Breed of cats with leopard coloring. Leopard Bengal cat: description and price of the breed

Cat lovers are constantly looking at photos of these cute animals on the Internet. There are a huge number of breeds of cats. Leopard Bengal kittens have the most unusual color. We will talk about them in this article. You will learn about the origin of the breed and its care.

Where did Bengal kittens come from?

This unique the breed was artificially bred. It is a hybrid of a wild leopard cat and domestic cat. The first crossing was carried out in the USA in 1963.

What does a Bengal cat look like?

Most often, cats of this breed are large in size. The body length is from half a meter to 80 cm and additionally the tail is about 30 cm. The weight of cats and cats varies. The female weighs 3–5 kg, the cat weighs 6–8 kg. The tail is in the shape of a cone, the tip is rounded. The head of such cats is relatively small relative to the entire body, has a wedge shape. The representative of this breed is very similar to wild cats , this is due to a fairly wide nose. The ears are not very large, they are wide at the base and rounded at the top.

Kittens have a variety of eye colors, it is emerald, and brown, and pale olive and even yellow. The shape of the eyes is almond-shaped or oval. Unlike representatives of other breeds Bengal cats amaze with their smart look. Even if you look at the photos of Bengal cats, it seems that they have a human eye.

The difference between Bengal domestic leopards and representatives of other breeds:

  • Leopard color.
  • The habits of a predator are gracefulness and plasticity.
  • Love for water procedures.

Unlike all cat breeds, the leopard kitten surprises with its unique color. It is, one might say, a miniature leopard.

Bengal kitten and its color

If you study the photo of several Bengal cats, it becomes clear that different animals have different coats.

The main coat color is most often brown (brown tabby) or silver (silver tabby). From such a division allocate 6 main types of Bengal kitten color.

  1. Silver tabby marbled
  2. Silver tabby spotted
  3. Silver tabby rosette
  4. Brown tabby marbled
  5. Brown tabby spotted
  6. Brown tabby rosette

If you decide to take a small Bengal kitten, do not worry that the coat color and spots are faded and indistinct. This feature is provided by wildlife for camouflage. A Bengal kitten has this coloration, called fading, at about the age of 1 month to 4 months. As soon as the baby turns into a teenager, the color will become more intense.

bengal cat

How to care for a Bengal cat?

Many people think that once the price for such an unusual window is very high, then maintenance will be very difficult and expensive. This is not true. Bengal cats are quite unpretentious.

If you got an animal just for your own pleasure, and not for the sake of big awards and showing off at exhibitions, then the efforts special for caring for a kitten will not have to be applied. Bengal kittens are quite clean animals. They are not afraid of water procedures, so bathing for a cat will only be a joy.

Periodically, you should comb the animal and clean the ears. During periods of molting, you will need to use the brush more often.

The Bengal cat loves to walk very much, the call of distant wild ancestors makes itself felt. How can take your cat outside more often so that he can walk freely. Cats of this breed can hardly tolerate closed spaces and loneliness. If the owners are not at home for a long time, the kitten will be bored.

It is recommended to feed Bengal cats with specialized food (liquid or dry), depending on the age of the pets. In no case do not give the kitten homemade food from your table. Ready feed very convenient to use, it won't take you much time like cooking special food by yourself. When using dry food, the animal must receive a large number of water.

Do not worry that your Bengal kitten will get sick, most often this breed has no health problems. Leopard Bengals have good immunity. They can't even get feline leukemia. Such excellent health is genetic and passed down from their wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat.

Bengal kitten price

You can find out the price for cats of this breed in any cattery that breeds them. The cost of an animal can also scare away cat lovers. But such a price will pay off with that joy that you will experience when raising this leopard wonder.

The average price in our country varies from 30,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles.

Do not get carried away looking at photos of Bengal cats, best buy this animal please yourself and loved ones. A leopard kitten will repay you for your care with its love.

When choosing a kitten, everyone is guided by certain requirements or wishes for their future pet, for example, breed, coat color, eye color, shape or size of ears, or even the size of an adult animal. Today we will talk about those breeds of cats that resemble tigers in their coat color, that is, about brindle cat breeds, as well as about leopard cat breeds. We note in advance that only one breed of cats owns a real “tiger pattern” of wool, but several have a leopard pattern.

Toyger cat breed - here they are, miniature tigers!

This cat breed is the only one that has a truly brindle coat color - black stripes adorn the entire body. Note that these must necessarily be stripes, and not just spots like in the breeds, which we will discuss below. Toygers were bred by selection, the basis of this breed was taken from a mongrel tabby cat found in India, and the breed of Bengal cats. Officially, the "brindle" breed was recognized only in 2007, and therefore it is still very rare and valuable. In addition, its breeding is strictly controlled by the author of the breed, and now only less than fifty nurseries are engaged in breeding Toygers.

Although the pattern on the coat makes this breed look like real predatory tigers, these cats are very domestic in their character. Toygers have a balanced temperament, love to play and love to spend time in the company of people and help them with everything. You can read more about the Toyger breed (description, breeding history, character, etc.).

Bengal cats are real domestic leopards!

This breed of cats is quite rare and also has an artificial origin. Bengal cats were obtained in 1963 in California by crossing wild leopard cats with domestic cats. Long-term work on the breed and the use of other breeds in breeding has led to the fact that now the leopard color of Bengal cats is characterized by randomly scattered spots on the coat, not only black and brown, but also various others. The official recognition of the breed took place back in 1983, and therefore the breed, although quite rare, is much more common compared to the Toygers.

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Bengal cats have inherited good health and temperament from their wild ancestors. So, these cats are very active and love to walk outside and play, especially games that imitate hunting. But at the same time, representatives of the Bengal breed are not at all aggressive, they get along well with people and other animals in the house. You can read more about Bengal cats (description of the breed, character, care).

Egyptian Mau - leopard-colored cats from Ancient Egypt!

The history of the breed begins with ancient egypt where these cats were considered sacred. Egyptian Mau are short-haired cats with elegant body shapes, large eyes and longer front hind legs. Four subspecies of Egyptian Mau are officially registered, which differ in coat color and spots. So, they distinguish: smoky coat color and black spots, silver coat color with charcoal spots, honey-colored coat with dark spots, pale yellow coat color with dark gray or brown spots. These are very much like leopards.

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By their nature, Egyptian Mau certainly do not resemble tigers or leopards. On the contrary, they are affectionate, playful and loyal. Also, these cats just love to climb trees or other high places, and therefore it is very good if there are such nearby. Detailed description breed, character, and everything else about the Egyptian Mau can be found.

Savannah - leopard breed of "domestic servals"!

Work on breeding a breed of cats that would have large sizes, spotted color and characteristic shape ears began in the 80s of the last century. Over a decade of attempts, breeders still managed to create domestic cats that look like servals. For this, an African serval and a domestic cat were crossed. As domestic cats, breeds with a leopard color (Bengal, Egyptian Mau) were used, as in a serval. As a result, a reduced copy of the serval was obtained -.

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However, representatives of the Savannah breed are (among domestics of course) and can reach 60 cm in height. But by nature, this breed is not at all wild, on the contrary, it is very calm. Although these cats simply adore active games, as well as walks on the street. Apart from everything else, the Savannah is one of the most expensive cat breeds.

This concludes our list of brindle and leopard cat breeds. Of course, many domestic breeds can also have stripes or spots on the main coat color. However, they come in a wide variety of colors, and today we were talking about breeds that have exclusively brindle or leopard. In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about cute miniature tigers - Toygers.

The most expensive purses in the world from $125,000.

On the eve of the International Cat Day, which is celebrated in the West on February 17 (in Russia on March 1), the federation of European lovers of these graceful animals has compiled a rating of the most desirable representatives of this genus.

Photo: The Ashera breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable in the world

The Ashera breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable in the world.

And if the list of the most popular cat breeds has not changed much: Persians, Siamese, Sphinxes, Devon Rex, Exotics are still in the top five, then this top list includes the most expensive purrs that exist. And they all look very much like small leopards, and all because they were crossed with the closest relatives of these wild cats, amazing in beauty and grace.

We present the top three. They are all made in the USA.

The most expensive and desirable breed in the world is the Ashera or mini leopard. This miracle was bred in 2006 by scientists from the biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets based on the genes of the African serval, the Asian leopard cat and ordinary homemade murka. Leopard kitty weighs up to 14 kg and reaches a meter in length.

As the owners of the cat brand assure potential buyers, even though Ashera is formidable in appearance: powerful paws and an animal grin, this is an ideal pet. By habits - an ordinary cat. In care, she is unpretentious, not aggressive, loves to sleep and eat deliciously, play with children, and just caress with a purr. Moreover, the Ashers are positioned as the only representatives of the cat family that can be led through the streets on a leash.

Despite the fact that a kitten costs a lot of money (the price is from $22,000 to $27,000), it is not easy to buy one. Those who want to take into the house a "designer" kitty with the appearance of a sphinx and rare color, must sign up for a waiting list a year in advance - the company does not breed more than 100 cats a year.

Lifestyle Pets also announced on its website that in order to get a kitten, everyone needs to make a deposit of $6,000.

Today there are four varieties of the breed - Ashera regular, snowy (similar to a white tiger), hypoallergenic and royal. The latter differs from the usual one in that the spots on the caramel-colored skin are not black, but orange. It is the royal usher that can be called the most rare cat in the world. No more than four such kittens are bred per year. This mini leopard starts at $125,000.

Photo: Near the cat it is almost impossible to make any sudden movements - the beast will instantly throw a “whistling” object

In addition to the high cost, this cat is the largest, and most of all hybrids look like a wild cat, and it really is. There is not a single such kitten in our country, and the closest animal to us lives in Riga. The price for this handsome man starts from $ 4000, and for the breeding one it starts from $ 8000. Savannah is the fruit of love between a wild serval cat and an ordinary domestic cat. The cat looks like dad - large, long-legged, long-necked, with huge ears. Near the cat it is almost impossible to make any sudden movements - the animal will instantly throw a “whistling” object. At the same time, no anger and aggression - only automatism and reflexes. This young and not quite domesticated breed is still being worked on, which also affects the cost - the price starts from $4,000 to $10,000.

And if the previous cats did not yet have famous fans, then the Bengal won the hearts of both Hollywood stars and the most the richest people planets.

Recently, the Sultan of Brunei and actor, producer and director Kevin Bacon became the owners of super elite Bengal kittens. The joy of owning him was worth $145,000. But if they wanted to buy the main stud of the California cattery "Almaden" Zeus, they would have to fork out another $200,000.

Photo: Bengal cat - also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar

Bengal cat - also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar

For comparison, an ordinary kitten of this breed costs from $800 to $3000. This breed is very capricious and requires special care.

The Bengal cat also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar. They began to breed it back in the 60s, crossing simple muroks with wild leopard cats. Normal offspring managed to get only about fifteen years ago. What does normal mean? These are not only stunningly beautiful animals, but also affectionate at home. The first Bengals tore everyone who "molested" them with affection. Then they were crossed with Egyptian Mau and as a result - from wild beasts they turned into kind and sympathetic purrs. There are also Bengal cats in Russia, the best live in a cattery in Samara.

A simple kitten can be bought for up to $ 1,500, almost like the Sultan of Brunei - up to $ 4,500.

Margarita ROMANOVA

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Many breeds of cats retain signs of their wild relatives and are especially valued among lovers of the exotic. So, if you have a cat in front of you like a leopard, its breed is called "Bengal". Bengals, or Bengalis, as they are also called, in the official classification belong to the group of short-haired cats.

Short, thick and very silky coat feels like silk, and you fall in love with its owner from the first touch. When a Bengal moves, her fur coat emphasizes every movement, a mesmerizing sight. And the older the pet becomes, the brighter its temper is manifested: both in appearance and in behavior.

They say that Bengal cats are not suitable for beginners due to their rather complex nature and behavior. In fact, these are quite domestic cats, but with some reservations.


Exactly resemblance with a wild relative so attracts buyers to bengal nurseries. Indeed, this breed of cat, similar to a leopard, immediately attracts attention. First, the resemblance to a wild relative is surprising, and then the charm of the cat itself. Spotted inhabitants of the savannah have always fascinated people with their unsurpassed grace, smooth movements and expressiveness of color.

But there is an opinion that it was not the leopard that became the prototype of the first representative of the breed. In the wild, there is a species of the cat family -. It is likely that it was the crossing of wild individuals with domestic cats that made it possible to create a domesticated version of the Bengal.

Wild cats are hunted for their beautiful soft, stuffed fur. And, despite the fact that hunting is officially prohibited, the black market is happy to offer the skins of unfortunate Bengal beauties. Domestic cats, fortunately, please their owners without being endangered. The color of the Bengal breed in the circles of cat lovers is called leopard.

The habits of a miniature leopard

Hunting is in her blood! Therefore, you will have to stock up in advance or, or rather, a couple - of different designs and in different parts of the house. Already at a young age, it is desirable to teach a kitten the rules for handling household items, otherwise the baby will quickly adapt them for games.

Shelves and cabinets in the imagination of a young leopard will turn into branches of sprawling trees, and sofas and armchairs will become wonderful "stumps" for sharpening claws. It is best to make a training area for a kitten in one of the corners of the house: ladders, ropes, shelves, minks. The pet will appreciate your efforts at the highest level.

As toys, toys of different shapes, sizes and textures that make a variety of sounds are suitable. The same type of entertainment can quickly get bored with your restless hunter, and he will find something more interesting among your things. Bengal claws and teeth require the strongest seams and materials, so try to get certified quality toys in pet stores, and bypass the bird market.

Choosing and raising a domestic leopard

It is unlikely that the mobility and cheerfulness of a kitten can be attributed to shortcomings. But you will be surprised when you discover that the Bengal remains a mischievous and nimble kitten for life. His character does not tolerate peace and solitude. He constantly needs to do something, climb somewhere, communicate with someone.

They are great with pets in the house. Unless small rodents and birds can suffer from suddenly awakened hunting instincts. But a Bengal cat will get along with a dog for sure. And even with pleasure he will take part in training, performing commands in a race with a friend.

If a charming pet appeared in the house - a cat with a leopard color, then you can be sure that it will never be boring in this house. And so that a mobile and friendly baby does not become unbearable, do not indulge him. FROM early childhood start doing training exercises - the breed has a great tendency to memorize commands of varying complexity.

Similar to a leopard, these spotted charms have forever won the hearts of connoisseurs of the exotic in miniature. The Bengal cat in the photo is the number one star. Any fashionista will envy the chic and gloss of her spotted fur, and her look is the quintessence of intelligence, cunning, wisdom and adventurism.

The advantages are further enhanced by the fact that such a pet requires the most minimal care:

  • Ears and eyes do not need cleaning if they are healthy;
  • The coat is so silky and smooth that even with a large density and amount of undercoat, it does not roll into tangles and almost does not get dirty;
  • Combing is necessary only as a massage, and even then, if the cat is not moving actively enough;
  • It is enough to properly feed the cat and follow the diet. The diet can be both natural and ready-made (dry food or pate);
  • Claws and teeth are strong by nature and do not require special procedures if properly maintained.

What gender to choose a kitten? Males are usually larger, with more luxurious coats, but they are also bolder and often a little more aggressive. But if there is a desire to engage in breeding work, you don’t have to travel far - cats will be brought to your home. The female is smaller, more graceful in anatomical structure, but it can be a problem for the house.

ON A NOTE! When choosing a kitten, pay attention to ads from famous breeders with good recommendations. Since the breed is among the expensive and elite, there are quite a few who want to hit the jackpot with uninformed buyers.

The kitten must be well-bred, vaccinated, treated for fleas and ticks. In the "set" with the baby, a metric (or a ready-made pedigree) and a veterinary passport with all the marks are required. An experienced breeder will also offer his advisory assistance in growing his pupil.

Domestic leopard cat will be good four-legged friend for lovers of exotic animals. These animals belong to the Bengal breed. It is important to approach their upbringing with responsibility, and then you will get a wonderful pet that looks like it came from the jungle.

Distinctive features

The Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is a wild predator. This animal lives, respectively, in South and Southeast Asia. The Bengal breed was bred by crossing representatives of the Asian leopard breed with ordinary domestic cats.

The result is a graceful creature with a beautiful predatory color, but at the same time it is distinguished by a complaisant character.

The leopard-like cat has short hair and is medium in size. The body is muscular. The ears are small and rounded. Weight is about 5 kilograms in cats, and 6-8 kilograms in cats.

Character and behavior

Despite the predatory appearance, the leopard-colored cat is quite friendly. They are friendly and not aggressive with their owners. With strangers, they may show some caution, but this is a normal reaction. Also it must be remembered that these cats have a strong hunting instinct. For this reason, if you plan to "keep a leopard", feathered pets and rodents do not belong in the house.

By nature, Bengalis are extremely responsive and devoted to their owners. This is one of the few breeds whose representatives really need to communicate with people. A leopard-colored cat is very active and will explore all the furniture in the house with interest.

Therefore, in order to avoid damaged furniture, it is better to buy her a few toys. It is desirable that they be on a stick and make rustling sounds.

These animals, in terms of the spectrum of sounds they make, are very similar to the tiger. They love to meow, thus communicating with their owners, or growl while eating.

What should you pay attention to?

It is necessary to educate a Bengal from an early age. Including:

  • Show your pet politely but firmly what behavior is acceptable. At the same time, leopard-colored kittens, like small children, can continue to repeat their pranks.
  • You should often take the pet in your arms, iron it. In adulthood, they no longer like frequent petting. Therefore, if you do not want your leopard cat to grow up wild and ill-mannered, it is important to give him enough attention from an early age.
  • Kittens quickly become accustomed to the tray. Given that they are very fond of burying something, therefore, the best filler would be clean sand, or a material with a similar structure.
  • Don't be surprised if your pet asks for a bath on its own. This is a common occurrence. Leopard cats are big lovers water procedures. They love not only to swim, but also to arrange funny water games.
  • Bengalis, as already noted, love various toys. But these should not be simple objects, like balls. This is due to the fact that this breed has a very developed intellect, so playing with simple things is boring for them.
  • It is unacceptable to show aggression towards cats of any breed, and especially towards Bengalis. You may try next move: clap your hands and command "fu". It may take several such repetitions before the kitten remembers the lesson.

In general, these cats have a developed intellect, so they easily remember and execute commands. Important factors are: whether the animal was accustomed to home conditions before the sale or not, and at what age the pet was taken into the house. Accustomed to life at home and taken in early age(before one year old) it will be easier for the cat to adapt.

As soon as a little Bengal has appeared in your house, it is important to responsibly approach his upbringing.

Veterinarians recommend using special commands, such as "no!". So, the pet will be able to understand what the owner expects from him. Violence should never be used against the Bengal cat breed. It must be remembered that her distant ancestor is a wild predator, and, therefore, natural instincts can wake up in her.

What to feed?

Bengalis have a very sensitive digestive system due to shortened intestines. They inherited this feature from their wild ancestors. It is important to carefully introduce new foods and feeds into the diet of leopard cats.. Otherwise, both diarrhea and more serious stomach problems are possible.

The following feeding options are available:

  • natural products - poultry, meat;
  • industrial feed;
  • combination of natural food and special feeds.

The best option would be a balanced diet, including natural food and quality feed. It may happen that the pet does not want to eat the food intended for him at all. In this case, you need to listen to his desires and add a special vitamin-mineral complex for animals to food.

How to care?

Despite their uniqueness and unusual appearance, leopard-colored cats do not require special care. Like any other pet, your the pet will need to clean the ears, comb out the hair sometimes trim your nails.

Bengalis have very short hair. There are usually no problems with caring for this type of coat. But sometimes you can comb them with a special brush, running along the back and neck. It will be not only pleasant for the cat, but also very useful, since such combing provides an excellent massage. If the pet is not dirty anywhere, it is not necessary to wash it under running water.

But what it is advisable for the owner to regularly do for his Bengal cat is to trim his nails. It is enough to do this once a week. In addition, a leopard cat must have a special scratching post.

Bengalis are very active, so you need to be with them more often in the fresh air. For convenience during walks, you can accustom them to a collar or harness, they perceive it calmly.


By nature, leopard-like cats have strong immunity to leukemia. But they have susceptibility to some genetic diseases:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of the heart diseases feature which is sudden death.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (especially in neutered cats).
  • Leukemia (blood cancer).
  • Due to the fact that the Bengal cat has a rather delicate stomach, it can get food poisoning Therefore, you should always carefully monitor the nutrition of the animal.

At this stage of Bengal breeding, breeders are trying to free this breed from the above diseases. However, unfortunately, this does not work very well.

In general, cats with a leopard color are distinguished by good health and endurance. Life expectancy can reach 15-20 years. The only caveat is that they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, they cannot be left alone for a long time, it is necessary to play and walk with them. If you are very busy or not ready to have another animal so that the cat does not get bored in your absence, this breed will not suit you.

Color options

Leopard cats inherited a patterned color called tabby, a spotted cat like a leopard. This is a unique feature for which Bengalis are so loved.

Depending on the background of the coat, the tabby color is divided into the following types:

  • Brown (brown tabby). With this color, the cat looks like a leopard. There are black spots on the sand-colored coat.
  • Silver (silver tabby). With this color, your pet looks like a snow leopard. The background of the wool is silver.

These two types are subdivided into 3 more categories, taking into account the figure:

  • Spotted. The animal is covered with spots that have a uniform dark color.
  • Rosette. This name came from unusual spots that have a clear dark edge and a lighter center (they are called "rosettes"). This color of leopard cats is considered classic, therefore it is the most famous and popular.
  • Marble. With this type of color, there are no obvious spots on the body of the animal, but there are beautiful dark patterns. Their shape and size may be different.

Among the classic options, it is worth noting the so-called "Leopardette" color. It is closest to the wild natural options. Color - dark chocolate or reddish brown. The Sorrel marbled leopard cat is characterized by coffee-colored spots on a golden background. The tail is adorned with a dark tip. In addition to animals with a classic color, black and blue Bengals have also been bred.

The charcoal color is sometimes categorized as brown tabby, but still they have certain differences. The background of the coat with this color has a cold tint. The nose and eyebrows are jet black, around the eyes there are “glasses” of a light color.

The blue color of this breed is considered rare.. The background of the wool is gray-blue, with a metallic sheen. The color of the spots is very unusual - gray, casting a blue tint. Another rare option is a very light coat with a barely noticeable pattern, which is why such cats are called snow bengals.

Long-haired kittens used to be rejected, but now their beauty is appreciated. For this unusual feature, such representatives of the breed are called silk Bengals or cashmeres.

Before buying a Bengal cat, it is recommended to read the description of the pedigree in order to be sure that at least five generations separate it from the direct ancestor - the Asian leopard breed. Otherwise, the pet may have a quick-tempered and quarrelsome character.

It should be noted that, like a person, each animal has individual characteristics. Any individual pet will have its own habits, character and diseases. But what is important for them all is the love and attention of the owner.


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