Cats with spots like a leopard. Asian leopard cat (ALC): wild cutie

When choosing a kitten, everyone is guided by certain requirements or wishes for their future pet, for example, breed, coat color, eye color, shape or size of ears, or even the size of an adult animal. Today we will talk about those breeds of cats that resemble tigers in their coat color, that is, about brindle cat breeds, as well as about leopard cat breeds. We note in advance that only one breed of cats owns a real “tiger pattern” of wool, but several have a leopard pattern.

Toyger cat breed - here they are, miniature tigers!

This cat breed is the only one that has a truly brindle coat color - black stripes adorn the entire body. Note that these must necessarily be stripes, and not just spots like in the breeds, which we will discuss below. Toygers were bred by selection, the basis of this breed was taken from a purebred tabby cat found in India, and the breed of Bengal cats. Officially, the "brindle" breed was recognized only in 2007, and therefore it is still very rare and valuable. In addition, its breeding is strictly controlled by the author of the breed and now only less than fifty nurseries are breeding Toygers.

Although the pattern on the coat makes this breed look like real predatory tigers, these cats are very domestic in their character. Toygers have a balanced temperament, love to play and love to spend time in the company of people and help them with everything. You can read more about the Toyger breed (description, breeding history, character, etc.).

Bengal cats are real domestic leopards!

This breed of cats is quite rare and also has an artificial origin. Bengal cats were obtained in 1963 in California by crossing wild leopard cats with domestic cats. Long-term work on the breed and the use of other breeds in breeding has led to the fact that now the leopard color of Bengal cats is characterized by randomly scattered spots on the coat, not only black and brown, but also various others. The official recognition of the breed took place back in 1983, and therefore the breed, although quite rare, is much more common compared to the Toygers.

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Bengal cats have inherited good health and temperament from their wild ancestors. So, these cats are very active and love to walk outside and play, especially games that imitate hunting. But at the same time, representatives of the Bengal breed are not at all aggressive, they get along well with people and other animals in the house. You can read more about Bengal cats (description of the breed, character, care).

Egyptian Mau - leopard-colored cats from Ancient Egypt!

The history of the breed begins with ancient egypt where these cats were considered sacred. Egyptian Mau are short-haired cats with elegant body shapes, large eyes and longer front hind legs. Four subspecies of Egyptian Mau are officially registered, which differ in coat color and spots. So, they distinguish: smoky coat color and black spots, silver coat color with charcoal spots, honey-colored coat with dark spots, pale yellow coat color with dark gray or brown spots. These are very much like leopards.

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By their nature, Egyptian Mau certainly do not resemble tigers or leopards. On the contrary, they are affectionate, playful and loyal. Also, these cats simply love to climb trees or other high places, and therefore it is very good if there are such nearby. Detailed description breed, character, and everything else about the Egyptian Mau can be found.

Savannah - leopard breed of "domestic servals"!

Work on breeding a breed of cats that would have large sizes, spotted color and characteristic shape ears began in the 80s of the last century. Over a decade of attempts, breeders still managed to create domestic cats that look like servals. For this, an African serval and a domestic cat were crossed. As domestic cats, breeds with a leopard color (Bengal, Egyptian Mau) were used, as in a serval. As a result, a reduced copy of the serval was obtained -.

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However, representatives of the Savannah breed are (among domestics of course) and can reach 60 cm in height. But by nature, this breed is not at all wild, on the contrary, it is very calm. Although these cats simply adore active games, as well as walks on the street. Apart from everything else, the Savannah is one of the most expensive cat breeds.

This concludes our list of brindle and leopard cat breeds. Of course, many domestic breeds can also have stripes or spots on the main coat color. However, they come in a wide variety of colors, and today we were talking about breeds that have exclusively brindle or leopard. In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about cute miniature tigers - Toygers.

Many pet lovers today dream of having a cat like a leopard living next to them. And this does not require specific living conditions. After all, when it comes to real exotic animals, one should take into account their features, which require special terrariums with various additional devices. So, for example, a chameleon definitely needs to cool down at certain periods of life. And cats can simply be next to a person at room temperature and freely walk around an apartment or house. But exotics are added by a special color of a plastic animal that looks like a mini-leopard. Of course, this breed has its own whims and behaviors.

The most expensive animals from the series under consideration include the Ashera breed.

General characteristics of a beautiful exotic breed

When choosing a cat with an unusual breed, be sure to learn about her preferences and the important components of living next to people. The leopard kitten in question was first born through genetic engineering and special selection. Although, unlike other cats bred by man, this breed lives long and has good health, which is the main criterion when choosing these animals. They are considered semi-wild and can be long or short haired. Their sizes also depend on the specific subspecies chosen. In any case, these cats are similar in color to a leopard.

The most expensive animals from the series under consideration include the Ashera breed. This domestic leopard weighs about 13 kg. Outwardly, the cat is very reminiscent of an exotic animal due to its considerable length. African servals and Asian cats became the ancestors of this species. In addition, the usual domestic purrs intervened here.

Some cat lovers are immediately intimidated by the aggressive appearance of Ashera.

Some cat lovers are immediately intimidated by the aggressive appearance of Ashera. After all, the cat has an animal grin, and it steps to the surface with powerful paws. But in life, this animal resembles a familiar domestic creature, although Ushers are put on leashes to be walked outside. And in his home, the cat does not show aggression and calmly lets playing children close to him. Moreover, Ashera loves to spill out and eat various treats.

Kittens of this breed cost a lot of money, but it is still not so easy to acquire an animal. If lovers of these tailed creatures want to buy an elite ashera, then they will first have to queue up and then wait for a pet for about a year. Sometimes even a deposit is required.

The most unusual cats (video)

Experienced felinologists distinguish several breeds of the noble Ashera. So, experts call:

  • ordinary;
  • snowy;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • royal cat.

The Bengal cat is an elite breed for people with special needs. If you want to have an incredibly beautiful, smart, talkative and active pet at home, whose habits resemble those of a dog, take a Bengal! With them you will never get bored and will not feel lonely.

Everything you need to know about this breed, we have collected in our material. Familiarize yourself with the features of these amazing cats, with the nuances of their upbringing and maintenance, to understand if a Bengal cat is right for you.

The nature and description of the breed

How to endure loneliness 1

The breed is strongly attached to the owner and suffers in separation from him. If you are at work all the time, don't get a Bengal cat.

These cats are incredibly loyal, ready to accompany their owner everywhere: on the couch, in bed, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. They, like dogs, will accompany their master everywhere, running after him. Lack of attention makes Bengals distrustful and wild.

How much shedding 2

The breed is short-haired and sheds little.

Luxurious soft fur of a Bengal cat is enough to comb out weekly.

Active or lazy 5

The activity of Bengal cats is off scale - the breed is not suitable for everyone!

These cats require a lot of attention, so Bengals are unlikely to suit people who grow into a sofa. "Bengals" are very playful and curious, but quick-witted, do not stick their nose where it is dangerous.

Does he like to purr 5

If you want to live in silence, forget about the Bengal cat! They are constantly talking.

You will have to communicate with this pet and explain to him all your movements around the house. It is great that you will get exactly a dialogue with Bengals, because representatives of this breed make a couple of dozen special sounds - from the classic “meow” to scream, rattle and cooing.

How does it relate to children 5

Bengal cats quickly find a common language with children. They are actively interested in children's activities, take part in games.

It is worth noting the lack of aggressiveness in Bengal cats and cats. That is, she is not. From the word - absolutely. If a human cub allows itself more than allowed, the cat will dodge and hide in a secluded place.

How to treat guests 3

Don't expect your Bengal cat to happily greet your guests. Cats tend to be distrustful and need time to get used to strangers.

How other animals/dogs are treated 5

Bengals do not conflict with other pets. They treat them with respect and patience. They get along especially well with active cats and dogs that support their play.

Ease of maintenance 4

The breed does not require any particularly complex care.

But, you need to be prepared for two things. Firstly, these cats are big cleaners - the toilet should always be clean. Secondly, Bengals are active and sociable - the owners need to organize their pet's leisure time and pay a lot of attention to it.

Intelligence 5

The breed is exceptionally intelligent.

Interactive toys and puzzle toys are what every Bengal cat should have. But, be prepared for the fact that cats get bored quickly - you will have to buy new ones all the time. Cats quickly understand what causes dissatisfaction with the owner. They can use this to get his attention. These pets learn quickly, they can even do some tricks that dogs usually do.

Soreness 3

Healthy to call the breed will not work.

The Bengal cat was bred through long-term crossbreeding, which affected its genetic health. The breed has a number of pathologies, which we will discuss in detail in the Health and Disease section.

The history of the origin of the breed

The Bengal cat is the result of a one-of-a-kind successful combination of a wild cat with a domestic cat. The breed has a founder - a female breeder Jean Sudgen (Mill). D.Sudgen conducted experiments on crossing a wild Asian leopard cat with a domestic one in the 70s of the XX century.

The result of many years of painstaking work has become a new breed - Bengal (domestic) cat, which surprisingly combines the wild features of its progenitors with the friendliness and tenderness of pets.

The world community of felinologists did not immediately accept this breed. The International Cat Association did this in 1991, and the Cat Fanciers Association still refuses to recognize the hybrid breed.


The domestic Bengal cat is pretty. An adult cat weighs about 7-8 kilograms.

Features of this breed are noticeable from afar. They resemble wild cats, so independent and independent, capable of any "feats". However, appearances are deceiving, the Bengal cat is not at all what it seems.

The way this animal looks does not determine its true character. Only 15-20% of the genes were inherited by Bengal kittens from their wild ancestor, the rest of the appearance and character traits were transferred to him from domestic cat. These "wild genes" did not make the cat aggressive, but only brought special features into her life:

  • Gracefulness and plasticity, which are characteristic of predators.
  • Unusual color.
  • Love for water.

WCF breed standard

  • Body. Sizes are medium to large. Long, muscular, very strong.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped. Massive. Longer than wide.
  • Muzzle. Wide, powerful.
  • Neck. Long, powerful and muscular, in proportion to the head and body.
  • Ears. Small to medium size. Round shape. Slightly leaning forward. Highly placed, have a wide base. Be sure to have a patch of wild color on the ears.
  • Chin. Massive.
  • Nose. Curved, big and wide.
  • Cheeks. Plump with large moustache pads.
  • Eyes. Large. They are almond shaped. Any color is allowed except aquamarine and blue. The exception is the snow bengal. They have clear blue eyes.
  • Paws. Round, powerful and large. The back ones are longer than the front ones.
  • Tail. Medium length, thick, not fluffy. At the end of the tail is a rounded tip. Along the entire length - there are spots or rings.
  • Wool. Short. Dense in texture, very soft (like silk) to the touch. Brilliant.
  • Drawing on wool. Two are allowed: spotted (with or without rosettes) and marbled.
  • Color. The standard recognizes 6 types of color: brown spotted,
  • Weight. Cats - from 4.5 to 5 kg. Cats - from 7 to 8 kg.


A distinctive feature of the Bengal cat is thickened whiskers, which makes the cat's mouth "tiger" ( square shape). This can be seen when a cat yawns, meows, or growls.

Photo of Bengal cats

In the photo you will see Bengal cats of various colors.

It should be noted that caring for show-class cats that participate in exhibitions requires much more time, money and resources. If you have a pet for the soul, it will cost you less, and care will not seem like a tedious and difficult task.

Content Features

The Bengal cat is a hybrid of the wild cat. Wild blood flows in their veins. They are incredibly active, athletic and curious. The first thing to worry about is a safe space. No mosquito nets on the windows - only iron bars. No open doors - the street is dangerous for this breed. All beating, cutting, piercing objects must be hidden. Electrical wires - removed in the box.

To implement motor activity, you need to organize a sports corner for your pet. An artificial tree, a tall playhouse, a multi-level couch with a stable high scratching post will do. The Bengal cat jumps well, likes to climb on cabinets and shelves. They can be thieves, so you need to hide all valuables in places inaccessible to cats.

The Bengal cat is a real energizer battery. They do not like to sleep on their owners' laps, but they love to play with him and hunt. So that Bengals do not spoil furniture, shoes and master's clothes out of boredom, they need toys. Toys should be many and different. Including balls, fishing rods, tunnels, labyrinths and various mice. Live mice, if available, can also be hunted by a Bengal cat. For this reason, small pets will have to be hidden.

Passion for water is one of the features of the Bengal cat. Bengal owners are advised to have a font (basin) with water and rubber toys as a toy. Cats will enjoy splashing in the font, catching toys, as if they were fish. So they realize their wild animal instincts.

Bengals are accustomed to the toilet without problems, but they love to bury their "waste". Keep this in mind, buy a closed or deep toilet for them (with sides from 10 cm) and do not forget to pour sand into it (cat litter). For walking outside, you can buy a harness - Bengals quickly get used to it. Or build a spacious aviary in the yard. Self-walking is not allowed!

Features of care

The breed is exotic, but caring for it is the same as for other breeds. The beautiful short smooth coat of Bengals is combed out with a furminator and a rubber brush-mitten 3-4 times a month. They bathe as needed - before exhibitions or when wool is heavily soiled. But, remember that Bengals love to swim. They can take a bath with the owner. You can not do this too often, so as not to wash off the protective layer from the skin and coat.

Eyes and ears are examined and, if necessary, cleaned with a damp cotton swab (disk) from tear and sulfur secretions. Do not use cotton swabs to clean your ears - this can damage eardrum. Ear drops and eye drops for prophylactic purposes are used only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

A kitten is taught to brush their teeth from the first days of life in a new home. It is desirable that this skill be instilled in him by the breeder. Clean the cat's teeth with a special paste from the pet store and a brush at least once a week. To prevent plaque and tartar from forming on the teeth, cats are fed with special dry food. With natural nutrition, the state oral cavity checked regularly. The presence of deposits on the teeth is an indication for visiting a veterinarian.

Cats love to grind their claws on the scratching post. But, this is usually not enough. The nails are inspected and carefully trimmed with a 1 mm nail cutter. monthly. It is important to ensure that the claw is trimmed evenly, without bevels.

Price: 300 - 500 rubles.

  • with a leash (for walking). Price: 800 - 1500 rubles.
  • Anti-cat bars. Price: 1800-2500 rubles.
  • Price: 700 - 1700 rubles.
  • (you can do it yourself). Price: 800 - 3000 rubles.
  • The annual care of a Bengal cat may require an average of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. Do not forget to raise funds for the initial investment and purchase of a kitten.

    The final amount depends on the brand of food chosen, the type of cat litter, the selected care products (shampoo, conditioner), veterinarian appointments and the number of visits to the clinic.

    One of the most expensive and quite rare, as well as very beautiful, is a Bengal cat. An ordinary domestic cat was crossed with a wild leopard cat and got an unusually beautiful individual. The combination is impressive, and if not for its size, the Bengal cat could be called wild. It differs not only in its unusual color, but also in its special temperament, while their care and maintenance are quite simple. It was brought out in the early 60s of the last century in America.

    Bengal cat - a cross between an ordinary domestic cat and a leopard cat

    Description of the breed

    Bengals are usually small in size, the weight of an adult is about 8 kg. Cats of this breed can be seen from a distance due to their special appearance. Although they create the appearance of independent and independent animals, in a state of constant readiness for exploits, in fact this is far from the case. Their appearance is deceptive and does not determine the character. The wild leopard gave her only 20% of his genes. The remaining 80% they inherited from the appearance and character of an ordinary domestic cat. This small percentage of wildness did not make the Bengal cat any aggressive, but rather gave it new features and characteristics. In the photo, the Bengal cat looks as bright as in life. Them general description and the description can be seen in this video.

    Basically, they have a leopard color, such a cat can be called a "leopardette". She is most popular among Bengals because she bears the greatest resemblance to her wild ancestors.

    There are cats of golden color with spots of brown and chocolate color. This color is called "sorrel". In this species, the end of the tail is black. This color is formed only when the kitten reaches one and a half years. Related to this is the difficulty of determining its value when the kitten is less than this age.
    Sorrel Bengal cat

    This breed boasts another type of color - marble. It differs from others in that it has a different pattern on its body. Marble is not like a "leopardette". A very unusual color called "snow leopard" has shades of white and gray, there are dark spots on this background. These kittens are born snow white and later acquire shades of gray, with dark spots.

    Bengal cat with marble color

    Accepted Breed Standards

    In order not to confuse the Bengal cat with other similar breeds and accurately define it, you can refer to the accepted standards that describe all its external features. hallmarks Bengals are considered:

    1. wedge-shaped head shape with a peculiar fit of the ears. Her muzzle is square, similar to a tiger, thanks to a massive chin and thickened whiskers. This is especially pronounced during pet yawning, growling and meowing.
    2. The animal has high, but short ears with a wide base and slightly rounded ends.
    3. Nose cat is large and wide, has a curved shape. The pads under the mustache are plump and large.
    4. Eye shape they have an almond-shaped, and the eyes themselves are green or golden in color, unusually beautiful.
    5. Pets of this breed have a muscular, thick and massive neck. Despite its shape, it is proportional to the body and head.
    6. Body the cat is muscular, large and strong, with powerful and large paws of a round shape. At the same time, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones.
    7. Tail the cat is dense, not long and not fluffy. Along its entire length there is a pattern in the form of rings or spots.
    8. Wool It is short to medium in length and feels very soft to the touch, like silk.
    9. Color Bengal wool comes in two types of shade - marbled and leopard. Shades, in turn, can be white, gray or red. The spotted pattern is evenly distributed throughout the body. Photos can be seen here.

    The graceful shape of the muzzle, ears and the shape of the eyes make this cat a real aristocrat

    The Bengal domestic cat breed standard also affects its cost. And it is not cheap, the minimum starting price is 35,000 rubles, in Ukraine it will be 10,000 hryvnias. Regardless of the color and pattern, be it marble or leopard type, the price is always high. Their cost on the market is lower, but the pedigree will be in doubt. Quality pets can be bought in special nurseries or from breeders. In this case, questions about the kitten's pedigree will disappear, since breeders and cattery owners have the appropriate documents.

    It is better to buy an expensive thoroughbred cat in a cattery, the owners of which will be able to provide all the information about the kitten

    Character features

    The Bengal domestic cat is constantly in need of affection and attention, although some mistakenly believe that they are aggressive. Apparently, such an opinion about them is associated with their special appearance.

    Bengals are known for their curiosity, playfulness and intelligence. At the same time, they will never climb where they don’t stand, where they instinctively feel the danger. They can sit for a long time, as if frozen in a certain position. This indicates the calm and thoughtful nature of the Bengal cat.

    The nature bengal cats very communicative and friendly. This is evidenced by their ability to get along with other pets and children.

    To the best of its nature, the Bengal cat is strongly attached to its owners - more than any other. She is distinguished by incredible devotion, as if the dog accompanies her master everywhere and everywhere. Such affection is also manifested in the fact that they are bored during separation. Therefore, knowledgeable people do not advise having a kitten of this breed in the house if you know for sure that you will be absent for a long time.

    Loneliness and lack of attention will make her wild and distrustful. Therefore, if you want to buy a kitten for yourself, you should opt for representatives of more independent cats.

    Features of maintenance and care

    Bengal cats live an average of 15 years or even a little more - it all depends on care. Caring for such a pet is a real pleasure. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, when bathing, they do not behave like other cats, but calmly enjoy the process. Secondly, do not spoil home furniture. Thirdly, feeding them is not a problem, in this matter they are unpretentious.

    In addition, it is necessary to put everything in time necessary vaccinations, provide a minimum set of hygiene procedures, regularly comb their hair. Their distinctive feature is the trouble-free accustoming to the tray. They like to bury their waste. Therefore, when purchasing a tray for kittens, it is better to opt for deep and closed models, otherwise you will have to collect the contents of the tray. Sand must be added to the tray.

    In everyday life, Bengal cats are very comfortable, they are not inclined to spoil the furniture or things of the owners, they prefer to use things bought especially for them - a tray, a scratching post, a couch

    You can feed adults and kittens ordinary food or finished feline, industrial. The only condition is that whatever food you choose, it must be of high quality. Kittens and cats can be fed low-fat varieties of fish, but first you need to remove the bones from it. Lean meats are also suitable for their diet. It is highly recommended to introduce fermented milk products, cereals and vegetables into the diet, with the exception of potatoes.

    Fatty meat for a cat is not suitable - you should choose lean varieties

    If you decide to feed with ready-made food of industrial production, then you need to give it, having previously weighed it to prevent overeating. The weight of one serving depends on the age of the cat. Overeating negatively affects her health, as well as a lack of calories. Liquid canned food should be present in the diet, you can moisten ready-made dry food with broth. It is important to give a sufficient amount of drink, this must be constantly monitored. In percentage terms, their protein diet should comply with the following standards.

    The most expensive purses in the world from $125,000.

    On the eve of the International Cat Day, which is celebrated in the West on February 17 (in Russia on March 1), the federation of European lovers of these graceful animals has compiled a rating of the most desirable representatives of this genus.

    Photo: The Ashera breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable in the world

    The Ashera breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable in the world.

    And if the list of the most popular cat breeds has not changed much: Persians, Siamese, Sphinxes, Devon Rex, Exotics are still in the top five, then this top list includes the most expensive purrs that exist. And they all look very much like small leopards, and all because they were crossed with the closest relatives of these wild cats, amazing in beauty and grace.

    We present the top three. They are all made in the USA.

    The most expensive and desirable breed in the world is the Ashera or mini leopard. This miracle was bred in 2006 by scientists from the biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets based on the genes of the African serval, the Asian leopard cat and the common domestic murka. Leopard kitty weighs up to 14 kg and reaches a meter in length.

    As the owners of the cat brand assure potential buyers, even though Ashera is formidable in appearance: powerful paws and an animal grin, this is an ideal pet. By habits - an ordinary cat. In care, she is unpretentious, not aggressive, loves to sleep and eat deliciously, play with children, and just caress with a purr. Moreover, the Ashers are positioned as the only representatives of the cat family that can be led through the streets on a leash.

    Despite the fact that a kitten costs a lot of money (the price is from $22,000 to $27,000), it is not easy to buy one. Those who want to take into the house a "designer" kitty with the appearance of a sphinx and rare color, must sign up for a waiting list a year in advance - the company does not breed more than 100 cats a year.

    Lifestyle Pets also announced on its website that in order to get a kitten, everyone needs to make a deposit of $6,000.

    Today there are four varieties of the breed - Ashera regular, snowy (similar to a white tiger), hypoallergenic and royal. The latter differs from the usual one in that the spots on the caramel-colored skin are not black, but orange. It is the royal usher that can be called the most rare cat in the world. No more than four such kittens are bred per year. This mini leopard starts at $125,000.

    Photo: Near the cat it is almost impossible to make any sudden movements - the beast will instantly throw a “whistling” object

    In addition to the high cost, this cat is the largest, and most of all hybrids are similar to wild cat and she really is. There is not a single such kitten in our country, and the closest animal to us lives in Riga. The price for this handsome man starts at $4,000, and for a breeding cat it starts at $8,000. Savannah is the fruit of love between a wild serval cat and an ordinary domestic cat. The cat looks like dad - large, long-legged, long-necked, with huge ears. Near the cat it is almost impossible to make any sudden movements - the animal will instantly throw a “whistling” object. At the same time, no anger and aggression - only automatism and reflexes. This young and not quite domesticated breed is still being worked on, which also affects the cost - the price starts from $4,000 to $10,000.

    And if the previous cats did not yet have famous fans, then the Bengal won the hearts of both Hollywood stars and the most the richest people planets.

    Recently, the Sultan of Brunei and actor, producer and director Kevin Bacon became the owners of super elite Bengal kittens. The joy of owning him was worth $145,000. But if they wanted to buy the main stud of the California cattery "Almaden" Zeus, they would have to fork out another $200,000.

    Photo: Bengal cat - also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar

    Bengal cat - also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar

    For comparison, an ordinary kitten of this breed costs from $800 to $3000. This breed is very capricious and requires special care.

    The Bengal cat also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar. They began to breed it back in the 60s, crossing simple muroks with wild leopard cats. Normal offspring managed to get only about fifteen years ago. What does normal mean? These are not only stunningly beautiful animals, but also affectionate at home. The first Bengals tore everyone who "molested" them with affection. Then they were crossed with Egyptian Mau and as a result - from wild beasts they turned into kind and sympathetic purrs. There are also Bengal cats in Russia, the best live in a cattery in Samara.

    A simple kitten can be bought for up to $ 1,500, almost like the Sultan of Brunei - up to $ 4,500.

    Margarita ROMANOVA

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