Goats have normal temperature. Goat diseases: causes, symptoms and treatment

Despite the fact that goats are animals with fairly strong immunity, they, like any other living creatures, sometimes get sick. Most often, their diseases are the result of improper feeding and maintenance of these animals. Today we will talk about the most common diseases of goats, their symptoms and, of course, treatment.

Goats in the pasture

First of all, it should be noted that goat diseases can be divided into two groups: non-infectious and infectious. Depending on which of them the disease belongs to, the treatment will depend.

Noncommunicable diseases of goats

TO noncommunicable diseases The animals we are considering include:

  • Acute tympania;
  • Gastroenteritis;
  • Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis;
  • Poisoning;
  • Ketosis;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Pneumonia.

Acute tympania

Acute tympania in goats - increased gas formation. It occurs due to walking the animal after rain, as well as feeding it with legumes. With acute tympania, the goat's stomach swells strongly, appetite and chewing gum disappear.

The first thing to do in case of suspected acute tympania is to deprive the animal of food. If this is not done, then it may die. Then he is lifted by the front legs, they try to free the scar from gases by massaging and dousing the sides cold water. You can give inside a solution of ichthyol or creolin.


Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs due to feeding the animal with poor food. In young animals, it can appear with a sharp transition to plant food. With gastroenteritis, the animal's breathing quickens, body temperature rises, and appetite disappears. In addition, with this disease, the animal has constipation, followed by diarrhea.

Treatment of gastroenteritis involves deprivation of animal feed for a day. But he must have enough water. In addition, the goat is given antibiotics.

Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis

Avitaminosis - lack of vitamins, hypovitaminosis - their lack. In young individuals, this disease is manifested by growth retardation and malfunctions. nervous system(unsteady gait, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs). In adults with beriberi and hypovitaminosis, problems with the reproduction of offspring are observed.

Treatment of beriberi and hypovitaminosis, which is quite logical, is a replenishment of missing and missing vitamins. Vitamin A is fish fat, vitamin B - sprouted grains, bran, carrots, vitamin D - meat and bone meal, milk, brewer's yeast.


Poisoning occurs due to feeding the animal food treated with pesticides. With this disease, the goat does not eat, she develops vomiting and diarrhea. There are also malfunctions in the nervous system (unsteady gait, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs).

In case of poisoning, the animal is washed with a stomach, a laxative and activated charcoal are given. If it is known which substance led to the disease, then use the appropriate antidote.


Ketosis occurs due to feeding the animal with food rich in concentrates with a lack of fiber. Such a diet leads to an increased content of acetone, acetoacetic acid and other ketone bodies and metabolic disorders.

Ketosis is manifested by loss of appetite, gnashing of teeth, twitching of the facial muscles, weakening of vision and hearing.

Before the direct treatment of ketosis, the animal is given methionine, sodium glucanate and glucose. Then the goat's diet is adjusted and regularly walked.


Dyspepsia is a disease inherent in newborn goats and kids. It occurs due to metabolic disorders, which leads to dehydration and intoxication of the body. The cause of dyspepsia is an unbalanced goat diet in the last trimester of pregnancy and after childbirth.

Signs of dyspepsia are diarrhea with a sharp unpleasant odor, bloating, and a decrease in body temperature.

Dyspepsia is one of the dangerous diseases. Everyone who has goats should know how to treat him, because if the animals are not helped within 3 days, they will die.

To begin with, sick animals must be isolated from healthy ones. After that, stop feeding them for a period of 6 to 12 hours. The basis of the treatment of dyspepsia is the infusion of sodium chloride solution or ordinary boiled water about 5 times a day. In particularly difficult cases, antibiotics can be used.


In the vast majority of cases, pneumonia is a concomitant disease. It occurs due to the weakening of the animal's immunity as a result of hypothermia, overheating, prolonged stay in a dusty room, unbalanced nutrition.

Pneumonia is manifested by loss of appetite, purulent discharge from the nose, increased respiration and pulse rate, and fever. Also, with pneumonia, the goat coughs.

Animals affected by this disease are transferred to a clean, dry room. Adjust nutrition. Give penicillin and norsulfazol.

Infectious diseases of goats

The infectious diseases of the goats we are considering include:

  • Infectious pleuropneumonia;
  • infectious mastitis;
  • Infectious agalactia;
  • Brucellosis;
  • Dictyocaulosis;
  • Mulleriosis;
  • linogmatosis;
  • Piroplasmosis;
  • Echinococcosis.

Infectious pleuropneumonia

Infectious pleuropneumonia is caused by microorganisms of the genus Mycoplasma. Most of all, this disease affects individuals under the age of 3 years.

Infectious pleuropneumonia begins with a sharp increase in body temperature. Then the animal loses its appetite and chewing gum. There is a dry cough, sometimes replaced by a wet one. Also, with this disease, difficulty breathing and muscle tremors are noted.

Treatment of infectious pleuropneumonia involves isolating sick animals from healthy ones and disinfecting the room in which they were located. In addition, they are given novarsenol with glucose and osarsol.

infectious mastitis

They talk about infectious mastitis when the goat's udder enlarges, hardens and acquires a blue-violet hue, body temperature rises, appetite and chewing gum disappear.

Treatment of infectious mastitis involves isolating sick animals from healthy ones and disinfecting the premises. The udder is lightly massaged and milk is expressed more often than usual.

The goats are then given penicillin and erythromycin (IM).

Infectious agalactia

Infectious agalactia of goats - damage to their udders, joints and eyes. It is manifested by the cessation of milk secretion and miscarriages. Also, with this disease in animals, the body temperature rises.

Treatment of infectious agalactia depends on the site affected by it. An iodine solution is injected into the udder through the nipple. Eyes are washed with 1% solution boric acid. Joints are treated with 1% copper sulfate solution, which is injected under the skin.


Brucellosis in goats is caused by a bacterium of the same name. It is excreted with the fetus, amniotic fluid and blood. Animals affected by brucellosis are killed, after which the premises are disinfected.


Dictyocaulosis of goats - damage to their bronchi and trachea. It is manifested by coughing, rapid and difficult breathing, shortness of breath. As the disease progresses, animals lose weight.

Dictyocaulosis is treated with iodine solution, aluminum iodide aerosol, ditrazine, cyazide, loxuran and dictifug.


Mulleriosis of goats - damage to their bronchi and trachea. It is manifested by coughing, thinness and, as a result, a decrease in productivity.

Mulleriosis is treated with ditrazine and emetine hydrochloride.


Linogmatosis is a ubiquitous disease caused by lice. Infection occurs from sick animals and care items.

Linogmatosis is manifested by itching, molting and loss of appetite. Also, with this disease, animals become restless.

You can rid the animal of lice with a solution of chlorophos and karbofos. A good effect is noted when using foxim and acrodex, perol and insectol.


Piroplasmosis occurs due to tick bites. Adults are most susceptible to this disease. Young animals suffer from piroplasmosis extremely rarely.

The disease is manifested by fever, anemia, yellowing of the mucous membranes. Also, with piroplasmosis, animals refuse food, their breathing and pulse quicken. Besides, hallmark of this disease is dark red urine.


With echinococcosis, bacteria enter the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. This disease is manifested by jaundice, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and thinness. There is no cure for echinococcosis.

: Goat breeder's first aid kit

Both non-infectious and infectious diseases of goats affect their productivity. Some of them can cause serious harm to human health. To avoid most goat diseases, it is enough to properly feed them and keep them in normal conditions.

Source: https://VseNaFermy.ru/kozy/bolezni-koz.html

Ketosis in a goat - manifestations of the disease, signs and treatment

Ketosis in goats is associated with the peculiarities of digestion in the proventriculus. With improper feeding in animals, the metabolism is disturbed, which leads to the accumulation of acetone bodies.

Most often, dairy goats of productive breeds get sick, especially during pregnancy, when the load on the body increases. With ketosis, the appearance of a characteristic odor of acetone from the mouth is noted, ketone bodies are found in urine and milk.

There is also a change in the work of many organ systems. Treatment and prevention are reduced to the normalization of feeding and the elimination of possible causes.

Ketosis is based on feeding errors in high-producing goats. Among low-fat animals, the disease is rare, but possible with an unbalanced diet. In etiology, three most important points are identified:

  1. lack of feed energy;
  2. excess protein in the diet;
  3. feeding products with great content butyric acid.

It is believed that ketoses in goats are primary and secondary. Some occur due to a violation of feeding, leading to an excess of protein and fat, and a deficiency of light carbohydrates in the phase of active milk production. Secondary ketosis is associated with the accumulation of ketone bodies in lesions internal organs- inflammation of the intestine, tympania, puerperal paresis, metabolic disorders.

It is impossible to accurately judge the occurrence of acetonemia. Since it is observed both in the case of an energy deficit and in its excess (the predominance of concentrates in the diet). It is likely that a complex of digestive disorders is at work here.

So the predominance of concentrates and the lack of hay lead to the death of rumen microorganisms, which increases the lack of energy.

Which, in turn, negatively affects metabolic processes, which increase during the period of active lactation of goats - more than 40-50 grams of glucose is required per 1 liter of milk.

Deficiency of trace elements and vitamins has a great influence on the development of this pathology. The leading role here belongs to copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, which are important for the growth and development of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of a goat. A decrease in the activity of cicatricial microflora leads to a lack of enzymes.

Feeding should correspond to the physiological period. With the onset of lactation, the goat needs more energy and nutrients therefore, the quality of the diet should be improved, usually by increasing the proportion of concentrates. But the increase in cereals must be strictly normalized, since due to the increased protein content in them, there is a lack of energy.

As predisposing factors of ketosis are reduced activity, deficiency of solar radiation, obesity.

No less important role belongs to butyric and acetic acid. Their increased intake into the body is associated with an excess of silage and haylage in the diet. In the process of digestion, volatile fatty acids are formed in the proventriculus from carbohydrates.

A diet with excess protein leads to an imbalance in the formation of carboxylic acids (excess butyric). Their impact disrupts the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and other organs suffer to a lesser extent at an early stage.

going on general violation metabolism.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Ketosis refers to sluggish pathologies. long time the disease will be asymptomatic due to the compensatory function of the goat's body. In this case, structural and functional changes will occur in the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, excretory and other systems.

A laboratory analysis of blood, feces or urine can detect ketosis at an early stage of development, which will greatly facilitate treatment.

Degree clinical manifestation and the presence of certain symptoms depends on the duration and strength of exposure to pathogenic factors. Rarely, goats have an acute form with a nervous clinic - strong excitement, increased tactile sensitivity, aggressiveness. This clinic is gradually replaced by progressive oppression:

  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy of movements;
  • reluctant eating of food;
  • slow reaction to irritation.

In animals with this form, the work of the scar worsens (reductions are practically absent), constipation is possible. Heart rate and respiratory movements increased.

The typical course is chronic. Clinical picture in this case, a blurry, mass of general changes worsen the diagnosis. In a diseased goat, the coat and hoofed horn grow dull. There is a general lethargy, inactivity. Appetite worsens, although it can occasionally increase.

Rumenation is weakened, intestinal peristalsis is sluggish, chewing gum appears irregularly. Reduced productivity - reduced milk yield, average daily weight gain. The liver is greatly enlarged - the right side noticeably sticks out. Occurs in the liver dystrophic changes, which determines the severity of the disease.

Later, the heart and kidneys are involved in the pathological process.

A characteristic sign of ketosis is the presence of acetone bodies in urine, feces and other secretions, which gives them a specific smell.

First of all, an increase in ketone bodies can be detected in the blood - in the nome, the indicator does not exceed 8 mg%. Somewhat later, compounds begin to register in milk, urine.

They develop a characteristic odor that is also present in the exhaled air. Often, due to involvement in the pathological process of the liver, ketonemia may be absent.

This is due to the process of oxidation of butyric and other acids.

Methods of treatment and prevention

It is necessary to revise diets - protein and energy intake lead to a physiological norm. The basis of the diet should be high-quality hay, haylage. In moderation, concentrates, root crops should be used. It is not allowed to feed silage, pulp, stillage, poor quality and spoiled products.

Diets of goats during lactation and dry period with grazing and stall keeping

Treatment is necessary to achieve normalization of blood glucose levels, restoration of acid-base balance. An important aspect is the maintenance endocrine glands and internal organs - compensatory therapy is the main tool. For this purpose, goats are prescribed:

  • eleovit, gamavit and other complex preparations of vitamins and microelements;
  • intravenous administration of 5-10% glucose solution in a volume of 100-150 ml;
  • with food or through a tube, sodium lactate, sodium propionate, propylene glycol are given;
  • cholinol and other drugs for the liver;
  • good results are obtained by intraperitoneal administration of Ringer's solution, Sharabrin's liquid.

To reduce acidity in the rumen and other parts of the stomach, the goat is given baking soda. It can be fed dry (mixed with concentrates) or drunk with a solution. Daily dose- 15-20 grams per head, the general course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

To prevent the development of the disease, you need to carefully consider the structure of the diet. Feeding should be based on the goat's needs for energy, macro- and microelements. The diet should be changed depending on the physiological state of the animal. Hay should make up 30-50% of the diet, during the period of active lactation, the supply of cereals, molasses should be increased, thereby enriching the feed with sugars.

It is necessary to monitor the fatness of animals, their productivity, clinical condition. When these indicators change, it is necessary to review the feeding regimen and the products used. It is important to prevent overfeeding during the period of attenuation of lactation and dryness. Despite the increasing needs of the fetus, the goat needs less feed, due to a decrease in productivity.

It is forbidden to feed spoiled food. Silage and snow should be used only with a slightly acidic medium, since in this case there is a minimum amount of butyric acid. Be sure to provide goats with active exercise.

The lack of activity and solar insolation contributes to metabolic disorders and the functioning of internal organs.

On farms with year-round maintenance, the area should be planned taking into account the livestock, and on small farms, sheds should be provided with paddocks.

Source: https://vetugolok.ru/skot/kozy/zabolevaniya/ketoz-koz.html

Goat diseases: symptoms and treatment

> Livestock > Goats > Contagious and non-contagious diseases of goats

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Goat diseases should be known to every farmer. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the more effective the therapy. Timely recognized symptoms allow you to save the animal, and in case of contagious diseases, the whole herd. In some cases, the treatment is carried out independently, but in difficult situations, the help of a veterinarian is indispensable.

goat diseases

Classification of goat diseases

Diseases in goats are divided into two main groups - contagious and non-contagious. Such a classification is fundamental, since with an infectious pathology, a sick animal requires isolation. It is also necessary to carry out preventive actions in the herd, dangerous diseases often have to destroy the entire livestock.

Here are the main non-communicable diseases in goats:

  • Pathologies of internal organs and systems
  • Surgical diseases
  • poisoning
  • Diseases of young goats
  • Obstetric and gynecological pathology.

Infectious diseases are divided into the following types:

The most common fungal infection is ringworm. It affects goats with improper maintenance, high humidity. Infection occurs during contact with a sick animal.

The hair at the site of the lesion becomes short, as if trimmed. Then it falls out, red, clearly defined spots with peeling and a rough surface are visible on the skin.

Ringworm is treated with iodine 3-5%, alcohol solution, phenothiazine, trichothecin, clotrimazole and other antifungal agents.

FMD is a dangerous viral disease that requires quarantine measures. When the first symptoms are detected, the sick animal should be isolated, the premises should be decontaminated and a notice should be written to the veterinary service. First, hooves are affected in goats, redness, vesicles and sores appear on the corolla and in the interhoof cracks.

Then similar elements appear on the udder, genitals, lips, mouth, around the eyes. The goat has a fever. The duration of the disease is a week, adult animals recover. Dangerous disease for kids, they often die. They don't even help medicinal properties colostrum. Foot-and-mouth disease is transmitted to people, it is characterized by epidemic distribution.

Treatment - local (treatment of wounds with antiseptics), prevention - vaccination.

Rabies in goats and sheep is a viral disease that is transmitted through the bites of sick animals. The first symptoms appear after a few days.

Goats begin to moo softly, stagger when walking, refuse to eat and drink, they salivate intensively. In almost all cases, the disease ends in death.

Therefore, all that can be done with rabies is to send animals for slaughter, the carcasses must be disposed of.

Bacterial diseases in goats

Listeriosis - bacterial infection, is caused by Listeria. It is transmitted to goats through small rodents, sheep and sick relatives.

It is manifested by a lesion of the nervous system, the goats lose their balance, spin in a circle, their head is turned on its side, after which convulsions occur. The disease lasts ten days, almost always ends in death.

At the beginning of the disease, tetracycline is injected at a dose of 25-30 mg / kg, but it rarely brings an effect. In most cases, sick animals are killed, meat can only be eaten after boiling for two hours.

Leptospirosis, another bacterial infection that is carried by rodents, is caused by Leptospira. It is transmitted by contact, alimentary and airborne droplets. The main symptoms are agitation, fever, loss of appetite, jaundice, diarrhea.

Goats urinate frequently, the color of the urine is dark, in severe cases they have convulsions. If goats are pregnant, they lose their young. Sometimes leptospirosis occurs in subacute and chronic form. The disease is treated with antibiotics, streptomycin is injected intramuscularly at a dose of 10-12 IU / kg, twice a day.

In the chronic form - bicillin, once every two weeks.

Brucellosis - bacterial disease goats, which is caused by brucella. Goats are infected by the fecal-oral route, through abrasions on the udder during milking. It is believed that the disease is transmitted sexually.

Signs in goats are minimal, testicles swell in goats, and abortions occur in goats in the fourth month. After an abortion, mucous or purulent discharge from the genital slit is observed. Brucellosis infects people, it occurs in acute, subacute and chronic forms, it is difficult to treat.

Information about suspected brucellosis in a goat should be reported to the veterinary service.

Pediculosis is the most common in goats. Lice infect animals all year round, but are most severe during the winter months, late autumn and early spring. When insects are plentiful, they cause emaciation as they release toxins into the blood.

At home, pyrethrum powder is prepared from medicinal chamomile flowers.

The structure of the mouth of the Vlas-eaters is gnawing, as they feed on wool and down. To combat lice use the same drugs and methods as for removing lice. Insects (both lice and withers) can carry contagious diseases, this is their main danger.

They also spoil the wool and down of goats.

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Goats become restless, bite the affected areas. After a while, cracks, redness, nodules appear on the skin, hair falls out. In severe cases, vesicles and pustules appear at the site of the introduction of the tick.

Treat scabies with butox, ivex for intramuscular injection(1 ml/50 kg).


Fascioliasis has a chronic course, initially without any signs. Then the metabolism is disturbed in goats, liver function suffers, yellowness of the sclera and skin appears. Animals stop eating and die of starvation.

For treatment, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane are used.

Symptoms depend on where the echinococcus lives. Helminthiasis is manifested by lesions of the liver, kidneys, muscles. If the goat suddenly fell, she had convulsions, perhaps the helminth is located in the brain. But more often the nervous system is affected with coenuriosis, similar in its development cycle to echinococcosis.

Treatment has not been developed, specific prevention is also not yet available.

It is manifested by severe diarrhea, the temperature rises in the kids, then dehydration sets in, the animals die within 7-10 days. Used for treatment antibacterial drugs, sulfadimethoxine, sulfazol, norsulfazol. Good results are given by coccidovit, chemocide.

If the treatment turned out to be ineffective, the animals are sent for slaughter, the room is thoroughly disinfected.

Non-communicable diseases of the digestive tract

Diseases of the intestines and stomach occur due to errors in feeding. Of these, the most common:

  • Atony of the proventriculus
  • Gastritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Tympany

With atony, goats lose their appetite, become lethargic and inactive. On palpation of the abdomen, peristalsis of the stomach is not felt. The cause of the disease is a sharp change in hay for roughage, hot or frozen food.

The disease is treated with massage, a starvation diet, a mixture of vodka (50 ml), alcohol (20 ml) and yeast (40 g) is prepared. A solution of caffeine and sodium benzoate injected under the skin helps well.

It is advised to give hellebore water to goats.

Gastritis in goats is acute and chronic. It arises from feeding poor-quality feed, overfeeding or irregular nutrition. Sick goats refuse to eat, their temperature rises slightly. The saliva in the mouth is viscous, the mucous membrane is overdried. At hyperacidity there are constipations, with reduced - diarrhea. Sometimes there is bloating.

If a goat has diarrhea, it should be differentiated from a contagious pathology. Infectious diarrhea is most often accompanied by fever, they are more intense.

With alimentary diarrhea, the temperature is normal or low, dehydration does not occur so quickly. The disease is treated with a correction of the diet, decoctions of alder cones, horse sorrel, fthalazol tablets are given.

Let the goat drink plenty of water, this will prevent dehydration.

Tympania or bloating occurs when eating food that is fermentable. These are mostly legumes, especially when wet after rain or covered with morning dew. The belly of a goat increases in size, sometimes rapidly. She loses activity, stops eating.

In severe cases, the diaphragm may block and stop breathing. Immediate help - massage the abdomen in a position with raised hind legs. Every goat owner should learn how to do it. The belly of a goat is doused with cold water or the animal is driven into the river.

Of the medicines for therapy, ichthyol, creolin, tympanol are used, water solution ammonia.

Non-communicable diseases of various organs and systems

In pregnant goats, with improper and unbalanced nutrition, ketosis occurs. This is a violation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, in which the amount of ketone bodies in the blood serum increases, which leads to violations of the robots of various internal organs. It is more common in multiple pregnancies.

In the first stage, symptoms such as perversion of appetite, weight loss, hair loss, palpitations and shortness of breath occur. Goats have abortions. In the second stage, neurological symptoms join, coordination of movements is disturbed, lethargy appears, muscle tone weakens, and signs of paresis appear. It all ends with convulsions and a coma.

Treatment is a change in diet (feeds rich in sugar), intravenous administration of glucose with insulin.

Violation of calcium metabolism occurs more often in young kids, although adult goats also suffer from this disease. The reason is unbalanced feed, lack of vitamin D, insolation.

It is manifested by a violation of gait, curvature of the limbs, lameness, reduced activity. In kids, there is a slowdown in the growth of horns, in adults - their softening. In severe cases, there are failures of cardiac activity, convulsions.

Calcium-phosphorus metabolism disorders and rickets in goats are treated with an additional introduction of calcium and vitamin D into the feed.

Bronchopneumonia is a non-contagious disease that occurs when goats and small kids are kept in a drafty room on damp bedding. The first symptoms are cough, fever, copious discharge from the nose. On auscultation in the lungs, wheezing, crepitus, and weakened breathing are heard.

The disease is treated with antibiotics of the penicillin series, bicillin. Be sure to change the conditions of detention. Goats that live in damp and damp areas may develop kidney disease and cystitis. They are manifested by frequent urination, loss of appetite, lethargy, the temperature rises by several degrees.

Antibacterial therapy is also used for treatment.

Other non-communicable goat diseases

When eating poisonous herbs, drinking poor-quality water causes goat poisoning. Most often, animals that live permanently in a barn suffer from it. Manifestations depend on the type of poison received.

Buttercup, Colchicum, Euphorbia cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract with vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation and loss of appetite. Henbane, yew, poppy disrupt the activity of the nervous system.

Digitalis, belladonna, nightshade, in addition to neurological symptoms, cause disruptions in cardiac activity. Poisoning can be caused by mineral poisons when drinking contaminated water (sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic, etc.).

First health care- soldering goats with a solution of soda, large doses activated carbon, intramuscular injection of caffeine. In case of poisoning, only professional veterinary medicine can provide qualified assistance.

The most common diseases of the uterus are not carrying a pregnancy, difficulty labor activity and mastitis. Miscarriages and abortions are mainly manifestations of other contagious and non-contagious pathologies. In some cases, they occur due to hormonal or functional disorders of the reproductive system.

For the treatment of hormonal disorders, prostaglandins, estrofan are prescribed. With repeated miscarriages, females are not allowed to breed. Mastitis in goats occurs with poor-quality milking, keeping in a cold room, infection through small wounds on the nipples. Manifested by an increase in the udder, redness of the skin, fever.

The main treatment antibiotic therapy, expressing milk.

Among surgical diseases in goats, putrefactive hoof decay, wounds, and rheumatism most often occur. Putrefactive lesions of the hooves occur when the barn is not cleaned from manure, grazing on polluted pastures, and poor care of goats. It is characterized by inflammation that destroys the tissue of the hooves.

The goat limps, then stops standing on the affected leg, loses activity. Rheumatism is a disease of animals that are kept in damp barns, on a concrete floor without bedding. Manifested by swelling of the joints, lameness. Often accompanied by symptoms of myositis, damage to the ligamentous apparatus.

Surgical diseases in goats and their treatment require the assistance of a veterinarian. It's hard to deal with them on your own.

The goat is a popular domestic animal that provides high-quality, healthy milk. She is unpretentious, adapts well to any conditions, eats almost all food, easily finds food herself and, having proper care and conditions of detention, does not cause problems. Goats rarely get sick, but you need to know how to establish that the animal is not well and what to do to treat it. This will be discussed in this article.

Noncommunicable diseases

These diseases can occur due to injury, improper or insufficient nutrition, poor quality feed, intoxication with poisonous plants or pesticides, poor care and lack of hygiene.

A healthy goat is always cheerful, with a good appetite. Normal heart rate is 70 - 80, breathing is 15 - 20 per minute, temperature is 38.5 - 40 ° C, up to 41 ° C in kids.

If the goat has lost milk, there is a rapid heartbeat, fever and poor appetite, it means she is unhealthy and it is necessary to find out what is the cause of the disease.

Important! In case of any disease, you need to contact the veterinarian, this can save both the health of the sick animal and the healthy individuals surrounding it.

Avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis

Avitaminosis usually occurs in kids and young animals due to a lack of vitamins in food (A, D, less often B, C, E) and minerals.

Avitaminosis is expressed in a slowdown in the growth of livestock, a deterioration in appetite, an unsteady gait, cramps, and leg failures. In adult animals, deterioration of reproductive functions is observed.

Treat it by making up for the lack of the right vitamin. So, vitamin A is replenished with fish oil, carrots, good hay, supplements containing retinol, vitamin B is found in bran, sprouted grains, carrots.

Rickets (vitamin deficiency) is often observed in kids, they weaken, begin to limp, the bones are easily bent, diarrhea or constipation occurs. There is a lot of vitamin D in milk, meat and bone meal, and yeast.

In acute cases, the veterinarian prescribes the introduction necessary vitamins intramuscularly. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to walk the kids more often, give a variety of feeds, including lactating goats, and the room for their maintenance should be dry and well ventilated.


The cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, scientifically - gastroenteritis, can be:

  • bad food:
  • rotten potatoes or beets;
  • moldy bread, crackers, grain waste or cake;
  • feed containing heavy metals;
  • a sharp transition of young animals to plant food;
  • when feeding goats with goat's milk, a patient with mastitis.

When a goat becomes ill, appetite decreases and disappears, diarrhea or constipation sets in, there is a lot of undigested food and lumps of mucus in the feces, but blood is rare, the smell of waste is very unpleasant, and when pressed on the stomach, the animal bleats plaintively. All this is accompanied by fever and rapid breathing.

You will certainly be interested to learn more about such breeds of goats as "Alpine", "Lamancha", "Boer".

At the beginning of treatment, to cleanse the intestines, the animal is given nothing for a day except a plentiful drink. As a laxative, give 8% solution of Glauber's salt, 50–80 g.

The intestines can be washed out by making an enema with lukewarm water and activated charcoal. After washing, the intestines are disinfected with salol (3-8 g), dissolved in chamomile broth, it is also desirable to give some kind of astringent, for example, 3-5 g of tannin.

Antibiotics and sulfanilamide preparations are used as a treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

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Goat milking rules


Dyspepsia - often found in newborn kids. Occurs due to malnutrition of goats on last stage pregnancy and after childbirth, which causes deterioration of milk.

As a result, the goat’s digestion deteriorates, metabolism worsens, dehydration and the accumulation of toxins in the body develop.

It manifests itself in the form of lethargy in kids, refusal to eat, diarrhea with a strong unpleasant odor of a gray-yellow color, the temperature can be below 38 °. You need to treat quickly, otherwise the lambs may die on the 4th day.

The sick are isolated and do not feed from 6 to 12 hours. Then they are drunk with boiled water or an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. After the animal's condition improves, it is allowed to the udder. If necessary, use sulgin or ftalazol.

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

Pneumonia rarely occurs on its own, usually it is the consequences of another illness or stress - hypothermia, overheating, etc., which leads to a decrease in immunity. Inflammation of the lungs can be caused by poor nutrition and a lack of vitamin A.

Symptoms are similar to those of most diseases: lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, coughing, wheezing in the lungs, mucus comes out of the nose, then pus, fever, rapid breathing, high pulse.

Sick animals are isolated in a well-ventilated, dry room. Switch to quality feed. To replenish vitamins, solutions of vitamins A and D can be administered subcutaneously, goats are given fish oil.

Treat with norsulfazole (0.05 g per kilogram of animal weight twice a day), penicillin (200,000–500,000 units daily for a week).


Ketosis, or acetone - most often the manifestation of this disease can occur in a goat during pregnancy and is associated with improper feeding, lack of hay feed and excess concentrates. This leads to metabolic disorders and the occurrence of acetonemic syndrome in the animal.

The first sign of ketosis is a decrease or lack of appetite, drowsiness, lethargy, a characteristic smell of acetone from the mouth, a slow reaction, constipation occurs, there is rapid breathing and heartbeat.

The treatment for ketosis is to change the diet, revise the diet, and normalize protein intake. The main feed should be high-quality hay and haylage, reduce the consumption of concentrates and potatoes, exclude the use of pulp, silage, bard, spoiled products.

It is necessary to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. For this, complex vitamins and microelements, sodium gluconate are used, a 10% glucose solution is administered intravenously to the animal, sodium lactate, chlorinol, propylene glycol are given with food. To reduce the acidity in the stomach, the goat is given baking soda.


Mastitis or inflammation of the udder is a disease caused by inflammation of the mammary gland. The cause of which may be improper milking, udder injuries, poor maintenance in unsanitary conditions or cold rooms. There are at least four mastitis, but all are based on microbial infection.

The first sign of mastitis is swelling of the udder, the diseased part of the udder hardens and becomes hot, and flakes and even pus appear in the milk, if it is still flowing.

Treatment of mastitis in a goat at home comes down to reducing the tumor and normalizing lactation. To reduce the yield of milk, the goat's diet is changed, succulent feed is removed, a laxative is given (2 tablespoons of Glauber's salt per 200 g vegetable oil for half a liter of water).

Read also:

How to treat mastitis in a goat

Unfortunately, mastitis is also often found in cows.

A cold vinegar compress of liquid clay is placed on the swollen udder (3 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water). Make lotions from the mother liquor (bodyak) 2 tablespoons per spoon of water.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, milking is often carried out, massage is done, if necessary with novocaine, camphor oil or ichthyol ointment is rubbed into the udder, wrapped in warm. In severe cases, antibiotics are used.


It usually occurs when eating hay that is high in pesticides or toxic plants. Most often this happens when grazing, less often - at watering places contaminated with toxic effluents.

Symptoms depend on the poison ingested, it can be:

  • severe indigestion - refusal of food, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
  • rapid pulse and breathing;
  • weakness, lethargy, lethargy, depression;
  • damage to the nervous system - convulsions, deterioration or loss of vision, stupor, paralysis, etc.

Treatment of poisoning consists primarily in cleaning digestive system. The stomach is washed with probing, a laxative, activated charcoal, and mucous decoction are given. Provide drink. If it is known what exactly poisoned the goat, use the desired antidote.

Acute tympania

Tympania or acute bloating in a goat requires immediate treatment, otherwise death occurs. Occurs when there is a violation of belching and accelerated generation and accumulation of gases in the rumen.

The cause is an improper diet, such as highly fermenting forage, or feeding on legumes in a wet pasture, or drinking when eating succulent

The main symptom is a very swollen belly, in addition, the goat stops chewing, looks around all the time.

What to do if the goat's stomach is swollen. Well, firstly, you need to immediately deprive the animal of food. Then they try to release the gases by placing the goat vertically on the hind hooves, doing a stomach massage.

They try to restore the belching by stretching out the goat's tongue and stuffing twisted straw into her mouth. Probing can be done. The animal is given a solution of creolin, ammonia (2 teaspoons per liter of water) or ichthyol. In the most extreme case, you can pierce the scar with a trocar in the zone of the hungry fossa.

Important! You can avoid tympania by feeding hay to your goat before grazing in wet, succulent pastures.


In goats, articular and muscular rheumatism is distinguished. Both are caused by keeping livestock in cold, damp conditions.

With muscular rheumatism, they become tight, dense, touch causes a painful reaction. Articular rheumatism leads to swelling of the joints, lameness, fever, loss of appetite.

In the first case, camphor alcohol is rubbed into the affected parts of the body, in the second case it is rubbed with an ointment of turpentine, vegetable oil and ammonia (mixed in a ratio of 5:5:1) and sodium salicylate 0.3-0.5 g is given inside. In both cases goats are transferred to a dry room.


When open wound it is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, bleeding is stopped, lubricated with iodine and sprinkled with naphthalene.

In case of a fracture, a bandage is applied to the hoof and tightly bandaged, limiting the movement of the injured animal. A severe bruise is treated by cutting off the hair on the affected area, then smeared with iodine and bandaged.

If it hit the hoof gap foreign body- a stone or a splinter, it is removed by cutting off the extra horn, and the inflamed place on the goat's hoof is washed and disinfected.

Cracks in the nipples

Cracks on the surface of the nipples occur with inept milking, with unclean maintenance, in the presence of poor-quality, rough bedding.

They are found during milking. In advanced cases, they can lead to mastitis.

To cure a goat, its udder is treated with an aqueous solution of boric acid, and then smeared with petroleum jelly or ghee.

For speedy healing, a cut aloe leaf, a compress from tincture of nettle leaves on alcohol, a mixture of boiled vegetable oil and wax, propolis ointment or Solcoseryl can be applied to the cracks.

Milking machines greatly simplify the process of milking and increase the number of milk yields.

Furunculosis of the udder

Furunculosis occurs in goats during lactation with improper maintenance. hair bags and sebaceous glands on the skin of the udder become inflamed and fester.

The main symptom of the disease is metastases of various sizes on the surface of the udder, in the middle of which is the hair root. The skin gradually turns red or yellow.

These areas are dense to the touch and, when touched, cause pain in the goat. Pus from such boils, falling on neighboring areas of the skin, causes the appearance of new abscesses.

When treating this disease in a goat, the hair on the udder is cut off, the skin is washed with warm water and soap and disinfected, the dried crusts of boils are removed, and then they are all treated with iodine.

Infectious diseases

They arise, as we mentioned, when infectious microbes enter the body. We briefly describe the most common goat diseases and methods of treatment.

Infectious pleuropneumonia

In nature, there are microbes of the genus Mycoplasma, which, penetrating into the body, cause inflammation of the lungs and pleura. These ailments are dangerous for young goats under the age of three. You can get infected by interacting with sick and already ill individuals. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted through cough, runny nose and urine.


  • the temperature rises sharply;
  • loss of interest in food
  • chewing gum disappears;
  • depressed look;
  • muscle trembling;
  • barking cough changing to wet;
  • mucopurulent mucus runs from the nose;
  • wheezing is heard during inhalation and exhalation.
  1. Patients are separated from the rest of the herd, the shed in which they were previously located is sanitized and disinfected.
  2. Goats are prescribed Novarsenol with glucose, Osarsol.

infectious mastitis

Caused by a pest that enters the udder. You can become infected during communication with individuals already affected by mastitis or still only carriers of the microbe.

Infected udder turns blue-purple


  • the infected part of the udder grows and hardens;
  • gets a blue-violet hue;
  • a watery slurry flows from the udder, after - blood with pus;
  • burns heat;
  • chewing gum disappears;
  • loss of appetite.

If the goat is sick with infectious mastitis, resort to the following measures.

  1. Sick pets are transferred to an isolation ward.
  2. The udder needs to be massaged and milked frequently.
  3. In difficult cases, intramuscular injections of "Penicillin", "Erythromycin" are prescribed, "Norsulfazol" is administered orally.
  4. Streptomycin or special compounds that inhibit the development of infection are injected through the nipples.


A sick animal can transmit infectious germs to humans. The peddler of brucellosis comes out during abortions, with amniotic fluid and with blood. The microbe enters the body through food, drinking water and in contact with affected individuals.

An effective treatment has not yet been developed, therefore, the infected animal is killed. The room where it was kept is treated and disinfected so that brucellosis does not develop in the rest of the livestock.

Necrobacteriosis (hoof disease)

The infection enters the body through scratches on the skin and saliva, mucous membranes. Affects the interhoof gap, crumbs and corolla. Transmitted by contact with a microbe carrier through saliva, manure and necrotic cells.


  • the goat begins to limp;
  • the tissue on the hooves swells;
  • there are purulent-necrotic formations;
  • in difficult situations, the horn shoe falls off, the infection penetrates the lips and mouth;
  • the desire to eat is lost.

Complex treatment.

  1. Affected areas are disinfected.
  2. If the disease has just begun, antibiotics are used that act for a long time (Terramycin, Cobactan).
  3. Medicines are prescribed to strengthen the immune system.
  4. In special cases resort to local surgery.


Infection manifests itself in the form of putrefactive decomposition of the ungulate horn. Along the way, the sole and walls of the hoof exfoliate.

The affected hoof may be at risk of necrosis


  • sick people limp on the affected leg;
  • the area through which the infection has penetrated turns red and begins to swell;
  • in difficult cases, gangrene or necrosis of the hoof occurs.

The following treatment helps.

  1. Sick individuals are isolated, and the goat's rue is disinfected.
  2. Affected hooves are treated with disinfectants.
  3. In difficult situations, festering places are cut off surgically.

foot and mouth disease

Doctors call a number of types of RNA-containing viruses the causative agents of the disease. Immediately after entering the body of a goat, the virus multiplies vigorously, first affecting the epithelial cells (creating bubbles), and then disperses throughout the body.

A goat can get sick with foot and mouth disease due to carriers of the virus, sick or already recovered individuals. The virus enters the body through the mouth and mucous membranes, through scratches on the udder and limbs.

FMD symptoms:

  • the temperature rises;
  • passivity, depressed state;
  • milk yields are falling;
  • after a few days, small ulcers appear in the mouth, on the wings of the nose, on the udder and hooves, which burst after a couple of days;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lameness.

There is no specific treatment for FMD yet. Usually resort to several procedures.


Helminth infestation - common problem livestock

There are the following sources of helminth invasion.

When helminths enter the body, the following symptoms begin to develop.

  1. The depressed state of the goat manifests itself very quickly.
  2. Lack of appetite or sluggish eating.
  3. The body temperature of an individual can reach 41 °.
  4. In the beginning, the animal swears, then suffers from constipation.
  5. The chest and jaw of the animal swell.
  6. Obviously, the mucous membranes turn pale and acquire a yellow tint.


The disease is treated with anthelmintic drugs:

  • ocetvicola;
  • dertil;
  • acemidophen;
  • ursovermite, etc.


Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately, but about 25-30 days.

  1. Animals lose a lot of weight and become lethargic.
  2. The coat begins to lose its luster and falls out in places.
  3. In the manure, you can find mucus and pieces of helminths.

If decisive action is not taken, the intestines of the animal will become so clogged with worms that obstruction will occur and the animal will die.


It is also carried out with anthelmintic drugs:

  • cambendazole;
  • fenalidone;
  • copper sulfate;
  • fanadecom, etc.

If only part of your herd has become infected, it does not hurt to feed anthelmintic drugs to the rest of the livestock to avoid further consequences.

Echinococcosis cestode


The course of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms.

  1. Serious weight loss of horned wards.
  2. Frequent diarrhea.
  3. Jaundice.
  4. The animal coughs and has difficulty breathing.


No cure has yet been developed, so the goats are sent to slaughter and carefully disposed of so as not to infect the entire herd.


Infection of the body of a goat with a filamentous helminth, which is colonized in the trachea and bronchi. It also enters the body with food or water.


Symptoms are similar to other types of helminth infections, but they are added:

  • viscous discharge from the nose;
  • anemia;
  • puffiness.


Treatment of dictyocaulosis consists in the infusion of iodine solution into the trachea, as well as in the introduction of injections of dithrazine.


Infection with Strongylate roundworms occurs from contaminated feed or water. Once inside, the worms settle in the intestines and stomach.


Thanks to the following symptoms, you can determine the early onset of the disease:

  • increased body temperature;
  • anemia;
  • yellowing of mucous membranes;
  • general weakness;
  • decreased appetite or refusal to feed;
  • fast, weak pulse;
  • rapid breathing;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • the urine of the animal turns red.


Animals are treated with injections of the following drugs:

  • azidine;
  • diamidine.

At the same time, they carry out therapy aimed at relieving symptoms and feed the animals with dietary feed.

Lice on goats

Lice settle on animals and, upon contact, jump onto others, infecting the entire herd.


Symptoms of lice in an individual include:

  • anxiety in goats due to widespread itching;
  • low productivity of animals;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of dermatitis and hair loss.

Video - Treatment of goats for lice, worms, diarrhea


The killing of lice is carried out with insecticides, such as to destroy not only adults, but also the larvae laid by them. Spraying is carried out with solutions:

  • phoxime;
  • chlorophors;
  • carboforce;
  • arrodex, etc.

Mandatory secondary processing animals two weeks after the first, in order to prevent hatching of larvae in any case.

Remember to practice self-treatment animals are not worth it, entrust this work to a veterinarian to prevent the spread of the disease to the entire herd.

Prevention of diseases of young animals

It is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later. Especially in animals from which it is planned to obtain high-quality milk, meat or offspring in the future.

To protect a newborn goat, its health must be taken care of even in the prenatal period:

  • First of all, for a goat it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for gestation. Temperature, air humidity, walks. Particular attention must be paid to the diet.
  • Secondly, the goat's rue must be equipped so that there are no drafts and cracks. Thirdly, it is necessary to strictly control that all the necessary minerals and elements enter the body.

Diseases of small ruminants develop with poor animal husbandry, poor-quality feeding, and also with non-compliance with quarantine measures. Goat diseases can affect any system of the body, while reducing productivity. Therefore, when the first signs appear that the animal is unwell, it is better to isolate it and call a specialist who will determine what therapeutic measures should be taken.


These are diseases of goats that develop, as a rule, with improper maintenance, feeding, poisoning with toxic substances, various types injuries.

Acute tympania

The disease develops with rapid excessive gas formation in the scar, impaired belching. It occurs with improper feeding - grazing animals after rain on a pasture with legumes, feeding goats in large quantities with feed that causes fermentation.


  • the abdomen rapidly increases in volume;
  • chewing gum is missing;
  • the animal refuses to eat and looks back.


If swelling is detected, the animal is deprived of food. If you do not help immediately, the disease ends in death. First, they try to free the scar from gases, lifting the goat by the front legs to a standing position, massage the abdomen, pour cold water on the sides of the goat. In some cases, sounding is used. Inside give a solution of ichthyol or creolin. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, before releasing goats to pastures with juicy green fodder, they must first be fed with hay or straw.


When feeding poor-quality and spoiled feed, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines begins. The disease can also develop with a sharp transition of young animals to plant foods, drinking milk obtained from goats with mastitis.


  • the goat loses its appetite;
  • constipation is replaced by diarrhea;
  • in faeces, undigested food particles, mucus, rarely blood are noticed;
  • the temperature rises;
  • breathing quickens.


First of all, the animal is deprived of food for a day, leaving a sufficient amount of clean water. Gradually, they begin to produce high-quality hay and chopped oats. Antibiotics and sulfa drugs are administered orally as treatment.


A disease of newborn kids caused by a violation of digestion and metabolism, resulting in dehydration and intoxication of the body. Appears with unbalanced feeding of goats in the third period of pregnancy and after lambing, which is why the quality of colostrum deteriorates and the resistance of the body of goats is reduced.


  • goats begin to have fetid diarrhea of ​​a yellow-gray color;
  • animals refuse to eat, lie down more;
  • note swelling in the abdomen;
  • temperature is often below normal.


Treatment begins at the first manifestations of the disease, otherwise death occurs after 4-5 days.

Sick goats are kept separately, feeding is stopped for 6-12 hours. Inside, drink a warm solution of sodium chloride or boiled water several times a day. With positive dynamics, the kid is allowed to go to his mother. Antibiotics, ftalazol, sulgin are also used for treatment.

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)

In most cases, it is a secondary disease that accompanies other diseases. It develops when the immunity of animals is weakened as a result of stress, hypothermia, overheating, inhalation of polluted air, unbalanced diet, etc.


  • the state of the goats becomes oppressed;
  • appetite decreases;
  • there is a cough and wheezing in the lungs;
  • mucous discharge from the nose gradually becomes purulent;
  • the temperature rises;
  • respiration and pulse speed up.


Sick goats are transferred to separate dry ventilated rooms. They feed high-quality hay, concentrated and mineral feed. Inside prescribe norsulfazol, penicillin. Goats are given fish oil.

Avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis

It develops with a deficiency in the diet of animals of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.


In young animals, growth retardation and disorders of the nervous system (convulsions, unsteady gait, paralysis of the limbs, etc.) are noted. In adult goats, vitamin deficiency negatively affects reproductive function.


With a lack of vitamin A, animals are given fish oil and supplements containing retinol, B vitamins are found in bran, carrots, sprouted grains. Meat and bone meal, milk, yeast are rich in vitamin D.


The disease develops on late stage sucrose with improper feeding (overabundance of concentrates and lack of fiber). Associated with metabolic disorders high content in the blood of ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetic acid).


  • the first symptoms of ketosis are a decrease or complete lack of appetite;
  • hearing and vision impairment may develop;
  • twitching of the facial muscles;
  • gnashing of teeth;
  • reflex reactions are blunted.


Sucose uterus before and after childbirth provide balanced feeding and full range. For the treatment of ketosis, methionine, sodium gluconate, and glucose are prescribed. Make adjustments to nutrition.


Occurs when animals eat food treated with pesticides, as well as plants in the pasture containing toxins.


Depending on the poison, goats have signs such as:

  • indigestion (diarrhea, refusal to feed, vomiting);
  • dysfunctions of the nervous system (convulsions, paralysis, loss of vision, etc.);
  • rapid breathing and pulse.


In case of poisoning, the stomach is washed with the help of probing, laxatives, mucous decoction, activated charcoal are given. If there is information about poisoning with a specific toxic substance, specific antidotes are used.


A disease characterized by inflammation of the mammary gland of goats. Mastitis develops with improper milking, udder injuries and keeping animals in contaminated, damp and cold rooms.


  • the affected share of the udder hardens, becomes hot;
  • milk given contains flakes, sometimes pus.


Treatment includes mandatory antibiotic therapy. To alleviate the condition, the goat is milked as often as possible, camphor oil is rubbed into the skin of the udder.

Furunculosis of the udder

Inflammation sebaceous glands and hair bags on the udder with pus. The disease is observed during lactation with improper maintenance of goats.


A characteristic feature is the appearance on the skin of the udder of an animal of various sizes of cones (foci of inflammation), in the center of which is the hair root. Gradually, the skin becomes red or yellowish. The affected areas are hard and painful to the touch. Pus from the opened boil falls on the adjacent skin, where new pustules develop.


The skin of the udder is thoroughly washed with warm water and soap or a disinfectant solution, removing all dried crusts. Wool is cut off. Inflamed bumps are treated with iodine solution.

Cracks in the nipples

They are formed when goats are not properly milked, when they are kept on poor quality litter.

Cracks are noticed during milking. If pathogenic bacteria enter the damaged area, mastitis may develop.

For treatment, the udder of the animal is treated with boric acid, then the nipples are lubricated with petroleum jelly.


Open wounds are washed with a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, treated with iodine, sprinkled with naphthalene.

In case of a fracture of the limb, a splint is applied and tightly bandaged, limiting the mobility of the animal.

In case of a bruise in the injured area, the hair is cut off, treated with iodine solution and bandaged.

When pebbles or splinters get into the hoof gap, the foreign body is removed, the excess horn is cut off, the inflamed area in the area of ​​​​the animal's hoof is washed with a disinfectant solution.


The disease occurs in goats when kept in damp and cold rooms.

In muscular rheumatism, the muscles harden, touching the goat causes pain. For treatment, animals are kept in a dry room, camphor alcohol is rubbed into painful areas.

With articular rheumatism, the joints of the legs swell, the temperature rises in animals, lameness develops, and appetite decreases. Sodium salicylate is given orally. The affected joints are rubbed with an ointment containing turpentine, vegetable oil and ammonia.


Infectious diseases that are caused by harmful microorganisms that have entered the body of an animal. Goats can transmit some diseases to humans.

Infectious pleuropneumonia

Microorganisms of the genus Mycoplasma cause inflammation of the lungs and pleura. Most goats get sick up to 3 years of age. Infection occurs through contact with sick and recovered goats, which excrete the causative agent of the disease with cough, nasal discharge and urine.


  • the development of the disease begins with a rapid increase in body temperature;
  • animals refuse to eat;
  • chewing gum is missing;
  • sluggish state;
  • muscle tremor appears;
  • dry cough develops, followed by wet;
  • discharge from the nose of a mucopurulent nature;
  • breathing of the animal is difficult, accompanied by wheezing.


Sick goats are isolated, the room is disinfected. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, novarsenol with glucose, osarsol is prescribed.

infectious mastitis

The disease develops when a pathogenic pathogen enters the udder. The source of the disease are goats with mastitis and microcarrier animals.


  • the affected share of the udder is enlarged, hard;
  • the skin has a blue-violet color;
  • from the udder, at first, a watery liquid is released, then blood with pus;
  • the temperature rises;
  • chewing gum is missing;
  • food refusal.


Sick goats are transferred to a separate room, the udder is massaged and often milked. Treatment starts with intramuscular injections penicillin, erythromycin, orally give norsulfazol. Through the teat channel of the udder, animals are injected with streptomycin or special preparations that prevent the development of bacteria.


Infectious disease of animals, dangerous for humans.

The microbe is excreted from the body of sick goats during abortions, with amniotic fluid and blood. Infection with brucellosis occurs through food, sick animals, water.

Animals sick with brucellosis are slaughtered, the room is disinfected.

Necrobacteriosis (hoof disease)

It manifests itself in the defeat of the interhoof gap, crumbs and corolla. Animals become infected from sick and recovered goats, which excrete the pathogen with feces, saliva and necrotic tissue. Bacteria penetrate through damaged skin and mucous membranes.


  • a characteristic sign of the disease is lameness;
  • in goats, swelling of the tissues of the hooves is noted;
  • purulent-necrotic changes appear;
  • in advanced cases, the horn shoe may fall off, the lips and mucous membrane of the mouth are affected;
  • loss of appetite.


Treatment must be comprehensive. With the help of disinfectants, all affected areas are treated. Antibiotics are used initially long-acting(terramycin, cobactan), prescribe drugs that strengthen the immune system. Local surgical treatment is also carried out.


The disease is characterized by putrefactive decay of the hoof horn, detachment of the sole and walls of the hoof.


  • the movement of sick animals is difficult - they are lame on their feet with an affected hoof;
  • at the site of infection, redness and swelling are first observed;
  • in severe form, gangrene or necrosis of the hoof develops.


Sick goats are isolated. The room is disinfected. Sick hooves are washed with disinfectant solutions. In advanced cases, the affected areas are surgically removed.

foot and mouth disease

The disease is caused by several types of RNA viruses. After infection, the pathogen actively multiplies first in epithelial cells (forming vesicles), and then throughout the body.

Animals become infected from sick or recovered goats through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, damaged skin of the udder and limbs.


  • body temperature rises;
  • the condition of the animals is oppressed;
  • milk yields drop sharply;
  • after 2-3 days, small ulcers appear in the oral cavity, on the wings of the nose, skin and hooves of goats, which rupture after a few days;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lameness.


There is no specific treatment for the disease. The sick are isolated. The affected areas are washed with disinfectant solutions, the hooves are lubricated with heated birch tar. The room is disinfected.


The causative agent of the disease are flat helminths Fasciola, which are localized in the liver and bile ducts of animals. The source of the spread of invasion are goats, which become infected with fascioliasis when grazing on disadvantaged pastures.


  • in young animals, the temperature rises to 41.5 °;
  • the sick are oppressed;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea is replaced by constipation;
  • edema appears on mandible and chest;
  • anemia gradually develops;
  • mucous membranes turn pale and turn yellow.


Of the anthelmintic drugs, acemidofen, acetvikol, dertil, ursovermite, faskoverm, fazineks are prescribed.



The first symptoms of the disease develop after about a month:

Fenasal, fanadek, fenalidone, panakur, copper sulfate, albendazole, cambendazole are used for deworming. Animals are given drugs individually or in groups.



  • sick goats gradually lose weight;
  • indigestion occurs;
  • jaundice develops;
  • with damage to the lungs, breathing becomes difficult, the animal coughs, shortness of breath develops.

There is no cure.



  • in sick animals, appetite decreases;
  • sluggish state;
  • goats begin to cough;
  • nasal discharge becomes viscous;
  • edema and anemia develop.


Assign an aqueous solution of iodine, which is injected into the trachea with a syringe. Effective injectable ditrazine.


Roundworms from the suborder Strongylate are localized in various parts of the digestive system: the stomach, small and large intestines. Goats become infected by ingesting feed or water contaminated with larvae or eggs.


Sick animals develop gastroenteritis, dermatitis, pneumonia, diarrhea. Wool fades and falls out easily.


For treatment, anthelmintics with immunostimulants are used. Apply phenothiazine, copper sulfate.



  • of the first signs of the disease, an increase in body temperature is noted;
  • anemia develops;
  • mucous membranes turn yellow;
  • the general condition of the goats is deteriorating;
  • note the refusal of food;
  • increased heart rate and respiratory movements;
  • diarrhea appears;
  • hemoglobin is excreted through the kidneys, due to which the urine of the animal acquires a dark red color.


Sick goats are kept in isolation and provided with dietary quality feed. They begin to treat with specific means - azidine, diamidine. In parallel, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.


A ubiquitous disease caused by lice. Animals become infected from sick goats through direct contact, sometimes through care items.

Both infectious and non-infectious goat diseases can cause significant economic damage to the farmer. For some viral infections is affected most of livestock, in addition, viruses are able to persist for a long time in the external environment. Most diseases can be prevented by following basic zoohygienic requirements and feeding goats with a well-balanced diet.

At proper care and good feeding goats rarely get sick. However, the farmer should be able to distinguish a sick animal from a healthy one and provide the animals with the necessary assistance.

A healthy goat has a good appetite and a cheerful appearance. The pulse of a healthy animal is 70-80 beats per minute, and the number of breaths is 15-20. Body temperature - 39-40. Body temperature is measured through the anus.

  • The first symptoms of an infectious disease are:
  • Rapid breathing
  • The appearance of shortness of breath
  • The pulse reaches 100 beats per minute, while the body temperature rises - 41-42 degrees
  • Ears and feet get cold
  • Lost appetite
  • Stops milk production

    We will consider only some, non-communicable diseases and describe the simplest measures to help animals in conditions farming or courtyard. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that calling a veterinarian will help not only give an accurate diagnosis, but also prevent further deterioration in the animal's well-being and the spread of the disease to other animals.

    Udder inflammation- occurs shortly after lambing. The causes of the disease are colds due to keeping goats in a room with drafts, on dirty bedding, on a cold and wet floor. When treating an animal, it is necessary to follow a strict diet with the complete exclusion of dairy feed. Dairy feed is replaced with hay good quality. At the same time, the rate of concentrated feed is reduced.

    During treatment, goats are given a laxative - a solution of Glauber's salt (1 tablespoon per 250 grams of water or 100 grams of vegetable oil). A cold compress is placed on the affected half of the udder for 3-4 hours - liquid clay with vinegar (2-3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water). After that, you need to make a compress from the bodyak (gourd, mother liquor): for 1 tablespoon of water, at least two tablespoons of the powdered bodyac.

    If the tumor does not subside for a long time, then zinc, lead (ready-made preparations) or iodine ointment should be used. On the fourth day, warm compresses are required with camphor alcohol, warm wraps using camphor oil or ichthyol ointment. Thermal procedures are carried out 2 times a day, while the animals should be kept in a warm room. With severe pain in the udder and the absence of the above drugs, the animals are injected intravenously with a 0.25% solution of novocaine at a dose of 1 ml per 1 kg of live weight.

    Cracks in the nipples- appear with untidy keeping of goats and inept milking. Often the cause of the disease is rough bedding. If cracks appear, wash the udder with a solution of boric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water), lubricate the nipples with petroleum jelly or melted butter.

    Colic is pain in the abdomen due to accumulation of gas. The first symptoms are loss of appetite, profuse sweating, and constipation. When this disease occurs, enemas should be made from chamomile infusion (a handful per bottle of water). In addition, you can give inside infusions: chamomile - 250 grams; gentian root processes - 10 grams; Glauber's salt - 15 grams; flaxseed - 25 grams. The stomach should be tied with a warm scarf or a heating pad tied to it.

    Tympania (acute swelling of the scar)- occurs as a result of a large accumulation of gases in the rumen or intestines. It usually manifests itself in the warm season in goats on a pasture. The main reason is the rapid consumption of a large amount of green fodder, which promotes fermentation, as well as plants covered with dew. That is why swellings are observed most often in the early morning hours in wet weather. The disease is exacerbated if the animals are given water immediately after grazing or feeding.

    It is not difficult to remove gases when they have accumulated in the upper part. The bottom line is to stimulate scar reduction. Sometimes it is enough just to pour cold water over the sides of the goat, and when mass disease- drive animals into the water. If this does not help, then you should do a scar massage. To do this, the animal is placed in such a way that the front legs are higher and the hind legs are lower. After that, they begin to massage the scar. Usually gases with an eructation leave quickly. You can put the goat by the hind legs, the front ones are held in the hands, and the scar is vigorously squeezed with the knees. Such repeated massaging releases accumulated gases. Gases can be removed with an esophageal tube or by artificial belching. Using a stick or a hand wrapped in a rag and moistened with tar, they irritate palatine curtain throat. If the above methods do not help, then the scar is punctured. This operation should be entrusted to a veterinarian or an experienced goat breeder. In especially severe cases, when these methods do not help, an incision is made in the scar and the contents are removed through the incision. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to give animals hay or straw.

    Atony of the stomach (digestive disorder). This disease is most often observed in low-yield years in the vicinity of cities, in areas with poor soils, with prolonged irrational feeding in the winter-spring period. The cause of the disease is excessive consumption of feed rich in fiber (straw, chaff, chaff), prolonged transportation, overfeeding concentrated feed, lack of walks, poor water supply, feeding spoiled feed. As a result, the appetite of goats decreases, the movement of the contents of the scar into the net slows down, and from the net into the book. In chronic atony of the proventriculus, overflow and swelling of the scar are often observed. The eructation becomes very infrequent and smells strongly, like rotting manure. In sick animals, constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa. During treatment, animals are given a solution of hydrochloric acid(2-5 grams of acid is dissolved in a glass of water), hellebore tincture (2-3 ml per glass of water), pilocarpine is injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.01-0.03 grams per animal.

    Inflammation of the stomach and intestines, or gastroenteritis. The cause of this disease is the feeding of spoiled feed: rotten beets or potatoes, moldy grain waste, bread or cake; feed affected by rust or smut fungi. Regular diseases of gastroenteritis are observed when feeding feed contaminated with heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium). In addition, secondary gastroenteritis is observed after past illnesses. The disease occurs with suppressed appetite and chewing gum. The animal emits a plaintive bleating when the abdomen is pressed, especially on the right side of the hungry fossa. Diarrhea is often observed, and the animal, painfully pushing, secretes liquid, fetid stools that contain blood, fragments of false films and tissues. The abdomen is tucked up. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by ulcerative inflammation of the oral cavity.

    Treatment comes down to diet. To release the gastrointestinal tract, a laxative is used (40-80 grams of an 8% solution of Glauber's salt). After laxatives, disinfectants are given - salol at a dose of 2-8 grams in chamomile decoction, tannin or other astringent - 2-5 grams. To wash the intestines, deep enemas are used from lukewarm water, in which there are particles of activated carbon, and for bloody diarrhea, a solution of rivanol (1%) or furazolidone (0.1%) is used.

    It should be borne in mind that with gastroenteritis, the animal loses a large number of water, leading to dehydration. In this case, resort to intravenous injections hypertonic glucose solutions with the addition of common salt. To do this, take a 1% glucose solution and a 1-3% sodium chloride solution and inject 2 ml intravenously.

    Diarrhea (diarrhea) most often occurs in goats, but also occurs in adults. The reason is poor-quality feeding, contaminated or cold milk, colds. Treatment comes down to cleanliness and a certain diet. The simplest and available remedy- oak bark. The decoction is also used for prophylactic purposes: a tablespoon of crushed bark is poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insisted in a closed enamel bowl for 30 minutes, filtered and given inside 1/4 cup several times a day. It is better for kids to give a decoction half diluted in milk. However, if the disease is advanced, milk should not be given. To normalize digestion, 1-3 multiple drinking is enough.

    For diarrhea, the fruits of bird cherry, a decoction of pomegranate peels, and a decoction of rice are also used. Can be applied Castor oil(2-3 teaspoons).

    Diarrhea is also contagious. With such a diagnosis, antibiotics are used - chloramphenicol, biometsin, etc.

  • Livestock diseases inevitably accompany livestock activities. Of course, you should not engage in self-treatment of wards; entrust this part of the work to a veterinarian. However, the ability to diagnose the disease in time according to the main symptoms is in the hands of goat owners, as it saves valuable minutes and prevents the disease at an early stage of occurrence. In this article, we will tell you about goat diseases and how to deal with them.

    What are goat diseases?

    Note that it is most correct to divide goat diseases into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. In the first case, the animal, being in close contact with horned companions, can transmit its disease, in the second, it gets sick alone. It should not be assumed that non-communicable diseases are less serious than those that can spread. Many of them arise due to improper housing conditions created for the wards by farmers, so a large number of goats can get sick at the same time. So, let's proceed to a detailed consideration of the diseases included in each of the groups we have defined in this part.

    Non-communicable diseases of goats

    As mentioned above, the cause of non-communicable diseases in goats is mainly the improper maintenance of animals. So, these diseases can develop due to the following factors:

    • improper feeding;
    • lack of hygiene content;
    • poisoning;
    • injury different nature etc.

    Video - Rumen tympania in goats

    Acute tympania

    Acute tympania usually occurs only during the summer grazing period, as it is directly related to improper feeding of animals with green fodder. The disease has such a characteristic as "acute", for a reason. There are no other conditions for this disease, since it is necessary to take measures when it occurs immediately.

    Tympania is the formation in the rumen of a goat of a large accumulation of gases resulting from the fermentation of plant foods. The reasons for the fermentation of food may be as follows.

    1. If the goat ate juicy, easily fermenting green food on an empty stomach.
    2. The goat was heavily watered before being pastured or given green fodder.
    3. The goat is taken to the pasture in the morning, when the dew has not yet left the grass, and has eaten wet juicy food;
    4. Grazing was carried out in a short period of time after the rain and wet greens were also eaten.
    5. The dry pasture was abruptly replaced by a pasture with lush meadow grass.

    There are herbs that are most likely to cause tympania when one of the above conditions occurs. Usually it's beans. Within this group, the following plants are meant:

    The following plant elements are also dangerous:

    • young spring greens;
    • ascending shoots of winter crops;
    • tops of carrots and beets;
    • cabbage leaves;
    • potato stems and leaves;
    • fallen fruits of the apple tree;
    • corn cobs;
    • moldy grain.

    The fact that gases form in the rumen of a goat is considered absolutely normal. Some of them are then absorbed into the digestive system, the other is removed with an eructation. However, if various pathologies occur, for example, atony of the scar (complete cessation of its motor function), gases cease to be excreted and the disease begins.

    Symptoms of acute tympania

    You can determine the presence of the disease by a number of symptoms, mainly associated with the restless behavior of the goat.

    1. The animal stops eating, attempts to feed cause a serious protest.
    2. Tail fanning of the body becomes more frequent.
    3. The animal constantly looks at the stomach and emits a plaintive bleating.
    4. The frequency of defecation of a goat increases. The animal often sits down to pass urine or feces, but only small drops come out.
    5. The goat periodically freezes without movement, so as not to provoke new painful attacks by walking back and forth.

    The next group of symptoms is already physiological, not arbitrary. The points described below should cause serious concern to the farmer.

    1. The rapid breathing of the animal, but superficial, as if the goat was on its last legs.
    2. Bloated belly. It is almost impossible not to notice an increase in the size of the belly in goats, since these animals do not have an abundant coat of wool.
    3. The mouth of the animal is wide open, the tongue is hanging to the side.
    4. There is an occasional cough.
    5. The gait of the animal is unsteady.
    6. The mucous membrane of the goat acquires a bluish tint;
    7. The limbs of the horned become cold.

    If you can, palpate the scar on the animal. In the presence of tympania, the tense walls of the hungry fossa on the left side will be clearly felt, and the scar will not shrink.

    Tympania treatment

    Let's repeat it again best help the farmer will promptly call the veterinarian for his animal, however, if this is not possible, follow our instructions.

    1. Raise the animal by its legs to a vertical standing position, so that it rests only on its hind hooves.
    2. Pull out the tongue of the goat and put a tourniquet of straw into its mouth.
    3. Massage the abdomen with a horned one, constantly pouring cold water over it. Simultaneously give her a solution of half a liter of water and a teaspoon of one of the following liquids:
      • ammonia;
      • kerosene;
      • Creolina.

    If tympania is running and the goat's life counts for minutes, use an emergency measure: sharply pierce the scar to the animal using a trocar surgical instrument. The puncture must be done in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hungry fossa of the animal.

    The best treatment is prevention

    Instead of treating an animal for acute tympania, take care to simply prevent it from occurring. Follow a few of the guidelines below.

    1. Feed them dry hay before taking them out to green meadows, especially after the stall period.
    2. Avoid grazing in the morning when the grass is still covered with dew or frost.
    3. Do not water the animals before taking them to pasture or giving them juicy green fodder.

    Gastroenteritis in goats

    Gastroenteritis in goats refers to the occurrence of problems with several elements of the digestive system of goats, namely with:

    • abomasum;
    • intestines.

    Poor water quality is one of the main causes of goat gastroenteritis

    As a rule, gastroenteritis is presented by severe inflammatory processes, touching not only the mucous membranes, but also the muscles and the serous layer.

    It should be said that this disease is one of the most common in goats, and it also manifests itself seasonally. For example, in adults, it often occurs in the fall, in young kids - in the summer. The disease is accompanied by a sharp decrease in livestock.

    The reasons for the appearance of gastroenteritis in adults may be the following circumstances.

    1. Feeding spoiled food. For example, moldy, low-quality grain, the storage of which the farmer did not keep track of, or which was bought cheaply.
    2. Watering goats with unsuitable water:
      • muddy;
      • stagnant;
      • salty.
    3. Goats grazing on pasture with young grass during unstable spring temperatures. The fact is that chemical composition young grass, which alternately freezes and thaws, becomes unacceptable for eating, and if grazing continues, many individuals soon become ill with gastroenteritis.
    4. Goats ingesting herbs or water rich in boron. Usually the taste of these plants is unpleasant for animals, however, if the choice is small and the farmer chooses a poor, arid pasture, they will eat whatever they want.

    For young animals, the conditions for the onset of the disease will be as follows.

    1. Abrupt weaning of young kids from milk and transfer to solid feed without supplementary feeding with a white drink.
    2. Too cold water in drinkers.
    3. Drinking river, muddy water.
    4. Drinking salt water.
    5. Feeding goats by a mother, who subsequently has mastitis.
    6. Dehydration of the baby's body or exceeding the permissible temperature of the content also lead to the occurrence of this disease.

    The average course of the disease is 3 to 5 days. Due to the fact that the immune system is poorly developed in kids, gastroenteritis occurs instantly in them, but it takes a long time and is difficult to treat.

    In those individuals who have been ill with gastroenteritis especially hard, metabolism is disturbed and weight loss occurs, as well as profuse hair loss.

    Symptoms of gastroenteritis

    So, you can determine the development of gastroenteritis in the digestive system of a goat by the following series of symptoms.

    1. In sick goats, lethargy, complete unwillingness to move, constant attempts to go to bed are observed.
    2. There is no response to stimuli such as noise, touch by the owner, or signals from herd mates.
    3. Eating becomes rare and gradually disappears completely.
    4. Chewing gum is slow or completely absent.
    5. There is hyperemia and dry mouth.
    6. Attempts to defecate are not crowned with success, on the face of constipation, which then, however, are replaced by profuse diarrhea.
    7. When examining feces, you can see abundant mucus or bloody inclusions.

    Perform palpation if you have sufficient skills. You will feel seriously tense abdominal walls, the goat will let you know that the touch is painful with a protesting bleat.

    After some time, the disease is determined by the symptoms of intoxication.

    1. There is a noticeable increase in body temperature of the animal.
    2. The breathing of a sick goat is rapid, the pulse quickens, however, it is difficult to feel.
    3. Trembling begins, sometimes reaching the onset of full-fledged convulsions.
    4. Urination rare and not plentiful.
    5. The whites of the goat's eyes are filled with blood and acquire a yellow tint.

    Treatment of gastroenteritis in adults

    Treating gastroenteritis in an adult goat is not an easy task. Trust her to the vet. If this is not possible, follow these instructions.

    Once again, we recall that each case of the disease is individual. Medicines that bring recovery to one goat can harm another and only increase the time of the disease.

    Step 1. To cleanse a goat's stomach and help it pass a bowel movement, give it castor oil to drink.

    Step 2 Give the animal antibiotics for 5 or 7 days. The following drugs are widely used:

    • phthalazol;
    • sulgin.

    The dose of the drug is calculated as follows: for each kilogram of the animal's weight, 0.2 grams is required.

    Step 3 Simultaneously with antibiotics, animals are given means that disinfect the intestines. Among them, farmers are advised to use:

    • ichthyol;
    • lysol;
    • resorcinol.

    Step 4 To stop abundant diarrhea, the following natural remedies are used in a complex:

    • decoction of oak bark;
    • flax or oat seeds infused in hot water.

    These decoctions have an enveloping and astringent effect and greatly relieve the acute condition of the intestines.

    Step 5 To prevent dehydration, saline is administered intravenously or subcutaneously to goats. If there are problems with the heart, glucose is injected intravenously.

    For the treatment of gastroenteritis that occurs seasonally, such as in the fall, use a proven farmer's recipe and make a special tincture with your own hands.

    Feeding during and after illness

    It is best to separate sick animals from healthy ones in a quarantine zone and feed them according to the dietary menu.

    If an illness occurs, keep the goat hungry for a couple of days. When the symptoms improve, start feeding mixed grass hay, cleaned of dirt and rotting elements, and also give oats crushed into small pieces. Be sure to keep drinkers filled with clean water.

    Treatment of gastroenteritis in goats

    Sick goats are isolated from the main herd in a quarantine stall along with their mothers who feed them. Instead of a separate quarantine zone, a temporary holding place can be equipped - something like a tent on a wooden frame, which will be warm enough if the disease period falls on the autumn or spring unstable period.

    Mothers of sick babies are given nutritious feed and mineral supplements for food:

    • cereals;
    • compound feed;
    • mineral and salt stones;

    Kids go on a starvation diet for a day, but drink clean water. If it is necessary to feed the goat because of its very young age, instead of milk, you can give yogurt mixed with warm boiled water. Such feeding is organized 4 times a day.

    On the second day, those kids who have a mild course of the disease are sent to pasture with their mothers. Those who are seriously ill continue to be kept in the stall and fed. Their menu might look like this:

    • quality grain;
    • good compound feed;
    • fish oil with vitamins;
    • green hay, no more than 0.5 kg per day;
    • meat and bone meal;
    • additives containing copper salts.

    Treatment in young animals is not implied, however, if the diet does not help, call a veterinarian who will advise you and select the right medicines for your case.

    • soldering with a warm solution of sodium chloride;
    • give antibiotics (usually ftalazol or sulgin).

    Prevention of gastroenteritis

    TO preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of gastroenteritis in goats, the following can be attributed.

    Pneumonia in goats

    What is pneumonia know all people, even those not related to medicine. This disease is nothing but pneumonia in an animal. A feature of pneumonia is that it often does not occur on its own, but accompanies diseases that have already arisen in the body of an animal. That is why, if your animal has recently suffered a serious illness, do not rush to rejoice that the consequences have been avoided. Insidious pneumonia can start at any moment.

    The causes of the independent occurrence of pneumonia in cattle may be as follows.

    1. Long stressful situations that undermined the health of the animal.
    2. Hypothermia resulting from:
      • grazing in windy weather;
      • drafts walking around the stall;
      • moisture content of the bedding inside the stall.
    3. Overheating in the sun, contrary to popular belief, also leads to the emergence and development of this most dangerous disease.
    4. Toxic air pollution and an unbalanced menu are other common causes.

    Symptoms of pneumonia in goats

    The course of the disease is accompanied by some characteristic symptoms, a list of which we invite you to familiarize yourself with below.

    1. General lethargy in the behavior of goats. The condition of the animals is oppressed, so do not expect any special activity from them. They will try to sleep as much as possible or just lie down.
    2. Chewing gum is almost not chewed, interest in food does not disappear completely, but significantly decreases.
    3. Mucous discharge from the nose appears, at the beginning it is just snot, then it acquires the character of purulent discharge.
    4. Body temperature rises markedly.
    5. Breathing becomes frequent and intermittent.
    6. The animal is constantly coughing, wheezing is clearly audible when listening to the lungs.
    7. The pulse rate increases.

    Treatment of pneumonia

    Treatment of adults and young individuals is carried out according to the same scheme, effective in all cases.

    Step 1. Sick animals are transferred to warm and dry rooms. If you do not have a separate area for livestock, you can bring the animal to the heated veranda at home. This must be done, otherwise constant drafts or the slightest moisture will aggravate the course of the disease and nullify the owner's efforts and the effects of medicines. Unfortunately, most often, no matter what kind of equipped and warm stall you have, being there for the recovery of animals is not enough.

    Step 2 For sick animals, they make up a special menu. It includes elements with the highest energy value. So, an approximate menu of a goat carrying pneumonia consists of:

    • a moderate amount of clean hay;
    • legumes;
    • feed.

    It is very important throughout the disease to constantly include mineral supplements and vitamins in the diet. Perfect for:

    Small kids are also advised to give fish oil to ease the effects of the disease. Drinking sick animals can be done with warm water to prevent hypothermia, however, if it is not possible to warm it up, try to give it at least room temperature. In no case do not reduce the abundance of drinking, on the contrary, water should always be available. Drinking plenty of water is the simplest and most the right way reduce the increased intoxication of the body, which occurs as a characteristic symptom of pneumonia in goats.

    Treatment with antimicrobial drugs is mandatory, since without them it is almost impossible to achieve a complete recovery. Among the described means are recommended for use:

    • penicillin;
    • norsulfazol.

    The duration of the illness for each animal may be different, however, by responding to its occurrence in a timely manner, you will reduce the time required for recovery as much as possible.

    Avitaminosis in goats

    Avitaminosis is a deficiency of vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E in the diet of goats. The disease seems insignificant, however, has serious consequences for the development various systems vital activity in the organism of horned animals. So, if the animal does not receive vitamins of the above groups with food, this is what can happen.

    1. The lack of vitamins in the diet of kids leads to a serious delay in the growth and development of the nervous system. As a result, this will result in constant convulsions, an unsteady gait, unexpected falls as a result of paralysis of the limbs.
    2. Adult goats, whose body is already properly developed, will also feel a lack. You will also feel it, as your livestock business will cease to be profitable and will come to naught, because the animals will lose the opportunity to produce offspring.
    3. Against the background of the lack of vital vitamins, animal diseases will become more frequent. Colds, intestinal disorders and other diseases will follow the flock at every turn and all the money will go to treatment.

    As you can see, it is in your interests to fill the need for vitamins for goats in time.


    So, consider the symptoms of beriberi.

    Vitamin A deficiency can manifest itself in the following ways.

    1. Frequent occurrence skin diseases, as the protective function of the skin becomes reduced.
    2. Decreased appetite, as a result, serious thinness.
    3. Loss of visual acuity, in the evenings the animal may not see a pillar, stone or any other obstacle.

    With a lack of vitamin D, the following symptoms appear.

    1. Rickets occurs in kids, as mitigation occurs bone tissue and curvature of the limbs.
    2. Wool gets strayed to shreds and loses its gloss.
    3. The general weakness of the individual develops.

    Goats are most sensitive to the lack of these two vitamins, but the absence of others in the diet should not be overlooked.

    Treatment of beriberi

    Vitamin deficiency is treated by introducing vitamin-containing feeds and additional supplements into the menu. It helps to increase the share in the diet of:

    • carrots;
    • bran;
    • germinated grain.

    The following supplements are great to help fight vitamin deficiencies:

    • fish fat;
    • yeast;
    • meat and bone meal;
    • milk.


    This disease is associated with a metabolic disorder in the body of goats. As a result of the development of ketosis in the blood, the concentration of ketone bodies increases, which negatively affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs.

    The causes of this disease can be called the following:

    • insufficient energy content in feed;
    • an excess of protein;
    • eating foods high in butyric acid (for example, improperly cooked silage).

    Goats with the following features are most susceptible to this disease:

    • fat animals;
    • animals that do not receive sunlight;
    • pregnant or lactating women.
    • animals with a low degree of activity.

    Ketosis is divided into two groups according to the mode of occurrence:

    • primary;
    • secondary.

    Consider the factors influencing the appearance of each of the varieties in a comparative table.

    Overdosing on butyric acid can result from feeding silage or haylage that is not properly prepared. So, if the herbs are not dried before laying, its content will be extremely high.


    The main symptoms of the disease include the following conditions of the animal.

    1. Sleepy state, constant desire to lie down and sleep.
    2. Sluggish movement in the pasture or stall;
    3. Refusal to eat or poor appetite.
    4. Constipation.
    5. Frequent breathing.
    6. Dull fur.
    7. Slow weight gain and low average daily milk yield from dairy goats.


    The main treatment is to change the composition of the goat's diet. Its basis is hay from high-quality meadow grasses, fresh herbs, concentrated feed is added:

    • legumes;
    • bran;
    • compound feed.

    You can also add quality haylage.

    The following products should be excluded from the horned menu:

    The right decision would be to give animals vitamin complexes, for example:

    • gamavite;
    • eleovitis, etc.

    Vitamin complex "Gamavit" is administered to animals as an injection

    It is also necessary to intravenously inject a 5% glucose solution with a volume of 10 milliliters, as well as mix propylene glycol, sodium propionate, and cholinol into food.

    The acidity of the rumen is reduced using baking soda, 20 grams per individual, for two weeks.


    To help prevent ketosis, follow these guidelines.

    1. Base feeding on the needs of the goat, taking into account the pregnancies.
    2. Refuse to feed spoiled or poor-quality food.
    3. Plan your goat's diet.
    4. Harvest silage correctly by drying plants.
    5. Carry out a constant walking of animals, let them walk.


    Poisoning occurs when goats eat feed that has previously been treated with pesticides, poisonous plants or items not intended to be eaten.


    Depending on what kind of poison was eaten, goats may experience the following symptoms:

    • irritation of the digestive system with diarrhea, vomiting;
    • reaction of the nervous system in the form of trembling, convulsions, blindness;
    • rapid pulse and respiration.

    Treatment of poisoning

    To cure poisoning, you need to remove the toxin and reduce the negative reactions of the body. For this, the following procedures are performed:

    • gastric lavage;
    • feed laxatives;
    • give activated charcoal.

    Against some poisons, these actions do not help, then the appropriate antidote is introduced to the goats.


    Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands in the udder of a goat. It can develop for many reasons.

    1. Biological causes- as a result of the entry of pathogenic organisms into the goat's blood, which settle in the mammary glands, the reproduction of painful microflora in the udder begins. In the event that the animal has reduced immunity, most likely, the disease will develop quickly and is severe.
    2. Mechanical damage- the most common cause appearance of mastitis. It is very easy to damage the delicate skin of the udder, for example, during milking. A sloppy kid, a branch from a bush, a protruding nail, etc. can also damage it.
    3. Thermal factors- for example, hypothermia due to keeping in an old, uninsulated pen, where drafts and damp bedding walk.

    Now let's turn to the symptoms of the disease.


    The symptomatology of mastitis is determined on the basis of four possible types of its manifestation.

    Video - Causes and treatment of mastitis in goats


    Treating mastitis in goats includes the following steps.

    Step 1. The animal is removed from the companions, moving into a clean and dry, as well as warm room. Straw is laid on the floor, which is constantly changed as it gets dirty.

    Step 2 From the diet of the animal exclude all milk-producing feed:

    • roots;
    • melons;
    • fresh greens;
    • fruits;
    • feed.

    Usually, only dry hay and branches are used so as not to reduce the nutritional value of the diet too much. The amount of water consumed is also reduced, reducing it to two liters per day.

    Step 3 Milking is performed at least 4 times in one day. To reduce the pain of the process and promote the resorption of edema, ichthyol ointment is rubbed into the udder.

    Step 4 During the week, antibiotics are injected into the goat:

    • penicillin;
    • cephalosin;
    • streptomycin, etc.

    They are also injected directly into the nipples. Suitable for this:

    • mastomycin;
    • mastitis;
    • mastisan, etc.

    To support immune system drugs are used:

    • immunofan;
    • catosal;
    • trivit.

    Prevention of mastitis

    It is much easier to prevent mastitis than to cure it. Follow these directions.

    1. Keep your goat house clean, paying special attention to bedding. Change the straw as needed.
    2. Observe the temperature regime strictly, for a comfortable existence, goats need at least 10 degrees of heat. Treat all joints and cracks, closing them from drafts.
    3. Wash and massage the goat's udder before milking. In addition to the prevention of mastitis, it also increases milk yield.
    4. Give all the milk contained in the udder.

    Video - Goat udder massage

    Furunculosis of the udder

    As a result of the occurrence of this disease, boils appear on the udder of a goat - foci of inflammation. They develop on hair follicles. The most important cause of this disease is the unhygienic keeping of a goat, for example:

    • dirty bedding in the stall;
    • lack of udder washing before milking.

    Low immunity and insufficiently fortified animal nutrition also play a role.


    With the development of furunculosis, numerous bumps appear on the udder of the animal, over time, the skin turns red or yellow. When palpated, the bumps are dense, the goat is hurt by touch. As a result of the outflow of pus from the boils, nearby areas of the skin become infected and new boils appear.


    Treatment of furunculosis of the goat's udder is carried out in several stages.

    1. The udders are washed with soap, always with warm water, to soften the crusts on the bumps.
    2. With a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic, the crusts are removed, then the hairs are cut off.
    3. Each cone is treated with iodine solution. Then it remains only to maintain udder hygiene and feed the goat properly, including vitamin supplements.


    This disease manifests itself in animals against the background of keeping in rooms with high humidity and walking drafts.


    There are two types of rheumatism:

    • muscular;
    • articular.

    The first variety pursues colds. Its characteristic symptoms are:

    • muscle hardening;
    • sore touch.

    The symptoms of articular rheumatism are as follows:

    • swollen joints on the legs;
    • body temperature rises;
    • lameness occurs;
    • the desire to eat disappears.


    Rheumatism is also treated according to each variety. With muscular rheumatism, animals are transferred to a dry, warm room and rubbed with camphor alcohol, and with articular rheumatism, sodium salicylate is given inside. Outside, an ointment is rubbed into the joints, which contains the following mandatory elements:

    contagious infectious diseases

    Now let's move on to a description of contagious diseases, some of which the farmer himself can get from animals. These are best diagnosed early dates and take action quickly.

    Pleuropneumonia infectious

    A feature of this disease is that young animals that have not reached the age of three years are most susceptible to it. The disease occurs when mycoplasmas enter the lungs of animals, which are released into the environment by other infected animals by airborne droplets or with urine. Infection occurs through the air. Typically, the rate of spread of the disease is very high, from 5 to 20 days, the mortality rate from the disease reaches 100%.

    The disease usually occurs in acute form, less often in chronic. In the second case, sometimes a decision is made to slaughter sick cattle.

    Animals older than three years old, with reduced immunity or who have recently been ill with diseases that have weakened them, are also susceptible to the disease.


    An animal can be diagnosed with infectious pleuropneumonia if the following list of symptoms is present.

    1. The body temperature of a sick goat rises sharply to 42 ° C.
    2. The goat's appetite first drops critically, then complete failure from feed.
    3. Cough begins, at first dry, "barking", then wet, with expectoration.
    4. Pus is secreted from the nose and conjunctiva.
    5. It is difficult for the animal to breathe, it groans and wheezes.

    A sucrose uterus with pleuropneumonia is taken for fetal extraction, since there is practically no chance that both of them will survive. In the chronic nature of the disease, the symptoms are the same, only more pronounced.


    To cure this disease and prevent the entire livestock from getting sick, you must follow our instructions.

    Step 1. Sick animals are isolated from the rest. They begin to conduct specific treatment with the following antimicrobial drugs:

    • novarsenol;
    • sulmicide;
    • sulfanatrol;
    • osarol;
    • chloramphenicol, etc.

    Tetracycline antibiotics are also used:

    • tetracycline;
    • oxytetracycline;
    • biomycin.

    However, this group of antibiotics shows positive results only if treatment is started in a timely manner.

    Additionally, expectorants are prescribed.

    All specific treatment as a whole only works if the goat is provided with proper living conditions for its time.

    Step 2 Within two months, a herd in which cases of the disease have been noticed is not supplemented with new horned ones, and its members are not grazed together with healthy neighboring herds.

    Step 3 The stall and other goat pens are treated with hot solutions:

    • sodium hydroxide 2%;
    • formaldehyde, 2%;
    • bleach with, to which 2% active chlorine is added.

    Also, the stalls are treated with freshly slaked lime, 20%.

    It’s good if you can cure a sick animal, because after the goat they acquire immunity. However, many veterinary doctors and experienced farmers believe that it will not be possible to completely cure animals. If you see that the condition of a goat is deteriorating, you should give it to slaughter, since in addition to your farm, neighbors may also suffer.

    To rid the body of a killed goat of disease-causing residues, boil the meat of the animal well and dry the skin, treating it with disinfectants beforehand.


    Basic advice for dealing with this terrible infectious disease- prevent your herd from co-grazing with sick members of the herd of neighbors, as well as constantly monitoring the level of immunity of your animals and constantly strengthening it by issuing vitamins and minerals to animals.

    infectious mastitis

    Infectious mastitis occurs when infected from other animals, sick or carriers of microbes. The causative agents of the disease can live in the udder of infected animals for a long time, from 7 to 10 months.

    Infection and isolation of infection occurs:

    • during milking with leakage of milk;
    • while sucking the uterus by a kid.

    The udder itself can be infected in the following ways.

    1. When the infection gets inside through the nipple canal - the galactogenic pathway.
    2. Penetrates through wounds on the surface of the nipples or the udder itself - by the lymphogenous route.
    3. Also, the infection can reach the udder from other infected organs inside the goat's body, which, in turn, become infected from being on the infected bedding, from contact with the hands of milkmaids covered with spores of infections, in contact with various care items and tools, etc.

    The final lethality in goats from infectious mastitis is quite high, and is approximately 50-80% of cases. Most often, it occurs as a result of severe intoxication that the disease caused. However, do not despair, infectious mastitis is treatable. The main thing is to be able to identify it in time and eliminate it with the help of a veterinarian.

    Low immunity is one of the causes of infectious mastitis

    The causes contributing to the disease are as follows.

    1. Low immunity of livestock.
    2. Inadequate diet, which lacks enough vitamins and minerals.
    3. Injured udder, sometimes even small scratches are enough.
    4. Dirty udder that is not washed before milking.
    5. Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms into the environment.


    Symptoms of mastitis are divided into groups, like other diseases, depending on the nature of the course of the disease.

    1. Hyperacute mastitis- the goat's udder swells, its temperature rises, it is painful when touched and the goat makes it clear. The secretion of the gland is disturbed, the animal is feverish, the pulse is weak and rapid, the eyes may sink.
    2. Acute mastitis- all the same symptoms as in hyperacute, but less pronounced, the animal is very weak, but does not fall down. The duration of this type of course is approximately 2 weeks.
    3. Subacute mastitis- only slight changes in the udder and restless behavior of the animal are noticeable.
    4. Chronic- can flow for a long time, for months, not in an acute form, however, it still has consequences and often leads to the fact that the diseased part of the udder atrophies and loses its working function.


    Treatment of infectious mastitis is similar to non-infectious. Sick animals are transferred to a separate room, with a stable warm air temperature. The udder is washed gently so as not to hurt the animal, then the goat is milked, often and carefully. Then start antibiotic treatment. Suitable for this:

    • penicillin;
    • erythromycin;
    • norsulfazol.

    Drugs such as streptomycin and antibacterial drugs are also injected into the nipple canals using special syringes.


    Read carefully about this disease, because it is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans.

    Brucella enters the external environment from the secretions of a sick animal, for example:

    • with milk being given out;
    • with urine and feces;
    • from the seminal fluid of goats;
    • with blood;
    • from the amniotic fluid of a goat during an abortion.

    You can become infected as a result of:

    • mating;
    • in an alimentary way;
    • in contact with care items through mucous membranes.

    One of the signs of brucellosis is spontaneous abortions in pregnant women.

    One goat can lead to infection of the entire livestock. The viability of microbes is record-breaking, they can persist in manure and soil for up to 4 months, in cold milk they live for a week, in cheese products - up to 2 months. Salted meat contains bacteria for three months after cooking, in frozen form, the period increases to 6 months.

    Direct sunlight can destroy harmful bacteria in three to four days; heating for 10 minutes at a temperature of 70 degrees will also help.


    The main problem in the diagnosis of brucellosis on early stages is that there are no symptoms. The only way to understand that a goat is sick with brucellosis is the rejection of the fetus in a pregnant mother, at about 3 or 5 months of development. Sometimes kids are born prematurely, however, alive, but then they still die within 2-3 days.

    After an abortion has occurred, a purulent-type endometritis develops in the uterus. Simply put, secretions flow from the genitals, very foul-smelling. You can also observe inflamed joints.


    Unfortunately, no methods have been developed to date. effective treatment goats with brucellosis. In addition, since the disease is asymptomatic, the best solution is to slaughter sick cattle and treat the stall with disinfectants:

    • concentrated solution of chlorine and water, approximately 3%;
    • sodium bicarbonate, 2%;
    • 10-20% freshly slaked lime;
    • 3% Lysol;
    • A solution of carboxylic acid, 2%.


    In another way, this disease of goats is called "hoofed". As a result of its development, rotting and necrosis of the skin occurs on the gap between the goat's hooves and the corolla, sometimes infection occurs on the animal's udder, in the mouth, genital tract, lungs and other organs.

    Mortality from the disease is low, at 10%, however, it should be borne in mind that the disease affects up to 100% of the herd.

    Necrosis bacteria are introduced to animals from the following sources.

    1. First of all, from the soil in which they constantly live, especially in places with high humidity;
    2. Through the skin with dirty and damp bedding.

    The incubation period of necrobacterium lasts approximately 3 days.


    By the following symptoms, you can determine that the goat is infected.

    1. With the development of the disease, noticeable lameness begins.
    2. Examination of the interhoof gap shows that the skin is very swollen and reddened.
    3. Over time, the area of ​​inflammation becomes wider, turning into an ulcer.
    4. The temperature of the affected limb is increased.
    5. The animal is severely depressed.
    6. Refusal to eat food.
    7. The general body temperature is increased.


    This unpleasant disease is treated in the following way.

    Ulcers on the skin of the interhoof gap and corolla are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate, at a concentration of 3%, and hydrogen peroxide. Surgically remove dead cells, intramuscularly drive the following drugs:

    • chlortetracycline;
    • ditetracycline;
    • dibiomycin.

    In the stalls, a complete replacement of the litter is carried out and the surfaces are treated with chemicals. Neighboring goats are examined and all wounds found on the hooves are treated with a mixture of solutions:

    • Creolin 5%;
    • formalin 10%;
    • copper sulfate 5%.

    Processing and inspection is carried out within 5 days, you can also arrange foot baths for goats with an admixture of the above substances.

    foot and mouth disease

    This disease can infect not only ungulates, but also humans. Infection of animals can occur as a result of the following circumstances.

    1. During the contact of a sick and healthy animal.
    2. When touched by sick people or contaminated care products.
    3. Goats get the disease by drinking their mother's milk.

    FMD appears in goats primarily on the hooves, or rather, on the interhoof gaps.


    Blisters swell on the skin between the goat's hooves, ulcers grow, very painful. The animal tries not to step on the most affected limbs, so as not to disturb already irritated wounds. Ulcers may progress to oral cavities goats, lips, genitals. Particularly sensitive to the disease are small kids, who suffer loudly and lingeringly, letting the farmer know that they are in a lot of pain.


    It is possible to prevent FMD infection using a special lapinized inactivated vaccine. Be sure to take advantage of this chance and purchase it, as the risk of infection always remains high in a goat farm.

    You should also purchase animals only from trusted sellers - holders of exceptionally prosperous farms.


    1. Sick animals are transferred to a warm and dry room, lined with a soft bed of clean straw.
    2. Goat hooves are washed daily with creolin emulsion, potassium permanganate and carboxylic acid.
    3. All surfaces that have been eroded are smeared with iodine-glycerin liquid and birch tar, slightly heated over a fire.
    4. It is necessary to disinfect the premises in which sick goats were kept with disinfectants.

    If you intend to continue drinking milk from goats, do not be afraid to get infected, you just need to boil it and you can drink it without fear.


    There are the following sources of helminth invasion.

    When helminths enter the body, the following symptoms begin to develop.

    1. The depressed state of the goat manifests itself very quickly.
    2. Lack of appetite or sluggish eating.
    3. The body temperature of an individual can reach 41 °.
    4. In the beginning, the animal swears, then suffers from constipation.
    5. The chest and jaw of the animal swell.
    6. Obviously, the mucous membranes turn pale and acquire a yellow tint.


    The disease is treated with anthelmintic drugs:

    • ocetvicola;
    • dertil;
    • acemidophen;
    • ursovermite, etc.


    Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately, but about 25-30 days.

    1. Animals lose a lot of weight and become lethargic.
    2. The coat begins to lose its luster and falls out in places.
    3. In the manure, you can find mucus and pieces of helminths.

    If decisive action is not taken, the intestines of the animal will become so clogged with worms that obstruction will occur and the animal will die.


    It is also carried out with anthelmintic drugs:

    • cambendazole;
    • fenalidone;
    • copper sulfate;
    • fanadecom, etc.

    If only part of your herd has become infected, it does not hurt to feed anthelmintic drugs to the rest of the livestock to avoid further consequences.

    Echinococcosis cestode


    The course of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms.

    No cure has yet been developed, so the goats are sent to slaughter and carefully disposed of so as not to infect the entire herd.


    Infection of the body of a goat with a filamentous helminth, which is colonized in the trachea and bronchi. It also enters the body with food or water.


    Symptoms are similar to other types of helminth infections, but they are added:

    • viscous discharge from the nose;
    • anemia;
    • puffiness.


    Treatment of dictyocaulosis consists in the infusion of iodine solution into the trachea, as well as in the introduction of injections of dithrazine.


    Infection with Strongylate roundworms occurs from contaminated feed or water. Once inside, the worms settle in the intestines and stomach.


    When strongylate settles inside the body of a goat, the following diseases develop with their symptoms:

    • gastroenteritis;
    • diarrhea;
    • dermatitis;
    • pneumonia.


    Treatment is carried out with various immunostimulants and anthelmintic, for example:

    • phenothiazine;
    • copper sulfate, etc.


    The disease occurs when bitten by an ixodid tick, when grazing in forest or forest areas. Animals of any age can get sick.


    Thanks to the following symptoms, you can determine the early onset of the disease:

    • increased body temperature;
    • anemia;
    • yellowing of mucous membranes;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased appetite or refusal to feed;
    • fast, weak pulse;
    • rapid breathing;
    • diarrhea appears;
    • the urine of the animal turns red.


    Animals are treated with injections of the following drugs:

    • azidine;
    • diamidine.

    At the same time, they carry out therapy aimed at relieving symptoms and feed the animals with dietary feed.

    Lice on goats

    Lice settle on animals and, upon contact, jump onto others, infecting the entire herd.


    Symptoms of lice in an individual include:

    • anxiety in goats due to widespread itching;
    • low productivity of animals;
    • decreased appetite;
    • the appearance of dermatitis and hair loss.

    Video - Treatment of goats for lice, worms, diarrhea


    The killing of lice is carried out with insecticides, such as to destroy not only adults, but also the larvae laid by them. Spraying is carried out with solutions:

    • phoxime;
    • chlorophors;
    • carboforce;
    • arrodex, etc.

    It is mandatory to carry out a secondary treatment of animals two weeks after the first, in order to prevent hatching of larvae in any case.

    Summing up

    1. To graze animals in safe cemeteries.
    2. Use clean, running water for drinking.
    3. Take medical preventive measures, such as vaccinations.
    4. Observe the rules of hygiene of goats and take care of them.
    5. Buy and distribute high quality food to animals.
    6. Do not allow goats to graze with infected goats.
    7. Closely monitor changes in the state of goats.
    8. Rebuild the animals in a large, clean, warm pen, without drafts and isolate it as much as possible from moisture.
    9. Constantly clean up the paddock.

    If the simplest rules of prevention listed above are observed, a significant reduction in the occurrence of cases can be achieved. various diseases herds, and thus minimize their farming losses.

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