Does teeth are spoiled from chocolate. Will you stay without teeth and with a belly! What you need to know about chocolate

For some reason, most of us are confident that they are disassembled in dentistry no worse doctors. Just treat my teeth to myself very uncomfortable, therefore we go to the dentists. But the myths associated with the teeth in the people goes more than enough. Here are just some of them.

10 myths about teeth

Myths about treating teeth with homemade methods

Myth 1. Related aspirin tablet or rolling with alcohol, laid on a sore tooth, instantly remove pain.

This is not just a myth, but a dangerous error.

Described chemical substancesAfter hitting the mucous membrane, it will simply burn it exactly to the extent, how much time their impact will continue. And toothache It will stay with you, but it will also be added to the pain from the burn.

Myth 2. Tooth cleaning Soda is an excellent tool for bleaching them.

Teeth whitening is a special medical procedure. It is believed that soda affects purph cavity in the following way:

  • removes inflammation of the gums
  • neutralizes harmful acids
  • eliminates thrush
  • brighten your teeth.

However, such a method exists and contraindications, namely:

  • thin dental enamel
  • sensitive teeth
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth
  • blooding the gums
  • lactation
  • allergic reactions

The cleansing effect on the use of soda is associated with its abrasive properties, that is, small particles are mechanically removed by the top layer of enamels along with the resulting tax. As a result, she brightens.

Many dentists believe that the cleaning of soda is the same as cleaning with a carpentry skurt. Soda - Hard abrasive, which just cut tooth enamel.

Myth 3. After removing the tooth, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with disinfecting solutions as often as possible.

Of course you need to rinse, but it is better to just keep a solution in the mouth. If it is too frozen to rinse the wreck, you can wash from there blood clotswhich provides successful healing.

So this place is best for 2-3 days at all do not touch.

Myth 4. Golden crowns are best because they never cause rejection and allergies.

Alas, gold in the oral cavity can be the strongest allergen. There are several factors that increase the risk of negative reaction from the body:

  • weak immunity
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane
  • individual intolerance to metal
  • patient age

Some people in the contact places of gold crowns from the oral mucosa appear strong foci of inflammation and even the ulceration of tissues.

So the metal ceramics or any of the most ordinary alloy is better than gold.

Myth 5. Dairy teeth to treat a fascular - all the same fall.

Milk teeth are the main form of the jaw of the child, and the future of constant teeth depends on them. For the treatment of dairy molars, two reasons can be given:

  1. Treatment can stop the process of spreading infection in the oral cavity.
  2. Treatment prevents the formation of problems with a bite.

If you do not treat dairy teeth, they will harm the natives sitting in the gum, so they will get out already sick. So it is necessary to treat everything that requires treatment.

Myth 6. Every sweetness is the destruction of dental enamel.

So, not so.

Recent studies have proven that black chocolate for teeth is even useful. In cocoa beans, antimicrobial substances were found, protecting teeth from caries.

However, in everything it is necessary to observe the measure. Pepsi and Coca-Cola dentists recommend drinking through the strawTo reduce the contact of the liquid with the dental enamel to the minimum.

And yet, the main thing in the treatment of teeth is timely appeal to the dentist's doctor!

Elizarenko Polina

Research work "Chocolate for teeth - harm or benefit?"



"Chocolate for teeth - harm or benefit?"

Elizarenko Polina

Russia Khmao-Ugra, PGT. Poikovsky, Mobu "Secondary school" 1 ", 2 class

Chocolate and chocolate candies are the most favorite delicacy among children and adults. Everyone knows that chocolate delicious, but few people know, useful or harmful chocolate for the health of the teeth.

In the course research work The literature on this topic was studied, a conversation was held with a school dentist, and the responses of the written survey of students who allowed to somehow to appreciate the essence of the issue to one degree or another.

Research Plan

Problem: Find out what effects have chocolate on the teeth.

Object: Chocolate

Thing: Chocolate information




  1. Conduct a conversation with a school dentist about Useful and harmful properties of chocolate, explore the opinion of world dentists.

Research methods:

  • analysis;
  • collection of information;
  • questioning;
  • conversation;
  • generalization of the information received.

Practical significance Work lies in the possibility of its use on parental meetings, cool clock.


Chapter I.

1.1 Analysis of the results of the survey

1.2 Chocolate History History

1.3 Composition and types of chocolate

Chapter II.

2.1 Influence of chocolate on the teeth - the study of the opinion of world dentists

2.2 Useful advice from school dentist

2.3. Analysis of the results of dental inspection




Relevance of the topic

Chocolate is known for a long time. The aroma and taste of chocolate captive people for more than 3000 years since the Aztecs, the predecessors of the Mayan tribe, have learned how to prepare a bitter foam drink from cocoa grains. Aztec attributed to chocolate drinking Divine origin. Swedish scientist Charles Von Lynn called Cocoa Theobroma Cacao - "Food of the Gods". For a long time, chocolate was used only in liquid form. When we hear the word "chocolate", we present yourself fragrant sweet tiles. Today is one of the most popular delicacies. Coming every day in the store, on the shelves we see a large range of chocolate software various prices. On the label you can read the composition, view, calorie content of this product. The question arises - what is different, and from which chocolate produces different varieties, how does chocolate affect the health of the teeth, because very often children are frightened by terrible stories about "dental monsters" who fall in the mouth straight from sweet?!

Purpose: Study of the effect of chocolate on the teeth.


  1. To get acquainted with the history of chocolate, with the composition and types of chocolate.
  2. Conduct the questionnaires of students 2 and 3 classes.
  3. Conduct a conversation with a school dentist about the useful and harmful properties of chocolate, explore the opinion of world dentists.
  4. Analyze what effect has chocolate on the teeth.

Hypothesis : Chocolate brings not only toe harm, but also benefits.

Chapter I.

1.1. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire

I love sweets, especially chocolate. But I constantly say that there is no means that it is impossible that the teeth are spoiled from him. I wanted to know whether the chocolate tries only harm. Maybe in chocolate, on the contrary, a lot of useful.

At the beginning of his research, I decided to find out how they belong to chocolate and what the guys from my school know about him. I have been interviewed using the questionnaire of students 2 and 3 classes of our school.

I asked the question "Do you love chocolate?" and received the following result:

  • yes - 44 people.
  • no - 5 people.
  • yes - 30 people.
  • no - 19 people.

To the question "what do you think do you deteriorate your teeth from chocolate?" I received the following answers:

  • yes - 43 people.
  • no - 6 people.
  • yes - 13 people.
  • no - 36.
  • every day - 13 people.
  • once a week - 26 people.
  • once a month - 10 people.
  • porous - 3 people.
  • bar - 15 people.
  • ordinary tile - 19 people.
  • tile with different fillers - 12 people.

After analyzing the responses of students, I concluded that chocolate is a favorite delicacy of children. Most students surveyed believe that chocolate is not good for health. But where did he come to us, which damage brings teeth, the guys know little. Therefore, I decided to explore this topic and introduce everyone to everyone with the results of my work.

1.2. The history of the occurrence of chocolate

Chocolate is a confectionery product that is manufactured using cocoa fruits.Chocolate did not immediately have such a kind in what we used to buy it in the store. The drink from the fruit of the cocoa tree appeared about 3000 years ago. It is assumed that the chocolate Almeki chocolate was invented, the civilization of which existed in the II century to our era. They did not eat it, but drank, a strange dark drink from cocoa wood beans. There was no sugar or milk in the drink, so he was terribly bitter and tasteless.

But for the Emperor, the Aztec states in the XIV montesums prepared a chocolate drink already in another way: roasted cocoa - beans rubbed with breasts of milk corn, and then mixed with honey, vanilla and Agava juice - this drink instilled cheerfulness and extended melancholy. And people began to appreciate cocoa by weight of gold.

It is believed that the first European, who tried chocolate was Christopher Columbus. In 1502, residents of Guyan island treated the famous traveler with a hot drink from cocoa beans. But the Columbus did not like the hot bitter drink, seasoned by unknown fragile herbs.

First, only men used a drink from cocoa beans, as he was very strong and bitter. But the British in 1700 guessed to add milk to chocolate, which made the drink easier and tasty. Since then, a chocolate drink fell in love with women and children.

Prior to the beginning of the XIX century, chocolate was used exclusively in a liquid form until the Swiss Francois Louis Kaya did not create the world's first solid chocolate tile in 1819. Solid chocolate recipes began to add nuts, candies and various Slavs.

In 1875, Swiss Daniel Peter mixed cocoa mass with condensed milk. So the milk chocolate appeared, or Swiss chocolate.

Interesting facts about chocolate:

- The most "chocolate" countries in the world - Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France and the United States. It is in these states that the population consumes a huge amount of chocolate. And the confectionery traditions of Belgium and Switzerland are considered the best in the world.

- White chocolate was invented by Great Henry Nestle from Switzerland. The confectioner simply added a condensed milk into the finished chocolate mass.

- Every year, humanity eats more than 600 thousand tons of chocolate.

In Russia, they made the first monument to chocolate, which was opened in the city of Pokrov Vladimir region on July 1, 2009.

For the brothers of our smaller chocolate, poisonous, since the substances contained in chocolate are learned with difficulty. Therefore, a safe dose for people can become fatal for pets.

1.3. Composition and types of chocolate

Chocolate is a product of cocoa bean recycling with sugar.
The composition of chocolate includes:

carbohydrates - 50-55%;

fats - 30-38%;

proteins - 5-8%;

alkaloids (theobromin and caffeine) - approximately 0.5%;

tubil and mineral substances are approximately 1%.
There are many varieties of chocolate:

Porous chocolate They are obtained mainly from the chocolate mass, which is poured into the forms on 3/4 volume, placed in vacuum boilers and are kept in a liquid state (at a temperature of 40 c) for 4 hours. When removing vacuum due to the expansion of air bubbles, a small-glass structure of the tile is formed ( Wispa, air).

Chocolate without additions Made from cocoa treasured, sugar powder and cocoa oil. Such chocolate has specific propertiesinherent in cocoa beobam. By changing the ratio between powdered powder and cocoa cooked, you can change the taste features of the resulting chocolate - from Gorky to Sweet. The larger in chocolate cocoa wasted, even more so bitter taste. (Golden label, suite, Russian, inch).

Chocolate with filling Prepare from chocolate mass without additions and with the addition of milk. We produce it in the form of tiles, bars and other figures with various fillings: nuts, fub, chocolate, fruit, cream, cream, milk, creamy.

Chocolate white prepare on a special recipe from cocoa oil, sugar, dry milk, vanillina without adding cocoa mass, so it has cream color (white).

Diabetic chocolate Designed for patients diabetes. The composition of chocolate instead of sugar is introduced sorbitol, xylitis, mannitol.

Chapter II.

2.1. The effect of chocolate on the teeth is the study of the opinion of the dentists of the whole world.

Probably, each of us was told terrible stories about what would be with the teeth, if there is a lot of chocolate. Is it really harmful to chocolate teeth?

Perhaps, another 10 years ago, the dentists of the whole world were united: chocolate destroys her teeth and causes caries. However, scientists of Japan and the United States, having conducted a series of animal experiences, came to unexpected conclusions. It turns out that cocoa bean oil covers the teeth with a special protective film that protects them from destruction. In addition, cocoa beans have antiseptic properties: actively struggling with a dental flare, they are a prophylactic means against the formation of a dental stone. That is, the product that for a long time It was considered the chief enemy of the teeth, in fact is their defender!

However, it is not worth deducting and take it without parsing all that at least remotely resembles chocolate. The properties described above have only real chocolate, which contains at least 56% cocoa. It does not apply to chocolate candies and cakes. After all, the main enemy of the dental enamel is sugar, which in these products is available in excess.

The organic compound of theobromin, which is contained in chocolate, strengthens and remine dental enamel. This conclusion came scientists from the University of Texas (San Antonio, USA) as a result of studies. Moreover, theobromine copes with remineralization of dental enamel even better than fluoride compounds.

The researchers compared the microhardness of the enamel surface after treatment with fluoride and theobromine, and found that the latter more actively increased the size of apatite crystals, which form a dental enamel. As already known, scientists larger apatit crystals are better strengthening enamel, making teeth less vulnerable to the effects of acids allocated by bacteria. So, theobromin is more effective than fluorine copes with the consequences of the effects of these acids: increasing the sensitivity of the teeth, their destruction and development of carious cavities.

Thus, in the strengthening of the enamel of the teeth and the prevention of caries, people have a new "delicious" assistant - chocolate.

Milk chocolate containing casein and calcium helps protect your teeth almost the same way as milk. However, the high sugar content crosses all the beneficial properties of these products.

Consequently, not chocolate is harmful to the health of the teeth, but its excessive use.

To find out which chocolate is most useful, I compared in the composition of several chocolate tiles.

  • Bantic chocolate "Babaevsky"
  • Milk chocolate "Alenka"
  • Bitter chocolate "loyalty to quality"
  • Dark chocolate "DOVE"
  • Dark chocolate "Travel"
  • White air chocolate

Studying the composition of chocolate, I figured out which percentage of cocoa is contained in chocolate mass.

Received the following results:

  • Bitter chocolate "Babaevsky" - 58.6%
  • Milk chocolate "Alenka" - 31.5%
  • Bitter chocolate "loyalty quality" - 65%
  • Dark chocolate "DOVE" - 51%
  • Dark chocolate "Travel" - 46%
  • White Air Chocolate - 0%

The highest percentage of cocoa is contained in a dark bitter chocolate, and in white chocolate Cocoa is not quite, therefore, the Babaevsky and "loyalty of quality" chocolate is most useful from studied chocolate tiles.

2.2. Useful tips from the school dentist. Rules and methods of chocolate reception

Currently, chocolate is among the top five most useful delicacies. Rooms eaten after the main meal and grind is the main rule. If you have full nutrition, enough physical Loads, then chocolate after lunch will not harm.

Optimal day dose - 10-15 g. (2-3 cubes). And the glorified pediatricians of Russia recommend the child from two years to eat 100g black chocolate per week.

If the daily dose of chocolate is so small, maybe there is a way to "stretch" pleasure? To this end, we conducted a "sweet" experiment, which was checked by three ways to dissolve chocolate. Everything that we needed is three slices of chocolate, mouth, clock and paper with a pencil. The experiment was carried out in 3 stages. We celebrated the start time and end of each stage.

The results are in the form of a table.

Table : "Three ways to dissolve chocolate"(Experiment)




They put the chocolate slice in the mouth, and then began to chew her, until she disappeared.

start: 12.30

end: 12.31

1 minute

They put the chocolate slicker in the mouth, then began to move it with a tongue from side to side.

start: 12.32

end: 12.36

4 minutes

They put the chocolate lick in the mouth and did not undertake anything else.

start: 12.37

end: 12.45


Conclusion: In case of chewing, chocolate was dissolved faster than everything, and chocolate, which was just lying in the mouth, was required to dissolve the most time. This is due to the fact that when the chocolate moves in the mouth of the solvent (our saliva), a large surface area is exposed than when chocolate lies motionless.

You can still use some "cunning" techniques to extend the pleasure of chocolate use:

  • "Cool down" your favorite chocolate, put it in the freezer and eat cold;
  • cut the chocolate slice with a sharp knife into several parts.

2.3. Analysis of the results of the dental inspection.

Earlier, I conducted the surcharge of students 2 and 3 of classes and received the following results:

Love chocolate - 44 people.

Do not like chocolate - 5 people.

Often eating chocolate - 39 people.

Rarely eating chocolate - 10 people.

Chocolate is considered harmful - 30 people.

It is believed that chocolate is useful to -19 people.

The results of the school dentist of the state of the same students look like this:

No caries - 30 people.

There is caries -19 people.

The results of the questionnaire with the results of inspection of the state of teeth of students, we concluded that the frequent chocolate use does not affect the health of the teeth.


After studying various sources on the subject of research, we came to the conclusion that chocolate is a term denoting different kinds Confectionery manufactured using cocoa. The word "chocolate" occurs from Aztec and in translation denotes "bitter water". But in translation from Latin, chocolate is the "food of the gods".

After conducting a survey, comparing these results with the results of the examination of the school dentist, as well as having studied the views of world scientists, we concluded that chocolate affects the health of the teeth as the chocolate cocoa butob oil covers the teeth with a special protective film that protects them from destruction . In addition, cocoa beans have antiseptic properties, actively struggling with a dental flare, they are a prophylactic means against the formation of a toothache.

Thus, our hypothesis, that chocolate brings not only damage to the teeth, but also the benefit was confirmed. But you must not forget that the right chocolate, as well as its moderate use, will not only delight with their taste, but will bring children's body considerable benefit.

List of sources used

  1. Chocolate delicacies. - Rostov on Don: Publishing House "Phoenix", 2001. - 192 p.
  2. Encyclopedia "What is. Who it". Publisher "Pedagogy-Press" Moscow, 1992.- 527c.
  3. Internet resource:
  4. Internet resource:
  5. Internet resource:
  6. Internet resource:
  7. Internet resource:


"Do you love chocolate?" And received the following result:

To the question "Do you think that chocolate is harmful?" answered:

"What do you think, do teeth deteriorate from chocolate?" I received the following answers:

To the question "Do you know how chocolate came to us?" Received the following result:

I asked the question "How often do you eat chocolate?" and received the following answers:

To the question "What chocolate you love" received the following answers:

Remember how we were afraid to treat teeth in childhood? In this regard, it was quite logical sounded caution of adults that chocolate is harmful to teeth. Is it really? The leading experts of research institutes and the Department of Dentistry of Medical Universities, studying the topic, give answers to this question.

What do we know about the composition of chocolate

As you know, the dessert contains many minerals and trace elements. Trying to figure out how the product affects the teeth, scientists have proven that many of them are useful for teeth. So, for example, cocoa bean extract contains substances that use fluoride for dental enamel and strengthen it. This is a very valuable cocoa property, because fluorine is a constant additive in many toothpastes produced worldwide.

Not so long ago, the world struck the opening of Japanese scientists who proven that in the shell of cocoa bobs contains antiseptics, overwhelming the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

it useful property The husk makes it possible to reduce the risk of caries. Perhaps, in the near future, chocolate will be part of the dental paste, but for now, scientists have developed a unique composition of PAST containing cocoa. Experiments with new items allowed us to make sure that their effectiveness is much higher than that of a PAST with fluorine ions, and soon we can see such pastes on sale.

Why and from what teeth deteriorate

So what about, in fact, the caries occurs? Streptococci, producing "sticky" bacterium, which is called glucan. Colonies of bacteria are happy to live in a dental and actively destroy the dental enamel, successfully turning the sugar to the milk acid, which we use. Milk Acid, in turn, destroys our teeth. So begins caries.

Does this happen when eating black chocolate? Joyful news for all lovers of this dessert. No, it does not happen, and that is why:

  • the minimum quantity of sugar is contained;
  • it has antiseptics in its composition, overwhelming the development of sticky bacteria causing caries;
  • the grated cocoa is a product obtained from cocoa beans, and they contribute to a reduction in blood sugar levels and improving immunity to many diseases, including caries.

From here you can conclude - in this product, everything is balanced. A small amount of sugar (compared to conventional chocolate candies and caramel) does not harm the teeth: its harmful effects are opposed to the product of antiseptics.

Unlike other sweets, in black chocolate there are much more cocoa oil and grated cocoa and significantly less sugar. Therefore, the teeth can be spoiled by other sweets, but not these popular dessert.

All sweet fans need to use candy and other confectionery with caution. To a greater extent it refers to caramel, which is based on sugar.

From the point of view of dentists

Chocolate refers to desserts that increases the amount of hormone joy - endorphine, so it can be improved with its help. This is especially important during the rainy offseason and cold winter. He quickly quenches his hunger, which is extremely necessary in many situations. This is a convenient energy product that can be absorbed unnoticed for others during study or long meetings, on the road. Silk texture of the product allows him to just gradually melting in the mouth without additional chewing movements. I eneeing a small piece of dessert, you can easily wait for the next meal and not fall asleep hungry, replacing the late dinner. Is it really such a terrible enemy of teeth, as we were convinced of childhood?

Do not give up the use of this sweetness at all. The main thing is that you need to do after that - rinse your mouth.

So they say dentists who have practical experience of communication with patients suffering from caries. Bitter chocolate contains a very small amount of sugar and a very large amount of grated cocoa. In turn, Cocoa contains a lot of trace elements, on which the state of our hair, nails and teeth depends. As part of bitter chocolate:

  • phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium and magnesium necessary for the normal operation of the body:
  • vitamins of several groups, including groups A and C, which positively affect the growth and beauty of the hair and the strength of the nails;
  • a small amount of proteins, and much greater fat and carbohydrates that give fast and long saturation.

Of all the listed ingredients, carbohydrates are most dangerous for teeth. It is them that turn into a lactic acid, eating a dental enamel with the help of bacteria.

It is not necessary to hope that the saliva can be washed off the remnants of chocolate. Just drink water and rinse your mouth, and even better - clean your teeth after use. Therefore, no chocolate is harmful to teeth, but bad habits and laziness. Following the rules of hygiene, you can safely enjoy the dessert at any time. Does not hurt your teeth from chocolate, and caries can be avoided by following the recommendations of dentists.

The microscopic amount of the product remaining in the oral cavity can lead in a change in the acidity in favor of the one that provokes the development of caries. The output from the position is offered by dentists. It is simply additionally to cleanse the oral cavity, use the tooth thread, removing the remains of food and the dental flare, and then you can combine the pleasant with useful - to eat a delicious dessert and receive undoubted benefits from it. Calcium, which is much in black chocolate, strengthens bone fabric, So our teeth.

Can there be chocolate after the removal of the tooth

Tooth removal is surgeryaccompanied by blood release. The first two hours after it take food is strictly forbidden. Fabrics on the site of a remote tooth turn into a painful wreck, in which blood clot is assembled. The first food, taken in two hours, should be soft, not hot and not cold, which does not require chewing, which in this situation enhances pain in the resulting hole.

From the point of view of doctors, sweet food can be included in the diet not earlier than three days after the extrapision of the patient's tooth. But is it possible to attribute bitter chocolate to sweet food? Probably, nevertheless, no. Just choose the varieties containing the maximum number of cocoa. Small piece Dessert can be put in the mouth and do not chew - he gradually melts himself. At the same time, the antiseptics contained in it will not be given to develop pathogenic microflora and do not provoke the suppuration of the well. In this case, "our hero" is much more useful than the rest of the sweets.

Summing up our analysis, it is safe to say: Bitter chocolate is the best sweetness for teeth. The harmful effect of sugar is compensated by the useful antiseptic properties. Using the product is correct and observing the oral hygiene, you will only receive positive emotions and maximum health benefits in general and teeth in particular. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating this useful product.

Several generations are brought up on myth that chocolate spoils his teeth. And all this believed, because this thesis was confirmed by dentists and scientists from around the world.

Literally a few years ago, the situation around chocolate has changed dramatically. Do you believe this? Why do scientists change their opinion so much? Science, like everything around, develops and makes new discoveries. Theses that previously seemed indispensable and were perceived as truth, refuted.

The fact that chocolate in small quantities is needed by the human body, doctors began to talk long ago. But the fans of this delicacy felt concern about the state of the teeth. Now you can safely enjoy chocolate, but not everyone. That's what scientists figured out on his exposure to the teeth.

Teeth and chocolate

Approximately 10 years ago, scientists from the United States and Japan almost simultaneously unveiled the results of their research. They turned the representation of humanity on the effects of chocolate on their teeth. In the course of research, scientists have added cocoa powder into the food of experimental animals. Contrary to expectations, he did not cause caries, but even slowed his development. It turned out that cocoa oil, which is in natural chocolate, covers them with a special film and protects from caries.

Another unexpected result. Natural cocoa beans contain antibacterial substances, flavonoids and polyphenols that have antibacterial effects and stop the appearance of a dental plaque. From this was concluded - chocolate is useful for teeth and gums. It is harmful to dental enamel - sugar, which is added to chocolate candies. Most of all useful chocolate clean, with a cocoa content of at least 56%. Milk is also useful - there is calcium in it. Everyone knows that it is necessary for a healthy state of bones and teeth.

Further more interesting. A scientist from the University of Tuelin in the city of New Orleans of the United States Arman Sadehpur claims that the cobrom, cocoa powder extract, can soon replace fluoride in toothpastes. This extract strengthens dental enamel and has a positive effect on the entire body. If clinical trials are successful, new toothpaste will go to free sale.

Canadian dentists also believe that chocolate is useful for teeth. Doctors believe that it affects enamel approximately just as raisins. But it is better to use bitter, black chocolate.

How to choose chocolate that does not spoil your teeth?

Recently, innovations are introduced into the confectionery industry, they help create safe treats. To choose good chocolate, you need to carefully study the wrapper. A few years ago, GOST R 52821-2007 allowed to add to 5% of oils - cocoa oil substitutes to chocolate, which is the most valuable. If oils entered in the composition, except for cocoa, it is better not to buy it. If oils are more than 5% - this product is obliged to be called not chocolate, but a chocolate tile.

The smaller the composition of flavors and stabilizers - the better. Black bitter chocolate - out of competing usefulness. Squeeze it better by unsweequance or warm water. Any carbonated drinks are not allowed in a tandem with chocolate. Sour juices are not recommended in large quantities, because the acid destroys enamel. It is not necessary after chocolate and brushing your teeth.

A completely harmless chocolate for teeth created Belgian chocolate, called it Daskalid`s and Smet. Instead of sugar in a new chocolate, isomaltulose is used, which is similar to the traditional sugar, consists of glucose and fructose and does not contribute to the destruction of the enamel. Replaced the Belgians and Powder Milk, the place of which was taken by dairy proteins.

It is only the "first swallows". Soon, it will be possible to harm the products made of chocolate and not worry about the fact that sugar and other harmful substances will damage their teeth. The fact that cocoa beans that make up the basis of chocolate is helpful, we already know. This is a very pleasant news.

Scientists found out that chocolate, contrary to emerging opinion, has a positive impact on our teeth and gums.
What chocolate is useful for teeth?

According to experts, more than 40 million Americans suffer from hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity teeth. Often, in such cases, most doctors recommend using toothpastes with fluorine to use their patients. However, as a result of a study conducted by scientists from the Texas University of Scientific Center for Health in San Antonio, it turned out that cocoa extract is much more efficient to restore damaged enamel and clogs the dentine tubules, thereby eliminating the causes of the increased sensitivity of the teeth.

In order to prove his theory, scientists decided to conduct a study in which 80 people took part, each of which during the week had to brush the teeth of paste with cocoa extract, and then the product containing fluorine. As a result, the positive effect of the "chocolate" paste on the teeth was 100%: after its use, each participant of the experiment was completely restored enamel, hypersensitivity disappeared, improved general state oral cavity. The researchers were surprised that, despite the unequal interest ratio of substances in pastas - 5000 "chocolate" particles and a million elements of fluorine - a product with chocolate extract in just a week eliminated all causes of dental hypersensitivity.

Other studies

The benefits of chocolate for teeth.

Takashi Ooshima, a scientist University of Osaka, conducted a study of the influence of various components of cocoa beans on the health of the teeth and received the following result: the cocoa bean shell contains substances that have an antibacterial effect. At the moment, special chocolate pastes and mouth rinsings based on the cocoa bob shell extract are produced.

Another study was conducted by Dr. Science ARMAN Sadeghpour. On November 26, 2013, the report was read at the conference in the American Tooth Academy. It said that theobromin, in contrast to caffeine, contained in 30 grams of dark chocolate protects teeth better than fluorine compounds.

Chocolate contains vitamins, salts and minerals that are necessary to strengthen enamel.

Chocolate harm for teeth.

Cocoa beans bitter in nature and almost do not contain sugars (1%). Not everyone will appreciate such a natural taste of advantage, so at the stage of obtaining the primary chocolate mass, many manufacturers are added to the chocolate sugar powder. It's no secret that Sakhares is the main culprit of the appearance of caries, especially in young children.

Cocoa beans contain tanner (tannins) and coloring substances that, by analogy with coffee, can darken the enamel of teeth.

The cocoa beans contains theobromin and minerals that strengthen and protect the dental enamel. The more "Dark" chocolate, the more useful.

Almost all manufacturers are added to the sugar chocolate. In this aspect, chocolate is no different from other sweets.

Probably, each of us in childhood told terrible stories about what would be with teeth, if there is a lot of chocolate. Growing, we begin to scare our children with "dental monsters", which fall in the mouth straight from the sweet. Is it really harmful to chocolate teeth?

Perhaps, another 10 years ago, the dentists of the whole world were united: chocolate destroys her teeth and causes caries. However, scientists of Japan and the United States, having conducted a series of animal experiences, came to unexpected conclusions. It turns out that cocoa bean oil covers the teeth with a special protective film that protects them from destruction. In addition, cocoa beans have antiseptic properties: actively struggling with a dental flare, they are a prophylactic means against the formation of a dental stone. Those. That product that has been considered a long time for a long time, actually is their defender!

However, it is not worth deducting and take it without parsing all that at least remotely resembles chocolate. The properties described above have only real chocolate, which contains at least 56% cocoa. It does not apply to chocolate candies and cakes. After all, the main enemy of the dental enamel is sugar, which in these products is available in excess.

And for those who want to enjoy the exquisite taste of chocolate, using all its valuable properties, and without any risk to health, the invention can be recommended by the invention of the Belgian company Barry Callebaut. They managed to create and patent chocolate absolutely harmless to teeth. This product has withstood a series of tests by providing its full safety for teeth, and received all the necessary quality certificates.

What is the difference between safe chocolate and those that we are accustomed to commercial? There are two key differences about which Barry Callebaut says. This is, firstly, the use of milk protein instead of powder milk, and secondly, the rejection of sugar in favor of isomaltulose. Isomaltulose to taste is no different from ordinary sugar, but it does not distinguish the same acid that is the cause of the formation of caries.

There are still a number of technological innovations that apply Belgians in the manufacture of safe chocolate. However, they thoroughly hide their know-how, which is understandable. So chocolate in last years Himself rehabilitated that it would not be possible to please the Sweat. However, he still will not replace regular visits to the dentist and cleaning the teeth twice a day.

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