlaxanta Group, the mechanism of action of which in small doses is in reversing a short-term immobilization of the body due to a depolarization disorder of excitation from the motor nerves on muscle fibers of skeletal muscles. Miorlaxants are widely used both in veterinary practice (Romportun, Rometar, etc.) and in medical (dithiline, sheets and dp.) - for the depth-adjustable and duration of immobilization of patients in the process of conducting diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that cause defensive reaction (Introduction probes, refueling dislocation; restoration of the interposition of bone fragments and others surgical operations). Unlike narcotic drugs, depolarization Miorosants do not cause side effectsSince in the process of their metabolism is formed non-toxic printings, which are already constantly present in the organism - choline and amber acid. The drug has an action only during parenteral (not through digestive paths) by administration.
When applying high doses of the drug, it causes the death of the body, and it is established that Bioelectric activity of the brain fading earlier than the cessary ceasesthat is the immediate cause of the death of the body coming after 15 ... 60 seconds after the introduction of the recommended regulatory framework Russian Federation Deadly dose of the drug. Paralicity of respiratory muscles against the background of stopping cardiac activity already, practically, does not play any pathogenetic role. Thus, it can be confident that the moment of death occurs already imperceptibly for the brain..
The above was the basis for the recommendation of adiline as a humane means for bloodlessly slaughter of animals. However, with such a slaughter, the carcass is not burned and operating in Russia sanitary norms Do not allow the drug to slaughter animals on meat used in writing to people, so the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation is intended for slaughter of only fur animals, dogs and cats ("temporary instruction on the use of adil-super for slaughter of fur animals, cats and dogs "Approved by the main administration of veterinary medicine with the State Veterinary Inspectorate 04/24/1991 - a copy is attached), as well as for a forced slaughter, with the subsequent destruction or disposal of corpses, cattle, pigs, sheep, rabbits, deer and poultry (" Instructions for Application Adilina For bloodless slaughter of animals "; approved by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision in 2008; Reg. No. PVR-2-7.7 / 02169 - a copy is attached).
The above gives us a reason to answer on the merits of your request: the use for slaughter of animal pharmacological means "adil", "adil-super" and other xylazine-containing is not inhumane, because it does not cause animal torment. Their use for catching and euthanasia Stray animals does not contradict the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, since it is prescribed by the above regulatory and legal acts.

Head Department of Anatomy, Pet Physiology, Biology and Histology, Professor V.H. Fedorov
Associate Professor of Animal Physiology Course B.S. Stepanenko
Professant of the rate of pharmacology and toxicology N.V. Sumin

id \u003d "razdel"\u003e

Obninsky sad guard communals kill animals in front of children and do not distinguish sleeping pills from poison!

Citizens are accustomed to sad news that in the city someone brutally killed the cat or crushed the dog. But what happened in Obninsk literally the other day goes for all the imaginable framework of morality and humanity!

Obninsk docks die painfully and long,
But according to the instructions

Dmitry turned into our edition, a random witness murder of a homeless dog. It happened last Wednesday, in half the sixth evening. Driving past the "Khrushchevok" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe station, he saw on the side of the sorts of cramps, a dog beats with foam from his mouth, and a woman with a child is crying about it, and a young guy is fussing.

My first thought that the dog knocked down a car, "says Dmitry. - I decided to drive up to them and try to help something. I myself am engaged in training dogs in the Sphinx club and I have familiar veterinarians. It turned out that no one knocked the dog. A woman with a child saw how some man came up, poked in an animal with a stick and gone. With the second guy, we decided to catch up with that man, fortunately, he left not far. We grabbed him under your arms and asked what he did with the dog? It turned out that it was an employee of a communal service, he showed us a certificate and explained that he was engaged in caressing animals, he made a dog.

In the meantime, the unfortunate animal beat in the death agony, the man decided to walk, and after 10-15 minutes, when the dog dies, return, throw the body into the car and take away. The case is usual.

At this moment, we will stop and tell me that it was for the injection and, as in general, I solve issues with homeless animals.

Catching of stray cats and dogs is engaged in the sanitary cleaning department at IPKC. They receive applications from residents of the city and organizations that complain about homeless animals. The IPKC employee receives the drug "Adeline Super" in the urban vest, finds a suitable animal and an aluminum stick with an attached syringe "immobilizing" it. In theory, a police officer who will follow the order, as well as a representative of the organization who submitted the application to identify the dog should be involved in this event. But this time the "hunter" was completely alone.

How kills "Adeline Super"

And now we will make a "lyrical retreat" and tell about the drug itself to understand the essence of the problem.

In many civilized cities of Russia, the use of "Adeline Super" was recognized as illegal, since as a result of its impact, the animal dies with a painful death from choking. But in the first science of the country, it is applied for quite a long time, consider it to use humane and give up him not going.

Adeline is used on beversers as euthanasia for allegedly humane killing animals. The drug causes slow painful death by gradual paralysis of peripheral and respiratory muscles. An animal is trying to do inhale, but he does not work, as muscles are atrophy. Being in full consciousness, the animal is experiencing panic fear, dies long and extremely painful. But externally, it may look like a falling asleep, which is misleading inexperienced eyewitnesses.

"Adeline Super" refers to the preparations of group A - poison. They or its analogues are really used in the handshading of animals in veterinary clinics. But in veterinarians this is done differently: first the animal receives anesthesia. And only when consciousness turns off, the drug, slowing the heartbeat, is introduced, the animal dies without torment.

But in Obninsk, the homeless "brothers our smaller" is administered immediately poison, without anesthesia and painkillers! And what is even worse, the performers of the "death sentence" are confident that this is humane!

Public utilities are confident that humane

For comments, we turned to the head of the Sanitary Cleaning Service of MPKC Lyudmila Soutina. Lyudmila Petrovna confirmed the information that last week was a bid from the leadership of the stationary market, which complained to the sobbed bitch and cable. And something else for ignorance, or in the naivety, Lyudmila Petrovna became us to assure us that "Adeline Super" "acts as anesthesia", they say, the dog just falls asleep.

That is when the dog beats in agony is anesthesia? - just in case we asked.

Of course, she also refuses everything, but then she wakes up, "Lyudmila Satina said with full confidence. - You see, each dog requires a certain amount of sleeping substance. Like people, some kind of dog does not stand the heart and it does not wake up. But mostly in the vetclinite they give us a dose not on the defeat, but to sleep.

We set the same question several times: what percentage of dogs after the injection does not wake up and every time the boss took away from the answer, they say, in theory, all the dogs should wake up. But, in the end, the arrows were translated into a veterinary station, they say, what kind of drug they write out there, they are injected.

In general, all these assurances that dogs do not die, but fall asleep, look rather implausible, if you remember the story of a three-year limit about the slaughterhouse on the bail market. Then all four-legged pets who fed merchants were mercilessly destroyed in the same way. And the witnesses of this terrible picture can say with one hundred percent confidence that dogs died in place.

Apparently, Lyudmila Petrovna does not use the Internet and even for the sake of simple curiosity did not try to search for information about the preparation with which it deals. Although on the other hand, it can be a completely voluntary ignorance and in such a way the compulsive boss wants to convince himself in the fact that animals do not hurt when they are killed.

"Hunters" from the IPKC work "with the desire"

By the way, in the IPKC, we met the "artist" - Yuri Kuzmina himself. He is a man in this business that is new, but can already tell how to hit the animal so that it does not run anywhere, and it turned off quickly.

To Yuri, on this difficult position, for more than twenty years worked (and how we were assured - with dedication and desire) another comrade, who recently happened a heart attack. But Yuri was already addicted to his lesson and rather comic about stories about how he refused to go to the basement to cats because there was a lot of fleas there, or as he was shot, and the dog was running away from him - the dose was not enough .

And at the expense of the case with a child and mom, his version sounds like this: when he was "immobilized" the dog was not near the dog nearby, Mama accidentally saw this and somehow led to this child.

Finally, we asked another question to the head of the division: Does Lyudmila Petrovna think that even such a procedure would be worth doing mine?

What strange you ask me questions, "said the boss. - Well, offer you how can it be done humane? We go to Kaluga for the exchange of experience, and there come in the same way!

And yet it is worth the staff of the San Coles department to dig on the Internet, maybe then they would have learned why Kaluga is called "the city of Ladyer".

In homeless animals shoot on defeat

We could not not apply to the director of the city vendor Anatoly Revo. Anatoly Nikolaevich also does not like to directly answer the questions about morality and starts at reasoning about the irresponsibility of the owners who throw animals on the street. In the globality of this problem, we, by the way, completely agree. But we have the same question - why is the "Adelin Super" poison used in Obninsk?

Anatoly Revo did not smash and directly said that the solution to sleep was doing personally. By the way, one injection costs about 200 rubles, and as he explained the leader of the vert station, the city for it does not pay anything, they say, the veterinar mark itself finances everything.

But the most important thing, Anatoly Nikolayevich acknowledged that the homeless animals are shooting at the defeat, except for those with collars. Those three days are on the redemption in the vertex. Revo even agreed to show us the cells in which they live. Here, suicide animals expect the appearance of their owners.

By the way, the cells were completely empty and suspiciously clean, as if they had never placed anyone in them. All this suggests that responsible services are easier to destroy the animal, rather than some time to contain it.

On the protection of Obninsky animals - the ancient solution of the Maintenance
And non-compliant instruction

We will not give our entire dialogue with Anatoly Revo and postpone the question of morality aside. Let's turn to the law. Is it legitimate to exterminate the animal in place?

When carrying out its activities, utilities are guided by the instructions for animal feeding signed by the head of the IPCC, as well as the "ancient" decision of the Urban Assembly No. 02-20 of 1997 "On the strengthening of work on the streamlining of dogs and cats". The instructions were not allowed to take a picture, afraid of anger of the director of the IPKH SERGEY Klimenko, but in the read we did not find a single word, where it would be allowed to kill the animal in place. It is also clearly spelled out that it follows to "hunt" in the morning, before the people come to work.

As for the decision of the Maintenance, many of his points are simply not respected. To take at least an order of the sanitary and epidemiological service to participate in all joint activities to comply with this Regulation - as you remember the "hunter" was completely alone.

Or, for example, Recommendations to Hweaves "equip in each entrance of a residential building shield for familiarization of citizens with materials: the rules for the content of dogs and cats in the city of Obninsk, the seats of dog walking, addresses and telephones of the Housing and telephones, Salov, Veterinary and Sanitary Services. Have you seen something similar in your entrance?

Without trial

And returning to Calov methods. In regulatory documents, it is clearly spelled out that the homeless animal should be immobilized and delivered to the city vest. Why then, the Obninsky services are arbitrary to destroy the unfortunate animal in the most painful way, without giving him even a chance to find the owner?

Why organizations such as the "new ark" and private clinics, which often do free of charges of missing missions fight for every life, and others consider themselves to have the right to destroy it without a "court and investigation"?

Surprisingly, the public utilities are confident that all their actions are humane, they say, there were times when they sought the removal or killed the electric fork. They are also confident that the murder of "Adeline" does not fall under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Cruel-handling of animals" and is not related to violation of Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Animals", which is not allowed cruel treatment With animals, contrary to the principles of humanity. And what do you think dear readers than death from such a drug lighter than death from the hand of any styling? What is humanity?


And finally, I want to remember the words of Mayor Alexander Avdeev at one of the press conferences. The journalists asked how he belongs to the innovation in Ukraine, when on the eve of the European Football Championship there was alive burned homeless animals in a mobile crematorium. Alexander Alexandrovich then said that "the ovenings will not wait for us to repeat something like that."

We also want to ask a question: Is it time to the authorities not only talk about the problem of homeless animals, but at least to make an attempt to find her decision? Maybe to update regulatory acts and make amendments to decisions and decisions regarding this issue?

After all, there are many examples of other cities when local courts have made decisions on the ban on the use of "Adeline Super" and its analogues. What is Obninsk worse?

And is it time to test the oversight authorities to check the activities of the IPKC and the city vendon? Are they lawfully kill the animal immediately, in front of women and children?

In the end, when the life of the animal loses its value, then the cores and the depreciation of human life comes.

Diana Korsikov

class \u003d "anons_cont"\u003e

Instructions for the use of the drug Adilin-super for the bloodless killing of animals
(Organization - Developer: FGBU "Federal Center of Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety", Kazan)

I. General information
Trade name Adilin-Super (Adilinum-Super).
International non-proprietary name: bisadimethyl sulfate of bisadimethylaoethyl ether of amber acid.

Dosage form: Powder for the preparation of an injection solution containing at least 95% active substance - bisadimethyl sulfate of bisadimethylaminoethyl ether of amber acid.

According to the appearance of Adilin-super, it is a white or light cream powder, well soluble in water.

Produced adilin-super packaged 2; fifty; 100, 500 and 1000 g in glass and polymeric bottles of appropriate capacity, clapped with screw caps with rubber or polyethylene gaskets with additional paraffin. Each package is equipped with instructions for use.

Store the adil-super in the closed packaging of the manufacturer, in a dry, protected from light, inaccessible to unauthorized persons, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of from 5 ° C to 25 ° C.

The shelf life of Adilina-super, subject to storage conditions - 1 year from the date of production. It is forbidden to use Adilin-super after the expiration date. Ready-to-use adilivity-super solutions are stored for 1 day.

Adilin-super should be stored in places inaccessible to children.

Recycling (inactivation), working solution, the drug with an expired shelf life and its residues after use, as well as a series of drug that could not withstand control tests is carried out by dissolving in a 1% aqueous solution of caustic soda or a 5% aqueous solution of soda followed Boiling for 10 min.
To inactivate the containers containing the remnants of the drug and tools (syringes, injectors), use boiling in a 1% solution of caustic soda or 5% - soda for 10 minutes, after which they are rinsed with water. Next, it is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

II. Pharmacological properties
The composition of the adil-super bisadimethyl sulfate of bisadimethylastic ether of amber acid according to the mechanism of action on the body of animals is a depolarizing muscle relaxant.
In organs and tissues of animals, the beadimethyl sulfate of bisadimethylaminoethyl ether of amber acid is subjected to metabolism to choline and amber acid.

Adilin-super according to the degree of impact on the body refers to high-hazardous substances (2 class of danger according to GOST 12.1.007).

III. Order application
Adilin-super is designed for the forced bloodless killing of animals in order to prevent the dissemination of infections and eliminate the foci of infections, including dangerous diseases, such as rabies, Siberian ulcers, African pig plague, bird flu and others, when it is necessary to limit blood flow and other biological fluids into the environment.

Contraindications for applying adil-super is not installed.

The working solutions of the drug are prepared by dissolving in the flocks of powder with distilled water. In glass bottles containing 2 g of the drug, are added 2 ml of solvent, in glass or polymer bottles containing 50, 100 and 500 g of the drug, add
accordingly, 50, 100 and 500 ml of solvent. The bottles shake up to the complete dissolution of adilina-super.
When operating under the conditions of ambient temperatures below 0 ° C, 20% are used as a solvent aqueous solutions ethyl alcohol or glycerin.
The solution of the drug is administered to animals once, intramuscularly.

The finished solution of adil-super for bloodlessly slaughter of animals is injected in the following doses:

The symptoms of the anoxide adil-super are not installed.
The drug is applied once.
The features of the action of adilina-super at the first introduction are not taken into account.
When applying Adilina-super sideflines Not taken into account.
Interaction with other drugs and (or) food productsNo foods.

After applying Adilina-super, animal corpses are subject to destruction or disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with adiline-super, the rules of personal hygiene and safety regulations should be observed when working with drugs. All persons involved in conducting the bloodless killing of animals must be dressed in overalls (rubber boots, bathrobes, pants, headdress, rubber gloves) and are provided with personal protective equipment - closed-type glasses, during operation it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke. At the end of the work, the face and hands should be washed with warm water with soap.
18. With accidental contact medicinal preparation With skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should be avoided direct contact with the Adilin-Super preparation.
In case of appearance allergic reactions or when accidentally hit the drug in the human body should immediately contact medical institution (With you, have instructions for the use of the drug and label).
Empty vials from under the Adilina-super are prohibited to use for domestic purposes, they are subject to disposal after the drug inactivation.

Organization - Manufacturer: FGBU "Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety", 420075, Kazan, Scientific Town-2. Address of production site: 420075, Kazan, Scientific Town-2.

Case number 2-250 / 12


Name of the Russian Federation

Kirovsky District Court of Saratov, examined in open court a civil case at the request of SEMK to the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S."; The third person who does not declare independent claims on the subject of the dispute is the administration of the municipality "..." on the prevention of harm

s T A N O V I L:

SEMK appealed to the Kirov district court with the above claim, in the rationale of which indicated that it became known to it from the answer I.O. Chairman of the Committee on Housing and Public Utilities Administration of MO, according to the agreement between this Committee and the defendant, the contract on the execution of the municipal order for the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the content of street animals (dogs), the defendant during the action of the contract for several months caught upside down 4 to 10 days, sterilized, and then released back to the divorce. This information is confirmed by the results of the respondent verification by the Saratov interdistrict environmental protection prosecutor's office, which established that due to the lack of equipped animal content points after the sterilization of the dog were produced into the external habitat on the same day or kept in cells within a few days. This is indicated in the letter of the head of the department for the supervision of the implementation of laws on the nature of the Volga interregional environmental protection prosecutor's office. In addition, from the article "Moscow Komsomolets in Saratov" newspaper, the plaintiff became known that in parallel with the specified actions of the MUE "S.", according to the head of the veterinary service of this organization Lyudmila Aksenevich, produced and produces fat-free animals on Commercial basis. At the same time, all animals are killed without any temporary content, and the corpses are disposed of in the becky pit. Thus, only during the year MUP "S.", according to Aknevich, killed at least 1086 streetless dogs without keeping them after the catch, and without vaccination against rabies. Later, the defendant really killed and utilizes the captured animals Semyk was convinced when one of the citizens was provided to her copies of the contract between the defendant and the CATO administration, the Light and Act on the work performed and the disposal of dogs under this Agreement, certified by the administration's specialist. Also from a letter of the head of the department for the supervision of the implementation of laws on the nature of the Volga Interregional Environmental Prosecutor's Office, P.S. The plaintiff learned that the inspection conducted by the Saratov interdistrict environmental prosecutors was established that the defendant provides services for catching and killing dogs that have no owner Applications of citizens and organizations at the expense of their funds, applying the preparations of "Adilin" and "Adil-Super" to kill. The defendant's charter states that this company operates in accordance with applicable law. The federal legislation obliges organizations that carry out the (detention) of street animals contain each of the caught animals for at least 6 months in a specialized nursery, vaccinating all caught animals against rabies (according to the provisions of paragraphs 1.2 and 9.5 of the sanitary rules of the joint venture 3 .... -10 "Prevention of rabies Among people, "approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation and Articles 230-231 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant in the catch of street animals violates these norms of federal legislation: illegally killed animals before purchasing ownership rights, does not ensure the content of caught animals in a special nursery in For at least 6 months, their vaccination against rabies. Violation by the defendant of paragraph 9.5 of sanitary rules by not the implementation of the vaccination of caught (detainee) street animals against rabies and no content in a specialized nursery at least Within 6 months, and their release without vaccination back to urban streets creates a danger of harm to the health of the plaintiff by increasing the risk of infection with a dangerous zooanthroponous disease - rabies, creates a threat to the violation of constitutional rights semits on health and favorable environment. Also create a threat to causing harm to the health of the plaintiff and the illegal actions of the defendant for the sickness of the tangled street animals, because the semist can at any time become a random witness to the death of the defendant of the street animals. She, Her, a person of impressionable, compassionate, caused by such a cruel spectacle of experiences can provoke stress, severe depression, sleep disorders, aggravation of chronic diseases, heart attack, stomach ulcery, stroke and other health disorders of varying severity. What exactly may be these disorders to predict in advance. Also illegal actions of the respondent on the sickness of the tangible soundless animals create a threat to causing harm to the health of the claimant also because the animals are killed by a brass gun shooting "flying syringes" ("darts"), edited by Adilin-Super preparation (He "Adin "). According to the attached clarification of the director of LLC "V.", the developer "Adilina-Super" (he "Adilin"), Professor G.R.D., after the injection of "Adilina-Super" (he "Adilin"), in accordance with Instructions for this drug, it is necessary to make an antidote injection ("Antidote-opposite - medicine For the treatment of poisoning. " Thus, the developer of this drug himself confirms its poisonousness, a danger to health and even life in a scientific sense. It also points to the passport of the drug (attached), where it is written that the fatality of the outcome when applying "Adilina-Super" (it is "Adilin") ranges from 15-60 seconds. up to 5-10 minutes. Although "ADILIN-SUPER" and was re-registered in Rosselkhoznadzor of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and received a new abbreviated name "Adilin" and a new certificate of state registration, it is necessary to take into account that this drug, according to the letter of the Deputy Director of the Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia V.A. Apalkinskin For use as a mass bloodless slaughter of animals and birds in the foci of the emergence of particularly dangerous diseases of animals and birds, for any other purposes this drug is not recommended. According to the Expert Conclusion of FGOU VPO "Ural State Agricultural Academy", Adil-Super preparation refers to the Miorolaxant group. This drug must introduce a specially prepared veterinary specialist in a specially designated room with access to outsiders. At the same time, the introduction of adiline without prior anesthesia leads to a painful death from choking, without losing consciousness. The action is similar to the drug in the human body, urgent health careNo provision of which the respiratory stop can occur and death will come. Thus, the actions of the defendant to kill the oversized animals with the use of the "flying syringes" fired from the "ovens", styled by the Adil-Super Tub (he "ADILIN"), the threat of causing harm to health semick and the threat to her Life, with a possible accidental hit in it, such a "flying syringe". The plaintiff is the owner of the dog, periodically warts it in the territory where the defendant has been operating on the catch of street animals. The dog wondered by the semick may be randomly lost and be caught and killed by the defendant earlier than 6 months after her catch, provided by the law to the plaintiff, as the owner could find and regain a lost animal detained by a specialized organization. That is, non-compliance with the defendant established by the law of the deadlines of the causing animals creates a risk of causing substantial harm (dog death), the threat of a violation of its rights. With reference to the above circumstances, Semk requested the court to recognize the illegal activities of the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." By squeezing during the catch or immediately after it, street animals without ensuring their maintenance in a specialized nursery for at least six months and without vaccination against rabies. Recognize illegal use by the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." For the catch of non-television animals, Adil-Super and Adilin preparations. To prohibit the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." Activities for catching street animals without ensuring the possibility of the content of caught animals at least within six months in a specialized nursery, as well as vaccinations against rabies.

Representatives of the respondent MUP BKO "S." The claims semick were not recognized, indicating in their objections that MUE BKO "S." operates in accordance with the statute of the enterprise, the Federal Law "On State Municipal Unitary Enterprises", the Federal Law "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor "On Strengthening Dissemination Prevention Activities Freshness in the area ", the sanitary rules of the joint venture ... -96 and veterinary rules of the VP ... -96" Prevention and struggle against infectious diseases, other regulatory legal acts. In accordance with paragraph 11 and paragraph 32 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On general principles Local Government Organizations In the Russian Federation »Events for catching and maintenance of homeless animals are activities for the protection of the life and health of people, the implementation of which is related to the issues of local importance of the urban district. Currently, the order of catch and the content of non-versatile pets is not regulated by any regulatory act. One of the subjects of the statutory activities of MUP BKO "S." Is the right to carry out activities on the catch of non-television animals. For the period from May to August 2011, MUP BKO "S." Called, transportation, sterilization, the content of street animals (dogs) in the framework of the decision of the administration of the municipality "On the provision of a subsidy for reimbursement of costs in connection with the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing and the content of non-television animals (dogs)". In accordance with the Decree of the Administration of Municipal Education, MUE BKO "S." In full, fulfilled its obligations on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Committee on Housing and Communal Economy of the Administration of the Municipal Education of the MUE BKO "S.", providing for the reimbursement of the costs of MUE BKO "S." For the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the content of street animals within the limits of the funds stipulated by the budget of the municipality "...". Subsequently, the Parties subsequently signed an additional agreement, where the size of the subsidy for MUE BKO "S." It was changed and amounted to 998 411.82 rubles. In pursuance of the decision of the administration of the municipality, MUE BKO "S." Enclosed an agreement with the regional state institution (OGU) "Saratov City Station to Combat Animal Diseases" to provide veterinary services to the enterprise related to the provision of sterilization and castration of street animals (dogs) caught by MUE BCO "S." in the territory …. The provision of veterinary services related to the provision of sterilization and castration of street animals (dogs) under the contract was confirmed by bilateral acts of work performed - regional state institution (OGU) "Saratov City Station to Combat Animal Diseases" and MUE BKO "S.". It should be noted that in the MUE BKO "S." There is a veterinary service headed by its boss, as well as workers in catching non-television animals. These employees perform functions assigned to them in accordance with the official instructions of the MUE BKO "S. »And regulatory acts. People who are not standing in the psychoneurological dispensary and grafted against rabies are allowed to work on the catch of homeless animals. Control over the employees of the veterinary service is carried out by the head of the veterinary service, which leads the necessary reporting documentation and carries out the storage of drugs in accordance with the requirement of legislation. Outflows of non-television animals are carried out using a throwing device from networks or using a veterinary drug - adilin. Adilina's delivery is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with LLC "V." The solution of this drug is manufactured in accordance with the instructions for the use of the drug. This instruction was approved by the Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor Registration No. PVR-2-7.7 / 02169. The concentration of the solution used in the catch of street animals is not dangerous to human life. The storage of the drug is carried out in a strictly inaccessible place (safe) with the appointment of a responsible person for the storage and use of this drug (head of the veterinary service). All work with adiline is carried out using workwear and personal protective equipment. According to the decision of the administration of the municipality, MUE BKO "S." Communger fulfilled obligations assigned to him. All actions were agreed with the administration of districts and authorized representatives, as well as confirmed by the necessary documents: applications, acts of catch, acts of work performed, acts of return animals on the habitat, magazine on the maintenance of street animals. In the framework of the agreement concluded between the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Education and MUE BKO "S.", the costs for the services performed by catching, transporting, sterilization, the content of street animals are reimbursed by the enterprise within the limits of the funds provided for by the budget of the municipality, and from due money in the amount of 998 411.82 rubles, incl. VAT - part of the amount in the amount of 492 147,32 rub., T.C. VAT is due to the regional state institution (OGU) "Saratov City Station to Combat Animal Diseases" for the presented veterinary services for castration and sterilization of street dogs. The above activities are carried out exclusively using humane methods in order to protect the life and health of people. The facts of animal abuse are not allowed. In addition, MUE BKO "S." It believes that the plaintiff's arguments were not confirmed by proper evidence, are contrived, belong to the discharge of emotions and the situation described by it are virtually modeled for the future or indefinite time. MUP BKO "S." Provides customer services for catching dogs exclusively on the basis of written applications of customers in relation to street animals in the applicant's presence, which is drawn up with the act of work performed. Tariffs for services MUP BKO "S." Approved by local governments. When providing MUE BKO "S." Services, the respondent is strictly guided by the statutory goals and objectives and related types of economic activity. At the same time, taking into account the clarification of the director of LLC "V." G.D., the drug "Adilin" is the most humane means for bloodless immobilization of dogs, cats and various other types of animals and birds, and does not apply to psychotropic and narcotic substances. According to the Director-Chief Doctor of LLC "First veterinary clinic"Doctor of Biological Sciences T.G. This method is not the method of cruel treatment, since under the influence of the drug is lost painful sensitivity. The facts of ill-treatment of animals, internal affairs bodies due to catching and the death of street animals, the defendant was not revealed. In this regard, the use of "Adilina" by the staff of the MUE BKO "S." carried out on the basis of labor protection instructions when transporting, storing the drug, also job description. MUP BKO "S." carries out activities for catching non-post-free animals, sterilization produces regional state Institution "Saratov City Station to Combat Animal Diseases" on the basis of an agreement, which is issued by acts of work performed. Due to the lack of equipped animal maintenance points after castration, the dogs are produced into the external habitat on the same day. After sterilization, dogs are kept in cells for several days. In order to exclude re-detach, the operated animals are supplied with collars. Payment of work performed is made in accordance with the Decree of the Administration ... from ... ... only after documentary confirmation. In addition, MUE BKO "S." Provides services for catching and killing dogs who have no owner at the request of citizens and organizations at the expense of their funds. Manufacture of shooting stray dogs And cats for the prevention of rabies are allowed to be p.4.12 of the veterinary and sanitary rules of the joint venture ... -96 VP ... -96 "Prevention and struggle against infectious diseases for humans and animals", approved by the State Comcomanmarks of Russia ... and the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia ... Animal corpses are placed On the catalog of the enterprise in one of the 4 biothermal yams that meet the established veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations. The services on the burial of animal bodies, the treatment of which requires precautions to avoid infection - turns out to be MUP BKO "S." Based on the license to carry out activities to collect, use, neutralizing, transporting, accommodating hazardous waste. MUP BKO "S." It has land plot, which is a waste disposal polygon, including biological. According to the director, the chief doctor of the First Veterinary Clinic LLC ... - Doctors of Biological Sciences T.G., such a method is not a method of ill-treatment, since sore sensitivity is lost under the influence of the drug. In connection with the provision of MUP BKO "S." In the materials of the civil case of priviless documents, with the indication of the subject and types of economic activity of the enterprise, we consider the indicative of the applicant Semk O.I. On supposedly mandatory for MUE BKO "S." Perform vaccination against rabies of street dogs. In the charter MUP BKO "S." Such a type of activity as vaccination against rabies of non-post-free dogs is not provided, so the defendant does not have legal grounds for the implementation or provision of this type of service ... internal affairs on the fact of catching and killing street neglected pets in the order of Art. 144-145 Code of Criminal Procedure were inspected for identifying the signs of the crime provided for by Art. 254 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - ill-treatment of animals. However, the facts of ill-treatment were not confirmed, and therefore, in the initiation of the criminal case was denied. In connection with the above, there are no grounds for adoption of acts of prosecutor's response. Actions by the defendant who create the danger of harm and threat of violation of rights in respect of the plaintiff is absent, the activities of the MUE BKO "S." It is carried out on a legitimate basis in accordance with the Charter of the enterprise, approved by the property management committee ... and other legislative and regulatory acts. Reference applicant Semk O.I. in 230-231 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the content of neglect animals for 6 months, should be inextricably linked with art. 232 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on reimbursement of expenditures on the maintenance of street animals. However, the question of reimbursement of expenses for the content of dogs for the period of stay of the streets of non-television animals within 6 months - so far is not resolved and any regulatory legal acts on this issue in ... or the city of Saratov is not available. MUP BKO "S." - It is not charitable organizations, no donations for the content of dogs to the enterprise does not come. Budget financing for the content of dogs for their stay within 6 months to the MUP BKO "S." Not carried out.

A representative of a third party who does not declare independent claims on the subject of the dispute - the administration of the municipality "..." at the court session was objected to the satisfaction of the stated SEMK O.I. Claims, supporting the arguments of the respondent in the case.

Having heard the explanations of the persons participating in the case, examining the written materials of the case, the court came to the next.

According to the charter of the municipal unitary enterprise of household utility services "S.", the enterprise enters the system of housing and communal services of the municipality "...". The company was established with the purpose of producing products, work, the provision of services, the profit and solving social tasks. Among other activities, the company carries out tramid dogs and cats, their quarantine (volume ..., ld ...).

By the decision of the administration of the municipality "..." from ... ... (Tom ..., L.D. ... was approved by the Regulation on the provision of subsidies for reimbursement in connection with the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the content of street animals (dogs). According to the approved The position of the provision of subsidies was to reimburse the costs of the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the maintenance of street animals (dogs). The required conditions for the provision of the subsidy were: providing services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the maintenance of non-television animals (dogs) or Provision of services for catching, transporting and maintaining street animals (dogs) and the availability of an existing agreement with a specialized organization for the provision of services for the sterilization of animals (dogs).

It was also established that ... between the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Education "..." and the MUE BKO "S.", on the basis of the above situation, was concluded .... (Tom ..., ld ...). In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the Committee on Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the Municipal Education "...", as the chief manager, provided the recipient in the face of MUP BKO "S." Subsidies for reimbursement of costs, due to the provision of services for catching, transporting, sterilizing, the content of street animals (dogs) within the limits of the funds stipulated by the budget of the municipality "..." on ... year.

As was established during the consideration of the case, the defendant during the year within the framework of the contracts of the contracts carried out in causing activities, the detention, to kill street animals (dogs) as in the territory of the municipality "..." and in the territory of other municipalities. These circumstances that were not disputed by the party of the defendant are also confirmed by numerous materials of the case (copies of applications, copies of contracts, copies of the acceptance act of completed work, etc.).

According to Art. 137 Civil Code of the Russian Federation to animals apply General rules on property, since otherwise not established by law or other legal acts.

When implementing rights, animal ill-treatment is not allowed contrary to the principles of humanity.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 230 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The person who detained an innequerial or circulation of cattle or other non-post-free pets, is obliged to return their owner, and if the owner of the animals or the place of his stay is unknown, no later than three days from the date of detention to declare the detection of animals into the police or to the local authority Self-governing, which take measures to search for owner.

By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 231 Civil Code of the Russian Federation If during the six months from the date of the statement about the detention of street pets, their owner will not be detected or himself will not declare their right and they, the person who has animals on the content and in use, acquires ownership of them .

From the written response of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Saratov Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office from ... It follows that the Volga Interregional Environmental Prosecutor's Office held a re-inspection on the issue of violations of the MUE BKO "S." ... veterinary legislation in the exercise of catch, sterilization and killing of non-television domestic animals. The conducted check showed that in the territory of the streets of streets of streets, the MUE BKO "S." ..., for the holding of which by the decision of the administration ... from ... ... a tariff in the amount of ... ruble ... a penny. The audit also found that the head of the Veterinary Service MUE BKO "S." ... Measures are not taken to fulfill the requirements of the joint venture 3 ....- ..., approved. By the decision of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation from ... N 54, in terms of the content of caught animals in special nurseries and their immunization against rabies. In relation to the head of the veterinary service MUP BKO "S." ... The interdistrict environmental prosecutor was initiated on the administrative offense provided for by Art. ... Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Address Director MUP BKO "S." ... The environmental prosecutor introduced an idea of \u200b\u200bthe elimination of violations of federal legislation. In addition, during the audit, it was found that the state authorities of the region authorized to implement veterinary, sanitary-epidemiological supervision, measures to eliminate violations of veterinary legislation, legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population allowed by the MUE BKO "S." ..., not accepted.

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", restrictive events (quarantine) - administrative, health, veterinary and other measures aimed at preventing distribution infectious diseases and involving a special regime of economic and other activities, restricting the movement of the population, vehicle, cargo, goods and animals.

According to paragraph 1.2 of the sanitary rules of the joint venture ... 7-10 "Prevention of rabies among people", approved by the Resolution of the Main State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation ... ..., compliance with sanitary rules is required for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities throughout the Russian Federation, including organs state power and local self-government, officials, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership.

In accordance with paragraph 9.5 of the same sanitary rules, the regulation of the number of neglect animals is carried out by their catch and content in special nurseries. All animals must be grafted against rabies. With the implementation of regional programs of the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the organization and conduct of these activities belongs to the powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

By virtue of P.P. 4.2, 4.5 sanitary rules ... -96. "Prevention and struggle against infectious diseases common to humans and animals. Freshness ", bitten people or animals dogs, cats and other animals (except for obviously sick rabies) are subject to immediate delivery by the owner or a special brigade for catching street dogs and cats in the nearest veterinary medical institution For inspection and quarantination under the supervision of specialists within 10 days. At the end of the quarantination period, clinically healthy animals after preliminary vaccination can be returned to the owners - subject to their insulated content within 30 days. Animals, sick with rabies, destroy.

Thus, the diagnosis of "rabies" is possible only on the basis of a set of events and results. laboratory studieswho did not have a respondent. The evidence that the dog's killed by the defendant in the controversial period was sick or suspicious of the disease, a court, contrary to the requirements of Art. 56 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation is not represented.

The legal legal provisions refute the arguments of the representative of the defendant about the absence of duties to vaccinate the causing dogs from rabies to the municipal unitary enterprise, the duties to vaccinate caught dogs from rabies before improving the respondent's statutory activities is quarantine Cats.

As was established during the consideration of the case, gentlements of street dogs are carried out by the special brigade of the MUE BKO "S.", which includes veterinarian And animal catchers. Calves are made by persons who do not have veterinary education, from pneumatic weapons using the drug for animals "Adil-Super". The presence of these circumstances at the court session was confirmed by the representatives of the defendant, as well as the employees of the MUE BCO "S.", reconciled at the court session.

According to the letter of the Sectoral Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from ... (Tom ..., LD ...), the drug "Adil-super" is intended for use as a means of mass bloodless slaughter of animals and birds in the foci of the emergence of particularly dangerous animal and bird diseases .

In accordance with the instruction on the use of the drug "Adilin-Super", approved by the head of the main department of veterinary medicine of the State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for food and procurement ... ..., This drug blocks the conduct of neuromuscular excitation, resulting in relaxation of skeletal muscles and immobilization with Subsequent fatal outcome. The outcome mortality when using the drug in doses, designed to catch stray dogs and cats by communal services, is 15-60 seconds.

As follows from the Expert Conclusion of FGOU VPO "Ural State Agricultural Academy" (Volume 1, ld 30-31), the drug "Adil-Super" refers to the group of minelaxants, the mechanism of action of the drug: relaxes muscles. With the introduction of the drug, the muscles relax, including respiratory, which leads to a stop of breathing, a heart stops after a while. These drugs must introduce a specially prepared veterinary specialist, in a specially reserved room. The drug "Adilin-Super" causes painful death from choking. From veterinary practice it is well known that the muscle relaxants of this species are used only under anesthesia and artificial respiration in surgery for operations. Without a combination with anesthesia, immediately after the introduction of these poisons, an animal already in 4 minutes the agony begins: the respiratory paralysis, convulsions, a heart stop and death from suffocation for 15-20 minutes, while the animal is in full consciousness.

At the same time, according to the magazine of the Material Accounting Journal for the elimination of street animals, the Adil-Super Animal Medicine is issued by the material and responsible person of the collaborators brigades.

In fact, as it was established during the examination of the case by the testimony of numerous witnesses, the defendant in the catch of street dogs in their habitats in the territory ..., and not in specially designated places uses a drug for animals, which leads to the death of an animal when it is captured, as a result of placing Cause Animal in the shelter for the content during the six-month period established by civil law, or return the owner is not possible.

Thus, the actions of the MUE BKO "S." Upon the use of the drug "Adil-Super" for the capture of neglect animals, as well as the killing of street animals in violation of the above-mentioned rules are illegal, and also do not meet the principles of humanity.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation from ... ... "On veterinary medicine", regulate relations in the field of pet content, catch, making and street animals, ensuring the safety of people from the unfavorable physical, sanitary and psychological exposure of pets, distributed on all animals and are subject to compliance like all pet owners in municipalities ... and organizations on which the FALL functions are assigned
and the king of animals. In addition, in the modular law on animal handling, adopted at the 29 Plenary meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States (RESOLUTION ... from ... was also enshrined that the items of the temporary content of animals are created by organizations carrying out the gentle animals for temporary content of the withdrawn or other The way of alienated animals, found or caught non-email animals and the search for their owners or new owners.

The court agrees with the arguments of the plaintiff that contested by it, which do not meet the requirements of the legislation of the respondent's legislation, create a potential threat to the violation of its property rights as the owner of the dog; The rights to a favorable environment and finds the claims SEMK O.I. reasonable and subject to satisfaction.

By virtue of the provisions of Art. The 12 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, one of the ways to protect civil rights is to prevent action that violate the right or creating a threat to its violation. Taking into account this, the prevention of the threat of violation of the rights of the plaintiff is possible by curbing the misunderstanding actions of the defendant.

In accordance with Art. 98 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, from the defendant in favor of the plaintiff to be recovered by the state duty in the amount of 400 rubles.

Based on the above, guided by Art. 194-199 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court

Recognize illegal activities of the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." By squeezing during the catch or immediately after it, street animals without ensuring their maintenance in a specialized nursery for at least six months and without vaccination against rabies.

Recognize illegal use by the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." For the catch of non-television animals, Adil-Super and Adilin preparations.

To prohibit the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." Activities for catching street animals without ensuring the possibility of the content of caught animals at least within six months in a specialized nursery, as well as vaccinations against rabies.

To recover from the municipal unitary enterprise of household utilities "S." In favor of Semk O.I. In the account of the reimbursement of court costs in the form of the court paid when applying to the court with a claim of the state duty ... (...) rubles.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Saratov Regional Court through the Kirov District Court ... within a month since the decision of the decision by the court in the final form.

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