Chickenpox has a 5 month old child. Windmill in newborns

Data 09 Sep ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Dmitry Sedykh

Windmill is a viral disease that children are mostly sick from 2 to 10 years. Most often, this is due to a visit to kindergartens and schools, that is, places with a large cluster of the people. Chickenpox (Another windmill name) is very infection - it is transmitted to other people with rapid speed. However, it is possible to infection by the windmill of children up to the year. After infection, the body produces immunity to the virus, so that the re-infection is impossible.

There are the following paths of infection with wind abscess:

  1. Aerial drip. With it, the child breathes microparticles of saliva infected person.
  2. Contact. Infection occurs when touched to rash on the skin.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to get infected through the items or things that were infected with infected. This is due to the fact that the windmill virus quickly dies under the action of the external environment.

The contagiousness of the virus is manifested in 90% of cases, in contact with patients, infection is possible. In addition, the person who has no rash on the skin is inflated: 48 hours before it appears and right up to cover all wind elements with a dense crust, a person is considered a carrier of the virus and can infect others.

Windmill: transmission paths, incubation periodDuration

Symptoms of windmill in kids

The first sign of the windmill in children up to a year is a rash on the body. First, the rashes appear in the form of red spots of relatively small size. After some time, the spot is filled with liquid and makes up, forming a bubble. Then the bubble bursts, and the brown of peel appears in his place, which subsequently disappears, leaving the skin clean.

Usually, the rash does not appear immediately throughout the body: within 5 days, the rash applies to the skin of the child. In rare cases, wind elements are observed on the mucous membrane (for example, oral cavity). Frequent windmill satellites in one year old children are general malaise and no appetite. This is due to the fact that during the appearance of rashes, the toddler rises to 38 or 39 degrees during the appearance. Fever and chaotic appearances of rash usually continue about 5 days. In rare cases - 6-8 days. After that, the child's condition is significantly improved.

Usually, the rash is zudit, and you need to follow the children so that they do not calculate the bubbles and did not move crust. Footprints from rams on the body disappear, but when driving, scars for life are possible.

The incubation period (time interval from the moment of infection and the appearance of the first signs of the disease) for the windmill lasts from 7 to 21 days.

Windmill form

Wind gas can pass both in light and heavy forms. In the first case, the baby's rash does not apply throughout the body, and the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. In addition to this there are no headache And runny nose. Of course, the child will still be observed in the absence of appetite and bad mood Because of the itch.

The heavy form is possible only in cases where the body and immunity of the child are strongly weakened, or if the infection occurred intrauterine. Then the body temperature sharply rises to 40 degrees, and rash covers the whole body and mucous membrane. Also, kids are accompanied by vomiting, cough, in some cases - even choking. With this shape of the windmill, treatment is necessary in the hospital, since complications are possible. Often this form is accompanied by the appearance of purulent rashes.

Treatment methods

In the case of a windmill form in children under 1 year old special treatment Or the reception of drugs is not needed. Doctors recommend just to wait for this period. When third-party symptoms appear (headache, temperature), we need the reception of antipyretic drugs for therapy. Antihistamines in drops are usually used to combat itching. For example, you can use phenyatil. The dosage is calculated by a simple formula: the number of droplets by the number of months (age) of the child.

However, it is worth remembering that children up to 12 should not give aspirin to reduce the temperature due to the possibility of toxic liver damage and nervous system. It is also not necessary to use ibuprofen, nurofen and other drugs of this group. Antiviral drugs are usually used only in the event of a heavy form of the disease.

You do not need to smear rash during a windmill, bubbles dried yourself. Zelenka is usually used only to control the number of rashes, in fact it is not the treatment of windmill. So, if within a few days, not smeared to the green space to appear, then we can talk about the attenuation of the disease.

During the illness, the child needs peace. Food should be light, more water should be given.

In the event of a serious form of the disease, it is impossible to treat the child. You should immediately apply for medical help.

There is a windmill prevention. So, in 1995, a vaccine was created, which reduces the risk to infected. In case of infection, the windmill is carried out much easier. This vaccine is available in Russia. Although some doctors believe that it is better to overcome the windmill at a young age to get immunity from her for life.

How to treat chickenpox in children - Dr. Komarovsky

What can not be treated windmill

The most important thing is to remember the dangers of self-medication. Any treatment must be approved by a doctor.

Another important point is greens abuse. As already mentioned, it is not the treatment of chickenpox, but is used only to control the disease. It is not necessary to apply too much green to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, as problems with healing wounds may appear. In the end, the scars and scars for life will remain. At the same time, the green should be applied only on the rash with a cotton wand twice a day.

Another common myth is not swimming. In fact, this is not the case, it is only important to observe the following conditions:

  • the child should not have a high temperature;
  • water should not be hot;
  • you can not use a sponge, since there is probability of constructing bubbles;
  • after washing it is impossible to rub the skin, you need to get into the pellets.

In addition, swimming helps reduce the power of itching.

In addition, it is not necessary to abuse antipyretic drugs, it may be aggravated by a chickenpox in children.

How to carry the windmill children up to the year

It is possible to distinguish between two stages of the wind sieves in children under the year. So, the first six months of children easier to carry the windmill. This is due to the fact that when feeding, they receive antibodies along with breast milk mother. It improves the efficiency of their work. immune system. Of course, this one cannot say if the mother of the kid refuses breastfeeding And uses artificial - in such a child when the chickenpox infects it is much heavier. Nevertheless, the mother should also have immunity to illness.

After 6 months, the mothers antibodies cease to act, and in the case of infection, the child with great difficulties transfers wind oil.

Possible complications

Complications for wind pump is rare. These are mainly associated with improper treatment of rashes. As a result, it can lead to scars for life.

In children, the windmill can go to the affix of the brain and internal organsAlthough the risk is extremely small. Sometimes the windmill transitions are in the form of deprivation. Possible complications After the windmill, conjunctivitis, meningitis and other diseases are also.

So, when the first signs of ravis, parents, first of all, need to seek medical attention. In particular cases, you can call ambulance. When treatment is carried out at home. Be sure to indicate the doctor and do not invent your treatments. With the right execution of all the prescriptions, the windshield will be held without complications, and the child will never have to be faced with this disease.

This also read

The windmill in the infants occurs not as often as the kids of the Sadikovsky age. If the kid in 3 years the disease passes without complications, then children have several months of life - it is capable of becoming a test for the body. Baby may be ill with this infectious disease everywhere, so parents should be most prepared for a similar fear.

Chickenpox in infants

The windmill in children under a year can develop if the baby had contact with a sick family member (especially this is relevant for families raising several children). If my mother got a wind inspiration in the last months of pregnancy or does not have antibodies to this type of infection (not earlier), the newborn is able to become infected in the first couple of months of life.

If the woman was sick with a wind inspi (before the occurrence of pregnancy), then a certain amount of antibodies, it transmits its newborn and until 3 months he will have immunity to this disease.

Cases of congenital windshield smallpox are dangerous for the baby and proceed with complications. It is easier to suffer a disease in children having strong immunity. The windmill in infants, which are located on the natural type of feeding (breast milk of the mother), goes faster and lighter than in health-artificials.

Congenital windshield is manifested during the first 11 days of the life of the newborn, the symptoms are identical with the usual windmill (the rash looks likewise in the photo), the situation is aggravated by vomiting, convulsions. The infection is able to strike the CNS and internal organs. Among patients with such diagnoses are high statistics on fatal cases.

After 3-4 months, the immunity of the child, which was provided by the mother's antibodies, gradually begins to decrease, so during this period the baby is most susceptible to diseases, ranging from colds and ending with infectious. It can become infected when communicating with patients or without direct contact with them (the virus is distributed by air-droplet by a hundred km).

Reliable symptoms

The windmill in newborns can pass in a light form (without jumps of temperature, strong itching, weight loss, appetite) and in severe (rash covers the skin of the child, mucous, is observed increased temperature Body 39-40C, there are cramps, an equilibrium disorder).

The symptoms of this disease are:

  1. red spots (1 cm diameter), which appear first on the face of the child and the hair of the head, spread quickly by body; Then turn into painful blisters filled with colorless liquid
  2. high temperature (from 38 to 40c)
  3. the number of stains does not decrease, but sharply increases
  4. after 5 days, blisters on the body of the kid are covered with a crust, new - not formed
  5. itching (the disease is dangerous because the baby's wounds are bred, he breaks them, additionally infecting the body; the chickenpox in the chest babies of the first few months of life is easier: they cannot independently tear blisters and transfer the disease easier than patients older than the year).

Incubation period

From the moment of the virus in children's organism Before the appearance of characteristic spots on the body, it can pass from 7 days to 3 weeks, more often than 21 days. At the first stage, the virus adapts to a new existence environment, on the second - the reproduction of its cells begins, the antibodies begin to produce: at this time, the child looks sluggish, whether it can be observed. bad appetite, sleep disorder. In the third stage - spots appear on the skin, the temperature sharply increases. Symptoms of the disease in a newborn can be identified 7 days after infection.


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The chickenpox in children must be confirmed by a competent specialist - it can designate treatment in a particular case. Symptoms of this disease are similar to other infectious diseases, so parents cannot reliably determine the wind oil OSP itself.

If the baby fell ill, there are suspicions of infectious infection, it is necessary to call a competent physician (do not attend the clinic, exposing the danger of infection of other small patients).

The treatment of windmills in infants usually implies the following actions:

  1. reducing temperature (treatment can be carried out or candles for rectal administration based on,)
  2. reception of drugs inside (reduce itching, soothing the baby)
  3. treatment of ulce antibacterial agents (Zelenka, - on the most damaged areas where the most blisters)

After 5-6 days of such treatment, rash looks less noticeable, the blisters faster dried up. The windmill in infants can pass in severe form when the rash spreads to the throat and is able to cause a suffocation. The mouth mucosa in this case is to lubricate the sea buckthorn oil. When the windmill occurs in infants, they are recommended to drink more, on the time to cancel the introduction of new products in.

In treatment, not used (the viral affiliation of the disease does not imply similar therapy).

Komarovsky about the disease, his character

Komarovsky adheres to a version that the child consciously can be infected with a chickenpox virus: small patients sick it in a light form and they rarely appear complications. You can make a baby vaccinating from this disease, it is not included in the standard vaccination program, but is shown in cases where the parents of the baby in severely transferred this virus.

Komarovsky especially pays attention to the fact that it is categorically impossible to use aspirin as an antipyretic drug - the combination of the preparation with a chickenpox virus is a deadly danger of liver damage. Especially cautious in this situation should be acting in the treatment of patients with liver vices.

To remove itching, Komarovsky recommends not to overheat the baby, bathe in cool water and drink a lot. In water for swimming, he advises to add a bit of manganese or soda: these additives contribute to healing wounds, by drying them.

Regarding the contagiousness of chickenpox, Komarovsky confirms the information that after five days after the beginning of the formation of new ulcers on the skin, the disease ceases to be contagious, the rash by this time looks already dried. To make it easier to track, you can use green (it does not have any other effects: does not reduce the symptoms of infection, does not remove itching). The stereotype of the use of the greenfront in the treatment of this infectious disease Does not have a scientific full-fledged justification.

Regarding quarantine under windscreen OPP, Komarovsky says that the method of isolation is shown for medical institutionswhere patients with reduced levels of immunity are treated. For healthy group kids quarantine is not needed. Komarovsky denotes that the disease can occur almost asymptomatic (the amount of ulcers - to 10, with its average number 250) or heavily (blisters about 1500). In particularly difficult cases, the doctor discharges the drug acyclovir, the use of which must be combined with abundant drinking.

After a disease, the pediatrician does not recommend led the child to the garden at least two weeks, but not because of infectivity. The disease has a negative impact on immunity. After the disease, the baby needs to restore the protective properties of the body and only after that send to children's institutions.

The famous pediatrician associates the most serious danger from the described virus with a woman's pregnancy: if it is infected in the first six months of pregnancy. In these cases, the risk of developing serious pathologies in a newborn, up to physical deformities and serious malformations.

The doctor does not exclude the possibility of re-infection, but suggests that repeated disease always proceeds easier than the first. Regarding the severity of the disease, the media specialist in the field of pediatrics leads statistical data: from one hundred thousand felling outstands are not passing in two cases.

The windmill in the infants - the phenomenon is quite rare, and it can only appear if there are older children in the family, sick, or the mother of the baby itself suffered this disease during pregnancy. Another reason can be hidden in violations of the imminent system of infants.

The windmill is a danger to the baby, because it is capable of negatively affect the health of the internal organs and the central nervous system. In any case, a small patient A qualified help of the doctor is necessary.

Causes of windmill

The main cause of the windmill is herpevir, which affects the body, which is transmitted by air drip through contact with a sick person. By the way, directly direct contact with the patient is not at all necessary, since the virus can be transferred over long distances. Finding into the body, the virus is active in not for 10 minutes.

There is such a specieslike a congenital windmill that can manifest congenital anomalies, as well as to wear a hidden character. Among the complications from this virus are the following:

  • delay of intrauterine development;
  • problems of hearing organs;
  • violations in heart activities, etc.

At the first signs of windmill Newborn should immediately contact the doctor to prevent irreversible pathologies in the child's body.

Symptoms of windmill in newborn children

Windmill in children up to a year - It is always stressful for his parents, because due to the fact that the small body is still very weak, the virus is able to lead to a set of health complications. To understand whether the child is sick, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • toddler's body is covered with small red spots;
  • the child rises sharply;
  • raji is also present on the head and face of the crumbs.

By the way, in contrast to the older children, breasts will not comb red spindles on the skinWhat could lead to infection infection. Thus, the specks with time dried by themselves, and the virus comes down.

As a rule, specks on the body of the kid, a few days later, covered with a crust, and then pass finally. Corker cannot be squeezed from the skin. It is worth remembering that the disease ceases to be considered contagious when the rash on the skin of the child is covered with such a crust.

Such a disease in newborns It may flow in two forms: light and heavy. At easy form general state The kid is estimated as normal, it does not lose weight, he does not have a high temperature. In heavy form The child is completely covered with a rash, his temperature rises (it can even linger at 40 degrees), seizures and weight loss are observed. At the same time, the spots on the body do not decrease in its quantity, but, on the contrary, increase. Some of them can grow into blisters with liquid inside.

Manifestation of disease in newborns

Just like all such diseasesThis virus has a certain cyclicality, where each period is characterized by its own symptoms of the disease:

As a rule, rash itself may arise both throughout the body of a newborn baby and in certain areas of the skin.

Windmill manifestations in children up to year

Children up to the year are sick with a chickenpox on a par with older children. Interestingly, in a very small age, a child is rarely infected with this virus, as it is feeding his mother's breast milk and has an antibody in its body, capable of fighting viruses. After half a year and at the age of one year of life Such risks increase sharply, since during this period the baby's immune system begins to work independently.

Most often, the rash is localized on the stomach and face of the child, the next day it forms bubbles with a transparent liquid, the body temperature rises, lymph nodes can increase. For about five days, a small patient is a source of a virus, then the disease retreats.

The first signs of the disease becomes a restless behavior of a child, frequent crying and restless Son.. His appetite disappears, he is capricious.

Windmill may often cause diseases such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, deprive of encumbling and some other diseases.

Treatment of windmills in young children

First of all, it is worth understanding that any treatment, including such a disease, like a windmill, must be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, since an individual approach is needed in this regard. Since the symptoms of chickenpox can often be similar to symptoms of other ailments, parents should be forgotten about any amateur performance.

As soon as the baby began to show the first signs of the windmill, It is necessary to call a doctor to the house. It is impossible to go to the clinic itself, because the child can thus infect other children.

Treatment of children with windmill usually looks like this:

As a rule, at about the 5th or 6th day of such treatment, symptoms are significantly reduced, and rash becomes inconspicuous and gradually dries. In infants, the windmill can flow in more severe form, since the rash can spread to the throat and cause the attacks of suffocation. In order to avoid this, It is necessary to lubric the mucous membrane of the mouth of sea buckthorn. At the same time, kids should be abundantly pouring clean water and temporarily abandon the introduction of new products into the lures.

No antibiotics in the treatment of chickenpox in breast kids are not used.

Young parents whose children have not achieved school age, do not know what the baby is often sick, and not only Orz. Another attack that is better to overcome in childhood - Windmill. This is an infection that is transmitted by air-droplet, namely through mucous eye, nose and mouth. In order to recognize the disease and isolate the child in time, young parents need to know how the baby begins the windmill - what symptoms and treatment.

Usually, the children pick up the windmill in children's garden - At one time the whole group can get sick. It is proved that small children aged from 1 to 12 years old are easier to carry a disease that lasts from 5 to 10 days. Windmill in infants, adults, pregnant women and adolescents can cause complications. Personal kids, as a rule, are no longer ill during their lives, but the virus can later be activated and, under certain conditions, cause a shingle-hay. We offer to watch videos, how to recognize the windmill in children and prevent complications.

Symptoms of the disease

The chickenpox in children has a global character - the virus through the mucous membranes penetrates blood and spreads through the body. A characteristic manifestation of infection is rash throughout the body, including genital organs, lips, head scalp, axillary depressions and other limbs (see photo). The windmill causes a strong itching, which makes the child hide, thereby increase the number of blisters. Through comb, you can easily be infected.

After infection takes at least 7 days before the first symptoms appear.

If you look at, the rash on the child's body is bubbles with a liquid, around which the red inflamed skin is visible (see photo). Bubbles are easily bursting with physical impact and spread even more info. The next day, burst bubbles dried, but cause painful sensations and itching. For comparison: Herpes hurts on the lips in adults.

The main symptoms of the disease in children:

  • temperature rise up to 38-39.5 degrees;
  • singing on the body, except palm and feet, in the form of small bubbles with redness of the tissues around;
  • fast fatigue, drowsiness;
  • whims;
  • bad appetite.

Windmill - an extremely infectious disease, so the fallen children are immediately isolated. Quarantine lasts at least 10 days with a slight form of the disease. At this time, a child should be given to a maximum of attention, to protect against drafts, observe complete hygiene.

Treatment of windmills in children

When the chickenpox begins in a child, it is isolated from other children. For high temperatures Give the antipyretic, provide bedding. If a child is from 1 year, the baby is not scattered. Can be given antihistamine To reduce itching (diazoline, suprastin).

The treatment of chickenpox in children does not provide for receiving any medicines. Antibiotics appoints a doctor in case of complications that are caused by hitting the ranks on the body of other viruses and bacteria. It causes extensive suppuration skin Pokrov and mucous membranes. Antibiotics treatment assigns only a doctor.

Blisters all over the body are migrated to green and manganese to dry them and disinfect (see photo). During the illness, the child does not bathe. With severe pollution, children in a weak solution of manganese potassium are short. For swimming prepare a separate bath, which is then disinfected. It is unwanted to wet rash, then they are badly healing.

Daily make a wet cleaning with disinfecting detergents. Bed linen is changed daily, the baby's underwear is changed more often. The room is ventilated several times a day.

If the child is worried about itching, you need to distract it with games, try to explain that it is impossible to hide. As a rule, the windmill passes independently after 5-7 days and never bothers the child. Blisters, if they are not combed, do not leave scars and pigment stains.

Treatment of windmills in children from 1 year to 12 years - Main steps:

  • full isolation from other children;
  • home mode;
  • frequent change of bed and underwear;
  • moxibustion with greenfly (manganese) infectious and burst bubbles;
  • strict diet;
  • bathing as needed in a pink solution of mangartee;
  • abundant drink;
  • receiving antipyretic means if necessary.

Lubrication of bubbles Diamond greenery dries wounds and prevents the penetration of infection through the skin. In addition, the Zelenka visually shows how many new rashes appeared during the day, how quickly the process of recovery proceeds. Cutting with greenfront helps a little to remove itching. Instead of a green, you can use a weak solution of manganese. Alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs are contraindicated.

Features of the disease in kids up to 1 year

The windmill is not terrible to the kids up to 3 months, whose body still contains mothers antibodies who reliably protect it from the aggression of the world. After 3 months, immunity gradually decreases, and infants can easily catch the disease. For children from 6 months to 1 year, whose immunity is not formed, the windmill is danger.

Symptoms of the disease are the same as the kids from 1 year (see photo). For children from 3 to 6 months, the disease begins with rashes throughout the body. In a light form, it may be single pimples that quickly pass without increasing body temperature.

The kids of 3-6 months have a wave-like flow - the rash period is replaced by a short-term lull.

With new rashes, the body temperature increases.

The baby is strongly worried about the title body, he becomes a fusive, he eats badly, sleeps. At this time, as often as possible, it is necessary to feed it with breasts - it will help to quickly cope with the ailment. After consulting the doctor, an antihistamine syrup can be given, which is used in children under 1 year (phenyatil).

Treatment is the same as the kids from 1 year. The wounds are treated with green or gel phenyatil. The gel is used in separate areas of the skin, it is impossible to smear the whole body at once. Bathing as less as possible, in a basin with a weak solution of manganese. On small fidgets, it is better to wear a shirt with sewn sleeves.

The treatment of windmills is carried out at home in compliance strict rules Personal hygiene as a child and adults. To walk with the baby, it is impossible to walk in the acute course of the disease. With the proper compliance with the requirements of the attending physician, the disease retreats to 8-9 days after the first signs are revealed and never returns.

Windmill - all familiar viral infectionwhich is predominantly children. Often, the windmill in childhood proceeds easily and does not bear the threat of life and health. However, there are cases when the virus is striking quite still inconsistent kids. In this article we will look at the symptoms and the treatment of windmills in the infants.

As we said, windmill - viral infection. Consequently, the causative agent of the disease is the virus, the susceptibility of people to which is almost 100%. Can infamous infects become a windmill? There are 2 ways of infecting infectiousness:

  • Congenital infection. This happens when mom is infected immediately before childbirth, in a few days or weeks. With this coincidence, the child is born with windmill and, as a rule, the disease occurs in severe form with a high probability of the appearance of all sorts of complications of the disease. This is explained by the fact that the mother's organism during infection has not yet managed to form the immune system against the virus, therefore, no antibodies for the fight against infection has not received the child. Approximately 30% of all cases of congenital wind sieves ended the death of babies;
  • If there was contact with the windmill in the infants, then the child with a high probability will be infected. Considering that the immune system of infants has not yet been formed, the disease takes, often heavily and may also entail the development of complications;

Is that chickenpox with crumbs going easy? Yes, not always a chickenpox in infants - a difficult case. If the child fell ill with a windmill after injection of immunoglobulin, or during pregnancy, the kid got antibodies from mom or with milk milk during feeding, in such cases the infection can flow very easily. It is so easy that you may not even notice that the child got silent.

I suppose we disassembled the question: "Could there be a chickenpox in a baby?". Next, consider how the windmill looks like in infants.

During the latent period, the crumbs, as a rule, there are no manifestations of the disease, that is, an infection is already in the body, but the level of virus concentration has not yet achieved the necessary scale. The first symptoms appear in the final part of the hidden period of the disease. It is believed that the incubation period in children can last 7-21 days, on average for two weeks. It depends on the work of the child's immune system. For example, with congenital immunodeficiency, the infection develops very rapidly.

How is the windmill manifest? The first characteristic manifestation of infection is a high temperature that reaches a pair of 40 degrees. This is caused by the strongest inxication of the body with a virus and the appearance of temperature is quite natural. The temperature may be accompanied by weakness and the ailment of the entire body, headache, chills, fever, twitching muscles and limbs, pain in muscles and joints. At the same time, the child will cry and most likely refuses meals.

At this stage, the diagnosis of the disease is possible only with the help of special laboratory tests on antibodies against the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus (the name of the pathogen of the chicken pox), but after a day or two after the appearance of the temperature, you will find several reddish spots on the head or face.

Most. characteristic sign Infections in infants, and all people in general is a rash. How starts, photo? First, the rashes are localized, as a rule, in the head of the head and face are several reddish pimples, in diameter not more than 1 centimeter. After a short period of time (maximum during the day), the rash is converted into papulas (small acne filled with transparent liquid) and spreads almost all over the body, with the exception of stop and palm. The rashes will be very scratching, so the child will experience a slight discomfort. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to scratch or crush the rash, as this can provoke the injection of infection in the wounds, therefore, the appearance of purulent complications from the skin. In addition to the appearance of a rash on the body, there are cases of rashes in the mouth, on the mucous membrane. With the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes, the child is experiencing pain, which leads to a refusal of eating.

The rash can stay on the body of 4-12 days, depending on the severity of the flow of wind sieves. It should be noted that the rashes are wearing a wave-like character, that is, the first elements of the rash begin to push and be covered with brown crust for the second day after the appearance. After that, the day of the clutch may come, the temperature will fall a little, the child will become better. Then the new wave of rashes will follow and everything will happen in a circle. In the future, all rash will turn into crusts. In no case can you independently ripen crusts from affected places, as they are a natural barrier for various kinds of bacteria. After 2-4 weeks, the crusts themselves will disappear and leave after themselves red-pink spots, which also pass on themselves without any medical intervention. If the disease proceeded without complications, then there will be no trace from the rash.

First of all, do not panic. Modern medicine It provides the treatment of even the most severe cases of infection, so the first thing in the fight against the windmill is to call a doctor to the house. The doctor after inspecting a small patient will give you sick leave And addate recommendations for treatment. Usually, treatment easy Windmill forms are produced at home and is solely symptomatic. Treatment of heavy form of chickenpox requires hospitalization with the use of antibiotics (in cases of purulent complications), antiviral drugs (for example, acyclovir) and injections of immunoglobulin.

What you read below is provided as information, do not proceed to the treatment of the child, without consulting with the attending physician.

How to treat chickenpox in infants:

  • Put on the handles of crumbs of mittens and carefully follow the nails of the child, endure them during. This will reduce the risk of infection in the wounds;
  • Any lure should be excluded for a period of illness, in the diet of the child only breast milk. If the child refuses to eat, do not try to feed it forcibly;
  • It is necessary to increase fluid consumption, since at high temperature the body is dehydrated;
  • To ventilate the room is more often, the room should not be stuffy and hot. It is worthwhile to beware of hypothermia, as this can serve the development of pneumonia against the background of the windmill;
  • At high temperature, the use of antipyretic agents based on paracetamol ( rectal candles or syrups). Paracetamol Children can be consumed from 1 month of the child's life, but strong intolerances are possible allergic reactions. In children under 2 months, paracetamol can cause an attack of asthma. Ibuprofen-based antipyretic is not recommended, as it can provoke inflammation of soft tissues.

Important! Application acetylsalicylic acid With windmill it is impossible. This is a competent case, since, using this tool, you with a 100% probability, kill your child. Moreover, aspirin for children under 12 years old is generally contraindicated.

  • Treatment of rash by antiseptic water and alcohol solutions Must be held 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. For this, the well-known "Zelenka" or "manganese" will suit. Processing should be made point to the use of cotton sticks, otherwise your actions can lead to the spread of infection on unaffected areas of the skin;

How long to process? Before the appearance of a characteristic crust on rash.

  • You can use antiallergic and immunomodulatory ointments and gels to remove itching (Phenolic Gel, Infogel, Viferon). The use of these drugs is possible from 1 month of life of the baby, but their use should be reasonable and not exceeding daily rate. Phenolic gel contribute to the removal of itching, edema and has anesthetic effect. Infogel and Viferon - immunomodulators. Their use will reduce itching and reduce swelling, as well as contributes to more fast healing rash. To all, add that these immunomodulators have antiviral action;

Applying these drugs should be started only after consulting with a specialist.

For the removal of itching, the baths are very well suited with the addition of chalf rags, chamomile, oak bark. These herbs have antiseptic actions, take off the itchy and contribute to drying the rash. Water at the same time should not be hot or warm.

You can also use cool baths with the addition of food salt. Water will help to reduce the temperature, and the salt contributes to the drying of the rash and removal of itching. This procedure can be repeated every 4 hours.

  • If the rashes are widespread and abundant, the doctor can recommend the application of ointment acyclovir. This ointment has an aimed effect on herpes viruses 1, 2 and 3 types, and the windmill virus is exactly as follows. In general, this ointment is very effective during wind pump. Contributes to a more rapid healing of rash;
  • For the treatment of rashes on the mucousse, use sea buckthorn oil or chlorophyllipt, and for removal pain sensations You can use Calgel;

Komarovsky about the windmill in infants

An experienced pediatrician, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, notes the frequency of severe windmill in infants. To avoid innate chickenpox, he recommends delaying childbirth for several days and at the same time to cure a future mother. As for the infection of the windshield of crumbs, Yevgeny Olegovich advises not to worry, since all this, today, is treated.

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