How to take dicinone to stop bleeding. How to use Ditsynon for uterine bleeding? Contraindications and application features

Uterine bleeding that does not start at its usual time must be stopped. For this purpose, various techniques are used. It all depends on the alleged cause of the pathology, the patient's age, and other individual characteristics. At a young age, since dysfunctional uterine bleeding has hormonal causes, it is stopped in the same, hormonal way. Usually, oral contraceptives are prescribed in a loading dose with a gradual decrease. And in the future, in order to avoid such situations, take pills on a constant, regular basis for several months.

When deciding how to stop uterine bleeding in adult woman, while the discharge is very abundant, one pad gets wet in less than an hour, then the uterine cavity is scraped with hysteroscopy. The fact is that the reason for this is probably a neoplasm in the uterus or endometrial hyperplasia. And they are almost always removed surgically.

The use of dicinone for uterine bleeding is justified when the discharge is not too abundant, and when organic pathologies are excluded. That is, a non-pregnant woman simply had a "hormonal shift", or it is a consequence of an intrauterine contraceptive inserted. At home, dicinona tablets are prescribed for uterine bleeding... And intramuscularly and drip it is administered in a hospital. The name of the active substance of this drug, by which it is known to many, is ethamsylate.

How to take dicinone with uterine bleeding is best told by a doctor. Usually it is 3-4 tablets per day. But at the same time, there is no need to wait for a quick stop of blood. Recently, comparative studies of this drug and a more modern one - tranexam were carried out. So the latter turned out to be much more effective. Take it 2 tablets three times a day. And the blood stops flowing on the second day.

It is known that dicinone is not so effective for uterine bleeding during pregnancy; many women say that only tranexam helped them. And dicinon showed more or less significant results, which were assessed by the formation of hematoma in the uterus, only on the fifth day.

Non-pregnant women are often prescribed vicasol instead of dicinone. It has about the same effectiveness. In parallel with vikasol, intramuscular injections of oxytocin, a drug that contracts the uterus, also contributes to its rapid emptying, stopping bleeding, is usually done.

Dicinone is a hemostatic agent widely used in modern medicine... The drug has proven itself in gynecological practice, so it is often prescribed for uterine bleeding.

Drug action

Active substance the drug Dicinon - etamsylate, has long been known for its ability to increase platelet production. Thanks to this, blood clotting and microcirculation improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. The hemostatic effect of the agent is smooth, therefore, against its background, there is no formation of blood clots, there are no sudden changes blood pressure.

Dicinone is an effective hemostatic agent

Therapeutic effect starts on average 3 hours after taking the pills. Intramuscular and intravenous injections act faster, so in critical situations, doctors resort to this method of drug administration.

Dicinone can also be used topically - a bandage is moistened with it, which is then applied to the damaged surface of the body. In some cases, dicinone tampons are used.

A single injection of the drug is not enough, the course of treatment lasts several days.

Method of production: tablets, solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration

Dicinone is available in tablets and ampoules. The tablets contain 250 mg of ethamsylate. Excipients:

  • citric acid anhydrous;
  • corn starch;
  • povidone K25;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose.

Dicinone injections act faster than tablets

The solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration is available in 2 ml amules and contains 250 mg of etamsylate. Excipients:

  • sodium metabisulfite (E 223);
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • water for injections.

Side effects, contraindications, drug interactions

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • allergic reactions (rare).

Dicinone is not taken with:

  • the presence of malignant diseases of the blood system (leukemia, porphyria, osteosarcoma);
  • lactose deficiency;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components.

If bleeding is caused by taking anticoagulants, Dicinon is contraindicated. In this case, the treatment is carried out with special antidotes.

With caution, drug therapy is carried out with:

  • the patient's tendency to thrombosis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Interaction with other drugs

Dicinone should not be mixed in the same syringe with other medicines. When taken orally, a combination with aminocaproic acid and Vikasol is possible.

Dicinone during pregnancy and lactation

Etamsilate is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women. It penetrates the placental barrier and enters breast milk... Therefore, when carrying a child, taking Dicinon may be indicated if the likely benefit to the fetus and mother is greater than the possible risk.

A nursing woman should stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment.

Childhood use

It is allowed to use the drug for the treatment of uterine bleeding in children only in accordance with the doses recommended by the doctor. They are strictly adjusted depending on the age and weight of the patient.

Features of use for uterine bleeding

Normally, bloody discharge in women occurs during menstruation, after childbirth and operational gynecological interventions. All other cases give reason to suspect uterine bleeding. You need to see a doctor if:

  • menstruation lasts longer than 7 days;
  • discharge during menstruation is much more abundant than usual;
  • the menstrual cycle is shorter than 21 days;
  • spotting appeared in the middle of the cycle;
  • bleeding occurred a year after the onset of menopause.

Sometimes the reasons for this condition are inflammatory processes, fluctuations in hormonal levels, neoplasms in the uterus or ovaries.

Uterine bleeding always requires medical attention

It is the doctor who, after diagnosing, will be able to correctly establish the cause of bleeding from the uterus. Therefore, you cannot start taking the drug on your own without consulting a doctor, as this can cause harm.

If the patient suffers from dysfunctional uterine bleeding, the gynecologist may prescribe Dicynon treatment for two menstrual cycles. The drug is taken 10 days, starting from the 5th day of menstruation.

The remedy is also recommended if the cause of bleeding is neoplasms in the reproductive organs of a woman (polyps, fibroids, etc.). In such situations, taking Dicinon improves the patient's condition and facilitates the task of further treatment of the underlying disease.

Sometimes the problem can be triggered by the use of an intrauterine device. In this case, the contraceptive is removed, and the drug helps to cope with the bleeding.

Ditsynon's analogs

Pharmacotherapy is the leading treatment for uterine bleeding. Calcium chloride, Oxytocin, Ascorutin can also be prescribed as auxiliary agents.

Medicines used to stop uterine bleeding - table

Name Release form Active substance Contraindications Price
  • pills;
  • ampoules.
menadione sodium bisulfite (synthetic analogue of vitamin K)
  • hypercoagulation;
  • thromboembolism;
  • severe liver failure;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
from 20 to 60 rubles per package
  • pills;
  • solution for infusion.
tranexamic acid
  • renal failure;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhages;
  • high content of red blood cells in urine.
up to RUB 1800 per package
Aminocaproic acid
  • pills;
  • solution for infusion.
aminocaproic acidpregnancy and lactationup to 1700 rubles per 100 ml
  • solution for intramuscular administration;
  • pills.
  • thrombosis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • porphyria;
  • hemorrhage.
up to 4000 rubles per package
Immuninenormal human coagulation factor IX (highly purified)lyophilisate for preparation of infusion solution
  • allergy;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris;

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Dicinone is a drug that helps stop bleeding. Apply it when surgical operations for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It helps to stop bleeding and reduce the risk of severe blood loss. How to take Ditsynon tablets for uterine bleeding correctly, instructions for use will help you figure it out.

Composition and action

The medicine contains etamsylate in an amount of 250 mg. It has a hemostatic effect. The active ingredient stimulates the appearance of platelets in the blood and causes them to unite in the damaged area. As a result, tissue thromboplastin occurs and the duration of bleeding decreases. After using the agent, blood clotting increases and microcirculation improves. The drug does not lead to the appearance blood clots and does not constrict blood vessels. Etamsylate makes the capillaries more stable and reduces their fragility.

Absorbed quickly after oral administration, with intramuscular and intravenous administration... It spreads to tissues and organs, almost does not bind to plasma proteins. It is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. The period of complete elimination from the body is 4 hours. After intravenous administration, it takes effect within 5-10 minutes.

After intramuscular injection, it begins to act within 30-60 minutes. The duration of the action is from 4 to 6 hours. If taken orally, the effect develops within 3 hours. With course treatment, the activity of the drug lasts up to 7 days. Reception must be regular in order to achieve the desired effect.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed to prevent bleeding. For medicinal purposes, a drug is used to stop bleeding in such cases:

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    Only as directed by the attending physician 31%, 1575 votes

    Once a year and I think that's enough 17%, 882 vote

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  • damage to capillary vessels;
  • surgical intervention in dentistry, urology, ophthalmology;
  • bleeding from the intestines, kidneys, lungs;
  • uterine bleeding against the background of fibroids;
  • decreased platelet count;
  • decreased ability of blood to clot;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • hemorrhage inside the skull in childhood;
  • blood from the nose with increased pressure;
  • damage to the walls of blood vessels by immune complexes;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • atherosclerotic lesion of large arteries against the background of diabetes mellitus.

It is contraindicated to start treatment with bleeding if the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It is forbidden to use for acute porphyria, hemoblastosis in children, thrombosis and thromboembolism. Caution should be exercised in case of hemorrhage after taking anticoagulants, reduced pressure. Pregnant women are not prescribed the drug. Breastfeeding must be discontinued before starting therapy.

Instructions for use

It is necessary to take Ditsynon for uterine bleeding after consulting a specialist. The product can cause undesirable reactions in the form of dizziness, headache, facial redness, decreased pressure, heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen. If you have any of the above symptoms, fever, or allergic reactions treatment should not be continued.

Choice dosage form and the dosage depends on the condition of the patient. The drug is available in the form of tablets and injections. The pills do not take effect immediately, so they are prescribed in uncomplicated situations. Injections are necessary during periods of heavy and prolonged bleeding in order to quickly stabilize the patient's condition. Before use, you need to undergo an examination for the state of the blood coagulation system.

Many women may experience uterine bleeding for various reasons. This is mainly due to a serious illness or a disorder in the production of hormones. To cope with uterine bleeding, doctors often prescribe a very popular, inexpensive and well-acting remedy, Dicion, so many women are interested in what Dicinon tablets are for uterine bleeding, instructions for using this drug.

What causes uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is an abnormal condition that occurs in women for many reasons.

In general, they can be divided into the following categories:

1. Bleeding due to the presence of a disease in women that is not related to the reproductive system. These are the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases. With sepsis, dysentery, typhoid, a woman may experience uterine bleeding;
  • hematological diseases. If a woman has vasculitis, hemophilia, uterine bleeding occurs;
  • pathology in the metabolic process;
  • disturbances in the activity of the heart and blood vessels;
  • this pathology occurs in women with liver cirrhosis.

2. Bleeding due to the presence of a disease in women associated with the reproductive system. These are the following diseases:

  • presence of benign or malignant tumors in the uterus or ovaries;
  • rupture of a cyst or ovary;
  • availability infectious diseases in the genitals;
  • various inflammations in the uterus, which include erosion, inflammatory process in the inner mucous layer of the uterus and in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • age-related changes;
  • pathological disorders during pregnancy.

It should be noted here that menopause in women is often accompanied by uterine bleeding.

When bleeding occurs, the first thing to do is to quickly stop the flow of blood into the uterus. Then a woman must definitely identify the cause of the pathology and take all measures to eliminate it.

How does the drug work?

The drug is also called Etamsilat. It belongs to hemostatic agents. In practice, Dicinon with uterine bleeding has found its application for the purpose of:

  • stopping the flow of blood of the uterus;
  • accelerate blood coagulation;
  • increase the rate at which platelets leave the bone marrow.

In addition, Ditsynon strengthens the walls in the vessels and in the capillaries, which reduces the likelihood of damage in the vessels with an increase in blood circulation.

The effect of the drug in stopping the flow of blood from the uterus is explained by the fact that Dicinon promotes the growth of thromboplastin. As a result of this, the release of prostacyclin, which stops the bleeding.

The positive property of Dicinon is that although it stops blood loss, it does not lead to an increase in blood coagulation, an increase in blood pressure and the formation of blood clots.

The action of Ditsynon for bleeding in the uterus occurs in 3 stages:

  • first, there is a decrease in blood flow;
  • then the bleeding stops completely;
  • due to this, there is a reduction in blood loss.

Dicinone with uterine bleeding not only stops this process, but also helps to strengthen the capillaries.

What the drug consists of

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution in ampoules.

Ditsynon tablets and solution in ampoules include ethamsylate 250 mg.

In addition, the tablets include:

  • anhydrous citric acid;
  • lactose;
  • K25 povidone;
  • corn starch;
  • sodium stearate.

In addition to the basic substance, an ampoule with a solution contains:

  • injection water;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • sodium metabisulfite;

White, convex on both sides, the Dicinon tablet has a line so that it is convenient to break it, the package is blister in 10 pieces.

Dicinon solution in ampoules of 2 ml. is a colorless liquid, the ampoules are made of colorless glass, have special marks for easy opening. Blister packaging in the amount of 10 or 5 units. Dicinone solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

What are the indications for the use of the drug

In the treatment of uterine bleeding, the drug is used in the following cases:

1. Long-term use of Ditsynon is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • with uterine blood loss associated with inflammation;
  • with age-related blood loss in the uterus (menopause and adolescence);
  • with dysfunctional blood loss;

2. If a woman is treated inpatiently, then the drug is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • with malignant or benign tumors;
  • with cancer in the cervix;
  • when removing the spiral inside the uterus;
  • with various inflammations of the uterus;


1. Very often Ditsynon is used as first aid for uterine blood loss even before the doctors arrive. How to take Ditsynon with uterine bleeding? Experts mainly prescribe the drug in the form of tablets for use at home. Injections are not recommended because of their strong effect on the female body, especially if the woman is pregnant. The dosage for a single dose should not exceed 250 mg. It is necessary to drink Ditsynon every four to six hours.

It is forbidden to change the dosage of Dicinon tablets for uterine bleeding by the instructions for use.

Many are interested in how many days you can take the drug? Ditsinon instructions for use do not recommend taking the medicine for more than four days. This can provoke a worsening of the woman's condition, especially if she is pregnant. Usually, for minor bleeding, the drug is prescribed at 250 mg. four times a day for 7 to 10 days. A single dose may be increased to 500 mg. or the pills will be replaced with drug injections if complications appear or there is no positive effect from taking the pills.

2. If a woman is being treated permanently, then Dicinon is prescribed, as a rule, in the form of intramuscular injections of 2 ml. In the absence of contraindications in pregnant women, they are prescribed the same dosage of the drug. The doctor for the woman's health will decide how much and in what dosage to take the medicine to stop the blood from the uterus. Usually prescribed 1-4 times a day for 1 week to 2 weeks.

3.Special should be told about how to use Ditsynon for pregnant women. Any hemostatic agent is dangerous to the fetus, so the drug should be used with caution.

It is advisable to take this medication in pill form, as it slightly reduces bad influence drug for fetal development.

4. The drug is indicated for uterine bleeding and for children, but only strictly with the permission of a doctor, who, in accordance with the age and weight of the child, will prescribe the necessary dosage.

When taking pills, a woman will begin to feel their effect after four hours, with intramuscular injection of the drug, its effect will become noticeable after forty minutes, if the drug was administered intravenously, then the flow of blood from the uterus will become less in a quarter of an hour.

About contraindications

Dicinon has contraindications:

  • the doctor should not prescribe the drug if the patient has thromboembolism, thrombosis, as well as after malignant blood diseases and increased blood clotting;
  • if the patient has glucose-lactose deficiency, then the drug should be used very carefully, since the lactose contained in one tablet is almost 60 mg. with a daily intake of milk sugar 5 g;
  • in the presence of porphyrin disease medication does not apply;
  • with individual immunity of a person to the drug and to its components;
  • for pregnant women, the drug should be taken only with the permission of a doctor, as it can harm the fetus;
  • it is necessary to use the drug with caution if a person is sick with hepatic or renal disease;
  • you cannot use the drug if the cause of bleeding is prolonged use of anticoagulants;
  • if the solution of the drug has a color tint, then it cannot be used.

About side effects of the drug

When taking the drug, some side effectsbut after you stop taking drug they all disappear. When using the drug, the patient may feel:

  • headache;
  • numbness is felt in the legs;
  • dizzy;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • discomfort is felt in the gastrointestinal tract, a person may feel sick, he suffers from heartburn;
  • an allergic reaction may occur;
  • the face may turn red.

How do they respond about this medication

This is a very popular remedy. Here is one of the reviews about him.

“After giving birth, about six months later, I started having problems, during menstruation I was bleeding heavily. The neighbor said that if you take my infusion of healing herbs, then everything will pass. I drank her broth, there was no particular effect. I went to the clinic. The doctor examined the uterus, they did not find any special changes, after passing all the tests, they said that the reason was a violation of hormone production. The doctor said that if you drink decoctions of medicinal herbs, then this is not enough, only pills will stop blood loss during menstruation, Dicinon was prescribed, after a day it immediately became easier. Of course, the drug did not solve the main problem of regulating the hormonal background, another treatment is needed here, but it made my life easier. "

In contact with

To diseases female organs you should always take it seriously, and especially at reproductive age, because the health and well-being of her offspring depends on the general health of a woman. Dangers threatening women's health, in modern world there are plenty, and such an unpleasant phenomenon as uterine bleeding is becoming more common. One of the simple, inexpensive and effective means, helping to fight uterine bleeding, is considered Ditsynon, who rightfully won the title of the drug - "ambulance".

The causes of uterine bleeding can be different - from age-related changes to inflammatory processes and oncology. In any case, blood loss can result in anemia, a lack of iron in the blood, and this endangers not only health, but also human life. That is why doctors seek to first stop uterine bleeding, and then deal with the causes of the disease. Mainly, bleeding can occur due to 4 main phenomena. Let's list them.

  1. Inflammatory processes. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus leads to the appearance of microcracks in it. If the inflammatory process intensifies, microcracks become larger, and bleeding from them increases. In case of detection of inflammation, Dicinon can be prescribed by a doctor in a course in parallel with the treatment of the disease that caused the bleeding. Treatment, as a rule, is carried out in a hospital, since the lack of special monitoring of the patient's condition can lead to severe blood loss and weakening of the body.
  2. Pathology. The presence of dysfunctional pathologies can be caused by such processes as the appearance of scars after childbirth or the formation of benign and malignant tumors. In this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to grow so much that it is rejected, which, of course, is accompanied by severe bleeding. Dicinon in such situations can be appointed once.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction. This pathology leads to a failure in menstrual cycle, irritability, mood swings. If you run this condition, the woman may be at risk of infertility. Menses with ovarian dysfunction usually last for 7 or even 10 days, which in itself is serious blood loss. The task of the doctor in such a situation is to accurately determine the cause of the disease and its treatment, and Ditsynon is used symptomatically, i.e. with the onset of bleeding.
  4. Age-related changes and pregnancy. Bleeding can occur in adolescents 13-16 years old against a background of past illnesses, as well as in women on the eve of menopause. Thus, the body signals that the period of preparation for the reproductive period or, conversely, to stop reproductive function It does not go smoothly and requires specialist intervention. As a rule, in such cases it is assigned complex treatment with the use of dicinone. If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Dicinon during pregnancy is prescribed with great care, and bleeding can threaten the health of the fetus or mother.

Many women are wondering if Dicinon can be taken to stop monthly bleeding. The reasons for this desire may be different - someone wants to “shift” their periods to go on vacation at sea, someone critical days account for the celebration of some important celebration (for example, your own wedding) or anything else. However, it is worth remembering that to stop normal monthly bleeding, Dicinon is not so effective, and even more - it can harm the body. And if the monthly bleeding seems too heavy to you, before you start taking Dicinon, you need to consult a specialist and prescribe treatment. With heavy periods, Dicinon can be prescribed only as an adjuvant.

What is important to know about the drug?

Dicinone is available in tablets and injections, however, it is better to use tablets as an “first aid” medicine, which is recommended to be taken even before the doctor arrives - they have less negative effect on the body and are allowed even in case of bleeding in pregnant women.

The action of Dicinon lasts from 4 to 6 hours. Thus, in case of uterine bleeding, it is necessary to take a 0.25 mg tablet and take it in the same dose every 4-6 hours. It is important to remember that increasing the dose at your own discretion is strongly discouraged, as well as taking Dicinone for more than four days - this can lead to serious malfunctions in the body. Do not take risks by experimenting with the dosage and the period of taking the drug, but consult your doctor.

Inpatient treatment allows Dicinon to be administered intramuscularly, while the doctor determines the dosage based on the cause and severity of the bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to clarify with the patient whether he tolerates all the components of the medicine. Intolerance to any of the components can lead to serious consequences, up to Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

So, Dicinon with uterine bleeding is a fairly strong, effective and fast-acting remedy that will help the body cope with blood loss. It is only important to remember that prolonged use of the drug can harm the body, so be sure to consult about the use of Dicinon with your doctor.

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