Performance 3 bag of wheat. "Three Single Wheat Bag"

Moskovsky New Drama Theater

Vladimir Tenryakov

Three wheat bags

Drama (16+)

Director-POST MOSCHIR -Vyacheslav Dolgarchev

Artist-Pretty Egoes -Margarita Demyanova

Stage version -Evgeny Vikhrev and Vyacheslav Dolgarchev

Speak continuum: 2 hours 30 minutes.

The topic of the desperate struggle for lifeVladimir Tenryakov touched back in his early story"Bread for a dog" - Autobiographical etude, penetrating to the tremors.

And it's not by chance: the first shock in the life of a ten-year-old Volodya Tenryakov, who observed the detachable, dying from the hunger of the peasants, was a picture when dressed in a worn coat. The woman accidentally broke the jar with milk and, dropping on his knees, dragged him with a wooden spoon from a waters on the road and saw. Motifs "Dog Bread" found further development In the story of the Late Tencilakov "Three Bag Wheat." Stage versionEvgenia Vikhrev and Vyacheslav Dolgachev Straighing imagination and touches to the depths of the soul.

Have you ever been to be in a world in which the hot potato saucer in the uniform and a chunk of black bread with a piece of sugar - a real luxury? And the terrible echoes of war are heard in the deep rear for those who have never been at the front, and those who have returned from him with a crippled soul ... disabled people, security officers, and silent women who are eager for the simple happiness, "overflowing" killer, banging the neighbors to the ax For blasphemy over the icon ... The world in which people in a state of ostervention are not hoping to reach the spring ...

Something from Bulgakovskaya Pilatovskaya hopelessness is overlooking in one of the main characters - Kister, "invested all his attachment" in dogs."Holy Apostles Nowadays the Chairmen of the collective farms work" - Such an evangelskaya truth is opposed to the utopian "city of Sun" Campanella, the only book that another hero reads - Zhenka Tulupov."... Poverty, poverty makes people with rags, cunning, loopholes, thieves, cunning, cucked, liars, false witnesses ... And wealth - arrogant, proud, ignorants, aggregates, arguing about what they do not know, deceivers, brakes, worn, offenders ... they serve things " . And three bags of weed, not anywhere wheat - a trial stone for checking the deepest feelings - friendship, love, humanity... "Select the last half with Sorrow - forgive yourself?" - Says the chairman of the non-Gospel Question Queistist-authorized on wheat collecting ... And in the darkness impermeable for the moon, behind the nickel-plated beds, slightly visible the bodies of random lovers looking for a piece of heat and simple human happiness ... at least for one night.

Yuri Naginin recalled a colleague according to the writing workshop:"Tenryakov lived a pure literary life. He managed not to stain himself not a single dubious action. He was a real Russian writer, not a delica, not a careerist, not a prolaze, not a conjunctover. This is a serious loss for our meager literature. "

Premiere "Three bags of weed wheat" It will become one of the most relevant in the theater season 2016-2017: After all, a drastic struggle for a piece of bread continues and today in the real world ...

Existing persons and performers:

Zhenka Toulupov Commissioner for the seizure of bread - Ivan Efremov, Evgeny Rubin

Kister , Chairman of the Kislovsky Cenovate - Mikhail Kalinichev

Chalkin , Chairman of the Regional Brigade of Commissioners - Alexander Kursky, Alexey Mikhailov

Behind the running day: V. F. Tenryakov - at school: Collection of articles and materials / Vologda Institute for the Development of Education. - Vologda, 2001

From compiler

Writer Vladimir Tenryakov - at school

IN AND. Barakov, doctor of philological sciences,

Professor Department of Literature VPU

Yu. S. Shirokovsky, Associate Professor Viro, Chairman of the regional section of local history of the Boo Pedagogical Society of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tenryakov (born on December 5, 1923 in the village of Makarovskaya Verkhovazhsky district of the Vologda region, died on August 3, 1984 in Moscow) - the author of witness and witness stories, the agent and novels, in which an attempt was made to solve ideological and ethical problems.

So, in the story of "Ugaba" (1956) with a large artistic force, it is shown, to which tragic consequences leads formal, heartless leadership. In the story "Miraculous" (1958) is given to the analysis of the people religious consciousness In the most unfavorable period of our history, as in the state "emergency" (1961), where the writer raises the problem of spiritual awakening, the formation of a person at the "junction" of faith and "challenge." In the story "Donna Anna" (1971) and in the story "Three Bag Wheat" (1972), the main thing is the collision of a romantic ideal with real reality. In the "spring transfer" (1973) described about the difficulties of the "transition" (from childhood to adolescence) stage in human life: the search for yourself as a person; Reflections on the time, about eternity, about the mystery of being, sensually painted by freshness and completeness of the first love ... Before the main character, the drama of the controversivity of life opens - it is not by chance that its "beginning" and "ends" are connected in the title.

In the center of the story "Night after release" (1974) - a conflict with his own conscience against the background of consciously or unconsciously depicted by the author of the main flaw of the Soviet school - the lack of a full-fledged spiritual basis in the upbringing and education, the lack of love ... and, finally, the "payback" ( 1979). In this product, the Tenryakov comes to the very edge of the abyss. An artistic study of the causes of the fatherland leads him to a paradoxical, at first glance, the conclusion, everything is to blame. Blame, because they answered evil on evil.

Especially it should be said about many years of work on the topic of collectivization ("Bread for a dog", 1970; "Paran", 1971), repression ("hunting", 1970) and voluntarism ("on blissful Communism Island, 1974). They took their place in a number of "returned" literature, which fluttering a full-water flow on the pages of "thick" magazines of the second half of the 80s. However, their problems in general does not go beyond the general framework of the Tenryakovskaya prose.

In all works V.F. Tencilakov mainly is the moral conflict, from which, like the rays of the sun, differ various ideological and ideological paths and plotting. This writer, forced to think about the most difficult problems of human life, "decide" which, however, the Tengryak himself failed. However, his journalistic temperament briefly manifested himself in artistic practice: complex psychological conflicts, the circumstances in which heroes, permanent disputes, dramatic, and then tragic junctions, passionate author's word - all this was concentrated in the unique style of the Tenryakovskaya prose entering the Golden Fund Russian literature The second half of the 20th century.

That is why it was time for an in-depth study of life, creativity, personality and environment of this, out of doubt, a very talented, large and original writer.

The collection of teacher articles is called the Tenryakovskaya Line: "For the running day." A row, which became in its time a winged, expressing the civic orientation of Russian literature of the 50-70 years as a whole. The "late" Tenryakov managed to rise to new moral, philosophical and ideological heights, to a new level of artistic, and not only the "journalistic" truth (this is said about this, for example, in a comparative analysis of the "late" story V. F. Tenryakova "A pair of bonds" and "levers" A. Ya. Yashin) * [* See about this article G. V. Qingman at the end of the collection. - Sost. Yu.Sh.].

The basis of the collection - essays and articles of the Vysryazhsky teachers: Kravyad N. A. Samoilova spoke about the search for work, on the creation of Lithmousa Lithuania, dedicated to life and creativity by V. F. Tenryakov. (This museum was created in the Shelotian school, next to the village of Kakarovskaya, where the writer was born.) The Worder of the Upper School of School G. G. Kopteov gives examples of classes "on military work" Tencilakov. The scenario of classes in the literary living room on the "Spring Perevils" offers L. A. Gersevskaya - Methodist of the Vilzazzhsky Rono.

Other articles are written by the Kirovsky (now Vyatski) teachers, where in the booming (b. Nikolsky County) also lived the family of Tenryakov.

One of the articles was sent even from Sterlitamak (Bashkortostan).

Such is the "geography" of the collection. We hope that he will continue to expand with the inevitable reissues of this brochure, since V. F. Tenryakov - the writer is not only northern, but also All-Russian. Even wider: his books are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world ...

(option 1st) *

[* About this lesson in this article tells V. A. Maryutina,) Honored Teacher of Schools of the Russian Federation (Novlenskaya S.Sh. Vologda region)].

In the 8th grade, students read and studied the story V.F. Tenryakova "Spring Perevils" recommended for extracurricular reading. (If the story was not previously studied. - Yu. Sh.)

The work on this story was organized as follows: first in the classroom, in the classroom of a literary-local history mug, we read out loud the most sharp, exciting episodes of the "Spring Pilot", then, interested, the guys read their own entire story. At home reading, her guys were asked to answer such questions:

What is your opinion about Dushka to Belunov?

What discoveries do he?

What "flutter" are committed in his life?

How do you feel about Mita?

Who is in yours. Sanka Jery? How do you feel about it?

Why adults did not understand first. Did?

And at the end of the story, did he understand them?

What is the meaning of the conflict between Dushka and Sanka?

What is the result, the meaning of the story?

At the lesson of extracurricular reading on the "Spring Perevils" V. F. Tenryakov, the guys "broke out"; They compared her heroes with the characters of the "White Bim of the Black Ear" G. N. Troypolsky, as well as the "City - Mysterious River" writer-Vologhanina A. V. Petukhov. All these books attracted the attention of the guys with moral problems of friendship, first love, knowledge of the joy of labor and deep lyrism.

What is the similarity and the difference between the heroes of these three works?

The generalized answer guys are:

Bim and Volchonok Kaiser - both became victims of cruel people. The owner of Bim Ivan Ivanovich and Vaska Gus, the owner of Kaiser, - different people Not only by age (one - adult, the other is a teenager!), and unites their love for all living, kindness and cordiality.

Duska and Sanka from the "Spring Perevils", Vaska Gusev from the "City - Mysterious River" - all of them are teenagers, but what are different! For example, Vaska Gusev delivers quite a few adults, but he doesn't have anything in common with a cruel sanctuary ... Let us give an excerpt from the statement of the student who compared the heroes of the story "Spring Perevils" V. F. Tenryakova:

"Dushya protects human dignity, Sanka is humiliated. Didel helps Minka to believe in itself and become strong, Sanka - seeks to kill all human in weak.

I was struck by the fact that Minka, such a quiet, fearful, and suddenly turned out to be capable of such a powerful protest Verry Nehah:

Executioner! I flew on you!

Let it be expensive to him, but Doshena is right, enhancing the fight against evil. "

In general, the story V.F. Tencilakova "Spring Perevils", like "White Bim Black Ear" G.N. Troypolsky, - the book on the moral quest of a person who approves good. A book that helps to raise an active life position, because the author is hotly tilted for the victory of the Soul's nobility over meanness, devotion - over betrayal, loyalty - above the treachery, honesty - over false, for victory careful relationship To nature and everything alive - above barbarism and predatoryness. That is why the story of the countrywoman writer caused strong experiences in adolescents, which led them to a serious discussion.

The final stage of the study of the "Spring Transferred" V.F. Tencilakova became homemade essay Type of reasoning on one of the excited guys:

"" "Perevils" and the discovery in the life of Dyosha Tigunov ";

"The transformation of Minki from a timid guy to the Erachi hooligan accuser";

"What is the meaning of the conflict between Duchki Tigunov and Sanya Jerha?";

"Why did adults immediately understand the dush?".

Such home essays-meditation make it possible to make thoughts and their attitude towards the heroes of the studied story even those who for some reason did not have time to say everything in the lesson. For those who fully "expressed themselves" in a classroom lesson, the home essay can be considered optional. And the rest of the guys write it, too, if desired or, as they say, at the deck of heart.

In the 9th grade, we again return to the "Spring Captive" V. F. Tenryakov1, when I study the message A. S. Pushkin "K ***" ("I remember a wonderful moment"), which was so excited about Doshkunov - so Poetic experiences of schoolchildren, first met the "purest charm of the purest sample" (see chapter 1, which sounds again in the class).

It is impossible not to bring at least compressed passages from this Glavny "Spring Transferred":

"... I looked and suddenly understood: Natalia Goncharova looks like ... Rimka Bratenev!

And on the street ... Something happened ... The sky is not just blue, it pulls, it sues, it seems, that's about to put on the tiptoe and you will stay for life.

She grew out of an old coat, ... Through the short sleeves, break into the will of the hands, broken fragile, lungs, flying. And the thin neck is steeply falling out of a knitted hat, and the knocked out naughty hair curly on the temples ...

And it is impossible to take the eyes from her easily and fearlessly flying hands ... For these twenty minutes she could not change. So - he himself ... "

In grade 10, after studying the "crime and punishment", F. M. Dostoevsky, we conduct a lesson on the novelties of the literature by choosing the story V. F. Tenryakova "Payback". And in this lesson in front of the "young people who are thinking about living", the most appropriate issues of relationships with parents will be standing out, namely:

Is Ruck Koryakin, who defending his mother, killed a drunk father? Patient (!) Father?!

How do classmates ridges behave?

Does he behave in relation to his beloved and loving his girlfriend?

Is it possible to do without extreme punishment measures - murder and execution - in our society? Maybe it itself and guilty in everything?!

Is it possible to fix the fallen people in other ways?

Is there the problem of "fathers" and "children" today? We have?

How do you build your relationship with parents? (The answer to this question can be given in the "hidden" form.)

The procraneflict, tragedy story V. F. Tenrryakova "Payback" during its study does not leave anyone indifferent. However, it is necessary to observe a certain sense of tact when it comes to the relationship between schoolchildren with parents, trying not to fall at the same time in the edge, or mentor, tone.

In the 11th grade, the possibility of deepening the ideas of schoolchildren about the life and work of V. F. Tenryakova increase. Especially - when studying the topic "Literature of the 50-90s", to build classes in which many teachers of literature are forced to resort to the thematic principle due to the abundance of the material, the names of writers. Among them, the name of the writer V. F. Tenryakov also sounds often and wisdom, whose work took a worthy place in modern Soviet literature.

So, when studying the topic of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of our days, along with other front-line writers, we inform the names of more than twenty Writers-Vologda, who passed through great tests. Among them, the poet S. S. Orlov, twice burned in the tank twice, but the miracle of survivors, and A. A. Yashin, and A. I. Tarasov, who died in the war, and V. F. Tenryakov, whose debut in The literature was a story about the war "the affairs of my platoon". Having received a difficult wound, Vladimir Fedorovich returned to his homeland, met on the village, was secretary of the Komsomol district office, then he studied at the Institute of Cinematography, but after a year I was transferred to the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky ... Although V. F. Tenryakov did not The "military" writer, the echoes of the experienced, tested by him in the fire of war, often sound in his books. To the "military" topic, the writer appealed only at the end of life. The war "caught up and killed him" ...

"A close writer knew: he decided to finally write about the war. Memories of her more and more Bedili consciousness, memory. "

"It will be a hosted cycle of the ages and stories. My first story is my first day at the front, almost literally, photographic. The day that crowded all last life... The book will consist of small episodes about the weekdays of war.

But ... only the first story of this cycle was published in the journal "Friendship of Peoples", and then after the premature death of the writer ... "1. But the topic of the village is deeply disclosed in its works recommended for class and elective classes. It is his story "Three Single Wheat Bag," Tuga Knot "," Not to the Yard "and others. All of them are inspired by thinking about their native northern village, the impressions received from traveling to their small homeland, from communication with the people of the village, close by childhood.

The rustic casmanship care has experienced on himself, like any rural boys. And maybe even more, since his father, Fyodor Vasilyevich Tenryakov, was a rustic activist. He one of the first in the sheothes joined the Bolsheviks party. Soon he was put forward to work in the rural council, then - to the district center (Village village), later - to the city of Velsk, where Volodya, his son, and ended his studies at school ...

The future writer grew up in work, like all the village guys. Loved the forest, a field, a river - life in nature. Not only the Father, but also the mother Tatiana Petrovna, who worked in the collective farm, was killed to work. It is from here that from the native nest, take the origins of the best creations by V. F. Tenryakov on the topic of the village.

Of course, the creativity of the countryman's writer does not closes only within the framework of the war and village: they are widely known and his story "Date with Nefertiti", "Attempt on Mirage", "Night after release" and others. Especially touched upon us his story "Night after the release", in which there is sometimes grotesque, sharply, polemically stated on the relationship between schoolchildren and teachers, that yesterday's school gave only a certain amount of knowledge, but did not teach the guys to live, did not give professions - precisely About this and spoke on graduation evening Excellent student, not sparing teachers. "Night after release" we have read all the teachers and teachers of the school, and then graduates. After that, the readership conference was held in the rural club on this story, whose participants were and the high school students, and teachers, and the population, and she passed violently.

On December 5, 1993, shellian, tastemen, like all the magicians, were widely celebrated by the 70th anniversary of the Countryman Vladimir Fedorovich Tendryakov1. Conversations and lessons, reader conferences and reviews of his life and creativity in schools, libraries, rural clubs were held at his lowland. In all classes of the Shelot school, his letters were also read. Here is one of them:

"Dear friends!

You wrote a letter to my old address, it did not immediately come to me, I was looking for a long time in Moscow, and therefore I don't write immediately.

I answer your questions.

What work? Recently graduated from the story "Attempt on Mirage." The story is complicated and for adults, so I do not want to go into details about it, the question of printing is solved in the magazine "New World".

A year ago I was in Norway, I read there lectures at University in Oslo. The country is small, stretched along the coast of the ocean, the entire population in it is twice as smaller than in Moscow. Pines, stone, moss, lingonberry, pure lakes and famous fiards - sea bays - everything is very beautiful. Norwegians diligently protect their nature, love to travel on foot, whole families - dad, mother, kids - and all with backpacks. Oslo city is very clean, green and everywhere flowers. I was in the fall, but in the squares, however, the colors of roses. Norwegians are kind, smiling, but it seems to me, live apart from each other.

Unfortunately, a trip to Spain was broken ...

Diligently fulfilling all your requests - I send a photo, a book for school and five more little books - fun to play them in the lottery!

25.02.82. Your countryman V. Tenryakov. "

In one of the arrival of Vladimir Fedorovich, a meeting of a writer with countrymen was organized to his homeland in the sheothes of the village club and school, on which he frankly shared his new creative plans, answered numerous questions of those present.

He published his impressions of the trip to the native land in the journal "Science and Religion", with whom it was closely connected over the years.

"Highly, the shoulder, attendant-taut Vladimir Fedorovich seemed younger than its 60 years. A four-volume assembly of his selected writings is already published - the result of his fruitful 40-year work in Soviet literature. Everything went down "in the mountain", and, it seemed, nothing foreshadowed disasters.1. "

On the eve, two days before the unexpected death, Vladimir Fedorovich called his long-time friend V. Nevzorov and said that he wanted to come home. He came to his native edge each year. This time he wanted, as once in his youth, walk from the city of Gryazovets in the top, to visit the boosynin of the Kirov region, G. Nikolsk, Kich.-Town, Totme, and from there - to the native village of Makarovskaya1. " We will dwell in every village with overnight. And you know, it can be wrapped in Tymonich (at the homeland of V.I. Belova). And then move for deposit, and from there, and in the supper. There are roads, I know. "

Two days from Moscow - a new call:

With Vladimir Fedorovich badly. He has a blow.

It was July 31, 1984. Then there was the first, second August, the night of the third ... All this time he did not come into consciousness. In the morning on Friday, August 3, the heart could not stand ... The central newspapers reported his death ...

Sad and unfair when people go out of life in the flourish of forces and talent, without completing the conceived! ..

All his life is an example of a frantic purposefulness and huge hardworking, a tireless search for answers to the burning problems of modernity.

But he managed to write more than twenty novels and the mistakes that received recognition of readers ... In the eighty theaters of the country, there are performances on his plays. ... works of the writer continue to publish not only with us, but also in England, USA, France, Sweden - more than 20 countries! Hundreds of literary work written about his work, his books are included in the programs of secondary schools and higher educational institutions2.

I would like to wish them to be used wider and fruitful, which depends in many respects from us, teachers-verders.

After the premature death of Writer-Vologhzhanin V. F. Tenryakova, the Youth Library of the regional center was named his name, on the water arteries of the country, the ships with his name on board, in the sheothes, the rustry and Vologda, V. F. Tenryakov appeared. And most importantly, his works enjoy all the great authority among readers, including teachers and schoolchildren - and this means that the writer and his books are stepped in the next century.

Study of the story V. F. Tenryakova

"Spring Calling"

(lecture with interview elements, teacher materials)

(option 2nd)

N. G. Fathulina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan

People with spiritual interests unknown since childhood

- socially dangerous phenomenon.

V. Tendayak

Speaking of literature recent years, L. F. Ershov said: "Its searches and opening now, more than ever, concentrated in the moral and philosophical sphere, the moral experience of society, the socio-spiritual activity of the individual is embodied particularly impressive" (T. 3, p. 3) one . By the number of writers who relentlessly occupy the thought of a person in life, about his responsibility for everything that happens on Earth, V. F. Tenryakov belonged.

In the "spring mills" (1973) the author concerns the problem of moral choice, the production of public consciousness in the adolescence. But the story is not only about teenagers, she is about the "ideal of the era," about how "the ideas about the moral authority of the contemporary" (L. Mikhailova) are complicated. " Only one spring is traced in the story in the life of the thirteen-year-old schoolboy Doshekulunov. This spring was an extraordinary, not similar to all previous ones. Duska grows. Unusual feelings are worried, new phenomena opens, in themselves, in themselves, he discovers a lot of contradictions, it falls into unforeseen situations requiring steep decisions, which even life itself depends on. For the time being, everything around for a summer was simple and understandable. But the coming spring brought a lot of unexpected. Suddenly, it covers a joyful, exciting feeling: Rimka Bratseva, a girl from a big house, looks like a beautiful woman Natalia Goncharov, Pushkin's wife ... Dosushka craves her to see her, tries not to miss the case to go after her before the school. In her presence for him and the street becomes different: the sky is blue, "the sun suddenly the burst, unclean, fun-robbery" (T. 3, p. 21). When Roman leaves, the street becomes an ordinary, dirty ... Dosushi is full of desire to wait when everything changes again. But he is ashamed to wait for the girl. At the same time, he is "ready to spit on his shame" (T. 3, C, 3). He is incomprehensible to him, "whether it happened to others" (T. 3, p. 3). Excited, the exacerbation of the perception of the world is visible and in its attitude to the spring nature. And the green washed grass, crawling out of the dirty land, feeding with the rays of the sun, and birch "in a through smoke", and the smokers of the gri, and the "smell of the needles, the smell of resin, the smell of other people, the smell of freedom" (T. 3, p. 6 ), And the noise of spring drops, and a cry of frogs in the swamp - "Everything merged into one linking note, cutting the heavenly arch" (T. 3, p. 6). The treasured, as if the renewed brain of the boy makes an unusual, dizzying "discovery" that captures the spirit. Here he saw ... Time ("It flows silently down the street, time changes everything around") (T. 3, p. 8). Duska discovers the relativity of time.

After reading the smart book about the galaxies, Doska is stunned by the magnitude of the universe and the insignificance in it in him with his petty concerns. Interest in mathematics led him to thoughts on the relationship of the most unseasonable things and phenomena (T. 3, p. 22). And, on the contrary, a collision with the angry Sanka, with the misfortune of Minki, the argument with his father put the question in front of him: "Really, how many people, so much and of different worlds? " (T. 3, p. 23).

He is convinced how many people think, as not like their lives, actions, deeds. In search of a response, Duska is reflecting: Sanya lives in his, Doshin, the world! "He knows not know that the pale stars over his head - the distant sun with the planets, for him there is no endless universe, does not suspect that the frog can make a man wearing a brick in the school portfolio. Sanya lives next to Dushka, but everything around Sanka is not the way around, the other world, not at all similar. "(T. 3, p. 22). And this world is alien and unacceptable for a summer.

The author is the conflict between good and evil. If I still knew Sankov, I did not love and just struggled him, then I now felt that he was the enemy irreconcilable that this person was "from another world. Sanka enjoys the torment of animals, the fear of the guys in front of him. He dismisses the souls of weak, cowardly - such as the guys from his company - Kolka Lyskov and Petka Goryunov. Makes from them Holowi, scum, traitors, ruthless sadists. The scene on the swamp shakes a dushy. Sanka makes boys kill frogs with a blow of a female shed wall. Minka richly refuses, does not want. "I do not want, уу! .. - messengers his Sanka. - Everyone wants, and you are clean?! " (T. 3, p. 51).

Sanka will not allow a person to be clean. He needs brief, nasty, cowardly performers of his evil will. Duska was in front of the choice: or secure her life with humility, submit to Sanka, or throw an angry charge in the face and enter into battle with this Ham. Did, I do not hesitate, I chose the second way - I stood up for Minka. So the crash for the first time overcame his fear, "crossed through his own weakness, timidity, indecision" (T. 4, p. 43). A cowardly and disgusting Eraha with their flat burns and swamp eyes eager to take revenge on Doshek, to start the "heating". Adults, meanwhile, there is no case to Sanka. Nikita is rich, accidentally defendeding a dush from the enemy, faithfully noticed: "Such and spoil life. From such that, appear, and wars on Earth go ... "(Vol. 3, p. 23). But no measures against Sanka did not accept. Not to the boyish affairs and the older task. Sanya's severely beaten, Dososhibries: "Sanya kill loves ... frogs."

"Frogs? Damn knows what! Yes, I do something before that? " - the father was indignant. Fyodor Andreevich drew attention only to the word "frogs". Even the mother, having examined the casual face of the Son, was limited to the fact that he gave Valerian and calmed down that the nose would grow together.

"He would kill people if it was possible," Dosina continues to convince. "Well, you know!" - did not believe the father. The boy closed his face in despair: "I'm afraid! I'm afraid! I'm afraid of all! ... he will grow up - and you will kill me! ... I love to kill, and you all at least that. You don't care! Live with him, love him! I do not want! I do not want! I do not want to see! " (T. 3, p. 33-34). They believed Dosheki only when Jeah inflicted Rana Minkov's rogot. Criminal indifference adults, the connivance of peers cost expensive - the shed blood, in the balance of death of a person's life.

The story raised the question, the fatal for our time: "How to cure people from the malice?"

In the mouth of Nikita, the word "malice; It is consumed in a wide value as any evil, dying life. "The husband's wife does not respect, passerby a passerby, neighbor's neighbor ... And then, from the very childhood -" The roaming! " (T. 3, p. 23). Nikita lays hope only for the word: "Why do not understand each other? Yes, because the word will not find that it would come to the heart ... What is the word? Sound, shaking air? No - power! " Of course, the artist highly appreciates the role of the word, the voice of the mind. But he also knows that the "beast" does not hear all this. Therefore, all the progress of the story calls for an active struggle, to civilian courage, to destroy evil and the word, and the case.

Civil Courage is an active human life position, the ability to serve as a common blessing, to defend the truth in a difficult daily struggle, brings dangers. Sanka Jery, physically the strongest guy on the street, hated Doshkulunov for the fact that he did not obey him, his strength was not frightened. Jeraha did not forgive the peer feelings of their own dignity, did not regret those who are weaker than him. Duska armed with bricks in case Jaha attack him. But once in a lesson of mathematics, a brick fell out of his portfolio. In the process of the proceedings, all the facts turned against Doshek.

"Dushya himself began to believe that he is a criminal." Help came unexpectedly from the side with which no Doska, and no one else expected. Minka, who accidentally hitting the proceedings, Minka, whom no one was going to ask now, suddenly jumped on his feet and shouted finely, climbing, like a cockerel, first trying his voice:

"Dushya! What are you? Tell everyone! Tell me about Sanka! He boasted that he would kill you! I heard himself! The knife was praised! " (T. 3, p. 35). Minka in the heat of anger continued to expose Sanka: "You can all, you are a knife! Duska kind. Did a weaker will not be offended by anyone! And Sanka knife, what? He is a coward! He is only on weak. Therefore, Doshenka and Brick ... I knew: Sanka will not climb on it, scared. And true, right - Dosha long tuskal in his portfolio. For a long time, but did not hit them Sanka. Could you kill? Is this a duskin? Sanya! Scare only. Sanka - Coward, on a strong never! " (T. 3, p. 35). It was a brilliant defense and a fair charge. Minka opened the truth, saved a dush from slander, "closed his chest", although he knew that now Sanka was shaken with him brutally. Duska, amazed after what happened, felt herself over. He remembered that Rimka was staggered from him, His friend turned away from him, he arranged his home tantrum himself. Himself became contranty. Thought: "Is it worth living in the world? Who needs.? It turns out, you need! Breast for him - Minka, Minka! " (T. 3, p. 36)

The story takes a significant place and the world of adults, the moral climate of the family, the authority of the parents. Nikita is richly educated, not stupid, not devoid of talent, sober, loves his wife to his son, but for society is useless, because he overestimated its capabilities. Believing that it is designed to be a great, bent the modest labor of the newspaper, moved away from the present case, limited himself to a narrow Mirk. The misfortune of Nikita and that he degenidated insignificance. His Lucy is the nearby boss, which is not given to understand or high gusts, no clever thoughts. V. Tenryakov in their own story created a convincing image of a person who was offended from a large road that did not participate in the decision complex tasks His time.

Family of crashing other. Vera Nikolaevna is a wonderful physician, a selfless worker, many people are obliged to her life and gratefully infinite. She is a faithful spouse, loving mother, but to concern about the son she clearly does not take time. Fyodor Andreevich - Head of the Alloy, Engineer, First Man in the city. He is energetic, the correct, decisive, is busy on the throat. But the older task positive qualities Lack of sensitivity to people, cardiac heat, attention to others. He is unnecessarily self-confident, deaf to what is happening around.

The author does not deny the role of the family in the education of a young generation. But he is important and very expensive thought about the first independent steps of a teenager, about the birth of feelings of noble, about the election of the only right solution in a difficult situation without a hint, about the ability to defend the truth, even the price of a collision with expensive and close people.

Reflections on school, at first glance, occupy a very modest place. But they are more serious and significant than it seems. In the Kostyow school there is no "rulers of the Dum", there is no interesting mental life. The mathematician "Vasya in Cuba" (not without nickname) in its own way, is not deprived of creative thought, but he is more strange, eccentrics than a bit like a teacher. The school knows his pets poorly. Pupils, of course, are busy not only accomplishing homework. Their world is wider, diverse. There are no teachers before that case. Sankina Frogs and Doshin Brick called out of a young teacher one exclamation: "What a horror!" (T. 3, p. 35). In history with digging brick, teachers were not confused. They do not believe the honest boy, rather are ready to blame him in all. The dark soul of the Neerah's darkness. His confusion met in school one repulse - they traveled out from the lessons ...

In school, Doska communicates with the left larger - the most capable student in the classroom. Levka managed to read a lot that unknown to his peers. He is a supporter of "self-development". Vasily Vasilyevich is convinced that out of these geniuses. But the succeeding and pretty leaving gayzer far from the sinful land. He does not touch anyone, no one dares to touch him. He has no matter before, as he says, "Tarakanov". During the brawl of Tigunov with a John, a Duchke does not help, and he discourages him, prevents him.

The writer, undoubtedly, sympathizes the cleaner and earthly duske with all his failures and doubts, with all his "fluttering". He knows: Citizens grow out of these, "The Fatherland of Decent Sons".

The story V. F. Tenryakova "Spring Perevils" is usually studied in the lessons of extracurricular reading in the 8th grade. We also offered to read this work of eighth graders. It turned out that no one read the story. And those who watched the film remember only a few scattered episodes.

The ideological and aesthetic value of the work is not perceived. It was important to cause students interest in the story, to help deeper to comprehend the author's thought. In the lesson of the introductory type, V. F. Tenryakov was talked about his difficult life path: participation in the Patriotic War, work at school, management of the district Komsomolia, literary activities. The exhibition of the writer's books was prepared, which remained in the class, while students read the story and prepared for her discussion. When reading the story, the teacher asks to pay attention to how it grows the main character Tale Didoshunov:

What does he read about what he thinks?

What pleases him?

As he belongs to people, to nature, to knowledge ":

What is his spiritual world?

What difficulties do he meet and what decisions make?

We ask students to compare with Dgoshka Sanka Jerah, write out the description of the appearance of Sanki, his speech, disassemble:

What are his actions?

What are his "friends"?

Which side of the reader's sympathy?

Many eighth graders read little works of Russian literature, extremely passive, silent in the lessons. To interest them, it took some pages of the story and say that, reading artwork, you need not only to remember what is happening, and to move into the world of heroes, imagine, imagine (as if he had witnessed or participant in the event), "see" phenomena Inner eyes, evaluate what is happening, to catch, as the author himself refers to his heroes, their actions. In the classroom, the episode is read at the beginning of the story: "Dosha revealed the familiar book of Pushkin poems, and suddenly it seemed to him that Natalia Goncharov, the poet's wife, looks like a girl from the neighboring house. Spring woke strangers in it. " Pupils easily notice the inconsistency of the impressions, thoughts and experiences of Dosush. "And on the street for these fifteen minutes something happened: the sky, the sun, sparrows, girls - everything, as it was, and everything is wrong" (Vol. 3, p. 2). Dushina is rushing to wait, then "run, hide", then he is ashamed, he "will be ready to spit on his shame." The teacher warns that there will be even more such changes in the story, "inverted". It is provided for an example another passage - from the third chapter: "Sanka has always invented strange games. Who will throw a cat above all. And so that the cat did not run away, so as not to catch her after each throw, tied up to the leg on a thin long twine. Everyone threw the cat in turn, she fell on the drowning ground and could not escape. And Sanka threw above all. Or once on fishing - who will eat living sand? From Pescares caught on the bait, the river tina, they beat in her hand, could not even bring the mouth to her mouth - sick. And Sanka mocked: "Sleepy. Mamienekin Son ... "Himself with a crunch, I knew the sand, without blinking the eye - won" (T. 3. p. 4). The teacher raised the question: "Are the boys like?" - But they did not warn that they will tell about this and many other things in the next lesson of extracurricular reading, when carefully read the story and prepare for the analysis of the work.

For discussion, the following questions and tasks were recorded:

1. What feelings causes the reader Sanka Jery? What artistic means is this image created? (Describe the portrait, speech, actions, his attitude to peers and seniors.)

2. What is interesting for the main character of the story of the Doshoshki? What is his inner world? What artistic means is it depicted?

3. What is the main conflict of the story? How is he solved by the author?

4. Tell us about the civil feet of Minky Bogatova.

5. Why does not take respect of Nikita richly?

The tasks of analyzing artistic works of multifaceted: the development of reader susceptibility, the impulse of analyzing skills, deepening aesthetic knowledge, the assimilation of the new vocabulary, the activation of its own (productive) speech.

"Three bags of wheat"

N. A. Lupanova, Literature Teacher

Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium

Educational goals:

1) introduce students with life and creativity V. F. Tenryakov, the history of the creation of a story;

2) to show the accuracy of the story using for this assembled local lore material;

3) reveal the characters of the main characters, positive and negative, show the solution of the main problems (power and personality, duty and conscience, good and evil);

4) to exalt the feat of Russian people, rear workers, emphasize their high moral qualities;

5) to learn work on the text, the ability to analyze episodes, important for understanding the ideological content of the story, characters of heroes;

6) prepare students for writing an essay on a story.

Preparatory work (tasks of students): Read the story and prepare messages, pick up quotes, differentiate tasks for weak and strong.

Tasks for weak schoolchildren.

When is the action of the story? Use the quote from the 1st ch.: "Now sticky morning with a basically sluggish dawn ...".

Where is the action? What do we see the village of Lower Table? (Ch. 1: "The village of Lower Wimmy has never seen enemy aircraft over himself ...")

Pass the story briefly. Use such a plan:

1) Chalkin Brigade in the Nizhneechny district;

2) Zhenka Tulupov finds bread;

3) the life of the rear village;

4) Gods detects "stolen" wheat;

5) Zhenka vs God.

Tell us about the life of the village of Military Poland, her people (mass scenes). Use quotes (ch. 10: "Bread is not in barns", "Children's eyes of faith"; Ch. 12 - "Description Bab").

Read by heart the poem of M. Isakovsky "Russian woman". Think how it echoes the story.

Thought with people who worry during the war in the rear. Prepare the message "Our village during the Great Patriotic War."

For strong students.

Give the characteristic of the following heroes of Tale:

Zhenya Toulupov;

Andrian Fomich Gluchovev;

Godaumova and kirill;

Two predicts: Ivan Bakhtyarova and Ivan Chalkin.

Prepare a message on the biography V. F. Tenryakova.

Draw illustration to the story.

Pick up the reproductions of paintings echoing with the story. Tell us about them.


I Teacher's Introduction:

The artist is creating, proceeding only from the requirements of his time. And if the artist is not considered with his time, does not catch and does not reflect his interests, then, most likely, he will not be interesting and distant descendants who will not be able to reliably judge the last time, "these words belong to VF . Tendryakov, a wonderful realist writer, who really reflected a certain piece from the biography of our country. He is familiar to you, first of all, as the author of the "miraculous" and "spring transporters", the age of childhood, about growing, about becoming character. Already here we can notice that the author, speaking of a certain period, first of all, puts moral problems.

Who is he? What is his fate?

II. Messages of students about the life and work of V. F. Tenryakov.

III. Analysis of the content of the story "Three Bag Wheat" with interview elements:

Yes, this is a war. The harsh, the tragic great domestic ... (turns on the grampalis of the song "a long time ago", in which the author would carry us into the last military autumn, autumn 1944, as well as the author of the story ..,)

"The fourth year the war stretches, but now it is soon. There is nothing more desirable than wake up in the morning and hear that the world came - happiness is the same for everyone. Above the village of Lower Wimma - the gray sky of the tightened autumn. Leaded puddles, monochrome ... But let the fall, let the lead - soon, soon! ".

Vladimir Fedorovich Tenryakov

Three wheat bags

Once at night to telephonists lost among the intermediate station's steppes were undecomborn guests - Derganny, shouting foreman and two soldiers. They dragged on themselves wounded in the belly of Lieutenant.

The foreman shouted for a long time on the phone, explained to the authorities, as the lanterns were "inspired", fired from the air ...

The wounded was attached to Nara. Starshina said that he would soon come behind him, she was still detained, nodailed a bunch of tips and disappeared with his soldiers.

A telephonist-free telephonist cucumber, bent with a na, left to shove out of dugouts in the trench. Zhenya Tulupov was left alone with the wounded.

Podktilka's attached lightly breathed, even with his mean light, a sweaty inflammation of a punch face and black, thrown, as if lap wound, lips. Lieutenant, hardly the peer of Zhenzka - twenty years old, - lay unconscious. If you are not sweaty, inflamed blush, then you can think - dead. But the narrow hands, which he kept on his stomach, lived by themselves. They lay so unbearably and intensely on the wound, which seemed to be - they are about to burn, take rehold away.

P-PI-I-IT ... - quietly, through a dense thickening of undiluted lips.

Zhenya shuddered, helpedly jerked behind the flask, but immediately remembered: among many tips that the foreman, the most strict, most persistent, repeated several times in a row, was: "Do not drink. Nor a drop! Umpt.

PI-I-IT ...

Having postponing a phone tube for a minute, Zhenka rinsed the individual package, pulled off a piece of bandage, wet him, cautiously put to sintered lips. The lips trembled, in the inflamed person, as if the wave passed, moved the eyelids, the chapter, fixed, directed up, filled with stagnant moisture, opened. Opened only for a second, eyelids fell again.

Lieutenant never came into consciousness; Continuing to carefully cover the wound with his palms, he moved, groaned:

PI-I-IT ... PI-I-I-IT ...

Zhenya wet bandage wounded the sweaty face of the wounded. That quiet, winter.

Lena? Are you? .. - Unexpectedly calm, without a sickness, without pain. - Are you here, Lena? .. - And with a new force, with a happy hotness: - I knew, I knew that I would see you! .. Give me water, Lena ... Or ask mom ... I told you that the war will remove the dirt with you. Earth! Dirt I. bad people! Lena! Lena! Will the city of the Sun! .. White, White! .. Towers! Dome! Gold! Gold in the sun - hurts eyes! .. Lena! Lena! City of Sun! .. Walls in the pictures ... Lena, are these pictures? Everyone is looking at them, everyone is happy ... Children, many children, everyone laughs ... War passed, the war cleaned ... Lena, Lena! What a terrible war was! I didn't write about it, now I say, now you can talk ... Golden balls over our city ... And your paintings ... Red pictures on the walls ... I knew, knew that they would build in our life ... We would see ... You didn't believe, no one I believed! .. white, white city - hurts eyes! .. Lit! .. City of the Sun! .. Fire! The fire! Black smoke! .. go-o-orit! It's hot! .. Pi-and-...

A redhead worm of a spray on a flattened gilse of the anti-tank rifle was buried, the burst of the gloomy darkness was low, a wounded was rummed under him on earth raids, the inflamed face in the dim light seemed bronze. And he fought about the deaf clay walls a fading boyish voice:

Lena! Lena! We are bombed! .. Our city! .. Pictures are burning! Red paintings! .. Smoke! Double! Notch breathing! ... Lena! City of Sun! ..

Lena is a beautiful name. Bride? Sister? And what is this city? .. Zhenka Toulupov, pressing the handset to the ear, was repressed on the wounded rushed on the gaze, he listened to his moans about the strange white city. And the red worm of the smokehouse, moving on the edge of the flexible cartridge, and muted cooking in the handset: "Chedd"! "Mignonette"! I am "Buttercup"! .. And at the top, above the rolling, in the night tipped steppe, a distant automatic passage.

And - Brad dying.

He was taken over three hours. Two Sanitary Sanitar in the Spilled Pilot Pilotched Tarrovent Tarrings into a narrow passage, sniff and pursuing, turned the troubled wounded with a naughty, pushing it to an impatiently tapping worn motor dust truck.

And above the tired-gray, unshaven stepma, the ghostly faded dawn has already been selected, not completely washed away from the grievous night blue, not yet touched by solar goldenness.

Zhenka accompanied stretcher. He asked hopefully:

Guys, if in the stomach, then survive? ..

Guys - rear old people - did not answer, worked in the body. The night ended, they hurried.

There was a forgotten tablet on the pit. Zhenka opened it: some brochure about the actions of the chemical journal in a combat atmosphere, several sheets of pure postal paper and yellow from old age, a thin book. Letters from their Lena Lieutenant kept somewhere else.

Thin yellowed book called - "City of the Sun". So here it is from ...

The leather tablet of Zhenka through Pedil gave the platoon commander, and left the book, he read it and reread it during night duty.

Behind Volchansky, with a night crossing through a small river Pelegovka, the company, behind which Zhenka pulled the connection, was covered with direct vending. Forty eight people left on a flat swampy coast. Zhenza Tulupov's fragment interrupted his leg, he still crawl ... along with the field bag, where the book of an unfamiliar lieutenant lay.

She kept her in the hospital, brought her home - "City of the Sun" Tommaso Campanella.

The village of Lower Wamma has never seen enemy aircraft over himself, did not know what kind of light was known. The fields were exposed to projectiles somewhere for many hundred kilometers - here are quiet, deaf, inaccessible rear. Still, the war even from afar destroyed the village: Pop butthey gave fences, and there was no one to raise them, collapsed, - before? - Boat sidewalks, shops stood with boiled windows, and those that still worked, opened only two hours a day when they brought bread from bakery to sell it on cards and closed again.

At one time, the Nizhneechny fairs gathered the people from under Vyatka and Vologda, but this is already remembered only the old men. However, even later, until the war, they also walked envious sayings: "There are no Pasha, not Boron, only Obron's grains", "Yonya Mushed for three years ahead."

Now sticky morning with a basically sluggish dawn, blackened log houses, black branches of naked trees, black dirt curves, stagnation of lead puddles - monochrome, tusklota, abandonance. Later morning late autumn.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tenryakov

Three wheat bags

Once at night to telephonists lost among the intermediate station's steppes were undecomborn guests - Derganny, shouting foreman and two soldiers. They dragged on themselves wounded in the belly of Lieutenant.

The foreman shouted for a long time on the phone, explained to the authorities, as the lanterns were "inspired", fired from the air ...

The wounded was attached to Nara. Starshina said that he would soon come behind him, she was still detained, nodailed a bunch of tips and disappeared with his soldiers.

A telephonist-free telephonist cucumber, bent with a na, left to shove out of dugouts in the trench. Zhenya Tulupov was left alone with the wounded.

Podktilka's attached lightly breathed, even with his mean light, a sweaty inflammation of a punch face and black, thrown, as if lap wound, lips. Lieutenant, hardly the peer of Zhenzka - twenty years old, - lay unconscious. If you are not sweaty, inflamed blush, then you can think - dead. But the narrow hands, which he kept on his stomach, lived by themselves. They lay so unbearably and intensely on the wound, which seemed to be - they are about to burn, take rehold away.

P-PI-I-IT ... - quietly, through a dense thickening of undiluted lips.

Zhenya shuddered, helpedly jerked behind the flask, but immediately remembered: among many tips that the foreman, the most strict, most persistent, repeated several times in a row, was: "Do not drink. Nor a drop! Umpt.

PI-I-IT ...

Having postponing a phone tube for a minute, Zhenka rinsed the individual package, pulled off a piece of bandage, wet him, cautiously put to sintered lips. The lips trembled, in the inflamed person, as if the wave passed, moved the eyelids, the chapter, fixed, directed up, filled with stagnant moisture, opened. Opened only for a second, eyelids fell again.

Lieutenant never came into consciousness; Continuing to carefully cover the wound with his palms, he moved, groaned:

PI-I-IT ... PI-I-I-IT ...

Zhenya wet bandage wounded the sweaty face of the wounded. That quiet, winter.

Lena? Are you? .. - Unexpectedly calm, without a sickness, without pain. - Are you here, Lena? .. - And with a new force, with a happy hotness: - I knew, I knew that I would see you! .. Give me water, Lena ... Or ask mom ... I told you that the war will remove the dirt with you. Earth! Dirt and bad people! Lena! Lena! Will the city of the Sun! .. White, White! .. Towers! Dome! Gold! Gold in the sun - hurts eyes! .. Lena! Lena! City of Sun! .. Walls in the pictures ... Lena, are these pictures? Everyone is looking at them, everyone is happy ... Children, many children, everyone laughs ... War passed, the war cleaned ... Lena, Lena! What a terrible war was! I didn't write about it, now I say, now you can talk ... Golden balls over our city ... And your paintings ... Red pictures on the walls ... I knew, knew that they would build in our life ... We would see ... You didn't believe, no one I believed! .. white, white city - hurts eyes! .. Lit! .. City of the Sun! .. Fire! The fire! Black smoke! .. go-o-orit! It's hot! .. Pi-and-...

A redhead worm of a spray on a flattened gilse of the anti-tank rifle was buried, the burst of the gloomy darkness was low, a wounded was rummed under him on earth raids, the inflamed face in the dim light seemed bronze. And he fought about the deaf clay walls a fading boyish voice:

Lena! Lena! We are bombed! .. Our city! .. Pictures are burning! Red paintings! .. Smoke! Double! Notch breathing! ... Lena! City of Sun! ..

Lena is a beautiful name. Bride? Sister? And what is this city? .. Zhenka Toulupov, pressing the handset to the ear, was repressed on the wounded rushed on the gaze, he listened to his moans about the strange white city. And the red worm of the smokehouse, moving on the edge of the flexible cartridge, and muted cooking in the handset: "Chedd"! "Mignonette"! I am "Buttercup"! .. And at the top, above the rolling, in the night tipped steppe, a distant automatic passage.

And - Brad dying.

He was taken over three hours. Two Sanitary Sanitar in the Spilled Pilot Pilotched Tarrovent Tarrings into a narrow passage, sniff and pursuing, turned the troubled wounded with a naughty, pushing it to an impatiently tapping worn motor dust truck.

And above the tired-gray, unshaven stepma, the ghostly faded dawn has already been selected, not completely washed away from the grievous night blue, not yet touched by solar goldenness.

Zhenka accompanied stretcher. He asked hopefully:

Guys, if in the stomach, then survive? ..

Guys - rear old people - did not answer, worked in the body. The night ended, they hurried.

There was a forgotten tablet on the pit. Zhenka opened it: some brochure about the actions of the chemical journal in a combat atmosphere, several sheets of pure postal paper and yellow from old age, a thin book. Letters from their Lena Lieutenant kept somewhere else.

Thin yellowed book called - "City of the Sun". So here it is from ...

The leather tablet of Zhenka through Pedil gave the platoon commander, and left the book, he read it and reread it during night duty.

Behind Volchansky, with a night crossing through a small river Pelegovka, the company, behind which Zhenka pulled the connection, was covered with direct vending. Forty eight people left on a flat swampy coast. Zhenza Tulupov's fragment interrupted his leg, he still crawl ... along with the field bag, where the book of an unfamiliar lieutenant lay.

She kept her in the hospital, brought her home - "City of the Sun" Tommaso Campanella.

The village of Lower Wamma has never seen enemy aircraft over himself, did not know what kind of light was known. The fields were exposed to projectiles somewhere for many hundred kilometers - here are quiet, deaf, inaccessible rear. Still, the war even from afar destroyed the village: Pop butthey gave fences, and there was no one to raise them, collapsed, - before? - Boat sidewalks, shops stood with boiled windows, and those that still worked, opened only two hours a day when they brought bread from bakery to sell it on cards and closed again.

At one time, the Nizhneechny fairs gathered the people from under Vyatka and Vologda, but this is already remembered only the old men. However, even later, until the war, they also walked envious sayings: "There are no Pasha, not Boron, only Obron's grains", "Yonya Mushed for three years ahead."

Now sticky morning with a basically sluggish dawn, blackened log houses, black branches of naked trees, black dirt curves, stagnation of lead puddles - monochrome, tusklota, abandonance. Later morning late autumn.

But this is autumn 1944! In the center of the village on the square - a pillar with an aluminum pattern of the loudspeaker:

From Soviet Informbure! ..

The strongest of any swirls these words. The fourth year the war stretches, but now, soon, soon ... there is nothing more desirable than waking up in the morning and hear that the world came, - happiness, the same for everyone!

Above the village of Lower Tile - the gray sky of the tightened autumn, lead puddles, monochrome. But let the fall, let the lead - soon, soon! ..

Immediately at the area - the two-storey building of the district executive committee. Today, he lined up somewhat burdened by dirt half, and still horses, low-spirited, shaggy, harvested in broken cras. On the porch, the chauffeur turns, round, serving people.

Little and in the corridors of the district executive committee - hanging the maffer smoke, the doors of the cabinets are clapped, the voices are bunting restrained.

Yesterday, a brigade of the Commissioner arrived in the area. Not one, not two, but a whole brigade with regional mandates, from another area - from Poldnevsky, deaf than Nizhneechmensky. Thirteen people, a dozen thirteen, in an old coat, in the daughters, in trampled boots, in the tarp raincoats - their brother Riotshchik, and then you are the bosses, everyone is called upon to command on behalf of the region.

A heavy household drama shows events during the latter military autumn. The viewer passes a string of people with a crippled soul: Chekists, thieves, killers, women who dream of a bright and quiet life. The theme of the eternal struggle and suffering is revealed in the late story of the writer "Three Bag Wheat".

- How are you feeling?

- Live to live.

The desperate struggle for life has become the life of life in the war years. The story of Vladimir Tenryakova is pierced and the octera, like a sharp frosty air. And also purses. To the depths of the soul. The sorrow and the tragic of the work brilliantly managed to convey in the play by the director-director Vyacheslav Dolgachev.

With which trepidation and excitement, the audience looked at the performance - it is difficult to convey words. Neither a single shore and whisper - the full hall of the dramatic theater was captured by what was happening on the stage.

Miden for military years The history of the brigade of grain collectors for the front: On the instructions, people should pick up the last reserves of the Uz without that starving village. Zhenka Tulupov, soldier because of the injury sent to the collection of the provincial, gets up with a choice: debt or human justice? The world of physical and moral tests, which hurts to look, reveals through the individual heroes the tragedy of the whole country. That is why this setting responded in every auditor.

Separately, it is worth noting the atmosphere created on the stage. Mobile scenery was transferred to the thick of rural activists, then the House of Chairman of the regional brigade of the Commissioners. Carefully selected musical compositions, among which excerpts from Tchaikovsky, Biza, Schwartz and others, strengthen bitter experiences.

"...Poverty, poverty makes people villains, cunning, luckers, thieves, cunning, loaf, liars, false witnesses ... And wealth - arrogant, proud, ignorants, traitors arguing about what they do not know, deceivers, brakes, worn, offenders ... they serve things ".

The performance is the key premiere of the season: the struggle for a piece of bread exists to this day, both rich and the poor, only every piece is filled with their own meaning.

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