Methodical recommendations for catering. Methodological recommendations for providing healthy food to students of an educational institution

In accordance with Article 38 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, provision of food is one of the measures social protection students.
The organization of meals for students in educational institutions is carried out in accordance with Article 40 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education in accordance with regulatory legal and other acts.
II. PUBLIC CONTROL When organizing catering in educational institutions, you must:

  • in institutions of secondary specialized and higher education create a public council to control catering under the leadership of one of the deputy leaders, which includes representatives of the trade union organization, public associations, student government, etc .;
  • the heads of educational institutions shall formalize the creation of a public council by appropriate decisions;
  • to include representatives of the trade union organization, parental community, administration of the institution in the composition of the nutrition council;
  • the public council, the nutrition council, in accordance with the approved schedule, organize daily control over the timing of the sale of dishes, culinary and confectionery products; compliance with the requirements for their issuance (compliance of the output (weight) of dishes, culinary and confectionery products with the approved menu (menu-requirement), the use of disposable gloves by cooks, compliance appearance staff requirements sanitary standards and rules); the correspondence of the offered dishes, culinary and confectionery products in the menu and their actual availability at the distribution; compliance of daily food rations with approximate two-week rations; compliance with the assortment list; compliance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules for the state of equipment, production and household premises of public catering facilities, dining rooms, organization of food consumption;
  • register the results of the control in the journal (in institutions of specialized secondary and higher education), draw up certificates;
  • on a quarterly basis, consider the issues of catering at meetings of the council of an educational institution with the participation of representatives of state sanitary supervision institutions, other interested parties, with the adoption of specific decisions to ensure safety and improve the quality of food;
  • pay special attention to the culture of food and service, the aesthetic design of dining rooms in public catering facilities;
  • to carry out explanatory work among employees of public catering facilities on the issue of bringing to administrative and criminal liability for the facts of theft (when revealing the facts of theft, the use of substandard products and
  • other violations, take immediate and comprehensive measures provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus).

Taking into account the fact that the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 24, 2018 No. 199 "On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus" was adopted, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART) was instructed to regulate prices and markups for catering products sold in educational institutions. In August 2018, the department will develop appropriate instructions.
Separate decisions of the regional executive committees and the Minsk city executive committee on this issue will require cancellation.
Currently, MART has prepared guidelines that define the requirements for the description of the subject of public procurement and its formation, taking into account the observance of the principles of fair competition ( Appendix 9).
In order to reduce the cost of food, it is necessary to ensure strict adherence to the established pricing procedure, to prevent unjustified increases in prices for purchased food raw materials and food products.
Provide a list of dishes in the menu, the price of which will allow students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education to make a set lunch worth up to 2 rubles.

With the entry into force of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, all food producers of the countries - members of the Eurasian Economic Union are required to develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of the HACCP system - hazard (risk) analysis and critical control points.
For reference:
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)) is a concept that provides for the systematic identification, assessment and management of hazardous factors that significantly affect product safety.
Control critical point - the stage of production and circulation of food raw materials and food products, at which methods of technological, laboratory or other control can be applied and measures taken to ensure their safety for human life and health.
Control stages are reflected in the production control program (plan), then - the program ( Appendix 1.2).
Program - a document containing a list of hygienically significant factors and indicators that are priority for a given business entity and the products it produces, defining specific measures for the implementation of production control at each specific control critical point, as well as a list of measures to ensure control over compliance with sanitary rules, compliance with sanitary -anti-epidemic and preventive measures in the process of production, storage, transportation, sale of products, deadlines and (or) the frequency of these activities.
The program is drawn up by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs organizing meals, based on the specifics of the public catering facility (the state of the material and technical base, the staffing of employees, etc.). It is recommended to correlate the period of program development with the period of implementation of training programs.
The development of the program is regulated by regulatory documents ( Sources No. 10-12, Appendix 8).
The program (plan) is approved by the head of the business entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out catering and is agreed with the head of the educational institution, or approved by the head of the educational institution, if available structural unit Catering.
The checkpoints are:
delivery and storage of food raw materials, food products;
heat treatment of culinary products (meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, casseroles);
compliance with the modes of washing dishes, inventory;
condition of equipment (technological, refrigeration);
the sanitary condition of industrial, household premises;
personal hygiene of employees of the catering facility;
food waste management;
providing laboratory control.
The number of control points is determined taking into account the specific situation in the public catering facility, its capacity.
Two control critical points are determined from the control points:
KKT No. 1 - storage of perishable food products;
KKT No. 2 - heat treatment of culinary products.
The control results are recorded in the logs of temperature and humidity conditions, the quality of heat treatment ( Appendix 3).
Production control also includes issues of sanitary and anti-epidemic regime:
availability of sanitary and work instructions, etc. at workplaces ( Appendices 5-7);
creating conditions for staff to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
The results of the control are drawn up in the logbook of the general cleaning, daily checklists of the sanitary condition of the premises ( Appendix 4), in the magazine "Health".
Responsibility for the timeliness of the organization, the completeness and reliability of the production control information is borne by the heads of business entities or individual entrepreneurs who organize catering, heads of educational institutions.
Incoming control
Incoming inspection is part of production inspection.
Delivery of food products, food raw materials is carried out by specialized transport of the manufacturer (supplier) in a closed labeled container in compliance with the established temperature modes of transportation, with accompanying documents confirming their quality and safety (quality certificates, certificates, hygiene certificates, marking labels, etc.) ... Accompanying documents must be kept until the end of the sale of food products.
Methods for confirming the availability of documents on the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products are determined in the decree of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus No. 28/35 dated May 7, 2007 / 38/27 "On the procedure for confirming the availability of documents on the quality and safety of goods during their sale" ( Source No. 7, Appendix 8).
Acceptance of food products, food raw materials is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 3, 2008 No. 1290 "On approval of the Regulations on the acceptance of goods by quantity and quality" ( Source No. 6, Appendix 8).
According to TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety" during storage of food products, the storage conditions (temperature and humidity) and the shelf life established by the manufacturer ( Source No. 8, Appendix 8).
(Appendix 8)
1. Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2003 No. 217-З "On the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products for human life and health" (Article 9);
2. Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 7, 2012 No. 340-З "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Articles 11, 31);
3. Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2007 No. 271-З 2 "On Waste Management" (Article 17);
4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7 "On the development of entrepreneurship" (General sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the maintenance and operation of capital structures (buildings, structures), isolated rooms and other facilities belonging to business entities);
5. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 2014 No. 703 "On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and the implementation of public catering and the Regulation on the procedure for developing and approving an assortment list of goods, an assortment list of public catering products";
6. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 3, 2008 No. 1290 "On approval of the Regulations on the acceptance of goods by quantity and quality";
7. Resolution of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus dated May 7, 2007 No. 28/35/38/27 "On the procedure for confirming the availability of documents on quality and safety of goods during their sale ";
8. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On safety of food products" TR CU 021/2011, approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated December 9, 2011 No. 880;
9. Sanitary norms and rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of higher education and institutions of additional education for adults", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on October 29, 2012 No. 167;
10. Sanitary norms and rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the implementation of production control during the production, sale, storage, transportation of food raw materials and (or) food products", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2012 No. 32, as amended and additions;
11. Sanitary norms and rules 1.1.8.-24-2003 "Organization and implementation of industrial control over the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary-anti-epidemic and preventive measures", approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated December 22, 2003 No. 183 ;
12. Guidelines for institutions of state sanitary supervision for the supervision of the organization, starting from 2016/2017 school year, industrial control over the nutrition of students in educational institutions based on the principles of risk analysis (annex to the letter of the Deputy Minister-Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus dated May 2, 2016 No. 6-16 / 834).

Organization baby food is directly related to dining etiquette and the solution of educational tasks - the formation of a culture of behavior at the table in children. Acquaintance with and mastering the skills of table etiquette allows the child to be confident in himself.



Senior educator consultation

Methodical recommendations for organizing meals in groups of preschool institutions

The organization of baby food is directly related to dining etiquette and the solution of educational tasks - the formation of a culture of behavior at the table in children. Acquaintance with and mastering the skills of table etiquette allows the child to be confident in himself.

The professional duty of a kindergarten teacher is to teach the child the rules of table behavior. This training takes place both in specially organized classes and during meals.

Table setting should be such that it makes children want to be neat. There are tablecloths on the tables, and preferably a clean napkin under each cutlery. Aesthetic table decoration - flowers, and, of course, sanitary napkins. Nicely and correctly laid out cutlery (spoons, forks), portioned bread in a bread bin. Thanks to this, we immediately solve several problems:

introduce you to the rules of behavior at the table,

  • We "tune" the body to food,
  • encourage the baby to be accurate.
  • we consolidate the ability to independently wash hands before eating, wipe your face and hands dry with a towel, eat neatly, hold a spoon (fork) correctly, use a napkin, rinse your mouth as reminded by an adult.
  • we form the ability to follow the elementary rules of cultural behavior: do not leave the table without finishing your meal, say thank you.

Food technologyat a young and middle age the teacher speaks out loud, reminding them what they eat with what, how they take food from the plate, and how from the cutlery. Pay attention to how the children hold the cup. Pay attention to the pace of eating and thoroughly chewing food - only mastering these two eating habits will help preserve your teeth and protect your stomach from many diseases.

IN senior group improving:

  • the ability to use a spoon correctly;
  • the ability to use the plug correctly;
  • eat neatly;
  • eat silently;
  • the ability to maintain correct posture at the table;
  • the ability to make a request, to thank;
  • continue to instill the skills of a culture of behavior: leaving the table, quietly pushing a chair, thanking adults.

IN preparatory group skills and abilities are fixed:

  • use cutlery carefully;
  • make a request, thank;
  • culture of behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table, quietly drink and chew food, use a knife, fork, napkin correctly.

Speaking about the nutrition of children, we must not forget about such an important issue as the preparation of the room. It is necessary:

  • ventilate the room and, if possible, maintain ventilation throughout the entire food process;
  • create an environment of calm communication that sets children up for food;
  • if you use music, the most appropriate music is calm, melodic, quiet sounding;
  • correct and beautiful table setting.

Dispensing technology:

  • the assistant educator starts serving tables with the help of the attendants after receiving food, when all the children are engaged in hygiene procedures;
  • the teacher's assistant begins the distribution of food personally to each child after the children sit down at the table;
  • when the teacher finishes working with the children in the washroom, he connects to the organization of the meal;
  • it is advisable to accompany the serving of each dish with a "message" on how to eat it correctly, what is its main benefit; express confidence that all children will cope well with it, and evaluate the result.

After eating, it is advisable to provide children with the opportunity for independent activities (it is imperative to explain that after eating, one should play calmly so that "everything in the stomach will settle into place"), i.e. the child develops a stereotype for healthy behavior.

Thus, the coziness prevailing in the group's room, the attractiveness of the table setting and the attractiveness of the food itself, your correct and caring attitude towards children during the meal will help form not only their appetite, but also those general cultural eating habits, without which it is simply impossible to grow up healthy.

Knowledge of the rules of table etiquettebuilds confidence in the child. The introduction of certain rules should be gradual and educational. Etiquette at the table, in principle, is no different from the rules for adults. Remember to show good manners by example. The basic rules, the observance of which is highly desirable for a preschooler: eat carefully and quietly, do not play with food, monitor your posture, take care of those present at the table (for older ones).

Remember! You can only speak well of food. When eating, everything should be focused on this process, for a child this is a rather complicated matter.

Do not forget! Praise children (each individually and all together) for their neatness, leisurely activity, cultural skills, and friendly calm communication during meals. Comment out loud on children's successes, but talk about mistakes, inabilityeach one slowly, but persistently.

Do not fix! While eating, the attention of children to failures (only in extreme cases, when it is dangerous to health), but remember what someone doesn’t succeed, so that later, as a proactive one, ask him the correct algorithm of actions.

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1 FOOD ORGANIZATION Guidelines for organizing the process of food and table setting in preschool educational institutions

2 PROCEDURE FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF FOOD: Preparation for meals. Compliance with hygienic requirements (furniture is arranged conveniently in accordance with the growth of children; wash tables with hot water and soap. The junior educator must wash his hands thoroughly, put on special clothes, ventilate the room, use only clean dishes) Hygienic procedures: valeological education of children, fixing the rules for washing hands ; self-control of children. Compliance with the gradual seating of children at the tables. The teacher tries to follow the attendants at the table with those children who slowly eat and have poor appetite... Table setting: organization of duty; familiarization with the menu, announcing it to children; attracting the attention of children to the aesthetic design of tables, maintaining correct posture. Food intake (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner). Individual work on the education of food culture; training in the rules of etiquette; performance evaluation.

3 The psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution largely depends on the organization of meals. An important point in the proper organization of food is the correct serving, it plays big role to develop a child's appetite and consolidate cultural skills.

4 To set the table means to prepare it for eating. The main purpose of table setting is to create order on the table, to provide everyone with the necessary items. The order of serving has been worked out over the years, dictated by the requirements of hygiene and the need to ensure the greatest convenience.

5 Aesthetic table decoration: paper napkins, beautifully and correctly laid out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), portioned bread in a bread bin, cups, plates according to the number of children, a flower arrangement for decoration is allowed

7 Correct table setting as a necessary condition for fostering a positive attitude to food and the formation of eating habits. *************** lay a tablecloth on a clean table, its edges are lowered on all sides equally, but not below the chairs. and it is better for each cutlery a napkin, clean, elegant in appearance.

9 paper napkins are not laid out, but placed in a napkin holder (after finishing eating, they first wipe their lips, then their hands, and put the used napkins on the dish)

10 breadbasket is placed in the center of the table, if necessary, the bread is cut in half (does not break!)

11 tea pairs are set

12 if compote with berries is served, then put a teaspoon on a saucer

13 to the right of the plate, put the cutlery: closer to the plate, a fork with the cloves up, next to a tablespoon deepening down; if a table knife is served, then the fork is placed to the left of the plate, and the knife to the right is closer to the plate, with the blade to the plate (with a knife they cut meat, sausage, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, pears into small pieces); what is easy to cut with a fork is eaten without a knife: boiled potatoes, cutlets, casserole, omelet.

15 salad, vegetables, marinade served in a separate plate

16 plate layouts should be aesthetically pleasing

17 as the food is eaten, dirty dishes should be removed

18 FOR BREAKFAST THE TABLE IS SERVED AS FOLLOWS: In the middle of the table is placed a breadbox with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with portioned butter, a napkin holder Then spoons, forks, knives (for butter) are laid out for senior preschool age. Fork on the left, knife and spoon on the right. If there are no knives on the right, a spoon and a fork. Tea pairs are placed in the center of the table, according to the number of children. The main course is served to the children by the junior teacher before they sit down at the table. Dishes are not laid out in advance, except for those eaten cold. Dishes are served and removed to the left of the sitting child. If eggs are served for breakfast, they are placed on the plate in the center of the table.

20 FOR LUNCH THE TABLE IS SERVED: In the middle of the table there is a breadbox with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin holder. Then spoons, forks, knives are laid out. Forks on the left, knife and spoon on the right. If there are no knives on the right, a spoon and a fork. Tea pairs with a small spoon are placed in the center of the table, according to the number of children. Salads, vegetable cuts, marinade are laid out in separate plates before the children sit down at the table. Soups (if there are no salads) are served only when the child sits down at the table. You do not need to prematurely lay out the second so that it does not cool down: cooled food is less useful. If the educator and junior educator closely monitors the children during meals, they will always have time to serve everyone a second on time.

23 BY NOON THE TABLE IS SERVED: In the center of the table is a napkin holder, tea pairs. A plate is placed for each child if baked goods or cookies are offered.

24 FOR DINNER TABLE SERVED: the same as for breakfast. Only oil is not supplied.

27 ORGANIZATION OF WATCHING General requirements: duty is in the nature of instructions; unity of requirements on the part of both educators and the junior educator; it is obligatory to perform hygienic procedures, the presence of an attractive uniform for the attendants (apron, cap); appoint 1 attendant for each table; encouragement and gratitude for help


30 YOUNGER: By the end of the year, you can put up a Duty Board and teach children how to use it; laying out spoons, napkin holders and bread boxes on the table.

31 THE MIDDLE AGE: table setting under the guidance of an adult; cleaning of used napkins; stacking dirty dishes in the center of the table.

32 OLDER: table setting; placement of paper napkins in napkin holders (rolling into tubes, cutting, folding); cleaning of dirty dishes and used napkins. sweeping crumbs off the table

33 DISTRIBUTION OF THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF ADULTS DURING FEEDING: When organizing feeding for children over one and a half years old, the younger caregiver washes the child's hands and he sits at the table. The teacher gives him food. When everyone is sitting at the table, the junior teacher is included in the feeding: she helps small, weakened children, monitors the cleanliness of the tables. When most of the children have finished eating, one adult remains at the tables: during breakfast, the junior educator, and the educator prepares the children for educational activities directly. If it is lunch, the teacher remains, and the younger organizes the toilet for the children and escorts them to the bedroom. caregiver After the caregiver leaves for the bedroom with the bulk of the children, the caregiver watches those who have not finished lunch.

34 REFERENCES: Alekseeva A., Druzhinina L., Ladodo K. Organization of catering for children in preschool institutions. M .: Education, p. Grinkevich A. M., Lazareva G. Yu., Chapova O. I. Baby food. M .: Publishing House Equilibrium, p. Kislyakovskaya V. G., Vasilyeva L. P., Gurvich D. B. Nutrition of children of early and preschool age... M .: Education, p. Alyamovskaya V.G. et al. Conversations about the behavior of the child at the table. - M.: Shopping Center Sphere Alyamovskaya V.G., Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. and other Culture of behavior at the table. Methodical recommendations for the organization of children's nutrition. - M .: publishing house "Izhitsa", Demidova ON. Be polite at all times. Lectures on ethical grammar classes with children 6-7 years old. A practical guide for educators and methodologists DOU.- Voronezh, Yesina L.D. Education of culture of behavior M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", for older preschoolers. - The art of table setting. M., AST-PRESS BOOK, Kurochkina I.N. Etiquette for children and adults. M., Kurochkina I.N.Modern preschoolers. - M., etiquette and education of a culture of behavior in Nasonkin SA. Visual material. Learning etiquette. Publishing house "Childhood-press" St. Petersburg. courtesy. Preschoolers about Etiquette from A to Z / Author-compiler N.V. Chudakova, 1997.


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REGULATION On the catering of pupils in the educational institution for children 9 1. General Provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on Preschool

MUNICIPAL KAZENNOE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "MILITARY KINDERGARTEN OF GENERAL EDUCATIONAL KIND" 301843, Tula region, Efremovsky district, settlement Vostochny sidorenko [email protected], 8- (48741) -2rS3-73

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Organization of meals for children in kindergarten. The most important condition is compliance with hygiene requirements. Tables must be washed with hot water and soap. The junior teacher is obliged to wash his hands thoroughly,

Significance of cultural table behavior. Culture of behavior at the table ... Perhaps every parent sooner or later thinks about this issue, because the organization of baby food is directly related to

%, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 15%, dinner - 20%. In the daily diet, calorie deviations of 10% are allowed. In the interval between breakfast and lunch, an additional meal is made, a second breakfast, including

2.4. On the basis of an approximate 10-day menu, a menu-requirement is drawn up daily the next day. 2.5. For children aged 1.5 to 3 years and from 3 to 7 years old menu - the requirement is compiled separately When

TABLE SERVING TABLE SERVING IN KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN Table setting in kindergarten The psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution largely depends on the organization

2 1. Section 2.4. “The organization of the stay of children in preschool educational institutions” shall be stated as follows: “The daily organization of the life and activities of children is carried out taking into account: - the construction of the educational process

Psychologist's consultation PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CHILDREN'S NUTRITION. Health is a combination of physical and mental qualities of a person, which are the basis of his longevity. Russian proverb

ACCEPTED: at the General Meeting of the Labor Collective 4 dated August 31, 2015 APPROVED: By the order of MDOU 9 114 / о of August 31, 2015, the REGULATION “On the catering of pupils of MDOU 9” 1. General provisions

Table setting in a preschool educational institution. The psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution largely depends on catering. The teacher teaches

MODE PROCESSES IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE DAY Reception of children 1. Communication of the teacher with children: individual conversations, games for communication and creating a mood in children. 2. Organization of independent activities of children:


1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation is developed for the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - kindergarten 2 of the city of Shebekino, Belgorod region"

Using the cutlery First cutlery Take a look around the table and notice how the table is set. It seems that there are a lot of dishes and appliances, but each in its place, each has its own

2.2 The volume of food and the output of dishes must strictly correspond to the age of the child. 2.3 Meals at the preschool educational institution are carried out in accordance with the approximate 10-day menu of the MAO "Center for Children's Diet Nutrition", developed by

Explanatory note Adapted working programm on the subject "Household work and instilling self-service skills" is based on the program of the OGOU DPO of the Irkutsk Institute for Advanced Studies

MDOU "Novoportovsky kindergarten" Teremok "Group: preparatory Educator: Chetverikova. E.N. from. New Port Table Setting. The great Russian scientist - philologist I.P. Pavlov said: ... normal and

REGULATIONS on the organization of meals for pupils of the State budgetary preschool educational institution of the kindergarten 23 of the Central District of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg 2016 1. General

PREPARING TOGETHER WITH CHILDREN / consultation for parents / Not in every home is that the baby got out of bed in the morning, washed and announced: "Today I will prepare breakfast for everyone!" For some reason it seems to adults that

Regional state educational institution "Novoposelenovsky boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities health " Methodical development

2.6. The volume of food and the output of dishes must strictly correspond to the age of the child; 2.7. Meals in MBDOU kindergarten yurino are carried out in accordance with an approximate 10-day menu, developed on the basis of

ACCEPTED taking into account the opinion of the Parents' Council, minutes of June 02, 2016 4 APPROVED by the order of the head of June 03, 2016 115ahd Regulations on the organization of children's meals in MBDOU DS 50 I. General provisions 1.1.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 1 of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg ACCEPTED by the Decision of the General meeting of employees of GBDOU 1 Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg Protocol

1 2.3. Food in the preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with an approximate 10-day menu, developed on the basis of physiological needs for nutrients and nutritional standards for preschool children. 2.4.

Special attention is paid to the organization of food in kindergarten. The kindergarten is supplied with food, meals are prepared by Transterminal LLC, according to a 10-day menu approved by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

2.2. The volume of food and the output of dishes must strictly correspond to the age of the child. 2.3. Meals at MBDOU are carried out in accordance with an approximate 10-day menu, developed based on physiological needs

"Approved" "Approved" Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SCHOOL 158 Senior Methodist / S.I. Maykova /Z.N. Chernysheva September 1, 2017 Healthy eating program, food culture and table manners. Appendix to

It is important to remember that the success of a simple lunch or a festive dinner largely depends on the ability to beautifully and correctly arrange the table, to create maximum comfort for all children. Such a boring word as "Serving"

Accepted: Approved by: The Pedagogical Council Head of the Kindergarten GBDOU 67 Kindergarten 67 Nevsky District of St. Petersburg Nevsky District of St. Petersburg O. A. Golovina Minutes of Order 20

1. General Provisions. 1.1. This regulation has been developed for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 157" (hereinafter DOE) in accordance with the Federal

Topic of the program: "Preparing the sales area for service" Lesson topic: "Preliminary table setting for breakfast" The purpose of the lesson: to form the skills and abilities of preliminary table setting for breakfast.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type 24 "Solnyshko" of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk OGRN 1086501010837 TIN 6501201911 KPP 650101001 693007 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city,

Discussed and adopted at the Parents' Meeting of MBDOU "Kindergarten 16" Victoria "minutes from" "20 ADOPTED at the General meeting of the labor collective of MBDOU" Kindergarten 16 "Victoria" Protocol 20 Approved

1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations are developed in accordance with the regulatory and regulatory documents of the legislation on the section “Food Hygiene”, methodological recommendations “Nutrition of children in

Technology teacher MOU SOSH 40 Nikolaeva I.A. What is etiquette? The word "etiquette" means the established order of behavior somewhere (for example at the table). The word "etiquette", as well as many modern rules

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - Kindergarten 1 p. Korsakovo, Korsakovsky district, Oryol region Approved by Head of kindergarten 1 V. N. Pozdnyakov Order 60 of "30" 12.2013

Contents Serving utensils ............................................ 11 Utensils for serving bread and baking ............................................. ........ 13 Dishes for serving cold snacks .................................... ...............15

1 2018 1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation establishes the procedure for organizing meals for the pupils of MBDOU "Kindergarten 100", in order to create optimal conditions for improving health, ensuring

MODE AND / OR ORDER OF THE DAY Reception of children, game. Morning exercises 7.00-8.05 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.05-8.35 Independent activities 8.35-9.00 Game-lesson (by subgroups) 9.00-9.30 Preparation

3.2. When distributing the total caloric content of daily food for children staying in preschool, the following standard is used: breakfast 20-25%; lunch 35-40%; afternoon snack, dinner 20-25% 3.3. When organizing meals, the administration

1. General provisions 1.1. This regulation establishes the procedure for organizing children's nutrition, in order to create optimal conditions for improving health, ensuring the safety of children's nutrition and compliance

Journal of marriage of incoming food raw materials and food products; - magazine of marriage of finished culinary products; 2.2. The volume of food and the output of dishes must strictly correspond to the age of the pupil.

1 2 3. Organization of meals at the catering unit 3.1. When organizing meals, it is necessary to comply with the age-specific physiological norms of the daily requirement for basic nutrients in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological

Mode of the day Regime processes in the morning Reception of children 7.00-8.30 1. Communication of the educator with the children: individual conversations, games for communication and creating mood in children. 2. Organization of self

Accepted Y mp ig m ^^ SS o 7 ^\u003e \\ O u, / T A ^ r t / H h ^ ttiti t t / ^ T) At a meeting of the pedagogical council b ^ ъt Sh sh w w M A ^ D ^ D ^ yy-d C "gaduga" Protocol X from? /. 20l g. ^ DSh enatsevich 3tr "201 ^

Methodological recommendations for ensuring healthy eating students of an educational institution

1. General provisions and scope

These guidelines have been developed in order to provide children and adolescents with high-quality and safe food that meets the age-related physiological needs for nutrients and energy, and to improve the organization of nutrition in educational institutions of the Novosibirsk region.

Methodological recommendations include requirements for the placement of catering establishments at educational institutions, recommendations for the organization, diet of students, for drawing up a menu, as well as requirements for the transportation, acceptance and storage of products, for the production, sale and organization of consumption of public catering products intended for students of educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region.

These Guidelines apply to canteens and canteens of educational institutions, basic catering establishments that organize meals for children and adolescents at the place of study, including school food factories, school canteens.

  • The Law of the Russian Federation dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” (as amended on March 16, 2006);

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.08.1997, No. 1036 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of public catering services" (revised May 21, 2001, No. 389);

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SanPiN "Hygienic Requirements for Learning Conditions in General Education Institutions" Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Manufacturing and Circulation of Food Raw Materials in them ( as amended on April 1, 2003);

  • Guidelines for the organization of rational nutrition of students in secondary schools, approved by Order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated December 26, 1985 No. 315;

  • Normative acts and technological standards in force in public catering.
2. Principles of design and placement of catering establishments at educational institutions

The capacity of catering establishments at the place of study is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89 "Public buildings and structures" (as amended on 08.29.2003) and SanPiN

When planning the development of public catering enterprises at the place of study, one should be guided by the following standard: 350 seats per 1000 students of educational institutions in the first shift.

In educational institutions, meals for students, teachers, staff are organized in canteens and canteens - distribution. In educational institutions with a student population of more than 100 people, meals are organized in canteens, with a smaller number - in canteens - distribution. Hot dishes are dispensed to the canteens - dispensers are carried out from a specialized procurement enterprise (ShBS, KShP).

When designing, constructing new and reconstructing existing enterprises, taking into account the range of products being developed, they are guided by the current building standards and the norms of technological design of public catering organizations.

The placement of production and storage facilities, their layout and equipment should ensure compliance with the technological process flow, sanitary standards, the quality and safety of finished products, as well as the working conditions of workers.

The enterprise does not place premises for housing, does not carry out works and services not related to the activities of the catering enterprise, does not keep animals and birds. No unauthorized persons should be present in production and storage facilities.

When organizing meals for students, the optimal diet should be observed.Rational nutrition provides for the implementation of the diet. The best is to eat 5 times at intervals of 3.5 to 4 hours. Daily calorie content is distributed: breakfast - 25% of calories, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner -25%, second dinner (before bedtime) - 5% in the form of a fermented milk drink with bread, cookies.

It is better to organize breakfast for students studying in the 1st shift during the second and / or third shift (after the second and third lesson).

The duration of the changes intended for eating should be at least 20 minutes, and when organizing meals for students in two stages, at least 30 minutes.

When organizing meals during two breaks - during the second break, meals are organized for students in grades 1-4, during the third break for students in grades 5-11.

Lunch for students in grades 1-4 is best organized from 13 to 14 hours, and for students in grades 5-11 - from 14 to 15 hours (after compulsory classes).

For students studying in the 2nd shift, an afternoon snack is organized after the second (for students in grades 1-4) or the third (for students in grades 5-11) lesson.

If necessary, at the request of parents and students, meals can be organized depending on the organization of meals for children at home. Students who do not receive breakfast at home in the morning should receive breakfast at school after the 2nd lesson, the rest after the 3rd lesson.

The administration of the catering unit and the school should make a schedule for students of each class to attend the canteen, taking into account the mode of instruction.

Specially designated persons from among the teachers or staff of the canteen should monitor compliance with the schedule and order in the canteen during meals

When forming the diet of children and adolescents and preparing food, the basic principles of organizing a rational, balanced, sparing diet are observed, which includes:

  • correspondence of the energy value (caloric content) of the diet to the age-related physiological needs of children and adolescents;

  • providing in the diet a certain ratio (balance) of basic nutrients in grams;

  • replenishment of the deficiency of vitamins and other microelements in the diet of schoolchildren by adjusting the recipes and using fortified foods;

  • maximum dietary diversity (diversity is achieved by using a sufficient range of products and various cooking methods);

  • technological processing of products, ensuring the taste of culinary products and safety nutritional value;

  • compliance with the optimal diet and the correct distribution of the daily ration for individual meals throughout the day.
The optimal ratio of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) for their maximum assimilation is 1: 1: 4, while proteins should be about 14%, fats - 31% and carbohydrates - 55% of the total calorie intake.

It is necessary to withstand the content of irreplaceable components: proteins of animal origin, containing essential amino acids - 60% and vegetable fats rich in polyunsaturated acids - 20% of their daily value.

The institution should have an approximate 2-week menu, developed on the basis of physiological needs for nutrients and approved standards, and have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules and standards.

Certain foods such as bread, milk, meat, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, vegetables should be included in the menu every day. Fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream can be given 2-3 times a week. You should avoid repeating the same dishes throughout the day and over several days.

In the absence of any products, a replacement equivalent to the content of basic food substances should be selected for them according to the product replacement table.

Nutritional norms must comply with the norms approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. For malnourished, weakened children, as well as for adolescents who significantly exceed the norms of physical development, according to the doctor's opinion, additional nutrition can be provided.

For a normal physical and mental development children and adolescents need a full-fledged balanced diet that provides plastic processes with energy costs of the body, taking into account its age. The energy value of the daily diet of children and adolescents should be 10% higher than their energy costs, since some of the nutrients are necessary to ensure the growth and development of the body. Daily physiological nutritional norms for children of different ages are shown in the table:

Table 1

The daily requirement of children and adolescents for basic nutrients and energy




Proteins, g

Fats, g

Carbohydrates, g



Including animal.


Including Vegetable

6 years







7-10 years old







11-13 years old








Young men
















B1 mg

B2, mg

B6 mg

B12, mg

Folacin, μg

Niacin, mg

Ascorbic acid, mg

A, mkg

E, mg

D, mc g

6 years











7-10 years old











11-13 years old











14-17 years old (boys)











14-17 years old (girls)











Students age






6 years






7-10 years old






11-17 years old

Young men












* * taking into account the assimilation of 10% of the introduced iron

In all educational institutions, with the stay of children and adolescents in them for more than 3-4 hours, hot meals are organized, as well as the sale (free sale) of ready-made meals and buffet products (ready-to-eat products, industrial production and culinary products for intermediate nutrition students) in a sufficient range for cash and bank transfer.

At the request of parents, students are provided with two hot meals a day. Two meals a day assumes the organization of breakfast and lunch, and when organizing the educational process in the second shift - lunch and afternoon tea. The duration of the intervals between individual meals should not exceed 3.5-4 hours. Visiting children in extended day groups is only possible if they are provided with two meals a day.

When organizing reduced-price meals for students at the expense of budget funds (or other sources of funding), it is preferable to organize meals in which all students receive hot breakfasts (on the second shift - afternoon tea). At the same time, full-fledged hot breakfasts should primarily be provided to primary school students and children from low-income and socially unprotected families.

Simultaneously with the sale of complex rations, additional forms of service organization can be envisaged: the delivery of free-choice meals, the work of bars, buffets, buffets, tea, vitamin tables with an additional assortment of baked goods, dairy products, vegetable salads, juices, hot and cold drinks, etc. The work of additional forms of service is also recommended in the afternoon and during extracurricular activities.

5. Additional forms of organization of services for children and adolescents. Recommended assortment of food products for free sale.

The formation of an assortment of food products for additional nutrition for children and adolescents in canteens (canteens) of educational institutions is carried out by compiling assortment lists of food products for free sale ("canteens").

Mandatory and additional assortments are formed. The required assortment is the assortment minimum, the products included in it must be in stock (on sale) every day. The additional assortment is the maximum assortment and determines the possibility of selling certain products, if any, taking into account the available commercial equipment and the possibility of using this type of products in the nutrition of children and adolescents in organizational teams. The additional assortment of food products for free sale can include canned fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable purees in portioned packaging (up to 200 g), as well as jam, jam, jam, confiture, honey in portioned packaging (up to 30 g) in assortment.

The range of products includes mainly ready-to-eat food products of industrial production in individual packaging, and in the presence of appropriate commercial equipment (bain-marie, refrigerated counters), it includes dishes and culinary products of our own production. For culinary products and ready-made meals sold in educational institutions on free sale (from buffets, bar counters, etc.), it is advisable to use disposable individual consumer packaging (made of polymeric materials, foil, laminated paper, etc.).

The assortment of products for free sale should include fresh washed fruits (apples, pears, tangerines, oranges, bananas, kiwi, etc.) and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers), in assortment, at least 2 items. Be sure to have various juices (fruit and vegetable) and drinks - primarily fortified ones, like industrial, ready-to-drink, in individual consumer packaging (0.2-0.5 liter capacity), and dry instant (instant) drinks, n -r, "Golden Ball", which are prepared immediately before the implementation or in advance, but not earlier than 2-3 hours before the implementation. Carbonated drinks are not allowed.

Juices, nectars, juice drinks (except fortified ones) are best used natural, without added sugar, with 50-100% content of juice substances.

There must be a hot drink on sale - hot milk, tea, milk tea, coffee drink with milk or cocoa with milk.

Dairy products must always be on sale in individual consumer packaging, the volume of which is designed for one serving, including sterilized milk, dairy products (drinks), such as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc., as well as various yogurts in assortment at least 1-2 items. Commercial cottage cheese products are sold in sealed portioned packaging made of polymeric materials with a capacity of up to 100 g; you can sell hard and processed cheeses in portioned packaging with a capacity of up to 50 g in canteens of educational institutions. All dairy, fermented milk products, cheeses are sold with the obligatory use of a refrigerated counter.

For the organization of additional nutrition for children and adolescents, bakery products of at least 1-2 items must be on sale. Bakery products (including rich ones) enriched with vitamins (vitamin-mineral mixtures) are sold.

For sale in the dining rooms and buffets of educational institutions, as part of an additional assortment of food products for free sale, cereal breakfast cereals enriched with vitamins and minerals (weighing up to 50 g in a package, except for chips fried in oil) can be limited included popcorn, croutons are simpleno flavors, except for natural (dill, garlic,etc.).

In canteens and canteens in educational institutions, in a limited range, flour confectionery products (gingerbread cookies, gingerbreads, muffins, rolls, waffles and other products, except cream) of industrial production in individual portioned (weighing up to SOg) packaging, as well as flour confectionery products own production weighing up to 100 g (except for products with cream).

Recommended for sale in buffets for ready-made meals and home-made culinary products salads and vinaigrettesown preparation (portion size from 30 to 200 g). Salads are seasoned directly upon sale. Recommended hot dishes sausages baked in dough;boiled sausages with a side dish; school pizza (50-1 OOg).Sausages can be cooked just before selling using microwave ovens. You can also serve hot sandwiches (with cheese, sausageboiled or half-smoked, etc.). Hot sandwiches are prepared just before selling using convection heating or microwave ovens. The term of realization of these products is 3 hours from the moment of preparation with the obligatory use of refrigerated counters.

6. Basic principles of the formation of the diet and the preparation of the menu for students of educational institutions

An important element of a balanced diet is the distribution of the amount of daily food requirements between its individual meals.

School breakfast (for students of the second shift - an afternoon snack) should be at least 20-25%, and lunch at least 35% of the daily requirement for nutrients and energy. The ration of two meals a day in an educational institution should provide not less than 55% of daily requirementschool children in nutrients and energy.

Every day, on the eve of the day of cooking, the production manager draws up a menu plan (form No. OP-2, approved by the Decree of the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation of 12/12/1998, No. 132) for each day. The menu plan contains the name of the dish, a brief description, the number of the layout according to the Recipe Book, and the portion output. Depending on the age of the children, you should adhere to the mass (volume) of the portion indicated in table No. 4.

Approximate Serving Size for Schoolchildren

Table 4


Serving weight

7-10 years old

11-17 years old

Cold appetizers (salads, vinaigrettes)

50-75 g

50-100 g

Porridge, vegetable dishes

150 g

200 g

First meal

200 g

250 g

Portioned meat, fish dishes

50-130 g

75-150 g

Side dishes

100 g

100-150 g



200 g


30 g (wheat), 20 g (rye)

An approximate menu is compiled in two versions for a period of at least 2 weeks (an approximate 12-day menu), taking into account seasonal availability of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.Different options for a sample menu are provided depending on the type of catering units (handouts or canteens) and taking into account the available technological and refrigeration equipment.

Taking into account the difficulties arising in the organization of rational nutrition for students: high prices for food products, the amount of compensation allocated from the budgets of various levels, depending on specific conditions, it is allowed to implement breakfast rations, lunches with an incomplete set of dishes, reduced portions, provided that the calorie content is provided.

Meat and meat products:

Poultry (chicken, turkey);

Rabbit meat;

Sausages and sausages (beef), no more than 1-2 times a week;

Cooked sausages (doctor's, separate, etc.), not more often 1-2 times a week, after heat treatment;

Offal (beef liver, tongue).

Fish and fish products: cod, hake, pollock, ice fish, pike perch, herring (salted).

Chicken eggs - in the form of omelets or boiled.

Milk and dairy products:

Milk (2.5%, 3.2%, 3.5% fat) pasteurized, sterilized, dry;

Condensed milk (whole and with sugar), condensed boiled milk;

Cottage cheese (9% and 18% fat; 0.5% fat - in the absence of higher fat cottage cheese) after heat treatment;

Cheese of mild varieties (hard, soft, processed, sausage without spices);

Sour cream (10%, 15%, 30% fat) after heat treatment;


- yoghurts (preferably not subjected to heat treatment - "live", dairy and creamy);

Ryazhenka, varenets, bifidok and other industrial-made fermented milk products;

Cream (10%, 20% and 30% fat) Edible fat:

Butter (including peasant);

Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, soybean - only refined; rapeseed, olive) in salads, vinaigrette, herring, main courses; limited to frying mixed with margarine.


sweets (preferably marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade), caramel, chocolate - no more than once a week;

Biscuits, cookies, crackers, waffles, muffins (preferably with a minimum amount of food flavoring);

Cakes, cakes (sandy and biscuit, without cream);

Jams, preserves, preserves, honey - industrial production.

Potatoes, white cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, onions, garlic (for preschool children - taking into account individual tolerance), parsley, dill, celery, tomato paste, mashed tomato.


- apples, pears, bananas, berries (excluding strawberries); citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), taking into account individual tolerance;

Dried fruits.

Legumes: peas, beans, soy.

Juices and drinks:

Natural domestic and imported juices and industrial nectars (clarified and with pulp), preferably in small-piece packaging;

Industrial drinks based on natural fruits;

industrial fortified drinks without preservatives and artificial food additives;

Coffee (surrogate), cocoa, tea.

Canned food:

Braised beef (as an exception (in the absence of meat) for the preparation of first courses);

Salmon, saury (for making soups);

Stewed fruit, fruit slices, eggplant and squash caviar;

Green pea;

Sterilized tomatoes and cucumbers.

Bread, cereals, pasta - all types without limitation.

Additionally, if there are financial possibilities in the nutrition of children, the following can be used:

Sturgeon and salmon caviar (no more than 1 time in 2 weeks);

Salted red fish (preferably pink salmon, chum salmon) - no more than 1 time in 2 weeks;

Tropical fruits (mango, kiwi, guava, etc.) - subject to individual tolerance.

In the diet of children and adolescents in GOU, it is not allowed to use products that promote deteriorationthe health of children and adolescents, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

As part of the food products from which the diets of children and adolescents are formed, the use of food additives is limited. The use of chemical preservatives is excluded (benzoic acid and its salts, sorbic acid and its salts, boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, sulfurous acid and its salts, sodium metabisulfite, sulfurous anhydride, etc.).

Only fruit and vegetable juices, shore or powders, cocoa, colored vitamin preparations (including carotenoids, riboflavin, etc.) and vitamin (vitamin-mineral) premixes (in quantities that do not allow exceeding the established physiological norms for the consumption of vitamins), as well as natural dyes obtained from vegetables, fruits, berries (beets, grapes, paprika and other types of plant materials).

Fresh and dried herbs, white roots (parsley, celery, parsnips), bay leaves, dill, cinnamon can be used as spices in food products: in small quantities - allspice, nutmeg or cardamom. In the production of culinary products for children and adolescents, flavors (with the exception of vanillin), flavor enhancers are not used (glutamatesodium, etc.). Use only baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) as leavening agents.

The use of cooking oil, lard and lamb fat, margarine is not allowed. Margarine is allowed only in the production of flour culinary products. Fats vegetable origin must be at least 30% of the total dietamount of fat. Along with sunflower oil in the diet of children, you can use other vegetable oils, incl. corn, rapeseed, olive, soy.It is not recommended to use non-alcoholic carbonated drinks in the diet of children, chewing gum and etc.

The use of fatty types of meat (poultry) in the diet of children and adolescents is limited. In the diet of children and adolescents it is recommended to use less fatty meat: beef of the II category, meat pork, poultry of the II category, etc. Of the offal, it is allowed to use only the heart, tongue, liver.

Margarines (creamy with a minimum content of trans fatty acid isomers) can be used in the diet of children and adolescents only to a limited extent, mainly in bakery and flour confectionery products.

Mayonnaise should not be used in the diet of children and adolescents ( hot sauces based on fat emulsion). Instead of mayonnaise, vegetable oil is used in the preparation of salads and cold snacks, as well as sterilized and pasteurized (thermized) sauces on a milk (sour milk) or cheese basis.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use canned milk (premium) instead of dairy products. So, condensed milk can be used as a sauce with curd and flour dishes (no more than once every 3-4 weeks).

Powdered milk can be used in the production of bakery products, flour confectionery and some culinary products. It is not advisable to use powdered or condensed milk in the preparation of hot drinks with milk (cocoa, tea. Coffee drink).

For the preparation of dishes and culinary products intended for use in the nutrition of children and adolescents, use an egg with a quality not lower than dietary.

In order to prevent food poisoning in the nutrition of children in educational institutions, the following is not used:

  • flask, barrel, non-pasteurized milk without heat treatment (boiling);

  • cottage cheese and sour cream in natural form without heat treatment (cottage cheese is used in the form casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes,sour cream is used in the form of sauces and in the first courses 5-10 minutes before cooking);

  • milk and yogurt "samokvass" in natural form, as well as for making cottage cheese;

  • green peas without heat treatment;

  • pasta with minced meat (navy style), pancakes with meat, jellies, okroshka,

  • pates, herring forshmak, aspic dishes (meat and fish);

  • drinks, fruit drinks without heat treatment, kvass;

  • mushrooms;

  • minced egg pasta, fried eggs;

  • pastries and cream cakes;

  • deep-fried pies, donuts, potatoes, as well as pies, kulebyaki, pasties, dumplings and other flour culinary products, in the preparation of which raw minced meat is used as a filling;

  • uncooked smoked meats and sausages;

  • powders of unknown composition as baking powder;

  • natural coffee.
It is recommended to include in ready meals green onions, parsley, dill.

Allowed to use white roots (parsley, celery, parsnip), bay leaf.

For the preparation of dishes and culinary products, only iodized table salt with a hygiene certificate should be used. In the Russian Federation, the standard for the iodine content in salt is set at 40 ± 15 mg per 1 kg of salt. With an average consumption of 7-10 g of salt per day and a loss of about 50% of iodine, this level of salt iodization provides the human body with about 150 μg of iodine per day.

Salt must be stored in a dry place, sheltered from direct sunlight. During heat treatment, part of the iodine is lost. In this regard, it is recommended to add salt to food at the end of the heat treatment.

The shelf life of iodized salt must comply with GOST R 51574-2000 "Edible salt. Technical conditions ".

When choosing cold dishes and snacks, it is preferable to use dishes from raw vegetables and fruits.In salads, it is advisable to combine various vegetables and fruits: carrots with apples, carrots with dried apricots, pumpkin with tomatoes, white cabbage with tomatoes, carrots. Cucumbers (given their poor vitamin composition) are best combined with tomatoes, green onions, bell peppers, cabbage. Vinaigrettes can be supplemented with herring, non-fish seafood, meat.

In winter and spring, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to use freshly frozen vegetablesfruits, canned fruits and vegetables, juices, subject to the terms of their implementation.

When preparing cereal side dishes, you should use a variety of cereals, inincluding oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, rice,which are an important source of nutrients. The diet should contain milk and cereal dishes (cereals).

Cereals and cottage cheese casseroles and puddings,high in nutritional value, but poor in vitamins, should be considered with fruit juices and jelly.These same supplements are recommended when on holiday viscous cereals from semolina, oatmeal, rice groats.Viscous porridge goes well with jam, condensed milk, sweet sauces.

Along with cereal side dishes, vegetables should be used in the diet, including complex vegetable side dishes. For meatit is preferable to serve a vegetable side dish, to fish - potatoes.

Dishes from vegetables harvested last year (cabbage, onions, root vegetables) that have not been cooked can be included in the students' diet only before March 1.

In the absence of any product to preserve the nutritional value of the dish and the diet as a whole, it is allowed to substitute products that are equivalent or close in nutritional value: meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish are interchangeable in terms of protein composition.

Wheat bread included in the students ’menu should be prepared using vitamin and mineral fortifiers; if flour and confectionery items are on the menu, bread can be excluded.

The menu on days of the week should be varied. Variety is achieved through the use of a sufficient range of products and various cooking methods.

The organization of hot meals implies the obligatory use of hot dishes and culinary products, including first courses and hot drinks, at each meal.

Breakfastshould contain a hot dish - cottage cheese, egg, meat, cereal (milk and cereal), as a third dish, preferably hot milk or hot drink (compote, rosehip drink, fortified jelly, tea, cocoa, coffee drink with milk). Milk cereals are widely used in breakfast, including those with vegetables and fruits, a variety of puddings and casseroles. It is advisable to give fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast. It is advisable to include fortified drinks and juices in school lunches, it is recommended to use an instant drink prepared directly in the canteen of an educational institution, for example, a drink "Golden ball". Sweet dishes or sugary pastries are included in the breakfast and lunch ration only as a dessert, no more than 3-4 times a week.

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