Why the skin flakes near the ears. Peeling of ears and process features

When itching in the ears it occurs and the skin flakes, you need to turn to the doctor, since these symptoms may indicate the presence of infection. However, in most cases, these phenomena is just a result of bad hygiene. Many, carefully causing faces and hair, forget about this part of the body. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you only need to wash them more often, and then lubricate with low-fat cream.

Causes of discomfort

It is worth noting that the reasons may be hidden in excessive hygiene. Cotton wands used to clean the hearing aisters can scratch and grasp unprotected gray skin.

High probability of damage in people using matches, spokes and other inappropriate objects.

The resulting scratches in the healing process are squeezed, respectively, the person brandschiths the wound again than increasing the risk of infection.

If not to take into account insufficient or excessive hygiene, then four reasons for peeling ears are distinguished:

  • Local allergic reactions;
  • Skin diseases, including dermatoses of allergic nature, to the field;
  • Fungal lesions (otomycosis);
  • Inflammatory processes in the outer ear - otitis, purulent inflammation At the place of injury, acne or furuncule.

This condition can be a manifestation of systemic diseases accompanied by the production of toxins, for example, diabetes, liver pathologies and output systems.

Why is the skin in the ears and skin peel: local allergy

Negative response from the body begins with redness, burning, itching. If you do not exclude contact with the stimulus, the top layer of the epidermis is extended.

  1. The cause may be paint for hair, gel, shampoo and other hair care products.
  2. Allergies in the ears may occur when contact with earrings, headphones, metal handles.

It is possible to normalize the state with the exception of an irritant, for example, subject and aggressive chemistry. Otherwise, there is a complication - eczema or dermatitis of the outdoor ear.

Treatment lies in local anti-allergic therapy - antihistamine ointment and creams are prescribed (Phenistil Ave.), eliminating itching and softening skin. A strong allergic response requires the observance of a hypoallergenic diet, receiving antihistamine tools orally (Loratadine Ave., Supratin) and local treatment with ointments (Lockoid, "Advantan").

Why ears are peeling outside and inside


The infection can be triggered by the fall of water into the auditory passages, supercooling, damage to the skin.

Signs of developing otitis:

  • Itching in the depths of the ear, a slight decrease in hearing, the feeling of "traffic jams".
  • The progression of the disease leads to the appearance of pain, the release of purulent masses, which in turn entails dermatitis: the skin begins to be, the ears are peeling as a result of irritation.

Treat inflammatory processes only under the control of a specialist. At easy course, solutions are used boric acid, complex requires the reception of antibiotics inside ("amoxiclav", "nitrofural"), anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents externally. Sometimes physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, for example, UHF and UFO.


Damaged skin is prone to inflammation. If at the same time, infection occurs, a furuncle is formed - acute inflammation Hair pouch, subcutaneous fiber and song hardware. The beginning of the pathological process is accompanied by the skin itching, reddening the place of defeat, for example, behind ears or directly in them. The rumor does not deteriorate, but there is swelling and pain that increases from touches, with chewing, pulling out the ear shell.

If the outdoor otitis is usually easy conservative treatment, then in the case of a furuncle necessary surgical intervention. After this, there is a need for antibiotic therapy for a long period of time.

Dermatitis and eczema

The causes of peeling and irritation of the skin in the ears can be hidden in these diseases that arise as a result of allergic reactions due to mechanical irritation of the skin (construction dust), under the influence of discharge in the inflammatory process, in the event of imminent immunity and in chronic pathologies that violate metabolism.


The atopic form is characterized by itching around the auditory passage, in the sink, on the skin of the head. The skin bluses, bubbles with serous content appear on it.

After opening the latter, peeling appears and the formation of waving, and then dry crusts. Similarly, the contact form of the disease is manifested, but edema, as a rule, there is only a place of contact with the stimulus.

Itching in adults and children will be stopped using antihistamine tools for indoor and outdoor use (tablets, ointments), anti-inflammatory drops "PR. "Sofradeks", "Otipaks"). It is also necessary to use mitigating creams or drying ointments depending on the state of the peeling crusts.


The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The sharp process lasts about 3 weeks. At this time, the upper layers of the skin are affected. With adequate treatment, eczema is not inclined to relapses. Otherwise, infection falls in the healing cloth or the disease continues the flow, weakening immune system and acquiring a chronic form.

The first symptoms of eczema - redness and sealing the skin of the ears, itching, increasing when combing. Then rash arises. Corks are formed on the site of bursting bubbles, cracks are peeling against combing.

The doctor conducts a thorough study to distinguish an area from fungal infection. From crust inside and outside are get rid of oil solutions. When weaving, the affected places are treated with ether or alcohol, use aerosols with oxycort.

If the peeling is dry, prescribe treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments, which provide in addition to the vesseloring and antifungal action. Such means should include in their composition and antibacterial substances. When the ears are very scratching, use funds local application. The course of treatment lasts about a month and should be communicated to the end, even if the symptoms completely disappeared. This is necessary to prevent relapses and the transition to a chronic form.


Peeling can be caused by fungal infection. This happens when the immunity and creating favorable conditions for active breeding Malicious microorganisms, which, by the way, are constantly present on the human skin. It is possible to break the normal microflora under excessive hygiene when it is processed by water not only ears, but also directly auditory passages. You can get infected through other people's headphones, hearing Aids, earnest.

Symptoms fungal lesion:

  • Headache;
  • Zudit and peel skin;
  • The formation of a sulfur tube or a feeling of a foreign body;
  • Allocating a different character and colors depending on the type of pathogen.

The ears tend to scratch and flake as a result of the mushroom damage to Aspergill or Candida, sometimes infection is added to them, for example, gold staphylococcus. Treatment of all parts of the body with fungal infection is equally.

Why does the skin in the ears peel? This question is interested in people who collided with a similar problem. It looks outstone. The reasons why skin itching and peeling can be the most varied, including fungal lesions and allergic reactions. Ears are a very sensitive body, their hygiene needs to constantly pay due attention. It is unacceptable to clean the ear canals with sharp objects: needles, pins or toothpicks. For these purposes there are special ear sticks that can be removed by the accumulation of sulfur in the ear.

In addition to unpleasant sensations - itching or skin peeling in the ears - there may be detached crusts, visually resembling dandruff. Why it arises and how to deal with it, how to properly exercise the ears of the ears in adults and in children, it is recommended to know everyone who carefully refers to their health.

Why the ears are flake and itch

The main reasons, due to which the skin in the ears in adults and the child is peeling:

  • features of the epidermis in the ear - excessive dryness;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or, on the contrary, too frequent hygienic procedures that are overporning the skin;
  • lack of vitamins and nutrients;
  • frequent furunculse ears;
  • pathological processes of fungal etiology;
  • eczema;
  • diabetes or incorrectly compiled diet;
  • allergic reactions - in this case, not only the peeling of the ear shell occurs, the peeling of the skin behind the ears may be observed;
  • excessive accumulation of sulfur that annoys;
  • the age framework - such a phenomenon occurs more often in people in old age due to the individual features of the epidermis;
  • mechanical damage to hearing organs;
  • hereditary leaning;
  • frequent stress.

For these reasons, itching and peeling in the ears appears. It is important to remember that only a doctor can put an accurate diagnosis, you do not need to deal with self-medication and ignore unpleasant signs.

What symptoms accompany this condition

The peelings of the ear shells are accompanied by such additional symptoms: peeling of epidermis scales, intensely pronounced itching, burning, feeling of dry skin, sometimes it cracks, wounds appear when combing inside the ear.

In the event that such signs are developing as a result of ear otitis, other, no less unpleasant symptoms appear. At the same time, the ears are sick inside, shooting pain appear. The exact diagnosis is made by the doctor, which in addition to the external inspection takes the scraping from the ear and behind the ear to confirm either refute the presence of fungal lesions.

What is the treatment of allergic peeling origin

If a person has a leather in the ear passing or behind the ear due to an allergic reaction, the doctor is often prescribed antihistamines (Tuesegil, Supratin), and ointment ointment applies to remove the skin of the skin and other signs. Importance is important diet nutritionWhen treatment is carried out. In the presence of a wound from mass saccs or cracking skin, the skin behind the ear is cleaned with an antiseptic agent to prevent connection bacterial infection. If a man is peeling in the ear, a crust appears on it, it is recommended to remove the earrings, wearing such a headdress, which would not be contacted closely with the hearing organ, did not annoy it.

If this state arose as a result of an allergic reaction, a doctor is usually assigned to complex therapy, which includes antihistamines, sedatives (Valerian, mother-in-law, hawthorn). If the disease is in acute stage, often apply corticosteroid drugs.

What to do in case of fungal lesion or otitis

After determining the type of fungus, its treatment is assigned. To eliminate the mold, the fungus is used tools such as terbinefin, pimafucine is used against yeast fungus. After the treatment is over, the ear ceases to peel.

This means that the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed, and in the future it is necessary to comply with personal hygiene and control, in what state there are ear channels and sink.

If it is diagnosed with or furunculosis, other unpleasant symptoms, separation from the ears, are added to the peeling. In this case, the doctor will appoint antibacterial drug therapy. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment in this situation so as not to provoke dangerous consequences, such as loss or worsening hearing. Often the doctor appoints surgery Furunkula. It is opened under anesthesia and remove pus. Next, the ear is disinfecting.

How to treat dandruff in ear sink

If the ears are peeling due to the appearance of dandruff, it is often not limited to peeling, it may appear itching or redness. Dandruff arises as a result stressful situationsunder the influence of improper nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to drink anti-stress phytosborgs, to establish your power mode. It is recommended to set the day mode and stick to it.

Sometimes the ear is peeling due to metabolic disorders. This will help find out the endocrinologist. This may be caused by the simple predisposition of the skin to peeling: it can be fat, prone to peeling, sebaceous glands In this case, an increased amount of sebum is produced. For preventive treatment The dandruff is selected by the appropriate shampoo, for example, naked, for the skin it is worth choosing the appropriate cosmetics, which will remove the surplus of the skin and improve the condition of the epidermis. With too dry skin, it is necessary to regularly apply moisturizing or nutrient cream.

Scales and dandruff can be eliminated with folk methods. For these purposes, cotton or gauze tampon is wetted in olive or sunflower oil, inserted into the ear passage for 20 minutes, then the remains of oil are removed, the moisturizer is applied. Such a procedure should be carried out at least once a week. In addition to the oil, it is possible to apply a decoction of chamomile, calendula, hunter, a turn as a cleansing lotion. It can be used in the morning and in the evening.

To prevent allergic reactioncaused by ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to resort to sunscreen with high degree protection and constantly carry a protective headdress.

At the time of treatment, it is necessary to eliminate fatty, sharp, pickled, spicy food, smoked, salinity, carbonated drinks from the diet.

You can additionally lubricate the ears of the sinks with froth or phenyistil.

The peeling is the process of lunching dead cells of the epidermis from the skin surface. Normally, we do not notice this phenomenon, although it happens constantly. Surveated leather flakes are removed when washing the skin (especially with a washcloth), wiping with a towel, etc. The skin of the ears, like other parts of the body, is also constantly updated.

Strengthened peeling indicates that either the skin is overpowering, or the cells of the epithelium are divided so quickly that the burdered layer does not have time to have time. Another possible reason is constant damage (mechanical, chemical, allergic irritation, inflammation, etc.) cells on the surface of the skin. The basis of the pathologies associated with the peeling of the ears are one or more of their these factors.

How to understand why the skin peels in the ears and on their surface? We will tell how to find out the reason for this violation.


Excessive lunch of the epidermis inside the ears may be due to factors as:

  • excessively active use of ear sticks - they injure the cells of the epithelium, and also deprive their protective lubrication - sulfur;
  • abuse born alcohol and other alcohol-containing drops;
  • fungal infection - outer otomycosis - is accompanied by itching, peeling of the auditory passage, skin swelling and the release of a thick dark mass, containing the disputes of mushrooms (they can be revealed by bacteriological sowing from the ear);
  • psoriasis may affect various parts of the body with thin skin, and the ears are one of its frequent localizations; peeling, swelling, rash of pink color, covered with scales - these symptoms are a serious reason to turn to a dermatologist for early diagnosis psoriasis.

The peeling in the ears inside the auditory pass is usually accompanied by discomfort associated with the accumulation of burdown scales in the ear. Skin flakes are mixed with sulfur, in connection with which the risk of forming sulfur traffic jams - dense sulfur clusters and epidermis cells. Sulfur plug worsens hearing, causes headaches, noise in the ears and even cough.

If you are worried about peeling in a rumor passage, you need to conduct a procedure for cleansing the ears. It is very important to avoid active mechanical impact on the skin of the ear - this may cause the peeling enhancement and increase the activity of the sulfuric glands.

It is most safe to clean the ears of hydrogen peroxide - it dissolves sulfur, but it does not damage the cells of the epithelium, unlike cotton sticks, etc.

Peeling of ear shell

Own sinks are peeling outside for such reasons, as:

  • Allergic reaction to jewelry and alloys. For example, with allergies on nickel, chromium, copper and other metals that are included in the composition of jewelry, the uches are peelled. If the mesh of one ear is peeling (in which there is a piercing) is a clear sign of allergy to the metal, from which the earring is made. In addition to peeling, a person can disturb itching, redness, edema ear. To get rid of the symptoms, it is necessary to exclude (or limit as much as possible) the contact of a person with a metal that caused the reaction. Treatment includes taking antihistamine preparations and the use of anti-inflammatory local action (including glucocorticosteroids).
  • Allergy to make cosmetics and other household chemistry - Hair varnish, shampoo, shower gel, hair paint, washing powder. All this is directly or indirectly in contact with the skin of the ears and can provoke the appearance of itching, rash, peeling and other symptoms of allergies.
  • Allergic reaction to dust mites, inhabiting down pillows and mattresses. The disputes of mold fungi can also be attributed to domestic stimuli, which are quite often present in raw rooms.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis - skin disease, the manifestations of which is peeling in the ear shell, on the skin of the head and behind the ears. Other of his symptoms - the formation of horny scales, increased fatty skin, tendency to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Seborrheic dermatitis most often amazes the skin rich in sall glands. The causative agent of the disease is a lipophilic fungus that feeds on the secret of the sebaceous glands. It is known that the infection more often amazes people with a reduced immunity, a disturbed hormonal background, a tendency to the fatty skin.
  • Sunburn. If the peeling began in the summer, perhaps the reason lies in the banal skin burning under the influence of sun rays. Solar burns, in addition to the peeling of the skin, can be accompanied by redness and skin surface pain.
  • Dermatitis of various nature - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, etc. can affect the skin of the oars. However, in most cases, their symptoms are found not only on the ears, but also in other parts of the body.
  • Diagnosis and treatment

    How to understand why skin peels in own sinks And inside the auditory pass? It is not easy to determine the reason to determine the reason, but it is possible to exclude some of the possible reasons before the campaign to the doctor.

    First of all, well wash your ears. Use warm water and washcloth, baby soap (to eliminate the possibility of allergic to detergent). Wipe all the folds of the outer ear outside and from the inside, slightly Pulling the ear shell. Clean the visible part of the auditory passage by a moistened wardcover with a limiter or gauze tampon. After that, dry the ears well with napkins and apply hypoallergenic moisturizing cream. Perhaps after this step, the peeling of the ears will stop.

    If the care did not help get rid of the problem, make sure you do not have allergies for metal (if we carry earrings), as well as shampoo, perfume, shower gel.

    To do this, it is necessary to eliminate contact with potential allergens. If your suspicions were confirmed - consult an allergist.

    It should also be abandoned by ear droplets if you often use them - perhaps the cause of peeling is precisely in this.
    The final diagnosis is set by the doctor. It can assign clarifying analyzes - biochemical analysis Blood, bacteriological sowing smear from ear, allergeroby, etc. The treatment is appointed according to the diagnosis.

    Do not attempt to cure your alleged disease yourself - it may worsen the skin condition.

    So, if the diagnosis of otomikosis is diagnosed, you will need antifungal therapy. If the peeling is caused by allergies, you will have to undergo a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and always avoid contact with a specific allergen. Psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis require an individual approach in treatment. To achieve a significant improvement in the treatment of these diseases, months may be required, and even years of treatment. Should not be engaged in self-treatment when suspicion of psoriasis, anclamp or atopic dermatitis (i.e. neurodermatitis).

    Skin problems are a serious body signal about some violations in its work. Let's try to figure out why ears may be peeling, and what to do when such symptoms appear.

    Why does skin peeling arise in ear sinks?

    In fact, the peeling skin in the ears can be a sign of a variety of disorders. Sometimes the emergence of such symptoms is connected exclusively with the local impact on the ears of the sink, but much more often the cause of its appearance becomes more global (internal) health problems, in particular:

    • Hyovitaminosis.
    • Neurological disorders.
    • Age changes.
    • Inflammatory processes in the outer ear, including fungal.
    • Dermatological problems, such as dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
    • Scrofula.

    Find out the exact causes of peeling and cracking of the skin in the ears perceive only an experienced dermatologist. Sometimes you can cope with such a problem yourself, if it has been provoked by non-hazardous disorders.

    Possible causes of a child

    The peeling of older children is explained by all the same reasons as in adults. But kids up to a year, such a problem is most often a consequence of particularly thin and sensitive epidermis, behind which parents are not very correct. In particular, the ears of the crumbs will dispel and crack if:

    • They remain moisture after swimming.
    • The child overheats.
    • The kid suffers from dehydration.
    • The room is too hot and dry (humidity less than 45%).

    Most often, only by adjusting the care of the baby, you can cope with the problem of peeling and cracking the gentle skin on the ears and for them. Also, it will be useful to periodically lubricate the ear shells of crumbs with baby cream or boiled vegetable oil.

    Capped due to improper nutrition

    Deficiency of various nutrients In humans, this is one of the most common causes of drying, peeling and cracking the skin at different parts of the body, including on the ears. Such symptoms may cause a deficit:

    • Vitamins group B, in particular, vitamin B5.
    • Vitamin A.
    • Vitamin E.
    • Vitamin C.
    • Vitamin H (biotin).

    Sometimes the drying of the skin on the ears is associated with the use of frankly non-durable food, as well as alcoholic beverages. In this case, comedones can also be detected on the ear sinks - black dots.

    To saturate the body, the necessary substances need to make their diet useful, the most diverse and balanced. It is not necessary to take multivitamin drugs without the recommendation of the doctor, since some of their components can accumulate in the body, and the excess of such substances is also harmful to health.

    Stresses like the cause of itching in humans

    Stresses affect not only general condition People, but also on their appearance. Permanent emotional tension makes skin on the body with a tired, can provoke the appearance of rashes and wrinkles. And thin and sensitive epidermis can begin to peel and get item. Such unpleasant sensations often result in additional combing, which only aggravates the problem.

    Skin peeling is usually becoming only one of the signs of stress. With constant emotional tension, it is important to abandon with stabilization of your own state.

    Age reasons for dry skin

    Elder dry skin is a practically official medical diagnosis, it provokes a slowdown exchange processes and updates of epidermis cells, as well as violations in the activities of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Such a problem may manifest themselves in different parts of the body, but at first can make themselves felt on areas with thin skin, including on the ears. Older dryness is most often accompanied by itching, peeling and cracking of the epidermis. To aggravate it can be concomitant health problems, in particular, endocrine disorders, malfunctions digestive tract etc.

    Incorrect oh's sink hygiene

    Most adults do not have the slightest idea how to properly care for the ears. Therefore, the absence of hygiene or regular mechanical cleaning of the auricle with special chopsticks or undergraduate objects can lead to injury, drying and peeling of the epidermis.

    With such a reason for peeling, the easiest way to cope with its own, but consultation with the doctor will help to eliminate the existence of related health problems.

    Cracks of urchins due to poor-quality jewelry

    The use of earrings or clips from poor-quality material can lead to the appearance of irritation on the urine of the ears. Most often peeling and itching arise as a result of wearing products with nickel in composition. However, there is a risk of developing individual reactions of intolerance even on gold or silver.

    I suspect that the ears suffer from poor-quality jewelry, you need to refuse to use them for a while. After a week, it will be possible to understand whether such suspicions or the reason for unpleasant symptoms lies in something else.

    Redness and peeling during sunburn

    The ears are covered with fine and delicate skin, which is characterized by high sensitivity to ultraviolet. But at the same time, even going to the beach, many people absolutely forget to apply sunscreen on the ear shell, but there is nothing to talk about simple walks around the city. Classic sunny burn manifests:

    • Redness of the epidermis.
    • Liance and some soreness (the stronger the burn, the higher the discomfort).
    • Itching and peeling damaged skin.
    • The appearance of blisters (in particularly severe cases).

    From the aggression of the Sun can suffer both the ears and all the oarse sink. But most often a similar problem is localized on the top of the ear. At the same time, the burnt ears are healing for quite a long time and can peel a month after the incident.

    Outdoor otitis as the cause of sore

    Outdoor otitis is a fairly common disease, in which inflammatory lesion of the external ear is occurring - the ear shell, an auditory passage, as well as the eardrum.

    Publicly data statistics, such an actions are often fixed in children of school age, but there is a risk of its development in adults. The reason for the occurrence of such a disease lies in the penetration of infectious agents in the structure of the outdoor ear, which often happens as a result mechanical damage. The causative agents of the disease can be staphylococci, streptococci, a blue chopstick, etc. to suspect the development of the disease, not only on the peeling of the affected ear. Outdoor Otitis usually makes itself felt also:
    • Painful sensations.
    • Impairment of hearing, noise or mortgage in the ear.
    • Redness and edema of ear shell and / or auditory passage.
    • An increase in temperature indicators.
    • Headache.
    • Signs of intoxication - weakness, lethargy, decline in appetite.
    • Purulent discharge from the affected ear. They can be filled, forming crusts.

    Outdoor Otitis manifestations should be considered as a reason for consultation with a dermatologist and a otolaryngologist. In the absence of adequate and timely correction, the disease may cause complications, go to the average and internal ear.

    Otomycosis - fungus causes crusts and cracks

    The term otomicosis is used by doctors to designate the infectious lesion of the external ear, the cause of the development of which was fungi. Aspergillas or candids are considered the most common pathogens of such a disease, but sometimes there are no diseases and other microorganisms. Otomycosis is usually affecting patients with reduced immunity, the risk of its development increases with diabetes, the use of antibacterial agents, long-term contacts of the ears with water, etc. possible manifestations Diseases:

    • Peeling and itching skin. Sometimes such signs become the first symptoms of the disease, but they subsequently add other impairment of well-being.
    • Painful feelings.
    • Reds and edema of the auricle, as well as an auditory passage.
    • Reducing the quality of hearing.
    • The appearance of the selection from the ear, which may have white, black or yellow color. When dried up, they form crusts that can partially either completely climb the auditory passage.

    For successful cure from the otomycosis, it is very important to identify exactly which fungi provoked the development of alend. It is also important to adjust the factors that contributed to the occurrence of the disease.

    Mocking abnormal sink and inside it with eczema

    Eczema is a chronic recurrent allergic disease. Such a disease is often localized on the ears, it is believed that its occurrence contributes to violations in the work nervous system, immunodeficiency, malfunctions endocrine glasses, certain hypersensitivity of the body in combination with genetic predisposition. To suspect the development of eczema by:

    • Redism, swelling, severe tooth and burning.
    • The appearance of rashes - nodules and bubbles, the latter are filled with serous fluid.
    • The emergence of wet erosions behind the ears (after the blades of bubbles). If the disease is also manifested by ear, a crack may well be formed, from which fluid flows periodically.
    • The formation of crusts with gray-yellow painting.
    • Active peeling and breaks.

    There are several varieties of eczema that may differ somewhat in their clinical manifestations. Put a correct diagnosis under the power of an experienced doctor.

    Dermatitis of ear shell

    In general, the term dermatitis can be used by doctors to denote various inflammatory lesions of the skin arising in response to the influence of various aggressive factors. Nevertheless, in the context of the ears most often talking about dermatitis, as a chronic outdoor otitis, the cause of which can be wounded in allergies and the influence of various irritating factors (for example, chlorinated water in the pool). Dermatitis can manifest itself a sluggish inflammatory process:

    • Inspected itching.
    • Peeling, including flakes.
    • Redness of skin.
    • Reducing the quality of hearing (not always).

    To reveal the exact cause of the dermatitis of the ear under the power of only doctors, but they sometimes turn out to be such a task. In this case, treatment is exclusively symptomatic.

    Symptoms of gold in children

    Golden is outdated medical termUsed earlier to designate the skin tuberculosis, which, in turn, includes an extensive group of dermatosis. The development of such aids is associated with penetration into skin Covers, as well as subcutaneous fatty tissue of mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most often, the skin tuberculosis is secondary, the pathogen reaches the epidermis from the foci in other organs. Some species of such a disease are recorded more often in the children's (school) age and can manifest originally on the ears. In particular, the tuberculosis lupus at the place of the defeat is fixed by the lupomas - small yellowish-pink flat tubercles with a soft consistency. They are prone to growth, covering scales and ulceration. After healing, the white atrophic scar remains in their place. The progression of the disease can lead to the destruction of the oars.

    However, under the gold, our ancestors more often meant the gold deprived or lichenoid tuberculosis. With this ailment:

    • On the skin appear single or multiple nodules of grayish-reddish color or color of normal epidermis.
    • The nodules are located tightly, can be covered with small scales and horny spikes, resemble seborrhealis.
    • Two ear may be affected immediately.
    • The rash can disappear, subsequently appear again.

    Lichhenoid tuberculosis usually occurs in weakened children with tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs.

    Crusts at psoriasis in adults

    Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological disease with rather explicit symptomatics. Sometimes the first manifestations of such a disease begin on the ear shell, in addition, the disease can fall down on the ears from the scalp. Typical symptoms of psoriasis:

    • The feeling of discomfort, itching and burning. Often, patients remember that before the appearance of explicit signs of illness, they were disturbed by the feeling of skin pulp.
    • The appearance of reddened and peeling sites.
    • The formation of dry plaques - crusts, which are covered by a variety of dense silver scraps.
    • The appearance of red, mocking inflamed skin when trying to delay the scales.
    • Bleeding from tiny vessels during damage to the plaque.
    • Itching and general discomfort affected areas.
    • Progression of disease in the absence of treatment. Proper therapy Promotes his remission. Sometimes plaques can even completely disappear, but there is a risk that they will appear at any time.

    Most often, psoriasis affects the area behind the ears, as well as top ear. Sometimes there are plaques on the urine of the ears, but they rarely extend inside the auditory passage.

    What if the skin is cracking outside the ears?

    The appearance of an unfortunate peeling in the region of the ear shell is a reason to look closely to your own body. Perhaps the reason for such a symptom lies in pretty natural factorswho are subject to correction at home. But if the peeling does not pass in any way, it is enhanced and accompanied by other impairment of well-being, it is better not to experiment with your own health and contact medical help. To identify the cause of the problem and eliminate it will help the dermatologist and the otolaryngologist (ENT). To form an accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary:

    • Inspection.
    • Dermatoscopy - inspection of ear shells under magnification using a special dermatological device.
    • Otoscopia - inspection of the auditory passage.
    • Skin biopsy - capture of epidermis particles for microscopy, histological research, Bakposev, etc.
    • Blood tests.
    • Allergock, etc.

    Usually, the diagnosis during peeling in the ears is not difficult. Only on the basis of the data received, the doctor may find a really effective treatment.

    • Do not try to clean the ear shell and the auditory passage from skin scales. In no case should you scratch, scratch and pull the skin - so the situation is only aggravated, plus the risk of secondary infection will increase.
    • Refuse the use of ear sticks, headphones and earrings.
    • Moisturize the skin with neutral means, for example, creams and ointments with decanteral (Vitamin B5 derivative).
    • Adjust the diet, make it the most healthy and balanced.
    • Take multivitamin complexes.
    • To establish a drinking mode - drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of ordinary clean water daily (in the absence of medical contraindications).
    • Refuse harmful habits - Eating alcohol, drugs and nicotine.

    Drug treatment

    Drug therapy of peeling in the ears should be selected with an exclusively attending physician. Treatment may include the use of a variety of drugs:

    • Symptomatic means to eliminate pain and increased temperature (for example, with outdoor otitis).
    • Antihistamine drugs to suppress itch. Such means are helping with different states that are not even associated with allergies.
    • Anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.
    • Moisturizing and regenerating local means to care for ear sink.
    • Antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments, creams, ear droplets, as well as tablets (if necessary). Such funds are used only in the confirmation of the bacterial etiology of the disease.
    • Antimicotic agents in the form of local or systemic drugs. Such therapy is necessary under the otomicosis.
    • Powerful anti-inflammatory funds with hormones in the composition. Such treatment allows you to suppress strong inflammatory process With eczema.
    • Retinoids, keratolithics, steroids and other local medicines. Such funds are used in complex therapy psoriasis.

    Everything medicationsUsed in dermatological and otolaryngological practice, are individually selected taking into account the testimony and individual characteristics of the patient.

    Methods of traditional medicine

    Features of the use of funds alternative medicine With different problems with the ears it is very important to discuss with the attending physician. In some situations folk remedies There may be more harm than good, and even provoke the deterioration of the patient's condition. At your own peril and risk, it is possible to apply them only with natural causes of peeling in the ears, in particular:

    • If unpleasant symptoms are caused by hypovitaminosis, you should prepare vitamin mixtures for the patient. Dried fruits, honey, berries and nuts are perfectly suitable for this. The selected components are worth using equal volume, they can be checked through the meat grinder and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. For a day.
    • Peeling, arising against the background of stress, can be treated with the help of sedative medicines on herbs. Excellent effect gives Valerian, mother-in-law, Melissa. They can be brewed both tea and drink in the evenings.
    • For sunny burn Cool compresses from grated raw potatoes or fresh cucumbers can be applied to the affected areas. They need to be changed more often, not allowing drying.
    • For street toothDehydration and hypovitaminosis can be used by aloe local medicine. Its flesh can simply lubricate the ears, and you can soak such a plant with such a plant with juice and apply them to problem areas several times a day.

    Do not get involved in means folk Medicine. Some of them can come to the rescue and with serious dermatological diseases, but they cannot replace the right medicinal treatment.

    The peeling of the skin of the ear is extremely unpleasant phenomenon and not only because of the inestetic type of such a process, but also the possible accompanying symptoms: itching, redness, discomfort, occasionally pain.

    Mostly people are not particularly hurrying with this problem to the doctor, but even until the situation comes out of control. Next, let us talk about the reasons and treatment of peeling in the ears.

    Definitely answer the question of why the ears are peeling very difficult because the factors of the occurrence of such a state sufficient amount. Some of them do not represent any threat to the health of the ears, however, there are also serious pathologies that require timely treatment.

    It is worth noting that such discomfort may appear as a result. excessive hobbies of hearing hygieneIn particular, cotton chopsticks that cause significant damage as a result of this itching and peeling.

    In addition, frequent cleaning of the ears leads to the fact that the ear is completely deprived of its natural protection - sulfur. As a result, the skin heavily dries, Zudit and peel. That is, everything should be in moderation.

    Excessive ear hygiene can cause peeling, itching and dry skin

    reference. If the skin of the ears is not only peeling, but there are other disturbing signs, it is worth visiting the ENT doctor to determine and eliminate the problem.

    If you do not take into account the above circumstances, then the following key factors provoking such a phenomenon can be distinguished (photos are attached):

    Allergy develops as a response of the body to a certain stimulus

    Each above described pathological condition, due to which the skin peels in the ear sinks is well treatable. But this does not mean that such symptoms can be ignored. Anyone, even more or less harmless illness, with long-term ignoring or absence of adequate treatment can turn into a threat to human health.

    Reference. The peeling may be a manifestation of systemic ailments that are accompanied by the production of toxins (diabetes mellitus, liver pathology and output systems).

    Flashing Ear - Treatment

    In order to know what to do if the ear is peeling, first of all, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will establish the cause of the development of this state.. After that, treatment is appointed, which is directed both to eliminate unpleasant sensations and to eliminate the root cause.

    Important! Alone before the doctor examination in no case cannot be applied ear dropsAlso any recipes of traditional medicine. They may not only be ineffective, but aggravate the situation.

    The treatment technique directly depends on the factor that caused the development of this pathological state.

    Tool for local treatment Allergies

    With allergies Treatment begins with the search and complete exclusion of allergen. Next, local anti-allergic therapy is to use antihistamine ointments and creams. ("Fenidist")who take off the itching, eliminate the peeling and soften the skin.

    For strong manifestation Allergies of the patient must comply with a hypoallergenic diet, receiving tableted antihistamine drugs ("Supratin", "Tueva", "Zoda", "Loratadine")as well as local ointment treatment ("Advantan", Lockoid).

    Treating any inflammation of the ear must be carried out under the control of the doctor because this species The ailments are dangerous by various complications. With a slight course, various ear drops are used ("," "), compresses, tours with borogon alcohol.

    In case of severe course, the disease is prescribed antibacterial drugs ("," "), Anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and antiseptic means. Sometimes physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

    Ichthyolic ointment is well pulling the grunkula

    For the treatment of furuncula It is usually applied or contributing to the stretching of purulent content.

    It is also being washed with, and applied (if there is no high body temperature).

    Important! It is impossible to squeeze yourself and open the furuncle, because further infection of tissues may occur.

    If, after such actions, the furuncle did not open, then the specialist removes it in operational way, after which there is long antibacterial therapy.

    During dermatitis Antihistamine preparations of systemic and local exposure are prescribed, anti-inflammatory drops ("", ""). It is also necessary to apply mitigating creams or ointments (depends on the state of the resulting crusts).

    Aerosol with oxycort for the treatment of eczema

    Treatment of eczema It depends on the state of the skin and crusts, that is, dry crusts are processed by oil solutions, and moisture with ether or alcohol, as well as oxicort-based aerosols.

    In addition, anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed, which have a vasoconstrictor and antifungal effect.

    The therapeutic course continues about a monthAnd it is impossible to interrupt it, because it is the main condition for preventing the repetition and acquisition of a chronic nature of the disease.

    For elimination fungal infection First, it is necessary to set the kind of fungus (mold or yeast). After clarifying this moment, the doctor makes the appropriate appointment usually local drugs ( "Terbaphyl", ""). If there is a serious infection, system impacts can be applied ("Fluconazole").


    Finding out why the ears inside the person are peeling, as well as ways to eliminate such a problem, still I would like to remind you that every case is individual and requires a specific consideration.

    It is not necessary to independently identify the diagnosis, and even more so appoint treatment. At best, this is fraught simply the lack of any effect from your actions, in worst - deterioration condition and accession of complications.

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