Correction of dysgraphia in older students. Summaries of classes for the correction of optical dysgraphia

Dysgraphia has a definite symptomatology, but only a specialist, most often a speech therapist, can make an accurate diagnosis. Dysgraphia does not go away on its own and interferes with the further education of the child: without eliminating the problem, mastering the school curriculum, even at a basic level, will be practically impossible.

What is dysgraphia? How do you know if a child has dysgraphia?

As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when learning to write, that is, primary school... Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder when a child writes words with phonetic errors, mistakes in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", incorrectly forms syllables, adds extra letters, skips the necessary ones, writes several words together.

Dysgraphia can be mistaken for just ignorance grammar rulesbut the problem goes deeper.

Compare "offer" - "breeding" and "offer" - "attachment". This example clearly shows the difference between a simple lack of knowledge of the correct spelling (rule) and dysgraphia.

Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible and uneven. When writing, the child exerts a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, then he may experience serious worries because of his mistakes, slowness, and teacher discontent. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot form long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Because of this, "dysgraphic" does not have full-fledged communication with peers, and it seems to him that classmates are opposed to him.

Unfortunately, this is a rather serious problem that "does not walk alone": most often dysgraphia manifests itself along with reading problems, and the child may also have speech problems and impairments of other physical functions.

Types of dysgraphia

  • Articulatory-acoustic... It is connected with the fact that the child pronounces the sounds incorrectly, which means that, pronouncing them to himself, he writes down incorrectly. To treat this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Acoustic... In this case, the child pronounces sounds correctly, but confuses them with similar in sound (deaf-voiced: b-p, d-t, z-s; hissing: s-w, z-z; and also do not distinguish the softness of individual sounds) ...
  • Optical... A child with optical dysgraphia finds it difficult to spell and distinguish letters: he adds unnecessary elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction).
  • Dysgraphia due to problems of language analysis and synthesis... A child with this problem in writing can skip or repeat whole words, rearrange syllables and letters in places, write completely different words (they confuse prefixes and prepositions in nouns - they write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.)
  • Agrammatic dysgraphia... As a rule, it is detected after 1-2 grade, as it requires a lot of knowledge of the rules for spelling words (" nice cat"," beautiful sun ", etc.). That is, this problem is due to the fact that the child cannot correctly inflect words by gender and case, cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. Such a problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families and also when the child is learning in a foreign language.

Dysgraphia reasons

The causes of this disorder can be very different: from birth trauma, infections and genetics to neglect of upbringing. With problems in the work of the brain, dysgraphia is most often accompanied by concomitant diseases, which parents may already know about.

In fact, a child who has been diagnosed with dysgraphia cannot write without errors, because his speech, auditory, and visual and motor analyzers are impaired, the child cannot process information (synthesis and analysis).

How to eliminate dysgraphia and is it possible?

Fortunately, yes, with some effort both on the part of the parents, specialists, and the child himself dysgraphia can be corrected and cured... Of course, this is not a quick process: it can take months and years of systematic study to completely overcome dysgraphia and the accompanying disorders of writing, speaking and reading. But this work will be rewarded: the child will be able to fully study in a regular school and become a full-fledged member of society, an ordinary child.

Dysgraphia is not a sentence, you can live with it, but the task of parents and teachers should be to overcome this ailment. Fortunately, many techniques and exercises have been developed to eliminate dysgraphia. This is confirmed by famous people suffering from dyslexia and dysgraphia. Here is just a small list of names: Hans Christian Andersen, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Salma Hayek, Cher, Dustin Hoffman, Walt Disney, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Merlin Monroe.

Which doctor treats dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia is usually reported by the teacher teaching the child. He may already have experience working with such children. Further, it is worth contacting a speech therapist and neuropsychiatrist. The main work is carried out by a speech therapist: he develops both hemispheres of the brain, teaches to distinguish, pronounce and record sounds. A neuropsychiatrist will help identify concomitant disorders (if any), understand the causes of dysgraphia and prescribe drug treatment... In some cases, other specialists are involved in solving the problem, for example, if a child has hearing problems, he can neither hear the sounds, nor record them.

What should the teacher and parents do?

Solving such a problem is not possible alone: \u200b\u200bparents, teachers and doctors must unite and agree on their actions. Prescribe treatment, perform certain exercises. Perhaps the child should be transferred to another school (specialized) or hire a tutor who can professionally do the exercises with the child at home.

We must not forget that "dysgraphics" very often acutely feel their problem and are afraid to show it again: they skip lessons, lose their notebooks in Russian, and communicate little. The task of adults, in addition to treatment, is to provide psychological support to the child: not to scold, to show interest in success, to help.


Dysgraphia is a disorder that you can and should work with: perform exercises, correct related problems (for example, communication problems with peers). The peculiarities of this violation and its significance for the child's further life cannot allow unprofessional intervention - it is necessary to turn to specialists, first of all, to a speech therapist.

Dysgraphia photo

Photo courtesy of the user Zelenko, Vitaly Kupriyanov.

Photo courtesy of the userAlla Max.

Dear Readers! If you have photographs of examples of recordings of a child with dysgraphia, please illustrate this and other related articles. Thank in advance!

Learning to write is one of the most difficult stages in school. In recent years, the number of children who make many specific mistakes in writing has steadily increased. Usually "ridiculous" mistakes are associated with carelessness. But the main reason for such errors is the underdevelopment of those brain processes that provide a complex writing process. Mastering written speech is a complex mental activity that requires a certain degree of maturity of many mental functions and the interaction of various analyzers: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, motor. The lack of formation of one of the analyzers can lead to dysgraphia. (Dysgraphia is a partial, specific violation of the writing process)

1.Exercises for the development of phonemic processes are selected for:

a) the development of phonemic perception;

b) developing the ability to hear and highlight the first and last sound;

c) the formation of the ability to select words for a given number of letters;

d) the ability to hear and determine the number of sounds in a word.

2.Exercises to develop clear articulation and voice are essential for successful schooling. They are based on working with tongue twisters, rhythmic text, poetry, require accurate reproduction of what was said and help to feel the rhythm and tempo of speech.

3. The development of fine motor skills includes finger exercises and the ability to draw continuous, smooth lines with "sentences". This work improves the emotional state of children, trains memory and helps prevent dysgraphic errors in writing.

4. Correction tests are necessary for correcting visual perception and figurative representation of the letter.

The didactic exercises offer some practical materials for the prevention of dysgraphic errors in primary school children. With the help of these exercises, memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, the development of fine motor skills, and the normalization of the emotional sphere occur.

In addition to prevention and assistance, the proposed exercises solve the following problems: enrichment and expansion of vocabulary in children; activation of oral educational vocabulary among students; improving the skills of sound-letter analysis and writing; development of phonemic perception of oral speech; development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Attachments No. 1,2,3 present the types of violations that can lead to dysgraphia. To prevent the violation of written speech, I have compiled and systematized the following exercises.

Exercises for the development of phonemic processes

1. Differentiation of opposition sounds (voiced and voiceless consonants).

Purpose: development of phonemic perception; inclusion in the work of the auditory, visual, tactile, motor, speech-motor analyzer.

When differentiating consonants, it is better to work in this order:

heard, pronounced, distinguished, recorded.

When pronouncing syllables, hand movement is connected: voiced sounds are at the top, and deaf sounds are at the bottom. At first, it is very difficult for a child to repeat it correctly by a teacher. However, the coordinated work of speech with movement of the hand gives amazing results.

Teacher instruction Child participation
The teacher says BA and shows his hand up, says PA - shows his hand down Visual and auditory perception
The teacher speaks and shows with the children BA - PA Speech and hand movement in the air are connected to visual and auditory perception
The teacher speaks, shows with his hand and asks the child to repeat Concentration of attention, auditory and motor memory.
The teacher shows only with his hand and asks the child to repeat Attention, motor memory, visual perception
The teacher shows with his hand and asks to voice and confirm with his hand Attention, motor memory, visual perception, speech
The teacher speaks, and asks the children to show the hand drawing of the statement Auditory perception, motor memory
The teacher asks, based on hearing, to repeat the opposition syllables after him Auditory perception, speech

2. Find a word by sound.

After the child understands the difference in the pronunciation of voiced and deaf sounds, we prepare two cards. On one we draw a "+" sign, respectively, this card, denoting a sonorous sound; on the second card we draw a "-" sign, which denotes a dull sound. We pronounce words with initial voiced and voiceless consonants and invite the child to raise the card with a plus or with a minus.

After oral work, offer to write down the words that you remember in the left column with dull sounds, and in the right column with voiced words.

3. Name the word that is different from the rest.

Purpose:distinguish by ear opposition sounds; pronounce strings of words correctly.


4. Ball games.

Ball games are aimed not only at the development of phonemic processes, but also: at the development of general and fine motor skills; for orientation in space; to regulate the strength and accuracy of movements; on the development of eyes, dexterity; to activate involuntary attention; to normalize the emotional sphere.

4.1. "I know five words."

Purpose: develop coordination of movements; Expand words knowledge; find the right words.

Game progress:the child speaks a series of words, simultaneously hitting the ball on the floor with each word.

right hand left hand with two hands hands alternately
I know five words with the sound "S" I know five words with the sound "Z" I know four words with the sounds "S" and "Z"
Sledge - times Teeth - times Sledge-times Owl - times
Owl - two Umbrella - two Teeth - two Teeth - two
Salad - three Winter - three Catfish - three Snow - three
Airplane - four Hare - four Star - four Hare - four
Snow - five Hall - five


Purpose: development of phonemic representations and imagination, the development of sentence structuring skills.

Game progress:the teacher explains the essence of the game and shows an example. The sound is selected, which will begin the words in the sentence. The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child. Students should answer so that the words of the answer begin with the specified sound.

4.3. Be careful.

Purpose: - development of the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game progress:the teacher, throwing the ball, pronounces the word. The child who catches the ball determines the number of sounds in the word.

At the initial stages, name words consisting of no more than 4 sounds. Tthis game in a fun form allows children to quickly develop the ability to present a graphic expression of a word, the switching mechanism is worked out.

5. Games with words.

Practice shows that one of the favorite activities of children is exercises with letters and words. Such tasks with words and letters are productive for the prevention of dysgraphia. Children actively form and make up words. This is a work-game from which they enjoy and get an emotional charge.

Purpose: to activate all analyzers taking part in written speech; to consolidate the sound-letter analysis of words; distinguish between vowels and consonants.

2 Encrypt the word: puts dashes instead of consonants, and writes vowels (poppy, book). Used when working with dictionary words -a, - - and-a.
3 guess the word... * The teacher on the board writes only consonants s-p-g-, m-l-k-.

* Then it is proposed to independently write down the words, sentences only with consonants.

School, street, bag. The wind walks along the sea.

(The mechanism of writing selectivity is being worked out).

Boots, milk

(Used when working with vocabulary words.)

Shk: l :,: l: c :, s: mk:

B: t: p p: m: p: r: l :: t.

5.3 Find the words to the given schemes. Poppy, varnish, garden, tank, ball, hall, ball.

Porridge, Masha, dad, toad, llama.

5.4. Make up the words from these letters. ((l, k, f, y, a)


Puddle, beetle, onion, already, varnish.

Fish, bull, cancer, tank, crab, marriage, fisherman

5.5. Come up with from each letter of the given word other words CAT Count-book, window-lake, ball-fur coat, cat-kefir, stork-watermelon
5.6. Write down words with 3,4,5,6 letters Cat, porridge, bun, car
5.7. Make upas many words as possible from the letters of a given word. BUILDER Salt, dough, role, rice, hotel, wood, elk, liter, leaf,: ..
5.8. Unscramble the words and name them in one word.

a) n, u, k, a, t, t, f, u, y, l, b, u, u, t, n, o, k, d, a, o, n, u, s

b) b, o, h, n, h, e, e, p, v, y, o, p, t, n, e, d, b

a) sneakers, shoes, boots, boots - shoes

b) night, morning, evening, day - day

5.9. "Arabic letter".Write words, starting from the right side of the line and vice versa, that is, back to front, with normal reading (from left to right), words should be read in their natural form. Start with short words. (pencil, window, book, house)

children go to school

(Children go to school)

5.10. "Confusion".In complex words, children often skip or swap letters and syllables when reading and writing, and shorten the word. Performing this exercise, pronouncing meaningless words, we develop the skill of correct reading, because it is more difficult than reading a familiar word that children can guess at.
5.10.1. Divide the word TURTLE into syllables TURTLE
5.10.2. Read the word by syllable, starting from the end. HA-PA-RE-CHE
5.10.3. Read a word, skipping the first or several specified syllables RE-PA-HA
5.10.4. Read a word in a given sequence 2,4,1,3; 4,1,3,2 RE-HA-CHE-PA,


Work on the development of the speech apparatus and voice

Insufficient articulatory mobility of the speech apparatus (blurred slurred speech), improper breathing can lead to learning problems. Working on the development of the vocal apparatus includes articulation and proper breathing. It must be remembered that constant breathing through the mouth can impair hearing.

The development of correct breathing optimizes gas exchange and blood circulation, contributes to overall health. Correct breathing is soothing and helps you focus. The breathing rhythm is the only one of all bodily rhythms subject to spontaneous, conscious and active regulation by a person. "Breathing through the mouth is the same as with the nose" (Eastern wisdom).

Breathing exercises can be done at the beginning of the lesson, during a physical education minute, or at the end of the lesson. To focus the child's attention on completing a particular task, you can use a breathing exercise: the hand goes up - inhale through the nose, the hand drops to the level of the diaphragm - exhale through the mouth (repeat 3-5 times).

Whistling, playing wind instruments, "talking" through the holes in the paper, through the fringe of the paper mustache, imitation of sucking, yawning are useful for the development of correct breathing. A child can trap air in the mouth by puffing out the cheeks, pinching the nostrils, and alternately releasing air from the mouth and nose.

1. Respiratory gymnastics.

Purpose: development of correct nasal breathing.

1.1 Stroking the nose from the tip up - inhale, while exhaling, pat your nostrils with the sound of MMM.

1.2 Expand your nostrils - inhale, relax - exhale.

1.3. Open your mouth wide and breathe through your nose.

1.4. Four-phase breathing exercise... Inhale - hold - exhale - hold.

(Exercises for breathing exercises are given in the methodological literature).

2. Silently pronounce A - E - O, with a turn of the head.

Purpose:activate the work of the soft palate and pharynx.

3. Reproduction of a syllable row with a change in the stressed syllable.

Purpose: working out breathing, speech rhythm, strengthening the muscles of the lips and tongue.















4. Spelling out loud.

Spelling reading refers to reading a word as it is written. This is simply necessary, because children help themselves by speaking, correctly articulating words when reading exactly the way they are written, Not to andrabble, not a ship abouteh, namely to ABOUTra BLb.

5. Reading pure clauses

Purpose: to practice clear articulation; develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme; develop the creativity of children (coming up with phrases)


6. Tongue twisters.

A very important stage in working on the vocal apparatus is working with tongue twisters, working with which the teacher solves many problems:

develops the phonemic hearing of each child; clarifies the articulation of sounds, trains the clarity of articulation; develops memory; helps to relieve fear of pronouncing difficult words; working on memory; provides a favorable emotional mood for the student; develops correct breathing; helps to feel the melody, rhythm, rate of speech; helps to increase the speed of not only speaking, but also reading.

Patter is an intellectual and articulatory game. The rules of tongue twisters require strict, accurate reproduction of what was said. Before you quickly pronounce a tongue twister, you need to learn it. Each tongue twister has its own play of sounds and words. The secret of memorizing them is that each one solves a new problem: linguistic, articulatory, semantic, offers its own pattern in the permutation of sounds and consonances, presents its own melody and rhythm. For example: "We stomped, stomped, drowned the poplar", "Went to the fields to weed in the field", "Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap", "They do not frighten the parrot, they do not bathe the parrot, they buy the parrot", "Skinny, weak Kashchei , dragging a box of vegetables "," Vlad has a brother, Vlad is glad for his brother. "

Working on fine motor skills

1. Flourish.

Fine motor skills play a certain role in the development of the child, which are in direct connection with the development of speech and are formed by the age of 7-8. When working with a stroke, the following conditions must be observed: the tempo of speech, when pronouncing a verse, must coincide with the tempo of the hand. Each hand movement has its own syllable or word. In this case, the child must control himself: whether the movement of the hand coincides with what he says. First, the child, following the teacher, repeats these movements in the air, teaching the hand to move smoothly, and then transfers these movements to paper. A stroke allows you to solve such problems: the development of fine motor skills; synchronization of the visual, motor, speech analyzer.

2.Finger gymnastics

2.1. Games - nursery rhymes with fingers.

A) The fingers went out for a walk, and the second ones to catch up (two fingers). Fingers move on the table.

The third fingers are on foot (three fingers), and the fourth ones are running (four fingers).

The fifth finger jumped and fell at the end of the path (thumb).

B) The thumb alternately touches the index, middle, ring, little fingers with pressure.

2.2 Magic wand.

Roll up a magic wand from a sheet of paper (you can change the instructions: who is thinner, longer, neater, faster will make the magic wand). Make a letter from this stick (O, P, B, V, R, Z)

2.3. Massage.

Take a pen or pencil, preferably with ribbed edges, put between your palms and roll along the entire length of your palm.

3. Shading. Any geometric shapes should be hatched with thin lines from left to right, from top to bottom.

Working on visual perception

1. For the development of visual attention, when writing letters in mirror, proofing tests are a good exercise

Instructions Suggested material
11. Cross out the incorrect letters or circle the correct letters.
13. Write the letters that contain the given element (showing the lowercase letter element) for example: O - this element when writing is in lowercase letters: B, C, O, A, F, Z, Y
14. Underline those syllables and words that are written to the line. CE SESSESSESSESSESSECESSE
15. Find the hidden word GAZETAVROATIVLSHKTDOMTRNA (newspaper, house) SHONIPAMVEUTRIOCHKI TRAPAKET (glasses, package)
16. Enter a down arrow instead of the letter D, B - an up arrow DAY, FRIEND, GRANDMA. GRANDFATHER, FRACTURE, EYEBROW, WATER, PIPE, HEMOTHOUS, LANDYSH.
.7. Rewrite the following lines without errors ENALSSTADE NORASOTANNA

2. "Fly". This exercise helps children develop orientation in space, on themselves and on a sheet of paper, and to distinguish between the letter and its mirror counterpart.

The beginning of the report is always taken from the center of the square. First, children should move the piece (handle) over the square, then mentally imagine its movement. At the next stage, children with closed eyes must determine the path of the fly and answer where it stopped.

Further, drawing of letters is proposed. 5 cells - down, 1 - right, 4 - up, 2 right, 1 - up, 3 - left. You should get the letter "G", which can be shaded.

3. "Inverted text". The plain text page is rotated 90, 180, 270 degrees. The student must, moving his eyes from right to left, read the text.

4. "Reading words by half-letter".Reading lines with the lower half of the line covered (with the upper half of the line covered).

Purpose:formation of a visual representation of the letter. Formation of the ability to quickly grasp one or even several words.

5 . "Warped text". Purpose: to develop the ability to see words written in different fonts.

Children dropped out go the first in fluffy school snow... Have guys them came out in hand on the portfolios the street.

Work algorithm:Read the sentence. Find out what the proposal says. Mark the features of the read text. Read what is in print and then in italics. Copy sentences in print. Read the text.

So, these exercises are aimed not only at correcting written speech, but also at developing higher mental functions: memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, at the development of fine motor skills, and normalization of the emotional sphere. Didactic exercises expand the arsenal of pedagogical tools. In a playful way, children form the necessary prerequisites for the successful development of written speech, increasing speech culture, expanding vocabulary, development of linguistic flair.


1. Anufriev, A.F., Kostromina, S.N. How to overcome learning difficulties for children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Correction exercises. [Text] / A.F. Anufriev, S.N. Kostromina, 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing house "Os-89", 2001.

2. Kozlyanikova, I. P., Chareli, E. M. The secrets of our voice. Yekaterinburg, 1992.

3. Repina, Z. A. Violation of writing in schoolchildren with rhinolalia. [Text] / З.А. Repin. - Yekaterinburg, 1999.

The proposed exercises can be used to correct dysgraphia both individually and in subgroup speech therapy sessions.

Differentiation s-s

  1. Insert the missing letters in the words.

... takan, ... akon, ... calm, ... okay, ... loy, ... work, ... lovo, ... health, ... tin, ... a ... lonka, ... drav ... twi, ... pa ... for ... anave ... ka, ... oh ... underwear, ... ali ... aat, ... oh ... add, ... and .... add, ... ano ... and

2. Complete the missing syllable with a letter s or from.

that ..., to ..., to ..., wa ..., u ..., ro ..., bu ..., ro ..., wa ...

3. Insert the missing letter s or from.

Na ... stupid ... ima. There were ... severe frosts. ... ina in ... yala ... anki and went up the hill. She rode ... on ... anks from a hill. She was running after her ... Obaka Tre ... op. Not afraid ... I ... ina moro ... a.

4. Write down the words with the letters h from the texts. from.

Golden meadow

We lived in the village. We had a meadow in front of the window. There were dandelions in the meadow, and the meadow was golden. It was very beautiful. It was very beautiful.

Once I got up to fish. I looked out the window and saw that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I walked home in the afternoon, the meadow was all golden again. I began to observe. In the evening the meadow turned green again. Then I plucked a dandelion and examined it. It turned out that he closed, hid his golden petals in a green cup.

When the sun came up, I could see the dandelions open up and the meadow turn golden again.

Differentiation b-p

1. Insert missing letters in words.

a) ... ok, ... ol, su ..., zu ... s, ... lins, for ... oh, ... tree, that ... glasses, ... big, ... fishing rod, ka ... li, chlo ... ok, ... latok, ... luzka, ... alto, ... antique, then ... oh, oh ... oh

b) ... and ... points, ... oh ... shops, ... oh ... tree, ... oh ... tree, ... oh ... more, ... oh ... dough, ... oh ... food, ... oh ... oische, ... ro ... wolf, ... oh ..white, ... oh ... andy, ... oh ... bitter, ... oku ... ka

2. Make a story based on key words. Write it down.


Pasha, Borya, jumped, fence, path, close, ran, got lost, dog, stroked, snuggled, wandered, led, stove, warmed up, stray.

Differentiation d-t

1. Complete the words by adding a syllable yes or that

be ... ... bun goro ... nature ...

coffee ... ... that thief ... pig

in ... which borough ... free ...

wah ... ... goose ry ... good ...

ro ... ... uty duck ... full ...

2. Insert the missing letter in the words dor t.

truck ... oh, boro ... a, s ... rela, boro ... a, gra ... wilted, win ... noy, ve ... ka, ve ... ro, pogo ... a, I wish ... and, well ... ok, oh ... yeah, ve ... er, kapus ... a, steam ... a, y ... a point, ... e ... ra ... b, ... awh ... hik, s ... a ... oh, ... ru ... but

3. Make and write a story based on the key words.

Dacha, rested, Dima, dragged, heavy buckets, water, watered, beds, grew, radishes, currants, worked hard

Differentiation in-f

1. Insert missing letters in words.

a) ... lacon, ... agon, ... orota, ... torah, ... lus, .... crown, ... shy, ... orma, ... rukty, ... ortochka, ... igura, ... ratar, ... elm, ... lot, ... chirping, ... ,… Eagle,… eter,… ihr,… ichor.

b) qi ... ra, about ... od, s ... ertok, ke ... ir, s ... yekla, sara ... an, ko ... er, whether ... ter, sli ... a, sli ... full-time, solo ... her, first ... oh, sal ... baby.

c) ... if ... oh, ... hand ... oh, ... oh ... alsya, ... ioleto ... oh, ... laneli ... oh, go ... orly ... oh, ... ar ... oh, ... e ... ral, ... eat ... al, ... otogra ... ia, ... and ... whether, ... ydergi ... aet

2.Write sentences by inserting missing letters in words

Shows in class ... or educational ... ilm. In winter, it is necessary to open ... a ... a frame, ... r \\ ary put on a ball ... and ... arezhki. … Anyusha has a fur… coat. On a hike you need ... onari and ... thighs. U ... go but ... oh ... urazhka.

Differentiation g-k

1. Read the words, write down the syllables with the letter g and k.

Voice, city, cat, cat, cube, bones, dove, lips, geese, doll, pear, guitar, caviar, needle, meadows, Igor, game, window, fire, river, sneakers, book, Galya, Kolya, cat, pigeon, lips, fist, piece, kettlebell, movie, walk.

2. Insert the missing letter г or к into words.

a) U ... ol, wa ... he, u ... sus, po ... ode, u ... ol, lav ... a, ... amen, ... usto, ... lips, ... raffin, I ... ode, ... al ... a, ... al ... ah, s… ah… ah, I… od… ah,… olub… ah, for… hell… ah,… ro… odil.

b) Sleep ..., kula ..., curd ..., pau ..., ro ..., stolbi ..., deputy ..., goofy ..., pidzha ..., dru ..., kablu ..., shl ..., gon ..., din ..., know ..., acute ..., market ..., plu ..., club ..., lu ....

3. Make up phrases, choosing words from point b that are suitable for the meaning of the words in point a.

a) bitter, labial, loud, small, buckwheat, blue, hot, red, beautiful, deep.

b) accordion, porridge, ribbon, milk, onion, city, voice, goslings, gouache, well.

4. Write down the words with the letters г, к.

The sky was covered with a thundercloud. Gulya feeds pigeons every day. Grisha loves buckwheat porridge. Mom washed the baby with a soft sponge. There is a chestnut horse in the stable. We ate hot potatoes. Alenka has speed skates. Our team played in blue jerseys. Kolya scored a goal It was an interesting game. The red jacket hangs on the chair.

Differentiation w-w

1. Insert the letters zh-sh.

... uba, ... uk, ... um, kra ... a, ... willow, vi ... nya, vra ... yes, li ... niy, bully ... nick, smart ... ene, ve ... alka, pe ... ka, lay ... ene, move ... yenie, dol ... en, ti ... e, bli ... e, curd ... nicks, ... dark, boom ... ny, ... pores, ... fires, roof ... ovnik, this ... erka,

... a ... ki, mo ... e ... b, ... ur ... al, ... wil ... b, le ... and ... b, ... tani ... ki, ... ari ... b, ma ... e ... b, ... me ... b, ... ur … It.

2. For the words from the first column, select the appropriate words from the second column.

a) obedient friendship

fresh Jeanne

reliable porridge

wool roof

iron clothing

ginger cat

b) typewriter

paper cabinet

sewing helmet

close animal

home school

heavy bag

c) Zhenya laugh

grandma is buzzing

horse writes

Masha knits

bumblebee on duty

grandpa is running

3.Write the sentences, change the meaning of the words given in brackets.

You (knit) mittens. I (knit) a scarf. You are (on duty) in class today. I am (on duty) in the lobby. You (fry) the potatoes. I (fry) the fish. You (lie) on the couch. I (lie) on the sofa. You (smear) bread with butter. I (smear) the bread with jam.

Differentiation s - w

1 Make up phrases by choosing words from the second column that are suitable for the meaning of the words in the first column.

a) fun highway

clear shepherd boy

dry sun

interesting cat

gray travel

b) high oats

blue tower

wool ball

fluffy snow

dry cabinet

c) the pine is in a hurry

Sonya dries

mice are noisy

reeds crumble

leaves rustle

2. Write down sentences by inserting the missing letters s, w.

Kuku ... ka ve ... eaten kukuet. ... ah ... but not ... em gru ... and. Pa ... tu ... ok ... ne ... um home. … E… tra… sewed…. And… e ruba… ku. Ma ... but not ... em woman ... I'll throw ... umka. ... a ... e ... tra ... but. He rub ... and ... ka. As for ... tel ... b, and for ... pi ... b. ... that Anto ... is on one leg.

Differentiation h - w

1. Complete the word by adding syllables

cha, sha cha);

ka ..., that .., Ma ..., ku ..., kry ..., intr ..., Mi ..., paws ..., yes ..., on ..., ass ..., Pa ..., front ..., fresh .., poro ..., give ..., yes ... ud ...

2. Complete the word by adding syllables

chi shea (remember how the syllable is always written shi);

but…, on…, we…, yes…, at…, that…, halo…, feces…, ass…, small ,. vstre ..., land ..., gra ..., they say ..., pi ..., dy ..., no ...

3. Finish the sentences with meaningful phrases. (Using previously worked out phrases.)

Grandma cooked ... (what? What?) They ripened on the pear tree ... (what? What?). The white cat had one ... (what? What?). The baby always has ... (what? What?). In the corner rustles ... (what? What?). Natasha loves ... (what? What?)

4. Write down the sentences by inserting the missing words.

Letters are dipped into the mail…. For rainy weather my mother bought…. We must give someone else's ... we collected juicy… in the garden. Smoked is very tasty…. In the forest there was a bird ... the tourists entered the wonderful….

Words for references: box, cloak, thing, vegetables, bream, twitter, gorge.

5. Insert missing letters into words

pi ... a, sve ... a, that ... a, my ... ny, plo ... hell, back ... a, by ... hell, ... um, ... natural, ... very, ... a ... a. ... and ... e, ... u ... ka, ... eno ... ek. ve… and… ka, ru… and… ah, then… .il… ik.

This selection of didactic exercises was sent to the site by

Elena Grachovina

school teacher-speech therapist, Vyborg

Dysgraphia is a partial disorder of the writing process, which is associated with a violation or incomplete formation of mental functions responsible for the control and implementation of written speech. This pathology is manifested by repeated persistent mistakes in writing, which cannot be eliminated on their own without special training. Such violations are a serious obstacle to the child's acquisition of literacy, therefore, the correction of dysgraphia is the necessary step that parents should take as early as possible.

Dysgraphia correction in primary school children

Quite often, dysgraphia in children is combined with a phenomenon such as dyslexia, which is manifested by impaired reading. Dyslexia is also based on underdeveloped attention, difficulty in recognizing letters and spatial perception. Dysgraphia is usually manifested by missing letters and syllables. This indicates that the child does not isolate vowels or some consonant sounds by ear.

If parents notice such signs in their child, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the pathology. Correction of dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren involves, first of all, working with a child psychologist and speech therapist. The psychologist must help the child overcome difficulties in relationships in the family and at school, and the speech therapist develops a plan for treating the disease. It is built in accordance with the mechanism and form of violation of the letter. If we talk about the general methods of dysgraphia correction in primary schoolchildren, then among them the following are the most effective:

  • Elimination of violations in sound pronunciation and phonemic processes;
  • Work on enriching the vocabulary of a younger student;
  • Emphasis on the formation of the grammatical side of speech;
  • Development of analytical and synthetic activities;
  • Classes aimed at improving spatial and auditory perception;
  • Activities that develop memory and thinking;
  • Development of the motor sphere;
  • Classes to improve coherent speech;
  • Written exercises to reinforce the acquired skills.

In addition, when correcting dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren, courses of drug therapy and some types of rehabilitation treatment are often prescribed. Among the latter, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and massage treatments are most commonly used.

Correction of optical dysgraphia

Specialists distinguish several types of dysgraphia:

  • Articular-acoustic, in which there are violations of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception and articulation;
  • Acoustic, which is characterized by problems with phonemic recognition;
  • Agrammatic, due to insufficient development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech;
  • Dysgraphia related to problems of language analysis and synthesis;
  • Optical, indicating a violation of visual-spatial representations.

The latter type is characterized by instability of visual impressions, leading to specific errors when individual letters and unusual fonts are not recognized. This misperception is expressed by mixing letters when writing.

E. V. Mazanova in her book "Correction of optical dysgraphia" for the treatment of the disease suggests carrying out correction and speech therapy work in these main areas:

  • Expansion of the child's visual memory;
  • Mastering graphic symbolization;
  • Development of visual perception, analysis and synthesis;
  • Development of auditory analysis and synthesis;
  • Development of visual gnosis (recognition of color, size and shape);
  • Formation of temporal and spatial representations;
  • Formation of graphomotor skills;
  • Differentiation of letters that have kinetic and optical similarities.

Correction of optical dysgraphia includes many different exercises that contribute to the above areas. For example, for the development of visual gnosis, specialists recommend naming contour, crossed out and superimposed images of objects, as well as their completion. To improve color perception, exercises are practiced such as naming colors in pictures, grouping them by color background or shades, painting various geometric shapes in specific colors according to the assignment.

Correction of dysgraphia, according to Mazanova, also includes exercises for recognizing letters. So, you can ask the child to find a certain letter among a number of others, determine the letters that are located incorrectly, determine the letters superimposed on each other, etc.

The next stage is the development of visual memory and spatial perception. In this case, when correcting dysgraphia, according to Mazanova, exercises are carried out such as memorizing pictures or objects, their location and reproduction after a certain time. Spatial orientation requires several types of orientation:

  • In your own body (including the differentiation of left and right sides);
  • In the surrounding world;
  • On a piece of paper.
  • In syllables;
  • In words;
  • In phrases;
  • In sentences;
  • In the text.

Dysgraphia and dyslexia correction

Dysgraphia and dyslexia correction is usually divided into 4 main stages:

  • Diagnostic;
  • Preparatory;
  • Correctional;
  • Estimated.

The first stage in the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia involves the identification of these disorders in children with the help of dictations, examination of the state of the lexical and grammatical side of speech and analysis of its results.

The second stage is aimed at the general development of manual motor skills, spatial and temporal representations, memory and thinking.

The third stage of dysgraphia and dyslexia correction is characterized by overcoming dysgraphic disorders. In this case, the work is implemented mainly at the syntactic, lexical and phonetic levels and is often aimed at eliminating problems with coherent speech, reading and sound pronunciation.

The last stage of the methodology is designed to assess the results of the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia, therefore, it usually carries out a repeated check of writing and reading skills, as well as an analysis of all kinds of written works of children.

YouTube video related to the article:

Nowadays, more and more often teachers are faced with students who have reading and writing disorders. Parents ask: “What to do? I don’t know how to help? ”And the teachers shrug their shoulders:“ Learn the rules, read aloud more often! ” and sent to a speech therapist or speech pathologist. It's good if he is at school, but what if he is not there? Such problems often take their own course: errors in reading and writing develop into missing signs and indices when solving problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry. The student gets bad grades and a strong reluctance to learn is formed.

It is even more difficult for an adult learner who knows about his problems, but does not know what can be done about it, how to fix it. Most of the problems arise with technical terminology and abbreviations.

This article will present three exercise games that can be used to correct reading and writing disorders.


Dyslexia - specific violation of the reading process. It can manifest itself in the lack of distinction of the meaning of the read text, in the difficulty of assimilating and memorizing letters and sounds, replacing letters when reading, in changing case endings, etc.

Disgraphia - specific violation of the writing process. It can manifest itself in the replacement of sounds similar in sound, distortion of words and sentences, the use of the reverse order of words in a sentence, distortion of letters when writing, etc.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia is a major syndrome that includes impairments to the premises of intelligence, cognitive immaturity, language impairment, frustration impairments, appropriate behavioral responses, and finally, directly impaired writing. (Kornev A.N.)

Since the types of disorders in dyslexia and dysgraphia are similar, they can be corrected together.

According to scientists, without the cooperation of teachers and parents, success in correction is unattainable. Based on his experience, the author believes that parents should be informed about all research results and discussed with them. Parents should know the goals of the correction, the immediate and distant, the expected result and the expected time frame correctional work... This is necessary not only for ethical reasons, but also contributes to the involvement of parents in the work and the formation of a sober view of things in them. The main task of parents is to consolidate the skills learned by the child.


Game-Exercise # 1. Work on memorizing words and terms (their graphic version)

Make up vocabulary words (or terms, for adult listeners) from syllables, circle them in different colors.

Speech material for first graders: alphabet, crow, law, entered, call, textbook, teacher, glue, carpet.

Speech material for cadets and listeners on terminology (example): analysis, synthesis, verification, safety, accident, hook, motor pump, liquidation, arson.

If possible, use word breakdowns or insert images and other visual cues to improve understanding.

Exercise game number 2. We are working on word order to help the child / adult understand the text.

Option for children.

By adding one word at a time, make up sentences from the picture. Be sure to make sure your child respects the word order.

Exercise picture


On the ________

On ____ from ____.

On ___ from ____ ____.

The rules of the game are simple, but you need some kind of inventory - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called Dixit (Dixit), but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism.

for example - a lopsided anchor, in the middle of the desert.

Example of cards for the game

The essence of the exercise game

  • What associations come to mind?
  • They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voiced to the rest.
  • The main condition: the phrase must be constructed in accordance with the word order. Inversion and illogicality are not allowed.
  • The players choose from their set a suitable card according to the description and put it on the table.

The secret is that the description should be multifaceted, and the winner is the one whose card was not immediately guessed.

  • But, an important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points.
  • By the way, the cards themselves, or rather the pictures, at home can be found and printed from the Internet.

Exercise game number 3.

Option for children.

Sea battle game(borrowed from OG Bobkina - speech therapist of secondary school No. 5 in Tavrichanka, Nadezhdinsky district of Primorsky Krai). We are working on orientation on the plane, improving syllabic analysis and synthesis, forming an active and passive vocabulary of students.

Children are offered a playing field, which depicts ships with syllables written on them: the teacher / parent names a place on the field, and the children look for it and name the syllable written on it.

If the ships are named in a certain sequence, then words can be formed from the syllables. For this, the named syllables are written out and then synthesized.

Speech material:

Teacher / parent: Students:

E-1, D-7, A-9 TAN, KA, PI \u003d CAPTAIN

E-8, F-4 SKOY, MOR \u003d MARINE

B-4, K-7 REG, BY \u003d SHORE

K-5, A-7 YAK, MA \u003d LIGHTHOUSE

Z-5, A-1 PRO, LIV \u003d STRAIT

F-7, G-2, Z-3 RAB, CO, LI-SHIP

Zh-10, I-3 ROD, CITY





Playing field

Option for adult learners.

Game "Firefighter Crocodile". We are working on the development of observation, attentiveness, skills to build logical chains.

The rules are very simple. The participants are divided into two teams. The first team thinks a word and informs the opponent's representative. This is the chosen one who must mime the word to his team. The depicting person cannot speak, but his team members can ask him questions, list the options that appear. Nodding his head "yes" or "no" to the person representing the word is allowed - but no more! At this time, the team that made the word can simply roll with laughter, seeing the efforts of the opponents, often fruitless for a long time. If the word is correct, the teams switch roles. Of course, a new player is put up for the image every time.

For those who are just mastering the game, you can start with the elementary. It will be more difficult with abstractions: for example, it took a long time to guess the word "set". Now imagine for yourself how you can portray "perfection"? If you have more or less figured out the words, you can move on to the image of phrases, then - proverbs.

To warm up: sleeve, office, fire, action, document, partner, parade

Phrases: fire tower, property damage, fire brigade, fire sketch.

Sayings and proverbs

  1. For the beaten, two unbeaten give
  2. Tears of sorrow will not help
  3. Sleep on one side - thirty-six hours.
  4. Do you like to ride - love to carry sledges
  5. There is safety in numbers
  6. Fight fire with fire
  7. The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you will not catch
  8. Sleeps like a regimental horse.
  9. What do you call a boat - so it will float
  10. What burns will not rot.
  11. The firefighter sleeps - the Motherland is getting richer.
  12. No matter how much the wolf you feed, he keeps looking into the forest
  13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
  14. He aimed at the heel, but hit the nose.
  15. Do you like to talk - love and listen.

Practical material is given according to the complexity of the tasks: from letters, syllables, to reading sentences and different types texts. The tasks are of a playful, developmental nature.

The reasons for learning difficulties at school and university are very diverse, therefore play methods must be strictly differentiated and individualized, i.ecorrespond to the mechanisms of learning and behavior problems in the institution, revealed during a comprehensive neuropsychological examination, as well as the gender, age and individual characteristics of the child's personality.

1. Kornev A.N. Reading and Writing Disorders in Children: Textbook - SPb .: MiM, 1997. - 286 p.

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