2 month old baby died after vaccination. Infant died of vaccine allergy? Sledkom and doctors understand the state of emergency in Pavlovka

In March last year, Anastasia from Belarus buried her 6-month-old daughter Masha. The girl did not wake up the next morning after receiving DPT. Is there life after death? How to find strength in yourself? And who is to blame? Read about it in our interview.

Nastya, thank you for agreeing to talk about this.

Remembering this is always scary and painful, and then the sediment in the soul remains, but I am ready to share this with everyone. Firstly, sometimes it is useful to pronounce the most, and, secondly, other mothers should know that this happens. But, first of all, my interview is for those who give up, who think that life is ending, that nothing else will be happy and bright. Maybe with my story I will just show that life goes on, no matter what.

Tell us a little about Masha. How was the pregnancy, childbirth?

Masha's pregnancy was the second in my life. Planned, no problem. I also always smiled and said that pregnancy is just like a textbook. And the birth was also very easy. Mashulka was born as an absolutely healthy child, 8/9 on the Apgar scale. She was a very calm girl, Angel in life! We did not know what colic, sleepless nights and whims are!

Nastya with her daughters: Ksyusha and newborn Masha

Did you immediately decide in the hospital that you would have all the vaccinations on schedule?

I gave all the vaccinations to my eldest daughter, her body never gave any reaction. And in the hospital, she immediately signed a consent to BCG and hepatitis B for Masha.

You see, I probably, like many mothers, did not study in detail the issue of vaccinations, because since the doctor says what is necessary, then it is necessary. So it’s a blessing, we also did it to everyone. After all, there are things that are not discussed, such as, for example, passing tests on a child to check his condition, going to a pediatrician. And vaccinations for me were the right thing to do.

"The doctors said that everything is fine and it will pass"

To be honest, I may have heard about some of the consequences of vaccinations before, but it was so remote that I did not even take it personally, did not think that it was possible. And there was never much publicity for such stories, I did not come across groups on the Internet in which they would discuss children who became disabled after vaccination or parents who lost their children. Maybe I heard somewhere out of the corner of my ear, but did not attach much importance to them, because everything is fine, the older one went through all the vaccinations normally.

And how did Masha tolerate vaccinations?

Masha also tolerated her first vaccinations normally. The first DPT even without fever. True, from the last vaccination we had a small lump, but the doctors said that everything was fine and it would pass.

Anastasia and Masha 2 weeks before the tragedy

How did it happen that the second DPT became fatal?

At 3 and a half months, we were admitted to the hospital with suspected pneumonia, which was later not confirmed, and we were diagnosed with bronchitis, although there was only a slight cough from the symptoms. They were discharged healthy, the tests were normal. And literally 2 weeks after that we were told to get vaccinated against polio. It is necessary, therefore, it is necessary. We did it, everything is fine.

After another 2 weeks, the first DPT was delivered, as I said earlier, we transferred it without problems! On March 21st, a nurse came to our home and said again: "For vaccination." I say: "Well, we did it recently." And she: "You already missed a lot while you were in the hospital." I do not know why my mother's heart then spoke, but the words literally burst out to her in response: "Can I wait a little?" And she: "No, no, no, you already missed a lot." I remember my thoughts at that moment, if the health worker says it is necessary, then it is necessary. I'm a good mom., I did everything as they said. You need to bring, I will. In general, everything was in perfect order, all weighings, all analyzes, all examinations. Of course, I took care of the health of my children. The slightest sneeze, puff, I go to the doctor.

As a result, on March 23, I brought the child for the second DPT vaccination. The nurse, of course, told about the recommendations: do not walk, do not swim, give paracetamol at a temperature. Everything. We did it and went home. The child was fine all day, she played and smiled. By the evening, her temperature rose to 38C. My husband and I were warned, so we gave her medications, which brought down the temperature. My daughter fell asleep, and I went with her. I took her to me because she was crying. It is clear that when a child has a fever, he is moody.

“The words literally escaped her in response:“ Maybe wait a little? ”

In the morning I woke up at 7 am. At first I didn't understand what had happened because she was asleep. But then I saw that something was not right. She was somehow motionless, like a doll. I called my husband, he immediately began to do an indirect heart massage, and I called at that moment ambulance... They arrived very quickly and stated that the child had died. I just didn't wake up. The Investigative Committee arrived, and I was surprised that the investigators turned out to be so humane, and the medical workers - callous and soulless, only one guy from the ambulance team tried to somehow support.

When I said that we had received the DPT vaccine yesterday, the health workers ignored it and just kept repeating: “How did you sleep with your child? How could you go to bed with her? You probably crushed her in a dream. Perhaps you strangled her and did not notice. " What? Six month old baby! The mother who gave birth for the second time! Yes, for me it is generally beyond fantasy. All mothers know how sensitive sleep is when the child sleeps next to him, and even more so, is sick. Then you wake up even from the rustle. And so they said that, and I did not know what to believe. Investigators assured me that this could not be, look at her, she would be blue, but here it looks like a toxic reaction. And off we go. Everything was like a fog! As if all this was not happening to us!

"You probably crushed her in a dream and did not notice"

How did the doctors in your clinic react to this?

They reacted in the same way as many health workers in our city. When the pediatrician was called home, he simply did not come. They waited for him here for an hour and a half, and then went to the polyclinic to seize the medical cards, but by that time they had already been rewritten. Moreover, even in the card of my eldest daughter there were sheets that were not there before. There were many inconsistencies in the testimony. And I understand perfectly well that anyone in the place of a medical worker would cover their bottom line, because they have a family, they also have children, they also want to live on.

"If it could return Masha, I would gnaw the earth with my teeth."

In general, at that moment I felt very sorry for our pediatrician, although everyone around me was twisting a finger at my temple: "Nastya, you should feel sorry for yourself!" And I felt sorry for him, it seemed to me that if he has a heart, then he is now very, very bad, that he is also experiencing and suffering. Although no one even expressed condolences. He was just silent, and when I saw him, it became clear from his eyes that he was really going through! And the nurses spread dirty rumors throughout the city that the vaccine had nothing to do with it. After all, the city is small and mothers began to refuse to receive DPT vaccinations, and they assured me that I had strangled my child. For me it was painful and inhuman, it seems, you cover yourself as you want, but not in such a crappy way.

Have you thought of suing?

We immediately realized that it was useless to fight medicine, it was impossible to prove something. And the courts are long and painful, they take years, and this will not return the child. If this could return Masha, I would gnaw the earth with my teeth. But alas! And somehow it is necessary to live on for the sake of the eldest daughter.

“I just didn't save my child”

Who do you blame for this story?

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand that you can only blame yourself in this situation, no matter how much you would like to say that it is not my fault, it is. I just didn't save my child. I just don't know much. It is my fault that, having become a mother, I did not receive a pedagogical, medical and psychological education. I'm just a mother who wanted and wants children, and in this she sees the meaning of life.

Is it recognized that the tragic ending is the result of the DPT vaccination?

An autopsy showed that the child died of a viral infection of unknown etiology. The etiology was not sown even after six months. It is clear that viral infection was caused by the vaccine. After all, DPT is a complex vaccine that contains live viruses. Let the weakened, but alive. And which of these viruses killed my child, I do not know, but the fact remains. On March 23, she received a DPT vaccine, and on March 24, she did not wake up. And this is not a sudden death of children.

Anastasia and her husband with their daughter Alexandra

After Masha left, Sasha was born in your family. How did you decide to take this step?

We saw only one way out: we need another child. True, many insisted that it was not necessary, the body experienced such stress, and even after Masha's birth, so little time had passed. I was still breastfeeding her, I didn't even have a period at that time.

"On the 40th day after Mashenka's death, God gave us a small miracle"

You see, there are things that cannot be described or explained. And no one has the right to say how to do it right. I just clung to life, tried to get myself out of a state of depression, where there was not so much from a step into the abyss. After all, I already began to hate myself, that I am such a bad mother and did not save my child, and such a mother should not live!

And it so happened that on the 40th day after Mashenka's death, God gave us a small miracle. When it was confirmed that there really was a pregnancy, I pulled myself together and realized that I had no right to grieve anymore, because all this would affect the health of the little man who was born in me. When such thoughts came that I didn't want to live, I said to myself: "With yourself, Nastya, you can do whatever you want, but the little man is not to blame for you." And I pulled myself together. I waited. I was expecting this child! For some reason it seemed to me that Masha's soul in this way quickly returned to us.

How was the pregnancy?

This pregnancy was very difficult. A strict bed rest was needed, any movement could provoke placental abruption, so I just chained myself to the bed, went only to get food and to the toilet. Sasha's date of birth turned out to be another miracle - January 19, Epiphany. And I believe that this is a sign from God. And if he takes something, then he gives, albeit not equivalent, but equivalent in return.

“As if the whole last year was just nightmare

And I just want to tell every mom who has lost her baby and is afraid to give birth again. If there is such a thought that you want and need, then give birth, even if it's scary. It will always be scary. You can be afraid all your life. And I understand that if I had not become pregnant then, but would have waited a year until the body recovers from stress, it’s not a fact that I would have decided to become pregnant again. I would have been even more afraid, but this consolation helped me through that pain. I look at Sasha and there are moments as if nothing had happened. As if the whole last year was just a bad dream.

Do you vaccinate children now?

Immediately in the hospital, I wrote a refusal from all vaccinations for Sasha. I have studied this question up and down and I can say that it is scary to administer vaccinations, and it is scary not to administer them. But this time I took full responsibility for myself. I don’t know, though, what I’ll do in the future, because life is so unpredictable.

The eldest daughter Ksyusha with little Sasha

Have some good things at the end of our interview. Who would you like to thank?

I am very grateful to my husband that he supported me at that moment and our family did not break up, like many others who could not survive the loss. On the contrary, we rallied, began to love each other more. I am very grateful to my real friends, family and friends, who were there at difficult times! I thank God for giving me such tests. If it were not for this, I would not have become what I am now. I look at my daughters and understand that no matter what, I am a happy woman, just tried by fate.

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Alexander Kotok: You periodically publish comments on the website of the Ukrainian League for the Defense of Civil Rights. What led you to oppose vaccinations?

Tatyana: The tragic events that happened in our family, and I want everyone who has children to think about how dangerous trust in doctors and vaccinations can be, and the conviction that everything bad happens to anyone, just not to his child, he will certainly be fine. If this helps to save the lives or health of at least a few babies, I will at least a little expiate my guilt in front of our baby, who died from the DPT vaccination.

In 2005, a girl was born in our family, desirable, healthy. We are very grateful to the doctors who gave birth, everything went great and in the maternity hospital the baby was vaccinated against hepatitis B and BCG. Since then we did not hear about any complications from vaccinations, we agreed to them. True, we were alarmed that they were given to sign that we are allowed to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, but we were told that this is the order. We were taught from childhood about the benefits of vaccinations, and we had no doubts about their necessity. We were discharged home in a satisfactory condition, and our life began at home.

Have you noticed any changes in your child's behavior that would indicate a complication after vaccinations?

The baby became restless, but it was attributed to colic and dysbiosis, which began for some unknown reason. After about two weeks, everything slowly returned to normal, sleep improved, the child stopped crying constantly. We followed the development of our girl and were happy. A month passed, and with joy and pride we went to the hospital to see our doctor. The examination showed that everything was normal, and we were allowed to receive vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule. Having made them, we went home. But at home everything started anew: dysbiosis again, sleep became restless, intermittent, the child was constantly crying, I had to carry it in my arms. We thought it was a reaction to the vaccine, but visiting nurse said that up to three months babies have problems with the intestines, colic, etc. And again after two or three weeks everything went away. The child calmed down and we finally breathed freely. Before the first DPT we were told to do a blood test: hemoglobin was 130. After the vaccination, the same symptoms recurred, and again the visiting nurse said that everything was fine. After the second DPT vaccination, everything started again, but a new one was added: we noticed that the baby twitches her shoulder about 1-2 times a day. So sometimes, when asked about something, they answer: "How do I know?", And make a shoulder movement. It even seemed funny to us. We could not associate this with anything bad, but we still asked the doctor, and received the answer that, they say, oh, these mothers and grandmothers, what they just do not invent. At that moment, we should have worried, consulted a neurologist ... even now I doubt that we would have received the desired answer. Only recently I read in the description of post-vaccination complications that it was a manifestation of a convulsive syndrome, a reaction to a vaccine, and after such a manifestation of a reaction, vaccinations cannot be given. In addition, since the same condition was repeated again as after the first vaccinations, and we already understood for sure that one was related to the other. And again about three weeks passed, again the child became calmer, and again it was time for a visit to the pediatrician. For some reason, at this time I did not come across articles about complications after vaccinations, no one from the people around said anything (maybe just because I did not talk about it with people), and there were no obvious complications among those close to me. We went for another DPT vaccination.

Marinka 2.5 months

Have you been vaccinated strictly according to the vaccination schedule?

Yes, we were disciplined parents, we obeyed doctors in everything, relying on their professionalism.

So what happened?

The only thing that is clearly imprinted in my memory is the wild cry of the baby after the injection. By the way, I forgot to write that after each injection the child screamed very much, and after the first vaccination he almost choked to death. Immediately after the vaccination, a deterioration in health began. The child was put to bed, but literally 20 minutes later, the baby shuddered and woke up screaming. I had to forget about a restful sleep. Once a day, towards evening, she began to cry, and the crying continued for 2-3 hours. It was not just crying, it was crying crying, so children cry when they are in very, very painful. With us, it began without a reason and suddenly, and did not subside. One might think that it was wild, incessant pain. In addition, we noticed that the baby began to wet the diapers less. We did not know what to think, no one in the family from the older generation had encountered such a child's condition. The doctor, as always, said that these were our inventions, and that everything was in order. But the smell of acetone appeared and the baby could not even drink water, she immediately vomited from a sip of food and water. Within just 30 minutes we went to a private clinic. The pediatrician immediately wrote a referral to the hospital, and we ended up in the infectious diseases ward. Subsequent events took place rapidly. Blood tests, feces, urine tests were taken, for some reason X-rays were taken (the doctors said to rule out pneumonia (?)), An analysis for intestinal infection. These appointments were made by a doctor in the emergency department. A blood test showed hemoglobin 90, the next day 60. Then the baby's face was very swollen, her eyes turned into slits. At my insistence, since it was Sunday and the doctor on duty did nothing, waited for Monday, called the doctor from the intensive care unit, I drew his attention to the smell of acetone, low hemoglobin, edema. He examined the child and immediately took him to the intensive care unit. They made an analysis for creatinine, it was very high ... Further events merged into some kind of nightmarish delirium, I simply cannot describe them in detail. In general, the analyzes did not confirm intestinal infection; biochemical analysis blood showed that the kidneys were failing, the child started having seizures, she lost consciousness, stopped breathing and was transferred to breathing apparatus. In general, according to the doctor, the child had cerebral edema, seizures, kidney failure, weak cardiac activity. In the card I saw a preliminary diagnosis - "Encephalitis of unknown etiology, multiple organ failure, glomerulonephritis." Hemoglobin dropped to 45. We asked what the reason for this condition was, we were asked counter questions, but apart from the fact that we had not been anywhere except the hospital and had recently been vaccinated, we could not say anything else. And the doctors could not say anything about the cause of the child's condition. At home I had a "Handbook of a Practical Physician" (M., 1993), and according to a preliminary diagnosis, I began to look for information. Even then, I found the causes of acute glomerulonephritis, including "... It is possible that glomerulonephritis may develop after the administration of vaccines and serums (serum, vaccine)." In the section "Symptoms and Treatment" I found our symptoms. In the subject index of the same reference book, I also found "Post-vaccination encephalitis (meningoencephalomyelitis)." That's when I finally realized what happened to our child. After all, the child had not been ill with anything before, the card only contains records that the child is healthy and is sent for vaccination. All these seemingly disparate symptoms - cerebral edema, convulsions, heart failure, liver and kidney damage, terrible blood tests - all of this has acquired one logical explanation: the toxic damage to the baby's body by the components of the vaccine. By this time, the card from the clinic was demanded to the department, and I never saw it again. With the information from the guide, I literally swore to the intensive care doctor that I would not go anywhere, as I see that doctors are doing everything possible, and that I know that this is all from vaccinations. He, seeing how I was holding myself and believing in my sincerity, confirmed to me that this was so, but they could not do anything, the organism was too badly affected. He also said that this was not their first case, but they were never allowed to write "death from post-vaccination complications." They are forced to remain silent and write other diagnoses. Our baby, who is not yet seven months old, has died. She died not even a month after the last vaccination. And every day after the vaccination she lived in agony: she could not sleep, she had such pains that she screamed with a terrible cry, she turned yellow, as the liver was refusing, her face was swollen from edema, as the kidneys were failing, she could not breathe - for several days they held her on apparatus breathing so that, as we were told later, to prepare the family for the baby's death, and every new day they informed us about the state of health so that we finally understood what awaited us, and we were dying all these days together with her. One nurse (probably she was asked to warn us), said that if we want to achieve something, we will not succeed, since the tests, and the clinic card, and the medical history in the department, and everything has already been rewritten in different ink so that forgery is not visible. In the morgue, I talked to the doctors and also swore that I would not give them up, just let them tell the autopsy results, and they said that the brain, liver, kidneys were affected, and this was a post-vaccination complication that ended in death. They said they would make a different diagnosis, as in the intensive care unit. I didn't care anymore. We could not sue, we ourselves were all on the brink, we were grateful to the doctors of the intensive care unit and the morgue already for telling us the truth about the condition and death of the child, because when a healthy child dies for no reason in a matter of days, it’s time to get off mind. I understand that they took a risk in letting us know. That's all. We were so happy, so trustingly carried our little girl to the doctors, so proud of her successes in front of them, so obediently doing vaccinations ...

In their childhood, my parents suffered from all childhood diseases, except diphtheria. I myself had been ill with rubella at the age of 5, then chickenpox, but for some reason my sister did not get chickenpox, although we were together in the same room. Well, who said that it is more dangerous to get sick with these diseases than to inject a child with the poisons found in vaccines? Who Said Vaccines Are Safe? And if it comes to that, there are many different, much more dangerous diseases, and they are not vaccinated against. And babies are vaccinated during the first year of life. Of course, this is the best age to write off all the complications from vaccinations for an unhealthy course of pregnancy, a hereditary factor, sudden infant death syndrome and much more. Who can prove that the vaccine given to the newborn is to blame? Are you told that they save children from terrible diseases? Ask those born in the 30s and 40s if there were many deaths from childhood diseases that were not then vaccinated against. Was there a lot of disabled people from these diseases? And did the adults have childhood illnesses? Our grandmother worked in a hospital, and she told us different stories from hospital life, and I will remember them all my life. Especially the case of a child who died of diphtheria, and what an emergency it was for the city. And now, in 2006-2007, in addition to our baby, 3 children have died after vaccinations in only one of our microdistricts, and there is no emergency, only the fear that the parents will sue. Yes, in fact, they are not even afraid of the court, but of publicity, since after that again the parents will write refusals of vaccinations. About two years have passed since our baby is not with us, I don’t remember much, I write what I still remember, but my soul hurts as if it happened today.

And that's when you got involved in the vaccine topic?

I started reading publications about vaccines, asking people, and this is what I found. When I talked about what happened to us, many talked about their complications, complications with relatives, friends, neighbors. Literally every fourth person had such facts. And I realized that complications are massive, some are stronger, some are weaker, but there are a lot of them. A friend of mine knew what had happened with us, and she did not vaccinate the child until 10 months. He grew up perfectly healthy, balanced. Recently I meet her and she says that she is very tired, the boy is restless, he began to scream hysterically for no reason, throw himself on the floor, beat his head, and during such an attack it is better not to touch him until he calms down himself. I read about such post-vaccination complications ... "But you didn't vaccinate him, did you?" - I asked, and in response I heard that the doctor had persuaded to do "at least compulsory vaccinations"This is how people think that complications happen somewhere in someone, but they certainly will not affect them.

What would you say to young mothers who are at a loss and do not know whether to vaccinate or not?

Dear mothers, learn from other people's mistakes, your children are not experimental material. You are afraid for their health, you expect a doctor to protect it. We no longer have anyone to fear for, we do not need to worry that the child will not be taken to kindergarten or school, that he will fall ill with a "vaccine-controlled" disease. Doctors have already "taken care" of protection from any diseases and even from the life of a child ...

What would you say to vaccine advocates?

Do not find fault with my story, maybe I’m not exactly saying something, but I’m missing something, but you need to be a robot and fix and document everything at the very time when you go crazy with powerlessness and grief, when you you become dull from insomnia and hopelessness when you move like an automaton, and your head and whole body bakes as if you are next to fire. The doctors told me the real diagnosis, and there is no point in composing a fairy tale. Yes, and I have one document where the diagnosis was written by a resuscitator, and there is a death certificate, where the diagnosis is completely different. These two documents were written two days apart. I have friends doctors, to whom I showed two documents and asked if it is possible to write the diagnosis on the death certificate, which is written, two days after the first diagnosis in intensive care? They said that the falsification of the diagnosis on the death certificate is visible even to the layman. In addition, I have kept the lists of drugs for the pharmacy, issued in the intensive care unit. These lists also show that with such a diagnosis, which is written in the death certificate, such drugs will never be prescribed, but with a diagnosis from intensive care, just such drugs are prescribed. For those who want to know about the real number of complications, my advice is to ask as many people as possible about vaccinations. I guarantee you will be amazed at the result. With mothers who are in favor of vaccination, I would talk on the forums, with doctors - no. In addition, mothers who are vaccinated simply write in the comments that they are being vaccinated, they are afraid for their children, but they were told that vaccinations are needed. They reason, worry, ask. You can and should talk to them. And when those who organize these vaccinations, follow the implementation of vaccination plans, write under an assumed name, they are immediately visible by the hatred with which they write comments to opponents of vaccinations. It is useless to talk to them. They themselves know everything very well, they could tell us so much about deaths and complications after vaccinations that we would be horrified at the scale of complications and deaths. We interfere with them by telling the truth. Ordinary doctors themselves are hostages of the situation. If they are decent, then they confirm the fact of post-vaccination complications, but in private, since official recognition is immediately a job loss. And yet, I am grateful to the intensive care doctors for their daily feat. Rescuing children who have ended up in intensive care after vaccinations, they see the harmful results of vaccination and cannot openly say about it, and in private conversations, such pain, such despair breaks through in their words. .. but they can't change anything. They can only save.

Do you see a way out?

It has already been found. In the USA, European countries, in Russia voluntary vaccination has long been legislated. No one dares to kick out a healthy unvaccinated child from school or preschool. References to an epidemic of, for example, tuberculosis are absurd. Everyone is vaccinated against tuberculosis, not a single unvaccinated child will be discharged from the maternity hospital, all small children are vaccinated, but how many children now have tuberculosis, and not only pulmonary tuberculosis, but also bone tuberculosis. The child is 3-4 years old, and his bone is rotting! With whom does he, vaccinated, need to contact in such a way to get this disease. And then what about his vaccination? References to poor quality vaccine or incorrect vaccination are laughable. To this you can answer: it does not work - do not take it. If you do not know how, do not inject, but for reporting, lie, you know how to do this perfectly when you have to lie in the eyes of your grief-stricken parents. Let the parents have freedom of choice, then the doctors can be told in the event of a post-vaccination complication: the parents themselves are responsible for the consequences of vaccination. If our state is so eager to go to Europe, then let it copy everything that is there, including responsibility for vaccination errors.

This is not entirely anonymity, since you can contact me. As for the name of the city, I don't want to let down the intensive care doctors, who were not afraid to tell me the truth. In addition, my health condition does not allow me to raise this issue officially again. I just told people my case to prevent them from tragedies. If I knew before what happened that it was necessary to copy literally every sheet from the card, every analysis, then today I would operate with all the documents proving death from post-vaccination complications in court. Although it would still be of no use. So be careful, dear parents !!!

How can I contact you, Tatiana?

My phone is 80676646143, e-mail [email protected]

The other day I came across on the Internet a statement by an official from the Ministry of Health that in our country there are no lethal outcomes from vaccinations. I can even quote: “If we take the statistics for the country as a whole, it turns out that for 146 million of the population of the country there are 200 to 600 vaccine complications per year and, fortunately, not a single lethal outcome occurs. That already speaks for itself and about the true scope of harm from vaccinations ... ". But why then do children die?

And yesterday our neighbors' son died after a flu shot. DIED !!! The boy burned to death in three days. True, it was not the doctors or vaccines that were to blame, as always. The parents were named guilty. They overlooked that the child was vaccinated when he was sick and feverish.

Think about it: parents !!! Not the doctors who vaccinated a boy with a fever.

The forums are full of information about the negative effects of vaccinations. True, doctors call them a "natural" reaction of the body, which can be different for each child. And only a few doctors dare to speak out against. An example can be found at http: //news-seday.rf/. The history of the ordeal of a neurologist, who dared to give vaccinations to children with various developmental pathologies, is characteristic in itself: it is not easy even for specialists to withstand the "mainstream".

Moreover, this is a site that is "for" vaccinations!

Only a few experts urge to be very careful about the practice of introducing alien biological materials into the human body. But doctors are much more careful about vaccinations themselves. So, last year in Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg 610 doctors refused vaccination against hepatitis B. On average, the refusal rate for all clinics participating in the vaccination program was 21.6%. A fifth of the doctors did not want to be vaccinated! And even if it concerns one vaccine, doesn't the fact itself tell us a lot?

It would be an exaggeration to say that science is gradually beginning to vote against vaccinations. Nevertheless, there is such a thing. See, if interested, http://www.vitamarg.com/: 25 arguments against vaccinations and interviews with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya - a renowned virologist, candidate of biological sciences, an independent expert on virology, the author of four monographs on vaccination problems.

And how to be here? Okay, some measles or even diphtheria, which are treated with a timely diagnosis modern means quite successfully. Or the flu, which is more or less easily tolerated even without vaccination. But what if refusal to vaccinate against mumps leads to the disease "mumps" and further infertility of the boy? What if refusal to vaccinate against poliomyelitis will lead to fatal consequences after a visit to seemingly harmless Bulgaria, Greece or Turkey with their constant foci of corresponding infections?

What will comfort us is the lack of vaccination and the child getting a disease that will cripple him for the rest of his life? Or complications that supposedly "occur in one or less cases in a million vaccinated" - if they affect my child?

And will it be much easier for us if not complications arise, but “features of reactivity child's body": Rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock (!), Convulsions, severe headaches, a piercing cry for hours? .. Doctors say that" it is almost impossible to predict the appearance of such individual reactions "... Someone will not have at all, some will appear in the first 4 - 12 hours. Well, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible from 2-7 to 4-15 days after the administration of the vaccine!
The feeling that something is wrong with the vaccines builds up in society over the years. The result is already visible. On average, only 75% of children in the country are vaccinated according to the national immunization schedule. In large cities, even less.

Doctors say that vaccination is only effective at 95 percent coverage. Consequently, already now the approach to vaccination of the population does not justify itself - and it will only get worse in the future.

In my opinion, the only way out of the situation is to stop lying, stop hushing up cases of complications, stop referring to favorable statistics. With the growing awareness of the population, this will work less and less.

Independent research is needed on the effectiveness and consequences of total vaccination. A study that both society and doctors would believe - and the corresponding adjustment of state policy in this direction. I cannot formulate the criteria for such a study, since I am not a doctor.

But maybe experts will express their opinion on this topic? If the state is unable to clearly respond to this request of society, the representatives of this society should try to do it themselves. And we will help to bring this point of view "where it is necessary".

About the possible connection between vaccination and autism and the dangers of heavy metals in vaccines, about the greed of pharmaceutical companies, see http://mnogodetok.ru/ (by the way, as it turned out, at least in this respect, a number of Russian vaccines are much safer than imported ones).

But such was the case in Kirov. The parents of a 4-year-old girl refused to make her Mantoux, which resulted in a one and a half year struggle with the kindergarten leadership, with threats to drop the child off. The controversy ended in the courtroom. Guess which side the Kirov Themis took? That's right, on the side of the kindergarten. And this is not an isolated case when such an issue is being decided in court. And always - not in favor of the child. However, in many cases the case ends with banal blackmail, they say, if you don't get vaccinated, you lose your place.

The population has developed a stable stereotype that official medicine with all its dogmas and foundations is not always safe. On this wave, people, in particular, began to avoid vaccinations, to protect their children from them. What is the truth here, and what is the delusion? This question is answered by a specialist in infectious diseases, an epidemiologist the highest category Igor Obrubov

- Today, many refuse vaccinations, including routine vaccinations for children. Why do you think?

Because last years some mass media, as well as all kinds of healers and pseudo-healers are actively promoting the refusal of vaccinations, citing the enormous harm and even mortal danger that vaccination allegedly carries. This propaganda led to a massive tragedy when, due to an outbreak of diphtheria in the mid-1990s. thousands of people died in Russia. Of course, sometimes there are complications from vaccinations, but the risks that occur with vaccination are minimal. It must be admitted that children do sometimes die after vaccinations, but most often this is a coincidence in time in the presence of another cause of death, and can also be associated with the gross negligence of doctors.

- Which parents are at greater risk: those who categorically reject routine vaccinations in relation to their children, or still those who agree to them?

- A democratic society assumes that vaccination requires consent. However, you must always understand that refusal from it is fraught with fatal outcome. Thanks to vaccinations, the incidence of diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella has decreased several times, poliomyelitis has practically been eliminated. And these diseases are not as harmless as they seem, many cause serious complications and often end tragically. Refusal of routine vaccinations, such as DPT ( combination drugused to develop immunity against such dangerous infectionssuch as diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), polio vaccines (for immunization of poliomyelitis), trivial vaccines (measles-rubella-mumps), etc., can threaten disability or even death.

- And if the disease is practically eliminated, why continue to vaccinate, because it is still a burden on immune system? For example, smallpox vaccinations were abandoned for a long time ...

Poliomyelitis is now on the brink of extinction. However, vaccination against it continues. And here is the reason. Poliomyelitis is highly infectious viral diseaseaffecting mainly children early age... The virus is transmitted through contaminated food products and water, multiplies in the intestines and from there can penetrate into nervous system... Many infected people do not have symptoms, but shed the virus in their faeces and can thus transmit the infection to others.

More recently, in 1988, more than 350,000 cases of polio were detected in the world. In 2011, the number of reported cases was 650. Currently, three countries remain endemic for poliomyelitis: Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Since 2002 the Russian Federation in the WHO European Region is certified polio-free. Nevertheless, cases of infection "from outside" continue to occur. The last "imported" case was registered quite recently - in September 2010.

The World Health Organization has set the goal of completely eradicating polio, as happened with smallpox. Despite the progress made since 1988, as long as there is at least one poliovirus-infected child in the world, there is a risk of infecting children in other countries. Poliovirus can easily enter a polio-free country and spread quickly to an unimmunized population.

- How does poliomyelitis manifest itself?

It mainly affects children under the age of five. The first symptoms of polio include elevated temperature, tiredness, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness and pain in the limbs. In a small proportion of cases, the disease causes paralysis. In one in 200 cases, it is irreversible paralysis (usually of the legs). Of those paralyzed, 5% -10% die as a result of paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
There is no cure for poliomyelitis; it can only be prevented. The polio vaccine, taken repeatedly, can protect a child from illness for life.

- Is there a risk of getting polio after vaccination?

There are two vaccines in the world for the specific prevention of polio: the killed Salk vaccine and the live (attenuated) Sebin vaccine. The main advantage of a killed vaccine is its safety. It is administered parenterally (by injection) and produces only general immunity. Therefore, the person vaccinated with this vaccine does not get sick himself, but for others he can be a source of infection.

The Sebin live vaccine is highly immunogenic; it is administered orally and provides general and local protection, which is an important advantage. However, it can cause vaccine-associated poliomyelitis.

In order to prevent the occurrence of cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis, an inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine has been developed and introduced in Russia. For immunization against polio in healthy children, inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine and oral polio vaccine are used according to the National Vaccination Schedule.

If earlier the entire population was vaccinated without fail, then in recent years there has been a fashion for refusing vaccinations, which are not given to children without parental consent. Accordingly, the parents themselves can specifically write a refusal, fearing complications.

However, it must be borne in mind that the unexpected return of infections occurs for one reason: we are already accustomed to not having them. And since they are not there, then let's skip the vaccination - you can do without it, we still won't get sick. This approach is fundamentally wrong: you can cancel the vaccination, but nobody canceled the infection. She can return at any moment, as it is quite logical, given such an attitude, polio can now return to Russia.
How serious the situation with infectious diseases seems to be a thing of the past is indicated by such examples: how many children die from polio in India, Nigeria, Afghanistan, it is impossible to count: they are usually buried there on the day of death without finding out the reason. Yes, and in Tajikistan they realized it only because the number of cases was large. In this country, as well as in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, there has been a culture of vaccination since Soviet times, but for economic reasons, vaccines are supplied through UNICEF.

- Is it true that after the smallpox was eliminated, it suddenly flared up somewhere?

Not true. The last case of smallpox was reported worldwide in Somalia in 1977. Smallpox is the first and so far the only infectious disease that has been completely overcome with the help of mass vaccination. Vaccinations against smallpox in the USSR stopped in 1978-1982. Currently, the variola virus exists only in two laboratories in the United States and Russia. Final eradication of smallpox has been postponed until 2014.

- How to avoid the risk of vaccinations?

There are no fatal and dangerous vaccinations. Killed or weakened forms of bacteria and viruses or toxoid are used as inoculating strains. These bacteria do not cause disease, but only form the immune system. All vaccines have certain contraindications. Vaccination of both a child and an adult should be carried out taking into account contraindications only after examination by a doctor.

- What vaccinations do you recommend for everyone?

- In addition to vaccinations included in the national calendar, there is also vaccination for epidemic indications. For example, in the flooded Krymsk, the population was vaccinated against viral hepatitis And, the threat of which existed at that time.

It is imperative to do immunization against tetanus, in which individual immunity is formed, and in case of injuries from which not a single person is insured, an unvaccinated person may develop a disease that in 100% of cases ends in death. When an animal is bitten, it is imperative to be vaccinated against rabies, since the refusal of this vaccination is also fatal.

- Now, on the eve of the epidemic season, the issue of influenza vaccination is relevant. But not everyone believes in it. What can you say about this?

In my practice, not a single death from influenza in a vaccinated person has been registered, although in recent years, with the advent of the highly pathogenic influenza virus, deaths from complications of influenza, mainly pneumonia, have become more frequent. Flu shots do not always protect against illness, but they can significantly improve the course of the disease and help prevent complications.

interviewed by Elena Serebryakova

The tragic incident in the Pavlovsk district hospital, where the two-month-old k, gave rise to a new wave of fears among parents ..

From this tragedy, my heart breaks and hurts. Two months of life, only two months, parents with trepidation took their baby in their arms - so tender, beautiful, long-awaited. She was gone almost instantly. And where? In the hospital! She, as it seemed to her parents, completely healthy, was brought by mom and dad for a routine vaccination. But the girl died literally in the hands of doctors ...

On November 7, 2018, at 9 a.m., a mother with a child came for an examination. The doctor asked if they would be vaccinated, and she agreed. Have been vaccinated with Prevenar 13 against pneumococcal infection... We left the hospital. The husband and the child were waiting for the mother, she once again went to the hospital. The father began to shout that the child was not breathing. Together with the therapist, they were taken to the intensive care unit. They did resuscitation, but the child died. Finished at 11.55 resuscitation actions... It has been previously established that the cause of death is allergic reaction immediate type for introduction medicinal productcomplicated by anaphylactic shock, - Yevgeny Slovtsov, Senior Assistant to the Head of the Regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee, officially commented.

"Causing death by negligence due to improper performance of professional duties" - a criminal case under this article was initiated in early November 2018. The investigation is still ongoing.

This is the only case in the region for many years, where the death of a child after vaccination is being investigated, Slovtsov noted. The only one for many years. And it will be remembered for many years ...

Recently in the studio the site hosted a live broadcast on the topic of vaccination. The conversation began with a discussion of this particular case in Pavlovka. We present the direct speech of the experts without changes.

Allergologist-immunologist, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics, UlSU Alexander Cherdantsev:

- This is one of the least reactogenic vaccines in terms of severe consequences. There are undesirable reactions, reactions that are described, they sound in the instructions for the vaccination itself. But such anaphylactic reactions with a fatal outcome ... We also participated in the investigation of this case, our department, made an official request to the Pfizer company, which oversees these vaccines in Russia, and they were very interested in a thorough investigation of this case. None of the companies that launch such drugs on the market is trying to hide something or smooth out any consequences. On the contrary, it is very thoroughly sorted out.

As for this particular case, we do not fully know the true reasons for the death of the child. The conclusions are only preliminary. So what to say? We can only escalate the emotional environment prematurely. Nobody is interested in hiding a secret. If it really has to do with the vaccine, it will certainly resonate. Including for the company that supplies this vaccine to our country.

He himself participated in filling out this protocol. This is a very serious document, it goes to the controlling authorities, they are controlled by the World Health Organization. We have not received an answer yet.

This incident, it is frightening, is a tragedy for the family. But we do not know the true reason, we do not deeply know the state of the child's health. After all, a doctor cannot make a diagnosis before vaccination. He looks to see if there are sharp infectious diseases or not. And hidden congenital anomaliesthat are not visible to the eye, they can sometimes appear not only after vaccination, but from any concomitant disease acute infection... Unfortunately, such cases occur in the world, and a simple vaccination acts as a trigger, that is, that stress provoking factor that manifests a hidden defect of some kind of functional, organ.

Dmitry Malykh, pediatrician, member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

- There is such an important concept in medicine: "After - does not mean due". Until the investigation is completed and there is no clear understanding of the relationship between the injected vaccine and the onset of death, it is necessary to allow the investigators and doctors involved in the analysis of this case to complete their work. This is position number one.

And position number two. Parents began to have questions about whether it was possible to find out in advance, to conduct tests, whether an allergic reaction would occur to this or that vaccine or immunobiological preparation. No, this is not being done. What can cause anaphylaxis? Anaphylaxis can occur for anything, for any chemical preparation, any chemical substance, any food product. Relatively speaking, anaphylactic shock may well be on children's antipyretic sweet syrup, but this does not give us any reason not to use it in practice in the future.

The vaccine "Prevenar 13" in the world market has shown its exceptional efficacy and safety, is included in national calendars the absolute majority of developed countries. And, no doubt, it should be applied in further practice.

A more detailed analysis of the effects of vaccinations, efficacy, safety and justification of vaccination -. The doctors also answered the parents' questions about contraindications, medical withdrawals from vaccinations. We talked in detail about influenza vaccination. And about when you can expect epidemics of seemingly forgotten diseases.

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