Find out more and order a wonderful drink here: or here. Fucoidan: instructions for use The action of fucoidan on the cardiovascular system

Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide mainly found in different types brown algae and brown algae such as mozuku, kombu, kelp, wakame, and hijiki (variants of the fucoidan species have also been found in animal species, including sea cucumber). Fucoidan is used as an ingredient in some foods. Fucoidan is a group of certain fucose-containing sulfated polysaccharides (FCSPs) that have a backbone built from (1 → 3) -linked α-I-fucopyranosyl or alternating (1 → 3) - and (1 → 4) -linked α- fragments l-fucopyranosyl, but also include sulfated galactofucans with main chains built from (1 → 6) -β-d-galacto- and / or (1 → 2) -β-d-mannopyranosyl units with branching fucose or fuco oligosaccharide, and / or glucuronic acid, xylose or glucose. These FCSPs offer several potentially beneficial bioactive functions for humans. Bioactive properties can vary depending on the algae source, compositional and structural features, content (charge density), distribution and binding of sulfate substitutions, and purity of the FCSP product. The preservation of the structural integrity of FCSP molecules is highly dependent on the extraction method, which is critical, but partially overlooked, in order to obtain appropriate structural featuresnecessary for specific biological activities, and to clarify the structural and functional relationships.


There are at least two different forms fucoidan: F-fucoidan, which is\u003e 95%, composed of sulfated esters of fucose and U-fucoidan, which is approximately 20% glucuronic acid. The physiological and biochemical effects of fucoidan have been investigated in several small in vitro and animal studies. In a small study of rabbits, F-fucoidan, injected intramuscularly, has been reported to inhibit neointimal hyperplasia or re-narrowing of the artery after stent placement in the iliac arteries and to induce apoptosis in isolated human lymphoma cell lines in vitro. It has been suggested that these two effects may involve a common mechanism, but the data are inconsistent, and no mechanism has been established for the putative induction of apoptosis by fucoidan. A study in rats showed that pretreatment with fucoidan increased mortality following meningitis infection. It was reported that in clinical research orally ingested fucoidan from undaria resulted in a slight increase in the total number of CD34 + cells and a more pronounced increase in the proportion of CD34 + cells that expressed CXCR4 (associated with more than 23 cancers). The authors of the study suggested that the ability of fucoidan to mobilize hematopoietic cells from high level expression of CXCR4 can be clinically valuable.

Scientific research

Anti-HIV activity of fucoidans from three types of brown algae

Fucoidans are sulfated polysaccharides derived from sea kelp. In the present work, we investigated the anti-HIV activity of three fucoidans extracted from three brown algae Sargassum mcclurei, Sargassum polycystum, and Turbinara ornata and collected from Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam. Fucoidans extracted from the three species exhibit similar antiviral activity, with an average IC50 ranging from 0.33 to 0.7 μg / ml, without exhibiting cellular toxicity. The results showed that the anti-HIV activity of fucoidans is not associated mainly with sulfate content, and the corresponding position of sulfate groups in fucoidan skeletons is also not associated with antiviral activity. Fucoidans inhibited HIV-1 infection when they were preincubated with the virus, but not with cells, and not after infection, blocking early stages penetration of HIV into target cells. These data contribute to a better understanding of the influence of the structural characteristics of fucoidans on their biological activity.

Effects of fucoidan on insulin stimulation and pancreatic protection via the cAMP signaling pathway in vivo and in vitro

Diabetes is global disease, in which dysfunction of the pancreas is an important pathological process. In previous years, interest in biological activity seaweed increased. Fucoidan is an extract of Fucus vesiculosus algae that has been extensively researched. The present study was intended to determine the effects of fucoidan on insulin stimulation and pancreatic protection in vivo and in vitro. Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats were given free access to standard food, with or without fucoidan, for 13 weeks, after which body weight, blood glucose and serum insulin levels were measured in the rats. Wistar rats were used as controls. In addition, the RIN-5F rat insulin secreting cell line was treated with fucoidan under high glucose conditions, after which the dose-dependent and time-dependent effects of the fucoidan were determined and the insulin concentration measured. Glibenclamide was used as a positive control. In vivo, body weight and serum insulin levels decreased, while blood glucose levels were significantly increased in GK rats compared to Wistar rats from the control group. Although fucoidan did not improve changes in body weight, elevated levels blood glucose levels were decreased and serum insulin levels decreased in GK rats following oral administration of fucoidan. In vitro, fucoidan showed no significant cytotoxicity to RIN-5F cells, and insulin secretion was significantly increased in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The intake of amylin, islet amyloid polypeptide and glycobenclamide inhibitor did not interfere with the stimulating activity of fucoidan. The results of the present study also showed that the concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) was significantly increased in RIN-5F cells treated with fucoidan, and this increase was dose and time dependent. In addition, administration of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, which reduces cAMP degradation, significantly increases fucoidan-induced insulin secretion, while administration of an adenylyl cyclase inhibitor, which reduces cAMP formation, significantly decreases fucoidan-induced insulin secretion. In conclusion, these data showed that fucoidan can stimulate insulin secretion and protect the pancreas through the cAMP signaling pathway in vivo and in vitro.

Fucoidan extract improves acute colitis

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, is an important cause of morbidity and has a significant impact on quality of life. Generally, modern methods treatments do not induce long-term clinical remission and are associated with poor clinical outcomes, highlighting the need to seek new treatment options. Fucoidans are complex sulfated, fucose-rich polysaccharides found in edible brown algae and are described as having multiple bioactivities, including potent anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, the therapeutic potential of two different fucoidan preparations, a fucoidan-polyphenol complex (Maritech Synergy) and depyrogenated fucoidan (DPF), was evaluated in a mouse model of acute colitis based on sodium dexan sulfate (DSS). Mice were treated once a day for 7 days with oral fucoidans (Synergy or DPF) or intraperitoneal (DPF). The signs and severity of colitis were monitored daily prior to collection of the colon and spleens for macroscopic assessment, cytokine measurements, and histology. With oral Synergy and DPF, but not with intraperitoneal DPF, there was a significant improvement in colitis symptoms based on weight maintenance, as well as decreased diarrhea and fecal loss in the blood compared to the untreated colitis group. The spleen and colon weights of the mice given oral fucoidan were also significantly lower, indicating a decrease in inflammation and edema. Histological examination untreated muscular colitis confirmed massive loss of cryptographic architecture and goblet cells, immune cell infiltration and edema, while all aspects of this pathology were mitigated by oral fucoidan. Importantly, in this model, the macroscopic changes induced by oral fucoidan were significantly correlated with a significantly reduced production of at least 15 pro-inflammatory cytokines in colon tissue. Overall, oral fucoidan preparations significantly reduce the inflammatory pathology associated with DSS-associated colitis, and therefore may represent a new nutraceutical option for the treatment of IBD.

Fucoidan increases miRNA-29b to regulate the DNMT3B-MTSS1 axis and inhibits EMT in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells

Accumulated data indicate that fucoidan exhibits anti-tumor activity by arresting the cell cycle and inducing apoptosis in many types of cancer cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Studying its effect on microRNA expression, we found that fucoidan markedly activates miR-29b in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells. The induction of miR-29b was accompanied by suppression of its downstream target DNMT3B in a dose-dependent manner. The decrease in the luciferase activity of the reporter 3M-3-UTR DNMT3B by fucoidan was as noticeable as miR-29b, indicating that fucoidan-induced miR-29b suppresses DNMT3B. Accordingly, the level of mRNA and protein MTSS1 (metastasis suppressor 1), a target silenced by DNMT3B, was increased after fucoidan administration. In addition, fucoidan also downregulates the TGF-β receptor and HCC Smad signaling. All these effects led to inhibition of EMT (an increase in E-cadherin and a decrease in N-cadherin) and prevention of degradation of the extracellular matrix (an increase in TIMP-1 and a decrease in MMP2, 9), due to which the activity of invasion of HCC cells was reduced. The results demonstrate a profound effect of fucoidan not only on the regulation of the miR-29b-DNMT3B-MTSS1 axis, but also on the inhibition of TGF-β signaling in HCC cells, which indicates the possibility of using fucoidan as an integrative therapy against HCC invasion and metastases.

Fucoidan Stimulates Monocyte Migration Through ERK / p38 Signaling Pathways and MMP9 Secretion

Critical limb ischemia (CLI) induces the secretion of paracrine signals, which leads to the recruitment of monocytes and thereby promotes the initiation of angiogenesis and tissue healing. It has previously been demonstrated that fucoidan, an antithrombotic polysaccharide, promotes the formation of new blood vessels in a mouse hindlimb ischemia model. The effect of fucoidan on the ability of peripheral blood monocytes to adhere and migrate was investigated. Monocytes negatively isolated by magnetic beads from the peripheral blood of healthy donors received fucoidan. Fucoidan induced a 1.5-fold increase in monocyte adhesion to gelatin (p<0,05) и пятикратное увеличение хемотаксиса в камерах Бойдена (p <0,05). Фукоидан также увеличивал миграцию в 2,5 раза при анализе трансмиграции (p <0,05). Активность MMP9 в супернатантах моноцитов была значительно усилена фукоиданом (р <0,05). Наконец, вестерн-блот-анализ обработанных фукоиданом моноцитов показал повышенную регуляцию фосфорилирования ERK / p38. Ингибирование фосфорилирования ERK / p38 аннулировало улучшение фукоиданом миграции (p <0,01). Фукоидан проявляет поразительные биологические эффекты, особенно способствуя адгезии и миграции моноцитов. Эти эффекты включают пути ERK и p38 и повышенную активность MMP9. Фукоидан мог бы улучшить критическую ишемию конечностей путем содействия рекрутированию моноцитов.

Fucoidan inhibits apoptosis and induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in human neutrophils

Although some immunomodulatory effects of fucoidan have been elucidated, the effects of fucoidan on apoptosis and activation of human neutrophils have not been investigated. One study demonstrated that fucoidan, purified from the brown alga Undaria pinnatifilda, inhibits spontaneous apoptosis of human neutrophils and induces their activation. Fucoidan treatment inhibited apoptotic changes in nuclei and phosphatidylserine (PS) on neutrophils cultured in vitro for 24 hours. Fucoidan-mediated delayed neutrophil apoptosis has been associated with increased levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1 and decreased levels of activated caspase-3. Screening of signaling pathways using specific inhibitors showed that fucoidan-induced delay in neutrophil apoptosis depended on activation of the PI3K / AKT signaling pathway, while the MAPK signaling pathway was not critical. In addition, fucoidan enhanced the production of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α from neutrophils via an AKT-dependent pathway. Taken together, these results show that fucoidan inhibits apoptosis of human neutrophils and induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This knowledge may contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of infectious diseases and neutropenia by controlling neutrophil homeostasis and functioning with fucoidan.

Fucoidan promotes osteoblast differentiation through JNK- and ERK-dependent BMP2-Smad 1/5/8 signaling in human mesenchymal stem cells

Fucoidan is gaining attention as a potential drug due to its biological activity, including osteogenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the osteogenic activity of fucoidan in mesenchymal stem cells derived from alveolar bone marrow (hABM-MSCs) remain largely unknown. The effect of fucoidan on the differentiation of osteoblasts into hABM-MSCs and its effect on signaling pathways was investigated. Its effect on proliferation was determined using crystal violet staining. Osteoblast differentiation was assessed based on alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and mRNA expression of multiple osteoblast markers. Calcium accumulation was determined by staining with Alizarin red S. Fucoidan was found to induce proliferation of HABM-MSC. It also significantly increased ALP activity, calcium accumulation, and the expression of osteoblast specific genes such as ALP, risk-associated transcription factor 2, type I collagen I, and osteocalcin. In addition, fucoidan induced the expression of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) and stimulated the activation of cellular extracellular signaling gut kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 targets, increasing phosphorylation. However, the effect of fucoidan on osteogenic differentiation was inhibited by specific inhibitors of ERK (PD98059) and JNK (SP600125), but not p38 (SB203580). Fucoidan increased BMP2 expression and phosphorylation of Smad 1/5/8, ERK, and JNK. Moreover, the effect of fucoidan on osteoblast differentiation was diminished by BMP2 knockdown. These results indicate that fucoidan induces osteoblast differentiation through BMP2-Smad 1/5/8 signaling through ERK and JNK activation, suggesting a molecular basis for the osteogenic action of fucoidan in hABM-MSC.

Fucoidan Reduces Inflammatory Response in a Rat Model of Liver Damage and Liver Reperfusion

Ischemic reperfusion (I / R), trauma following liver transplantation, is a major cause of serious complications that lead to graft dysfunction. Fucoidan, a complex of sulfated polysaccharides derived from sea kelp, has shown anti-apoptotic as well as potential anti-inflammatory properties in previous studies. Fucoidan also has a protective effect on damaged I / R kidneys and heart. However, it has not been investigated whether fucoidan can attenuate I / R liver injury. To elucidate the role of fucoidan in I / R liver injury, Sprague-Dawley rats underwent sham surgery or ischemia followed by reperfusion with saline or fucoidan treatment (50, 100 or 200 mg · (kg bw) (- 1) · d (-1) The fucoidan-treated group showed a decrease in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels compared to the control group. Myeloperoxidase and malondialdehyde activities and CD11b mRNA levels in the fucoidan-treated group were significantly Hepatocellular tumor / necrosis, sinusoidal / vascular overload, and inflammatory cell infiltration were also attenuated in the fucoidan group Expression of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, CXCL-10, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 was markedly reduced in the samples from the group treated with fucoidan Fucoidan significantly prevented the activation of the inflammatory signaling pathway compared to the control group. Thus, fucoidan can protect the liver from I / R injury by suppressing the activation of the inflammatory signaling pathway as well as the expression of inflammatory mediators and inflammatory cell infiltration.

This useful substance is extracted from brown algae: fucus, Angustata kelp, kombu, wakame, arame, limumui sea vegetable, and some other varieties. There is one most important nuance: all plants must grow in clean waters that are not polluted with chemical waste. Only in this case, the preparations made from them will benefit the body.

Is fucoidan found in other foods?

Not. It cannot be obtained with foods that are part of our normal daily diet. Fucoidan is found only in the cells of some algae and marine animals, as well as in special dietary supplements prepared on the basis of their cells.

What are its benefits?

The main benefit of this biologically active component is its oncoprotective properties. Fucoidan is capable of causing apoptosis (self-destruction, destruction) of cancer cells and metastases. In addition, it has the following effects:

  • has a preventive effect on the formation of malignant and benign tumors;
  • slows down the growth and development of already existing neoplasms, while not disrupting the work of healthy cells;
  • minimizes the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy in patients with cancer;
  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents the development of peptic ulcer;
  • effectively fights inflammatory bowel diseases, helps to normalize microflora;
  • protects the liver from toxic damage;
  • prevents the development of certain cardiovascular diseases;
  • helps to fight atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • due to the high amount of fiber, it is very useful for digestion;
  • suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight, as it creates a feeling of fullness and slows down the absorption of fat.

What diseases does fucoidan heal?

It is important to realize that fucoidan alone is not capable of healing diseases. But he is quite capable of slowing down and facilitating their course, providing effective prevention. To get a good result, you need to use the drug systematically in the indicated dosage, without missing a dose. Fucoidan has the maximum effect in an integrated approach to the treatment of oncological and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the blood, skin and digestive tract. It is also recommended to use it during the period of rehabilitation and recovery of the body after injuries, burns, serious stress and prolonged illness.

Can cancer be cured with fucoidan?

Alas, today it is impossible to cure oncology with the help of a single medicine. In the fight against such a disease, it is necessary to use all possible means and methods: radiation therapy, chemotherapy, complex treatment with the help of drugs prescribed by doctors. However, fucoidan-based drugs can increase the effectiveness of treatment several times, and significantly increase the patient's chances of a successful outcome. Fucoidan also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy: nausea, vomiting, weakness. It has shown the greatest efficiency in the fight against such types of cancer as melanoma, leukemia, breast cancer, cervical cancer and cancer of the digestive system.

Is this data scientifically proven?

Scientists around the world have conducted many detailed studies of the properties of fucoidan. Reliable experimental results are published in many scientific sources. So, the library of the National Institute of Medicine of the United States of America contains about 1000 references to the beneficial properties of this substance.

Ning Li, a team leader from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented the results of his research in 2005. According to these results, fucoidan is completely safe for humans (provided it is consumed at the recommended daily dosage).

In 2012, Professor Naoki Mori, an employee of the Department of Microbiology and Oncology of the Higher Medical School of Japan, also published the results of independent studies in which he proved the high safety of fucoidan and the complete absence of the toxic effect of this substance on the human body.

Studies by Japanese scientists from the universities of Keio and Ryukyu confirmed the oncoprotective properties of the drug.

Are there any contraindications for taking fucoidan?

Yes, like any drug, fucoidan-based supplements have certain contraindications:

  • individual allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • serious liver or kidney disease;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

Scientists have proven that, subject to the recommended dosage, the extracts from brown algae do not harm the body. However, drug abuse can cause nausea and diarrhea, so always follow the directions for use. The average daily dose of fucoidan is approximately 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight, the maximum allowable dose is 8 grams per day.

Why is it worth buying our product?

We offer only original fucoidan, which is made from algae grown in clean waters. Our supplements do not contain harmful and toxic substances, as well as impurities that can harm health. For the manufacture of preparations based on fucoidan, only natural raw materials are used.

Fucoidan is a food compound of natural origin, widely used in modern medicine. Research has revealed a host of unique anti-cancer properties of fucoidan, which has given a powerful impetus to the fight against this deadly disease.

The compound belongs to the category of complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides. About ten years ago, researchers came to a startling conclusion: the secret of longevity in Japan lies in their love. This plant is present on the table of almost every Japanese - and for good reason.

The uniqueness of fucoidan

According to the results of clinical trials, it turned out that the polysaccharide has a wide spectrum of beneficial effects. The uniqueness of the compound lies in its amazing biological activity, which has no analogues.

The source of extraction of fucoidan is brown algae: it contains a huge amount of this polysaccharide. The effectiveness of the compound is fully revealed when interacting with another important component of Lamifaren - laminaran. The action of fucoidan is so multifaceted that it deserves a full dissertation. We will limit ourselves to acquaintance with the most important information.

What is fucoidan capable of?

At the moment, we can state with full responsibility: the polysaccharide is an effective immunomodulator, a fighter against viral infections, inflammations, harmful bacteria, and malignant tumors.

"Is it possible to cure cancer with fucoidan?" - this question is often voiced with disbelief. Despite the fact that medicine has not fully understood the apoptosis algorithm of some cells, the ability of fucoidan to cause self-destruction of cancer cells has been fully proven. Most strikingly, the polysaccharide also inhibits the development of metastasis.

Research directly indicates that the harmful effects of the compound on cancer cells do not harm healthy cells in the least. The result of taking "Lamifaren" is almost instantaneous - after 5-6 days you can observe a significant reduction in the number of cancer cells (90-99%).

Clinical trials have found that fucoidan is effective in the following types of cancer:

blood cancer (leukemia);

breast cancer;

cervical cancer;

bowel cancer;

stomach cancer;



Fucoidan on the watch for blood health

However, the fight against oncological diseases is far from the only merit of the polysaccharide. The researchers highly appreciated the ability of the polysaccharide to normalize blood composition and prevent the development of thrombosis.

Scientists have found that fucoidan has a powerful resistance to viral infections, including herpes, urolithiasis, tularemia. The polysaccharide is recommended for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and in immunodeficiency states. Due to its unique ability to heal tissues, as well as to give elasticity to the skin, this compound is one of the most widely used in aesthetic medicine.

You won't go against science

Each of the beneficial properties of fucoidan has found official confirmation. Clinical results, which are publicly available on our website, are direct evidence of the uniqueness of the polysaccharide. In addition, you can always read the mass of published scientific papers from world famous scientists.

The wide spectrum of action of fucoidan is not a miracle at all, but a true gift from nature, which people have learned to use for their intended purpose.

Impact of fucoidan on immunity

It will not be an exaggeration to say that this compound has incorporated each of the beneficial properties of Laminaria - the basis of the Lamifaren food product. Thanks to the fucoidan content, the gel has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects.

The consumption of fucoidan in food significantly increases the concentration of fucose in the body - a substance that ensures a stable course of all metabolic processes. As you know, a healthy metabolism is the key to a strong immune system.

Biological activity of a substance

In the specialized section of the site, you can find the official results and. Let's list the most important properties and abilities of a polysaccharide:

has a 100% harmless, but at the same time a pronounced anticancer effect (stimulation of phagocytosis, destruction of cancer cells, prevention of the development of metastasis);

powerful antiviral and antibacterial action;

high efficiency in the fight against pathological conditions (provides inhibition of angionegesis);

effective immunomodulator;

elimination of poisons, heavy metals from the body;

elimination of slagging;

soft removal of inflammation;

beneficial effect on work;

indicated for use in the fight against uropathy;

favorably affects the activity of the urinary system;

helps to lower cholesterol concentration;

improves blood flow

has a beneficial effect on health during pregnancy;

strengthens the protective functions of the body;

Prevents the development of hypertension;

serves as effective prevention

suppresses the signs of HIV and herpes;

normalizes protein, carbohydrate,;

has a powerful resistance to the bacteria helicobacter pylori;

promotes the activation of macrophages;

is a stimulant of innate immunity;

increases the productivity of interleukin and interferon;

hair growth stimulator.

The presence of the polysaccharide of the food product "Lamifaren" largely explains the high efficiency of the gel against a host of diseases. Fucoidan, interacting with other components of the gel, deals a powerful blow to the focus of the disease, softens its symptoms, and supports the body in the recovery process.

Fucoidan (Fucoidan) Is a new drug in a group of dietary supplements recommended for deep regulation of immunity. Most of our readers imagine the nature of the effect of seaweed on the body, but not everyone knows that innovative medicine products are available today. This is a polysaccharide Fucoidancontained in brown algae. The carotenoid pigment also deserves attention. Fucoxanthin (F ucoxanthin), isolated from diatoms and possessing protein activity and complex metabolic functionality. These dietary supplements are already available at iHerb.

Algae "under the gun" of researchers

The miraculous power of algae is well known. They are recommended for a healthy diet, restoration of immunity, normalization of the condition during pregnancy or after serious illness. Of course, scientists could not dwell on general clinical data and began to work with substances prevailing in algae. Attracted attention heteropolysaccharide Fucoidan and pigment Fucoxanthin... If the first substance is found in brown algae, then the second is in species that have a blue-green tint.

Fucoidan according to existing studies, it has extrahormonal activity and provides powerful cellular regulation. Its influence on the human body is quite complex, it is an insufficiently clarified chain of reactions. But it definitely, in simple terms, makes the cells practically invulnerable to external influences.

You can list the nature of the effect on the body, including:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitumor action.

To be more precise, we are talking about a group of fucoidan substances that have a complex effect on the human body. Their connection with the processes of hematopoiesis and regulation of the circulatory system should be emphasized. Fucoidans possess anticoagulant property, in other words, they thin the blood, by the nature of the effect they are similar to heparin. Heteropolysaccharides also negatively affect tumor cells, causing their apoptosis (cell death). Fucoidan is one of the strongest supportive drugs recommended for use in the treatment of oncology.

Beyond reality

Scientists are literally captured by new research, but the press gives few explanations available to the average reader. In our review, we decided to reveal the features of this area in medical science.

Talking about properties Fucoidana, it is worth remembering about Fucoxanthine... It is a blue-green carotenoid pigment that was discovered in the 2000s to influence the protein synthesis of the white fat surrounding organs. After the above studies on rodents, the substance began to be actively used in fitness programs in weight loss programs. It is believed that taking capsules Fucoxanthin leads to weight loss by 5-10% without additional physical activity. Many therapists began to recommend it for weight correction to patients whose health condition does not allow practicing physical activity. First of all, for diabetics.

Despite the expected exceptional properties Fucoidana and Fucoxanthin new studies have remained unpublished.

There can be two reasons:

  • Doctors are not sure if Fucoxanthin will have exactly the described effect on white fat and contribute to weight loss according to the "program";
  • The drugs have a more complex effect on the body.

According to existing medical hypotheses, the influence Fucoidana and Fucoxanthin associated with higher processes of nervous and cellular activity, suprahormonal activity that directly affects protein synthesis.

Pigments in genetic regulation

In a relationship Fucoxanthin the effect on protein synthesis is a proven fact. To understand what is at stake, it is worth recalling the legend of the "blue blood" contextually. Although a direct connection has not been established to date, and the content of blue pigment in the blood is associated with copper, it is the hemoglobin pigment that has a regulating hemolytic activity.

It can be assumed that other similar substances may have a similar biological effect. Another pigment, melanin, also has superhormonal activity. Its properties are associated with melanocortin a system capable of modulating RNA.

How these substances affect the body is best explained with comparative examples. Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin Is a special group of substances isolated from algae with polymodal biological activity.

Fucoxanthin belongs to a group of pigments involved in the transformation of energy necessary for the life support of cells. A well-known example is melanin, the effect of which on the preservation of the DNA structure, including antitumor, is a proven fact. Hormonal activity was also noted as a side effect. Melanin restores progesterone levels in women and testosterone levels in men. Due to the second property, it is used to treat impotence.

Melanin is an energetic, in large quantities it is found in seeds, nuts and mushrooms, mainly in Reishi mushrooms. Many scientists associate the antitumor effect of fungotherapy with melanin, others - with polysaccharides. In fact, mushroom therapy is effective thanks to the successful combination of polysaccharides and melanin. Its content in seeds is explained by the energetic qualities of the substance, which give an incentive for germination.

From this follows a quite obvious assumption that these substances, pigments and polysaccharides, create conditions for harmonious cell synthesis, how can this work? The principle of operation is rather complicated and not studied, so it can only be described approximately.

The principle of healing with pigments and polysaccharides

It is obvious that pigments are included in the complex of substances involved in the energy metabolism of the body. They assimilate or absorb light. For example, it is able to reflect UV radiation, the active work of the reproductive system improves the synthesis of melanin. Pigments affect the processes of hematopoiesis, improve protein synthesis, affect the action melanocortin systems that control the integrity of DNA. Melanocortin the system regulates the activity of all our glands, so to speak, at the “parental” level.

Polysaccharides have a direct effect and directly contribute to the activation of the function of the glands producing hormones and peptides. Hormones in a balanced ratio regulate metabolism, cellular activity, realize "alternative" immunity not associated with blood cells. In this case, polysaccharides are able to stimulate the synthesis of phagocytes and T-lymphocytes, direct killer cells of the immune system.

In fact, taking polysaccharides and pigments stimulates the body's work in several directions at once:

  • restores the genetic potential of cells;
  • activates normal hormonal activity;
  • stimulates the activity of the glands and the production of peptides;
  • activates the functions of the immune system, affecting the hematopoietic system;
  • normalizes the processes of energy metabolism in the body.

It is worth making a remark about peptides, as they are increasingly used in therapy and cosmetology. They are short stretches of DNA that are inserted into the RNA of cells. They are a glandular-controlled cell repair mechanism. Reception Fucoidana and Fucoxanthin can replace peptide and enzyme therapy, which also stimulates the production of substances of the peptide group.

Taking polysaccharides is recommended to restore the metabolic processes of the body. When receiving Fucoidana in conjunction with Fucoxanthin there is a synergistic effect similar to that of fungi. In contrast to mushroom polysaccharides, the recommended dietary supplements are related in the composition of human blood, therefore, their joint intake is preferable to fungotherapy. The disadvantage of this recommendation is the lack of sufficient clinical data. Reviews from real buyers can help in this regard.

We also recommend taking Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin in combination with PUFA Omega-3. The fact is that for normal metabolism, a balanced amount of PUFA is needed, but it is Omega-6 that predominates in food. For this reason, therapists recommend taking Omega-3 in the form of dietary supplements. It should be noted that negative reviews of experts on Fucoidan absent.

In addition to the complex health-improving effect on the body, heteropolysaccharides have an effect:

  • on the processes of bone formation. Recommended for people on a diet and low carbohydrate intake, which leads to collagen loss and early arthritis;
  • improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, restoring blood fluidity;
  • have a preventive effect at the risk of blood clots;
  • have a direct effect on mutated cells, cause apoptosis of cancer tumors and metastases;
  • are used as a substitute for peptide and amino acid therapy;
  • are used in programs for correcting the condition of seriously ill people, including in combination with Fucoxanthin to support those suffering from diabetes;
  • can be used as antiviral therapy in the autumn-winter period.

We emphasize the following as additional properties:

  • noted that Fucoidan effectively fights against herpes viruses and leads to apoptosis of cancer cells, while there is no release of poisons and toxins that negatively affect the body;
  • stimulates the production of stem cells, naturally rejuvenating the body.

The recommended intake without a doctor's prescription should not exceed the recommendations posted on the package. It is 600 mg per day, the usual dosage for one capsule is 300 mg. When using drugs in clinical courses, the dosage can be individually increased. The maximum daily dose has not been determined and is prescribed based on the recommendations for use and the patient's well-being.

Reception Fucoidana you can practice: therapeutic for 6-12 months or courses for 1-2 months to prevent and support the state of the body.

A preventive course is quite enough for a healthy person to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the risks of oncology;
  • remove toxins from the body associated with the vital activity of infectious agents;
  • restore osteosynthesis and reduce the risks of arthritis;
  • improve skin condition;
  • normalize the processes of hematopoiesis, including a decrease in the processes of thrombus formation;
  • restore the natural production of peptides and stem cells, corresponding to young age;
  • as an antioxidant therapy.

Fucoidan: contraindications

Caution should be exercised when taking drugs with extrahormonal activity in an increased dose. Despite the fact that there are no cases of side effects when taking Fucoidan, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. When carrying out treatment courses, regular monitoring of the blood count is recommended, especially with a pronounced increase in dose.

It should be borne in mind that algae contains a large amount of iodine. Recall that the content Fucoidana in brown algae it reaches 25-30% of dry matter. There is no iodine in the finished product. Persons suffering from iodine deficiency are advised to add a biological supplement to the prophylactic course that compensates for the daily dose. Otherwise, with prolonged use, there may be unbalanced the work of the glands, since iodine is an active bioregulator.

You can buy all of these drugs at iHerb... It is the world's largest supplier of quality dietary supplements. Buying drugs for iHerb, you can be sure of the originality of the product and the low risk of contraindications.

Doctor's Best, Best Fucoidan 70%, 60 Veggie Caps

One of the best drugs in the recommended series is Best Fucoidan from ’S Best... It is obtained from brown algae that grow in ecologically clean areas of the world's oceans. The company makes sure that the extracted sulfonated polysaccharides are preserved in the product in the most bioavailable form. The package contains 60 capsules of 300 mg each and is designed for a monthly course of administration.

Life Extension, Superior Fucoidan, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Recommended for admission Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension... The package also contains 60 vegetarian capsules, designed for a monthly course. Contains the dose that corresponds to the daily value of the standard Japanese diet. The drug is produced by the method of soft extraction of algae, due to which it is possible to preserve the biological properties of the substance by 88%.

Garden of Life, FucoThin, Non-Stimulant, Natural Fat Burner, 90 Capsules

FucoThin from Garden of life used as an additive in weight loss programs, combines in the composition Fucoidan and Fucoxanthin... The intensity of the effect is improved due to the pomegranate oil included in the capsule. The oil is also a natural preservative, which avoids the use of cellulose fillers.

The price of drugs for iHerb is in the range of 28-38 US dollars, which is much cheaper than offered in Russia. Consider shipping costs.

Fucoidan: composition

Composition of capsules Fucoidana depends on the manufacturer. Cellulose or natural oil with biological activity is used as a filler, as in the preparation FucoThin from Garden of life... Some manufacturers use proprietary formulas Fucoidana.

Fucoidan: instructions for use

Like any herbal preparation, capsules Fucoidana it is recommended to take 15 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals. This is how the maximum assimilation and biological activity of the drug is achieved. Application in the morning guarantees maximum efficiency Fucoidana and its effect on the biological rhythm of organs.


To analogs Fucoidana and Fucoxanthin can be attributed reishi mushroom... Despite the different composition of polysaccharides and pigments, fungal preparations have a similar effect on the body. Ukrainian flaraxin, which combines grape polysaccharides and potassium iodide, which stimulates the production of melanin, also belongs to the drugs of the same series.

Fucoidan reviews

Elizaveta, 19 years old, Saratov:
Recommended Fucoidan to my mom to recover from chemotherapy. She quickly went on the mend, without the threat of relapse, takes constantly. Since on iHerb ordered several packs, then my mother insisted on taking me in connection with the strong physical exertion at the institute and in training. I must say that I began to lose weight quickly, while my health and mobility improved significantly. The choice was stopped at FucoThin from Garden of life, as we heard feedback from friends who also received excellent results of rehabilitation after illness. The doctors' reviews are also positive!

Ekaterina, 50 years old, Novosibirsk:
Took Superior Fucoidan from Life Extension as a prophylaxis of arthritis as part of complex therapy. The condition has significantly improved. I address my feedback to all people who cannot actively play sports and suffer from bone pain.

Lilya, 24 years old, Moscow:
Bought Fucoxanthin in conjunction with Fucoidan for "drying" in the gym. I must say that the drug works great. I used to buy in TianDe ( Fucoidan 1000), now only on ayherb. In Russia, the price is too high!

What is Fucoidan?

Fucoidan is a compound isolated from the ingredients of edible seaweed with a wide range of biological activities, including anticoagulant, antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating and lipid-correcting, etc.

At present, the study of the biological activity of fucoidan compounds or marine aquatic organisms has attracted great attention of scientists from all over the world.

Brown algae, as a source of polysaccharides, is a potentially important source of biologically active compounds: alginic acids, as an enterosorbent, hyaluronic acid, is responsible for cell adhesion, cell protection, moisture retention in tissues, the formation of skin tissue and skin elasticity, lamiharans, as immunomodulators and anti-tumor agents and fucoidans, hitcans and their derivatives, as anticoagulants and antitumor agents.

Fucoidan turned out to be an invaluable chemical that has a corrective effect on various body functions, provides modulation of the functions of the immune system, regulation of the aging process, changes in the functional activity of the homeostasis system, and hepatoprotective effect. Able to cause apoptosis (self-destruction) of cancer cells and remove harmful toxic substances from the body, have an inhibitory effect on the growth and spread of cancer cells, their metastasis.

According to the first studies by scientists from the Department of Molecular Virology and Oncology at Ryukyu University, Nimihara, Okinawa, Japan, sulfated Fucoidan polysaccharides cause self-destruction of diseased cells affected by the leukemia virus. Soon this message was confirmed by their colleagues from Keno University in Tokyo: the effect on cancer cells with Fucoidan led to self-destruction of tumor cells without any harm to the surrounding healthy cells, and the result of using fukaidan, after 72 hours, significantly exceeded the result that a whole series of sessions gave chemotherapy, without any of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Fucoidan antitumor function

Cancer cells require a lot of energy to grow and divide. The tumor contains the factors that cause the formation of new blood vessels, capillaries, connects them to our own blood vessel where blood is drawn in and the tumor receives nutrition.

There is a concept in biology called Apoptosis. This phenomenon is characteristic of the cells of the entire living world.

Apoptosis: the action of our body to stop the functioning of an unnecessary or old cell. Due to apoptosis, regenerative processes are carried out in which old cells are replaced by new ones. When apoptosis occurs, the cell, relatively speaking, independently turns on the mechanism of its own self-destruction.

Unlike necrosis - cell death as a result of environmental exposure or aging, apoptosis does not lead to such unfavorable consequences as the accumulation of poisons and toxins in the body, since it is a natural, natural property of the body to self-purify, when macrophages, the protective cells of the body, find decaying biological substances and devour them.

Cancer cell apoptosis has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments aimed at investigating the effects of fucoidan on several generations of cancer cells. In particular, the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells, acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, and human cancer cells was studied. The cells were actively multiplying in Petri dishes. As a result of the experiment (the effect of fucoidan on the cells of human promyelocytic leukemia), it was found that the number of viable cancer cells decreased and rapidly decreased, and almost all cells died within 70 hours of cultivation. With a more detailed analysis, the scientists determined that in the dead cells, the DNA, which is responsible for building the cell's development plan, was broken, which made these cells unviable. It was also determined that fucoidan had virtually no effect on healthy cells that were cultured in the control group.

Fucoidan inhibits (suppresses) the angiogenesis of cancer cells, inhibits cancer cells from adhering to tissues or platelets.

The cell cannot grow and enlarge, as its nutrition is blocked.

Sulfate polysaccharides disrupt the action of cancer cells and largely block metastases.

Fucoidan effect on tumors.

Alekseenko T.V., et al.

Antitumor and antimetastatic activity of fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from the brown alga of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Fucus evanescens

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2007 Jun, 143 (6): 730-2 Roberts DD., Et al.

Coombe DR., Et al.

“Analysis of inhibition of tumor metastasis by sulfated polysaccharides.

Kwak J.

Fucoidan as a marine anticancer agent in preclinical development. (Preclinical stages of development).

Maruyama H., et al.

"The role of NK cells in the antitumor activity of wild fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida sporophylls"

[The role of NK cells in the antitumor activity of Fusobacterium sanguineus] Planta Medica., 2006 Dec; 72 (15): 1415-7.

Sugawara I., et al.

“Fucoidan inhibits (blocks) macrophage activation in the inductive phase, but promotes macrophage activation in the effector phase. Microbiology and Immunology, 1984; 28 (3): 371-7

Platelet thrombospondin mediates the attachment and spread of human melanoma cells.

The effect of fucoidan on the lungs

Lee H, Kim JS, Kim E.

Fucoidan from the algae "Fucus vesiculosus" inhibits the migration and invasion of human lung cancer cel l via the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathways.

PLoS One. 2012; 7 (11): e50624.

Kimura R. et al.

Cytotoxic effects of fucoidan nanoparticles against osteosarcoma.

Effect of fucoidan on the bladder.

Fucoidan shows high results in the treatment and prevention of bladder diseases.

Cho TM1, Kim WJ2, Moon SK3.

AKT signaling is involved in fucoidan-induced inhibition of the growth and migration of bladder cancer cells.

Park HY., Et al.

Fucoidan inhibits the proliferation of human bladder cancer t24 cells by blocking cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis.

The action of fucoidan on the cardiovascular system

Ye J. et al.

Enzyme digested fucoidan extracts derived from mozuku algae from Cladosiphon novae-calidoniae kylin inhibit the invasion and angiogenesis of tuning cells. Cytotechnology, 2005 Jan; 47 (1-3): 117-26.

Boisson-Vidal C., et al.

Endothelial progenitor cell-induced neoangiogenesis: the effect of fucoidan from algae. Cardiovascular and Hematological Agent in Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Jan, 5 (1): 67-77.

Koyanagi S., et al.

"The use of fucoidan enhances its antiangiogenic and antitumor activity."

Matsubara K. et al.

Influence of fucoidans of average molecular weight on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2005 Apr, 15 (4): 695-9.

Action of fucoidan on the pancreas

Antioxidant Effect of Fucoidan - Strengthening Immunity

If your immune system is strong, you can overcome the disease more easily.

The Japanese company Rikken announced that fucoidan improves NK cell activation.

Fucoidan's effects on the brain

Fucoidan is able to inhibit the activity of cathepsin D, thereby increasing the life of nerve cells and their regeneration.

Cathepsin is an active substance of nerve cells.

Research conducted: 2011-apr / School of Ghinese Pharmasy Beijing Univesity of Chinese Medicine.

The action of fucoidan on the kidneys.

Research area:

Blood sugar associated with diabetes.

Suppression of kidney function caused by diabetes.

Research area:

Oxalate-mediated renal peroxidative changes: a protective role of fucoidan.

Vina K.K., Josephine, Preeta S.P., Varalakshmi P., Sundarapandy R.

Fucoidan improves renal blood flow in the early stages of renal ischemia.

The action of fucoidan on the liver.

Research area:

Liver health, elimination of cholesterol.

Fucoidan significantly increases the hepatocyte proliferative factor (HGF) in the body.

As a result of the increase in HGF, cell regeneration and tissue regeneration occur, which leads to improved liver health.

Research work

The action of fucoidan on the spleen

Jang JY, Moon SY, Joo HG.

Differential effects of low and high molecular weight fucoidans on spleen cell viability and function. [Differential effects of low molecular weight and high molecular weight fucoidan on the survival and function of immune cells (splenocytes)].

The action of fucoidan on the stomach

Boyakovsky K., Abramchik P., Boyakovskaya M., Zvolinskaya, Przybylsky Yu., Gasiong Z.

The polysaccharide component of Fucoidan prevents Helicobacter pylori from sticking to the stomach wall.

Fucoidan plays a role in preventing the formation of stomach ulcers and helps to heal them.

Haerim Fukoidan has confirmed the efficacy of fucoidan through clinical trials at Chunbuk National University Hospital.

Helicobacter. 2003 Feb, 8 (1): 59-65.

Preventive effects of fucoidan "Cladosiphon" against Helicobacter pylori infection.

Biofactors. 2000; 12 (1-4): 267-74.

Antiulcer effects and biological activity of seaweed polysaccharides.

Nagaoka M, Shibata H, Kimura-Takagi I, Hashimoto S, Ayama R., Ueyama S, Yokokura T.

Lee HE., Et al.

Fucoidan induces caspase-dependent apoptosis in mucosal cells of human carcinoma MC3.

The action of fucoidan on the mammary gland

Banafa AM., Et al.

Fucoidan induces G1 arrest and apoptosis through a caspase-dependent pathway and induction of ROS in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells.

J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2013 Oct, 33 (5): 717-24. doi: 10.1007 / s11596-013-1186-8.

Effect of fucoidan on the prostate

Boo HJ., Et al.

Anticancer effect of fucoidan in PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Mar Drugs. Aug 19, 11 (8): 2982-99

Matsubara K. et al.

Influence of fucoidans of average molecular weight on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2005 Apr, 15 (4): 695-9

Effect of fucoidan on platelets

Anticoagulant fractions of fucoidan from brown algae "Fucus vesiculosus" induce platelet activation in vitro.

Ushakova N.A., Morozevich G.E., Ustyuzhanina N.E., Bilan M.I., Usov A.I., Nifant'ev N.E., [Article in Russian]

Research institutes of the Russian Far East have been actively studying brown algae, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, this work was suspended.

At present, the Pacific Institute of Biochemical Chemistry and the Institute of Marine Biology of the Far East Branch of the RAA, as well as the Pacific Research Fisheries Center, are engaged in research work on brown algae, echinoderms and smooth-skinned mollusks. A number of research institutions of epidemiology and microbiology: FGBU “Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology G.P. Somova ". Moscow - FSBI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Okenography. FSBI Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Murmansk. Pacific State University. Far Eastern State University. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Vladivostok. Far East Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration SORAMA. Institute of climatology and rehabilitation treatment in Vladivostok. Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection in Khabarovsk. Medical Association FEB RAS, etc.

Based on seaweed, in particular fukaidans, peptides, sea molluscs, sea urchins, etc. a huge amount of research has been carried out, antitumor agents have been obtained for the treatment of various types of cancer and other diseases, but industrial production of obtaining fucoidan powder has not yet been established.

To date, the US National Library of Medicine ( contains nearly 1,500 records about Fucoidan and its role in the fight against tumors.

Studies have established that Fucoidan has a triple effect in one exposure to fucoidan, the number of cells in the tumor was reduced by more than 95%.

Triple antitumor action of fucoidan:

  1. The activation of macrophages leads to the activation of natural killer cells in the digestion of foreign bodies in the system, a high ability to stimulate the immune system appears;
  2. Apoptosis;
  3. Inhibition of angiogenesis (preventing the growth of new blood vessels feeding the tumor and preventing metastasis of cancer cells);

Other benefits of fukaidan:

  • Antioxidant action of fucoidan;
  • Fucoidan lowers blood sugar levels;
  • The effectiveness of fucoidan for weight control;
  • The effectiveness of fucoidan in cholesterol control;
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • Anti-HIV effect;
  • Reduction of allergic manifestations (hay fever, atrophy, etc.);
  • Improvement of microflora and function of the stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas.
  • The effect of improving the condition of the skin, hair growth;

How should i take Fucoidan?

For daily health maintenance, it is generally recommended to take at least 1 gram per day. If you have lifestyle-related health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure and want to improve your performance associated with one of these conditions, take at least 2-3 grams per day. If you have cancer or other serious medical conditions, it is recommended that your daily dose is at least 2 x to 10 grams.

Maximum doses and therapeutic effect of fucoidan.

To maximize the therapeutic effect of Fucoidan, it is recommended to take the drug four times a day: in the morning, at noon, in the evening and before bed. The body's natural immunity is highest during the daytime when we are active, but it decreases when the body is at rest (while we are sleeping). On the other hand, malignant cells are most active while the body is resting. Therefore, it is very important to take Fucoidan before bed. Don't worry about taking too much Fucoidan - it's like eating seaweed.

Are there any side effects when taking Fucoidan?

Fucoidan, unlike chemically synthesized drugs, consists of natural ingredients from brown algae. Thus, you can take it as much as you like without any anxiety. More than 12 years have passed since the product was introduced to the market, but no serious side effects have been reported.

Of course Fucoidan contains seaweed, which is a rich source of fiber, so if you take too much of it, your stools will be softer than usual. In a rare case, in some people, due to the restructuring of adaptation mechanisms, there is a slight malaise or allergization. However, this is only a temporary condition and after a while the body will return to its normal rhythm.

Combination of Fucoidan with medicines.

Remember, Fucoidan is not a medicine. It is a natural ingredient derived from seaweed. There should be no side effects when taking the chemistry prescribed by the doctors with Fucoidan, as it is the same as taking these drugs after eating algae.

Undaria porous, or wakame (Japanese) or miyok (Korean) - a type of brown seaweed, has a sweet taste and is usually used in soups and salads.

Mozuku (mozuku) - almost 90% of this alga in dry form, high molecular weight fucoidan - a polysaccharide with a strong antitumor effect. A little vinegar is added to increase the absorption of fucoidan from this alga. Mozuku contains sucrose, dietary fiber, proteins 8g, fats 0.6g, carbohydrates, potassium 620mg, magnesium 890mg, calcium 1000mg. It has an energy of 100g - 150kcal.

Wakame is a rich source of one of the omega-3 acids and is high in thiamine and niacin.

Researchers at Hokkaido University have discovered fucosatin in wakame, which helps burn fat. In oriental medicine, wakame is used for general healing, blood purification, skin and hair improvement, reproductive organs and menstrual cycle treatment.

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