Bioparox instructions for use. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Catad_pgroup Local remedies used in ENT practice

Bioparox - instructions for use

Currently, the drug is not listed in the State Register of Medicines or the specified registration number has been excluded from the register.

Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare
as part of the execution of the state function of monitoring the safety of medicinal products in circulation in the territory Russian Federation, brings to the attention of subjects of circulation of medicines a letter from Servier Laboratories about the termination of the registration certificates and the revocation of permits for use medicinal product "Bioparox (MHH: Fusafungin), metered dose inhalation aerosol" registration certificate Ns P N015629 / О1 dated 16.07.2009, holder registration certificate - Servier Laboratories (France).

Registration number:


International non-proprietary name:


Dosage form:

metered dose inhalation aerosol


One can containing 10 ml of solution (0.59 ml of concentrate and 9.41 ml of propellant) contains:
Active substance: fusafungin 50 mg.
Excipients: aromatic additive 14868 180.00 mg, anhydrous ethanol 200.00 mg, saccharin 1.25 mg, isopropyl myristate 85.32 mg, propellant - norflurane (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, HFA-134a) 11386.00 mg.
Composition of aroma additive 14868: geranyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, anise alcohol, ethanol 96%, phenylethanol, methyl anthranilate, extract Badian (anise oil) extract Carvi (cumin vulgaris fruit extract), extract Cloves (clove bud extract), extract Coriander (coriander seed extract), wormwood tarragon herb oil, extract China mint (mint field extract) extract Florida Valencia orange (sweet orange fruit peel) extract Paraguay small grain (orange extract), extract Peppercorn (pimento (allspice) fruit extract), extract Rosemary (pharmacy flower rosemary extract), ethyl vanillin, geraniol, heliotropin, indole, linalol, isopropyl myristate.
One dose is 4 inhalations. One inhalation corresponds to 0.125 mg of fusafungin. One bottle contains 400 inhalations.

Aerosol aluminum can, equipped with a dosing valve.
Content: balloon contains solution yellow color with a specific smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

The antibiotic is polypeptide.



Fusafungin is a topical antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties.
In conditions in vitro the drug has an antimicrobial effect on the following microorganisms, which suggests a similar effect in vivo: group A streptococcus (group A Streptococci) , Pneumococcus (Pneumococci) , cnfabkjrjrr (Staphylococci) some Neisseria strains (Neisseria), some anaerobes, Candida mushrooms (Candida albicans) and mycoplasma pneumonia (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) .
Fusafungin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the concentration of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and suppressing the synthesis of free radicals by macrophages while maintaining phagocytosis.

Fusafungin is mainly distributed in the oropharynx and nasal cavity. In blood plasma, fusafungin can be detected in very low concentrations (no more than 1 ng / ml), which does not affect the safety of the drug.

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, condition after tonsillectomy, sinusitis).

- Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to the excipients that make up the drug.
- Children under the age of 30 months (2.5 years) (risk of developing laryngospasm).

With caution: BIOPAROX ® should be used with caution in patients prone to allergic reactions and bronchospasm (see the "Side Effects" section).

There are no clinical data on use during pregnancy. In this regard, the drug should be prescribed to pregnant women with caution.
In long-term studies on laboratory animals, no embryo-, genotoxic effects and teratogenic effects on the fetus have been identified. Due to the lack of data on excretion with breast milk, the use of BIOPAROX ® is not recommended for nursing women.

It is used for inhalation (through the mouth and / or nose).

Adults: 4 inhalations through the mouth and / or 2 inhalations in each nasal passage 4 times a day.
Children: 2 - 4 inhalations through the mouth and / or 1 - 2 inhalations in each nasal passage 4 times a day.
To maximize the activity of the BIOPAROX ® preparation, it is important to observe the prescribed dosage and follow the rules for using the attached attachments. In order to maintain a stable therapeutic effect, it is necessary to observe the duration of the prescribed treatment: it is not recommended to discontinue treatment when the first signs of improvement appear, since premature termination of therapy may lead to a relapse.
The drug should be carried with you at all times, in the enclosed portable carrying case.
The duration of the usual course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
At the end of the course of therapy, you must consult a doctor to assess the effectiveness of treatment.
If symptoms persist and / or elevated temperature against the background of therapy with BIOPAROX ®, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about it.
In the presence of pronounced clinical manifestations bacterial infection it is possible to carry out treatment with BIOPAROX ® in combination with systemic antibiotics.

Method of application of the drug BIOPAROX ®
Before using the balloon for the first time, press the base 4 times to activate.
Place the appropriate nozzle on the balloon (white, for inhaling the drug through the mouth, or yellow (for adults) and transparent (for children), for introducing it through the nose) (fig. 1).

Using the drug through the nose:
Rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis

Figure: one. Figure: 2.

The balloon with the drug must be held vertically with the nozzle upward, holding it between the thumb and forefinger.
  • Clear your nose before using the drug.
  • Attach (yellow for adults or transparent for children) the nozzle on the balloon and insert it into the nasal passage (while holding the opposite nasal passage and closing the mouth).
  • While inhaling deeply through the nose, push the base of the balloon vigorously and all the way (fig. 2).
Using the drug by mouth:

Place the white tip on the balloon (fig. 3) and insert it into your mouth, pressing it tightly with your lips. Hold the bottle as directed on fig. four.

Figure: 3. Figure: four.

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, condition after removal of tonsils, laryngitis

In these cases:

  • Press the balloon firmly and for a long time, taking a deep breath, to completely irrigate the tonsils and pharynx. Tracheitis
  • Cough, then inhale the aerosol mixture deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds to more completely irrigate the trachea.
The nozzles for the mouth and nose must be disinfected every other day with a cotton swab dipped in 90% ethyl alcohol.

The following side effects were observed while taking fusafungin with the following frequency: very often (≥ 1/10), often (≥ 1/100, Allergic reactions are very rare. Development of local, quickly passing reactions is possible, mainly in patients predisposed to allergies.
General disorders and symptoms
Often: sneezing, unpleasant taste in the mouth, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Often: dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, a sensation of irritation in the throat, cough, nausea.
Unspecified frequency: vomiting. Discontinuation of treatment is usually not required.
From the side immune system
Rarely: anaphylactic shock.
From the respiratory system
Rarely: asthmatic attacks, attacks bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, laryngospasm, Quincke's edema, including laryngeal edema.
From the side skin
Rarely: rash, itching, urticaria.
In the event of allergic reactions, the drug should be discontinued, and the drug should not be resumed.
Due to the risk of anaphylactic shock in the event of respiratory, laryngeal symptoms or skin (pruritus, generalized erythema) symptoms, an intramuscular injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) 0.01 mg / kg is recommended immediately. If necessary, repeat intramuscular injection in 15-20 minutes.

There is limited information on fusafungin overdose.
Symptoms: poor circulation, numbness in the mouth, dizziness, increased sore throat, burning sensation in the throat
In case of overdose, treatment should be symptomatic with follow-up.

Special studies on interaction with other drugs have not been conducted.

Bioparox ® does not affect the ability to drive a car and the speed of mental and physical reactions.
It is not recommended to exceed the duration of the standard 7-day course of therapy in accordance with general rules antibiotic use. At the end of the 7-day course of therapy, you must consult a doctor to assess the effectiveness of treatment.
May cause skin irritation.
The drug contains a small amount of ethanol, less than 100 mg / dose.
Do not spray the drug into the eyes.
Do not store the drug near strong sources of heat.
Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 ° C.
Avoid breaking the tightness of the cylinder body and burning it even after full use of the drug.

Aerosol for inhalation metered dose 0.125 mg / inhalation.
10 ml solution (400 inhalations) into an aerosol aluminum can. The balloon has a dosing valve equipped with three spray nozzles: for the nose (yellow for adults and transparent for children) and mouth (white), with an activator cap.
One balloon with spray nozzles and activator cap in a blister strip with a portable case and instructions for medical use in a cardboard box.

Special conditions no storage required.
Keep out of the reach of children.

2 years.

Without recipe.

Registration certificate issued to Servier Laboratories
France, produced by: Public Joint Stock Company Pharmaceutical
EGIS plant, Hungary

Open Joint Stock Company Pharmaceutical Plant EGIS, Hungary:
30-38, st. Keresturi, H-1106 Budapest, Hungary
30-38, Kereszturi ut, H-1106 Budapest, Hungary

For all questions, contact the Representative Office of Servier Laboratories JSC.

Representative office of Servier Laboratories JSC:
115054, Moscow, Paveletskaya square, 2, building 3

With the onset of the autumn-winter season, there is a large number of patients with acute viral diseases. Symptoms of acute respiratory infections are always characterized by - runny nose, sore throat, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Usually colds are treated at home, but with improper treatment, complications may occur in the form of pneumonia, acute chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Therefore, when treating viral infections, it is very important to use medications that are effective for diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. One of these drugs is a drug for the common cold - Bioparox.

From the first days of use, patients' health improves. Bioparox is a medication for local treatment infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, more generally speaking, the common cold and its complications. The drug contains fusafungin, a polypeptide antibiotic. Fusafungin has a bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is sensitive to microorganisms, bacteria, fungal and anaerobic infections... Also, the anti-inflammatory effects of the drug are able to fight the manifestations of rhinitis, reduce inflammation and swelling of the upper respiratory tract. After taking the medicine, fusafungin is not absorbed into the blood plasma, but acts precisely in the focus of the disease and is excreted with the secretion of the respiratory tract. In addition to fusafungin, Bioparox contains auxiliary substances - ethyl alcohol, flavoring, saccharin, essential myristic acids and tetrafluorithan.

The drug is produced in the form of an inhaler with two nozzles of different colors. The yellow nozzle is used for nasal inhalations with a cold. Nozzle white used for inhalation through the mouth.

Bioparox is used for diseases of acute inflammatory processes of ENT organs - rhinitis (runny nose), pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis. Diseases are caused by fungal microorganisms, certain strains or Mycoplasma. Respiratory tract diseases, tracheitis, bronchitis. Also, the drug is used for tonsillectomy, for treatment or prevention after surgery.

Before using Bioparox, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor, because the product is available at the pharmacy with a prescription. It is used for inhalation through the nose or mouth. Before using the drug, shake the balloon and make 3-4 clicks to release the air. To combat a runny nose, treatment is carried out through the nose. Before use, the nasal passages must be cleared of mucus. A yellow nozzle is put on the can and inserted into the nasal passage, while the second nasal passage is closed with the other finger of the hand. With a deep breath, press the balloon. Thus, the drug enters the nasal mucosa. In case of diseases of the respiratory tract and throat, they use a white nozzle, which, when using the drug, is tightly wrapped around the mouth and pressed on the balloon with a deep breath. Thus, the drug substance enters the trachea and bronchi. After the introduction of inhalations through the nose, the effect occurs - after 1-3 hours. After the introduction of inhalation through the mouth, the effect occurs within 3 hours. Inhalation treatment, helps to improve drainage functions the mucous membrane of the nose and bronchi, with its help, the patient's condition improves from the very first receptions. It does not dry out the nasal mucosa, reduces the amount of phlegm in the bronchi and nasal discharge. After the first doses of the drug, there is an improvement, you should not stop the treatment, you need to go through the entire course of treatment. Nozzles from the drug must be disinfected before each use. Disinfection is carried out with 70% alcohol solution.

For each patient, the attending physician must select an individual treatment. Usually the doctor prescribes: for adults and children over 12 years of age - 4 doses of the drug per day, by mouth. If the treatment is carried out through the nose, then 2 doses of the drug 4 times a day. For children over 12 years of age, Bioparox is prescribed 2 - 3 doses of the drug through the mouth and 1-2 doses through the nose. Bioparox can be used in elderly people.

In most cases, the remedy is well tolerated, but in some cases, dry mouth, sneezing, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, nausea may occur. Allergic reactions may occur - itchy skin, rash, hives. When there is side effects, you need to see a doctor. The doctor may stop using the drug. Bioparox is not recommended to be taken for more than 7 days. The medicinal composition of Bioparox helps to reduce the load on the human body, while it has therapeutic action and protects the body from complications. The drug is contraindicated in case of sensitivity to the composition of Bioparox. For mothers who are breastfeeding, use as directed by a doctor. If, due to improper or careless use, the medicine gets into the eyes, rinse with running water. In case of visual impairment, consult a doctor. Bioparox should be stored in a dark place out of the reach of children. Also avoid exposure to sunlight and high temperatures.

Bioparox, does not affect the human body, does not cause drowsiness. While taking the drug, you can drive a car or operate heavy equipment.

The shelf life of the product is 2 years. After the expiration date, the drug is strictly prohibited to use.

If the treatment does not give a positive result, you should consult a doctor.

Application of Bioparox

IN last years, Bioparox, is widely used in otolaryngology. Since inflammatory processes are localized in paranasal sinusesah and sinuses, then its use ensures the full effect of the drug in the anatomical zones. Also, the medicinal particles of the active substance are able to penetrate the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, bronchi, while not destroying the immune system and the body's defenses. Also, in case of purulent processes in the oral cavity or nasal mucosa, it has the ability to wash and disinfect purulent processes. Bioparox can be used with other medications, as well as with antibiotics, in cases of suspected generalization of the infection. Application of Bioparox with other medicines will not harm the patient's health. Bioparox is very convenient to use, as it has exact dosage... Given all of the above advantages of the drug, it can be called one of the better means from a cold

Bioparox from the common cold

For colds, nasal congestion and runny nose are the first symptoms. A runny nose, for the human body is a protective factor, it helps the body to fight infectious diseases... Together with mucus, viruses and bacteria of the disease are released. Bioparox is one of the most effective and safe medication for the common cold. By cutting into the nasal mucosa, it effectively fights viruses and bacteria. Long-term sinusitis and rhinitis can cause complications - otitis media, bronchitis, or become chronic. With the development of sinusitis and rhinitis, the main inflammatory processes occur in the paranasal sinuses. It has antibacterial properties, which, after administration to the nasal mucosa, reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane and prevents the development of complications. Bioparox from the common cold, is widely used, since after the first hours after administration, it suppresses the focus of infections, and does not allow it to develop. Bioparox helps to reduce discharge from the nasal mucosa. It has an antimicrobial effect, it fights well against staphylococci, streptococci and fungal diseases, which are the reason for the development of a runny nose and inflammation of the throat. With a runny nose, mucus is able to run down the back of the throat, by this it imitates the throat, and it turns red. It is very important at the first symptoms of colds and infectious diseases to start treatment in a timely manner. The use of Bioparox will reduce the reproduction of pathogenic organisms and stop the further development of the disease.

Bioparox during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to take care not only of her health, but also of the baby's health. During pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, this can be the cause of viral and infectious diseases, including such annoying ones as a runny nose. During pregnancy, it is necessary to select drugs for treatment with extreme caution. Antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases. Doctors are trying to prescribe local antibiotics for pregnant women. These drugs include Bioparox. Bioparox does not contain harmful substances, and therefore its appointment to pregnant women, with viral diseases, will be completely safe. Bioparox during pregnancy is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but during lactation it is necessary to take it with caution. Since together with breast milk, the active substance can enter the child's body. During pregnancy, the treatment and dose of the drug should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 1 inhalation every 4 hours through the nose or mouth. It is not worth using Bioparox for more than 5-7 days. During pregnancy, you should not use the drug, if available hypersensitivity mucous tissues, or allergic reactions.

Bioparox for children

Children are much more likely to get colds than adults. Experts from various scientific centers noted that every child a year suffers from 1 to 4 times viral diseases, and many children also have complications or chronic diseases after a common cold. One of the drugs that early stages Bioparox is considered capable of treating and suppressing foci of infection. Its main composition is - fusafungin, it is a natural antibiotic that has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on adults and children's organism... Bioparox for children, promotes and indicates antimicrobial actions that prevent the complication of the disease. He is not able to cause intestinal dysbiosis, since it acts locally and only in small portions can it enter the child's intestines. For children, it is prescribed - with a cold, tracheitis, tonsillitis. Children's palatine tonsils protect the body from infections, but with prolonged resistance to the disease, palatine tonsils lose their protective function, and themselves become a focus of infection. In such cases, the infection begins to spread to all surrounding tissues.
Many complications can be prevented if started on time correct treatment... If a child has a runny nose, the body temperature is elevated for more than 3 days, this indicates a bacterial infection that can develop pneumonia, or other complications. The use of systemic antibiotics has the ability to weaken the immune system and cause intestinal dysbiosis. In such cases, the use of Bioparox helps to stop further developments illness, it will the best choice for treatment in the fight against infections. Also, Bioparox is used after removing tonsils in postoperative period... If a child suffers from frequent rhinitis, or chronic adenoiditis, then the use of Bioparox in the early stages will stop the disease, and the adenoids will not grow further. In milder forms of bronchitis, Bioparox prevents infection from entering the lungs. Bioparox is prescribed for children over 2.5 years old, since the use of up to 2.5 years old can cause laryngospasm. Children are prescribed 1 inhalation 4-6 times a day, in the mouth or nose. Contraindications for children are allergic reactions or sensitivity to drug tolerance. Bioparox should be used no more than 7-10 days. With prolonged use, superinfection may develop.

Bioparox prices

Before buying Bioparox, the buyer needs to make sure that this particular drug he needs to purchase. For advice, you can contact your doctor or pharmacist at the pharmacy. Bioparox can be purchased at every pharmacy or pharmacy chain in your city. Also Bioparox, you can buy on the Internet, with home delivery. Bioparox is not a cheap drug. Price in Russia - from 430.00 rubles. up to RUB 500.00 In Ukraine - from 85.00 hry. Until 170.00 hry. The price of the drug depends on its dose. Bioparox is available in 50 mg / 10 ml inhalation aerosol. or 400 mg. in one bottle.

Colds, as well viral infections - These are common phenomena, especially for the Middle Lane, where the weather is constantly changing. In addition, the spread of respiratory diseases is facilitated by an unstable environmental situation. Experts, among the many drugs, distinguish Bioparox, the instructions for the use of this substance should be considered in detail.

This medication is available as a fixed dose aerosol. The composition is taken orally and has a pronounced effect on the elimination of early symptoms colds and viral infections.

The medicine consists of the following main components:

  1. Fusafungin and anhydrous ethanol.
  2. Norflurane, saccharin, and isopropyl myristate.
  3. Ethanol is present at 96 percent.
  4. Additionally, there are extracts of caraway fruits.
  5. Clove buds.
  6. Allspice fruits.
  7. Pharmacy rosemary flowers.
  8. Coriander seeds and field mint.
  9. Various flavored oils.

Also in the composition there are other auxiliary components to improve the taste. The drug is available in the form of a spray, with a volume of 20 milliliters. Also, the form of release of the drug provides for the manufacture of nasal drops, designed for dosed use up to 400 times.

The composition of the drug contains active components that can adversely affect human body or addictive. Despite the fact that the medication contains only natural substances, in some cases the human body may respond adversely to their use.

Due to the pronounced effect of the drug on the human body, before using this composition, it is required to consult a doctor, as well as select complex treatment.

How Bioparox works

The drug of local antibacterial action has the following effect on the human body:

  • the components of the drug have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • when it gets on the mucous membrane, the inflammatory process decreases;
  • a favorable environment for the development of viruses is eliminated;
  • there is a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • a membrane is created on the mucous membrane, which contributes to the death of the virus;
  • due to systemic exposure, bacteria stop multiplying;
  • there is an analgesic effect on the affected area;
  • dryness and irritation are removed from the inflamed area.

When using the drug, unpleasant symptoms are gradually eliminated, which significantly complicate everyday life. This drug is not effective from the first use; in order for a positive result to appear, it is required to adhere to the developed treatment regimen and dosage, otherwise the expected effect will not be.

Indications for use

This medical composition is prescribed by specialists to eliminate following diseases and symptoms:

  • inflammatory processes in the oropharynx and upper respiratory tract;
  • viral infections;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • the medication is actively prescribed for sinusitis;
  • the medicine is used for tracheitis;
  • the composition is prescribed for sinusitis and tonsillitis;
  • the medication is often used for pharyngitis;
  • doctors recommend using Bioparox for tonsillitis;
  • also the composition is used for influenza diseases.

Indications for use additionally contain recommendations for use in case of a runny nose, sore throat, dry or sore throat, dry cough. On manifestation side effects experts recommend reducing the dosage or suspending the therapeutic course.

The drug has a pronounced effect, however, it cannot cope with the disease on its own, which is why doctors select a comprehensive treatment that contains other medicines.

Contraindications and side effects

This medical drug practically has no contraindications. Consider the main restrictions on the use of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • increased hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • children's age up to 2.5 years.

The medication should be used with caution if a person has a tendency to bronchospasm, as well as allergic reactions. As side effects dryness of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is rare. Sometimes sneezing attacks occur, as well as throat irritation, vomiting and allergic reaction, which is accompanied by fever, rashes and itching.

If bronchospasm or allergic reactions appear in the course of treatment, it is required to immediately suspend the therapeutic course and consult a doctor.

Methods of application and dosage of the drug

  • one injection into the mouth;
  • one inhalation spray through the nasal passages;
  • application is possible no more than four times a day;
  • the medicine is applied to the nose twice a day;
  • the medication is applied twice to each nostril;
  • the therapeutic course lasts no more than 10 days.

The use of the drug is prescribed by a specialist or adjusted in accordance with the instructions.

Features of admission in children

  • do not use for up to 2.5 years;
  • apply up to 4 times a day;
  • use 2 injections into the oral cavity;
  • one injection into each sinus;
  • use only as directed by a physician in the presence of allergic reactions.

In general, there are no differences in therapeutic courses for children and adults, however, the child is recommended to conduct a more thorough examination before this medicinal composition is prescribed.

The child's body is more susceptible to diseases, and also more sensitively perceives the components of the medicine, which is why a thorough examination and diagnosis of the disease is required.

Is Bioparox possible during pregnancy and lactation

With the development of the fetus in the womb, as well as breastfeeding, the drug can be used for therapy. However, this requires more careful selection of the therapeutic course. In order not to harm the child during pregnancy or lactation, it is recommended to discuss all aspects of treatment with a specialist, this will avoid sudden complications or deviations.

Since the medicinal composition is prescribed in the composition complex therapy, a pregnant or breastfeeding woman must first undergo an examination and diagnosis, only after that the doctor can choose the appropriate treatment using a number of medications.


In the practice of tracking the intake of Bioparox by patients, doctors have not identified cases of drug overdose. However, this observation does not mean that patients can use the medication in any dose. There is an instruction that clearly states which dosages must be followed during treatment.

Excessive use of the drug may lead to the development of allergic reactions or other adverse effects.

Drug interaction

There are no contraindications for the joint use of Bioparox and other medicines. However, this does not mean that the drug can be safely used as part of complex therapy without proper consultation with a doctor.

The joint use has not previously been tracked, which is why data are not available. That is why, when prescribing a drug, it is required to negotiate with a specialist possible risks combining different drugs.

Terms of purchase in pharmacies

This medication is on sale at any pharmacy. You can buy the composition in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The medicinal composition is dispensed freely, and has no age restrictions.

How to store it correctly

As with other drugs, the following storage conditions for Bioparox are required:

  • do not expose the spray to temperatures over 50 degrees;
  • store in a place protected from natural light;
  • keep children away from the facility;
  • the optimum storage temperature is up to 25 degrees.

The medication is stored for three years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the drug is not recommended to be used, since this may not only not improve the state of health, but also significantly worsen it.

After the expiration date from medicinal composition it is necessary to get rid of it, as it loses its healing properties.

Popular analogues

If the drug is not available in pharmacies, it can be replaced with an analogue. Consider the popular drug substitutes:

  1. Gramicidin (medication is available in pill form).
  2. Isofra nasal spray.
  3. Medication Grammidin.

There are also other, similar to antibiotics, medicinal substances, however, doctors recommend choosing exactly the listed drugs. The considered analogues of the medical composition are not able to fully replace beneficial features Bioparox, since they lack a large number of useful components.

Any replacement of a medicinal product with another medication must be negotiated with a doctor in advance so that it does not harm the human body.

Bioparox is an effective medicinal inhalation drug, which is used for the rapid treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. This product contains the active substance fusafungin - a polypeptide antibiotic wide range actions. Instructions for use ✅ Bioparox indicates that the preparation препарат has a bacteriostatic effect against pathogenic organisms and fungi.

That is, the drug has a powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Bioparox will help to quickly eliminate symptoms such as runny nose, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, nasal congestion. The drug also effectively fights bronchitis, colds and prevents the development of pneumonia and sinusitis.

Bioparox is an antibiotic that targets local application... The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Servier Laboratory in the form of a convenient aerosol bottle (20 ml). The bottle is designed for 400 doses. The medicine comes with special nozzles for adults and children.

The active drug substance of the drug is fusafungin, which stops the vital activity of pathogenic organisms and the further multiplication of pathogens. Bioparox is active against bacteria that cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx - yeast-like fungi, staphylococci, streptococci. A feature of this drug is the instability of bacteria to the drug.

The medication has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial effect. The drug eliminates inflammation, lowers the concentration of protein in tissues, and suppresses toxic free radicals. With properly prescribed therapy, Bioparox penetrates into the most distant parts of the respiratory tract. Directly during the aerosol inhalation procedure, most of the small particles are retained on the walls of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, penetrate deeply into its tissues, into the nasal sinuses and eliminate nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane, and discharge from the nasal passages.

During inhalation, the active drug practically does not penetrate into the bloodstream, but only enters the surface tissues of the nasopharynx. In the blood, the drug can be found only in small amounts, therefore the drug does not have a general effect on the body. It is non-toxic and completely safe.

The composition of the drug includes medicinal components that help eliminate the infection and prevent the development of complications in the disease.

  • fusafungin;
  • aromatic additive;
  • ethanol;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • saccharin;
  • norflurane.

The drug is an oily liquid with a slight characteristic yellow odor. The medicine comes in an aluminum bottle with a convenient dispensing valve. The kit includes three tips of different colors. The yellow nozzle is intended for primary use, the white nozzle is for inhalations through the mouth, and the transparent nozzle is for inhalations by children through the nasal passages. One can contains 400 doses.

Indications for use

  • acute tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • postoperative therapy for the removal of tonsils;
  • acute infections of the nasopharynx;
  • respiratory tract infections.

The drug is dispensed without a prescription. The shelf life is two years.


Spray Bioparox is intended for inhalation. They must be carried out with a deep breath, which will allow the particles of the drug to penetrate to the bronchioles (small bronchi). This medicine widely used for the treatment of respiratory tract and ENT diseases. It quickly and effectively cures colds in adults and children and is recommended for use in complex therapy.

It is important to start treatment with the drug in a timely manner, this will prevent the further spread of the infection and the development of complications. The medicine is also used to prevent sinusitis in the common cold.

The drug is also widely used in the treatment of angina. The inflammatory process in this disease begins in the palatine tonsils and has bacterial origin... Usually, the ailment begins with catarrhal manifestations - redness, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes. Inflammation can develop into purulent or follicular tonsillitis. With the lacunar form of the disease, pus begins to accumulate in the lacunae of the tonsils. Follicular abscesses may appear on the surface of the tonsils.

The medicinal spray copes well with angina at the very beginning of its development, in the phase of catarrhal inflammatory process... If angina is caused by a pathogen that is sensitive to the drug, then Bioparox will quickly stop the development of the disease. In the case when the state of health does not improve within three days, systemic treatment is required. Bioparox is not often prescribed for angina. More widely, it is used only at the initial stage of the disease, as well as in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis and inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The use of the drug is indicated at the initial stage of angina. In case of development purulent sore throat the doctor prescribes general therapy with other medicines.

Bioparox copes well with exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, as it is an effective antibiotic that is designed to fight infection. The drug actively affects bacteria, interferes with their life and reproduction. As a result of treatment with the drug, sore throat, perspiration, redness and swelling of tissues are eliminated. The drug can be used repeatedly throughout the day.

With the development of such a complication as sinusitis, the medicine is also prescribed for initial stages... Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The acute course of the disease manifests itself as a complication respiratory infection... Further joins bacterial infection... Bioparox prevents the development of complications and blocks the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The main signs of the onset of sinusitis are nasal congestion and swelling, headache, temperature increase. Bioparox eliminates all these symptoms and effectively helps to cope with the onset of sinusitis. Acute sinusitis it is impossible to cure with Bioparox alone. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, the drug is used in combination therapy with other drugs. If health improvement does not occur within three days, general antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor.

Instructions for use

This agent is used as inhalation through the mouth or nasal passages. Before starting the procedure, you need to activate the bottle by pressing the valve. For rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, the medicine is injected into each nostril. Before treatment, it is required to clear the nose of discharge.

A nozzle is put on the can, after which it must be taken in hand. The container should be held upright. The nozzle is gently inserted into the nostril. The second nostril is closed with a free hand. Then a breath is taken, after which you need to press on the base of the can to inject the medicine into the nasal passage. The procedure must be carried out with a closed mouth. Inhalation is required through the nose.

For infections of the throat and upper respiratory tract, inhalation is carried out through the mouth. A white nozzle is put on the can. The can is held vertically in the hand. The nozzle is inserted into the mouth and clamped with the lips. It is required to take a deep breath through the mouth and press the dispenser of the spray can. For complete irrigation of the upper respiratory tract, you must hold your own breath after the drug is injected into the oral cavity.

During the procedures, it is important to constantly disinfect the applied nozzles.

The dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy are prescribed by the attending physician. Application scheme:

Reviews on the use of Bioparox indicate that the drug is well tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects. Those patients who used this remedy in the treatment of the disease, note a significant improvement in well-being, the elimination of sore throat and nasal discharge. The drug is rapidly absorbed into the mucous membrane and almost instantly begins its medicinal effect.

Of the side effects, in rare cases, the following can be observed:

  • dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • burning;
  • sneezing;
  • nausea;
  • change in taste;
  • lacrimation;
  • hives;
  • itchy skin.

For any manifestation of side effects, you must consult your doctor. It is possible that he will change the drug for another drug.

In pediatrics, Bioparox can be used from the age of two. Children who are younger are not prescribed the drug because of the increased risk of laryngospasm. Spasm of the glottis can be very dangerous - in such a situation, the child cannot breathe in and out. Therefore, the drug should be prescribed with great care and inhalation should be monitored.

It is advisable not to use the medication in treatment if there is any allergic reaction. The drug is low-toxic and well tolerated by the child's body. The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The course of treatment should not exceed seven days.

During pregnancy

There are currently no clinical data on the use of Bioparox during the period of childbearing. However, animal studies did not reveal any genotoxic effects and negative effects on the developing fetus. It is necessary to prescribe the drug during pregnancy with caution.

When prescribing a drug during pregnancy, the doctor should take into account the possible risks of fetal development and the benefits for the mother. In this case, it is necessary to control the well-being of the expectant mother. At the first negative manifestations and side effects, the use of the drug must be discontinued.

The spray contains the antibiotic fusafungin. When inhaled, it is not found in the blood. According to the instructions, the drug can be used during pregnancy only as directed by a doctor. You should be aware that taking any drug is associated with a certain risk.

On early term pregnancy, due to the low absorption of the active drug substance, the drug cannot have a negative effect on the fetus. A developing infection can do much more harm, so it must be eliminated as soon as possible. The use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy requires a mandatory follow-up examination of the fetus.

In the second trimester, the mother's cold is no longer so terrible for the fetus. The unborn child has already formed organs, and the virus no longer has a big impact on his development. In the third trimester, the development of infection can provoke premature birth. Bioparox treatment will prevent the development of the disease and reduce the risk of premature birth to a minimum. However, you should not use the drug uncontrollably during pregnancy.

Analogues and price

Almost all analogues of the drug are cheap. TO medicines with similar interactions include:

  • Grimicidin C;
  • Isofra (nasal spray);
  • Grimidicin paste;
  • Grammidin.

Cost of the original and analogues:

  • Bioparox - 460 rubles;
  • Grimicidin - 140 rubles;
  • Izofra - 250 rubles;
  • Grammidin - 170 rubles.

The medicinal product Bioparox is evaluated by physicians as a fast-acting agent. The active substance, which is part of the drug, affects only the upper respiratory tract and does not enter the bloodstream. This allows the spray to be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children.

It is very important to start treatment with the drug at the first sign of the disease in order to prevent further spread of the infection and the appearance of complications. Convenient dispenser eliminates the possibility of overdose. Side effects of the drug and contraindications to the use of the medication are minimized.

Bioparox is a topical aerosol designed to fight infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Bioparox is on sale in 10 ml cans. Inside the balloon is a solution that has a yellow tint and a pungent specific odor. One drug is enough for 400 inhalations.

The aerosol aluminum can has a dosing valve, two spray nozzles: yellow (for the nasal passages) and white (for oral cavity).

The main active ingredient is fusafungin. Each inhalation delivers 50 mg of this substance. The composition of the drug contains an aromatic additive and other auxiliary components.

What is it used for

Bioparox is intended for the treatment of colds and acute diseasesassociated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, ENT organs.

Substances of the preparation are able to penetrate into the cell membrane of a pathogenic microorganism. Once there, they create ion channels that significantly disrupt the work of the ATP complex. As a result, water enters the cell through the membrane. In this regard, the consumption of ATP begins to pump water back from the cytoplasm into the body. In the end, the microorganism forever loses its ability to multiply, as well as create exotoxins.

Instructions for use

Patients who have reached 12 years of age are prescribed the use of Bioparox 4 times a day. 4 sprays if the oral cavity is inflamed, or 2 sprays for each nostril for swelling or infection in the nasal passage.

The duration of treatment is about one week.

Before use, the new balloon will need to be activated by pressing four times on its base.

When using a drug for the nasal passages, you should first clear the nose of mucus and put on a special yellow nozzle. Holding the container vertically, during inhalation, you must press the base of the balloon with force. At the same time, it is best to close the second nasal passage with your free hand and keep your mouth closed.

When processing the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract on a balloon with medicinal substance put on the white cap. The balloon must be held vertically, and the nozzle must be clamped with your lips, squeezing it slightly. While inhaling, you need to press the base with emphasis and hold your breath for a short time to maximize irrigation of the mouth and throat.

For best effect when using Bioparox, you should strictly observe the prescribed dose and take the medicine according to the attached instructions, using special nozzles. It is advisable to wipe the spray nozzles daily with a cotton swab soaked in solution ethyl alcohol, for maximum disinfection.

You can not stop treatment with the drug when the first improvements become noticeable. In order to avoid relapse of the disease, you should continue taking it for some time after recovery.

Contraindications and side effects

In general, the drug does not contain toxic substances. But it is worth noting some important contraindications to the use of this medication:

  • individual sensitivity to individual drug substances;
  • age under 3 years of age due to the risk of laryngospasm formation;
  • the presence of severe allergies.

The aerosol should be used carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Bioparox very rarely causes any adverse reactions... However, some negative effect on the body is still possible. It can be:

  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the airways, asthma, or shortness of breath;
  • nausea, heartburn, and diarrhea;
  • nasty taste in the mouth, lacrimation;
  • allergy-related symptoms such as rash and redness.

If you find any side effects from this list, you should consult your doctor and consider whether to continue taking the drug further. It is strongly discouraged to extend the course of treatment with Bioparox for more than a week, as this may trigger the development of superinfection.

Application for children

From 3-4 years old, children begin to regularly get colds due to fragile and weak immunity. And in such cases, Bioparox is very often prescribed by pediatricians. It is from the age of three that this drug can be prescribed without fear of the occurrence of laryngospasm and respiratory distress in the child.

If you start a comprehensive treatment on time, take the medication correctly, Bioparox in a week or even less will help children's immunity to overcome colds without problems.

The child's body has its own characteristics, so the start of therapy should be accompanied by a doctor's consultation. Most often, failures and side effects after treatment with Bioparox occur only in children who have violated the rules for its use.

special instructions

  1. It is necessary to monitor the tightness of the cylinder, store it out of the reach of children. Do not keep the drug in places of strong heat and heat or place the balloon in an environment whose temperature is above 50 ° C.
  2. Bioparox does not in any way affect the ability to drive a car or other potentially dangerous mechanical means. However, it should be noted that the medication contains a small amount of alcohol, about 100 mg of ethanol per dose. Therefore, you should be careful when traveling by car.

Use during pregnancy

The use of the drug during pregnancy can only take place under the close supervision of the attending physician and only if the benefits of the drug are greater than harm to the woman and child. There are no exact data regarding the intake during lactation, since no studies have been conducted on this matter.

But as practice shows, this medication is successfully prescribed both during pregnancy and during lactation, the treatment takes place without side effects. Proceeding from the fact that through the oral cavity and nasal passages Bioparox is able to penetrate only minimally into the blood, it cannot carry a serious danger to the mother or child.

But only your doctor can prescribe such a drug. In this case, it is better to rely on the opinion of an expert in this field.

Drug interactions

Bioparox, namely its main substance fusafungin, has no property of interacting with other drugs.


Analogues with the same active ingredient, as in Bioparox, not yet. If necessary, you can replace it with such anti-inflammatory drugs designed to treat the throat:

  • Stopangin;
  • Teraflu Lar;
  • Octenisept.
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