Causes of kidney stones in newborns. Symptoms and treatment of urolithiasis in children

Urolithiasis in children can occur at any age, starting from birth. The causes of renal disease can be congenital and hereditary diseases, metabolic disorders and congestion in the kidneys.

Most frequent symptoms diseases - pain in the kidney area and microlith discharge. Kidney stones in children need to be treated comprehensively and with an individual approach. Timely delivery medical care with the right treatment and long-term observation, it will prevent complications.

Development reasons

Most often, kidney stone disease in children is diagnosed at the age of 3-11 years. The main causative factors will be the following conditions:

  • malformations of the urinary tract;
  • hereditary disorders of enzymatic metabolism;
  • congenital tubular damage (tubulopathy);
  • diseases with hypercalcemia (tumors, endocrinopathies, hypervitaminosis D).

The predominance of genetic and hereditary causes in childhood nephrolithiasis, it is confirmed by a family history: renal stone disease in relatives of a sick child occurs 2 times more often.

Risk factors that promote and accelerate the processes of stone formation include:

  • complications of the prenatal period (gestosis, anemia and the threat of miscarriage in the expectant mother, the syndrome of respiratory disorders in the baby after birth);
  • artificial feeding with the early introduction of cow's milk into the child's diet;
  • hypotrophy and lack of body weight in the baby;
  • liver and intestinal diseases;
  • chronic inflammation in the kidneys.

For pediatrician it is very important to accurately find out the root cause of renal pathology in order to choose the correct and effective treatment.


For childhood, everything is typical. Although severe pain syndrome associated with renal colic is less common than in adults. Urolithiasis in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations of varying severity in the side, to which the child reacts with crying and motor restlessness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • trouble urinating (frequent or rare emptying bladder, decreased amount of urine, discoloration due to blood or inflammation).

In some cases, symptoms may be completely absent, but an attentive mother will notice that the baby quickly becomes tired, does not want to play or is often naughty. Parents may notice external changes in urine: sand in the kidneys of a child will necessarily affect the fluid excreted from the body (turbidity, reddish color, visible to the eye sediment).

If an acute situation arises (renal colic), the following symptoms will appear:

  • severe spastic pain in the side that occurs immediately after jumping, active games, or a large amount of fluid you drink;
  • endless urge, the child constantly wants to use the toilet, but there is very little urine;
  • on the background high temperature vomiting, stool problems, and headache may occur.

In infants, nonspecific general inflammatory symptoms are more common, in older children, the manifestations are typical - back pain and blood in the urine.

Diagnosis of renal pathology

At the first visit, in addition to the examination, the doctor will certainly assess the family history - he will ask the mother about how the pregnancy proceeded and what the baby was ill with. Of laboratory methods examinations must be passed:

  • urine analysis for protein, white blood cells and bacteria to detect signs of inflammation;
  • conduct a study of urinary sediment in daily urine to detect mineral salts;
  • bacterial culture of urine with determination of the sensitivity of the identified microbes to antibacterial drugs;
  • biochemical blood test with an assessment of the level of creatinine, urea, protein and trace elements;
  • assessment of endocrine indicators (parathyroid hormone, TSH, thyroxin).

As instrumental techniques, the first to apply ultrasound scan, which allows you to identify kidney stones in children. According to the indications, X-ray examinations are carried out (overview image, cT scan, urography). An important prognostic factor is the metabolic activity of nephrolithiasis, which is detected according to the following criteria:

  • a significant increase in the size of the stone over a certain period;
  • identification of new calculi that have appeared within 1 year;
  • detection of sand in urine sediment.

If rather rapid negative changes occur in the child's kidneys over time, then possible reasons urolithiasis are congenital anomalies metabolism. All diagnostic options are necessary to select the optimal course of therapy.

Treatment methods

Treatment of nephrolithiasis in children and adolescents should be individual and complex: you need to start with conservative methods, resorting to surgical operations when readings occur.

  1. Conservative therapy.

Required condition effective treatment - adherence to diet, change in water load, limitation of playing sports and jumping elements in physical education. In some cases, even a correction eating behavior and nutrition provides positive effect with sand and.

The doctor will select medicines for each baby individually. Usually, for kidney stones in children, the following groups of drugs are used:

The doctor will definitely take into account the expected type and size of stones, the presence of cystitis and pyelonephritis, the risk of blockage of the pelvis or ureter, general and endocrine diseases.

IN childhood you need to be very careful about the dosage of the drug (the dose is always calculated per kilogram of the baby's body weight). Excellent curative action physical therapy and the use of hot baths can help.

With a high metabolic activity of nephrolithiasis, the effect of conservative therapy will be optimal, while the operation will not solve kidney problems.

  1. Operative intervention.

Surgical treatment is applied strictly according to the indications:

  • severe pain syndrome with ineffective therapy for seizures;
  • acute blockage of the urinary tract with lack of urine (anuria);
  • large stone (coral, struvite);
  • pyelonephritis with acute or chronic manifestationsnot amenable to conventional treatment;
  • severe bleeding from the urinary tract;
  • macrolith of a single kidney.

An important factor when choosing a surgical intervention is metabolic activity in nephrolithiasis: the absence of metabolic disorders will be optimal for the operation.

In children, preference is given to organ-preserving methods of treatment. The doctor will try to inflict minimal damage on the kidneys. If there is a possibility and indications, then the endoscopic option of removing stones is also carried out.

Dispensary observation

Long-term observation with regular preventive examinations is of great prognostic value. The pediatrician will monitor the baby's kidney health with monthly checkups during the first year. Urine tests must be taken at least once a month, kidney ultrasound - quarterly. Preventive courses of treatment using herbal preparations and antispasmodics. If possible, it is advisable to undergo rehabilitation in a children's sanatorium.

The detection of stones or sand in the urinary tract in children becomes a manifestation of nephrolithiasis due to hereditary factors or inflammation in the kidneys. After a complete examination, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment using medicines prescribed by a doctor. According to indications it is applied surgical intervention... Follow-up is carried out by a pediatrician, who may offer to undergo a rehabilitation course in a sanatorium.

IN last years many serious illness noticeably "younger", more and more often manifested at an early age. Urolithiasis, which has become quite common in children, is no exception. In addition, cases of kidney stones in newborns have become frequent.

This disease is very dangerous, and can cause serious complications in a child in the form renal failure, urosepsis (ingestion of certain components of urine into the blood), the development of purulent foci in the kidney, etc. Also, urolithiasis at an early age is often accompanied by infections of the urinary system, which significantly complicate its course. It is for these reasons that careful diagnosis and timely treatment are extremely important to restore the health of the child.

Causes of urolithiasis in children

p\u003e Several factors have been identified that can lead to the formation of kidney stones in children:

It is obvious that the influence of some of these factors, for example, congenital predisposition, parents cannot eliminate. But to protect the child from the additional risk of developing a serious illness, for example, by balancing his diet, is more than a doable task.

The main symptoms of the disease

The manifestations of urolithiasis in children do not differ much from the symptoms characteristic of adults. There are several basic signs that are a good reason for visiting a doctor:

  • problems with urination in the form of difficulty in emptying, false urge or pain;
  • unhealthy urine color (red or brown);
  • almost constant it's a dull pain in the lower abdomen;
  • an increase in body temperature without obvious signs of a cold or any infections;
  • in boys - inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin.

In newborns and children under 3 years of age, due to understandable difficulties in explaining their feeling unwell, the presence of kidney stones is accompanied by general anxiety, tearfulness, sleep disturbances.

In some cases, the disease may be asymptomatic up to a certain point, and the presence of stones is detected by chance during the diagnosis of other internal organs.

Treatment methods

The choice of one or another option to combat this disease depends, first of all, on the size of kidney stones and general condition child. If the size of the stones does not exceed 10 mm, special preparations are prescribed to dissolve them. These are the so-called litholytic agents. For their correct selection, an analysis of the composition of the stones is necessary.

In addition, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs are an important part of therapy. An additional positive effect can be brought by taking infusions or decoctions of certain herbs, for example, bearberry, chamomile, burdock, juniper, etc. If urolithiasis occurs against the background of pyelonephritis, a course of admission is also required antibacterial agents and immunomodulators. A prerequisite is compliance with a special diet and drinking plenty of fluids. Surgical intervention for urolithiasis in children is used only as an extreme treatment option.

In newborns, treatment begins with identifying and correcting the initial causes of the appearance of calculi in the kidneys, and only then therapy is completely directed towards their elimination from the body.

Applying independently any options for cleansing the kidneys from stones in a child means exposing his health to great danger. All methods of treatment should be selected exclusively by a doctor, applied under his supervision and based on a thorough diagnosis and the results of all necessary tests. Only then can the problem be corrected without putting the child at significant risk.

chronic illness, in which in pediatric patients the formation of calculi occurs in various parts of the urinary system. Manifested by attacks renal colic from acute pain, increased body temperature, autonomic symptoms, changes in urine and blood tests. It is diagnosed on the basis of clinical manifestations, confirmed by laboratory, X-ray and ultrasound. Treatment of urolithiasis in children is complex, it can be conservative or operative, tactics depend on the cause of the disease, the presence or absence of urinary tract obstruction.

General information

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is one of the most common lesions of the urinary system. Depending on the level of calculus formation (in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder), it can also be called kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), ureterolithiasis, or cystolithiasis. Until the middle of the 20th century, it was believed that the disease affects only adults, but the study of N.I. Mamontova in 1950 showed that stones in the urinary system are also found in children, including infancy, which was clinically proven 30 years later. Urolithiasis in children is more common in countries and regions with warmer climates.

Pathology with the same frequency is recorded in boys and girls, with the exception of cases of recurrent stone formation and coral stones, which are found in 80% of cases in boys. The age of patients varies from the neonatal period to adulthood, most often urolithiasis in children is diagnosed in the range from 3 to 11 years. In childhood, the formation of stones in the bladder is more common. In the presence of kidney stones, it is usually a one-sided arrangement, more often in the right kidney. Bilateral calculi are rare (only 2% of cases).

Despite numerous studies and extensive practical experience of specialists, urolithiasis in children continues to be an urgent problem in pediatrics. This is associated with a high incidence and a decrease in the average age at diagnosis. In addition, the disease often becomes an indication for surgical intervention... Treatment of urolithiasis in children is complicated by genetic and biological prerequisites for recurrence, due to which even multicomponent therapy often does not have the desired effect.

Causes of urolithiasis in children

Many factors play a role in the development of urolithiasis in children. Often the formation of stones in the urinary system is associated with the existing inflammation of the parenchyma of the kidneys, ureters or bladder. Many microorganisms are able to change the composition of urine, contributing to the formation of calculi, more often oxalate and phosphate. Proven genetic predisposition to the disease, while certain features of metabolism are inherited, contributing, for example, to excessive absorption of calcium in the large intestine. Sometimes we are talking about hormonal disorders in the parathyroid gland, which is also responsible for the exchange of calcium in the body.

The pathogenesis of urolithiasis in children is determined by a change in the composition of urine with an increase in its crystal-forming properties. On the one hand, the increased salt formation plays a role, and on the other hand, the lack of inhibitors of this process plays a role. In addition, there has been a link to a diet rich in purines and inadequate fluid intake. Anomalies and infections of the urinary system can provoke obstruction of the urinary tract, which also enhances crystallization processes. Taken together, this leads to the precipitation of calcium and uric acid salts; magnesium-containing and protein (cystine) calculi are less common.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in children

The main clinical manifestation kidney stones in children is an attack of renal colic. The child becomes restless, tries to relieve pain by constantly turning and changing positions, but this does not bring relief. The pain occurs in the lumbar region and from there spreads anteriorly to the abdomen, down to the groin and to the genitals. Hyperthermia is noted, blood may be excreted in the urine. The attack is accompanied by severe autonomic symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, and increased sweating are observed. Urolithiasis in children early age manifests itself only with an increase in body temperature and anxiety, vomiting is possible, but there are no typical attacks of renal colic.

Outside of an attack, urolithiasis in children may not manifest itself. Occasionally, the child complains of recurrent dull pain in the lumbar region on one side. Particularly dangerous are coral stones, which fill the entire renal pelvis. Such calculi are asymptomatic, the first complaints appear when the function of the affected kidney is already significantly reduced. A routine examination allows you to suspect urolithiasis in children based on the results general analysis urine, in which leukocytes and salts are often found. However, most often the disease is detected after the first attack of renal colic.

Diagnosis of urolithiasis in children

Urolithiasis in children is diagnosed clinically (based on a typical picture of an attack of renal colic) and with the help of additional studies. The pediatrician should also rule out this disease if inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder. Urine analysis reveals leukocyturia, crystals of salts (oxalates, phosphates, urates), hematuria is possible and the detection of a specific causative agent of urinary tract infection. Blood is examined to determine the level of sodium and calcium cations, as well as urea nitrogen, creatinine, etc. If necessary, additional tests are prescribed, for example, daily urine analysis.

Urolithiasis in children is confirmed by X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. It is important to know that urate stones are not found on radiographs. Intravenous pyelography is used to confirm the diagnosis. This is also necessary to clarify the localization of calculi in order to determine further treatment tactics. Imaging is possible to exclude malignant neoplasms... Since urolithiasis in children is often associated with impaired calcium metabolism, an examination of the thyroid and parathyroid glandsresponsible for the metabolism of this trace element in the body.

Treatment of urolithiasis in children

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Conservative therapy is necessary in cases where there are no indications for surgery, that is, the outflow of urine is not disturbed, there are no signs of hydronephrosis, etc. Treatment of urolithiasis in children is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at eliminating the factors that contribute to the formation of stones. It is imperative to prescribe a diet with a limited content of oxalic and uratogenic products: poultry and offal, leafy vegetables, etc., abundant drinking is shown. Correction of calcium metabolism is carried out, for this purpose, vitamin therapy is carried out and bisphosphonates involved in calcium metabolism are used.

An attack of renal colic is stopped with antispasmodics. If there is an infection in the urinary tract, antibiotics and uroseptics, including herbal ones, are prescribed. Citrates contribute to the dissolution of stones. With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, it is shown surgery urolithiasis in children. As a rule, the operation is performed endoscopically, under X-ray control. Less often, open intervention is required, for example, in the case of coral stones, any kidney anomalies, etc. postoperative period used by drug therapy for the prevention of recurrent stone formation.

Forecast and prevention of urolithiasis in children

The prognosis of the disease is generally favorable. Subject to medical recommendations, re-formation of stones can be avoided by eliminating the metabolic causes of their formation. The exceptions are rare cases of idiopathic hypercalciuria and hormonal diseases, in which urolithiasis in children is secondary. Prevention is about eliminating risk factors. This is especially true for patients with chronic renal diseases and children, in whose family there are cases of similar pathology in close relatives. It is necessary to follow a diet and regular sanitation of the renal pelvic system.

Urolithiasis is a chronic disease characterized by the formation of calculi in the organs of the urinary system. Urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis is often used synonymously, however, nephrolithiasis is usually called the formation in the kidneys. The age of development of nephrolithiasis is considered to be 20-50 years, but more often the diagnosis of PBC is made already in childhood.

Kidney stones in children

Modern statistics indicate that kidney stone disease is getting younger. In recent years, the number of cases of detection of the disease in children has increased several times. In some regions, the disease is more prevalent than in others. Doctors associate this with drinking water, but not only it becomes the cause of kidney stones. At a young age, metabolic disorders, congenital pathologies, and an improper diet affect the process of stone formation.

Oxalates and phosphates are the most common form of formations. It occurs in 70% of patients diagnosed with PCD. They are calculi of calcium salts, which practically do not lend themselves to dissolution.

- are quite rare, only 10% of patients with PCD find given view formations.

Struvites are stones composed of ammonium phosphate. They are infectious in nature and are more common in girls and women.

Xanthine stones - this type of stones can be found extremely rarely, it is found in only 2-3% of people, including children. The reason for the appearance is genetic disorders and congenital predisposition.

Kidney stone disease in children often develops between the ages of 3 and 10 years, but there are cases when the disease was diagnosed in infant... In childhood, PCD is much more severe and is accompanied by a number of complications. In 98% of children diagnosed with nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis develops, while almost 50% of it is severe. At the age of 2 years, pyelonephritis in 80% of cases may be accompanied by a purulent process in the kidney.
On the video about urolithiasis in children:


Currently, the exact reasons for the appearance of kidney stones in childhood cannot be named.

Risk factors for the development of PCD include:

  • congenital defects of the urinary system, leading to stagnation of urine and difficulties in its excretion;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder of an infectious nature;
  • improper nutrition;
  • disruptions in metabolism.

Kidney stone disease is referred to as polyetiological diseases.

The young age of the patient also plays a role, because not fully strengthened the immune system, instability metabolic processes, weak protective function of barrier tissues, lability of the endocrine and nervous system serve as a favorable factor for the development of the disease.


The disease in most cases manifests itself in children and adults alike.

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of kidney stones:

  • painful sensations in the kidneys and lumbar region;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain and burning during and immediately after urination;
  • intermittent urination in small portions;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and in the genital area;
  • the presence of a cloudy yellow precipitate;
  • increased body temperature (rare).

Stones usually form in one kidney, but can affect both. The pain is localized depending on which kidney is affected. Sometimes the pain radiates to the lower parts of the body, so it can manifest itself in the coccyx, thighs and genitals. In children, such manifestations of the disease are rare, therefore, the disease can most often be suspected by the color of urine.

A child who can speak is likely to be able to report pain in one place or another, while very young children will report pain through their behavior. It is worth contacting a doctor if the baby has become whiny, constantly touches his genitals, and the urine has changed its usual color.

Special dangerous symptom is the blood in the urinary secretions. This means that the stone with its edges wounds the walls of the kidney or urinary tract. Renal colic may appear along with the bloody discharge.


Kidney stones can only be diagnosed after a series of medical procedures. For this, the doctor prescribes:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • clinical blood test;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;
  • biochemical analysis of urine.

An indirect sign of kidney stones is the presence of salt crystals in the urine.

In the presence of renal colic, it is not difficult to determine the presence of kidney stones. Spectral analysis is carried out to clarify the type of formations.

If any symptoms are absent, then kidney stones can be learned by chance, for example, with an ultrasound scan for any reason. Then a more thorough examination is carried out, which allows you to identify some characteristic manifestations, including the Pasternatsky symptom.

Ultrasound, as well as intravenous and plain urography are the leading methods for diagnosing the disease. Their combined use allows you to determine the type, size of stones and the degree of kidney dysfunction.

Methods for diagnosing kidney stones.

  1. Ultrasound - effective remedy diagnosis of kidney stones, however, is ineffective when calculus enters the ureter.
  2. Kidney X-ray - allows you to determine the size and location of the contrast calculus in the kidney.
  3. X-ray with contrast - effective method detecting calcium stone, but ineffective for calculi, consisting of uric acid, phosphate, cystine.
  4. - a highly sensitive diagnostic method that allows you to determine the size and location of any type of stone.

Kidney stone disease treatment

After confirming the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed, which can be conservative or surgical, depending on the type and size of stones. It is important to remember that the treatment of children can only be carried out under the supervision of a nephrologist.

If necessary, litholytic agents are prescribed:

  1. - a drug based on herbal remedies that has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent and in order to reduce pain during the movement of calculi.
  2. Cyston is a combined type agent. It has litholytic, diuretic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Phytolysin is a mild preparation based on herbal ingredients. It has a bactericidal, litholytic, anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Cistenal - promotes the dissolution of stones, has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as a prophylactic agent for the formation of stones.

As an addition to the main therapy, herbal remedies can be prescribed:

  • rosehip;
  • dill;
  • knotweed;
  • parsley;
  • burdock;
  • juniper.

Decoctions from these herbs are taken for several months. They cannot be used in place of the main course of treatment.

With a complicated course of the disease, antibacterial and immunocorrecting agents are prescribed:

  1. Immunal.
  2. Uro-Waxon.
  3. Likopid.
  4. Immunofan.
  5. Levamisole.

The drugs are prescribed by the attending physician based on the condition and age of the patient.

Treatment of newborns begins with the correction of the processes that led to the formation of stones. Further, conservative therapy is prescribed, using litholytic agents and a special diet. Conservative treatment is carried out only in extreme cases.

  1. Eliminate any fast food.
  2. Include only healthy foods in your diet.
  3. Increase the amount of water consumed.
  4. Eat only natural products.
  5. Exclude foods containing oxalic acid (nuts, chocolate, spinach, sorrel, wheat bran)
  6. The diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits.

If a conservative treatment was not effective, resort to surgical methods: pyelolithomy or shock wave lithotripsy.

Kidney stones can lead to serious complications, which is why it is unacceptable to self-medicate, especially when it comes to a child. At the slightest suspicion of kidney stone disease, you should consult a nephrologist.

In most cases, urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) is the lot of adults. After all, only a long period of accumulation of salts in the body leads to the formation of calculi. That is why it is so important to understand why kidney stones are formed in children. Such a young organism (and sometimes already at the age of 2-3 years, a child is found to have urolithiasis) is simply, it would seem, not yet so oversaturated with salts that calculi are formed in it.

Important: urolithiasis (nephrolithiasis) is gaining strength in the regions. So, in southern and hot countries, pathology is much more common. This is due to an excess of vitamin D in the body of local residents. At the same time, poor-quality drinking water in certain regions.

Kidney stones: description and principle of formation

As a rule, each calculus formed in the kidney has its own base, on which other organic compounds are subsequently layered and grow in the form of epithelium, blood or mucus. In this case, the composition of the growing organic matter can be either homogeneous (single) or combined, depending on the changes occurring in the body. It should be noted that initially a kidney stone in a child, as well as in an adult's kidney, is formed in the collecting tubes and in the renal pelvis. However, further, depending on the nature of the stone, it can migrate along the urinary tract towards the bladder.

Important: in the process of migration, the stone can gain a foothold in a certain section of the path and give the little patient anxiety. But this is a rare case, since most often a child has stones of small diameter in the form of sand.

It is worth knowing that the child's body is more prone to the formation of urate, phosphate or oxalate stones. Cystine and xanthine stones for child's body - a rare exception. Moreover, this practically does not happen (1 case in 10,000).

Reasons for the formation of kidney stones in children

The main reason for the formation of pathology is a change in healthy renal tissue... And this, in turn, leads to the following reasons:

  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Chronic bowel disease;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Unbalanced baby food;
  • Various nanobacteria in the child's body;
  • Congenital pathologies of the structure of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Violation of the acid-base balance of urine;
  • However, in the first place among the reasons are pyelonephritis and impaired outflow of urine in the urinary system. It is these pathological conditions that are considered the root causes of nephrolithiasis in children.

Symptoms of nephrolithiasis in children

In principle, the disease is almost the same in children and adults. The only difference between pediatric and adult nephrolithiasis is that the child does not show severe renal colic. It should be noted that it is in children that stones pass with urine much more often and easier than in adults. Sometimes parents may not even know about it, since fine sand may not bother the child when leaving. However, this is not the norm, but rather a common exception. Basically, the sand gives the child inconvenience in the form of a burning sensation when washed out with urine. Pain in the form of spasms is also possible.

In addition, young children behave with an exacerbation of ICD in this way:

  • Become restless and whiny;
  • The baby loses appetite and the temperature rises;
  • The child becomes restless and may often go to the toilet;
  • Children of preschool and school age complain of pain in the groin, discomfort during urination and pain in the lumbar region.

Important: The often blurry picture of symptoms makes the diagnosis difficult. However, a general analysis of urine can already clarify the situation, since it is in the urine of a child with nifrolithiasis that mucus, pus or blood are clearly visible. By the way, it is with the help of a general analysis of urine that it is possible to determine the type of stones in the baby's body.

It is worth knowing that if the calculi in the kidneys of the baby do not manifest themselves in any way, then most often they are detected when diagnosing any other diseases using ultrasound. It is from here that a more detailed examination of the little patient begins later.

Urolithiasis therapy in children

As a rule, ICD in young patients is treated conservative method... In this case, after determining the type of stones, the doctor prescribes a special diet and drinking regimen. In combination with this, antispasmodics are prescribed for pain syndrome. In addition, if an inflammatory process is suspected, the specialist will prescribe antibiotic therapy... In parallel with the prescribed treatment, the doctor must look for the cause of the formation of calculi in the child's body. Otherwise, even after successful treatment, against the background of an unresolved cause, a relapse of the disease is possible.

Of medications today children are prescribed the following:

  • Kanefron N. This is a complex drug, the action of which is aimed at relieving spasm, neutralizing the inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as an increase in the amount of urine. it medicine copes well with removing sand from the child's body.
  • Phytolysin. The drug gently dissolves sand and small stones, relieves spasms in pain, neutralizes the inflammatory process and increases the amount of urine. The drug is based on extracts from medicinal plants, which makes it safe for children.
  • Important: but this drug only works on certain types of stones. Therefore, it is so important to establish the type of calculus in the baby's body before prescribing it.
  • Cyston. The drug helps relieve spasms, reduce inflammation and increase the amount of urine. At the same time, Cyston dissolves certain types of stones, but when treating with this drug, it is necessary to follow a drinking regimen and a special diet.
  • Cistenal. Just like the above drugs, Cistenal dissolves some types of stones well, is a diuretic, relieves inflammation and spasms. The drug can be used both in therapy and as a prophylactic agent.


As adjunctive therapy herbal treatment is used. Herbal decoctions are mainly used, which are offered to the child during the day. Good therapeutic action with urolithiasis, the following plants have:

  • St. John's wort and burdock;
  • Juniper and madder dye;
  • Parsley and chamomile;
  • Bearberry and knotweed;
  • Dill;
  • Horsetail;
  • Rosehip.

Herbal treatment is carried out for at least 2-3 months. All broths are drunk before meals 2-3 times a day. In this case, it is advisable to change the composition of the collection every week or two to achieve a greater effect.

Important: it is advisable to include watermelon, melon, apricot, pear and strawberry in the menu when treating a child from ICD. These fruits are also excellent at dissolving and removing stones.

Immunotherapy for a child

Along with the prescribed treatment, it is necessary in parallel and to ensure the maintenance of the child's immunity and the elimination of the inflammatory process. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • Immunal or immunofan;
  • Levamisole or Likopid;
  • Uro-wax. This type of drug is used if the child has a chronic infection in the urinary tract. Such a drug can be given to babies from six months.

Important: the treatment of stones in newborns should be based on identifying the cause of their formation. And only then, a therapy aimed at removing stones is prescribed. As a rule, calculi in this case are removed according to the principle of diet and drinking plenty of fluids.

It is worth knowing that operations are rarely prescribed for children. Basically, calculi are removed in a conservative way. If an operation is indicated, then they try to use sparing methods such as wave lithotripsy or pyelolithomy.

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