Verbena hybrid how to plant. Growing verbena at home and photo of flowers

If there is a desire, almost any construction work can be done independently. Of course, some specific operations have to be trusted by professionals, but you really have to fill the blind area on your own. The blind area around the house is a necessary element of the arrangement of the site; it is made around the house along the perimeter and performs several functions at once. Therefore, in order to do it correctly with your own hands, you need to correctly approach the study of the issue of pouring the foundation and other points.

Functions of the blind area for a country house

  • Protects the foundation from washing out... Even a drainage system is not able to prevent the destruction of the soil layer. In addition, moisture constantly absorbing into the soil will make the basement or basement cold and damp. And in winter, due to different coefficients of expansion, the earth presses on the foundation, gradually destroying it.
  • Protects the base / plinth and walls from dirt... Rain, tangentially falling to the ground, creates a fountain of dirty splashes and sends them straight to the walls. Okay, if it's an ordinary brick, you can wash it with a hose, and if it's expensive, finishing or decorative plaster. It is almost impossible to wash the bark beetle clogged with dirt, only to repaint it each time.
  • Decorates... The beauty of masonry or finishing material, like nothing, will emphasize the smooth line of the blind area. But the earth, no matter how tamper, cannot achieve such an effect.

A device for draining water around the roof

Layered in its own way, it consists of several mandatory levels.

  • Waterproofing(roofing material, polypropylene), if a drainage system is provided.
  • Pillow(alternation of sand and gravel).
  • Armature- today, instead of wire and metal cutting, geotextile bags are used, but they increase the cost of the process. Therefore, the bulk of private traders in the old fashioned way choose fittings.
  • Fill- the cheapest and easiest option, concrete mix, however, is far from the most decorative.
  • Decorative- the path around the house from wild stone, paving stones, tiles, clinker or paving slabs and similar facing materials looks interesting.

That is, whatever the decorative layer is, for the blind area you will need sand, crushed stone and cement as the basis of the structure. And how to decorate and whether to spend time and money on it, everyone decides for himself.

How to make a solution

The stronger the adhesion of the solution to the base, the stronger the blind area will turn out, and to achieve this effect, use high-strength cement, not lower than the four hundredth grade, or even better, take the five hundredth.

  • Concrete pouring composition: cement, sand, crushed stone, in a ratio of 1/3 (for a part of cement, three parts of crushed stone and sand).
  • Consistency: the solution is diluted with water, to the density of homemade sour cream, the mass should be plastic, but not float along the existing slope.
  • Additives: to improve performance, it is worth adding frost-resistant chemistry to the solution, it is sold in specialized stores. The amount and rules for adding to concrete mass are usually indicated by manufacturers on the packages. To give plasticity, part of the water can be replaced with a weak primer solution.

Video: how to make a good solution correctly

In the video - how to make a solution for the blind area around the house:

Step-by-step guide: how to do it yourself

Although the process is not particularly difficult, especially if you have an idea about wet works, a certain technology is observed during its implementation. A properly arranged blind area will last for years, and will not crack after a couple of seasons.

Dimensions (edit)

The wider the flooded path, the more convenient it will be to move freely along it, and the further from the foundation the moisture will penetrate into the ground. The specific dimensions depend on several factors.

  • Width- it makes no sense to fill in less than 80 cm from the wall, the optimal size is 100, since the path should be at least 20 cm wider than the roof ledge. Of course, I would like to save materials, and earthwork is not the easiest, but it is better to do it once for decades than regularly remodel.
  • Depth- if you are really puzzled by a high-quality coating, then it is not enough to remove the top layer and remove the roots. It is necessary to dig a pit 20 - 25 cm deep around the perimeter. Above the surface, the path will rise another 10 centimeters, depending on the presence or absence of a decorative layer. This is taken into account when choosing boards for formwork.
  • Slope- so that the water does not stagnate, but flows freely, the blind area is made under a slope. An angle of up to 10⁰ is enough, otherwise it will be problematic to walk. You can make a slope both at the stage of filling the pillow, and at the time of pouring the solution.


The lower layers should be immersed in the ground, then the entire filling will turn out to be monolithic and will not "play" due to temperature changes. The boundaries of the pit are indicated by a string stretched on pegs so that it is even, they use a construction or hydraulic level, they also check the bottom. After removing the earth layer, the surface is compacted. Formwork boards are installed, the more often the fixing stakes are placed, the smoother the pouring will turn out.


A layer of sand (10 cm) is poured on top of the insulation and is also carefully rammed, on top is a layer of crushed stone (5 - 7 cm), it is leveled. If the sand is dry, it should be slightly moistened with a spray bottle or a hose with a splitter nozzle.


If there is no option to get road nets, the reinforcement is made with a special mesh with a cell of 10 cm, some prefer metal cutting. The reinforcement is laid on top of the crushed stone, completely covering it without gaps, an overlap is made at the joints. This will contain stretching in all directions without cracking.

Compensation (expansion, expansion) seams

When the soil settles, the blind area, one way or another, will be torn from the base or vomited along with its pieces. To avoid this, use two techniques.

  • Seam between coatings... Most often, an expansion joint is performed - a distance of about 1 - 1.5 cm from the wall is covered with sand, roofing material is laid on top in several layers, bitumen or sealant is poured.
  • Tie seam... Using a perforator, a longitudinal groove is hollowed out in the wall, 3 - 5 cm wide. Additionally, grooves are drilled at regular intervals, into which reinforcing rods, long nails, and wire are driven.
  • Installation of rails... Concrete tends to break across, with sharp fluctuations in temperature in winter. To avoid this, transverse seams are made at regular intervals in the blind area, thin slats are used for them, which coincide in height with the top layer, taking into account the slope. They are also placed in the corners.

Fill: how much you need

If earlier, a shovel and assistants were used to mix the solution, since a concrete mixer is not affordable for everyone, today a perforator helps out. A powerful model and a large, durable mixer and the problem of a well-prepared mix is ​​solved. The installed slats will serve when pouring instead of beacons, it will be convenient to level the surface along them. The solution is poured in portions and leveled, checking the level.

If the concrete is the final layer, sprinkle the wet mortar with dry cement and smooth it with a trowel. This "iron" as it is called by the masons, not only gives a vintage strength, but also creates a smooth, shiny surface. Even ordinary cement will look interesting.

How to make insulation

The insulated blind area prevents the soil from freezing and protects the basement and basement. It differs from the usual one in the following parameters. A blind area with insulation is often combined with insulation of the facade, including the basement.

  • Drainage system- since the insulation will be used, stagnation of water and wetting of the coating is unacceptable, drainage must be done to remove precipitation. The easiest way is to make it from plastic pipes for sewage, in which perforation has been made. The breakdown diameter must be at least a millimeter. A trench up to a meter deep is being dug along the perimeter, its bottom should have a noticeable slope towards the drain pits or pits in order to avoid stagnation. Before laying the pipes, they are wrapped in geotextiles, a layer of crushed stone or coarse river sand is poured into the bottom of the ditch. The laid pipes are covered with crushed stone, tamped, and a layer of soil is poured on top, tamped, leveled.
  • Geotextile- it is laid on the bottom of the pit under the formwork, you can also use roofing material or film, do not allow joints, only overlap. Geotexti is also used when laying paving slabs.
  • Pillow- performed as in the case of a concrete blind area.
  • Insulation- expanded polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, expanded plastic. Any of the tile materials is laid on the pillow, the joints are sealed with a sealant. Above is a layer of sand (5 cm), a layer of crushed stone (5 cm).
  • Armature- metal grid.
  • Fill- concrete solution for the blind area as in the first version, only without rubble and the layer is thinner, since the insulation is necessarily revetted.
  • Cladding- the selected material is placed on a mortar or tile adhesive after the pour has hardened.

In the video - how to make an insulated blind area around the house:


How much does it cost to make a blind area around a summer cottage or any other house? Since we do the work ourselves, namely, it adds about half to the amount of costs, the hard earned money will go only to materials. Depending on the raw materials used and the dimensions of the blind area, on average, its square meter will cost 400, 500 rubles. If we are talking about insulation, drainage, insulation and insulation, it will throw at least another third.

Many neglect the blind area, preferring to do with gutters, but this is a direct path to the destruction of the foundation and freezing of the basement. It is quite possible to fill the blind area with your own hands, and the invested funds will certainly pay off.

Verbena, a cult plant of the Druids and Celts, is also called “cast iron grass”, “tears of Juno”, “blood of Mercury”, “veins of Venus”, “Hercules herb”, and is revered as the keeper of the hearth and welfare. Planting and caring for verbena is a kind of ritual, the implementation of the rules of which will decorate the garden plot with a long flowering of a charming flower.

Preparing for planting verbena

"Cast iron grass" is unpretentious, it is not difficult to grow it if you follow a number of rules. How to care for a planted flower, we will tell you in the article.

Landing dates

Verbena in the temperate latitudes of Russia is planted in flower beds in seedlings. Small seeds are sown at the turn of winter and spring - in late February or early March. Seeds sprout quickly enough, sprouts appear at the end of the second week, but the heat-loving flower should get stronger before planting in the open air.

In warm southern regions, seeds are sown in open ground, the recommended period is the end of April. They are guided by specific weather conditions - the night temperature should not drop below -3 ° С, the daytime temperature should be kept stable above zero. Strong grown seedlings are planted in flower beds in the last decade of May, when warm weather is finally established.

Choosing a place on the site

Verbena loves warmth, favors direct sunlight. For planting, choose areas that are illuminated by the sun for almost the whole day, or half-shaded corners. Like all southerners, she does not like drafts, so the growing area should be protected from the wind.

Note! For vervain medicinal, the place where it grows is of particular importance, since it is intended for internal use.

Distance from the carriageway of roads should be more than 50 m, preferably a green "wall" that protects plantings from city dust.

Soil preparation

The “cast-iron grass” is not too picky about the ground. Fertile loams are an ideal substrate, but verbena develops and blooms normally on depleted sandy soils. The main requirements for the soil:

  • neutral;
  • breathable;
  • well drained.

Prepare the soil before planting as follows:

  • dug to a depth of 20-30 cm;
  • if necessary, deoxidize with dolomite flour or wood ash;
  • depleted land is fertilized with compost;
  • dense clay soil is diluted with coarse sand.

Selection and preparation of planting material

On a note! In our country, “Hercules herb” is grown as an annual, since it freezes out in winter, with the exception of the “perennial straight”, “lemon” and “medicinal” species.

We will briefly familiarize ourselves with the types of verbena, the seeds of which are sold by stores, and their description. V. hybrid (verbena hebridia) or finely dissected - the most demanded among flower growers. Compact plant, creeping stems, height up to 50 cm. Flowers of different colors. It is conventionally divided into two lines:

  • large-flowered (varieties "Etna", "Julia", "Cardinal");
  • compact (varieties "amethyst", "pink delight", "crystal").

V. Canadian - up to 20 cm tall, flowers of white, lilac, pink flowers and their shades. V. Buenos Aires (Bonar) - height up to 120 cm, flowers are small, lilac.

B. ampelous for hanging pots. The length of the hanging shoots is 50-60 cm, forming compact inflorescences. B. perennial straight - reaches one and a half meters in height, has long, up to 40 cm, inflorescences with lilac flowers. Frost-resistant species. Planting and caring for perennial verbena is simple, the technique is similar to growing other species. B. medicinal, 80 cm tall. Valued for beneficial features: stabilizes blood pressure, purifies blood and improves its composition, has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, normalizes metabolism.

On a note! Maximum healing properties Verbena medicinal acquires during flowering, harvesting for future use begins in the second decade of August.

V. lemon grows to a height of 2 m, is usually used as an essential oil plant, dried leaves and inflorescences are used to prepare health teas.

Verbena yellow perennial, creeping shoots, the color of the flowers is varied. Abundant long flowering depends on the quality of the planting material. Domestic seed producers with an excellent reputation - "Aelita", "Gavrish", "SeDek", "Poisk", "Siberian Garden". Seeds can be collected independently: seed bolls are collected from faded shoots, mature ones are colored brown. The collected raw materials are dried at room temperature, and then the seeds are removed. Shelf life is up to 5 years.

Remember! Such seeds often do not inherit the varietal properties of their parents.

Presowing seed preparation:

  1. Stratification - the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, put in a bag and put away in the cold for 5 days.
  2. Soaking in warm water for 1 to 3 days. You can use a stimulant solution (soak time according to instructions).

How to plant seedlings correctly

Algorithm for planting seedlings:

  • In the prepared area, holes are dug, the dimensions of which correspond to the earthen dimensions of the seedling coma, the depth is slightly greater.
  • The bottom of the hole is covered with drainage - pebbles or fine expanded clay.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into each well if the soil is dry.
  • Seedlings with an earthen clod are placed in the hole.
  • Fill up the soil, lightly ramming.

Distance between bushes:

  • compact forms - 20-25 cm;
  • creeping - 25-30 cm.

Care in the garden

It is not difficult to take care of the "cast-iron grass" in the garden: timely watering, top dressing, soil treatment will ensure long-term abundant flowering.

Watering frequency and water quality requirements

Watering flowers need regular, moderate, moisture stagnation or drying out of the soil is unacceptable. The first half of summer is characterized by active growth of bushes, therefore, vervain is watered every 3-4 days in the absence of precipitation. Dry periods with intense heat require daily watering, but the amount of water per plant is reduced. From mid-July, they are gradually reduced, by the beginning of autumn they are completely stopped. Water for irrigation is desirable soft - rain, warmed up in the sun. Tap water is used by letting it stand for several days.

Choice and schedule of top dressing

Organic matter is applied once - in the spring, two weeks after planting in open ground. The optimal composition of the first feeding: 1 liter of mullein solution and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of warm water. Before flowering, it is recommended to feed it every 12-15 days using a solution of Agricola and nitrophoska (1 tablespoon each) per 10 liters of water. Consumption rate - 2.5-3 l / sq.m. The introduction of minerals is possible throughout the season, they use ready-made complexes - "Kemira", "Agricola", "Fertika", about which gardeners give positive feedback.

Mulching and loosening the soil

The soil is loosened regularly, usually after each watering, to improve aeration of the roots. According to common practice, loosening is required while the plant is gaining strength. When the root system grows, the procedure is carried out less often. Young plants are weeded weekly until they are full; weeds in single plantings are removed throughout the season. Facilitates the work of caring for verbena in open ground mulching: weeds do not have the opportunity to grow, moisture retains better. The easiest option is overripe leaves.

On a note! Mulching with decorative materials gives the verbena growing in the garden an additional effect.


The pinching procedure enhances the branching of the bushes. The first time they pinch the seedlings at the stage of 5-6 leaves. Subsequent pinching is done as needed if the plant produces few lateral branches. Be sure to remove faded shoots so that the forces of the plant are directed to the formation of new buds, the flowering period is extended until frost. Planting and caring for perennial verbena is carried out using a similar technology. A few words about the wintering of verbena. Perennial straight verbena, medicinal and lemon verbena, yellow verbena endure frosty winters outdoors. Before the onset of cold weather, the stems of plants are cut at soil level and the base of the bush is covered with dry leaves, spruce branches, sawdust.

With other types of vervain in the fall, they do the same with annuals: the dry residues are disposed of, the earth is dug up. Some of the bushes are transplanted into pots in order to use them as sources for obtaining cuttings.

Pest control

By itself, verbena has strong immunity against pest attacks. If the rules of care are violated, she may be attacked by aphids or spider mites. They use insecticides or fight with folk remedies.

Disease prevention

Verbena is very rare. It is affected by fungal diseases: powdery mildew, black leg, etc. This happens when irrigation and feeding regimes are systematically violated. If you notice the first symptoms, use fungicides. For prophylaxis, the bushes are monthly sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or watered with water infused with ash.

Reproduction methods

Like most flowering perennials, verbena is propagated in three ways: growing from seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Note! The division of the bush is practiced only for the propagation of verbena officinalis. It is not recommended to divide bushes of other types.

Reproduction of verbena by cuttings

The method is used for breeding varieties that do not produce seeds, rare or valuable hybrids. Cutting algorithm:

  1. The mother bush in the fall is dug up with the ground (the more earthen lump, the better) and placed in a pot.
  2. The container is placed in a cool room - a basement or a heated balcony will do.
  3. In early March, cuttings are cut - the tops of the shoots with 10-12 leaves. The lower cut is 1 cm from the lower kidney.
  4. Remove all leaves except the top pair.
  5. For rooting, containers with drainage and a substrate consisting of sand or its mixture with peat are used.
  6. The cuttings are buried in a moistened substrate by 1 cm. They make a mini-greenhouse.

The root system of the cuttings will begin to grow in about 20 days. The appearance of new leaves or shoots is a sign that rooting has gone well.

Caring for cuttings is similar to caring for seedlings.

On a note! You can grow verbena not only in a flower bed, but also at home on a well-lit windowsill. Cuttings for planting are cut at any time.

Planting cuttings on flower beds is carried out on time and according to the rules provided for seedlings.

Seed propagation

Seed germination algorithm:

  1. Presowing treatment (see above).
  2. Seeds are sown from the second half of March. Seeds sown earlier require additional lighting. If sowed later, verbena will start blooming from mid-July.
  3. The sowing tank needs a shallow one, with drainage holes.
  4. The substrate is light, loose, moisture-permeable; fertility is not required from him. Use a universal seedling soil, to which sand or vermiculite is added. Before sowing, they must be disinfected.
  5. The substrate is moistened, the seeds are spread over the surface.
  6. The seedling container is covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm (+ 25 °) place. The light level at the first stage is not important.
  7. When the seeds germinate, the container is moved to a cool (+ 17 ° C), well-lit place.
  8. Crops are regularly ventilated, condensate is removed from the lid, if necessary, the substrate is moistened from a spray bottle.
  9. The lid is removed completely when the seedlings form the first pair of true leaves.

The colorful verbena “lawn” is grown not only in flower beds. The flower develops well at home, decorating the interior. Flowers on the balconies of city houses look great - bright fragrant oases that delight the eye. The ampel type, grown in hanging pots, is placed on verandas, terraces, gazebos are decorated. Planting and caring for verbena outdoors is easy. Unpretentiousness, ease of maintenance make the flower a desirable decoration for the garden. Correct care behind a flower will allow it to bloom profusely before the arrival of the first frost.

The homeland of the flower is South America... In the open field, the plant is grown as an annual. It can survive only in the southern regions, as it has low resistance to frost.

The minimum height of the bush is 20 cm. The leaves are shaggy, oval or round, and have small notches. The leaf plate is light green. The root system is compact. Small flowers are collected in complex umbellate inflorescences. Depending on the variety of verbena, its flowers can take the following color:

  • white;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • purple.

The plant blooms from June to October... At the same time, up to 30 inflorescences can bloom on one bush.


When to plant?

Planting activities are carried out in the spring, but more precise dates depend on the method of reproduction.

If these are seeds, then sow them for seedlings in late February and early March. If this is grafting, then it should be carried out in March.

How and when to plant a flower?

The culture in question can be grown on a balcony, terrace and loggia... Most often found at home. Read about the use of verbena for medicinal purposes.

In the open field

Verbena tolerates a slight drop in temperature (-3 degrees) well. But prolonged cold weather will have a bad effect on the plant. So planting in the ground is best done in May, when the weather is warm outside, and there is no chance of frost return.

Landing procedure:

  1. At the place prepared for planting, you need to dig up the soil. In the process of digging, add 5 kg of humus per 1 m2 and 40 g of complex fertilizers.
  2. Dig holes in the prepared soil. Their size should be identical to the size of an earthen coma. The distance between the holes must be respected, it is determined taking into account. If these are compact bushes, then the distance will be 20 cm, medium - 30 cm, and large - 40-50 cm.
  3. Moisten the wells before planting by adding 0.4-0.5 liters of water. Install the bush and cover the hole with earth, making it much more compact.
  4. After transplanting into open ground, if the summer is hot, then irrigate young plants regularly until they take root.

One of the most common types of verbena, which feels good outdoors, blooms beautifully and for a long time, and looks great in boxes and pots on the veranda or in the garden - this is thinly cut verbena. We talked about it in.

In the House

At home, vervain is planted in hanging containers:

  1. Choose a large container with drainage holes.
  2. Fill it with a drainage layer (use expanded clay, 2 cm thick).
  3. Lay down the substrate.
  4. Lay out the seeds or stalk with roots.
  5. Top up the soil, compact and water sparingly.

This representative of the decorative flora at home can be grown using, for example, a hanging planter. She will feel good in an ordinary pot.


It is necessary to cultivate verbena for seedlings in February-March.

The procedure for winter and early spring at home:

  1. Place seeds on the surface of the moistened soil in a container with drainage holes, keeping a distance of 3-4 cm.
  2. Sprinkle with a thin layer of humus. Cover the container with plastic wrap, thanks to which the seeds will begin to germinate faster.
  3. Place a container with seedlings in a semi-shaded place. As soon as the seeds begin to hatch (1-2 weeks), provide them with adequate lighting and daily airing. To do this, remove the film for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Further it is important not to overdo it with watering. Otherwise, the plants will get sick with black leg. When watering, do not let water get on the delicate sprouts. Pour only along the edge of the pot so that the liquid flows along the side to the bottom.
  5. When all the seeds have sprout, then the shelter can be removed completely. Follow-up care consists of regular watering.
  6. As soon as 3 real leaves are formed, you need to pick. Use separate cups for this. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the roots.
  7. Young plants need feeding. It is better to use a liquid complex fertilizer. You need to add it once a week. For branching and abundant flowering, the growth point is plucked above the 4-5th leaf.
  8. If you grow undersized hybrids, then it makes no sense for them to form a bush, since they branch beautifully on their own. Read about hybrid vervain.
  9. Before planting in open ground (10-12 days), the seedlings will have to be prepared by exposing their balcony so that they get used to the sun and fresh air. Such a "walk" should initially last 2 hours, but every day this time should be increased by 30 minutes. And when the weather is warm, then leave the sprouts to spend the night outside.

Transplant verbena in the spring... It is very easy to do this by transshipment of an earthen clod. Even during flowering, the plant tolerates this procedure perfectly. The following recommendations will help in this:

How to care?

Plant care should include:

  • Lighting... Verbena develops and grows well if planted on a consecrated site. At the same time, create protection against drafts and wind.
  • Temperature... Verbena is a thermophilic crop. Grow it at a temperature of 16-20 degrees. With the onset of cold weather, the plant will die, so in Russia it is used as an annual.
  • Humidity... Verbena thrives in moderate humidity conditions. You also need to periodically spray the leaves of the plant with cool water.
  • Watering... Regular hydration is an important activity during the period of active growth and flowering of vervain. In the second half of summer, reduce the amount of moisture. Use only settled and soft water. Water 2-3 times a week.
  • Fertilizers... Great for feeding plants complex preparations... You can use not only mineral compositions, but also organic matter (compost, humus). But you don't need to abuse them.

    Apply organic fertilizing only once for the entire season, since there is a high risk of oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen. Because of this, the bush will begin to actively grow greens, not paying due attention to the process of tying buds.

  • Soil loosening... These activities must be carried out to control weeds. Loosening is performed at first, until the plant has grown. But when the bush gains strength, the shoots will fill all the space on the site, so there will simply be no room for weeds.


The method of planting seeds was discussed earlier, but cuttings have some features:

We watch a video about the propagation of verbena by cuttings:

Diseases and problems of growing

When growing verbena, the following problems can arise:

Any grower can grow vervain, even a beginner. The main thing is to properly prepare the planting material, soil and create full-fledged conditions for the growth and development of the flower. And only then the verbena will thank you with lush flowering and beautiful views.

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People have known about verbena, this beautiful annual or perennial plant, since ancient times. Appearing on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the culture quickly spread throughout North America and Europe. High-ranking officials Ancient Greece wore wreaths made of verbena, while in Egypt the plant was used by priests in ritual ceremonies. Today, vervain is grown on plots exclusively for decorative purposes.

The number of species - representatives of the genus Verbena - is huge (over 250), but in Russia only one is widespread - hybrid verbena. Today, hybrids have a wide variety of colors and can reproduce both vegetatively and with the help of seeds. The described plant is not very demanding on moisture and fertilization, it is resistant to droughts and low temperatures, but at the same time it is very light-requiring. Verbena is often placed in containers and flower beds in tandem with other crops such as Pelargonium or Maritime Cineraria. But what else does verbena attract gardeners for?

People have long believed that verbena is medicinal plant, which has just miraculous properties. Tea was brewed from its seeds to heal battlefield injuries and various diseases... During the Middle Ages, healers prepared tinctures from flowers and stems, considering such a remedy to be a panacea for all ailments.

Description and varieties

All plant varieties are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • creeping;
  • bush.

As for the creeping varieties, they are more suitable for growing in pots or on the balcony. For planting in open soil, bush varieties are used.

So, hybrid verbena is a small bush culture, the height of which reaches half a meter. A large number of lateral shoots are located on the erect stem. An inflorescence is produced on each of these shoots. Blossoming occurs gradually so that blooming can be enjoyed throughout the summer. The leaves are elongated and covered with tiny, colorless villi.

The flower shades are beautiful and depend on the specific varieties. On most sites, two-tone varieties are grown with non-standard shades - red, orange, white, azure, burgundy, etc.

From hybrid varieties, there are:

  • low verbena - a small plant, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm;
  • mammoth verbena - it has large flowers and a height of 45-50 cm.

Now you should familiarize yourself with the most common varieties of the described culture.

Table. Common plant varieties

NameShort description

Low culture (no higher than 25 cm), growing in miniature bushes. One bush can combine flowers of different shades - from bright orange to cream. This is explained by the periods of flowering: the longer the "age" of the flowers, the lighter they become. Peaches and Cream will look beautiful and original as part of groups.

Creeping verbena hybrid, characterized by large elongated flowers. Height can reach 50 cm, the plant is great for flower beds and borders.

It is also characterized by transitional shades: only the blossoming flowers are very bright, but over time they brighten.

Another excellent variety of verbena, which includes three mixtures of colors and about 15 colors.

An annual crop, the height of which reaches 30 cm. Top part rather dense, with blue-violet flowers and lace-like leaves. Distinctive feature considered to be a long growing season, lasting from April to October. Usually grown on the balcony.

This is far from complete list varieties, but for general acquaintance it is quite enough. We also recommend watching an interesting video about one of the verbena varieties.

Video - About lemon verbena

Verbena hybrid: growing from seeds

You can grow this crop using seeds, using containers or pots for this. It is important to provide as much light and heat as possible. In order for the site to be decorated with flowering bushes in May, you must first grow seedlings, which, in fact, is nothing complicated. And if you start everything in late January or early February, then in March the seedlings will be adult and healthy.

Stage one. Seed preparation

Verbena hybrid blooms three months after sowing, which means that preparation should be done precisely during February (or at the end of January, as indicated above). If you plant a plant earlier than at the beginning of March, then it simply will not have enough light, which means that early sowing will imply the use of special lighting. Seedlings should be grown at a temperature of 18-20 ° C (in a greenhouse or at home).

Note! Collecting verbena seeds should be carried out from July - it is then that the first inflorescences begin to bloom.

To ripen, place the seeds in small, hard-shelled boxes. Growth in natural conditions is rather weak, so you need to resort to stimulation. To improve seed germination, you can put them in a cool room for three days, where the temperature is from 0 ° C to + 7 ° C (this is called stratification), or soak them for two days in a growth simulator before sowing.

Verbena is not very demanding on the soil, but it is preferable to use fertile soil.

To prepare soil for seedlings, mix in the same amount:

  • fine river sand;
  • peat;
  • field land.

At the bottom of the container in which the seedlings will be grown, arrange drainage by laying a two-centimeter "pillow" of small stones. You can use both pots and containers to spread the soil.

Stage two. Planting seeds

The algorithm of actions for sowing and further care should be as follows.

Step one. Scatter previously prepared seeds over the surface. It is important that the soil is loose and softened. You can sprinkle some sand on top of the seeds.

Step two... Moisten the soil slightly, but never flood it. Ideally, this should be done with a spray bottle.

Step three. Cover containers with soil and seeds with glass or plastic.

Step four. If you have not performed the stratification procedure described above, then place the containers in the refrigerator for about two to three days. Under the influence of low temperature, the stimulation of the seeds will begin, as a result of which the emergence of seedlings will occur earlier, the bushes will turn out to be more powerful and will bloom profusely.

Step five... Then place the seedlings near the heating battery. Before the first shoots appear, the temperature should be about 20-25 ° C.

Step six... Moisten the soil from time to time with the same spray bottle. Make sure that the soil is not too wet, but also does not dry out. After two to three weeks, seedlings will already appear.

Step seven... With the formation of the first shoots, remove the film / glass. Transfer the containers to a cool and bright place.

Step eight. Pick out five to six weeks after sowing, when the seedling height reaches at least 8 cm, and each plant will have two or three true leaves. At the same time, pinch the top so that lateral shoots appear.

Ideally, you should use:

  • flower pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm;
  • cells measuring 7x7 cm.

But this is done in most cases in Western countries. Our plants, as a rule, are sold in cassettes with 28 cells.

Step nine... Plant the seedlings outdoors in late May. It is important to be well lit and warm, although partial shade is allowed. The distance between plants should be 20-25 cm.

Note! It is very convenient to grow seedlings in peat tablets, because when you pick, you will not damage the roots. In addition, the tablets have all the required nutrients and provide high-quality drainage, which is important for hybrid verbena.

Two or three seeds are usually planted in each tablet, so that later it will be possible to choose the most powerful of the plants. Seedlings are planted in the ground together with the tablets themselves.

Stage three. Further care

Verbena, as noted earlier, is an unpretentious culture, which means that careful care is not needed here. It is only necessary to cut off the wilted leaves in a timely manner, due to which new inflorescences will appear on the plants. Water vervain sparingly in summer - no more than once every five to six days, while in winter - about every two weeks.

When the plants are actively developing, you can apply a small amount of fertilizer. For this, it is better to use a universal top dressing for flowering crops.

Note! If you are growing perennial verbena, move it indoors before the frost begins. The room should be well lit and dry, the temperature should fluctuate within + 10-15 ° С.

While caring for outdoor plants is easy, you should regularly check to see if the leaves are deformed or have white spots on them - these are the first symptoms of fungus. If there is such damage, immediately remove the affected leaves and treat the stems with an insecticide.

Other diseases and pests that are often found on vervain include:

  • spider mite;
  • root rot (observed in the early stages);
  • powdery mildew.

Treatment of beds

If the verbena bushes are planted singly, then periodically weed the beds during the entire growing season. But if you have planted a crop in groups, then you will have to deal with the removal of weeds only at the beginning. The fact is that verbena develops extremely quickly, and the bushes soon turn into a kind of thick carpet, and therefore there is no need for weeding.

You don't need to loosen either. Only in very hot weather should the soil be slightly loosened after watering - so the air will naturally circulate around the roots.

Summing up

In the end, I would like to note that, nevertheless, seeds collected with my own hands should not be used for planting. The fact is that in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow varietal crops. Instead, buy quality material from trusted distributors.

If you plant and care for the hybrid verbena correctly, you can enjoy the variegated colors on the site throughout the summer. Unusual and bright flowers will always cheer you up, and the yard will be surrounded by an invisible cloud of pleasant aromas.

Video - Planting, growing and caring for verbena

The year before last, she grew verbena (ampelous variety) on the balcony of her city apartment. In the past, I decided to buy the same seeds for the adjoining flower bed, which we equip together with a neighbor. And the store made me happy: it turned out that verbena is not a balcony plant at all, but a compact garden plant.

Therefore, I bought several varieties at once, created a multi-colored "picture". And in this I look - the same verbena appeared on the flower beds near the neighboring houses. Obviously, their dwellers liked my flowers, and they secretly collected seeds from us. And we do not mind!

It's simple: the seeds of such a culture can be stored for a long time (two years, and in some species even longer), germinate quickly, and the bushes bloom for a long time and brightly.

Verbena (some people call it pigeon grass) is a medicinal plant for some people, and a magic flower for others.

The homeland of this decorative culture is not Eurasia, but America, South and North.

You can find out the plant by:

  • elongated green leaves, shaggy, with denticles along the edges (my guests sometimes confuse a non-flowering verbena bush with mint);
  • bushes of different heights - from 20 cm to a meter;
  • small flowers, collected in dense inflorescences, monochromatic or two-colored (the color of verbena flowers can be different - purple, blue, blue, white, red, yellow, cream);
  • compact, shallow root system.

Verbena blooms from the first week of June to last week October. On one bush, up to 30 inflorescences can bloom at a time.

Cultivated species

In total, botanists have listed about 120 species. Among them and herbaceous plants, and shrubs. But we can see only a few varieties of vervain.

  • Hybrid verbena. The most popular decorative species, derived from several varieties. The bush grows up to a maximum of 50 cm. It is decorated with a large number of twigs, as well as flowers of any shade - the varieties of hybrid verbena are the most. The most popular are Cardinal or Julia (large-flowered varieties), Pink Delight, Crystal, Amethyst (compact varieties).

  • Canadian. Low (up to 20 cm) annual. It blooms with lilac, pink or white small flowers.

  • Tough. View with lilac flowers, creeping tetrahedral stems, fleecy elongated leaves. The seeds of this species are the most tenacious - their germination is maintained for a record 5 years.

  • Buenos Aires. The tallest species - the bushes grow up to 120 cm.The stems stretch straight, the lateral branches begin to grow near the ground. Inflorescences are formed from a large number small pink flowers.

  • Ampelnaya. A fast-growing annual with shoots of about 60 cm. Flowers can be of various shades.

  • Lemon. Perennial having medicinal properties... It is grown not for the sake of beauty (since the flowers of such verbena are not so decorative), but for the sake of benefit.

  • Medicinal. Has an antispasmodic effect, and can also stabilize pressure, help with intestinal upset.

Depending on the species, verbena can be either an annual or perennial plant... However, most of our street vervains are annuals due to the fact that they cannot survive the frosts of the northern or central zone. And only in the southern regions, perennial verbena can overwinter without dying.

How does this plant reproduce?


The most popular and convenient way.

You need to be in time to buy and plant seeds in March. Some growers germinate them earlier, in winter, but at such times the seeds germinate more slowly.

Everything is done like this:

  1. Soak the seeds in a biostimulator. It can be "Zircon", succinic acid - there are a lot of preparations in the shops for florists. But if they could not buy something like that, it's not scary - they will sprout without it.
  2. Pour the seeds into a box with moistened soil (say, peat with sand), on top of the soil. The seeds are very small, do not sprinkle them on top, otherwise the growths will not be able to break through.
  3. Cover the box with a piece of glass, a piece of cling film. If it is a clear plastic tray, use a lid from it.
  4. Germinate the seeds at 25 degrees. When the soil is dry, spray it gently.
  5. The sprouts will appear 10-15 days later. However, you can see the first green heads as early as 3-4 days.
  6. Move the sprout box to a colder room.
  7. As soon as the sprouts show one true leaf at a time, dive them into separate pots (as a rule, disposable cups act in their role). By the way, if you initially sow one seed per cup, picking the seedlings will not be needed.
  8. 2 weeks later, when the growths are "oklem" after picking, pamper them with nitrogen fertilizer. Or, if your strain is tall, pinch the stem to get the plant to bush.
  9. Before planting on a flower bed, the seedlings are hardened, exposing them to the street first for half an hour, the next day for an hour, and so on.

Is it possible to collect seeds from your flowers

Yes. The photo shows how such ripe inflorescences look like. True, grown flowers can surprise you with shades of petals, especially if you have several species or varieties of vervain growing on the same flower bed - the flowers will be pollinated and create your own “hybrid”.

On the bushes it is necessary to select the ripe "fruits" of dark brown color. Put them on a newspaper, dry them. And so that on one side they do not become moldy, turn the fruits from time to time.

Store completely dried seed in a paper bag.


In the spring, cut off the top shoot from the bush so as not to damage it. 4 pairs of leaves should remain on the handle.

Leaves from the bottom of the cutting are removed.

The stalk is stuck into wet soil (the same sand with peat), germinates under a film or a transparent bag. When you see that the cuttings have taken root (new leaves have begun to grow), remove the package.

The work with rooting cuttings can be seen in this video:

Planting verbena in open ground

  • Site selection. Verbena will suit both a shade and an illuminated flower bed.
  • Temperature. This culture normally refers to temperature fluctuations, but it does not tolerate frost - if it is -3 degrees or lower outside, the flower will die. Therefore, it is planted in open ground when night frosts are no longer guaranteed - in late May or early June.
  • Priming. Any composition is suitable, as long as it is loose. If the soil on the site is too dense, when planting, mix it with sand, and put some stones on the bottom of the holes - they will act as drainage.
  • Distance between bushes. Ideally 25 cm before the next seedling. So the verbena bushes will not jam each other, but they will not leave a chance for the weeds.

Care for verbena in a flower bed

This flower is not capricious, therefore it is often chosen by summer residents who have no time to tinker with flower beds every week.

  • Watering. Until mid-summer, the flower bed should be watered often (but in moderation), then - occasionally. Do not let the soil dry out completely, the roots of the plant need slightly moist soil (although, of course, a solid puddle, on the contrary, can kill them).
  • Loosening the soil. This procedure should be carried out after heavy rain or heavy watering so that the soil is not taken up by the crust and the roots of the plant can breathe.
  • Food. If you have little time to work with the beds, apply organic once and forget about fertilizers until the end of the season. Do you like to tinker with flowers? In this case, your choice is "mineral water", it should be given to vervain 4 times per summer. But not more often, otherwise, instead of flowers, the bushes will "delight" you with continuous juicy, abundant foliage.
  • Pruning. To make the bushes bloom longer, cut off all faded shoots by a quarter of their length.

What problems can you face?

Pests: verbena is afraid of small flies eating its leaves, which can end in disaster for the flower. Therefore, as soon as you see uninvited guests on the bushes, treat the flowers with insecticides.

Vervain hardly suffers from diseases.

However, with the wrong care, some difficulties may begin.

The leaves have become slightly purple: the bushes receive excess moisture. This problem is exacerbated if the leaves or branches rot, or if the plant shows powdery mildew stains. Cut off everything that is sick, spray the flower bed with a fungicide.


Most flower growers simply "uproot" bushes that have already lost their beauty and throw them away.

However, you can compete for your favorite flower (if it is perennial). In November, dig a bush, plant it in a pot and place it in a room where the temperature is about 15 degrees. When warmed up, verbena can grow and even bloom. Do not give her free rein - remove the peduncles, and shorten the shoots to a reasonable limit.

By the way, in the open field, overwintered second-year verbena will bloom earlier than young seedlings.

In early March, prepare the flower for planting in the ground - carry out the obligatory pruning.

The verbena bush can very successfully overwinter in the house, if it is planted in a pot in advance. This is how it will look by spring:

To summarize ...

  • Verbena is a flowering plant whose flowers bloom from early summer to autumn frosts.
  • You can propagate a flower by cuttings, but better by seeds.
  • This culture is planted in open ground in early summer.
  • The flower is unpretentious in care: it needs not too abundant watering, mineral fertilizing 4 times per season, as well as regular pruning of faded shoots.
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