Shorthair dog breeds with photos and names. Dog breeds

The day when a pet appears in the house is like a real holiday. The dog is a devoted friend, a cheerful companion and a reliable protector. However, it happens that after a while the pet turns from a source of joy into a real burden. This is often not due to right choice breeds. Things to consider before getting a pet:

  • additional expenses- any breed of dog requires proper nutrition, care products, a visit to the veterinarian, the purchase of toys and other things. Evaluate your strengths sensibly - can you provide your pet with everything necessary;
  • dog time- any animal requires attention, this includes games with the dog, and walks in the park, and time for grooming. Without proper attention, the dog's health will begin to deteriorate;
  • purchase purpose- this parameter is almost the key in the choice of breed. Decide if you just need a companion or a guard, for example. If you plan to breed dogs, then you should choose a thoroughbred pet with documents. If you are looking for a reliable friend, then it is absolutely not necessary to buy an expensive breed;
  • potential pranks– all dogs in one way or another can cause trouble to the owner. Whether it's gnawed shoes, damage to furniture or loud barking. Evaluate your endurance and poise;
  • change in daily routine- buying a puppy will inevitably lead to an adjustment in the usual way of life. After all, you will have to walk with the chosen breed of dog, educate it, take care of it;
  • living area- when considering dog breeds with photos and names, pay attention to the size of your home. After all, the dimensions of the pet should be commensurate with the square meters of the apartment;
  • Plan b- think in advance whether you can leave your pet with someone if you go on vacation or a business trip.

What will help you choose the right breed

Do we agree in character?

The breed of a dog should match the temperament of its owner. If a lazy homebody gets himself an active pet, then no one will get joy from such an alliance. The same applies to the situation when an active athlete will get a decorative dog that needs only minimal physical activity. And there are also breeds that only experienced owners with a strong-willed character can handle.

Dog breeds for different types of people:

  1. calm and balanced people are suitable for dog breeds such as pugs and retrievers;
  2. Shepherd dogs, Rottweilers and Dobermans are well suited for business people;
  3. if you are a sensual person who wants to give your love and attention in huge quantities, then you should pay attention to;
  4. for people of an analytical mindset, requiring order everywhere and in everything, poodles, collies, spaniels, schnauzers are well suited;
  5. for active people who devote a significant amount of time to walking and sports, huskies, setters, greyhounds are well suited.

Breeds for a house or apartment

Please note that they even require as much attention from the owner as large representatives. When you start a Pekingese, for example, you will also have to walk with him and take care of his coat. The option of buying a large breed puppy for an apartment is possible, however, if the territory of the house allows it. Starting a shepherd dog in a one-room apartment where a family with a child already lives is an extremely irrational decision.

The apartment content has several important nuances. First of all, you can’t let your pet go for a walk on its own, especially when it comes to a large breed. You should always be there and in control of the dog. Training and socialization is also a necessity for a four-legged city dweller, because he will be in contact with other animals and people.

Subject to all the rules of content, you can safely start and. An excellent option in this case are shepherds, poodles, labradors, spaniels, boxers. These breeds have a developed intellect, a good level of socialization, a good disposition and a tendency to obedience.

Of course, miniature dogs are the most acceptable option. Take a closer look at pugs, Scotch terriers, toy terriers and Pekingese. These pets are extremely unpretentious in the choice of food and the level of care. As a rule, they are not too intrusive, and some representatives are even very independent.

In the case of buying a puppy for your home, you have practically no restrictions on the choice. Suitable for both large and small pets. The question is only in the temperament of the breed and its compliance with your requirements.

What is the breed's coat like?

An important factor is also the length of the pet's coat. Smooth-haired breeds are the preferred option in most cases. They do not require careful care of the coat, will not cause much trouble during the molting period.

Long-haired dogs are distinguished by a very attractive appearance, however, to maintain their condition, you will have to regularly comb out the fur coat, comb it, bathe the pet, use shampoos and conditioners, and visit a hairdresser.

The choice of breed is significantly limited if potential owners are allergic to wool. In this case, you need to pay attention to hypoallergenic breeds. The best candidate would be a poodle.

It is also important to make the right choice in the matter of the age of the puppy. The older he gets, the more difficult it will be to accustom him to your order in the house, to teach commands, to adjust "for himself." Dogs in adolescence already have a mature character, and it will be difficult to influence them.

However, it is also impossible to take a very small puppy. In this case, you can seriously harm the health of the future pet. His immunity will be weak if he is taken away from his mother's milk too soon. It will also lead to psychological trauma.

What gender to get a pet?

Having decided on the breed of the dog, the agenda becomes new question- what gender should I buy a puppy. Consider the features of bitches and males. Bitches:

  • more quickly attached to people;
  • better amenable to education and training;
  • can be used for breeding puppies;
  • need more attention than males;
  • can cause inconvenience to the owner during estrus, so if you do not plan to breed puppies, you should consider spaying.

Males are emotionally more assertive and active. They are more consistent with the standards of the breed of dogs, more often participate in exhibitions and competitions. Males have innate leadership qualities, so a strong character is needed to subdue them. Also, "men" tend to show constant interest in the opposite sex, while females experience attraction only a few times a year.

It is not known for certain when and how these animals became an integral part of human life, but even without evidence it is clear that a dog as a companion and friend is the best thing that could happen to people. These amazing creatures, presented to us as a gift by a generous fate, are stunning with a variety of individuals.

Take a look at dog breeds with pictures- say, on a miniature chihuahua, which easily fits in a pocket: against the background of a giant St. Bernard growing from a good pony, this crumb looks simply comical. And such striking contrasts among the representatives of the dog tribe cannot be counted.

How did it happen that it was this creature, initially not distinguished by excessive friendliness, that a man chose as his first companion? Obviously, some predators from the canine family have seduced people with their unique protective qualities. Consider at least modern dog breeds with photographs - and a cursory glance is enough to suspect Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers or Dobermans of excellent watchdog properties, right? So primitive man - where intuitively, where empirically - from various four-legged predators singled out and eventually trained a watchdog, a hunter dog, a guide dog, a friend dog.

Today, more than 400 breeds of dogs are known, each of which was bred for a specific purpose. Conventionally, all varieties can be divided into several categories: service dogs, watchdog and decorative. If you approach the choice of a pet lightly, following the cause of unaccountable sympathy, you can “get stuck” great: for example, spaniels, active by nature, deprived of long walks in the fresh air, in the absence of the owner, can easily smash the apartment to pieces.

Looking at such inconsistencies, you are perplexed: is it really the progenitor of all varieties canine family served by the same animal? Experts believe that dogs descended from related, but different ancestors - the jackal, the wolf and the mythical primitive dog, which has several varieties, which gave rise to different breeds. Today there is no answer to the question of who the Dogo Argentino originated from or what animals are the ancestors of the Maltese, but it is absolutely certain that it was the dog that became the first wild creature domesticated and tamed by man.

The dog proved to be an excellent hunter - sensitive and obedient to voice commands? This means that it is necessary to train her to catch a certain animal and cross with a similar specimen. Does the dog show distrust of strangers, expresses aggression towards ill-wishers? This is a direct road to watch dogs, reliably protecting the house from intrusions, and the shepherd's flock from attacks by predators. It is clear that over the 10 millennia, during which dogs brightened up the earthly path of man, their purpose has changed many times, and, accordingly, has undergone changes and appearance, and the nature of pets.

This does not mean that, having got a fox terrier, you will need to periodically arrange fox hunting for him, but you will have to provide him with stable physical activity in the fresh air. And if you want a friend for the soul with a minimum of hassle, get a decorative dog that does not require complex care. A successful choice of breed is a guarantee of harmonious relations with a new family member.

In total, according to various estimates, there are about 1000 dog breeds. International cynological organizations recognize the existence of about 400. Each of them has its own specific characteristics, its own special character, disposition and temperament. Breeds differ in size, body and head shape, coat length, endurance. If you decide to get a dog, you need to not only weigh the pros and cons, but also decide on the choice of the breed of your future pet.

Dog breeds are so diverse that each person can choose the best option for himself if he does not rush and prepare well for the arrival of a new tenant in the house. At the same time, it is very important to understand that any dog, regardless of breed, will require time, quality feeding, regular exercise, grooming and training from you. The spectacular appearance of the show champion of a long-haired or wire-haired dog, as in exhibition photos, is most often inaccessible to an ordinary owner. Therefore, even before purchasing a puppy, it is useful to see how this or that dog looks in home haircuts and find out how laborious it is to care for their coat. A responsible approach to the appearance of a dog of any breed in your home will allow the pet to fit into your lifestyle as comfortably as possible. It should not be forgotten that dogs also get sick and at this time need qualified help. veterinary care, care and special diet. An absolutely healthy and problem-free breed simply does not exist.

We publish here all useful information- names of breeds, photos and descriptions of their features, basic requirements for maintenance and upbringing - everything that a future puppy owner needs to know in order to make life together with a dog as pleasant and comfortable as possible.


  • australian shepherd
  • Akita Inu
  • Alaskan malamute
  • american akita
  • american bulldog
  • English bulldog
  • dogo argentino
  • afghan hound


  • basenji
  • basset hound
  • Belgian Shepherd (Malinois)
  • beaver
  • Beagle
  • Bloodhound
  • Bobtail
  • Border Collie
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • beauceron
  • bullmastiff
  • bull terrier
  • Boerboel


  • Welsh Corgi Pembroke
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • East European Shepherd


  • Dalmatian
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • doberman


  • West Siberian Laika
  • Golden retriever

    I, Y

  • Irish wolfhound
  • Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Italian spinone
  • Yorkshire Terrier


  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Kai
  • Cane Corso
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • Chinese Crested
  • Collie


  • Labrador retriever


  • Maltese (Maltese)
  • Pug
  • Moscow watchdog


  • German Shepherd
  • German boxer
  • German dog
  • german spitz
  • Newfoundland


  • Odis


  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian
  • Posava Hound
  • Poodle
  • bullets


  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Russian hound
  • Russian Toy
  • Russian black terrier


  • Saluki
  • samoyed
  • st bernard
  • Gordon setter
  • shiba inu
  • Siberian Husky
  • skye terrier
  • Central asian shepherd dog
  • staffordshire terrier


  • Dachshund
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Toy Terrier


  • French Bulldog


  • Croatian Shepherd


  • miniature pinscher
  • miniature schnauzer


  • chow chow
  • Chihuahua


  • sharpei
  • sheltie
  • shih tzu


  • Entlebucher Mountain Dog
  • Airedale


  • Jagd Terrier

So how do you choose the right dog breed for you and your family? There are several main factors that influence the choice of the right dog.

Importance of information for selection

For a person who has decided to get a dog for the first time, there is nothing more useful than objective and adequate information. But the many advertising sites that describe problem-free, self-learning dog breeds that are “all-inclusive” from birth create a lot of illusions in potential owners, which always negatively affect how the owner-dog relationship develops. A photogenic Labrador darling destroys an apartment in two weeks, a charming Pomeranian barks all day long, a non-shedding miniature schnauzer after the first haircut turns into a kind of shaggy lap dog, and a versatile guard Tibetan mastiff after a year of keeping in the yard categorically refuses to go out of the gate and especially to be shown at the exhibition. It is good if the owner steadfastly survives all these inconsistencies with the dream and makes efforts to reach an understanding with his dog. It is much worse if the dog starts walking hands or ends up on the street or in a shelter. How to choose the right breed of dog for a non-professional?

Information from an experienced breeder or kennel

Well, if you are lucky with the breeder. He asked a lot of questions, asking if you know anything about the chosen breed, except for its name, seen photos and common advertising slogans, and decided that he could sell you his puppy. You should answer the questions as honestly as possible - an experienced professional will help you choose the puppy that is suitable for temperament and exterior and raise it correctly. Breeders of unfashionable breeds in this case are preferable. They know everything about the breed and watch not only the exterior, but also the psyche. They will be happy to talk about the behavior of puppies and adult dogs, suitable types of training and sports. If the breeder is not ready to answer questions about raising a puppy and its characteristics, it is better not to buy a dog from him. Regardless of which breed you choose, the puppies' parents should have recommended genetic tests. The right choice of a breeder is an opportunity to get advice from a professional if necessary. This will be an adequate assessment of an experienced specialist "breed breeder" for its compliance with the living conditions of the future owner.

Most often, the Internet offers ads with other people's photos, advertising descriptions of the best dogs in the world and a breeder who, having sold you a puppy, will disappear and stop answering phone calls and other requests. You can recognize a scammer by his unwillingness to leave coordinates, the lack of a chip or brand on a puppy, promises that even a puppy without a pedigree can easily be done. For someone who wants to get a good dog, such talk is a good reason not to get a puppy.

Understanding the history of breed development

Very often, when reading about breeds, future owners skip the section on the history of the breed. Meanwhile, each of them is a set of persistently transmitted qualities, including both external characteristics and unique features of behavior and physiology. Dogs with short muzzles do not tolerate heat well and will not be able to run much, large heavy-boned mastiffs need caring attitude to their joints and ligaments, service and herding breeds, having exceptional health, will require considerable expenses for training and exercise. And each was originally created for some kind of work. Forgetting about this, the owners often do not understand the Beagle or Spaniel running away after an interesting smell, they suffer from the hyperactivity of the Jack Russell Terrier, they are forced to endure the howl of a non-barking Basenji or Malamute. Working inclinations are preserved in all breeds, because each of them was created to perform a specific job. Even those breeds that have not been used for hunting or for driving cattle for a long time remember their working past. Their pedigree features are its consequence. So, all terriers love chasing and fights, all dachshunds dig holes with pleasure, a schnauzer or griffon will try to overcome his eternal enemy - a rat with pleasure, and collies and shelties will never allow members of the group entrusted to them to get lost, tracking the movement of both adults and children.

Physical activity for a dog

Lack of exercise always has a negative effect on working breed dogs. All unpleasant habits quickly disappear, it is worthwhile to properly organize walks and puzzle the dog with some work or sport. The choice in our time is huge - from service training to pitch-n-go and pulling. The organization of joint leisure allows you to establish contact between the owner and the dog and make them a real tandem full of mutual understanding. Show dogs also need exercises that help them to have lean musculature, good tone and proper stance. In large cities there are special halls where you can prepare the dog for the exhibition on your own or entrust it to an experienced trainer and handler.

Hair care

It is also important to evaluate your capabilities in caring for the coat of your future dog. Shedding a Malamute or Samoyed in a city apartment is a serious test for owners. Clipping of rough-haired dogs (schnauzers, dachshunds, drathaars) usually results in the growth of an atypical soft, fluffy coat, which begins to tangle and creates more and more more problems. But it was necessary to start trimming the dog from the very beginning, so that a hard, wire-like coat would grow on it, from which seeds and debris can be easily removed. Short-haired, low-maintenance dogs shed and their fur clogs carpets and bedding, which can cause skin irritations and allergies. For people with allergies, poodles and terriers are well suited, which do not shed their hair, although they need regular clipping or trimming. Not all long-haired dogs are suitable for outdoor living. Many of them, despite their long hair, freeze in winter. These are, for example, long-haired dachshunds and seters, golden and curly-coated retrievers. The most suitable dogs for outdoor keeping are with a double, so-called wild coat, in which the seasonal thick undercoat and coarse outer hair allow them to feel comfortable on the street in any conditions.

Breed subtleties

To understand all the intricacies and make the right choice, you need to try not only to see more dogs in the photo and video, but also to find as much information as possible, selecting it according to the principle: the less fake positive about this breed, the better. Critical and negative feedback during the selection of a dog is much more valuable, as it allows a sober assessment of the problems that may be encountered in the future. It is difficult to expect a lack of pugnacity in a terrier or count on the loyalty of a hunting breed to domestic rodents or birds. It is better to choose a loyal breed right away than to waste time and nerves on correcting innate behavior later. All materials in this section are selected in such a way as to allow the reader to form an objective opinion about different breeds dogs and prepare for the arrival of a new family member both mentally and financially.

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses from you. The character, ability to train, propensity to diseases depends on the chosen breed of dog.

We define goals

Before you buy a pet, decide for what purpose you are doing it. You choose a pet watchdog or companion? Answer yourself a series of questions that will help you choose the breed of a four-legged pet:

Choosing the sex of the dog

When purchasing a pet, consider an important nuance: males and females need different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train, more docile. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancy. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider spaying the dog.

Males are emotionally more persistent, tend to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict upbringing. Dogs show an active interest in bitches all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to buying a puppy or an adult dog. The kid needs to be brought up, accustomed to hygiene procedures, toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the norms of behavior instilled by you.

A well-bred, adult dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or gnaw on your shoes. But, getting used to the new owners and the house can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for the previous owners, refuse food and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for a new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs - guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. So, hunting dogs are completely unsuitable for this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings for all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

For the protection of a private house are great:

They do an excellent job of protecting the apartment:

hunting dogs

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small and friendly. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need education. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

When choosing a pet, study the characteristics of a particular breed, the rules for caring for puppies, the tendency to disease. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

A dog is truly the best friend of a person who lived side by side with him, worked and helped in any kind of activity. Today, there are many breeds of these animals - some are the result of natural selection, while others are the result of the laborious selection work of people, but they are all faithful creatures, ready to show their devotion to man again and again.

Powerful Central Asian Shepherd Dog, the second name of which is the Turkmen wolfhound. According to historical data, this breed was formed naturally. Thanks to the harsh conditions in which this happened, they acquired unprecedented endurance and excellent physical characteristics. Today they are successfully used as watchdogs.

A large native breed that was bred by the Eskimo tribes to work in teams. do not bark, but communicate by grumbling and howling. But this is not their only feature - dogs need regular physical activity and are not suitable for everyone.

A large dog with an athletic build, a descendant of the mighty Molossians, who does an excellent job as a guard, watchman and bodyguard. requires serious training, but with the right approach, a person acquires a fearless and intelligent four-legged friend.

This is the name of a rather rare breed of French shepherds. Being a shepherd for a long time, he gradually turned into family dog. And the alertness and distrust of representatives of this breed allows the use of dogs as guards and watchmen.

Have you ever seen a calf-sized lapdog? This is what representatives of the breed look like. It is believed that the breed appeared without human intervention, and these tireless and hardy dogs have long been engaged in cattle drives.

These offspring of stern mastiffs, with a serious appearance, have been photographed more than once as nannies for kids. Yes, indeed, such qualities as good nature, devotion to family members and alertness to strangers are harmoniously combined.

small dog breeds

AT modern world there is a trend towards increasing popularity of small dogs, and the smaller the pet, the better. This leads to the emergence of new breeds and the improvement of existing ones.

An amazing breed, it is also called "African not barking dog”, which the tribes of Africa still use to hunt lions to this day! they do not bark, but make a variety of sounds - croaking, meowing, howling, and, in addition, these dogs wash their faces like cats.

Decorative Belgian dog breed, with a mischievous, and in some places, funny appearance. Once they were favorites of royal people, but today anyone can get such a cute and funny Brussels griffin.

These are tiny shepherd dogs, which are inferior to their taller counterparts only in size. Performing shepherd work, they managed to bite the cattle by the limbs, driving them into the herd and not getting under the hooves. There are two types of breed - Cardigan and Pembroke, the former are larger and more serious, but the latter cause joy by their very appearance.

Initially, the dogs were bred for burrow hunting, and it was not difficult for them to drive out any animal, directing it into the hands of a hunter. But quickness, activity and cheerfulness made it possible to become an excellent companion dog.

Among decorative crumbs, it is in first place in popularity. At first glance, it may seem that these cute creatures were bred to please their owners, but no. Once upon a time, Yorkies were kept in coal mines and fought huge rodents.

A dog of this breed today can be found in any state, even with a not very warm climate. And, of course, a dog that has a minimum of wool always attracts the attention of others. By the way, in China it was a symbol of family well-being.

This little greyhound with a graceful body structure and a cute face evokes extremely positive emotions. has a keen sense of smell, eyesight and the ability to run fast, but still her calling is to be a companion and friend for a person.

The oldest breed of dog with a funny and cute appearance. Definitely, they cause a smile, and their owners unanimously claim that it is unlikely to find a more sensitive and understanding four-legged friend. Once they guarded the monasteries, so the pet will surely meet the house of uninvited guests with a barking bark.

Representatives of this breed are called the most beautiful decorative dogs. Their snow-white luxurious coat, beady eyes and black button lobe cannot leave anyone indifferent. a very playful, affectionate creature that even beginners can turn on.

These little dogs with a funny face once guarded the temples, of course, they were somewhat larger at that time. The modern one will also protect its owners, but climbing onto its knees or sitting at the feet of the TV.

The oldest Chinese breed, around which a lot of legends hovers. For example, according to one of them, the Pekingese descended from lions and butterflies, according to another, a lion and a monkey. In the ancient state, only the emperor and representatives of noble families could possess. When China emerged from isolation, representatives of the breed quickly gained popularity and spread throughout the world.

At home in Peru, she is considered a sacred animal and believe in magical properties dogs. As the name implies, representatives of the breed do not have a coat, which undoubtedly gives them an original look. The Peruvian Hairless Dog is a gentle animal with a calm temperament, an ideal companion dog.

This dog has the appearance of a toy and, indeed, such a pet can be made for a child. quite quickly becomes attached to its owner, but will not tolerate a careless attitude. In addition, this baby is vigilant and can even rush to protect its owner.

One of the most common breeds, whose representatives are in second place in terms of intellectual abilities. There are several types of breed, but all of them are distinguished by a curly hypoallergenic coat. they love to learn very much, maybe that's why they often meet in the arenas of circus performances.

A burrowing short-legged hunter that has gained popularity around the world. they are very curious, inquisitive and playful, however, the owners should be more careful on the walks, as the pet's hunting instincts can jump up suddenly.

The breed of dog, bred for burrow hunting, today successfully plays the role of a family pet. extremely active, cheerful and playful, so walks with such a pet will never be boring. The owner will have to pay due attention to his four-legged friend, otherwise for housing it can be a real disaster.

These small stocky dogs with an attentive look have a high intelligence. This allows them to easily build relationships with all family members, but for learning, developed mental abilities can do harm. The fact is that he understands from a half-word what they want from him, but he is not sure that he needs it. The owner needs to properly motivate this trickster.

The smallest, agile and restless among the schnauzers, which, along with their larger counterparts, can perform official work. Given that it is a bunch of energy, you will not be bored with it, but it will take a firm hand to contain the pet's ardor.


This tiny dog ​​can be found at a social event, because accompanying his master is his direct duty. Without affection, attention and a friendly attitude, dogs wither away. Therefore, choosing as a pet, it should be borne in mind that the baby cannot be left alone for a long time.

- Scottish shepherd dogs that successfully coped with this work. Many consider them a variety of collies, however, these two breeds developed in parallel. To improve the quality of these small dogs, the Scottish Sheepdogs were still used in breeding work.

A Chinese breed of dog with a luxurious appearance, imperial calm and some arrogance in his eyes. It is not surprising, because for a long time lion dogs were forbidden to be kept by mere mortals, and they lived exclusively in imperial palaces. Modern - exclusively a family dog ​​that loves to be in the spotlight.

This little terrier from Scotland used to be quite a successful hunter, and today he has been retrained as a pet. However, his instincts and habits have not disappeared, which future owners should know about in advance.

The name of the breed is translated as "precious dog", but it is not known for certain where it originated - in Tibet or in Japan. - a decorative dog, which, despite its modest size, can stand up for itself and its owner.

A large number of breeds allows everyone to choose a pet in accordance with their preferences and wishes.

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