Swelling during PMS. Swelling before menstruation

Why are you getting better before your period? This question is asked by some ladies who are jealous of their weight. This problem exists in almost all women. When you want to lose weight by the beach season, every gram of your own weight counts. And here, literally a few days before menstruation, the scales show completely disappointing figures.Some women even notice bloating before menstruation.

So that weight gain on the "red days of the calendar" does not lead to panic, you need to figure out why you are recovering during this period.

Weight gain due to body fluids

Before menstruation, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body. They lead to all the negative consequences, including weight. Women during this period also complain of pain in the lower abdomen, changes in mood, discomfort in the mammary glands, in the lumbar region. This is due to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The peak of progesterone production occurs just on the 20-24th day menstrual cycle... During this period, the body gets rid of the fluid entering it more slowly. It lingers, there is a feeling of heaviness and swelling.

Fluid retention is one of the most common signs of premenstrual syndrome. It affects about 70% of women of childbearing age and almost all pregnant women. There is a medical theory that slowly getting rid of fluids during these periods is the body's defensive reaction. So he prepares for a possible or already onset pregnancy and protects the body from dehydration.

The retention of fluid in the body is aggravated by the addiction to salty foods. To avoid a double burden on the body during menstruation, it is better to go on a salt-free diet about 10 days before.

Refusal of semi-finished products, sausages, canned food will help to solve the problem. They contain a lot of salt. Alcohol, soda and confectionery also retain water in the body.

Many women prefer not to change their diet, but to use diuretics medications... It is better not to do this, but to replace the medicines with natural products from the refrigerator. So, tomatoes, cranberries and cranberry juice, lemon, pineapple, pomegranate, beets, parsley, garlic, radish have a diuretic effect. Eating these foods ahead of your period will help flush excess water from your body and prevent weight gain.

There may be other reasons why weight grows on the eve of critical days.

Weight gain due to increased appetite

A woman with PMS may not even notice how quickly she sweeps away cookies, sweets, cakes and other goodies. The fault is still the same hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, the lingering fluid can only be blamed for the weight gain if it is completely sure of the invariability of its diet. Increased appetite is another "companion" of premenstrual syndrome. Why it happens?

There is a theory according to which in the premenstrual period in women the metabolism accelerates, the need for calories increases. They subconsciously empty the refrigerator, trying to fill this gap.

A more convincing theory is that increased appetite before menstruation is the preparation of the body for a possible pregnancy. Nature has thought out all the mechanisms very well. Before menstruation, the concentration of certain female hormones increases (they were already mentioned above). They affect the hunger center in the brain, changing how it works. Hence the increased appetite. That is, nature has made sure that before a possible pregnancy, the body does not experience a deficiency in nutrients, ensuring the bearing of the fetus.

Therefore, you should not be surprised at the overestimated readings of the scales: the mechanism of a small weight gain before critical days is thought out by nature.

Poor bowel movement

This can also cause women to gain from 1 to 3 kg on the eve of menstruation. And this is where these notorious hormones work. Under their influence, the intestinal musculature relaxes, its peristalsis is not so effective, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more rare. This is also nature's defense mechanism. The body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. For the survival of the embryo to be great, the body "turns off" smooth muscles, since it is she who is in the uterus. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex also note constipation as one of the manifestations of PMS. And since the intestines are cleared less often, weight gain is also possible because of this. For this reason, bloating appears before menstruation.

Delayed bowel movements can be dealt with. Better to start with physical exercise: jumping rope and the well-known exercise "bicycle" will help with constipation. Circular stroking of the lower abdomen with pressure, as well as taking one teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil on an empty stomach, will also have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. It is worth resorting to medicines for constipation only in extreme cases. Firstly, they can be addictive, the intestines will become "lazy" and will no longer work independently. Secondly, laxatives have a very strong effect, which can be found outside the home, causing a lot of inconvenience.

How to avoid extra pounds?

Every woman asks herself this question. Even before menstruation, this trouble can be avoided. Most likely, a minimal increase due to a swollen uterus will still occur, but to avoid "sticking" 2-3 kg excess weight can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.

As mentioned above, you should avoid salty foods. Your diet needs to be enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, grains. But it is better to refuse coffee in favor of green tea.

Willpower has not yet been canceled. If the unexpected readings of the scales before the critical days are very upsetting, then you need to turn on your composure to the fullest and look into the kitchen for tasty things as rarely as possible. During periods of "appetizing exacerbation" it is better not to be at home. Walking in the park, city, cycling, rollerblading is a great alternative to gluttony at home. Physical activity works wonders. She is able to help in such a problem as weight gain.

Often, gynecologists at the reception of women are advised to take oral contraceptives. They practically negate all manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. The tablets contain certain doses of sex hormones, which avoids their surges throughout the menstrual cycle. According to statistics, most of the fair half do notice an improvement in their condition: they cease to be bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, there are no unpredictable changes in weight. Therefore, hormone pills can be a good way to combat this problem. Now the pharmaceutical industry is releasing new generation drugs, from the intake of which weight is not gained, but even, on the contrary, leaves. Before taking hormonal pills a doctor's consultation is required. It is possible that you will have to try several options before you can find the most suitable one.

Premenstrual syndrome occurs in many women, and it can be accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. The most common is puffiness. Is it possible to fight it, and how to do it correctly?

Is it normal or not?

The work of the female body is highly dependent on hormones. And their number varies throughout the menstrual cycle. For example, during the luteal phase, which begins after ovulation and ends with the onset of critical days, the corpus luteum (previously it was a follicle from which a mature egg came out) actively produces estradiol, progesterone and androgens.

And it is these hormones that have the most direct effect on the work of the female body, which explains the changes observed before menstruation, which are called PMS ().

Many girls and women meet with PMS: according to statistics, one or another of its manifestations are observed monthly in 70-80% of all the fair sex. But if some do not attach importance to them or simply do not pay attention to the symptoms, then others experience discomfort or even seek help from specialists.

The most common signs of PMS are such as increased appetite or cravings for certain foods, a slight increase in body weight (by two to three kilograms), mood swings, apathy or, on the contrary, increased nervous irritability, sleep disturbances, dizziness, decreased performance, chronic fatigue, pain in the head or muscles, discomfort in the lower abdomen, abnormal stool and many others.

How can edema appear?

As a rule, edema is localized on the extremities, especially the soles of the feet and fingers. They can be detected by suddenly tight or uncomfortable shoes, as well as by rings that are difficult to remove. But also liquid can be retained in the face area, especially in the eye area. And some feel heaviness and a certain puffiness in almost the whole body, this also occurs.

Usually, the swelling worsens in the evening, especially after a hard day. Fluid can be retained in large volumes and due to decreased activity, for example, after prolonged sitting or being in another position. But some people notice sutra edema, and they, as a rule, appear after drinking a large amount of liquid the night before or eating a salty meal.

For what reasons does puffiness occur?

Why does edema occur before menstruation? There may be several reasons, but many of them are associated precisely with the changes caused by the action of hormones produced during this phase of the menstrual cycle.

So, possible reasons swelling:

  • Fluid retention. It, oddly enough, is a kind of defense mechanism. The female body is thought out to the smallest detail, and nature itself protects women from various troubles. So, hormones produced during the luteal phase provoke a violation of the water-salt balance, as a result of which salt accumulates and retains fluid. Also, the body begins to synthesize the substance vasopressin, which has an antidiuretic effect and reduces the frequency of urination, which also helps to slow down the elimination of water from the body. And all this happens only in order to ensure the protection of a woman from dehydration and large blood loss, which can be observed during menstruation.
  • Eating foods that promote fluid retention in the body. If PMS is accompanied by changes in appetite and taste preferences, then this is also the reason. The products that provoke puffiness, first of all, include salty, because salt literally attracts water, absorbs it and does not allow it to come out naturally. But edema can also occur with overuse sweets, various bakery products, starchy and fatty dairy products, as well as various canned food and marinades.
  • Decreased activity. It is also associated with PMS and is associated with symptoms such as lethargy and fatigue. And if you are constantly in one position, then the liquid will inevitably linger in the tissues and increase their volume.

How to fight?

What to do if edema occurs before your period? Slight fluid retention is normal and due to some hormonal changes, so it is not easy to eliminate it. But if you follow some tips, you can make the swelling less pronounced or almost invisible.

So how to minimize fluid retention in the body ahead of critical days?

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. This advice may sound strange, but nevertheless it is relevant. The fact is that water used in sufficient quantities normalizes the water-salt balance and promotes the dissolution of salt. So it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day, but most of should be in the first half of the day.
  2. Change your diet. Eliminate from it all foods that provoke water retention (they were listed above). If you really want something forbidden, then you can afford to eat it, but only in the first half of the day and on the condition that you plan to spend the day actively and move enough. In addition, you can and should eat foods that stimulate fluid excretion. These include watermelons (they are a kind of record holder in this regard and powerful natural diuterics), tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, parsley, and beets.
  3. Use proven generations folk remedies, for example, decoctions, teas and infusions based on bearberry, birch buds or leaves, staminate orthosiphon, horsetail, lingonberry leaves, parsley. The usual one can also help. green tea... But it is better to refuse coffee or at least reduce its use. It is also a natural diuretic, but it can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  4. areas in which the swelling is most pronounced. Patting, kneading, and rubbing can stimulate the removal of fluid from tissues.
  5. Physical activity, such as jogging or exercising, will also help.

Preventive measures

If you prepare in advance for the critical days, then the PMS will be less pronounced, and the swelling will be almost invisible. But what to do for this?

The main preventive measuresto help avoid severe swelling before menstruation:

  • Provide your body with useful substances that help to normalize water-salt metabolism and natural excretion of fluid. These include calcium, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins. To replenish reserves, include in the diet green vegetables and greens, dairy products, as well as berries and fruits.
  • Do not succumb to premenstrual apathy and try to lead an active lifestyle so that all body systems work harmoniously and fully, and the weight does not increase.
  • In advance, exclude from the menu all foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body: salty, sweet, flour, pickled and canned food.

If you put in the effort and learn important rules, you can prevent the development of edema before menstruation.

Many women, a few days before the onset of monthly bleeding, notice that the body becomes looser and slightly swells. Edema can form on the face - it becomes puffy - eyelids and legs can swell.

Very often, the breasts swell and hurt, the belly enlarges slightly (and sometimes quite significantly). All this suggests that the woman suffers from the edematous form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

What are the causes of facial swelling and how to get rid of it?

In many women, before the onset of menstruation, the face also swells. What is the reason for such a cosmetic defect?

It has already been mentioned that at the end of the monthly cycle - a few days before the onset of bleeding - the woman's body produces the maximum amount of estrogen and progesterone. It is estrogen that is able to retain salt in the body, which automatically leads to the formation of edema.

To prevent the face from swelling on the eve of critical days, it is advisable to follow a certain diet:

  • from the twentieth to the thirtieth day of the menstrual cycle in the diet, it is necessary to increase the total amount of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • to save the face from edema, it is worth reducing salt intake;
  • but if the face, nevertheless, is swollen, it is necessary to start drinking as much pure water as possible.

Why do breasts swell before menstruation?

According to statistics, every third woman, shortly at the beginning of her period, complains that her chest hurts. During this period, the mammary glands become more sensitive and can increase quite significantly in volume. At the same time, painful sensations can be described as mild discomfort, but sometimes it is enough severe pain... With the onset of bleeding, the symptoms disappear, and the chest becomes the same.

But why does the chest hurt and increase in size just before menstruation? It's pretty simple. In a similar way, a woman's body prepares for the onset of a probable pregnancy.

The pregnancy hormone, progesterone, is actively produced just before the onset of monthly bleeding, causing an increase in the proportion of the breast. In parallel with this, the ducts of the mammary glands become more branched and, as a result, a feeling of bloating and painful sensations.

But since conception did not take place and the woman will not breastfeed the child, the edema subsides, and the mammary glands return to their original state.

Do not forget that before menstruation, the chest can hurt for various reasons, and not just because of the banal PMS. The reasons may be:

  • general hormonal disorders;
  • pathology of the mammary glands themselves;
  • developing tumors;
  • various inflammations of glandular tissues, etc.

That is why, in case of complaints of breast soreness before menstruation, a woman is recommended to visit a mammologist.

Quite often, the breast hurts and swells before menstruation with mastopathy - a pathology caused by a significant proliferation of the mammary gland ducts and the formation of numerous cysts. The pain is sometimes very severe, but subside with the onset of monthly bleeding.

How can you help?

Taking oral contraceptives helps to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms. But the gynecologist should deal with the selection of funds, since many features of the female body are taken into account when prescribing.

Excessive consumption of salty foods and coffee can cause premenstrual breast swelling. If you limit the amount of these products or completely refuse, then you can reduce unpleasant manifestations PMS, or completely avoid the development of unpleasant symptoms.

To alleviate the discomfort, it is recommended these days to wear comfortable underwear that supports the chest well. You also need to give up too fatty foods and start taking B vitamins, in particular B1 and B6. Cold compresses will help relieve severe swelling.

Swollen legs - a sign of edematous PMS

Quite often, women notice that before the onset of monthly bleeding, their legs swell. Swelling can form in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet, but can also spread to the surface of the ankle and lower leg. Swelling of the legs in this case is due to all the same hormonal changes, but such edema is a physiological norm and should not cause excitement.

What can be done?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor. He must make sure that such swelling of the feet before menstruation is not a sign of any pathology. To eliminate puffiness, a specialist can advise.

Increase the daily intake of clean water. It is the usual drinking water promotes the removal of accumulated salts and toxins that provoke edema.

Reduce salt use, especially a few days before and during your monthly bleeding. Salt is another common reason why swelling of the legs forms during this period.

Wearing compression stockings... Today, medical underwear is practically no different from ordinary stockings, but it solves problems with leg swelling perfectly.

Self-massage of the feet. The procedure helps to remove swelling.

Start taking diuretics. The doctor should select the drugs, taking into account the characteristics of the organism of each particular patient.

Change your diet. In the daily menu shortly before the onset of menstruation, you can enter products with diuretic properties. These include - pineapple, grapes, parsley, pumpkin, beets and some others.

Alternative ways to eliminate leg swelling

If it is not possible to remove edema using traditional methods, then you can use alternative ways and start taking herbs. But before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that diuretic herbs should not be taken at the same time as medical diuretics. Therapeutic effect can be very bright and cause significant harm to a woman's body.

If we talk about what herbs can be used to eliminate puffiness, then these can be:

  • blueberry leaves, this is an excellent antioxidant that perfectly relieves swelling, the remedy cannot be combined with taking blood-thinning drugs.
  • extract from grape seeds, the product is also a good antioxidant with decongestant properties.
  • dandelion, this is a powerful diuretic, taking dandelion infusion cannot be combined with medical diuretics and blood thinning drugs, the plant is prohibited from taking even with existing pathologies of the gallbladder.

A safe way to eliminate leg swelling is cold and hot shower and cool compresses from the infusion of yarrow. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures


Swelling before the onset of menstruation is a rather unpleasant condition that brings discomfort to many women. But it should not cause cause for concern, since such edema is practically a physiological norm. In addition, the development of monthly puffiness can be avoided, as there are many safe ways.

Compliance with a special diet and sufficient physical activity will help improve well-being and relieve unpleasant symptoms of edematous PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of specific symptoms - pain, swelling of the peritoneum and mammary glands, deterioration of general well-being - the development of which is due to a violation of the hormonal background. Swelling before menstruation is a natural reaction of the female body to changes in the level of hormones, therefore, they pass on their own after the end of the critical days.

If the swelling persists for a long time, the woman needs to visit a gynecologist.

Causes of premenstrual edema

Edema is considered the main form of manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, the development of which is due to the progression of hormonal disorders in the female body. In addition to menstruation, edema appears during puberty, during gestation and menopause: the causes of such swelling are changes in hormone levels.

Excess estrogen

The main reason for the development of puffiness on the eve of critical days is the excessive production of estrogen by the body, which retains sodium in the female result, which leads to the accumulation of water in the intercellular space. Factors that increase estrogen synthesis include:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • unstable menstrual cycle.

Often, excess estrogen is a consequence of being overweight.

Progesterone deficiency

Another common cause of swelling before menstruation is excessive production of estrogen, which has a suppressive effect on the synthesis of progesterone. Since this hormone has a diuretic effect, due to which sodium is removed to the outside, its deficiency precedes fluid retention and swelling of the mammary glands.

Increased prolactin

Also, swelling develops against the background of an increase in prolactin levels, which prevents the removal of sodium from the body. Often, swelling of the mammary glands occurs when normal rate prolactin, which is due to high sensitivity connective tissue for the hormone.

How does edema appear?

The premenstrual period for most girls is painful and is characterized by the development of puffiness.

Before menstruation, in most cases, the legs, mammary glands, and also the peritoneum swell: much less often the tumor affects the upper limbs.

A few days before the onset of critical days, the swelling passes to the facial tissues, which leads to the formation of bags under the eyes, while they can. In addition to the fact that the body swells, excess fluid contributes to an increase in body weight: on average, a girl, being in the premenstrual period, gains 1-2 kg.

It is accompanied by painful sensations, which explains the decrease in performance. Swelling of the chest and peritoneum also provokes the development of pain syndrome, which is aggravated by worsening general condition girls.

Treatment methods

What to do in order to avoid stagnation of the intercellular fluid, as well as how to get rid of edema if it was not possible to prevent their formation?

The most effective measure for the prevention of puffiness is considered to be medications, but as an auxiliary method, it is allowed to use folk remedies.


If puffiness is observed exclusively during menstruation, the gynecologist prescribes the drug Veroshpiron to the patient, which has a mild diuretic effect and stimulates the process of fluid withdrawal. If there are contraindications to taking the drug, it can be replaced with the use of lingonberries or cranberries.

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  • others.

Swelling that persists for a long time is an indication for diagnostics. During the examination, the doctor will determine the cause of the swelling of body parts and select the best medication. Puffiness as a result of hormonal imbalance is eliminated by taking hormones, neurological disorder - through sedatives, and inflammation - with antibiotics. With edema provoked by vascular diseases, it is necessary to fight by using drugs with a vetonizing effect ( appearance packages of funds and their names in the gallery below).

Traditional therapy

To get rid of premenstrual edema, it is shown to use such folk remedies:

  • masks prepared on the basis of chilled milk, egg white or sour cream;
  • chilled compresses from green tea, natural coffee, and chamomile broth;
  • salt baths help eliminate swelling of the limbs;
  • hand massage using an antiseptic broth.

A decoction of bay leaves helps to remove puffiness. To prepare it, you need to pour three small sheets of 500 ml of boiling water and insist the drug for three hours. After the broth is ready, it is taken three times a day, 100 ml each.

One more effective remedy from puffiness - a decoction of wild rose berries and lingonberries. The recipe is simple: the fruits of two plants are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, 500 ml of boiling water are poured in and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, the liquid must be cooled and filtered: the finished broth is taken twice a day in a volume of 150 ml.

How to prevent the occurrence of edema

In order to avoid the development of puffiness in the premenstrual period, the girl needs to adjust her lifestyle: eat right and play sports. To increase the effect, it is allowed to take medicines and apply traditional methods.

Correction of lifestyle and nutrition

Since excess adipose tissue in the body stimulates the production of estrogen, a woman needs to eat a balanced diet: replace the intake of fried food with fresh vegetables and fruits. Have a positive effect on female body foods containing vitamin B - pumpkin seeds, dairy products, meat, and lettuce.

In order to activate the diuretic action, the girl should regularly go in for sports - yoga, fitness or swimming. During physical activity it is shown to compensate for the lack of fluid: dehydration will not reduce the risk of puffiness, but, on the contrary, will cause an imbalance in the water balance.

With medication

To prevent puffiness, the following medications are used:

  1. Oral contraceptives contain hormones, thereby relieving soft tissue pastiness. Most effective drug considered to be Dufaston.
  2. The drug Parlodel is aimed at normalizing the level of prolactin.
  3. The diuretic drug Veroshpiron accelerates the process of fluid withdrawal.
  4. It is advisable to take vitamin complexes if edema is a symptom of a weakened immune system.

With an insignificant manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, homeopathic medicines - Mastodinon or Cyclodinone - are indicated as drug prevention.

Folk remedies

If there are contraindications for admission medicines, for preventive purposes, it is allowed to use a decoction based on herbal collection. For its preparation, calendula, mint, lemon balm and chamomile are mixed and thoroughly ground. Two tablespoons of the resulting raw materials are steamed with 500 ml of water and the liquid is infused for one hour. The finished broth is shown to be taken twice a day, 25 ml.

Every girl aged 13-14 is faced with the onset of menstruation. This process is not painless for everyone; for some it causes a lot of troubles and inconveniences. Swelling before menstruation torments every third woman. As a rule, they occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet, ankle, often on the face and abdomen. Can we deal with them? We will try to find the answer to this question in the article.

Extra pounds or swelling?

Many women find that they get better before their period. Favorite jeans become small, and dresses begin to tight the figure too much. At the same time, no diets and sports help. What is the reason? It's all about edema, which is problematic to cope with.

Experts say that women are changing dramatically these days. The usual estrogens are replaced by progesterones, which contribute to fluid retention in the body. Swelling before menstruation is a common thing for women. Soon after the end of the critical days, excess fluid is safely removed. The forms return to their place. If the swelling bothers a woman too much and makes her normal life unbearable, you should consult a doctor.

Why does edema occur?

On women's forums, you can often see the question: "Why does the body swell before menstruation?" The reason may be in the individual characteristics of each girl's body. In this case, getting rid of the problem will not work.

If it's about hormones, you can try to correct the general background. To do this, you must pass the appropriate analysis. The hormone estrogen, which rises in the blood before the critical days, is able to retain salts in the body. In this regard, the liquid is not removed outside, edema is formed.

In addition, the body may lack two elements: magnesium and vitamin B6. They are not only important for normal overall well-being, but also maintain the right water balance.

If the swelling disappears after the bloody discharge has begun to go, you should not sound the alarm. In 90% of cases, it can be restored using birth control pills, which are selected individually, based on the results of hormone tests.

If the edema persists, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate:

    Vascular pathology.

    Heart failure.

    Lymph node problems.

    Varicose veins.

In any case, if the body swells before menstruation, it is better to consult a doctor.

Who is more prone to edema?

There are categories of women who tolerate menstruation too hard. This can be either an individual feature of the body or a hormonal disruption. Most often, women turn to gynecologists with a similar problem:

    After 30 years. It is at this age that the hormonal background begins to change.

    WITH irregular cycle... In this case, in addition to edema, serious gynecological diseases (cysts, polyps, endometriosis, and so on) may be added.

    Since a woman does not ovulate, she cannot get pregnant.

Swelling before menstruation can cause a woman a lot of trouble, especially in the summer months, when additional factors are: high temperature, low humidity.

Getting rid of edema using traditional methods

Many women ask how you can get rid of edema? This is quite easy to do. Doctors advise increasing the amount of fluid you drink. Better that it was still water or natural vegetable juices. The fluid will help flush out excess toxins and salts from the body that accumulate in the tissues.

Try to eat as little salty, smoked, spicy foods as possible. You can also reduce the amount of sodium, but only after consulting your doctor, in order to do this without harm to the body.

If swelling before menstruation is a lot of trouble, the best way get rid of them - wear during this period This method is suitable only for the cool season. Modern products have a great look, all kinds of patterns and colors.

Many women take diuretics, but this should be done after consulting a doctor, otherwise the situation can only get worse.

Sticking to a diet

So that swelling before critical days does not torment, a woman should stick to a diet. Forget about fast food, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked food. The diet should include foods that contain potassium. Among them: bananas, fish, spinach, oatmeal.

A great addition would be the use of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to exclude red meat, it increases the level of progesterone in the blood.

It's time to apply traditional medicine

Many women are interested in the question: "Why can't swelling before menstruation be removed forever?" To cope with a problem, you need to find out what causes it. If the matter is in individual characteristics, you will have to accept and do everything to reduce swelling. In this case, herbs will come to the rescue. For example, blueberry leaves can help flush excess water from the body. This will improve the condition of the skin. Contraindications - taking blood thinners.

Another natural remedy with a diuretic effect is common dandelion. It should be taken according to the instructions detailed on the package. Light massage and a contrast shower, as well as compresses, can also help with edema.

For many women, things don't go as smoothly as they would like. Very often they are tormented by edema before menstruation. The reason may lie in a hormonal imbalance. In any case, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

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