British kittens what they are by nature. About the nature of British cats

Dignity, calmness and peacefulness are the basis of character british cat... This is an exceptionally pleasant companion, in every gesture of which an ancient aristocratic origin is felt. They don’t beg for food, don’t play concerts, don’t stain carpets. The British are alien to bad manners, which brought them great popularity among kings, intellectuals and representatives of the business elite.

By nature, the British are soft and affectionate, like their plush coats. But excessive compliance and obedience is not characteristic of these rather wayward and freedom-loving representatives of the feline world.

Independence and unobtrusiveness

You can stroke a Briton only when he himself wants affection. However, encroachment on freedom will not trigger an outbreak of aggression. He will simply break free from unwanted embraces. The trivial call "ks-ks" will be ignored. Only the spoken name will catch his attention.

Not in habits British breed"Occupy" the owner's knees. Unobtrusive pets delicately keep their distance in friendships. It is enough for them to be in the same room with the owners.

Begging in the kitchen is beneath the dignity of a Briton. The maximum that a hungry cat is capable of is to look the mistress in the eyes with a quiet reproach. They will proudly ignore the dish in the bowl and silently leave. Although usually not spoiled since childhood, the tailed companions delight with their constant appetite.

Loyal to the owner, the British do not suffer alone. They can be safely left on for the whole day. Such a cat will patiently wait for a businessman, teacher, artist who disappears for days.

Calm and poise

Equanimity is an outstanding character trait of the British cat. A phlegmatic animal will not be confused by high-pitched conversations, or the buzzing of a hairdryer, or the roar of a lawn mower.

With a large margin of tolerance, the British get along well with other pets and young family members. We are ready to endure many children's pranks from kids, but just not. Fearful mongrels in the yard bypass a self-sufficient enemy of impressive size.

The calm character of the British cat resembles a well-mannered governess rather than a football fan. She with a moderate level of activity will not be the cause of destruction in the house: thrown over vases, broken chandeliers, torn curtains. The owner will not find the pet riding on the refrigerator or wardrobe.

Character British cats appreciated not only by breeders, but also by those who want to have a cheerful, smart and independent cat at home.

The character of the British cat is determined by several criteria:

  1. Low level and activity;
  2. Playful mood;
  3. No need for constant attention;
  4. Moderate affection for master and home;
  5. High level of intelligence and independence;
  6. Relative unpretentious care;
  7. High level of compatibility with children;
  8. Absence of pathological and characteristic diseases.

The character of British cats does not depend on what type it belongs to: short-haired or semi-long-haired. The British cat was bred in England and positioned as a fairly peaceful independent animal that does not require special care and constant attention.

Such a cat will be a great pet for busy people who want to have at home. furry comrade, while he will not suffer from the constant absence of his masters.


The anatomical features of the British cat are a fairly wide skeletal system, plush hair and a large number of colors. The most common color is British Blue.... Given that there is no standard color, the presence of a non-standard color is not considered a deviation from the standard characteristic of the breed.

The main character traits of the British cat

If we consider the main character traits of a British cat, it is worth noting friendliness and calmness. Such a cat will not suffer at home alone without a master and do dirty tricks in order to attract attention to itself. The character of the British cat is characterized by a calm disposition, but at the same time, the cat quite emotionally meets its owners, and during the game you can notice a surge of energy and love.

With such a cat, it will never be boring, since it is quite unobtrusive, but at the same time it is quite strongly attached to its owners, not reacting very painfully to a change of scenery or their absence from the rest of the household for a long time.


Home is a cat's personal territory, where he will always feel comfortable. In addition, a distinctive feature of the character of the British cat is that he does not choose one owner for himself, but considers the family as a whole, treats all members equally.

Such a cat will delight you with its independence, since we absolutely need personal space for him - these are the habits of a Briton that we will have to accept. The interesting character of the British cat draws attention to this breed along with its unusual color and appearance. It is worth noting such features of British cats as the lack of love for long games, such a cat will not get a lot of pleasure from being dragged around, but at the same time they are quite contact, they easily find a common language with other guests of the house even with a dog.

Main features

The character of the shorthaired British cat can be described by several characteristics:

  • Calmness;
  • Independence;
  • High level of affection;
  • Moderate activity;
  • Contact.

After evaluating all the features of British cats, you will understand that such a pet is perfect for families with a child, and the kitten will not bring you any special worries and easily adapts to the new environment and rules of your family. Such a pet will delight you for more than one year with its play, love, affectionate mood and calm disposition.

Benefits of the character of the British cat

The owner of the British can fully appreciate the advantages of this pet's appearance, which ideally complement its pleasant character. Features of appearance this cat is quite friendly looking, a large number of colors, which can range from pure black to tortoiseshell.

At the same time, the cat is large enough and looks solid, it also gives off confidence and nobility, which, in combination with a calm character, have ensured the popularity of this breed for many years.

Despite the fact that she is a fairly independent cat, the description of the character of British cats cannot be called complete, if you do not pay attention to the care that the cat shows to the household guests. If you observe a pet, you will notice that the pleasant character of British cats extends not only to family members, but also to guests, since the cat is practically not aggressive and very rarely shows dislike even to strangers.


British cats love to get away from the whole world and hide in their secluded corner. However, this will happen exactly until they feel that the owner needs them. And in the case, if there is a child in the house, the cat will always calm him down and will take care of it like its own kitten.

At the same time, if the cat rather painfully perceives excessive love and affection from its adult owners, then he will endure all the games with the child patiently and heroically, realizing that the baby is not only his owner, but also a kind of child. The character and habits of the British cat are visible from childhood, because after you bring the kitten home, he will rarely shit in the wrong place or scatter food and toys, this is determined high level the cleanliness of the kitten and its features of the character of British cats.

Features of the character of the British cat

If you decide to purchase a kitten of this breed, you should learn to accept and respect the character traits of British cats, they are inherent in all representatives of this breed, regardless of age and upbringing.

Firstly, such a cat is quite independent, so it is not suitable for those who want to constantly caress and play with their pet.

If you show too much tenderness and attention to a Briton, he will run away and hide until he shows aggression. But at the same time, the character of the British cat will never allow her to show her weakness and show how much she missed you in your absence.

Watching such a cat, it is worth noting that the character of British cats is characterized by a certain aristocracy and arrogance, and you should also be prepared not only for positive emotions, in the sense that such a character of British cats will never allow them to sharpen their claws on furniture or wallpaper but at the same time. if she doesn't like something, you will have to come to terms with all the preferences.

Features of the

Moreover, characteristic feature the character of British cats is obstinacy. If you hurt the pride of a Briton, then the cat will certainly be offended, refuse to eat and may completely refuse contact with its owner, because obstinacy is one of the character traits of British cats. Also this breed is characterized by a fairly strong jealousy and in the case of a new pet, the cat can also change its usual style of behavior and withdraw into itself, but if it is not limited and deprived of attention, then soon everything will return to normal.

Summing up the above, it is worth noting such negative traits that appear in the character of the British cat:

  • excessive stubbornness;
  • rancor;
  • predominantly depressed mood;
  • exactingness in food and proper care.

This breed is great for those who want to have a pet, but at the same time need an animal that has a high level of cleanliness. Such a cat, due to its innate nobility, will never violate the rules of hygiene - this is the character of British cats.

Another distinctive feature of the character of British cats is the need for a sufficiently long sleep without interruptions.

Final characteristic

This characteristic of British cats can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are constantly at work and want to be greeted at home by a calm and loving pet, then a Briton is the best choice and the character of British cats will meet all your needs. But, if there are children in the house and you can be sure that such a cat will never show aggression towards him, even with increased activity, she will simply leave and hide, thus regulating contact with herself.


The character of the British cat is the perfect choice for a family and single owner. Very often what breed is called a cat that is ideal for a businessman, given the character and habits of a British cat, unpretentious care, independence, independence and at the same time a large amount of affection and love that the cat gives to its owner - this is all the character of British cats.

Coming home, you will always meet a peaceful animal that rested in splendid isolation while you were not at home and will happily play with you for a short time.

The character of the British cat does not allow her to be imposed, but at the same time she does not lead to apathy and always breaks off contact on her own if you show too much love and care to her.

Do no harm

The character of British cats will not allow them to be dirty, even if they harbor a grudge, this is expressed in the absence of contact with the owner. Despite its rancor, such an animal will delight you because the character and behavior of British cats is characterized by unpretentious care, the main thing is not to drastically change the environment, the cat's lifestyle, and you will get a faithful and peaceful pet.

Lovers of this breed also pay attention to the unusual appearance and how such a cat turns out in the photo. He always looks well-groomed and noble, even a little arrogant, but at the same time quite friendly. When choosing a kitten of this breed, it is worth considering the characteristics of the character of British cats, namely, whether the kitten is sanguine or melancholic, or belongs to another psychotype, because this will directly affect its behavior.

For a long time, the breed of British cats has attracted the attention of many fans of these animals. Indeed, these cats look like soft, plush toys, and their smart eyes always look kind. As noted by many British owners, this breed has certain character traits that distinguish it from others.

Real aristocrats

The British shorthair cat is distinguished by a pronounced aristocratic character. With their habits they resemble real Englishmen: they walk majestically, do not make noise, they can lie in one place for hours and carefully observe what is happening in the room.

You can see only small kittens frolicking and playing, adult cats rarely allow themselves to run around the apartment, they will not ride on curtains and carry everything in their path (see).

The British are extremely clean animals. They constantly lick themselves, do not tolerate dirty paws, they love very much when they are combed with a brush. It is important for them that their place is as clean as they are, so owners need to often wash the bedding on which the animal sleeps and change the contents of the tray.

British Shorthair cats do not like to be too actively tugged at their ears or tugged at the tail. He will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself and will try to get away from annoying caresses.

If you want to make the animal feel good, just stroke it and talk to it, the calm sound of the owner's voice will delight him.

Features of the behavior of the British

These cats love a calm measured life. They are very sensitive to the attitude towards themselves: if you scold an animal, especially in a raised voice, expect an offense. The cat can leave and not show up for a long time.

Don't expect the Briton to "come up to make up" first. So he makes himself respect. If you want to return the animal's affection, you will have to apologize for being rude. As an "apology", you can give the cat a special treat. Well-fed and contented, he will forgive you.

The discomfort of the animal is manifested in an excessive desire to put itself in order. Usually, after the stress experienced, the British lick themselves for a long time and especially carefully. With this procedure, they try to calm themselves.

It should be noted that a noisy company in the house or a conflict in the family can become stressful for the British. Even when the screams are not about him, the impressionable Briton will worry.

The Briton will also feel anxious after exhibitions, so after participating in such events, try to be as attentive to the animal as possible, reassure him with an affectionate word.

The British are smart enough: they quickly understand the rules of living in a house, get used to the routine of life (they will not wake up the owner with an insistent demand for food), to their place, when choosing which, by the way, it is better to take into account the opinion of the animal itself.

Despite their ponderous appearance and melancholy demeanor, the British can be excellent mouse-catchers and even rat-catchers. If you have rodents, your pet may very soon bring you prey. Like many cats, they most likely will not eat it, but they will definitely tell the owner about a successful hunt. Don't forget to compliment your pet! See all.

Ideal household

If someone is not at home for too long, the British begin to worry and look. They show restrained joy when the household returns home.

Do not expect that the cat will curl around you, most likely he will meet you at the door and will be waiting in the room when you find time to chat with him.

They are very fond of children, patiently endure children's pranks, never attack a child themselves, rarely release their claws or bite. And if a child plays in a way that the Briton doesn't like, he will simply leave and try not to be seen.

But if the cat wants, he will be happy to entertain the child with fun with a string, ball or ball. Sometimes even adult animals frolic like little kittens if they notice that their actions please the child. The main thing is not to humiliate the cat's dignity, not to be cruel or rude. A cat can hold a grudge for a long time and avoid this family member.

Cats of this breed easily get along with other animals, so do not worry that they will attack other cats or dogs, show jealousy. But it is better if the Briton has a separate bowl: he does not like to compete with other animals while eating and, having conceded, may remain hungry.

But to to strangers cats who come to the house will be wary. Guests may not even dream that they will be able to take a teddy cat on their arms; at best, he will allow himself to be touched, but not ironed. If the Briton finds the guest interesting, the cat will watch him from afar.

Loneliness is easy for the British. Even if you spend a lot of time outside the house, do not worry that your pet will suffer a lot without you. Most likely, he will sleep all the time somewhere in an easy chair, patiently waiting for your return. But when you return, do not forget to greet him with a kind word, as the animal reacts very much to inattention to itself.

If a Briton has appeared in your house, you need to create conditions for him in which he will feel comfortable.

Therefore, if you decide to have an animal of this particular breed, consider the following recommendations:

  • The cat must have its own place to rest and play (sleeping mat, bowl, scratching post, tray).
  • Try not to make noise in the house, do not take the cat into a noisy company.
  • Do not scold the cat, he is touchy. You shouldn't even raise your voice to him.
  • Talk to the cat, but you may not be able to stroke and hold her for a long time.
  • Give the cat the opportunity to walk around the rooms, do not close it in one place; if possible, allow to run around the yard, but keep in mind that when in contact with street cats, your animal may be very frightened.
  • The pet feels related to itself, so show him your love, and he will respond to you with respect and even love.

British Shorthair cats are kind, intelligent cats, with a pronounced sense of their own dignity, restrained behavior. They can lie near you for hours and carefully observe what you are doing. Give your pet more time, and he will surely respond to you with mutual respect and loyalty.

Country of origin: Great Britain
Known since: XIX century
Category: III (shorthair)

British cat shorthaired breed not to be confused with any other, even in the dark and to the touch. They are massive, squat animals with a round head and plush fur. A muzzle with thick cheeks, a small nose and wide, straight ears. Distinctive feature appearance - a leather fold around the neck, giving the animal a lordly look... Bright orange or dark honey round eyes are located on the midline of the muzzle.

British shorthair cat

Their disposition is also peculiar. Independent, intelligent and reserved, the British do not need a constant human presence. They are characterized by innate aristocracy, love of freedom and dignity.

They will never allow themselves to do nasty things to the owner or misbehave in the house, but they will lose confidence in a person if they are often shouted at or offended. British cats and cats are friendly, balanced, clean, love to play at any age and value affectionate treatment very much, and not receiving it, they become unsociable and withdrawn.

British cats are playful at any age

Upon the return of the owner home, they sincerely rejoice in him and strive for communication, but extremely rarely allow themselves to be taken in their arms and even less often come themselves.

It is necessary to educate your Briton diligently and diplomatically, often praise for good deeds.

About breed

The British are an exotic breed of cats, very beloved by many in our country. The breed is especially popular in America and Europe.

The British cat is one of the most ancient breeds, its history goes back almost 2000 years, and, in all honesty, it is probably worth calling it Roman, since the legionary conquerors contributed to its appearance in foggy Albion. But her character still speaks in favor of the fact that the British spirit turned out to be stronger, and the breed is even credited with a relationship with the fabulous Cheshire cat.

Great Britain is considered the homeland of these cats, however, there is no reliable historical data on the origin of this breed.

Some sources claim that the British descended from the crossbreeding of long-haired Persians with street mestizos others report that these cats were introduced to Britain as early as the 1st century AD. ancient Romans during the campaigns of conquest.


The cat of the British Shorthair breed is distinguished by an extremely spectacular appearance, which is why it attracted attention at the end of the 19th century. At an exhibition in 1871, held in Great Britain, standards for various cat breeds were adopted for the first time and criteria for evaluating animals were defined.

The head of the cat is round, with well-defined cheeks, wide cheekbones, thick and short neck. The nose is straight, short and wide. The eyes are large, wide open, bright orange in color. Some have an eye color ranging from blue to emerald.

Shorthair British cat

The size ears medium, wide at the base. The tips of the ears are rounded. The ears are set rather far apart. A plane is formed between the ears, approximately in the region of the crown. The body of the cat is squat, large. The chest is wide, the back is straight. The shoulders are massive and wide. Short, thick legs. Legs are firm and round. Thick tail of medium length, wide at the base and rounded at the end. The coat is dense, dense. She was the reason to call this breed plush.


The classic colors of coat color are considered to be uniform, solid blue-gray, as well as lilac. However, about sixty more options are allowed. The main ones are listed below.

Smoky- contrasting color: the tips of the hair are black, and the undercoat is as light as possible. The darkest places are the back, head, legs. Lighter sides, neck, ears. The eyes are orange or copper colored.

British shorthair cat black smoke

Bicolor Is a combination of the main and white flowers in a ratio of 1/3. One ear must be definitely colored, perhaps there is a large colored spot on the head. Painted spots on the back and legs are acceptable.

British shorthair female color bicolor

British shorthair siamese

Tabby- striped, marbled clear pattern, combining lines, rings and spots. There is an “M” mark on the forehead. There are three parallel lines on the back. The tummy is spotty, there are circles on the hips, clear patterns on the sides.

British shorthair tabby cat

Tortoiseshell- the color combines black with red or blue with cream. These colors assume a uniform combination of black (blue) and red (cream) colors. Tortoiseshell colors do not have such strict requirements as for solid colors.

British shorthair tortie

The character of the British cat

The British shorthair cat is a kind, intelligent and strong animal with a certain aristocratic behavior.

She is self-sufficient and independent. The animal calmly endures loneliness and finds something to do for itself. The British do not like to flatter the owner and ask for hands. They show restraint and dignity inherent in the upper world. The cat will not scratch or bite if the owner starts hugging or squeezing her. She will calmly free herself and leave if she does not like it.

British cats don't like sitting in their arms

Despite their isolation, the British are attached to their owners, eagerly awaiting their return home, joyfully greeting them to tell about the day, eat and purr on their knees. If you do not pay attention to the pet, the animal can become withdrawn and not sociable. The British are happy to play and run, if they are in the mood. The cat does not allow strangers to pet itself, it will keep away from strangers.

Content and move

The breed, although unpretentious, requires attention from the owner.

The British have strong immunity and good health.

For a Briton, you should equip a berth

The cat loves to sleep where she likes best, but still you should buy a sleeping place for her - a cat basket with a soft insert or an ottoman. The sleeping place should be away from the source of cold or draft. ... Although cats do not have a cold as such, the most similar disease is. It is to her that he can.


It is harmful for a British cat to stay in the sun for a long time, as the coat can acquire a reddish tint.


The British love to eat very much. Therefore, the owner must take into account this feature of his pet and monitor its weight. The cat should move a lot, play - this will help avoid excess weight gain.

The cat's food should be well balanced, liquid food, jelly should be given, as this breed is prone to.

You can feed British cats ready-made feed high class

Milk can be given to kittens up to three months... For adult animals, it is replaced with kefir or sour cream. Choose a wide bowl to make it easier for the cat to eat.

Do not forget that drinking water should always be available for your cat.


It is imperative for a cat to undergo a full range of vaccinations in a veterinary clinic.... Vaccinations protect the pet from dangerous diseases that can affect the animal.

The British needs a full range of vaccinations

Cats of this breed have a very thick coat, therefore, with frequent licking, the stomach of the animal becomes clogged with hairballs that are difficult to remove from digestive system... To avoid this problem, the cat should be brushed regularly, at least once a week.

Brits need regular brushing

You can buy special food to remove wool from the esophagus. During moulting the cat needs to be combed more often... At pet stores veterinary clinics and specialty combers are sold in pharmacies.


The filler in the tray should be changed every 2 days.

The kitten must be trained to the tray in time, then he will use it. The filler in the tray should be changed at least once every two days. If this is not done, then the cat will walk in unacceptable places (on the carpet or on the bed) and the owner will be to blame for this. For one cat, you need to have two trays, then the filler will have to be changed less often.

Video about British shorthair cat

Pretty appearance, charm, intelligence - all these qualities characterize British cats in the best way possible. But it is not so. The homeland of the animal is Great Britain, therefore the character is fully consistent with the aristocratic and restrained Englishmen.

Together with sociability and friendliness, one can see a stubborn disposition and inflexibility. The British cat will become a true loyal friend only to those who will be able to find the right approach to her and will respect her personality.

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    The first thing that catches your eye at the sight of a Briton is an incredibly intelligent, meaningful and at the same time arrogant look. An important and solid appearance is supported by a proud and slightly imposing gait, emphasizing the aristocracy and royal roots of the animal. The owner must necessarily respect her personal space: not to impose her affection and not force her to do what she does not want.

    The pet decides for himself when and what to do, so if someone wants to have a living toy at home that can be constantly stroked and hugged, this is not for the British. At the same time, the animal easily makes contact, quickly adapts to the new environment, respects the daily routine of the household. The cat will never allow itself to wake up the owners ahead of time to feed him. He demands the same attitude towards himself.

    Among the characteristic features of the British are:

    • independence;
    • cleanliness;
    • livability;
    • mistrust
    • stubbornness and resentment;
    • impressionability.


    The British cat is ideal for business and busy people. She calmly endures alone and does not need the owner to be always there. Of course, she rejoices in his arrival and will gladly spend time with him, lying next to him on the couch, but when he is absent, she will find something to her liking. Adult cats spend most time in solitude. They can sleep on the couch for hours or be half asleep.

    A British boy treats all family members equally, without highlighting a specific household member, while a British girl expresses her favor to 1-2 people who pay special attention to caring for her. Representatives of this breed show their feelings very restrainedly, even if they love the owner very much. The Briton will not curl around the owner for a long time and rub against his legs: he will simply go into the room and wait for people to come to talk and play with him.

    A Briton can tolerate anything, but not humiliation of his dignity. If the owner severely punished the pet (shouted at him, hit him, poked him with his face, etc.), he will express his protest, refusing to eat, hiding in secluded places, without responding to the nickname. The owner can only sincerely apologize for his behavior and try to make amends with his favorite delicacy.


    No breed can boast of such a passion for cleanliness: an English cat will not tolerate an uncleaned litter box, dirt in an apartment or an uncleaned coat. For the owners, this is a big plus, since the pet will not allow itself to go to the toilet in the wrong place. He gets used to the tray within 2 days, especially at a young age.


    Both the British Shorthair and the Scottish Fold are tolerant of other domestic animals: not only cats, but dogs as well. If the pets have established contact with each other and have established a close and warm relationship, the Briton will show his love by licking his friend. An important point: representatives of these breeds are not used to competing with anyone, so each of the pets should have its own bowl and its own food. Otherwise, the British will remain hungry.

    Cats treat children with a very restrained attitude. In order to avoid provocations on the part of the child (pulling the tail, dragging on the floor, suffocating hugs), the animal tries to avoid his company. An adult pet, realizing that he is dealing with a baby, will never bite him or harbor anger, making allowances for his age. When children do not show such persistent affection, the British may not hide, but look at their younger companion with curiosity.


    The British are very selective in their relationships and will never go into the arms of a stranger. They can view a stranger from afar, sniff gently and, at best, give a touch with their hand. Even if the pet is affectionate and gentle with the owners, this does not mean that strangers will be honored with such an honor. The location of the cat must be earned, and this takes time, strength and patience.

    Stubbornness and resentment

    The British perceive any coercion as violence, so forcing them to do something is fraught with negative consequences. The relationship between the cat and the owner deteriorates when the person begins to dictate their terms and remake the pet. With the British, this is unacceptable: they will certainly hide the resentment or immediately express their displeasure by biting the hand or completely ignoring the owner.

    Fold cats are especially touchy: after humiliation of their own dignity, they begin to avoid the owner. An animal can lie under the sofa for days until a person begins to worry about his health and makes concessions.


    Despite the outward calmness and confidence, emotions are boiling in the soul of the Briton. Representatives of this breed are not at all stress-resistant. They become tense, nervous and anxious during:

    • exhibitions;
    • removals, short trips, any movement outside the home;
    • noisy parties and parties in an apartment with a large number of people;
    • quarrels between households.

    Even if the screams do not refer to the Briton, the noisy atmosphere still scares him and plunges him into a stupor. The animal begins to lick itself with triple strength, trying to calm itself down and get rid of discomfort.

    Features of behavior

    Up to 1 year old kittens are active and mobile. They are happy to be included in the gameplay, showing incredible dexterity and ingenuity. Their movements are graceful, precise and swift. The mother-cat pacifies their ardor, which by licking makes them calm down and get out of the state of overexcitation. Babies, adopting the habits and behavior of the parent, also begin to lick each other, but not for hygienic purposes, but in order to establish a closer connection.

    In the process of playing, little kittens copy the behavior of adults and play up all sorts of situations:

    • meeting with an opponent;
    • a fight of adult cats;
    • threat of attack;
    • prey protection;
    • hunting process;
    • the behavior of a mother who protects her offspring.

    The object of the game is any object that is nearby: a ball of thread, rustling paper, cork, a piece of fur, etc.

    British adults are moderately active. In the game, they do not need company: it is enough to equip a play corner with hanging toys, a couch and a scratching post, so that the pet has the opportunity to have fun on its own. If the owner does not play with the animal and does not provide toys, the pet throws out its energy, jumping on cabinets, tables, sweeping away all objects that fell under its paw from the surfaces. The game of hide and seek is especially attractive for the representatives of this breed: they can involve the owner in the process on their own initiative.

    The older the animal becomes, the less it moves and needs entertainment.Adult pets can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Individuals with a phlegmatic character are prone to obesity, so you need to try to control their diet, not overfeed and involve them in the gameplay.

    The British love freedom very much, so it is unacceptable to restrict them in space. British girls are especially offended by the owners who close the doors to other rooms. By their nature, animals are very curious, so they will still enter the forbidden room.

    They like to rest next to the owner, but not lying on his lap. The animal must have its own personal corner with a cozy couch: this will allow it to feel its importance and satisfy its own ambitions. It is desirable that the resting place is on a hill.

    The British are very unpretentious in their care, and this feature is the main advantage. By nature, a clean cat with proper upbringing will never rip off wallpaper, scratch furniture, sofas and go to the toilet in the wrong place. If this happened, it is either a lack of upbringing on the part of the owner, or a way to take revenge on a person for an insult inflicted. There is one more characteristic feature: the cat always responds only to its nickname and ignores the abstract "kitty-kitty", forcing the owner to contact her personally.


    In British cats, the formation of habits that affect the further character and behavior of the pet occurs up to 12 months of age. If a kitten is raised by a cat mother, she teaches him the elementary rules of behavior from childhood, and an obedient baby clearly copies the habits of the parent. If the kitten was weaned early from the mother, the responsibility for the upbringing falls on the owner. It is recommended to start the educational process at the age of 2-3 months, when the Briton is already strong enough and understands many things.

    Positive habits include a love of play and interesting toys, as well as catching mice. The appearance of bad habits is due to the characteristics of the character and upbringing of the pet.

    Catching mice

    The British have a well-developed hunting instinct. They catch everything that moves, so at a young age they grab the owner by the arms and legs. If there are mice at home or in the country, there is no doubt that they will be in powerful and strong cat's paws. It is noteworthy that the British, who are prone to obesity, catch mice better than their slender counterparts.

    This behavior can be directed in a constructive direction, giving the animal the opportunity to frolic, and at the same time get rid of annoying rodents. The cat will not miss a single mouse. If a pet ignores a rodent, it is temporary: he is simply tired or lazy. When he regains his strength, he will complete his hunting mission.

    Biting and scratching

    The British begin to bite and scratch the owner's hands at the age of 4 months, when their teeth are teething. You should not ignore this habit, since the animal must understand that hands are not a toy. If you ignore this behavior, in adulthood, the cat will also scratch, but the wounds will already be much deeper and more painful, and the animal will believe that it is behaving correctly.

    As soon as the kitten starts scratching, you need to give him a toy, for example, a sisal mouse. If the baby is holding on to the hand tightly, you need to relax to freeze, then slowly move your hand towards the pet, approaching him with a hiss. The animal will scare it away, and the hand will cease to interest him.

    Dropping items

    The British are attracted by the process of falling objects from a height. As a result, the owner discovers broken vases, perfume bottles, figurines, and goes after the cat to punish him. In fact, you can only punish an animal in early age... As soon as the cat wants to climb on the table, you should make a sharp loud sound or sprinkle water in the face from a spray bottle.

    With adults, you need to do it differently:

    • Rub the countertop with orange peel or apply a few drops of citrus-scented oil. Such smells scare away any cats, so the animal will not come close to such an unpleasant place for it.
    • Place empty cans on the table, which will fall with a crash when the Briton tries to jump onto the table. You can use an aluminum pan filled with water - no cat will like to be in a puddle of water.
    • Do not leave any foreign objects on the tables. To satisfy the pet's desire to follow the fall, you can leave a pencil, its toy, or any other unnecessary and harmless object.

    Sniffing things

    The British are by nature very curious, which is why they love to sniff guests' belongings. Do not be surprised that a cat is sitting in a bag left by a friend in the corridor. And if the pet finds something tasty, he will certainly treat himself to it.

    Such a habit is quite harmless and does not require the use of educational measures, because it is unacceptable to punish a cat for his natural instincts. It must be remembered that the bags should certainly be put into the closet, hung on a shelf, or carried away so that the Briton would not be able to reach it. If he wants to sniff her, let him do it in front of the owner. Then the animal will be in sight and will be able to control the process.

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