Official duties of the doctor's dentist child. Unified Qualification Directory (2)

You can Download the official instruction of a children's dentist is free.
Official duties of a children's dentist.


____________________________ (surname, initials)

(Name of the institution, its ________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person

commissioner assert

job description)


Dentist child


(establishment name)

00.00.201_ №00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibility of the doctor's dentist _____________________________________________ (hereinafter - the "Enterprise").

Name of the institution

1.2. For the position of a dentist of a children's child, a person having a higher person is appointed medical education and past postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty "Dentistry of Children's".

1.3. The appointment of a pedestal dentist of children's and liberation from it is made in the order of the head of the Head of Healthcare Institution.

1.4. Dentist Children's dentist submits directly ________________________________________________________________

(head separation,

deputy Chief Doctor)

1.5. Children's dentist should know:

Laws Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating the activities of health institutions;

Legal aspects of medical activities;

The basics of medical and preventive care in healthcare institutions;

Rules for rendering emergency care;

Organizational and economic foundations of the activities of health institutions and medical workers in the conditions of fiscal and insurance medicine;

Theoretical foundations, principles and methods of dispensarization;

Basics of social hygiene, medical ethics and deontology, sanitary education;

General principles and basic methods of laboratory, clinical and instrumental diagnostics functional state organs and systems human organism;

Clinical symptoms, features of the course, the principles of integrated treatment of major diseases;

Fundamentals of medical and social expertise and temporary disability examination;

Rules and norms of safety, labor protection, fire protection and industrial sanitation;

modern methods diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Tasks, organization, states, structure, equipment of a children's dental service;

Sections and maintenance of children's dentistry as an independent clinical discipline;

Rules of reference medical documentation;

Principles of planning activities and reporting of children's dental services and methods and procedure for its control.

1.6. During the absence of a pedestal dentist of a children's (travel, vacation, illness, etc.) of its responsibilities in the prescribed manner performs an appointed person carrying full responsibility for their proper performance.

I. I. Official duties

Children's carcraftologist:

    Provides qualified medical care in its specialty

    Determines the tactics of the patient and develops a survey plan, in order to obtain full and reliable diagnostic information, studies the volume and rational methods of patient survey

    Confirms (establishes) diagnosis based on studies

    Changes the course of treatment depending on the state of the patient and determines the need for new studies

    Conducts control of the necessary treatment and procedures or conducts the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic procedures on their own

    Provides first medical care in the threatening condition of the patient

    Provides advice to other units medical institution in its specialty

    If there is a subordination of medium and younger medical personnel, monitors and organizes his work, follows the observance of official duties.

    Takes part in conducting medical personnel training

    Provides timely and proper registration of medical or other documentation

    Plans to work and analyzes its main indicators.

    Complies with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

    Systematically improves their qualifications and passes courses for additional training.

    Controls the correct operation of the tools, equipment and equipment,

    Compliance with the safety regulations and industrial sanitation.

I. I. I. . Rights

Dentist Children's dentist has the right:

3.1. To independently be diagnosed with a degree in clinical observations and surveys and determine the tactics of reference.

3.2. Independently determining the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards.

3.3. Assign the necessary for comprehensive examination Patient diagnostic methods.

3.4. To make suggestions to the management of the enterprise on the issues of optimization and improving medical and social assistance, including on the improvement of the conditions of its labor activity.

3.5. Require from leadership agencies to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.6. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category.

3.7. Request, receive and use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities.

3.8. Take part in the work of meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to professional activity Professional specialist.

3.9. Enjoy labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation

I. I. I. . A responsibility

Children's dentist is responsible:

4.1. For proper and timely execution of official duties envisaged by this official instruction

4.2. For the organization of its work and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and orders from the management of the enterprise.

4.3. For ensuring compliance with subordinate employees of their duties.

4.4. For non-compliance with rules internal order and safety regulations.

For committed in the process of conducting therapeutic measures of offense or inaction; For errors in the process of carrying out its activities, which caused the grievant consequences for the health and life of the patient; And also for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the children's dentist can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

1. General Provisions

1. This official instruction determines the duties, rights and responsibility of the doctor of the children's dentist.
2. The person who has a higher medical education, which has passed postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty "Children's dentistry" is appointed to the position of a children's dentist.
3. The children's dentist must know the foundations of the Russian Federation legislation on health care; regulatory documents regulating the activities of health institutions; Basics of organizing medical and preventive care in hospitals and outpatient polyclinic institutions, ambulance and urgent medical care, Medicine services disasters, sanitary and epidemiological service, population and LPU medicines; Theoretical foundations, principles and methods of dispensarization; Organizational and economic foundations of the activities of health institutions and medical workers in the conditions of fiscal and insurance medicine; Basics of social hygiene, organization and economics of health, medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects of medical activities; general principles and the main methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics functional state of organs and systems of the human body; etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, features of the course, the principles of integrated treatment of the main diseases; the rules for the provision of emergency medical care; the basics of examination of temporary disability and medical and social expertise; Fundamentals of sanitary enlightenment; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
In its specialty, the children's dentist must know the modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; the contents and sections of children's dentistry as an independent clinical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, states and equipment of children's dental service; existing regulatory and guidance and methodological documents in the specialty; rules for registration of medical records; the procedure for conducting examination of temporary disability and medical and social expertise; Principles of planning activities and reporting of a children's dental service; Methods and procedure for monitoring its activities.
4. The children's dentist is appointed and dismissed by the order of the LPU chief doctor in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The children's dentist is directly subordinated to the head of the department, and with his absence to the head of the LPU or his deputy.

2. Official duties

Provides qualified medical care in its specialty, using modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, allowed for use in medical practice. Determines the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards. Develops a patient survey plan, clarifies the volume and rational methods of the patient's survey in order to obtain full and reliable diagnostic information in the lowest time. Based on clinical observations and surveys, the collection of history, data of clinical and laboratory and tool Research Sets (or confirms) the diagnosis. In accordance with the established rules and standards, appoints and controls the necessary treatment, organizes or independently conducts the necessary diagnostic, medical, rehabilitation and preventive procedures and events. Makes changes to the treatment plan depending on the state of the patient and determines the need for additional methods of examination. Providing advice to the doctors of other LPU units in their own specialty. Provides emergency medical care in the threatening life of the patient's condition. He directs the work of the subordinate to him of the middle and junior medical personnel (if available), promotes its official duties. Controls the correctness of the diagnostic and medical procedures, operation of the tools, equipment and equipment, rational use of reagents and drugs, compliance with the safety and labor protection rules and junior medical Personnel. Participates in conducting training to improve the qualifications of medical personnel. Plans to work and analyzes the indicators of its activities. Provides timely and qualitative design of medical and other documentation in accordance with the established rules. Sanitary and educational work. Complies with the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology. Qualified and timely execute orders, orders and instructions of the management of the institution, as well as regulatory acts on their professional activities. Complies with the rules of internal regulations, fire safety and safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime. Prioritically takes action, including timely informing the leadership, to eliminate security violations, firefire and sanitary rules that have a threat to the activities of the health care institution, its employees, patients and visitors. Systematically improves their qualifications.

Dentist Children's dentist has the right:
1. To independently be diagnosed in the specialty on the basis of clinical observations and surveys, the collection of history, data of clinical and laboratory and instrumental research; determine the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards; assign the methods of instrumental, functional and laboratory diagnostics necessary for a comprehensive examination; conduct diagnostic, healing, rehabilitation and preventive procedures using the allowed diagnostic and treatment methods; involve in the necessary cases of doctors of other specialties for consultation, examination and treatment of patients;
2. To make suggestions to the management of the institution to improve the medical and diagnostic process, incl. to improve the work of paraklinic and administrative and economic services, issues of organization and conditions of their work;
3. Control the work of subordinate employees (if any), give them orders as part of their official duties and require their clear execution, make suggestions to the management of the institution to promote or imposition of recovery;
4. Request, receive and use informative materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;
5. Take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings on which issues related to its work are considered;
6. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category;
7. Improve its qualifications on improvement courses at least once every 5 years.
Children's dentist enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the RF Labor Code.

4. Responsibility

Children's dentist is responsible for:
1. Timely and qualitative implementation of official duties assigned to him;
2. Organization of its work, timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts in their activities;
3. Compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;
4. Timely and qualitative design of medical and other service documentation provided for in the current regulatory documents;
5. Providing in the prescribed manner statistical and other information on its activities;
6. Ensuring compliance with the performing discipline and fulfill its official duties to the employees subordinate to him (if available);
7. Operational measures taken, including timely informing of the leadership, to eliminate security violations, firefire and sanitary rules that have a threat to health care, its employees, patients and visitors.
For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a dentist children's dentist can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability. (Dentist doctor is)

1. This official instruction determines the duties, rights and responsibility of the doctor of the children's dentist.

2. The person who has a higher medical education, which has passed postgraduate preparation or specialization in the specialty "Children's dentistry" is appointed to the position of medical dentist of the child's dentist.

3. Children's dentist should know: the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care; regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of medical organizations; Basics of organizing medical and preventive care in hospitals and outpatient polyclinic institutions, emergency and emergency medical care, disaster medicine service, sanitary-epidemiological service, population and LPU medicine; Theoretical foundations, principles and methods of dispensarization; Organizational and economic foundations of the activities of medical organizations and medical professionals in conditions of budget and insurance medicine; Basics of social hygiene, organization and economics of health, medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects of medical activities; General principles and basic methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body; etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, features of the course, the principles of integrated treatment of the main diseases; the rules for the provision of emergency medical care; the basics of examination of temporary disability and medical and social expertise; Fundamentals of sanitary enlightenment; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

In its specialty, the children's dentist must know: modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; the contents and sections of children's dentistry as an independent clinical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, states and equipment of children's dental service; existing regulatory and guidance and methodological documents in the specialty; rules for registration of medical records; the procedure for conducting examination of temporary disability and medical and social expertise; Principles of planning activities and reporting of a children's dental service; Methods and procedure for monitoring its activities.

4. The children's dentist is appointed and dismissed by the Order of the Head of Medical Organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Children's dentist is directly subordinated to the head of the department, and with its absence to the head of the medical organization or his deputy.

2. Official duties

Provides qualified medical care in its specialty, using modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, allowed for use in medical practice. Determines the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards. Develops a patient survey plan, clarifies the volume and rational methods of the patient's survey in order to obtain full and reliable diagnostic information in the lowest time. Based on clinical observations and surveys, collection of history, clinical and laboratory and instrumental research data establishes (or confirms) the diagnosis. In accordance with the established rules and standards, appoints and controls the necessary treatment, organizes or independently conducts the necessary diagnostic, medical, rehabilitation and preventive procedures and events. Makes changes to the treatment plan depending on the state of the patient and determines the need for additional methods of examination. Providing advice to the doctors of other LPU units in their own specialty. Provides emergency medical care in the threatening life of the patient's condition. He directs the work of the subordinate to him of the middle and junior medical personnel (if available), promotes its official duties. Controls the correctness of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, the operation of tools, equipment and equipment, rational use of reagents and drugs, compliance with the safety regulations and labor protection of secondary and younger medical personnel. Participates in conducting training to improve the qualifications of medical personnel. Plans to work and analyzes the indicators of its activities. Provides timely and qualitative design of medical and other documentation in accordance with the established rules. Sanitary and educational work. Complies with the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology. Qualified and timely execute orders, orders and instructions of the management of the institution, as well as regulatory acts on their professional activities. Complies with the rules of internal regulations, fire safety and safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime. Operatively takes measures, including timely informing the leadership, to eliminate violations of safety, firefire and sanitary rules that have a threat to the activities of a medical organization, its employees, patients and visitors. Systematically improves their qualifications.

3. Rights

Dentist Children's dentist has the right:

  1. independently identify the diagnosis of the specialty on the basis of clinical observations and surveys, the collection of history, data of clinical and laboratory and instrumental research; determine the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards; assign the methods of instrumental, functional and laboratory diagnostics necessary for a comprehensive examination; conduct diagnostic, healing, rehabilitation and preventive procedures using the allowed diagnostic and treatment methods; If necessary, to attract doctors in the prescribed manner of other specialties for consultations, surveys and treatment of patients;
  2. to make suggestions to the improvement of the medical and diagnostic process, incl. to improve the organization and conditions of their work;
  3. to control the work of secondary and junior medical personnel as part of its competence, give them orders and require their clear execution, to make suggestions to the guide to promote or imposition of recovery;
  4. request, receive and use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;
  5. take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings on which issues related to its work are considered;
  6. to undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category;
  7. improve your qualifications on improvement courses at least once every 5 years.

Children's dentist enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the RF Labor Code.

4. Responsibility

Children's dentist is responsible for:

  1. timely and qualitative exercise of official duties assigned to him;
  2. timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts on their activities;
  3. compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;
  4. timely and qualitative design of medical and other service documentation provided for by the current regulatory documents;
  5. provision in the prescribed manner statistical and other information on its activities;
  6. compliance with the performing discipline and the fulfillment of official duties subordinate to him by employees (if available);
  7. operational adoption of measures, including timely informing the leadership, to eliminate violations of safety, firefire and sanitary rules that make a threat to the activities of a medical organization, its employees, patients and visitors.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the dentist children's dentist can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

You can Download the official instruction of a children's dentist is free.
Official duties of a children's dentist.


____________________________ (surname, initials)

(Name of the institution, its ________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person

commissioner assert

job description)


Dentist child


(establishment name)

00.00.201_ №00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibility of the doctor's dentist _____________________________________________ (hereinafter - the "Enterprise").

Name of the institution

1.2. A person who has a higher medical education and postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty "Children's dentistry" is appointed to the post of a dentist dentist of the child's dentist.

1.3. The appointment of a pedestal dentist of children's and liberation from it is made in the order of the head of the Head of Healthcare Institution.

1.4. Dentist Children's dentist submits directly ________________________________________________________________

(head separation,

deputy Chief Doctor)

1.5. Children's dentist should know:

Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating the activities of health institutions;

Legal aspects of medical activities;

The basics of medical and preventive care in healthcare institutions;

Emergency Rules;

Organizational and economic foundations of the activities of health institutions and medical workers in the conditions of fiscal and insurance medicine;

Theoretical foundations, principles and methods of dispensarization;

Basics of social hygiene, medical ethics and deontology, sanitary education;

General principles and basic methods of laboratory, clinical and instrumental diagnostics of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body;

Clinical symptoms, features of the course, the principles of integrated treatment of major diseases;

Fundamentals of medical and social expertise and temporary disability examination;

Rules and norms of safety, labor protection, fire protection and industrial sanitation;

modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Tasks, organization, states, structure, equipment of a children's dental service;

Sections and maintenance of children's dentistry as an independent clinical discipline;

Rules for conducting medical records;

Principles of planning activities and reporting of children's dental services and methods and procedure for its control.

1.6. During the absence of a pedestal dentist of a children's (travel, vacation, illness, etc.) of its responsibilities in the prescribed manner performs an appointed person carrying full responsibility for their proper performance.

I. I. Official duties

Children's carcraftologist:

    Provides qualified medical care in its specialty

    Determines the tactics of the patient and develops a survey plan, in order to obtain full and reliable diagnostic information, studies the volume and rational methods of patient survey

    Confirms (establishes) diagnosis based on studies

    Changes the course of treatment depending on the state of the patient and determines the need for new studies

    Conducts control of the necessary treatment and procedures or conducts the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic procedures on their own

    Provides first medical care in the threatening condition of the patient

    Provides advice to other departments of the medical institution in their specialty

    If there is a subordination of medium and younger medical personnel, monitors and organizes his work, follows the observance of official duties.

    Takes part in conducting medical personnel training

    Provides timely and proper registration of medical or other documentation

    Plans to work and analyzes its main indicators.

    Complies with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

    Systematically improves their qualifications and passes courses for additional training.

    Controls the correct operation of the tools, equipment and equipment,

    Compliance with the safety regulations and industrial sanitation.

I. I. I. . Rights

Dentist Children's dentist has the right:

3.1. To independently be diagnosed with a degree in clinical observations and surveys and determine the tactics of reference.

3.2. Independently determining the tactics of the patient in accordance with the established rules and standards.

3.3. Assign the methods of diagnostics necessary for a comprehensive examination.

3.4. Proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social assistance, including on issues of improving the conditions of their work activity.

3.5. Require from leadership agencies to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.6. To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category.

3.7. Request, receive and use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities.

3.8. To participate in meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to the professional activities of a specialist doctor.

3.9. Enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

I. I. I. . A responsibility

Children's dentist is responsible:

4.1. For proper and timely execution of official duties envisaged by this official instruction

4.2. For the organization of its work and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and orders from the management of the enterprise.

4.3. For ensuring compliance with subordinate employees of their duties.

4.4. For non-compliance with the rules of internal order and safety regulations.

For committed in the process of conducting therapeutic measures of offense or inaction; For errors in the process of carrying out its activities, which caused the grievant consequences for the health and life of the patient; And also for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the children's dentist can be attracted in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

Dentist Children's Dentist

Official duties. Provides qualified medical care in the specialty "Dentistry of Children's". Receives the necessary information about the disease, performs a list of works and services for diagnosing the disease, assessing the state of children of different ages In accordance with the standard of medical care. Performs a list of works and services for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases in children in accordance with the standard of medical care in the defects of the development of solid teeth, caries of teeth, pulp disease, periodontal, periodontal diseases, as well as diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and lips, including in Terms of general anesthesia and sedation with preserved consciousness. Conducts the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive procedures and measures in inflammatory diseases of the dental-facial apparatus and the oral cavity of odontogenic and non-determined origin: surgical treatment of periodontitis of teeth, acute periostitis of the jaws; removal of roots and teeth; Treatment of alveolitis, pericoronitis, stop wedge bleeding; overlaying seams on the wound; Primary surgical treatment of the oral mucosa of the oral sheath. In injuries, conducts primary surgical processing Persons, treatment of teeth injury; Removing the dislocation of the temporomandibular joint; Stopping of nasal bleeding (front, back tamponade of the nose); renders emergency for gunshot damage (asphyxia, bleeding, traumatic shock); Conducts a temporary immobilization. In tumors and tumor-like lesions carry out operational treatment benign tumors (fibrome, papillom, radicular cyst of small sizes, retention lip cyst); Performs cystotomy by lower jaw. With the large destruction of solid tooth tissues, the restoration of temporary and constant teeth is restored using standard protective crowns, performs restoration of constant teeth by tabs by direct and indirect methods. In the presence of dental abnormalities and deformations of dentitions, it sends to a orthodontist to provide specialized assistance; directs patients with oral respiration for consultation to the otolaryngologist; Normalizes nasal breathing with vestibular plates and other devices; Carries out the fight S. harmful habits sucking and oxidation of fingers, lips, cheeks, tongue, various items, with the usual incorrect pose; Conduct medical gymnastics To normalize lip closures, nasal breathing; Conducts the selective sealing of unstable bugs of temporary teeth (more often than fangs). Determines the amount of emergency and emergency care and provides it. Resets indications for urgent or planned hospitalization. Reveal possible complications medicinal therapy. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, directs patients with signs of resistant disability on medical and social expertise. Conducts a scheduled rehabilitation, dispensary of the child population, including in organized groups, sanitary and educational work. Heads medical, accounting and reporting documentation. Organizes and controls the operation of medium medical personnel. In the prescribed manner increases professional qualifications. Must know:Constitution of the Russian Federation; Basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the health sector; General issues of organizing medical and dental assistance in the Russian Federation; regulatory legal acts governing the activities of the children's medical institution; organizing the work of ambulance and emergency care to the children's population at dental pathology; Topographic I. clinical anatomy maxillofacial area in children age features; Clinical and functional MTODs of research in dentistry; clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of basic dental diseases, their prevention in children of different age groups; Issues of asepsis and antiseptics; methods and means of anesthesia in dentistry; Fundamentals of pharmacotherapy; The use of physiotherapy in dentistry; Fundamentals of diet and therapy; Questions of the organization, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of prevention of dental diseases, including in organized groups, and the dispensarization of the population; Basics of examination of temporary and constant disability; Questions of the organization and activities of the medical service in emergency; Questions of the organization of medical and social expertise; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; Sanitary rules and norms of functioning of health care institutions.
Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education in one of the specialties "therapeutic case", "Pediatrics", and postgraduate vocational education (the ordinite) and a specialist certificate of a specialty "Children's dentistry", without presentation of work experience requirements.

Orthopedist dentist

Official duties. Provides qualified medical care in the specialty "Orthopedic" dentistry. Receives the necessary information about diseases, performs a list of works and services for the diagnosis of the anomalies of the dental-facial apparatus, estimates of the patient's condition in accordance with the standard of medical care. Uses modern methods of diagnosing the pathology of the dental-facial apparatus for orthopedic treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Based on the collection of anamnesis, clinical examination patient and results of additional instrumental, hardware and laboratory methods Surveys make a diagnosis. Makes up a plan for complex and orthopedic treatment of diseases and pathological conditions dental-facial apparatus. Plans therapeutic and surgical preparation of the patient to the orthopedic treatment of the dental-facial apparatus. It carries out all the clinical stages of the manufacture of modern designs of dentures (microprotheses, non-removable, removable and combined structures). Conducts orthopedic treatment of defects of the coronal part of the teeth. Conducts orthopedic treatment of partial and complete adventure, including complicated forms. Conducts orthopedic treatment of the pathological erase of solid teeth tissues. Performs orthopedic treatment of periodontal diseases. Performs orthopedic treatment of defects and deformations of the maxillofacial region. Conducts orthopedic treatment of the pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Conducts an assessment of the quality of dental prostheses manufactured by the dental technician. Exercises rehabilitation activities after the imposition of dentures and conducts dispensary observation. Conducts patients with the rules of rational hygiene of the mouth. Regulates the accounting and reporting documentation approved for use in the Russian Federation. Determines the amount of the necessary first and emergency care and provides it. Resets indications for urgent or planned hospitalization. Reselects possible complications of drug therapy. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, directs patients with signs with a rack of disability to the medical and social expertise. Conducts to dispenserization of the population, sanitary and educational work. Organizes and controls the operation of medium medical personnel. In the prescribed manner increases professional qualifications. Ensures compliance with the sanitary and epidemic regime.
In accordance with the approved routing scheme, patients are seen when identifying (suspicion) of signs of cancer in the primary cancer office (separation), directly sends patients with oncological diseases into a specialized oncological medical organization, monitors patients with risk groups. Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of health and organization of dental assistance in the Russian Federation, the protection of consumer rights, the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Basics of planning and economic and financial activities in orthopedic dentistry. The orthopedist dentist must own general media, special and additional knowledge - legal aspects of medical care, medical ethics and deontology, principles of health care. The main somatic diseases, the basics of emergency assistance in emergency situations, regulations of sanitation and hygiene. Issues of medical care patients with malignant neoplasms (Early manifestation oncological diseases, development risk groups malignant tumors), approved patient routing with suspected tumor education. diagnosis, orthopedic treatment and prevention of diseases and pathological conditions of the dental system - modern methods of the survey of the oral cavity and the dental-facial apparatus; Principles of formulating a detailed diagnosis in dentistry, taking into account the classifier of diseases; Rules for compiling a plan for complex and orthopedic treatment; Principles orthopedic treatment of defects of the coronal part of teeth, partial and complete adventure, pathological erase of solid tissues of teeth, diseases of periodontal, defects and deformities of the dental system and maxillofacial area, diseases of the temporomandibular joint. The main rules for the design of dentures and the choice of structural material to assess the quality of the dental prostheses made by the dental technician. Rules for organizing rehabilitation activities after the imposition of dentures and conduct dispensary observation. Psychology of professional activity. Organization of dental production, methods of processing the main structural materials (metal alloys, ceramics, polymers), methods for the manufacture of modern non-removable, removable and combined designs of dentures, the basics of preventing dental diseases, the framework of therapeutic treatment of dental diseases, the basis surgical treatment dental diseases, the basics of diagnosis and treatment of the main dental diseases in adults and children, the basis of the diagnosis and orthopedic treatment of anomalies and deformities of the dental system; Questions of the organization and activities of the medical service in emergency; organization of medical and social expertise; Fundamentals of labor legislation of the Russian Federation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; Sanitary rules and norms of functioning of health care institutions. Requirement of qualifications. Higher vocational education in the specialty "Dentistry" and postgraduate vocational education (ordinature) in the specialty "orthopedic" or professional retraining in the specialty "Orthopedichetic" in the presence of postgraduate vocational education in the specialty "Dentistry" or "Dentistry common practice", Certificate of a specialist in the specialty" Orthopedic "dentistry" without the presentation of the work experience.


Official duties. Provides qualified medical care for the "Dentistry of the therapeutic" profile, using modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of solid tissues of teeth, periodontal, mouth mucosa and lips; obtains the necessary information about the disease; Mills the patient's treatment plan; Performs a list of works to assess the patient's condition in accordance with the standard of medical care in adults under the following dental diseases:
caries and other diseases of solid teeth tissues, pulp diseases and periapical fabrics, gingivitis and periodontal diseases, hypersensitivity of dentin and enamel, other changes in teeth and their supporting apparatus, diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, lips and language. It draws up medical records, including obtaining informed consent of the patient. For the necessary diagnostic, preventive, medical and rehabilitation measures for caries and other diseases of solid teeth tissues, pulp and periapical tissue diseases use special dental equipment and materials:
dental installations, lamps for photopolymerization, dental sealing materials, including composite, means for correcting the color of the tooth. For the diagnosis of dental diseases and evaluating the medical measures carried out interprets radiographs.
According to the testimony, it is carried out infiltration, conductive. Internal anesthesia, functional samples, interprets results laboratory studies. Conducts an outer and intraconete teeth whitening by applying chemicals activated by various light sources (including laser), microabraosis of enamel; imposes cofferdam and its modifications; seals teeth using different species sealing materials manufactures veneers and tabs direct and indirect methods; Conducts conservative and surgical treatment of pulpitis, endodontic treatment of pulp diseases and periapical tissues by mechanical and drug processing of root channels with manual, machine and ultrasound instruments; Write off the root channels with various methods with guttaperch, pins.
Conducts the necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures and measures in gingivitis and periodontal diseases using special dental equipment, devices, tools and medicines (dental installations, devices whose actuage is based on the use of various physical factors, periodontal tools and medications general and local action). Uses conservative and surgical methods Treatment. Owns the methods of temporary shining of teeth. According to the rules of rational hygiene of the mouth; Conducts professional Hygiene of the mouth with mechanical and hardware methods: removal of soft and pigmented onto the teeth by applying air-abrasive systems, using abrasive pastes, brushes. rubber bands and strips; Removing an additional dental stone (with subsequent polishing of the surface of the teeth) by the manual method and using ultrasound and sound vehicles; Removing a guide tootham with coshend, ultrasonic and sound vehicles (with subsequent polishing of the surface of the teeth); It carries out anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial treatment of gingivitis and periodontal diseases using local action drugs by appliqué, instillation, overlapping periodontal dressings. Conducts diagnostics and correction of occlusal disorders. Conducts the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitation procedures and measures for diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, lips and language in accordance with the modern international Classification Using special dental equipment, devices and general and local medications. Based on the collection of history, clinical observation and the results of clinical laboratory and instrumental research, determines the feasibility of prescribing drugs for general treatment. If necessary, sends to a consultation to the specialists-specialists of the general general profile. Determines the amount of emergency medical care in the life-threatening states and provides it. Resets indications for urgent or planned hospitalization. Reselects possible complications of drug therapy. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, directs patients with signs with a rack of disability to the medical and social expertise. Conducts to dispenserization of the population, sanitary and educational work. Heads medical, accounting and reporting documentation. Organizes and controls the operation of medium medical personnel. In the prescribed manner increases professional
qualification. Ensures compliance with the sanitary and epidemic regime. In accordance with the approved routing scheme, patients are seen when identifying (suspicion) of signs of cancer in the primary cancer office (separation), directly sends patients with oncological diseases into a specialized oncological medical organization, monitors patients with risk groups. Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the health sector; protection of consumer rights and sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population; General issues of the organization of medical and dental assistance in the Russian Federation; Regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the doctor's dentist; organizing the first, emergency and emergency medical care, including at dental pathology; Theoretical foundations of the specialty, modern methods of treatment, diagnosis and medicinal support of patients; The principles of the organization of therapeutic dental care, the rules of action when a patient is detected with signs dangerous infections, HIV infection; Issues of providing medical care patients with malignant neoplasms (early manifestation of cancer, risk of malignant tumors), approved patient routing with suspected tumor education; the procedure for interaction with other specialist physicians, services, organizations, including insurance companies, doctors associations; Fundamentals of insurance medicine, providing sanitary and preventive and drugs to the population; questions of the organization and activities of the medical service in emergency situations; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; Basics of labor legislation; Rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety. Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the specialty "Stomatology" and postgraduate vocational education (ordinature) in the specialty "Therapeutic" or professional retraining in the specialty "Therapeutic dentistry" in the presence of postgraduate vocational education in the specialty "Dentistry" or "Dentistry of General Practice", a specialist certificate Specialties "Therapeutic dentistry" without the presentation of work experience. Official duties. Provides qualified medical care for the "Dentistry Surgical" profile. Exercises a medical examination and evaluation of the patient's physical condition; constitutes a plan of a laboratory, functional, instrumental examination; gives clinical appraisal Results of diagnostic research methods common in the clinical practice; Formulates in its conclusions a diagnostic solution (pre-or clinical diagnosis). In accordance with the standard of medical care, it provides prevention and treatment of the most common dental diseases of the surgical profile in children and adults, as well as the rehabilitation of patients. Assesses the severity of the patient's state, determines the testimony for hospitalization, indications and contraindications to operational intervention, the volume of preoperative preparations, taking into account the age, disorders of homeostasis, the nature and severity of the underlying disease and the concomitant pathology. Assesses the volume of operational injury in order to choose an adequate method of anesthesia, performs local anesthesia methods, determines the most appropriate technique surgical intervention and performs it in the required amount; Exercises adequate postoperative treatment patient; determines the need to participate doctors related specialties in complex treatment adults, children, elderly and senile age. Determines the volume and sequence of resuscitation activities; has them at traumatic and anaphylactic shock, acute vascular collapse, acute blood loss, acute cardiac and respiratory failure, hypertensive syndrome (artificial respiration, closed massage Hearts, bleeding stop, bandage and tamponade wounds, transport immobilization, stomach wash with poisoning, urgent tracheotomy during asphyxia). Performs prophylactic, diagnostic and medical events For the next pathology: inflammatory diseases (acute and chronic periodontitis, acute purulent periostitis, odontogenic, traumatic, hematogenous osteomyelitis, post-osteoradionenecosis in the field of alveolar process (parts) of the jaws, pericoronite, alveolit; abscesses within oral cavity different etiology; lymphadenitis of various etiology and localization; Injuries of the maxillofacial area (dislocations of the lower jaw - sharp and familiar, dislocations of the teeth are full and incomplete, fractures of teeth, fractures of the alveolar process upper jaw and the alveolar part of the lower jaw, complications arising in the process of treating inflammatory diseases and injuries of the dental-facial apparatus (bleeding: moon, bone, soft tissues, a sharp oroantral message with the root of the remote tooth in topper dasukha And without that; foreign bodies tissue oral cavity; Diseases and damage salivary gloys (Salyagenitis - acute and chronic); Salolyaz, Violations of the secretion of salivary glasses - Stenosis salun docal, injuries of salivary gland-hypopthialism, birdism, xerostomy, (Schogren syndrome, Mikulich's disease
- in specialized centers together with a rheumatologist). Periodontal diseases. Reted and dystoped (intact) teeth, oversight teeth. Diseases of the temporomandibular joint. Tumors and tumor formations of the oral cavity, precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa, and the red border bridge. Congenital and acquired defects and deformations of the maxillofacial region (shortening of the bridles of the lips, the language, the fine run of the mouth defects and the deformation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. In defects, dental rows can be installed dental implants. In case of failure bone tissue and soft tissues of the alveolar process (parts) of the jaws should be able to conduct recovery operations. The dentist-surgeon must be able to use general-graduated manipulations, be able to provide the first medical Help with urgent states, own the formation methods healthy image Life, to comply with the requirements of medical ethics and medical deontology during recreational, preventive, medical and diagnostic and rehabilitation activities. In accordance with the approved routing scheme, patients are seen when identifying (suspicion) of signs of cancer in the primary cancer office (separation), directly sends patients with oncological diseases into a specialized oncological medical organization, monitors patients with risk groups. Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation, the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health; laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the health sector; General issues of the organization of medical and dental assistance in the Russian Federation; regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the dentist surgeon; Organization of emergency and emergency care for dental pathology; topographic and clinical anatomy of a severity of the maxillofacial apparatus, taking into account age characteristics; clinical. Functional I. radi Methods Research B. surgical dentistry; clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of basic surgical dental diseases, their prevention in individuals of different age groups; Issues of asepsis and antiseptics; methods and means of anesthesia in dentistry; Issues of providing medical care patients with erocal neoplasms and (early manifestation of oncological diseases, risk groups of malignant tumors), approved patient routing with suspected tumor education; Fundamentals of pharmacotherapy and the use of physiotherapy in surgical dentistry; Fundamentals of dietology; Questions of the organization, conducting and analyzing the effectiveness of prevention of dental diseases and dispensarization of the population; Basics of examination of temporary and constant disability; methods of surgical treatment of patients with the diseases of the maxillofacial region in conditions of the hospital; Questions and activities of the medical service in emergency situations; Basics of labor legislation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; Sanitary rules and norms of functioning of health care institutions. Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the specialty "Stomatology" and postgraduate vocational education (ordinature) in the specialty "Dentistry of surgical" or professional retraining in the specialty "Dentistry surgical" in the presence of postgraduate vocational education in the specialty "Dentistry\u003e or" Dentistry of general practice ", a specialist certificate Specialties "Dentistry surgical" without the presentation of work experience.

Doctor - court medical expert

Official duties. Exercises forensic examination using modern research methods. Provides advice to attending physicians, representatives of the investigating authorities, prosecutors and courts in their own specialty. Manages the work of subordinate to him of the middle and junior medical personnel (if available), ensures compliance with the labor and executive discipline and execution functional duties. Controls the correctness of the diagnostic and medical procedures, operation of tools, equipment and equipment, rational use of reagents, compliance with the rules for labor protection to him by medical personnel. Plans to work and analyzes the indicators of its activities. Provides the right and timely design of medical and other documentation in accordance with the established rules. Sanitary and educational work. Participates in conducting judicial expertise of corpses, living persons, as well as on materials of criminal and civil cases. Must know: Constitution of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, which determine the activities of bodies and institutions of the state forensic medical service; Modern methods of forensic medical examination; tasks, organization, structure, states and equipment of forensic examination; existing regulatory and methodological documents on forensic examination; rules for registration of medical records; The procedure for conducting various types of forensic medical examinations; principles of planning activities and reporting of expert divisions; Fundamentals of sanitary enlightenment; methods and procedure for monitoring the activities of forensic units by employees of health authorities; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety. Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the specialty "Therapeutic case", "Pediatrics", "Medical biochemistry", postgraduate vocational education (internship and (or) ordinature) in the specialty " Forensic-medical examination"Or professional retraining in the specialty" Forensic Medical Examination "in the presence of one of the specialties" Children's Oncology "," Children's Urology-Andrology "," Children's Surgery "," Coloproctology "," Neurosurgery "," Oncology "," Pathological anatomy», « Plastic surgery"," Cardiovascular surgery "," Toracal Surgery "," Urology "," Surgery "," Maxillofacial Surgery ", a certificate of a specialist in the specialty" forensic medical examination "without the presentation of work experience.
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