Baratgin instruction on the use of tablet from the head. Fighting pain in the abdomen with the preparation of Baratgin

In pharmacies you can find many drugs that will help people remove pain syndrome, as well as eliminate spasms. The disadvantage of most funds, despite their effectiveness, is the gradual addictive body. One of the painkillers that does not apply to this group is Baratgin. Let's consider this drug in more detail, and we will also figure it out, in what cases it can be used.

Packaging Barallgy

Baratgin is effective drugwhich will relieve a patient from pain syndrome, and also prevents and eliminate spasms. A distinctive feature This drug is its safety. Due to its components, the tool does not have a strong negative impact on the body and does not cause addiction. Baratgin can be used to eliminate pain and spasms, regardless of their localization, and to achieve maximum performance indicators, the tool is injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

The main operating component of the drug is sodium metamizol. This substance is more known to people like Analgin. In addition to its basic action, the drug has a low-voltage anti-inflammatory effect, which allows to take a drug in colds and diseases such as prostatitis.

Barlagin for sale in several types:

  • Standard Tablets "Baralgin M 500" - contain 500 mg of the main active substance;
  • Rectal Candles - Designed to remove pain syndrome, spasms and inflammatory processes for diseases of the sexual system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The solution is designed for intravenous or intramuscular administration;

Forms of release

The latter is often used in inpatient treatment, since its components quickly enter the body and the location of the localization of pain, which allows you to quickly eliminate even enough complex symptoms. The drug is often used as an auxiliary drug, for example, after operational intervention Or during the diagnostic procedures.

The preparation of Barallgin contains several main components:

  • Sodium metamizole is the main element that eliminates pain, reduces the body temperature and stops inflammatory processes;
  • Bromide fenicity - blocks nerve impulses, improves blood flow and reduces muscle tone of vessels;
  • Pitophenone hydrochloride - reduces the tone of smooth muscles and internal organs, eliminates spasms and interferes with their re-occurrence.

Indications and contraindications

Baratgin is used to treat a number of diseases that are accompanied by pain of different severity syndrome. Tools are prescribed at:

  • Ailments of small pelvis organs;
  • Kidney colic;
  • Pancreatitis and pancreatic diseases;
  • Neuralgia, Malgia and other diseases that are neuralgic;
  • Dental and headaches;
  • Biliary tract pains;
  • Various muscle spasms.

Also, the drug is prescribed to eliminate pain syndrome in the postoperation period, which makes it possible to significantly improve the level of comfort of the patient and increase its tranquility.

Despite its relative safety and efficiency, Baralgin has a number of contraindications in which the drug is not recommended. The tool can not be applied at:

  • Lack of liver and kidney;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • On 1 and 2 trimester of pregnancy;
  • Hypertension (prohibited only intravenous administration);
  • Reduce the content of neutrophils in the blood;
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions to the drug or its individual components;
  • Poles that have obscure localization.

The drug is also forbidden to take during breastfeeding, as well as children under the age of 3 months. The reception of the drug by children, whose age did not reach the mark of 15 years, is allowed only under the close observation of a specialist, and its dose is calculated individually under each patient.

Since the main active substance of the Baralgin is strong analgesic, it is strictly forbidden to take a remedy with alcohol. This action can lead to the most different consequences of a negative nature.

Baratgin with prostatitis


Baratgin B. medical practice often used as complex therapy During the treatment of prostate diseases. The tool helps to restore the operation of the excretory system, partially eliminate inflammation and completely remove the pain syndrome. When prostate, the drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, normalizes blood flow.

Baratgin will eliminate pain for 20-40 minutes, but its action, like other drugs, is temporary. This drug is recommended to be taken together with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents that are used in the course of prostatitis treatment.

The form of the drug (candles or tablets) determines the attending physician, based on individual indicators of the patient. The anesthetic is most often used in exacerbations of symptoms, and after their elimination - the reception stops.

Baratgin - Instructions for use

The method of use and dosage of the drug is calculated based on the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the form of the drug.

Baratgin in tablets

Tablets drug

Tablets are accepted inside and powered by cool water. Dosage of the drug:

  • Children - a course of treatment is no more than 3 days, and the calculation of the dose is made on the basis of the ratio of 5-10 mg of the drug per 1 kg of mass, the reception itself is divided by 3-4 times, the infants are recommended to grind the drug;
  • Adults - the maximum daily dose should not exceed the indicators of 3000 mg, the reception is divided by 2-3 times a day 1-2 tablets.

The number of techniques and dosage should be carried out at the attending physician. Children to take Barallgin, starting from age for 3 months, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the reception is completely prohibited.

Baratgin in the form of a solution

Before the introduction of the solution, it is necessary to heat it up to the body temperature. Hold some time ampoule in your hands. For newborns and children up to 15 years, the dose is calculated on the basis of body weight indicators:

  • 5-8 kg - 0.1-0.2 ml, allowed to enter only intramuscularly;
  • 9-15 kg - 0.2-0.5 ml;
  • 16-23 kg - 0.3-0.8 ml;
  • 24-30 kg - 0.5-1.5 ml;
  • 31-45 kg - 0.5-1.5 ml;
  • 46-53 kg - 0.8-1.8 ml.

The daily dose of the drug in the form of a solution should not exceed a mark of 10 ml, and the course of treatment is not more than 5 days.

Candles Barallgy

Candles with medicinal drug are introduced into the rectum of 1 pcs., 2-4 times a day. The number of techniques depends on the frequency of pain syndrome, as well as the peculiarities of the course of a disease.

Possible side effects

Reception of Baralgin, regardless of the form of release, may be accompanied by a number of side symptoms, among which it should be noted:

  • Allergic reactions - urticaria, bronchospasm, swelling of quinque, anaphylactic shock;
  • Impairment of the urinary system, which are accompanied by the difficulty of urination and impairment of the kidney function;
  • General disorders - chills, stomatitis, fever, difficulty swallowing, damage or vaginitis, as well as decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, dry mouth, difficulties during urination, reduced sweating, etc.

When manifesting one or more symptoms, it is necessary to stop the reception of the drug and seek advice from a specialist. If the body's reaction to the drug or its individual components is distinguished by its aggressiveness (convulsions, shock, etc.), you need to immediately call the physicians. This is especially true of cases when the patient took the drug without prior consultation.

Baratgin and its analogues

You can find drugs that are both direct and indirect counterparts of Barallgin. These include:

Data drugs relate to one group and completely interchangeable.

Baratgin is a potent non-steroidal anesthetic drug. The tool helps to cope with pain syndrome, which is a satellite of many diseases, but it can only be applied after consulting a specialist.

Instructions for use:

Baralgin M - Analgesic Antipiretik. An non-nucleic non-steroid drug with antipyretic, painful and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Release form and composition

Baralgin M is released in the form:

  • 500 mg tablets in blisters of 10 pieces (in boxes 1, 2, 5, 10 blisters);
  • The solution for injection of 500 mg / ml in dark glass ampoules of 5 ml (in 5 ampoules boxes).

The active ingredient of the drug is sodium metamizol. Auxiliary substances: magnesium stearate 3 mg, macrogol 4000 47 mg.

Indications for use

Baralgin M is applied at:

  • Painful syndrome of weak and moderate severity (dental and headache, neuralgia, pain in arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, menalgia);
  • Feverish conditions for inflammatory and infectious diseases (as part of comprehensive therapy);
  • Spasms of smooth muscles (renal, bile and intestinal colic).


The drug is contraindicated at:

  • Congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • Liver porphyry;
  • Bronchial asthma (including caused by the reception of salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds);
  • Diseases accompanied by bronchospasm;
  • The development of anaphylactoid reactions (swelling, rhinitis, urticaria) when taking paracetamol, ibuprofen, salicylates, diclofenac, naproxen, indomethacin;
  • Pronounced bleeding disorders (infectious and / or cytoplastic neutropenia, agranulocytosis);
  • Pronounced violation of the kidney and liver function;
  • Increased sensitivity to metamisole and other components of the drug or other pyrazolons (isopropylaminophenazole, fenazone, proppopenazone or phenylbutazone);
  • Pregnancy in the I and III trimester.

The drug should not be taken to children under 15 years old.

Take care with:

  • Systolic arterial pressure below 100 mm Hg. st.;
  • Unstable blood circulation (multiple injuries, myocardial infarction, shock);
  • Renal diseases - glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, including a history.

From 4 to 6 months of pregnancy, Baratgin M is appointed exclusively for strict medical testimony.

Breastfeeding must be stopped for 48 hours from the reception of sodium metamizol.

Method of application and dosage

In the form of tablets:

For adults and children over 15 years old, one-time dose is 500-1000 mg (1-2 tablets). Maximum daily dose of 3000 mg (6 tablets). The drug should be taken 2-3 times a day, drinking water.

In the form of a solution:

The drug is introduced intravenously or intramuscularly. For adults and children over 15 years old, one-time dose is 2-5 ml, intravenous administration of a single dose, exceeding 2 ml, is permissible only after a thorough decree. Maximum daily dose - 10 ml. Before injection, the solution must have body temperature.

Side effects

The use of Baralgin M can cause the following side effects:

  • Immune system: allergic reactions, such as quinque swelling, urticaria, including naked mucous membranes and conjunctiva. In rare cases: Lailel syndrome (epidermal toxic necroliz), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (malignant exudative erythema), anaphylactic shock, bronchospaistical syndrome;
  • Blood formation organs: leukopenia. In rare cases: thrombocytopenia of immune genesis and agranulocytosis;
  • Urinary System: Anuria, Oliguria, Violation of the function of the kidneys, proteinuria. In rare cases: acute interstitial nephritis, urine staining in red (due to the release of rumble acid);
  • Other: heart rate violation, decrease in blood pressure.

special instructions

Increased risk of developing hypersensitivity to metamizole in patients with:

  • Bronchial asthma (especially accompanied by polyps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose sinuses);
  • Intolerance to alcohol;
  • Chronic urticaria;
  • Intolerance to dyes and / or preservatives.

Patients receiving cytostatic agents, the reception of metamizole sodium should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

With prolonged reception of Baralgin M, control of peripheral blood pattern is required, since there is a chance of developing agranulocytosis. For this reason, immediately cancel the drug intake in the case of:

  • Unmotivated increase in body temperature;
  • Sore throat with swallowing;
  • Chills;
  • Erosive-ulcerative lesion of the oral cavity, stomatitis;
  • Digid or vaginite.

It is forbidden to use a drug for relief sharp pain In the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, before finding out the reason that caused them.


Direct analogue of Baralgin M software active substance (Sodium metamizol) is analgin.

Preparations, similar to the mechanism of action, from one pharmaceutical group: Acofil, Andipal, Antipirin, Baralgetas, Benalgen, Brall, Brand, Quintagin, Maksigan, Pentabuten, Pentalgin, Pirallegin, Plenalgin, Revalgin, Renalgang, Santoperalgin, Santotitralgin, Sedalgin Neo, Spasgang , Spasmalgon, Spasmal, Slavmoblock, Spazmogard, Tempalgin, Tempanthnol, Tetralgin, Quatroks, Trinalgin, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 8-25 ° C. Take care of children.

Shelf life - 4 years.


The Preparation of Baralgin has a fairly narrow spectrum of its action. As a rule, these are painful manifestations of varying degrees, the manifestation of fever, as well as spasms. The drug Baralgin has analgesic, nonarcotic medicinal action. Also tablets are anti-inflammatory effect.

Some countries are skeptical about the use of such a medicine, explaining that the drug not only does not help with the disease, but also dangerous to human health. But this opinion is not confirmed.

In what cases is allowed to apply balallgan?

What helps the drug Baralgin? As noted above, the balallgin tablets have an painful and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the antipyretic effect.

The instruction determines the following testimony to use: the testimony of pain and spasms.
Urinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

  • indications for diseases in the field of small pelvis;
  • indications in arthralgia and Malgia;
  • testimony during menstrual pains;
  • application after operations to eliminate painful sensations;
  • application in the case infectious disease and inflammatory process;
  • use in injuries;
  • application with burns.

For what time, and in what volume is allowed to take Baratgin?

The instruction states that the term during which the preparation of Baratgin must be taken, prescribes the attending physician. It takes into account the fact that its use is appointed:

  • if the antipyretic effect is necessary, the drug is prescribed for a period of 1-3 days;
  • if an anesthetic effect is necessary, the drug is prescribed for a period of 1-5 days.

Dosage tablets

The maximum amount of the received drug is up to six tablets per day. As a rule, you can use three tablets per day.

Baratgin tablets for children aged from fifteen years can be taken in the amount of 1-2 tablets. Tablets Baratgin for adults can be taken in a similar quantity, as for children.

Dosage of Ukolov

The drugs contain a solution that can be administered intravenously either intramuscularly.
Crosses for children aged from fifteen years are introduced in a one-time volume of up to 5 ml.

Dosage for children and adults

Adult injections are introduced in a similar amount as for children. Prints with the drug can be administered in a volume of no more than 10 ml per day.

In which cases is prohibited to apply balallgan?

The instruction determines that the drug has its own contraindications in application. These include:

  1. Bronchial asthma.
  2. Diseases whose symptom are bronchospasms.
  3. Contraindications for edema, rhinitis and urticule caused by consumed: paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac.
  4. Contraindications for renal diseases, as well as liver diseases.
  5. Contraindications for pregnancy.
  6. It is forbidden to take the drug in any form (tablets, injections) at the age of fifteen.

Drug components

The drug includes such a composition, with the interaction of components of which is enhanced. pharmachologic effect. Thus, such a composition of the medicinal product can be noted:

  • the composition includes metamizole sodium;
    It has an antipyretic, analgesic effect.
  • the composition includes Pitophenone hydrochloride;
    It has a myotropic effect.
  • the composition includes phenpymeric bromide.
    It has a M-choline-blocking effect.

Baratgin and pregnancy

The drug passes through the placental medium, but after which there is no occurrence of a congenital defect or hereditary disease. Taking into account this fact, it is impossible to assert that Baratgin during pregnancy is harmless. Depending on the trimester, you can allocate your contraindications in the application:

1 trimester

The available composition of the drug states about abstinence from its application in 1 trimester. Baratgin during pregnancy leads to violations at the base of the internal organs of the fetus.
When headaches will help walk outdoors or neck massage.

2 trimester

As a rule, the internal organs are fully formulated to 2 trimester. Based on this, and only in the case of approval of its attending physician, barallgan during pregnancy is allowed. There is only a restriction in the dosage. So, it is allowed to consume only one tablet of the drug.

3 trimester

The composition of the drug determines the full ban on its use in the 3 trimester. With renal disorders that may occur in this period, the drug acts only aggravating manner. The use of barallin can cause agranulocytosis, if there is an active decrease in the presence of immune system women. Also, the drug suppresses platelet synthesis, which can lead to genital bleeding.

Injections of the drug

Injections of the drug are effective with intensive painful manifestations. This method is used when the rapid effect on the removal of pain is necessary. Baratina injections can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the manifestation of an allergic reaction and a sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible. Injections of the drug perfectly eliminate painful manifestations, and also have a relaxation of the smooth muscles of all internal organs. The injection of the drug is used intravenously in case of severe pain.

Produce balallgine in ampoules, in a volume of 5 ml. Baralgin in ampoules are prescribed under such circumstances: antispasmodic and painful manifestations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, in biliary tracts, in the case of acute degree of pancreatitis, with colic in the field of kidneys, pathological processes in menstrual cycle. It should be noted that it is prohibited to use bararalgin in ampoules when there is an individual intolerance, an arterial pressure difference. Otherwise, it is possible to observe a severe allergic reaction.

How to carry out the injection of the drug Baratgin?

Baratgin in ampoules is used intravenously either intramuscularly. As a rule, before using the drug, the ampoule should hold a little time in the hand. This rule is necessary for warming the solution for a more effective effect. When introducing a large dose of the drug, it is necessary to introduce the drug slowly, slowly. This is necessary due to the fact that the introduction of a large dose of the drug can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Special attention must be used by Baralgin injections intravenous method. Introduction must be carried out at a rate of 1 ml in a minute. Otherwise, with rapid administration, the formation of a collapse is possible. With such procedures for administering the drug, the person must be put in a horizontal position, and the medical worker must control changes in the patient state.

Barallgin ampoules apply only when observing the doctor and in stationary conditions. This rule is necessary to avoid negative consequences in the treatment.

Analogs of the drug

All analogs of the drug can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Analogues based on the active substance.
    Analgin, metamizole, optalgin, etc.
  2. Analogues based on therapeutic action.
    Analgin, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Papaverin, etc.

Side effects

The following medicine mark the following side effects From the use of the drug:

  • the emergence of urticaria;
  • the emergence of malignant exudative erythema;
  • the occurrence of toxic epidermal necrolization;
  • the occurrence of anaphylactic shock;
  • the occurrence of the impaired functioning of the renal system;
  • the occurrence of agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia of immune genesis;
  • acute interstitial jade;
  • the urine derived from the body acquires a reddish hue;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • draised heart rhythm.

With prolonged reception of the drug, the risk of such an occurrence pathological statelike agranulocytosis. That is why, with the following symptoms, it is necessary to stop the reception of Baralgin:

  • increased body temperature;
  • painful manifestations of the throat;
  • it is difficult to swallow due to pain;
  • chills;
  • stomatitis;
  • vaginitis, damn;
  • ulcerative defeat in the mouth.

The most important rule is impossible to carry out self-treatment. Any use of a particular drug must agree with the attending physician.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use. medicinal preparation Baratgin M.. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the opinions of the doctors of specialists in the use of Baralgin M in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of Baralgin M in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of head and toothache, with colic and menstruation in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Baratgin M. - refers to non-number of pyrazolone derivatives. It has an painful, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

According to the mechanism of action, it is practically no different from other non-steroidal analgesic drugs.


Sodium metamizol + excipients.


Metamizol is well and quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. After oral reception Metamizol is fully metabolized with the formation of active 4-N-methylaminantipirin. The connection of the active metabolite with blood plasma proteins is 50-60%. It is mostly excreted by the kidneys. In the therapeutic doses penetrates breast milk.


  • pain syndrome of weak and medium intensity (head and toothache, neuralgia, pain with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, menalgia)
  • smooth muscles spasms ( renal colic, bile colic, intestinal colic)
  • fevering conditions for infectious-inflammatory diseases (as part of combined therapy).

Forms of release

Tablets 500 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections in ampoules for injection).

Instructions for use and dosage


A single dose for adults and adolescents over 15 years old is 500 mg (1 tablet). The maximum one-time dose can reach 1000 mg (2 tablets). If not prescribed otherwise, one-time dose can be accepted up to 2-3 times a day. Maximum daily dose - 3000 mg (6 tablets).

The duration of reception is not more than 5 days when appointing as an anesthetic and no more than 3 days as an antipyretic agent.

Tablets should be squeezed with enough water. An increase in the daily dose of the drug or the duration of treatment is possible only under the supervision of the doctor.


Adults and adolescents are 15 years old: 1-2 ml of 50% (500 mg / 1ml) of the Baralgin M solution (intramuscular or intravenous) is recommended as a single dose, the daily dose can be up to 4 ml of injection mortar (no more than 2 g), divided by 2-3 reception. The maximum one-time dose can be 1 g (2 ml of 50% solution).

Children and newborns: Baratgin M can not be taken newborns at the age of 3 months or with a body weight of less than 5 kg.

For children aged 3-12 months, administration is carried out only in / m (the mass of the child's body from 5 to 9 kg).

With too fast, the administration of the drug may be observed a critical drop of blood pressure and shock. The introduction should be carried out slowly (the rate of administration is not more than 1 ml (500 mg of metamizole) per minute) in the lying position, when monitoring hell, pulse and respiratory frequency.

Since there is a fear that the fall of the non-allergic gene is dose-dependent, the amount of Baralgin M solution is more than 2 ml (1 g) should be administered with extreme caution.

Side effect

  • urticaria, including on conjunctiva and nasopharynx mucous membranes;
  • swelling quinque;
  • malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome);
  • toxic epidermal necrolis (Layella syndrome);
  • bronchospasty syndrome;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • leukopenia, rare agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia of immune genesis;
  • renal impairment;
  • oliguria;
  • anuria;
  • very rarely the development of acute interstitial jade;
  • urine coloring in red (due to the isolation of metabolite - RUBAsone acid);
  • at the beginning of the introduction, infiltrates are possible at the injection site;
  • it is possible to reduce blood pressure;
  • violation of cardiac rhythm.


  • hepatic porphyria;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • 1 and 3 trimester of pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma (including induced acetylsalicylic acid, salicylate or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • diseases accompanied by bronchospasm;
  • the development of anaphylactoid reactions (urticaria, rhinitis, swelling) in response to salicylates, paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen;
  • pronounced violations of the liver and kidney function;
  • pronounced bleeding disorders (agranulocytosis, cytoplastic and infectious neutropenia);
  • contraindicated newborns under the age of 3 months or with a body weight of less than 5 kg;
  • increased sensitivity to metamisole - active substance, as well as other components of the drug, or other pyrazolones (isopropylaminophenazole, proppopenazone, tensazone or phenylbutazone).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Within 1 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy, barallgine can not. From the fourth century for the sixth months of pregnancy, the reception of Baralgin M should be carried out on strict medical testimony.

After taking Baralgin M, breastfeeding should be discontinued for 48 hours.

Application in children

Baratgin M can not be taken newborn children under 3 months or by weight of the body less than 5 kg.

Baralgin M children are prescribed at a dose of 50-100 mg per 10 kg of body weight (0.1-0.2 ml of 50% solution).

One-time dose can be appointed up to 2-3 times a day. Before administration, the solution is recommended to heat up to the body temperature.

For children aged 3-12 months, administration is carried out only intramuscularly (the mass of the child's body from 5 to 9 kg). Babies aged 3 to 12 months are contraindicated intravenous route of administration.

special instructions

In the treatment of patients receiving cytostatic agents, the reception of the balallin should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor.

During pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months and the last 3 months, no non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds cannot be applied.

An increased risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions to sodium metamizole is available:

  • in patients bronchial asthma, especially with concomitant polyps in
  • area of \u200b\u200bnasal sinuses;
  • in patients with chronic urticaria;
  • in patients with alcohol intolerance;
  • in patients with intolerance to dyes (for example, tartrazine) or to preservatives (for example, benzoate).

For long use It is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood. Against the background of taking the metamizol sodium, the development of agranulocytosis is possible, and therefore, when detecting an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, erosive-ulcerative lesions oral cavity, vaginite or proctitis, immediately cancellation of the drug is necessary.

It is unacceptable to use the drug to remove sharp pain in the stomach (before clarification of the cause).

In patients with impaired liver and kidney function, it is recommended to avoid taking sodium metamizole in high dosages.

With intramuscular administration, you must use a long needle.

Medicinal interaction

The simultaneous admission of alcohol and Baralgin is mutually reflected in their effects. When applied together with a cyclosporine, a decrease in the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood may occur. The simultaneous use of metamizole with other nonarcotic analgesics can lead to a mutual increase in toxic effects.

Tricyclical antidepressants, oral contraceptives, allopurinol disturb metamizole metamizole metabolism and increase its toxicity.

Barbiturates, phenylbutazone and other inductors of liver microsomal enzymes weaken the action of the balallin.

Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the anesthetic effect of the drug. Simultaneous use with chlorpromazine or other derivatives of phenothiazine can lead to the development of pronounced hyperthermia.

X-ray-repeat substances, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizol.

Metamizol, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroid agents and indomethacin, increases their activity.

Myelotoxic drugs enhance the manifestation of the hematotoxicity of the drug. Tiamazole and Sarcolizin increase the risk of developing leukopenia. The effect is enhanced by codeine, histamine H2-blockers and propranolol.

Due to the high probability of pharmaceutical incompatibility, metamizole can not be mixed with others. drugs In one syringe.

Analogs of the drug Baratgin

Structural analogues for the acting substance:

  • Analgin;
  • Sodium metamizole;
  • Optalhin;
  • Szondolyzin for children.

Analogs of PO therapeutic effect (Means for killing renal colic):

  • Analgin;
  • Aproofen;
  • Aspisole;
  • Took;
  • Braland;
  • Buckopan;
  • Voltaren;
  • Halian;
  • Dexalgin;
  • Dibazole;
  • Diclovit;
  • Diclomelan;
  • Dicycle;
  • Dicloran;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Maksigan;
  • Metacin;
  • Flap;
  • But SPAP;
  • But Spa Forte;
  • Novigan;
  • Papaverine;
  • Papazole;
  • Platifillin;
  • Promedol;
  • Pridol;
  • Rapten Rapid;
  • Remidon;
  • Spasgan;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Sportsmoveralgin neo;
  • Spasp;
  • Spasmodes;
  • Spacovin;
  • Spacecel;

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Baratgin is an unarcootic analgesic. High-alignment time - 14-15 min. The active active component of injections - sodium metamizole, it is in 1 ml of means - 500 mg. Ampoule accommodates 5 ml. Another component is water for injection. The action of an anesthetic agent is reinforced by components - it is a phenpyrine bromide and pithofenon hydrochloride. The symbiosis of the components provides the opportunity for a short time achieve the maximum number of painkillers in the blood.

The pharmacological effect of Barultin Ukolov continues for a long time. The intramuscular injection of Baralgin, due to the components, removes spasmodic reductions in the smooth muscles and give an analgesic effect on pain syndrome.

How to use

Pricks are appointed by a doctor. They are made at:

Intramuscular administration Baralgin is not ill painful. First, the contents of the ampoule heats up to the body temperature (in order to reduce pain when administration).

Intravenously enter the medicine is allowed in exceptional situations, with the control of the health worker. With imminent getting into the blood, the effect of the drug may cause a heart stop.

The rate of funds to the vein should be up to one millilita in one minute, the procedure is produced when a person lies. Respiratory indicators, pulse, blood pressure are analyzed. With the introduction of Baralgin in an amount of over 2 ml, blood pressure can be rapidly reduced.

The instruction provides for the use of funds in injections without medical advice to get rid of pain revealed origin. To reduce temperature, use only according to the medical recommendation. This is done when other antipyretic medicines are ineffective.

During the problems of S. bladder bubble The tool is used, if it is known about the absence internal bleeding (The drug components can cause an increase in blood loss due to the expansion of the vascular lumen). Intramuscular administration will improve the state of who experiences pain from the movement of stone formation through the ureter. Use bararalgin in the absence of medical recommendations is allowed for a maximum of three days. If after this time the pain did not leave, then you need to turn to the doctor to define the diagnosis and purpose of the right medical course.

Doses, frequency of use:

  • Intramuscularly introduced 5 ml of funds twice a day;
  • The intravenously medication is used in renal, bile colic in the amount of a maximum of 3 ml at a time, it is necessary to breed balallgin when the isotonic p-romb of sodium chloride is cheated.

Side effects

Due to improper use of the drug, a systemic oppression of a hematopoietual function may appear. A week after the continuous use of the drug, a small anemia appears.

When introducing more permanent dosages, the renal system suffers, as a result of which urine does not stand out, protein appears in it. Heavy cases - the development of toxic jade. Absixes may appear with intramuscular administration.

Also side effects are as follows:

  • Flebit, pain in the field of injection;
  • Feeling of burning, itching;
  • Leukopenia (sometimes - thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis);
  • Svet Qincke;
  • The appearance of rash;
  • Interruptions in the activities of the kidneys - Anururia, staining urine in a reddish tint, proteinuria, oliguria, in some cases - acute interstitial jade;
  • The presence of bronchospasm;
  • Anaphylactoid signs;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Rapid decrease in blood pressure;
  • Sometimes the syndromes are situated: Layella or Stevens-Johnson.

The drug can not be used pregnant on any time

With the threat of life existing for Mom, if only Baratgin helps, a serious question about abortion appears. Barallgin tablets can be drinking children over 5 years old. Previously, this age can be used medicine in the form of intravenous or intramuscular injections. In children from three-month-old age, with weight more than 5 kg, the introduction of the drug is made exclusively intramuscularly: 50-100 mg per 10 kilograms of weight (0.1-0.2 ml of P-ra 50%). One-time dose is allowed to maximize three times per day.

For breastfeeding We will have to do not resort to Baralgin. The components of the funds fall into the milk and lead to the defeats of the internal organs of the child.

Also contraindications are:

  • Intestinal obstruction, its invagination;
  • Imperfection of the kidney, liver;
  • Clotted shape glaucoma;
  • Anemia, ischemia in a noncompensated stage;
  • Bronchial asthma or other diseases capable of leading to bronchospasm;
  • Particularly tangible susceptibility to pyrazolone, sodium of metamizole;
  • Hemolysis risk is in the presence of congenital deficits of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • Allergies on analgesics - edema, rhinitis, urctaria;
  • Age category BE three months old, weight up to 5 kg;
  • Instability in the work of the bone marrow;
  • The probability of appearing of Porphyry attacks is when using Baralgin people having an acute intermittent liver porphyria;
  • Blood blood pressure, hemodynamic disorders.

Special prescriptions

With the simultaneous reception of cytostatic agents, the baralgin should be treated solely under medical supervision. If you need to be treated for a long time, then the composition of the blood is controlled from time to time. When the agranulocytosis is caused by the presence in the metamizole organism and its duration - 7 days, it is dangerous for life. The emergence of such a state is not associated with the dosage.

Refuse to use Baralgina follows when the temperature is lifted with chills, pain in the oral cavity, appearance on mucous erosions. Explicit neutropenia also provides for the abolition of the drug. Anaphylaxis is often present in patients with allergic reactions, bronchial asthma in the past. Patients with rash, rhinosinusitis, intolerances - dyes and alcohol are also at risk. You can not use Baratgin when there are significant painfulness in abdominal cavity In the absence of accurate diagnosis.

Intramuscularly balallganis is introduced with long needles.

Do not do intravenous injections Patients until 1 year.

Transportation in the treatment of barallgine is possible, but should be careful at large dosages.

Under the overdose you need symptomatic therapy. There is an option to use hemodialysis, forced diuresis. Diazepam is intravenously introduced if there are cramps.

Connection with other drugs

Baralgin increases the sedative effect of alcohol. Reception of other nonarcotic analgesics together with Barultin will cause an increase in toxic impact. When admitting with cyclosporin, the plasma content is needed.

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