Alcohol tincture of hawthorn preparation. How to make hawthorn liqueur at home

Hawthorn tincture is simple and quite available drug, which can be found in any pharmacy or, if desired, made with your own hands. It helps to heal diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, and is also an excellent general tonic. In this article, you will find several recipes for preparing this infusion and learn how to take it correctly so as not to harm your body.

Drug characteristics

The pharmacy hawthorn tincture contains the following active ingredients:

  • flavonoids in an amount of 0.003% are plant substances that effectively strengthen small blood vessels, and also relieve smooth muscle spasm;
  • caroinoids, which are involved in the formation of vitamin A;
  • tannins;
  • pectins;
  • fixed oils;
  • flavone and triterpene glycosides, which contribute to a stronger and more rare contraction of the heart muscle;
  • the role of an auxiliary substance is played ethanol 70% — 100%.
The form of release is a liquid that has a transparent structure and is colored yellow-red. In pharmacies, you can find this product in glass bottles with a capacity of 100 ml and 250 ml with a screw neck. Also, the drug is produced in polymer canisters.

Action on the body

First of all, you should pay attention to the benefits of hawthorn tincture. It mainly has a positive effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular system and can have the following effects:

  • increase strength and reduce the frequency of myocardial contractions;
  • have an anti-sclerotic effect;
  • show anti-stress properties;
  • to downgrade blood pressure;
  • eliminate vasospasm;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • reduce the increased function of the thyroid gland;
  • prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • have a sedative effect;
  • reduce the number of free radicals;
  • show a tonic and restorative effect.

For the normal functioning of the central nervous system

The effect on the central nervous system is expressed in the following:

  • decreased excitability;
  • irritability is removed;
  • the work of the vegetative system is normalized;
  • innervated internal organs and blood vessels.

Given this effect, hawthorn tincture is recommended for use in vegetative-vascular diseases. of different nature, including those that have arisen against the background of menopausal changes in the body. It is also prescribed for cardioneurosis, which is accompanied by pain in the heart and nervous disorders.

With hypertension

With the help of hawthorn tincture, blood pressure can be normalized by gently relaxing the walls blood vessels... This remedy is especially good for initial stage hypertension. With atrial fibrillation, it is necessary to apply A complex approach and additionally use other drugs that can lower blood pressure. This drug enhances the action of cardiac glycosides that are part of medicines and significantly stimulates the heart.

Attention! This action of the components of the tincture allows you to reduce the dosage. medicines... In this case, your doctor must be sure that you are taking this extract.

With ischemic heart disease

Hawthorn tincture will help not only with hypertension, but is also effective for ischemic disease heart and copes well with heart rhythm disturbances. It gently relieves spasm of blood vessels, thereby helping to reduce the number of angina attacks.

Biologically active substances, which the hawthorn tincture is rich in, has a positive effect on fat metabolism, promotes the elimination of cholesterol deposited in the form of plaques, thus cleansing the blood vessels.

Among other things, this drug has an antioxidant effect. He relieves human body from free radicals that destroy cells and cause premature aging.

Homemade tincture recipes

Hawthorn tincture is very easy to prepare at home. For this, you can use both fresh and dried fruits.

In the latter case, the collected raw materials should be dried in a well-ventilated area and stored in a dry, shaded place where the sun's rays do not penetrate and moisture does not accumulate.

From fresh berries to alcohol

To prepare a hawthorn fruit tincture, you must:

  • Rinse a glass of berries in warm water and puree with a blender, meat grinder or mortar;
  • transfer the resulting gruel into a prepared glass container;
  • pour in 250 ml of 70% alcohol, mix;
  • close the jar tightly and put it in a dark place;
  • insist for 20 days, shaking the contents from time to time;
  • after the specified time has elapsed, filter the mixture.

Important! The finished tincture should have a red tint and be completely transparent.

From dried fruits on vodka

Tincture of hawthorn on vodka is a recipe fast food... The technology looks like this:

  • Put 5 tablespoons of dried fruits in a container;
  • pour in 200 ml of vodka, mix;
  • heat the mixture to + 50 ° C, cool to room temperature;
  • squeeze the infusion, remove the berries.

The hawthorn tincture prepared in this way has a tonic and tonic effect.

Admission rules

Now you need to figure out how to drink this remedy. In fact, everything here will depend on the nature of the disease:

  • to relieve pressure, the drug should be taken 20 drops three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals;
  • for the treatment of heart diseases, hawthorn tincture should be taken 30-40 drops three times a day. The duration of the course is 2 months;
  • at peptic ulcer stomach and gastritis dosage is 15 drops, drink the remedy three times a day;
  • for diseases of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by insomnia and neurosis, the drug is used immediately before bedtime, 50 drops for 20 days.

Side effects

Many people ask the question as to whether it is possible to drink hawthorn tincture in large doses to improve its effect. There can be only one answer - no, since the drug can cause poisoning, showing toxic effects.

Overdose symptoms may include:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • loose stools;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased heart rate.

If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need gastric lavage and subsequent therapy, the action of which will be aimed at removing the causes of poisoning and purifying the blood.

Attention! Sometimes an overdose of hawthorn tincture is accidental when it is confused with alcoholic beverages. Most often this happens to men during the feast, since due to the red color of the liquid, this remedy is often taken for liquor.


Since the hawthorn tincture is made with alcohol, it can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, there is a category of people for whom it is contraindicated. These patients include:

  • women up to 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • children under the age of 12;
  • drivers Vehicle driving;
  • people working with mechanisms, the management of which requires increased contraction of attention;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension.

Important! If you are more than 12 weeks pregnant, you should consult a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of using this drug and will prescribe the required dosage.

In addition, contraindications for hawthorn tincture include simultaneous reception some heart medications that have antiarrhythmic effects. Therefore, always check the dosage of this infusion with your doctor.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

All people know about the dangers of excess alcohol for the human body. However, there are health benefits to be gained from drinking some alcoholic beverages in moderation. An example of this is the hawthorn tincture on moonshine. Such a medicine is sold in pharmacies and it is taken by a person in the presence of vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). The hawthorn tincture on alcohol, offered in the pharmacy, has a strength of 70 turns, so such a medicine is taken in a dose of a few drops. The same remedy can be prepared at home, especially if there is a moonshine still available.

Tincture of hawthorn on moonshine

Hawthorn Alcohol Recipes

If a person wants to prepare exactly the same hawthorn tincture as suggested in the pharmacy, then according to the prescription he will need 100 grams of dry berries of this plant and 0.5 liters of moonshine. It is desirable that the moonshine taken for the preparation of the infusion was subjected to double distillation, and its strength was 40 revolutions.

  1. Hawthorn berries are poured with the required amount of moonshine.
  2. The container with the workpiece is tightly closed with a lid and set to infuse for two weeks. Moreover, the product should be placed in a dry, dark place.
  3. It is recommended to shake the tincture every two days throughout its shelf life.
  4. After two weeks, the infusion must be poured into glass containers, having previously filtered it.

The hawthorn tincture on moonshine will have a bright red color, and its smell will be sweetish. If the drink was prepared according to the rules, then it can be stored for several years.

Among the recipes for making hawthorn tincture on moonshine, one can single out the one according to which the drink is prepared from fresh hawthorn fruits. Pouring made from fresh berries hawthorn, will have a richer color, taste and smell. To prepare hawthorn tincture on moonshine, you should take one glass of fresh fruit for each glass of moonshine. The drink must be insisted for three weeks, not forgetting that it must be shaken every day.

Also, from hawthorn and moonshine, you can prepare a tonic tincture. To make it, you should take moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. For each glass of moonshine, 5 tablespoons of hawthorn berries are also taken. All components are placed in a saucepan, mixed and heated to a temperature of 50 degrees. After the workpiece is heated, it should be filtered through several layers of gauze. The drink is cooled and filtered, after which it is bottled.

Tinctures for feasts

Hawthorn tinctures can be taken not only for the purpose of treatment. It turns out that you can make delicious alcohol for a feast from bright red berries and moonshine. Such drinks have a mild pleasant taste and aroma.

How to prepare hawthorn tinctures:

1) To prepare the drink, take a liter of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, a glass of dried hawthorn berries, a pinch of vanillin, a cinnamon stick and a tablespoon of sugar. Hawthorn is poured into a jar and immediately filled with moonshine. The infusion is insisted for 25 days in a room where room temperature is maintained. Shake the jar weekly. During this time, the berries will acquire a yellowish tint.

The infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth, and the juice should be squeezed out of the berries. After that, in a water bath, it is necessary to melt the honey and mix it with vanilla, and then add it to the infusion. Stir everything, close the dishes and put the drink in a cool place for seven days. At the end, the drink should be filtered through several layers of cotton wool and bottled. The shelf life of such an infusion can be three years.

2) At home, you can also prepare a tincture of hawthorn with rose hips. To prepare such a drink, take 0.5 liters of moonshine, a tablespoon of rose hips, 2 tablespoons of hawthorn fruits, half a teaspoon of ground galangal root, 50 grams of sugar and 50 milliliters of water. The berries are first placed in a jar and filled with moonshine. After that, they are insisted for thirty days in a warm, dark place. After a month, the drink should be completely cleared of berries.

Water and sugar must be mixed and heated, bringing to a boil. Sugar and water are boiled for five minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam from the surface of the syrup. After that, the syrup should be cooled to room temperature. The syrup is then poured into the infusion and mixed. The almost finished drink should be infused under the lid for five days, after which it can be bottled for storage. It is recommended to use this liqueur chilled.

Hawthorn tincture, like all alcoholic beverages, should be consumed in moderation, since an overdose of both hawthorn and alcohol can be hazardous to health. A contraindication to taking a drink is considered to be an allergy to hawthorn (rose hips, if there is one in the product).

Announcement: Small red berries, so similar to rose hips - are there any benefits in them? Yes, and a very large one. Hawthorn contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and can increase immunity at any time of the year. You can dry its flowers or berries, or you can prepare an alcoholic tincture of hawthorn and support the body toned throughout the year.

There are more 300 kinds hawthorn, differing in their biological properties. And each berry is a treasure with useful substances.

Moreover, not only berries are used for medicinal purposes - flowers and leaves are dried and brewed like tea, such a drink is also tones the body, soothes nervous system ... Berries are most often prepared from berries. You can also buy it at the pharmacy, but it is better to make it at home.

The fruits of this shrub have long been used for medicinal purposes. They are rich organic acids, tannins and necessary for a person microelements... In terms of vitamin C content, they lag behind rose hips by only 20%. In addition, it is a storehouse of carotene, thiamine, vitamin P, phosphorus, iron, etc.

The positive effect of hawthorn has been noticed on the heart and blood vessels... It is able to eliminate tachycardia and arrhythmia, helps to recover from operations and serious illnesses, is useful for hypertension, hyperthyroidism. A decoction or tincture of hawthorn tones up the heart and blood vessels well, improves blood circulation, and helps to cope with various disorders.

It is also useful for nervous disorders, such as:

  • insomnia;
  • stress;
  • depressive state;
  • migraine;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • epilepsy.

Hawthorn stimulates education breast milk in nursing mothers.

People with diabetes mellitus can safely consume it, as it lowers sugar levels.

As a therapy, you can drink these fruits with a course in order to cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances.

Tincture of hawthorn on vodka - an old recipe

Most often, hawthorn is used in the form of tinctures and decoctions. Infusions are easy to prepare and they are stored quite long period. That is why they have become more widespread.

The simplest and most proven recipe is as follows:

  • 1 liter of alcohol 40-45% (any will do, the main thing is to match the strength);
  • 200 grams of dried berries;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin.

Hawthorn is poured into a glass dish. It is best to use a 2L jar. Close tightly and leave in a dark room for 20-25 days. During this period, the berries should give up nutrients and the red color will turn into liquid.

The tincture should be shaken once a week. The air temperature should be 18-25 °... The finished infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, the berries are squeezed out and sweeteners are added. After that, they insist for another week. As a result, you should get a tincture with a strength 33-37% ... It can be stored up to three years in a dark glass container. When storing, it is recommended to strain through a cotton swab to get rid of clouding.

Hawthorn on vodka with rosehip and galangal

Such a remedy has not only enhanced healing properties, but also pleasant taste... To prepare it, you will need:

  • hawthorn - 20 gr;
  • rose hips - 20 gr;
  • 0.5 tsp ground galangal root.

All ingredients are placed in a jar, pour vodka and sent for storage for a month. Shake once a week... After 3 weeks, filter through cheesecloth and sweeten.

For this purpose, a syrup is prepared from water and sugar and simply added to the tincture. The enriched infusion is kept for another week, after which it ready to eat.

Tincture "Erofeich" on moonshine

In Soviet times, a medicinal alcoholic beverage with an interesting bitter taste. It was a tincture of hawthorn "Erofeich"... She has not been on store shelves for a long time and the original recipe has been lost. But people are trying to recreate that healing drink of the Soviet era. Here's one of the recipes:

  • 1 liter 50%;
  • 5 gr. hawthorn;
  • herbs: sweet clover, thyme, marjoram, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, bitter wormwood - 2.5 grams each;
  • cardamom and anise seeds - 1.25 gr.

All components are mixed in a glass container and placed in a dark place for a week. After filtering, if necessary - sweetened and allowed to rest for a couple of days. As a result, you will receive a wonderful drink that also heals.

The benefits and harms of the drink

This remedy is relatively harmless. It does not contain allergens and is prepared from natural ingredients. But still, there are some points to remember.

Since the tincture is prepared with alcohol, its should not be given to young children... Pregnant women should also avoid using it. Nursing mothers should consult a doctor about the appropriateness and safety of such therapy.

Hawthorn tincture is a medicinal product. Therefore, you can drink it a day for a teaspoon and not to be used as an alternative to alcoholic beverages.

There is a number of heart diseases at which such a medicine forbidden... This is bradycardia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, acute diseases hearts. Also, when taking medications, especially antibiotics that are not compatible with alcohol, the tincture cannot be taken.

Useful videos - how to make a medicinal tincture of hawthorn

In the video below - how to make a hawthorn tincture with honey vodka for DIY treatment - a detailed recipe:

Another homemade recipe for tincture of hawthorn with rosehip and galangal, see:

Quite a detailed video - all about hawthorn, beneficial features how to take, what helps, how to prepare an infusion of fresh fruits of this berry:

Hawthorn is definitely important medicinal plant which will help keep the body healthy. But it is still better to use it as a therapy, not as a substitute for drugs. In the case of a severe stage of any of the diseases, it is the drugs and doctors that will cure, and not folk remediesit is worth remembering this.

Hello dear readers. Hawthorn is a plant that has great benefits for the body, is widely used for the preparation of home remedies. In May, while flowering is in progress, you should definitely collect the buds, prepare a tincture from them. It is worth clarifying right away that it is contraindicated for children and women to take it during pregnancy and lactation. By its composition, hawthorn flowers are more useful than fruits. They are dominated by the concentration of flavonoids, while berries contain a large number of sugars.

Why is hawthorn flower tincture useful?

Hawthorn bushes bloom in late spring, at this time the buds are collected and dried. This method of harvesting flowers does not allow putrefactive bacteria to develop in them; subsequently, tincture and other medicinal home remedies are made from hawthorn.

The fruits and flowers of the shrub are recognized by doctors and are widely used as an ingredient in heart medications.

Homemade tincture is useful to take to improve the work of the heart, with the expansion of the coronary vessels. This agent helps oxygen to saturate the cells of the brain and myocardial tissue.

Hawthorn flowers are rich in the following substances:

1. Vitamins B

Riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine and a nicotinic acid important for the correct functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system. They have the ability to restore it.

2. Glycosides

It is a natural, plant-based alkaloid that tones the heart muscle. Its use is useful for those who suffer from heart failure.

3. Tannins

This group of substances contributes to the formation of a protective film effect.

4. Vitamins A, E

They are fat-soluble, able to improve the functioning of blood vessels, and restore damaged organ cells. Antioxidant and restorative properties are especially important for good liver function.

Tincture of hawthorn flowers on vodka - recipe

It has been known for many years that all plants infused with strong alcohol have a stronger therapeutic effect than decoctions. This also applies to hawthorn flowers.

It is stored for a long time, you can make blanks, which will last almost until the next flowering of the hawthorn.

Tincture on dry flowers

There are several recipes infused with vodka, here are two proven ones. First option.

You will need:

  • hawthorn flowers (dried) - 200 grams;
  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • vanillin - 1 gram;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a 2 liter glass jar.
  2. Pour hawthorn flowers, add cinnamon, vanillin and honey, pour vodka.
  3. Stir all ingredients, close tightly with a lid.
  4. Remove the jar in a dark place (a kitchen cabinet will do) for 25-30 days.

From time to time, once every 5 days, take out the container and shake it. The present solution should change its color to a darker one. Strain the prepared liquid through cheesecloth folded in three layers into a clean bottle or jar. Tighten the lid tightly.

Tincture on fresh flowers

Second option. Freshly harvested hawthorn flowers are good for this recipe.

You will need:

  • hawthorn flowers - 100 grams;
  • vodka - 100 grams.


  1. Prepare a jar or other glass container with a lid, rinse well.
  2. Using a sieve, rinse the hawthorn flowers under running water. Pat dry on a paper towel or clean cloth.
  3. Transfer to a prepared container and pour over with vodka.
  4. Stir the resulting mass, tighten the lid tightly.
  5. Remove for 20 days in a dark place.

The tincture must be shaken every day. On day 21, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a new clean jar. To prepare more tincture, the components included in the composition can be optionally increased.

Dosage - how to take

Tincture of hawthorn flowers has a calming, tonic properties. It is useful to take it for people with heart disease, for those who suffer from hypertension. It will only be beneficial if taken correctly.

You should not abuse the product, since strong alcohol serves as its basis. If, for health reasons, a daily intake is provided drugs, then use the homemade rosehip flower tincture only after consulting a doctor. The substances it contains can enhance the effect of some tablets.

Thanks to research, it has been proven that the substances possessed by hawthorn flowers do not accumulate in the body even with prolonged use of the tincture.

The nature of the disease affects the dosage of the tincture.

At high pressure

Reducing blood pressure will help 20-30 drops of tincture, diluted in one tablespoon of water. Hawthorn should be taken in this form before meals, three times a day.

For heart disease

Homemade tincture, in the amount of 40 drops, is diluted in a tablespoon of water. Take for 20 days, three times before meals.

With gastritis and stomach pain

15 drops of hawthorn flower tincture are diluted in one tablespoon of water. They take this medicine three times a day.

For insomnia

To restore sleep will help 50 drops of tincture, diluted in water, taken at night. The course of such a home remedy should be 20 days.

How to prepare an alcoholic tincture of hawthorn flowers

With diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a good effect is achieved after using an alcoholic tincture of hawthorn flowers.

If it is not possible to independently collect them during the flowering period of the shrub, then you can purchase already dried buds at the pharmacy.

If there is only 90% alcohol, then it will need to be diluted to 70%. At a high strength, nutrients that will emit flowers can "burn out".

It will take

  • hawthorn flowers - 100 grams;
  • alcohol - 100 grams.


  1. Prepare a suitable glass container with a tight lid, wash it with dish detergent.
  2. Combine alcohol and flowers in a jar, mix well, tighten the lid tightly.
  3. Remove the future tincture in a dark place; it will take 20 days to get ready.
  4. Shake the jar daily.

Apply the infusion, having previously filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve.

There is a second method for preparing alcohol tincture, it is less common due to the more thorough preparation of flowers.

You will need:

  • fresh hawthorn flowers - 500 grams;
  • alcohol - 100 grams.


  1. Rinse hawthorn flowers and buds with a sieve.
  2. Place on a towel to drain all the water.
  3. Squeeze the juice out of them, grind it into a gruel and put it on cheesecloth.
  4. Prepare a glass jar with a lid.
  5. Combine the juice from the flowers with alcohol, mix.
  6. Insist in the complete absence of sunlight for two weeks.

For what diseases is it useful to use a tincture of hawthorn flowers

Elderly people know that hawthorn tincture can bring great benefit the body. It must be taken only in accordance with the dosage, since it contains alcohol.

Many have noticed that grandmothers or grandfathers suffering from heart disease grow hawthorn bushes in villages or dachas.

In the spring, flowers are harvested and a homemade tincture is prepared. Due to its properties, this plant helps to heal and is used to prevent heart disease.

Homemade tincture provides a calming effect, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and promotes good sleep.

Doctors have proven that hawthorn, which is part of the drugs of the people's pharmacy, well reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and improves blood circulation.

When you have the following diseases and ailments, you must take a tincture of hawthorn flowers:

  • a state of neurosis, the presence of neurotic reactions;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • insomnia;
  • overstrain of a mental or physical nature;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension;
  • arterial hypertension. At its first stage, it is used as an adjunct to a diet, therapeutic physical culture and pressure control, without the use of medications. In the second and third stages of the disease, the tincture is an adjunct to the prescribed medications;
  • menopause (hawthorn flowers on alcohol help to lower blood pressure during this period, reduce the frequency of so-called "hot flashes");
  • tachycardia, including sinus and paroxysmal;
  • chronic heart failure (in the presence of reduced cardiac output);
  • diseases of the heart muscle.

When taking home tinctures is contraindicated

The healing properties of hawthorn flowers have long been confirmed by medical professionals. Since the end of the 19th century, this plant has been subjected to research.

Now diseases have been identified in which the infusion will have to be abandoned, these include:

  • bradycardia (slowing heart rate);
  • atrioventricular block (delayed cardiac conduction, stages 2 and 3);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • VSD on a hypotonic type;
  • heart disease in acute form(extensive heart attack, unstable angina, pulmonary edema);
  • alcoholism.

The hawthorn will bloom soon, pick the flowers, use to make the tincture. At home, you can prepare a tincture of hawthorn flowers on moonshine, alcohol, using dry or fresh flowers.

Hawthorn is a shrub with red berries. The fruits are tasty and healthy. No matter how you remember the beautiful legend of the noble healer, who gave all her knowledge and abilities to this plant. It becomes clear why the thorny bush is called "hawthorn" and why it relieves a person of all misfortunes and ailments. Alternative medicine also uses bark, leaves, flowers for the preparation of decoctions, extracts, tinctures. If speak about medicinal substances contained in the plant, the list will be huge. These are flavonoids, pectin substances, numerous microelements and vitamins.

How to use the healing properties of the plant?

One of the popular remedies available in pharmacies and healers is alcohol tincture hawthorn. There are a lot of ways and recipes for preparing such a medicine. It will not be difficult to use one of them and prepare hawthorn tincture at home. First you need to choose a berry, moreover, buy not pharmaceutical fruits, but talk in the market with grandmothers selling medicinal herbs... Indeed, in nature, there are about thirty varieties of hawthorn shrubs, the fruits of which differ in taste and properties. Tincture of hawthorn with vodka is made only from dark red fruits. Berries of yellow or brown color are not suitable for this purpose.

So, having bought the desired fruits, you can start preparing the potion:

  • Chop 150 grams of dry berries and put them in a glass container;
  • pour the composition with one liter of vodka;
  • close the vessel and transfer to a dark, cool place;
  • shake the vessel once a day;
  • after the mixture has aged for three decades, it should be filtered.

The hawthorn tincture with vodka is ready. You can store the composition for several years. The color and taste do not change during this time, the properties are not lost.

If the fruits of the hawthorn were collected in nature, then some of the berries can not be dried, you can make a tincture of hawthorn immediately, with alcohol:

  • the fruits should be kneaded;
  • dry mass, folded into a glass vessel, is filled with medical alcohol.

This tincture will be slightly stronger, which must be taken into account in the future.

Here is another tincture recipe using honey. The cooking process begins according to the points described above, after the impurities are separated, honey should be melted in a water bath (the amount is taken by eye), mixed with vanilla and added to the infusion. Allow time for secondary exposure. The composition is filtered and poured into dark bottles, closed with corks. The strength of such a drink reaches thirty degrees.

For the following type of infusion, a combination of ingredients is required (the calculation is given for one liter):

  • eight hundred grams of moonshine, fifty degrees strong bone;
  • raw materials will need exactly a glass;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • half a small packet of vanillin;
  • some honey.

Tincture of moonshine on hawthorn recipe will be as follows:

  1. Place the mixture in a glass container, add cinnamon there and stand long time(almost thirty days). During this time, the berries give their color to the future drink and turn yellowish.
  2. Filter the composition twice: in the first, the pulp is separated, in the second - all the remaining liquid.
  3. Honey is warmed up, mixed with vanilla sugar. The mixtures are combined and an extract is given for a week. During this time, the composition will reappear a precipitate, which is removed by filtration. Tincture of hawthorn with honey, cinnamon, vanilla on moonshine is ready.

Vodka liqueurs, decoctions, extracts from the fruits of the red bush are very useful. They differ in their low alcohol content, but they are prepared with alcohol, so you cannot give it to children.

A new kind of infusion

Homemade alcoholic beverages can be infused on the berries. You can insist moonshine with the addition of other berries. Rosehip, for example, gives a sour taste, and galangal - an imperceptible bitterness. Hawthorn moonshine with fruit combination different types resembles cognac. Hawthorn moonshine recipe is available to any winemaker:

  • five hundred grams of alcoholic beverage;
  • hawthorn, rosehip by one measure;
  • galangal is taken at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • sugar with water is added, fifty grams each;

The cooking rule will be the same as when preparing all medicines from bright fruits. Let the mixture mature, filter, leave for about thirty days.

People who are constantly making medicinal tinctures begin to experiment and use different ingredients. Interesting: homemade hawthorn tincture recipe:

  • take a liter of pure moonshine;
  • a teaspoon of hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, oregano;
  • add two times less thyme, wormwood, yarrow, primrose;
  • you can add a little bit of cardamom seeds and anise ordinary.

Hawthorn moonshine has curative action for many diseases:

  • calms the nervous system, relieves stress;
  • brings the desired rest to the body with great physical exertion;
  • recommended for various deviations cardiac activity: hawthorn reduces heart rate;
  • helps to normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation;
  • eliminates vasospasm;
  • allows you to forget about periodic herpes rash;
  • allows you to get rid of insomnia;
  • has a tonic effect.

It should be remembered that this infusion is not used as an alcoholic drink, but only as a remedy.

Treatment with hawthorn infusion

Do-it-yourself tincture should be used following the recommendations of phytotherapists:

  • take a medicinal drug only before meals, twenty to thirty drops;
  • the treatment process is long, sometimes the effect occurs after several courses with a short break;
  • for heart problems, the dose is thirty to forty drops; the duration of the course can be up to two months;
  • for peptic ulcer disease, a single dose is fifteen drops;
  • with nervous disorders, the dose of taking the drug is five times higher than with diseases of the stomach.

When is the intake of hawthorn tincture contraindicated?

Hawthorn should be taken in moderation, because side effects may occur during treatment:

  • a state of drowsiness may appear;
  • a rash or itching, redness of the skin will appear;
  • blood pressure will drop.

This tincture should not be taken by pregnant women, drivers going on a flight. It is also necessary to take into account the individual reaction of the body to the hawthorn fruit.

  1. It is necessary to have the named tincture on hand, because it was this remedy that came to us from ancient healers and was used long before it was recognized by official medicine.
  2. You can, of course, buy medicinal composition in the library, but it's a good idea to prepare the drug yourself.
  3. The recipe for the preparation of any composition is simple: it is important to observe a proportional ratio: one part of the fruit is poured with ten parts of vodka or moonshine. This ratio must be maintained in any case, although the components can be changed, achieving the unique taste of the drug.
  4. The prepared extract should not be drunk in large doses; it is better to count it in drops and dilute it with water.

Taking a homemade hawthorn tincture with vodka or moonshine can improve general state your body and get rid of many ailments: become calmer, forget about irritability, get rid of mental fatigue, feel a surge of new strength and increased efficiency. This is evidenced by the reviews of people involved in mental work. The woman says that, after such an extract, she became much calmer, which was noticed by colleagues and household members. The patient says that hawthorn tincture also attracts with its taste, with a barely noticeable bitterness. This composition is much better than the expensive sedative tablets. She advises to stock up on hawthorn fruits and will prepare tinctures from them, brew vitamin tea.

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