The child has a cough what to give from a cough. We treat children's cough at home

One of the symptoms of colds and upper respiratory tract infections is coughing. It's good if it's just a cough. But what if the cough becomes hysterical, constant and does not give rest, especially at night, not allowing sleep not only for the patient himself, but his loved ones? In the season of rising incidence of ARVI and influenza, the question of how to quickly cure a cough is quite relevant. And today for you, dear readers, I give a selection of the simplest and most effective folk remedies. And today we will focus on cough suppressants for children, since for them the use and dosage differ from drugs for adults.

A cough is a defense reaction of the body, which is given by nature to man to cleanse airways... At the same time, it is a signal that the body has undergone disease-causing agents and pathogens, and it begins to fight them. A cough can be a symptom of more than 50 diseases or allergic manifestations.
What is a cough?

  • Physiological, pathological and allergic;
  • dry and wet;
  • night, evening, daytime;
  • deaf and voiced;
  • intermittent or persistent;
  • in a state of rest and sleep;
  • exhausting, sometimes leading to vomiting, dizziness or petechiae (minor hemorrhages on the neck or face).

Depending on where the inflammatory or allergic process has developed, the cough may be dry if large bronchi or trachea are affected, where secretion (sputum) is practically not produced. Or wet if small bronchi or alveoli are affected.

Causes of cough in children

Cough or coughing in children can occur for a number of physiological reasons, eliminating which the unpleasant symptom goes away without any treatment. The reasons may be:

  1. Dry air and climate. In a room where it is stuffy and dusty, it is difficult to breathe not only for adults, but also for children.
  2. Insufficient amount of liquid used by children, especially infants. It is known that a lack of fluid in a child's body can become an excellent environment for pathogenic bacteria.
  3. The presence of smokers in the room. Nicotine irritates the respiratory tract and induces a protective response.
  4. Allergy - as a defensive reaction to allergens from pet hair, plants or dust.
  5. Psychological reaction to stress, causing the child's nervous tension and experience.

A foreign body in the airways can also cause a cough, but this condition must be taken seriously, as it can sometimes cost a child's life.

And another reason for the appearance of a cough in a child is colds and viral infections, in which cough is one of the signs of the disease. Here we will dwell on this more specifically and analyze how to cure a cough at home, what pharmacy remedies or folk methods can be used to get rid of it.

A dry cough usually occurs when the airways cannot clear sputum on their own, which irritates the mucous membrane of the bronchi or trachea. Such a cough is a symptom of ARVI, tracheitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia, and can also be with whooping cough, measles, diphtheria and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The goal of dry cough treatment is to free the airways from stagnant sputum and eliminate unproductive cough. In this case, expectorant drugs are prescribed. They are divided into 3 types:

  • Mukalitics dilute phlegm well and help to remove too viscous phlegm from the respiratory tract.
  • Secretomotor drugs stimulate an increase in the volume of secreted sputum.
  • Reflex antitussive medications that suppress the cough reflex.

A wet cough is also called a productive cough. This suggests that the body is coping with the disease and excess phlegm is secreted from the body. It is caused by impaired drainage, immune response, or allergies. The appearance of sputum in the lower respiratory tract can not only be due to its production, but also due to drainage from the paranasal sinuses.

If a wet cough lasts no more than 5 days, without causing any inconvenience or discomfort to the child, then you should not use antitussive drugs. Such a cough can be with sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat or allergies. If it does not stop for more than 5 days, you need to consult with your doctor and find out its cause.

What will help to liquefy and remove phlegm?

This is done well by mucalitics, which in turn accelerate the production of sputum or reduce the formation of mucus. For children over 2 years old, drugs can be used

  • in the form of syrup: Ambroxo and its analogues - Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Flavamed, Lazolvan.
  • Powdered acetylcysteine, which is dissolved in water;
  • Children from 6-12 years old;
  • In the form of a syrup or inhalation of Fluimucil.

Dosages and frequency of application can be found in the instructions for use, which are included in each package for the drug.

It is important to know that mucalitics are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, especially if it is ARVI or flu, since their negative effect on the health of babies has been noted. In exceptional cases, Fluimucil can be given as a solution from a feeding bottle or spoon as directed by a doctor. In the presence of a cough in babies under one year old, it is recommended to use other methods: drinking plenty of fluids, humidifying the air in the room, washing the child's nose.


More often represented by drugs vegetable originwhich make it easier to cough up. They have not only expectorant, but also anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

Unlike mucalitics, such funds are allowed for use by children of 2 years of age and even infants. When taking these drugs, the child must be given more liquid: warm boiled water, homemade unsweetened compote, weak tea or herbal infusions.

These funds include:

  • Mukaltin (marshmallow extract) for children from 1 to 5 years old. Before use, the tablet is dissolved in a small amount of warm boiled water.
  • The syrup can be given to babies from the first months. It is important to respect the dosage.
  • Godelik - ivy leaf extract syrup is allowed for use by children from the first days of life.
  • Pertussin in the form of a syrup is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to liquefy sputum that is difficult to separate.

How to quickly cure a cough at home?

Medicines - medicines, but sometimes you can do without them. Especially ethnoscience knows a lot of ways to cure a cough at home without resorting to medication.

First, a few tips.

  1. Before treating a cough, you need to know the cause.
  2. When coughing, it is necessary to give the sick child such a position in which sputum is easier to cough up.
  3. As a distraction for coughing, you can use warming compresses on the chest, hot foot baths.

Folk remedies and herbal infusions

If at home there are previously harvested medicinal herbs that help with coughs, use them and prepare herbal infusions.

  • Infusion of marshmallow leaves. Brew a tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and give the child a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of leaves of coltsfoot, plantain, currant, wild strawberry, raspberry, linden blossom, rose hips, St. John's wort. 1 tbsp. l. collection, brew in a glass of boiling water, let it brew, then strain. Drink warm several times a day.
  • Banana. Peel a ripe banana, rub it through a strainer, stir the banana mass in half a glass of hot sweet water. Drink several times a day.
  • Kalina with honey. 1 tbsp. knead a spoonful of berries in a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of honey. Drink three times a day. Reduces hoarseness, cough and fever.
  • Milk with soda. Half a teaspoon of baking soda is added to a glass of warm milk. It is drunk in small sips, preferably before bedtime.
  • Turnip juice. Grate the peeled turnips, squeeze the juice out of it, add a spoonful of honey, stir. Warm up in a water bath before use.
  • Mix radish or carrot juice with milk or honey drink in a 1: 1 ratio. Give 1 tbsp. l. several times a day.
  • Eggnog. Beat egg yolks with sugar or honey. Give for cough on an empty stomach before meals. Please note that eggs can be contaminated with salmonella, so use tested homemade eggs or wash them well with soap and water before use.
  • A mixture of 2 tbsp. l. butter, 2 fresh egg yolks, 2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. Stir the wheat flour thoroughly and take it many times a day.
  • Dilute fresh birch sap or maple sap with warm milk and drink several times a day.
  • Mix lingonberry juice with honey and take several times a day. Helps the discharge of phlegm.


  • Oil inhalations with fir, eucalyptus, sage, propolis oil;
  • Inhalation with baking soda or over boiled potatoes;
  • With herbal infusion prepared from St. John's wort, sage, plantain leaves, calendula flowers. All ingredients are taken in equal parts. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbal collection is poured with a glass of boiling water.


The impact on biologically active points is a good addition in the treatment of respiratory diseases. What can be used if there is a cough?

  • Hot foot mustard baths (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of hot water, water temperature 45ยบ, duration 10-20 minutes).
  • Chest massage with honey and pork fat.
  • Acupressure massage of the sternum, interscapular and collar zone.
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey, pork fat, vodka. Melt in a water bath and rub the back overnight.

Cough nutrition

It is very useful for relieving bronchospasm when coughing to consume liquid milk porridge, mashed potatoes prepared with a large amount of milk.

A good effect will be from mashed radish, seasoned with a tablespoon vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. And for dessert, you can give a lemon, turned through a meat grinder and seasoned with honey to taste.

Dear parents, today I presented to you a selection of medicines and folk methodsthat help get rid of a child's cough. Hopefully, if you have a similar problem, you will choose something suitable. But before starting treatment at home, I recommend that you consult with your doctor to find out the cause of your cough. Without finding out the reason, self-medication is dangerous, especially in young children. Be healthy!

Children infancy get sick most often with the onset of a cold snap, in the off-season. It is at this time that bacteria and viruses are most active. As a result, the immune system is exposed to severe stress. And since in children it is still too weak, there is nothing easier for the disease than to take advantage of this opportunity and penetrate into the baby's body. As a result, the infection is rebuffed, which is expressed in the form of a runny nose, fever and cough.

Colds and coughs in infants are very common

Treatment of this symptom in infants is a very difficult process, because the drugs that are usual for adults do not suit them. Therapy should be as gentle and at the same time effective so that the sick baby does not develop complications. Both traditional and home remedies are used to get rid of a cough.

Types of baby cough

How to treat a cough in infantso as not to harm him? What methods are there for this, and is it worth turning to specialists for help? To answer these questions, first it is worth understanding what a cough is and why it appears in young children.

The symptom is caused by contractions of the muscles of the trachea with the participation of the abdominal muscles - air is pushed with force through the respiratory tract, simultaneously freeing them from excess mucus and various foreign particles.

Often in babies, coughing is just a defensive reaction of the body and is not associated with a cold

Cough is of the following types:

  • dry (no mucus secretion);
  • moist (accompanied by profuse expectoration).

This symptom familiar to everyone is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the tissues of the throat and bronchi. When the epithelium is deposited by bacteria, special receptors are triggered, and therefore a cough begins. In young children, the throat is much more sensitive, because the respiratory system has not yet formed. Therefore, they cough much more often.

Causes of cough

Coughing is common in babies. Small children can choke while eating, inhale dusty air. The respiratory tract of a newborn contains a lot of mucus, which is very difficult to remove. However, it is not difficult to distinguish a painful cough from an ordinary one - it is often accompanied by wheezing, fever, and is systematic.

Dry air and dust in the apartment can cause coughing

The most common causes of cough in infants are:

  • infectious diseases (colds and flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • dried air;
  • foreign bodies in the throat;
  • burns and injuries.

Allergies are also a common cause of coughing. For a newly born child, all the surrounding substances seem foreign, because the immune system has not yet fully developed. As a result - cough, snot and skin rashes in response to quite familiar factors (dust, small hairs, pollen, etc.).

Attention! A persistent painful cough in an infant is a very alarming sign. At the first suspicion of any ailment, it is better to call a therapist. Otherwise, parents put their child in great danger - any illness is extremely difficult for him and must be properly treated.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, then it is worth showing the child to the doctor

Non-infectious cough treatment

Sometimes it happens that the baby coughs, but is not sick. This can be understood by his general well-being, lack of high temperature and high activity. In this case, the symptom cannot be ignored, because its presence indicates hidden pathologies.

Most often, such a cough develops from dried air in a house or apartment, especially if the heating season has begun - batteries evaporate all moisture during operation. In this case, it is better to purchase a special device - an air humidifier - and put it in the room where small child... Regular spraying from a spray bottle also helps. The easiest way is to leave a well-moistened rag on the battery (but you will have to do this quite often).

When a child has an obvious allergy (this can be understood by sharp coughing attacks that suddenly stop, tears, rashes, swelling of the face and limbs), antihistamines will help (Suprastin, Tavigil, Fenistil). However, it will be possible to completely get rid of the cough only after visiting a specialist.

Suprastin will help cope with an allergic cough

Sometimes foreign objects fall into the throat of babies - by accident or through an oversight of parents. In this case, a foreign object stuck in the airway causes a persistent cough. You cannot remove it yourself - you need to call a therapist or go to the clinic to an otolaryngologist who will safely carry out the operation to remove it foreign body.

When your child begins to cough badly, but the reasons for the development of this symptom have not yet been fully clarified, to alleviate the baby's condition and improve coughing, parents should follow a number of rules. Then the consequences of the disease will be minimal.

When a small child coughs, you need:

  • provide a plentiful drink to the baby (after 3 months);
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • sometimes take the child in her arms, turn.

Give your child more drink

If the weather permits (it is not cold outside, there is no wind or precipitation), you can walk with your baby. Fresh air is good for the throat, improves coughing and helps the immune system.

Cough medicine

How to treat a cough if it is caused infectious disease? Traditional methods suggest the use of drugs. But not pills, but special solutions or drops - they are harmless to babies.

A cough in an infant is removed with the following medicines:

  • mucolytics (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol);
  • expectorants (Stoptussin, Prospan, Gedelix);
  • antitussives (Sinekod, Panatus, Linkas).

Children who are 2, 4 months old or more can take the above drugs. For a wet cough, expectorants are given to help clear mucus from the airways. For dry with severe inflammation, mucolytic are suitable (they make the sputum less viscous) in combination with antitussives.

Panatus is an effective antitussive agent

Important: with a wet cough, antitussive drugs should not be given - it causes stagnation of mucus. Also, do not give both symptom suppressants and expectorants at the same time.

This remedy is great for treating little child... Onions are a very strong antiseptic, and therefore, when they hit the surface of an inflamed throat, they produce a powerful healing effect... It not only kills the infection, but also slows down its spread. Among other things, the oils contained in onions have an enveloping effect, protecting tissues from irritation.

The preparation of this product does not take much time - you just need to finely chop (or grate on a coarse grater) 1-2 heads of onions, mix with natural honey and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. If there is no honey in the house, plain sugar can be used. The resulting product is given to the patient for 1 tsp. in the morning, at lunchtime and before bedtime.

You can make your baby a cough remedy with onion juice

Rubbing with badger fat

This home treatment is suitable even for a month old baby. Animal fat helps improve blood flow at the site of inflammation ( rib cage, throat) and relieve excessive swelling - this helps to cough up phlegm.

Rubbing should be done like this - apply a sufficient amount of badger fat to the skin of the baby's breast and very gently in a circular motion spread it over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lungs to the neck. When the agent is absorbed, the patient should be wrapped for a while. The procedure can be performed daily, but no more than once a day. Rubbing should not be done at a temperature of 38 and above.

With the help of this method, more than one baby has been cured. If the child is not feeling well and is coughing heavily, you can use useful herbal remedies - they are natural, do not cause allergies and side effects.

Herbal decoctions are a very popular remedy that can be given to babies too.

If the baby is sick, the following decoctions and infusions are suitable for him:

  • mother and stepmother;
  • licorice;
  • chamomile;
  • mint.

The dosage of any of these herbal decoctions for babies is 1 tsp. three times a day. However, preferring home therapy to calling a therapist, it is worth remembering that no one is immune from complications - self-medication rarely leads to positive results. When infant coughs, the best option would be to trust specialists.

In this video, they will tell you how to properly treat a child's cough:

A child's cough is the most common complaint of parents when they see a pediatrician. The problem can disrupt the usual lifestyle of the crumbs: the baby does not sleep well, has lost appetite, paroxysmal coughing disrupts cerebral circulation, negatively affects the health of the child as a whole.

Most often, a cough is a symptom of a respiratory illness. The problem must be fought by initially finding out the cause of the pathology. Only the establishment of the correct diagnosis will help to prescribe the necessary treatment and cope with the pathology.

general information

Pathology is rhythmic involuntary exhalation, which is caused by irritation of special receptors in the larynx, pharynx, bronchi, lung tissue... During coughing, special sounds are emitted, all due to the passage of air through the narrowed airways. The problem is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at cleansing the respiratory passages of mucus, sputum, dust particles, and foreign bodies.

Cough is an unpleasant symptom associated with respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, allergies, and neurological pathologies. The problem leads to hoarseness of the voice, difficulty eating, disrupts sleep, in young children, coughing can cause increased anxiety, even vomiting.

In infants, light coughing is the norm. Thus, the body tries to get rid of dirt and dust from the trachea, pharynx. A child can cough up to 15 times a day, often parents notice a cough in the morning: as a result of lying on his back during the night, mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, the baby, after waking up, tries to solve this problem.

Fever, frequent coughing attacks are a reason to show the child to a specialist; in all other cases, this state of affairs does not pose a danger to children's health.

Causes of occurrence

Usually cough is not the only symptom of the disease, it is often accompanied by a runny nose, headache, fever, skin rashes. Sometimes the pathology manifests itself suddenly on its own, which frightens the parents very much.

Doctors identify several main reasons why a baby is diagnosed with a cough:

  • the course of acute respiratory diseases. This aspect accounts for about 90% of all cases of cough in children. The infection can be localized in the lower and upper respiratory tract, by the nature of the symptom it is determined how deeply the pathogenic bacteria have penetrated;
  • bronchial asthma. Due to the individual characteristics of children, the deplorable situation with the environment, this ailment is very often diagnosed by pediatricians. With asthma, cough is paroxysmal, often appearing in the evening or at night, leading to shortness of breath, sometimes suffocation;
  • ailments of the ENT organs. Often, a bacterial infection affects the sinuses, larynx, trachea, maxillary sinuses causes an unpleasant symptom - cough;
  • ailments of the heart or gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes a cough has nothing to do with respiratory tract pathologies, but is a symptom of gastritis, heart disease. If you find such a problem that suddenly arises against the background of other symptoms (malaise, general weakness, diarrhea and others) visit a doctor immediately;
  • ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Kids explore the world using their taste buds, in other words, they taste everything. A child can swallow or put a small small object in his nose, parents should urgently call doctors, provide the baby with first aid;
  • neurological problems. In rare cases, a cough becomes a symptom of a psychological illness, sometimes the baby tries to attract the attention of parents in this way. The situation requires an immediate solution, consultation with a psychologist;
  • poor quality air. Too dry atmosphere in the apartment, the presence of foreign odors (tobacco smoke, vapors household chemicals) have a detrimental effect on the baby. Usually, after eliminating the cause of the problem, the discomfort goes away;
  • genetic diseases, individual characteristics. Improper structure of the larynx, nasal sinuses, some ailments lead to chronic coughing fits in the baby. The situation in most cases is not resolved in any way, parents can only help by reducing unpleasant symptoms;
  • allergic reaction. During the flowering period of plants, children are often diagnosed with a cough, accompanied by redness of the eyes, runny nose. A special reaction of the body can be caused by the hair of pets, food for fish, some food products.

Note! It is important to find out the nature of the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, only in this case the treatment will be effective, complications will not appear. Before taking any medications, using folk remedies, be sure to consult with your doctor, it is forbidden to treat children on their own!


There are a lot of types of coughs, doctors distinguish several types of pathology based on the characteristics of the symptoms.

By nature they are divided:

  • dry. This type of cough is obsessive, extremely unpleasant, it is also called annoying. Dry cough in children is characterized by constant tonality, absence of phlegm. It can appear as a result of a sharp change in temperature, laryngitis, lymphoma, tuberculosis, if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract;
  • wet. It is characterized by the release of sputum after expectoration, cyclicity. It appears as a result of inflammation, usually has a medium volume. Often appears due to bronchitis, sinusitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Sputum in any case is a pathology, normally there should be no discharge from the respiratory tract. By nature, the types of sputum are distinguished:

  • mucous membrane - the presence of a transparent, viscous liquid (with bronchitis, asthma, it is often diagnosed with pneumonia);
  • purulent - differs in a greenish-brown tint, occurs with lung abscess, pleural empyema;
  • serous - foams, liquid consistency, appears as a result of pulmonary edema;
  • mucopurulent - appears during diseases of the bronchi, lungs;
  • bloody - the presence of blood is noted in the sputum, the pathology requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

By timbre, cough is distinguished:

  • barking - false vocal cords swell;
  • short - accompanied by painful sensations, indicates the onset of an attack of suffocation;
  • hoarse - the vocal cords become inflamed;
  • soundless - severe edema, general weakness is observed child's body.

Also, morning, afternoon, evening cough is distinguished, depending on the time of its frequent appearance.

By duration:

  • acute - disappears within two weeks;
  • chronic - manifests itself more than four times a year, each attack lasts up to three weeks. The peculiarity of the pathology is that there are no signs of a cold (runny nose, increased body, weakness, sore throat).

When you need to see a doctor urgently

In most cases, the appearance of a cough in a baby does not require special medical intervention, the exceptions are the following cases:

  • the symptom appeared suddenly, accompanied by convulsions;
  • the cough lasts more than one week or continues after the other cold symptoms disappear;
  • disrupts normal sleep in crumbs;
  • sputum contains blood impurities;
  • difficulties with normal breathing, asthma attacks appear;
  • the presence of a high temperature;
  • during bouts of coughing skin baby become blue or pale.

Effective treatments

Cough is treated different ways depending on the state of the crumbs, the nature of the pathology, choose the appropriate method.

Drug therapy

All drugs are prescribed by a doctor only after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures.

An approximate treatment regimen for cough in children:

  • antitussives. Used for dry cough, medications are prescribed in severe cases when there are attacks of suffocation. Effective medicines: Glauventa, Sinekoda, Tusupreksa;
  • mucolytics. Designed to liquefy phlegm, quickly remove it from the respiratory tract, without increasing the amount of mucus. Children are prescribed drugs in the form of syrups based on marshmallow, essential oils, licorice root (Ambrobene, Mukodin, Bromgeskin). Lozenges and candies have proven themselves excellently (Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Travesil);
  • antibiotics. Applicable only when high temperature, accession of a bacterial infection, the presence of a purulent process. The specific drug is prescribed by the pediatrician; it is strictly forbidden to give the baby potent medicines on their own.

Folk remedies and recipes

In addition to conventional medicine, home remedies are often used to combat coughs. Natural medicines are absolutely safe for the health of the crumbs, show excellent results, and are easy to prepare.

For a speedy recovery, adhere to a special diet, include dairy products, fresh vegetables, cereals, lean meat in the diet, exclude fatty, fried foods, sweets, carbonated drinks. Ventilate the room often, do wet cleaning, bed rest is a mandatory requirement, after the temperature drops, small walks are allowed.

Effective recipes:

  • dry cough soothes carrot juice mixed with sugar syrup in a 1: 1 ratio. Give the baby a tablespoon five times a day, and a teaspoon for children under one year old;
  • honey + onions. Take liquid lime honey, add fresh onion juice, all ingredients are taken in equal amounts. Drink a tablespoon three times a day after meals, it is forbidden to use for babies;
  • a decoction of viburnum. Pour a glass of berries with a liter of boiling water, simmer on the fire for a quarter of an hour, strain, cool a little, add 50 ml of honey. Give the baby 150 ml three times a day;
  • mix freshly squeezed cabbage juice with honey in equal proportions. Helps to cough up, drink a tablespoon each time after a meal;
  • honey + horseradish. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, give the baby a teaspoon in the morning and evening;
  • mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, oregano. Take two parts of the first two plants, one part of the last, pour 200 grams of the mixture with boiling water, cook for 20 minutes. Give the finished broth to the crumbs 300 ml three times a day.

Read at the address about what to do if your newborn hiccups after feeding.


  • finely grate potatoes boiled in their uniform (three pieces), add a tablespoon of alcohol, the same amount of turpentine, 35 ml of sunflower oil. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze, forming cakes, put them on the chest, back to the crumbs, avoid the heart area, wrap it up well, leave it overnight. Repeat 3-4 times;
  • heat sunflower oil in a water bath, moisten gauze with it, put it on the child's chest and back, avoid the heart area. Wrap up the crumbs well, wrap with a woolen scarf, leave overnight, give diaphoretic tea.


The appearance of cough in children is always unpleasant news, not only for themselves, but also for their parents. If treatment is not started on time, then such a situation can lead to unpleasant health consequences. Especially dangerous coughing at the baby. How can you help a child with this condition? You can get rid of this symptom at home using simple but effective methods.

If a child suffers from a severe cough, then you need to help him get rid of it as soon as possible.

What to do first

There are two types of cough: unproductive dry and wet, in which mucus is separated. The first type occurs earlier and can turn into wet. It should be remembered that both wet and dry coughs are dangerous for the child's body, so they must be treated promptly. What can you do to stop this condition? To do this, you should use the advice of experts:

  • Give your child plenty of fluids throughout the day. It is recommended to drink not only water, but also fruit drinks on berries, compotes or broths.
  • Humidify the air in the room where the baby is. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby. The ideal device in this situation would be a humidifier. If it is not available, you can hang wet towels over the batteries or put containers of water near them.

Try to give the sick child more fluids.

  • If the coughing attacks are very severe, it is recommended to change the position of the baby's body while he is sleeping. It needs to be turned from side to side so that the thick mucus in the bronchi is better removed. It should be remembered that you should not allow a situation where the child lies on his back. At any time, vomiting may begin, which can enter the respiratory tract.

Following these recommendations will help you cope with a protracted illness faster. But home treatment for a severe cough in a sick child will not be effective without a preliminary examination of the crumbs by a pediatrician. Only he will give the necessary recommendations and will be able to prescribe the correct therapy.

Treatment principles

How to cure a bad cough in simple ways? First of all, you should pay attention to the daily menu of the baby during illness. Mineral water with an alkaline composition will help to cope with a strong cough. It will help not only fill the body with micro-minerals, but also restore the water balance. Cereal cereals are no less useful, which cleanse a sore throat well.

You can give your child liquid oatmeal, this is a tasty and healthy dish

It is better to give slimy porridge, for example, liquid oatmeal. In addition, during the illness, it is very important to use vitamin complexes that the pediatrician prescribes. They will strengthen immune system child. It is also recommended to feed your child with salads made from seasonal vegetables.

It should be remembered that strong tea and other tonic drinks (for example, cola) are contraindicated during this period. Drank in large quantities, they will prevent the separation of thick mucus from the bronchi. It is better to give the baby cocoa with milk and herbal decoctions for coughing up. All of them should be warm so that the secret can go away better.

If the child has a severe cough, then the sick person should be given freshly squeezed juices with the addition of honey. To enhance therapeutic action it is recommended to add ginger root juice. Such a remedy will strengthen the immune forces of the baby and help to cope with the cough faster.

Drink with honey and ginger strengthens the immune system and speeds up recovery

Too salty, dry, sweet or spicy food will irritate the mucous membrane of the sore throat, so it is not recommended to give them during such a period. It is better to give preference to lightly salted food, in a liquid state, so as not to injure the throat. If a cough appears due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms, then the pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics.

Natural remedies

If a child has a strong cough, how else to treat this condition? Banana blend can help fight severe coughing fits. To do this, you need to bring half a ripe banana to a puree state and stir in a glass of warm milk. Add ginger root juice (1 tsp) and let the baby drink in small sips. It is necessary to be treated with such a mixture until the cough passes. Any amount of banana ginger milk is allowed per day.

A mixture with figs is no less effective in treating this condition. This fruit has a strong expectorant effect. To prepare a home remedy, you need to take 50 g of figs and chop finely, pour hot water or milk (150 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour. Give the baby one serving for three days, which must be divided into several doses. In addition, the baby can eat figs naturally. Give it a few slices of fruit for healing.

Inhalation with sea salt will help relieve seizures and ease coughing up.

Inhalation with sea salt will help to remove coughing attacks and clear the bronchi from thick secretions. To do this, you need to bring a liter of water to a boil and dissolve the product in it. The child should breathe over such vapors for 5-7 minutes. Be careful when doing this. It is advisable to wait until the mixture has cooled down a little, and the steam will no longer be so scalding.

Not everyone knows, but ordinary beets do a good job of even the most chronic cough. To remove or alleviate this condition, a child with a strong cough needs to eat several slices of root vegetables. It should be remembered that a large amount of raw beets can cause vomiting, so the dosage should not be exceeded. In addition to its antitussive action, this root vegetable is good for removing sore throat and softening it.

Rubbing against cough

Rubbing can help in the fight against this condition. This method can be used even with very young children (but not less than six months of age). In this case, you should pay attention to the following recommendations doctors:

  • during rubbing, you cannot use the area where the nipples and heart are located;
  • all movements should be light and performed in a clockwise direction;

For small children, rubbing can only be done after consulting a doctor.

  • in the treatment of rubbing children under the age of 3 years with a strong cough, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician;
  • the most powerful therapeutic effect will be obtained if you use this procedure before bedtime;
  • the skin should not be rubbed if the baby has a fever;
  • after the procedure is completed, the child should be wrapped in a warm blanket.

Pharmacy kiosks sell a large number of preparations for cough rubbing. The purpose of this process is to warm up the bronchi, which will allow the thick secretion to move away faster. At home, it is allowed to use vodka, propolis and animal fats (badger or bear). Before using any of these remedies, you should consult with your pediatrician.

For grinding, animal fats are often used, for example, bear

Bear fat has a warming effect. Rub the baby's body with vigorous movements. For such a procedure, you can also use a fat tail. He, like bear fat, has a similar effect. After rubbing, the baby should be covered with a warm blanket. It should be remembered that sick children need to carry out such procedures only with barely warmed fat, otherwise it is very easy to burn delicate skin. In addition, mom can warm up such a natural product in her hands.

In addition to the listed formulations, it is recommended to use goose fat. For the procedure, you will need 120 g of the product, which must be mixed with 1 tsp. vodka. The mixture should be quickly applied to the child's body, paying particular attention to the back. After that, you need to cover the baby with a warm blanket. In addition to the listed fats, pork and interior are also used in the treatment of cough. Such methods of treatment are normally perceived by children and usually they are not capricious during the procedure.

Whatever fat is chosen to combat this condition, remember to store it in the refrigerator. Otherwise, he will lose his beneficial features and will develop a rancid odor.

Goose fat is also often used for rubbing children.

Healing baths and massage

Massage is considered an effective procedure for fighting coughs. With its help, it is not only easy to relieve stress, but also to remove thick mucus from the bronchi to the outside. To do this, the baby needs to be put on his stomach and tapped the entire back with light movements from the bottom up. The child's head should be below the level of the buttocks. It is considered normal if the baby clears his throat during the procedure. This suggests that mom is doing everything right. A more accurate execution technique can be shown by the attending physician.

The method using therapeutic baths will help to quickly relax the child's body, warm up the bronchi and dissolve phlegm, as well as strengthen the immune forces. Various medicinal herbs... For example, chamomile, coltsfoot or eucalyptus. They have good sedative and expectorant properties.

It must be remembered that such a bath is contraindicated for babies with high body temperature. This prohibition also applies to children with a cold. The procedure should be carried out no more than 30 minutes. At the same time, parents must ensure that the water always remains warm. Otherwise, hypothermia and the development of complications are likely.

You can relieve coughs with herbal baths, just be careful

To prepare a bath for a child's cough, pour a few handfuls of the selected dried flower with hot water. The liquid should cool to the optimum temperature for the baby's skin. As long as the water cools down, everything useful extracts herbs will have time to give her their valuable components. It is also recommended to use another method. To do this, you need to brew herbs in a thermos and insist for 3-4 hours, and then pour them into bathing water.

Aroma oil therapy

Aromatherapy will help to cope with the manifestations of cough. It not only has a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, but also helps to strengthen the body's immune forces. In addition to the above, aromatic oils have a strong antibacterial effect. You can use such funds to warm up the bronchi during inhalation procedures.

In addition, aromatic oils are widely used for cough rubbing, and are also sprayed around the apartment. There is only one contraindication to the use of such a home treatment method - an allergy to the components that make up the oils.

Breathing in aromatic oils makes breathing easier and has anti-inflammatory effects

To disinfect a room in which a sick child is constantly located, it is necessary to put a container of boiling water on the floor and drip a small amount of eucalyptus oil there. All doors and windows in the room must be tightly closed. The room must be tightly closed and left in this state for 40 minutes. After that, the room should be well ventilated. Such a composition will help remove all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria in the air. This means that the child will recover from the cough much faster.

In addition to eucalyptus oil, lavender or chamomile oil is suitable. You should do the same as in the previous method or inhale the crumbs. For a liter of boiling water, add 4 drops of the product. You do not need to pour a lot so that it does not appear allergic reaction... The liquid should cool slightly, only after that it is necessary to carry out the procedure. Blends of medicinal oils are very effective. For example, eucalyptus combined with chamomile. This will help not only remove the disease, but also kill all germs.

Eucalyptus oil is considered one of the most popular in the treatment of cough.

If a very strong cough is productive, then inhalation with the addition of Asterisk balm will help to increase the rate of mucus discharge. Such pharmacy remedy contains essential oil peppermint and eucalyptus and will remove the manifestations of dry cough.

From this video you will learn how to relieve a child's severe coughing attack:

Cough is one of the first signs of illness. This is a protective reaction of the body that helps cleanse the bronchi and trachea. There are several types of coughs, as well as several causes.

Cough in children and adults is caused by the same reasons. When something enters our respiratory tract, it tries to get rid of it with a sharp exhalation. It can be sputum, pollen, swelling of the mucous membranes, or even pathological cough syndrome.

Measles is the cause of cough

Most common reasons the occurrence of cough is as follows:

  1. , which actively multiply in the body and suppress the child's immunity. Symptoms of the disease may subside and, after a while, intensify again. Coughing attacks appear more often, they are more pronounced and practically do not stop at all. Most often it is a cold viral disease, but measles, sore throat or whooping cough cannot be ruled out.
  2. Bacterial infections, accompanied not only by a cough, but also by profuse nasal discharge.
  3. Allergic reactions caused by the action of allergens. This cough starts suddenly, and the attacks are often worse at night. The cough is often accompanied by sneezing and itching.
  4. Foreign objects stuck in the throat. The curiosity of kids is limitless and sometimes it leads to bad consequences. While playing, children can put a ball, beans, small toy, etc. into their mouths. From the outside, it will look like a sharp attack of dry cough.

Only a correct diagnosis will help to effectively cure a cough. Unfortunately, even an experienced doctor may not always be able to do this on the first try. To help the doctor and understand how to treat a child if he coughs heavily, parents should pay attention to the sound that the child makes when coughing. This will help determine the type of cough.

Varieties of cough

Coughing can be different: dry or wet, hoarse or ringing, suffocating. By the nature of the cough, the doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and begin treatment. In children under one year old, cough is most often caused by various viruses and.

What are the signs of rotavirus in children and how to treat the infection

Types of cough:

  • wet - with sputum, the child coughs very loudly with characteristic gurgling sounds; the appearance of sputum after a dry cough indicates a softening of the symptoms of the disease
  • dry cough - may be barking with shortness of breath, hoarseness and whistling; paroxysmal - manifested in the form of seizures, the cough lasts so long that it can lead to vomiting; chronic - appears very rarely in children
  • hoarse (or whistling) - accompanied by loss of voice and swelling of the mucous membrane. You can identify such a cough by a prolonged exhalation and wheezing

If a child coughs badly, only a doctor will tell him how to treat him. It is important not only to establish the type of cough, but also to take into account its temporal characteristics.

Acute cough indicates an acute viral infection or inflammation. It can be dry or wet, depending on the disease. Acute cough along with hoarseness of the voice indicates the likelihood of asphyxia. When this type of cough appears without signs of acute respiratory infections, the respiratory tract should be checked for the presence of a foreign body. If the larynx is not checked for foreign objects, the child may suffocate even before the ambulance arrives.

A lingering cough lasting more than 2 weeks is often a consequence colds... In deciphering the causes of this cough, it is important to take into account the age of the baby.

Recurrent cough is present in children with bronchial asthma... Such a cough is lingering and moist.

A psychogenic cough is a response to stress. It manifests itself only in the daytime, disappears at night and during meals.

Nocturnal coughing fits are common in allergies and bronchial asthma.

The child coughs badly: what should parents do?

It is best to show your child to a doctor right away. When we cough, the respiratory muscles contract and expel phlegm. In children under 3 years of age, these muscles are undeveloped, so they cannot clear their throat. The accumulated mucus causes viruses to settle in the lungs, which increases the risk of complications.

Folk remedies to increase immunity in children: methods and recipes for folk methods to strengthen the body

If for some reason it is impossible to call a doctor, you should try to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Attention! If the temperature is high, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The following tips can help ease your cough:

  • check the nose and throat for mucus or foreign objects
  • give the baby herbal tea to drink
  • ventilate the room
  • make sure that the child's head is raised on the pillow

You should not do steam inhalation over potatoes, as they are ineffective. The vapor settles in the throat and does not reach the bronchi.

One of the common causes of coughing in children is the viscosity of the sputum. Babies cannot cough it up on their own, so doctors prescribe mucolytics.

How to treat a severe cough: traditional methods

Self-treatment does not always lead to a positive result. Self-medication of young children is especially dangerous. An experienced specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the desired treatment.

Several doctors should examine the child: ENT, therapist and gastroenterologist. Contents can enter the esophagus and pharynx at night.

There are a number of effective meansto have at home. The most popular of them are Mukaltin, Bromhexin, children's Lasolvan and anise drops. They can only be used with the permission of a doctor. He should also indicate the duration of the treatment and the single dose.

Medicines are selected based on the type of cough. A dry cough must be quickly transformed into a wet one. For this, antitussive drugs, frequent alkaline drinking and warming compresses are used. In cases wet cough use mucolytics, which thin the phlegm and promote its excretion from the nasopharynx.

In the absence of temperature, various physiotherapy procedures are prescribed with medicines (electrophoresis, inhalation) and magnetotherapy.

A psychogenic cough requires the advice of a psychologist. The cause of the disease is mental and emotional overload. What to do if a child coughs badly, and what to treat is unknown, pills are powerless here. A comfortable emotional environment in the family will help get rid of a cough. Loads should alternate with rest periods. During seizures, you need to distract the child with a conversation, a book or a movie.

The allergic nature of the disease is not immediately detected. An allergen can be any substance that has entered the body, but most often it is: dust, wool, synthetic detergents, some. Such a cough is the easiest to treat: just find out the cause of the allergy and protect the child from it.

Mustard plasters for a child

When it is not possible to visit a specialist, and the child is coughing badly, the parent should decide what to treat. Folk remedies are easier for children to tolerate than chemical potions and pills, but even they should be given to a child only after consulting a doctor.

When treating a cough, parents should pay attention to the air in the nursery. It doesn't have to be dry. Humidifiers play an important role in the fight against coughs.

Foot baths with mustard, mustard plasters, cupping, massage and rubbing are effective if the child does not have a fever. When the temperature rises above 37.5, these methods are contraindicated.

Drinking plenty of fluids (herbal infusions, milk, tea) helps to replenish water balance and help remove phlegm. Drinking with milk is not recommended if the baby has a severe runny nose, since milk increases the secretion of mucus.

The most popular and effective "drinks" are: warm water with honey, lemon juice, black radish juice with sugar, aloe with lemon and honey. Tea with raspberry jam has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

If the cough is caused by an allergy, you can understand this without consulting a doctor. Attentive parents notice that the child was in contact with certain objects before a coughing fit.

Your child is coughing a lot, than a good specialist will promptly cure the disease, so do not postpone a visit to the doctor. Timely treatment guarantees the child's recovery in a short time with minimal complications. As additional funds you can use the recipes that our grandmothers successfully used. Herbal infusions, honey, jam, etc. will help alleviate the condition of the child, and most importantly, all the ingredients can be found in almost any kitchen.

Aug 4, 2016 Violetta the Doctor

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