How to mask your face. Acne on the face: how to cover up with foundation? How to cover up acne on the face without foundation? Curative corrective agents

A pimple suddenly appeared. A familiar situation ... and painfully unpleasant!

After all, now not only the mood is spoiled, but also your appearance...

Of course, now we can hardly find time for treatment. acne, and prevention of acne is now difficult to arrange. Therefore, at the moment there is only one way out of the situation - to hide acne in such a way that no one would even guess that you have problem skin. But how to cover up pimples?

Cosmetics to help us!

Such troubles on the face can appear completely unceremoniously, and even in large numbers. Hindering us from feeling confident and beautiful, acne occurs due to stress and hormonal surges, poor nutrition and smoking. Such a misfortune happens to everyone, some more often, some less, but the "antidote" sometimes needs to be found quite urgently! And for this you need to comprehend the secrets of science on how to cover up acne ...

You can achieve an even and perfect complexion with the help of correctly selected cosmetic tools and products. You often find such products on store shelves or in the pharmacy, so you can always purchase them to mask your problem skin. We present you with a complete acne masking plan, in which there are several important steps. It is your right to give preference to one or another method of camouflage, although you can apply all of the ones we proposed at once to your makeup.

So, how to cover up pimples and “hide” them from the eyes of others? A whole arsenal of cosmetic devices and tools is needed here. Most likely, they are already familiar to you firsthand - all that remains is to learn how to use them professionally and consistently.
The secret of using tools is also that each touch to the skin should be gentle, and in general it is necessary to try to touch it less - irritation can increase. A brush that not only absorbs the cosmetic product and allows you to save any foundation, but also has other undeniable advantages can become an ideal variant of the "tool against acne".

For example, it is almost impossible to stretch the skin with a brush, which often happens when applying products with your fingers. In addition, the tool is easy and quick to clean, which means that it cannot accumulate bacteria.

Acne masking: preparatory stage

So, you need to achieve the perfect look. The question arises: how to mask acne?

First aid for an unpleasant seal on the face are two remedies:

  • Vizin vasoconstrictor eye drops.They effectively remove redness of the eyes due to the vasoconstrictor effect, they will also remove redness in the acne area, because the red membrane indicates the flow of blood to the site of inflammation. For camouflage, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, put a few drops of Vizin on its surface and place it in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then apply to the pimple for a few minutes. After the first time, the redness will noticeably subside. But if you have a large, painful pimple, the procedure should be repeated several times. As it is more difficult to mask large acne.
  • Tea tree oil. This method is more effective with acne, but it takes longer - about 5-6 hours. If you have time, feel free to use it. Why is tea tree oil so effective? All thanks to the bactericidal effect, which effectively relieves inflammation and redness. It is necessary to apply the oil pointwise with a cotton swab to the acne. After the first try, you will notice an improvement in your skin condition. However, you should not overuse the oil, in case of frequent rashes, instead of masking acne, it is important to start competent treatment.

Foundation: masking rules

Only high-quality cosmetics will allow you to properly disguise acne, pay attention to special tonal creams and powders with a hypoallergenic composition. It is better to use a cream with a more liquid consistency.

Remember that a sponge is often wasteful as it is almost a disposable makeup product. Some girls do the wrong thing by washing it after use and drying it in the sun. One way or another, the sponge is able to accumulate sebum, soap, bacteria and dirt, the remains of cosmetics inside itself ... Is it rational to touch your face with such a device if it is not sterile? Any brush along with a sponge will be more profitable: it is more hygienic, economical and boasts a longer service life.

By using a moisturizing foundation, a completely natural shade can be guaranteed. Such a tool is applied with fingertips to the cheeks, chin, forehead, nose. It is not necessary to concentrate on skin imperfections now - you just need to apply a thin base layer of the cream to cover the imperfections.

An effective concealer for acne is a concealer / corrector. A green-tinted camouflage pencil (concealer) will give the pimple an almost natural tint.
Before using the pencil, cleanse and prepare your skin for makeup.

A very convenient option for masking rashes is a special BB-cosmetics. Such funds have a masking effect, in addition, they matte the skin surface and relieve inflammation. But such cosmetics are quite expensive.

Express masking

Sometimes there is little time to run a marathon, especially when you rush to work in the morning or a date in the evening. Then you will need an accelerated option for masking pimples. First, we cleanse the skin, and after choosing the means for concealing, we can start applying makeup. Moisturizing with a non-greasy matte cream is the first stage of “beautification”. Remember that the skin will only accept a thin layer of this product. Of course, even very noticeable flaws can be hidden with a thick, greasy layer, but it will make your appearance somewhat vulgar.

How can you cover up acne? If the skin is inflamed in addition to pimples, apply concealer to these areas ten minutes before applying makeup. It is not necessary to smear this tool - such a corrector should be correctly used for the very center of the pimple, pointwise, and wait for it to dry quickly.

For blush, choose dark bronze or light brown shades. Do you like peach or delicate strawberries in blush? Give them up for a while, since it will not work to mask acne on the face in this way, you will draw even more attention to inflammation. The same rule applies to lipstick or gloss - bright shades on the lips will draw attention to the skin, but colorless gloss or beige shades will not draw attention to the inflamed areas.

Another effective way to shift the emphasis on the face is to highlight the eyes. You can take advantage of the occasion and apply “smoky eyes” makeup, moreover, this beauty will remain in trend for a long time to create an expressive look. Feel free to create bright eye makeup, and you will not only shift the attention of others from the hated acne, but arouse the interest of the opposite sex!

How to mask blemishes, acne and pores - part 1

How to mask blemishes, acne and pores - part 2

How to disguise acne correctly

As you can see, it is quite possible to look your best with acne on your face. A competent approach to the disguise process, high-quality proven products and suitable makeup will save you from stiffness and embarrassment. Remember that this option is only suitable for acne on the face, as it is almost impossible to mask pimples on the neck or chest due to the nature of the skin. In this case, use closed clothing to hide acne.

Video Confession - Acne & Makeup

Getting ready for an important date or a business meeting, have you suddenly discovered several pimples? How to hide them correctly? Thick foundation or tanning lotion? And while you are rushing about in search of the right solution, I will offer some useful practical information on how to hide acne under makeup.

Cleansing and moisturizing

It is not for nothing that this stage of masking pimples is often compared to saying a prayer before a Catholic meal - so cleansing the skin of the face is sacred and important. Indeed, in many ways, a good complexion depends on the high-quality elimination of all dirt. Choose for yourself a product that you are most accustomed to and that suits your skin type. This can be a cleansing toner or lotion, a foam or gel for washing, or sterile wipes.

One of the well-proven cleansing products is Green Gel Cleanser, which contains extracts of algae and cucumber. Such a gel can easily and effectively refresh the face with oily skin, while for dry skin, you need to choose a less aggressive product to avoid the tightening effect. You can also use special acne cleansers (Noxzema or Clean & Clear), but do not confuse them with all kinds of scrubs and products that have an epidermal peeling effect. These assistants do not damage, but gently cleanse the skin, restoring its moisture balance. Many girls forget or ignore the fact that any type of skin needs hydration, even oily and problematic skin, on which pimples pop up every now and then. therefore right choice moisturizer is especially important for oily epidermis. We would like to bring to your attention Oil Control Lotion, which perfectly regulates sebum production day and night. This tool can also be trusted to create a matting effect in the T-zone. However, do not overdo it: owners of perfectly normal skin can suffer from excessive drying of the skin due to the use of such a lotion. Some girls often buy different medications for moxibustion of pimples. Everything would be fine, but such products make the skin in problem areas prone to flaking and dryness. Therefore, in this case, it is best to treat these areas with a modest amount of Fast Response Eye Cream before applying the base tone. It contains emollient ingredients and vitamins that reduce dry skin and give it invigorating moisture.

Makeup base and pencil

The stage of cleansing is followed by the next, no less important stage in the question of how to hide acne. The base coat is applied as a base before further makeup application.

In particular, effective remedy Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50 with vitamin E and special ingredients that retain moisture will help keep skin nourished even under a layer of makeup. It also contains ingredients that control fat production and release. The base is a velcro layer for the next make-up component, foundation. This is important when working with problem skin... The intense light reflection of the product shouldn't scare you: it gives the skin's inner healthy glow and lies beautifully on it.

A properly selected camouflage pencil will not disappoint your hopes on how to hide acne more reliably. It will retouch any, even the reddest pimple, block the penetration of infection and effectively accelerate the healing of acne. You need to choose such a pencil taking into account its dense consistency and correct composition. A winning option would be to have many oils and useful acids, antibacterial or medicinal extracts. For a fairly small and not very inflamed pimple, you can choose a light pencil color: the ideal option would be a concealer that matches your skin tone or is lighter by one or two tones. The main thing is that the product looks natural on your face. The greenish color of the pencil will hide the most severe redness on the skin and "ruddy" acne.

Concealer and foundation

Corrective agent are used to spot mask an obvious problem if the foundation does not cope with the situation (for how to choose such a tool, see. Makeup Basics: Concealer & Concealer).

Studio Finish Concealer SPF 35 will be more useful than ever, because it is a concentrated product and even a small amount of it can hide even the most obvious skin imperfections. Combined with Brush Blending # 224, which is completely easy to use and apply concealer, the product will be blended in such a way that the borders of the cream remain invisible.
Cosmetologists recommend using the Pro Longwear SPF 10 Foundation, which not only fits perfectly and sits on the skin, but also does not accentuate enlarged pores. Keeping on the surface of the face throughout the day, the foundation will not fade and at the same time will not pollute the skin. The composition of such a cream includes special components that control and normalize the production of sebum, and processed pigments that allow the makeup to remain even. Problematic and dehydrated skin will be delighted with the plastic and effectively concealing imperfections Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation. Enriched with shea butter, Indian date and beetroot yeast extract, the foundation nourishes dry epidermis with beneficial substances and retains moisture in the cells. In addition, it is great in "sock", and those who have used it note a comfortable feeling with it on the face.

Powder, blush and bronzer

The final step in our concealment is to set the foundation and remove the shine. Studio Careblend Pressed Compact Powder will spray perfectly over your face thanks to its light texture and invisibility. Alignment of color and tone is also provided to you - for this, the powder contains crushed particles of pigment.

The epidermis becomes velvety and matte, and oily sheen and pimples are completely hidden! Using a large brush, Brush Powder # 129 small, will apply the texture of the powder thinly and evenly. Indeed, the brush is designed specifically for applying compact powders, and therefore has a rounded "haircut" and fibers of medium density. Greasy blackheads can be dimmed with loose powder (try Clinique) with a concealer or natural bristle brush. You will achieve the best effect by applying circular motion upward. If the powder is visibly highlighting acne marks, use a small brush and some foundation. Do not forget to retouch the traces with powder over the tone, and remove its excess from the chin and eyebrows.

For a light blush or tan effect, try applying four small peas of Benefit Brand Liquid Blush to your cheeks to rub with your fingertips. A bronzer that is several shades darker than your skin color will fit perfectly around the chin and nose, as well as along the hairline and outer corners of the eyelids.

And one more important point. Disguise is, as they say, "a necessary evil" and it is important to treat acne, and not to mask forever. Only with this approach, you will never have a question: how to disguise acne on your face.
Based on materials

Tomorrow is an important, business meeting, and then, suddenly, a pimple appeared on my cheek. How to mask this formation, which delivers a lot of inconveniences, without harming the skin and spending a minimum of effort?

Nothing spoils your holiday mood like a sudden pimple. An experienced beautician can answer how to disguise it and return the face to its normal appearance. Folk remedies will also provide a way out of this situation.

Pimples are a natural reaction of the skin to external stimuli or changes in the body, which you can learn in more detail about. Even stress can cause sudden breakouts. These formations have unpleasant physical effects: itching, pain and discomfort. They are no less troublesome externally. The exposed parts of the body are constantly in sight and the slightest imperfections are immediately evident. If the imperfections on the hands can be hidden at least with gloves, then the face is always in sight. Concealment, in this case, seems to be the only effective method.

There are many factors to consider before hiding acne most effectively:

  • Type and causes of the rash.
  • Skin type.
  • The age of the person.
  • The size and number of acne.
  • The urgency of the procedure.

The question of how to disguise acne, abrasions, scars constantly worries cosmetologists. Traditional medicine has also accumulated quite solid experience in solving this problem.

Cosmetological options for masking acne

The best concealment of acne must be accompanied by a therapeutic effect that will prevent the growth of this pathology.

Preparatory stage

Any procedure to restore and improve the condition of the skin should be accompanied by a preliminary, thorough washing. This will eliminate the possibility of spread, in the case of an infectious origin of acne.

Preparation for masking is to remove inflammation and soften the dermis.

"Vizin", which eliminates eye inflammation by narrowing the blood vessels, quickly removes redness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pimple that has appeared. To do this, a few drops of the product are applied to a cotton swab, which is placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. After that, the tampon is applied to the affected area and kept for several minutes. The swelling will disappear along with the redness. Large acne will require repeating the procedure.

If time permits, you should treat them with tea tree oil before properly masking acne on your face. Its effectiveness is undeniable, but it takes about 5-6 hours. Removal of inflammation and redness is achieved by the softening and soothing properties of this product. The oil protects against bacteria, disinfects and localizes the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. At the same time, powerful, restorative work is performed.

Despite its beneficial properties, tea tree oil should not be overused and should only be used in an emergency. Frequent use of the drug is recommended only after consultation with a dermatologist.

You can also use sulfuric ointment, which you can read about in more detail.

Foundation cosmetics

The cosmetics industry offers a wide range of products designed to hide the visual imperfections of the skin. The most common are foundations and powders.

Before you cover your pimples with foundation, you need to treat the skin with a toner, which provides a clean and improved base for disguise. The quality of masking directly depends on the correct color of the used product. It is recommended to use lighter colors, since dark ones are ideally combined only with young, completely healthy skin. The liquid structure of the foundation guarantees best result... The acne-concealing foundation spreads evenly over the face. Emphasis is placed on the affected areas. Smoothing the surface is provided by a hypoallergenic powder, which is shaded, filling in the slightest changes in the skin. Powder products with a mineral base are excellent for these purposes.

The blush of dark shades (dark beige, light brown, bronze) acts as a finish coat. Means of pink tones will only emphasize the foci of inflammation.

Brightly contoured eyes and lips distract the attention of others and serve as an excellent visual mask for imperfections in the skin.

Concealer & BB Cream

The use of these products is most acceptable in hot weather, when the application of a large layer of makeup on the face is unacceptable. Either when it comes to or in other vulnerable places.

A bold point is put on the pimple with a masking pencil. After lightly blending, the tone is adjusted with the back of the concealer. Uniform texture will be achieved with a small amount of light powder. Tea tree oil and aloe extract in the concealer will help dry the acne and noticeably reduce its size.

To combat imperfections of the skin, a separate line of special products has been developed. BB-cream is a whole complex providing decorative and medical procedures that improve the condition of the dermis. With its help, matting and elimination inflammatory processes... The disadvantage of these funds is their high cost. The video shows one of the options for masking acne with a BB cream.

Folk remedies for disguising acne and a home first aid kit

You can disguise acne and rashes on the forehead if you have long hair... To do this, you will need to create a hairstyle with increased bangs that completely hide the flaws.

When, when a rash appears, there is no necessary cosmetics at hand, in almost every home there is something that can be used to cover up acne, if not completely hiding them, then at least significantly reducing their visibility. The effect is achieved by accelerated removal of inflammation.

The simplest option is a small amount of toothpaste. Local antibiotics will provide more visible results. Get rid of redness and reduce swelling: citramone, naphthyzine or streptocide. For this, a powder from crushed tablets is used, applied to the affected area for 10 minutes. The procedure ends with a thorough washing. If the funds are presented in liquid form, then the removal of inflammation is ensured by applying a few drops to the pimple and holding until completely dry.

Effective, popular acne camouflages include hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, and aspirin. In addition to disinfection, they have a clear lightening property.

Instant coffee can help reduce inflammation. A small amount of powder is applied to the pimple, massaged for 2 minutes, kept for a quarter of an hour and washed off.

If you have a whole night in stock, a mask of lemon and aloe will be a good mask for acne, layers of which are applied alternately and left until morning.

Even common rock salt can reduce the appearance of a small pimple. It is applied to the affected area and kept for up to 15 minutes. It is not washed off, but is removed with a dry swab or napkin. This mineral is effective in a scrub that is mixed with baby soap to create a lather. The product is applied to the affected area, massaged, aged a little and washed off with warm water.

An express method in the fight against acne is to use ordinary ice. Its touch on the skin reduces swelling and slows down inflammation.

Acne concealers are short-acting. Constant trouble with skin will require more effective drugs and a mandatory consultation with a dermatologist.

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Is there anything more terrifying than waking up in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing a large pimple towering on your forehead. Fortunately, it is not at all difficult to mask and get rid of a nasty pimple. To get started, you will have to take a few steps to reduce the size of the pimple as much as possible, and then mask what remains of it. If you are a young man, don't worry! Many men use cosmetics to hide imperfections in their skin. Trust me, nobody will know!


Reducing the size of the pimple

    Use a gentle cleanser. Choose a mild product. Don't use exfoliating products on your face. In addition, the product you choose should not contain alcohol. Otherwise, the use of such remedies can exacerbate the problem.

    Do not use makeup remover wipes. Usually, makeup removers contain alcohol or other chemical substancesthat can irritate the skin. When using makeup remover wipes, you have to rub hard on the skin to remove the makeup completely. This can negatively affect the condition of your skin and make your acne problem worse.

    • Use only soap and water when removing makeup if you have acne on your face.
  1. Press lightly on the pimple. After showering or after washing in the morning, use a towel or cloth to lightly press down on the pimple. After the shower, the skin will be very soft and you can easily remove the crust from the top of the pimple.

    Moisturize your skin after washing. Be sure to apply a moisturizer before bed, after washing your face. Use a light moisturizer designed for your skin type. You can also apply a moisturizer in the morning after washing your face. However, focus on the inflamed skin area.

    Apply ice. Wrap the ice cubes in a towel. Apply ice to (clean) skin and hold for about one minute. If the pimple persists, repeat the process after five minutes.

    Choose a primer - makeup base. The primer is applied directly in front of the concealer to hide the pimple. Use a green or yellow primer to neutralize the color of inflamed blemishes.

    Apply primer. Use a makeup brush to apply primer to the pimple. Apply enough primer so that the pimple is completely covered, but at the same time not too much, so as not to draw even more attention to the inflamed area. Use your finger to gently smooth the primer over the inflamed area.

    • You can also use a cotton sponge if you don't have a special brush.
  2. Apply concealer. Get a concealer that matches your skin tone. Use a clean makeup brush to apply concealer to the pimple. Apply enough concealer to cover up the pimple completely, but be careful at the same time, because if you apply too much, you will draw a lot of attention to the sore area.

    Spread the concealer evenly. Blend the concealer so that there is no difference between the color of the concealer and your skin tone. Use your finger to gently blend the concealer all over your skin.

    Use powder. Fix the result with powder, so that the makeup will last all day. Apply the powder with a puff or sponge. Do this gently, do not rub.

Acne on the face can spoil the mood of any person - both women and men. The reasons for their occurrence are different: from a small cold or acne lesions of the skin to an insect bite. Redness, swelling, changes in the relief of the skin may be accompanied by itching. It is especially annoying to have "sudden" acne before an important business or romantic meeting, party, photo shoot, video shooting or any other important event that is not so easy to transfer. What to do if an annoying surprise caught you by surprise, but you need to look perfect? First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin and prepare it for the use of masking agents.

Preparing the skin for cleansing is the most important stage in the struggle for appearance when acne occurs on the face. The main task is to cleanse and moisturize the skin. For effective cleansing, it is best to use familiar products that have not previously caused any unpredictable reactions.
What remedies are right?

  1. Tonic.
  2. Lotion.
  3. Foam or gel for washing.
  4. Special cosmetic soap, liquid or containing an emollient cream.
  5. Cosmetic milk or face wash.
  6. Special wet cosmetic wipes.

Important! You should pay attention to the composition of the cleaning agents. Good effect give cosmetic preparations, which include extracts of aloe, cucumber, algae, tea tree oil and other substances that have a moisturizing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vitamin effect (primarily vitamins A and E)

In order to cleanse the face qualitatively and not aggravate the problem with inflammatory foci on the face, you need to take into account several rules.

  1. You should not use cosmetic cleansers of the epidermis that contain solid particles - scrubs, masks with a peeling effect.
  2. The cleanser should not be aggressive, cauterizing, so as not to cause peeling and irritation, and the tightening effect from the use of the product should be mild, aimed at improving water balance skin.
  3. You can complete the cleaning procedure with a small piece ice - rub it over the face to give the skin a healthy tone, fresh look.
  4. It is better to wipe your face after cleansing with soft, absorbent wipes.
  5. It is not recommended to rub the face with a towel, face massage should also be excluded.

After thorough cleansing, apply a moisturizing cream - not greasy, fortified, preferably a hydrate (water-based). This will soothe the skin, saturate it with life-giving moisture. After this procedure, you can start masking acne.

There are several ways to camouflage acne. Sometimes these methods need to be combined, depending on the actual circumstances and the degree of skin damage.

How to mask acne with decorative makeup

Masking is combined with the application of general and local makeup on the face and is carried out as follows:

  1. A make-up base is applied, the so-called base coat. It - special toolwhich creates a velcro effect for later application of foundation and use of concealer or concealer stick.

  2. The best makeup base preparations contain vitamins and are reflective. As a result, the skin gains a healthy inner glow and the effect of smoothing out irregularities in the epidermis.
  3. After applying the base layer, you should retouch acne with a camouflage pencil or concealer, which includes various oils, antibacterial substances, vitamins. The color of the camouflage pencil should match the skin tone or be lighter by one or two tones. A pencil of a greenish light shade has an excellent effect, as it visually removes redness.

  4. After treating acne with a masking pencil or concealer, foundation is applied to the face using a cosmetic brush or sponge. Anchor desired effect you can use your fingertips, with careful hammering movements. The foundation should be selected carefully: with a moisturizing effect, soft or liquid consistency, with the smallest grind, good holding and covering ability. Ideally, the foundation should not be visible on the face, giving the illusion of natural skin.

  5. Completing the masking of minor skin imperfections, it is necessary to fix the foundation with powder, which will provide a long-lasting cosmetic effect and give the skin a velvety matte finish. Powder should also be chosen very carefully. A "hard" compact powder with a very fine grind is best suited.
  6. Finally, you can apply a light layer of blush to the cheekbones, chin, eyelids and wings of the nose. At this final stage of makeup, a bronzer can come in handy, which is selected so that it is two shades darker than the general tone.

Important! Disguise with makeup is fragile. Make-up can be erased, accidentally damaged by the weather (wind, rain). When you are in the sun, the foundation can separate from the skin, the pores of the skin will expand, an oily sheen appears, and particles of powder and concealer risk mixing with sweat and rolling into lumps. Therefore, when going somewhere, you should take the necessary cosmetics with you in order to "correct" the situation, if necessary.

Video - How to mask acne

How to hide acne without makeup

You can fight acne without makeup. This method is especially suitable for men and children. To hide acne, make them more invisible, reduce swelling, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Eye drops " Vizin", Nasal drops" Naphtizin "are applied directly to the affected area several times a day.
  2. Salicylic alcohol will help cauterize the pimple and relieve inflammation.

  3. To achieve a stronger effect, you can moisten a cotton swab with these products and hold it in the freezer for one to two minutes.
  4. Excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect gives tea tree oil... They should lubricate the pimples as needed several times a day.
  5. May help reduce inflammation ground black coffee powder... A pinch of coffee is applied to the affected skin, after 15 minutes, it is washed off and lubricated with a moisturizer.
  6. You can lubricate inflamed acne a mixture of lemon juice and aloe juice... This procedure is hassle-free and can be done several times a day.
  7. Will help and salicylic-zinc paste, which is applied to a pimple and after half an hour is removed with a cotton swab or napkin.

Masks to get rid of acne quickly

Aspirin mask

A mask with acetylsalicylic acid can be applied at night or a few hours before going out. For this you need:

  1. Grind an aspirin tablet into powder, add a few drops of boiled water.
  2. Lubricate acne or blisters with aspirin gruel. You can use a cosmetic spatula or sponge to apply the drug to the skin.
  3. Squeeze the gruel lightly with a piece of plaster and leave for several hours, or overnight.
  4. Remove the patch, wipe acne with salicylic alcohol, lotion, soothing tonic.

Video - Aspirin face mask

Egg White Mask

A beaten egg white mask can help reduce inflammation and promote faster skin regeneration. The mask is prepared like this:

  1. The white of the raw egg is separated from the yolk, beat with a whisk or mixer until white foam.
  2. Egg foam covers problem areas in several layers, applied as the previous layer dries.
  3. The mask is left on the face for 30 minutes. During the action of the mask, it is better to provide the face with complete rest, facial muscles should be relaxed.
  4. The mask is washed off with warm water and the skin is treated with a tonic.
  5. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizer is applied to the face.

Express methods for getting rid of acne during the day

Several easy, not burdensome, but effective, ways to get rid of acne or reduce the negative effect to a minimum per day:

MeansMethod of useFrequency and duration of exposure
Wipe the problem areas of the face by moistening a cotton swab in the tincture2 times a day, morning and evening
Dissolve the tablet in a solution of salicylic alcohol (2%), add propolis tincture. Wipe only acne without touching healthy skin5-6 times a day
Apply to pimples using a spotting method using a cosmetic spatula or a cotton swabLeave for 24 hours
Teaspoon oatmeal mix with a teaspoon of sunflower oil, grind and apply on acne. Wash off with warm waterRepeat 10 times throughout the day

All of these methods can be combined to achieve the maximum healing effect. But don't just rely on quick ways to get rid of acne. If acne, blisters or a rash appear, you need to pay attention to your own health. In many cases, the appearance of annoying defects on the face, neck, shoulders is a signal from the body that there are problems inside it. A consultation with a specialist doctor will help to establish the cause of the appearance of inflammatory foci on the skin, and it is possible to recognize a hidden disease. It is also necessary to pay close attention to careful hygiene and daily prevention, and possibly undergo a course of treatment.

Pimples appear unexpectedly, spoil the appearance and literally unsettle, especially if they are located on the face. But if you know some secrets, then you can mask and make almost any pimple invisible.

How to make a pimple less noticeable?

There are several ways to mask acne, but all of them can be roughly divided into two large groups... Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

If there is no cosmetics

If you are a lover of everything natural, and there is not a single special concealer in your cosmetic bag, then you can do without cosmetics. Use available tools and other methods. Here are some of them:

  1. Ice will help you. As you know, cold causes vasoconstriction. And if we consider that redness is a consequence of vasodilation, then the cold will come in handy. First, you can use a piece of ice. Apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. Secondly, you can put a piece of cotton wool soaked in water in the freezer and attach it to the problem area. If there is no refrigerator nearby, then you can simply attach something cold.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs, which are probably in everyone's medicine cabinet, will help to narrow the vessels. The first such remedy is vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, such as "Naphtizin", "Nazivin", "Xilen" and others like that. Soak cotton wool in this product and apply it to the pimple for 10-15 minutes. The second remedy is eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect (Stillavit, Octylia, Vizin). You need to do with such a tool in the same way as with nasal drops. After 15 minutes, the vessels will begin to narrow, and the redness will become almost invisible.
  3. Try using it, which is found in many anti-inflammatory cosmetics. Apply it to the problem area with a cotton swab. After about half an hour, the pimple will become less noticeable. If you have enough time, then apply the oil every half hour for 5-6 hours to completely get rid of redness and inflammation.
  4. Perfectly removes redness. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the powder in a teaspoon of warm water. Apply the resulting gruel to the pimple for an hour, and then rinse with warm water. Surely the redness will noticeably decrease.
  5. If your medicine cabinet has a remedy such as Streptocide, then use it. You can dilute a small amount of the powder in warm water and apply it to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for at least half an hour. After that, remove the composition with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide also helps to eliminate inflammation and effectively fights microbes, which are often the main cause of acne).
  6. Many have probably heard about the use of masks based on Aspirin. Its main component (acetylsalicylic acid) is an excellent exfoliating agent that not only exfoliates the top layer of the skin and removes dead cells of the epidermis, but also perfectly copes with inflammation. To eliminate redness, mash 2-3 Aspirin tablets, dissolve them in a little warm water and apply the resulting composition directly on.
  7. Tincture of calendula may help. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it and apply it to the pimple for a few minutes. - a unique plant that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and relieves redness.
  8. Another emergency aid is toothpaste... But to get the effect, you need to use the right paste. First, notice the color. Give preference to ordinary white paste, as dyes not only do not relieve redness, but can also cause unwanted reactions and only aggravate the situation. Second, pay attention to the composition. Components that reduce inflammation are zinc, soda, triclosan, fluorine, and hydrogen pyroxide. To quickly eliminate a pimple, apply a small amount of the paste on it for 15-30 minutes, then remove it by rinsing off with warm water.
  9. Coffee can help you out (regular instant coffee will do as well). Make coffee gruel by diluting a little coffee in warm water, and apply the mixture on the pimple for half an hour, then remove with water.

Cosmetics to help

How to mask acne on your face? The easiest and fastest way to do this is with cosmetics. But remember that this method will not eliminate the pimple, much less its cause, so it is better to use it in an emergency. So, there are several ways to disguise:

  1. Use. It is advisable to choose a cream for masking a tone lighter than the skin color. Do not use products with a pinkish tint, they will only aggravate the situation. Before applying, degrease and cleanse the skin using a toner (preferably with a pore-tightening and anti-inflammatory effect). Now dab the cream on the pimple and blend it lightly with the pad of your finger or a brush. It is not necessary to cover the entire face with cream, but it is advisable to powder it, this will help even out the complexion and hide the contrast between the inflamed area and healthy skin, as well as remove oily sheen. The best option would be mineral powder. Apply it with a large brush or puff, but not scattering over the face, but as if hammering in (otherwise the makeup will not be permanent). To understand the essence of application, you can watch the video. If there are a lot of acne, then spread the foundation all over, but not too thickly, and then apply powder.
  2. It is best to use a special corrective product - (concealer). It is advisable to mask red acne with a concealer. green color (yes, this shade neutralizes red). But to hide the contrast, on top of the green product, apply either a product that matches the skin color (or slightly lighter than it), or a light foundation, or. Slight redness will help hide a beige concealer.
  3. Another secret is a red herring. So, if the pimple is in the upper part of the face, for example, on the forehead, then highlight lower part, having made up lips with bright lipstick. If the inflammation is localized on the lower part (on the chin), then select the upper one. To do this, accentuate the eyes by choosing bright shadows. If the pimple is on the cheek, then prefer natural makeup, but still highlight the lips and eyes, choosing as close as possible to natural and not too bright shades.

Now you know how you can mask a pimple, so this problem will definitely not take you by surprise.

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