Dikaine: Instructions for the use of eye drops. Eye drops Dicain Dicain - a way of use

DiCaine drops include 0.3% solution beta forms tetrakain. Additional substances: sodium chloride, water.

There are other solutions concentrations. Tetracaine Depending on the manufacturer.

Transparent, colorless solution without smell.

The solution is produced in bottles of 10 and 5 ml.

Topless essential action


Dicaina solution is local anestheticsfor surface anesthesia. Blocks sodium channels than prevents the appearance of pulses in sensitive nerve endings and conducting pulses on them.

The effect occurs after 30-90 seconds after applying to the mucous membranes and lasts for 20 minutes.

Quickly and fully absorbed through the mucous membranes (the absorption rate depends on the area of \u200b\u200badministration and dosage). The degree of response with plasma proteins is very high. Fully exposed to hydrolysis in plasma due to holinesterase Within one and a half hours with products PABK-containing compounds. Partially metabolized in the liver in the same way. It is removed with urine and brya, partially exposed to recirculation in the liver and intestines.

The use of Dicaina is justified with the purpose of local superficial anesthesia:

  • with short operations and manipulations in ophthalmology (outpatient surgical operationsRemoval foreign languages, tonometry, gonoscopy, other diagnostic procedures) and otorinolaryngology;
  • for spinal anesthesia in the presence of contraindications to the introduction of local amid anesthetics;
  • for pain relief area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx during bronchogram, intubations, ezophago and bronchoscopy;
  • for anesthesia of urethra before catheterization.

Side effects

  • Local phenomena: contact dermatitis, irritation of mucous, burning, edema and pain at the place of application; During prolonged use, the development is not excluded. keratitis, clouding and education of cornea scars, slowing down epithelization.
  • System phenomena: impairment of vision, nervous arousal, cyanosis, anaphylactic shock, arrhythmia.

Dicaine, instructions for use (method and dosage)

The drug is used mainly for terminal anesthesia and very rarely - for epidural. The substance is extremely toxic, therefore it is unsuitable for infiltration and conductor anesthesia. The largest dose under local use is 0.1 grams.

IN ophthalmological practice The medicine is used in an amount of 2-3 drops. The maximum anesthetic effect develops after 1-2 minutes. When conducting interventions in the eyes to achieve the desired anesthetic effect, a 0.5% solution solution is usually enough. To extend and enhance the effect to the Dicain, you can add Epinephrine (0.1% solution) in the following ratio: 1 drop Epinephrina on 2 ml of solution tetracaine. For anesthetics study of intraocular pressure It is allowed to use 0.1% solution.

IN otolaryngology usually Apply 0.25-0.5% solutions. Adult patients at the discretion of the doctor are allowed to prescribe up to 3 ml of solution with a concentration of 1%. 2-3% solutions are used only at absolute need. The lubrication of the Gundogotchka is produced slowly, withstanding the intervals and watching the patient's condition. To reduce the reaction to the medicine 40-60 minutes before the anesthesia, a patient is given 0.1 grams Barbamila. If there are no contraindications to vasoconstrictors, then it is allowed to add to the dicain Epinephrine in the above proportion. The tampon is impregnated with a solution and lubricate the surface of the mucous. Forbidden by for a long time Leave a tampon in the nasal cavity.

Using Dicaine when conducting epidural anesthesia Requires special caution. To do this, 0.25-0.3% solution is prepared in aseptic conditions and it is sterilized with boiling to it for 30 minutes, then 0.1% solution is added to it. Epinephrina At the rate of 1: 100. The medicine is introduced in stages, slowly - 16-20 ml, observing five-minute breaks between injections.

For package of urinary tract Apply up to 10 ml of 0.1% dicaine.

Signs of overdose: total weakness, dizziness, excitement, muscular tremor, anxiety, causes, collapse, respiratory disorder, nausea, methemoglobiney, coma, vomiting, AV blockade.

Overdose treatment: Immediate removal of medication from leather and mucous membranes; In the oppression of the respiratory process is shown artificial ventilation of the lungs and oxigenotherapy, in cramps are injected Diazepam or barbiturates, P. collapse Intravenously use blood substitutes ( Hemodhez, solutionsPreparations dextran) I. vasoconstrictors, P. methemoglobinemia - intravenous Methylene blue At the rate of 1-2 mg / kg or orally 100-200 mg vitamin C..

Dikaine is able to relax action sulfanimide products.

On prescription.

Store in a cool place. Take care of children.

Two years.

If possible, the dicain should be replaced NovocaineSince it is less toxic. Solutions containing over 2% tetracaine Could damage epithelium cornea and excessively expanding the arteries of conjunctiva. In ophthalmology this medicine It is not recommended to use for a long time or often.

It is forbidden to introduce the drug subarachnoid.

When performing spinal anesthesia using Dicaina, you need to constantly monitor arterial pressure.

Preparation with caution prescribed patients with reduced level holinesterase in blood, AV blockade, arrhythmias, shock.

Contacting with dicain medical instruments should not have residues alkalisSince as a result of the interaction is formed an insoluble sediment.

Novocaine, Ultrakain, Lidocaine, Anesthesin, Felicaine, Anetain, Devikaine, Ametokain, Intercaine, Medicine, Rexokain, Pantokain, Phonkin, Intercaine.

It is forbidden to use the drug in children up to 10 years.

It is allowed to use in these periods only in exceptional cases in the presence of strict indications.

At the moment, medical professionals are trying to refuse to use this drug in their practice due to its high toxicity of its toxicity and the presence of more affordable and safe analogues.

If you need to use the drug by a doctor, a dicaine recipe is usually discharged. Dicain on Latin in it usually looks like Tetracaini Hydrochloridum.

Because of the above in the section " special instructions»The shortcomings and availability of more affordable and this means are almost no on sale. There are no data on the price.

Dicaine (Dicaina (beta shape) solution of 0.3% (eye drops)) is a topistrase drug used in ophthalmology.

Dosage form - Eye drops: slightly painted either colorless, transparent or slightly opalescent solution (in vials of 5 (with dropper) or 10 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack).

The preparation includes Leookain, sodium chloride, purified water.

Dicaine is a local painkillers used for surface anesthesia. The substance provides blockage of sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of pulses in sensitive nerve endings and their conduct in nervous tissues.

The drug begins to act 30-90 seconds after applying to mucous membranes. The duration of action is 20 minutes.

Dicaine solution is quickly and almost completely absorbed through mucous membranes. The absorption rate is determined by the dosage of the drug. The degree of its binding with plasma proteins is quite high. The substance is completely hydrolyzed in plasma with the participation of cholinesterase for 1.5 hours, forming PABK-containing connections. In the same way, dikaine is partially metabolized in the liver and is excreted mainly with bile and through the kidneys, partially exposed to recycling in the intestine and liver.

Dicains are prescribed adults for anesthesia when carrying out short operational interventions on the front cut of the eyeball.

Contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

Dicain is used in the form of instillations of 1-2 drops immediately before surgery. In cases of need during operation (depending on the patient's condition and the duration of the operation), you can additionally instill 1-2 drops.

After applying Dicaina, short-term burning and low-heed allergic reactions can be developed.

Symptoms of overdose are:

  • excitation and anxiety;
  • muscular tremor;
  • convulsive activity;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • breathing disorder;
  • collapse;
  • coma;
  • AV blockade;
  • methemoglobinemia.

When these features appear, the drug is immediately removed from the skin and mucous membranes. At the oppression of the respiratory center, hydrocerapets and artificial ventilation of the lungs are recommended. With convulsive activity, barbiturates or diazepam are used. During collapse, vasoconstrictors and blood substitutes are injected intravenously (dextran preparations, salt solutions, hemodez). In the case of methemoglobinemia, methylene blue at a dose of 1-2 mg / kg is administered intravenously oral reception Vitamin C in an amount of 100-200 mg.

Dicain pathological processes do not exacerbate.

The use of Dicaina to these periods is allowed only in exceptional cases for the appointment of a doctor and with strict indications.

There are no data on the interaction of a solution of dicain with other drugs.

Dicain Analogues are: Novocaine, Ultrakain, Lidocaine, Anesthesin, Felicaine, Anetain, Devikaine, Amemetokain, Intercaine, Medicine, Rexokain, Pantokain, Phonkin.

Store in a cool, inaccessible place for children.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Recommended by recipe.

According to reviews, Dikaine is practically not used by medical professionals in practice due to its high toxicity and the development of safer and inexpensive analogs. If it is necessary to appoint the drug, the doctor necessarily writes the recipe.

The price of Dicain is unknown because medicine Due to the toxic impact on the body and the development of more efficient and accessible analogs, there is no on sale.

Name: Dikain


Dicainum (Dicainum) Indications for use:

Dicain is used only for surface anesthesia (anesthesia).

pharmachologic effect:

Strong topically escair. The activity is significantly superior to novocaine and cocaine, but more toxic. Well absorbed through mucous membranes.

Dicain Method of Application and Dose:

In ophthalmologic practice, a 0.1% solution is used in measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with intervals of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia is usually developing after 1-2 minutes. When removing foreign bodies and operational interventions Apply 2-3 drops of 0.25-0.5-1% or 2% solution. After 1-2 min, severe anesthesia develops. It should be borne in mind that solutions containing over 2% of dicaine can cause damage to the epithelium (outer layer) of the cornea (transparent shell of the eye) and a significant extension of the vessels of the conjunctiva (outer shell of the eye). Usually for anesthesia when surgical interventions In front of the use of 0.5% solution. 0.1% reduction of adrenaline (3-5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine) is added to elongate and enhance a anesthetic effect.

Ceratitis (cornea / transparent eye inflammation /) Dicain does not apply.

In ophthalmological practice, with the need for long anesthesia, eye-eye films are used with dicain. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine.

Dicain is also used for surface anesthesia in otorinolaryngological practice in some operational interventions (puncture gaimor sickle, Removal of polyps, conichotomy / removal of the lower or middle nasal sink /, operation on the middle ear). Due to the rapid suction of Dicaina with mucous membranes respiratory tract It should be done great care when using it and carefully monitor the state of the disease. For children under 10 years old, anesthesia is not conducted by Dicain. In older kids, not more than 1-2 ml of 0.5-1% of the solution, in adults are 3 ml of 1% solution (sometimes 0.25-0.5% solution is sometimes sufficient) and only with absolute need - 2% or 3% solution. K. Dicaine solution (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasocomponants) add 1 drop of 0.1% solution of hydrochloride adrenaline per 1-2 ml of dicaine. The highest doses of dicaine for adults with the anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract - 0.09 g of one-time (3 ml of 3% solution).

Dicain Contraindications:

Age up to 10 years, the common severe condition of the diseased. When working with dicain, instruments and syringes should not contain alkali residues. Dicain in the presence of alkali falls into the sediment.

Dicain Side effects:

The drug is very toxic, caution is needed when it is used.

Release form:

Powder and Eye Films with Dicain for 30 pcs. In Penalykh-dispensers.


Tetrakain hydrochloride, almetocaine, Anetain, Devikaine, Felicain, Phonkin, Intercaine, Medicine, Pantokain, Rexokain.

Storage conditions:

List of A. in a well-visited container.


Before applying medication

"DiKain" It is necessary to consult with the doctor.

The instruction is provided solely for familiarization with "

Dikain ».

Instructions for use:

Release form and composition

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Indications for use


Instructions for use

Side effects


special instructions

Application in children

Pregnancy and lactation period

Medicinal interaction

Terms and conditions of storage

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Dicainum (Dicainum)

pharmachologic effect

Strong topically escair. The activity is significantly superior to novocaine and cocaine, but more toxic. Well absorbed through mucous membranes.

Indications for use

Dicain is used only for surface anesthesia (anesthesia).

Mode of application

In ophthalmologic practice, a 0.1% solution is used in measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with intervals of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia is usually developing after 1-2 minutes. When the foreign bodies and operational interventions are removed, 2-3 drops of 0.25-0.5-1% or 2% of the solution are used. After 1-2 min, severe anesthesia develops. It should be borne in mind that solutions containing over 2% of dicaine can cause damage to the epithelium (outer layer) of the cornea (transparent shell of the eye) and a significant extension of the vessels of the conjunctiva (outer shell of the eye). Usually for anesthesia in surgical interventions in front of the eyes of 0.5% solution. 0.1% reduction of adrenaline (3-5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine) is added to elongate and enhance a anesthetic effect.
Ceratitis (cornea / transparent eye inflammation /) Dicain does not apply.
In ophthalmologic practice, if necessary, prolonged anesthesia uses eye-eye films with dicain. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine.
Dicain is also used for surface anesthesia in otorhinolaryngological practice in some operational interventions (puncture of the Gaimore sinus, removal of polyps, conichotomy / removal of the lower or middle nasal shell /, operation on the middle ear). Due to the rapid absorption of dikain, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract should be exhibited greater caution when it is applied and carefully monitor the patient's condition. For children under 10 years old, anesthesia is not conducted by Dicain. In older children, no more than 1-2 ml of 0.5-1% of the solution are used, in adults - 3 ml of 1% solution (sometimes 0.25-0.5% solution is sometimes sufficient) and only with absolute need - 2% or 3% solution. K. Dicaine solution (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasocomponants) add 1 drop of 0.1% solution of hydrochloride adrenaline per 1-2 ml of dicaine. The highest doses of dicaine for adults with the anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract - 0.09 g once (3 ml of 3% solution).

Side effects

The drug is very toxic, caution is needed when it is applied.


Age up to 10 years, the overall severe condition of the patients. When working with dicain, instruments and syringes should not contain alkali residues. Dicain in the presence of alkali falls into the sediment.

Form release

Powder and Films Eye with Dicain 30 pieces in Penalykh-Dispensers.

Storage conditions

List of A. in a well-visited container.


Tetrakain hydrochloride, almetocaine, Anetain, Devikaine, Felicain, Phonkin, Intercaine, Medicine, Pantokain, Rexokain.

Active substance:




  • Official instructions for Dicaine preparation.
  • Modern medications: Full practical guide. Moscow, 2000. S. A. Kryzhanovsky, M. B. Vittynova.
Description of the drug " Dikain"This page is a simplified and supplemented version. official instruction for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the preparation is provided solely with an informational purpose and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor may decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the doses and methods for its use.

Dicaine (powder d)

Description of the active substance (MNN) Tetrakain * (Tetracaina *)

Pharmacology: pharmachologic effect - topless . Blocks sensitive nerve endings and conductors; penetrates the membrane of nerve cells, violates the transmembrane transport of ions (especially sodium), reduces the flow of impulses to the CNS; Expands vessels.

Indications: Local (surface and spinal) anesthesia.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity (including TR. Local anesthetics of a group of ether or PABK and its derivative), severe somatic diseases, childhood (up to 10 years).

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding: perhaps in exceptional cases, if the expected effect of therapy exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and a newborn.

Side effects: when local application: allergic contact dermatitis, burning sensation, swelling and pain in the field of application; for long use - Keratitis, persistent torment of the cornea, the formation of scarring on the cornea with a loss of visual acuity, slowing the epithelization.

When injecting administration: excitation of the central nervous system, depression, nervousness, dizziness, violation, drowsiness, tremor, cramps, loss of consciousness, cardiovascular failure, change of blood pressure (usually hypotension), stopping heart, respiratory disorder, nausea, vomiting, chill, narrowing Pupils, noise in ears, idiosyncrasy or reduced tolerance, urticaria, anaphylactic shock.

Interaction: Reduces antibacterial activity sulfanimide drugs. Vaconishing means Extend the effect and reduce toxicity.

Overdose: Symptoms: Dizziness, general weakness, cyanosis, excitation, anxiety, muscle tremor, convulsions, respiratory impairment, collapse, methemoglobinemia, nausea, vomiting, coma, AV blockade.

Treatment: Removal from the skin and mucous membranes, washing the stomach (through the probe) with activated coal, the appointment of salt laxatives; In the oppression of breathing - IVL and hydroatherapy, collapse - in / in the introduction of blood substitutes (salt solutions, hemodez, polyglyukine), the use of vasoconstrictors (preferably stimulating myocardiums), seizures - diazepams or barbiturates short action (in / c), methemoglobinemia - 1-2 mg / kg of methylene blue (in / c) or 100-200 mg ascorbic acid Inside.

Method of use and dose: for surface anesthesia - 0.05-1% (if necessary, 2-3%) solution; In children over 10 years old - no more than 1-2 ml of 0.5-1% solution, in adults - up to 3 ml of 1% solution. The highest dose for adults 3 ml of 3% solution.

For peridural anesthesia - 5 ml of 0.3% solution 3-4 times at intervals of 5 minutes.

Precautions: Do not apply to large areas of damaged skin (risk of suction and systemic toxic action). In ophthalmology it is not recommended to use for a long time or often (damage to the cornea). Caution is used in patients with a reduced level of cholinesterase in blood plasma, heart rate disorders, AV blockades, shock. Conducting spinal anesthesia requires monitoring hell.

Special instructions: Tools and syringes in contact with tetrakain should not contain alkali residues (forms an insoluble base).

For anesthesia of the upper breaths. Wumes VD-0.09 (3ml-3% RR once)

For peridural anesthesia VD-0.075 (25ml-0.3% RR once)

Analogs (generics, synonyms)

Tetrakain Hydrochloride, Ametokain, Anetain, Devikaine, Felicain, Phonkin, Intercaine, Medicine, Pantokain, Rexokain

Recipe (international)

RP.: SOL. Dicaini 0.5% 5 ML
D. S. Eye drops (for superficial anesthesia).

RP. SOL. Dicaini 0.5% 5.0
SOL. Adrenalini Hydrochlorici 0.1% GTTS III
MDS. For surface anesthesia in the eye practice (2-3 drops in the eyes).

RP. SOL. Dicaini 1% 3.0
S. For lubricating mucousse (anesthesia)

pharmachologic effect

Dicaine is a local painkillers used for surface anesthesia.

The substance provides blockage of sodium channels, preventing the occurrence of pulses in sensitive nerve endings and their conduct in nervous tissues.

The drug begins to act 30-90 seconds after applying to mucous membranes. The duration of action is 20 minutes.

Dicaine solution is quickly and almost completely absorbed through mucous membranes. The absorption rate is determined by the dosage of the drug. The degree of its binding with plasma proteins is quite high. The substance is completely hydrolyzed in plasma with the participation of cholinesterase for 1.5 hours, forming PABK-containing connections. In the same way, dikaine is partially metabolized in the liver and is excreted mainly with bile and through the kidneys, partially exposed to recycling in the intestine and liver.

Mode of application

For adults: In ophthalmologic practice, a 0.1% solution is used in measuring intraocular pressure (one drop 2 times with intervals of 1-2 minutes). Anesthesia is usually developing after 1-2 minutes.
When the foreign bodies and operational interventions are removed, 2-3 drops of 0.25-0.5-1% or 2% of the solution are used. After 1-2 min, severe anesthesia develops. It should be borne in mind that solutions containing over 2% of dicaine can cause damage to the epithelium (outer layer) of the cornea (transparent shell of the eye) and a significant extension of the vessels of the conjunctiva (outer shell of the eye).

Usually for anesthesia in surgical interventions in front of the eyes of 0.5% solution. 0.1% reduction of adrenaline (3-5 drops per 10 ml of dicaine) is added to elongate and enhance a anesthetic effect.
Ceratitis (cornea / transparent eye inflammation /) Dicain does not apply.

In ophthalmologic practice, if necessary, prolonged anesthesia uses eye-eye films with dicain. Each film contains 0.00075 g (0.75 mg) of dicaine.

Dicain is also used for surface anesthesia in otorhinolaryngological practice in some operational interventions (puncture of the Gaimore sinus, removal of polyps, conichotomy / removal of the lower or middle nasal shell /, operation on the middle ear). Due to the rapid absorption of dikain, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract should be exhibited greater caution when it is applied and carefully monitor the patient's condition.

For children under 10 years old, anesthesia is not conducted by Dicain.

In older children, no more than 1-2 ml of 0.5-1% of the solution are used, in adults - 3 ml of 1% solution (sometimes 0.25-0.5% solution is sometimes sufficient) and only with absolute need - 2% or 3% solution. K. Dicaine solution (in the absence of contraindications to the use of vasocomponants) add 1 drop of 0.1% solution of hydrochloride adrenaline per 1-2 ml of dicaine.
The highest doses of dicaine for adults with the anesthesia of the upper respiratory tract - 0.09 g once (3 ml of 3% solution).


Dicain is used only for surface anesthesia (anesthesia).


Hypersensitivity (incl. KR. The local esters of the LS group of ether or PABK and its derivative), damage or inflammation of the mucous membranes, in highly scalared areas, children's age (up to 10 years) .c care. Pregnancy, lactation period.

Side effects

With long-term use - keratitis, persistent torment of the cornea, the formation of scarring on the cornea with a loss of visual acuity, slowing the epithelization.
Side effects can develop. Decode. Symptoms: dizziness, asthenia, cyanosis, excitation, anxiety, tremor, cramps, respiratory disorder, collapse, nausea, vomiting, coma, AV blockade, methemoglobinemia.

Treatment: removal from leather and mucous membranes, washing the stomach (through the probe) with activated carbon, salt laxatives; With the oppression of breathing - IVL, oxygen therapy, with a collapse - to / in blood substitutes (saline solutions, hemodez, dextran drugs), vasoconstrictors (preferably stimulating myocardiums), with convulsions - in / in diazepams or barbiturate short-acting, at methemoglobinemia - in / In 1-2 mg / kg of methylene blue or 100-200 mg of ascorbic acid inside.

Form release

Powder and Films Eye with Dicain 30 pieces in Penalykh-Dispensers.


Information on the page you will be viewed exclusively for informational purposes and does not promote self-treatment. Resource is intended to familiarize health officers with additional information About certain medications, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. Using the drug " Dikain"It is mandatory providing advice with a specialist, as well as its recommendations for the method of application and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

Latin name:dicain
ATH code: S01HA03.
Active substance: Tetrakain
Manufacturer:Biol, Russia
Vacation from Pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions:cool place
Shelf life:2 years.

The use of dicaine is shown for the purpose of short-term anesthesia.

Indications for use

List of readings:

  • As an ophthalmological drug for short surgical manipulations - gonoscopy, tonometry or in order to remove outsiders
  • Malgesical of the blade before the catheterization procedure
  • Spinal anesthesia, if amide anesthetics are not contraindicated
  • Auxiliary remedy for bronchography, intubation.

Composition and form of release

As part of the drops active substance - Tetrakain. Optional: sodium chloride and pure water for injection. Concentration of solution - 0.3%.

A medication is produced in the form of a transparent and colorless solution, which does not smell and taste. Sold in bottles, 5 ml capacity and 10 ml.

Medical properties

DiCaine eye drops - an anesthetic medicine used to conduct anesthesia on the surface of the skin. The mechanism of action lies in the blocking of sodium channels, as a result of which the nerve impulses cannot fully be carried out at the required places. The effect of exposure is felt in about a minute and last no more than 20 minutes. The tool is almost completely absorbed into the surface layer of the skin, the quickness of suction directly depends on the amount applied and the specific place. The medicine is processed in the liver, but is output along with bile and urine.

Method of application and dose

Not sold in the Russian Federation

Medication due to high degree Toxicity is no longer used as epidural anesthesia, it is only applied locally in minimal quantities. More than 100 mg apply in one time it is impossible due to high toxicity. Most often, dicaine solution is used in ophthalmic practice - 2-3 drops dripped into the eye, and the anesthetic effect occurs after 1-2 minutes. If an anesthesia effect should be extended for more than 20 minutes, the adrenaline solution is added. In otolaryngology you need a solution of 0.25 - 0.5%, no more. To extend the effectiveness of the medication in this case, the barbamil is used. If a patient has a healthy heart and there are no obvious contraindications, the use of epinephrine is allowed, no more than 100 mg for local application. Usually, all the mixtures of drugs are applied on a tampon, which is then applied to the mucous membranes, but should not be kept for too long.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

To date, this drug is not a means of choosing a first row in pregnant women during childbirth or in women during lactation, therefore, the use of Dicaina is inappropriate in such situations.

Contraindications and precautions

These include:

  • Rembossing drugs or increased sensitivity To a para-aminobenzoic acid derivative
  • Age up to 10 years
  • Parallel reception of sulfanimamids
  • Inflammatory process on the body where the medicine should be applied.

With caution: arrhythmia, tachycardia.

Cross drug interactions

The medicine weakens the effectiveness of sulfonamide.

Side effects

Locally: dermatitis, swelling, burning, irritation on the surface being applied, keratitis, border on the cornea, impaired epithelialization.

System: Myopia, Summary, Reduction, Violation of Heart Rhythm, Shock.


It is manifested in the form of weakness, nausea, dizziness, coma, blockade, tremor and excitation.


Dalykhimfarm, Russia

average price - 17 rubles for packaging.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that is used to relieve a short-term painful feeling during operations. There are many forms of release, in the form of spray, injections, gel, eye drops.


  • Efficiency
  • Cheapness.


  • Toxicity
  • Contraindications.

Hjust, Germany

average price In Russia - 475 rubles for packaging.

Ultrakain is a modern anesthetic with greater efficiency and a smaller list of side effects.


  • Contemporary
  • Effectively.


  • Expensive
  • It is not always suitable.
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