What is the current pension for disabled children. What is the disability pension of a child in Russia

Disabled Pension is a state allowance that is paid monthly to persons with severe health problems. The program of the state 3-year budget of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019 provides for funds to increase payments to this category of the population.

IN Russian Federation there are 3 options for payments to persons with disabilities:

  1. Insurance - provided exclusively for disabled people with a certain number of years of work experience (who at one time paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund). Moreover, its duration is not taken into account in the calculation.
  2. Social - paid to citizens who do not have grounds for receiving an insurance pension for old age (a sufficient number of years of work experience). They are assigned to people with disabilities of any group, including children.
  3. State - assigned to citizens with limited working capacity who have a work experience established by law, and in some cases - regardless of its duration. Servicemen, cosmonauts, persons who have suffered / were involved in the elimination of man-made or radiation disasters, participants in the Second World War have the right to receive it.

Increase in payments

According to statistics, about 20% of the total number of people with disabilities can afford to work, and therefore receive income. For the rest, the only income remains state benefits, so the issue of increasing the disability pension in 2018 is especially acute.

For the coming year, an increase in the size of pensions for disabled people is planned only through indexation, since additional funds for increase social assistance citizens in the budget are not. The authorities assure that its coefficient will accurately reflect the rate of inflation in 2017, which ranges from 4-5%. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that official inflation rates are often lower than real figures, therefore, the premium will practically not affect material well-being and is unlikely to compensate for the rise in prices.

From January 1, 2018, only recipients of insurance benefits can count on the increase. The government decided to postpone the deadline a month earlier: previously, the increase was calculated from February 1 after Rosstat submitted data on the calculation of inflation rates. The increase coefficient is planned at the level of 3.7%, which will be equivalent to an additional payment of 300-500 rubles. The average amount of insurance pensions in 2017 is 13 657 rubles, and taking into account indexation, it will increase to 14 045 rubles.

For recipients of social benefits, indexation is scheduled for April 1 at 4.1%. The average amount of payments for 2017 is 8,742 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that for group 1, the average figures are 13,241 rubles, and individuals receive 5,000-6,000 rubles, therefore, in monetary terms, the amount of the benefit paid will be increased by 175-500 rubles.

Payments for disabled children

In the Russian Federation there are about 617 thousand disabled children who receive disability benefits, in addition to the payments established for their parents. An increase in their pensions is planned for April 2018. The indexation coefficient will be about 2.6%, and the average amount will increase to 12,500 rubles, whereas today it is 12,200 rubles. In addition to social benefits for children with disabilities, there is the possibility of receiving an EDV of 2,527.06 rubles (from February 1, 2017). It will also be indexed in due course.

Indexation of EDV

In addition to pension benefits, a monthly cash payment (MAP) is also established for disabled people, which, after contacting the local department of the Pension Fund, can replace the assigned benefits. It is credited to a special account and, as a rule, is paid along with the main benefit.

For 2017, the amount of the EDV is:

  • in group 3 - 2 022.94 rubles;
  • in group 2 - 2,508.08 rubles;
  • 1 group - RUB 3,538.52

From January 1, 2018, these amounts will also be indexed by 4.1%. Along with the revision of the EDV, the cost of a set of benefits that citizens will be able to receive in kind or in cash will also be increased.

On a note! In 2017, pensioners received a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, which was compensation for the lack of timely indexation of benefits. But such events are not planned for 2018, since pensions will be revised in accordance with the procedure established by law.

At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, recalled that there will also be no disabled pensioners in Russia, whose monthly income is below the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) for his region of residence. For these categories of citizens, additional payments are provided in an amount that increases the monthly income to the amount of the PMP.

Video on increasing pensions for disabled children:

Due to disabilities, children with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable layers of our society. Such people need special care, including from the state. Therefore, the payment of pensions to children with disabilities is regulated by federal law. In the article, we will tell you how the payment of pensions to children with disabilities in 2020 is formalized, we will consider the procedure for calculating.

Who is recognized as a disabled child

A child can be recognized as a disabled person if one of the following conditions is met:

  • the child has health problems or dysfunctions of the body that were caused by diseases, birth defects or injuries;
  • the child has a limitation of life activity, which implies a partial or complete loss of self-care, movement and other vigorous activity;
  • the child needs rehabilitation and social protection.

At the same time, it is important that a child's disability group is not established until the age of majority. That is, only after 18 years of age a child is assigned a 1, 2 or 3 disability group, if, due to recovery, it has not yet been removed, and until that time the child has the status of “disabled children”. Read also the article: → "".

Registration of a pension for disabled children

Pension registration for disabled children can be carried out by both the child's parents or guardians, and official representatives. At any time after the onset of the right to a pension, you can apply to the relevant authorities, while the pension will be assigned from the month in which the application was sent. In order to issue a pension for a disabled child, you need to contact one of the authorities with a statement:

  • Pension fund of the Russian Federation. You need to choose a fund either at the place of registration or at the place of residence of the child;
  • Multifunctional center (MFC).

Application methods:

  • in person (meaning that the parent or guardian is involved in filing the application);
  • through an authorized representative in the presence of a notarized power of attorney;
  • via the Internet, in the form of an electronic document in the "Personal Account" on the MFC or PFR website;
  • by mail, while the date of posting will be considered the date of application.

List of documents required for registration of a pension for disabled children

To apply for a pension, you will need the following list of documents:

  • Application for pension payment;
  • Identity documents of the applicant (one of the parents, guardian or legal representative), in this case a passport;
  • Documents confirming the authority of the representative. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate of adoption, or a decision of the guardianship authority, or a notarized power of attorney confirming the right to represent the interests of the child;
  • Child's birth certificate, or his passport, if the child is 14 years old;
  • Disability identification document. Such documents are an extract of their certificate of examination, issued by the ITU .;
  • A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, or permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Terms of assignment of a pension

Regardless of the date of the application for a pension for disabled children, it will be appointed from the 1st of the month in which they applied for it. A pension is established for the period during which the child is recognized as disabled, or for an unlimited period.

Pension size for disabled children

In accordance with the law №166-ФЗ dated 15.01.2001, a social pension and allowances to it are established for a minor with a disability status. So, in 2017, the size of the pension for disabled children is 12,082.06 rubles. In addition to this amount, a child with a disability status has the right to count on a monthly cash payment in the amount and a set of social services in cash or in kind (in the form of services). Read also the article: → "".

Let's consider what payments a disabled child is entitled to claim in 2017.

Payment name Payment amount, rubles
Social pension 12 082,06
EDV, including NSO 2 527,06
NSOs, including: 1 048,09
free medicines and medical food 807,94
free voucher for spa treatment 124,99
free travel in suburban railway transport, or intercity transport to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction 116,04

The receipt of a set of social services by a disabled child is assumed in kind, that is, in the form of specific services or medications. However, the legislation does not prohibit receiving such a package in cash. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund, which has assigned the child a social pension with a corresponding statement.

Of course, in general, the decision to receive services in cash or in kind is made by the child's official representatives, his parents or guardians. But it is worth remembering that the monetary replacement is so small that it will not replace receiving expensive medicines, or treatment in a sanatorium. In this case, of course, the interests of the child must be taken into account. However, under certain circumstances, a child cannot use a set of social services. For example, if it is impossible to go to a sanatorium, or use the right to travel long distance. In such a situation, the opportunity to compensate for unused benefits in cash is justified.

It should also be borne in mind that it is possible to turn up and only from a part of the NSO, for example, from medicines and receive them in money, and use the rest of the services in full.

Payments to families with disabled children

In addition to the payments that the state provides for children with disabilities, there are also payments to families and others who take care of them. The monthly amount for childcare in 2017 is:

  • if one of the parents is caring for the child (either a guardian, or a legal representative, or a guardian) - 5,500 rubles;
  • if the care is provided by another person - 1,200 rubles.

To receive this benefit, you must also apply to the Pension Fund of your place of residence or registration on behalf of your caregiver. You will need to provide the same list of documents as when applying for a pension for a child, but additionally confirm the fact that the caregiver is not currently working. Such documents will be a work book and a certificate from the employment service, confirming that the person applying is not receiving unemployment benefits.

The care allowance will be paid along with the disability pension in the manner specified when applying for it.

The procedure for paying the pension and the method of receiving it

The social pension for disabled children is paid monthly from the moment of its appointment, but not earlier than the date when the right to it arises. A feature of the pension payment for a disabled child is that the child can receive it either himself or through a representative (one of the parents, guardian, guardian or adoptive parent). The method of issuing a pension must be chosen one of the following:

  • Using the services of a credit institution, in this case, the pension is transferred to the personal account. In this case, you can withdraw money at the bank's cash desk or through an ATM. No additional commission is charged;
  • Using the services of the Russian Post, receive a pension at home, or directly at the post office. When choosing this method, a specific date is set for its receipt, based on the delivery schedule of the pension. In this case, the payment can be made later than this date, but within the delivery period. The end date of the payment period is different for each post office;
  • Using the services of other organizations that are engaged in the delivery of pensions, receive a pension at home, or at the cash desk of the organization. The list of organizations that are engaged in the delivery of pensions can be clarified in the Pension Fund.

A disabled child independently has the right to receive a pension upon reaching the age of 14. An authorized person can also receive a pension, for whom a notarized power of attorney is drawn up for a period of one year or more. Initially, the choice of the delivery method is made in the application for the payment of the pension. In the future, when changing the delivery method, you must submit an application in person or electronically. Read also the article: → "".

Pension for parents of disabled children before the due date.

Only one of them can use the right to receive an early pension for the parents of a disabled child. In this case, the parent of the child must meet the following requirements:

  • he was engaged in raising a disabled child for at least 8 years;
  • the presence of a certain insurance experience (15 years for a woman, 20 years for a man);
  • the age from which the pension is assigned (50 years for a woman, 55 years for a man).

The length of service is understood as the period of work during which the employer made contributions to the employee's pension savings.

Legal framework for registration

Legislative act Document date Content
Law No. 181-FZ November 24, 1995 Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 02/20/2006 The procedure for recognizing a person as disabled
Law No. 178-FZ 17.07.1999 About social assistance in the form of a set of social services
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 02/26/2013 Monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. “What to do if the mother of a disabled child spends his pension at her own discretion for her own needs, and not for the needs of the child?”

The spending of such funds occurs without prior agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authorities. However, you can contact them with a complaint about the mother this child, it may be possible to oblige her to report on the pension spent, and they also checked the conditions in which the child lives.

Question number 2. “The child has lost one of the parents. Does he have the right to count on a survivor's pension and a disability pension? "

Unfortunately not. In this case, you must choose either one type of pension or another.

Question number 3. "What pension will a disabled child receive upon reaching the age of 18?"

Upon reaching the age specified by you, the child undergoes a re-examination and receives a new disability status - “childhood invalid”. At the same time, he will also be paid a pension, but in a different amount and for its registration it is necessary to re-submit documents to the Pension Fund.

Question number 4. "Can a disabled child be issued medical drugsthat are not included in the List of Medicines? "

With a complex course of the disease, in exceptional cases, this is possible. But they can be discharged only by decision of the medical commission.

Question number 5. "Are there payments for children with regional disabilities?"

This question depends on your region, it should be clarified with the social security authorities and with your doctor.

The state assigns and pays a social disability pension to people with disabilities who, due to physical limitations or age, are unable to work. The amount of the pension depends on the disability group.

What is social disability pension?

Social disability pension - this is one of the ways of support from the state for citizens who, due to injuries, illnesses or other reasons, have limitations for life, this is an allowance paid by the state, when the accrual of a labor equivalent is not possible (Article 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 ).

Recipients of social benefits from among the disabled

A social disability pension is established in accordance with Law No. 166-FZ, adopted on December 15, 2001, on state pensions. According to the 4th article of this legal act, the recipients of state pensions are people with disabilities who do not have one day of insurance experience.

Social disability pension in 2020 is paid:
  • disabled children until they reach the age of majority (18 years);
  • adults with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3, who have no experience or who have chosen social aspect pensions;
  • disabled from childhood 1 and 2 groups.

If a disabled person worked, he receives not social, but. Its value depends on the length of service that he was able to develop, and the total amount of insurance premiums transferred for him by employers.

The recipients of a social disability pension in adulthood are most often. It indicates that a person has a serious, often irreversible disease that does not allow him to find a job (or creates great difficulties in finding one).

Citizens who have received it find themselves in a difficult life situation. In view of the fact that this pension, even with an FSD, has small size, and it is difficult for disabled persons of the 3rd group to find a job.

Conditions for granting a social pension to disabled people

The right to a pension for people with disabilities is received by citizens recognized as belonging to one of the groups of disability. The status is assigned based on the results of the survey during medical and social expertise, to which the applicant for social payment is sent by a medical professional.

    Based on the relevant documents (referral from the attending physician, the results of the medical examination).

    Depending on the patient's illness associated with a malfunction:

    - respiratory organs;
    - musculoskeletal system;
    - digestive organs;
    - organs of vision or mental disorders.

For different groups confirmation of the status of permanent incapacity for work is made at different intervals. This is due to the fact that as a result of rehabilitation, some of the disabled people may improve their physical condition and restore some of the previously lost body functions.

Passage of re-examination of disability:

  • citizens who are assigned to group I undergo a medical re-examination once every 2 years;
  • children with a status - after 1, 2 years, or there is a possibility of establishing up to 18 years;
  • those assigned to the rest of the categories undergo the procedure annually.

Important! It is important to pass the repeated commission on medical and social examination in advance, otherwise payments will be suspended due to untimely confirmation of the status and will be resumed only after the re-registration of the package of documents.

How to apply for social pensions for disabled people

1) Submit an application to the branch of the FIU or MFC at your place of residence or stay.

The application can be submitted in person or through a legal representative, by mail or in the form of an electronic document through the Personal Account of a citizen on the official website of the FIU.

2) Submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as a disabled person, issued by a federal institution of medical and social expertise.
The day of applying for a pension is the day of receiving the application for the appointment of a pension.

The amount of social disability pension in 2020 in Russia

Recipient's disability group Social size pensions, rub / month
From April 1, 2019 After April 1, 2020
Disabled 1 group 10567,73 11212,36
Disabled group 2 5283,84 5606,15
Disabled 3 groups 4491,30 4765,27
Disabled from childhood 1 group and disabled children 12681,09 13454,64
Disabled from childhood group 2 10567,73 11212,36

How much do disabled people (disabled from childhood) 3 groups from April 1, 2020

Pension EDV Amount
NSO with money NSO benefits Minimum Maximum
4765,27 2227,55 1072,49 5837,76

Pension for disabled persons of 3 groups ( 4765,27 ) together with the EDV (2227.55) is 6992.82 rubles.

Important.Disabled persons of the 3rd group are entitled to a surcharge up to the subsistence level (at the moment it is 8846 rubles), if the total income of a citizen is below this value. As a rule, representatives of the Pension Fund do not advertise this information, so go and write an application for providing you with social benefits.

How much do disabled people of group 2 receive from April 1, 2020

Pension EDV Amount
NSO with money NSO benefits Minimum Maximum
6911,45‬ 8388,82

Pension for disabled persons of group 2 ( 5606,15 ) together with EDV (2782.67) is 8388.82 rubles.

What affects the size of the pension for disabled people?

The most important criterion here is: disabled people of group 1, disabled people from childhood of group 1, and disabled children have the largest pension. All values \u200b\u200bare fixed and indexed by the state every year. The presence of dependents, seniority, titles and state awards does not affect the amount of social pensions for disabled people.

How can a disabled person increase his pension?

    At first, this is FSD (living wage supplement). If your pension (in aggregate with other income) is below the PMP level, contact the Pension Fund.

    Secondlyx, if you have at least one day of work experience, ask your local PF branch which type of pension is more beneficial for you - social or insurance.

    Thirdly, do not forget about the compensation supplement for care. It is assigned to disabled people of group 1, the elderly after 80 years, as well as disabled people of other groups, if they need constant care. This is 1200 rubles. For disabled children, this supplement is assigned in the amount of 10,000 rubles, but only a parent or guardian who is able to work, but is unemployed, can issue it.

    Fourth, do not forget about subsidies for housing and communal services - this is a way to get rid of communal services for 100 percent. If your total income (+ registered family members, as well as spouses), minus utilities, is less than 10,000 rubles, go to social protection.

    Fifthif you do not need natural benefits that are part of a set of social services (free medicines, sanatorium treatment (once every 5 years) and free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment) - give them up in favor of money. This will give you an increase in your pension of 1,155 rubles.

Increase (indexation) of social pensions in 2020

Recall that the indexation of social pensions will take place in April 2020, the growth will be 6.1%. Disability pensions will rise from 270 to 770 rubles on average. As a result, the average annual social pension will rise from 9300 rubles to 9700. The amount of monthly income will increase from February 1 by 3%

When is the next indexing?

The next recalculation of social pensions for disabled people should wait only in the new 2020. The first to index monthly payments, this will happen from February 1, 2020. Pensions themselves will increase only from April 1. The amount of the increase will be 6.1%, since it is calculated by comparing the subsistence minimum for the current and last years. The exact data will appear only in March 2020.

How much will group 3 disabled people add to their pension in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled persons of group 3 in 2020 will increase by 273.97 rubles and will be 4,765.27 rubles.

How much will group 2 disabled people add to their pension in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled people of group 2 in 2020 will increase by 322 ,31 ruble and will be 5606.15 rubles.

How much will people with disabilities of group 1 add to their pension in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled persons of group 1 in 2020 will increase by 644.63 rubles and will be 11,212.36 rubles.

How much will be added to the pension for disabled people from childhood of group 1 in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled persons from childhood of group 1 in 2020 will increase by 773.55 rubles and will be 13454.64 rubles.

How much will group 2 add to the pension for disabled people from childhood in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of the disabled since childhood of the 2nd group in 2020 will increase by 644 ,63 ruble and will be 11,212.36 rubles.

How much will be added to the pension for disabled children in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled children in 2020 will increase by 773.55 rubles and will be 13454.64 rubles.

For what reasons can they stop paying the social pension?

Reasons why a citizen may not be paid a social disability pension:

  • The citizen has not been extended or removed the disability;
  • The disabled person did not appear at the appointed time for re-examination at the federal institution of medical and social expertise - for three months starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the specified period expired. After the expiry of these three months, the payment of the pension is terminated;
  • if the established pension has not been received for six consecutive months - for six months starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the specified period expired;
  • The death of a disabled person has occurred, as well as in the event that he was declared missing in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since January, Moscow has increased the size of the city standard for non-working pensioners, as well as a number of social benefits. the site tells how social support will grow in the capital and who will receive increased payments.

Sergei Sobyanin called the social support of Muscovites a priority for the coming years. Pensions, benefits, assistance to large and low-income families - these are just a few areas on which a significant part of the city's money will be spent from January 1, 2018. First of all, the increase will affect those who need social support more than others.

The amount of the increase in payments was determined taking into account the opinion of the residents of the capital. What measures should be taken to improve the life of Muscovites, Sergei Sobyanin discussed during meetings with pensioners, veterans, large families, single mothers and parents of disabled children. The proposals were made by the Moscow City Council of Veterans, representatives of large families and other public organizations. The Moscow Mayor introduced the proposals to the draft budget, which were voiced at these meetings.

Help for retirees and veterans

The minimum pension will increase in Moscow. The Moscow Mayor supported the proposal of the Council of Veterans to raise it by three thousand rubles at once. The city social standard will be 17,500 rubles. Already at the end of December, almost 1.4 million citizens will receive an increase in their pensions.

“If we take the last seven years, we started with 10 thousand rubles. Now there are 17.5 thousand. That is, we increase this minimum pension by almost a thousand rubles every year. And in the future we will try to increase it as much as possible, ”said Sergei Sobyanin.

Monthly compensation for labor veterans, home front workers and victims of political repression will more than double in 2018.

In addition, the city benefits for veterans participating in the defense of Moscow will double. They will be paid eight thousand rubles a month instead of four thousand.

Additional compensations are provided for the capital's centenarians. A lump sum of 15 thousand rubles will be received by those who will be 101 years old or more next year. Married couples will also receive one-time cash payments on the occasion of their anniversaries. Those who celebrated the 50th anniversary of marriage will receive 20 thousand rubles (in 2017, the amount of payment was 10 thousand rubles), the 55th and 60th anniversary - 25 thousand (in 2017 - 11 thousand and 12 thousand rubles, respectively), the 65th anniversary and 70th anniversary - 30 thousand (in 2017 - 13 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively).

Monthly compensation for pensioners will double in exchange for free travel on public transport, as well as on suburban trains.

Support for low-income and large families

The amount of child benefits for low-income families will grow from three to 6.25 times. The increase in these payments will affect nearly 300,000 young Muscovites. Almost fivefold - the monthly child allowance will grow for low-income families with children under three years old - up to 10 thousand rubles (in 2017 - two thousand rubles).

Payments to low-income mothers and single fathers, servicemen doing military service on conscription for a child under three years old will increase to 15 thousand rubles, and the amount of benefits for children over three years old and benefits for large families and families raising disabled children will increase in twice. Monthly assistance for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or disabled from childhood under the age of 23 will amount to 12 thousand rubles (in 2017 - six thousand rubles). The same amount will be paid for a child under the age of 18 who lives in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled of I or II group.

For large families with five or more children, the city will also increase monthly payments for the purchase of children's clothing, housing, utilities, and telephone services. Increased payments are also expected for parents by the International Day of the Family and the Day of Knowledge.

In the Moscow budget, the growth of social expenditures is two times faster than the growth of other items. It is planned to allocate 430 billion rubles for social needs in 2018. Part of these funds will be used to raise the salaries of social workers.

From 2011 to 2017, budgetary spending on the social sphere of Moscow has already almost doubled. At the same time, the targeting of the direction of benefits was strengthened. For example, expenditures on subsidies and benefits for housing and communal services have increased threefold, ninefold - for providing food and clothing assistance to the poor, and fivefold - for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation.

At the same time, a system of benefits for the payment of contributions for major repairs was launched in the city, which covered about four million Muscovites. As part of the reform of ground public transport, beneficiaries received the right to free travel on commercial buses.

Payments to low-income families

Monthly child allowance for families whose level of property security does not exceed the level of property security for the provision of measures social support low-income families, established by the Government of Moscow, and whose average per capita income does not exceed the value of the subsistence minimum established by the Government of Moscow per capita

for children aged from birth to three years:

Three - 6.25 times

in other families

3.3 - five times

for children between the ages of three and 18:

single mothers (fathers), conscripts, a parent evading child support

Two - 2.5 times

in other families

Payments to families with many children

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living to families:

with three to four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of goods for children assortment to a family with 5 or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of baby products for a family with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment to families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment for a mother with many children who has given birth to 10 or more children and receives a pension

Annual compensation payment to a family with 10 or more children for International Family Day

Annual compensation payment to a family with 10 or more children for the Day of Knowledge

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses for payment for housing and utilities to families:

with three to four children

with five or more children

Monthly compensation for using the telephone to families with three or more children

Nine percent

Annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes for the period of study

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

Lump sum payment to families of anniversaries of married life in connection with:

50th anniversary

55th anniversary

60th anniversary

65th anniversary

70th anniversary

Lump-sum payment to centenarians aged 101 and over

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Monthly city cash payment to rehabilitated citizens and persons recognized as victims of political repression

Monthly city cash payment to home front workers

Monthly city cash payment to labor veterans and military service veterans

Monthly cash compensation in exchange for free travel on public transport common use in city traffic

Monthly cash compensation in exchange for free commuter rail travel

Monthly monetary compensation in exchange for free drug coverage

Monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services to citizens of privileged categories specified in paragraphs 4, 5-Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for payment for the telephone"

Nine percent

Monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services to citizens of privileged categories specified in paragraphs 1-3, 6-10-Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for payment for the telephone"

Nine percent

Monthly social benefits for senior citizens

Monthly compensation payment to invalids of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in order to partially compensate for the cost of basic food products from a socially necessary set

Monthly compensation payment to people with disabilities as a result of a military injury received during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who did not work out the experience for the appointment of a full old-age pension (for length of service)

Monthly compensation payment to persons with disabilities from childhood due to injury during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to women - invalids of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and women - participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for donating blood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to participants in the defense of Moscow

Additional monthly cash support to the heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory

56 percent

Monthly compensation payment to widows (widowers) of the heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, who have not remarried

88 percent

Monthly compensation payment to one of the parents of the deceased (deceased) heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia

88 percent

Additional lifetime monthly material support for persons of retirement age, awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow"

Monthly compensation payment to persons of retirement age who have been awarded the honorary titles "People's Artist of the USSR"; "People's Artist of the RSFSR"; "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"; "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"; "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"

New manual

The question of whether the pension for disabled children will be revised in 2019 worries many parents and guardians. A disabled child needs additional material support and care from close people. My minor son belongs to the disabled of the first group, and I cannot fully work, since the child must be constantly looked after.

In this regard, a difficult financial situation has developed in the family, and, accordingly, I actively began to take an interest in whether it is planned to increase the size of the retirement benefit in 2019. In this article, I will just talk about this, as well as about what benefits and additional privileges are provided for children with disabilities.

Pension increase for disabled children in 2019

As a rule, in families with a disabled child, there is an urgent need for money. This is due not only to expensive medicines, but also to the fact that the mother or father cannot fully work, since they must almost always be near the child. The amount of pension benefits for disabled children is reviewed annually.

The upcoming 2019 is no exception. It should be borne in mind that these payments are provided not from the Pension Fund, but from the federal budget. The money for the child is received by his mother / father, adoptive parent or guardian. All provided material resources must be spent exclusively for the needs of the disabled person. Otherwise, the recipient will be found to be in violation of the law.

The amount of the allowance paid to a disabled child directly depends on the amount of the minimum wagesoperating in a certain region of the Russian Federation. In this regard, if the indicator of the minimum wage in 2019 changes upward, then the amount of the benefit, respectively, will also.

Increased allowance for a disabled child

According to the current legislation, the amount of pensions for disabled children is equal to sixty percent of the average minimum wage. Please note that this indicator is slightly different for each region. In this regard, a child with disabilities living in one region of Russia may receive a little more (or less) than a child with the same diagnosis from another corner of the country.

The amount by which the benefit will increase depends on various circumstances related to the economic situation. The current amount of payment for disabled children of the first degree is about 8,600 rubles. A disabled child of the second group is paid approximately 4,300 rubles, and of the third category - 3,600 rubles.

Since every year the prices for food, non-food products, utilities, and other services are growing rapidly, the minimum wage in the country is also being revised upward. It is easy enough to calculate how much the payments for children with disabilities will increase.

It is necessary to take as a basis the new minimum wage, which will officially come into force on January 1, 2019. Further, from this figure, you need to subtract the minimum wage amount, which was approved for 2019. After that, from the result obtained, it remains to find sixty percent. Thus, individuals will be able to calculate how much the amount of retirement benefits intended for disabled children will increase.

For families raising a disabled child, the state has provided a discount on utilities. Now, parents, guardians or adoptive parents of children suffering from the first, second and third degree of disability are allowed to pay fifty percent less.

What benefits and payments are due

Federal Law No. 178, which entered into force on July 17, 1999, and is devoted to issues of state social assistance, states that every disabled child has the right to use a number of social services. This assistance is provided by the state. The range of social services includes some medicationsas well as medicinal products.

In addition, the state pays for the travel and stay in sanatoriums for a disabled child. The same expenses are provided for an individual who travels with a child (for example, for a father / mother / guardian). As for the duration of the sanatorium-type treatment, it is twenty-one days. According to the current legislation, children with disabilities can count on the following payments:

  1. Social pension. There are several categories of government retirement benefits. One of them is a social pension. Information regarding this type of payment can be found in Federal Law 166, which began to operate in Russia on December 15, 2001. According to this document, individuals who officially have the status of disabled persons can become recipients of social pensions. In order for a child with disabilities to start transferring funds, one prerequisite must be met. A disabled person must live in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.
  2. Monthly cash payments. Also, disabled children have the right to receive special social payments once a month. The amount of such a payment is about 2,400 rubles. It also includes the size of the set of social services, which is approximately 995 rubles per month. A disabled person has the right to choose whether to use a package of social services in kind or in material form. Thus, if an individual chose a natural form, then the amount of the monthly cash payment will be slightly less. It will amount to 1,405 rubles (2,400 rubles - 995 rubles).

Also, some additional opportunities have been introduced for parents of disabled children. For example, such a privilege as early retirement. A father or mother, whose child suffers from physical limitations, can join the number of retirees from the age of fifty. However, this requires compliance with certain conditions. First of all, their child at the current time should be no more than eight years old. In addition, a parent must have a minimum insurance record of fifteen years.

Also in article 93 of the Labor Code, another benefit is recorded for foster children of a disabled child. If a woman is caring for a disabled person, then she has the right to work part-time. The child must be under eighteen years of age. As for wages, it is calculated in direct proportion to the hours worked.

The legislation also established a number of prohibitions concerning this category of women. In article number 259 located in Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, it is indicated that the leader has no right to send the mother or guardian of the disabled person on a business trip. This can be done only with the personal consent of the woman. It is not yet permitted to involve such employees in overtime work.

In addition, the employer cannot refuse the mother of a disabled person in employment, as well as reduce her wages. If a child belonging to one of the disabled categories and who is a minor is brought up without a father, then his mother has automatic protection against dismissal. An employment contract can be terminated only if the organization was liquidated or the woman committed criminal acts.

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