Marine cosmetics. Seaweed in cosmetics

Do not be discouraged if it is not soon possible to lie on the beach. And already so much I want to experience the power of salt water, mud, algae, which get rid of cellulite, stretch marks, improve the condition of the skin ... Cosmetics based on marine components will make your dream come true, and for this you don't even have to leave the house.

For centuries, people have been exploiting the resources of the seas and oceans in order to stay young and attractive as long as possible. For the first time, the ancient Greeks paid attention to "seafood", but they limited themselves to algae and mud. Modern cosmetology takes much more from the water element. To understand how seafood can be useful for you, we will consider each of them separately.

2. Algae.

Where is it found?In face creams, anti-cellulite body products - it is quite possible that you have been using this "seafood" for a long time. In addition, cosmetologists offer a variety of procedures in which algal wrap is applied.

How is it useful? Most often, extracts of three algae are added to creams - spirulina, fucus and kelp. Spirulina is rich in vitamin A, which significantly slows down the aging process. In combination with trace elements, which are abundant in any marine component, this vitamin improves the structure of the skin, making it more elastic and firm. Fucus is loved by the cosmetic industry for its ability to activate the removal of toxins at the cellular level. And kelp is present in the vast majority of weight loss products, which is not surprising, because it regulates the process of accumulating body fat.

How to use? Cosmetics with algae extracts can be applied daily. However, wraps, where sea plants are present in their pure form, cannot be done more than two to three times a month due to the likely oversaturation of the skin with beneficial trace elements.

SPECIALIST COMMENT: Today there are a lot of funds based on seafood. With their help, you can solve almost any cosmetic problem. Need to fix a flaw in your appearance? Please, just choose the right drug. For example, if you need to make the waist and hips a little narrower, and at the same time reduce the appearance of cellulite in these zones, it is best to use an algal wrap. In salons, and at home, you can make two types of wraps: hot and cold. Both procedures have both indications and contraindications. Hot wrapping is recommended for the prevention and elimination of all stages of cellulite, volume reduction, activation of lipolysis processes, restoration of blood circulation, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, restoring skin elasticity and saturating it with minerals. However, with varicose veins hot veins are contraindicated. In this case, cold wraps will help - they will not only even out cellulite, but also relieve swelling.

TRIO FOR BEAUTY: As a rule, several underwater plants are used for algal wrapping: acting in a bundle, they enhance the properties of each other. For example, the popular “three algae” wrap uses fucus, kelp and lithotamnium calcareum. The action of this trio allows you to lose weight by 2-3 cm in one procedure, and a course of five procedures will give about 8 cm, because such a wrap simultaneously tightens the skin, breaks down lipids and carries out detoxification. It is recommended to take a shower before the procedure and then do a salt peeling. Next, a mixture of algae is applied to the body and covered with a thermal blanket for 30-40 minutes. The treatment ends with a shower. The effect of the course of body wraps will last approximately four to six months.

3. Sea salt.

Where is it found? In peels, scrubs, bath mixtures.

How is it useful? Salt scrubs are healthier than peels made from, for example, ground walnut shells: they not only remove dead skin cells from the skin, but also saturate it essential trace elements... In addition, salt makes the epidermis more resistant to aggressive environments. After sea scrubs, creams usually turn out to be much more effective, since a well-cleansed dermis is able to absorb a maximum of useful substances from a cosmetic product. As for the salt bath mixtures, they relax not only the body but also the soul. Depending on the degree of salt concentration in the water, such baths calm the nerves, improve sleep, relieve muscle tension, eliminate pain and, importantly, accelerate metabolism, contributing to weight loss.

How to use?You can cleanse the body with salt scrubs once every two weeks and no longer than 10 minutes. Facial peels are used more often, once a week, but only for two to three minutes. Baths with salt are recommended to be taken every other day, for 10-15 minutes.

4. Dead Sea water.

Where is it found?In clinics, wellness centers and sanatoriums where there are special baths with sea water.

How is it useful? The Dead Sea water resembles not so much water as a thick oily liquid, literally oversaturated with salts. After the first bath, the skin becomes smooth, small wounds heal, calluses soften, nails stop breaking, and hair begins to grow faster. The waters of other seas are less concentrated, which means they have a less noticeable cosmetic effect.

How to use? You can take baths with sea water at least every day, but no longer than 10-15 minutes.


ADD 5 drops to 500 g of sea salt essential oil tea tree and 5 drops - lemon mint. Set the salt aside for 15 minutes to allow the oils to be absorbed. FILL the bath with warm water (40-45 ° C) and dissolve the prepared salt in it. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then rinse in the shower, rub with a towel and apply a moisturizer to your skin.

5. Dirt and clay.

Where is it found? Most often, cosmetic masks are made on their basis. In addition, inexpensive powdered sea mud can be purchased at the pharmacy, and it is easy to purchase it in natural form in specialized stores.

How is it useful? The properties of the clay depend on its color, and the dirt on the location. The most useful mud comes from the Dead Sea - best of all they solve skin problems: nourish, moisturize and even treat various dermatological diseases. The second place is occupied by mud from the Atlantic Ocean, especially from the French coast. Their main advantage is the enhancement of lymphatic drainage, the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body. In third place is our local mud, extracted from the Black Sea. They stimulate the immune system.

Clay has more colors than a rainbow - eight, and each shade has its own useful properties... White clay tightens pores and removes shine, which is why it is recommended for people with oily skin. Gray, on the other hand, moisturizes, and therefore is considered ideal for dry skin. Blue clay helps to get rid of wrinkles, stimulates collagen production. Yellow helps to flush out toxins and refreshes skin color. Red relieves irritation. Pink strengthens brittle nails and hair. Green clay comes in handy for those looking to get rid of dandruff. And finally, black is indispensable in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.

How to use? The mud is applied to the body with a spatula from bottom to top, from feet to shoulders, without the need for massage. The higher the ambient temperature, the faster the composition must be washed off. If you applied it in the bath (which is very useful), take a shower after 15 minutes; if using dirt at room temperature, wash off after an hour. Remember that you need to apply clay, as well as cosmetics based on mud for the body, no more than twice a month: they intensively nourish the skin with useful trace elements, and with more frequent use, the epidermis may become oversaturated, which will lead to itching, redness and allergies. Decided to apply the composition to your face? Note that two types of masks are suitable: cleansing and moisturizing. After spreading over the skin, they are left for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out once or twice a week. And please note: cleansing and moisturizing formulations cannot be used in a row - it can also lead to oversaturation of the skin.


TAKE 500 g of black pharmacy clay, dilute it with warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream and add 1-2 tbsp. l. liquid honey or olive oil. RINSE your body and rub the problem areas with a stiff mitt. Spread the composition evenly over the bumpy areas, wrap with cling film on top. Lying down wrapped in a blanket, or wearing warm pants, do your household chores. Wash off the mask after 30-40 minutes.

6. Caviar extract.

Where is it found? In anti-aging cosmetics.

How is it useful?Caviar is a powerful rejuvenating concentrate: it is rich in vitamins A, D, E and C, trace elements, proteins and phospholipids. Phospholipids help to moisturize the skin, make it smooth, proteins increase elasticity. Caviar, as it were, awakens the skin, restarting the processes of cell regeneration. Rejuvenation begins from the inside: the oval of the face and body contours become sharper, wrinkles are smoothed out.

How to use?Experts advise to apply cosmetics with caviar extracts daily after 30 years. According to various studies, it helps to delay the appearance of deep wrinkles for five to seven years.

7. Pearls.

Where is it found? In nourishing creams for face and body.

How is it useful? Pushes back old age. We begin to fade at the moment when the processes of epidermal renewal slow down. Pearls contain amino acids that regulate regeneration processes, accelerating them if necessary. Cosmetics with pearls do not scratch the face, as many people think. This ingredient is made so fine that it penetrates the skin without hindrance.

How to use? According to the instructions that are always attached to any cream with pearls.

8. Fish oil.

Where is it found? In hair masks and nail strengthening products.

How is it useful? Fish oil has a beneficial effect on hair and nails, stimulating their growth. The hair becomes thicker, the hair becomes thicker and more elastic, the nails stop flaking and breaking.

How to use? Do not apply pure fish oil to your hair: it is very difficult to wash off, and the characteristic smell will last for a week. Hair masks with fish oil done once a week - thoroughly rubbed into the roots (thanks to this massage, blood circulation is activated and all substances are better absorbed by the skin and hair follicles) and left for 30-40 minutes.

Algae are real treasure chests. Therefore, they are actively used in the cosmetic world - in creams and face masks, wraps, anti-cellulite cosmetics, bath and shower products. If you are not already using algae cosmetics, spring is the time to start. Why? Read this post.

In it we will tell you what algae are, what their main feature is, about the properties and characteristics of different types of algae, who are they suitable for, and who should refrain from using.

The main feature of algae

Algae live in the seas and oceans. Like sponges, they absorb usefulness from sea water - minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

The mineral composition of algae is as close as possible to the composition of human blood plasma. Therefore, they are very physiological (related) to the body. No other component has such properties. The body takes algae for "its own", they naturally integrate into physiological processes. Therefore, all the benefits of algae are absorbed as fully as possible, and the risk of negative reactions during use is minimized.

Seaweed composition

Algae are extremely rich in health benefits. They contain:

  • alginic acid and its salts (alginates) - bind and remove slags and toxins from the body, perfectly moisturize and heal;
  • amino acids - participate in all cellular processes, help to absorb vitamins and minerals, are part of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin;
  • proteins and lipids - how bricks build cells;
  • calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, silica - building material of cells, helpers of proteins and lipids;
  • zinc, nickel, copper, iron, strontium, boron, bromine - are part of vital enzymes and hormones;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E, F, K, PP and all B vitamins.

Properties of seaweed

What are the benefits of seaweed? No other ingredient used in cosmetics has as many cool properties as algae. All of them:

  • restore and maintain general and local immunity;
  • remove toxins and toxins, have a powerful detox effect;
  • saturate with vitamins and minerals;
  • improve microcirculation;
  • stimulate lymphatic drainage;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • relieve swelling;
  • break down fats;
  • actively fight cellulite;
  • tighten the skin, have a pronounced lifting effect;
  • increase skin tone, elasticity, firmness and turgor;
  • moisturize, soften, nourish;
  • regenerate;
  • soothes and relieves inflammation.

In addition, each algae has its own specialty.

Types of seaweed

Just imagine - more than 25,000 species of algae live in the seas and oceans. At the same time, only 40 are used in cosmetics. In this post we will tell you about the most popular of them.

So what kind of algae are there?

Brown algae

Brown algae contain a high concentration of iodine. They perfectly remove toxins and toxins, have a lymphatic drainage effect, actively fight cellulite, moisturize and tighten the skin. therefore brown algae - the main characters of anti-cellulite creams and slimming wraps.

    What happens. Fucus thalli vary greatly in size and can be from 15 to 150 cm in length.

    Where he lives. In shallow waters in the cold waters of the White, Barents, Baltic, Mediterranean and Atlantic seas.

    Properties. Contains alginic acid and fucoidan polysaccharide. They remove toxins and toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system and perfectly moisturize.

    Skate. Fucus is the most powerful lipolytic. It improves microcirculation, targets beta-receptors in acipocytes and triggers the process of lipolysis (lipolysis). It also has a powerful lifting effect.

    Who is it for. Must-have in the fight against cellulite, with sagging and lost turgor skin (especially after a strong weight loss).

Who to look for on the label: fucus, bubble fucus, fucus, sea oak, wrack, rockweed, kelp.

    What happens. Kelp is also called seaweed. Its thalli reach up to 35 cm in width and up to 120 cm in length.

    Where he lives. Deep in the cold waters of the White, Baltic, Barents, Atlantic and Pacific seas.

    Properties. Laminaria is a gorgeous antiseptic and a champion in iodine content. Thanks to him, it reduces blood viscosity and cleanses blood vessels. And also kelp contains a high concentration of phytohormones and polysaccharides. They effectively moisturize the skin and fight aging.

    Skate. Actively moisturizes, gives the skin elasticity and firmness. It has a pronounced anti-age effect.

    Who is it for. For moisturizing dry, dehydrated skin. To restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin, especially after weight loss and in complex anti-age care.

Who to look for on the label: kelp, laminaria, macrocystis, deep-see tangle, kelp.

    What happens. Thallus of ascophyllum reaches 150 cm in length.

    Where he lives. On rocks in shallow waters in the cold seas of Asia, Europe and America.

    Properties. It is rich in trace elements, amino acids and plant mucus, therefore it perfectly moisturizes the skin. Contains a high concentration of saturated omega-2 fatty acids. Thanks to them, it restores the structure of collagen fibers and gives the skin elasticity. And ascophyllum also removes salts of heavy metals from the body.

    Skate. Ascophyllum is a cool moisturizer that replenishes moisture reserves, improves skin elasticity and turgor.

    Who is it for. Dehydrated, toned, saggy and aging skin.

Who to look for on the label: ascophillum, ascophillum, ascophillum nodosum, ascophillum algae, rockweep, kelp.

Red algae

Red algae live on rocks, reefs and boulders in salt and fresh water. Contains calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids in high concentration. Due to its composition red algae are used in skin renewal products.

    What happens. Lithotamnia is a small alga only 2-3 cm long.

    Where he lives. At the bottom in the warm waters of the southern seas.

    Properties. The thallus of lithotamnia is impregnated with lime, it is an invaluable storehouse of calcium, magnesium and chromium. The symbiosis of these substances actively replenishes moisture in the dermis. And the calcium in lithotamnia has a relaxing effect, relieves spasms and tension.

    Skate. Perfectly moisturizes, regenerates, nourishes the skin with minerals.

    Who is it for. Dehydrated, dry, tired, weakened skin. For relaxing and remineralizing programs.

Who to look for on the label: lithothamnium, lithothamnium, lithothamnion, lithothamnium.

    What happens. Reaches 100 cm in length.

    Where he lives. In the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

    Properties. Porphyra is rich in protein, fatty acids and beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, D B1, B2, B12. Thanks to them it perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, strengthens the antioxidant protection. And also porphyra is a champion in the content of vitamin C. Therefore, it effectively stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and brightens the skin.

    Skate. Anti-age and antioxidant protection.

    Who is it for. Age skin, skin with the first signs of aging, weakened, tired skin, skin under stress, residents of a metropolis, smokers.

Who to look for on the label: porphyra, porphyra, slack, red laver.

Blue-green algae

Blue-green algae are the oldest plants on earth. They contain a high concentration of iron, amino acids, B vitamins, beta-carotene and antioxidants. Thanks to them, they improve microcirculation and metabolic processes, strengthen the skin's defense system.

    What happens. Micro-alga, no more than half a millimeter long.

    Where he lives. The birthplace of spirulina is Lake Chad in Africa. She does not like salt water, so it can be bred in freshwater backwaters.

    Properties. Contains a cocktail of two thousand active ingredients. They saturate the skin with nutrients, heal, tone, tighten, strengthen, and activate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. And spirulina is also a powerful antioxidant. It fights premature aging and has a pronounced lifting effect.

    Skate. Spirulina has never been mutated. It actively adsorbs and removes slags, toxins, salts of heavy metals and other "garbage" from the body. Improves metabolism, helps break down fats.

    Who is it for. Weakened, tired, aging skin, skin with the first signs of aging, skin under stress, metropolitan residents, smokers. For detox and body shaping programs.

Who to look for on the label: spirulina, spirulina, spirulina platensis, arthrospira platensis, arthrospira maxima.

    What happens. Kodium is a unicellular alga up to 30 cm long.

    Where he lives. On the border of the sea and land in the ebb and flow zone.

    Properties. Kodium is rich in polysaccharides and vitamin C. Therefore, it perfectly moisturizes, brightens, stimulates the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Kodium fights inflammation, prevents blood clots and boosts immunity.

    Skate. To survive in an ever-changing environment, codium has learned to produce substances that regulate moisture loss. Therefore, it is effectively used in moisturizing rulers.

    Who is it for. For aged, tired, dry, dehydrated skin, skin with the first signs of aging, skin under stress, metropolitan residents, smokers and after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Who to look for on the label: codium, codium, codium vermilara, codium stackh, algae codium tomentosum.

    What are. These unicellular microscopic crumbs occupy a separate place in the algal community.

    Where live. In fresh and sea waters.

    Properties. Their cell is surrounded by a shell of silica, a source of magnesium, iron, and organic silicon. Silicon perfectly stimulates fibroblasts.

    Skate. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

    Who will suit. Aged, dehydrated, dry skin and skin with the first signs of aging.

Who to look for on the label: diatoms, diatomaceous earth, kilsegur, diatoms, diatomeaes, bacillariophyceae.

Who needs algae

Look for algae in cosmetics for:

  • cellulite;
  • extra pounds;
  • stretch marks;
  • sagging, stretched skin after losing weight;
  • dehydrated and dry skin;
  • loss of skin tone, elasticity and firmness;
  • wrinkles;
  • tired, dull skin;
  • uneven complexion.

Algae is a great option for remineralizing, rejuvenating, detox programs. And if you smoke and live in a metropolis, seaweed is your must-have.

For whom algae may not be suitable. Contraindications

For all the coolness of algae, they also have contraindications. This is due to the large amount of iodine in the composition. Use algae with caution only after consulting your doctor if:

  • diseases thyroid gland and kidneys;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases (ARVI, tonsillitis);
  • acute skin inflammations;
  • allergies to iodine and iodine-containing foods.

Briefly about the main

Algae is a very physiological (related) product for the skin. Their composition is as close as possible to the composition of human blood plasma. This makes algae an inexhaustible source of benefits and minimizes the risk of negative reactions.

Algae are brown, red and blue-green. About 40 types of algae are used in cosmetics. They are used for salon procedures and are included in cosmetics for the face and body.

Algae solve many skin problems, have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, but there are also contraindications.

The best choice:

  • When cellulite and extra pounds - fucus.
  • For lifting - fucus.
  • For tone and elasticity - kelp, ascophyllum, porphyry.
  • When dehydrated, dry skin - kelp, ascophyllum, lithotamnia, codium.
  • When tired, dull leather - porphyry, codium.
  • When age skin - kelp, ascophyllum, porphyry, spirulina, codium, diatom algae.
  • For detox programs - spirulina.

Do you use cosmetics with algae? Share in the comments.

Stay with us and be beautiful.

Until next time on air LaraBarBlog. ♫

If you believe that our ancestors are from the ocean, it becomes clear why marine organisms are very similar in composition to human blood. Then the question why cosmetics based on oceanic components make a splash will simply not arise.


The depths of the sea still hold many secrets. To date, biologists have studied only 30% of the ocean flora and fauna, so all the discoveries are yet to come. But the data obtained is quite enough for cosmetologists to confidently assert that marine components are very often more effective than plant ones. The first place among them is occupied by algae, but red caviar, fish skin, crustacean shells, molluscs, mussels and pearls are also capable of much.

One blood

In terms of the quantity and quality of micro- and macroelements, the composition of seaweed is similar to the composition of human blood, which makes it possible to look at them as a source of a ready-made and balanced cocktail of substances necessary for our body. It is not for nothing that in ancient times fishermen off the coast of Brittany wrapped each other in seaweed from head to toe in order to recover faster during illness. In cosmetology, especially thalassotherapy, today about 30 varieties of seaweed are used, most often kelp, fucus and ascophyllum. They contain a whole range of substances necessary for any skin. The multifaceted properties of brown seaweed are due to a rich set of trace elements that stimulate the activity of cells, mineral salts restore the balance of the skin, amino acids - nourish it and supply energy. Priceless is the high content of unsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 type, which restore the structure of collagen - a fibrillar protein connective tissuedetermining the elasticity of the skin.

Marine formula

Marine collagen is so called because it is obtained in a special way from the skin, bones and scales of marine fish. It contains 9 out of 10 amino acids necessary for the body. And also peptides of marine collagen, well "purified" and processed using a special technology, have high bioavailability: our skin perfectly absorbs and assimilates them. All this helps to achieve a good anti-aging effect. Marine collagen creams smooth and tighten the skin, increasing its elasticity from the inside.

Rich formula

Living on land, we have long been accustomed to herbal cosmetics. But this is not a reason to give preference to her over the sea. Those substances that are present in plants are also found in seafood, but in a higher concentration; this is especially true of the iconic omega-3 acid. There are also such unique substances in the ocean that you simply cannot find on the shore. Marine "endemic", for example, include beneficial to the skin complex carbohydrates - alginates and carrageenans.

Valuable powder

Powder is made from seashells for dermabrasion - deep mechanical peeling. Shredded corals are used for more gentle exfoliating treatments. Mother-of-pearl powder is a common ingredient in body lotions and powders that add radiance. It is curious that in Arab countries it is still used to protect the skin from sunburn... Shiny on the skin, particles of mother-of-pearl reflect ultraviolet light.

Precious placer

Pearls are not only valued by jewelers. Recently, many cosmetics manufacturers have paid attention to the natural properties of this "sea stone". Pearl powder began to be added to creams that rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity. Pearls are used in different types... It is great if the composition of the product contains exactly "pearl powder": this means that the stones have not been exposed to chemical processing... But hydrolysates (in the list of components they are often referred to as "pearl proteins") may be less useful - the concentration of nutrients in them is less.

Sturdy carapace

Scientists have learned to extract the extremely valuable component chitosan from the shell of the Far Eastern and Alaskan crab, from which they then isolated special oligosaccharides. These bioactive substances are already called the medicine of the XXI century. Chitosan oligosaccharides are capable of attaching and removing toxins, radioactive substances, and excess fat from the body. In addition, they "trigger" immune responses, have antitumor activity, and lower blood cholesterol levels. In medicine, chitosan is used as a wound healing and anti-burn agent; its antibacterial properties have already been discovered. Of course, such a valuable component is also used in cosmetology. Hair dyes, masks, creams, therapeutic and prophylactic agents for our curls, skin and nails with chitosan are no longer a rarity.

The concentration of nutrients, especially salts, in the waters of the Dead Sea is much higher than in all other sea and even oceanic areas.

Face in the dirt

Biologists still don't understand why the Dead Sea mud is so powerful. But it is known that the structure of this substance is really unique. It is believed that our body reacts to it so favorably due to the presence of bromide and sulfate compounds in its composition, which are present in blood serum and human lymphatic fluid. All these necessary components, entering the bloodstream, bring great benefit and heal not only the skin. One can talk for a long time about the amazing properties of the Dead Sea mud. It speeds up metabolic processes, facilitates oxygen supply and delivery nutrients to tissues, activates blood flow, renews cells and stimulates regeneration processes, increases skin turgor and tone. And this list is still incomplete.

Red and black

Cosmetic brands are increasingly offering us a new panacea for aging - products with red and black caviar extracts. And we must give them their due: this is not a marketing ploy. We are talking about the very caviar that we used to smear on sandwiches. But its nutritional properties are beneficial not only for health, but also for maintaining youthful skin, as well as for accelerating hair growth. Cosmetics based on both varieties of caviar have a stimulating effect, so it can be safely prescribed to all women after 35. Its main secret is that it impressively activates collagen production, which allows the skin to stay smooth and elastic longer. In addition, the minerals and vitamins contained in red caviar stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, activate metabolism and even block the action of free radicals. Add to this the property of red caviar to soften, moisturize and protect the skin from stress, and then you will understand why it is so useful to use red caviar at least occasionally in order to rejuvenate the skin. However, due to the sufficient high cost of ingredients and technologies, only a few famous world brands produce it, so bold statements on packaging should be treated objectively.

The sea is healing, both physically and emotionally!

Everyone knows the wonderful healing properties sea, it has an amazing effect on the human body. The sea has a magical power of attraction, its endless expanse and measured sound of waves mesmerizes and pacifies. You can look at the sea for an infinitely long time, and many people associate the best vacation with the seaside. Salt waters supply the body with negative ions that neutralize the excess of harmful ions that city dwellers accumulate in the stone jungle. Thanks to this, the sea has an anti-stress effect. And the sea also gives us a huge amount of nutrients that normalize metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Minerals and trace elements such as hydrogen, magnesium, potassium and calcium become a kind of nutritional cocktail for our skin. Sea water is one of the best natural cosmetics! By saturating the skin with oxygen, it provides body and skin with cleansing, like a natural and natural spa treatment. Even those who consider themselves to be practically healthy should know that sea water, which has in its composition an almost complete set of elements of the periodic table, promotes the activation of all vital important processes in the human body and increases its ability to resist a variety of diseases.

The variety of flora in the Black Sea is amazing. It contains over 250 types of algae. Almost all Black Sea algae are widely used in cosmetology. Algae has a high iodine content, it has been proven that this element is vital for normal functioning human body... Iodine is absorbed through the skin much better than through the intestines, so iodine is absorbed according to needs: that is, there can be no overdose. The substance acts as a moisturizing product, and in fact the dryness of the integument remains one of the main causes of premature aging. The action of this microelement will accelerate cell renewal, which will help maintain freshness and youthfulness of the skin.

Seaweed is distinguished by a huge concentration of nutrients, which means it will have a more powerful and faster effect in the fight against the signs of aging and skin aging. They will accelerate the action of all other herbal components contained in the natural cosmetics "The Sea Heals". Spirulina occupies a special place among algae. This is the only prehistoric alga that has survived to this day in its original state. It always remains environmentally friendly. In cosmetology, it is used as a means to increase skin tone and elasticity, to strengthen the body, that is, to tone not only the skin, but all soft tissues, including muscles. Spirulina makes the body not only fit, but also elastic and young.

For the “Sea Heals” cosmetic products, we have collected only the best and most useful things that the sea and the surrounding nature give us. Favorable climatic conditions, clean air, with a high concentration of minerals, all this gives the plants that we have chosen for our products the best healing properties. "The Sea Heals" is a natural, health-improving care cosmetics that will help you preserve youth, beauty and health!

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