How to treat burnout. Emotional burnout: how to deal with emotional exhaustion? The reasons for the psychological level

Syndrome burnout

Pavel Sidorov

Doctor's summary

Emotional burnout syndrome (CMEA) is a reaction of the body that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to moderate-intensity occupational stresses. At the WHO European Conference (2005) it was noted that work-related stress is an important problem for about one third of the working countries of the European Union and the cost of solving mental health problems in this regard is on average 3-4% of gross national income .

CMEA is a process of gradual loss of emotional, cognitive and physical energy, manifested in symptoms of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, personal detachment, and a decrease in satisfaction with work performance. In the literature, as a synonym for burnout syndrome, the term “burnout syndrome” is used.

CMEA is a psychological defense mechanism developed by a person in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected traumatic effects. This is an acquired stereotype of emotional, most often professional, behavior. "Burnout" is partly a functional stereotype, because it allows you to dose and save energy resources. At the same time, its dysfunctional consequences may occur when “burnout” adversely affects the performance of professional activities and relations with partners. Sometimes CMEA (in foreign literature - "burnout") is denoted by the term "professional burnout", which allows us to consider this phenomenon in the aspect of personal deformation under the influence of professional stresses.

The first work on this problem appeared in the United States. In 1974, the American psychiatrist H. Frendenberger described the phenomenon and gave it the name "burnout" to characterize the psychological state of healthy people who are in intensive and close contact with patients (clients) in an emotionally charged atmosphere while providing professional assistance. Social psychologist K. Maslac (1976) defined this condition as a syndrome of physical and emotional exhaustion, including the development of negative self-esteem, negative attitude to work, loss of understanding and sympathy for clients or patients. Initially, CMEA was understood as a state of exhaustion with a feeling of own worthlessness. Later, the symptoms of this syndrome expanded significantly due to the psychosomatic component. Researchers have increasingly associated the syndrome with psychosomatic well-being, relating it to pre-disease states. In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-X), CMEA is referred to heading Z73 - “Stress Associated with Difficulties in Maintaining a Normal Lifestyle”.

The prevalence of burnout

Among the professions in which CMEA is most common (from 30 to 90% of employees), doctors, teachers, psychologists, social workers, rescuers, and law enforcement officials should be noted. Almost 80% of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, narcologists have signs of burnout syndrome of varying severity; 7.8% - a pronounced syndrome leading to psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders. According to other sources, among psychologists-consultants and psychotherapists, symptoms of CMEA of varying severity are detected in 73% of cases; in 5%, a pronounced phase of exhaustion is determined, which is manifested by emotional exhaustion, psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders.

Among nurses in psychiatric wards, signs of CMEA are found in 62.9% of respondents. The resistance phase dominates the syndrome picture in 55.9%; a pronounced phase of "exhaustion" is defined in 8.8% of respondents aged 51-60 years and with experience in psychiatry for more than 10 years.

85% of social workers have certain burnout symptoms. The prevailing syndrome is observed in 19% of respondents, in the formation phase - in 66%.

According to British researchers, among doctors general practice is detected high level anxiety in 41% of cases, clinically expressed depression in 26% of cases. A third of doctors use drugs to correct emotional stress, the amount of alcohol consumed exceeds the average level. In a study conducted in our country, 26% of therapists showed a high level of anxiety, and 37% had subclinical depression. Symptoms of CMEA are detected in 61.8% of dentists, and 8.1% have the syndrome in the phase of "exhaustion".

CMEA is found in a third of the employees of the penal system directly communicating with convicts, and in a third of law enforcement officials.


The main cause of CMEA is considered psychological, mental overwork. When requirements (internal and external) for a long time prevail over resources (internal and external), a person is in a disturbed state of equilibrium, which inevitably leads to CMEA.

The connection of the revealed changes with the nature of professional activity associated with responsibility for the fate, health, and life of people is established. These changes are regarded as a result of exposure to prolonged professional stress. Among the professional stressors contributing to the development of CMEA, there is a mandatory work in a strictly established mode of the day, a great emotional richness in the acts of interaction. A number of specialists stress the interaction due to the fact that communication lasts for hours, is repeated for many years, and the recipients are patients with a difficult fate, dysfunctional children and adolescents, criminals and victims of disasters, talking about their innermost, suffering, fears, hatreds.

Stress in the workplace - the mismatch between the individual and the requirements for it - is a key component of CMEA. The main organizational factors contributing to burnout include: high workload; lack or lack of social support from colleagues and management; insufficient remuneration for work; a high degree of uncertainty in the assessment of the work performed; inability to influence decision making; ambiguous, ambiguous requirements for work; constant risk of penalties; monotonous, monotonous and hopeless activity; the need to externally show emotions that do not correspond to realities; lack of days off, vacations and interests outside work.

Professional risk factors include “helping”, altruistic professions (doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, psychologists, clergy). It is highly prone to burnout work with severe patients (gerontological, oncological patients, aggressive and suicidal patients, patients with addictions.). Recently, burnout syndrome has also been detected in specialists for whom contact with people is not at all characteristic (programmers).

Personal features contribute to the development of CMEA: a high level of emotional lability; high self-control, especially with strong-willed suppression of negative emotions; rationalization of the motives of their behavior; a tendency to increased anxiety and depressive reactions associated with the unattainability of the "internal standard" and blocking of negative experiences in oneself; rigid personal structure.

The human personality is a fairly holistic and stable structure, and it tends to look for ways to protect against deformation. One of the methods of such psychological defense is emotional burnout syndrome. The main reason for the development of CMEA is the mismatch between the person and the job, between the increased requirements of the leader for the employee and the real capabilities of the latter. CMEA is often caused by a mismatch between the desire of workers to have a greater degree of independence in work, to look for ways and methods to achieve the results for which they are responsible, and the administration’s tough, irrational policy in organizing and controlling work activity. The result of such control is the emergence of feelings of futility of their activities and the lack of responsibility.

The lack of proper compensation for the work is experienced by the employee as non-recognition of his work, which can also lead to emotional apathy, a decrease in emotional involvement in the team’s affairs, a feeling of an unfair attitude towards him and, accordingly, burnout.

Emotional burnout is a negative phenomenon, of a psychological nature, leading to emotional exhaustion of the human body.

Experts whose professional activities are associated with communication are subject to emotional burnout: to help, calm, give people “sincere” warmth.

The “risk group" includes: teachers, doctors, psychologists, managers, social workers. Specialists are constantly confronted with negative emotions, quietly involved in some of them, leading to psychological "overload".

Burnout emotional occurs slowly from: work "for wear", increased activity, labor enthusiasm. A symptom of an overload of the body, turning into chronic stress, manifests itself as a depletion of the human resource.

Burnout syndrome

This is a depletion of the human condition: moral, mental, physical.

We will analyze signs of this condition:

1. moral: evasion of responsibility, obligation; desire for loneliness; manifestation of envy and anger; blaming others and loved ones for their troubles.

People try to improve their condition with the help of alcohol or drugs.

2. mental: self-doubt; indifferent state: in the family, at work, to events; disgusting mood; loss of professionalism; short temper; discontent, lack of life goals; anxiety and restlessness; irritability.

Burnout syndrome is very similar to depression. Subjects feel signs of doom to loneliness, therefore they suffer, experience. Performing work, they can’t concentrate for a long time.

3. physical: frequent headaches; "Breakdown" - fatigue; increased sweating; muscle weakness; reduced immunity; darkening in the eyes; dizziness; insomnia; back pain, heart; Joints “whining”, violation of the digestive tract; shortness of breath: nausea.

A person cannot understand what is happening to him: immunity is reduced, his state of health is disgusting, his appetite is impaired. In some people, appetite increases, respectively, and weight, while others lose their appetite and lose weight.

Emotional burnout is

The response of the whole organism of the subject to prolonged stresses from any sphere of communication: home, work, environment, regular conflicts.

Altruistic professions are more prone to emotional burnout.

People providing professional services (help) lose their emotional and physical energy, become dissatisfied with themselves, work, cease to understand and sympathize. Psychotherapist consultation and treatment required to exit emotional burnout.

Herbert Freudenberg, a psychologist from the USA, described the phenomenon of burnout emotional in 1974 - it is a mental disorder that affects the personality of a subject due to emotional "exhaustion."

The causes of burnout include:

  • Low wage, with a busy work schedule;
  • Not satisfying life needs;
  • Uninteresting, monotonous work;
  • Head pressure
  • Responsible work, lack of additional control;
  • Inappropriate assessment of the work of a specialist by a leader;
  • Work in a pressurized environment is chaotic;

Methods of dealing with emotional burnout to restore balance:

  1. Tracking signs and conditions of burnout;
  2. Timely elimination of stress, the search for support;
  3. Constant control over emotional and physical health.

Burnout syndrome is

The state of systematic exhaustion of a person, paralyzing feelings, strength, as well as the loss of a joyful attitude to life.

It is proved that in people with a social profession, the syndrome of burnout occurs earlier than in people of another profession. In personal, unfavorable relationships in the life of subjects there are symptoms of emotional burnout.

There are several stages of burnout:

1. Easy

Tired of pleasant cares for children; elderly parents; passed exams at school, university; performed chord work.

For a while, they forgot about sleep, lack of basic services, felt uncomfortable, increased tension, irritation appeared.

But all things were completed on time, the situation returned to normal. It was time to relax: do yourself, exercise, get enough sleep - the symptoms of emotional burnout disappeared without a trace.

Hence, energy, high-quality charge received by a person, after a prolonged load, restores energy, replenishing the expended reserves.

Undoubtedly, the human psyche and body is capable of many things: to work continuously, reaching a certain goal (to go to the sea); withstand difficulties (pay a mortgage).

2. Chronic

Burnout symptoms manifest with certain problems:

  • not enough money: buy a washing machine;
  • the presence of fear: tense state, vigilance with respect to superiors, afraid of big demands.

Such symptoms overload the nervous system. In the human body there are painful sensations in the muscles, in the whole topic, goes into chronic burnout. One of the symptoms of overstrain is gnashing of teeth at night.

A smooth transition from delight to indifference is called dehumanization. Attitudes towards people have changed from gentle, respectful, faithful to negative, rejecting, cynical.

At work, there is a feeling of guilt before colleagues, the work is performed as a robot according to the template. A protective reaction begins to act: to retire at home, to hide from all problems.

Burnout syndrome is the effect of constant stress; interest in professional activities and motivation is lost. Negative changes in your body are supplemented by regular illnesses: colds, flu.

Burnout at work

After high labor activity, a big load for a long time, a period of fatigue begins: exhaustion, fatigue. The employee's percentage of activity is reduced: he does not conscientiously do his job, he rests a lot of time, especially on Monday, not willing to get ready for work.

The class teacher does not notice the excited state of the class.
The nurse forgets to give the medicine on time.
The head of the company sends the employee "by authority".

Such phenomena, emotional burnouts occur regularly. The same words sound in a person’s head: “tired”, “I can’t take it anymore”, “no variety”.

So, there was an emotional burnout at work, emotional energy was minimized.

The teacher does not introduce new pedagogical technologies.
The doctor is not engaged in research activities.
The head of the company does not seek to advance a career to a degree higher.

If work activity is reduced and is not being restored, then professional growth and creativity remains at the achieved level. Therefore, promotion should be forgotten.

Dissatisfaction in life, work leads to a lesser extent to depression, and to a greater extent - to aggression.
In depression period the subject accuses himself of personal and professional failures: “I am a bad father”, “Nothing works out for me”. Aggressive reaction - blames others - relatives, superiors.

IN initial stage burnout emotional manifest psychosomatic symptoms: dissatisfaction, anxiety, which reduce the overall resistance of the body. Is rising arterial pressure and other somatic diseases. Annoyance is present in the family, friendships, at work.

Indifference to hobbies, hobbies, art, nature is becoming an everyday occurrence. There is a stage of emotional burnout, turning into a chronic process of the disease, requiring the help of a specialist - a psychotherapist.

What to do with emotional burnout:

1. with light

  • Reduce the load;
  • Delegate affairs;
  • Share responsibility;
  • Realize real goals;
  • To perceive surprises painlessly;
  • Do not overestimate human capabilities, requirements.


  • Change the mental load on the physical (play sports, work in the country);
  • Consult a doctor for sick leave or relax in a sanatorium.

If the symptoms of burnout do not respond to recovery, then a transition to chronic burnout has occurred.

2. in chronic

In a state of prolonged stress, the disease enhances the burnout process. Remorse over their actions continues to increase burnout, they are not able to replenish their health with energy.

Medicines prescribed by a doctor can help for a short time, but not solve the problem of the disease.

Restoring the internal deficit of joy, reducing the pressure of society to the root will change your attitude towards life, protect it from unforeseen actions.

The main task is your bodily health. Ask yourself questions: “What is the point of my activity, its value? ". “Does my work bring joy, with what enthusiasm do I do it? ".

Indeed, joy and satisfaction must be present in your affairs.

If you realize that burnout symptoms prevent you from living fruitfully and with dignity, then it's time to make an effort - work on yourself.

And then the question: “What is emotional burnout?”, You will forget forever.

  • Learn to say no

Example: “I will not do someone else's work. It is not provided in my job description". Reliability in work is good, but integrity is better.

  • Recharge yourself with positive charges

Example: Meeting with friends in nature, excursion to the museum, swimming in the pool. Proper uniform nutrition: dietary, including vitamins, minerals, plant fiber.

Discussion and search for constructive solutions with a friend will provide assistance, support in difficult times; burnout will stop.

  • Build relationships in the work team

Example: Invite colleagues to your home or have a feast at work, in a cafe.

  • Watch more for people who are not prone to burnout.

Take an example from them, treat failures with humor, do not focus on them, take a positive attitude towards work.

  • Take a new direction with creativity

Learn to play the guitar, learn new songs, master the skills of a gardener - gardener. Encourage yourself - for work that brings you joy.

  • Take breaks during the work shift

Talk about topics not related to work: about children, family, art, cinema, love.

  • Change profession, team

Perhaps the old profession does not bring you satisfaction, burnout occurs at work, or maybe not your team, leader - you do not feel emotional stability.

  • Write down the causes of burnout on a piece of paper.

Solve problems gradually, prioritizing.

Sometimes a person gets an emotional boost from their favorite work. They have no need to look for “positive emotions” on the side, it is protected from emotional burnout.

Psychologists say the favorable climate of the team is the prevention of burnout of emotional employees. And conflicts in teams, on the contrary, contribute to increased burnout at work.

Emotional burnout is a mental exhaustion of the subject's body, which can be restored with the help of the work collective, friends and work on oneself.

Burnout syndrome is a special condition of a person in which he regularly feels depressed and tired. The patient is mentally and physically exhausted, does not want to engage in any kind of work, is not able to perform his professional duties qualitatively. A working day seems to such a person a real torture, and even your favorite activities cease to bring joy.

As a rule, people with the syndrome do not immediately understand what is happening to them. At first, the disease resembles seasonal spleen. Patients become suspicious, quick-tempered and touchy. Lower their hands at any slightest defeat. Ultimately, an ailment can lead to emotional breakdown and severe depression. The general state of health is worsening: insomnia, anxiety, causeless guilt and irritability appear.

Pathology can affect any person, but most often it occurs in workers whose professions involve daily interaction with other people. These include doctors, teachers, psychologists, consultants.

Burnout syndrome develops because helping others begins to exceed one's own needs and interests. Also, increased activity at the workplace, regular overwork, conflicts with colleagues and superiors contribute to this.


Many scientists believe that the syndrome appears due to problems that have recently arisen in professional activities. Regular conflicts, negativity from other people and their inappropriate behavior can undermine even the most stable psyche.

Statistics show that the disease affects mainly those whose specialties involve daily contacts with other people, namely:

  • Teachers and educators;
  • Medical workers, employees of social services;
  • Bank and service workers, operators.

Scientists have identified several stages of increasing emotional stress that are associated with the professions of patients:

  1. A person is completely satisfied with his work, but minor conflicts and stresses gradually begin to overshadow his life.
  2. The first signs of pathology appear: irritability, chronic fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite occur.
  3. It becomes difficult for the patient to concentrate on his direct duties, as well as to carry out them qualitatively. He ceases to have time to do everything that was planned, so he often lingers at the workplace until night.
  4. Lack of sleep and fatigue significantly harm health. The patient's immunity is reduced, which leads to the development of various diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases. At the same time, people with burnout syndrome cease to be satisfied with themselves and their colleagues around them.
  5. Apathy, irritability and temper, mood swings and exacerbation of many pathologies are the main signs of stage 5 syndrome. The condition requires the immediate assistance of a specialist, since the risk of the onset of deep depression is rapidly increasing.

Causes of pathology

Burnout syndrome in most cases develops precisely because of regular stressful situations in the workplace. But there are other factors that influence emotional condition patient:

  • Strenuous life rhythm;
  • The so-called "Groundhog Day";
  • Regular criticism from the boss or colleagues;
  • Inadequate labor promotion;
  • Feeling of uselessness.

The risk of pathology increases in people with the following traits:

  1. Maximalists who always try to do their job perfectly;
  2. Overly responsible and binding;
  3. Dreamy, whose self-esteem is often inadequate.

Often the syndrome worries patients who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, as well as smokers. With such addictions, they try to get rid of stress, thereby increasing their performance. But in fact, such methods of solving problems in professional activities only harm a person. His body is exhausted, new diseases appear.

Not always an ailment arises only among working citizens. Even a housewife can be affected, especially when her work goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Similar feelings are experienced by people caring for a sick relative. Over time, they accumulate a lump of hopelessness and injustice inside.

Pathologists are also affected by people in creative professions: artists, writers and actors. Often, the syndrome arises from their own insecurity, especially if the talent does not find recognition.

The essence and types of the syndrome

Pathology usually occurs due to accumulated negative emotions that are associated with the human profession. The main reason for the development of the syndrome is the need to help other people. As a result, for example, doctors, psychologists and educators simply do not have enough time to take care of themselves. They perceive every negative event and failure in the life of their ward as their own defeats. In the end, frequent stressful situations and lead to the appearance of a disorder.

Pathology is considered dangerous, because over time it causes the patient a real depression. A person feels himself an outcast, he cannot fulfill his potential due to great self-doubt, loses his job and those close to him, and all prospects for the future completely disappear. As a result, the patient loses interest in life, he may have thoughts about suicide.

Burnout Syndrome for Medical Professionals

Since the work of medical staff involves regular communication with patients, the syndrome of professional emotional burnout threatens them more than people of other professions. That is why it is important for specialists to undergo all kinds of examinations in a timely manner and adjust their own behavior.

The doctor’s activity is characterized by increased mental stress, frequent conflict and stressful situations. All the time, the doctor is under the gun of someone else's negative emotions, which in any case will affect his mental state. As a result, in order to protect itself from stress, the body builds a certain barrier, as a result of which the doctor becomes less emotional and susceptible to other people's problems.

Professional burnout syndrome among educators

The teacher at the institute or the teacher at the school constantly has to interact and communicate with people - colleagues, students, and students, parents.

In this case, burnout syndrome may occur due to frequent psycho-emotional stress, regular noise and inadequate organization of work. At the same time, the teacher constantly feels a sense of increased responsibility and takes everything too close to his heart. To return to a normal life, experts recommend that teachers seek the help of a therapist who will not only have a relaxing conversation, but will also prescribe appropriate medication.

Burnout Syndrome Psychologists

Psychologists also require regular interaction with other people. Regularly, the therapist is faced with anger, irritation and temper. Moreover, he passes each patient's problem through himself in order to find a truly correct way out of this situation. In this case, even a strong and confident person can not always withstand the load that has fallen on his shoulders. That is why sometimes psychologists need the help of experienced professionals.

Burnout syndrome

A striking example of personality burnout syndrome can be detached, indifferent human behavior. In this condition, the patient changes his attitude to friends and relatives, relatives; he can no longer cope with the load that occurs in the workplace. The patient believes that he is no longer competent in his profession. The meaning of life disappears in a person, since he does not receive joy or satisfaction from his own achievements. There is a need for loneliness, solitude. His memory worsens and his concentration of attention decreases.

People with burnout syndrome can negatively affect their colleagues, friends, family. Patients constantly break down and make scandals, causing pain to others. To help such people without consulting a psychotherapist is impossible.


Burnout syndrome develops slowly and gradually. First, the patient feels a slight fatigue, later - he disappears the desire to work and do what he loves. This condition occurs due to a decrease in concentration. Along with this, apathy appears, causeless short temper and irritability.

Scientists divide the signs of the disease into three groups:

1. Physical manifestations, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • General weakness;
  • Fatigue;
  • Joint pain;
  • Decreased immune defense of the body;
  • Regular headaches;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Change in weight;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Insomnia.

2. Socio-behavioral symptoms:

  • Irritability and anger to everything that happens;
  • Complaints about their own work and team;
  • The desire to find the blame for all their failures among other people;
  • Pessimistic mood, only gloomy forecasts for the future;
  • Avoidance of liability;
  • The desire to remain alone as often as possible.

Sometimes the patient may begin to abuse alcohol or narcotic substances in order to drown out absolutely all problems at once. As a rule, this does not lead to anything good.

3. Psycho-emotional symptoms:

  • Indifference to events occurring in one's own life;
  • Self-doubt;
  • Loss of interest in work;
  • Conflicts with loved ones, family;
  • Bad mood for a long time.

Burnout syndrome, in its own way clinical manifestationsvery similar to deep depression. The patient always thinks that he is no longer needed by absolutely anyone, including his family. He feels doomed and drooping, and it is also difficult for him to concentrate on any important matters.

Diagnosis of the syndrome

It is estimated that pathology has about 100 different signs. As burnout syndrome develops, the patient increasingly complains of constant fatigue, aching pain in joints, insomnia, forgetfulness, short temper, decreased mental performance, loss of concentration.

Doctors distinguish several main periods of the development of the syndrome:

  1. The previous stage is characterized by excessive activity of the patient in the professional sphere. In this case, the patient is not interested in anything other than job duties.
  2. The next stage is called the period of exhaustion. Its duration has no clear boundaries. The patient develops chronic weakness, which does not disappear even after sleep.
  3. Detachment of a personality is a new stage in the development of an ailment. A person loses interest in his own professional duties. The patient falls self-esteem, there is a feeling of loneliness and doom.

To identify the disease, a special test was developed that determines the degree of development of the pathology. In addition, 5 of the most striking manifestations of the disorder are highlighted, which help distinguish it from similar mental ailments:

  • Emotional: pessimism, indifference, callousness in relation to other people, cynicism.
  • Behavioral: attacks of aggression, lack of appetite.
  • Physical: fatigue, apathy, overwork, insomnia, high or low blood pressure, heart disease, panic attacks, skin rashes, excessive sweating.
  • Social: social activity decreases, the patient prefers loneliness, limits contact even with family.
  • Intellectual: concentration of attention, memory worsens, there is a refusal to participate in developmental programs, and template behavior occurs.


The main problem in the treatment of the syndrome is the frivolous attitude of the wasps of the patients on this pathology. They believe that to improve their condition, you just need to overpower yourself and fulfill all professional obligations, even despite the lack of desire and overwork. But such an opinion is erroneous.

To cope with the disease, first of all, it is necessary to slow down the rhythm of life. This does not mean that you should quit your job and give up all duties. You just need to take care of yourself and, at least a little, relax.

So, for example, psychologists recommend housewives to alternate household chores with something pleasant, which will help to distract and relax: let you watch a series of your favorite series after cooking or read an interesting book after cleaning the house. Such encouragement will not only help to cope with household chores faster, but also increase interest in life.

If the syndrome occurs in an office worker, then an extraordinary vacation or sick leave will be the best treatment option. Usually this period is enough for a person to relax and return to a normal happy life.

Also, one of the most important places in the treatment of pathology is the analysis of the causes that led to the development of the syndrome. These factors can be stated to a friend or written on a piece of paper, and then burned. It is proved that such a surge of emotions helps to improve a person’s moral and physical condition.

Professional burnout syndrome should be treated as soon as its first symptoms appear. Usually in this case, getting rid of the disease is quite simple. You should distract from pressing problems, do what you love and relax. You also need to learn how to deal with negative emotions, for example, through regular exercise.


As a disease prevention, experts recommend conducting classes that contribute to improving personal qualities and increasing the level of resistance to various stressful situations. For this, the patient himself must take a direct part in the treatment of the syndrome. He needs to know what this pathology is, how to get rid of it and how to prevent relapse. Moreover, the main thing is to provide the patient with a good rest and isolate him from the usual work environment. The help of a psychotherapist is also often required.

Usually emotionally psychological burnout is a consequence of mental and physical exhaustion. Therefore, to prevent the onset and development of pathology, the following preventive measures can be taken:

  1. Engage in any sport, walk in the evenings before going to bed. Such activities contribute to a good mood and the release of all negative emotions. Choose view physical activity depending on your own preferences, for example, running, dancing, volleyball or even figure skating.
  2. Follow the right healthy eating, increase the intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber. At the same time, foods high in caffeine should be discarded, as it contributes to stress. It is proved that already 3 weeks after the complete cessation of its use, the level of anxiety and anxiety decreases sharply.
  3. Maintain a favorable workplace atmosphere. Psychotherapists advise regularly arrange at least meek, but frequent breaks.
  4. Sleep for at least 8 hours. Scientists have proven that night rest helps the patient cope with all negative emotions in a shorter time. It is believed that a person is really awake only when he easily woke up at the first ring of the alarm clock.
  5. Find your favorite hobby. Everyone in life has a moment when it is necessary to quickly reduce emotional stress. It is in this case that your favorite hobby, a hobby, helps. For example, relax nervous system painting or sculpting clay sculptures will help.
  6. Carry out auto training, meditation and aromatherapy. Everything else, psychologists advise not to accept the problems that occur in life, too close to the heart. It is important to learn to look “in the eyes” of your fears and to be able to defeat them.

Burnout syndrome is the cry of the body that it needs rest. Therefore, even at the first manifestations of the disease, you should arrange at least several days off and just relax. Traveling, meeting friends, playing sports, psychological training and other relaxing techniques can reduce the risk of an illness and cope with an existing ailment.


Burnout syndrome is the result of severe and prolonged stress. In this case, pathology can disturb absolutely any person. To avoid this situation, you should get rid of all negative emotions and feelings as soon as possible. Otherwise, the appearance and development of pathology becomes inevitable. Typically, an ailment leads to a breakdown, increased anxiety and bitterness, and without proper timely treatment - to emotional breakdowns and deep depression. In this case, it is especially difficult to do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Video: Burnout Syndrome Specialist

  • Denial of moral rules
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Feeling tired after resting
  • Pessimism
  • Depression
  • Low immunity
  • The constant charge of loved ones
  • Appearance bad habits
  • Professional destruction
  • Destruction of the ideal
  • Feeling of complete loneliness
  • Emotional burnout syndrome (CMEA) is a pathological process that is characterized by emotional, mental and physical exhaustion of the body, mainly arising in the labor sphere, but problems of a personal nature are not excluded.

    This pathological process is characteristic of people whose work is in constant interaction with other people (doctors, teachers, social workers, managers). At the WHO European Conference (World Health Organization) they came to the conclusion that, against the backdrop of work, it is a huge problem for a third of the EU countries, and the cost of solving mental health problems is 3-4% of the country's gross national income.

    For the first time a phenomenal phenomenon was described in 1974 by a psychiatrist from America H. Freudenberger. The doctor described phenomena incomprehensible to him in himself, in his colleagues, since they were constantly in close contact with patients. She later described the syndrome of Christina Maslach. She described the concept as a syndrome of emotional and physical exhaustion in parallel with the formation of negative self-esteem, a negative attitude to work.


    CMEA is often associated with difficulties in the field of work, however, the syndrome can also be observed in young mothers and housewives, and it manifests itself in a loss of interest in their duties. Based on statistics, the syndrome is observed in people who daily deal with the human factor.

    The causes of CMEA are divided into two groups:

    • objective reasons;
    • subjective reasons.

    Subjective reasons include:

    • individual characteristics of a person;
    • age features;
    • life value system;
    • individual attitude to the implementation of any type of activity;
    • overstated expectations from work;
    • high threshold of moral principles;
    • failure issue if necessary.

    Objective reasons include:

    • increased workloads;
    • incomplete understanding of their duties;
    • inadequate social and / or psychological support.

    Objective reasons are directly related to the official duties of a person.

    People who abuse alcohol or energy drinks with nicotine addiction are at risk. In this way, they try to maximize performance in case of trouble at work. However, bad habits can only aggravate the situation.

    Also, creative individuals are exposed to emotional burnout: stylists, writers, artists, artists. The reasons for their stress lie in the fact that they cannot believe in their own strengths. This is especially expressed when their talent remains unappreciated by the public or negative reviews from critics follow.

    However, any person can acquire this type of syndrome. This can provoke a lack of understanding and lack of support from loved ones, as a result of which a person overloads himself with work.

    In the forefront there is a syndrome of emotional burnout among doctors and teachers. Limited lessons, as well as responsibility to senior management, is a provocation of mental disorder. , restless sleep, weight changes, drowsiness during the day - all this contributes to the syndrome of emotional burnout among teachers and doctors. Indifference to students is also possible, accompanied by aggression, insensibility and lack of desire to penetrate the problems of adolescents. Irritability initially manifests itself in a latent form, then comes to unpleasant, conflict situations. Some close themselves and stop contacting friends and relatives.

    With the development of this type of syndrome in teachers, external and internal factors are important.

    External factors include:

    • responsibility for the educational process;
    • responsibility for the effectiveness of the work done;
    • lack of necessary equipment.

    Internal factors include personality disorientation and emotional returns.

    The psychology of the disease among teachers is also noted increased level aggression, a hostile attitude towards others, as a result - a change in the way they behave in a negative direction, suspicion and distrust of relatives and colleagues at work, resentment of the whole world.

    The burnout syndrome among medical workers is characterized by stress, night shifts, an irregular schedule, and the need for continuous training.

    The syndrome of emotional burnout in parents, in particular in mothers, is manifested due to the fact that they have to do a lot of work and become part of several social roles at the same time.


    Based on the theory of J. Greenberg, the following stages of the syndrome of emotional burnout are distinguished:

    • the first stage - recurring stresses in the work plan, which are able to reduce the physical energy of a person against the background of employee satisfaction with the provided labor activity;
    • the second stage - a decrease in interest in the labor sphere, sleep disturbance, excessive fatigue;
    • the third stage - work without days off, the presence of experiences is noted, and the person becomes vulnerable to diseases;
    • fourth stage - chronic processes are progressing in the body that are associated with dissatisfaction with oneself as a person, as well as in the work plan;
    • the fifth stage - difficulties of the physical and psycho-emotional plan contribute to the development of life-threatening diseases.

    Long-term functional load in the absence of trusting interpersonal relationships is the main factor in the formation of a stressful state.


    Signs of burnout syndrome can be divided into three groups:

    • physiological signs;
    • psycho-emotional signs;
    • behavioral reactions.

    Physiological signs include:

    • a quick feeling of tiredness;
    • fatigue after rest;
    • muscle weakness;
    • recurring bouts of headache, dizziness;
    • weakened immunity;
    • the appearance of prolonged viral and infectious diseases;
    • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bjoints;
    • profuse sweating;
    • insomnia.

    Psychoemotional symptoms include:

    • feeling of complete loneliness;
    • denial of moral rules;
    • constant accusation of loved ones;
    • lack of faith in oneself and in one’s abilities;
    • destruction of the ideal;
    • depressed mood;
    • nervousness;
    • excessive temper;
    • pessimism.

    Behavioral reactions:

    • the appearance of professional destruction;
    • desire to remain completely alone;
    • avoidance of responsibility for committed acts;
    • the appearance of bad habits due to the desire to hide from what is happening.

    Clinical symptoms equate the disease with a depressive disorder, however, burnout syndrome has more favorable prognoses for a person to return to everyday life.


    In order to diagnose the syndrome correctly, the doctor must:

    • study the patient’s medical history;
    • learn about the presence of chronic diseases;
    • specify the symptoms that the patient may complain about;
    • find out bad habits.

    The following laboratory tests are also prescribed:

    • general blood analysis;
    • rapid test for the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
    • test to determine the level of electrolytes in the blood.

    Doctors also adhere to the main diagnostic method developed by V. Boyko - testing, which includes 84 statements, and the patient must express their attitude to the phrases with the answers “yes” or “no”.

    In this way, you can identify the phase of the syndrome:

    • voltage phase;
    • resistance phase;
    • phase of exhaustion.

    The stress phase includes the following clinical signs:

    • dissatisfaction with oneself as a person;
    • disturbing and;
    • experiencing situations that traumatize mental health;
    • cornered.

    The resistance phase consists of the following diagnostic symptoms:

    • inadequate emotional, selective response;
    • emotional and moral disorientation;
    • expanding the scope of saving emotions;
    • job reduction.

    The depletion phase is characterized by:

    • lack of emotions;
    • emotional detachment;
    • depersonalization;
    • psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders.

    Test results are calculated using a specially developed sophisticated system. Experts evaluated the response to each statement with a certain number of points, and using a three-stage system for obtaining indicators, test results and those symptoms that are characteristic of the patient are displayed.

    Differential diagnosis is carried out with mental disorders that are not dependent on the influence of factors from the outside. Often the difficulty for specialists is the diagnosis of burnout syndrome and syndrome chronic fatigue. The difference between them is that the first one affects in most cases the working aspect, and - all aspects of the patient's life.


    The treatment of the formed syndrome is carried out using:

    • psychotherapy;
    • pharmacological treatment;
    • reorganization of the working environment;
    • a combination of changes in the work environment with rehabilitation and retraining.

    When working with patients, psychologists adhere to the following measures:

    • conducting communication skills training - they teach the skills of effective interpersonal communication, help to realize the importance of the existence of loved ones in the patient's life;
    • training a positive outlook on things - teaching optimism, perceiving the situation more on the positive side than on the negative side;
    • frustration prevention - training to evaluate their capabilities and abilities realistically;
    • self-confidence training - using the “magic store” technique (the patient pretends to be in a magic store where you can acquire a missing character trait) psychologists work to increase the patient’s self-esteem;
    • debriefing after a difficult event - the patient expresses his thoughts, feelings about any global incident (treatment with this method is actively used abroad);
    • training in relaxation techniques.

    Relaxation techniques include:

    • muscle relaxation (Jacobson technique);
    • transcendental meditation;
    • autogenic training (Schultz technique);
    • technique of arbitrary auto-suggestion (Coue technique).

    Medication includes the use of certain medications:

    • antidepressants;
    • tranquilizers;
    • β-blockers;
    • sleeping pills;
    • preparations of neurometabolic action.

    Specialists also face situations when the syndrome develops rapidly, and the patient has an extremely negative attitude towards colleagues, to work, to others. In this case, the clinician’s task is to convince the person to change their work and environment, for example, to move to another city, as this will benefit the patient and immediately there will be a noticeable improvement in well-being.


    Prevention of the syndrome is clinical picture conditionally divided into:

    • physical prophylaxis;
    • emotional prevention.

    Physical prevention of burnout includes:

    • compliance proper nutrition (the diet should include foods that contain vitamins, plant fiber and minerals);
    • frequent walks, outdoor recreation;
    • regular physical activity;
    • compliance correct mode day;
    • healthy sleep (at least eight hours).

    Emotional prevention of burnout syndrome includes.

    A person who constantly has to contact with society, listen to complaints and solve problems of other people, is gradually depleted of physical and psychological resources. He experiences regular stress, which makes him apathetic and withdrawn. A tired body includes a defensive reaction, and a burnout syndrome occurs. Many people mistakenly associate this concept only with the professional sphere, however, emotional exhaustion can affect absolutely any person. How to cope with emotional burnout, what can it lead to, and most importantly, how to avoid it?

    Burnout phase

    Burnout was studied in detail only in the 20th century and was included in the ICD-10 list, in the category of factors affecting the health status of the population, code Z73.0. Conditionally, the syndrome of emotional burnout V.V. Smartly divided into three phases:

    • voltage;
    • resistance or resistance;
    • exhaustion.

    At the initial stage, feelings are slightly dulled. Acquaintances who complain about life do not cause sympathy or desire to help. Work ceases to bring pleasure, symptoms of depression appear: longing, sensation, boredom and devastation. A person is constantly visited by thoughts that he is useless for society and, perhaps, you need to start doing something else in life. He scolds himself, looks for shortcomings, does not understand how to get out of this situation.

    With the onset of the second phase, the depleted organism violently resists the cause of stress. At the resistance stage, hostility gradually spreads to colleagues, superiors, acquaintances and strangersthat you have to communicate with. Constant stress destroys the psyche, so the brain switches to an energy-saving mode. Empathy is turned off. There is a desire to hide away from people.

    In the third stage of emotional burnout, a person turns into an insensitive machine with an empty look and a complete lack of emotions. Losing professional skills and the desire to do anything at all, even for his children, is on the verge of a heart attack or stroke.

    Symptoms of Burnout

    Burnout syndrome never hits a person suddenly. Before the manifestations of the disorder become clearly noticeable, the increase in tension can long be hidden. What are the signs to recognize burnout of an individual? All symptoms can be divided into the following types:

    • Psychoemotional manifestations: bad moodmanifestation of discontent and harshness in relation to relatives, lack of motivation, doubt in one’s abilities, apathetic attitude to what is happening, lack of empathy in relation to others.
    • Behavioral changes: the habit of talking about gloomy prospects, complaining about one’s life, regular malicious, envious and accusatory statements, avoiding communication and responsibility.
    • Somatic manifestations: pain in the back, dizziness, migraine, problems with sleep and appetite, high sweating, a feeling of lethargy and chronic fatigue.

    D. Greenberg believed that the symptoms of emotional burnout appear in five stages. For most men and women, it all starts with the fact that the energy level gradually decreases under the influence of a chronic stressful environment.

    Further, there is a loss of enthusiasm for familiar activities and an increase in feelings of fatigue. Apathy is accompanied by sleep disturbances and decreased performance. Increased fatigue provokes a desire to distance oneself from one’s direct duties.

    In the third stage, irritability and fatigue become chronic. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on the task that is being performed, so he does everything slowly and with extra effort.

    At the next stage, there are signs such as depression and a decrease in immunity. Against the background of all the symptoms, old diseases worsen and new ones appear.

    At the fifth stage, the patient has chronic pathologies, some psychological disorders and emotional instability, inhibition of thinking and deteriorating ability to remember. Some patients try to improve emotional well-being with alcohol or drugs. They lose their appetite, feel lonely and abandoned, even despite the presence of a loved one, children or friends nearby. If at this stage you do not seek the help of a psychologist and do not start treatment, the destruction of the body and psyche can lead to a suicidal attempt.

    Features of emotional burnout in the family

    If the emotional burnout of employees is regularly discussed and investigated, then the parents try not to notice or ignore the signs of such a problem. Society constantly makes a lot of demands on mothers. They must not only look after the child, but also serve the husband, take care of their own attractiveness and not forget about the existence of such a phenomenon as personal growth. They try to turn mom into an ideal cook, nanny and housewife, and when she tries to welcome you in a bad mood or fatigue, it is recommended to pack up and not sag.

    Constant pressure causes parents to protest and outrage. At the same time, they begin to compare the child with a burden that prevents them from enjoying life. Misunderstanding and scandals arise in the family, which only exacerbate the situation. Regular stress and the influence of society negatively affect the psychological well-being of parents. They consider themselves terrible and incompetent, unable to raise a self-sufficient person.

    Moms who have burnout syndrome no longer experience love and affection for a child. They automatically perform exercises for development with the baby, feed him and take him out for a walk, but they do not get pleasure. Family burnout is no less dangerous than professional burnout. If a person who is tired of society can quit or go on vacation, then parents do not have such an opportunity.

    Why can not ignore the problem

    Social influence leads to the fact that mothers turn a blind eye to their fatigue and its causes. Many mothers do not find support in the family and among friends. Relatives consider this psychological state to be normal, ignoring the signs of a serious problem, the consequences of which can be rather sad.

    Sometimes emotional burnout syndrome, which reduces empathy for a child, pushes mothers to terrible and tragic acts. Moms spill negative feelings on children, using physical or psychological violence. Such manifestations of emotions make the child nervous and lower his self-esteem.

    Moms locked with babies in four walls experience extreme stress. They were forced to change professional well-being and personal growth to diapers and diapers. The child is constantly crying, problems with her husband are outlined, the woman is deprived of communication and rest. A permanent groundhog is depressing and unsettling, and there is no way out of the situation. And if emotional burnout is supplemented by material difficulties, then such parents have terrible thoughts in their heads.

    Sometimes, at first glance, an incredible family tragedy is only a consequence of emotional burnout, and it could have been avoided if parents had been heard and helped to sort things out.

    Factors for the development of burnout

    Psychologists call the main factors for the manifestation of symptoms of emotional burnout. These include:

    • busy work schedule, low salary, pressure from management;
    • desire for perfectionism;
    • increased responsibility, sacrifice, reverie;
    • unreasonable criticism, a sense of uselessness, underestimation;
    • monotonous, too boring and routine work, monotonous everyday tasks;
    • abuse of alcohol and other stimulants

    Workaholics, creative people, mothers on maternity leave, those who care for seriously ill relatives, people forced to do unloved work, parents of children with pathologies are at risk. The cause of the syndrome can be any hated environment and the inability to retire.

    Sometimes a problem emotional combustion - this is a consequence of pessimism, the desire to control the situation and the actions of other people, the reluctance to accept outside help. Pedantic individuals or those who are too sensitive and responsive, who seek to help everyone around, are prone to the development of the syndrome.

    The phenomenon of emotional burnout affects all segments of the population and age groups . This problem not only affects the quality of life and reduces a person’s working capacity, but can also lead to loss of health or life. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should contact the therapist for treatment and fight the syndrome in all possible ways.

    Prevention of burnout

    The relevance of the prevention of such conditions is difficult to overestimate. Many men and women annually turn to psychologists and psychotherapists with emotional exhaustion. Despite the fact that the syndrome of mental burnout is very reminiscent of the signs of depression, getting rid of it is much easier than depressive disorder. Treatment usually consists of psychotherapeutic consultations and the organization of preventive measures in order to prevent a recurrence of the story. In the course of treatment, a specialist will diagnose the causes of burnout, help draw up a plan to combat the syndrome and give individual recommendations on how to quickly get rid of the signs of the disorder. What you need to do first is to make a habit of taking pleasant breaks in everyday and professional activities and exercises for relaxation. This is true for a young mother, and for a professional worker, and for parents of problem children, and for housewives.

    Periodically allocating time for yourself on pleasant things and exercises for relaxation, you can maintain energy balance and interest in life. Perform simple respiratory and physical exercises. If in doubt about the choice of exercises, consult your healthcare provider. Remember that preventing burnout is much easier than fighting it later.

    The recommendations are very simple: give up unnecessary things, perform important tasks first, clear your head of gloomy thoughts, maintain a healthy sleep, daily routine and nutrition, exercise, walk, spend time with loved ones, but for the mother, on the contrary, it’s important periodically rest from children.

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