Growing basil in a greenhouse in winter for sale. Basil: how to grow spicy herbs in a greenhouse in winter? Growing spices - how to get seedlings

Basil can be grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses. So, when grown in a greenhouse in winter, basil can be combined with other crops: lettuce and head lettuce, dill, parsley, green onions. These crops have similar requirements for soil composition, irrigation and temperature conditions.

How to EARN on growing SPICY herbs. Full analysis of the topic. // Oleg Karp


Fdssdfdfs Gfssdgf writes: Thank you - a good video. Questions - does the text say that pots with a diameter of 20 cm are taken as a basis, and in the video the pot is also 20 cm? visually it seems that it is more noticeable. And did not try - did not think to grow medicinal herbs in this way, will there be profitability.

conter7up writes: it is also necessary for the costs of the soil, i.e. add land.

Ludmila pecherska writes: Great !!! What a fine fellow you are! Such an open and friendly person! Health to you !!!

Albina flora writes: Oleg, you put knowledge) thank you very much for the idea. I will definitely use it.

Small greenhouses adjoining the building are also suitable. In such structures, one wall is made deaf, which increases the temperature inside the structure and allows you to save on heating. Find out how to organize photosynthesis in a greenhouse on our website.

Basil (Galileo)


Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages \u003e\u003e\u003e

Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages \u003e\u003e\u003e

You can grow basil in a greenhouse using 2 methods - seeds and seedlings. Planting in a seedling box or rack in the south is done at the beginning of March, and in cool regions a month later. Basil seeds are usually cultivated in late April or early May, when the greenhouse or greenhouse will be quite warm.

Plants are planted in perfectly moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm.The seeds are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the row spacing is 30-35 cm.In the southern regions, plants develop more feasibly, because there the distance is increased by another 10 cm. Then the planting is mulched. and covered with a double layer of plastic wrap until emergence. They usually appear in 10-12 days (at a temperature of 20-25 degrees). Further care for the basil is carried out as usual - as needed, it is thinned, watered, fed, the greenhouse is ventilated.

How to Grow Basil Fast? Basil cuttings #urozhainye_gryadki


Valentina Tsyganova

Wallman wallman

Valentina Tsyganova writes: I cut it off, put it in a glass of water - he gave a root and I put it in a pot

Wallman wallman writes: is it possible to dig it out of a garden bed with root and soil and plant it in a pot?

The grass is very sensitive to cold, therefore it should be sown no earlier than 2 weeks after frost. It is better to wait for more than + 5C at night, then the herbaceous plant will develop very rapidly and in a few weeks will delight you with the first harvest of leaves. If the soil is clay, then it is best to plant basil seedlings - growing from seeds will not give the expected result, because the plant will be extremely weak. Seeds appear from the ground after 7-10 days (if you have previously soaked in a growth stimulator, then seedlings can be obtained in 4-5 days) and for the next 2 weeks they must be watered abundantly, mixed with a little fertilizer.

Some gardeners use agrofibre in their beds to get faster germination and effective fight with weeds on early stages... But labor costs will be very large, because the planting density is high and it is necessary to spend more than one hour of time for high-quality laying of matter on the garden bed. In the main, this technology is effective in the presence of drip irrigation, because moisture does not get on the leaves and only feeds the root system. In this way, many diseases that can attack your culture are prevented.

IN open ground basil seedlings are transplanted in May, with all this, there should be more than 5 leaves on the seedlings. Before planting, about a week before planting, the seedlings begin to harden, why they are taken out of the greenhouse into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

If the soil is dense, it should be loosened after each watering to avoid stagnant water. With an excess of moisture in the soil, basil is affected by rot. Also, this disease can appear if cool, damp weather sets in. If foci of disease are found in the plant, damaged leaves are removed, after which they are treated with a fungicide, for example, foundationol. 1-2 such treatments will stop the spread of the disease. In case of severe damage, the entire plant is dug up and destroyed.

Growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter has become a good business for many gardeners. This is not particularly costly and at the same time profitable business. From a financial point of view, basil, the cultivation of which is a fairly simple process, is very beneficial in relation to other crops grown for greens. Basil is an unpretentious crop that can be grown quite successfully in a stationary greenhouse. Sod land with a light structure is suitable for growing it in a greenhouse.

When the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or on a saucer, constant monitoring of the soil condition is important. The soil should not dry out, but the water should not be allowed to stagnate, excessively abundant and frequent watering is also harmful, since the emerging seedlings can get sick with diseases, for example, black leg. Due to the defeat of the disease, the sprouts die.

How to grow basil from bushes, when to plant it? Planting of bushes on the site is carried out in the first decade of July. If the plants are planted earlier, this is fraught with their death, since basil does not tolerate low temperatures. Planting seedlings of basil, like seeds, takes place in a nutrient mixture.

For picking basil, you can use a mixture of the same composition as for sowing. Just add to it 2 tablespoons of ash and 1 tablespoon (without a slide) of complete mineral fertilizer for 5 liters of earthen mixture. Mix well to distribute fertilizer evenly in the soil.

Further care consists in regular watering with warm water. If the weather does not allow planting basil at the time you calculated, then after 2-3 weeks, feed the seedlings and pinch the shoots over a 6-8 leaf. Start hardening the seedlings in the fresh air 2 weeks before planting. The basil hardening temperature should not be lower than + 5 ... + 10 ° С.

greenhouse. baselik- 2

Not everyone knows that in addition to parsley and dill, you can get a harvest of other spicy crops, for example, basil, on your garden plot. Although this plant is very fond of warm weather, and is mainly grown in the Caucasus and Asian countries, you can get a normal harvest of basil in the middle zone of our country.

Undemanding basil, grown outdoors or in greenhouses. It can be grown in a garden bed in any region, in a seedling way.

Choosing a location for the basilica

Basil - came to us from southern latitudes, and for it they choose a garden well lit by the sun. The plant does not tolerate drafts, cold winds, for this reason it is advisable to plant this culture under the protection of shrubs, fences or near buildings.

Basil needs a nutritious, light and loose soil; basil grows well in the beds where tomatoes or cucumbers were planted before. Before planting basil seedlings in open ground, the site must be fertilized with manure. It also grows well after legumes, since they supply the soil with nitrogen with the help of nodule bacteria.

The site for planting the basil is prepared in the fall, it is dug up on a shovel bayonet and fed with such fertilizers:

Good compost or humus - make 3.5-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m2, depending on the nutritional value of the soil;

Granular superphosphate - 22 g;

Potassium sulfate - 12 g.

If the area where the basil will grow is in a lowland, then it will be nice to plant seedlings in high beds, enclosing them with boards. On wet, poorly aerated soil, spices will not develop well.

Growing seedlings

Basil - spicy annual plantforming a branchy and beautiful bush that can grow up to 20-60 cm, depending on the cultivated variety. In addition, the color of the leaves depends on the variety - from bright green to dark green, they even turn out to be green-purple. In different varieties of basil, the leaves also differ in shape - they can be even and flat, with a carved edge, and even corrugated leaves can grow. There are leaf blades that vary in size and width, but any variety has their divine scent.

Basil blooms in the last decade of July - early August. By this time, a lot of essential oil has accumulated in it, and the plants begin to spread a pleasant aroma.

At this time, you need to collect spicy herbs.

Although basil is mainly loved for its fragrant foliage, white microscopic flowers attract many pollinating insects to your site.

From the outside at this time, it seems that the basil sprigs begin to stir. In mid-September, the fruits ripen - nuts of black and purple color.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To do this, use a wide box and nutritious potting soil, you can buy it in a special store.

In the room where the box is located, the air temperature is maintained at 25-27 degrees, in such conditions, the first shoots can be seen after 10 days.

When the seedlings germinate, they need to provide suitable conditions. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 10 mm, seeds are often placed, after the emergence of seedlings, strong plants dive into separate cups, and weak ones are rejected.

You can grow basil seedlings in the apartment, and after warming, gradually take the seedlings out onto the balcony (hardened), first for 2 hours then gradually increase the hardening time.

Once every 15 days, seedlings need to be fed, with the help of fertilizers, which have the main nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (in a ratio of 2: 3: 5).

A week before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to water less often, and the time for hardening is further increased so that the seedlings get used to the new conditions.

The seedlings do not require special care - you just need to monitor the soil moisture, the soil in the pots must not be overdried. It is also impossible and too often to water, because of this, a black leg may appear on the seedlings, which can destroy it.

In the southern regions, you can sow basil directly to the garden. This is done in early June, watering the groove in advance. After sowing, the bed is covered with a film, and so it is kept until the seedlings sprout.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at the beginning of June, after the return frosts have passed. For those who live in the middle lane or in the north, spicy greens need to be grown through seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Seedlings are planted in a garden bed in pre-made holes, with a row spacing of 30 cm, a distance of 25 cm is maintained in a row.The holes are dug so that an earthen seedling lump is placed in them, most often 9 cm is enough.Immediately before transplanting seedlings, 1 liter of water is poured into the holes ... Seedlings are removed from the pots along with the soil. After that, it is advisable to make a temporary greenhouse, covering the planting with polyethylene. This is important in case of possible nighttime cold snaps, after the seedlings take root and the shoots begin to grow, the shelter is completely removed.

Basil care

Caring for this crop is complicated by the fact that it requires a lot of heat.

When it gets colder (especially with light frosts), it is advisable to cover the beds with foil at night, and in the morning to remove them on time.

For people who need only a few fragrant branches to the table, there is no need to try especially, a small amount of basil is easy to grow.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the plants in moderation, you can not fill the beds. The water is used warm, previously settled in a barrel, the bushes are watered from a watering can, the best time for watering - when the daytime heat subsides, after 17.00 hours. Once every 2 weeks, you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

The first feeding of the basil is made from June 10 to June 20, another one 3-4 weeks after the first. For feeding, mineral or organic fertilizers are used in proportions intended for green vegetables or herbs. This culture blooms in early August, during this period the twigs become slightly tart and fragrant.

Collecting greens

Basil, if necessary, can be harvested 2 times per season. The first time the greens are cut in early July, before flowering. To do this, carefully cut off the upper shoots, you cannot cut it at the root, otherwise the plant will die, you need to leave a few leaves at the beginning of the branch. Basil is harvested again in August, by this time new branches should appear on the bushes. If you need some greenery for the table, then you can trim a few branches at any time. In order for the bush to live longer, 2-3 bushes are transplanted into large flower pots in the first decade of September. This way, basil can live a long time and supply you with fresh herbs almost all winter.

Basil is harvested by salting or drying herbs.

To get dry basil, sprinkle the cut sprigs in a thin layer on baking sheets and cover them with a clean cloth.

After that, the trays are transferred to a well-ventilated, dry, place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. For example, a barn or an attic will do.

It is not difficult to determine whether the greens are dry enough. Its leaves should be easy to grind, and the stems should break.

Dry grass is stored in porcelain or glass sealed jars. So the basil will not go bad for more than 3 years.

Growing basil in a greenhouse is in a simple way treat yourself and your family members with fresh herbs, providing a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. The spice can be grown not only in warm summers, but also in cold winters when planted in a greenhouse. To get a good yield, you need to know about the intricacies of planting and caring for the plant.

Basil shows good growth rates outdoors and even in pots. An increasing number of gardeners prefer to plant greenery in the greenhouse. The advantage of growing in greenhouse conditions:

  • the best yield of the crop;
  • lack of dependence on weather and environmental conditions;
  • the ability to harvest year-round.

Basil is well adjacent to other plants, so it can be planted in a greenhouse with tomatoes, eggplants and other types of horticultural crops. The plant is undemanding to care for and is capable of giving up fresh greens in large quantities, which makes the crop promising in terms of industrial cultivation.

Greenhouse and soil requirements

The requirements for a greenhouse structure depend on the climatic conditions of a particular region and the purpose of growing. In the central regions, with early planting of greenery, it is recommended to build a greenhouse from polycarbonate or glass. Such materials are capable of retaining heat well and transmitting light, therefore, seedlings in such a shelter are able to withstand even severe frosts.

Manure gives a good heat preservation effect, therefore, when planting in spring, it is recommended to mix it with the top layer of soil. Gardeners today practice the cultivation of basil on shelves, which greatly expands the possibilities for obtaining a larger crop volume due to the increase in planting area. Regardless of the methods used, the greenhouse for greenery should be in a sunny place and have structures that allow you to ventilate the room at any time.

Some people make self-opening windows when the temperature rises above normal, which greatly facilitates planting maintenance.

Basil is considered a plant that is quite demanding on the soil. The soil should be moderately loose and not have elevated level acidity. A sandy soil with a rich composition of organic matter is optimal for the plant. Before planting, the soil is pre-prepared by removing the top layer and digging it up along with peat and sand. Such work can be carried out both in spring and in autumn.

Variety selection

Today there are about 150 types of basil, differing in color, size of leaves, plant growth. Novice gardeners are encouraged to choose proven, undemanding varieties. If desired, you can simultaneously plant several varieties of greenery in one greenhouse.


An annual plant with a spicy flavor and rich content essential oils, vitamins and carotene. From the moment of sowing until the plant is ready for harvest, an average of 45 days pass. Basil of this variety has a red-purple leaf color. The mass of one shoot varies from 300 to 500 grams. The aroma of the herb has a hint of tea and allspice. Greens can be used fresh or as a seasoning for various dishes. The plant is often used by landscape designers.


Basil got its name from the shape of the leaves, which are concave inward and look like a spoon. The plant has light green oblong leaf plates without teeth. When flowering, white inflorescences are formed. The taste of basil is reminiscent of cloves and bay leaves; therefore, when preparing them, I often replace such seasonings. The spoon-shaped look is used for stewing and cooking meat dishes; it perfectly sets off the taste of tomato.


The variety was first grown in Azerbaijan. Outwardly, the shape of the leaves resembles Yerevanian, but the color of this basil is brownish-violet and therefore it is often called "black". The greens have a scent of a mixture of notes of mint and cloves. The plant is most often used as a spice in spicy oriental dishes.

Growing from seeds and seedlings

Seeds are planted in a heated soil according to a 30 by 15 cm scheme. Seeds have the ability to germinate deeply, so they should not be buried correctly, but sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil. For year-round production of the plant, re-sowing is carried out every 3 weeks.

In Russian regions, planting through seedlings is more often practiced, since basil is thermophilic, this method allows you to grow greens in a shorter time. The soil should be loose and nutritious. When self-cooking, mix humus, peat and sand in proportions of 2: 4: 1. It is recommended to douse the soil with boiling water and treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For sowing, a container 5 cm deep is enough. Seeds are evenly distributed over the surface and sprinkled with earth. As a result, the seeds should be buried at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm. The recommended temperature for growing is considered to be from +20 to 25 ° C, the first shoots appear in 10 days. When the sprouts reach the age of 2 weeks, feed is carried out using a mixture of 4 grams of superphosphate, the same amount of ash and 2 grams of ammonium nitrate.

The dive is carried out after the appearance of 2 true leaves. When forming 5 leaves, the bushes must be pinched to form a larger mass of greenery.

When planting in a greenhouse, a distance of 25 to 30 cm is maintained between adjacent bushes when working with tall varieties. For compact plants, an indent of 15-20 cm is made.The distance between the rows should be from 20 to 30 cm.

Care, watering and feeding

Care consists in timely watering, loosening and removing weeds. Humidification should be moderate, otherwise the plant will face a black stalk. It is required to remove inflorescences in a timely manner, in this case the basil will form new shoots.

The plant is fed once every 14 days, using nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for this. To prepare the nutrient solution, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for the preparation. In most cases, the product is diluted in proportions of 10 grams per 1 liter of water. Nitrogen has a stimulating effect on basil and makes it form more greenery. Potassium and phosphorus contribute to better production of essential oils.


Almost all herbs, including basil, are harvested by separating the leaves from the main plant. It is important to prevent damage to the main bush in the form of pulling it out of the ground. The collection consists in regularly cutting the upper part of the shoots together with the leaves.

Diseases and pests

Basil is considered a plant that is resistant to diseases and pests. The danger of damage to the garden culture appears when the rules of agricultural technology are not followed. Typical mistakes:

  • excessive watering;
  • hypothermia of the plant.

The main plant diseases are considered to be black leg, fusarium, gray rot... For prevention, it is recommended not to plant basil in one place for several years, to disinfect the seeds, to prevent thickening and waterlogging of the soil.

Features of growing in winter

Basil can be grown in a heated greenhouse in winter, but few can afford it. Most gardeners use pot planting and grow the plant on a windowsill to get fresh greenery. Sowing and caring for seedlings in this case are standards. At home, you need to monitor the temperature in the room; for the greenery to return, it should be from 20 to 25 ° C. At lower temperatures, bush formation is inhibited and the plant begins to lose its aroma.

They allow harvesting in late autumn, winter and early spring, when vitamins are especially needed.

  • Basil good carries over with other spicy herbs and. It can be planted in a greenhouse to, and.
  • Growing basil in a greenhouse will not only provide for the family, but also give it by selling the surplus.
  • For cultivation, you can use both heated greenhouses and light summer ones without additional heating.
  • Variety selection

    Botanists have at least 150 varieties of basil... They differ in the size of the bush, the color of the leaves, the nuances of taste and aroma.

    The most popular and undemanding varieties are suitable for a novice gardener. In the greenhouse, you can plant several options at once or choose your favorite ones.

    • Basil fragrant or camphor... The most popular variety with bright green leaves. It has a recognizable clove scent, tillering well. The variety is especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine.
    • Basil cinnamon or mexican... The taste has subtle cinnamon nuances. The plant is compact, beautifully combining pale green leaves with bright purple flowers.
    • Basil purple... It is very popular in Caucasian cuisine, it is added to side dishes for meat, sauces and even desserts. The taste of the leaves is very delicate, slightly sweet.
    • Basil citric... A spreading plant that gives a large green mass. The leaves are large, light green, with a delicate lemon scent.

    Useful video about greenhouse-grown basil varieties:

    What kind of greenhouse do you need?

    Basil can be grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses. So, basil, when grown in a greenhouse in winter, can be combined with other crops:,. These crops have similar requirements for soil composition, irrigation and temperature conditions.

    Ideal greenhouse for growing greenery all year round maybe small, from 20 to 50 sq. m. On a personal plot can be made of wood or metal profiles. Convenient or pitched designs.

    Small ones adjacent to the building are also suitable. In such structures, one wall is made blind, which increases the temperature inside the structure and allows you to save on heating... Find out how to organize on our website.

    The winter greenhouse can be covered with glass or sheets. A more economical option is double plastic sheeting. Her the only drawback is fragility... The film coating will have to be changed annually, and in regions with too cold climates, such protection may be insufficient.

    Maintain the right temperature in the greenhouse in winter will help biofuels - a mixture of rotted manure with straw. The mass is left under plastic wrap for several days, and then laid out on the ridges and covered with a thick layer of prepared soil.

    It is recommended to spread sheets of roofing material around the perimeter of the greenhouse, which will help protect the plants from the cold.

    For heating greenhouses use electric boilers, air heaters, stoves or small fires.

    Heating is necessary with the onset of frost. For ventilation, vents are needed. To prevent cold air currents from entering the greenhouse, a small vestibule is made at the entrance.

    Soil preparation

    Basil is picky about the composition of the soil. In the greenhouse, it is better to remove the top layer of soil by filling the ridges with a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. The soil should be light and loose, with moderate acidity. Before planting, rotted manure is introduced into the ground (at the rate of 4 kg per 1 sq. M). 2 weeks after planting the plants, you need to fertilize the soil with an aqueous solution of chicken manure or urea.

    In a greenhouse, basil can be grown from seedlings or seeds. The first method significantly shortens the growing season. Seeds on seedlings are sown in boxesfilled with light soil. You do not need to deepen them. The boxes are covered with plastic wrap.

    The first shoots appear in 2 weeks. When the plants acquire 2 leaves, a pick is carried out. A distance of 5 cm remains between young plants, this will allow them to develop normally. In a month and a half seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse... It is better to sow basil in winter, plant seedlings in early spring.

    Features of planting and care

    How to grow basil in a greenhouse? Seedlings are planted in shallow furrows, the distance between the plants is about 15 cm. Every 7 days, the beds should be watered abundantly with not too cold water.

    For watering, you should use watering cans with a wide spray. Very comfortable and automatic drip system, which is installed in industrial greenhouses.

    Basil loves warmth. The optimum temperature for growth is 22 ° C… 28 ° C. Excessive heat of the plant is not needed; in the warm season, the greenhouse needs to be often ventilated. In the cold, basil must be protected from drafts... When the temperature drops to 15 ° C, growth slows down, a cold snap to 5 ° C can destroy the sprouts.

    The first crop can be harvested when young plants reach 20 cm. cut with pruning shears or a sharp knife so that a stump with 2 leaves remains on the surface of the earth. You need to act carefully, the root system of the basil is weak, with a sharp movement you can accidentally pull out a bush.

    After harvesting, the plants need to be well watered and fertilize the ridges: chicken droppings or aqueous urea solution. Such a system will ensure uninterrupted growth of fresh greens, and it will be possible to harvest at least once a week. For the season from 1 sq. m of closed ground you can collect from 2 to 7 kg of greens.

    Basil undemanding to care and pleases with a good harvest. This culture is suitable even for novice gardeners. Having gained useful experience, you can start growing other, more capricious plants.

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      Find out how to make a roof of a country house cheaply and quickly

      Growing basil seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently raise a crop and get a harvest. Sowing for seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, the sowing depth is up to 1 cm.In order for the seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which throughout this period should be kept at + 25 + 27 ° С. Next, picking takes place in small pots. Pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened. It will be required to apply mineral fertilizers in the phase of the first leaf (unless, of course, the seedlings develop poorly). It is simple to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potash, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water. Already before planting in open ground, about a week, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on a garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance of 25 cm between plants. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where about a liter of water is poured in before placing a young plant. Basil is planted with pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant takes root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting with planting seeds, and ending with the transfer of basil to open ground

      Basil care

      Basil cleaning

      Growing basil at home

      This process is all called differently, such as growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow a seed culture in a pot, or transplant an already adult basil with cuttings. As in the open field, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions. Basil is planted in several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-heated places, watering occurs as the soil dries, about once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Basil is fertilized at home about once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open field, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the culture with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil. , fertilizing, watering and sunny place

      Basil varieties

      Basil of Yerevan

      Basil spoon-shaped

      Basil Baku

      Basil grown in the country (video)

      Also read:

    Growing basil: planting, care, varieties

      Growing basil: agricultural techniques and features Growing basil in the country will require increased attention from the owner of the site, if, of course, he is interested in a rich and stable harvest, and not in sluggish greens, which can grow without much care.


    • Basil grown in the country (video)

    Indeed, each culture in the country requires attention, and especially, basil, which, although it can easily cope with many pests and diseases, is very picky about soil and heat. How can we grow basil without crazy waste of time and energy, and get a decent harvest that will delight our table with a spicy seasoning by the end of the season? The secrets of growing basil now.

    Basil soil

    Basil farming techniques require fertile and well-groomed soil, which means we have to work hard to create the best option for growing the crop. Basil is best planted in well-heated areas that are protected from wind and drafts. The plant prefers light sandy loam, well filled with organic matter. Legumes, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are considered the best predecessors of plants in the garden, since organic fertilizers are applied under them. Preparation of the soil for growing basil in the open field begins in the autumn, when the garden is well dug up and fertilized. The depth of the excavation is about 20-25 cm, about the bayonet of a shovel, fertilizer for the soil (per 1m2) - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof humus or compost, 22-25 g of superphosphate and about 15 g of potassium salt. If the cultivation of basil is planned on heavy soils, clay and loam, then in the fall it is required to form the correct ridges, which in the spring should be well cut with a hoe (depth up to 15 cm). Soil for growing basil: preparation and fertilization

    Growing basil seedlings

    Growing basil seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently raise a crop and get a harvest. Sowing for seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, the sowing depth is up to 1 cm.

    In order for the seedlings to sprout quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which for the entire given period should be kept at around + 25 + 27 ° С. Next, picking takes place in small pots. Pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened.

    It will be required to apply mineral fertilizers in the phase of the first leaf (unless, of course, the seedlings develop poorly). It is simple to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potash, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water.

    Already before planting in open ground, about a week, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature.Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on a garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance of 25 cm between plants. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, where about a liter of water is poured in before placing a young plant. Basil is planted with pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant takes root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting with planting seeds, and ending with the transfer of the basil to open ground

    Basil care

    In fact, growing and caring for basil is not particularly difficult, you just need to study the technology of growing basil and adhere to a certain scheme. Basil should be broken through for planting density, tearing off the upper shoots, remove flowering from young plants, weed weeds in the garden in time, water the basil and loosen the soil. Also, you should not allow the thickening of the planting of the basil and high soil moisture, otherwise, the basil will suffer from gray mold.

    Basil cleaning

    When the basil greens reach 10-12 cm, it can be removed little by little. The leaves are tied in bunches and dried, then, finely ground and used as a seasoning for various dishes.

    Growing basil at home

    This process is called differently by everyone, like growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow a seed culture in a pot, or transplant an already adult basil with cuttings.

    As in the open field, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions. Basil is planted in several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-heated places, watering occurs as the soil dries, about once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Basil is fertilized at home about once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open field, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the culture with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil. , fertilizing, watering and sunny place

    Basil varieties

    Now that the cultivation of basil at home or outdoors has become clear to you, you can choose the most suitable variety.

    Basil of Yerevan

    A plant with leaves of a deep bluish color and a persistent aroma of tea and allspice.

    Basil spoon-shaped

    A culture with light green leaves, the aroma of which is reminiscent of a mixture of cloves and bay leaves.

    Basil Baku

    A plant with purple-brown leaves, which, when harvested, can give any dish a clove and mint aroma.

    Basil grown in the country (video)

    In addition, it is always possible to grow purple basil or lemon basil, which thrive in pots on a windowsill or outdoors if you initially grow basil through seedlings in a greenhouse. We recommend reading the article on anise.

    How to grow basil in the country

    Today, basil is the most favorite among the herbs, which is very common in the Caucasus. If you are interested in the question of how to grow basil in the country, then you are well aware of this aromatic culture. There are many different types of this herb, which differ only in shape, size and color.

    These can be large or small leaves, round or pointed, green or purple. The qualities of basil are used as a spice and medicine, it can be used as a herb, dry seasoning and for tinctures.

    Such a spice is grown in several ways - by seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground. In cooler areas, where the summer is not so hot, it is better to use grown seedlings. Basil very well perceives fertile soils, which are well warmed up by the sun. You can grow the plant in pots or in a greenhouse.

    How to plant and grow basil.

    In order to grow basil seedlings, it is necessary to fill the pots or boxes with fertile soil and sow the seeds to a depth of no more than half a centimeter. warm place in the room. From time to time, the coating should be opened and the soil aired.

    At a favorable temperature, the seedlings will appear in a week, after it it is desirable to lower the temperature, but leave the seedlings enough sun so that the stems do not stretch too much. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted so that it is freer. You can grow some of the plants from cuttings.

    When the plant has already had up to 6 leaves, you can cut off the tops from it and place it in a container with water, pretty quickly the stems overgrow with a good root system, after which it is planted in pots, a greenhouse or open ground under a film. the ground on the street has already warmed up enough, you can plant seedlings. Basil prefers slightly acidic and compostable soils.

    Before planting, you need to prepare trenches up to 10 cm deep and water them with water at room temperature. After planting seedlings, it is advisable to cover the soil on the surface with mulch. When the plants are hardened, they no longer need special care.

    It is enough to regularly remove weeds and water the land. When you start cutting the first greens, the plant will need to be fed with mullein or nettle infusion.

    The foliage of the basil can be cut off throughout the summer, the main thing is that the plant is spacious, it has enough air. When planting basil seeds, they must be kept in rain or settled water for several hours. Seeds are planted in the beds to a depth of 1 cm.

    The seeds are sprinkled with earth, watered with warm water and the beds are covered with foil or glass. After the first shoots appear, the plants will need to be aired for 10 minutes a day and watered as the soil dries. When the first true leaves appear, the glass is removed and the seedlings are planted.

    At the same time, the distance is maintained at least 5 cm between the basil seedlings. After a while, the plant will get stronger and grow.

    It will be necessary to pinch the tops in order for it to give good lateral shoots. Video about Basil - the king of herbs. Now you already know how to grow basil in the country using prepared seedlings or planting seeds directly into the ground. If you take proper care of the plant, then you can enjoy fragrant salads and other dishes for almost a whole year, since the basil retains its qualities even in dried form.

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    Basil growing from seeds - technology

    Conditions for growing basil at home in the garden and in the greenhouse, photo description. Clove aroma, caramel, cultivation in the country. Basil is a herb. In the basilica, everything you see has a completely delicious, pleasant, spicy smell.

    The value of the leaves lies in the full set of useful vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, as well as with a small composition of essential oils. Basil is often planted in strategic places to repel various annoying insects, for example, flies or mosquitoes. And what is important - the insecticidal properties of this plant are used while protecting other useful plants from pests, such as aphids or spider mites.

    To do this, simply plant the basil in a handy pot and place it near the affected plant. different countries have long known about the beneficial and tasty properties of basil leaves. As a medicinal plant, it is immediately used to stop headaches or as a means to gargle a sore throat. Basil belongs to a number of annual, spicy, garden plants.

    The maximum height of the basilica is 80 centimeters. Always with a huge number of leaves, which densely spud the plant. You can see the flowering of the basil from mid-July to early September.

    Ripe seeds look small and can be stored for up to 5 years.

    Conditions for growing basil in the open field

    To grow basil, you only need to choose the most fertile soil, another plant will develop poorly or not at all. Cold weather negatively affects the plant. Low temperatures can kill him altogether.

    The best place will always be a well-lit area. Basil seeds for seedlings are sown, as a rule, only in early April, no later than. A small box or pot of well-watered potting soil is suitable for seedlings.

    The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm, sometimes by half a centimeter, and the distance between the rows is about 5 cm. Next, we put the box in a warm, well-lit place, in which the air temperature is not less than 20 degrees.

    At this temperature, you will observe the emergence in 5 days. The next step is to start planting the basil seedlings in pots and then to a permanent place in the garden. We are used to soaking them before planting seeds.

    With these seeds, you can skip this procedure, while you should always keep the soil in the box in a moist state, do not allow it to dry out. In no case should cold water be used for watering, only warm water!

    Cold water contributes to the appearance of the disease - black leg. If you have not regretted cold water and the total amount of water in general, the blackleg will need additional measures taken.

    To combat the black leg, pour the entire soil in the box with a solution of copper sulfate (mix half a teaspoon of vitriol per one liter of water). The permanent place of the basil in the garden must be chosen correctly, taking into account that basil cannot grow in the same place every time. The best option is to return the plant to its old place only for 10 years of cultivation. We start planting plants in open ground at the end of May.

    At the same time, we try to choose a cloudy day for planting or when the sun is not very hot. After that, we thoroughly water all the plants.

    Basil care, all the secrets

    The whole care of basil throughout the season will consist only in clearing the soil around from weeds, and also at times to loosen the ground. And of course - water it, about 10 times during the growing season.

    You must understand that frequent watering has a beneficial effect on the appearance of new leaves. The first month of the plant goes very badly, as it develops slowly, gaining strength.

    The best option for the first month of growing is if you cover all the plants with a film to maintain a warm temperature and retain moisture. You need to cut the greens before flowering, while cutting off the leaves and branches up to 10 cm. Before the complete cutting, we start only during the flowering period At this time, the greens acquire the maximum taste and smell. In cooking, both fresh and dried leaves, basil branches are used. It gives a unique flavor to whatever you throw it at.

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