Funny names for British cats. How to call a cat British (boy) - interesting nicknames

Finally, you have a new pre-tailed member of the family - you brought the cat! It doesn't matter how it turned out to be with you - acquired a purebred pet, took on the announcement to "good hands", or picked up a homeless to a nurse, first quadrup friend You need to come up with a name - nickname.

The main thing in the article

The importance of choosing the right click for the kitten

Refer seriously to choosing a nickname for your favorite, because your animal, like a person, is also a person, which means that the name needs to come up with a special suitable for him. Your choice should come to the soul not only to you, but also a homely pet: His name will be pronounced several times a day, and the animal will need to be reacting right and correctly.

Important moment: the nickname for the cat should be laconic, sound well and not too stretched. So the animal will remember it faster, and the owner will be easier to utter it.

  • Nevertheless, if you really want to reward the cat with a long or consisting of several syllables with the name, do not be discouraged - there is a way out. Even the longest name can be cut: Geraldina - Jera , for example.
  • There is a tendency to call cats with human names, but this is not the best idea. Will be awkward if a friend comes to visit you Sonya And you will call your cat as the same name. Another thing, if it is old names that are used rather rare today: Filimon, Agafya, Roxana.

What to rely on, choosing the name of a pet pet:

  • Cat wool color. Here, there is a lot of fantasy, and if the Chernysh's nick for a black kitten, for example, will sound rustic - name the pet Blacks or use others foreign languages. Spend Association, White Cat - Snow or gun the black - Corner etc.
  • Feature wool. Bald cat - Shrek or Tutankhamon or the entire list of Egyptian pharaohs (suitable for the Sphinx breed). Smooth-haired cat can be called Baghir, Panther. Fluffy - Fatty , red - Carrot, pumpkin or red . Little in size kitten will fit the nick Lump, friend, bosia. But remember - not always it will remain small: a cat weighing 10 kg by nickname Lump - There will be a very funny picture.
  • Powderity cat. In this case, the name must be selected for its origin. The immigrants from Britain can be honored with the English name, and Thai-Japanese, Persians will suit gently sounding names. Either simply - Baron, Marquis, Lord, Graph.
  • Pet character . If you have already managed to know the subtle temper of your cat, or rather, if there is some feature in it, then it will be easy to call it. Lenivity can be called Sonya or Full Skoddy kitten - Hooligan, squad, shalun.

Come to choosing a nickname with a sense of humor, come up with a mischievous and funny name. Cats have such a serious behavior that I want to swallow over them. For example, Bun, Arbusik. Funny-full-full name. Just do not reward your friends younger offensive or sarcastic nicknames, even in a joke. Cats are more than friends, they are family members and do not need to insult them. Zamazura, dirty, bastard and the like nicknames are not suitable.

Do not despair if you came up with good, at your discretion, the name for your pet, and he does not respond to him. After some time - week, two weeks or more you can try to rename the kitten. But it is not more than once to rename the animal. Then it will not understand what they want from him.

The most common nicknames for cats

Most popular nicknames for cats

Clicks for cats, depending on the breed

There is a fairly interesting formula, how to give a name kitten with a pedigree. Here are two main rules:

  1. The name of the kitten, whether the boy or the girl should begin with the letter that is present in the name of his mother - cats.

  2. The sequence number of the letter of the cat name is determined from the one time it brought the offspring.

For example, if the cat is called Flor and she led kittens for the second time, their nicknames should begin on "L" . This is not at all a whim, but a mandatory requirement in nurseries spicy species Cats. This fact should be designated in all documents - metrics confirming the pedigree, it allows the kitten in the future to take part in various exhibitions and competitions.

If the animal's nickname consists of several words, either complex in itself, you can come up with an easier, simplified version. In addition, experts who are engaged in breeding property cats advise to give a kitten a short name consisting of one or two syllables. For example, Archie or richie.

After half a year, the cat must respond to his name. If this is not the case, then the likelihood is that it is too complicated for him. However, do not enter a pet in confusion, changing the name to him, and the one that was given initially pronounce clear and expressive. Praise and call to eat by pronouncing his name.

Remember that with the help of a properly selected name, you can adjust the existing inclinations of the animal, raising the necessary behavior and character.

Clicks for Fold Scots and British

Before you come up with names for the British and Scottish kittens, you need to figure out what their differences are, because it is very difficult to distinguish it, where some kind of breed.

Choose a nickname for the Scottish Fold Kitten, examining the values \u200b\u200bof Scottish names - it will be quite symbolic, you can also use Hebrew.

For the Scottish Fold Boy are suitable such nobilities:

For the Scottish Fold Girl, these nobilities are suitable:

For the British Fold Boy, these nobilities will be suitable:

For the British Fold Girls, these nobilities are suitable:

Another british kitty can be called like this:

  • Holly
  • Cherry
  • Chelsea
  • Sheila
  • Chanel
  • Shanti.
  • Yinda.

Cat nickname in English

Recently, it became relevant to call cats by English names. Perhaps this is the imitation of the cultures of English-speaking countries, and possibly a kitty with a chic name Vanessa will be perceived more noar than with a simple name - Murka. Here are the options for feline nicknames on english language, For the convenience of reading, they are written by Russian letters.

For girls:

For boys:

Best nicknames for black cats

There is something mysterious and even mystical in cats of black color. You can choose a lot of name options for such a kitten, referring only to the color of the wool. On the different languages The world "black" will sound in a special way, which means choose the name will not be problems. Here, for example, such names:

How to call red cat or cat?

A lot of people literally obsessed with red kittens. And not in vain. They are considered carriers of the tremendous volume of energy and the forces that are divided with their owners. You can come up with both a funny and symbolic nickname for your fiery pet.

Still in ancient Russia, to keep in the house of the Red Cat was considered a good admission - in the opinion of the ancestors, he should bring well-being, prosperity and happiness in the family.

For kitty You can come up with a creative and funny name - Carrot, ticking, apricot, ray, melon, mango, yard, cinnamon, graticle and many others.

For the cat: Caesar, Citrus, Amber, Leo, Wiscick. Or coming up to mythology: Aurora (Goddess Morning Dawn), Hector, Barbarossa ("Redhead") and others.

Unusual names for white cats

Naturally, when choosing a name for a white kitten, the emphasis will be put on the "purity" of the colors of such a pet. In addition to banal: Pushok or Snowball There are still quite a lot of interesting and memorable nicknames. Here is some of them:

The most beautiful options for pouching and striped kittens

Speaking O. striped cat Immediately there are memories of childhood about the cat Matroskin . But you can rephrase this name and will already succeed. Mattress, Mattress or Telnyshkin, Telnyash, Matoshch, Poloskin. In addition, the "tiger" boy is perfect for the name T.irdze, Tiger, serpets or watermelon. For girls are suitable: Zebrachka, Telnyashka, T-shirt, Lynx.

Spotted Pets You can call Pea, penny, tiger, burenka. If the speech around the eye, then you can call Pirate, Puma. There is a speck in the shape of a heart, then such a cat can be nicking Valentine, pet.

Funny and funny pits for kittens

A funny nickname for a kitten will emphasize the good sense of humor his owner and will bring positive emotions for a whole day.

Cat nickname value

It is checked that the cats remember better and respond to the nicknames, in which the present letters "C", "W", "H". For example, Sima, Shusha, Chita. And much better choose a short name than a long one. Call the cat chosen name several times by changing intonation. If you awaken in animal interest, then I liked the name and it is true.

How not to call cats?

  • It happens that your favorite animal leaves life, and in order to get a bit of loss to a little, another tailed friend lead to the house. Often, a new family member is called the same as the deceased, and this cannot be done. The kitten can take on the whole negative from the life of the previous pet, and this is nothing. Save the memory of the gone kitten in your heart, and in the new - give new life With a new name.
  • Do not count our smaller brothers with scoring nicknames. Of course the owner - Barin, but hardly the invented indecent name will allocate good human qualities in you.
  • By the right of the cat are considered to be keepers of the house from negative energy. For this reason, do not call them names associated with unclean powerLucifer, witch.

Do not follow fashion, follow the call of your heart. Nick must like first of all, you do not need to get used to the unpleasant soul of the name. Give your favorite the name that will truly approach him, to harmonize with the external appearance and the features of your fluffy friend.

In this article, we indulge in how to name the British Cat of the Boy of Gray, covering the most numerous and popular category british cats.

Nickname for the British, of course, is not obliged to reflect its national affiliation. Moreover, the nickname for a gray British cat may not be based on it at all, sorry, serness. But still we believe that some names acquire a special meaning precisely in combination with the color of the color of the London smog and unique aristocratic manners of your pet.

You may consider the call to come up with special, creative nicknames for boys cats british breed Gray contains too many restrictions. The most obvious options that take into account all these facts would seem not yet. Gray (Gray in English "Gray"), SMOKOO, or smoke (from English Smoke - "Smoke"), Claw (Cloud - Cloud or Cloud).

In the house where the traditional English drink love, the Balley Boy can be called Earl Gray or Lord Gray, depending on what kind of tea you prefer.

The names of the British from the history of the genus of soles

As you have already noticed, Gray is not only gray, but also the surname that many historical individuals wore, because the aristocratic genus of warmth is known in England since the XI century. Having plunged into the gloomy Middle Ages or the palace intrigues of the tudor's epoch, we will find entertaining stories of human destinies, as well as a variety of names and nicknames for gray boys of the British.

British gray cats will decorate any name found in their genealogy, because the family of Gray is rich in bright characters. The founder of the kind, Ankutil de Gray, participated together with Wilhelm Norman in the conquest of England.

John De Gray was a prominent church, and Richard is a statesman. Edmund Gray played a decisive role in the war of the scarlet and white rose, because it was his transition to the side of Yorkkov provided them with a victory over Lancaster.

Sir Thomas Gray, in turn, took an active part in the powder conspiracy, and Henry Gray - in a political conspiracy, as a result of which his daughter Jane Gray was erected into the English throne, but Maria Tudor was very quickly overthrown.

Clotts for cat-aristocrat: estates and titles

In the choice of cat name you can also help with titles, which in different centuries wore representatives of the Gray family, and some are worn and understood: Count Kent, Count Stamford, Baron Walsingham, Graf Tankerville, Marquis Dorset, Duke Suffolk.

In addition, a very decent nickname may turn out of the names of the generic places and castles, which were owned by various branches of the family - Codnor, Rotherfield, Merton, Ratin, Wilton.

If you do not attract historical parallels, but you love English literature - name your cat Dorian. He was Gray too.

We continue the cycle of articles dedicated to the names of British cats. Today, the subject of our attention will be funny and cool names for British boys cats, as well as the popular clinics of the British are common in our country.

At first we will try to help those our readers who would like to understand how cool to call the Boy's British. The cool name is the name of the cheerful, joking and funny, which contains some kind of irony or subtext. It may also be hung on the memories, a person or event from your life.

Perhaps in your own family there is someone or something worthy of such a honor - to be immortalized in the name of the beloved cat. It also happens that the circumstances in which this cat got into your house, remind an unusual adventure. For example, if the cat is called the hood, you can approximately guess where it was found.

British names boys from the world of sports

If the cat got to you without any signs of fate, an ordinary and everyday way, you will have to think about how to decorate his life, and your own too. Options here can be a lot. For example, if you are a big fan of English football, for you it will be very relevant to call your favorite cat in honor of the favorite team.

Manchester (Manya or Chester), Liverpool (bullet), Tottenham (Torka), Arsenal, Newcastle, Leicester or Chelsea - Your choice is limited only to your desire not to leave the limits of the Premier League! And if you have a few cats - your daily football championship will come in your house!

However, it concerns not only football. If the author of these lines had two British cats, they would be sure to be called Oxford and Cambridge, and the regattas were held between them every day - contests in boating rowing. In any described version, it becomes more fun, especially if there is a talented sports commentator in the family.

The United Kingdom is extremely rich in sports traditions, and among many teams, famous athletes and coaches will certainly have excellent names for the British cats.

British cats and comedians

A cool name for your cat can also be found in the traditionally strong sphere of the British humor. Remember, for example, the famous television humorous shows Benny Hill, or the series about the adventures of Mr. Bina, or any British comedy that you like, and in which there are heroes who have loved you.

If you have a more refined taste, you will certainly be remembered by the funny characters of novels and the stories of P.G. Woodhaus.

List of popular books for British

If you, dear reader, do not approve excessive originality in the choice of names, and you are only interested in the most popular name for the British cat, we will give you a list of such.

Since we are discussing here only clicks for boys of British breed, popular names, in no way associated with the UK, we will not bring.

So, the unchanged popularity among domestic kote owners use:

  • Titles names: Lord, Graph, Marquis, King, Prince, Duke, Baron, Viscount.
  • Names - Geographical names: London, Derby, Chelsea, York, Tower, Oxford, Windsor, Greenwich, Kent, Chester.
  • Human names or names of any characters: Alpha, Archi, Bill, Bakingham, Bob, Bond, Willy, Vincent, Winnieu Pooh, Harry, Hamlet, Darcy, Danny, Jude, John, James, Donald, Douglas, Duncan, Klaus , Casper, Quentin, Chris, Mike, Macbeth, Maclaud, Max, Nelson, Newton, Oscar, Austin, Patrick, Picklife, Ralph, Rex, Richard, Robin, Roger, Spike, Sam, Sylvester, Simon, Stephen, Stanley, Taylor , Teddy, Tom, Toby, William, Winston, Freddie, Felix, Frank, Hugh, Hemingway, Houston, Harrison, Holmes, Charles, Sean.
  • Name names: Brandy, Whiskey, Bentley, Porsch, Lexus, Vermouth, Snickers, Twix, Ford, Phillips, Harley, Cheddar, and the like.
  • Others english words - Black, Gray, Smoky, Lucky, Sunny, Spider, Sky, Strike, Twist.

They say, his fate depends on behalf of a person. A similar opinion adds to experienced breeders, recommending home-owned cats invent proper nickname New family members so that they can live a long and happy life next to the favorite owners.

If a beautiful kitty of the British breed appeared in your house, do not rush to call it the first to come to the name. Think and look, perhaps the initial opinion on this score is not very correct.

How to name british cat, Specialists will be prompted! Considering their delivel tips, you can choose your fluffy friend to the nickname appropriate in all parameters.

Why is it important

If a few decades ago, cats were called standard names, not particularly looping on the question with the selection of nickname. Today everything has changed in the root, and there are some reasons for it. First, to have a thoroughbred cat with a typical name is already unmodest, especially if you are planning a pet participation in exhibitions and various competitions.

Secondly, British cats are very sensitive and intelligent. They understand the appeal and intonation of people well, and if you call it a stupid name, the cat will be offended and it will be all his life to enter your painful attitude towards unpleasant smoke, degrading its authoritative person with a special character.

How to choose a nickname

To choose suitable name British, it is necessary to look at the individual criteria for the animal. Experienced breeders recommend emphasizing attention to some features.

Behavior and character

These criteria of the British cat will help make a right decision.

If your favorite is often sleeping and has a calm temperament, name it is Persea or Sonya. And for active and restless girls, Simba, Berta, Virgin, Duffy or Zhuzha's names are excellent.

Cat-British, which regularly exploring the territory of residential space, can be called an agent, normal or nissan.

For warlords, able to stand up for themselves and showing their authoritative character, you can from mythical led: Apollo, Spartak, Zeus, Kama, Kron, Mercury, Hera, Gray, Olympia or Peace.

If your pet exists excessive lovingness, come up with something gentle and romantic. For example: Amurian, Chappi, Lakki, Ernie, asterisk, Cleopatra, Lolita, Margo or Rosalia.

Merry Figaro can be called a figaro, and the Vallaja Lenalty - Baron. The name Drakos is perfectly suitable for curious British, and the pet that fulfills all his duties strictly in time is the timer.

External traits

You can pick up a suitable nickname for a cat, focusing on its external data and wool color.

A cat with graceful mill and aristocratic appearance deserves the presentable name: Amelia, Athena, Valkiriya, Vesta, Infinity, Mary, Sabrina, Sheron or Yujina. For cats with similar external data, you can choose something from this list: Julian, Anthony, Pharaoh, Wales, Tamerlan, Sultan, Sebastian, Raphael, Oxford or Albert.

For pets with delicate features and gentle glance, such nicknames are perfect: Fenny, Chakki, Shuna, Fanny, Tosya, Tutsi, Nyusha, Punya, Motya, Kesha, Archie or Nekwik.

For cats with fluffy wool, the name of the gun, a lucmatic or snowball is suitable, which is also relevant for pets with white wool. Blue-eyed representatives can be chosen to choose Skye, Aquamarine, Sapphire or Iceberg.

Cats with snow-coat are suitable such names: snowflake, winter, snow white, blond or squirrel. The Balley Boy can be called pearls, smile or coconut.

Current nicknames for the British with black wool:

  • a female representative can be called a baggio, panther, night, blueberries, jet, cola or carmelite;
  • black cat will suit the name Baron, Black, Graph, Batman or Jack.

Gray Britons are suitable such puddles: Suri, Mouse, Grassi, Wolfe, Carbon, Gray, or Typical, but in their own interesting name of the sega, gray. And also, if the patronymic is addicted to this name, it will be quite solid and representative.

What to call a red kitten: a ray, a rhyger, kuzya, mandarin, sandor, tishka, bauble, reaches, Virgini or Buska.

Two-color British can be called a sailor or mart. For tricolor animals, Katty's nickname is suitable, tick, Disney, Santa, Fairy or Puffy.

Login value

If you live a pretty girl of the British breed named Bagira, be sure your favorite will be playful and gambling throughout his life. Merry and unpredictable cat with a kind character and cute appearance - a real find for the family, where there are small children.

Cat nicknamed Vanessa loves freedom and is distinguished by curiosity.

Decided to call their fluffy girl Duffy? Wonderful choice! An animal with such a name is characterized by courage, erudition and unshakable courage. But the name of Agat is good and sensitive, good and sensitive pet. Cats with this name combine only positive traits character.

  • Ilona is bright and cheerful features;
  • Madeleine is a talented Briton with unlimited abilities;
  • Patricia is a friendly cat, a fast-based common language with all members of a large family;
  • Taisiya - a gentle girl with a little cunning character;
  • Charlotte - Royal Persons with exquisite manners and graceful gait;
  • Juno - loving and affectionate cat with a naive childhood look.

What names can be given to the cats of the British breed

Each owner of a fluffy pet when choosing a nickname takes into certain criteria. Someone calls the name of the beloved actress, others take into account the external features or behaviors.

The most popular destinations allow the owner to choose the perfect nickname for the British cat:

  1. If you are a fan of sports games, name your home friend with the name of the famous athlete.
  2. A very effectively sounds the names taken from mythology or history. For example, many call girls of the British breed by the names of famous queens. Such nicknames sound original and impressively.
  3. Cosmos, Favorite Kinoheroi, Sports Clubs, Stars of Show Business, Political Fatations, Natural Phenomena and Other Topics often help the owner choose the appropriate name for a favorite big friend. Mercury, Venus, Angelica, Sirius, Lightning, Winter, Barcelona - Grand Choice, for every taste!

What name is it better to give the girl-British - it is not always easy to determine, because in the huge list of suitable nicknames you can find several relevant options. How to decide and not guess?

  1. Try to call the cat selected names and just follow it. You can give the nickname to which she will be happy to respond.
  2. Some families are arranged competition for best name For a new friend. You can write on pieces of various options, fold into the box and pull one. These game is like a lottery. What a name will be written on the leaves, then leave.
  3. Some young people who are passionate about the Internet are often satisfied with the survey in social networkBy listing several named names. For which they will vote longer, it is selected.

To make it easier for the cat to get used to the new name, experts recommend choosing simple nicknames, preferably from 1-2 syllables. The animal perceives the hissing consonant sounds well, so it will be great if they will be present in the nickname.

Funny nicknames for British cats

If you are full of optimism and love humor, name your British beauty interesting nameBut without a pathoral abuse. What scores are perceived by the British without offense:

  1. A kitty with character will suit the name cinnamon.
  2. Is your cat all sweeping on his way? Name him with Hulk!
  3. Loves often sleeps in an unusual pose resembling noodles? Then the ideal solution will be the nickname of spa or macaroni.

Other nicknames with a humorous accent: Scooby, Zucchini, Anchov, Waffelka, Fed, Kruzan, Kiwi, Mickey, Schnaps, Godzilla, Pepa, Funtik, Rabbit, Chucha, etc.

The appearance in the home of the pet is a truly significant event! And the first thing is the question - what is the name to give this fluffy lump? In the article, you will learn how to name the kitten - a boy or a girl to emphasize its special external data or a bright color: red, black, white, gray. Remember that its further fate and behavior depends on the nickname.

How to call a cat on external signs

A name for a pet can be determined by its appearance, look close enough to him. It should not be forgotten that with age, a tiny kitten can change and turn, say, in a large and vague giant. Nevertheless, it will be possible to treat the nickname with humor. Agree, such as Pups, dwarf, mini, baby will sound funny when your pet's weight is about 10 kg.

By the way! Growth, weight, eye color, unusual shape of the ears, an abundance of wool or color is an excellent landmark when choosing a nickname for a domestic handsome, and it does not matter whether it pours it or not.

Along the length of the wool

If the wool cover of your cat is soft, thick and lush, then it can be bolder to name the Push, Pushinka, Pushya, Flumba or Flaffe (from the English. "Fluffy").

Fluffy cat is suitable for the name Lochmatic, gun, fluffy, snowball or even just fluff.


A shorthair kitten can give a nickname bast (goddess fertility, in honor of which in Ancient Egypt Such cats were considered sacred).

A cat without wool can be proud to wear the name Lysik, Lys, Boldy (from the English. "Bald"). In addition, a bald boy can come up with a cool name, such as Shrek, Lunatic, Cosmos or an aliens (not like that).

The girl will suit Lyska or Callie (from him. "Bald").

By type of ear

The touching ears always create the impression of children's playfulness, even in an adult cat. Therefore, the nyashka, Capitstnie or Motya is perfectly suitable for the gray Fold Boy. Girl Cattle Fold You can pick up at least a funny name, for example, lopushka, Lyalya, Pomes, a drop.

Scottish straight cat (cattle-straight) can be called an asterisk, chamomile, lace. If the kitten also loves to be frozen, he can safely give a name according to the name of the brand of your favorite car: Bentley, Toyota, Ferrari or Porsche.

If you notice that your pet is unusually big ears, or relatively broad at the base, name it Mickey, Cheburashka or Cheburah. The secret origin of this funny nickname will know only you and your acquaintances.

In color eye

A variety of shades of eyes, which can have our saturated pets - this is a source of inspiration and creation of many poets and artists. It is worth a little to show fantasy, and a nickname for a kitten with expressive eyes will appear by itself.

So, for example, the blue-eyed cat is perfectly suitable for the name Sineglazka, snow or pearl. In addition, this kitten can give a nickname of a gems, which can be blue: turquoise, aquamarine, sapphire, zircon, spinel.

Boy S. blue eyes You can call Iceberg or Skye (from the English. "Sky"). You can recall the mythological system of any people, and give a kitten an unusual and even magical name: Arnamertia (goddess of water), HAPP (God of water elements), Dana (goddess of water).

A cat with different eyes can proudly carry the name of Kui (from Greek. "Precious"), Raritet, Rariti or Rarri (from English "Rough").

How to call a kitten on his color

You can also choose the original name to your suitable pet, depending on the color it possesses. From a physiological point of view, the color is the result of the formation of pigments in the cat's body, and any deposition of pigment on wool is unique and unique.

Important! Find exactly the same animal colors are almost unrealistic, so pay attention to the peculiarities of your pet's woolen cover, and come up with such a special nickname.

Names for kittens of monophonic color

Single color is a solid color on the surface of the animal wool. Happy owners of such cats may not limit themselves in choosing a nickname, the main thing is that it makes love and care, even in humorous form.

If your cat has a spectacular snow-white fur coat, she will certainly fit the nickname snowflake, snowflake, blond, belanka, bela, snow white, squirrel, umku, winter or winter.

White girl who likes to eat deliciously, will be very harmonious to combine with such names like sugar, shugarik, cream, ice cream, marshmallow.

The boy can come up with something more male: kefir, coconut, zucker (from him. "Sugar"), snowball, snow (from English. "Snow"), White (from English "White"), Pearls, Aysik, Artik , Smile (snow-white smile).

Since the light color is associated with the purity, the white kitten can be called purely, the secret (from the English. "Cleanliness"), Tydy, Rainse (from him. "Clean"). Moreover, white color It assumes mostly a joyful event or a celebration, and therefore a cat can wear an interesting holiday name, for example, a surprise, delight, shampoo, fun, Fani (from English "" funny ") or even a banker.

A fluffy white cat with blue eyes can be chosen one of the following names: Puffcint, Bride, Tenderness, Sleep, Fun, Angel or Bianca, which also means "white", and it sounds beautiful!

Selecting the name of the black kitten, it should be noted that an elegant black animal grows from a small lumpster.

A black cat can be beautifully called Panther, Aphrodite, Martha, Carmelita, Matilda, Bagira or Jetta. Cool will sound such a female picker's cat, like batter, blots, noise, cola or, say, black mamba.

Black Cat has a complete right to name graph, Jack, Black, Spy, Batman, Baron or Truffle. The boy can be given and more familiar name for us, for example, Chernysh, Corner, Tenk.

Despite the superstitions of many people, you can feel free to show fantasy, and give a fluffy boy the name of lucky or lucky, and the girl is fortune or varnishes (from the English. "Vesounter").

Remember the mythology of the underground kingdom, darkness and nights, and name your pet secret name, for example, Lucifer (brings light), Antis (fights shadow), Amon (Lord of Days and Nights), or simply magician, devil, mystic, wonderland, Gangster.

Chocolate color is considered rather rare for cats, so a brown kitten needs to give an unusual, and at the same time a sonorous name, for example, Caesar or Richard.

Very interesting and appetizing, sweet nicknames have a girl, for example, apricot, peach, iris, chocolate or glazing. Chocolate boy can be called snickers, raisins or bob.

It will be interesting to sound the name Brown (from the English. "Brown") or Brauni. A funny nickname mulatto or Zagarka is suitable for a cat.

The sermost suites of the pretty pet can be diluted with an unusual and bright name. For example, the gray boy is perfect for the nickname Gray (from the English "gray), Wolph (from the English" Wolf), Whulfik, Carbon, Smokey, Basilio, Gray or Seryoga.

A gray girl can be affordable to name Serb, Sarah, Grassi, Ashley, mouse or sui (from Franz. "Mouse").

Smoky or ash color of woolen cover pushes on the thoughts about such a name as ashes, smoke, haze.

If it is more blue color, which is common among both the chantise, then you can find the perfect name among such as Aqua, Aurora, Lavender, Blake, Velvet, Sapphire, Topaz. To emphasize the blue tint of the cat can also with the help of a cry of a dove or ballot.

Yaro-red cats that are distinguished by special playfulness and flareness, may well become a risk, festy, tigers, red or ore. A girl who behaves is delivered, and at the same time has a slender figure and an acute muzzle, can proudly wear the name of the leisure, chanterelle, a fox. The name of the freckle will be perfectly harmonized with a calm, kind kitten of a cream or beige shade.

The boy of peach color can give a smoke peach, pen 4 or PERS.

The original names of the red cats often give children, and therefore ask you to help you, and hear what a variety of bright names will sound from his mouth! It can be mandarin, orange, sandoric, orange, chips, ray, Sant, Franch, Kuzya or just a redhead.

Names for multicolored kittens

Cats, and even more so powdered, can be a wide variety of colors. Such drawings on woolen cover, like Tabbi and Aguti, are quite common. It is interesting to be a color-point, when only animal limbs are painted. Of course, such kittens are recommended to select interesting and unusual namesthat will allow you to be proud of a special appearance of a pet.

A black and white cat can give such a nickname as a domino or jackson. A black cat with white legs is perfect for the name of the foot, a paw, panda, one can be more abbreviated.

If a black and white girl has a drawing in the form of strips, not spots, she can give a funny name of Marty (so called Zebra from the famous cartoon "Madagascar"), and the boy is a mattress or Matroskin.

The gray-white kitten will be able to become a cute midge, antphony or Serbic in your house. If the wool is prevailing the same gray, the name of Smoky or Casper is suitable.

A brightly red boy with white spots can be called a fantasy, flowers, a flap, a color. A white-red cat can proudly carry the name of the blossom, a flap, a turtle or a tatter.

How to call a tricolor kitten

In many countries, tricolor pets consider the symbols of good luck, well-being and wealth. Therefore, if you are a happy owner of such a kitten, try to accommodively approach the choice of his name.

The cat is perfectly suitable for the name Matryoshka, Katty, Mimi, Santa, Tyrah, Fed, Fairy, Etna, Paint, Trishka, Rainbow or Potka.

But a three-seat cat can be bolded to call Trash, Yarych, Disney, Triisvestik, Iris, Tiki.

A colorful girl and a boy in the same house with the names of Adam and Eve will be able to get along with each other and bring happiness to you!

The most popular nickname for a gray striped kitten - Matroskin. Agree, it sounds sufficiently fun, and immediately remembers the cartoon loved one since childhood. However, you can dream and come up with something more unusual, paraphrasing this name into no less funny, for example, Mattress, Mattress, Telnyshkin, Telnyash, Matosych or Poloskin. In addition, the Tigridze, Tiger, Snake, Watermelon, Fashionable faped name Styles or Pijon.

A striped girl can be called a vest, T-shirt, strip, zebrachka, snake. A cat named Lynx or Rusy, most likely, will be a bold character, so do not be surprised if such a ledge will mercilessly scratch during games with you.

Smoky color cat can give name smoke, smoke, Dimka, Tenk, Dicks, Gray, Gusar, donut, pixel, wolf.

With a smoky cat, you can pick up one of the following names: haze, melka, smoky, Sheila, Vulfi, Sarah. A calm gray girl can give a name mouse, mouse, Silva, Serb, Macy, Selena.

By the way, a smoky boy with a calm temper can wear a cool name of the ghost, dust, reed or lemur.

In most cases, the nickname brings information about the family in which the animal is brought up, therefore: Scottish, British, and others who will only solve you.

The name is a great way to remind that your kitten is the best, and worthy of the highest awards! Even a powerful cat with a beautiful, aristocratic name, may look much better than any thoroughbred. By turning on the fantasy, you will definitely come up with something original, or you can use our service selection service, believe me, we can surprise you!

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