How histological examination is carried out: types, methods, features. What can show the analysis for histology

Histological examination helps to accurately determine the presence of dangerous cells and neoplasms. Histology is carried out to study the tissues of various organs and systems. The difference between this research method and others lies in the increased accuracy of obtaining results.

Modern examinations of the body are carried out in different ways: examinations, analyzes, ultrasound. But these methods do not always allow you to accurately diagnose or detect disease-causing cells and extraneous formations. There is a more accurate way to do this, called histology. Many have heard about a smear for histology, but not everyone knows what it is.

The histological research method allows you to study cells and tissues, to identify developmental pathology. This method is often used in gynecology and other medical fields. If you do not know what the analysis for histology means, how it is done, and what results it shows, we will help you figure it out.

Many do not know how they take an analysis for histology. Research is unlike any conventional research method. Depending on which organ needs to be checked, the form of taking the analysis differs: smears, prints, sections or films from tissues. The algorithm for taking the analysis must be accurate and all research rules must be observed.

After the doctor receives a piece of tissue, it must be placed in formalin or ethanol, cut into a thin section and stained with special means... Methods for dyeing cut tissue also vary. The most commonly used are hematoxylin and eosin. Due to the effect of coloring substances, the color of the tissue composition changes.

For example, hematoxylin stains nucleic acids blue, and proteins turn red with it. After the performed procedures, a specialist examines the prepared sample using an electron microscope for the presence of disease-causing and dangerous cells. But there is also a way how histology is performed.

In some cases, tissue sections are placed in a special balm or paraffin, and the obtained samples can be stored. And if possible, conduct research using various microscopes: light, scanning, electronic, luminescent and others. Using a phase contrast microscope allows you to view images of samples that cannot be seen using conventional microscopy.

The required tissue sample is collected using a puncture needle, bone trepanation or aspiration.

What does the analysis show for histology?

    To determine the presence of cancerous tumors in the body, this is the most common reason, according to which a histological examination is carried out. The study of tissues in this way allows you to determine whether there are dangerous cells in the body; To identify the causes of infertility; To study the state of female organs genitourinary system; To determine the inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive system.

When asked how long histology takes, each clinic gives its own answer. On average, the result of the study becomes known 7-10 days after taking a tissue sample. The term for obtaining the result also depends on the availability of its own laboratory on the territory of the medical institution. With the available laboratory, the duration of histology is significantly reduced. When ordering a histological study in an outside laboratory, delivery of the result may take 2-3 days or more. There is also express diagnostics, which is carried out in the operating room.

If during the operation there is a suspicion of the presence of malignant tumors in the patient, the tissue sample can be examined under a microscope in a short period of time. If the result is positive, the surgeon must perform an extended operation, taking into account the rules for the removal of oncological formations.

The results of histology analyzes are issued to the patient in the form of a written conclusion. It will indicate whether or not there are abnormalities in cells and tissues. But not everyone can decipher the result. For the correct interpretation of histology analyzes, the minimum must be medical education... Information about the study carried out is indicated on latin using medical terms.

    personal data of the patient; what type of tissue was taken for study; sampling site.

Further, the method, the time of research is indicated. What solutions were used to study samples of taken tissues - information is also indicated in the form. The main conclusion about the indicators of histology is described at the very end. Don't worry if you see a lot of information. This does not mean that many abnormalities or pathologies have been found.

The specialist who conducted the study lists not only possible neoplasms, but also the detection of all tissues. You are unlikely to read the conclusion in Latin on your own. Therefore, after receiving the research results, consult a doctor, who at the same time will advise on possible treatment or preventive measures.

Regardless of what the results of histology may be: positive or negative, no recommendations are indicated in the conclusion.

Many patients after receiving histological report about the presence of a malignant tumor, they want the result to be erroneous. But, unfortunately, errors in histology are extremely rare. This research method is considered the most accurate and in some studies it allows not only to determine the presence of malignant cells, but also the cause of their appearance.

Despite the accuracy of the histological method, experts do not deny that there is a small percentage of incorrect and inaccurate studies. But if the procedure for taking a tissue sample and the algorithm itself during the study was observed, then the result cannot be erroneous.

Histology - Analysis

Histology Is the analysis of a tissue sample taken from an organ, which is the leading basis for a diagnosis. In modern medicine, the method is considered one of the most reliable. It is often of paramount importance in making a diagnosis and determining the type of therapy.

The study of tissue samples is carried out in order to:

    detecting inflammation in digestive system; determining the causes of infertility; diagnostics of oncological conditions; determining the state of the uterus, etc. female organs; correction of therapy for diseases internal organs (liver, kidney, etc.).

How is the analysis taken for histology?

To obtain material for analysis (tissue sample), the following types of biopsy are used:

    needle - the organization of tissue collection using a special needle; incisional - a tissue sample is taken during the operation; excisional - tissue sampling is performed after removal of the tumor or the affected organ.

Carrying out the procedure for taking tissue for histology

During histology, strict adherence to the procedure algorithm and high level attention, responsibility of a specialist. After all false result analysis will direct the attending physician to the choice wrong ways treatment.

The sequence of histology is as follows:

Do a sampling of material for research. The tissue sample is placed in formalin, ethanol, or Bouin's fluid. For hardening, the prepared material is poured with paraffin. Very thin sheets of tissue are cut and placed on a glass slide. The paraffin is removed, the material is stained with a special dye. Microscopic examination is performed.

For the patient and his loved ones, the question is sometimes very important: how much is the analysis done for histology? As a rule, if the histological examination is carried out in the same medical institutionwhere tissue is taken for analysis, the result is ready in a week. It is clear that if the material for research has to be transported to another medical institution, and even more so in another Locality, the time spent on analysis is increasing. In some cases, when the issue of the operation should be resolved in a short time, an accelerated method is used. The resulting material is frozen and the result is ready in 2-3 hours.

Deciphering the analysis of histology is carried out by a cytologist, who determines the nature of the disease. So, when analyzing a mole for histology, an experienced specialist will accurately determine whether the formation is benign or malignant.

In modern medicine, more and more methods are used to research and detect various diseases, deviations from the norm, and neoplasms. Histology is one such method.

This is a direction in scientific medicine, which is at the intersection of cytology and embryology. With the advent of such a research method, it became possible to identify conditions that previously could only be judged at the later stages of the development of the disease.

What is histology

Histology is such a direction in biology and medicine, which studies the state of the whole organism in various tissues of human organs. The examination for histology is performed by taking a tissue sample of any organ and examining it in detail with a microscope. Very often, histology is used in the field of gynecology and oncology.

What histology studies

When conducting a histological study, the main attention is paid to the study of the tissues of the human body at the cell level. It is such a detailed study that allows doctors to accurately diagnose an ailment or prevent the development of such a terrible disease as cancer.

Types of tissues studied by histology

This science, already at the cellular level, helps to establish any pathological process that begins in healthy organs. With the help of microscopy, it is possible to establish mutations in organs, bodies of foreign origin and the onset of oncological neoplasms.

What is histology in gynecology

A very important and most informative type of research in gynecology is the analysis for histology. Women's health in general depends on the functioning of the genitals, so prevention various diseases or their treatment is already on early stages can significantly improve the patient's standard of living.

With the help of histology, it became possible to find out the causes of infertility or miscarriage of pregnancies in young women with similar problems. Many gynecological diagnoses can only be made after this examination.

In gynecology, 5 main types of histological examinations are carried out:

Study type Indications and features of the
Definition of oncology It is carried out when new formations or tumors of an unexplained nature (benign or malignant) are found at the reception or after an ultrasound scan. To determine their quality, diseased tissues are taken for further research.
Analysis for miscarriage or missed pregnancy, for infertility It is carried out to establish the true cause of the incident. Explains the causes of infertility
Analysis of uterine tissue Allows you to establish the causes of bleeding, pain, the nature of the neoplasms, the quality of the endometrium.
Ovarian tissue examination Assign for any types of tumors detected.
Histological examination of the cervix Carried out by cutting out a small part of the cervical tissue for examination. The study gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of erosions, genital warts, oncology, dysplasia.


Histology is such a study, the conduct of which necessarily requires a strong indication.

The gynecologist must prescribe a histological examination, in addition to other tests, when the following complaints and symptoms are detected:

  • pain syndrome of unknown origin in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • abortion;
  • in case of miscarriage or detection of a frozen pregnancy;
  • examination of fetal tissues with abnormalities during pregnancy;
  • the appearance or removal of all new formations;
  • heterogeneous endometrium according to the results of ultrasound;
  • the presence of many cysts on the ovaries;
  • leukoplakia;
  • studying after removal of the qualitative composition of cells of papillomatous formations and polyps.

Timely diagnosis promotes early treatment.

Histological examination of the endometrium

The study of the inner layers of tissue of the cervix and the uterus itself, called the endometrium, allows you to control the work of the ovaries, diagnose any pathologies and diseases at the initial stages, and identify endometrial hyperplasia.

To collect materials for laboratory research, scraping is performed from the inner walls of the uterus. With continuous bleeding, they do not wait for the onset of planned menstruation, tissue sampling is carried out immediately.

After scraping, the dyed tissue is sent for analysis to the laboratory. Sometimes the Van Gieson technique is used for these purposes.

On stained sections, you can determine the features of the endometrium and its structure. Healthy unchanged glands differ from patients in shape, they have a saw-shaped, light-colored cytoplasm. And inside them there must be a secret.

Histology of the cervix

The histology of tissues taken from the cervix is \u200b\u200bperformed if there is a fear of precancerous, precancerous conditions or the presence of inflammation in this organ. For analysis, a small particle of material is taken from the surface of the neck, the sampling is performed without opening it.

Small changes identified after the study most often indicate the presence of inflammation, erosion or benign tumor... A large number of altered cells indicates a precancerous condition and the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

Uterine histology

For the appointment of a histological examination of the uterus, indications are needed, such as abdominal pain of an unexplained nature in the lower part, uterine bleeding, education and tumor when probing the organ.

The collection of material for examination is carried out simultaneously during hysteroscopy for diagnostic purposes. This intervention is an examination of the internal tissues and surface of the uterus using a specially designed optical device called a hysteroscope.

The doctor takes a piece of tissue under anesthesia (usually general, but sometimes only pain relief is used). The selected tissues are sent for histological examination, which will help determine the cause of violations in the functioning of the genital organ and distinguish a malignant tumor from a benign one (for example, fibroids).

Ovarian histology

Ovarian histology is performed by injection through abdominal wall puncture needle. It penetrates into the ovaries themselves and selects material for analysis directly from questionable areas (cystic or tumor nature). The process of collecting tissues is carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine, this allows you to collect tissues from areas of suspicion.

Histology after a frozen pregnancy

Histology is a study that can be carried out to find out the causes of a missed pregnancy. At the same time, tissues obtained from a dead embryo are sent to the laboratory for research. Starting from the 2nd trimester, the dead fetus has to be removed by scraping the inner uterus.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy. Statistics

Analysis for histology helps to determine the causes of a missed pregnancy in order to prevent a recurrence of the situation. Thus, it is possible to determine what caused the death of the embryo - viruses or infections, especially genital, diabetes or hormonal imbalance in a woman, an abnormal structure of the genitals.

Histology after curettage

Curettage of the uterus and its cavity is difficult process collection of the endometrium, so it is performed in the operating room under anesthesia or anesthesia. The procedure takes over half an hour.

When scraping, the material is collected with a curette. All the obtained biological material is collected in a test tube and sent to the laboratory. Indications for this procedure are problems with pregnancy (miscarriage, infertility), endometrial hyperplasia. Also, the material can be collected by removing the placenta left after delivery.

After curettage, tissue samples obtained directly from the uterus itself are examined. For this, part of the epithelium is removed and biological material is taken after it has been removed from the uterus.

In what period of the cycle is tissue taken?

Tissue collection for histological examination is performed just before the onset of menstruation to minimize blood loss. Interference with the body in the middle or at the end of a cycle can cause bleeding, early onset of menstruation and subsequent disruptions.

Only the attending physician himself has the right to appoint a day for collecting material for analysis for histology. Do not worry before performing the procedure, as collecting material will not bring pain or discomfort. Inside the uterus and genitals there is a minimum number of nerve endings that are responsible for pain or discomfort.

Preparation for analysis

Most often, before referral for analysis for histology, the attending physician prescribes a number of other studies.

For example:

  • blood analysis;
  • smears for cytology;
  • tests for the presence of genital infections;

If the results of these tests raise suspicions of more serious abnormalities, then a histological examination will help establish an accurate diagnosis. Since the sampling of material is carried out most often in a hospital setting, the date is set in advance, by agreement with the doctors who perform the sampling of the endometrium and the study itself.

To obtain more reliable results, it is recommended to refrain from: 1-3 days before the appointed date:

It is worthwhile to carry out the toilet of the genitals only with the use of warm water, without using any gels for intimate hygiene.

In a couple of weeks, the patient should stop using any medications, if they are not vital, and nutritional supplements... The doctor should be warned in advance about the use of any medications, as some of them can affect blood clotting.

How is the analysis done for histology

To obtain tissue samples, several basic methods of sampling are used:

Correctly chosen method of withdrawal of material for analysis and its volume affect the obtaining of the correct result. Therefore, it is very important for the physician to select the method of collecting samples that is appropriate for each case.

Histology is such a complex study that is necessarily carried out by a pathomorphologist who is a specialist in the study of tissues. human body... After collecting the material, it is important to properly prepare the tissue for examination.

For this, the mandatory stages are carried out:

  • fixation of tissues in a special liquid that prevents tissue decay and decay;
  • dewatering material (or wiring) for compaction;
  • embedding the material with paraffin or another suitable preparation for this, thus obtaining a solid block from which sections are made;
  • cutting a solid block with a special microtome device into thin plates;
  • staining the thinnest plates on glass slides with special preparations;
  • conclusion - covering the obtained sections with another microscope slide with a special medium that facilitates their long storage;
  • study under a modern (electronic, light, scanning, luminescent) microscope of the obtained preparation.

In the case when an accelerated analysis is required, an emergency freezing of the obtained tissues is carried out right in the operating room, the prepared materials are cut into thin layers and the preparations from them are examined under a microscope.

What the analysis shows for histology

It is necessary to prescribe a histological analysis in cases where it is necessary to confirm the presence of cancer cells in the body. The study will show their presence even in the very early stages of the disease, which are asymptomatic. This will help to start treatment in a timely manner and recover completely.

A histology test done after a miscarriage or other pregnancy problems will show the underlying causes of these problems. Fertility doctors are struggling with great success with various reasons infertility using this study.

The main thing is to accurately diagnose and find out the nature of the disease, otherwise the blind treatment will not only fail, but may also harm.

Also, histology can show the state of the organs of the female genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract in order to determine the presence or absence of inflammation, abnormalities in the development of organs or other pathologies.

How much histology analysis is done

The timing of obtaining the results of the analysis for histology depends on the clinic to which the patient applies. But with proper laboratory research, it will take at least a week to expect a conclusion. Usually, you can pick up the finished result in 10 days.

The term may increase if there is no own laboratory on the territory of the clinic where the material was taken. In such cases, the selected materials are prepared on the territory of the collection point and taken for research. Delivery of fabrics, and then the results, may take 2-3 days.

If during surgical intervention suspicion arises malignant neoplasm, the operating surgeon takes the material right in the operating room, and the tissue specialist immediately conducts an express analysis. If fears about the presence of cancers are confirmed, the removal of the tumor of an oncological nature is immediately carried out.

Results and interpretation of the analysis for histology

The pathologist is responsible for the analysis itself, its conduct and the issuance of results, but the attending physician is solely responsible for decoding and interpreting the results. He must make the correct diagnosis based on the results of not only histology, but also all other prescribed studies, such as a blood test, urine test, smears.

Having found in a written conclusion many unfamiliar Latin words and symbols, you should not panic and draw premature conclusions. The result is always given in the form of Latin terms, so without having the appropriate education, there is no way to understand it.

The conclusion of a private laboratory must indicate the time and place of collection of the studied sample, the type of tissue examined, as well as information about the solutions used in the research process. The result is described at the end of the form; no treatment recommendations are indicated there.

Could the histology analysis be wrong?

Histological analysis, like any other, can be erroneous. But histology, according to experts, is such the most accurate way of research that the percentage of erroneous results is very small.

It is possible to determine its unreliability when conducting a second study. In any case, when a complex diagnosis is made, such as oncology, the doctor will send the patient for an additional examination to confirm the presumptive diagnosis.

The patient also has the right to demand a sample of his material at the place of analysis in order to send it to another laboratory for study.

The indicators will be more accurate if a larger amount of material has been examined and the correct method of tissue collection is selected. Incorrect collection and subsequent incorrect storage of tissues will also give an incorrect interpretation of the analysis. It is important to choose a clinic and a doctor with experience, positive feedback and the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct such complex studies.

What to do after receiving the result

After the patient receives the result from the laboratory, it is worth waiting for the consultation of the attending physician. There is no point in decrypting the received data on your own, since only an experienced attending physician will be able to correctly interpret them, based on previously obtained results of other tests, the patient's history.

If the specialist has doubts, he will refer the patient for a second examination. And if the patient himself has doubts and uncertainty about his doctor, he can turn to another doctor with all his analyzes. Similarly, you can send your material for study to another laboratory.

Do not panic when receiving a referral for a histological examination. Histology will help identify and prevent development oncological diseases.

This is such a study that at the earliest stages of the development of the disease, and even in a precancerous state, allows an accurate diagnosis. In this case, it is very important to learn about the disease as early as possible. In addition, histology will help solve the problem of infertility and miscarriage. Now this is especially true for dozens of families.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Histology video

How is the histological examination performed:

Modern examinations of the body are carried out in different ways: examinations, analyzes, ultrasound. But these methods do not always allow you to accurately diagnose or detect disease-causing cells and extraneous formations. There is a more accurate way to do this, called histology. Many have heard about a smear for histology, but not everyone knows what it is. The histological method of research allows you to study cells and tissues, to identify the pathology of the development of the disease. This method is often used in gynecology and other medical fields. If you do not know what the analysis for histology means, how it is done and what results it shows, we will help you figure it out.

How is the analysis done for histology?

For example, hematoxylin stains nucleic acids blue and turns proteins red with it. After the performed procedures, a specialist examines the prepared sample using an electron microscope for the presence of disease-causing and dangerous cells. But there is another way to conduct histology. In some cases, tissue sections are placed in a special balm or paraffin. Various microscopes allow conducting research: light, scanning, electronic, luminescent and others. The use of a phase contrast microscope helps to view images of samples that cannot be seen with conventional microscopy. The required tissue sample is taken with a puncture needle, bone trepanation or by aspiration (penetration into the airways).

What does the analysis show for histology?

This analysis is not always required. What is histology done for? Histology is necessary in the following cases:

  • To determine the presence of cancerous tumors in the body - this is the most common reason for a histological examination. The study of tissues in this way allows you to determine whether there are dangerous cells in the body;
  • To identify the causes of infertility;
  • To study the state of the organs of the female genitourinary system;
  • To determine the inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive system.

You will be interested in consultations on the following topics:

How much histology analysis is done?

There is also express diagnostics, which is carried out in the operating room. If during the operation there is a suspicion of the presence of malignant tumors in the patient, the tissue sample can be examined under a microscope in a short period of time. If the result is positive, the surgeon must perform an extended operation, taking into account the rules for removing oncological formations.

Results and interpretation of the analysis for histology

The results of histology analyzes are issued to the patient in the form of a written conclusion. It will indicate whether there are abnormalities in cells and tissues. But not everyone can decipher the result. For the correct interpretation of histology analyzes, it is at least necessary to have a medical education. Information about the study is indicated in Latin using medical terms.

If you underwent a histological examination in a public institution on the referral of a doctor, you can find out about the results at his appointment.

When contacting a private medical clinic, you will receive the conclusion in your hands. The form will contain the following information:

  • personal data of the patient;
  • what type of tissue was taken for study;
  • sampling site.

Further, the method, the time of the study is indicated. What solutions were used to study samples of taken tissues - information is also indicated in the form. The main conclusion about the indicators of histology is described at the very end. Don't worry if you see a lot of information. This does not mean that many abnormalities or pathologies have been found. The specialist who conducted the study lists not only possible neoplasms, but also the detection of all tissues. You are unlikely to read the conclusion in Latin on your own. Therefore, after receiving the research results, consult your doctor, who at the same time will advise on possible treatment or preventive measures. Regardless of what the results of histology may be: positive or negative, no recommendations are indicated in the conclusion.

Could the histology analysis be wrong?

Many patients, after receiving a histological conclusion about the presence of a malignant tumor, want the result to be erroneous. But, unfortunately, errors in histology are extremely rare. This research method is considered the most accurate and in some studies it allows not only to determine the presence of malignant cells, but also the cause of their appearance. Despite the accuracy of the histological method, experts do not deny that there is a small percentage of incorrect and inaccurate studies. But if the procedure for taking a tissue sample and the algorithm itself during the study was followed, then the result cannot be erroneous.

At the heart of modern medicine various laboratory tests lie. A variety of analyzes helps to accurately and quickly establish a patient's diagnosis and begin treatment. Biological body fluids and tissues of various organs are examined. There are well-known diagnostics: general analysis blood or urine, there are more rare. One of important analyzes, prescribed for strict indications, is a histological analysis.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: histological analysis of material under the microscope" width="640" height="480"> !}

Inspection of biomaterial under a microscope

Such a popular study as histological diagnosis is carried out only for certain diseases. The main task of this diagnostic method is to identify cancer cells from which they can grow malignant tumors, and also conduct a study of existing neoplasms for their malignancy or benignity. A histological examination is performed to analyze any tissue in the human body, regardless of the organ system and the medical industry. The results, which contain the conclusion of the histological analysis, are highly informative and reliable.

The results of histological diagnostics are final and confirming all examinations of the patient carried out before: ultrasound procedure, MRI and CT, X-rays, etc. According to these techniques, a preliminary diagnosis is made, and a histological examination establishes an accurate conclusion - benign neoplasm in the patient or is it still a cancerous tumor.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: girl on ultrasound scan before histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

Histological analysis is very often prescribed after an ultrasound examination to confirm the diagnosis

Histological examination is carried out different ways... The analysis involves the study of blood, organ tissues and secretions of the mucous membranes. The last type of diagnosis - a smear for histology, is widespread in gynecology and urology. The analysis has differences in the performance of the diagnostic procedure itself, but the quality of the study is the same in any case.

Methodology for performing histological analysis

Everyone knows how to take tests: for this, blood is taken from a finger or vein. And how is such a study carried out as a pathohistological one? Indeed, this diagnosis requires the collection of tissues of internal organs. Having determined which organ of the body requires a detailed study, its cells are taken. To do this, the doctor can do:

  • smear;
  • imprint;
  • slice;
  • film.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: biomaterial fence for histological analysis by tissue puncture" width="640" height="480"> !}

Collection of biomaterial for histological analysis by tissue puncture

If such a study as pathohistological requires a study of internal organs, local or general anesthesia will be required. Taking smears is carried out "live", without anesthesia, since it is a painless procedure. Some types of tissue collection require admission to a hospital, others a standard visit to the clinic. As soon as the organ tissue is removed from the patient's body, it is immediately placed in an ethanol or formalin solution, designed to preserve the cells and prevent them from dying. Next, special reagents are added to the tissue sample, which color various substances in different colors.

When all components of the sample are colored, the analysis is performed. A laboratory assistant under a microscope examines the cells of a microorganism for their danger and threat to the health and life of the patient.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: Equipment for holding histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

The next research method is to save the obtained samples. Using special balms, organ particles can be stored for a long time. Such balms are used to transport samples to clinics (when the laboratory is in another city) and study in various ways. This "preservation" helps to carry out the analysis a few days after the moment the samples were taken from the patient. Histology is performed using various microscopes: light, scanning, electronic, etc., but the choice of equipment does not affect the quality of the results obtained.

The most accurate and reliable is the phase contrast microscope. Thanks to this equipment, the laboratory assistant can study in detail such features of the obtained sample that cannot be seen with conventional microscopes.

What the histological analysis will tell you

Histological examination requires strict indications. It is impossible to pass it as a preventive screening, since a specific organ is checked, and not general state health. The analysis is performed on patients with certain health problems, namely, tumors, the nature of which may be malignant.

Indications for histology are:

  • clarification of the nature of the developing neoplasm;
  • clarification of the reasons why pregnancy does not occur;
  • analysis of the health of the female genitourinary system;
  • determination of inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Almost half of the cases when a diagnosis such as histology is prescribed is suspected of cancerous tumor in the human body. Moreover, not only the formed tumors are studied, but also the tissues of organs in which neoplasms can potentially arise. This analysis is also effective for diagnosing the state of the digestive system, reproductive and reproductive systems of men and women.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: Biomaterial sampling from bronchi for histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

Timing of histological analysis

The duration of the study depends on many factors. The more outdated the equipment is in the laboratory, the longer it will take for a histological response. But no clinic will perform the analysis earlier than 7 days. On average, histology takes up to 10 days to complete.

Factors such as the professionalism of the personnel, the speed of delivery of the sample under study to the laboratory, compliance with the rules for its transportation, and the quality of the reagents used can also affect the lead time. If the clinic in which the biomaterial is taken has its own laboratory, then the terms of the study are significantly reduced. If the diagnosis is carried out in another city (as a rule, it is a regional or district center), then the time interval increases by several more days.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: Specimen glass with cells for histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

But the shortest histology method is express diagnostics. It is performed during surgery, helping to decide on the course of surgery. Usually, ultrasound and cT scan, and therefore doctors already assume how the operation will take place... But often, when tissue is dissected, the detected tumor does not correspond to forecasts. Express diagnostics helps to quickly determine if there are cancer cells in the tissues. If they are found, the area of \u200b\u200bsurgical intervention will be expanded, since all tissues with which the tumor had contact are subject to removal.

How to decipher the results obtained

The conclusion of the histological examination is handed over to the patient or (if the diagnosis is carried out in another city) sent to the attending physician. Recently, the results are sent to patients by e-mail (preliminary version), and the form with a wet seal, if necessary, can be obtained in person at the laboratory or by letter.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: Storage design slides with cells for histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

The main result of the study will be the answer whether there are cancer cells in the patient's body or whether a certain organ is in danger. But in order to answer this question, you need to correctly decipher the parameters indicated in the survey form. Therefore, the interpretation of the results obtained is carried out by the attending specialist, who sent the patient to the analysis.

The analysis form contains various information. First of all, these are the patient's personal data, as well as the date and time of the biomaterial sampling. The type of tissue sent for histology, and also the organ, the cells of which require examination (the place of sampling of the biomaterial), must be indicated. The following data - the type of examination (smear, slice, imprint, etc.), the equipment used for diagnostics (type of microscope), as well as the names of the reagents used in the analysis and chemical substances... The final information is the conclusion about the nature of the cells of the investigated organ.

Data-lazy-type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG: cells affected psoriasis, with histological analysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

If pathologies are found in the sample under study, the conclusion will be quite voluminous. It indicates not only the type of cells (benign or malignant), but also all deviations from healthy valuesfound in the test sample. The attending physician will help you to explain in detail the meaning of all terms and Latin words. He will also establish the final diagnosis and choose the method of therapeutic therapy. Peculiarities of treatment, chances of recovery and preventive measures can also be discussed with a specialist.

The results of histology contain only information about the pathologies present in the tissues of the examined organ. The histology test form does not include any recommendations for treatment.

The study of structural changes in tissue, its structure allows you to determine the cause and type of pathology. A similar analysis is performed as part of a histological study. When prescribing it, not all patients understand why histology is performed, what it is.

Histology - what is it?

Histology is a field of science that studies the structure, structure of tissues of the human body using a microscope. Answering the question of what histology studies, it should be noted that this definition is often used when referring directly to the research method itself - histological analysis. With the help of this examination, doctors manage to:

  • study in detail the structure of the modified cells;
  • determine the presence or absence of an atypical structure;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process.

Cytology and histology - what is the difference?

Often, patients referred for examination are confused with two different definitions: histology. Such studies have the same material sampling process, but differ at the stage of the diagnosis itself. So, in a cytological analysis, the structure, structure, development and functional characteristics of a single cell are assessed. Using this method, doctors manage to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment.

Histology analyzes the totality of cells that make up the tissue. In the course of diagnostics, during histological examination, a sample of the collected tissue is first emitted, and then, if necessary, individual cellular elements can be analyzed. In some cases, cytology is used as a complementary method that helps to accurately diagnose and differentiate the type of pathology.

What does histology show?

Having understood what histology is, it is necessary to identify the main objects of its study. As mentioned above, during the analysis, one of four types of tissues of the human body can be studied:

  • epithelial;
  • connecting;
  • muscular;
  • nervous.

The results of the study are used in making the final diagnosis. Using the correct interpretation of the analysis results, you can determine:

  • violation of systemic blood flow;
  • inflammatory process;
  • thrombosis and;
  • the presence of cancer cells;
  • the presence of tumor cells;
  • the number and structure of existing metastases.

Histology - what is it in oncology?

In oncology, histology is one of the research methods that helps not only to diagnose the presence of malignant tumors, but also to determine their structure, the stage of the pathological process. In addition, the analysis for histology determines the nature of the cellular changes, whether they are benign or malignant. The need for the procedure is determined by the doctor. For example, histological examination thyroid gland it is prescribed if the nodular formations are more than 1 cm, and the histology of the stomach is carried out already with numerous erosive changes in the mucous membrane.

A similar study can be prescribed for:

  • sudden enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • change in the size of the birthmark;
  • the appearance of seals in the mammary gland and in other cases.

Histology - what is it in gynecology?

This irreplaceable type of laboratory research is often prescribed for women to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Talking about a method such as histology, what it is, it should be noted that in gynecology tissue samples taken from:

  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • cervix.

Histology of the uterus helps to identify structural changes in the tissues of the organ (myometrium, endometrium). Not only tissues of the reproductive system can be examined, but also biological fluids of the reproductive system: cervical mucus, fluid from neoplasms. Based on these features, histology in gynecology can be used for:

  • constant painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • suspicion of pathological changes and neoplasms on the surface of the internal genital organs;
  • , ovaries;
  • examination of the material after gynecological operations (scraping, removal of polyps, cysts).

When is histology needed?

The decision that it is necessary to conduct a histological examination is made by the doctor, guided by the results laboratory research, clinical picturegiven the patient's condition. This procedure is most often used for:

  1. Clarification of the presumptive diagnosis.
  2. Identification of the stage of the pathological process.
  3. Observation of the course of the disease in differential diagnosis tumor diseases.
  4. Determination of the scope of the forthcoming surgical intervention.
  5. Monitoring changes in tissues as a result of radiation exposure.

How is histology performed?

Having found out the meaning of the term histology, what kind of research it is, patients want to know the features of its conduct. When histology is performed, the analysis of a sample of damaged tissue is carried out in several stages. Initially, doctors take material for research and place it in a special solution. Then the sample is delivered to the laboratory for research. Under a microscope with a high magnification, doctors study the existing deviations from the norm, establish the nature and stage of the pathological process.

Collection of material for histological examination

Tumor histology, more precisely, taking a sample of material for research, is often performed during an operation. In some cases, a separate procedure may be prescribed (curettage of the uterine cavity, for example), in which a section of damaged tissue is taken for further analysis. With the help of a surgical instrument, it is excised small piece tissue, placed in a special sterile container, a test tube.

A common procedure of this kind is endometrial biopsy in gynecology. This type of histology (what it is - described above) can be performed in several ways:

  1. Using a micro curette - material is taken away with several strokes along the uterine wall.
  2. Paypel method - with a special flexible tube, the material is extracted from the organ under the influence of vacuum.
  3. Vacuum aspiration - the tissue is removed using a vacuum suction.

Histological examination of the material

The histological examination of the biopsy material is carried out in several stages. The sequence of the procedure for examining a tissue sample looks like this:

  1. The removed tissue site is fixed with a special solution.
  2. The tissue is dehydrated to give it a dense consistency.
  3. The fabric is impregnated with a filling agent (paraffin) to obtain a solid block.
  4. The resulting block, using a microtome, is cut into small plates.
  5. The obtained sections are placed on glass slides and stained with a solution.
  6. Stained sections are microscoped using an electron microscope, studying the structure and structural features of the tissue.

One of the most reliable and informative ways to recognize female disease considered histology.

This analysis is used after unexpected miscarriages, with a frozen pregnancy, when there are suspicions of oncological diseases and in other difficult cases.

Today histology in gynecology is an indispensable tool for determining even complex pathologies.

What is Histology?

Histology is the science of the state of the body at the tissue level.

The analysis is closely related to cytology (the study of cells) and embryology (the study of the structure of the fetus) and allows you to study the exact structure of any tissue, therefore it is often prescribed to identify various deviations and pathologies.

To conduct a histological examination, a small piece of tissue is taken from a person: sometimes it is only a smear or an imprint, but there may also be a thin section directly from the examined organ.

The study lasts on average 5-10 days (in rare cases, urgent histology is done from 1 to 24 hours, but it is less reliable) and is carried out in 7 stages:

  • Fixation - the tissue fragment is treated with a liquid that prevents the decay of cells and structure, so that the material does not rot during the study.
  • Wiring - the material is dewatered for compaction.
  • Fill - the tissue is impregnated with paraffin or other embedding agent to prepare a solid block for obtaining sections.
  • Cutting - with the help of special equipment - microtome - a solid block is cut into the thinnest plates.
  • Coloration - the sections are laid out on glass slides and stained with special preparations to determine different tissue structures (DNA, RNA, cytoplasm, etc.).
  • Conclusion - prepared sections on glass slides are covered with a second layer of glasses with a medium necessary to preserve the material for a long time.
  • Study - the resulting histological preparations are studied by histologists or pathomorphologists using an electronic or light microscope.

In gynecology, histology is usually prescribed to examine the tissues of the fetus, uterus, and cervix.

In order not to be mistaken, it is better to find out in advance and how long so as not to harm yourself. In the USA, many are vaccinated against HPV, but in our country very few people know about it, you can fill your gaps in knowledge.

Histological examination with a frozen pregnancy or after a miscarriage

A frozen pregnancy in the medical sense is the same miscarriage, just not yet occurred. In both cases, the doctor cleans the uterus in order to avoid rotting of the embryo in the female body, which can lead to inflammation and serious diseases.

The extracted material (placenta) must be sent for histological examination.

Histology after a miscarriage in conjunction with testing for viruses, hormonal imbalance, etc. helps to determine the exact cause of spontaneous abortion or fetal death in the womb. Knowing the cause will help you avoid recurring problems in your next pregnancy.

Histology for the determination of oncogynecological diseases

It can be very difficult to determine the presence of oncological diseases - often on initial stages they are asymptomatic, so it becomes almost impossible to notice and manage to prevent their development. However, with regular visits to a gynecologist, it is possible to recognize an incipient disease. On examination, the doctor will notice symptoms that the woman does not feel and will prescribe a histology of the affected organ.

The study allows not only to identify the pathology, but also to carry out the correct treatment: histology shows the category of the neoplasm - benign or malignant.

Uterine histology

To prescribe a histology of the uterus, more noticeable symptoms and other studies are often needed. (Ultrasound, blood test, etc.)... Symptoms for which histology is prescribed include:

  • prolonged bleeding;
  • causeless pain in the lower abdomen;
  • leukoplakia;
  • irregularities on the surface of the organ;
  • neoplasms on or inside the organ and other symptoms related to tumor diseases.

Under sterile conditions, under local anesthesia, the doctor uses gynecological devices to cut a piece of the neoplasm directly from the uterus. The tissue is sent to the pathomorphology laboratory, where it is examined.

If abnormal tissue sites are identified, appropriate oncogynecological treatment against cancer is prescribed. If the tissue of the neoplasm is homogeneous with the tissues of a healthy uterus, then the disease is benign (most often it is a fibroid) and it can either be treated or wait until it goes away by itself (in some cases it does) - the gynecologist reports the exact solution.

Ovarian histology

It is carried out to determine the contents of cystic neoplasms on the ovaries or the type of tumor growths. For the selection of material, a puncture (puncture) is used through the abdominal cavity.

Histology of the cervix

If you suspect inflammatory, precancerous or oncological diseases of the cervix, the gynecologist sends a small piece of it for histology.

The study helps to determine the presence of erosion, dysplasia, flat warts, cancer and other diseases of the cervix, so that the gynecologist can prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

The material is collected in the same way as from the uterus, but there is no need to open the cervix.

Other types of histology in gynecology

Endometrial tissues, part of the mucous membrane from the cervical canal, fluid from the endometrium can be sent to histological examination to detect health disorders of the female reproductive system. cystic formations into the vagina taken by puncture.

Histology: interpretation of the analysis

When filling out the sheet with the results of the study, they use incomprehensible to ordinary people medical terms, and often the most unpleasant things of these terms are written in Latin.

The results of histology are referred to the gynecologist, and on their basis he will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. It is not recommended to decipher the analysis yourself, so as not to wind up thoughts about terrible diseases.

Almost all diseases are curable today, so it is better to rely on a doctor and his experience.

Such a study of body tissues is carried out in a laboratory. It is highly accurate, detects the presence of dangerous cells, neoplasms. Histological preparations (material taken from a person) are smears, thin sections of organs. The specialist examines the tissue under a microscope with multiple magnifications.

What is histology

This is the name of the section of medical science that is interested in the structure of human tissues. Histology is a method of studying them, laboratory diagnosticsassessing the structure and condition of cells.

Based on the data obtained, the pathologist makes a conclusion about the presence / absence of pathogenic changes.

Scope of histological studies

The study of tissues under a microscope is practiced in oncology and gynecology. Often, histology is prescribed by gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists, urologists, hematologists, pulmonologists, nephrologists and other narrow specialists. The analysis gives the following information:

  • Shows the presence of evil and benign formations, determines their stage.
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of anticancer therapy, helps to choose a treatment regimen.
  • Reveals changes in the structure of tissues, any biological fluids.
  • Determines the amount of surgery.
  • Identifies systemic blood flow problems, inflammatory processes, internal bleeding.

Indications for

The specialist writes out a referral for analysis when he needs to make an accurate diagnosis or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Indications for histology:

  • Visual changes in the organ, visible during ultrasound, the presence of neoplasms.
  • Prolonged inflammatory processes.
  • Frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, infertility. Histology helps to establish the cause of the phenomenon and to prevent it in the future.
  • The appearance of new moles, warts of a dubious appearance, or a change in the color / shape of old ones. Soreness of nevi, the release of blood or lymph from them is also an indicator for histology.
  • Compaction of the mammary glands.
  • Unexplained swollen lymph nodes.
  • Suspected organ / system cancer.
  • Examination of tissues based on the results of operations (for example, curettage, removal of polyps or cysts).

Histological analysis is given if a person has regular pain without apparent reasons, bleeding that does not go away long time... Weight loss, lack of appetite, anemia, diagnosis of rare forms of various diseases are indications for tissue examination.

Each healthy person can do gynecological and urological histology once a year to prevent genital cancer.

The biopsy procedure is prohibited in such cases:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases, incl. clotting problems;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • serious disorders of the central nervous system;
  • allergy to anesthetic drugs;
  • the likelihood of termination of pregnancy;
  • the presence of heart failure.

How is the analysis for histology performed?

The first stage is preparation. Its features depend on the place of collection of biological material. The biopsy is obtained in the morning, there is a recommendation for taking on an empty stomach (food intake - at least 8-12 hours in advance).

Gynecological histology does not require special training, the only caveat is that a woman cancels vaginal suppositories / tablets before receiving a biopsy.

If necessary, the doctor uses general anesthesia or local anesthetics. Biopsy sampling is carried out using different methods. The choice depends on the localization of the tissues. Procedure methods:

  1. Pinched - the biopsy is taken with forceps, they can be inserted endoscopically if necessary.
  2. Incisional - the doctor receives a biopsy during surgery.
  3. Excisional - the surgeon removes tissue or organs, and then sends everything obtained during the operation for analysis.
  4. Puncture - taking material with a thick needle. The method is often used to obtain a biopsy specimen from the prostate, liver cells.
  5. Trephine biopsy - taking fluid from bone tissue.
  6. Aspiration - the sample is obtained by aspiration through a small tube. The method is used to study the state of thyroid nodules, myomatous nodes.
  7. Curettage - scraping with a sharp-edged curette spoon.
  8. A smear for histology - a fence from the mucous membranes, is done with a thin brush.

The resulting material is placed in formalin / ethanol... Further, various manipulations are carried out over the biopsy: it is poured with paraffin, cut into thin plates, and stained. The material is placed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope.

Does it hurt to take the test

Before taking the material, the doctor anesthetizes the problem area or puts the patient into an ultrashort sleep. Thanks to this, the procedure is absolutely painless. If the material for analysis is taken without anesthetics, for example, from the cervix, it can be unpleasant and even painful (each has a different degree of sensitivity).

How long does the research take

The procedure for taking material takes place quickly - from 5 minutes or longer (depending on the location of the problem area). The analysis takes 5-10 days. Urgent histology takes 1–24 hours. It is carried out in specialized clinics. Indications for urgent analysis are the upcoming operation and conditions that do not require urgency (for example, suspected cancer).

Decoding indicators

The test results are given to the patient himself. In the conclusion, the following data will be indicated:

  • Full name and other data of the patient (gender, age);
  • type of fabric;
  • place of biopsy sampling;
  • study method, study time;
  • the solutions used;
  • description of the investigated tissues in Russian / Latin.

A person without medical education should not decipher the results. The pathologist evaluates the condition of all tissues that have come to him for analysis. Descriptions use medical terms only. A long conclusion does not always mean that a person has a tumor.

Results can be negative / positive / questionable.

The likelihood of erroneous histology results

If the material is taken correctly, and the analysis is carried out by an experienced specialist, the probability of error is minimized. In modern realities, the number of unreliable studies is up to 30%. Such a large number of errors are associated with the poor quality of the work of pathomorphologists, improper sampling and preparation of a biopsy specimen.


In municipal medical institutions for those who have a policy, histology will be done free of charge. The downside is that government agencies (laboratories) are often overwhelmed. The queue for analysis, and then for the results, you have to wait a long time. In private centers, the cost of histology is from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles.


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