British cat from birth. Kitten development by weeks and months

In order to determine how healthy a kitten is, it is very important for future owners and breeders to study the development of kittens by week. How strong the kitten is, whether it needs additional stimulation of the immune system or care can be said by recording changes in the development of kittens by days after birth. The correct growth of a small pet depends not only on a properly structured diet, but also on upbringing and training, but also on compliance with the rules that are established for caring for kittens.

Features of development in the first week

Kittens develop especially rapidly every day after birth. After birth, it weighs no more than 100 grams and gains about the same in the first week. Lack of weight or its excess directly affects the development, so you need to monitor it and regularly weigh your pet.

During the first 3 days of life, as a rule, the umbilical cord falls off, which the cat can take care of on its own. But in order to exclude the occurrence of inflammation, kittens are recommended to process the umbilical cord in the first days of life with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

A newborn kitten is always blind and begins to see only after three weeks from birth. Few know such a feature as congenital deafness, which takes place only by 5 days after birth. A deaf baby does not even respond to the mother's voice.

It is especially important to arrange a place for the cat in advance so that small kittens during the period of deafness can easily find their mother. The development of kittens from birth is very rapid, it is during this period that he receives the first food in the form of mother's milk, which ensures the intake of all essential micronutrients and nutrients... Natural nutrition is very important for the development of a kitten, since it also includes antibodies that the baby needs to form immunity.

Although the baby does not see or hear in the first days of his life, he perfectly uses his sense of smell, with the help of which he determines the mother. Kittens are born with a sense of smell, which allows you to find a cat, even if it is within a radius of 60 centimeters from the kitten. In order to ensure the correct development of the kitten, it is necessary to prepare a place for the cat, in which drafts and sudden changes in temperature will be completely excluded. This will not only protect the baby from colds, but also provide comfortable conditions for growth.

Development within 2 weeks

During the second week in his life, the baby grows and develops, which is reflected in his indicators:

  • weight increases to 250 grams;
  • the auricle, which until this age was poorly developed, is fully formed and the kitten begins to react to extraneous noises, as well as the cat's meow;
  • by the end of the second week, eyes may open;
  • improve communication skills, and kittens begin to communicate not only with each other, but with their mother, which affects their development.

During this period, breeders and owners of kittens are allowed to take them in their arms, without fear that the cat will abandon its babies. However, the development of even a healthy baby cannot guarantee a sufficiently strong skeleton at this age, so you need to take them in your hands carefully and without causing them additional inconvenience.

A feature of the psychological development of kittens at this age is that they are in dire need of not only the attention of a cat, but also communication with their brothers. Indeed, it is in the first month of life that the character of the baby and his ability to establish contact are formed.

Before 3 weeks it is not recommended to visit kittens very often and often pick them up. This may affect psychological development small pets, and the cat can behave aggressively, thus showing protection.

Development in the third week

During the third week, all kittens open their eyes. However, vision is still not good enough to navigate in space. It is necessary to observe all physiological changes in order for the development of kittens to correspond to their age and in a timely manner to eliminate irritating factors that can interfere with normal growth.

The main stages of development of newborn kittens take place in the first three weeks, as their body is actively growing, all organs of smell and touch are formed... It is at the age of three weeks that the kittens first try to stand on their paws and they have teeth.

The formation of the jaw will take up to two months. From the third week, you can safely teach the baby to hand, constantly play with him and stroke him and in order to make it clear to the pet that the owner is also one of his friends, in addition to the rest of the kittens and the mother.

4 weeks

The development of kittens by months is recorded on the birthday, and the indicators are re-recorded exactly after 4 weeks of development. During this period, the kitten no longer changes every day, but only gains weight and continues to grow actively. At the age of a month, such an active weight gain no longer occurs, and the increase is no more than 100 grams. At the end of the fourth week, the baby has 26 teeth. At this age, they allow him to give him complementary foods and gradually switch to artificial nutrition.

Development at 5-6 weeks

  • show for the first time to a veterinarian who will fix the level of development and prevent developmental delays;
  • you should actively transfer the baby to artificial nutrition and give no more than 100 grams of wet food daily;
  • organize your own place for each of the kids;
  • show kittens to direct buyers or purchase a baby by booking it in advance in the cattery.

7 and 8 weeks from birth

During this period, weaning from the mother takes place, therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully take care of the state of his gastrointestinal tract, which will be completely transferred to artificial nutrition. During this period, diarrhea is often found, which is caused by a sharp transition to a different diet.

Quite often, inexperienced breeders or kitten owners are surprised that at the age of up to 12 weeks, kittens look larger and outperform kittens in development. However, this is a normal natural phenomenon and should not be paid attention to.

The kitten development calendar allows you to determine how much the baby is ready to be separated from its mother. Since it is during this period that they are taken to new house... Adaptation to new owners will occur quickly enough and relatively painlessly if enough time is devoted to the baby and his body. At first, it is not recommended to leave the baby alone with himself.

In the third month from birth

As a rule, at this age, all processes slow down a little and the main focus is on adapting to a new home. From three months, the character of the baby begins to appear. Also during this period, the baby becomes completely independent, responds to his nickname and does not need the constant presence of the mother.

He learns to build relationships with a new owner, adapts to living conditions... Considering that at this age your pet will be quite curious, you should restrict its access to all dangerous places in the house, including electrical appliances. At the end of 3 months, a second deworming is recommended.

The diet during this period must be fully formed and adjusted, and the owners must decide what type of food they prefer for their baby: natural food either dry or wet food.

Development from the fourth to the sixth month

  • growth, which will depend on the breed and sex;
  • weight, which must be at least 1.4 kg;
  • constant activity and good socialization.

In the seventh and eighth months

During this period, babies continue to form self-care habits and, with improper hair care, they may regurgitate lumps. The question of sterilization and castration is becoming especially acute, since these procedures after 9 months are not recommended even for absolutely healthy pets.

Development from 9 months to a year of life

During this period, the kitten is fully formed, its development is almost over, and it continues to turn into an adult pet, increasing in size and gaining weight.

At 10 months of age, you can start transferring your baby to adult food. However, this should be done gradually, mixing it with baby food.

Timely nail trimming and dental care, as well as a visit to the veterinarian will ensure the correct development for your baby and will allow you to adjust the upbringing, diet so that your pet viros is healthy, active and receives all the necessary care.


After a year, he turns into an adult, the care of which includes the following procedures:

  • regular visits to the veterinarian;
  • timely vaccination;
  • timely nutrition, properly selected diet;
  • care of hair, teeth and nails.

If you pay due attention to the education of your pet, then the development of the pet, both physically and psychological level, will go smoothly enough and you will get an obedient and pliable pet that will delight you with its appearance and friendliness throughout your life.

Some kittens are born with black or gray spots on the top of their heads. The spots disappear at 9 months of age when the adult coat begins to grow

Kittens are born black.

British black kitten 7 days old with pronounced white hairs.

But by 1-2 weeks a rusty tint appears, white or silvery hairs especially on the back, light collar or undercoat.

The black british kitten 3 weeks with white hairs all over the body.

British black kitten 1 month old - the hairs on the back are starting to pass.

By the age of 11-12 months, when the adult coat has fully grown, they will disappear.

Separate white hairs on the body and in the auricles are allowed, which must be removed for the exhibition !!!

Kittens can have a pronounced pattern - baby tabby - striped, spotted or marbled, until the cat's coat is replaced by an adult. But the NOSE and PADS are black

British blue kittens 3 days - 4 with marble and 1 with spots

British blue kitten with marble


British kittens - girls with the lightest coats often turn into the best blue-cream cats. But for the first few weeks, they look completely blue. But any cat that has a small cream speck or gray-cream spotted paw pads will be considered a blue-cream cat.

Preferred for the exhibition is a 50 to 50 percent color combination Our british cat Audrey - Interchampion -

Almost indistinguishable from blue lightened, but PADS and NOSE brown

Lilac British cat 10 days - tabby spotted on the belly and brown paw pads.

Kittens are born with a pronounced tabby pattern, which may disappear or remain with the appearance of an adult coat.

Pure red british cats practically nonexistent. All red cats have a tabby pattern. For some, it is dim - they are considered pure red. Residual tabby in the form of three stripes on the tail and legs is allowed


British cream kittens are born with a faint tabby pattern that disappears by 9-10 months. Young non-smoky cats often have baby coats that are much lighter than they should be. But if the parents do not have a white undercoat, the kitten cannot be smoky. Its light creamy coat will darken and color normally with age. Residual tabby with stripes on the tail and legs is allowed. It is very difficult to get a pure cream color!

British cream kitten with stripes and marble


Difficult to distinguish from purely colored kittens, unless there are white stripes around the eyes and a lighter belly. Smoky - 1/2 of the hair length at the end is colored. SMOKE can be determined only in adulthood. The undercoat begins to appear at 3 weeks, and by 6-8 weeks it looks speckled.


Kittens are born white, then tipping gradually appears - the color at the ends of the hair. Shaded - 1/4 of the hair length at the end is colored. Veiled - 1/8 of the length. Shaded Silver / Chinchilla - Kittens are born with a dark or striped pattern, especially on the tail, which disappears by 4-6 weeks. Chinchilla British kitten can be so pale that it appears white. But neither parent is white, therefore the kitten cannot be white. Green eyes.

SHEET TURTLE or VAVE TURTLE - At least one tiny spot or few hairs of red or cream color and mottled black-cream pads.

The darker the tabby stripes are from birth, the clearer the tabby pattern will be on the adult coat.


British kitten - the girl has areas of cream or red coat color, or 2 different skin colors on the nose or on the pads.


Any small red or cream colored patch on a black cat, and mottled black and cream pads or nose.

Black-red turtles 2 days - spots of almost white and cream color. And the left girl has grown into a Supreme champion

The red color may appear much later.

British kittens are born milky white with pink paw pads, nose and ears. Point coloration develops during the first few weeks. The color develops completely by 1 year.


For blue points, colored areas appear on the nose after 1 week. They have a bluish-gray nose and paw pads. And in lilac - lavender with a pinkish tint.


At the chocolate point nose and paw pads rusty pink. The seal point is dark brown.


Paw pads are speckled, dark brown with pink.

When a small miracle appears in a family, then all its members are very happy with such a replenishment. However, cats are not toys! Everyone needs to understand that if you want to raise a healthy and cheerful cat, then you must adhere to some rules.

This refers to the fact that the kitten has its own periods of maturation and formation, therefore, in each of them, the owner must know what is happening with his kitten and how to take care of him. In this article, we will discuss all the stages of growing up a baby from his first week of life to a year.

Kitten development from 1 to 16 weeks

First week

As everyone knows, kittens are born blind, but it's interesting that they also have no hearing. He begins to appear on about the 4th day of his life, but the kitten still does not hear a clear sound. The umbilical cord falls off completely by about the 3rd day.

The approximate weight of a newborn pet is 100 grams, by the end of this week it will gain the same amount. As already mentioned, a kitten is born and remains blind for 14 days, but this does not prevent him from hearing the smell of mother's milk, even at a distance of half a meter.

This food will be most correct during the first two months, since breast milk contains the necessary antibodies, which are so useful for the baby for his development.

Since kittens do not see anything, they need to feel that their mother is nearby, so try not to disturb family ties, but, on the contrary, take care of the comfort and warmth of these newborn crumbs.

Second week

By the end of this week, pets should see the whole world for the first time. Although hearing is already sufficiently developed, it is still difficult for a baby to go to it. For another half moon, it will be fully formed and then the kitten will be able to clearly determine where the sound is coming from.

This week, a small animal can have a body weight of about 250 grams. Towards the end of the second week, they may try to walk, but they will succeed in it even more ridiculous and ridiculous. They will also begin to communicate with their mother and brothers.

The kitten during this period is very small and weak, so if the owners begin to stroke it gradually, then you need to do it very carefully and with all care so as not to harm the pet.

It is also necessary to teach this to your children, if any, and explain to them that it is not worth making your mother nervous during this period, because she is very worried about her cubs, so she can show her aggression.

Third week

This week, the little kitty begins to stand on 4 legs and navigate in the distance. But, for now, it is hard for her, so she often stumbles upon something and falls. Also, purrs learn to scratch themselves behind the ear, they have their first teeth, which will finish their growth by the 2nd month of their life.

However, remember that you need to be careful, no sudden movements, large or heavy toys, etc. Explain to your children that it is not necessary to touch the eyes, mouth and nose of the animal, and also not to pull their tail or mustache.

Fourth week

At this time, the kitten should have approximately 26 teeth. By six months, the kittens' teeth change from dairy to indigenous. Therefore, you can start feeding babies other food besides milk. During this period, it is possible to carry out the prevention of worms in each kitten.

For the 4th week, kittens gain about 100 grams more in weight. It is also this week that they need to serve clean, filtered water in shallow bowls. In the future, make sure that water is always available to animals.

Fifth week

By this period, the cat stops actively caring for its babies, so access to permanent milk is reduced, as a result, you need to make sure that the kittens have something to eat in bowls.

Pet stores sell special liquid food for a certain month of the cat, you need to purchase just this. Liquid food is easily absorbed by the body of pets, but do not forget that they must also receive solid food.

For one kitten, 100 grams of food will be enough. This period, of course, is the most difficult for both the owners and the kitten. But it needs to be lived through, so please be patient.

To teach the little ones to eat on their own, remove the mother from them for at least three hours, getting hungry, they will 100% look for food nearby and eat what they have. Also, make sure that the kitten does not eat the food of adult cats, for this, move their bowls away from each other at a decent distance.

Little miracles are already beginning to try to wash on their own - this, by the way, is a very important moment in the life of every cat, therefore, see if every kitten has started this procedure. At this time, it's time to think about a personal house for your pets. This can be a pillow or specially purchased at home or baskets for animals.

The main thing is that they are not installed in drafts, aisles or under the scorching sun. Allow enough time for your new tenants, but remember that there should always be some rest time.

Sixth week

The cat receives less or no more milk from its mother, which is why it is necessary to provide him with enough dry food. It is necessary to feed pets 6 times a day, but little by little, they only need 40 grams of food for 1 meal.

This is a very crucial period in which you need to monitor the stool of each animal. Since a different food enters the body, it is not known how the gastrointestinal tract will digest it. Therefore, if the stool is abnormal and lasts in this form for 3 days, urgently consult with your veterinarian.

Try to pay enough attention to little animals, play with them and caress them - they really need it.

Seventh week

This week, you will already notice that the males are slightly larger than the small females and this is normal. The diet should be the same - 6 times a day. However, it is from this week that the kitten should eat only special food, not breast milk.

The diet should include both dry and liquid foods. Make sure that the kitten does not have diarrhea, because often without breast milk, they have problems against this background. If this is observed, do not waste time, but urgently contact a specialist.

Eighth week

If by this week the baby has not been weaned from the mother, then this is the time to do it. After all, the kitten is already quite independent, besides, it has all its teeth and can eat solid food. Sometimes during this period the owners begin to sell or give their little animals into good hands.

Therefore, if you have acquired such a furry friend for yourself, then it is best to examine him at the veterinarian. Let him do all the necessary procedures.

The eighth week is just right to teach kittens to all the necessary procedures, since they have already grown a little stronger and become independent. Therefore, inspect the ears and eyes, clean them if necessary.

Also start brushing your pet's fur with a special comb. If an animal is separated from its family, then it is best to give the new owners some thing or pet's favorite toy.

When the kitten came to your new family, try to disturb him less, let him find out everything around and examine it. It is this way of getting to know a new place of residence that will be less painful for a new tenant. Let your young children help him quickly adapt - do not pull him over unnecessary trifles.

During this period, the cat is considered independent and since it moves freely throughout the apartment, then protect it from those items that can be dangerous to it (poisonous flowers, small objects that can be swallowed, electrical wires).

Ninth week

During this period, the little four-legged friend should get everything necessary vaccinations and go through certain procedures. If you have not done this yet, then do not hesitate - it is necessary for the health of your furry pet. In addition, you can find out everything that interests you about a little kitten from the veterinarian.

During the period when the cat is already old enough, you can find out how it interacts with its owners. So, for example, scientists say that you can take a cat by the withers and raise it slightly above the ground. If the baby behaves calmly, it means that he is completely disarmed in front of you, well, but if he hisses and breaks loose, then it smells of distrust or disrespect.

Tenth week

This is the perfect time to trim your animal's character. It is during this week that they are completely independent and flexible to learning. However, aggressive training can hit your baby's psyche hard and affect not only your relationship, but also the cat's future behavior.

Therefore, teach him affectionately and friendly, in your voice he should hear persistence, not rudeness.

Eleventh week

The very peak of the height for kitty pranks. The kid already feels completely free and independent. Even if he got into a new family, then by this moment he should already fully adapt.

Therefore, the cat will not sit still, but will rush to learn all the corners of your apartment. It is for these reasons that it must be protected from various objects. For example, make sure that the cat does not jump out of the window, for this you need to either close them or install a sturdy mosquito net.

Also close the doors to the toilet, or better the lid on the toilet, because the kitten is able to fall headfirst into the hole with water. Make sure that the iron or the switched on stove is not left unattended.

Twelfth week

Kittens usually change their eyes around this week. They can fully eat themselves, drink water, hear, see and touch. Also, animals are becoming more agile and acrobatic.

If the prevention of worms was carried out to the cat within 4 weeks, then now is the time to do it again. A normally formed and well-mannered cat should already respond well to the call of the owner, to its name and also to the sounds of food being served.

If you observe aggression in the behavior of your animal, then you should take some measures, otherwise it will be difficult to change the formed character further. Train your pet as you play and reward him with treats.

Thirteenth week

At this age, the kitten should eat 5 times a day. It must be of high quality and balanced. It is best not to buy cheap feed, because they will badly affect the health of your handsome man.

This week the cat should weigh about one and a half kilograms. Keep in mind that males and females are still forming.

Fourteenth week

At this moment, the old teeth begin to fall out of the cats and new ones - the indigenous ones - begin to emerge. You can consult a specialist about this.

Fifteenth week

This week, if the owners of the animal decide that they will regularly cut their nails, you should start this procedure. If you do not know how to do this or are afraid, then it is best to ask the master in your business to do it.

Kittens should also eat baby food five times a day.

Sixteenth week

Five months

If your four-legged friend weighs about 2 kilograms, then it can be safely transferred to four meals a day. It is best for the animal to eat partly dry food, partly liquid.

Sixth month

This month, the pet has strong molars. If the prevention of worms is on schedule, then the next one must be done during this period. The kitten already has the size of an adult cat, and if it grows larger it is only because of the muscles or because of the fat part, therefore, proper nutrition you always need to watch.

Animals must be fed three times a day.

The sixth month of a cat's life is very important as they mature sexually. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed her offspring, then it is during these months that it is best to neuter the female.

Seventh month

It is during this period that cats begin their first seasonal molt. Help is expected from the owners - to comb the wool.

If the cat is full of wool, then she may regurgitate it - this should not scare you, but this process is unpleasant. Therefore, brush your pet regularly.

Eighth month

If you have not neutered your cat before, then better operation spend right now. By tightening, you will only harm your male.

Ninth month

Since time flies and your cat is almost an adult, it is best to consult a doctor about various vaccines and procedures.

By preparing in advance, you can make your furry friend's life a lot more enjoyable.

Tenth month

The food can be modified slightly as your cat enters the adult phase. For example, give him liquid kitten food, but dry for adults.

Eleventh month

By this month, the cat should get used to all the procedures performed on it. But this will not make her uncomfortable if you taught her to do this since childhood. She will still frolic and hunt like a child.

One year

Regardless of what kind of food you feed your male, it should be for adult cats, and the diet should be 2 times a day. Your pet can rightfully be called an adult cat, however, he will still demand attention, love and affection, as much as before.

Watch his food, stool, fur, ears and claws. And, in general, for all his well-being, then your animal will be grateful to you.

The British cat is very popular all over the world. She attracts with her sweet and at the same time majestic appearance. The coat of British cats is plush and soft to the touch. There are two types of British cats: British Shorthair and British Longhair. In the article we will tell you about the characteristics of this breed, the history of its origin, care and maintenance.

British cat: breed description

As the name suggests, the main feature of the British Shorthair is the length of its coat. We will talk about how this type of "British" was formed and what features it has in this chapter.

The history of the breed

According to one version, it is believed that the original homeland of the British cat is France. It was from there that cats of this breed were transported to different parts of the world. Another version says that British cats are descended from Egyptian and Roman cats. From Rome, the cats were brought to the British Isles, where they mixed with local wild cats... The British noticed a new type of cats with beautiful and dense hair and decided to take the animals under close supervision.

Fairy Cheshire Cat from the work of L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" was copied from the majestic appearance of a British cat

So, on July 13, 1871, the first professional cat show took place in London, it was there that the first British cats were shown. After that, British beauties were seriously taken up by world experts who were attracted by a beautiful and soft fur coat. In the 20th century, the British cat, thanks to the American felinological community, became known throughout the world. In Russia, the first British cats appeared only in 1980, and this breed gained popularity only in the 21st century.

Breed standard

British cats are large, but at the same time graceful and graceful. They attract with their beautiful, deep, intelligent eyes and soft velvety hair that you want to touch. For all their massiveness, British cats are excellent hunters, they easily climb high structures.

Table 1. Standard of the British Shorthair cat

The weight4-8 kg
HeadRounded, wide, with cheeks; the nose is short, in the same vertical line with the chin. The ears are straight, erect, small, rounded, set low. The eyes are round, orange (in point colors - blue eyes, in chinchillas - blue, lavender, green)
BodyPowerful, chest and shoulders wide
LimbsFeet dense, small, massive, with thick nails
TailThick at the base, with a rounded end
WoolThe coat is short, dense, with a thick undercoat

You need to know this!British cats have strictly straight erect ears, so if the pet has lop-earedness, then this is direct evidence of impure blood, or your pet is a representative of another breed, for example, the Scottish Fold.

Distinctive features british breed - wide muzzle, tight nose and full cheeks

Color options

British cats have large variations in coat color. Basically, the blue color is widespread, but this breed also has more rare ones, which is very appreciated among breeders.

The main color options for British cats:

  • plain (solid). Skin and coat of the same color. With marks, spots, the cat will be removed from participation in exhibitions. The most common color is blue, but there are also black, purple, chocolate, red, white. Rare monochromatic colors include cinnamon, fawn;

    The magnificent lilac color is jewelry work specialists. He is artificially bred

    There should be no yellow shades in the white color. The color is difficult to obtain, when breeding there is a high risk of giving birth to kittens with defects

    Cinnamon (cinnamon) is a rare shade. It is very valuable and is a sub-shade of chocolate.

    Fawn is even rarer. This is a variant of clarified cinnamon. A very valuable color for breeders, because it makes it possible to get new light shades

  • tortoiseshell color. Gorgeous, with an even blend of spots, unique to cats. It is desirable that shades of red or cream be present on the cat's face;

    Mostly only cats have tortoiseshell. Cats rarely appear with a complex tortoiseshell hue, and due to a genetic error, they are infertile

  • silvery and golden shaded. Animals with these rare colors are considered the most expensive because of their chic, evenly colored, rich coat. The main thing is that the pigmentation is 1/8 of the length of the hair part. Cats look like chinchillas, which is why they are called British chinchillas. Eye color in this color is blue, purple or green;

    One of the rare colors is silver

    No gray undercoat allowed in gold. In this case, the cats are recognized as defective and discarded.

  • color point. The color is very similar to the Siamese and carries a combination of white and base color (black, chocolate, red);

    British cat with color-point coat color

  • tabby. The color is represented by a print on the fur of cats in the form of contrasting symmetrical stripes, spots, a marble pattern on any non-basic color. Therefore, cats of this color are very similar to small tigers or leopards;

    Color "marble tabby"

  • "Whiskas". On a silvery coat, there are clear stripes all over the body. The drawing should have contrast and clarity. This type of color is valuable among breeders;

    Whiskas cats became popular after the television commercial for the Whiskas food

  • bicolor, "harlequin", part-color. The color is a combination of two colors, where the maximum predominance is white.

    Bicolor color


British cats tolerate loneliness well, but at the same time they miss their owner. Animals have attachment to only one person, but at the same time lead an independent lifestyle. The British cat tries to avoid guests, in some cases it can even show aggression if excessive attention is paid to it.

You need to know this!British cats have English manners, they are restrained, not intrusive, intelligent and have a sense of their own dignity, an inner core.

Cats of this breed are very calm, they can ask for affection whenever they want, but prefer it to a minimum. Pets have a good mind and quick wit. If you disturbed the peace of the British cat, she will not use her claws, but will only warn you, hitting with a soft fluffy paw, that at the moment she does not need attention. Due to its well-mannered character, the furniture in the apartment remains intact, but this does not mean that the pet does not need a special sharpener for claws.

These animals are always first in everything: the place on the bed is necessarily central, the chair in the room is necessarily the most beloved, master's. And if the pet has chosen a place, then no matter how many times you drive it out, it will still return to it - even if it is your pillow.

British cats are calm, balanced, they like to lie on the couch, somewhere near the owner. The pet can only come into the hands of its own free will to receive a portion of affection. You need to raise kittens with early age, otherwise the adult will hardly be re-educated later.

This breed has no problems with a tray. British cats are very clean, although they can be capricious if they are not satisfied with the filler. Therefore, the contents of the tray must be selected individually, taking into account the preferences of your pet. The pet also devotes more time to its appearancethat is why the British "aristocrat" washes his face all day long. For all their British restraint, these cats love to play, so it is worth stocking up on a variety of toys and trying to play with your pet.

British cats are not difficult to care for, but in order for the animal to be healthy and always well-groomed, you need to devote some time to it. Twice a week you need to comb your pet, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plush coat. A shorthaired British cat should not be washed often, only 2-3 times a year is enough, or if the animal has been on the street.

Every month it is worth examining and cleaning the ears from the accumulation of sulfur and regularly wiping the eyes with eye drops or tea infusion. The presence of a scratching post is required. Thus, you protect your furniture and wallpaper from the sharp claws of the pet, and at the same time provide the British cat with grinding the horn part of the claw.

At 7-8 months, British kittens have their first molt, so you should be patient and comb your pet thoroughly every day. At this age, kittens lose their baby undercoat in large quantities, but this is not considered a disease.

You need to know this!British cats need to trim their nails once every two weeks to avoid ingrowths and excessive lengths.


Feeding a British cat should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain proteins. Good nutrition will guarantee your pet's health and beautiful shiny coat. You can choose a diet for your pet among industrial feeds, it is advisable to adhere to the choice of well-known companies and a line of holistic, super premium and premium classes.

These foods are completely ready-to-eat and have a dry and soft (canned) appearance. If you have time to compose and prepare the diet yourself, then it is better to feed your pet with natural products. But just do not forget that it is imperative to include vitamins in the diet, which can be purchased in a specialized store for animals.

The diet of a British cat should be balanced, nutritious and contain essential proteinshealthy fats and carbohydrates

Natural feeding assumes the presence of:

  • meat products (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, offal);
  • boiled sea fish without bones;
  • quail, chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, kefir);
  • cereals in the form of porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli);
  • cat grass and sprouted grains of wheat, oats;
  • vitamin and mineral complex.

You can not feed the cat with foods that contain salt and sugar, as well as spices. Chocolate and other sweets are not suitable for the feline body and will only harm your pet.

You need to know this!Kittens drink mother's milk for up to 1.5-2 months, then they can be fed with cow's milk, liquid cereals and boiled meat in the form of mashed potatoes. Milk can cause distress in adult cats. digestive tract, therefore, it should be given only as a delicacy, depending on the pet's well-being.

More detailed information about the nuances can be found in a separate article on our portal.

Features of the body

British cats, like all pedigree animals, are prone to a number of diseases. If you do not monitor your pet, you can miss the development of the infection. For example, cats of this breed may be predisposed to:

  • to colds;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • deformation of the skeleton;
  • wrong bite;
  • deafness;
  • blindness.

British cats have a good immune system, but periodically it is worth showing your pet to the veterinarian to avoid hidden infection

Owner reviews

TO positive qualities British cats include her calm and balanced character, as well as independence. These animals can safely be at home alone for a long time. The pet does not make a lot of noise, only sometimes it makes it clear to the owner that it is time for lunch or that the toilet needs to be cleaned. It is worth buying in advance necessary tools pet care, scratching post, bowls for food and drink, toys, toilet.

British cats have their own special character, so you need to raise a pet from a young age, as soon as it appears in the house.

The cost

The price of a British cat depends on the purpose of the purchase. Kittens purchased as a pet are usually cheaper than those purchased for breeding and for exhibiting. average price a kitten with a pedigree - 20-30 tr., here gender, size, appearance and title of the parents are taken into account.

It is better to get a kitten in a cattery from a responsible breeder. The exterior of the animal is the main thing that you need to pay attention to right away. The kitten should look harmonious, so the body and head should be in proportion, and the bite should be scissor. Also, the kitten must have all the necessary documents. Kittens that are sold as pets are usually spayed (castrated) immediately.

Russian nurseries

There are several catteries in Russia that breed British Shorthair cats at a professional level:

  • SunRay, Moscow region, Zeleny settlement;
  • Wonder Plush, Moscow;
  • Miracle Cats, Moscow;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • Steppe Stars * RUS, Krasnodar.

Video - About the British Shorthair cat

British Longhair cats (British Longhair) are a type of British cat and in modern times are considered an independent breed. When breeding a British shorthair cat, kittens with long hair, carrying the gene for long hair, dropped out, as they were a "marriage" of the breed.

Now, animals with long hair are considered a separate species and are very popular. British long-haired cats carry the blood of short-haired (must have their type and bone) and Persian cats (inherited long hair from them). But this is not always the case, and often the animals did not meet the established standards, so there are still no clearly established descriptions of the long-haired "British".

History of the origin of the breed

British Longhair cats appeared in the course of breeding new coat colors when crossing British and Persian breeds. The gene for long hair has a recessive quality, so the first few generations were short-haired, but later breeding gave birth to kittens with long hair.

Such kittens were considered "defective" and were discarded, but some specialists decided to go the other way and began to actively engage in British cats with long hair. Thus, while breeding long-haired British cats, breeders tried to achieve the ideal look. However, hybrid individuals were born with severe skull defects and soft fluffy hair, so the breeders decided to "knit" only the most successful hybrids.


In general, outwardly British Longhair cats are no different from British Shorthair cats, except for the length of the coat.

Table 2. Exterior of the British Longhair cat

Color options

Basic color standards:

  • tortoiseshell. The presence of an even combination of two colors (black / red or blue / cream);

    British longhair tortoiseshell cat

  • Smoke . The presence of contrasting shades in the color. The tips of the hairs are black, the undercoat is very light, almost silvery;

  • tabby . In this species it is distinguished by the presence of a marble, striped, spotted pattern on the animal's coat. The ticked color does not bear any pattern. The main thing is the clarity of the picture and the presence of the "M" mark in the eyebrow area;

    Golden ticked British Longhair cat

  • bicolor. The presence of two colors (white / main);

  • color point. The color is similar to Siamese. A large amount of white is combined with the main color on the face, paws, tail and ears.

    Color-point British Longhair female


The character does not differ much from the character of the British Longhair cat. Long-haired "Britons" also like to be in the company of the owner, but at the same time they try to keep apart. Calmness, endurance and intelligence are inherent in these beautiful animals. Excessive affection is not permissible for this breed, the "British" themselves will come for it whenever they want. Also, the upbringing of a cat with character should be dealt with from an early age, immediately accustom the kitten to the tray. British cats are very smart and clean, so there are no problems with the toilet.

You need to know this!There are no differences, except for the length of the coat, between the British Longhair and British Shorthair cats. By temperament, character, intelligence, these species are absolutely the same, and everything depends only on the individual traits of the animal.

British Longhair cats do not require any special care, but they should be brushed regularly with a special comb to avoid tangling. If it becomes necessary to wash your pet, then you need to use only special shampoos for long-haired cats. You also need to take into account the temperature in the room and not allow the pet to be in a draft. During moulting season, the pet should be combed daily, starting from the head area and gradually moving towards the tail. It is better not to use slickers, as they injure living hair, and sometimes they completely pull it out together with dead hairs.

Like short-haired cats, long-haired "Britons" need to trim their nails and brush in time auricles from the accumulation of sulfur. Preventive eye cleaning should be carried out regularly. During shedding periods, give your pet medications to remove hair from the stomach.

The coat of long-haired "Britons" should be combed out regularly, especially during the shedding period


Feeding the British Longhair does not differ from that of the Shorthair. The main thing is that the food is balanced and correctly selected according to the physiological characteristics of the body. A long-haired pet can also be fed with industrial feed, it is imperative to choose high-quality feed. With natural feeding, it should be borne in mind that the cat is a carnivorous animal and needs a sufficient amount of protein.

Russian nurseries

The price of kittens in good nurseries varies from 25,000-30,000 rubles, depending on the purpose for which the animal is purchased. From titled parents with documents, rare color kittens are more expensive.

Russian nurseries:

  • BritFavorite, Moscow;
  • "Ariosto", St. Petersburg;
  • Galeksy, Vladivostok;
  • ReginaMargot, Krasnodar.

If your plans include independent breeding of British Shorthair cats, then the choice of a partner should be approached especially carefully. You can read about puberty and mating in cats and what to do with offspring below.

Pros and cons of the breed

Of the advantages of the British cat breed are:

  • good health;
  • non-aggressiveness;
  • balanced character;
  • quick wits;
  • ease of care;
  • beautiful plush wool;
  • restraint;
  • affection for the owner;
  • can tolerate a long absence of the owner;
  • life expectancy with good care is about twenty years.

There are not so many disadvantages, but they are:

  • uncontrollable character (in itself);
  • lack of communication;
  • tendency to colds;
  • detachment, only sometimes can allow affection.

British cats are smart, quick-witted, adorable creatures that do not require special care and are suitable for busy people.

Video - British Longhair kittens

Newborn kittens are not adapted to independent existence and changing environmental conditions. Accidental mortality of kittens can be avoided if they are well cared for and their needs are considered. It is necessary to carefully monitor body temperature and weight gain. General form, respiration rate, meowing and general behavior all provide useful information about the kitten's health and vitality.

The temperature of kittens at birth, the temperature of the kittens is equal to that of the mother, but immediately drops by several degrees (much depends on the temperature in the room). Within 30 minutes, if the kitten is dry and tightly pressed against the mother, the temperature begins to rise.

Up to three weeks of age, it is 35.6-37.8 ° C. The temperature of a healthy kitten is 5-6 ° C higher than the environment. Cooling and overheating are the only life-threatening factors for kittens. This can happen if the surrounding temperature is around 21 ° C and the cat has left the nest for 30 minutes. With hypothermia in the kitten's body, metabolic processes slow down. In most kittens, the subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed. In addition, they do not yet have a thermoregulatory mechanism. That is, they do not have a narrowing of the subcutaneous vessels to maintain heat in the body.

Kittens receive all their energy with food, and since their reserve potential is small, they have to eat often. Otherwise, regardless of the reason, they may develop hypothermia. Hypothermia is the greatest danger to kittens. The first week of life, the temperature in the nest (box) and around it should be 29-32 ° C. It then decreases by 2.5 ° C weekly until it reaches 21 ° C.

How to properly warm a chilled kitten

If a kitten's temperature is below normal (for its age), it is considered chilled. In this case, it is necessary to gradually warm it up. Rapid rewarming (for example, on a heating pad) causes vasodilation of the skin, increased heat loss, additional calorie consumption and a greater need for oxygen, which adversely affects the kitten. The best way warm the kitten - put it under your clothes, warming it with your own warmth.

If the temperature is below 34.4 ° C and the kitten is weak, it will take 2-3 hours to warm up. After warming, it is placed in a home incubator and fed artificially (see artificial raising of kittens). Never feed or suckle a chilled kitten, as its stomach and small intestine do not function, therefore, the food will not be digested (there will be bloating and probably vomiting).

The chilled kitten is given a 5-10% glucose solution with water (1 ml per 30 g of the kitten's weight per hour) and gradually warmed until it leaves and begins to move vigorously. Instead of glucose solution, you can use honey solution and, in extreme cases, slightly sweetened water.

Weight gain value

On average, a newborn kitten weighs 70-125 grams. Kittens should constantly gain weight and double it by the 7-9th day. At 5 weeks, a kitten weighs an average of 450 g, and at 10 - about 900 g. Kittens (from the first day of life) are weighed daily for the first two weeks, and then, up to 4 weeks, every three days. Constant weight gain is the best indicator of normal kitten development. If he is not gaining weight, a thorough examination is necessary.

If several kittens in a litter do not gain weight at once, you can think of a maternal factor (toxic milk, metritis, or insufficient milk production). If a mother is fed a low-calorie feed, she will have a correspondingly low milk production. A cat during lactation requires 2-3 times more food than a normal adult cat. The diet should be balanced to compensate for the loss of the body during lactation.

Feeding a lactating cat

During lactation, a cat's need for calories, depending on the number of kittens born, increases 2-3 times compared to the period before covering. During this period, the cat must receive a high-quality balanced food, high in protein, otherwise she will quickly lose weight and do not produce enough milk for her kittens. It is the lack of milk that is the most common reason death of kittens.

Better to use ready-made feed established firms designed for growing kittens. They are balanced in protein, fat and carbohydrates, along with vitamins and minerals, and are quite suitable for lactating cats. The daily calorie requirements for lactating cats and the recommended amount of food are shown in the What is the cat's for lunch?

The amount of food during lactation is not limited. If she has 4 or more kittens, she does not face obesity. Dry food can always be near her. Wet food is given 3-4 times a day. The diet of a lactating cat is increased threefold over the period before coverage.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are not given, as they are part of the feed. They can be added only in cases where the lactating cat refuses industrial food, is weakened after the transferred chronic illness or she has previously developed hypovitaminosis. In all these cases, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian.

When kittens need complementary foods

Kittens that are constantly gaining weight during the first week of life are out of danger. It should be more closely watched for kittens losing up to 10% of body weight during the first 48 hours of life with further weight gain. Kittens that lose more than 10% of their body for the first time two days and do not add it to 72 hours are unlikely to survive. Start artificial feeding immediately (see artificial raising of kittens). If a kitten is born weighing less than 25% of its due or from littermates, it usually dies if it is not placed in an incubator and transferred to artificial feeding. Many retarded kittens can be saved if they do not have other diseases and congenital defects development.

Artificial raising of kittens

Unfortunately, in our life, sometimes unforeseen situations happen. And no matter how bitter it is, no one is insured against the death of a beloved animal or the presence of serious postpartum complications, in connection with which, raising newborn kittens completely falls on the shoulders of the owner. The ideal solution in this case is a lactating cat. Almost always, a lactating cat accepts other people's kittens and takes care of them as if they were relatives. And no matter how the nursing cat looks, this will not affect the length of the coat, eye color and other signs of the breed of your wards. To find a wet nurse, contact the club of which you are a member and also veterinarian... Perhaps they have in mind a recently given birth cat. Otherwise, you will have to artificially feed the kittens.

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