Effective treatment of head lice: principles of choice of funds, their review and prevention of the disease. Pediculosis - types, treatment and drugs, folk remedies Treatment for head lice 15


What is head lice

Where do lice come from?

This disease was described by Aristotle, so the vital activity of such dangerous microorganisms goes back thousands of years. The louse is a wingless insect that has six limbs with claws for firm fixation on the human body. Thanks to sharp teeth as part of the oral apparatus, the pest digs into the skin, violates its integrity, releases saliva, causing itching, and sucks blood. Lice are taken from the environment, and the most favorable conditions they find dirty places for existence. The risk group includes people who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene

The incubation period of lice and nits


When this insect bites with saliva, a special substance penetrates the skin, provoking severe itching of the pathology focus. The patient becomes nervous and irritable, behaves extremely irritable. The symptoms of head lice may not be noticed immediately, but their intensity gradually increases, as does the number of viable individuals in the hair. It is necessary to take measures to combat head lice, in this way avoiding dangerous health complications. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to such changes in general well-being:

  • tangled hair;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • redness, swelling of the dermis;
  • irritation on the body;
  • decline in performance.

Types of head lice

Lice reasons

Before curing head lice, it is important to determine the source of infection, to ensure timely preventive measures. The reasons for the appearance of lice are obvious - through contact with contaminated household items, infected people or water. The contact-household way is the main direction why a once healthy person is faced with such an unpleasant diagnosis as head lice. A thing, water, children's toys in the garden, or even a familiar person can be contaminated. Other provoking factors for head lice are outlined below:

  • visiting crowded places;
  • business trips, train travel and hotel stays;
  • non-compliance with mandatory prevention measures;
  • travel by public transport;
  • promiscuous sex.

In children

In young patients, lice appear on the scalp. Measures to combat head lice of parents should be followed immediately, but first you need to find out the true causes of infection. More often, a growing child is faced with the problem of lice in kindergarten, schools, health camps and other crowded places. Other causes of head lice in children are:

  • non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, which is especially important for careless children and inattentive parents;
  • direct contact with infected children, objects;
  • classes in a children's team, communication with unfamiliar people.

Head lice treatment

  • proper nutrition, the use of vitamins;
  • timely identification of secondary diseases;
  • using pharmacy products in the form of shampoos, balms, hair masks;
  • short haircut for the child (individually by the decision of the parents);
  • head treatment with folk remedies;
  • long-term use of a comb for combing hair;
  • implementation of preventive measures;
  • the need to inspect not only foci of pathology, but also things with their subsequent washing, ironing well with a hot iron.



After a single use of these drugs, it remains only to comb the hair with a special comb, and carry out this procedure for several days - in the morning and evening after examining the head. Ointment from pediculosis, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, is no less effective. Use separately from other drugs, follow all instructions from the instructions. Such medicinal ointments have proven themselves well:

  • Benzyl benzoate;
  • Permethrin ointment;
  • Boric ointment.

Dust soap

Folk remedies for lice

Measures to combat head lice can be not only official, but also alternative. Folk remedies for lice use noticeable prevention, and are much cheaper than pharmacy shampoos, sprays and ointments. It is also possible to produce an effective remedy for head lice at home, the main thing is to choose a reliable, effective and safe recipe for all occasions. It can be a solution or a medicinal ointment in order to suppress pathogenic flora, to exclude re-infection. Here are some good recipes:

If a conscious person knows the reasons for the development of the disease, then in order to prevent it, he should in every possible way avoid provoking factors. If the infection has already occurred, the first step is to wash bed linen and clothes, iron things, additionally steam all objects that the sick person has come into contact with. This is the main prevention of head lice, to save the family from mass infection. After finding out the cause of the pathology, preventive measures the following:

Knowing the measures to combat the disease and the causes of its occurrence, adults should promptly tell their children about prevention. For example, you cannot use someone else's comb, otherwise the risk of infection with head lice only increases. Prevention of pediculosis in children provides for the observance of the rules of personal hygiene, limitation of contact with sick people. It is recommended to focus on the following measures for the prevention of head lice:

  1. Every three days, wash your child's hair using special anti-lice shampoos.
  2. Keep the nursery clean and tidy, and do general cleaning regularly.
  3. Examine the baby's head every 10 days, and when visiting kindergarten - once a week.

Treatment of head lice at home is carried out using ointments, special shampoos, solutions and gels. Give a good effect folk remediestime-tested. How to get rid of lice and nits quickly? Let's figure it out.

Causes of appearance and ways of infection

Characteristic signs and symptoms of head lice

The main signs of pediculosis:

What are lice afraid of:

  • frost (from -20 degrees), hot water (temperature from +55 degrees). When identifying a wardrobe variety of causative agents of pediculosis, it is useful to boil clothes, bedding, in winter to take out things to be processed in the cold;
  • drugs that cause intoxication in adults;
  • enveloping compositions that provoke suffocation.

Five rules for dealing with lice:

  • Select a product according to the age and condition of a person: children under five years old are allowed only natural formulations with an enveloping effect. During pregnancy, a drug or folk remedy is prescribed by a doctor.
  • If the effectiveness of the product is low, replace it with another as soon as possible. Means for animals cannot be used.
  • Do not exceed the concentration of the solution during preparation, strictly observe the frequency and duration of processing.
  • After removing the drug or folk remedy for lice from the hair, it is forbidden to wash the hair for 5-6 days: this way the residual effect of the composition will remain.
  • For the duration of the treatment, forget about nourishing hair masks, conditioners.

Warning! Do not forget about one more side of head lice: lice carry dangerous infections. If you crush an infected individual, you can bring in typhus or Volyn fever. Fortunately, serious illnesses are rarely diagnosed.


Effective formulations:

  • Medilis Super.
  • Lauri.
  • But yes.
  • Couple Plus.
  • Spray Pax.
  • Parasidosis.
  • Chemerichnaya water.
  • A - Steam.
  • Medifox.
  • Permethrin ointment.

Remedies for pediculosis for children:

  • Paranoid.
  • But yes.
  • Parasidosis +.
  • Pediculen.

General rules of application:

Proven funds:

See an overview of the most effective means from, and also find out the rules for their application.

How to remove mold from the walls of a private house and prevent the growth of fungus is written on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to get rid of midges in the house.


Prevention of head lice:

  • wear only your own headdress;
  • never use someone else's hairbrush, hairpins, hoop, rubber bands;
  • do not try on things of other family members / girlfriends / friends / colleagues;
  • change bed linen more often;
  • in public transport, make sure that the hair of people standing nearby does not touch the head. If there is a constant crush on the bus, the curls should be picked up;
  • do not swim in water bodies in which a large mass of people splash;
  • when choosing a sexual partner, be careful, prudent;
  • add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to shampoo or conditioner balm: head lice do not tolerate this aroma;
  • put only clean things in the closet. Clothes soaked in sweat, with dead particles of the epidermis, provokes the reproduction of dangerous fungi, creates a favorable environment for lice to feed;
  • never dry yourself with someone else's towels (this remark applies to face and body). It is worth remembering that there are not only head lice, but also pubic lice;
  • via RSS, or stay tuned

Head lice is considered a shameful disease associated with dirt and poverty, but often the disease progresses among wealthy people.

What is this disease?

Head lice live on the human scalp. Adults feed on blood. Their oral apparatus is designed in such a way that the louse can easily bite through human skin.

Head and body lice go to healthy person after close contact with an infected person. The next method of transmission of lice is through the use of an infected person's personal equipment (comb or towel).

Lice are transmitted by direct contact with a sick person. Infection usually occurs in crowded places - public transport, schools, kindergartens, saunas, swimming pools, etc.

Pediculosis is especially widespread among children. This is due to the fact that guys often use each other's personal belongings. Girls are more susceptible to the disease, since lice are more comfortable finding a place for themselves in long hair.

Severe prolonged stress can also cause illness. At this time, a person's immunity decreases and it is easier for him to become infected with head lice.

Typical symptoms

The main symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • the presence of nits in the hair - whitish eggs, attached at a distance of 2 - 3 centimeters from the roots;
  • the presence of lice;
  • severe itching on the skin, as a result of which scratches and blood crusts appear;
  • on the skin you can see gray-bluish spots;
  • increased irritability, insomnia;
  • the appearance of dermatitis (in the case of advanced head lice).

Each form of head lice has its own characteristic symptoms. With head lice nits are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and occiput. If the form is started, then they go to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

With pubic lice nits cover not only the pubis, but also the hair in the lower abdomen. Sometimes nits are found on the eyelashes, eyebrows, mustache and beard.

There are no serious contraindications for this disease. When using any method, be it a folk remedy or a pharmacy drug, you need to be careful, since an allergy to the components is possible.

Before use, any product should be applied to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, soak for twenty minutes and rinse. If there is no redness and other signs of allergies, then you can safely apply the mixture to your head.

You should be careful with the use of kerosene. Use it only in mixture with vegetable oilso as not to burn the scalp.

In any recipe, the exact dosage and method of application are important. You should not experiment and engage in drawing up your own recipes (mixing different products in different proportions), this is fraught with consequences.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures consist in observing the following rules:

  • personal hygiene - take a shower with soap twice a week, wash your hair as it gets dirty;
  • avoid contact with patients with head lice;
  • do not use other people's combs, towels and other personal hygiene products;
  • do not try on the clothes of strangers.

If lice are found in a social facility (school, kindergarten, etc.), then thorough disinfection of furniture, carpets and other coatings is necessary.

Regular preventive examinations carried out in schools, children's preschool institutions allow you to detect head lice in time and treat it in a timely manner.

Lice are not a threat to human life. But they bring a lot of uncomfortable situations. If head lice is not treated, then unpleasant complications are possible.: dermatitis or boils, bite sites can become a source for the multiplication of other infections.

Watch a video with Elena Malysheva on how to get rid of lice:

Once accidentally hitting the head of a child, lice feel very comfortable there. The heat that the scalp emits is successfully stored under the hairline, which creates a favorable temperature for the insects for their habitat. They feed in the same place, piercing the skin with a small proboscis and sucking blood. All this creates ideal conditions for lice to reproduce, which they quickly and successfully do, leaving their eggs on the hair - larvae, colloquially called "nits". An adult female is able to lay several hundred larvae per week, which subsequently hatch, grow, and in turn multiply.

Important! Lice cannot fly or jump from person to person, so do not brush your child's hair with someone else's combs, do not use headbands, hairpins and hats from other children.

It is generally believed that lice breed in conditions of poor hygiene, but no one is immune from this unpleasant phenomenon. You can get infected on public transport, in a team with casual close contact, in the locker room of a gym or swimming pool. The reason is not always the neglect of hygiene procedures. Lice easily settle on the head of children who are bathed every day and children whose parents are not particularly concerned about hygiene. After all, children are constantly in closer contact with each other than adults, with joint games and fights. They know and observe elementary rules less than adults, and can share combs, pillows, hats, toys.

You can get infected from close contact with other children

It's important to know! Lice are insects that live only on human hair. They are not transmitted through animals and birds, so the area of \u200b\u200brisk is limited by human factors.

Lice suspected in a child

An attentive parent can easily detect signs of lice in a son or daughter:

  • the child begins to constantly scratch his head in different places, especially the back of the head and behind the ears;

    If the child is constantly scratching his head, this may be a symptom of lice.

  • hair quickly becomes unkempt, dandruff may appear. Frequent shampooing does not help;
  • on close examination, irritated areas are noticeable under the hair and on the neck, combing can lead to the formation of sores and dark spots;
  • the child complains of itching, an infection can get into the wounds and cause the formation of boils and pustules.

How to find lice

When the above signs appear, you must do the following:

  • put the child by the window or in any place where there is enough light;
  • turn on the lamp, pointing it directly at the child's head;
  • take a comb with fine teeth and use it to part the hair into a parting, alternately examining the entire surface of the head;
  • pay attention to the hair roots - lice usually lay their eggs there - nits;
  • if you find small light bugs that are swarming in your hair, make sure that these are hair lice.

Lice are almost impossible to confuse with other insects such as ticks or fleas. The former usually sit in one place, clinging to the skin and sucking blood without moving, they are larger and darker than hair lice. Fleas can accidentally get on the baby's skin from a cat or dog, but after biting once, a flea usually does not stay in one place, but jumps further.

Risk group

Mostly children and schoolchildren of primary grades are subject to this unpleasant phenomenon. Many are unpleasant to talk about this topic, and some are simply ashamed if they found lice on the head of their own child. Do not blame yourself or scold the child for this, because this is not your fault.

If lice appear in a child, you need to check all family members

Attention! It is necessary to clarify from which specific source the infection originated and to treat all carriers in order to avoid repeated cases.

Treatment methods

The most radical and fastest treatment at no extra cost and side effects - This is shaving bald. But this is unacceptable for many parents and their children, especially girls. This can seriously injure the child. Therefore, you need to consider a number of less drastic remedies that will help get rid of lice and preserve hair. There are three common methods: combing with special combs, pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies.

The fastest way to get rid of lice is to shave your head.

Combing combs

To facilitate combing, the child's head is rinsed:

  • warm water (3-4 liters), diluted with 9% vinegar in a 1: 3 ratio (table vinegar, not acid!). This solution makes it easier to remove nits from the hair, making the process easier. A citric acid solution is also used;
  • ½ teaspoon of citric acid for 2.5 - 3 liters of warm water. It dissolves the gummy solution that attaches the nits to the hair.

Important! Strictly follow the proportions when preparing the rinse solution. The presence of sores and scratches on the child's head can cause a burning sensation with stronger concentration.

Pharmacy preparations

There are a large number of drugs for the treatment of head lice in pharmacies. These can be sprays, creams, or shampoos. But when using them for a child, you need to figure out which particular drug is suitable for him. Such drugs are often toxic and you need to study the action of each, so as not to cause unwanted adverse reactions... Usually do not use sprays for children under 12 years old, due to the danger of toxic substances entering airways child. Children are advised to use pediculicidal creams.

It is necessary to read the instructions for use for each drug, then apply on the child's head and withstand the required amount of time. After rinsing, it is advisable to comb the hair with a lice comb to enhance the effect.

Remember! Since children are not treated with highly toxic drugs, some of the nits may remain alive, so they must be combed out additionally or the procedure must be repeated after a few days.

Study the composition of the preparations!

If we are considering the treatment of head lice in a child on our own, at home, then it is worth remembering a few chemicalsthat can adversely affect the child's body.

The best lice remedies for children (according to reviews of parents and pediatricians).

A drugDescription

Formulated with oil to help get rid of lice and nits at the same time


Most people have faced such a disease as head lice. And today this problem does not lose its relevance. The disease is diagnosed in both children and adults. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of drugs that allow for the treatment of head lice at home.

Brief information about the disease

Treatment at home with the use of both medication and folk remedies is effective for head lice.

Important! Lice feed on blood! In 1 day, they make about a hundred bites in soft tissues... At the same time, a person feels a certain discomfort. In addition, head and body lice are carriers of typhus and some fevers.

Head lice symptoms

This disease manifests itself with characteristic symptomsallowing it to quickly and accurately diagnose:

Concomitant manifestations of head lice are considered:

  • disturbed sleep;
  • dermatitis;
  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue.

If any of the above signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, since advanced forms of head lice are more difficult to cure.

Treatment of the disease

How to effectively get rid of head lice at home? At the pharmacy you can buy special meansthat will help fight head lice. However, before using them, you must consult a doctor, since these drugs are very toxic, have certain contraindications and can cause side effects.

In addition, you can remove lice with home remedies.
During treatment, disinfection of the infected person's belongings should be carried out.

Attention! If lice treatment has not been carried out for a long period, then it is recommended to treat the house! The disinfection station uses Medifox for this purpose. Such treatment will disinfect the premises.

How to get rid of head lice? Insects on the head can be removed by combing. For this, a special comb is used, the teeth of which are very close to each other. Combing is recommended for a child and an adult every day for a month. This method is safe, it is used to treat head lice in pregnant women. Be sure to wipe the comb with a paper towel after each procedure.

Sometimes, with advanced pediculosis and the presence of a large number of lice and nits, especially in children, it is much easier and faster to shave your head bald.

How to get rid of pubic lice? Anti-lice drugs and methods are used for treatment traditional medicine... One of effective drugs to combat pubic head lice, Paranit is considered in the form of an aerosol.

Pharmacy preparations

The chemical method that helps to quickly treat head lice includes the use of ointments, aerosols, shampoos. It is necessary to use medications strictly according to the doctor's prescription.


Important! The main advantages of shampoos are considered safety, high efficiency and ease of use!

Before using shampoos for the treatment of head lice, it is necessary to check whether the infected person is allergic to the product.

Sprays and aerosols

The most common drugs are:

  1. Nyuda. Effectively fights nits and lice.
  2. Pedikulen Ultra. Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. Helps fight nits and adult lice.
  3. A couple plus. Effective against nits. Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.
  4. Paranoid. Prescribed for the destruction of adult insects.

Sprays and aerosols can cause individual intolerance.

Ointments, solutions and emulsions

For the treatment of head lice, the following drugs are also effectively used:

  • emulsion Parasidosis;
  • full Marks solution;
  • cream Nittifor;
  • pedilin solution;
  • sulfuric ointment, etc.

Important! Pediculosis requires timely treatment, since lice can multiply quickly!

Folk remedies

Since many medications are toxic and can cause various side effects, very often the treatment of head lice is carried out with folk remedies.

The most common and accessible are:

  • cranberry juice. Cranberry treatment helps to soften the nits shell;
  • essential oils of extracts of lemon, clove, lavender, sage, plantain, calendula, aloe;
  • petroleum jelly, effective for the destruction of adult lice;
  • pork fat mixed with wild rosemary infusion.

Also, women and girls dye their hair with dye containing hydrogen peroxide. This substance has a detrimental effect on insects and their eggs.

Chemerichnaya water

This tool can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared by yourself. Since hellebore is a poisonous plant, gloves must be used. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to mix the roots of the plant with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, leave to infuse at room temperature in a dark place for 10 days. The container with the product must be constantly shaken. Apply the resulting tincture to pre-moistened hair once a day.


Before applying the product, dilute 70% acetic acid with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Treatment with vinegar is prescribed only for adults, as it can cause allergies and leave burns on the skin.


Kerosene treatment is considered common and effective method, allowing you to get rid of nits and lice. Before use, the product must be diluted with sunflower oil in a 1: 6 ratio. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair. This method is not recommended for the treatment of children.

Important! After using folk remedies, it is imperative to comb out the nits for the effectiveness of treatment!


Unfortunately, head lice is a very common problem. For prevention, it is recommended to regularly conduct examinations of the hair.

In addition, you should adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. For example, it is important to remember that you must use your personal comb to brush your hair and not give it to anyone. To prevent infestation with pubic lice, casual sex should be avoided.

Pediculosis requires complex and timely treatment. Therapy includes application medications, folk methods, combing out nits and adults. However, it must be remembered that pharmaceutical preparations can cause side effects, they also have certain contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you should consult a doctor.

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