Calcium iodine 3. Marine calcium

The proposed "Active calcium with iodine" is made from high-quality raw materials from Europe using special technologies and has a high degree digestibility.

100 ml "Active calcium with iodine" contains: Calcium carbonate 500 mg, calcium citrate 2500 mg, calcium bicarbonate 300 mg (on average equivalent to 1000 mg calcium), magnesium bicarbonate 35 mg, potassium iodate 150 mcg, purified water up to 100 ml.

"Active calcium with iodine" according to organoleptic parameters has:

Appearance: in the form of a suspension (a freshly filled preparation has a liquid appearance, but later, if the ambient temperature where the suspension is stored is high, the suspension may tend to thicken). See storage conditions.

Colour: white/cream.

Calcium is the main trace element that provides bone strength.

The value of calcium in the body is very high, it is a constant component of cellular and tissue fluids that are involved in the processes of growth and cell activity, as well as in the absorption of nutrients by the intestines.

Calcium strengthens the body's defenses and increases its resistance to external aggressive factors and infections, its deficiency causes allergic conditions in the body.

Calcium is the coenzyme of essential enzymes.

Calcium plays an important role in processes such as muscle response, blood clotting, nerve signaling, rhythm and heart muscle function in bone formation in children. A lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis.

A person receives the initial supply of calcium before birth - from the mother. After birth, the body receives calcium only from the outside.

IODINE - necessary for hormone synthesis thyroid gland- thyroxine, as well as to create phagocytes - patrol cells in the blood, which should destroy debris and foreign bodies, in particular microorganisms and even defective cells.

The hormones that it produces (thyroid) affect reproduction, growth, tissue differentiation and metabolism. Simply put, the thyroid gland determines how often the heart will beat, how much food eaten will be deposited as glycogen (energy reserve), and how much - in the form of fat, whether a person will freeze in the cold or not.

Indications for use:

Lack of trace elements calcium, magnesium and iodine;

Increased nervous excitability.

Premenstrual syndrome and painful periods in women.

Allergic reactions.

Nervous and painful. stress and infectious diseases; reduce the absorption of the mineral from food;

Iodine is used not only for the prevention of the thyroid gland, but also for inflammatory processes. respiratory tract, chronic poisoning with mercury and lead;

Potassium iodate is also prescribed for mastopathy of the mammary gland and other neoplasms in the endocrine glands;

For the prevention of atherosclerosis;

With gastric poisoning or dysentery, hepatitis.

Method of application and dosage:

ATTENTION! Before use, the bottle must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

Attention! Inside, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Children 2-8 years of age can regularly take one teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times a day.

Children 9 years of age and older can regularly take one tablespoon (10 ml) 3 times a day.

Adults can regularly consume one tablespoon 3 times a day.

During pregnancy and lactation, you can regularly take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Infants over 6 months old can regularly take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

In artificially fed newborns, daily dose is 1-1.5 teaspoons.

in acute allergic conditions;

with heartburn and pain in the stomach;

during illness and after rehabilitation (surgery, illness) condition;

prolonged immobility (paralysis, etc.)

taking strong medications (antibiotics, hormonal agents etc.);

people whose professional activity due to heavy (physical and / or harmful) labor;

athletes and people involved in intensive training.

It's always better to take preventive measures and do not bring yourself to a state that will require the intervention of a doctor!

Why is iodine so important?

The most important biological significance of iodine is that it is an integral part of the thyroid hormone molecules: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. If iodine deficiency persists for a long time, then there is a breakdown of adaptation mechanisms with a subsequent decrease in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the development of diseases.

When the body does not receive the required amount of this element with food and water, iodine deficiency diseases develop: endemic goiter, mental retardation, irreversible brain damage in the fetus and newborn, thyroid cancer.

List of potential risk factors that can trigger iodine deficiency:

  • Low iodine content in food
  • Selenium deficiency - with a lack of selenium, iodine is not absorbed
  • Pregnancy
  • radioactive exposure
  • The risk of iodine deficiency is higher in women
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol. Ethanol causes a decrease in the iodine content in the body.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Age. IN different ages various types of iodine deficiency may occur.

Dr.Wolz natural calcium iodine - for healthy thyroid function.

Iodine prophylaxis is the most effective and economical method of replenishing iodine deficiency.

Iodized calcium capsules contain only natural ingredients, are well tolerated and completely absorbed.

Each capsule contains 130mg calcium from fossil oyster shells, 110mcg iodine from seaweed containing iodine. Capsule shell: cellulose.


100 g of the drug

1 capsule

Powder from ground oyster shells (calcium)

Algae containing iodine Laminaria digitata


206 kJ (49 kcal)

2 kJ (0.5 kcal)

Does not contain:

Gluten, lactose, gelatin, colors and preservatives

1-2 capsules daily with meals with the liquid of your choice.

Storage conditions:

Store at +4 C - +25 C

Best before date: 24 months from date of manufacture (batch number on top of lid.)

Number of capsules per pack: 60 capsules, 20 in a plate in a carton

- a balanced complex of vital vitamins and elements for the body. The action of the drug is due to its constituent components.
Vitamin C - vitamin C- a strong antioxidant and a cofactor of many enzymes. It participates in the body in the synthesis of collagen, the main protein of the basis of the body - connective tissue. Normalizes reparative processes in tissues, redox reactions and cellular respiration.
Vitamin D3 - its action is mainly aimed at ensuring the integrity of the bone, increases the absorption of minerals necessary to build and maintain the skeletal structure. Vitamin deficiency can be caused by malnutrition (low intake of fatty fish, beef liver, butter, eggs), insufficient time spent in the sun (ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of the vitamin). With age, the body's ability to convert substances formed in the body into vitamins skin, falls by half. Most often, vitamin D deficiency occurs in older people in the autumn-winter period. The daily requirement is 400 IU for healthy adult men and women.
Iodine is an integral part of thyroid hormones that stimulate protein synthesis, growth, development and differentiation of tissues, is involved in the transport of amino acids, sugars, calcium. Lack of iodine causes diseases of the thyroid gland (hypo- and hyperthyroidism), disrupts neuropsychic development (impairs mental capabilities), and can be the cause of infertility. The daily requirement of adolescents and adults is 150 mcg, pregnant and lactating mothers - 200 mcg.
Yeast autolysate serves as a source of B vitamins and amino acids. It has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to inflammatory processes And colds, stimulates metabolism.

Indications for use

Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine recommended as a biological active additive to food - an additional source of calcium, vitamins C and D3, iodine.

Mode of application

For adults and children over 14 years old, 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day.
The number of tablets is calculated by the formula: (SP - P) * 150. Where: SP - daily requirement for calcium; P - average calcium intake with food per day; 150 - calcium content in one tablet (but not more than 6 tablets per day).
Duration of taking the drug Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine - one month. The number of courses is not limited.

Side effects

When side effects, you should consult a doctor.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine.

Storage conditions

Keep Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine in a dark, dry place, out of the reach of children, in a tightly closed package, at room temperature. Shelf life - 3 years.

Release form

Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine - tablets 600 mg in a polymer jar of 100 tablets.


1 tablet Marine calcium biobalance calcium-iodine contains: calcium - 150 mg (15% of the RDI), vitamin C - 15 m (21.4% of the RDI) g, vitamin D3 - 55 IU (27.5% of the RDI), Iodine - 35 mcg (23.3 % of RSP).

main parameters

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