Acne. What is acne, reasons and how to get rid of this problem aggravation acne causes

Basic symptoms:

  • Skin glitter
  • Pronounced skin essence
  • Gnove on the skin
  • Increased hair salinity
  • The appearance of nodules on the skin
  • Acne on the skin
  • Black dots on the skin

Acne or acne call inflammatory processes song hardwareappearing as a result of their pollution and accompanied by increased production of sebum. Education data may occur in people from various age categories.

Angry rash refer to the most common skin disease. In any of its forms, acne is manifested by almost 80% of people, especially at the age of puberty, and deliver a huge number of problems with young men and girls. But also the acne rash may occur in people over 25 years of age (most often observed in disruption of metabolism). During pregnancy, it is observed due to hormonal failures in the female organism.

The most common rash zones is face, back and chest. It is worth noting that if infection will fall into the inflamed gland, then it turns into an affectionate. After healing of such pathological education, a small scar can remain. Treatment acne Perhaps only under the supervision of doctors and cosmetologists.

Before his full ripening acne passes several stages of growth. First, small irregularities appear on the skin - these are small rigorous traffic jams. Next, the fat contained in these traffic jams is the process of oxidation and black dots appear on the faces of adolescents and adults.


Doctors share rashes into two types (depending on the cause provoked by the appearance of acne):

  • acne, manifested due to violation of the internal processes of the body;
  • acne, which are a reaction to an external stimulus.

The reason for the appearance of the first group of acne becomes hormonal changes in the body of adolescents. Inheritance plays an important role. People in adulthood can also be rash. In such cases, this is due to the presence chronic diseases or infections. A separate case should consider the occurrence of acne in women during pregnancy.

The second group appears when:

  • finding on the skin of substances such as oils or lubricants. Provoking the manifestation of acne can be carried out, as part of which is present;
  • inept use of cosmetics that contain various fats;
  • long-term rubber, pressure of clothing or lingerie about the skin, which causes clogging of the epidermis;
  • receiving athletes steroids;
  • consuming women hormonal contraceptives;
  • stress;
  • increased sweating;
  • acne can manifest itself in the form of a side effect from the reception of some pharmaceutical preparations;
  • improper skin care.


In addition to ordinary type acne acne, teenagers and adults you can find spherical acne. They are located deeper under the skin than ordinary. In this case, go out in the outward is quite problematic, because of which the infection can flip into deep-breeding fabrics. Such acne tend to merge with each other.

But the most common types of acne are:

  • closed. They have a view of a white tubercle. Characteristic feature - on the surface of the skin plugs are not visible. Such angry rash is most often found on the face;
  • open. Have a dark color, which is why traffic jams inside the pores are very well visible. Many are confident that such a color they acquire due to the delay on the face of dust or dirt particles, but it is not so. Doctors explain this effect to skin pigmentation. The most extended such angry rash on the back;
  • abscess. It is a complicated form of ordinary acne.

A caustic rash on face or back does not have pronounced symptoms. The most common appearance of acne in people of adolescent age and women during pregnancy are most common. Most often the zones of the forehead, nose and chin are affected. Acne appears during the period of sexual maturity, since it is at this time that the products of the skin of the skin rises. Promoting the formation of acne can increase the amount in the body of the male sex hormone.

Angry inflammation, after full ripening, does not carry any complications. The only reminder of the eels can be spots on the face or small scars. But this can be avoided if you seek help from cosmetologists that will conduct a professional facial cleaning procedure or other zones. It is worth refraining from laser therapy during pregnancy.


Acne in adolescents is diagnosed with physical examination. Information about:

  • lifestyle;
  • self-leather care;
  • place in life diets and drugs.

In most cases, it is not envisaged. But it is necessary to make it necessary when specialists have suspicion of hormonal violation in the body (not taken into account only during pregnancy).

In physical examination, there is an inspection of the skin of the face, neck, shoulders, backs and other sections with acne. To do this, use special lighting and means for studying a zone to see in detail:

  • full skin area affected by rash;
  • depth of lesion;
  • possible inflammatory processes;
  • changes in color skin.


Blowing acne in adolescents and treating acne rashes in women and men in adulthood is to reduce the amount of subcutaneous saline, removing dead skin cells and the destruction of bacteria using medical equipment. In any case, the treatment method depends on the severity of the disease and the area of \u200b\u200binflamed skin.

Tools and methods of treatment are prescribed depending on the severity of rashes. There are 3 degrees:

  • initial - Closed or open acne, without inflammatory process. The amount in the zone of the damage should not exceed ten elements;
  • average - diagnosed when up to 40 acne is present on the damage zone;
  • heavy - There are more than 50 acne spots on the skin of the face, grid or back. Often, acne with a severe degree contain pus.

The easiest degree of rash is treated with cosmetics - creams, gels, ointments or lotions. People in adolescence spend the treatment of acne rashes under the supervision of parents.

The average and heavy shape is treated not only by means for outdoor use, but the reception of drugs inside. In some cases, an antibiotic is used in the treatment, and with hormone disorders - hormones. Such therapy is carried out only under the supervision of doctors and cosmetologists.

Tips for the treatment of acne during pregnancy, are aimed at the overall improvement in skin condition. Women need:

  • drink a lot of fluid, but only non-carbonated drinks;
  • eating fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • exclude mayonnaise from diet.

There are folk remedies for the delusion of acne on face, chest and back, but they practically do not carry positive effect. Only highly qualified doctors know how to get rid of acne. Women during pregnancy should not be accepted by the treatment of acne. The use of any pharmaceutical and folk remedies Must be agreed with your doctor.

Surgical intervention is extremely rare. It is shown in the complicated shape of the acne, when the formation is processed into the cyst. In general, the teenage rash is very good to treat. In most cases, it is possible to achieve the complete disappearance of inflammation, prevent the formation of new acne.


Means for the prevention of acne for adolescents, adult men, women (and during pregnancy) includes:

  • regular and careful skin care;
  • the use of only quality cosmetics;
  • need to follow the quality of food used;
  • adhere to healthy image life;
  • eliminate the impact of severe stress on the body;
  • minimize communication with adversity people;
  • monitor the hormonal background;
  • for the slightest symptoms seek help to a doctor.

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In Russia for the scars or an excessive piping of the bride, the wedding could cancel, so so far, with any sore of a child, parents sentenced: "I will heal before the wedding." However, it happens that acne does not pass to the wedding, and many more years hated acne distort the beauty of the most delicate parts of the body. Dermatovenerologist will appoint antibiotics, endocrinologist - hormones, cosmetologist - peeling, and a nutritionist will select chocolate, but even modern means Often are useless, and traditional recommendations have long been refuted. For what reason the acne is bypassing by the side of some people, and others pursue an old age, why the disease amazes first of all, which is so diverse ways of treating one disease and how to make the right choice?

Why the skin Salo

The skin salty is formed in greens and through the hair funnel is released on the skin surface for its protection against environmental conditions and infections. The composition of the shoe cream is no coincidence repeats the composition of the skin saline: the glycerol compounds protect the skin from drying, the wax prevents swelling, fatty acids have bactericidal and fungicidal properties. In addition, skin fat stabilizes the epidermis, preventing the breaks and cracks. This is especially important for skin sections, prone to strong stretching - eyelids, lips, anus, nipples in women, foreskin And the head of the penis in men. Therefore, despite the lack of hair, the data of the body parts are equipped with unique saline glands, which are opened directly to the surface of the skin. However, why is the skin suddenly needed for health, suddenly causes the development of the disease?

Pathogenesis acne

The pathological process is launched when the rate of formation of a salla prevails over the speed of its release to the skin surface. The high rate of formation of the sala is accompanied by a change in its composition towards the predominance of less fluid components exacerbating the selection process. In turn, the stagnation of Sala in the hair funnel leads to its oxidation, the products of which slow down the lunch of the corneum layer of the epidermis, and this violates the permeability of the funnel.

Form of open comedone
If the hair foller is filled with skin lard, but the hair funnel retains the permeability, then an open comedon is formed. This is a light shape of acne, which is characterized by dark points on the skin, due to the oxidation of Tyrosine amino acid into the pigment Melanin:

Form of closed comedonov
If the patency of the hair funnelensens, then a closed comedone is formed. The walls of the follicle are stretched, their permeability for immunity cells increases. Salad components decay products and dead skin cells activate immunity that runs the inflammatory process. It is observed redness (stage of Papula), and then the appearance of a white head (Pustula Stage) is a pimple with cavity filled with lard and Mouth:

Nodal form
In a safe case, the inflammatory process is permitted with the restoration of the patency of the hair funnel. Otherwise the immune system Melt the follicle, and its fabrics are gradually replaced by dense connective tissues with the formation of the node. Large knots Often merge into homogeneous education, so this form is sometimes called the drain acne:

Education scar
The extensive and deeper inflammatory process, the higher the probability of subsequent scarring. The formation of a scar occurs in conditions of weak blood supply, so the formed fabric plays below the surface of healthy skin. Connective tissue The scar does not contain follicles and sebaceous glands, however, the aesthetic consequences of the scarring are obvious:

The listed forms of acne reflect not only the sequence of stages of pathogenesis, but also the severity of the disease. In this case, in each clinical case, pathogenesis can be spontaneously limited light form Open comedones or walk to heavy nodal forms and scarring. The stage and severity of the disease in a particular person depends on the presence or absence defining and predisposing factors. Separately, each of the factors does not play a significant role in the development of acne, but their simultaneous combination of one person is inevitably accompanied by a heavy acne on extensive areas of leather with a perennial course. Only installing the combination of these factors and the stage of the disease in a particular patient, one can assign an individual strategy of therapy. Next, I will list these factors in the context of the manifestation of acne in time (age) and in space (skin surface), and also beyond the role of infection in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Age periods of acne exacerbation

Infant acne
The formation of the skin slim is the hormone-dependent process and is normally activated during periods of intensive growth of the organism and appropriately skin. Therefore, for the first time, acne has been observed in 20-50% of newborns and in infants of the first year of life, which is associated with high concentrations of androgens coming first through the placenta, and then with the milk of the mother, as well as the adrenal with adrenal glands and the tests of boys. In the infants, acne manifests itself to the stage of closed comedones without an inflammatory process into force not yet a mature immune system:

Youth acne
By 6-12 months of life, testosterone synthesis is reduced by testosterone, and embryonic adrenal glands are completely atrophy - the products of the skin saline decreases and the appearance of the skin is normalized. However, the sexual constitution, the number and size of the sebaceous glands are already predetermined, so the manifestation of acne in the first year of life allows you to predict the recessed and the severity of the disease in adolescence, when the level of androgen is again increasing. In addition, adolescents have a more mature immune system, which practically guarantees a pronounced inflammatory process.

Postpubertnate acne
By 25-30 years, the amplitude of fluctuations in the concentration of genital hormones decreases, therefore decreases the activity of the sebaceous glands and the severity of acne. However, half of adult acne remains up to 40 years. The disease remains longer in persons with a strong sexual constitution and exacerbates in women in the premenstrual period and during pregnancy. Only by 50 years during the occurrence of Klimaks, the incidence is sharply reduced to 3-5%. In the elderly, acne is extremely rare in women with a low concentration of estrogen, which have antagandogenic activity.

The described dynamics of morbidity through life testifies in favor of the determining role of the hormonal factor in the development of acne. Since the sexual constitution is inherited, then acne has been observed in 78% of the descendants of the first generation. However, the strong sexual constitution is not the only congenital factor that determines the development of acne and independently does not guarantee the disease. After all, the increase in Sala products can be compensated due to its timely allocation on the skin surface. On the other hand, the salam selection process may be complicated by the congenital features of the skin and the depth of the sebaceous glands.

Localization acne on the surface of the body

The sebaceous glands are extremely unevenly distributed over the body surface. The most sebaceous glands in the skin of the head, neck and shoulder belt, the least - at the bottom of the body, the skin of the limbs, and in the skin of the foot and palms they are not at all. The preferential distribution of the sebaceous glands in the upper part of the body is due to the fact that under the influence of gravity, the distinguished fat is easily propagated by the rest of the skin. Therefore, the need for coarse glands in the lower half of the body is less. Nature - the hostess economical and non-sentimental - more than half of all sebaceous glands placed in the skin of the head, at the same time awarding us from afar with a noticeable disease.

In turn, the typical distribution of acne foci at certain parts of the head depends on the skin thickness. The greatest thickness has the skin on the surfaces of the forehead, cheekbone, nose and chin and just for these parts of the head is most characteristic of the presence of acne foci. Below are the skin thickness indices of different publishing faces relative to the thickness of the skin of the eyelid adopted per unit:

A similar factor also determines the typical localization of acne at the top of the back, the skin of which has a record thickness, yielding only heels. The thicker the horny layer of the skin, the deeper the sebaceous glands are located, and since the selection of the fat occurs passively without the involvement of muscles, then its evacuation through a narrow and longer channel of the hair follicle slows down.

The opposite example can serve as mentioned above eyelids, lips, anus, nipples in women, extreme flesh and head of the penis in men who have a lot of sebaceous glands, but their superficial location in fine skin makes it easier to the allocation of a sala, which eliminates the development of acne, so their photos will not be;)

If acne is preserved exclusively in the classic zones of its localization, where the skin thickness is maximum, then this indicates the determining role of the characteristics of the structure and regeneration of the skin in the development of the disease in a particular clinical case.

Infectious factor

The Microorganism Propionibacterium Acnes was first accused of developing acne in 1909, when it was discovered in people with this disease. For this microorganism called the name of the disease. As it turned out later - unfairly. In, and in years it has been proven that P.acnes is found equally both in people with acne and in healthy, and the number of pathogen does not correlate with the severity of the disease. Since then, P.acnes is considered a representative of the normal microflora of a person.

The nourishing substrate for P.acnes serves the skin fat, to reduce the bactericidal properties of which bacterium synthesizes the special enzyme ROXP. A year ago, the results of the antioxidant properties of this enzyme and the ability to protect the skin from the development of psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis were published in the Nature magazine. Given this, the authors suggested that the colonization of P.acnes is mutually beneficial for both microorganism and a person.

In the event of a acne, the stagnation and oxidation of the bass additionally reduces its antibacterial properties, increasing the possibility for P.acnes to deeper the hair follicles deeper. In this case, the inflammatory process is activated not only by the spree products of the saline and tissues of follicles, but also the antigens of the microorganism. However, the contribution of P.acnes to the overall inflammatory response at the acne has not yet been evaluated.

Thus, the infection of the sebaceous glands cannot serve as a determining factor in the development of acne. P.acnes is capable only to modulate the immune response and serve as a predisposing factor in reinforcing inflammatory response.

Therapy and the prevention of acne

The last chapter will begin with the divorce of several myths, and then proceed to scientifically based funds with an acceptable security profile and tested on yourself a spouse (by the way, she is also a doctor with many years of experience in combating acne).

Diet, face hygiene, sunlight and tobacco
The myth of the influence of the diet on acne originated in 1931, when a study was published on the violation of glucose tolerance in people with acne. Since then, patients with acne traditionally recommended a low-carb diet, which is justified only by insulin's ability to stimulate the synthesis of androgen. Nevertheless, in 1969, it was demonstrated that the consumption of chocolate and fats does not increase the amount and composition of the skin and does not affect the intensity of the disease in people with acne. A systematic review of studies published before 2013, also does not detect evidence of low-carb diets, human hygiene, sunlight and smoking. So it is not worth imputing people with piping uncleanness and not the ability to control your habits and love for sweet. They have so stress.

European recommendations for heavy acne propose to apply antibiotics wide spectrum Actions in maximum doses are continuous for more than 3 months. The purpose of therapy is to complete the foci of acne from P.acnes. It must be borne in mind that P.acnes is on the skin of all your loved ones and acquaintances, so after completing therapy, your skin will again be colonized by this bacterium. Since P.acnes is not a root cause of acne, monotherapy with an antibiotic does not make sense and is appropriate only as part of a complex of measures aimed at eliminating factors determining the development of the disease. Nevertheless, antibiotic therapy of heavy acne, even in the composition of the accumulation of events, allows you to achieve only a moderate effect in 1/2-2 / 3 cases. Do not forget about the consequences of highly visible and long-term therapy with a wide spectrum antibiotic - the development of resistance of the conditionally and pathogenic microflora, disruption of digestion, the aggravation of infectious diseases of the ENT organs and the urogenital tract, etc. For these reasons, the global alliance on the optimization of acne therapy called on the limited use of antibiotics With a given disease.

Thus, the use of antibiotics can be advisable in the composition complex therapy Heavy acne in order to suppress the inflammatory response with a systemic immune response to the presence of P.acnes in the foci of the disease. The selection of the antibiotic is desirable to carry out the sensitivity of the microorganism to the drug. With the mild and moderate severity of the disease antibiotic therapy, and the potential use of antibiotic use is negligible against the background of high risk side effects.

Hormonal therapy
Antagandogenic therapy is a direct way to influence the root cause of acne. Estrogens suppress the synthesis of androgens in the adrenal glands, thereby reducing the products of the skin saline, which in turn reduces the number of acne foci by 31-57%. Most often, estrogens are accepted as part of complex oral contraceptives (COC), less often - in the form of a monopreparation. In cases where the use of estrogen is contraindicated, drugs blocking androgen receptors are prescribed. Unfortunately, the use of estrogens and androgen receptor blockers is unacceptable for men, as inevitably leads to feminization.

As the spouse was expressed about the effectiveness of Kok: "result on the face." However, Cocking Cocks and the subsequent pregnancy reduced the whole result of the Nammark - acne middle degree Severity returned. Again, planted on Kok did not allow contraindications, so I had to look for other ways to fight for beauty.

Zinc salts are not accidentally part of various ointments from acne. In 1974, a more severe course of acne was discovered in patients with low zinc in the blood. However, the first studies have shown the ineffectiveness of the external use of zinc sulfate, but skin irritation from its application was more common than in the placebo group. Meaning oral reception Zinc drugs in high doses in severe acne demonstrated the effectiveness comparable to the effectiveness of antibiotics without side effects for the skin.

The reception of high doses of zinc salts increases its selection through sweat and sebaceous glands, in the secrets of which it reaches the maximum concentration. The mechanism of the actions of zinc salts is explained by its ability to suppress P.acnes in inhibiting microorganism enzymes that reduce the bactericidity of the skin. In addition, zinc salt suppress the transformation of testosterone into stronger androgen dehydrotestosterone. Since Zinc is cumulated mainly in the skin, then its antagandrogen effect is manifested primarily here.

In this way, zinc drugs are capable of reduced skin saline products, and also limit the colonization of the silent glands P.acnes, which reduces the inflammatory response with a serious acne with an infectious complication.

Exfoliation is aimed at increasing the peeling of the horizontal layer of the epithelium in order to accelerate the evacuation of the skin through the hair funnels. There are many procedures and means of reinforcing exfoliation, but I will tell you about the one that can be applied on your own.

Surface peeling was used to rejuvenate the skin in Ancient Egypt. In the Middle Ages in Europe for this purpose, fruit acids were used, including wine acid as part of wine. Baths filled with sour wine are, of course, chic. I recommend the external use of glycolic acid, which gradually reduces the thickness of the horn layer of the epidermis, which accelerates the process of evacuation of the skin saline, and when long use Will smoothed already formed scars.

The fat-soluble drugs of vitamin A easily penetrate into the skin and accumulate in the coarse glands, where they have an anti-inflammatory effect and facilitate the peeling of the horn layer of the epidermis mainly in the region of the hair funnel. In addition, retinoids accelerate the natural regeneration of the skin, preventing the formation of new scars. In general, with the help of monotherapy, only the kiquetinoids only manage to reduce the number of acne foci by 71%. Given the high efficiency and good safety profile, external retinoids are approved for acne therapy in the USA, Canada and the EU.

Applying this complex of funds with an acne of a moderate severity, the first visible results were achieved in 2-3 months. Significantly decreased inflammation, papules and pustulas disappeared. After 6 months, the result comparable with the previously obtained from the use of COC was achieved: there were minor scarring traces and single closed comedones. Here are references to these drugs:

1) Cream with retinol (reduces inflammation, speeds up the evacuation of sebum and skin regeneration, preventing the formation of scars)
2) glycolic acid (accelerates the evacuation of the sebum, smoothes the available scars)
3) zinc, 250 dragey in 22 mg (reduces the formation of a bass, suppresses p.acnes colonization in follicles)

Several recommendations for use:
Exfoliants and retinoids can not be applied on thin skin (lips and eyelids). Also during the application of these drugs, it is necessary to refrain from solar baths and solarium, and it is better to carry out the therapy in the fall in the fall. Application scheme - one evening we apply retinoids, the second - glycoilic acid. If, after their use, the skin blues and flakes - apply a thinner layer and add a break day. Effective zinc doses with severe acne high - increase gradually from 22 to 100 mg / day. If a gastrointestinal disorder is started, reduce the dosage. To prevent these effects, take zinc only after eating. In some patients, zinc receives a temporary aggravation of acne as a result of activation of immunity and inflammatory process. These effects should disappear in a few weeks. If improvements are not observed, it should be discarded from the use of zinc. High doses of zinc and retinoid preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy.

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Text: Katerina Solovyova

A considerable number of people believe that acne, acne and acne - this is a nuisance of cosmetic properties. However, doctors are confident: acne is a disease. And there are three basic stages of its flow: light, medium, and in extreme, launched cases - heavy. So that the light stage of the acne has not turned into heavy, it is important to take the skin from the exacerbation of inflammatory processes.

Stages of acne disease

As with any other disease, each stage acne There are causes of occurrence. In a nutshell: each time the skin has a hair channel (follicle), as well as a couple of sebaceous glands. Normally, the sebaceous glands provide the so-called hydrolyphidal mantle of the skin, which performs protective functions, and also take care that our skin retains elasticity and elasticity. However, there are cases of cases where, due to various reasons, the process of removing the sludge on the surface of the skin is broken. As a result, the pores are blocked, inside of which the fat, produced by glands and burned skin cells begin to accumulate. The inflammatory process begins and the first acne appears inevitably. Forms and types of acne may vary. On the initial stage Usually there are comedones - black and white eels.

As a rule, with a large number of comedones, doctors talk about a light degree of acne disease. After all, comedones are not purulent acne, but they may well turn them into them. The average stage of acne is characterized by the appearance of already deeper eels - papural and empty. With the average stage of the disease, acne is usually amazed most Persons, but may also appear on the body - on the chest, back, shoulders. In addition, in the middle stage, redness may occur, edema, bugger. If the disease develops into a heavy stage, not only purulent acne and rashes appear on the skin, but also multiple acne (conglobats), with which it is harder to fight - in one place acne disappear, in the other immediately arise. The hard stage of the acne almost never passes without a trace - after it was possible to get rid of inflammation, it is necessary to make no less effort to eliminate the same and pedestal - "Rytviny", scars, scars, pigment spots and other traces remaining from acne.

Why is it important to prevent acne exacerbation?

The golden rule "is better to prevent the disease, than to treat its consequences" in relation to acne and acne is always valid and without exception. The earlier attempts to treat skin, the smaller the acne development stages you will have to feel on your own "skull." After all, it is much easier to remove several separate acne or comedones (a lightweight degree of acne) than trying to get rid of the conglobal foci of inflammation (with the middle and heavy stage acne). And the transition from one stage to the other is due to anything other than the exacerbations of acne caused by hundreds possible causes and incentives (from skin injury during unsuccessful peeling, to improper nutrition and depression). Therefore, as soon as inflammation on your skin becomes slightly more active - immediately take everything possible to prevent this process, and stop the spread of acne at least that stage that was.

As already mentioned, acne aggravation can provoke different factors: an incorrect diet, poor or inadequate skin care, stress, neurosis, hot and wet weather, violation of the hormonal background. In addition, to prevent the aggravation acne, it is also worth the choice of cosmetics: in the fight against vulgar echs, it is impossible to use products containing alcohol, oils, fats, as well as lanolin, well and sulfur. Likewise, none of the three stages of acne, naturally, can not be a reason for joy. But anyone who survived or is only fighting with the last, severe staters of acne, will confirm that the difference between these stages is colossal. After all, the stronger the disease develops, the harder it is to keep confidence in himself, rejoice in life, to fully communicate with other people. Do not exacerbate acne and then the disease itself does not "exacerbate" your life!

It is believed that the problem of acne occurs in adolescents during the period of their puberty. However, unfortunately, adults suffer from acne after 25 years (postpubertnate acne). Usually everything begins with oily shine of the skin and extended pores. As a consequence, open comedones (black dots) and closed-pupulous-papulas arise, as well as large internal nodes or cystic painful acne.

To understand the possible methods of treating acne in adults, it is important to study the causes of their occurrence. It is believed that the root of the disease is in a silent follicle, or rather at the mouth of the soul, which is "clogged" by dead cells, as a result of insufficient exfoliation. Next, the outflow of the skin saline is disturbed, and sometimes it is infected with various bacteria.

The development and intensity of acne in adults contributes to many different factors:

  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands, due to which there is an overabundance of sebum
  • Hyperkeratosis of Salo-Hair Duch
  • Propionybacteria acne and, as a result, a decrease in skin immunity, a change in the ratios of microorganisms living on the skin with an increase in the number of pathogenic flora
  • Stress
  • Smoking, as under the action of nicotine begins to actively highlight the skin
  • Exposure to sunlight: inflammation develops under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, against the background of which are produced by squalene peroxides, which relate to extremely toxic substances
  • Use of decorative cosmetics, especially tonal cream

The development of acne foci helps to use some cosmetics. For example, sunscreen compact powders and creams that are not tested for their comedogenation, that is, the ability of various substances to score skin pores, can cause an acne appearance. Such comedogenic ingredients in cosmetics are Lanolin, Vaseline, Mineral oils and some types vegetable oils. Therefore, it is worth the choice of various decorative and leather goods for the skin carefully, checking their composition.

The microbiology of the disease is the same as adolescents and adults. However, the ineffectiveness of many oral antibiotics indicates that the adult acne is characterized by the resistance of the proponibacterium acne to antibiotics. If acne occurs in adult, resistant strains can provoke chronic stimulation of congenital immunity. This leads to the exacerbation of the existing inflammatory lesions.

The role of hormones in the appearance of acne in adults

Despite the fact that the basis of the pathogenesis of the acne lie many factors, the stimulation of the sebaceous glands with men's gentle hormones is played by androgens. True, in the course of some studies, a specific model of endocrine disorders was revealed when acne occurs in adults.

For women over the age of 25 general features Hyperandrodemia is often irregular cycle or excessive exhaust. The results of various studies have shown that 40-85% of women symptoms acne exacerbates a few days before the start of menstruation. Premenstrual acne exacerbation is due to an increase in the level of testosterone in relation to estrogen in the lutein phase of the cycle. Hormonal therapy aimed at reducing the level of androgens in the blood is quite effective to combat acne in adults. However, when it is used, much more side effects. Therefore, the competent doctor is most likely not prescribed an adult patient suffering from acne, hormonal therapy.

The activity of the sebum formation is also regulated by estrogens, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IFR-1), glucocorticosteroids (GKS), adrenocorticotropic hormone and melanocortims.

In clinical observations of patients, the role of the participation of the IFR-1 in the occurrence of acne during puberty, when the maximum concentration of androgen and insulin is observed in the blood. Moreover, during the research, the relationship between the concentration of IFR-1 and the number of affected foci on the skin of women over 25 years old. Insulin-like growth factor-1 stimulates the formation of fat in the sebaceous glands, affecting the colonization of propionybacterium acne. Therefore, the presence of insulin resistance, namely a decrease in the sensitivity of cells to insulin when it is sufficient in the blood, is one of the main factors in the appearance of acne in adults. As you can influence the concentration of IFR-1, this will be discussed on.

Nutrition in the treatment of acne

During the study, the relationship was established between the occurrence of acne and the power system, which includes the use of dairy products. The fact is that milk protein, which usually contains growth hormones and steroids, has a tremendous influence on the IFR-1, forcing the latter to actively signal. However, milk has a low glycemic index, but increases the level of IFR-1 and thereby contributes to the deterioration of the condition of the skin at acne.

Also, the sensitivity of receptors to androgens in women increases products with high calorie and possessing a high glycemic index. Such food is very quickly absorbed, thereby dramatically increasing the level of insulin in serum and contributing to a decrease in globulin concentration connecting sex hormones. In contrast to this, it is proved that low glycemic index products contribute to increasing the level of globulin, binding sex hormones in serum, and as a result of this reduction in androgen concentrations. The results of pathogogological and immunohistochemical studies have shown that people who eating products with low gi, the sebaceous glands even decrease in size.

IN modern studies Scientists clearly demonstrated that acne almost never develops in people who were excluded from the diet refined sugar, some grain, milk and dairy products.

Thus, the first of which it is necessary to start the treatment of acne before the campaign to the doctor, it is from the correction of your power. And if you have a manifestation of acne on the skin, you can exclude some products from the diet today. For the convenience of calculating the glycemic index, you can use the following table.

Lab diagnostics and acne treatment in adults from the inside

Many doctors apply antibiotics in the treatment of acne, as well as prescribe inside the retinoids and hormonal drugs. It is worth remembering the side effects of all these funds. In addition, any appointment of a doctor should be based on laboratory Research. Therefore for successful treatment Acne in adults must be handed over the following tests:

  • General blood analysis,
    • C-reactive protein,
    • Homocysteine,
    • Biochemical blood indicators,
    • Glucose
    • Insulin,
  • Determining the level of vitamin D,
    • Omega-3 index,
    • Determination of ferritin content
    • Analysis on trace elements (magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper),
    • Vitamins B12 and B6,
    • Hormones of thyroid gland-tong, sv.t4,
  • Lactose intolerance and gluten,
    • Analysis on Osipov.
    • If there is a violation menstrual cycleIt is additionally formed an analysis of the luteinizing hormones of pituitary glands (FSH and LH) from 3 to 5 days, as well as estrogen metabolites in the urine from 19-25 day of the cycle.

The basis of the successful treatment of acne in adults is the correction of nutrition and internal deficits. As a rule, the deficits are interrelated. Therefore, in addition to the principle of nutrition at the acne described above, it is important to add vitamins and dietial supplies, but only after the results of the tests and advice with the doctor. The danger of self-intake without analyzes is the possibility of overdosing these vitamins and elements, which can lead to serious malfunctions.

Most often, in the treatment of acne in adults are prescribed:

  • Vitamin D - in the dosage from 5000 meters daily (the dose is chosen only after the analysis and advice with the doctor)
  • Omega-3 1-3 times depending on analyzes during food
  • Vitamin A in dosage 10.000 - 1 time per day for 2 months
  • Complex of vitamins of the group in for 2 months
  • Zinc and copper chelate forms for 2 months
    • Selenium 200 μR - 1 time per day, 3 months
    • Magnesium citrate for 2 months
  • Bark of forming tree as an antibacterial agent 1.5 - 2 months
  • Caprilic acid to prevent fungal lesions of 1 capsule 2 times a day with food
  • Evening primrose oil in capsules (1300mg) for 3 months
  • Spirulline for 30 minutes to dinner 2 grams for 2 months
  • Enzymes - 1 capsule before breakfast for 3 months
  • Pepsin + Betaine for digestive normalization - 1 capsule with each meal intake
  • Probiotics that need to be changed every 1-1.5 months, take up to 6 months

Outdoor therapy acne in adults

In order for pathogenic bacteria to receive less nutrient secrets, the skin must be cleaned properly, or rather degrease it. However, it is not necessary to confuse the concept of skimmed and dehydrated skin, since even oily skin can be dehydrated from the inside. This is often when the use of aggressive means, for example, containing alcohol or alkali (soap). Therefore, it is important to select outdoor healing drugs from acne together with a specialist. Based on the reason for the occurrence of acne and manifestations, the specialist will build and the correct outer therapy acne. As a rule, the following leather care stages are needed, prone to acne:

  1. Reducing sebulation due to proper cleansing of the skin with the help of gels, foams and tonic containing acids.
  2. Elimination of the propionbacterial acne using antibacterial creams containing benzoyl of peroxide aqueous, tea tree oil, azelain and glycolic acid, zinc oxide.
  3. Improved renewal of epidermis cells. For this you can use acids and peelings based on them (glycolic, dairy, almond, etc.). Scrubs can only be applied if there are no active inflammatory elements. Also suitable procedures aimed at updating cells, such as microdermabrasion.

Prepared on the materials of dermatologists from open access

Such a dermatological defeat, like angry rash, causes many unpleasant sensations, and often becomes the cause of cosmetology problems. After all, frequent and abundant appearance of acne, accompanied by their inflammation, redness skin Pokrov And subsequently, leaving traces on the skin in the form and recesses, it can already be considered a acne, which differs in both the severity of the flow and in its external manifestations.

The form of therapeutic effects during the diagnosed acne disease directly depends on the neglence of the pathological process, the location of the eels and susceptibility of the top layer of the epidermis to the used medicinal preparations. Therefore, when diagnosing this type of disease, it is necessary to immediately determine how the severity of the current pathology is to compile the correct and most effective treatment regimen.

Severity of acne


When identifying the first severity of the course of acne, such symptoms are diagnosed as:

  • few, representing black points of various localization, and also
  • Without purulent contents, slightly towering over the surface of the skin and stand out.

The listed manifestations of acne is a few, do not cause unpleasant sensations on the skin. The cure of the first stage is simpler than the more launched degree of the disease. When diagnosing an acne in the very first stage of its manifestation, the doctor may be assigned a gentle method of exposure, which includes the use of local disinfectants of non-aggressive nature. Regular and thorough personal hygiene makes it possible to prevent the aggravation of the disease, reduce the degree of manifestation of characteristic symptoms.

Acne 1 degree

The first stage of acne is described in detail in this video:


  • In the second stage, the inflammatory process is manifested, together with papulas, comedones there is a rich appearance and distribution, within which there is a purulent content.
  • Since the rapid spread of the inflammatory process occurs, the formation on the skin is starting to hurt, touching them cause an increase in the intensity of pain.

The diagnosis of the second degree of acne is carried out on the basis of an external inspection of the affected skin and the subjective sensations of the patient. Skin particles can also be conducted from the lesion site, the contents of the empty.

The treatment is based on constant maintaining cleanliness of the skin, the use of deep cleaning preparations that eliminate the unnecessary volumes of the skin. The doctor may also be assigned tools to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which reduces the likelihood of further distribution of the pathological process due to the decrease in favorable soil for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Papul-Pustulous Shape Akne (2nd severity)

Treatment of the second stage of acne is shown in the video below:


The third degree is characterized by the aggravation of the existing manifestations, the in-depth inflammatory process is joined to the existing Papula, Pustulas and Comedon, which seizes significant areas of skin. The soreness of the inflamed skin is increased, the pustulas are increased in size and filled with purulent contents.

Also begin to appear nodules on the skin, and acne merges together, forming inflamed, which are already difficult to cure.

The method of impact on the third stage of the pathological process should be made only by a dermatologist, which is prescribed a number of diagnostic procedures before treatment.

Acne 3 degrees


The fourth stage of acne is characterized by a significant area of \u200b\u200blesion, which covers all the neoplasms.

  • Papulas become more numerous, their dimensions increase, while pressed on them there is a sharply pronounced pain.
  • Pustules are filled with pus, merging with each other, they occupy most of the skin space.
  • The surface of the epidermis is inflamed ,.
  • The skin may be in places of lesion, it marks numerous deep.
  • Comedones are also enlarged in size, pores, filled with skin fat, are inflamed and increased in diameter.

Significant areas of lesion, a large amount of purulent boils and acne, increased skin soreness - all these characteristics are distinguished by the fourth severity of acne. To make a diagnosis by a dermatologist, an external inspection is conducted, on which one can give a preliminary diagnosis. However, for its clarification, the scales are taken from the surface of the affected skin, as well as the contents of the empty.

Purulent process that captures all the large areas - distinctive feature manifestations of the fourth degree of acne. An increase in body temperature may also be marked, lymph nodes In the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat, the spread of inflammation on the increasing area. The skin even after a complete drying of the neoplasms on it has an uneven look, inflammation for a long time It does not pass, deep traces of furunculov and acne remain on the surface of the skin.

The method of treatment for the fourth degree of acne disease necessarily includes the following activities:

  • careful hygiene affected skin;
  • disinfection of inflammation places;
  • application antibacterial drugs local use.

In some cases, with particularly deep furunculaes, with a long-donent ulceration of epidermis, a surgical intervention can be assigned to the removal of purulent content from inflamed empty. At the same time, the cavities are cleared using disinfectant and antibacterial drugs of a long-acting.

Acneeted 4 degree disease

Features of the manifestation of severe

The fourth is considered the most severe stage of acne, the fourth, in which an increase in the area of \u200b\u200blesion of the epidermis with a constant increase in the degree of inflammatory process occurs. In the absence of the necessary therapeutic effects, it is rapidly aggravated by leather pathology, furuncules and acne merges with each other, turning into significant areas and depth of lesion with purulent content. The inflammatory process captures all the large areas, causing significant deterioration. general status patient.

In the severe form of this disease, there is an emergence on the skin of the following types of acne, which have its own characteristics and characteristic symptoms:

  1. Coglogue Unewhich manifest themselves in the form of severe skin lesions and are accompanied by the merger of nodule neoplasms in the epidermis and nodovogu-historical neoplasms. Such a type of eels quickly applies to the skin, causing increasing inflammation of the tissues.
  2. Inductive UGRIwho have a solid consistency, after them always leave clearly pronounced acne. Characterizing the strong inflammation of the skin, such eels are dangerous in deep penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis, the rapid spread of the skin and merging them with other external lesions.
  3. FLEGMOVNY UGRI They are significant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cavity in the upper layer of the epidermis, which are filled with pus. Gradually increasing in size, such acne merges with each other, if there are inflammations, they represent a real threat to health and skin appearance.

Listed varieties of lesions of the skin are the most characteristic manifestations of the heavy stage of acne. Its treatment is accompanied by difficulties due to the significant area of \u200b\u200binflammation, the numerous lesions. Only an integrated approach to treatment allows to eliminate the most obvious manifestations of acne, the use of antibacterial and disinfectants makes it possible to reduce the likelihood and risk of the development of secondary infection.

Treatment of the third stage of acne is described in detail in this video:

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