Nutrition for an 8 month old baby who is breastfed. Nutrition for a baby at eight months: what to feed and what to give? Cauliflower and broccoli soup

A person is growing every day, so it is necessary to diversify his diet, taking into account how old the child is. The menu for children who have reached 8 months should include more products compared to seven months of age. But what exactly can be given 8- month old baby eat and drink, it is worth understanding in more detail.

It is important to add that a person at the age of 8 months should still eat 5 times a day and introduce complementary foods before starting breastfeeding. Night sleep usually calm and serene, however, some children may wake up from hunger, so they should be given their mother's breast as an extra feeding, because this is required by a hungry body.

What should be the diet in children of 8 months with breastfeeding

If at 8 months the baby is still eating the healthiest mother's milk - this is just wonderful, since there is not a single artificial mixture that contains everything essential vitamins and minerals. It is breast milk that will help to easily assimilate new dishes that can already be used in the form of complementary foods from 8 months.

Experienced pediatricians advise not to force feed children forcibly with new complementary foods if the baby has enough breast milk. You can give a new product to eat or drink in one sitting, that is, prepare one dish that will diversify the diet of an 8-month-old baby, and give it before lunchtime. It is advisable to use at the heart of complementary foods:

  • grated fruit;
  • boiled vegetables, turned into mashed potatoes;
  • you can choose boneless fish as a new dish and, of course, you need to grind it thoroughly.

Also, as an additional dish, it is just right to choose milk if the nursing mother does not have enough of it.

Menu for children of 8 months on artificial feeding

If we consider the menu of 8-month-old children who eat artificial mixtures, then it will not differ too much from the option with mother's milk.

Daily feeding is divided into three stages:

  1. Morning.
  2. Daytime
  3. Evening.

However, the menu should be made in such a way that a bottle-fed child can receive the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals that his peers receive from breast milk.

It is allowed to give a child at 8 months the following types of complementary foods:

  • easily digestible cereals cooked in milk or artificial mixture;
  • vegetable or fruit purees;
  • lean types of meat and fish.

The child should eat and drink new meals regularly, but care should be taken to ensure that the weekly diet is varied. For example, in the first two days, you can give a child of 8 months (regardless of what his main food is - artificial or breast) porridge prepared on the basis of oatmeal, then cook low-fat fish, then introduce buckwheat porridge and so on Further.

What new foods should you give your baby at 8 months

A baby who is 8 months old can be given these new foods:

  • turkey or chicken meat;
  • hard-boiled chicken or quail egg yolk;
  • boiled potatoes.

Potatoes are not introduced together with other vegetables as an early complementary food that could be given to children from 4 months, since this vegetable is an allergenic food. Initially, it is allowed to give only 5-7 grams of potatoes, gradually increasing the amount of complementary foods, so that by the end of the week this figure is no more than 70 grams. When preparing vegetable complementary foods, you should take such a ratio of different vegetables so that potatoes occupy a third of the menu.

Boiled yolk can be given from both chicken and quail eggs. It is best to give a quail yolk to an 8 month old baby, especially if this bird is domestic. The fact is that such an egg contains more minerals, does not cause allergic reactions, and is easily absorbed by the body. It is recommended to give the yolk twice a week, and for the first injection you need to take only a few grains of a hard egg. For the second introduction, half a quail yolk or a quarter of a chicken yolk will be enough, then the amount of yolk increases to a whole quail yolk or half a chicken. To make it convenient for the child to eat the yolk, you can grind it and combine it with regular or expressed breast milk.

You can take chicken, turkey or rabbit meat as a meat feed, since these types of meat do not cause allergenic reactions. In addition, such products have a minimum fat content. The initial administered dose of complementary meat should be no more than 5-7 grams, you can add chopped meat in a blender to vegetable puree and feed 8- month old baby this dish for lunch. After a month, it is just right to introduce boiled and chopped beef or lamb into the menu, but it is recommended to give pork only after a year.

An example table showing the diet of children of 8 months.

Age (months)
Foods introduced into the diet 6-6,2 6.5 7-7,2 8-8,5 9-9,5 10-12
vegetable puree in milligrams 12-55 65-110 160 175 185 200-220
vegetable oil in milliliters 1,5-3,5 3,5-4 4-4,5 4,5-5 5-5,5 5,5-6
puree made from fruit in milligrams 7-35 35-55 65-75 75-85 95-120
freshly prepared fruit juices in milliliters 10-60 65-75 75-85 95-110
curd product in milligrams 15-25 35-45 45 55
porridge made from milk in milligrams 55-75 110-130 135-170 200-220
lean meat puree in milligrams 5,5-35 35-55 55 65-75
dry biscuits, sweet croutons in milligrams 1-4 4-6 7-8 11-16
quail or chicken yolk in milligrams 0.27 0.7 0.7
food products made from fermented milk base in milliliters 110-210 210 450-600
butter in milligrams 1-3 4-5 6,5
wheat-based bread in milligrams 5,2 10,5

It is customary to regale babies with complementary foods from 6 months. And the child's menu for 8 months breastfeeding diversify new dishes.
What can you treat a kid of this age, what are the features of cooking, how to make a menu correctly.

By the age of 8 months, this list is replenished with meat, fish, fruits, cereals with milk and fermented milk nutrition.

How to arrange meals for an 8 month old baby

Despite the significant proportion of complementary foods, the baby should continue to receive mother's milk. It is still important for its growth, development and the formation of immunity.

Gradually, you can replace some feedings with your milk for complementary foods. By 8 months, it is permissible to give 3 feedings for new items of the diet, and the rest of the time to feed the baby with breast milk.

The number of meals should be 5. In this case, it is better to stop treating the baby with milk at night. It's already big enough to sleep all night long without snacking.

In order to preserve more nutrients in products, it is better to cook them shortly before feeding. It is better not to add salt, sugar and other spices to them.

It should still be considered how the infant perceived the new dish. If there are negative consequences, the introduction of a novelty is excluded for 2 weeks.

The fact that a new product has not been suitable for a child can be found out by manifestations of allergies or stool disorders.

Child's menu for the day

The table will help you correctly compose a one-day baby menu. It includes recommended products and their volume.

Porridge will be brought to the child more useif you alternate between different cereals.Vegetable purees should also be varied.

If the child reacts negatively to cow protein, continue to cook dairy-free cereals.

Menu for the week

The table shows an approximate menu for an 8 month old baby for a week.

6.00 Breast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milk
10.00 Rice porridge, egg yolk, fruit puree.Buckwheat porridge, egg yolk, pear puree.Rice porridge, carrot puree.Oatmeal, egg yolk, banana.Corn porridge, applesauce.Buckwheat porridge, fruit puree, juice.
14.00 Mashed potatoes with meat, juiceFish puree with carrots, compoteZucchini puree with meat, fruit drinkCauliflower puree with fish, jellyMeat puree with vegetables, juiceVegetable puree, fruit, compoteBroccoli with fish, applesauce, jelly
18.00 Kefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookiesKefir, cottage cheese, cookies
22.00 Breast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milkBreast milk

In order for the child and his body to perceive new products well, they should be selected and prepared according to certain rules.

Vegetable puree

For an 8 month old baby, light colored vegetables are best. Cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, and potatoes can be served separately or together.

These vegetables are good for digestion and metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the development of immunity. They are hypoallergenic, so they can be safely given even to children suffering from allergies.

By 8 months, pumpkin and carrots can be on the menu. But they should be given no more than 2 times a week.

All vegetables should be boiled (10-15 minutes is enough) and mashed.

Porridge with milk

If the child does not have a reaction to cow protein, milk porridge can be prepared. At 8 months, it is better to prefer buckwheat, corn, rice and oatmeal.

For ease of preparation, it is best to grind them with a coffee grinder. 1 tablespoon of chopped cereal is enough for a serving of porridge.

Should be cooked with low-fat milk or diluted with water.

Every new cereal must be tested. Therefore, you should start with 1 teaspoon. Then slowly bring the volume to 180 grams.

Dairy products

For a child of this age, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese without sugar and fruit fillers are suitable. When choosing food in the store, you should buy the freshest and lowest fat content.

It is believed that it is fermented milk products that should be the first complementary foods for babies. For example, Dr. Komarovsky thinks so.

In his opinion, they are most similar to mother's milk, so the child's body adapts to them very quickly.

At 8 months, the baby can drink up to 150 ml of kefir, and the volume of cottage cheese reaches 50 grams.

Fruit puree

During cooking, fruits are not subjected to heat treatment, but only mashed from them. It is best at this age to offer your baby bananas, apples, pears and apricots.

When deciding to puree several fruits, it is best to first let your child taste them separately. This is important for detecting unwanted reactions.

By 8 months, babies can be given 200 grams of fruit puree per day.

Meat dishes

The meat is added to vegetables and dairy-free cereals. It is thoroughly boiled (1-1.5 hours) and crushed. The best options for cooking are turkey, rabbit, veal and beef.

Meat is offered to the child 2-3 times a week in an amount of up to 100 grams.


Lean fish are preferred. The best choice - pollock, salmon, cod and pike perch.

This dish is easy to digest and can be fed up to 3 times a week. But only on the days when the child did not eat meat.

Fish supplies the body with amino acids, fluorine, iodine. Thanks to its use, bones are strengthened, brain function and vision are improved.

Ryku, like meat, is added to vegetables. The product is preliminarily ground. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon, the volume of fish puree is increased to 200 grams per day.

To improve the taste of dishes and their digestibility, add sunflower, olive or butter to them.


In addition to milk drinks, you can pamper the crumbs with juices, fruit drinks, compotes. It is better to dilute them with water one to one. It will also be useful to cook jelly for the baby.

Eight months is the age when the baby's diet becomes more and more diverse.

Meat, fish, new vegetables and fruits, and fermented milk products will help replace some breastfeeding.

However, it is not yet time to wean the baby from the breast. It is worth treating him with your milk for at least 1 year.

Gradual and correct preparation is the key to success when introducing new products. The baby will be glad to each of them, and his body will be replenished with new useful and necessary substances.

Dear parents, today let's talk about how an eight month old baby should be fed. The child has become even older, however, the digestive and excretory systems are not yet strong enough to be ready to eat solid or fatty foods.

In this article, you will find out what rules should be followed, what age norms the child has, what the baby now eats, you will know the approximate menu, as well as how many times to feed the baby at 8 months.

Feeding rules

At the age of eight months, you should adhere to the following rules in the child's diet:

  1. The baby still has five meals a day. One more night is allowed.
  2. The first and last meal is Mom's milk (mixture). It is too early to completely exclude these foods from the baby's diet.
  3. Feeding is desirable to carry out daily at the same time.
  4. The baby's diet is represented by such time frames: 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, 10 am.
  5. For a ten hour meal, it is best to cook dairy-free cereals, still without salt.
  6. For children on artificial nutrition, all types of cereals are already introduced and milk is used in their preparation.
  7. It is best to cook some high-calorie food for lunch. A soup with the addition of lean meats is well suited.
  8. The penultimate meal should be light. It can be represented by fermented milk products or fruit puree. It is not recommended to give new products during this time.
  9. The last meal in your baby's daily diet will be breast milk or formula.
  10. In the menu of children who are bottle-fed, fish of low-fat varieties are introduced.
  11. A child who feeds on mother's milk should receive no more than 900 g of this same milk per day.

What are the norms of food consumption

It must be remembered that the main thing in the diet of a child up to one year old will remain breast milk or milk formula (adapted for babies). As for the rest of the products that are introduced strictly monthly, it is worthwhile to select them individually for each child. No need to be upset if your baby does not want to eat a particular vegetable or porridge, perhaps they simply do not suit him. In addition, you can always try again to offer them to your baby after a month or two.

Some parents are worried that they have not sufficiently expanded the diet of the baby, and the baby now does not finish eating. To reassure you, a visit to the doctor is necessary. He will examine the baby, assess his mental and physical development, and, if necessary, prescribe tests. And then he will be able to tell with accuracy the diet that you have chosen or it still needs to be adjusted.

As you can see, there are no specific rules. And this is natural, because every child is unique. And no one knows him better than his mother.

I introduced products strictly according to the complementary feeding table. But my friend loves to experiment and doesn't like the rules. So, in addition to breast milk, she began to give semolina to her daughter from 6 months. This is despite the fact that doctors recommend to postpone its introduction until a year. And nothing, the allergy did not appear, stomach problems did not appear. And she is so in everything, she gives products that are clearly ahead of age norms. The only thing is that the girl clearly began to suffer from excess weight (already more than a kilogram excess weight at 10 months of age).

What can you feed your baby at 8 months

At the age of eight months, the child is gradually introduced to an increasing number of products:

  1. Vegetable puree. A wide variety of these products is already available to the kid. Mixing of the two components is already allowed.
  1. The child's diet can already be enriched with greens. It is allowed not only to add to ready-made dishes, but also to use raw leaves to develop the chewing skill of the toddler.
  2. Prepare various soups for the little one (vegetable, with the addition of meat or porridge). It is best to still grind the finished product until smooth.
  1. Dairy-free cereals for breastfed babies, and for other babies, low-fat milk is already allowed.
  2. Dairy products. Mainly in the diet of children with artificial feeding.
  3. Fish of low-fat varieties, mostly river. The finished product is served as a puree.
  1. The baby is already allowed all fruits, berries and vegetables. The exceptions are representatives of red fruits, exotic fruits and citrus fruits. You will have to wait up to a year with them.

Do not eat large quantities of fruit purees, give your child food in accordance with age norms.

I prepared soups for my son, gradually introduced meat. The first was the rabbit. Her grandmother kindly brought her from the village. My baby loved this food. Also at this time, I began to gradually introduce the yolk.

Possible menu

The crumbs' food should be of adequate temperature, freshly cooked and have an attractive appearance. All this should contribute to the child's appetite, as well as stimulate the production of gastric juices, which in turn will contribute to better absorption of nutrients.

I present to your attention an approximate menu. However, you are free to experiment with it however you like. You can select combinations of products that are convenient for you.

Here is the menu:

  1. At 6 o'clock feed the baby with mother's milk or milk mixture - 220 ml.
  2. There will be lunch at 10:00. Well suited 170 grams of buckwheat porridge with the addition of 5 g butter (butter), 50 grams of fruit puree,

In this article:

Each age is beautiful in its own way. Kids become special, it is interesting to watch them, analyze their actions, habits and reactions to what is happening around them. At this age, the baby still cannot have shortcomings, if the parents correctly perceive everything that he does.

The development of an 8 month old child happens very quickly if the parents are engaged with him, play educational games and just pay attention. This is exactly the time when the crumb, like a sponge, begins to absorb everything that is presented to him. He just doesn't know how to talk, but he is already beginning to understand a lot.

A huge amount of energy is directed to the development of physical skills, some babies try to take their first steps on their own. But not everything is so fast, for all the time. And it's time for parents to be patient.

Physiological aspects of development

Each baby develops individually. It all depends on the daily routine of an 8 month old baby, his nutrition, sleep and wakefulness. Many babies already have several teeth and are ready to try new foods. At this age, sleep is approximately 14 hours a day, the interval between nutritional intake increases to 4 hours.

Pediatricians claim that the ideal weight is 8-8.5 kilograms, but no one dares to say the exact figure. Weight is so individual that you don't really need to pay attention to it. A child in certain months may gain over normal, and after some time, underweight. Therefore, if the pediatrician is not appointed special recommendations, you should not worry about the weight of the baby.

This also applies to development, everything in due time, the child will sooner or later begin to walk, he does not need to be forced, he himself will strive to do it.

Psychological aspect

This is the very moment of truth when parents need to learn how to behave correctly. Controlling emotions, emitted reactions means a lot. A child at 8 months old can start to eat poorly, show his character, so to speak, test the nerves of his parents. He already knows how to get his way. Parents during this period need to control their emotions, this will help preserve the psyche of the baby. You need to be able to prohibit so as not to injure the child by offering him something in return. Switching attention from one subject to another will allow you to bypass the screams and tantrums.

All prohibitions must be motivated and justified. Each of your actions must be explained. In this case, it is worth forgetting about aggression and nerves, parents should always have a balance. If mom's psyche can't stand it, let dad come to the rescue. If a child deliberately reaches for the same object, it is easier to remove it from the field of view than to constantly scold the baby. He develops, wants to know the world, but receives a constant "CAN'T".

A child at this age, needs the presence of close people, reacts very cautiously to new faces, while snuggling up to his mother. He begins to distinguish between day and night. Ideally, the toys will look like objects from reality.

Skills and abilities

At the end of the eighth month of life, the baby may be able to:

  1. Stand up on your own to sit down (it is important to control this moment and not let sit for too long);
  2. Pull up on your arms, get up, try to take a few steps on your own along the crib;
  3. Hold objects firmly in your hands, shift them, throw them. A child at this age very rarely drops something, now he is interested in throwing it.
  4. Can pronounce syllables and the first words appear.

The diet of an 8 month old baby

Well, now the period has come when the baby can be given a lot of new things. Vitamins different categories must be present in the diet. Now the question of what to feed an 8 month old baby will not be a headache. A frequently asked question by parents from pediatricians is whether an 8 month old baby can be given boiled fish. At this age, not only is it possible, but it is necessary to give a product that is a source of proteins, fats, mineral salts and several groups of vitamins.

The fish is easy to digest, amenable to rapid digestion. But do not overuse this product. Fish can cause allergic reaction... At the first complementary feeding, the child must be observed, analyzing the reaction to different varieties. And yet, a little subtlety, children's organism accepts ocean fish and white fish well: pollock, hake, cod, salmon, river pike perch and carp. The fish can be boiled with vegetables and grind until mushy.

Meat is less likely to become an allergen, it is recommended to give it daily. The diet of an 8 month old child should contain various groups of vitamins, the main thing is that everything offered to the baby during the meal should be normal.
If a child is allergic to dairy products, then the diet must be prepared with a pediatrician. The doctor will be able to tell what exactly can be used to replace fermented milk and dairy products so that the child receives the necessary vitamins and minerals. The child's menu for 8 months on GV:

Looking at the table, many will say "OGO". But if you take a closer look at the portions graph, then everything will fall into place. With each feeding, the child consumes approximately the same amount of food, the only difference is in the diet.

If the baby tries to sit on his own, then all meals should be sitting.

Mom's breast milk gradually fades into the background. Now she does not need to endlessly offer the baby to the breast. Only a third of the total diet is breast milk. Vegetable purees should be as seasonal as possible. The diet must be expanded gradually, but correctly, and then your children will grow up healthy.

Useful video about baby development at 8 months

The menu of an eight-month-old baby can already be quite diverse: it includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and even fish. You can make it healthy and delicious if you cook it yourself. After reading our article, you will find out which recipes for meals for an 8 month old baby can be prepared quickly and tasty.

Children at the age of 8 months are fed five meals a day, while three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner - already consist of complementary foods. From now on, we recommend that you accustom your baby to the fact that children eat porridge for breakfast, and soup for lunch. This allows you to quickly establish the regime and more easily adapt to kindergarten afterwards. In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can offer the crumbs fruit puree and cottage cheese, purchased or made on your own. We will talk about it a little later.

What to cook for a baby at 8 months for lunch: recipes can vary depending on the ingredients. Most often this is a vegetable soup with meat or vegetables with a steam cutlet, well mashed. For those babies who were introduced to complementary foods from 4 to 5 months, meat once or twice a week can be gradually replaced with fish. At the same time, choose low-fat oceanic varieties with white meat (cod, hake, pollock). For dinner, you can also offer stewed vegetables, porridge or cottage cheese, depending on what the baby ate before.

Of course, feeding a baby at 8 months can consist exclusively of canned purees, the range of which is now very large. But many mothers tend to cook on their own, because this way they can be responsible for the quality of the dishes. In addition, some little finicky people refuse canned food for children, but mother's porridge and mashed potatoes are eaten with pleasure. In the next chapters, we will talk about specific recipes for soups, cereals and homemade cottage cheese.

What cereals can a child at 8 months old

Recipes for mashed potatoes and cereals for an 8 month old baby form the practical basis of his diet. In this chapter, we will talk about delicious and healthy cereals... At this age, children can eat both dairy-free and milk porridge cooked in mother's milk or mixture. If you are using cow's milk, cook the porridge based on a 1: 4 ratio, that is, one part milk and four parts water. It should be noted that up to a year, pediatricians do not recommend introducing cow's milk into the diet due to the high probability of allergies.

An eight-month-old baby can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge in the absence of contraindications. If you have already introduced all these dishes into the diet, expand the range with oatmeal or barley. Now let's figure out how to cook porridge for a child of eight months. Choose finely ground cereals (corn, buckwheat "done"), and grind the rest of the cereals in a coffee grinder to the state of flour. You need to cook any porridge in water with the addition of a minimum amount of sugar, and preferably without sugar at all, until fully cooked.

Before switching off, add a little adapted mixture or expressed breast milk (20 - 30 ml) to the porridge, as well as butter (3 - 5 g). At this age, the porridge should be liquid, so take cereals at the rate of 5 g of cereal per 100 ml of water. Gradually, it can be made a little thicker. To diversify the recipes for porridge, a baby at this age can add fruit puree (apple, pear, pumpkin, prune and even carrot) to the dish. So you don't have to add sugar, and even a little fussy eats the finished dish with gusto.

For those parents who are interested in how to cook semolina for a child of 8 months old, we will give a little advice. You have the right to listen to him or do your own thing.

Despite the fact that at the end of the last century, children were fed semolina practically from birth, now the approach has changed dramatically. Pediatricians do not recommend semolina for children under one year old in general due to the high content of gluten and phytin (a substance that prevents calcium from being absorbed).

Soup for a baby 8 months: recipes

The soup is desired dish in the baby's diet, starting at eight or nine months of age. It improves digestive processes, serves as a source of energy and nutrients. Therefore, you can give it to your baby for lunch every day. The main thing is to know the peculiarities of the preparation of this dish. The first important point is what soups a child can use at 8 months. These are vegetable soups with added meat. In this case, the meat should be cooked separately from the first course and added to it ready-made. Meat and fish broths are contraindicated for babies under the age of one and a half years.

Let's talk about the general recommendations of pediatricians. It is advisable to cook vegetable soup for an eight-month-old baby before use and beat thoroughly with a blender. You can add cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, onions, broccoli and a little oil to it before serving. In this case, the salt in the soup should be a minimum amount, and you need to add it a few minutes before removing it from the stove. It is not recommended to cook such soups for too long, as vitamins are destroyed. Turkey, rabbit, veal or beef, cooked and chopped with a blender, is added to the finished dish, depending on what meat is already in your diet. Meat can be substituted for fish.

Here are some recipes for unusual delicious dishes:

  • How to cook soup for an 8 month old baby with pumpkin. For pumpkin puree soup, you need pumpkin, onions, carrots, and vegetable broth. Boil vegetables in water until cooked, remove them from water and beat with a blender until smooth. Add broth to get the desired consistency. Add a little oil to the finished dish and serve.
  • Vegetable soup with veal. For this dish, you will need veal, courgette, and broccoli. Boil vegetables in water, boil meat separately. Grind them in a blender to the desired consistency.
  • Zucchini puree soup. Prepare courgette, rice, butter, and expressed milk or mixture. Boil the zucchini and some rice until tender, rub through a sieve, add milk and butter. Delicious soup is ready.
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