Children's paste under 2 years old. What a toothpaste is better for children

Knows almost with pellery each small childthat the brush with pasta helps from all dental misfortunes!

The main criteria for the choice of children's toothpastes are their safety, carostatic effect, strengthening enamel and pleasant taste. Pastes of various firms are produced for children of different age groups. What kind of tooth paste is better to buy for your child from the sets presented in any store or pharmacy?

How to choose the best toothpaste for a child?

The paste for children and adults includes identical components, only the concentration of them is different. Before the child reaches 14 years of age, it is not recommended to use adults or family toothpastes, concentration active substances they can harm health radiant organism. Therefore, the first criterion when choosing hygienic For teeth served age. Each company produces a line of children's pastes focused on a certain age, starting from several months to 14 years.

Since the task of toothpaste is a soft cleaning of teeth from the plaque, the following criterion Selection of pasta for a child is the view and number of abrasive components contained in it. If calcium carbonate (chalk) or sodium bicarbonate (soda) is included in the composition as an abrasive, remember that these components are too aggressive for the enamel of dairy or recently cutting indigenous teeth. It is better to give preference to that paste in which titanium or silicon dioxide is used as an abrasive substance. The abrasiveness coefficient (RDA) should not exceed a certain value (0-3 years - no more than 20, 3-14 years - not higher than 50).

Dental use, containing fluorine compoundsrecommended by kids living in regions with low levels of it in water. The maximum amount of fluorine should not exceed the norms for a certain age, because when swallowing the paste, the fluorine caught in the body may cause the development of fluorosis, diseases thyroid gland and other organs. The rate for age is 0-3 years old - up to 200, 3-7 - up to 500, 7-14 to 1400. Preference should be given a paste in which the fluorine is contained in an organic form (an aminoofluoride or olflur will be written on the package).

Preferably so that foaming substances (Sodium Laurilsulfate and sodium laurenfat) were part of children's pastes in minimal quantities or not at all. It is necessary to pay attention to thickeners - they must be natural origin (pectins, resins, agar-agar). The number of preservatives should also be low. Children are more likely to use "delicious" toothpastes, but it is better to choose a tool in which natural substances (menthol, mint, eucalyptt, vanillin) are used as flavoring additives and does not contain saccharin.

The children's toothpaste should include lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, glucose oxide. Casein paste contributes to the increase in calcium content in dental enamel. With certain diseases, the dentist may assign a toothpaste with chlorhexidine, triclozan or metronidazal, independently start using medical agents It is impossible.

Rating of the best children's tooth pastes

Now you can consider the best toothpastes for children of different ages:

First place in the ranking of the best takes a toothpaste for children Lakalut


These pastes of German production combine high level Quality with an affordable price, their composition includes aminofluoride, fluorine, vitamins E and A. The action of the aminofluoride is not only in the active strengthening of dental enamel, it creates a protective film on the surface of the tooth, under which fluorine absorption takes place for a few hours after cleaning. Due to this, the mineralization of enamel occurs, perhaps even the treatment of caries in the stage white Spot. The fluorine content does not exceed the norm, and the pasta does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and is therefore absolutely safe for use in childhood. Pastes for different ages have different flavors of 0-4 - raspberries, 4-8 - citrus, 8-12 - citruso-mint.

Reviews:"We use paste lacalut from 0 to 4 years old, daughter (2 years) cleans the teeth with pleasure, she likes the raspberry taste, while you can not fear that she swallows more pasta than it spits."

2nd place. Pressident Paste Paste


Toothpaste The President is manufactured in Italy, in the composition of the means of intended for children from 0 to 3 years not included fluorine-containing components, so they are absolutely safe with random swallowing. Thanks to xylitol, dietary acids are cleaved in the mouth and possess a caryostatic action, and the paste, developed for children from 6 to 12 years, is somewhat expressed. Gel pasta from 6 to 12 years opposite is designed for babies suffering from caries, and contains quite large (up to 960) the amount of fluoride in the form of fluoride and monofluorophosphate. All pasta have pronounced pleasant tastes and aromas 0-3 - Raspberry, 3-6 - Cola. 6-12 - Lime. The price of these pastes is more than democratic.

Reviews: "I have two children, a daughter of 1.5 years old and son 7, on the advice of the dentist bought them toothpaste the president. The son's son is not very good, that is why the doctor advised the paste with a high content of fluorine, the taste of pleasant lemon, without mint."

3rd place in the ranking of the best - SPLAT children's dental pastes


The Russian company produces pastes recommended by children of various age groups. The PAST includes hydroxyapatite, complex of enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase) and auxiliary substances (depending on the type of paste, the lacrichnik, aloe). Pasta of this company focusing for kids up to 3 years and adults do not contain fluorine, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens. The only exception is a paste for children from 4 to 8 years old - it has a high fluorine content in combination with calcium, which, binding, do not have any effects on the teeth.

Reviews:"Up to 4 years old used the pacles of lights, were completely satisfied, the loan bought a paste for 4-8 years and disappointed a little, the child did not like the taste and had to acquire a means of another manufacturer."

4th place. Baby toothpastes Rocs


The company represents competitive pastes for children. The paste includes calcium glycera phosphate, xylitol, alginate, herbs and plants (linden, chamomile) extracts. Pastes have low abrasiveness, and pronounced therapeutic actions associated with the fact that the substance is included in their composition. Do not contain preservatives, so an open tube must be used for a month, everything that remains after this period is better to throw away and take a new paste. In the sealed state, the shelf life is two years. In the package with pasta, a small coloring is embedded, a game and calendar, according to which the child determines when he cleaned his teeth. They have a significant disadvantage - immensely overestimated price.

Reviews: "Very expensive paste, there was no more expensive in a pharmacy, but I was completely satisfied with the result obtained. My daughter's teeth are completely cleaned."

5th place. Children's paste of Silca


Pasta designed for age 1-6 years old has low abrasion, does not contain dyes, sodium lauryl sulfate, fluorine and calcium connections. It has a pleasant banana taste and needs alternating with other means, which includes trace elements. The paste recommended from 6 to 12 years has an orange taste, is characterized by a high content of active fluorine and vitamin E and is therefore used in children with increased risk of caries development. One of the row of the paste, who received the approval of the German society of dentists.

6th place. We are closed by our rating Children's toothpastes Elmex


These pastes for children produce Colgate company - China. They contain a healing dose of aminofluoride and do not include dyes and preservatives. Due to the high content of fluorine is unsafe when swallowed, but has an affordable price.

What toothpaste for children is better?

The choice of pasta for a child can be done independently, but it is better to focus on the dental advice, the first visit to which must be applied immediately after the first tooth is reversed. In the future, attend the doctor should be in half a year for a preventive inspection.

Of course, it is not easy to teach the baby to brush your teeth! In order for it to do it regularly and with pleasure, it is necessary to show a positive example (children always repeat for their parents).

Choosing a children's toothpaste, parents often pay attention to the pleasant taste and aroma. It matters, but not as important as its composition and orientation on the age group. A pleasant aroma and color will make cleaning teeth not so boring and burdensome for the baby, having grabbed him daily to engage in the oral hygiene, but dyes and flavors cannot be indicators of product quality.

Children's toothpaste Must be safe, because the child may accidentally swallow it. As for the content of Fluoride, it is better to choose without it, again, the reason for swallowing, because the entry into the body of this substance in excessive amounts harms the child.

Classification of children's paste

Toothpastes are hygienic (for daily care), therapeutic (in the diseases of the oral cavity) and therapeutic and prophylactic (with a tendency to pathologies). The first is shown in the normal state of the mucous and teeth, they remove the soft flare and refresh the breath.

Among therapeutic and prophylactic children's pastes allocate:

  • strengthening enamel - remove the sensitivity of the teeth, contain calcium and fluorine;
  • contracting remineralization- contain phosphates, calcium, fluorides;
  • warning formation of a solid dental - contain enzymes, mineral salts;
  • healing mucous membranes and periodont - contain natural components, vitamins, minerals, antibacterial substances.

Toothpaste for children must necessarily meet such requirements as:

  • good cleansing from the plaque;
  • homogeneous composition;
  • deodorization;
  • no irritant substances;
  • pleasant taste and fragrance.

Children's choice of pasta taking into account age

Children's paste for a child from the moment of teething of dairy teeth is selected together with a dentist, which will make the Mouth hygiene as safe as possible. To visit the doctor must necessarily, as soon as the first tooth appears, and then you can find out what kind of care products are best.

Popular pastes:

  • Lacalut;
  • Babyline;
  • Splat juicy;
  • Weleda;
  • Dragon;
  • Natura Siberica.

Good pastes up to 3 years old:

  1. Rocks about Babe- without fluorine, parabens, laurel sodium sulfate, abrasiveness - 19 RDA, contains xylitol and sodium glycera phosphate. It is safe when swallowing.
  2. Rocks Baby - Fascular chamomile - without fluorine, dyes, antiseptics, laurel sodium sulfate, parabens, abrasiveness - 10 RDA, contains alginate, xylitis, chamomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Good pastes up to 8 years old:

  1. Rocks Kids.- Berry fantasy - without laureal sodium sulfate, abrasiveness - 45 RDA, contains xylitol, aminofluorides, fluorine - 500 ppm. It has a pleasant raspberry and strawberry taste.
  2. Asepta Ties. - without laurel sodium sulfate, antiseptics, parabens, abrasiveness - 20 RDA, contains sorbitol, glycerin, calendula extract, propylene glycol, dyes, flavors, fluorine - 1000 ppm.

Good pastes up to 14 years old:

  1. Bioreperer junior - without laurel sodium sulfate, parabens, abrasiveness - 15 RDA, contains calcium hydroxyapatite, vitamin E. Made based on the MicrorePair system, which provides enamel protection.
  2. Bioreperer Junior Mint - no fluorine, parabens, aggressive particles, abrasiveness - 15 RDA, contains calcium hydroxyapatite. It has a mint flavor.

Baby up to the year

Hygiene of the child's mouth up to a year should be carried out without the use of toothpaste. Cleaning the mucous membrane is performed with a soft cloth, which is wetted in warm water or weak antiseptic solution. With the advent of the first tooth you can already buy a small brush.

From the moment of teething to 4 years of age

Toothpaste for children from 1 year should guarantee the careful and high-quality cleansing of food and mild panels. You need to pay attention to abrasiveness - RDA. The optimal indicator will be no more than 20. The fluorine content should not exceed 200 PPM or it may be completely absent. Up to 3 years, such a paste should be used with a soft toothbrush.

From 4 to 8 years

Todders from 4 years, when the milk bite change is already begins constant, the paste is recommended with RDA not more than 50, and the fluorine content is up to 500 ppm. During this period, it is important not to disturb the mineralization of enamel, because the child is still weak and is susceptible to the carious process. Dentists recommend that enamel remineralization for protection. Toothbrush In the period from 4 to 8 years should have a soft bristle.

From 8 to 14 years

Starting from 8 years and until a complete change of milk bite, the abrasiveness of the toothpaste should not exceed 50 RDA, the optimal content of fluorine is up to 1400 ppm. When increased sensitivity Teeth should be selected with low abrasive drugs, and often the dentist recommends the children of 8-14 years old paste for the younger age group.

At this age, children are susceptible to dental diseases, especially stomatitis and caries. With such pathologies, therapeutic and prophylactic pastes should be applied.

The choice of toothpaste with the composition

The composition of children's paste in different concentrations contains fluorides, abrasive substances, calcium, salts, preservatives, natural and therapeutic additives. It is important to take into account the content of each component.

The main component of children's pastes, which is confirmed by dentists - calcium. Funds with its high content will suit children with problems of teeth and gums, when milk crowns are subject to caries. In this case, you should also contact dental clinic For remineralization, because the condition of dairy teeth affects constant.

You should not buy a paste with a fluorine and calcium content, because these components neutralize the useful effect of each other.

Separate children's pastes contain only anti-inflammatory and abrasive components. They are suitable for the improvement of gums and the removal of inflammation during the period of teething. Such pastes must be combined with those that contain fluorides (for the prevention of caries) and calcium (to strengthen enamel).

With the tendency of the child to inflammatory diseases, the mucous membranes should choose pastes with enzymes to increase local immunity - it is lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase. In children's pastes, antiseptics - chlorhexidine, metronidazole and triclosan may also be contained. They can be applied during stomatitis and periodontitis, but when there are no problems with the mucous membrane, such a paste only breaks the microflora of the oral cavity.


While cleaning the teeth of paste, fluorine ions are distinguished, which create a protective layer on enamel, interfering with calcium flush. Paste with fluorine is recommended for children living in regions with its reduced content in water.

When the child periodically swallows the paste and cannot get rid of this habit, you should buy a paste without fluorine. Its excess can cause systemic diseases.

Toothpaste with fluorine has contraindications:

  • receiving fluorine-containing drugs;
  • increased fluorine content in drinking water;
  • fluorosis (white spots on the teeth).

Abrasive components

Each paste contains abrasives, because they are necessary for cleansing enamel. But the content is different, and in children's pastes it is minimal. As abrasive substances, chalk and soda are used more often (calcium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate), which are contained in pasta my sun and a new pearl. These substances harm enamel, and it is better to give preference to means containing particles of titanium and silicon dioxide particles - this is an oral bi, Drakos, Colgate.

Useful additives

Under useful additives implies substances that improve the microflora of the oral cavity and imminent immunity. These include dairy enzymes (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase), glucose oxide, lysozyme (contained in saliva, having an antibacterial effect). The composition may contain casein that helps calcium accumulation in enamel. When the fluorine content, it should be in an organic form, which is indicated as aminofluoride or olflur.

Contribute to the strengthening of immunity is also glucose oxide, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase.


Preservatives are contained in each paste, otherwise it would not be kept for a long time, while maintaining beneficial features. But some additives are of particular danger, and they should be avoided. This includes sodium benzoate. This carcinogen is prohibited in many countries, which can provoke the formation of malignant tumors.

Dangerous will also be propylene burent and propylene glycol, which can be seen as part of the Paste Aquafresh Kids, My Sun, Colgiate Doctor Hare, Aster Kids.

There are flavors in each toothpaste, because they will be difficult without them to instill a habit of brushing their teeth because of its unpleasant taste and smell. They can be artificial and natural. For example, Sakharin sweetener is relatively safe, since it does not contribute to the development of caries. Menthol, Eucalyptus, Mint, Vanillin, Anis can be used as flavors.


Baby Lakalut pasta under 4 years old has a pleasant raspberry taste without adding sugar. It contains vitamins A and E. Fluorine content - 250 ppm. It is shown to clean the dairy teeth, and safely in case of accidental swallow.

Lakalut KIDS from 4 years also does not contain sugar, has a mint taste, refreshes breathing and warns caries. Fluorine content - 500 ppm. Showing for cleaning dairy and constant teeth. It saturates enamel fluorides (contains aminofluorides).

Lakalut Ties from 8 years is represented as a transparent gel. Fluoride content - 1400 ppm.


Pasta President Baby with raspberry taste up to 3 years is shown for daily oral care. It does not contain fluorine, parabens, laurel sodium sulfate, sugar, because it is safe when swallowing.

President Junior is shown since 6 years, it contains silicon compounds, carefully cleansing enamel from a soft flooring, and warning accumulation of solid sediments. It has a pleasant lemon taste. Does not contain sugar and laurel sodium sulfate.


Valad is a dental gel for children. It is shown to clean the teeth in the pathology of the gums and tissues of periodontal. He also helps to strengthen enamel and warns the accumulation of a solid laid. Contains natural components, safe when swallowing.


Putzi Silka is shown from 2 years old, they have different tastes (strawberry, banana, apple and others). Parents celebrate a sharp smell that question his choice for the first acquaintance of a child with pasta. It contains extracts of linden and sage, which reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations during teething. High calcium content helps to strengthen enamel.


Spreads are available for different age groups - up to 3, up to 6, up to 11 years, and with several tastes - vanilla, apple, banana, chocolate, tangerine. These are bioactive tools with caries protection system. They reduce the gum sensitivity due to the maintenance of L-Argenine, as well as extracts of calendula, cranberries, yarrow, aloe, chamomiles, schovets. The latter helps to get rid of pain in the period of teething.

The board for children under 3 years does not contain fluorine and allergens, they are safe when swallowing.

The Luctatol anti-wheel drive warns the appearance of carious cavities and accumulation of plaque. It works at the expense of the combination of dairy enzymes and a licorice tree extract.

Spread up to 6 years old contains aloe extracts and grape bones, as well as hydroxyapatite calcium, which strengthens enamel. Aloe has anti-inflammatory effects, grape bones are struggling with Streptococcus (Streptococcus Mutans), which provokes caries.

Spread up to 11 years, as to 3, has an innovative Luctatol system and, as under 6 years, contains calcium hydroxyapatite. It has no fluorine, flavors, dyes, triclozan, aggressive abrasive substances, parabens.

Clinically proved the following effects of PAST Fields:

  • antioxidant;
  • cleaning;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • remineralizing;
  • antifreeze.

Novelties of children's paste from the lights - Junior Berry cocktail and Junior Sweet orange.


Elmex pastes for children 6-12 years old contain aminofluorides - 14000 ppm. They reduce the risk of caries, the coal reproduction of bacteria. Elmex have a mint taste, and are deprived of flavors and dyes. This paste is designed specifically for the care of dairy teeth and can be applied during the bite change period.

Summing up, you can select 5 main selection criteria:

  1. Age.
  2. Abrasiveness.
  3. The presence of fluorine.

I am not a dentist or pediatrician. But, from the very childhood, I am pursuing the fear of the dental chair, and it does not matter who it turns out - I myself or my children. It is the fear of the coil and forced to learn the main question: "How to avoid problems with teeth without treating teeth and keep healthy teeth". I hope that my note will help you deal with one of the important issues - the choice of the first toothpaste to the child. After all, the presence or absence of Sodium Florida in a children's tooth is a very important point and often controversial. Dentists advise to use toothpaste with fluorine, but Pediatricians often do not greet fluorine or do not give any tips at all about this.

All because on the one hand, fluoridation is useful for the teeth of the child from the point of view of the prevention of caries, but on the other hand, the fluorine can damage the child's health in general. For example, an excess of fluorine in the body of a child leads to fluorosis, a disease that develops to teething is developing and much more serious than caries that affects individual teeth. Fluorosis affects all the teeth and even bones.

According to the opinion of the majority of modern scientists, only the local impact of fluorides prevents the dental destruction of the caries, respectively, the presence of fluorine in the dental paste is ideal, since the fluorine does not penetrate the body. But, there is one but. The child should be able to spit pasta when cleaning the teeth. It is, so the leading manufacturers do not add fluorine to the toothpaste for children early age or they contain a slight content of fluoride, which strictly corresponds to a certain age group Child in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. For example, in popular paste Baby. Coccole The amount of Sodium fluoride corresponds to its presence in the food salt, which is part of the paste, given that the paste consists of natural ingredients. Water based on the paste - without fluorine! Italy has long abandoned water fluorination. Fluoro, as a separate ingredient is not added to the composition. Therefore, this paste is safe with random swallowing.

How to learn to brush your teeth and "not to eat" delicious pasta? And if they are not tasty, then teach a child to regular cleaning of teeth at all it seems impossible. Therefore, start with pastes that either do not contain fluorine or its amount is safe at risk of random swallowing. Teach the child to spit pasta during cleaning. This is the task of these pastes. If you see that the child is ready, go to fluorine-containing if they are shown by a dentist. But, be close to the child, make sure that it does not swallow fluorine-containing pastes. Also, you constantly have delicious pastes so that the child continue to train while the skill will not be worked out perfectly. But do not encourage the swallowing of the "delicious" pastes. The child should know that it is impossible to swallow any tooth paste.

Also, to understand the likelihood of fluoride entering the body to study the water fluorination question in your city (information can be obtained in the SES). For example, in Moscow water fluoride (the fluorine content is not more than 1 mg per liter of water) in order for us to the body falls enough fluorine to prevent caries. But, at the same time, many pediatricians advise the filters for a crane or use special children's water so that Fluoro does not enter the child's body through water, as concentrating in children's bodyRepresents the danger of the appearance of the aforementioned fluorosis. It should be said that your child is safe about this if breastfeeding With a minimum of water consumption and cook salt, as fluorine is also added to its composition. This is one of the reasons for which it is not recommended to use the salt in the infants menu.

And always advise with your doctor! Or write to us and we will discuss your questions with the best doctors!

Olga Teslen

In the photo: Savva 4.5 years - all the teeth are in order, clean your teeth several times a day. One cleaning is always "fluorinated", the rest with delicious pastes, for the overall oral hygiene and always in front of the mirror to see the result!

Toothbrushes and children's toothpastes on

Dear friends! In today's ecotes, I will check for you children's toothpastes and answer the question - what kind of toothpaste for children is the most secure? The scenario is the most famous - and splat, and r.o.c., and Babyline, and many others.

In project Infogreenwashing. I recently spent a survey and asked you, what dental paste do you use for your kids? Of all the answers, I chose the most popular children's toothpastes, analyzed their composition and put them assessments to the degree of security.

Toothpaste for children - what to pay attention to?

Do you pay attention to the composition by buying toothpaste your chad? If so, what is the main thing for you? So that she foam? So that you cleaned your teeth on your teeth? So that delicious smelled and was pleasant to taste? To be safe for your baby?

For me, the composition of the paste, which I buy for my girls. And first of all I pay attention to the composition. Ha ha, what otherwise?)))

According to my criteria, toothpaste for children should not contain:

  • Fluorine. And this is only my opinion. Someone considers Fluoride a vital component for himself and his child. I consider the opposite. There was already a detailed article on the topic. Read. I will only say one thing - we live in a country in which water (thank God!) Not fluorid. Nevertheless, the teeth of my children are in perfect condition. And without fluorine. The hygiene of the teeth is the most important thing. If you follow the amount of sweet, and, more precisely, to say, sugar (because it is contained on today's day in such products that do not expect this, for example, in some varieties of canned green peas!), And brushing your teeth 2 times a day, then No fluorine will not need. Or you want to say that in children cleaning teeth paste with fluorine, does not happen caries ???
  • Crooked detergents. Yes Yes. All hated SLS can often be found as part of the paste. Not only children.
  • Derivati \u200b\u200bPEG.Critical not only for a child, as skin membranes can weaken, increasing the risk of penetration of other critical substances, but also for the environment, because for their synthesis is used very poisonous gas Ethylenoxid.
  • Critical preservatives. Parabhen, phenoxyethanol, disodium edta.
  • Synthetic fragrances and dyes. Although they are not the worst thing that can meet in a children's toothpaste. For the content of not strongly critical fragrances, I did not reduce the assessment in ecoteste.

Toothpaste for children - candidates

I analyzed the composition of the following children's pastes:

  1. Weleda.
  2. R.O.C.S. Children's toothpaste with lime
  3. Natura Siberica.
  4. Preedent. Children's toothpaste with raspberry taste
  5. BiorePair. Children's regenerating toothpaste
  6. Siberian HealthZhivinka
  7. Babyline
  8. Splat Juicy Children's toothpaste with ice cream taste
  9. Elmex.
  10. Lacalut. Toothpaste for children up to 4 years
  11. Aquafresh.
  12. Dracosh

Toothpaste for children - Results

Children's toothpastes from Weleda, R.O.c.S. And even Natura Siberica pleased with the compositions
Babyline, splat and lacalut are contained by critical parabens.
Aquafresh and Drako toothpaste contain all possible critical ingredients.

Toothpaste for children - resume

  1. Children's toads weleda pasteR.O.C.S. * with Lime and Natura Siberica. get from me an assessment EXCELLENT Since you do not contain critical ingredients. Only in the paste for children Natura Siberianics contains fragrance
  2. Pressident paste has a very decent composition, but with an outstand and critical synthetic sweetener Sodium Saccharin. Therefore, evaluation - OK
  3. In addition to fragrances in pasta Zhivinka BiorePair contains a critical Phenoxyethanol, which can cause allergies. Also in the pasta Biorepair is the Peg derivat, about which I wrote above. In the pastes of Babyline and Splat as part of parabens, capable of accumulating in the body and influence the hormonal background of man. As part Elmex. - Fluorine and also synthetic sweetener Saccharin. Therefore, all these pastas estimate - SATISFACTORILY
  4. In dental pastes Lacalut, Aquafresh and Dracosh Finds, fluorine, parabens and other critical substances, such as DMDM \u200b\u200bHydrantoin in Dracossa, Extremely allergenic and toxic substance capable of released carcinogenic formaldehyde, or a dangerous CI14740 dye in the children's paste Aquafresh. Evaluation by these pastes - Unsatisfactory .

Buying a children's pasta for children, please follow the composition. The toothpaste "falls" into the body 2 times a day, and its ingredients immediately across the mucous membrane in the blood. And what is most importantly - follow the hygiene cavity of the child's mouth and behind the amount of sweets that he eats. And the teeth will be in order. Without fluorine, parabens and other critical substances.

Attention! This analysis corresponds to the composition of the paste in 2016. I am not responsible if the composition will change over time. Estimates are exhibited only by those products whose compositions are checked, not a whole line or brand.

* Choosing pastes R.O.C.S., Be careful! In many pastes for children from three years, parabens are contained!

In this article we will look at the toothpastes for schoolchildren.
For school age children, including adolescents, is characterized by a high incidence not only by caries, but also inflammatory diseases periodontal (for example gingivitis). This is due to the fact that control of parents is reduced (it seems to us that schoolchildren are already almost adults). It is not set to repeating that parents should clean teeth to children up to 10 years and further carry out strict control over the regularity of cleaning and compliance with the rules for cleaning teeth. In the literal sense, you need to stand behind your back and look at the quality of cleaning. Children at this age are often striking, hurry, forget, or simply not properly clean their teeth.

Even if in the child in the mouths, absolutely all milk teeth were changed to permanent, adult dentists in no case to use

It is impossible!

In recently cutting teeth, the enamel is very gentle, weakly mineralized and adult pastes can be injured.
Children of school age are very important that they have no children's toothpastes, and not pasta for adults. It is important that they have exactly their pastes for teenagers, with original tastes and fashionable modern designs Packaging.

At school age, the process of ripening enamel (up to 18 years) continues, so the paste for adolescents should contribute to the mineralization of the enamel and its careful protection against caries.
So, I will indicate several types of paste for teenagers

Rocs Teens.

With the taste of cola. The favorite taste of many children motivates schoolchildren to clean. It is clear that the cola is harmful and the pasta is not, and the taste of cola is achieved due to the combination of natural aromas of cinnamon and citrus.

Contains xylitol and aminofluoride,

Performs the function of prebiotic,

Provides protection of gums from inflammation,

Normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity.

Contains a soft low-rating formula that does not injure the tissues of the teeth.

Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Increases the stability of the young teeth enamel to the solvent of acids.
And also this manufacturer has two more options for adolescents (the composition is exactly the same, there is only a taste): with taste of strawberries and tasteful mint.
Price approximately 200-250 rubles

Prezident Teens. (Italy) from 12 years.

Contains active ingredients:

xylitol, sodium fluoride, monofluorphosphate.

Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar, allergens.

Controlled abrasiveness RDA 50.

It serves to prevent caries and warns inflammation of the gums.

In the form of gel, with the taste of mint. It has a soft antibacterial effect. The persistent taste of mint Piedmont gives long-term freshness of breathing. The original sequins in the toothpaste attract adolescents.
The price is about 160-180 rubles.

Elmex Junior. from 6 to 12 years old (USA)

Active kit aminofluoride, without dyes and preservatives.

Protection against caries, strengthening enamel.

Treats caries at the white stain stage , remineralizes, strengthens enamel . The aminofluoride contained in the toothpaste forms a stable calcium fluoride layer on the surfaces of the teeth, which provides long and high efficient protection against acid exposure.

Contains fennel oil, mint, calendula flowers exhaust.
Price 150 rubles -180 rubles

Biorepair Junior (Italy)

Does not contain fluorine! Suitable for patients with fluorosis.

The fight against caries is conducted through free zinc ions who are present in the paste and "eat" bacteria

Pleasant strawberry taste. Does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate.
It contains a unique mixture of hydroxyapatite microcrystals, which are filled out inside Dentin tube, reducing their sensitivity, restore cracks and smaller enamel scratches.

Price 300-350 rubles

So we reviewed with you three large groups toothpaste:

, , I. for teens from 7 years .

Once again I remind you of the responsibility for the child, including for dental health, completely lies on the parents! Therefore, pick up high-quality paste children.
Very important advice: When buying a toothpaste for a child, pay attention to the date of manufacture of pasta and shelf life.

Yours Tooth Fairy Alsu.

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