Dentistry wounds. Stomatology

The dental polyclinic consists of therapeutic and orthopedic departments, a surgical office, a dental laboratory.

We treat the following diseases:

  • Gingivitis
  • Caries
  • Perdontitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Partial and complete loss of teeth loss
  • Violation of the color of the teeth
  • Pulpitis
  • Stomatitis

The therapists are urgent help with acute pain, Diagnostics of dental diseases are diagnosed with orthopantomyography, visiography, in complex diagnostic cases, specialists resort to computed tomography.

In the treatment of dental diseases, only the most modern, well-proven drugs for anesthesia are used. A large arsenal of sealing materials significantly expands the possibilities of not only the recovery of teeth, but also the introduction into the practice of the so-called aesthetic dentistry.

A comprehensive consultation is carried out together with the doctor's surgeon dentist and an orthoped dentist for the formation of a final treatment plan in each case.

Due to the presence of its own dental laboratory, the best result is achieved.

Services of dentistry departments:

  • Treatment and restoration of teeth of any complexity
  • Training proper oral hygiene
  • Treatment of root canals using cold and hot guttapers
  • Removal of teeth of any complexity, including not fully cutting teeth "wisdom".
  • Reconstructive operations on the gums. (Closing of bare roots of teeth in the aesthetic zone of own gum, change of the zone of attachment of gums, etc.)
  • Professional hygiene (a set of measures aimed at treating and preventing diseases of gums and teeth and improve the aesthetics of your smile);
  • Treatment of periodontitis (gum inflammation)
  • Photodynamics - treatment method inflammatory diseases Gums from their early stage to aggressive stages of paradontitis, which removes the removal of the teeth
  • Tooth prosthetics with metal ceramics, non-velocular ceramics.
  • Prosthetics by glittering prostheses
  • Production of CAPP (for bleaching, with bruxism)
  • Production of aesthetic ceramic veneers, tabs.
  • Prosthetics on implants
  • Removable prosthetics from high-quality thermoplastic plastics that meet modern aesthetic requirements.
  • Treatment of pathological seashest pockets by the device "Vector". This the newest method Disinfection of sewage pockets in combination with photodynamics removes the need for most operational interventions on parodont.
  • Implantation

Dentistry functions since the founding of the Central Bank of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is equipped with modern equipment. Doctors of the Dental Unit of the Central Bank of the Russian Academy of Sciences participate in dental exhibitions, regularly attend master classes of world-class specialists in the field dental servicesBy learning them with the latest implantation technologies, teeth treatment, channel sealing, prosthetics. Training passes both in Russia and abroad. This tradition of departure of the doctors of Dentists of the Central Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences to countries where new advanced dental treatment methods have existed since 1989.

Moscow has many federal and private medical institutions. One of the best today is the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" - patients confirm this fact. The specified medical institution has a wide profile, it is capable of proposing for each patient a specially selected complex of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

According to reviews, a "clinic of 1 wound" today already facilitates as an exclusively departmental medical and prophylactic institution. The consulting process is perfectly organized here, a premature recording on the reception is operating to maximize patients. Visitors to this Polyclinic, referring to the Office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, note a high level of technical equipment of the cabinets, which allows specialists to carry out accurate diagnostic studies and make effective treatment programs and prevent any diseases. Located "Polyclinic 1 RAS" on Sretensky Boulevard 6/1, structure 2.

General description of medical institution

FGBUZ "Polyclinic 1 RAS" is the official name multidisciplinary clinic. It consists of sixteen offices in which all types of outpatient polyclinic and consultative and diagnostic assistance are provided. In the form of medical institutions of the doctor and candidates of medical sciences, deserved doctors of the Russian Federation, highly qualified personnel.

The hospital provides programs for programs necessary (OMS) and voluntary health insurance (DMS). All those who want to take care of their health have the opportunity to take advantage of various types of paid specialized assistance. The institution has been working all the days of the week, except Sunday: from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 21.00, and on Saturday according to the schedule of a reduced day - from 9.00 to 14.00.

From the history of the polyclinic, operating at the Russian Academy of Sciences

History of the institution of RAS "Polyclinic 1 RAS" takes the post-war years in difficult for the Soviet Union. At that time, health and polyclinic service issues of the country's elite were solved at the highest state level. Thus, at one of the meetings of the Sovnarkom, in March 1946, a resolution was adopted on the transfer of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Hospital and the Night Sanatorium, which was previously located in the department of the Ministry of Communications.

After some time, Academician S. I. Vasilov, heading the USSR Academy, ordered the organization on the basis of this institution of the hospital and clinic. Since then, the medical and prophylactic institution received another naming: "Polyclinic №1 and therapeutic hospital of the USSR Academy of Sciences." The then establishment was located on the same address, which today is "Polyclinic 1 RAS": Sretensky Boulevard 6/1, p. 2.

Interestingly, the polyclinic and stationary branch was placed in the house of the pre-revolutionary building of approximately 1899-1902. Initially, the building belonged to the insurance society "Russia". The project architects were N. M. Proskurin and A. I. von Gaugugen. The structure was considered technically perfect for Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. It was fulfilled, it was in the style of Naryshkinsky Baroque and largely resembled a house-palace, since it reflected that unique environment in which all Moscow was built.

A few, but coordinated team of medical staff of that time tried to do everything possible for the sake of providing the necessary medical care members of the USSR Academy of Sciences. So it was up to 1959, in which the building was commissioned for the clinical hospital of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the street. Fothy. From that moment on, the polyclinic department began to function as an independent unit.

To date, "Polyclinic 1 RAS" on Sretensky Boulevard focuses on a wide range of patients. Get here medical care All who cares about the state of their health and trusts medical institutions that have a decent reputation. Polyclinic compartment when tested by time and reviews. "Polyclinic 1 RAS" adheres to the work of half-century Soviet traditions, but at the same time actively introduces into its activities modern technologies. The undoubted advantage of the institution is its convenient location, the ability to pre-sign up for any narrow-profile specialists for reception and high-quality medical care.

"Academic Polyclinic 1 RAS" at the University Embankment

Moscow "Polyclinic for Academicians", as it is called in the people, cooperates with the largest research and development organizations of Russia and abroad. At the basis of the institution there is a training center designed to improve the qualifications of specialists from other medical and preventive institutions.

In St. Petersburg, there is also an "Academic Polyclinic of 1 RAS" at the University Nab. This medical Center Largely similar to the metropolitan institution. In the St. Petersburg clinic, research is actively conducted, the purpose of which is to develop and approbate therapeutic techniques and medical treatment. Both Moscow and St. Petersburg Polyclinics, jurisdiction of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are among the few medical institutions in Russia, which have international quality certificates of services provided.

Just like in Moscow, the clinic has a convenient location in the city, and the reception of patients is carried out in the most comfortable conditions. "Academic Polyclinic No. 11 RAS" is a very popular medical institution among the population of St. Petersburg. It was open in 1953 with the aim of medical care scientists. At the moment, at a qualified help, not only persons relating to the Russian Academy of Sciences are also addressed here, but also everyone.

The list of medical services provided in St. Petersburg Polyclinic is practically no different from the Moscow service:

  • instrumental diagnostic procedures: Ultrasound of internal organs, radiography, electrocardiography, surveys digestive system and gastrointestinal tract gOOD SYSTEM;
  • methods laboratory studies In order to determine generallycine indicators, glider invasion, immune status (bacteriological, biochemical, hematological, allergological, histological analyzes, as well as tests for the determination of infectious diseases, oncomarkers, etc.);
  • dental maintenance: therapy infectious diseases oral cavity, carious lesion of teeth, gum pathologies, treatment of pulpitis, as well as preventive and restoration manipulations (whitening and removal of dental stone, correction of the position of the teeth, removal and implantation, deactivation, etc.);
  • consultation and appointment of treatment with narrow-profile specialists (endocrinologist, gynecologist, oculist, dermatologist, neurologist, proctologist, gastroenterologist, traumatologist, cosmetologist, urologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist, etc.);
  • physilation: Inhalation therapy, procedures using a laser, ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, the use of therapeutic mud, myostimulators, transcranial electrostimulation in brain diseases.

To get to the "Academic Polyclinic No. 11 of the Russian Academy of Sciences" in St. Petersburg, you can take advantage of public transport (bus routes Nos. 7, 24, 47, 128, 129, 187, 209). You need to go out from the bus at the Stop Mendeleev Line.

Departments and services

The institution has a favorable atmosphere to obtain a complex of modern medical services. There are specialists in general therapy and narrow directions. Information on the doctors "Polyclinics of 1 RAS" is available in free access, so each patient has the opportunity to ensure professional competence and the availability of sufficient experience in the work of his attending physician, so that without the proportion of doubt to trust his health to the best doctors. The main structural units of the Polyclinic, the subordinate Russian Academy of Sciences:

  • separation of general therapy;
  • cardiology;
  • gynecological office;
  • dermatovenerology;
  • urology and andrology;
  • rheumatology;
  • cabinet gastroenterologist;
  • department of neurology;
  • endocrinological department;
  • pulmonology;
  • cabinet of an allergist immunologist;
  • department of physiotherapy;
  • dental clinic;
  • diagnostic Center;
  • cabinet angiography and phlebology;
  • cabinet ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngological separation;
  • cabinet endoscopic studies;
  • surgery;
  • looking office.

Within the framework of the same article, it is not possible to study the specifics of each branch of the polyclinic, but still reveal the peculiarities of the work of some of them.

Therapeutic department

The role of the therapist is difficult to overestimate. This is a wide profile specialist who helps patients to navigate in a difficult situation and, if necessary, to send to a narrow specialist. The task of the therapist is to give an objective assessment general status Health and put a preliminary diagnosis to establish a thorough collection of complaints and inspection is carried out.

This industry is one of the most significant and wide modern medicine. Therapy is a complex comprehensive science that is engaged in the study of diseases of the internal organs. Conditionally, doctors distinguish between several subsections that belong to the field of the actor-therapist are cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology and rheumatology. Despite the fact that in the state "Polyclinics of 1 RAS" there are narrow-profile specialists who specialize in listed areas, the therapist has a sufficient level of knowledge in order to diagnose independently. If, in a particular clinical case, in-depth knowledge requires, it is sent to the patient's treatment plan to the doctor a narrower orientation.

Dentistry in "Polyclinic 1 RAS"

Experts are engaged in diagnosis, therapy and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. In addition, their services in dental branch Has a surgeon and an orthopedist dentist specializing in prosthetics. The most common problem with which patients turn to specialists is caries and, as its consequence, Pulpitis. Also in the dentistry "Polyclinics of 1 wounds", according to reviews, are engaged in the treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of soft tissues of the oral cavity), periodontitis and periostitis, which is called the "flux" people. If a patient has a pronounced edema, a new, pulsing pain appears, or signs of purulent inflammation appeared, not worth tightening with a doctor.

In diagnostics, the visual inspection of the patient's oral cavity is played with the use of special tools. If necessary, the patient is directed to orthopantomogram and radiography. The treatment uses both conservative techniques and surgical intervention. According to reviews, in the dentistry "Polyclinics of 1 wounds", doctors use effective and safe anesthetics, use special modern devices that allow you to painfully cure any dental disease.

Gynecological department

it structural subdivision Engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexual diseases in women. The conditionally pathology of the gynecological sphere is divided into inflammatory, infectious, dystrophic. Often " female diseases»Develop against the background of endocrine disorders in the body, which leads to serious failures in the reproductive system. According to the reviews of specialists, polyclinics, precancerous diseases began to be diagnosed much more often malignant tumors In women, in particular dysplasia and cervical cancer. The cause of this circumstance in most cases is the early start of sexual life and the absence of timely therapy of infectious diseases.

Among the methods of diagnostics female organs The small pelvis is worth noting the colposcopy, implying a detailed inspection of the cervix, smear on the flora, cytological analysis. With suspected malignant neoplasms MRI is assigned. To determine the antibodies to various infectious pathogens Conducted complex laboratory tests, among which the most common - PCR diagnostics. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of the disease. For bacterial infections (for example, milk or vaginosis) prescribe antibiotics or antifungal agents, with genital herpes or HPV - antiviral drugs. The forecast to a greater extent depends on the timeliness of appeal to the specialists of "Polyclinics of 1 RAS".

In gynecology, according to the reviews of patients, special attention is paid to the pathologies of the cervix. The doctor is recommended to visit at least once a year, and if there is a dangerous diagnosis, it is necessary to be observed every 3-6 months. The main method of screening in this case is the taking of a papanicolau smear, which allows you to identify atypical cells in the women's discharges during dysplasia and cervical cancer. Women in postmenopausage is recommended to regularly undergo ultrasound of the uterus to monitor the state of the endometrium and prevent its ill-quality. Depending on the anamnesis, the presence of risk factors and hereditary predisposition, for each patient can be drawn up individual program Gynecological examination. Attend a gynecologist's doctor is needed from age 14-16 years.

Polyclinic diagnostic methods

By equipping the cabinets and operating state institutions (GU) "Polyclinics of 1 RAS" are considered among the best in Moscow. There are several offices equipped with modern high-precision devices to perform laboratory, ultrasonic, radiological and functional diagnostics. Next, consider briefly the most basic research methods.


Thanks to the record of the electrocardiogram, medical institution specialists under the Russian Academy of Sciences can give an accurate assessment of the patient's cardiac activity by studying its electric fields. This technique is considered particularly informative when making diagnoses related to heart rate disorders, as well as ischemic Disease, myocardial infarction. ECG is performed with frequent pains in the chest, the appearance of shortness of breath, as well as in preventive purposes for diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, endocrine Systems In history.

Radiographic research

To date, methods guaranteeing a high level of informativeness with minimal impact on the body are used to examine patients in Polyclinic No. 11 of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In most cases, X-ray is used:

  • in dental practice - to assess the state of the teeth;
  • in Surgery - with suspected fractures of bones, spine, joints or presence in the body foreign bodies;
  • in therapy - in order to confirm or eliminate malignant formations.

One of the varieties of radiation diagnosis is mammography - this is an X-ray breast screening. Due to high informativeness, this method is used for annual examination of women after 40 years in order to timely detect cancer. The diagnosis is prescribed during breast disease, the appearance of seals, seals from nipples, redness, change and other breaches of the mammary glands.

Other common methods of radiation studies used in "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" on Turgenevskaya (also get here on the metro station "Clean ponds", "Sretensky Boulevard") is x-ray, fluorography, X-ray computed tomography using contrast substance. In addition, radionuclide diagnosis is also used here, and positron-emission tomography.

Ultrasound diagnostics

To date, ultrasound is considered non-invasive, the safest and highly informative method of medical research, which is necessary for the formulation of the exact diagnosis and appointment of appropriate treatment. This species The diagnosis is used to identify the diseases of the urogenital tract in men and women, pathologies of digestive and vascular systems.

In the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS", according to staff reviews, ultrasonic diagnostic Engaged qualified specialists With many years of experience. Among them, Dr. with a scientist "Candidate of Medical Sciences", two specialists who have a higher medical category and one doctor with the first medical category. In the course of work they use the most modern medical equipment, including scanners and expert class sensors Vivid E9, Hitachi Avius C wide spectrum options.

Doctors themselves consider ultrasound the most popular research method, widely applied in clinical practice due to:

  • the possibilities of dynamic monitoring of the patient and repeated repetition of manipulation without harm to the patient;
  • quick and painless procedure;
  • lack of radiation load;
  • lack of need for preliminary preparation of the patient.

In addition to diagnostic Center, modern ultrasonic equipment also equipped the cabinets of other branches of the Polyclinic No. 11 of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to reviews, in the surgery of this medical institution there is a Logiq Book XP portable scanner, which allows research punctures of internal organs under the control of ultrasound. Polyclinic and such types of research as:

  • triplex scan of the neck of the neck of the brain, arteries and veins of limbs, renal blood flow, the lower hollow vein, abdominal department aortic;
  • transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound of female genital organs;
  • trans-credit and transabdominal ultrasound of prostate, scrotum organs in men;
  • study lymph nodes and the mammary glands;
  • diagnostics bladder, kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound abdominal organs, pleural cavity, thyroid gland and etc.

The best doctors of the medical institution

Based on the reviews of the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" on Sretensky B-Ri, patients do not doubt the professionalism of local doctors. Briefly tell about the leading specialists of the institution:

  • Bimmyuba Mapa Podiente poses the position of head of the therapeutic department. In the field of practicing a doctor-therapist, the provision of consulting assistance to patients, drawing up a plan for diagnostic measures, diagnosis, the appointment of treatment or direction to the specialists of a narrow profile. They respond about him as a responsible, attentive and kinderman who has tremendous experience and professional knowledge.
  • Kubrin Sergey Evgenievich - Head of the Surgical Department in the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" (Sretensky B-P). This is an experienced surgeon that advises patients with respect to prescribed treatment or rehabilitation after surgery. If you believe patient reviews, then in most cases the surgeon intervention passes without subsequent complications for the patient.
  • Tatyana Alexandrovna's tracks - a leading specialist in the Gynecology Department "Polyclinics of 1 RAS." In feedback, women argue that the obstetrician-gynecologist T. A. Drozhkina discusses in detail the problems with their patients than and inspires confidence. And it takes not only pregnant women. The doctor conducts a detailed inspection, issues recommendations on the restoration of hormonal background and the treatment of infectious-inflammatory diseases, advises on contraception.
  • Sulfur Konstantin Aleksandrovich - Gastroenterologist. About this employee "Polyclinics of 1 RAS" Reviews can be found only thank-thank. There is a thorough and individual approach to the treatment of diseases K. A. Velomitr, has a scientific degree of doctor of medical sciences and, in addition to providing advice to patients, is directly involved in conducting endoscopic studies.
  • Evstigneev Oleg Igorevich is a urologist, deals with the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and urological tract in men and women. The specialist is treated with complaints about painful sensations when urination, pulling pain At the bottom of the abdomen, back. Specialist appoints comprehensive treatment and gives advice on the weakening of symptoms of recurrent diseases.

Negative patient reviews

This outpatient polyclinic center is equipped with the most modern equipment. Specialists of all directions work here, however, the reviews of the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" are difficult to call unambiguous. Almost all patients who add here within the framework of the OMS, complain about long queues and the actual lack of a preliminary recording. It is produced twice a month, and to sign up for a doctor, patients must be additionally visited by Sretensky Boulevard.

According to reviews, "Polyclinic 1 RAS" is focused exclusively on patients serving in the framework of voluntary health insurance. If you believe the responses, then people with DMS polishes are taken on the day of circulation, and the pre-recording is carried out in the telephone mode. Carefully here and to those who use one-time paying services.

The greatest discomfort, this system causes pensioners who live not within walking distance from the clinic. In response, patients are neglected that even when applying for a reception to a specialist at the appointed time, there are at least two hours in queues. In general, positive reviews about the "Polyclinic of 1 RAS" on Sretensky Boulevard are much more than negative, but still it is impossible not to note comments in which people complain about rudeness, rudeness from registry staff.

In the professionalism of specialists of this institution, few people doubt. Despite the fact that the service mechanism itself in the clinic is not fully debugged, only positive feedback is found on the quality of the services provided. GU "Polyclinic 1 RAS" is a place where you should contact, without waiting for the appearance of symptoms. Remember that health is much easier to maintain than to restore.

I tried to make an appointment to the dentist. A cute old woman replies "What, only for inspection?" But the doctor does not pay for an inspection!, Maybe you will put a seal? ". How lovely! Nostalgia from the Council and covered! So cute, but the teeth should be done, what and how, I was hoping to hear from the doctor. I will try to get to the dentist tomorrow, in another shift of the old woman.

Huge gratitude dentistry with a clinic number 11, I was removed here tooth wisdom (and retainered), and in particular, a lot of gratitude to the doctor for quality, diligence, professionalism, as well as for special attention, understanding and pleasant care. Excellent clinic with polite and tactful staff. Very pleased with the services of the dental center. Thank you!

We and your dental center with native people! We are treated here for five years. Thanks to the attending doctor specialist for prevention, consultation and different kinds Dental services. In dentistry, very good and responsive specialists - they are just golden hands. Doctor from God! After reading previous reviews, I fully support - the quality is excellent! We are quite satisfied working staff, assistants and dentists! And, in general, it is difficult to find high-level doctors - but in this dentistry they are! Thank you for your professional work! We always go to the reception with great pleasure!

I would like to express the most sincere admiration for the qualified work of all the staff of the blades No. 11 of the Russian Academy of Sciences, attending doctors and all assistants who participated in creating my new beautiful smile. The crowns were perfect for implants perfectly, the feeling, like native teeth, do not worry at all. Very comfortable made bite. Separately, I want to thank the technique made simply magnificent in the forms of the crown-bridges of my front teeth, it is difficult to distinguish from natural teeth! The result I was impressed !!! I want to confirm again: professional specialists work in this dentistry !!! Prosperity of your dentistry and my best recommendations!

Huge gratitude to all dentists and wonderful dentistry staff at the Polyclinic number 11 RAS. The whole weekend had teeth in the child, and in the evening of Sunday began to swollen the gums. The son was very afraid of dentists. On Monday, from early morning, they went to this dentistry. The chief doctor of the clinic is just a highly professional specialist. He has the workshops it turned out to find the right approach to my child. The procedure was carried out very quickly and not at all hurt. At the end of the treatment, his son gave small gifts (a trifle, but very nice). On examinations, the child went with great pleasure and good mood. And yesterday we put three seals from a children's specialist. Many thanks to the whole team of the clinic for participation. We are going to come to you in half a year.

On the advice of acquaintances decided to pass in this dentistry, the therapy and remained very satisfied with the result, since I had before this procedure global problems With gums. In addition, the improvements were noticeable immediately after the first session, the gums stopped bleeding, and also disappeared the overall pain, there is no unpleasant taste and terrible odor in the oral cavity. I want to recommend all this dentistry, especially those who have problems with the gums, I am sure that you will not regret with this choice. Wonderful service, neat and friendly staff. Dentistry works at a decent professional level!

I really liked the quality work of dentists of this clinic. Very long been looking for this. The cost of the list of services is excellent. Work quality is excellent. As for the relationship of specialists to patients, it is on high level. To date, the spouse has become a regular client here. I recommend to come to this dentistry with all my relatives and friends. Special thanks to the attending dentist for a qualitatively performed procedure and excellent professionalism.

Additional Information

Postgraduate education

  • Clinical residency for orthopedic dentistry in GOU VPO Tverskaya GMA Roszdrava. 2008-2010
  • Internature (stomatology common practice) Monica 2010-2011.

Professional retraining

  • surgical dentistry
  • health Organization and Public Health

Certificates of specialties

  • Dentistry orthopedic. GBOU DPO RMAPO 2015.
  • Health Organization and Public Health. GBOU VPO first MGMU them I.M. Schechenova 2014.

Participation in professional associations, conferences

  • 10.2011 - Training on the topic: "Technology of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of general general complications on an outpatient dental reception", Zinoviev Igor Anatolyevich, Moscow (Stomport);
  • 09.2012 - The 5th International Conference "The Physiological Features of the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Crane-Mandibular Dysfunction".
  • 06.2013 – Rady diagnosis In the outpatient practice of a dentist doctor. Rhogatkin D. in (positive)
  • 03.2014 - Grammar of reconstructive prosthetics on the example of the manufacture of complete removable orthopedic structures. Dr. Alexander Budovsky (N-Sella)
  • 03.2014 - Protocols of the University of Frankfurt on prosthetics on implants. Dr.Paul Weigl (Stomus)
  • 12.2014 - Basic course "IMPRO" SYSTEM. Surgical and orthopedic protocols.
  • 09.2015 - Functional diagnosis in dentistry. Ordovsky-Tanaevsky V. in
  • 10.2015 - Three-dimensional radio importance of the maxillofacial region. In-depth course. Rhogpartkin D.V.
  • 10.2015 - Practical masterclass on computed tomography. Rhogpartkin D.V.
  • 10.2015 - Subtleties of conditionally removable prosthetics with telescopic prostheses. Fishing E. N.
  • 11.2015 - "Two-day course for removable prosthetics" Fishing E. N
  • 11.2015 - "New odontopringe system using various shapes Diamond Borov and their phased use "Prof. Dr. Karl-Peter Meschke
  • 03.2016 - "Adhesive all-ceramic restorations - the path to achieving the perfect aesthetic and functional results" Chikunov S. O., Nikonenko D. M.
  • 04.2016 - "Reorganisant prosthetics with a declining bite, bruxism" Fishing E. N., Nosov V.
  • 10.2016 - Rauf Aliyev "Development of myths about implants"
  • 11.2016 - "Immediate load on the day of the installation of Implants", Astra Tech (Dentsply and Firadent.)
  • 02.2017 - "Clinical system Dr. John Kois: an interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, planning and treatment in modern dental practice" Goncharov E.
  • 04.17 - "Course by photography for orthopedists and surgeons" of Ordzhonikidze

Publications, articles

  • A. N. Ryakhovsky, M. A. Muradov, R. M. Hamzatov "Assessment of the quality of displaying the displacing boundaries on working insights with non-removed prosthetics" Dentistry, 2013.-N 4.-S.50-56.
  • Lerner A.Ya., Bersanov R.U., Monakov N.E., Hamzatov R.M., Amirkhanyan M.A. "The role of implantation in the lateral department of jaws in optimizing the state of the dental system" (VI International Conference "Modern Aspects of Rehabilitation in Medicine")
  • MA Muradov, A.N. Ryakhovsky, Hamzatov, R.M. Methods for assessing the quality of impulsions in the manufacture of non-removable orthopedic prostheses in dental practice. Verineolzhsky medical Journal, 2013.- 11 (4) .- s. 27-33. ISSN 2304-0882.

Basic skills and manipulation

The main specialization of the doctor for which the reception is carried out

Orthopedic stomatology

Additional specialty of the doctor for which the reception is carried out

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