How to choose a medicine for prostatitis - rating of the most effective remedies, reviews. What remedies does Ayurveda offer to cure prostatitis A drug from india for the treatment of prostatitis

The prostate gland plays a huge role in the genitourinary system in men. She is responsible for the production of secretions that are part of the semen. The organ regulates urination and is responsible for other functions. Therefore, any disease affecting the prostate affects reproductive and urinary functions. They cannot be ignored, since a prolonged course of the inflammatory process can lead to infertility.

Various medications are used to treat prostatitis and increase potency. Therapy of only one disease is not carried out, since both problems have a direct connection with each other. More specifically, inflammation of the prostate reduces erectile function in men. True, for the treatment of severe forms of prostatitis, methods are often used, after which it is necessary to use drugs to increase potency.

Essential medicines

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis and potency increase are presented on the modern market in a wide range. The choice of funds depends on the form of the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient and many other factors.

The drugs are of the following types:

Candles They are introduced through the anus. Suppositories have analgesic and antimicrobial effects. After the injection, the patient needs to lie down on a flat surface for about 30 minutes. The course of treatment for prostatitis and increasing potency with suppositories usually lasts for 21 days.
Solutions They are administered by injection, due to which drugs quickly reach the site of inflammation. Solutions are used to generally strengthen the immune system and reduce the clinical picture associated with the disease. Injections are given within 5-10 days.
Instillations The drugs are injected through the urethra in about 5 ml at a time. In this case, the patient must first empty the bladder.
Microclysters Herbal decoctions are used to install them. A positive effect is usually achieved if microclysters are placed at night, since it is not recommended to strain the prostate gland after the procedure.
Tablets Such medicines for the treatment of the prostate and increasing potency are constantly prescribed. They have antibacterial properties.

Antibacterial agents

Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and potency are prescribed quite often. They began to be used relatively recently, since such drugs have a low penetrating ability and cannot act directly on the prostate gland. More precisely, less substances get into it than one tablet contains. The remaining components gradually accumulate in the tissues located near the prostate.

Most often, drugs belonging to the group of fluoroquinols are prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis and potency. They have a more effective antibacterial effect. In addition, such agents do not negatively affect the body's immune system. Tetracyclines and penicillins are used a little less frequently.

As a rule, antibiotics are resorted to if the diagnosis "reports" the presence of infectious form diseases of the prostate gland. As for other types of pathology, other drugs are used to treat prostatitis and potency, since the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in this case has not yet been fully investigated.

Taking medications can reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of pathology and reduce the inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland. Typically, a therapeutic course is about a month. The course of the disease is constantly monitored by a urologist. He determines the effectiveness of the prescribed antibiotic, and if certain doubts arise, then after about 2 weeks the drug is changed.

Most popular medicines

To potency and reduce the inflammatory process, the following drugs are often used today:

This preparation is based on an extract obtained from the fruit of the sabal palm. Prostamol Uno is prescribed for the chronic form of prostate diseases and prostate adenoma. It belongs to one of the most popular drugs used for these purposes. Due to its composition, the agent helps to normalize the functions of the genitourinary system and hormonal levels, relieves inflammation. Prostamol Uno must be taken for at least 10 days, one capsule after a meal. Among side effects only individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug stands out.
Prostatilen affects only the prostate gland. It is produced in the form of a solution for subcutaneous injection and suppositories. The drug is used to normalize blood flow and semen production. It is prescribed for various pathologies of the prostate gland, including chronic prostatitis. Due to the action of active ingredients, Prostatilen is able to increase the tone of the muscles of the bladder. Treatment with this drug lasts for 10 days. Among the side effects, the possibility of an allergic reaction also stands out.
Prostan is available in tablet form. It is intended to restore erectile function, reduce the likelihood of urological complications and help relieve inflammation. The drug is taken for more than 10 days, one tablet per day.
Vitaprost is used to correct and normalize the functions of the prostate gland. It also improves the metabolism of the prostate. The medicine is prescribed for use during the postoperative period. Vitaprost comes in the form of tablets and suppositories.
To make Peponen, oil obtained from pumpkin seeds is used. The drug is available in capsule form. It is used to relieve pain associated with prostatitis, improve urination and erectile function. It should be noted that Peponen is a biologically active food supplement, therefore, the positive effect of it is achieved only with prolonged use.
Indomethacin It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. In addition, Indomethacin is able to suppress the processes that led to the onset of inflammation, and restore the affected tissues located near the prostate gland. The drug has many side effects, so it should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

Since prostatitis often occurs against the background of weak immunity, the therapy of pathology involves the use of drugs that restore the protective functions of the body.

These include:

  1. Interferon and Taktivin. They create a protective barrier against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Levamisole. Designed to stimulate the synthesis of T-lymphocytes.
  3. Potassium nitrate tablets. Needed to increase the activity of macrophage cells.
  4. Methyluracil and Immunal. Helps strengthen the immune system.

As with other drugs, taking these funds is possible only after a doctor's recommendation. Phytopreparations play an important role in the treatment of prostate diseases. They are based on a variety of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other beneficial properties.

The most popular herbal remedies include Prostalamin, produced in the form of tablets. Also, capsules and drops of Prostanorm and Prostate Forte are often used. These medicines are able to eliminate pain associated with prostate pathology and reduce inflammation.

List of the best medicines for men to treat prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate creates a lot of discomfort for the patient, but the consequences of the disease are more dangerous - infertility, impotence, oncological neoplasms, the further spread of the disease throughout the genitourinary system. Treatment of prostatitis in men, medications are prescribed by a urologist, depending on the underlying cause of the disease.

Forms of medications

Any organism is an individuality and the selection of drugs is made according to the general condition of the patient, given laboratory research, stages of disease progression.

Most options apply:

  1. Instillations - the introduction of drugs through the urethral canal directly to the problem areas. It is carried out in the conditions of medical institutions, exclusively by professional medical workers.
  2. Injections - used to activate the vascular and autoimmune systems. The advantage of the method of administration is the rapid penetration of active ingredients into the affected areas.
  3. Microclysters - specialized preparations with a minimum volume. Used in rare cases - not widely used.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - suppressing the existing inflammation process.
  5. Rectal suppositories - they have an analgesic effect, improve metabolism.
  6. Tableted form - antibacterial drugs of a wide range of effects are more often used. The narrowly targeted option is used to accurately determine the pathogenic microorganism that has entered the body.

In the absence of a therapeutic effect, the patient is sent for additional tests, including the determination of the resistance of pathogens to certain pharmacological drugs.

Frequently prescribed medications

What to take with the prostate in men, the doctor decides.

Drug type Impact spectrum Name
Antibacterial Suppression of the causative agent of the disease Fluoroquinolones; Tetracyclines; Penicillins.
Pain relievers Removal of pain syndrome Aspirin; Diclofenac; Ibuprofen.
Alpha blockers Relax the smooth muscles of the urethra; Normalize urine excretion; Relieve urinary retention; Relieve discomfort. Tampusozolin; Silodosin.
Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics Relieve spasms and pain in the pelvic area; Decrease muscle tone; Improve local blood circulation. Baclofen; No-shpa.
Improving blood circulation Treatment of congestion in the small pelvis Aescusan; Pentoxifylline.
Vitamins Replenish the lack of intake of nutrients Vitrum; Milgama; Astrum vit.
Dietary supplements They help to reduce the level of inflammation; Relieve puffiness; Improve the outflow of bodily fluids; Relieve stagnation. Prostate forte; Prostamol uno.

All medications are taken after being discharged by a specialist. Self-medication is fraught with a number of complications, the transition of acute forms of the disease into chronic ones, and functional disorders of the body systems.


They are prescribed for the determination of an infectious type of prostatitis.

Fluoroquinolones - are among the most effective agents, especially in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis. If the result is positive for Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis), these drugs are not used. With inflammation of tuberculosis etiology, it is necessary to introduce at least four anti-tuberculosis drugs, the use of a single one will cause resistance of pathogens to the active substance.

Fluoroquinolones are recommended for tuberculous prostatitis as a component of complex treatment. In the case of the appointment of this group of drugs, a significant improvement in the course of therapy and a relapse upon withdrawal, an additional check-up of the sick person in a tuberculosis dispensary is necessary.

Commonly prescribed drugs include:

  • Zanocin;
  • "Ofloxin";
  • "Tavanik";
  • Tsiprobay;
  • Eleflox.

Subgroup of tetracyclines - in modern treatment prostatitis is practically not used, due to the many side effects that are bad for the health of patients. As an exception, "Doxycycline" is sometimes prescribed - the drug with the best tolerance level.

The subgroup of penicillins is represented by "Amoxiclav", "Amoxicillin", etc.

Subgroup of cephalosporins - intended for injection intramuscular injection:

  • Kefadim;
  • "Claforan";
  • "Suprax";
  • "Cefotaxime";
  • "Cefspan";
  • Ceftriaxone.

Macrolides - are prescribed less often than other medications, due to the lack of clinical confirmation of the appropriateness of their use in all forms of prostatitis. Experts prefer to prescribe them for therapy against certain types of bacteria - mycoplasma, chlamydia. Common ones include:

  • "Azithromycin";
  • Sumamed;
  • Clarithromycin.

An important feature of the treatment of prostatitis is the need for the accumulation of active substances of drugs in the tissues of the prostate gland.

The choice of an antibacterial agent is made according to this feature, and therefore doctors give preference to fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, macrolides. With a therapeutic effect on acute forms of prostatitis, it is possible to simultaneously prescribe two medications to accelerate the suppression of the symptoms of the inflammatory process.


Pain relievers are designed to suppress pain, especially in acute forms of the disease.

Without a full-fledged complex therapeutic effect, the use of analgesics can cause addiction to the body, in the future, the patient will need to increase the dosage of drugs.

The attending physician is engaged in the selection of medicines, he sets the duration of administration and the amount of medicines used. As a primary care, the patient is allowed to use simple types of analgesics, but the admission should be a single dose.

Alpha blockers

This subspecies of pharmacological drugs does not cure prostatitis, but relieves the symptomatic manifestations of the disease. When taken, the smooth muscles of the urethral canal, the vestibule of the bladder, relax. Relaxation of spasmodic muscles makes it easier to urinate, reduces the level of pain.

The main spectrum of action of alpha-blockers is auxiliary, for the treatment of symptoms of acute and chronic urinary retention. The general course of treatment with this type of funds is always long-term.

Muscle relaxants

They are similar in principle to alpha-blockers, but they affect the perineal region. The increased perineal tone causes increased pressure on the pelvic areas, causing constant pain. Muscle relaxants relieve discomfort, relax muscles affected by spasms.

Restoring blood flow

Any processes of inflammation cause local disturbances in the circulatory system, leading to the appearance of congestion, disrupting the regenerative functions of tissues. To stabilize the filling of blood vessels with blood, various drugs are used, over time, correcting violations of the functionality of blood flow.


They are made from natural substances, with the main ingredient - an extract, the tissue of the prostate gland of cattle. All drugs have a common mechanism of action:

  • Reducing the degree of inflammation;
  • Increase in the general tone of the bladder walls;
  • Reducing the possible occurrence of blood clots in the capillaries;
  • Improvement of local circulation of blood, lymph;
  • Decrease in prostate volume with developing hyperplasia.

Drugs are prescribed when:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma);
  • Chronic types of inflammation in the prostate;
  • An acute form of prostatitis without an infectious basis is a non-specific variant of development;
  • For the preventive effect of the recurrence of the disease.

The duration of the total time of therapy, the option of administering drugs directly depends on the final diagnosis.

Frequently used tools

Many are used to treat prostate problems. effective means... They improve the general condition of the body, relieve symptomatic manifestations, and restore damaged tissues of the prostate gland. The list of medicines for prostatitis includes:

Refers to homeopathic products, it is made in the form of lozenges. Used as:

The medication is prohibited for use with tumors in the prostate, necrotic changes in its tissues, personal allergic reactions to the ingredients included in the composition.

The general course of therapy is 16 weeks. The drug is used twice a day (in the morning and evening), 2 units. In severe forms of the disease, the intake is increased to four times the use. If necessary, repeat the therapy after a month's break.

Belongs to a subgroup of penicillins, it is made in tablet and injectable (powder) forms.

Suitable for affecting gram-positive pathogens, for the treatment of inflammatory processes.

The daily rate is 4-8 tablets, every 4-6 hours, 1-2 units. The general course of treatment is up to 10 days, the dosage is prescribed by the attending urologist, in the absence of contraindications:

  • Lack of kidney function;
  • Various allergic reactions;
  • Enterocolitis, which developed while taking antibiotics;
  • Bronchial asthma of allergic etiology.

When taken, side effects can be observed - allergic reactions, dyspepsia, pathological conditions of the genitourinary system.

Refers to herbal remedies, is used to suppress violations of the normative urine output, acute and chronic urine retention. It is made in the form of capsules with liquid content. Has a specific smell.

The main active ingredient of the preparation is an alcohol-based sabal palm fruit extract.

In some cases, the manifestation of side symptoms is possible - allergic reactions, painful sensations in the epigastric region. The only contraindication to use is personal allergic reaction on the ingredients included in the composition.

It is made in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories. The basis of the drug for the treatment of prostatitis is an extract of the prostate of animal origin. Recommended for use when high level pain syndrome that has developed due to chronic prostatitis or at the time of its exacerbation.

The positive effects of exposure include:

  • Improving the process of microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate gland;
  • Reducing puffiness in problem areas;
  • Increasing the ability to conceive;
  • Reduction of pathologies associated with delayed urine output.

The drug is successfully used as a means of preventing prostatitis and its exacerbations, some sources claim that the effectiveness reaches 95% of the total.

The medicine is taken twice a day, for 10 days. Preventive measures are carried out in the same dosage (one tablet twice a day) throughout the calendar month, up to twice a year.

Produced by the manufacturer in the form of rectal suppositories and solution for injectable administration.

It belongs to medicines of animal origin, it is used as a means of reducing the level of puffiness, with an anti-inflammatory effect.

It helps to improve metabolic processes in body tissues, restores local immunity. It has a preventive effect on the possible formation of oncological changes, improves spermatogenesis, and increases erectile functionality.

Admission rate:

  • Injection - intramuscularly, with preliminary dilution with novocaine solution, 5 ml once;
  • Rectally - one candle, both for treatment and for preventive measures.

The total time of therapy is about 10 days, if necessary, repeated treatment is carried out, after a month's break. The main contraindications are presented:

  • Violation of the functionality of the cardiovascular system;
  • High risk of thromboembolism.

Adverse reactions are manifested:

  • Headaches;
  • A state of general weakness;
  • Irritation in the rectal area when using rectal suppositories;
  • Allergic reactions to ingredients that make up
  • Itching in the anus.

The main active ingredient is finasteride, which affects the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

Under the influence of the substance, the process of increasing the glandular tissues is blocked, the overall intensity of urinary disorders decreases.

The drug is approved for use in elderly age periods, for patients with renal failure. Contraindicated in the presence of a history of cancerous tumors in the body of the prostate gland, various types of uropathies.

The total time of therapy is 6 months, one tablet per day.

A herbal medicine based on pumpkin seed oil in capsule form.

Suppresses pain in prostatitis, increases potency, relieves dysuretic symptoms. Long-term use helps to reduce blood lipids.

The main requirements are long-term use to achieve the desired effectiveness.


Prostate drugs for men always collect the maximum number of responses. There are no completely positive or negative ones - everyone expresses his personal opinion about finding the ideal for himself medication... Most patients do not believe in the miraculous effect of dietary supplements, considering them widely advertised useless "dummies".

A good cure for prostatitis is what the attending specialist picked up after diagnostic tests, studying the patient's outpatient card, the general impression of general condition health. With protracted, chronic forms of pathologies, it is impossible to cure biologically active additives alone. This is no longer possible for this category of patients.

Blind faith in folk remedies, their instant help, often leads to complications and transitions of prostate inflammation to adenoma or cancerous tumors. It is pointless to blame low-quality medicines after prolonged alternative therapy.

Failures at the first attempts at therapy should not disappoint the sufferers - the necessary medication will certainly be found and the disease will be cured.


How to get a man to go to the hospital when painful symptoms appear? Do not postpone a visit to the doctor - this will speed up the healing process. Doctors will offer effective remedies for prostatitis that will help in treating the disease, even with an advanced form. What drugs are used, how they work - about this in detail in the review of pharmaceuticals.

What is prostatitis

In the male body, there is a special organ responsible for the production of hormones - the prostate gland or prostate. It consists of tissues, has ducts through which microorganisms and infections can enter. Prostatitis is an inflammation in which the gland swells and presses on nearby organs, causing excruciating symptoms. With the development of the disease, the following are observed:

  • cutting, aching pain lower abdomen;
  • problems with urination;
  • increased urge to go to the toilet at night;
  • pain during sex;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the appearance in the urine of blood, pus.

Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to complications - infertility, impotence, prostate adenoma, cancer. Before deciding which is the most effective remedy for prostatitis, you need to determine the causes of the disease. Inflammation can be provoked by:

  • Sexually transmitted infections... The influence of microorganisms that got into the blood from diseased organs - the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract - is not excluded.
  • Non-infectious causes... These can be: unhealthy diet, excess weight, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, organ tissue injury.

Than they are treated

Before prescribing drugs, a man needs to be tested to find out what caused the inflammation. It is important that treatment is carried out until complete recovery. This allows you to avoid relapse, complications, the transition of prostatitis into a chronic form. Doctors carry out a complex effect on the disease. The following tools are used:

  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • microclysters;
  • instillation - filling the inner cavity with medicine;
  • prostate massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • infusion therapy for intoxication.

It is difficult to single out the best cure for prostatitis - there is a large selection of drugs with various effects:

  • tablets - it is required to be taken by the oral method, they kill germs, relieve spasms, reduce pain, eliminate depression;
  • injections - the medicine is injected into a muscle, vein, quickly enters the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the immune system;
  • candles - are placed in the rectum, anesthetize, have antibacterial properties.

Remedies for prostatitis

The most effective medicine for prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection - antibiotics. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. There are several groups of drugs that differ in their effect on microorganisms. Before prescribing the necessary funds for treatment, the doctor must:

  • make the correct diagnosis based on analyzes;
  • prescribe antibiotics depending on the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drugs;
  • determine by the form of the disease how long the course of treatment will be.

Frequently prescribed antibacterial agents for prostatitis:

  • Fluoroquinolones - are highly efficient - Tavanik, Tsifran. They act quickly, cannot be prescribed for a tuberculous cause of the disease.
  • Penicillins with a strong antibacterial effect - Augmentin, Amoxiclav.
  • Cephalosporins - injected intramuscularly - Kefadim, Ceftriaxone;
  • Macrolides - counteract many bacteria - Zitrolide, Fromilid.


Changes in the course of the disease are possible only with the correct selection of one-component or complex remedies for prostatitis. The following medicines are used to treat the disease:


A drug


Relieve pain, inflammation


Alpha blockers

Eliminate muscle spasm, improve urination

Muscle relaxants

Pain relieve, reduce muscle tone, discomfort



Stop the disease



Increase immunity



Relieve pain


Improve metabolic processes

Prostamol Uno

Herbal remedies are often used in the complex treatment of prostatitis.

BAA for food "LIKOPROFIT ®" - a complex of natural ingredients. The components of "LIKOPROFIT ®" selectively accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, reduce inflammation, help to strengthen the protective functions, protect cells from damage by free radicals and control the process of excessive proliferation of prostate tissues. * Due to the complex and balanced composition, difficulties associated with urination are eliminated , easing of pain syndrome. (1) The components of "LIKOPROFIT ®" against the background of standard therapy effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, help to improve urination: reduce the frequency of urination and increase the urine stream, improve well-being and have a general strengthening effect in patients with chronic prostatitis *

1. Spivak L.G. Efficiency and safety of Likoprofit® use in patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Urology. 2013, No. 2, S. 118-122.

Although medicines for prostatitis can be purchased at any pharmacy, they are affordable, doctors are strongly against self-medication. The patient cannot know exactly the causes of inflammation, and drugs, even effective ones that have helped friends, can do harm. To avoid dangerous complications - impotence, the appearance of tumors, you need:

  • at the first symptoms, visit a doctor;
  • get tested;
  • take prescribed medications;
  • complete the course.

Fast-acting prostatitis medicine

Situations arise when pain and inflammation require urgent intervention in order to alleviate the patient's condition. What kind effective drugs quickly deal with the problem? The best remedy for prostatitis in this case:

  • antibiotics - require analysis, appointment of a course by a doctor;
  • Afala - homeopathic remedy, facilitates urination;
  • Prostatilen - removes puffiness, fights against fungi, bacteria;
  • Prostamol - restores dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • Vitaprost - is anti-inflammatory;
  • Voltaren - acts as a pain reliever.


More effective use of drugs - injection. To avoid side effects, you need to entrust the injections to medical workers who will properly dilute the powder with a solution and withstand the dosage. It is important for the patient to complete the entire course of treatment. List of medications prescribed by injection:

  • Timolin - normalizes immunity, serves as the prevention of chronic prostatitis;
  • Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone - antibiotics.

Effective treatment of prostatitis is impossible without injections with the following drugs:

  • Pyrogenal - immunomodulator, enhances the effect of antibiotics;
  • Taktivin - is used for purulent processes in the prostate;
  • Prostatilen - a medicine based on animal prostate tissues, reduces swelling, increases muscle tone, body defenses, improves microcirculation, eliminates inflammation.


Among the effective remedies for prostatitis are rectal suppositories. Suppositories contain medicinal substances, natural fats, which, when introduced into the rectum, melt and begin local treatment... Thereby:

  • puffiness is eliminated;
  • pains pass;
  • the inflammatory process is removed;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • urination is normalized;
  • the risk of vascular thrombosis is reduced;
  • secretory functions are restored;
  • pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed.

Medicines in the form of suppositories are an effective help for all forms of prostatitis - chronic, acute, bacterial. They help treat infections, prepare for prostate surgery, and recover from it. Doctors prescribe:

  • suppositories with antibiotics, accelerating recovery, but the doctor selects the drugs;
  • Diclofenac - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, reduces pain, has contraindications;
  • Indomethacin - pain relieves, deficiency - only relieves symptoms, does not treat the cause.

The group of drugs, in the form of release - rectal suppositories, may include:

  • Vitaprost - helps with the bacterial form of the disease, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • Prostakor - relieves inflammation, activates blood circulation;
  • Forgiven - reduces tissue infiltration with leukocytes;
  • Longidaza - it is prescribed for advanced disease, increases immunity;
  • Voltaren - relieves pain, acts anti-inflammatory;
  • Ichthyol - anesthetize, help with relapses.

The most effective remedy for prostatitis

If the patient is worried about excruciating symptoms, drugs will help cure. What are the most effective pills for prostatitis? There is no one drug, the choice depends on the problem:

  • antibiotics quickly eliminate the infection;
  • Diclofenac - instantly relieves pain;
  • No-shpa - quickly relieves spasms;
  • Tamusolosin - promotes the passage of urine;
  • Thiotriazoline, suppositories - eliminate inflammation.

How to choose a drug

To find an effective remedy, it is necessary to take into account the form in which prostatitis proceeds. The success of the treatment depends on this. When acute form diseases are prescribed antibiotics. The drug, the duration of the course, is selected by the doctor - it all depends on the test results, the cause of prostatitis. The acute process is accompanied by:

  • high fever;
  • the appearance of chills;
  • purulent discharge;
  • pain in the groin area;
  • urge to urinate.

If the prostatitis is not cured, it has become chronic, there will be nagging pains in the organs of the genitourinary system, decreased potency, irritability, insomnia. In such a situation, drugs that improve blood flow, relieve pain, swelling, inflammation, and counteract microbes will be effective. Doctors use:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • immunomodulators.

When the treatment process has been successfully completed, in order to exclude relapses, to maintain normal functioning of the prostate gland, doctors recommend using an effective herbal remedy - Honey Cran. This American drug for prostatitis:

  • activates immunity;
  • increases protective functions;
  • helps the body itself to fight infections of the genitourinary system.

Medicines price

Effective remedies can be purchased at pharmacies, ordered from catalogs, and purchased from online stores. What is the cost of drugs for prostatitis? The price in rubles depends on the type of medicine, dosage:

Dosage, mg


average price, R.

Prostamol Uno






Video: pills for prostatitis in men

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis in men form the basis of recovery. They are included in the complex of therapy for all forms and origins of prostatitis. Thanks to the use of pills, it is possible to accelerate the recovery and improve the patient's well-being. A variety of drugs for prostatitis allows you to recover from various forms, stages of development and parallel ailments. Individual selection of pills for prostatitis is the key to successful treatment and minimal risk of complications.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the prostate gland. The condition can occur in acute and chronic form. In the first case, the symptoms are pronounced, but may be of low intensity in the initial stages. Chronic prostatitis has mild signs of the disease, and sometimes it is asymptomatic.

It is possible to determine the presence of pathologies on the basis of symptoms. Typical for prostatitis:

  • the presence of a pain syndrome, often of a cutting nature, in the groin, perineum or lower back;
  • increased pain occurs when urinating, has a cramping type of flow;
  • violation of the quality of urination: the stream becomes small, sometimes in the process of eliminating the need it is interrupted, incomplete defecation is felt, uncomfortable sensations;
  • increased urge to urinate.

The treatment should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the organism, among the important parameters:

  • age indicators;
  • degree of development;
  • the presence of concomitant ailments;
  • the presence of contraindications.

The disease can lead to physiological discomfort, but this is only part of the problem. The psychological side is of no less importance, a person develops fear, irritation and aggression. Correctly selected pills for prostatitis will help eliminate all of the listed symptoms, prevent the onset of allergies, ensuring the restoration of male sexual function.

Types of drugs used

It is impossible to unequivocally determine which pills are the most effective for prostatitis, since a universal remedy for the disease has not been developed. Not a single urologist can single out the only way of treatment, but everyone can describe what pills are for the prostate, dividing them according to the methods of action on the body. All treatment requires an integrated approach, consisting of several types of drugs.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, the patient can be helped by such dosage forms as tablets

Pills for prostatitis are:

Read also:

What is adenoma carcinoma?

  • antibacterial drugs are present in every course of treatment. Antibiotics are prescribed for acute prostatitis. Their main purpose is to eliminate bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation. To determine the drug, it is necessary to diagnose the prostate juice, this will reveal the type of pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotic therapy achieves maximum efficiency with an accumulation of high concentrations of substances, respectively, the reception is carried out in courses of 1 month or more. With intense pain, intravenous administration is prescribed;
  • A-blockers are designed to normalize the urination process and reduce the intensity of symptoms. The group's drugs have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary system, relieve spasmodic conditions of the sphincters, and stimulate the normal flow of urine and sperm. Their use leads to a decrease in the frequency of urges and normalization of pressure inside the bladder;
  • muscle relaxants are another pill for prostatitis in men, which have a similar effect as A-blockers, only they have a focus on the perineum. This area with prostatitis has excessive muscle tone. Due to the relaxation of muscle fibers, the pressure in the small pelvis decreases and the pain syndrome is relieved;

Which pills for prostatitis will help in a particular case, only a doctor can decide

  • pain relievers from the prostate have an exclusively symptomatic effect, they relieve lower abdominal pain. The well-known drugs "Ibuprofen", "Diclofenac", "Aspirin" are mainly used;
  • phytotherapy. The direction involves the treatment of prostatitis with tablets based on medicinal herbs. The method eliminates the swelling of the gland, relieves inflammation, prevents the onset of congestion and improves the outflow of physiological fluid. Famous folk remedies secrete pumpkin seeds, fruits of sabal and creeping palm;
  • hormonal drugs block testosterone synthesis to a greater extent, since the hormone accelerates tissue growth. They also pursue the goal of normalizing hormonal levels;
  • sedatives are prescribed for depression or frequent stressful situations... For a man, the weakness of sexual capabilities can be a real blow, respectively, sedatives are included in the course of treatment;
  • vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening the immune system. It is weakened by the prolonged course of the disease.

It is the tablets for the treatment of prostatitis in men that are the basis for further treatment.

Expert opinion

Infertility is often diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 40. One of the common causes of infertility is prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland. The basis of therapy is drug therapy. Mostly antibiotics are prescribed. With a non-bacterial nature of the disease, A-blockers are highly effective. They make it easier to urinate, improve the patient's condition. Prostatitis affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to prescribe sedatives. The vitamin complex allows you to restore immunity and speed up recovery.

Alla Vozur

The most effective

Antibacterial therapy

Before determining the method of treatment, it is necessary to conduct bacterial sowing. Then the appropriate antibiotic is selected. With severe symptoms, antibacterial drugs are administered intravenously. Antibiotics are prescribed only after consulting a doctor.

Antibacterial therapy is an essential component of successful treatment. Mostly urologists prescribe drugs from the group of fluoroquinols. Chlamydia more often than other pathogens provoke prostatitis and disorders of the reproductive and urinary system. With the transition of the disease into a chronic form, the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases due to the inability to penetrate through the parenchyma into the inflamed organ. Other pathogens are mycoplasma and ureaplasma.

For therapy, appoint:

  • "Doxycycline";
  • Minocycline;
  • Erythromycin.

The course of treatment is 1 to 2 months.

After taking antibacterial drugs, there is a decrease in pain and a decrease in the severity of other symptoms. Antibiotics are not prescribed for the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis.

Some forms of prostatitis show high resistance to antibiotics, which leads to the need to use alpha-blockers.

Antibiotic therapy is a leader in the treatment of prostate inflammation

Alpha blockers

Prostatitis in 85% of all clinical cases leads to impaired quality of urination. Alpha-blockers can reduce the severity of the disease. Their main drawback is the need for long-term use for six months.

The doctor often prefers:

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Is Prospero effective in treating prostatitis? Drug overview

  • Tamsulosin is a drug based on tamsulosin hydrochloride. The effect of the drug occurs due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the prostatic muscles and the bladder neck. The onset of a positive effect requires waiting 4 hours after consumption. In tablet form, it has a dosage of 400 mg. Pack of 30 pcs. costs from 430 rubles;
  • Omniku is a urodynamic corrector that eliminates symptoms thanks to its antispasmodic effect. The tool reduces the pressure created on the urethra and promotes the outflow of urine. One tablet contains 400 mg of active substance. It is recommended to use 1 piece / day. Available in packs with different capacities: 10 and 30 pcs. The cost starts at 430 rubles.

Urologists also often prescribe Guitrin, Kardura and Flomax.

Medicines for prostatitis in men of this group help to relax the muscles of the urethra and the neck of the bladder


With the onset of psychological complications, the doctor is inclined to prescribe inexpensive and effective pills for complications of prostatitis in the form of Valerian Forte, Persen, Barboval, Antistress.


Eliminating the inflammatory response is an important part of successful therapy. The best drugs will help to relieve inflammation:

  • "Prostanorm", "Prostamol UNO", "Prostalamin" are drugs for arresting the inflammatory course, which help to eliminate puffiness and restore normal functioning of the prostate gland;
  • Diclofenac is a non-steroidal group of pills that additionally have an analgesic effect and restore a healthy body temperature. The drug reduces the production of prostaglandins, which provoke and participate in the inflammatory process. The price ranges from 25 to 50 rubles, depending on the dosage;
  • "Meloxicam" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with antipyretic effects. A prescription drug is available. According to the doctor's recommendations, the dosage and duration of treatment are selected. The price starts at 45 rubles per package;
  • "Nimesulide" ensures the elimination of inflammatory reactions in the prostate gland, lowers temperature and reduces the severity of pain. Among the additional effects - blood thinning, respectively, the risk of thrombosis is reduced. The classic method of use is 15 days, more precisely determined on the spot. Price from 65 rubles for 20 pcs.

These medications are good for severe pain in the perineal region.

Pain relievers

When prostatitis appears or recurs, a man is tormented by pain in the abdomen. Antispasmodics help to relax muscle muscles, stimulate blood circulation.

Mostly doctors prescribe well-known and common drugs:

  • "No-shpa" is a high-quality antispasmodic with a quick onset of a positive reaction. They start in just 15 minutes. The advantages of the drug are: safety (minimum contraindications and negative effects), high efficiency and availability. The use of the drug implies individual cases, course treatment is not practiced. The maximum is 2 tablets. For 6 tablets, you will have to pay from 66 rubles;
  • "Baralgin" provides muscle relaxation from excessive tone caused by the inflammatory response. This provides relief from pain, but only temporarily. The drug acts on the symptomatology, but does not eliminate the root cause. 20 tablets cost from 220 rubles;
  • "Papaverine" improves blood flow through the vessels in the affected area. A distinctive feature of the drug is the lack of an instant effect. The use is carried out in a course, this will achieve a stable therapeutic effect. The drug can be used to maintain the condition. The course should be completed gradually, using a low dose (60 mg) for another 3 days. Price for 20 pcs. from 40 rubles.

These drugs are able to alleviate the patient's condition during acute attacks of pain.

Herbal medicine and vitamins

A few of the most useful and quality pills:

  • Cyston is a medicine made on the basis of natural substances. The drug cleanses the body of toxins accumulated after the use of antibiotics. "Cyston" accelerates the release of stones from the urinary tract. Mostly prescribed for calculous prostatitis;
  • "Fuzhzhunbao" - these are tablets from China that produce a general strengthening effect, they improve potency, enhance the influence of the secretory function of the prostate gland. The base contains common and Chinese ginseng, Horny Goat Weed, Lingzhi, Alpania and Dereza;
  • "Red Root" is a dietary supplement containing numerous useful components of natural origin. The active ingredient is tea penny, which affects the increase in blood and lymph flow. The tool prevents the formation of stagnant processes;
  • "Bull's genital" is a drug originally from China, its creators assure in the ability of the drug to improve potency. The composition is completely natural: dodder, ginseng, lemongrass, bovine testicles.

Poor lifestyle or bacterial infections often lead to prostatitis. Today, in urology, it is the most common disease in men. The therapy includes a whole range of procedures and preparations in the form of suppositories, tablets, injections, capsules, solutions.

Modern pharmacies provide the widest selection of medicines. Each has certain pharmacological properties, contraindications and side effects. You can buy a suitable product only after visiting a specialist. A wide range of medicines creates high competition in the market among manufacturers. Each of them ascribes the best characteristics to their product. In fact, this is not always the case. With the help of patient reviews and recommendations of urologists, we managed to select the most effective and popular drugs for prostatitis. They are presented in the rating and divided into categories according to the form of issue.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best pills and capsules for prostatitis

Many drugs come in pill form. It is considered the most convenient (does not require any special manipulations), but not fast. It often requires a lot of water.

5 Afalaza

Plant composition
Country Russia
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The herbal remedy is aimed at eliminating painful sensations, improving potency, fighting inflammation and urinary disorders. Prevents the development of tissue pathologies. It has a safe composition, which makes it hypoallergenic. It is often used for the preventive therapy of diseases of the reproductive system. Well tolerated, rarely causes adverse reactions.

Available without a prescription. To achieve sustainable outcomelong-term regular treatment is necessary. Patients are satisfied with the effectiveness of the drug. They distinguish as advantages: normalization of blood circulation, increased erection, getting rid of congestion in the pelvic area. Afalaza takes care of men's health carefully. Restores vitality regardless of age.

4 Galavit

The best immunomodulatory effect
Country Russia
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A wide spectrum of action allows you to fight many urogenital infections, including prostatitis. Due to its high efficiency and safety, it has earned the trust of many doctors. Stimulates the protective functions of the body, relieves pain and swelling. Suitable for both complex therapy and prevention. Clinically tested, has no analogues.

Feedback from patients proves the excellent quality of Galavit. Many are sure that this is the best immunomodulatory drug. The main advantage is that the remedy, by improving resistance, helps the immune system to overcome the disease on its own. Safe action, absence of contraindications, as well as good compatibility with other medicines makes it even more in demand.

3 Afala

Enhances the action of antibiotics
Country Russia
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

It is a lozenge tablet. The therapeutic effect is achieved by inhibiting the development of adenoma. Provides blood flow to the prostate gland, thereby restoring its function. Relieves swelling and inflammation, relieves pain. An excellent medicine for chronic prostatitis, which has practically no contraindications.

According to patients, Afala has a beneficial effect on the sexual functions of men without disturbing reproductive properties. Joint reception with antibiotics, enhances the effect of the latter. It is noticed that after the first 10 days of treatment, symptoms such as burning, frequent urination, pain and discomfort disappear. Complete relief from the disease is possible within a month and a half.

2 Vitaprost

Double effect
Country Russia
Average price: 1 200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The tablets are fast acting. Has the necessary licenses and quality certificates. They have a positive effect on the genitourinary system, reduce the size of the adenoma, and work against inflammation. The composition is supplemented with an antibiotic. In chronic prostatitis, they prevent possible complications... Allowed for use by elderly men.

According to urologists, Vitaprost is one of the best drugs. The dual effect (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory) has a powerful effect on the body. Eliminates urination problems, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Natural prostate extract acts safely and quickly, increasing potency and maintaining the result for a long time.

1 Prostamol Uno

Best quality. Has no side effects
Country Russia
Average price: 800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The main advantages are pain relief, increased potency and normalization of urination. The active substance in the form of creeping palm extract has a strong effect: anti-inflammatory, antiandrogenic and antiexudative. The drug has passed clinical testing and received safety certificates. The composition is completely natural.

Better remedies for prostatitis, judging by the reviews of patients, can not be found. Prostamol is effective in the most severe stages of the disease. For quick release from illness, it is enough to take one capsule per day. Even with an overdose or after very long therapy, no side effects are observed. Doctors readily recommend it for purchase, referring to its excellent pharmacological characteristics.

The best injection solutions for prostatitis

Most often, injections are used during acute stages or with pronounced symptoms of the primary disease. Compared with other dosage forms, this one has the advantage of achieving the greatest efficiency in the shortest time.

5 Pyrogenal

Strengthens the specific resistance of the body
Country Russia
Average price: 626 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

It is prescribed for the non-specific treatment of prostatitis. The principle of action is based on provoking the immune system, transferring the disease from the chronic stage to the acute one. The active substance is a bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Intramuscular injection provokes an increase in body temperature, which remains at 37.5 degrees up to 8 hours after injection. The reaction of the body weakens by 2-3 times. Pyrogenal therapy is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Patients, describing their feelings after the administration of the drug in reviews, speak of a moderate increase in temperature, pain at the site of administration of Pyrogenal. After re-administration, the symptoms subside, and the muscle pain goes away. It is recommended to inject once every 2 days. The best treatment regimen is co-administration with antibiotics. During therapy, you must undergo a course of prostate massage. There is an improvement in the patient's condition or a complete cure.

4 Timalin

Effectively normalizes the immune system
Country Russia
Average price: 465 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Today, Timalin is prescribed to increase the body's defenses. Differs in good tolerance and has no contraindications. The main component is bovine thymus extract. Recommended as a medicinal and prophylactic agent. Best for the treatment of chronic prostatitis when the patient has a weakened immune system. In the absence of individual characteristics, it is administered subcutaneously once a day in the required dosage. The duration of treatment is 1 week. The course can be repeated on the recommendation of a doctor.

Patients in the reviews talk about the opportunity to continue their usual lifestyle during treatment. It is allowed to perform potentially dangerous work, drive a car, repair equipment. The effectiveness of Timalin in the viral and bacterial origin of prostate adenoma was noted. The agent is diluted with isotonic sodium solution before administration. The course can be extended up to 10 days.

3 Longidaza

Prolonged action
Country Russia
Average price: 1 800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The tool is designed to enhance the effect of antibiotics, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. It is used in complex therapy. It acts not on the causative agent of the disease, but on the cell membrane of the tissue. Suppresses inflammation, prevents scarring, reduces edema and adenoma. The advantage is selective action. Longidase destroys only diseased cells.

It is not necessary to present a prescription upon purchase. The cost is high, but it is justified by the efficiency. The drug has prolonged medicinal properties. After administration, it continues to provide a therapeutic effect for 20 consecutive days. Improves blood flow, strengthens the immune system. There is practically no risk of complications. This complex action can guarantee a relapse.

2 Prostakor

Prevents the development of pathologies
Country Russia
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Prostacor is effective in the treatment of many prostatic diseases. Copes with adenoma, age-related disorders, infertility. Thanks to the remedy, puffiness, pain syndrome disappears. The likelihood of blood clots and the frequency of urination is reduced. The therapy lasts only 10 days. This is enough to completely defeat the disease.

Patients are delighted with the result achieved by Prostakor. It quickly restores the work of the prostate gland. Aimed at preventing the development of pathologies. It is often prescribed to men with exacerbation of chronic forms of prostatitis. Rarely causes side reactions in the form of allergies. Rather, this is due to the individual intolerance of individual components.

1 Prostatilen

The best composition. Most prescribed drug
Country Russia
Average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Today Prostatilen is the most prescribed medicine for prostatitis. Eliminates hyper-edema and prevents its re-formation. Helps with congestion in the small pelvis, improving microcirculation in the prostate gland. Improves the quality of semen and the tone of the muscles of the bladder. Supports the protective functions of the body, contributing to better resistance to pathologies.

The opinions of urologists are positive. With the help of the drug, not one goal is achieved, but several. In addition to getting rid of prostatitis, injections improve male potency. Sperm motility accelerates, testosterone production increases. Patients prefer it for excellent results and fast action.

The best suppositories for prostatitis

They have several therapeutic properties: analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. Less convenient to use, but quickly absorbed, due to which the necessary therapeutic effect is achieved.

5 Ichthyol

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 91 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The difference between Ichthyol suppositories and similar ones is their low cost and local healing effect. They are considered a good analgesic, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, and eliminate congestion. They are often used as an antiseptic. They cope with inflammatory processes perfectly. Suitable for both self-treatmentand for complex therapy.

They are well tolerated, with the exception of rare individual allergic reactions. Help with acute attacks diseases of the prostate gland. Prescribed by the attending physician and used only in the appropriate dosage. Otherwise, sad consequences cannot be avoided. Patients are satisfied with the results of therapy. Men write in reviews that the candles helped to get rid of swelling and pain for a long time. This is the best budget medicine.

4 Diclofenac

Pronounced analgesic effect
Country: India, Russia, Germany
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The active substance in Diclofenac has a pronounced analgesic property, so relief occurs in the first few hours after use. A wide spectrum of action allows you to suppress the disease from several sides at once. Among the useful characteristics stand out: relieving inflammation, reducing pain, eliminating edema, antipyretic and anti-thrombotic effects.

Candles are in great demand among patients. Reviews of men prove the positive effect of Diclofenac at different stages of prostatitis. For quick relief of pain, it is considered the best. The main thing is to avoid overdose, due to which side effects may occur. The acceptable cost of the drug also plays an important role. These characteristics make it more popular than its counterparts.

3 Indomethacin

The best combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For prostate disease, specialists often prescribe Indomethacin. The main action is to suppress the focus of inflammation, relieve pain and fever. Additional benefits are the ability of the drug to improve blood circulation and rectal tone, strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood clots. The results of therapy begin to appear 30 minutes after the use of suppositories.

Patients claim that long-term regular use of the drug allows you to completely get rid of the disease and avoid relapses. Due to Indomethacin, urination is normalized (without frequent urges, incontinence, pain), and an erection increases. Perhaps this is one of better meanstaking care of men's health.

2 Relief

High quality
Country: USA
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Urologists award Relief with the highest marks, noting its effectiveness in prostatitis. Acts instantly, the result lasts for a long time. Pain and discomfort in the prostate area disappear. Puffiness decreases and the function of the prostate gland is restored. Problems with urination are eliminated.

The main difference from analogues is the ability of the drug to deliver the maximum concentration of the active substance to the focus. Suppositories, on the way to defeat, do not break down. This gives the highest quality therapeutic effect. The medication is gladly prescribed by many urologists, including for prevention. Patients are happy with the result. In combination with a reasonable price, Relief, today, is an outstanding representative of the rating of the best.

1 Uroprost

Best Directional Action
Country Russia
Average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

It is based on prostate extract - the most popular component. Normalizes the tone of the ureters, improves blood circulation, reduces adenoma. Eliminates congestion, prevents blood clots. Perfectly stimulates the immune system. The medicine is considered the best in the fight against prostatitis. Acts directed directly to the focus of inflammation.

The advantages of men include improving the functions of the prostate and the quality of seminal fluid, relieving swelling and pain, reducing the number of urinary urges. Discomfort disappeared, blood circulation in the small pelvis improved. An excellent remedy, today, for treatment and prevention. Of course, the price for 10 Uroprost candles is high, but they are worth it.

The best antibiotics for prostatitis

Therapy for bacterial and chronic infectious prostatitis is not complete without antibiotics. They eliminate pathogens and restore the function of the gland. The course cannot last more than 14 days, since antibiotics disrupt the activity of the immune system.

5 Cefotaxime

Most inexpensive broad-spectrum antibiotic
Country: India
Average price: 26 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Antibiotic of 3 generations with a broad spectrum of action. It is prescribed for bacterial prostatitis at different stages of the disease. Recommended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. With the second method of administration, it enters the bloodstream after half an hour. Concentration is maintained for 12 hours. Taking Cefotaxime together with vitamin K preparations is undesirable, since the first inhibits the synthesis of the second. This leads to bleeding.

Patients in the reviews emphasize the high effectiveness of treatment at minimal cost. When administered orally, men experience pain at the injection site. To reduce the sensitivity, the antibiotic is dissolved with lidocaine. In this case, the dose is adjusted depending on the characteristics of the organism. For patients with a history of renal failure, the dose is reduced. In a standard situation, a double daily intake is prescribed every 12 hours. The daily dosage should not exceed 12 g.

4 Levofloxacin

Copes with any stage of the disease
Country: Belarus
Average price: 62 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Antibacterial drug with a wide range of action. Patients can count on a quick result if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. The main component is levofloxacin. It is used intravenously by drop method. It is important to administer the drug slowly. When the first symptoms of the disease are removed, the medicine can be taken orally in the same concentration. For chronic prostate adenoma, it is recommended in a dosage of 500 mg 1 time per day. Duration of use is at least 28 days.

Patients note in the reviews that the drug is well tolerated. In some cases, tachycardia is observed during the drip process. A drop in blood pressure during treatment is acceptable. The best treatment option is inpatient, under the supervision of medical professionals. After removing the first signs of prostatitis - pain, difficulty urinating, squeezing in the groin area - the drug is continued for 2-3 days. This will consolidate the result and help avoid relapse.

3 Wilprafen

Acts directly on the inflammatory focus
Country: Italy
Average price: 574 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The drug belongs to the group of macrolide antibiotics. They are distinguished by their high rate of relief and good bioavailability. Wilprafen penetrates directly into the site of inflammation. The main component is josamycin. Available in two types - Wilprafen and Wilprafen Solutab. The second type of drug is intended for oral administration without water. The tablets quickly dissolve in the oral cavity, are absorbed through the mucous membrane into the blood. The taste of the drug is strawberry. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but not more than 3 weeks.

Patients suffering from chlamydial prostatitis note particular effectiveness in reviews. Men report symptom relief after the second dose of the drug. Erectile ability is restored, pain, inflammation disappears. An increase in dosage is permissible in agreement with the doctor. The maximum daily dose is 3 grams. It is divided into 2-3 doses. For patients with chronic renal failure, an individual treatment regimen is being developed.

2 Ceftriaxone

Stops inflammation quickly
Country: India
Average price: 24 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It is prescribed for chronic and bacterial prostatitis. Taking the drug quickly stops inflammation, significantly reduces swelling of the prostate gland, eliminates pain, and normalizes urodynamics. The course of treatment is the shortest of similar drugs. Lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the decision of the attending physician. Doctors advise that Ceftriaxone should be administered daily at the same time, which will increase the effect of the antibiotic on the gland.

Patients in the reviews talk about the acceptable cost of the drug, its speed. Many people take pain relievers before taking them so that the process of administering the antibiotic is not perceptible. All those who took the drug note high efficiency, so they do not focus on the painfulness of the injection. Recommended for patients in postoperative period to reduce the risk of infection.

1 Augmentin

Best efficiency for the most dangerous infections
Country: UK
Average price: 151 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

It is prescribed at an early stage of prostatitis. Today it is produced in the form of powder, tablets, injections. Treatment begins with injections, continues with oral forms of the drug. The main components are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This combination is considered the best for fighting advanced infections. Augmentin in the process of treatment helps patients to heal in parallel from concomitant diseases. It can act as an independent medication, or it can be included in complex therapy.

The drug is considered one of the most popular antibiotics in the treatment of the prostate gland. Patients in the reviews note the high effectiveness of Augmentin therapy. Pain sensations, a feeling of squeezing disappear, urination is normalized. In an acute uncomplicated course of the disease, the drug is prescribed for 14 days strictly every 8 hours. Complex cases are treated with a large number of injections - every 4-6 hours. A single dosage is 200 mg. The antibiotic is taken for at least 5 days.

Modern men know how to improve their sexual performance. Today, many pharmaceutical companies offer drugs that increase libido, improve erection and prolong the time of intercourse. Developments and tests in this direction make it possible to produce more and more new and more effective means. Undoubtedly, there are recognized leaders in this industry - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. They have passed tests according to special programs and are approved for use by the general public. But since considerable funds have been spent on development, testing and patents, the cost of these drugs is quite high. Enterprising Indian manufacturers are keeping a close eye on new patented drugs in this series. The thing is that the term of a patent is limited, after which it is quite possible to produce their analogues (generics). There is no need to spend money on development, since there is already an original, you just need to add a few neutral components and redesign the name and type of packaging (this is considered the intellectual property of the discoverer).

This is how “Kamagra” was born - an excellent analogue of Viagra, but it costs several times cheaper. Note that this has absolutely no effect on the quality of the product. So, what kind of drug is it, is it really so effective, and where can it be purchased - we will find answers to these questions right now.

Active ingredient

Sildenafil - synthesized artificially, in the search for drugs for the treatment of coronary heart disease. A side effect had a pleasant effect on the test subjects - an increase in blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. From 1992-94, the study took a different path, and the first version of Viagra was created and tested. Further, having patented the invention, the company gained worldwide fame and for some time remained a monopoly manufacturer. However, the expired patent allowed other companies to copy the working formula. Subsequently, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Avanafil were synthesized, which provided healthy competition for the Viagra brand.

Men react differently to the diversity of this particular market. Someone prefers more expensive, but proven drugs. Others, while keeping their hard earned savings, opt for generics. Naturally, the existence of the same effect is implied, but at lower financial costs.

Generic Kamagra contains the maximum allowable dose of sildenafil (100 mg). This helps him to attract many new users, because, for example, an average man, without obvious painful abnormalities in the genitourinary and reproductive system, needs only 50 mg of the active substance. So, having bought a blister with 4 tablets, he actually gets 8 full "nights of love".

Basic information about the drug

The active component of Kamagra is sildenafil (that is, the same as Viagra). Has three dosage forms:

  1. Kamagra tablets;
  2. Oral jelly gel which means "oral use" (the gel must be absorbed in the mouth);
  3. Kamagra, soluble in water (effervescent tablets).

The action of the drug is quite fast, the desired effect is achieved 20 minutes after use if it is a gel and a soluble form, and an hour later if it is a tablet. The duration of the action is from 5 to 8 hours.

A tangible plus - you can take it even if you have consumed alcohol (which you cannot do with Viagra).

Packages can be in two colors - red and green. The effect of the drug is stronger than that of dietary supplements, since sildenafil is an artificially synthesized component that is not found in nature. It is this moment that determines the rapid action, while the plant complexes act after a long time. In fact, the drug will improve blood circulation in the penis, dilating blood vessels and accelerating blood circulation in principle. However, the manufacturers of Kamagra managed to achieve such an arrangement that eliminated the side effects inherent in the original drugs (overstrain of the heart muscle, dizziness, and others). Let's move on to a detailed review of each dosage form.

Kamagra Gold

The tablet form is represented by gray-green or dull blue tablets, with an imprint of the Indian company logo. In a blister, the number of tablets is always the same - 4 pieces each. Kamagra Gold can be ordered without cardboard packaging, which automatically reduces the price (almost 2 times). With this order form, the blisters must contain information about the batch number and the series of the issue. The drug helps with:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Weak erection;
  • Sexual weakness due to age.

Kamagra Gold is suitable for most men between the ages of 18 and 60, it is not addictive, in some cases you can even take half the dose.

By the way, an allergic reaction is also excluded, except for the one that occurs on its own active substance.

A dosage of 100 mg is also optimal, so one tablet is enough for a day. Excitement comes only after stimulation of the penis, that is, do not worry if you need to take the drug before morning sex. But still try to use Kamagra Gold in the evening, just before sexual contact.

Kamagra gel - reviews

This form very quickly won the preferences of buyers. Unlike Kamagra Gold, the effect of using the gel comes much faster, which is good for spontaneous sex. You need to take the gel orally, that is, the contents of the sachet are simply swallowed, after a short time in the mouth. Through the salivary glands and receptors, the active substance enters the bloodstream faster. The manufacturer has made a gel with several flavors - banana, multivitamin, pineapple, etc. for those who do not like to swallow tablets, it is the gel form that provides all the necessary benefits. Kamagra gel left only positive reviews, however, there are some nuances here:

  • Firstly, it is necessary that a specialist urologist authorizes its reception;
  • Secondly, you need to know for sure that there is no allergy to sildenafil;
  • Thirdly, it cannot be combined with the intake of substances belonging to the nitrate group;
  • Fourthly, erectile dysfunction should not be accompanied by serious systemic diseases. This may negatively affect the condition when taking Kamagra Gold or Kamagra Gel.

The gel is sold in individual bags, the quantity is not less than 5 pieces at a time. One dose is used at a time. Kamagra gel has reviews, and basically all men are satisfied. It is not recommended for women to take this drug because there have been no studies on the effect on the female body. True, some ladies order Viagra for personal use, but there are no statistics on the effect on the female body and orgasm. The gel does not need to be washed down with water, which is an additional convenience. By increasing the natural potency, Kamagra gel works to eliminate inconveniences and bed fiasco.


Kamagra gold or Kamagra gel, reviews of which are already available among Russian-speaking users, are convenient and affordable substitutes for certified Viagra. The tablet form is more familiar, and the gel acts faster. The instructions show how to take both forms of the drug:

  1. The tablet is washed down with water, and the effect occurs within an hour;
  2. The gel is simply taken orally, without water, or it can be diluted in any drink.

Nice flavors are an added bonus from the manufacturer. Do not get carried away with taking Kamagra if you have such diseases as:

  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Curvature of the penis (congenital or after injury);
  • Heart and kidney failure;
  • Brain problems;
  • Diabetes mellitus and oncological tumors;
  • Heart attacks and strokes;
  • Too low (or high) blood pressure.

Side effects are very mild. Only a few men (out of a thousand respondents) complain about minor:

  1. Fast passing dizziness;
  2. Color vision disorders (short-term);
  3. Rushes of blood to skin faces;
  4. Sometimes sinus congestion.

Such a unique drug can be bought in pharmacies or ordered through online stores. Its quality and reliability meet the most daring expectations, and the ease of use and the speed of the onset of the positive effect are impressive.

To start timely treatment for prostatitis is the main rule that will help men recover quickly. A neglected ailment is treated promptly. But in the initial stages, therapeutic treatment is quite acceptable. Pharmacists offer effective pills for prostatitis. But there are many of them, and each drug has its own characteristics. What pills to choose for treatment or prevention? This article will help answer this question - in it we will compile a list of the best remedies (in terms of cost and quality) and make a small overview of each drug.

How to choose the right one?

First of all, it is worth noting that you do not need to select pills for the treatment or prevention of prostatitis on your own, focusing only on lists and reviews on the Internet - this can be dangerous, since an incorrectly selected medicine can only harm. It is better to let the doctor select pills against prostatitis.

The doctor will conduct a series of tests, confirm the diagnosis, determine the exact form and stage of prostatitis, and also find out the individual characteristics of a man. Based on the information received, the specialist will draw up a treatment program and a list of pills that must be taken by a specific patient.

Treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis involves taking different types of pills for different symptoms. It can be:

  1. Antibiotics
  2. Pain relievers.
  3. Remedies for inflammation.
  4. Adrenoblockers.
  5. Drugs that improve blood flow and eliminate stagnant formations.

We will compile a list of tablets for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, as well as learn about their purpose, indications, features of administration, prices, etc.

Medicines against pathogenic flora

Prostatitis is often accompanied by infection with bacterial flora, which causes serious complications. To eliminate harmful pathogens, antibiotics must be taken. In addition to eliminating bacteria, antibiotic pills help reduce toxicity and stop inflammation.

Alas, it is often impossible to cure prostatitis without antibiotics. In the reviews, you can find many stories that men refused to take these drugs, fearing side effects, and as a result, they started their illness.

Often, for the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, doctors prescribe pills to their patients from the following list: Amoxiclav, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, or Azithromycin.

  • Amoxiclav.

Amoxiclav for prostatitis is prescribed to men most often. This is due to the high quality at a relatively affordable price of the drug. Another plus is that the drug has a wide spectrum of action, and it can be prescribed for any causative agent of prostatitis.

The medicine is on the list of penicillin drugs (be careful - many are allergic to penicillins). Amoxiclav tablets are coated with an easily soluble white film. Packed either in vials or in blisters.

The cost of tablets: from 190 rubles (375 mg).

  • Ciprofloxacin.

The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin fights against all groups of harmful microorganisms that provoke the development of infectious prostatitis: gram-positive and aerobic, gram-negative and anaerobic. The main active ingredient is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride.

For uncomplicated prostatitis initial stage Ciprofloxacin is prescribed at 250 milligrams per day. In difficult cases, you will need to drink 500 milligrams twice a day. The duration of admission is approximately 10 days.

The drug costs from 32 rubles. (500 mg tablets, 10 pcs in a package)

  • Azithromycin.

This medicine is from the list effective pills from prostatitis has antifungal, antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect. Belongs to the category of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is taken once a day for 1 g. The course lasts three days, but if necessary, the doctor can either prolong the course or prescribe another antibiotic to enhance the effect.

Price - from 120 rubles. (500 mg, 3 tablets per package).

  • Ofloxacin.

Strong pills capable of killing gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause prostatitis in men in a minimal time. Treatment begins with a single dose of 200 mg. For complicated prostatitis, the daily dose may be increased to 800 mg. The course, depending on the degree of the disease, can be from 3 to 10 days.

There is a box with 10 tablets (400 mg) from 30 rubles.


Prostatitis is always an inflammation in the prostate. Moreover, if left untreated, the inflammation in the tissues will rapidly progress, causing very unpleasant symptoms (pain, urinary retention due to squeezing of the urinary ducts, erection problems). Often, by reducing inflammation, it is possible to remove the symptoms of prostatitis. To do this, the doctor prescribes drugs for men from the list of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Nimesulide, etc.).

  • Diclofenac.

The tablets are a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The action of Diclofenac against inflammation is based on the fact that the components reduce the formation of so-called prostaglandins. They are the reason for the development of inflammatory processes in prostatitis.

The drug costs from 25 rubles. (pack of 1 tablet 50 mg) up to 50 rubles. (box of 20 tablets of 100 mg).

  • Meloxicam (Meloxicam-Teva).

Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Taking pills is possible only on prescription and under the direct supervision of a physician. It is he who should determine the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies is from 45 rubles. per box of 20

  • Nimesulide.

Nimesulide tablets relieve inflammation in the prostate gland, and also help bring down fever and reduce pain. An additional effect is blood thinning, that is, the medicine helps to eliminate blood clots in the vessels. The standard course of taking this NSAID is 15 days, but the duration of treatment can be adjusted by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

There is a box of 20 pieces. (100 mg) from 65 rubles.

Group of alpha-blockers

Prostatitis in 85% of cases is accompanied by difficulties with urination - a man experiences constant urge, but at the same time he cannot go to the toilet normally. To normalize the process, you can take special drugs - alpha-blockers. The reviews speak well of Tamsulosin and Omnik.

  • Tamsulosin.

The main active ingredient in the composition is tamsulosin hydrochloride. The action of the drug is aimed at relaxing the postsynaptic α1A-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder neck. Therapeutic effect achieved within 4 hours after ingestion.

The dosage of the tablets is 400 milligrams. Packed in boxes of 30 pcs., Cost - from 430 rubles.

  • Omnic.

Omnic is a corrector of urodynamics: it helps to relieve symptoms by eliminating spasms in the prostate and bladder neck; reduces pressure in the urethra and increases urine flow. The dosage of the tablets is 400 milligrams. 1 piece is accepted per day. In pharmacies, this drug can be found in packs of 10 and 30 capsules. Price - from 430 rubles.

Against pain

In case of exacerbation of prostatitis, when a man is tormented by severe pain, antispasmodics should be taken. These tablets relax the smooth muscles of the prostate, improve blood circulation and thereby relieve pain. Most often, doctors recommend taking the following pills: No-shpu, Papaverin, Baralgin.

  • No-shpa.

No-shpa is a widespread high-quality antispasmodic that quickly removes pain during an exacerbation of prostatitis. The pills work almost instantly. The advantage of the drug is the minimum number of contraindications and side effects - that is why No-shpa is very often prescribed by doctors.

Reception of No-shpa is symptomatic, that is, you do not need to take a whole course. It is taken as needed when in pain. But, judging by the doctors' reviews, you shouldn't drink more than 2 tablets of this antispasmodic. If even a couple of pills did not help remove severe pains, then the cause of their occurrence is very serious and simple pain reliever pills cannot eliminate it.

The cost of No-shpa is from 66 rubles. for a box of 6 tablets.

  • Baralgin.

The next drug from the list of pills that can be taken for prostatitis is Baralgin. When taken, it weakens the urethra compressed by the inflamed and enlarged prostate gland and thereby relieves pain. However, it is worth remembering that Baralgin, like any other remedy, has a temporary effect, but does not remove pain forever. That is why men should not take only antispasmodic pills - they must be taken together with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Baralgin costs from 220 rubles. per box with 20 tablets.

  • Papaverine.

This drug helps to relax the tissues of the prostate and increase blood flow through the vessels. Unlike No-shpa and Baralgin, it does not provide instant help, it must be taken in courses. But after the end of the course, the effect will last long enough. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor (can range from a couple of weeks to a month). After completion of treatment, in order to avoid remission, it is allowed to take papaverine at a minimum dose (60 mg every 3 days) for prophylaxis.

The drug costs from 40 rubles. for 20 pcs.


Often doctors advise their patients, in addition to medications, to drink vitamin supplements and natural complexes containing substances useful for the prostate. Here is a small list of quality pills suitable for treating prostatitis:

  1. Cyston is a natural drug that helps to remove toxins (they accumulate when taking strong antibiotics), and also helps to remove stones from their prostate ducts. Most often it is prescribed for calculous prostatitis.
  2. Bull's genital is a Chinese remedy that will help strengthen potency (it often suffers from prostatitis). The composition contains an extract from bovine testicles, ginseng, dodder, lemongrass.
  3. Fuzhunbao - Chinese tablets for general strengthening of the body, strengthening potency, improving the secretory activity of the prostate. The preparation contains Chinese ginseng root, ginseng, horny goat weed, lingzhi mushroom, dereza, medicinal alpania.
  4. Red root - this dietary supplement contains vitamins, trace elements and other useful chemicals only of natural origin. The main component is tea penny, which affects blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby reducing or preventing possible stagnant processes.

So, we have compiled a list of the most popular pills used to treat prostatitis. Please note that this information is provided for informational purposes only.

You should not choose your own medicine yourself. The fact is that in one case, a particular drug may be effective, and in another, contraindicated. That is why pills against prostatitis should be selected by a doctor - based on the data on the form and stage of prostatitis, the specialist will be able to determine which pills will be most effective for a particular patient. Don't take the risk and self-medicate - it can be dangerous!

Review and comparison of pills to increase potency

How to restore potency after an illness, how to improve erection for middle-aged and older men, or how to simply increase libido - these are burning questions that concern a large number of men around the world.

According to statistics, almost every second representative of the strong half suffers from sexual dysfunctions. According to unofficial data, these figures will be an order of magnitude higher.

Many have already tried pills to increase potency, and some are still in search of safe and effective remedies. In this article, we will look at some of the drugs.

Comparison of fast-acting remedies

The famous viagra

The action of these tablets leads to the expansion of the lumen of the arteries located at the entrance to the penis. After taking the drug, an increase in erection and an improvement in blood flow in the penis occurs only with normal stimulation. Potency will not increase if there is no sexual desire.

Long Lasting Cialis

Improves potency in the same way as Viagra. A big plus of this drug is a longer lasting effect. The action of the tablets lasts for 36 hours, that is, at any time of the day, when arousal occurs, an erection will appear.


Levitra is considered an improved analogue of Viagra and is 10 times more effective than Cialis, as much as 13 times. The drug is guaranteed to increase potency even when consuming fatty foods or a small amount of alcohol.

It is strictly forbidden to use all of the above medications to increase male potency for persons under 18 years of age and elderly men suffering from chronic diseases. Levitra, Viagra and Cialis have a number of side effects. After their application, you may experience:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • joint pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Pills that increase potency should be taken with great care by men with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, stomach ulcers, with leukemia and hemophilia.

Not just for an erection

Unlike most modern drugs to enhance potency, such a highly effective drug as Impaza will not only improve an erection during intercourse, but also give excellent results in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. It will also have a positive effect on a man's entire sex life.

Studies have confirmed that regular intake of Impaza will restore potency and eliminate sexual breakdowns after 12 weeks. According to statistics, after the course of treatment, an increase in potency was observed in 75% of patients.

Operating principle

In men taking the drug, potency is significantly increased due to the improved work of the vessels in the penis and the function of the endothelium is restored. Regular intake of Impaza significantly increases testosterone levels in the blood.

Benefits of using

Potency improver comes in the form of lozenges that do not require drinking. Thus, a man can take the drug in any condition. Convenient form of release. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, the medicine does not give side effects, which is confirmed by numerous tests. Even with a 6-month course of treatment, pills to improve potency will not have a negative effect on the body.

Excellent compatibility

Even taking other drugs does not affect the improvement of potency with the help of impaz: for example, those that are taken by men with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Complex use with drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis is permissible. There is also an additional effect - increased libido.

This remedy will help not only restore weakened potency, but also eliminate psychoemotional disorders in intimate life. In the course of treatment, there is an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction with intercourse.

Long lasting effect

All men who take pills to increase potency hope for a long-term result from these drugs. The increase in sexual strength persists for six months after the completion of the course of treatment. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will forget for a long time the one-time potency stimulants they used earlier.

Trust in proven quality

We do not recommend buying Chinese pills, since a drug of dubious quality can be hidden under a beautiful name, which can cause serious health problems. Having spent your money, at best, you will acquire a useless remedy, and at worst, dangerous to health.

All men should know that a decrease in potency is not a sentence at all. Reduced potency can and should be treated. Just before choosing a remedy and method of treatment, be sure to consult with a specialist.

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