In a dream, choose artificial flowers. Why do artificial flowers dream? Where exactly were they in the dream

It is a reflection of your overt or latent emotions.
Various colors and color combinations: have their own special meaning.
Red: This is a sign of increased activity.
Seeing objects of red color in a dream: portends you emotional excitement in one area or another.
White color: a sign of spiritual openness and purity.
So, white lights on a dark background in a dream: portend hope.
At the same time, if the white color looks too pale: such dreams indicate that you may be defenseless in front of some kind of difficult test.
Black color: symbolizes focus on your deepest experiences.
Seeing black objects on a white background: this is a sign of mourning and heavy sadness.
Gray: The color of disappointment.
Gray object on a colored background: suggests that you run the risk of being deceived in some of your expectations.
If you have gray dreams: in reality you are on the verge of depression, and you urgently need to bring a fresh stream into your life.
Orange and warm shades of yellow: portend joy and good mood.
Cold yellow, light green and pale green: speak of self-doubt.
Such colors are poisonous green color: means nervous tension and tension.
Such dreams warn that your irritability can become a source of big trouble.
Calm and warm shades of green: bring satisfaction and calm joy.
Such dreams “portend pleasant days for you without unnecessary worries.
Warm shades of brown: they symbolize efficiency, composure and purposefulness.
It is the color of reliable success and good flow of your business.
Cool brown: a sign of concern about the state of affairs.
This color foreshadows troubles and discontent.
Swamp color: means deep discontent and unpleasant experiences. After such a dream, it is difficult for you to count on a successful outcome of your affairs and normal relations with others.
Blue, pink and silver colors: reflect your daydreaming and inclination to all kinds of fantasies.
Blue: This is aloofness and coldness.
For example, if you meet in your dream someone dressed in a bright blue suit, then the dream tells you that in reality you should not count on a close or trusting relationship with this person.
Purple: The color of deep and all-consuming passion. Alas, he suggests that some of your desires will cause you a lot of anxiety.
Gold color: reflects your desire for harmony and happiness.
Seeing golden objects: a sign of your extremely strong desires and a penchant for some idealism.

Dream interpretation - Gift

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be extremely happy. A gift promises business people successful financial transactions. Sending a gift to someone means the loss of an opportunity for solving your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a reprimand from someone, which will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, she will be married to a wealthy and close-minded person in reality. Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck during everyone. If you yourself give a gift in a festive atmosphere, it means that in reality you do not have proper respect for this person.

Dream interpretation - Soaring

Can have seemingly opposite meanings. Track your emotions to decide which meaning is right for you. Steam can be a symbol: release and release from problems and limitations. Arguing emotionally over a situation: It can mean a way out of a traumatic experience. Sometimes people remember that, being injured, they seem to soar upward. Vaping can also indicate: that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions. You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and float towards the feelings and at the same time with them. Swim in the water: means you have allowed emotions to surface. Soar in the air: means to rise above it all. Soar: also means that you are floating aimlessly above the ground. Ground yourself. Set potential goals and take steps.

The interpretation of sleep in popular dream books by Miller, Wanga, Freud and others

Artificial flowers mimic natural flowers, but in reality they are not. Fresh flowers in a dream often indicate warm emotions - love, friendship, understanding, support. This means that artificial ones are a symbol of accidental delusion or deliberate betrayal. This is the general interpretation of a dream, but each dream book contains interesting nuances.

Miller's dream book - conflicts and misunderstandings

Conflicts and misunderstandings with loved ones await you. You should spend more time with them to avoid this. It is also a symbol of losses to be experienced in the near future. Another meaning is carried by a dream in which you see flowers on the grave: your relative's illness will recede. A bouquet made of leather promises a quick promotion. Thanks to your efforts, you will make a profit, and your merits will be adequately appreciated.

A bouquet of artificial flowers in a dream can promise you disappointment in a relationship.

Dream interpretation of Vanga - grief and sadness

To receive a bouquet of artificial flowers - to sadness, chagrin, difficult times in life. If you recognize a person by sight, then you have to part with him. The seer considered this symbol unfavorable.

But the exception is the image of a grave covered with a wreath: your relationship with people you have not seen for a long time will improve. Communication will bring positive emotions and evoke memories, from which only warm feelings remain.

Freud's dream book - your union is not in order

A dream like this reflects your feelings with your partner: fake flowers are false emotions and hypocrisy. Your partner may be pretending. For a man: your girlfriend does not feel sexual satisfaction, but does not want to hurt you with her confession. If the flowers were very similar to real ones, then you are mistaken in your own feelings. You should consider whether you want to continue this relationship, or should you stop?

Modern dream book - you have to lie

What you think of as love and sincerity is not really so. You have to get burned more than once before you fully realize it. Making flowers yourself - you have to lie and be hypocritical to get what you want. However, the end in this case does not justify the means: you will lose a good friend or girlfriend.

Imperial dream book - act according to your conscience

To get a bouquet of artificial flowers is to be wary of flattery. Finding or buying artificial flowers means getting into trouble, dark affairs. Making artificial flowers is to feel the pangs of conscience for a lie or dishonest act.

Russian Dream Interpretation - you can be deceived

Seeing artificial flowers - suspect someone from your environment of hypocrisy and deception. Receive as a gift - problems are possible in your relationship, it is worth talking with your partner and finding a compromise on controversial issues.

Dream interpretation of Azar - new work is possible

Flowers in the cemetery - seek support in a foreign land. Flowers for a wedding - choose the very best from the proposals for a new job. Giving an artificial flower is protection from influential people, getting a credit of trust from people in front of whom you are guilty.

Dream interpretation - Flowers

Flowers are the harbingers of exceptionally good, joyful events. A meadow in flowers dreams of imminent joyful events. Little joys will fill every day you live, and this will give you the opportunity to feel like a happy person. You decided to collect a bouquet on a flowering meadow, which means you will try very hard in order to give joy not only to yourself, but also to those around you. How long the idyll will last - it depends entirely on you. If you are always kind to loved ones, then life will turn to you with its bright side for a long time. Living in an atmosphere of peace and mutual love deserves to try for her, because each of us has our own life problems and troubles. They presented a bouquet of flowers to someone close to you in a dream - a dream suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to show the strength of your feelings for your dear ones people, and you will use this chance to the fullest. If you handed a bouquet to an unknown representative of the opposite sex, it means that a fateful meeting will take place; you will finally come to understand that you have found your half. At the same time, finding your only one is still half the battle: you have to tell him about the feelings that fill your heart. The sooner you, having gathered your courage, will say the most important words in your life, the more surely you will know personal happiness. Putting a bouquet in a vase - such a dream promises that your life will be calm, without worries and shocks. You will have the opportunity to devote more time and attention to your dearest people. If you generously give them attention and love, it will pay off handsomely. ...

Dream Interpretation - Colors

White color in a dream means a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses. Yellow or ocher color - in reality you will cause someone to envy the successful course of your affairs, you will be hindered in every way in their completion. Golden color means that you will come out the winner in a difficult struggle thanks to inexhaustible optimism and self-confidence. Green is a sign of gaining hope, financial success, long trip or the reception of business visitors from afar. Brown and coffee colors portend big trouble in the family. Red and similar colors in the spectrum - you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration or improve your health, having a good rest. Blue or blue color - a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans. Black is bad luck, possibly the loss of a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Colors

The light and the intensity of the color complement the plot of the dream. Darkness emphasizes depression, negative feelings. Light promises an improvement. Most of our dreams are not colored. We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, better, the dream environment. But sometimes we have colored dreams. The color in our dreams appears to illuminate those aspects of our life from which we especially stubbornly turn away. We unconsciously read the information of color. Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we do not realize why we made our choice. Therefore, the color test is objective. psychological characteristics a person M. Luscher revealed the following connection between color preferences and the inner state of a person: White (color) - personifies purity, innocence, and also reflects light sensations and awareness. Pure, innocent relationship. Blue (color) - to see this color, especially delicate shades, is a good sign. It is associated with heavenly, religious protection. It inspires confidence and protection to the dreamer. Yellow - hopes for the best, striving for the future. You have the ability to predict the future. This color is more directed to intellect and intuition. It diligently reveals the future for us, with its hopes for the best.

You have the ability to predict the future. Too much yellow can emphasize insecurity in the present day. The world affects us with color, regardless of our personal preferences. And we show some emotions in response or just feel mood changes. On a conscious level, we can express words, our admiration or resentment about color combinations. At the unconscious level or we are involved in a situation from the opposite position. First we experience a feeling, then we react with the appearance of a color spot. (For example, a sensation of internal energy will cause a red color.) Be attentive to the appearance of color indicators in your dream. Connect your personal attachments and collective color perception to understand the message of the dream. General human, collective color tendencies are rooted in natural colors and religious beliefs. The following list of meanings of color shades is the main key to interpreting color from dreams. Often in dreams. color and children in the second plan, not really attracting the dreamer's attention. And only with additional questions, the dreamer, for example, recalls: “Yes, it seems, I was wearing a purple blouse.” In other cases, working with color, its effect play a major role in the dream. Green - the need for self-affirmation. It's time to rest, there is a lot of this color in natural surroundings

It is time for rest. He invites the dreamer not to forget about the rest. Recently, classrooms in schools were painted in this color. It was assumed that such walls have a softening effect on the mobility of children. Gold (color) - indicates inner joy, happiness, the shine of the sun . Brown (color) - this color indicates doom, expresses depressive feelings. Red - a manifestation of active action and the desire to succeed. Red - someone is threatening you This color emphasizes energy and strength. Someone threatens you. Depending on the circumstances, he either warns of anger and aggression, or makes up for the dreamer's lack of energy. Try to remember the feeling that accompanied the interaction with red (excitement, fear, sexual arousal). Orange (color) - this color corresponds to the state of transition, balance between feelings and intellect. It turns a gloomy atmosphere into an atmosphere of cheerfulness. Pink (color) - traditionally emphasizes love, tenderness, childhood memories. Blue - the need for calmness, affection, protection. Beware of unknown danger. The appearance of dark blue symbolizes anxiety, anxiety. Instinct and intuition are activated in anticipation of an unknown danger. Purple (color) - this color is traditionally spiritual. It is identified with the violet sky and interaction with other worlds. Represents religious and altruistic feelings. Black (color) - through this color despondency and depression finds a way out. Melancholy, death, separation. Sometimes it accompanies death: real or symbolic (the end of some aspect of life: marriage, relationships, work).

Dream interpretation - Flowers

Fresh flowers seen in a dream promise you the joy of love and prosperity in your home. Faded - predict the end of a long romance. If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet made of different flowers, this promises her an abundance of fans. Flowers growing on unfertile soil portend the sadness of unrequited love, which will help you to cope with your will and optimism.
If you dream of blooming roses, a joyful event in the life and loyalty of a loved one awaits you. If a girl dreams that she is cutting fresh roses, it means that soon she will be offered a hand and a heart, and she will accept the offer.
Poppies in a dream personify seductive pleasures and a pleasant pastime, which, however, will harm you. To feel the scent of poppy in a dream means to fall victim to a deceitful and corrupt person.
A dreaming meadow strewn with daisies promises you the love of an innocent creature.
A bouquet of white chrysanthemums means that because of pride, you will sacrifice love. A dream in which you walk along an alley lined with white and yellow chrysanthemums portends nostalgia for old love.
Lilies with lush foliage, seen in a dream, promise an early marriage and a quick subsequent separation associated with loss. A dream in which a young woman collects lilies or admires them foreshadows the death of her beloved seriously ill person.
Weaving a wreath of daisies in a dream is a sign of success in a relationship with a loved one. If you dreamed about a bouquet of daisies, happiness awaits you in your personal life. But if the flowers in the bouquet have withered, your hopes for happiness are in vain.
Most of all the past and fables, hopes and fears have long been associated with the snowdrop, which was previously called the dream-grass. The first spring flowers were brought home with evening dew, dipped in a glass of icy water and waited for the full moon. As soon as the moon peeped out from behind the clouds, the flower was placed under the pillow: if a girl or boy, a child or a pet appeared in a dream, to be happy, if something terrible was seen, to trouble.
It is the dreams in which a person sees a flower that indicate his transition to a new, more troublesome and difficult, but at the same time interesting life... This dream also means mental anguish, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. The one who saw this dream wants to break out real lifestrive for excellence. The lotus flower was dreamed of by Sidhartha Gautama, who later became the Buddha (enlightened) - the deity of the Buddhist religion. A dream about an unusual flower is also often found in other legends.

Dream interpretation - different colors

If any one color scheme prevails in your dream, then this color is the main symbol of its sleep and needs to be interpreted.
White means purity and clarity in relationships. However, you are too cold to people, you can be left alone.
If your dream was in tones of white, imagine that another warm color (yellow, orange) is added to the white.
Yellow or orange means the flourishing of friendships and fun in the company of friends.
Green color - all your hopes will come true. The work to which you give your strength will bear good fruit, good luck will accompany you in everything. If you dreamed about green, then the time has come for new beginnings.
Red - a new romantic hobby awaits you. But be careful: a love affair can take away all your strength. For married people, the predominance of red in a dream is a serious warning. Your family happiness is at stake. Try to control your emotions: the passion will soon die out and you will remain at a broken trough.
If your dream was colored red, imagine washing off the red paint and coloring your dream any other positive color.
Light blue - someone's idea will give a new impetus to your inspiration. A good period for creativity.
Blue color - finally all your worries will subside, life will enter a calm rut.
Purple - you should trust your hunches. Time of intuitive discoveries and mystical revelations.
Burgundy color - elevation in society awaits you. However, be able to adequately dispose of the new position, try not to hit your face in the dirt.
Brown means hard work, which, however, will be a great start for the future. Don't expect quick results: what you are doing now will pay dividends to you in a few years.
Black color - a period of failure and suffering has begun. But you should accept them with humility: adversity will teach you a lot. You will come out of the crisis hardened.
To make it easier for you to get through difficult times, practice your dream by imagining that you add any positive color to black - for example, green.

Unliving plants on the grave

Collecting artificial flowers from the grave is a favorable sign that means good luck in all spheres of life, harmonious relationships with loved ones. Seeing paper flowers on the grave portends the recovery of a sick person, an improvement in well-being.

Bring a bouquet of artificial flowers to the cemetery means a series of sad, unfavorable events, but you should not submit to fate - the dreamer must fight not only with circumstances, but also with himself.

See a bunch of paper flowers burn on the grave talks about the inner freedom of a person, about his strong will and courageous spirit. Seeing fake flowers in a neglected, old cemetery - to a breakdown, depression, a sad mood.

Dream interpretation - Buy and sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to see in a dream that you are giving money or a wallet for something means losses and losses, especially in your personal life. Buying something in a dream is a small profit.
Seeing goods in the bazaar is a warning about the need to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buying them is gossip. To see a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on necessary things.
Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you will enter into due to greed. Selling a lot in a dream and successfully is a sign of success in business and well-being. Sometimes such a dream portends new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream is a sign of failure in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.
If you dream that your friend's things are being sold, then soon you will have to worry a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.
A conversation with a seller in a dream often foreshadows a trial, a quarrel, a division. Managing trade in a dream is a harbinger of dishonest profits. Underground trade in a dream means that you are not posing as who you really are, or other people do not think of you the way you would like. See interpretation: contraband.
Cashing in on something in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that fate will favor you if you bought basic necessities.
Making some valuable acquisition in a dream portends a change for you. More precisely about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning large (expensive) purchases in a dream means that soon you will have to pay dearly for the mistakes you made.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about purchasing (buying) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision concerning you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Make them and destroy

Seeing someone making artificial flowers means falling into the trap of deceiving another person. This is especially true in the business sphere - there is a high probability of unreliability of partners, they may even turn out to be scammers. To see his close friend making fake flowers means that he is plotting betrayal against the sleeper.

Making flowers himself speaks of the insincerity of the feelings of the dreamer himself, that he is playing love with someone just for fun or because of self-interest. Watching someone make plastic flowers suggests that some person in real life is trying to take the place of the dreamer.

To destroy, burn artificial flowers is speaks of the need, the desire of a person to change his life, put an end to old habits and attachments, acquire new knowledge and skills. But before his life changes for the better, the dreamer will have to go through a series of losses and sorrow.

Seeing paper flowers burning means unhappy love, deception and hiding important information from the dreamer to his loved one. Setting fire to paper roses yourself indicates the dreamer's desire to get rid of a heart wound

Folk signs

Seeing artificial flowers during a dream that look like real ones means disappointed expectations and false ideas about the present. Some believe that artificial flowers in a dream portend good luck in business and business.

Miller's dream book

It is believed that seeing artificial flowers in a dream to chagrin and loss in the future. Such a dream is a harbinger of trouble in personal relationships. However, for the financial side of life, paper flowers do not carry anything bad.

If a young girl dreamed of flowers, then her young man has a rather dark past, hides some secrets and does not want to be found out about them. The beloved is very cunning and in the near future he will show his true face.

A woman who sees paper flowers in a dream will soon experience disappointment in her personal life, but it is quite possible that she will receive a financial profit, a bonus or an inheritance. If a woman in a dream wanted to buy artificial flowers, then soon she will be appreciated by her leader and will receive a promotion.

If in a dream a man sees artificial flowers, then he will have troubles ahead of him related to work. You need to be careful and careful, in no case take risks.


Miller's dream book claims that if a young girl received artificial flowers as a gift in a dream, then she needs loneliness and is tired of the obsessive attention of the opposite sex. If a person sees in a dream that he is given only one artificial flower, then soon he will survive the separation and remain alone.

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If in a dream they give artificial flowers to a person who has already left this world, then this means good health for the donor

If in a dream they give artificial flowers to a person who has already left this world, then this means good health for the donor.

Making and destroying flowers

A dream in which a person makes artificial flowers means insincerity towards others, an unfriendly attitude towards them. If a stranger does this, then you should definitely look at new acquaintances and business partners. After all, they can deceive and want to ruin.

If a close friend is engaged in making flowers, then he is going to commit betrayal in relation to the dreamer. If a colleague makes flowers, then he plans to remove the person from the post and take it himself.

If in a dream a person sees how he burns flowers from paper, then he really wants to change his own life, but he does not yet understand this and does not know which way to move. Also, the dreamer can see that a loved one communicates with him only for selfish purposes or the dreamer's personal relationships are not satisfied, but he is afraid to admit it to himself. Cemetery

In most cases, artificial flowers are associated with a cemetery and mourning. If a person in a dream sees wreaths on the grave of a certain person, then he will recover and recover. Usually such dreams are favorable, it is likely that a person will finally make peace with his enemies and opponents, find a common language with them.

If in a dream you see a well-groomed grave with beautiful decorations made of artificial flowers, then Miller's dream book says that the patient will recover and get better.

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Dream interpretation - Flowers

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty

For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color of the flower.
This is especially true for dreams in which flowers appear with an uncharacteristic color for them (for example, green roses)

Do not be surprised if your boyfriend / girlfriend gives you green roses in a dream. This means that in real life you are either dating your boyfriend / girlfriend's passion, or they are jealous of your romantic affections.
You have recorded a certain experience of handling colors in your mind, which the SUBCONSCIOUS is now trying to use to represent the situation. This is particularly the case when you are giving flowers to someone or someone is giving flowers to you.
Are certain memories associated with certain colors for you - for example, your favorite flowers from childhood, the death of a loved one, a school date, or a love affair?
Here are the interpretations for some of the colors that appear in dreams:
lilac - poison, illness, death;
daisy - indecision in feelings; the donor is the object of interest;
orchid - sexuality, sensuality;
rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
lily - renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
narcissist - self-love, a reflection of your own I.

1 Who sees a dream

Night dreams in which lifeless flowers dream can be interpreted in different ways.

When decoding sleep, you should pay attention to the dreamer's gender. The meaning of the same dream for a man and a woman can differ significantly.

For a woman, interpreters of dreams offer the following meanings:

  1. 1. If a young girl dreamed of artificial inflorescences, then the vision is a warning to her. A girl should take a closer look at her chosen one: he keeps secrets from her or deceives, playing with feelings.
  2. 2. If in a dream the flower arrangement looked just like a real one, a dream means that the chosen one of a young person knows how to inspire the confidence of others and avoid suspicions of his decency. However, the dreamer may suffer from the hypocrisy of her lover.
  3. 3. For a middle-aged woman, a dream in which she sees lifeless inflorescences portends suffering and love experiences.
  4. 4. If the flowers were made of paper, the vision means financial improvements in the near future.
  5. 5. The inflorescences made of leather symbolize a worthy reward for the work done and the recognition of merit by others.

For a man, a dream in which artificial inflorescences appear means failure in the business sphere, loss of profit due to unprofessional actions of colleagues. The dream book advises the sleeping person to direct energy to control subordinates in order to avoid trouble and not incur losses.

Popular folk interpretations of dreams about flowers

We have selected the most successful and plausible interpretations from popular dream books. Here are the common interpretations:

  • Miller's dream book... The author of this dream book claims: artificial flowers are a sign of imminent losses and severe grief. Trouble will affect personal relationships: with parents, children, friends, loved one. A dramatic improvement in financial situation will sweeten the pill
  • Artificial flowers girl dreamed? Then she should delve into the past of her chosen one. Something is wrong with his affairs - perhaps he was associated with crime, behaved unworthily, violated the law. Maybe everything is not so bad, and on the account of the chosen one "only" small adventures. In any case, it is worth understanding and concluding: is this person suitable for further building a love union. The authors of the dream books advise to part, or you will inevitably have to face deception and deceit in the future
  • Artificial flowers dreamed of a mature woman? Unfavorable sign. In the near future, you will experience a strong love disappointment, which is compensated by a cash bonus. The chosen one will turn out to be a scoundrel, will change, betray or leave you. But in return, you will receive a valuable gift, unexpected profits, or win big. The balance of black and white in life will remain, and new love will not linger
  • Sleep has a slightly different meaning if artificial flowers appeared in the man's night vision... Soon, he will be involved in work or business troubles, but other people will be at fault. Due to the dishonesty of colleagues or subordinates, the enterprise will suffer large losses. The risk can be eliminated if you “enable” total control over all

These are the general and most popular interpretations. But there are others.

2 Dream scenario

Any dream should be interpreted taking into account its details. The decisive factor determining the interpretation of a dream is its plot.

The dream can be explained depending on what happened in it:

  1. 1. To see in a dream an artificial bouquet in a vase standing by a sleeping house or in an apartment - to unpleasant events in life. And it doesn't matter what color the flowers were: white, yellow or red. It is possible that the sleeping person is in danger. The dream book advises the dreamer to be careful and attentive to any little things.
  2. 2. Buying a bouquet of inanimate flowers or choosing it in a store means that in reality the dreamer will have to lie to others to achieve the goal.
  3. 3. Artificial roses that the sleeper sees at someone's wedding symbolize insincere feelings and a marriage of convenience. To receive such roses in a dream as a gift means that the dreamer will have to listen to a false declaration of love.
  4. 4. To see the funeral wreaths in the cemetery - to get rid of a serious illness and the dreamer's recovery.
  5. 5. In Vanga's dream book, artificial inflorescences are a bad omen, meaning lies, deception, grief and failure.

6 Miller's dream book

  • The interpreter of dreams believes that lifeless flowers promise problems and losses, quarrels. If they are brightly colored, then your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • For a young girl, such a plot speaks of the bad past of a loved one. If she is given such flowers, then she wants to get rid of annoying admirers.
  • A mature woman who dreamed of artificial flowers will be disappointed in love.
  • If in a dream you clearly saw a well-groomed grave with artificial flowers, then the sick relative will soon recover.

In general, artificial flowers are an unfavorable sign. But you shouldn't be upset about it

You need to take control of all your actions and be careful in communicating with others

Sleep is a sign of what to look for.

Women's dream book

If a young girl receives artificial flowers as a gift in a dream, this means that she is very tired of fans. She wants to calm down, and be completely alone for a while. In the event that the girl is in a relationship, you need to perceive the dream in a different way.

The paper flower speaks of the secrets of the beloved, that he will commit betrayal and is completely different from what he wants to seem. If the flower looked more like a real one, then the beloved will restore his reputation and explain everything to his chosen one.

Sometimes girls see leather flowers in their dreams, which are made as accessories. Such a dream will bring prosperity, success in labor activity and material independence.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

It is imperative to think about whether a flower of artificial origin appeared at the very beginning of sleep or someone made it first. If the dreamer saw how someone was making a flower, then this person is not entirely sincere, he is carefully hiding something. An unexpected and cruel betrayal of the dreamer may soon be committed.

Esoteric dream book

Quite often, a person sees flowers in the cemetery. This means that soon in life peace and harmony will finally come, everything will work out. It is also worth noting that a dream in which artificial flowers were burned means changes in life, and the most dramatic and unexpected ones.

Interpretation by colors

It is imperative to remember what color the artificial flowers were during the dream. After all, it is the shades that are the reflection emotional state dreamer

Color combinations are of particular importance, so you should definitely pay attention to them.

Red color means high activity and the inability to sit quietly in one place. If this color predominates during a dream, then soon a person is expected to be emotionally excited.

White color in a dream means that the dreamer really hopes for a successful outcome of the planned case. However, if the white man is too pale, then the person may be completely defenseless in a difficult situation.

Black color shows the dreamer's preoccupation with certain problems, but if black prevails over white, then soon you will have to endure mourning and great grief.
Gray color shows disappointment, a person will unexpectedly survive the betrayal of a loved one. You urgently need to change something in your life.

Yellow and orange mean joy and good news.
Green shades show self-doubt.

Brown colors during a dream show success in work, a possible promotion or receiving a bonus.

Blue shows coldness, so you should not strive for a closer relationship with a certain person.
Seeing golden objects during a dream means strong desires and pleasant sensations, a tendency to idealize loved ones.

Dream interpretation - Buy

A dream in which you make a large selection of purchases, and when calculating it turns out that you have no money with you, this is a harbinger of both large expenses and significant profits. Paying for purchases in a dream means freeing yourself from the oppressive anxiety for the state of loved ones. If you buy goods in a company store, department store or supermarket and buy all the best and most expensive, it means that in reality your business will quickly go uphill thanks to the significant support of friends. with extensive business experience and long-standing connections in the business world. If you dream that you are shopping in the market or in small shops and shops, while gaining some insignificant amount on each item, in reality you will lose more than you will save by chasing cheapness. Buying a car in a dream is a sign that that you will regain the lost positions, having significantly succeeded in a new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits of hot countries, it means that difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with considerable benefit for you. If in a dream you buy yourself underwear, this promises an illness from overvoltage. Purchased tickets to the theater or to some other performance - to shameless deception and extortion. Banks with any content mean the fragility of your success and severe disappointment in case of complete failure. The loaf you bought portends profit, if fresh, and losses, if stale. Buying a cottage in a dream - to receive a rich inheritance, boards - indulge in sorrow and heartfelt experiences, firewood - to gossip at your address. If you buy jewelry in a dream, this is portends success in the business sphere. Buying perfume yourself is a disappointment in a loved one, even if the perfume is bought by none other than himself and just for you, it means that in reality you will have a happy life and prosperity in everything. A dream in which you are buying paintings portends unsuccessful entrepreneurship; carpets - to make a big profit; lace - there will be no end to the fans, so you will face a difficult choice of whom to give preference. If in a dream you buy some kind of medicine at the pharmacy, this portends a disorder of affairs, and if a laxative, there will be fees for a long journey. Buying ribbons means In reality, you will incur empty expenses. To buy a shovel - you can lose your place, a horse - you will spend a vacation in the bosom of nature, having a great rest and gaining new impressions. To buy oil - you will live in full pleasure, milk - you mean and cunningly deceived, meat - a sign of bloody business or serious illness. The dream in which you acquire a weapon means that you will cause a negative attitude from a person with whom you refuse to have an intimate relationship. If the weapon is a bow and arrow or some other child's toy that is not capable of seriously hitting, it means that in reality you will have to resort to the services of a lawyer in protecting your interests. Buying shoes - to minor troubles and inconsistencies. If in a dream you buy gloves - in reality, show frugality and frugality, but this will not allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means marital fidelity, and for a young girl - chastity and girlish modesty before marriage.If in a dream you went to buy fabric for a wedding dress, it means that you will soon please your relatives by announcing your decision to marry a worthy and well-known to them person, preferring him to his former admirer. If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box, you will find out the secret by reading someone else's letter. Buying a fashionable hat will change your image, if not your entire lifestyle. Buying an antique cabinet - you will achieve well-being through hard work, modern furniture - you will achieve the same without much effort.

What are they made of

Grief and loss, this is what Miller's artificial flowers dream of. The seer believes that such a subject warns, first of all, against difficulties, misunderstandings that arise in the communication of close people. However, gladioli, carnations and other copies of popular plants made from paper are not bad. This sign predicts the growth of the sleeping man's material well-being.

Why does a girl dream of artificial flowers? After such a vision, the young lady will not be superfluous to take a closer look at the gentleman. It is possible that he has reasons to hide something from his chosen one. If the bouquet dreamed by a young woman looked almost like a real one, then the boyfriend will be able to dispel all her doubts, and convince the lady of the sincerity of her feelings. But, in the future she will still have to face his treachery and self-interest.

For a more mature representative of the fair sex, artificial flowers in a dream predict love experiences, suffering. The only consolation is that paper crafts in night dreams promise comfortable life, and no debt.

Does the dreamer remember how she chose decorative flower ornaments made of leather? It means that the bosses noted her merits and considers her a valuable employee. In this regard, she may hope to receive a bonus or promotion.

Negative changes in business, this is what a man dreams of artificial flowers. Thus, the dreamer is warned that his employees are clearly sabotaging, referring to the execution of orders with a chill, or even using some freedom, they carry out financial fraud behind the back of management. The dream book advises to take the reins of government into their own hands and scrupulously monitor all processes in production.

5 Unliving plants on the grave

  • Good luck in different areas of life will be present if in a dream you had to collect lifeless flowers from the grave. Flowers in the cemetery promise a quick recovery, as well as an improvement in well-being.
  • If you brought flowers to the cemetery, then there will be many negative events in life. If you start a struggle with yourself and external circumstances, then everything will work out.
  • A bouquet of flowers is burning on the grave - it means the dreamer has a strong will, a bold spirit.
  • If you see fake flowers in the old cemetery, then this is a signal of a breakdown and a state of depression.
  • Seeing cemetery wreaths in a dream promises parting with a loved one. Do not worry about this, because it is not worth you.
  • I dreamed about the funeral of a guy with a lot of fake flowers - to marry another girl. Another interpretation of the dream is his departure from the city.
  • Putting on wreaths - you need to wait for deception. In this way, trouble can be brought on.
  • Giving wreaths or throwing them into a hole will successfully solve problems by getting rid of falsehood.

Dream interpretation - Flowers

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your involvement in knowledge and understanding of the world.
The dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers presented to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.
If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this portends the intrigues of enemies who will do everything possible so that you do not receive the information you need.
In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.
You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful scent. This dream foreshadows you in reality an unusual, romantic meeting.
Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.
The dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.
If in a dream you see how fans literally shower you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness can drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unfulfilled.
In a dream, you weave yourself a wreath of wildflowers - this dream testifies to the fact that soon you will meet your love and create a happy family.
A dream in which you receive a flower in a pot as a gift means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

Dream interpretation of Juno

If a woman saw multi-colored artificial daisies, then in real life fans are interested in her person. For men, a dream says that the time has come to do work, and receive material benefits from it. According to this dream book, artificial flowers, dreamed from Thursday to Friday, warn a person that he needs to change his attitude towards the world around him. Only in this case can a person establish good relationships with loved ones. If in a dream a person eats roses, it means that in the near future he will have an unhappy marriage.

For men, a dream says that it is time to get busy and get material benefits from it.

If you dreamed of a person decorating a flower arrangement, then in real life he experiences sincere feelings towards the dreamer. If a stranger weaves a wreath or collects a bouquet of artificial flowers, it is possible that in reality he is trying to make a deal, the main purpose of which is to ruin the material well-being of the sleeper. After dreams with the presence of plastic bouquets, betrayal should be expected.

Why do little chickens dream?

Dream Interpretation - Colors

As a rule, we have colored dreams because we live in a colored world. But if a color becomes dominant or appears in an unusual way in a dream, then it deserves a more careful consideration, especially if the whole action of the dream takes place in an environment of different shades of the same color or if an object stands out for its non-standard color. Since many colors are traditionally associated with certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is archetypal and associated with the YUNGA theory.
But do not be limited to an unambiguous interpretation: the symbolism of color goes far beyond its limits and depends on your personal perception of color and the situations associated with it. If Jung's characterization does not suit you, try the free association method, matching the images of real life with the color of the object in the dream.
Color: Positive aspect - negative aspect.
Blue, light blue: Nobility, calmness - depression.
Black: Power - death or mourning.
Brown: Earth, nature - scatological.
Gray: Neutral - no passion, death.
Green: Fertility, renewal, wealth - greed, envy.
Red: Self-sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical injury.
Orange: Spirit of adventure, change - forced change, destructiveness.
Purple: Greatness, positive personal growth is handicap.
Yellow: Enlightenment - cowardice, illness.
White: Purity, health, sacred ritual - emptiness.

Women's dream book

Are artificial flowers given to a young girl in a dream? This suggests that she is tired of the endless signs of attention and courtship. Most of all she wants peace. And she is also not averse to being "invisible" for a while.

But if a girl meets someone, the dream takes on a different meaning. Her artificial flower can warn of the dark past of the chosen one. It is possible that he is hiding some secrets from her. If the flower looked like a real one, then, most likely, the girl's beloved will dispel her suspicions. However, his inherent cunning will still show itself.

By the way, sometimes girls dream of flowers made of leather. Such, which are often decorated with bags, shoes and other accessories. This vision is characterized as positive. After all, it portends the girl success in work and career growth.

What interpreters predict

    Miller's dream book

    Artificial flowers in a dream predict troubles and losses, conflicts in relationships of any kind. Bright paper flowers in a dream foreshadow the consolidation of the financial situation, the receipt of a large amount of money.

    Seeing a bouquet of paper flowers for a young girl in a dream indicates the dark and even dangerous past of her chosen one. A girl to receive artificial flowers as a gift speaks of her desire to remain alone, to isolate herself from obsessive boyfriends.

    Experienced woman see artificial flowers indicates disappointment in lovefollowed by a nice bonus as a cash amount. Failure in love is accompanied by success in the material or professional sphere.

    Seeing many artificial flowers on a grave means that one of the sick loved ones of the dreamer will recover in the near future.

Idiomatic dream book

Dreamed of paper flowers on the grave in a dream - to improve health and well-being. Wrought iron flowers indicate reconciliation with old enemies, which, although pleasant, adds a lot of trouble.

Loff's dream book

An artificial flower is a symbol of forgery, unnaturalness, substitution of one concept for another, as well as deliberate, deliberate deception. Receiving a bouquet of artificial flowers from a loved one speaks of the sincerity of a person's feelings and intentions, of unhappy love and weak friendship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Artificial flowers prophesy loss, sorrow, failure in love... To receive such a bouquet of fake flowers as a gift indicates a serious danger that threatens human health and life. The cause of such a danger can be a fatal mistake made by the sleeper in the past.

Making artificial flowers from scrap materials yourself indicates the insincerity and hypocrisy of the dreamer himself, to the deception that he is plotting against a particular person. To receive a bouquet of red artificial roses as a gift means that in reality you will have to listen to lies and insincere confessions.

To see in a dream how paper flowers burn out means to get rid of your old habits, attachments, to start new achievements with renewed vigor.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Artificial roses dream of insincere, contrived love, deceitful confessions of feelings. To present to someone in a dream a bouquet of artificial flowers means to assure someone of your feelings, sincere love, although in fact this is a monstrous lie.

Getting a bouquet of artificial flowers speaks of a major deception of a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Pink paper flower indicates a fake romantic relationship, insincerity of the partner's feelings... What the dreamer takes for love is actually just a deception, conceived for profit.

Get a bouquet of such roses - to a deception, a scam planned against a person in order to get a certain amount of money out of him... To see how another person is presented with a bouquet of artificial flowers speaks of a situation in which the dreamer will have to act as an intermediary.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

Artificial flowers indicate an insincere relationship between partners, a stagnant period in life, the futility of attempts to improve their lives, sad events associated with the well-being of a loved one.

Giving artificial flowers to someone means attracting troubles to yourself, provoking others. Artificial flower bouquet predicts disappointment in friends and love, a period of failures and losses, the collapse of plans.

1Giving artificial flowers

A gift in the form of an inanimate composition of their flowers is unpleasant to accept. What if you are making such a present? This is considered a sign of excellent health. All ailments will pass by, because you have inexhaustible energy.

  • The guy gives the girl artificial flowers, which means she is in the spotlight and is tired of it. This lovely persona is popular with men. A huge number of suitors are so tired that she seeks to retire.
  • You were presented with one lifeless flower, which has an unopened bouquet, which means you will long time lonely.
  • Getting a flower arrangement is a dream of a serious illness. But the dreamer will successfully overcome all adversity and find happiness.
  • Giving artificial flowers to a deceased person in a dream portends good health and good luck.

DIY flowers

If in a dream you observe the manufacture of artificial flower arrangements or you yourself take part in this process, the values \u200b\u200bmay be as follows:

  • See that flowers are sculpted by someone else. If this is a person you know from real life, take a closer look. He's not entirely sincere about you. Shows false feelings and actions as real. If the person is a stranger, pay attention to business partners. They're plotting something bad, dishonest, behind your back
  • Flowers makes in a dream your close friend? This is a very bad omen. Most likely, a person dear to your heart conceived a betrayal, soon you will lose it
  • A colleague is engaged in flower production? Be extremely careful with him - he wants to take your position, and "move" you. Don't miss the job
  • If in a dream you burning an artificial bouquetthen you are not satisfied with your life. You dream of changing something, reaching a new level of development, becoming more successful. But in reality, material losses or parting with a loved one are coming

Most often, artificial flowers dream of adverse events. But this is not a reason to be upset, come to terms with fate and wait for trouble. Perhaps bad things will not happen if you start to control your actions as much as possible and are careful with others.

A dream is just a sign of what to pay special attention to.

Dream Interpretation - Colors

Each color is a special indicator, in general terms: red is associated with dynamic energy and sexuality, orange is associated with communication and pleasure, yellow is associated with inspiration and conversation, green is the color of healing and abundance, cyan refers to spirituality and peacefulness, purple is associated with spiritual wisdom and psychic perception, pink symbolizes love, black is uncertainty and darkness, white is a sign of light and purity, gold is radiance and wealth, silver is akin to moonlight and is the color of mysticism and magic. (see also the interpretation of individual colors, data in this dictionary)

Artificial flowers. Sleep values

So, let's find out in detail the meaning of sleep and analyze what you have to expect next. If you are presented with these artificial flowers, and you, accordingly, accept them, then this is a terrible sign. Expect deterioration in health: temperatures, body pains and other various bodily and physical injuries on your body. It can be as a banal bruise of the leg, as well as a severe disease.

If in your dream there is the making of flowers, the process of creating or buying them, then this is a symbol of deceit and duplicity. That is, some of your loved ones or just an acquaintance dislikes you and builds intrigues. It is worth pondering and finding out who it might be? As soon as you figure out the culprit of your calmness, then you can calmly, heart to heart, talk to him and find out all the pressing problems. This will make both of you much more pleasant and easier to live on.

In a dream, you can burn these terrible flowers (within the framework of a dream, of course) - this is no longer bad sign! This is the personification of a new life. That is, in the near future, you will want to radically change your life: get a new job, move to another city or even a country, perhaps start a family. These changes, of course, will affect you in the future ...

I especially want to warn women, because artificial flowers have a very vile effect on them. If you recently met a guy, and you dreamed about artificial flowers, then most likely this is not the most best person... Perhaps he is connected with crime or is simply hiding his terrible negative sides, which can later affect you.

In general, this is not the best time for new meetings or some kind of acquaintances. Diseases or deceitful and unpleasant people who may be adequate in appearance, but in their hearts are absolutely opposite to this ideal, can await everywhere. But you don't need to dwell on this either. Live your life and enjoy old acquaintances, this good time call and ask about their case. And one more thing: buy yourself real and "natural" flowers and put them in a vase! This will only bring you positive and protect you from stressful situations!

Why do artificial flowers dream? Most dream books indicate that non-living plants are always a symbol of wrong judgments and false hopes. But don't think that the meaning of night vision is necessarily negative. The details of the dream, the circumstances under which the plot developed, are of great importance. Therefore, for an accurate interpretation, when you wake up, immediately describe the dream in detail on paper. This will help to keep all the nuances in memory and return to the interpretation at any time.

Popular folk interpretations of dreams about flowers

We have selected the most successful and plausible interpretations from popular dream books. Here are the common interpretations:

  • Miller's dream book... The author of this dream book claims: artificial flowers are a sign of imminent losses and severe grief. Trouble will affect personal relationships: with parents, children, friends, loved one. A dramatic improvement in financial situation will sweeten the pill
  • Artificial flowers girl dreamed? Then she should delve into the past of her chosen one. Something is wrong with his affairs - perhaps he was associated with crime, behaved unworthily, violated the law. Maybe everything is not so bad, and on the account of the chosen one "only" small adventures. In any case, it is worth understanding and concluding: is this person suitable for further building a love union. The authors of the dream books advise to part, or you will inevitably have to face deception and deceit in the future
  • Artificial flowers dreamed of a mature woman? Unfavorable sign. In the near future, you will experience a strong love disappointment, which is compensated by a cash bonus. The chosen one will turn out to be a scoundrel, will change, betray or leave you. But in return, you will receive a valuable gift, unexpected profits, or win big. The balance of black and white in life will remain, and new love will not linger
  • Sleep has a slightly different meaning if artificial flowers appeared in the man's night vision... Soon, he will be involved in work or business troubles, but other people will be at fault. Due to the dishonesty of colleagues or subordinates, the enterprise will suffer large losses. The risk can be eliminated if you “enable” total control over all

These are the general and most popular interpretations. But there are others.

Give artificial flowers in a dream

It is unpleasant to receive an inanimate flower arrangement as a gift. What does it mean if you make such a present, but not in reality, but in a dream? This is a sign of good health. Diseases will not touch you, you will always be full of strength, energy and love of life.

If a the girl dreams that the guy gave her lifeless flowers, so she is tired of attention in life. She is beautiful, popular and likes many men, she has a lot of boyfriends. But the popularity is fed up, I want to be invisible and take a break from the atmosphere of universal admiration.

If you dream give an artificial flower in a single copy and with an unopened bud, there will be a long loneliness. If you receive a whole bouquet as a gift, you will become seriously ill. But you will be able to cope with melancholy and troubles with honor, find happiness.

If you are in a dream give an artificial bouquet to a person who has been dead for a long time, this is an auspicious sign. Your health will always be strong, serious illnesses will be bypassed.

DIY flowers

If in a dream you observe the manufacture of artificial flower arrangements or you yourself take part in this process, the values \u200b\u200bmay be as follows:

  • See that flowers are sculpted by someone else. If this is a person you know from real life, take a closer look. He's not entirely sincere about you. Shows false feelings and actions as real. If the person is a stranger, pay attention to business partners. They're plotting something bad, dishonest, behind your back
  • Flowers makes in a dream your close friend? This is a very bad omen. Most likely, a person dear to your heart conceived a betrayal, soon you will lose it
  • A colleague is engaged in flower production? Be extremely careful with him - he wants to take your position, and "move" you. Don't miss the job
  • If in a dream you burning an artificial bouquetthen you are not satisfied with your life. You dream of changing something, reaching a new level of development, becoming more successful. But in reality, material losses or parting with a loved one are coming

Most often, artificial flowers dream of adverse events. But this is not a reason to be upset, come to terms with fate and wait for trouble. Perhaps bad things will not happen if you start to control your actions as much as possible and are careful with others. A dream is just a sign of what to pay special attention to.

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For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

We are not given to know how dreams are born; dream plots can be the most bizarre. Sometimes we do not remember at all what we dream. And sometimes we see vivid colored dreams in which every detail is clearly visible. In night dreams, you can hear the aroma of living roses, and sometimes the bouquet turns out to be lifeless. Let's see why the gentle bekets are dreaming, what various dream books say about it.

General interpretation of sleep

In general, artificial flowers in a dream signify sadness and various problems. They can symbolize betrayal a loved one, threats of various kinds, talk about insincerity of feelings and relationships. Each dream book gives its own interpretation of such dreams, precise interpretation largely depends on the details of the dream.

Here are the most common interpretations:

Such dreams are interpreted in the same way by the dream books of Hasse and Loff, an ideomatic interpreter. If in a dream you observe from the side, like your friend works on creating an artificial flower - sadly, get ready for betrayal with his hand.

Wreaths and bouquets in the cemetery

In real life, an artificial bouquet is associated with a cemetery. Therefore, we often see wreaths and inanimate flower arrangements in a dream on someone's grave. If you had such a dream, then soon get better sick relative. Have you seen wreaths made of metal? Such a plot bears a favorable semantic coloring - in the near future it will be possible make up with old enemies, but you will have to fuss and bother.

The dream that you see yourself in a cemetery, where there are many artificial flower bouquets around, indicates the upcoming disappointment with your partner and personal life. Or your happiness is at stake. Perhaps you are simply not sure about your significant other or her feelings. To bring an inanimate bouquet to someone's grave means to face a series of sad events in real life. But you can still fix it if you fight the circumstances.

Coloring artificial flowers

The color of the bouquet seen in night dreams also gives the dream an additional meaning. After all, each color symbolizes something different. Dark tones have always been considered a harbinger of something dark; bright colors, on the contrary, mean good luck and prosperity. The faded, faded color is associated with decay, poverty and destruction. This is what the color scheme of an artificial bouquet means in a dream.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "To buy artificial flowers in a dream" with a full description.

In many dream books, artificial flowers are classified as symbols that predict disappointment, distrust. It is assumed that they only imitate the beautiful, living creations of nature, creating a false idea about anything. But every dream is purely individual. And sometimes, dreamed artificial flowers promise good luck and joy.

What are they made of

Grief and loss, this is what Miller's artificial flowers dream of. The seer believes that such a subject warns, first of all, against difficulties, misunderstandings that arise in the communication of close people. However, it is not bad to see roses, gladioli, carnations and other copies of popular plants made of paper in a dream. This sign predicts the growth of the sleeping man's material well-being.

Why does a girl dream of artificial flowers? After such a vision, the young lady will not be superfluous to take a closer look at the gentleman. It is possible that he has reasons to hide something from his chosen one. If the bouquet dreamed by a young woman looked almost like a real one, then the boyfriend will be able to dispel all her doubts, and convince the lady of the sincerity of her feelings. But, in the future she will still have to face his treachery and self-interest.

For a more mature representative of the fair sex, artificial flowers in a dream predict love experiences, suffering. The only consolation is that paper crafts in night dreams promise a comfortable life and no debt.

Does the dreamer remember how she chose decorative flower ornaments made of leather? It means that the bosses noted her merits and considers her a valuable employee. In this regard, she may hope to receive a bonus or promotion.

Negative changes in business, this is what a man dreams of artificial flowers. Thus, the dreamer is warned that his employees are clearly sabotaging, referring to the execution of orders with a chill, or even using some freedom, they carry out financial fraud behind the back of management. The dream book advises to take the reins of government into their own hands and scrupulously monitor all processes in production.


The girl who received artificial flowers in a dream as a gift in a dream was tired of the hustle and bustle and obsessive admirers. Miller writes in her dream book that she wants to be alone for a while. This does not have to be surprised or resisted.

However, almost any person who was presented with a man-made twig or bud in a dream, in reality, will suddenly abandon noisy companies and prefer to spend their free time alone. Perhaps this is a natural defense of the body, psyche from overload and stress of everyday life. It is much worse if in a vision you are presented with a bouquet of synthetic materials. This is a sign of an impending illness.

Why dream about presenting a bouquet of artificial inflorescences to the now deceased? In this case, there is no reason to worry. On the contrary, this plot predicts great well-being for the dreamer.

Manufacturing process

In a dream, did you notice a person who makes flowers? Try to remember his face when you wake up. If this is your friend, then keep in mind that his words and compliments addressed to you are insincere and deceitful. And if the master was unknown to you in a dream. Then show extra care when meeting new partners, do not rush to sign business agreements with them. Check each clause of the agreement, because under the guise of new associates, clever competitors are hiding, seeking to ruin you.

Betrayal, that's what you dreamed of a friend making plastic flowers. If during this occupation you caught a colleague in the night vision, then he dreams of taking your position.

A dream in which you burn paper or synthetic inflorescences predicts significant changes in life. And you have long been subconsciously striving for these innovations, guessing that your loved one is no longer so devoted to you. Do not try to keep the old relationship, because after experiencing the pain of separation, you will meet your destiny.

About life and health

Many people associate artificial flowers with death, grave, mourning. But in a dream, this is a completely unfortunate sign. On the contrary, the dreamed synthetic wreaths on the grave predict a speedy recovery of a loved one. And iron wreaths predict the sleeping truce with old opponents. True, communication with them will bring additional troubles to life.

Miller, describing a dream about a well-groomed tombstone decorated with luxurious artificial flowers, promises the dreamer that a seriously ill relative will certainly get better.

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Artificial flowers that imitate real ones are a symbol of false ideas and disappointed expectations. However, dream books indicate rare cases when this symbol of unnaturalness predicts good luck to the dreamer.

Made from different materials.

Miller's dream book, to see artificial flowers in a dream is interpreted as future grief and loss. According to his interpretation of dreams, he foretells trouble, primarily in human relations. However, the dreamer's financial situation will improve if they were on paper.

Dream Interpretations prophesy to a girl who dreamed of artificial flowers: her chosen one has a dark past. Why dream that they look like real ones? The beloved will be able to dispel her suspicions, but there is still to be faced with his cunning.

If you dreamed about paper flowers, a woman will be disappointed in love, but a cash bonus is possible - a precious gift, a win or an unexpected profit from a project that she did not pin her hopes on. The lady asked the price in the shop for the decor made of leather inflorescences - her contribution to the company's prosperity will be appreciated by the management.

Why do men dream of artificial flowers? The interpretation of the dream concerns the business sphere - the company will suffer losses due to the dishonesty of its employees. Total control will eliminate risks.


According to Miller's dream book, if a young girl dreamed of being presented with artificial flowers, she would like to be alone, away from her former fans. Any person who is presented with one such twig with a bud is predicted loneliness, presented with a bouquet of synthetic materials - a disease.

Why dream of giving such a bouquet to a person who is actually not alive - a dream will return you to good health.

Make and destroy

Seeing in a dream how some person is engaged in the manufacture of artificial flowers, it can be assumed that in reality his words and feelings are insincere. In case it was a stranger, pay special attention to new partners - they may make a deal with the goal of ruining you.

Seeing your friend making plastic bouquets is even more sad. Dream Interpretations claim that he plotted betrayal. In a dream, you caught your colleague doing this - he is aiming at your position.

The interpretation of a dream about burning artificial flowers boils down to the fact that a person has a need to change his life. Either he discovers that a loved one is with him for material gain, or is not satisfied with the relationship - all this will lead to parting and a new bright streak of life.

At the cemetery

The idiomatic dream book reminds that artificial flowers evoke associations with a cemetery, a funeral ceremony. Seeing paper wreaths on the grave - to the recovery of a loved one. Why do iron wreaths dream - the prophecy is generally favorable - you will come to peace and harmony with old enemies, but this will add to your trouble.

I dreamed of a well-groomed grave, beautifully decorated with artificial flowers: according to Miller's dream book, this is a sign that a seriously ill relative will recover.

Deception and false expectations are a common personification of what artificial flowers dream of. However, there are some circumstances in which this attribute is dreamed of great luck for the dreamer himself. In different dream books it is presented different interpretation dreams.

Deception and false expectations are a common personification of what artificial flowers dream about.

According to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about artificial flowers, then in real life the dreamer should prepare for significant material or spiritual losses. A dream can portend a break in interpersonal relationships. However, if you dreamed of flowers made of paper, a person should expect an improvement in his financial situation. If a girl dreamed about this, then she should take a closer look at her chosen one, since he may have a dark past.

If you dreamed about artificial flowers, then in real life the dreamer should prepare for significant material or spiritual losses

If the dreaming bouquet was made of leather, then the woman expects success in the professional field, possibly a promotion. For a man, a dream, on the contrary, brings trouble at work. Intrigues are being plotted against the dreamer, colleagues or subordinates want to mislead him. If in a dream a person is presented with a large bouquet made of synthetic materials, then in real life he will have serious health problems. Giving a bouquet to a deceased person will improve your well-being.

Why do flowers dream (video)

Dream interpretation of Juno

If a woman saw multi-colored artificial daisies, then in real life fans are interested in her person. For men, a dream says that the time has come to do work, and receive material benefits from it. According to this dream book, artificial flowers, dreamed from Thursday to Friday, warn a person that he needs to change his attitude towards the world around him. Only in this case can a person establish good relationships with loved ones. If in a dream a person eats roses, it means that in the near future he will have an unhappy marriage.

For men, a dream says that it is time to get busy and get material benefits from it.

If you dreamed of a person decorating a flower arrangement, then in real life he experiences sincere feelings towards the dreamer. If a stranger weaves a wreath or collects a bouquet of artificial flowers, it is possible that in reality he is trying to make a deal, the main purpose of which is to ruin the material well-being of the sleeper. After dreams with the presence of plastic bouquets, betrayal should be expected.

Why is the bouquet dreaming (video)

According to Loff's dream book

To the question of what the artificial flower is dreaming of, Loff's dream book gives the following answer: to a change in feelings. If in a dream the sleeping person is given a bouquet, it means that in real life he should prepare for the outright flattery of others. If you dreamed about a broken tulip, this is a deception on the part of a loved one. Yellow flowers dream of friendship, red - romantic. I dreamed of a white person - you need to expect good news, black - to death. But don't take everything literally. Death can mean fading of feelings, some kind of loss, loss of financial stability.

To the question of what the artificial flower is dreaming of, Loff's dream book gives the following answer: to a change in feelings

Burning artificial flowers in a dream is a desire to change your own life. If after the destruction of flowers the dreamer experiences joy, then in real life he will get rid of a person who is nearby only for material gain. The same dream promises the beginning of a bright streak in life or the birth of new feelings that will be sincere on the part of both partners.

Flowers lying on the grave dream of a speedy recovery. Seeing a fence made of metallic flowers is a solution to a misunderstanding with long-standing enemies. However, with such a turn, the dreamer will add extra trouble. If you dreamed about a grave strewn with wreaths and bouquets, this is to the recovery of a seriously ill relative. You should not react too negatively to the mourning ceremony seen in a dream, where flowers were present - this is to joyful events in real life.

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why do artificial flowers dream? In dreams, unlike living flowers, they represent harbingers of unpleasant events. They promise failure and danger. More full interpretation must take into account various details.

If a person sees artificial flowers in a dream, then such a dream can be interpreted in the same way as a dream about withered, wilted and dead plants. In a word, we can say that seeing artificial flowers in a dream is a bad, bad sign that portends all kinds of troubles, a deterioration in the financial situation or relations with loved ones and relatives.

Dream interpretation - receiving artificial flowers as a gift

If a person dreamed that someone was giving him artificial flowers, then this indicates that some sad event awaits him in reality. Sometimes such a dream portends a threat to health or even human life.

A dream about making artificial flowers

A dream in which a person sees how he or someone else makes artificial flowers speaks of insincerity of feelings, of deceit. Seeing in a dream how a good acquaintance or even a friend makes artificial flowers is a bad sign. This means that he is plotting something bad against this person.

Burn artificial flowers in a dream

If a person dreams that he burns artificial flowers, then this may indicate that soon he will part with his affection, will begin to live new life... In addition, this may indicate that a loved one is deceiving him, is nearby only for reasons of benefit. Such a dream can be a symbol of the fact that a person just really wants to change the state of affairs that is at the moment.

What else can artificial flowers dream of?

  • If a girl or a man sees fake flowers in a dream, then this may indicate that someone gives false hopes, promises something, but in fact you should not believe this person;
  • If a person dreams that he is being presented with one artificial flower made of fabric or plastic, then this promises him deep loneliness. This is a bad sign, since, having seen such a dream, in the future a person may face death or a serious illness;
  • If a person dreams that he himself is giving artificial flowers to someone, then he must be ready for a family scandal or for betrayal of a partner;
  • Seeing artificial flowers for a man is deceiving. He should be more careful in his business, he also needs to be wary of the slander of colleagues;
  • If a person dreamed that he was in a cemetery and saw a huge number of artificial flowers, then this portends disappointment in his personal life. It may also indicate that his personal happiness is in great danger. Such a dream may indicate insecurity in a partner and instability in feelings;
  • If a girl in a dream sees artificial flowers that are very similar to real ones, then this suggests that in fact her lover is not at all who he claims to be. You need to look at him very carefully, maybe she just does not notice the obvious facts.

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Dream interpretation - Flowers

The language of flowers has long been known. They were used to convey feelings, messages, invitations, express sympathy or regret, and confess their love.

These meanings were carried over to dreams. To see beautiful flowers in a dream portends joyful meetings and receiving good news. A flower bed in a dream means that many pleasant events await you. A huge and colorful flower bed predicts a lot of joy in a dream. Many bouquets in a dream are a harbinger of great sadness or grief because of loved ones. Many white flowers in a dream indicate the purity of your aspirations or predict the appearance of a fan who will sincerely love you. If in a dream you are presented with white flowers, then expect complications in business due to your incompetence. Red flowers in a dream are a sign of success. A large bouquet of different flowers in a dream means that your life will be filled with different pleasant events and meetings. Flowers blooming before your eyes in a dream is a sign that your abilities will be appreciated by others and you will receive numerous praises. Fading, broken, discarded flowers in a dream predict losses, failures, speak of the futility of hopes and love failures. See interpretation: smell and flowers by name.

Cutting a flower in a dream is a sign of the tenderness you have for your lover. Plucking a flower in a dream is a sign of quick profit or insane passion. Seeing plants and trees in bloom is a harbinger of good changes and good news. If in a dream you see that a rare outlandish flower has bloomed in your home, then the dream indicates that you have a rare talent or ability that will meet the support or approval of others. Sometimes such a dream portends fame and fortune.

Acacia is a symbol of pure love and tenderness.

Aster - cunning, deceit (needle-like). Multi-colored asters in a dream predict many varied and pleasant impressions.

Velvets - commemoration of the dead.

Cornflower is a sign of modesty.

Heather means solitude.

Cherries (flowers) in a dream predict that good hopes will come true.

The carnation is a symbol of dignity and honor.

Hyacinth - his flowers in a dream portend fun, meeting friends, joy.

Hydrangea in a dream symbolizes frivolity and beauty.

Jasmine in a dream means the affection of loved ones.

Chestnut in bloom portends justice, restoration of justice.

A water lily in a dream means recognition, explanation. Lily of the valley in a dream is a sign of an innocent prank, harmless coquetry.

Lily is a symbol of purity, holiness, innocence. Smelling lilies in a dream - for an early marriage.

Poppy is a symbol of peace, humility, platonic love.

A daisy in a dream foreshadows the reciprocity of feelings, if you see her in a flower bed or someone will present you with a daisy. A dream is considered auspicious when you see daisies in a field or meadow. Such a dream portends you happiness and good health. A bouquet of daisies in a dream is a sign of gratitude, tenderness, emotional experiences. It is believed that seeing daisies at another time is an unfavorable dream that portends you misfortune, grief and disappointment.

Narcissus - in a dream, a symbol of ambition and narcissism. After dreaming about daffodils, don't expect your lover to be devoted to you. Rather, his love promises you grief and disappointment.

Forget-me-nots are a symbol of memories of past feelings, beloved or close person... If you dream that your loved one presented you forget-me-nots, then you can count on his devotion.

Marigolds in a dream are harbingers of deep mental suffering.

Dandelions in a dream symbolize a prophetic gift, a premonition of trouble. But to see them in a dream in large numbers on a beautiful green lawn in a dream is a sign of a favorable coincidence of circumstances and good luck.

Peonies in a dream are harbingers of regret and shame because of mistakes made. For lovers, such a dream portends happiness in love.

To see snowdrops in a dream is a sign of rebirth, new hopes, consolation in sorrow.

A sunflower in a dream means boundless dedication and loyalty.

Mignonette. Her flowers in a dream mean secrecy of character.

A rose in a dream means love and beauty. The smell of roses in a dream is a sign of well-being. For patients, such a dream portends a worsening of their condition, and for criminals it threatens to be exposed.

Chamomile means uncertainty and associated experiences, suffering, grief.

A tulip in a dream portends a meeting with a proud and narcissistic person with whom you will fall in love. Plucking it in a dream portends the fulfillment of desire and subsequent suffering. Tulips on your table in a dream is a sign that your frivolous behavior will not bring you good and others will start gossiping about you.

Violet in a dream is a symbol of modesty, pleasant appearance, behind which violent feelings are hidden.

Rosehip (flowers) means that you will be filled with sublime, romantic feelings. See interpretation: wreath.

Interpretation of dreams from
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