2 Collargol solution. Collargol: Instructions for use and what is needed, price, reviews, analogues

Collargol is a solution of eye drops based on colloidal silver with bactericidal and antiseptic properties. In ophthalmology is used to treat conjunctivitis, streptococcal infectionsDacryocystitis.

Composition and form of release

Collargol - Eye drops of 2% drop, 3%, 5% brown color is not transparent, contains: silver and albumin in a ratio of 70:30.

As a rule, it is made in the recipe-production departments of pharmacies and can be packed in glass or plastic bottles without cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological properties

Collargol solution has an antiseptic, bactericidal and astringent action with a decrease in the mucous membacity of separated. The bactericidal action of silver is due to its ability to adsorption by shells bacterial cells. In this case, the cells of bacterial agents remain viable, but lose part of their functions, including the ability to reproduce. At the same time, silver, penetrating into the cells of the bacterial microflora, blocks the enzymes of the respiratory chain, affects a number of other processes leading to its death.

Indications for use

  • Purulent conjunctivitis, virus conjunctivitis.
  • Streptococcal eye infections.
  • Dacryocystitis.

Method of application and dose

The usual appointed dosage of collargola is for adults 1-2 drops 1 - 3% of the solution, which is buried conjunctivally. Previously, it is necessary to clean the conjunctivation from the selection. Children prepared 1 drop using 1.5 - 2% solution. The multiplicity of use is 2-4 times daily.

The tool applies to the diagnosis of the pavement canal during dacryocystitis. At the same time, a collar head sample is performed when 2% of the results are made in the conjunctival bag, which, after a short time, should go into the nasty tubules. In the case of a good passability of the channels when pressed on the displacement bag zone, the solution is distinguished from the eye along with a tear. When the drug delay in the conjunctival bag is 5 minutes and more, the channel function is considered impaired.


Individual intolerance of silver or albumin.

Side effects

The occurrence of allergic reactions is possible.


The use of the solution according to the instructions, the overdose cannot be called. By swallowing the drug or making location more than 1 grams. The solution is possible to develop the symptoms of argosis, accompanied by irreversible changes in the eyes and skin, which are acquired by silver or bluish shade.

Medicinal interactions

Collargol is not capable of absorbing into local blood flow and react with systemic drugs. His local application It is undesirable with sodium chloride, novocaine, hexamethylenetetramine, iodides, as well as alkaloid salts. It is impossible to use a drug with means including ethanol, electrolytes, adrenomimetics.

special instructions

Collargol solution applies only locally. Its use is prohibited.

The collar grown solution is stored in tightly visited bottles in a darkened place. Do not give children.

The shelf life of the prepared solution is no more than a month.

Price of the drug Collargol

The cost of the drug "Collargol eye drops"In the pharmacies of Moscow begins from 145 rubles.

Analogs of Collargola.

Collargol - medicine Based on silver with antiseptic properties.

Active substance

Silver Colloid (Silver Colloid).

Release form and composition

Produced in the form of powder soluble in water, which forms a colloid solution.

You can buy ready-made drops into the eyes or nose with this drug. However, the pharmacist must be explained for what purpose is this tool so that it can determine in which proportions are breeding powder.

Drops of transparent color, have a weak smell. As a rule, they are sold in bottles with darkened glass.

The solution contains silver (70%) and albumin (30%), whose properties consist in connecting silver molecules among themselves and maintaining their active state.

pharmachologic effect

Collargol has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect (reduces mucus production). Its properties are due to the action of active ingredients included in its composition.

Indications for use

  • purulent wounds;
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • blennorya (purulent form of conjunctivitis);
  • protracted rhinitis;
  • increased adenoids;
  • sophisticated inflammation (infection caused by streptococci);
  • lymphangitis (inflammation lymph nodes);
  • soft Shankr (venereal disease for which genital ulcers are peculiar;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • chronic cystitis (inflammation bladder).


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use Collargol (method and dosage)

Depending on the form of the drug, the methods of its application differ:

  • drops dripped into the nose;
  • wound washed with solution;
  • ointment is used for skin diseases.

HP should be diluted with water, because in its pure form it does not apply.

  • In order to wash the purulent wounds, a solution of 0.2-1% is prescribed.
  • For washing the bladder, 1-2% solution is used.
  • In the treatment of eye diseases, droplets are used at a concentration of 2-5%.
  • In the case of a hymorite, a protracted rhusing, purulent rhinitis and adenoids in children, it is recommended to use drops into nasal moves.
  • Treatment of corrosive inflammation and lymphangitis involves the use of a solution of 2-3%.
  • 15% ointment is recommended for use with soft chancra.

Side effects

Data O. side effects Not described.


Silver overdose can cause argirosis - a disease at which a gray shade of skin appears and a change in the color of the eyes.


Analogs in the ATX code: absent.

Medications with a similar mechanism of action (coincidence of the ATX 4 level): Potargol.

Do not make a decision on replacing the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

special instructions

No information available.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

A decision on the use of the doctor.

In childhood

Allowed to use for the treatment of children from birth.

In old age

No information available.

Medicinal interaction

No information available.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Released without a recipe.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store should be stored in tightly closed jars of orange glass in a dark, protected from the sun's place. The shelf life is 5 years.

Price in Pharmacies

No information available.


The description, posted on this page, is a simplified version of the official version of annotation to the drug. Information is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before applying a drug, you must consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use. medicinal preparation Collargol. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the views of the doctors of specialists in the use of collargola in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Collargol analogues in the presence of available structural analogs. Use for the treatment of adenoids, purulent wounds, conjunctivitis, corrosive inflammation in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Collargol - antiseptic bactericidal agent. The colloidal preparation of silver, has astringent, anti-inflammatory and more pronounced than the protargola has an antiseptic effect.


Silver + albumin + excipients.


  • purulent wounds;
  • adenoids;
  • purulent rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis (including Blennorya in newborns);
  • erysipelas;
  • lymphangit;
  • chronic urethritis;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • chancroid.

Forms of release

Powder (for the preparation of the solution).

The solution for outdoor use is 0.2%, 1%, 2% (sometimes erroneously called drops).

Eye drops 2%, 3%, 5%.

Instructions for use and method of use

Apply externally.

0.2-1% solution is used for washing purulent wounds.

1-2% solution - for washing the bladder in chronic cystitis (bladder inflammation), with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). In the form of droplets in the nose with purulent rhinitis and adenoids in children.

2-3-5% solution in the form eye drops used for the treatment of purulent conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye) and Blennorea (acute purulent inflammation Outdoor eye shell).

For grinding inflammation, lymphangitis (inflammation of lymphatic vessels), soft chancre prescribe 15% ointment - adults 3 g, children 1 g 4 times a day.

Side effect

  • argirosis (skin darkening caused by silver delay in the body);
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug (to elements of silver).


  • hypersensitivity.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sufficient clinical data of the use of the drug collargol during pregnancy and lactation are absent.

Application in children

It is possible to use the drug in children on the recommendation of the doctor.

special instructions

Store the drug is necessary in orange well-visited banks, protected from exposure to light place.

Medicinal interaction

Not noted.

Analogs of the drug Collargol

Structural analogues for the acting substance:

  • Potargol.

Analogs of PO pharmacological group (Disinfectants):

  • Azulan;
  • Aquasan;
  • Amident;
  • Ammonia;
  • Amukin;
  • Argosulfan;
  • Aseptolin;
  • Betadine;
  • Betadine;
  • Boric acid;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Diamond green (green);
  • Vinylin (Balzam Shostakovsky);
  • Bismuth nitrate basic;
  • Hexicone;
  • Hxoral;
  • Hydroperite;
  • Hyposol n;
  • Tar birch;
  • Dermatol;
  • Desquam;
  • Ichthyol;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Iodovidon;
  • Iodoxide;
  • Iodosept;
  • Iodoform;
  • Potassium permanganate (manganese);
  • Camphor;
  • Camphor alcohol;
  • Categel C;
  • Menthol alcohol solution;
  • Methylene blue solution water;
  • Miramistin;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Plivsept;
  • Pisidone iodine;
  • Polyvinox;
  • Protargol;
  • Resorcin;
  • Romazulan;
  • Salicyl ointment;
  • Silver proteinate;
  • Phenol;
  • Perezol;
  • Formalin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Chlorhexidine Bigluconat;
  • Tsindol;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Zinc sulfate;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Zinc paste;
  • Cyteal;
  • Ethanol;
  • Etonius.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Health and wonderful childhood of the child is the first priority of loving parents. But, contrary to proper care, children's organism May be subjected to disease.

This happens because of the emerging immunity. Most often children sick bacterial infections, ORVI and influenza. To overcome them to sufficiently apply a properly selected drug, one of which is "collargol".

general description

"Collargol" - a drug that has a bactericidal action. The medicine has proven itself as a local destination antiseptic. The preparation is a solution that consists of silver particles. The latter in turn are in a state of small crushing.

In order for silver ions to have their bactericidal property, they require an additional stabilizing agent. The latter in the preparation is the product of alkaline hydrolysis.

The advantages of this means compared with the analogue "Popargol" in the amount of silver, which is 70% to 30% of the auxiliary substance. The drug is successfully used in pediatrics and therapeutic practice by many leading experts.

Is it possible to give children?

According to annotations to the drug, the use of "collargol" in children, possibly since the infant age. The only thing that should be borne in mind that to prescribe a drug to a child under 1, without a recipe for a doctor is prohibited. Really use the drug even in newborn kids to treat ophthalmic problems.

Indications for use

The main reasons for the use of the drug in therapeutic practice are customary:

  1. Dermatological diseases (Ryg, inflammatory processes On wound surfaces, soft Shankr).
  2. Diseases of ophthalmological profile (or).
  3. Urological diseases (cystitis and urethritis).
  4. Diseases of ENT organs (, and sinusitis).
  5. Limphangit.

Forms of release

Collargol has a large number of pharmaceutical forms of release. The difference in the quantitative ratio of silver and auxiliary substances. In the pharmacy network you can purchase:

  • Drops for the eye "Collargol", in concentration active substance- 2%, 3% and 5%
  • Collargol ointment, purely for outdoor use, whose percentage of active substance is 15%
  • Solution for external use in silver concentration of 0.2%, 1% and 2%;
  • Powder for making a solution.

Instructions for use

The Collargol preparation is successfully used in pediatric practice for the treatment of children since birth. Most often, it is prescribed for the treatment of children who have all the obvious signs of rhinitis. But, the use of this means is shown only if there is a laboratory confirmed bacterial rhinitis, when there is a purulent separated from the nose. The diagram of treatment in this case is prescribed by the drug in the form of droplets, with percentage content 1%, 2% of 1-2 drops from 2 to 4 times a day (depending on the complexity of the process) in the nasal passage, for a week.

For the treatment of ophthalmic problems, children from 1 year are prescribed drops (2-5%) and ointment (15% in the area of \u200b\u200bconjunctiva). Reception scheme: 1-2 drops 3 times a day, ointment 1 time per day, thin layer, for weekly.

Powder and solution for external use in a percentage ratio of 1-2% are used in kids as a washing agent for the treatment of cystitis and urethritis. The washing is produced in hospitals, as a rule, the procedure is prescribed 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

In the presence of purulent wounds, children use a 0.2-1% solution "Collargol". Stick and washing are carried out in the dressing process until the radiation surface is regenerated. In the treatment of soft Shankra, the kids use a 15% ointment, apply directly to the center 1-2 times a day throughout a two-week term.

Adults can also use the drug for the treatment of ENT organs (drops 3% -4 times a day of 1-2 drops, the course of treatment is a week). The treatment of soft Shankra in adult patients is carried out in parallel with the main therapy (ointment of 15% on the problem zone, 3 times a day, a course-14th day). Before use, consult your doctor!


The composition of the preparation "Collargol" includes silver and auxiliary substances in the percentage ratio of 70 units of the active substance to 30 units of the auxiliary.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is perfectly transferred in children and adults with local use. The only problem that can be expressed as by-effectallergic reaction on silver or auxiliary components of the solution. It is not recommended to apply the drug in pregnant and nursing women in view of its accumulative effect and a small number of information about the medicine.

In addition, when the duration of the reception and dosage is exceeded, the manifestation of argose. Argirosis is expressed in darkening of skin and mucous covers with the presence of gray and bluish shade. Argirosis is irreversible and not subject to therapy.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to silver.


In a situation of absence in a drug pharmacy, it is possible to acquire substitute analogues: "Stillavit", "Fusitamilk", "Poparturg".

Collargol - drug, originally produced in the form of powder. Due to its composition (colloidal silver, albumin protein) is used as a local disinfectant.

Indications for use

Due to its properties, the drug is used in many inflammatory, including purulent, diseases:

  • Proterent runny nose
  • Adenoids
  • Inflamed almonds
  • Inflammatory, purulent eye diseases
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes
  • Purulent wounds
  • Ulcers on genitals caused by a venereal disease Soft Shankr
  • When inflammation of the bladder
  • When inflammation of the urethra
  • Early stages of syphilis.


In its pure form, collargol consists of 70% of silver and 30% albumin. Albumin contributes to the compound of silver molecules and helps them be in the free state.

Medical properties

The drug has knitting, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Removes swelling, reduces the amount of mucus, drying, prevents purulent formations. Medical properties expressed brightly.

The average price is from 110 to 150 rubles.

Forms of release

Release collargol in the form of plates or powder. In this form, the drug is inconvenient, so solutions (0.2%, 1%, 2%), drops (2, 3 and 5%) and ointments (0.2%) are prepared in pharmacies based on it. Collargol is well soluble in water, does not dissolve in alcohol. Collargol solution - thick, dark brown, reminiscent of iodine color. The smell is balsamic.

And pure powder use only for the treatment of purulent wounds.

Collargol solution must be ordered in a pharmacy, because For more than a month, it cannot be stored. Prepare it only in special pharmacies.

Collargol is for sale without a dispenser, so it is additionally required to purchase a pipette.

Mode of application

In case of eye diseases, the sinuses of the nose use drops of collarges. Pre-clean the cavity of the eye from the pus, and the nasal sinuses from the mucus. Adults drip 3% rr 2-3 drops, children Rr 1.5-2% 1 drop. Apply this procedure from 2 to 4 times a day.

When cystitis and urethritis are installed with 1-1.5% solution. Installations in cystitis are carried out with a catheter. They are not recommended for children.

It is possible to use microclism.

A collar solution is lubricated by almonds, inflamed lymph nodes, purulent wounds are processed.

Purulent wounds can be treated with collargol powder.

Ointment is also used in the processing of wounds, lymph nodes and with soft chancra (ulcers are lubricated).

Treatment is carried out no more than 7 days.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Collargol can be used during pregnancy and lactation. But consultation with the doctor is obligatory! Silver - heavy metal capable of accumulating in the body. Need a strict norm!


According to the instructions of the contraindications in the drug there. But sometimes there are cases increased sensitivity to collargol. In this case, it is not necessary to apply it.

Using the drug, do not forget about its toxicity!

Interaction with other medicines

All collargol forms can be used in complex treatment, since it is not absorbed into the blood, and its interaction with other drugs does not occur. But when mixed, with simultaneous use with other drugs, the effect of treatment may decrease. Therefore, reasonable alternation is necessary.

Side effects

There may be a burning sensation when driving droplets. But the burning sensation is briefly and runs quickly, within a few seconds.


Silver is a heavy metal. Abuse Collargol, despite the absence of obvious contraindications, it is impossible.

In case of overdose, silver accumulates in the body, the first feature is the change in the color of the eyes and mucous membranes, they acquire a metallic shade. There comes intoxication.

Conditions and shelf life

Collargol powder can be stored up to 5 years.

The solution is stored in dark, tightly closed bottles. Store in the refrigerator. The term of the finished solution is small - just 1 month.


Analogue of collargola is a protargol. His main thing active substance Also is silver. But silver content in this drug is significantly less.

Pharmacy / Tsxls-Verniki, Russia
Price from 40 to 60 rubles.

Pretargol is prepared in the same way as collargol, directly in the pharmacy. In the pharmacy, it comes in the form of a powder. Based on this powder, a solution is prepared, the storage period of which is 2 weeks.


  • At the price of Popargol is available to all
  • High efficiency in the treatment
  • Applied in childhood


  • Do not prescribe nursing mothers and pregnant women
  • Prepare only in special pharmacies
  • Possible intolerance to the drug
  • Short shelf life.
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