Precuting MV: Instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in pharmacies of Russia. Preduat MV: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in pharmacies of Russia Trimetazidine or predict what is better

One of the most popular and demanded medicines, effective in combating symptoms ischemic Disease Hearts are the pills "preacht". Feedback on the use of this drug is contradictory. This is due to the fact that along with extreme effectiveness, this medication does not heal the disease, but only removes its symptoms. How appropriate, the use of the medication "predet" will be discussed in our article.

general characteristics

There are preparations whose use has earned numerous positive feedback. "Precut" is one of them. This drug has the ability to level the consequences of oxygen starvation of brain nerve cells and the heart muscle due to the activation of metabolism. The drug "preoccupy" improves in cells experiencing an oxygen deficiency, therefore it is prescribed to patients suffering from coronary heart disease, for the prevention of angina, as well as with the retil (worsening vision) and cochleto-baural (change in hearing, dizziness, noise in the ears) violations.


Currently, two types of the same drug are produced - it "preoccupied" and "pretty MV". They possess the same therapeutic effect, as they contain one active substance - Trimetazidine. So what kind of drugs did the most laudatory reviews deserve? "Precuting MV" Some are considered more efficient, as it is created by special technology, at the expense of its main active substance It is slower, and therefore, the impact on the body has a longer. Other differences between these two drugs not. Everyone can choose the one that does it seems better to him on subjective reasons.

Dosage form

The dosage form of the above-described drugs is almost identical. They both are produced in the form of tablets. In the package with a medicine "predet", they are contained sixty pieces, and "pretty MV" is sold at 300, 180, 90, 60 units in a pack. Both those and other tablets have a biconide form and painted in fault in white color. However, some differences are still available. The tablets "prettral MV" pink color, and "preoccupy" - red-orange.


The drug "Pretended MV", the reviews of which will be presented below, contains in one tablet 35 mg of trimetazidine. In a weaker "preoccupative", this substance is present in a much lesser concentration - only 20 mg. But the auxiliary components in these medicines are different. "Precuting MV" consists of calcium hydrophosphate dihydrate, hypimonlolo, iron oxide of red, colloidal silicon oxide. "Precuting" - from corn starch, aluminum yellow varnish, moisture aluminum, Mannitol Talca. These drugs and general components are glycerol, poveidone, titanium dioxide, hypimosellos, macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate.

Therapeutic action

Trimetazidine supports the stable level of ATP in tissues and due to this ensures normal life of the cell under conditions of oxygen deficiency. In addition, this substance slows down and stimulates the utilization of glucose, which is necessary for the formation of energy and requires a smaller amount of oxygen. It is this process that underlies therapeutic effect Preparations "preoccupy" and "pretty MV".

Patient reviews indicate that these drugs have the following properties:

  • Slow development caused exercise (from the fifteenth day of therapy).
  • Reduce the hesters of blood pressure associated with excessive overwork.
  • Reduce the frequency and intensity of the attacks of angina.
  • Level the need for nitroglycerin.
  • Stimulate blood circulation.
  • Improve hearing with deafness caused by ischemic heart disease.
  • Enhance the visual sharpness associated with oxygen starvation.

Indications for use

  • With ischemic heart disease, pills "pretty MV" and "preoccatted" are applied. Reviews of cardiologists indicate that they are effective with long-term therapy in order to prevent angularity attacks.
  • To eliminate cochleto-baulous disorders (dizziness, hearing impairment, eared noise) in LOR-Practice, the drugs described by us are also used.
  • In ophthalmology, medicines "predatory MV" and "preoccupy" are no less in demand: they eliminate the dystrophy and retinal atrophy of the eye caused by an oxygen deficiency.

Instructions for use

The tablets "predette" need to swallow the whole during meals, drinking with a small amount of water. Usually they are prescribed one thing two or three times a day. Therapy, as a rule, continues for several months, its duration depends on the appointment of the attending physician. The daily concentration of medication in the blood should not exceed 60 mg, which corresponds to the three tablets. The use of more drug is fraught with negative consequences, as evidenced by feedback. "Precontal" in a strong concentration provokes sharply pronounced sideflines.

The tablets "Preteat MV" should be taken in one thing twice a day - in the morning and evening. They need to be absorbed, not chewing, while eating, drinking water. The daily maximum dosage of the drug in the blood is 70 mg (two tablets). To avoid side Effects It should not be exceeded. The duration of the application "preoccupied MV" is also several months (under the close observation of the attending specialist).

Side effects

Preparations "predet" and "preoccupied MV" can cause the same side effects. By clinical trials and prolonged patient monitoring, it was found that they can provoke some violations of organs and systems.

  • From the head of the gastrointestinal tract, it may be observed: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, phenomena of dyspepsia (swelling of the abdomen, exterior, extinguishing gases, heartburn, etc.).
  • From the CNS: dizziness, asthenia, acneezia (the inability to make arbitrary desired movements), headaches, tremor, instability in the pose of romberg, an increase in muscle tone, syndrome restless legs, Specific Parkinsonic Sweetness Gait, Sleepiness, Insomnia.
  • Skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue may suffer from rashes, itching, urticaria, acute generalized examatosis Pustulose and quinque swelling.
  • From side of cardio-vascular system: extrasystolia, heartiness feeling, strong decline arterial pressure, Tachycardia is tilted to the skin of the face, (drop in pressure during the transition to standing).
  • In the blood and lymph after the use of the drug, the following violations may appear: agranulocytosis (decrease in basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils), thrombocytopenia.
  • In addition, in some cases, the use of the medication described by us can cause hepatitis.

The fact that the above side effects disappear immediately after the cancellation of the drug is confirmed by numerous reviews. "Precontal", nevertheless, should be taken with caution, under the supervision of the doctor.


Common forms of release
Name, manufacturer Release form Pack., Pieces Price, R.
Precuting MV (Preductal MR) - Original, France, Servier tablets 35mg. 60 600-1.210
180 690-730
Precuting OD (Preduccal OD) - Original, France, Servier tablets 80mg. 30 690-1050
60 1.200-1.760
Angic Retard (Angiozil Retard), Russia, Gideon Richter tablets 35mg. 60 330-640
Depthrenorm MR (Deprenorm MR), Russia, Canonfarma tablets 35mg. 30 200-435
60 250-530
tablets 70mg. 30 250-520
Preizin (Predizin), Romania, Gideon Richter tablets 35mg. 60 340-770
Rimecor (Rimecor), Russia, Makiz tablets 20mg. 30 130-310
Rimecor MV (Rimecor MR), Ukraine, Pharma Start tablets 35mg. 60 310-725
Triducard (Triducard), Russia, Northern Star tablets 35mg. 60 105-305
tablets 35mg. 60 320-540
Trimektal MR (Trimektal MR), Russia, Vertex tablets 35mg. 120 310-580
Trimetazidine NV, Russia, Bioque tablets 35mg. 30 110-260
60 170-340
Trimetazidine, Germany, Merclet tablets 20mg. 30 100-260
60 200-400
Trimetazidine MV-Teva, Germany, Merclet tablets 35mg. 60 290-520
120 480-880
Trimetazidine, Russia, Canonfarm tablets 20mg. 30 35-110
60 65-200
Trimetazidine, Russia, Vertex capsules 20mg. 30 35-125
60 80-250
Rare and removed from sales form
Antiistne (Antisten), Russia, Ozone tablets 20mg. 60 450-550
Anti-Special MV, Russia, Ozone tablets 35mg. 60 450-715
Vero Trimetazidine (Vero Trimetazidine), Russia, Veropharm tablets 20mg. 30 75-125
Trimetazide (Trimetazide), Poland, Polfa tablets 20mg. 60 100-150
Trimetazidine MV, Russia, Valen tablets 35mg. 60 150-330
Trimetazidine FPO, Russia, Obolensk tablets 20mg. 60 70-135
Trimet (Trimet), India, Torrent tablets 20mg. 60 not

Commercial names abroad - VASTAREL MR, Flavedon Mr, Cardaptan, Idaptan, Carvidon Mr, Trizedon MR, Vestar, Carmetadin.

Precuting - Review of the Cardiologist:

I will say briefly: in cardiology the drug is absolutely useless, none with any pathology therapeutic effect does not.

There is extra money - buy and take.

Precuting MV (trimetazidine) - instructions for use. The preparation is prescription, information is intended only for health professionals!

Clinical and Pharmacological Group:

The drug that improves the metabolism of myocardium and neurosensory bodies in the conditions of ischemia

pharmachologic effect

Precontract® MV prevents a decrease in the intracellular content of ATP by preserving the energy metabolism of cells in a state of hypoxia. Thus, the drug ensures the normal functioning of membrane ion channels, transmembrane transfer of potassium and sodium ions and the preservation of cellular homeostasis.

Trimetazidine slows down the oxidation of fatty acids due to the selective inhibition of long-chain 3-ketoacetyl-coolas, which leads to an increase in glucose oxidation and the restoration of the interface between glycolysis and oxidative decarboxylation and causes the protection of myocardium from ischemia. Switching oxidation of fatty acids to the oxidation of glucose underlies the antichangal effect of trimetazidine.

It is experimentally confirmed that trimetazidine has the following properties:

  • maintains the energy metabolism of the heart and neurosensory organs during ischemia;
  • reduces the amount of intracellular acidosis and the degree of changes in the transmembrane ion flow arising under ischemia;
  • lowers the level of migration and infiltration of polynuclear neutrophils in ischemic and reperfusion tissues of the heart;
  • reduces myocardial damage;
  • there is no direct impact on hemodynamic performance.

In patients suffering from angina, trimetazidine:

  • increases the coronary reserve, thereby slowing the development of ischemia caused by exercise, starting from the 15th day of therapy;
  • limits sharp hesitation of blood pressure, caused by exercise, without any significant changes in heart rate;
  • significantly reduces the frequency of angina attacks and the need for a short-acting nitroglycerin;
  • improves the contractile function of the left ventricle in patients with ischemic dysfunction.

IN clinical studies The duration of 2 months was shown that the addition of the drug predatal® MV at a dose of 35 mg to the therapy with atenolol in a dose of 50 mg after 12 hours led to a significant slowdown in the offensive of the ischemic depression of the ST segment when carrying out load tests.



After taking the drug inside the trimetazidine is quickly absorbed. Cmax is achieved after 5 hours. More than 24 hours, the plasma concentration remains at a level exceeding 75% of the concentration, determined after 11 hours. Meal does not affect the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug.


CSS is achieved after 60 h. Vd is 4.8 l / kg, which indicates a good distribution of trimetazidine in tissues.

Binding with plasma proteins is low, about 16% (in vitro).


It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys unchanged. T1 / 2 - about 7 hours, patients over 65 years old - about 12 hours.

The kidney clearance of trimetazidine directly correlates with the CC, the hepatic clearance decreases with age.

It was shown that in the elderly patients with a daily dose of 2 tablets in 2 receptions, an increase in the exposure in the blood plasma does not lead to any pronounced effects compared with placebo.

Indications for the use of the drug predtal® MV

  • cardiology: Long-term IBS therapy, prevention of attacks stable angina (monotherapy or in combination therapy);
  • ENT diseases: treatment of cochleo-vestibular violations of ischemic nature, such as dizziness, noise in the ears, hearing impairment;
  • ophthalmology: chorioretinal disorders with ischemic component.

Method of application and dosage

Precontract® MV is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day during meal in the morning and in the evening. The duration of therapy is established individually.

Tablets take inside entirely, not chewing and drinking water.

Side effect

Determination of development frequency adverse Reactions: Very often (\u003e 1/10), often (\u003e 1/100,<1/10), нечасто (1/1000, <1/100), редко (1/10 000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10 000), включая отдельные случаи.

From the digestive system: often - abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting.

From the CNS: often - dizziness, headache; Very rarely - extrapyramidal symptoms (trembling, rigidity, acinesis), reversible after the cancellation of the drug.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely orthostatic hypotension, blood tides to the skin of the face.

Allergic reactions: often - skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Others: often - asthenia.

Contraindications for the use of the drug predtal® MV

  • pronounced renal failure (QC less than 15 ml / min);
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Due to the lack of sufficient clinical data, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children and adolescents under the age of 18.

With caution should be prescribed to patients with severe liver failure (clinical data are limited).

Application of the drug preoccupative® MV during breastfeeding and breastfeeding

In experimental studies, the teratogenic effect of trimetazidine was not established. However, due to the lack of clinical data, the drug is not recommended to be applied during pregnancy.

It is not known whether trimetazidine is distinguished with breast milk. Therefore, if necessary, the appointment of the drug during the lactation should stop breastfeeding.

Application with violations of liver function

Due to the lack of appropriate clinical data, the prescription of the drug preoccupied® MV is not recommended for patients with severe liver function disorders.

Application with violations of the kidney function

Due to the lack of appropriate clinical data, the prescription of the drug preoccupied® MV is not recommended to patients with renal failure with QC less than 15 ml / min.

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that precomply® MV is not intended to relocate angina seizures and is not shown for the initial course of the therapy of unstable angina or myocardial infarction, as well as in preparing for hospitalization or in the first days.

In the event of the development of the attack of angina, it should be revised and adapting treatment (drug therapy or revascularization).

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Precuting® MV slightly affects the ability to driving a car and performing work requiring high velocity of psychomotor reactions. In connection with the possible development of dizziness and other side effects, caution should be taken when operating by vehicles and occupations by other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


There is limited information on the overdose of trimetazidine.

In case of overdose, the symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Medicinal interaction

Medicinal interaction of the drug preoccupatic® MV is not described.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released by a doctor's prescription.

Terms and Storage Terms

No special storage conditions required. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years.

Polish drug predict MV is intended for the treatment of heart pathologies. The key component of the means is represented by trimetazidine dihydrochloride in a volume of 35 mg in each tablet.


Russian substitute for fixed assets in tablet form. It has the same permissions and prohibitions for use that I predict MV.

Reception permits depend on the scope of application:

  • in cardiological practice - with long-term treatment of IBS, in order to prevent the formation of attacks of the angina of a stable flow, as a drug of monotherapy or comprehensive effects;
  • in otolaryngological - therapy of the problem of foreign stall in the ears, attacks of dizziness, hearing impairment, coordination of movements formed under the influence of ischemia;
  • in ophthalmologic - dystrophic changes in the choriocapillary layer of the vascular envelope of the organs of vision with ischemic features.
  • with flashes of spontaneous allergies with respect to the ingredients;
  • with significant kidney dysfunction with QC indicators less than 15 units;
  • at the moment of having a baby and his breast feeding;
  • for patients who have not achieved complete majority - there is no sufficient information about the harm of medication.

The attention of specialists should be directed to patients with serious liver failure.


The drug takes 0.02 g, three times a day, simultaneously with the meal. If the variant of the drug with a modified form of liberation is prescribed, then the dosage is 0.035 g twice a day.

Side effect






A domestic substitute in its instructions duplicates basic information about the main medicine.

Reception permits depend on the scope of application:

  • in cardiological practice - with long-term treatment of IBS, in order to prevent the formation of attacks of the angina of a stable flow, as a drug of monotherapy or comprehensive effects;
  • in otolaryngological - therapy of the problem of foreign stall in the ears, attacks of dizziness, hearing impairment, coordination of movements formed under the influence of ischemia;
  • in ophthalmologic - dystrophic changes in the choriocapillary layer of the vascular envelope of the organs of vision with ischemic features.
  • with flashes of spontaneous allergies with respect to the ingredients;
  • at the moment of having a baby and his breast feeding;
  • for patients who have not achieved complete majority - there is no sufficient information about the harm of medication.


Therapy is carried out in conjunction with meals, from 2 to 3 tablets daily. The main course appoints the attending physician.

Side effect

The tool can become a source of non-standard response of the body:

Zhkt.- painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal cavity, digestive disorders with a liquid chair, dyspeptic deviations with bits of vomiting or nausea.

SCS.- Hot riding to face, orthostatic version of the hypotension.

CNS. - attacks of acute headache with dizziness, involuntary trembling limbs, muscle rigidity, axinesia: symptoms of extrapyramidal deviations by independently after the cancellation of the medication.

Dermis - Dermatological itching, rash, nettle syndrome.

Separate patients may have asthenic syndrome.

Angic Retard

A substitute from Macedonia in tablets duplicate readings and prohibitions to receive a fixed assessment.


The medicine is applied twice a day on one tablet, together with the morning and evening meals. The duration of the procedures is established by a doctor for each patient separately.

Side effect

In some cases, gastric pains, nausea or vomiting, headaches, accelerated heartbeat, allergic reactions with dermatological itch were recorded.


The domestic analogue was predicted by MV in a tablet version that have the same testimony and prohibitions for the application as the main medication.


Therapeutic procedures are carried out together with food intake. Standard dosage includes 2 or 3 tablets equal to 0.04-0.06 g, the daily amount is divided into several receptions. The duration of treatment is determined individually for each ill.

Side effect

The drug can be the source of the formation of gastric discomfort, felling and attacks of vomiting, pronounced dermis itch. In rare cases, there is a headache and severe heartbeat.

Defrene MV

Substitute for domestic production in tablets with full duplication of side effects, permits and contraindications to apply the main medication.


The drug is accepted together with morning and evening food, one tablet. The duration of therapy depends on the appointments of the precinct specialist.

Side effect

The tool can become a source of non-standard response of the body:

Zhkt.- painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal cavity, digestive disorders with a liquid chair, dyspeptic deviations with bits of vomiting or nausea.

SCS.- Hot riding to face, orthostatic version of the hypotension.

CNS. - attacks of acute headache with dizziness, involuntary trembling limbs, muscle rigidity, axinesia: symptoms of extrapyramidal deviations by independently after the cancellation of the medication.

Dermis - Dermatological itching, rash, nettle syndrome.

Separate patients may have asthenic syndrome.


Tableted Russian substitute predicted mV.


The remedy is prescribed under CH of various origin, against the background of the body poisoning with cardiac glycosides, with two types of diabetes mellitus.


Reception is prohibited for juvenile patients and patients with severe and allergic reactions to individual components of the drug.


Against the background of the CH - reception from 0.25 to 0.5 g, twice a day, 20 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is equal to one calendar month. It is allowed to increase the initial doses to 3 g per day or their decrease to 0.125.

On the background of 2 types of diabetes - 0.5 g, twice a day. It is allowed to use the drug as a means of monotherapy or its combination with other drugs that reduce glucose indicators in the bloodstream.

Against the background of 1 type of diabetes mellitus - 0.5 g twice a day. Insulin therapy is additionally produced, the overall treatment course can reach the first half of the year.

Side effect

The medication can lead to outbreaks of allergic reactions.


Hungarian agent against heart disease with similar data in the attached instruction.


  • in cardiological practice - with long-term treatment of IBS, in order to prevent the formation of attacks of the angina of a stable flow, as a drug of monotherapy or comprehensive effects;
  • in otolaryngological - therapy of the problem of foreign stall in the ears, attacks of dizziness, hearing impairment, coordination of movements formed under the influence of ischemia;
  • in ophthalmologic - dystrophic changes in the choriocapillary layer of the vascular envelope of the organs of vision with ischemic features.

Dosing mode

The drug is accepted with morning and evening food, on one tablet, treatment time depend on the instructions of the doctor.

Side effect

The tool can become a source of non-standard response of the body:

Zhkt.- painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal cavity, digestive disorders with a liquid chair, dyspeptic deviations with bits of vomiting or nausea.

SCS.- Hot riding to face, orthostatic version of the hypotension.

CNS. - attacks of acute headache with dizziness, involuntary trembling limbs, muscle rigidity, axinesia: symptoms of extrapyramidal deviations by independently after the cancellation of the medication.

Dermis - Dermatological itching, rash, nettle syndrome.

Separate patients may have asthenic syndrome.

Contraindications for use

Prohibited therapeutic procedures:

  • with flashes of spontaneous allergies with respect to the ingredients;
  • with significant dysfunction of the liver or kidney with QC indicators less than 15 units;
  • at the moment of having a baby and his breast feeding;
  • for patients who have not achieved complete majority - there is no information about the championship of the drug.
Name of the drug Price in the Russian Federation Country and manufacturer
Precuted MV. from 739 rubles Anfarm, Poland.
Vero-Trimetazidin from 108 rubles Veropharm, Russia
Antishen from 279 rubles Ozone, Russia
Angic Retard from 420 rubles Replinfarm, Macedonia
RIMECOR from 175 rubles Makiz-Pharma, Russia
Defrene MV from 248 rubles Canonfarma, Russia
Dibico from 271 rubles Pick-Pharma, Russia
Preizer from 439 rubles Gideon Richter, Hungary

pharmachologic effect

Precuting ® MV prevents a decrease in the intracellular content of ATP by preserving the energy metabolism of cells in a state of hypoxia. Thus, the drug ensures the normal functioning of membrane ion channels, transmembrane transfer of potassium and sodium ions and the preservation of cellular homeostasis.

Trimetazidine slows down the oxidation of fatty acids due to the selective inhibition of long-chain 3-ketoacetyl-coolas, which leads to an increase in glucose oxidation and the restoration of the interface between glycolysis and oxidative decarboxylation and causes the protection of myocardium from ischemia. Switching oxidation of fatty acids to the oxidation of glucose underlies the antichangal effect of trimetazidine.

It is experimentally confirmed that trimetazidine has the following properties:

- maintains the energy metabolism of the heart and neurosensory organs during ischemia;

- reduces the amount of intracellular acidosis and the degree of changes in the transmembrane ion flow arising during ischemia;

- lowers the level of migration and infiltration of polynuclear neutrophils in the ischemic and reperfusion tissues of the heart;

- reduces myocardial damage;

- There is no direct impact on hemodynamic performance.

In patients suffering from angina, trimetazidine:

- increases the coronary reserve, thereby slowing the development of ischemia caused by exercise, starting from the 15th day of therapy;

- limits sharp hesitation of blood pressure, caused by exercise, without any significant changes in heart rate;

- significantly reduces the frequency of angina attacks and the need for a short-acting nitroglycerin;

- improves the contractile function of the left ventricle in patients with ischemic dysfunction.

The results of the clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness and safety of the use of trimetazidine in patients with stable angina, both in monotherapy and as part of combined therapy in case of insufficient treatment efficacy by other drugs.

In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with the participation of 426 patients with stable angina (TRIMPOL-II), the addition of trimetazidine (60 mg / day) to the treatment with metoprolol 100 mg / day (50 mg 2 times / day) for 12 weeks is statistically reliably Improved the results of load tests and clinical symptoms compared with placebo: the total duration of load tests was +20.1 C, P \u003d 0.023, the total load time of the load +0.54 Mets, P \u003d 0.001, time to the development of the depression of ST segment per 1 mm +33.4 s, p \u003d 0.003, time before the development of the attack of angina +33.9 s, p<0.001, количество приступов стенокардии в неделю -0.73, р=0.014 и потребление нитратов короткого действия в неделю 0.63, р=0.032, без гемодинамических изменений.

In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with the participation of 223 patients with stable angina (sellier), the addition of trimetazidine at a dose of 35 mg 2 times / day to the therapy at atenolol at a dose of 50 mg 1 time / day for 8 weeks led to an increase in time to the development of ischemic Depression ST segment per 1 mm (+34.4 C, p \u003d 0.03) When carrying out load tests in a subgroup of patients (n \u003d 173), compared with placebo, 12 hours after receiving the drug. This difference was also shown for the development of angina attacks (P \u003d 0.049). Revealed reliable differences between groups for other secondary endpoints (the total duration of load tests, the total load time and clinical endpoints).

In a three-month-old randomized double-blind study with the participation of 1962 patients with stable angina (VASCO) trimetazidine in two dosages (70 mg / day and 140 mg / day), in comparison with the placebo, Atenolol's therapy was added (50 mg / day). In the overall population, including patients, both without symptoms and symptoms of angina, trimetazidine did not demonstrate advantages on ergometric (total length of load tests, time before the ischemic depression of ST segment per 1 mm and time before the development of angina) and clinical endpoints . However, in a retrospective analysis in a subgroup of patients with stenocardia symptoms (N \u003d 1574), trimetazidine (140 mg) has significantly improved the total load test time (+23.8 С compared to +13.1 C for placebo; p \u003d 0.001) and time before the development of the attack of angina region ( +46.3 C compared to +32.5 C for placebo; p \u003d 0.005).



After taking the drug inside the trimetazidine is quickly absorbed. Max is achieved after 5 hours. More than 24 hours, the plasma concentration remains at a level that exceeds 75% of the concentration determined after 11 hours. Meal does not affect the bioavailability of the drug.


SS is achieved after 60 hours. V D is 4.8 l / kg, which indicates a good distribution of trimetazidine in tissues.

Binding with plasma proteins is low, about 16% (in vitro).


It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys unchanged. T 1/2 - about 7 hours, patients over 65 years old - about 12 hours.

The kidney clearance of trimetazidine directly correlates with the CC, the hepatic clearance decreases with age.

Pharmacokinetics in special groups of patients

In patients over the age of 75, an increased exposure of trimetazidine may be observed due to the age reduction of the kidney function. A special study was conducted in the population of patients under the age of 75 when taking trimethazidine tablets of 35 mg 2 times / day. Analysis conducted by the kinetic population method showed on average two-time increase in blood plasma in patients with renal failure of severe (QC<30 мл/мин) по сравнению с пациентами с КК >60 ml / min. No features regarding the safety of the use of the drug in patients over the age of 75 in comparison with the overall population was not found.

The exposition of trimethazidine was average increased by 2.4 times in patients with renal insufficiency of secondary severity (KK 30-60 ml / min) and, on average, 4 times - in patients with severe renal failure (QC<30 мл/мин) по сравнению со здоровыми добровольцами с нормальной функцией почек. Никаких особенностей касательно безопасности применения препарата у этой популяции пациентов в сравнении с общей популяцией обнаружено не было.

Pharmacokinetics of trimetazidine in children and adolescents under the age of 18 were not studied.


- Long-term therapy of IBS: Prevention of seizures of stable angina in the form of monotherapy or as part of combination therapy.

Dosing mode

Precuting ® MV assign 1 tab. 2 times / day during meals in the morning and in the evening. The maximum daily dose is 70 mg.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Tablets should be taken inside entirely, not chewing and drinking water.

W. patients with renal insufficiency of moderate severity (QC 30-60 ml / min) The daily dose is 35 mg (1 tab.). Tablets should be taken in the morning, during breakfast.

W. patients over the age of 75 An increased exposure of trimetazidine due to the age reduction of the kidney function may be observed. Select the dose with caution.

Side effect

Unwanted reactions defined as undesirable phenomena at least having a possible attitude towards treatment with trimetazidine are given in the following gradation: very often (≥1 / 10); Often (≥1 / 100,<1/10); нечасто (≥1/1000, <1/100); редко (≥1/10 000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10 000); неуточненной частоты (частота не может быть подсчитана по доступным данным).

From the digestive system:often - abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting; Uncomfortable frequency - constipation.

From the CNS: Often - dizziness, headache; Unspecified frequency - symptoms of Parkinsonism (tremor, akinesia, increasing tone), instability in pose of romberg and "praying" gait, "Restless legs" syndrome, other motor disorders, usually reversible after cancellation, sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness) .

From the side of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue: often - skin rash, itching, urticaria; Unspecified frequency - acute generalized examature Pustulose, swelling of quinque.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: Rarely - a feeling of heartbeat, extrasystolia, tachycardia, a pronounced decline in blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, which can be accompanied by general weakness, dizziness or loss of equilibrium, especially with the simultaneous admission of hypotensive drugs, "tides" of the blood to the skin of the face.

From the side of the hematopoietic system: Uncomfortable frequency - agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura.

From the side of the liver and biliary tract: Uncomfortable frequency - hepatitis.

General violations: Often - asthenia.

Contraindications for use

- severe renal failure (QC less than 30 ml / min);

- Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism symptoms, tremor, restless leg syndrome and other associated motor disorders;

- Increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

FROM caution It should be prescribed the drug to patients with renal failure of severe (QC<30 мл/мин) (клинические данные ограничены), пациентам с почечной недостаточностью средней степени тяжести (КК 30-60 мл/мин), пациентам в возрасте старше 75 лет.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Data on the use of the drug pregnant ® MB in pregnant women are missing.

Animal studies did not reveal the presence of direct or indirect reproductive toxicity.

Reproductive toxicity studies have not shown the effects of trimetazidine on the reproductive function in rats of both sexes.

Data on the selection of trimetazidine or its metabolites in breast milk is absent. The risk for a newborn / child cannot be excluded. It should not be applied to the drug predict ® MB during breastfeeding.

Application in children

Due to the lack of sufficient clinical data, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug to children and adolescents under the age of 18.


There is limited information on the overdose of trimetazidine.

In case of overdose, the symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Medicinal interaction

The drug interaction of the drug predetal ® MV is not described.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is released by a doctor's prescription.

Terms and Storage Terms

No special storage conditions required. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not apply after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Application with violations of liver function

FROM caution The drug should be prescribed to patients with severe liver failure (clinical data are limited).

Application with violations of the kidney function

Contraindicated in pronounced renal failure (QC less than 30 ml / min).

FROM caution A drug should be prescribed to patients with moderate renal failure.

Application in elderly patients

It should be prescribed with caution to be prescribed ® MB older patients over 75 years old, which can increase its exposure.

special instructions

Precuting ® MV is not intended to relocate angina seizures and is not shown for the initial course of the therapy of unstable angina or myocardial infarction at the prehospital stage or in the first days of hospitalization.

In the event of the development of the attack of angina, it should be revised and adapting treatment (drug therapy or conducting a revascularization procedure).

Precuting ® MB can cause or worsen Parkinsonism symptoms (tremor, akinesia, increasing tone), therefore, regular observation of patients, especially elderly, should be carried out. In doubtful cases, patients should be sent to a neurologist for an appropriate examination.

When motor disorders appear, such as Parkinsonism Symptoms, Restless Leg Syndrome, Tremor, Instability in the Romberg Pose and "Skateness" of the gait, predict ® MB should be finally canceled.

Such cases are rare and symptoms usually pass after the termination of therapy: in most patients - for 4 months after the cancellation of the drug. If the symptoms of Parkinsonism persist more than 4 months after the cancellation of the drug should be consulted by the neurologist.

Cases of falling, associated with instability in the Romberg Pose and the "scalance" of the gait or a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, especially, in patients receiving hypotensive drugs may be occurring.

It should be prescribed with caution preoccupied ® MB patients who have to increase its exposure:

- with renal insufficiency of medium and severe;

- Elderly patients over 75 years old.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

During clinical studies, the influence of the drug predicts ® MB on hemodynamic indicators, but during the period of the post-registration application, there were cases of dizziness and drowsiness, which may affect the ability to control the vehicle and performing work requiring increased speed of physical and mental reactions.

Preclutten OD: Instructions for use and reviews

Preoccupated one - antianginal drug.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of a capsules with a prolonged release: Size No. 2, solid gelatin, with a white body and a lid of orange-red color, on a white cover, a digit "80" and a company logo are printed; Content capsules - white or almost white granules of spherical shape (in blisters: 9 pcs, in a carton 3 blisters; 10 pcs., in a cardboard pack 3 or 6 blisters; each pack also contains instructions for use preoccamed OD 80 mg).

1 capsule contains:

  • the active ingredient: trimetazidine dihydrochloride - 80 mg (in the form of granules coated with film shell);
  • auxiliary components: sugar spheres measuring 710-850 μm (sucrose, corn starch, starch hydrolysis products, dyes), hypimlory;
  • the composition of the film shell granules: ethyl cellulose, tributylcetylcitrate, talc;
  • composition for dusting granules: Talc, magnesium stearate;
  • the composition of the housing of the capsule: titanium dioxide (E171), gelatin;
  • composition of capsules capsules: gelatin, titanium dioxide (E171), iron oxide (E172);
  • ink Composition: Shellac, Siemeticone, Propylene Glycol, Titanium Dioxide, Ammonium Hydroxide.

Pharmacological properties


One-antiagonal drug predicts, which provides membrane ion channels to maintain normal functioning, transmembrane transfer of sodium and potassium ions, preservation of cellular homeostasis. The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the ability of trimetazidine to maintain the energy metabolism of cells in the state of hypoxia and, thus, to prevent a decrease in the intracellular concentration of adenosine trifhosphate (ATP).

At the heart of the pharmacological properties preoccamed the OD lies the switching of energy metabolism from oxidation of fatty acids into glucose oxidation. Selective inhibition of trimetazidine enzyme 3-ketoacyl-coa-thiolase (3-Cat) mitochondrial long-chain isoform of fatty acids causes inhibition of oxidation of fatty acids. This helps to increase glucose oxidation and glycolysis acceleration with glucose oxidation, which determines myocardial protection from ischemia.

Trimetazidine has the following pharmacodynamic properties:

  • maintaining during ischemia of the energy metabolism of the heart and neurosensory fabrics;
  • reducing the severity of intracellular acidosis and a change in the transmembrane ion flow characteristic of ischemia;
  • lowering the level of migration and infiltration of polynuclear neutrophils in refused and styled heart tissues;
  • decrease in myocardial damage;
  • lack of direct impact on hemodynamic performance.

In patients suffering from angina, after 15-day therapy, the trimetazidine increases the coronary reserve, which leads to a slowdown in the onset of ischemia caused by physical activity. Without significant changes in heart rate (heart rate), the drug limits blood pressure fluctuations (blood pressure) caused by exercise. There is a significant reduction in cases of the appearance of angina attacks and the need for a short-acting nitroglycerin. The contractile function of the left ventricle is improved in patients with ischemic dysfunction.

When carrying out clinical studies, it was found that in the absence of a sufficient effect of other anti-inanal drugs in the treatment of stable angina, the use of trimetazidine for monotherapy or as part of combination therapy was effective and safe.

When combined with metoprolol, it is statistically significant to improve the results of load tests and clinical symptoms. Application with Atenolol contributes to an increase in time to the development of ischemic depression ST segment per 1 mm.


After receiving the capsules inside the trimetazidine, there is a linear pharmacokinetic profile, the maximum concentration (C max) in the plasma reaches approximately 14 hours. Simultaneous meals for the bioavailability of trimetazidine at a dose of 80 mg does not affect. Equilibrium condition is achieved through 3 days of therapy.

Trimetazidine is well distributed in tissues, its V D (distribution volume) is 4.8 l / kg.

Bonding with plasma proteins is quite low, about 16% of the adopted dose.

T 1/2 (half-life) in young patients - about 7 hours, over the age of 65 years - about 12 hours.

The drug is excreted mainly through the kidneys, to a greater extent unchanged.

The kidney clearance of trimetazidine is interrelated with creatinine clearance (CC) and decreases with the age of the patient.

With a moderate degree of renal failure (KK 30-60 ml / min), the exposure of trimetazidine increases 2.4 times, with severe (QC less than 30 ml / min) - on average 4 times.

Due to the age reduction of the kidney function in elderly patients (after 75 years), it is possible to increase the exposure of trimetazidine. In a special study conducted in patients of this age category, when taking tablets at a dose of 35 mg 2 times a day, it was found that with a severe degree of renal failure (CC less than 30 ml / min), the exposure of the active substance in the blood plasma is 2 times higher than in patients with QC more than 60 ml / min. Information about other features of the application preoccupied OD in old age is absent.

The safety and efficacy of the use of trimetazidine in patients under the age of 18 are not installed.

Indications for use

The application was preoccupied for long-term therapy of coronary heart disease (IBS) in order to prevent stable angina attacks (as monotherapy or in combination treatment).


  • symptoms of Parkinsonism, including tremor, "Restless" foot syndrome and other motor disorders;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • severe renal failure with KK less than 30 ml / min;
  • fructose intolerance and / or sucrose, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, deficiency of sugar and isomaltase;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Care should be taken when appointing preoccamed one with a severe degree of liver failure (10-15 points on the Child-Pew scale), a moderate degree of renal failure (KK 30-60 ml / min), over the age of 75 years.

Since the data on the safety of the application predelled OD during pregnancy and there are no breasts during breastfeeding, the prescription of the drug into these periods of life of a woman is not recommended.

Precuting OD, instructions for use: method and dosage

Capsules predetted one take inside, swallowing and drinking water, in the morning during breakfast.

Recommended dosing: 1 pcs. 1 per day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually. An assessment of the effectiveness of therapy can be carried out only after 90 days of regular reception of the drug. In the absence of an expected therapeutic result, the reception predelled one should stop.

With a moderate degree of renal failure (QC 30-60 ml / min) and in patients under the age of 75 years old, the daily dose of trimetazidine should not exceed 35 mg.

Side effects

  • from the side of the cardiovascular system: a rarely pronounced decrease in blood pressure, a feeling of heartbeat, tachycardia, extrasystolia, orthostatic hypotension (including accompanied by general weakness, loss of equilibrium or dizziness, often with the simultaneous use of hypotensive drugs), blood tides to the skin of the face;
  • from the central nervous system: often - headache, dizziness; The frequency is not installed - insomnia, drowsiness, symptoms of Parkinsonism (including tremor, akinesia, increasing tone), reversible motor disorders (including lack of gait, "Restless" legs);
  • from the lymphatic system and blood formation system: the frequency is not established - agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombocytopenia;
  • from the digestive system: often - dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; The frequency is not installed - constipation, hepatitis;
  • dermatological reactions: often - skin itch, rash, urticaria; The frequency is not installed - swelling of the quinque, acute generalized exammetosic Pustulose;
  • general disorders: often - asthenia.


Symptoms of overdose are not installed.

When ingestion, an increased dose was preoccupied, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to appoint symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

One should not be used to relieve angina attacks. The drug is not intended for the initial course of the therapy of the unstable angina and the treatment of myocardial infarction at the stage before hospitalization or during the first days of hospitalization.

When developing the attack of angina should be revised and adapting therapy (treatment or conducting a revascularization procedure).

Due to the possible appearance or deterioration of Parkinsonism symptoms, regularly appropriate observation of patients should be carried out, especially in old age. In cases of suspicion, a neurologist survey is required.

The occurrence against the background of therapy of motor disorders (tremor, an increase in tone, akinesia, "Restless" legs, "scalance" of the gait) is the basis for cancellation preoccupied OD. Symptoms of Parkinsonism are usually transient and, as a rule, after the cessation of therapy take place within four months. If they are saved longer, it is recommended to contact a neurologist.

It should be borne in mind that when instabilities in Romberg's posture, a riding or pronounced decrease in the blood pressure are possible, especially against the background of simultaneous reception of hypotensive drugs.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

There is a risk of dizziness and / or drowsiness against the background of application preoccupied OD, therefore, it is recommended to be careful when controlling vehicles and performing work requiring increased psychomotor reaction velocities.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

If necessary, use predella in the period of lactation breastfeeding should be stopped.


The safety and efficacy of the use of trimetazidine for the treatment of children and adolescents is not installed, so the destination was contraindicated to one under 18 years of age.

With violations of the kidney function

The prescription of the drug with severe renal failure (CC is less than 30 ml / min) is contraindicated.

When violations of the liver function

Caution is recommended to be applied preoccupated one for the treatment of patients with hepatic insufficiency of severe, due to the fact that it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of functional liver disorders on trimetazidine metabolism.

Application in old age

Due to the age reduction of the kidney function, it is possible to increase the exposure of trimetazidine, therefore, for the treatment of patients under the age of 75, it was preoccupied with caution.

The daily dose of trimetazidine for this category of patients should not exceed 35 mg.

Medicinal interaction

When appointing, it was predicted by one doctor should take into account all drugs taken by the patient.


Analogues preoccamed OD are: Precuting MV, Angic Retard, Anti-Rest, Defrenetorm MV, Preizer, Precard, Rimecor, Trimetal MV, MV Trimitar, Trimetazidine, Trimet.

Terms and conditions of storage

Take care of children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 2 years.

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