Secondary cataract. Treatment and prices

Laser Domacity is a procedure that is aimed at the treatment of secondary cataracts after surgery associated with the destruction of artificial lens. What is her testimony and whether there are contraindications to its conduct - details in our article.

In this article

Such a deviation like clouding back capsule lens eyeball leads to a significant deterioration in visual acuity. In modern ophthalmology, at the removal of cataracts, experts leave a capsule into which the impact of artificial lens occurs. It is important to understand that the secondary cataract begins to progress not on a linted lens, namely on the remaining capsule. Anomaly is very common in patients in the postoperal period, according to statistics, it occurs about 40% of patients after 2-5 years after the operation.

Today, it is a laser method of the corebanding of the rear capsule of the lens - the formation of a new pupil hole. This is rather fast, with a highly efficient and small-acting procedure.

These processes are absolutely not associated with a doctor's error during surgery. The appearance of secondary cataracts is due to the response of the organism at the cellular level when the epithelium turns into functionally defective fibers, incorrect shape, losing its transparency. Also, clouding can be caused by fibrosis capsule.

Risks of manifestation of clouding back capsule lens

Specialists determine several factors that can affect the progression of the secondary pathology of the visual bodies. Among them:

  • The age category to which the person belongs. So, it was established that children after the laser operation an anomaly arises much more often than adults. This is explained more high levels Tissue regeneration, which causes cell migration of the epithelium. It is these processes that cause division in the capsule remaining after the removal of primary cataracts.
  • The form of an intraocular lens (IOL). As practice shows, square shape Such a lens gets along in the patient's body much faster, which significantly reduces the risks of the lesion of the capsule.
  • Material from which IOL is made. Ophthalmologists emphasize that if the intraocular lens is produced from a material with a high percentage of an acrylic content and implanted into the rear capsule of the lens, the secondary cataract occurs much less frequently. Silicone IOL, on the contrary, cause pathology quite often.
  • Diabetes and a number of concomitant visual diseases.

Signs of the emergence of the secondary anomaly

After the end of the laser surgery for the replacement of the lens, it is impossible to determine the presence of recycling of the disease. A period of time initial stage The development of the back of the rear capsule in the secondary cataract can be from 2 to 10 years. Only after this gap can appear obvious signs of the eye disease and the loss of substantive vision. So, clinical picture Pathology varies significantly depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdeformation of the lens, if this occurs in its periphery, impaired vision may not be observed at all.

The closet of the rear capsule of the lens with the occurrence of secondary cataracts, most often, is found in the planned inspection of the attending physician-ophthalmologist. If a persistent impairment has been established, even if it was restored during a laser operation, treatment is assigned. Also, a number of manifestations include the presence of pellets, haloes and lights with poor lighting, two-minded items, distortion of color perception, the development of myopia (myopia). The closet of the rear surface of the lens may appear both on one visual organ and both.

Elimination of closet of the back capsule lens with secondary cataract

The treatment of the pathology of the anomaly occurs with the help of capsulotomy - the release of the central optical zone of the visual system from clouding, which allows the light beams to penetrate the eye and increase visual acuity. Less often, such a procedure is carried out mechanically using special surgical instruments, more often by the laser method. This is due to the fact that the last procedure is practically non-immature and very fast, it lasts a few minutes.

During the time, surgery implies excision / dissection of a near-penetrating film. Most often, the diameter of the opening is 3 mm. The disadvantages of the operational method are that in subsequently an infectious infection of the eyes may occur, the edema of the corneal shell, hernia, with a violation of the integrity of the membrane.

Laser discius of the rear capsule with secondary cataracts - features

Troubleshooting with the rear lens capsules is performed using laser rays. This method is characteristic highest degree Reliability, which is achieved by accurate focusing and low energy costs on average in 1 MJ / impetus. Such a procedure with the intervention of the laser device received the name of the discusion (cleansing) of the rear capsule.

In the process of such a procedure by burning in the rear surface of the capsule, the specialist makes a hole through which and removes clouds. The operation lasts only a few minutes, and with its successful outcome, the patient does not need to be in the hospital more than 1-2 hours. In the process, the patient will not experience pain and other uncomfortable sensations, pre-specialist exposes it to local anesthesia.

The laser discission of the rear capsule of the lens of the secondary cataracts implies the following steps:

  • The ophthalmologist makes special drops on the corneal surface of visual organs, expanding pupils, as well as preventing the increase in eye pressure;
  • There are several shots with laser rays, which causes the appearance of a transparent window in the lens capsule, the secondary cataract is eliminated.

After the procedure, the patient does not impose bandages. The rehabilitation period passes rather quickly (on average one month) and painlessly. At this time, a person needs to pass several planned inspections, follow the instructions of an ophthalmologist and use the designated hormonal drops. Studies show that, subject to all recommendations, the risk of re-complications is very small, it is only 2%.

Who is appointed discus and who is it contraindicated?

If the secondary cataract occurs, the procedure is shown to patients with:

  • damaged rear wall capsule causing a significant drop in view;
  • poor social adaptation when reducing vision;
  • problems of vision of objects with bright lights or vice versa - poor lighting.

Laser operation can not be carried out with people with availability:

  • scar tissues on the cornea;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • swelling grid;

increased pupil thickness from 1 mm.

Secondary cataract is one of the most common conditions after a successfully conducted surgery of the eye lens. Millions of people with violations and blindness get the opportunity to clearly see the world After removal of cataracts, because the implantation of an artificial lens, no doubt, is one of the most successful inventions of modern ophthalmosurgery. However, the consequences of this intervention still exist. And one of them is a secondary cataract.

Despite its name, the cataracts described changes after replacing the lens called incorrectly. Being once remotely, cataract cannot arise in a person again. For the first time, the crystal replacement was performed in 1950 by the English Ophthalmologist Sir Harold Ridley. After that, the technique of operation was constantly improved, which made it possible to reduce the frequency of the occurrence of secondary cataracts after the crystal replacement. However, doctors cannot completely get rid of this complication.

Secondary cataract after the crystal replacement - what is it?

In the process of interference, the ophthalmic surgery removes a clouded crystal, replacing it with artificial. The anatomy of the eye is such that the human lens is located in a capsule - a capsule bag. During the operation, the surgeon exchanging the front wall of the capsule bag, removes the actual crystal itself itself, and inside the capsule implants the artificial lens. The rear wall of the capsule bag is the rear capsule - it remains untouched to provide in the first weeks and months after the operation, the stable position of the artificial lens in the operated eye. Changes from the remaining rear capsule, its fibrosis and turbidity after a while after replacing the lens and got the name "secondary cataract".

Secondary cataract after the crystal replacement is enough frequent complications Cataract Surgery. The causes of the development of secondary cataracts predetermine the development of two forms of this disease:

  • The rear capsule fibrosis is clouding the capsule and the development of secondary cataracts after replacing the lens caused by a fibrous metaplace of the lens epithelium cells, which leads to a seal and, subsequently, to the turbidity of the rear capsule, and is accompanied by a significant decrease in visual acuity after replacing the lens.
  • Pearl dystrophy or, actually, "secondary cataract" is the most common morphological option. In this case, the secondary cataract after the crystal replacement is formed due to slow height epithelial leak cells that form crustal fibers, as it would occur in normal. However, these crystal fibers are anatomically and are functionally defective and received the name of Adamyuk-Elshnig's balls. When migrating from a spike zone to the central optical part of the cell-balls of elmshnig form a tight supervision of the rear capsule in the form of a film, significantly reducing postoperative vision. The above changes lead to a violation of the passage of the light beam through the rear capsule of the lens, which causes a significant decrease in visual acuity.

The secondary cataract after the crystal is replaced in 20% -35% of the operated patients within 6-18 months after the cataract operation.

The probability of the occurrence of secondary cataracts is greater in young patients. Often, such a complication takes place in the congenital cataracts of children operated on. At the same time, the elderly patients, as a rule, occurs fibrosis of the back capsule of the lens, while the young cataract itself is often detected.

The frequency of the occurrence of secondary cataracts after the operation also depends on the model of artificial lens and the material used in its manufacture. The use of silicone intraocular lenses with rounded edges of the optical part is associated with an increased frequency of secondary cataracts, rather than the use of acrylic artificial lens with square edge edge.

Symptoms of secondary cataracts

Removal of cataracts and implantation intraocular lenses lead to a noticeable improvement of vision. However, after some time after replacing the lens - from several months to several years, a progressive impairment of vision is registered. Since symptoms are similar to manifestations primary diseaseSuch a state got the name "secondary cataract". The main features appearing after the occurrence of secondary cataracts are sufficiently characteristic, and, as a rule, their development never happens unnoticed:

  • Progressive reduction in visual acuity and fuzziness of the image after noticeable postoperative improvement.
  • The growing feeling of "fog" or "haze" in the operated eye. In the overwhelming number of patients, the secondary cataracts after replacing the lens causes the feeling of the "cellophane package".
  • Black or white points in sight, causing significant visual discomfort.
  • Sometimes patients after the development of secondary cataracts may appear constant two in the eyes or image distortion.
  • Adjust the resulting cloudiness and reduction of vision with glasses or contact lenses, as earlier with primary cataract, is not possible.

The appearance of such symptoms after the surgery transferred in the past, the crystal replacement operation should be pushing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of secondary cataracts. To all patients in such a situation, it is recommended not to tighten with the appeal to the doctor, since the symptoms will only progress, gradually increasing visual discomfort and significantly reducing visual acuity.

Diagnostic algorithm

Before inviting the patient a secondary cataract disc composure, the doctor conducts an extended ophthalmological examination, studies the history of the disease for concomitant diseases and conducts a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination and inspection:

  • Assessment of visual acuity.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye with the help of a slit lamp is to determine the length and type of turbidity of the rear capsule, as well as in order to exclude edema and inflammatory process in the front of the eyeball.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • Clarification of the Eye DNA for retinal detachment or problems in a macular area that can reduce positive effect Performance of the secondary cataract discus.
  • If the presence of edema of Macula is suspected, which happens in 30% of patients who have undergone the operational correction of cataracts, it is possible to carry out fluorescent angiography or optical coherent tomography.

Such a diagnostic algorithm is performed for a reliable formulation of the diagnosis of the disease, as well as to identify a number of states in which the treatment of secondary cataracts is impossible. We are talking about the active inflammatory processes and the edema of Makula.

Discussion of secondary cataracts or capsulotomy is the excision of the modified rear capsule of the lens and is the main method of treating the secondary cataract of the eye.

Since the time of the first implantation of artificial lens, when conducting extracapsular cataract extraction, ophthalmosurgeons faced with the need for capsulotomy in a remote postoperative period. And before the "laser era", the removal of secondary cataracts was performed by a mechanical way. Despite the outpatient nature of the manipulation and minimal operational injury, as well as any operational intervention, the mechanical discision of secondary cataracts could be accompanied by a number of undesirable complications.

Since 2004, the standard Practice of the Ophthalmoshurgeon of the modern eye clinic implies a laser capsulotomy, which differs not only in painless and non-invasive character operational intervention, but also the minimum number of postoperative complications.

Today, the Gold Standard for the treatment of secondary cataracts after replacing the lens is the Laser Discussion of Secondary Cataracts - laser capsulotomy. The most common option for removing secondary cataracts is based on the use of a laser on an alumo-yttrium grenade with neodymium. His Latin abbreviation looks like ND: YAG, and the doctors call it yag - laser (Iag-laser).

The mechanism of action of the YAG - laser is the photodegradation of the clouded tissues of the rear capsule of the lens. Such a laser does not have temperature reactions and coagulation properties, which avoids various complications.

The secondary cataract laser discision consists in the formation using a Round hole YAG laser in the back capsule of the lens along the visual axis of the patient. This allows the beam of the light to be easily falling on the central zone of the retina, and all the symptoms of impaired vision are stopped.

The removal of the secondary cataract YAG - laser is shown if patients have symptoms of secondary cataracts, significantly worsening the quality of life and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. Also, the laser discission of secondary cataracts must be carried out and if necessary to continuously monitor the state of the retina in the operated patients.

Contraindications for laser capsulotomy:

  • clouding and scar correction of the cornea,
  • edema cornea,
  • inflammatory processes eyeball
  • cystic edema of the macular region,
  • various retinal pathology and / or maculas, in particular, retinal breaks and vitreo-macular tractions.

Secondary cataract - treatment with a laser in Moscow

Laser discision secondary cataracts is carried out outpatient in the laser office of the ophthalmologist. Hospitalization in the hospital is not required for that intervention.

Removal of secondary cataracts is carried out under local anesthesia. 30-60 minutes before the operation, the patient bury anesthetizing and expanding the pupil drops. The patient must be comfortably located in the chair in front of the slit lamp. Special attention should be paid to the fixation of the head in the correct position.

During the procedure, the patient can hear "clicks" arising from the work of the YAG laser, as well as see flashes of light. It is not necessary to scare this. Sometimes, for better fixation of the eyelid and the eyeball during the removal of secondary cataracts, doctors use a special contact lens similar to the gonoscopic. Such a lens has magnifying properties, which allows you to better visualize the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear capsule of the lens.

The Yag-laser is performed rounded incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear capsule. This intervention can be considered completed. At the end of the operation, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops are buried.

Despite the outpatient nature of the operation, the laser discision of secondary cataracts requires compliance with a certain postoperative mode.

Postoperative period

Like any ophthalmological operation, the YAG-laser discioma of secondary cataracts may have certain complications. The most frequent is an increase in intraocular pressure. Its monitoring is necessary after 30 and 60 minutes after removing the secondary cataracts. If there is a permissible level of intraocular pressure, then the patient is released home with recommendations for the use of local anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. The maximum peak of increasing intraocular pressure is observed in the first three hours after the laser treatment of secondary cataracts, normalization occurs within 24 hours. Patients with glaucoma, as well as having a tendency to hypertension, as a rule, are additionally prescribed hypotensive drops and repeated inspection of an ophthalmologist the day after laser capsulotomy.

The second frequency is a potential complication - the development of anterior uveit. You can warn it local application Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory funds. The relief of the inflammatory reaction is necessary during the week after laser treatment of secondary cataracts. Therefore, drops after secondary cataracts are prescribed for a period of 5-7 days. Others possible complications - retinal detachment, macula edema, damage or displacement of artificial lens, edema of cornea and hemorrhage into the iris after secondary cataracts are extremely rare, and, as a rule, are errors in the technique of conducting a laser discission of secondary cataracts.

With the successful implementation of the discission of secondary cataracts, regardless of the method of capsulotomy, the maximum visual acuity is returned within 1-2 days in 98% of patients.

The presence of flies or floating points before eyes is permissible for several weeks after secondary cataracts. It is not necessary to scare - they arise because of being in the field of view of the particles of the destroyed rear capsule. Gradually, such manifestations will disappear.

The presence of flies in front of the eyes during the month and more or the appearance of flashes of light and stains before our eyes cannot be left and need to contact your doctor. Medical control also requires a gradual decline in visual acuity after severe positive dynamics.

In most cases, the secondary cataract discusion proceeds without complications and has good remote results. Do not fear such interference. Absolutely painless and non-removable removal of secondary cataracts will help return the visual sharpness and significantly improve the quality of life.

Cost of treatment of secondary cataracts

The price of the discusion of the secondary cataract varies depending on the operation method. With mechanical capsulotomy, the price is 6-8 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of a non-invasive method is more sparing towards tissues - a laser discission of secondary cataracts - is in the range of 8-11 thousand rubles. To this price of the treatment of secondary cataracts, it is also necessary to add the cost of the survey conducted before performing capsulotomy, average price which is 2-5 thousand rubles.

Good afternoon, dear readers and readers! The eye disease is no one in the nickname. Lots of external factors Negatively affect the visual apparatus. Therefore, I decided to find out what causes the vision of cataract so sharply, and the secondary type of illness can also be formed, and it is possible to cure a ultrasonic pathology and a laser.

There is a possibility that in the process of self-healing the body, a secondary cataract may occur to remove cataracts. Since after operating, a new generation of lens fibers occurs, they can quickly start lose transparency and create a film. In case, after the first intervention, a person begins to notice the re-fall of view, a veil before the eyes and loss of clarity, then most likely it is a secondary cataract.

In this article, I just want to talk about how to cure a secondary cataract and whether the discsis of the back capsule will help, and also about what it is at all.

Discussion is the elimination of secondary cataracts. The deformed rear capsule of the lens excised while the patient is located under local anesthesia.

Important! This operation appeared almost immediately at the first interventions concerning lens implantation. Before the emergence of laser technologies, it was removed by hand, which could bring disastrous consequences for the body.

Over time, a laser discision of secondary cataracts appeared, the situation improved significantly, and surgeons now have the opportunity to carry out accurate operations on various types Vision correction.

One of the most advanced procedures is YAG. This is a modern and excellent method in treating one of the most common complications after ordinary - manifestations secondary type Diseases that appear due to turbidity of the back capsule of the lens. Laser discision will effectively be able to cope with such a problem.

Intervention with a laser provides for crystal capsule dissection, and it begins to skip light. It increases and returns normal vision, which was after the first operation. Today, that's the best waywhich fully justifies its popularity, the relevance and title of one of the best new products. modern technologies.

Fully justifying your safety, accuracy and efficiency, the procedure is actively gaining popularity and gives more and more patients good vision. Such an operation, like YAG, does not need anesthesia, is carried out outpatient and completely painless.

Causes of development and symptoms of illness

When performing operating, at a submit, they retain a natural capsule of a lens, which is such a thin bag. Removing the past, already implanted artificially, and the bag itself, like any biological tissue, is subject to biotransformation, which causes a decrease in transparency. Such a problem is not related to the quality of the operation conducted earlier and the specialist is not worthwhile. This is due to the natural reaction of cells.

Symptoms of disease progression:

  • patients complain about a sharp deterioration in view in postoperative period and its recovery is impossible by the usual correction;
  • it is difficult to consider something becomes close to and away, and in the distance, with time leads to a disorder of contrast sensitivity, dark adaptation and poor color perception, and the brightness of the picture is dramatically violated.
  • there is a strong fatigue with a long-term eye load, begins to double in the eyes and distort the forms of objects - and, painful sensations This is not accompanied, but still an extremely unpleasant phenomenon;
  • binocular vision is disturbed and fog appears before the eyes - contact lenses, glasses and other standard methods of correction do not cope with the elimination of symptoms.

Visually, from the side to notice the violation in the eyes is impossible, and the first symptoms may not appear earlier than three months after operating. This fact should be considered.

How is the treatment with a laser

Laser operations make it possible to completely return the original vision, removing all the problems with the health of the eyes. The effect of the laser method does not harm health and affects solely on the back area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, well focuses and is not a surgical operation.

All this makes the procedure most secure and painless. For just one day, the patient will receive the best service, a quick operation that will be painless and fully restores the quality of view. So, the patient will be able to return to work very quickly.

For half an hour, plus-minus surgical intervention, which has another indisputable plus - is done at any age. Elderly, and young can be solved for it. Such an operation does not require leave or hospital sheet.

Features of the laser treatment method

During the operator, the specialist burns the desired space to enter light in the lens capsule, which will restore vision. The outpatient and fast laser is also a huge plus, because it allows you to not waste time and do not be very distracted from the usual time. Reviews of this as a time indicate the truth:

Victoria, 59 years old: "Hello everyone! I'll start with the main thing! Due to the painlessness of the intervention of the laser discission during the disease, the procedure absolutely does not require anesthesia - which I was very glad. The device itself provides complete safety and selectivity in the impact, which removes the likelihood of injury. After 30 minutes, I have already seen very well, and no unpleasant symptoms have observed. Thanks to this wonderful technology. "

As for the cost, the price for operating can vary depending on the prestige of the clinic and the venue. So, the price in the Fedorov clinic reaches rubles, but the price, for example, in such large cities as Moscow or St. Petersburg may be such.

Contraindications and postoperative period

There are some contraindications that cannot be neglected. The operation is prohibited in the case of:

  • turbidity, edema and scarring of horny shell;
  • in the presence of various eye inflammation;
  • if there is a cystic macular swelling;
  • when visiter-macular traction;
  • if happened.

Video about what is a laser discision

The video explains in detail that intervention is carried out with the help of a special apparatus. It is very important that the doctor is fully focused on time and no one distract him. Deal can only be cured in 30 minutes, so it is very profitable. Of course, there is a percentage of patients when repeated disease occurs. I advise you to always weigh all the "for" and "against" before you decide on the procedure.


Given all sorts of negative consequences and contraindications, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist who will determine the importance and necessity of such a procedure. Having been glad to surveys, only a specialist can say exactly or necessary operating.

Remember that, based on individual testimony, the doctor himself will decide whether to conduct a procedure. If you have already managed to visit the operating table, then share your experience and the status of the eyes after intervention! Leave comments immediately under the article - we are important to your experience. Take care of yourself to new meetings! Sincerely, Olga Morozova!

Cataract Eyes, this is not a sentence, it is successfully treated with a simple surgery for replacing the lens. Operational treatment Cataracts are a great success of ophthalmology, which made it possible to patients to see the world around again.

But, unfortunately, no one is insured against complications that may arise after it. One of the most serious consequences of artifakia (replacement of lens on an artificial lens) is secondary cataract But with development modern medicineThis is not fatal at all.

Treatment of secondary cataracts after crystal replacement

After carrying out surgical operation on the replacement of a lens, a number of patients have a risk of development late complications, called secondary cataract. The disease is characterized by the same features as the primary form, that is, the human sight is slowly, but it is really worsening, the objects lose the clarity, their contour becomes double and vague. The "Water Chimka" again returns to the patient before his eyes. It happens because of the cloudy, now, not the lens itself, because in its place it is worth artificial lenses, and his back capsule.

There are several paths treatment of secondary cataracts,developing After replacing the lens.More recently, the elimination of postoperative recurrence, it was possible to fulfill only with the help of surgical intervention. But this method is gradually outlived, because of a number of negative consequences that could arise during surgery:

In connection with these reasons, doctors - ophthalmologists refused to conduct surgical interventions. The appearance of an ophthalmic laser, the treatment reached a new, progressive level.

Folk medicine also offers several recipes. Of course, to get rid of the disease with their help is unlikely to succeed, but slow down the development process, possibly:

Before treatment folk remedies Make sure you have no allergies to composite components, and be sure to consult your doctor.

With the initial stage of secondary cataracts, successful therapeutic treatment is possible, with the help of hormonal and vegetable preparations.

The last 30 years has been successfully applied by laser discus of re-cataracts. The method is developed by an ophthalmologist - a woman who has been engaged in physics for a long time. The procedure has proven itself as safe and effective method Reliable from recurrence eye disease. It does not require general anesthesia.

The intraocular cuts made with a laser are hundreds of times less traumatic than cuts to the surgeon tools. And the risk of damage to the cornea or intraocular lens is minimized. Distinctive features The method of laser discission is ambulatory treatment, Fast rehabilitation and low trauma. Indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • Serious impairment of visibility, especially in the dark and in bright lighting;
  • Significant turbidity of the rear capsule, which prevents the normal life.

Operation is contraindicated in the swelling of the iris and inflammatory processes of the eye.

The treatment procedure is extremely simple:

  1. The cornea is applied to the drug preventing eye pressure.
  2. Patients bury the drug, expanding pupils, after that most of them notes a slight improvement in vision.
  3. In the back of the lens, with the help of pulses of the laser installation, a hole is made through which it is removed by the closer part. Local action of laser rays, allows you to leave unharmed, healthy fabric capsules.
  4. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drops and stabilization of metabolism in the lens.

The operation is performed using local anesthetic, without dressings, seams and hospitalization of the patient. Two hours after the procedure, the patient goes to outpatient observation. Most of the people who have passed through a laser discsis, mark an improvement in vision immediately after the operation.

Unfortunately, in the course of laser treatment, there is a small percentage of complications:

A number of other complications of a laser discission, in the form of retinal peeling, increased intraocular pressure, has minimal chances of development.

Causes of secondary cataracts

Until now, doctors cannot call exact the cause of secondary cataracts.But the main factor in the development of recurrence, the remaining after the primary operation, on the back wall of the capsule, the cells of the epithelium, remote lens. Subsequently, they begin to multiply, which leads to a reuse and deterioration of vision.

In addition to this reason, there are several more, to a greater or less, contributing to the repetition of the development of cataracts:

The use of antibacterial droplets is a good prevention of secondary cataracts.

What you need to know about the secondary cataract?

The disease begins after surgical treatment lens. The first symptoms are manifested by turbidity of vision. The cause of development becomes epithelial cells of the primary cataracts that remain on the rear membrane of the lens after the operation.

It is treated with a laser method without anesthesia and cuts. The procedure takes a few minutes. It is to remove the remaining cells and prevent their growth. Rehabilitation period Intervention does not require.

If you have worsened eyesight after the operation, it is recommended comprehensive examination eyes.

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