Tips for exit depression. How to get out of depression on your own psychologist tips

Depression is a serious mental disorder that is accompanied by a decline of mood, the loss of the ability to rejoice, and sometimes even the desire to live. People who face with her suffer understated (minimal, to be more accurate) self-esteem, fairness pessimism and apathy. And this is only a small part of what accompanies this disorder. And none of us or our loved ones are insured against this disorder. Therefore it is extremely important to know how to get out of depression on their own. Tips of a psychologist - exactly what will help to find answers to this question.

About experiences

Mental disorder is always accompanied by strong experiences, mental pain, hysterics and "self-confidence". It is natural. This period needs to be survived. But in no case should it be allowed that it is delayed. Although many depressed people seem to begin to understand the reasons that caused depression is a good idea. But no. It is useless and besides dangerous.

First, you need to understand that nothing will change anything. But starting to dig in memories, a person just makes himself rebounding the mass of unpleasant moments. And it only aggravates his condition. Because a person does not work out to find a response that it will satisfy and calm down. It will only scroll through the situation in the head once at a time, worsening his already poor condition.

But then how to get out of depression yourself? Tips of the psychologist are such: you need to forget everything. All bad thoughts should be removed from themselves as annoying flies. Maybe then someday and it will be possible to find an answer to the exciting question. But it will happen later. When the mind is clean, like the soul. And during the disorder you need to distract yourself with all possible ways. Reading books, watching movies and serials, favorite hobby. But the best way - This is a change in the situation.

Leave and forget

This is really the best and efficient option. Therefore, it should be allocated separately. How to get out of depression yourself? You need to leave the reason for its occurrence behind. Collect things and go on a journey. To another country - to the sea or mountains. Or at least in an unfamiliar city. Best - in nature. Why? Because in her Lona is very difficult to fall into the despondency.

Lean, a man is committed to a new life and fresh impressions. Of course, someone may seem that his disorder is too large - and no journey to help. But it is not. He will come to a place, not stained with memories. This is the cleanest sheet of paper, about the beginning of life from which everyone loves to speak. A person will find a sense of security and privacy. But if he stays at himself, then the problems will simply light it. Waking up, a person will see the boring ceiling, pushing the view from the window, an annoying atmosphere. Each trifle (even what was pleased to be happy) will once again coagulate his condition. It will be as if "marinated" in depression. To avoid this, you need to leave, remove everything that seems important. During this period, the most important thing is to cope with the neot and disorder. Nothing else matters.


There are also other ways, familiarizing yourself with whom, you can understand how to get out of depression yourself. One of them lies in routine. As already mentioned above, there is absolutely everything during a person's disorder. But in particular - his life routine. If the moment came when it seems that every day there is the same thing, and life more dismisses the rotation of the squirrel in the wheel - it's time to change.

First of all, you need to get rid of hyperactivity. If the day is painted in seconds, then you need to change the routine. Again - go on vacation, turning off the phone and leaving home all digital means of communication.

If there is no possibility to organize an unscheduled long rest, then you need to set priorities at least. It is not necessary to spray on the little things - this is an excessive spending of the already drying forces, which only worsening the moral state.

Already mentioned - it is necessary to be distracted. This is a recommendation that contain all the advice from depression. And the best way to distract is to change the usual lifefriend. And in diluting its existence, a new activity. If a person once wanted to learn the Azam Latin dance - it's time to sign up for courses. I don `t want? It will appear in the process. All the strengths and thoughts of a person will switch from self-erases and mental experiences to study a new kind of activity. So the disorder gradually starts to retreat.


Many people are interested - what if the trip and vacation do not seem possible? How to help yourself get out of depression in this case? Well, there is a way out. In this case, you will have to find strength in yourself and change the situation at home.

There is such a concept like light therapy. Everyone knows that depressed, gloomy people surround themselves with dark and black. At first, of course, I want this, but then you will have to surround yourself with light and bright shades, if you want to get rid of the depressed state. It will take to abandon the heavy dense curtains and say "yes" by open windows. You need to let the light into your home, make repairs - at least new wallpapers shove. So distracting it. Still should not be denying yourself the pleasure of buying new, bright accessories that can decorate the house. It can be lamps, lamps, figurines, paintings.

And you still need to surround yourself with pleasant and useful smells. This is called aromatherapy. Essential oils whose smell penetrates us through the nasal membranes, can affect the mood of a person. The aroma of Bergamot, Basilica, Coriander, ate, jasmine, souls, mandarin, orange, lemongrass, carnations and cinnamon can be improved. Scaping a lot of different vials, stands every day to fill the aromatic lamp a new essential oil (To make a variety and avoid addiction).

But you should not be limited to this. Also well helps aromatic baths - with oils and salts, in a romantic setting with candles, foam, a cup of coffee / tea and muffled light. This is a whole relax symbiosis, each component of which has a beneficial effect on a person's condition, helps to relax and distract.

More serotonin

Talking about how to get out of depression itself, it is necessary to note the fact that this condition is something large than just a disorder. Often it is accompanied by a strong shortage of serotonin. Which is known to the majority as a hormone of happiness. And its amount during the disorder must be increased.

First, you need to get enough sleep. Everyone is well known that sleep rate is 1/3 days. Many, of course, at the time of depression, suffer from insomnia, but you can cope with it with the help of sleeping pills. And at least 7 hours it is necessary to pay for the night restoration of the body. Because it is because of the lack of sleep that our brain ceases to perceive new information And provokes us to longing, disappointment and irritability.

You still need to reconsider your diet. It does not prevent add products to it that contain magnesium, vitamins B6 and B, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. And, of course, more useful foods - fruits, fresh frisses, vegetables.

Ignore the needs of your body can not be alone. Of course, you want little in the period of disorder, but the morning charging, running in the fresh air and intimate proximity (if possible) will help to avoid aggravation of the state.

Search for the meaning of life

Man in a state mental disorder, often begins to consider his existence meaningless. Even if in fact, objectively, it is not. However, this condition is not surprising. But if you don't want anything because of your contrived insignificance - how to get out of depression yourself? Tips can be heard such - you need to find new meaning Life. And to be more accurate, the reason for which I would like to wake up in the morning.

The new meaning of life does not have to be global or large-scale. Many domestic pets are set - so they begin to feel responsible for " little Brother", And the depressed state retreats. By the way, animals are excellent assistants in terms of exiting depression. They carry joy, positive and love. A person ceases to feel lonely, finds a sincere friend who is able to brighten the evening and raise the mood.

However, if the animal does not work, you can find your meaning of life differently. Namely - just to draw your attention to what I would like to exist. Here's how to get out of depression yourself. The advice of the psychologist assure - when a person finds it, for what he wants to wake up, his problems begin to slowly retreat to the background, and then he is surprised to realize that he no longer wants to do self-confidence and suffer. There is only a desire to live.

Professional help

Mental disorders are variekrastructed. Some are so heavy that it is not possible to cope with them. Certain conditions are very dangerous - sometimes not only for a person, they suffering. Some disorders cause regular thoughts about suicides, and many of them, unfortunately, are implemented. A psychopathic depression and entails delirium and hallucinations at all. In such cases, it is important to seek help. In these situations, there is simply no answer to the question of how to get out of depression on their own.

Psychologist-professional advice can really help. Trainings, consultation, therapy - today there are a lot of effective ways. In special cases, antidepressants are prescribed. This is a group of drugs that is used to treat mental disorders. Safe I. effective means, not calculative and side effects. Only they are appointed a specialist, since the choice of antidepressants is great. And the dosage also defines it. In the choice of drugs, the age of the patient, sexuality, features of its disorder, individual tolerance of those or other drugs, etc.

Female depression

Mental disorders are more common in representatives of the beautiful part of humanity. They have somewhat wears the depressed symptoms. Women's question: "How to get out of depression?" It is often found. If she does not suffer, it fears. And this is normal, you need to know the answer to this question.

The girls disorder are directly related to hormonal disorders. Who carries in themselves menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth and climax. And each each manifests itself in different ways. Some lucky, and all of the above they are experiencing without visible consequences. But the majority have to cope with disorders. And often the depression is very much of gravity.

Symptoms in women (how to get out of the state - will be told a little later) different. But everything is about the same. Take, for example, the most popular disorder is postpartum. On average, it lasts about six months. But some are delayed for several years. The reasons for the disorder lies in a sharp change in the usual lifefriend. The woman becomes mother, on her shoulders there is a huge responsibility - grow a new, worthy member of society, which will take, in fact, 18 years old. Now this time is that few people are aware of in advance (which, of course, is wrong). And after childbirth, the woman understands - there is no road back. Now she is obliged to devote himself to upbringing and care for the child. She will have to abandon recreation and entertainment (in any case, in the early years). Deterioration is added to this external view, intense, insane rhythm of life, often - pressure from relatives, eternal advice and reduced attention of her husband. Of course, this is not every case, but in most situations everything is exactly what happens. And what are the depressed symptoms in women? How to get out?

Tips are different. In this case, "leaving and forget" will not work - it is better to resort to the help of specialists, since the state manifestations are serious. This is the maximum self-criticism, regular (often constant) hysterics with tears, lack of interest in life and society, worsening memory, difficulty in making independent decisions, breaking sleep, "merging" days, chronic fatigue, Migraine, weakness, heart pain.

Why is the help of a specialist?

As it was possible to understand, a lot of consequences involves everything, marked with attention above - disorder, depression, symptoms in women. How to get out? Tips are not welcome to seek help from a specialist. Because the first thing you need to do with such situations is to find out the type of depression.

The girl she can be genetic. If the mental illness was met by her line, it was not excluded that she suffered. This is treated quite differently than, for example, a notorious postpartum disorder.

There are also biochemical factors. Doctors say that women exposed to a strong disorder are distinguished by completely different processes occurring in their brain. Because it can be caused by the admission of hormonal drugs or other drugs. It is not excluded. That is why it is so important the reception of each medication to coordinate with a highly qualified specialist.

But the most important "trigger", which causes disorder is a stress emanating from the world. There are inspiring speeches of loved ones, all the notorious methods, as well as the recommendations of specialists in such a volumetric topic, as depression. Exit Tips for doctors from this state help. After all, experts know how to objectively look at the situation. And the case, sometimes, it may be banal (but does not mean that not bringing pain). This is the departure of your loved one, conflicts with loved ones or relatives, financial troubles, dismissal, the impossibility of self-realization, the lack of personal life. One it turns out to cope with all this on your own - the other needs of the psychologist are needed. How to get out of depression, one can determine only by studying the individuality of the case.

Men's depression (symptoms)

Exit Tips for doctors from this state help. The most important thing is to turn to them. And if the girls are not shy to sign up for the reception to the doctor, then the men have more problems with it. Everything is clear - representatives of the strong half of humanity do not want to seem weak. But after all, there is nothing glowing to a specialist. First of all, you need to understand it.

In men, the disorder manifests itself obvious. In the overwhelming majority, they begin to systematically use alcoholic beverages or drugs (sometimes - both), to get carried away gambling, and show aggressive, unstable behavior. And similar "attempts to distract" can only shut down pain and experiences for a while. But, most often, all of the listed only aggravates the state, but still physiological problems are added to mental problems.

In this case, how to get out of depression yourself? It is difficult for a woman to do it, and the man - especially. Without the help of specialists or at least a close person, this is not possible. Either he should have a very powerful, solid inner rod.

It is worth lifying some more tips that are able to send a person to exit such a depositorial state as depression. Symptoms in women, how to exit on their own of such a state that you need to do for this - everything was listed above. But it is the details. And there are brief and useful recommendationsThat must be kept in my head as emergency psychological assistance.

First, it is necessary to take responsibility for your state on yourself. You do not need to wait for help from the side - you need to immediately try to take the situation under personal control. Secondly, it will be necessary to find motivation. Inspiration is important. It lies in music, movies and serials.

Thirdly, you will need to get rid of loneliness, even if you do not want to do this. Communication is useful. In addition, from other people, it is often possible to assist and useful recommendations that will help from such a state as depression, go out.

The advice of doctors still indicate that every suffering disorder man needs to make a disinterested accomplishment of good deeds. What for? Because, showing love for the rest, it will be possible to get the same in return. But always please feel gratitude, friendliness and friendly coming from others. In the soul wakes up something that assures on the subconscious level is the meaning of living.


Above it was said much about how to get out of depression to a woman and a man. We are all - people, not robots, and no one is immune from mental disorder. The most important thing is not to be shy to seek help. After all, if we are ill with influenza, we even don't even have thought about going to the doctor for consultation - a shame.

The most important thing is not to despair and do not fall into maximum pessimism. And if the disorder overclocked someone from the loved ones - you need to gain patience and move yourself to the rear plan. When an dear person is bad, you must try to make a maximum effort in order to help him cope with the state. You can run into rudeness, aggression. But it is impossible to be offended. After all, at such moments there are pain in him, and not he himself.

In general, in any case, the main thing is in the depths of the soul to maintain hope for the best. Whatever happens - it will pass, sooner or later. Otherwise, it just does not happen.

This text needs to be read by all - the depression can happen for everyone. And it is important to help you yourself or near man. How to do it right - tells Natalia Patrakov, who passed through all the stages of depression and gained harmony with him.

It seems to me that the depression needs to speak openly. This text corresponded several times, was adjusted and, in general, a few months lay in my drafts. As you can guess, it is very personal. I am not afraid to publish it - I recently began to openly talk about it with friends, and without exception, though not fully understanding, I empathized me. Why do I think it's necessary to tell about it? First, my loved ones were often difficult to me, and they could not do anything. Secondly (and this is the main thing), I was often difficult to me, and I could not do anything either. I always vinyl my character with which I live and rushing all my life, but I could not cope. But everything turned out to be easier.

Have you ever thought about someone that he or she "abnormal", "knotted", "all in the pens"? What is your attitude towards such people? Will you initiate a soft conversation with a friend who suddenly began to behave aggressively or, on the contrary, sluggish? Or do not prefer not to get involved and thorough? In our still conservative society, unfortunately, it is customary to condemn and hang labels, and with the phrase " mental violations»The first thing is white soft walls, strait shirts and ways on hand. Meanwhile, anxious disorders, neurasthenia, apathy live in us for years and are not perceived separately from our personality. And if we learned that many problems that are considered part of a bad character, are actually a feature of physiology or a failure in the exchange of neurotransmitters, and this can be easily adjusted to pills and psychotherapy?

Many are surprised by my openness. And I, in turn, perplex why, at lunch, you can easily declare the intolerance to lactose, diabetes, flu, or broken finger, but it is impossible to talk about mental health. A pair of facts for statistics lovers: Depression is a real Beach of our time.

According to different estimates, from 20 to 40% of people in the world is in the stage of depression that requires medical care. This means that you know such people. Perhaps you yourself are among these people. Think: 15% of patients with depression finish with suicide. This is a really deadly disease.

Depression, by the way, also happens in animals. And now a pleasant news: this disease is treated, and quickly and efficiently. Why do we not talk about it and suffer years? There is no excuse to make this topic. It was for the sake of awareness, for the sake of potential dialogues I share my experience, especially negative.

I was diagnosed in early January. To understand your problem, accept it and treat it, I encountered a lot of household problems, as well as deeply misunderstanding from people. Nobody really knows what it is and what to do with it. Think about how much the word "depression" is enjoyed and how often it is used about and without it. The first response to the phrase of depression is the question: "Why? What happened?" We think that this is a temporary depth of the mood caused by objective reasons, some negative experience. Or even worse - just weakness of character. And I want to say that this is the wrong interpretation of the term.

My story developed by classic scenario. It was imperceptible to dull all the positive sensations, the travels did not clinging, the gatherings did not bring joy with friends, the work did not give pleasure. I had self-confidence at full power, I was constantly analyzed, what does not suit me. One after another I tried to destroy the obvious problems. Establish relationships, fill out with new hobbies, generate ideas. It seemed that here we would solve this issue with a guy - and everything will be fine. I will talk to the boss - and everything will be fine. I will have a little at home, but it is tired of traveling - and everything will be fine. Tired of sitting at home, now I will go somewhere - and everything will be fine. It turns out that analyzing in this case in the medical sense is harmful.

When we try to rationalize negative emotions and do not find them explanations, we feel guilty, misunderstandings, as a result I unconsciously prohibit ourselves to feel. And a person is surprisingly balanced by the nature of the creature. If he cannot experience "bad" emotions, he will no longer appear and "good".

Everyone got used to thinking about exogenous depression, which is caused by some external factors. Stresses at work, illness, problems in personal life - traditionally these reasons come to mind. But in reality for the first time long years There was nothing wrong with my life. Yes, there were some moments that did not suit me, but in general, I as if I stepped on a white strip. Looking back to last spring, I remember the feeling of mental lifting and even, perhaps, happiness.

Nevertheless, by the fall, everything suddenly began to lose the meaning, and dissatisfaction, disappointment and feeling of heavy ordness was imperceptible and squeakly leaked. Now the brightest emotions were negative. Anger, irritation, longing, anxiety. If you are predisposed to the change of mood, you can take it for a very long time. I thought I was constantly needed by adrenaline, so that something was wrong - only then I live fully, such a complex person. In fact, depression depends on many factors: no less from biochemical and genetic than from the lifestyle and traumatic events. The danger of this state is that it affects the whole organism and changes the behavior of a person, his thoughts, feelings. The exchange of serotonin is violated, endorphin receptors are degraded, and joy is just nowhere to take.

By November, I was required for 3-4 hours, in order to at least start planning a working day (by December these numbers rose). This time went on mental dulling to the rise from bed and breakfast. There was no stimulus to work, but I considered this problem with a non-serious, until I realized: all the same symptoms have long been flowed into other areas of life. Meetings with friends I transferred or canceled generally. In conversations, could not focus on what they were told. It was difficult to draw up proposals, more often I was shouted with single-stroke phrases. I was more and more pretended to listen and understand what the conversation is what I wonder is ridiculous. It seemed to me that people should understand that my eyes are completely empty. I was annoyed by the closest people, sometimes it was hard to endure touch, could start the scandaling from an empty place, quarrel, to break off and cry for hours.

If this is an endogenous depression, it is impossible to determine exactly what exactly served as the impetus to its beginning. It's like the problem of chicken and eggs: whether the chemical failure was first happened in the exchange of serotonin, which contributed to the emergence of stressful state, or vice versa, some daily stress led to a failure. And then destructive thoughts make their work, the closure circle of depression. My irritation is frequent symptom - led to conflicts, after which the sense of guilt was covered, then I mentally condemned my own behavior. From which the mood, of course, spoiled even more. I went in the circle of my heads - and the longer, the more it seemed to me that I did all possible wrong elections. She spent years not at that career path, he killed the spiritual forces on unnecessary people in his personal life, did not learn anything, I was not smart enough, it was not strong enough, insufficiently talented; It is not surprising that no one really loves me and everything in such a spirit. Periodically, I started to dwell on some mistakes of the past, could spend days, mentally thinking about a long time.

By mid-December, psychosomatics began to play. First, "broke down" dream. Without the help of melatonin, I could not fall asleep to seven in the morning and at best I slept four hours. I lost weight, although for the first time in my life ceased to deny myself in sweet - I tried to raise myself a mood of food. But by January, buckwheat and ice cream became for me approximately the same tasteless meal. Appetitis was not - I eaten basically only bread and saw sweet tea to figure out something. It was a heavy task to raise the phone. I sat for a long time in a cafe for coffee, gathering with the forces to just ask for an account. A couple of times I got fun to spend time in companies with alcohol, but after that the feeling of emptiness was reinforced many times. Increasingly, when leaving people, I caught myself thinking that it would be better to stay at home in bed. I literally lost money on the fact that he could not make himself call and sort out this or that household situation. This dive in the cold first death is perhaps the easiest way to explain the description of Demanetors from Sagi O Harry Potter. Remember how the heroes felt like all the good disappeared, the life force quickly evaporated and only a feeling of hopelessness remained? The well-known fact: J. K. Rowling invented Dementors when they suffered from severe depression.

The reaction of the surrounding was predictable. "Yes, you are from idleness, we are doing sports / learn Spanish / go to dancing / go on vacation / go hang in the bar." There were and the claims like "you think only about yourself, you regret yourself very much, look at my problems, and I will cope, I would ask, like other things." I did not want to explain that it is hard for me to even wash it, not what to do sports, so I closed and avoided communication. It is believed that the power of will is a mandatory attribute of a persistent person, but it is not true. Will strength directly depends on the state of the psyche at a time or another.

The most useless thing is that you can say a man in depression, it is advised to take yourself in hand and do something. First, if he could, he would have done it. Believe me: What you can say, he repeated himself for himself. Secondly, it becomes only worse.

So you depreciate the problem, explaining the condition of the person by his personal choice, although he did not do it. You are unlikely to say the patient with diabetes "Do not come up with and sing the sugar." Rather, you will advise him not to forget about regular injections. So far, due to the fact that we do not understand what depression suffering from people flooding typical evil thoughts: I am a kisin, like a dirty rag in the sink, I am a rich, I'm lazy, I am a egoist.

My physical condition has deteriorated, as the indifference to its appearance has intensified. I gnawed my nails, I wore the same thing, did not wash. My head was seemed to be the most difficult task that requires several days of preparation. The brain worked worse: I re-read the working letters for ten minutes before sending them - no longer trusted themselves after several idiotic mistakes. In the stupor hung up to ATMs, remembering the PIN code of the card, and even in front of its own entrance, incorrectly gaining the code. I flew out of my head of birthdays, phone numbers; I returned home, coming out from there without phone and keys; Constantly forgotten to remove the products in the fridge for the night. Scattered, always pursued me to one degree or another, reached a new level.

By the lucky coincidence, in the same period, as part of the expansion of the horizon, I leafed the book on mental disorders and, reaching the head of depression, I detected all the symptoms with amazement. I still had no desire to communicate with people and in general to get out of bed, but now I had a new voice in my head, which consciously noted everything that happens to me. Funny, but it is scientific, as if a third-party, interest in his state ended up forced me to take the next step - to sign up for a psychotherapist.

Already by the end of the first session after answering some questions, the doctor finally broke through to emotions. I realized: I am not in any way, I feel bad. This recognition was the first my success. Depression is not about gloomy mood, sobbing and hysterics. This is about the loss of taste for life, about the feeling of falling in the marsh of ordinaryness. When a disease in such a stage, it is necessary to voice close to what happens to you, no matter how nursing. Do not be alone with your powerlessness and bad thoughts. The presence of other people will help if not pull out of this pit, so at least temporarily solve some household problems. When I lay a week in my children's room, my mother put a tray with a different meal near me, so I ate something, and kneel my back, which was terribly sick from constant location in the nude pose. And the young man, stitching in a distant America, found the time for me plates for presentations to shareholders and writing macros while I lay in prostration with closed eyes under the sounds of the next season.

A week before his twenty-fiveth anniversary, I found myself on antidepressants. Hiking to bars were finished - alcohol is prohibited during their reception. The problem with the pills is that you experience some anticipation that you are about to become easier, but they need a time at 2-3 weeks to start acting. At the same time, after a few days, despite the still negative attitude, the person appears in the person. On the fifth day of the reception of antidepressants, I woke up and finally wanted to eat. The mood was still bad, I have tended tears while cocoa washed in the microwave, but I had forces. All day I swung from irritation to almost that smiles and back, thoughts were noisy in the head and were predominantly negative. This is the danger of the first weeks on antidepressants - the probability of suicide increases among depressive patients during this period.

My energy turned into anxiety, quick speech, stormy gesture, I could not sit in one place and nervously circled around the apartment. World practice in such cases - to prescribe tranquilizers with antidepressants at the beginning of treatment. However, in Russia, most of the drugs of such actions are equal to drugs. And the allowed light tranquilizers may not affect patients in severe condition. They worked with me, and I began to fall asleep in normal time. After a few days, the appetite began to return.

For fourth week medical treatment I noticed significant improvements. My first few hours in the morning were still hard, but it became easier. Sometimes B. abouti felt well, I felt well, felt joy and ease, and the unexpectedly there were sudden attacks of concerns and despair in the evening. My swing of moods are all stronger to the top. I slowly began to sing the radio, there was an interest in reading, the working hours passed quite calmly. Then I felt that it was ready to help myself get out of this state. The days in which I woke up with the severity in the body and could not stand out the bed for a long time, gradually became less. The work stopped annoying, I began to initiate different projects to improve the processes and took over more responsibilities. I could not even believe that even recently, all the numbers looked for me equally, and I half an hour made a sentence for working letters.

Already recovering, I realized how long I lived with thoughts typical for depression: I ranked strangers in all spheres of life until someone better appear, and then I will easily forget about me, and no one ever treated me seriously. I was so afraid to be abandoned for something or someone else, which unconsciously provoked conflicts and behaved defiantly that the end of the relationship was not unexpected for me. And at the end of the end, I never doubted. My consciousness turned over everything on the head, setting the question of all the manifestations of love and good attitude towards me. What is happening around I considered inside your paradigm based on negative premises - as if the presumption of guilt was applied to everything. The shocking discovery of such a deep degree of uncertainty in itself was a very terrible vision.

I could not understand why, why it happens to me, how and when it started. I seemed to be a gearbox, and I still could not switch from the self-destruction mode. But that moment was enlightenment, I understood: this condition has nothing to do with what kind of person I really is. As a sparkling nasal partition prevents freely breathing, and the depression prevented my psyche to work normally. There were months of psychotherapy, thematic books and constant work on themselves ahead.

Now I am in the process of treatment and learn to conduct a correct internal dialogue with you. I already calmly communicate with people, I can easily do business, build plans. To some extent, I turned out to be lucky: many do not immediately find their psychotherapist, some try different antidepressants until they start acting. I got to the point from the first time in both cases. And then how much my life will develop, depends on me. I no longer be ashamed of my emotions, I do not try to suppress them, because they are part of me. Now I'm learning to steer them, instead of stealing me. I am not gaining weight from antidepressants (what scared forums), and the most striking effect of treatment - I stopped sicking my head. I suffered for many years from the migraine, which sometimes knocked me out of the working regime for several days and from which painkillers did not always help, but it turned out, a significant part of these pain was simple psychosomatics. I could not even imagine how much the quality of my life would change during psychotherapy, and only a little regret that I did not care about this a few years earlier.

It is important not to be mired in self-vacation, but to increase your erudition. In April last year, I found myself on TEDX at the University of Chicago. One of the speakers was a girl suffering from depression. I remember, then I also thought stereotypically, easily padded labels and thought: Yes, she looks some kind of troubled, in such people and there are depressed, and I, thank God, never understand what she says, I am fun. What irony. I revised her speech on YouTube and a huge number of other devoted depressed, and saw: what are different, what beautiful, smart and successful people They may unexpectedly fall from the legs under the weight of the failure in neurophysiology. I google Celebrities on Depression and saw a lot of interviews of famous, rich and fun, which have been drinking small doses of SSIRS for many years ( selective inhibitors reverse seizure of serotonin; Antidepressants. - Approx. ed.).

I know very well, how difficult it is to recognize my thoughts on your thoughts that spinning depression, which is simply shots in the air. Sometimes the simplest reaction of the psyche is simply saved by the flow of obsessive ideas and in the end, of course, to be saved there. My first task was to learn not to leave the question of "well, what?", Whose beacon light up the last six months as a reaction to all good situations. "So what kind of vacation? So what kind of breakfast is delicious? So what, what am I next to your loved one? " This question devalues \u200b\u200bgood. Here you will definitely need to answer yourself why "Well," why it is important why it is cool. It is necessary to keep a constant dialogue with an internal negative, so as not to give it to spread. You need to learn how to stop and make a report that these thoughts do not have any reason. Heavy variation for me was to start taking the unknown, and not to think about everything to the catastrophe - just to just know the result. In reality, life does not give us any guarantees. Nothing she will be happy, nothing will be long. Other people will never give us guarantees too. It is necessary to realize this and learn to live with it.

It is necessary to constantly listen to yourself - it is really important. Celebrate moments that bring joy, even if it's quite a trifle. Now I know what pit you can fall, if this is not done. In modern society, which is aimed at the result, the existential crises are not uncommon, because the word "necessary" almost replaced the concept of "wanting." Once it ceases to want to want, and at the same time I finally cease to be "necessary." As my psychotherapist told me, the result of life is always and everyone has one, the pleasure will be able to get anything from the process. It may have to completely reconsider their goals and priorities. For me it was characteristic of digging in the past and endlessly arguing about the future, the reality is lost in these arguments - what is happening now in the present.

This is a difficult job. I can list a few cases when I took over too much in the attack of medication euphoria, and then I started swaying immediately after waking up, without getting off the whole day from the bed. How suddenly fell into despair in the middle have a nice day. At these moments, my psychotherapist urged me to slow down, not to distribute the promises to the right and left, but to enter social activity slowly. Learn not to waste all the energy immediately, but to distribute it moderately.

Of course, the path to full acceptance of yourself as I have is not yet passed. The rethinking of values \u200b\u200bin one day turns out, most likely, only in films under beautiful indie music, and to real people have to fasten the right form of life for themselves. But laziness and impotence are not shortcomings, but calls that urge to stop and take a break. We always overestimate our own role in the world, and it is difficult for us to believe that the planet will not collapse, our company will not go broke, and the closest will not pay, if we "score" to work, take your vacation and we will deal with only the fact that truly I want to do.

To love yourself is even more difficult than loveing \u200b\u200banother person - we know too well. But it is love for himself who may have to be unconditional. You can change the environment for a thousand times for your life, but the only person who will always be there is you yourself.

First you need to establish the relationship with yourself and stop constantly giving yourself estimates. In the moments of misunderstanding, it is better to mentally hug yourself, praise and confess to love, even if an advance. Warm yourself. Common sense can live only in warmth - this is now I understand exactly.

Speak about it. It should be one of the most important steps that should be adhere to, because you can take off wear from your shoulders, sharing your emotions with another person. This can be done by consulting, talking with a reliable one one on one and leading a diary or blog on the Internet. For those who are depressed, it may seem a challenge, because they will be embarrassed or ashamed, so the best way to fulfill this, to force yourself to communicate with someone. The result can only be good. Not to mention that if you tell someone who you love, for example, a family member or a good friend, and the fact that they will be very missing for you should give you strength. You can talk to them to do some kind of activity together, as the way to distract you from any bad thoughts.

Find a hobby. Hike to the gym and travel - excellent ideas for the hobby, but instead of a hobby, it can also be an activity or an event that regularly makes you get out of the house. Most people who are subject to depression often chill somewhere in their home and block all contacts with foreign world. You must come out of the house and make your life more interesting. It will give you a goal in life and will let you feel like a part of something. Play tennis, find new friends, keep yourself in shape and be healthy.

Progress. Achieving your goal in life or doing something that you always wanted to do, bring you great joy. This may be anything important for you, for example, the study of a new language, driving training or bungee jumping from an airplane. During depression, you get a whole bouquet of feelings, and the feeling of uselessness is one of them, so to resist this, it is best to achieve something important for you. But do not try to fulfill all the goals set in life, if you know that it is impossible, or you have no money / courage to do it. This will not lead to anything, but will contribute to your sadness.

Practice positive thinking. Think better about yourself, more worrying about your well-being, you will gradually acquire confidence, so continue to believe in yourself when you go to your next interview, and this confidence will show yourself and will shine. Positive thinking comes in a natural way when you follow other steps, because you are getting closer to re-detecting happiness. When you are suppressed, do something out of a row of outgoing to keep your thoughts away from this question and, in the end, you will forget about it, it is best to listen to music and play sports.

Love. This is what is worth mentioning, to be with the one you love, it's like a mask that temporarily shoots a lot of peasants in your life. But as soon as love leaves depression returns even worse than before. Make sure you are ready to start a relationship and do not hurry to join those that now look like the best idea in the world, just do not forget to think about the future. Be happy together with you, and then focus on being happy with someone, but only when you feel ready for it. If it does not work, then you should not be upset. This happens all the time. Just think that somewhere next to you there is a person who will really love you and goes out the whole earth, just for you while you are struggling with depression.

In this article, you will learn how to get out of depression yourself, the advice of the psychologist will help you to apply the 7 most effective ways. I will describe the symptoms of depression and give recommendations for further actions to those who saw their among these symptoms. I will also give practical advice to those who do not notice the signs of depressive disorder, but for a long time experiencing stress, Handra, poor mood, sharp emotional differences, feels the shortage of forces and energy.

You can immediately go to the way to go out from depression. However, if you want to more clearly determine the reasons for your condition, read first.

So, how to get out of depression on your own psychologist tips:

How to recognize depression - 10 symptoms

Psychological symptoms of depression:

  • Reduced emotional background, bad mood
  • Fatigue, feeling of weakness, lack of energy
  • Lack of interest to what he used to be
  • Increased anxiety, fears, lack of vision prospects, pessimistic view for the future
  • Slow Thinking, Slow Behavior

Somatic symptoms of depression:

  • Insomnia or restless sleep
  • Lack of appetite or sharp differences - then I want to eat, then no
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Any diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract

Depression can be held at all without somatic symptoms. The first and main signs can be considered a bad mood, indifference to everything, the lack of energy and general weakness of the whole body. And regardless of the circumstances. If only these signs are observed in a person more than two weeks - it is necessary to urgently turn to a psychotherapist or a neurologist. Throughout treatment, you will need to pass tests and drink the necessary drugs.

Most people do not know what depression is, and therefore tend to appreciate those who affected this disease. Because of this, the relationship in society to this disease, many are ashamed to go to the doctor and admit that they have a mental disorder. Therefore, according to the World Health Organization, only about 10% of people, patients with depressions, receive proper treatment. Depression is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise it can lead to the most irreversible consequences.

For depression, a shocking paradox is characteristic: those who are not sick to her often complain of depression, while real patients with depression people can live with her for years and not even suspect of it.

So, if you revealed signs of depression, be sure to contact a specialist. I am a psychologist, and work with such a problem as depressive disorder. You can contact me for, and together we will define what happens to you, I will identify the reasons for your condition and eliminate them.

The next part of the article is suitable for those who did not reveal serious symptoms of depressive disorder, but for a long time Located in a bad mood and feels a shortage of energy.

At the time when you have a bad mood and you do not want to do anything - you have little energy and strength. In other words, the reduced emotional background also reduces the overall performance of the body. Therefore, I will describe several effective ways to preserve and increasing energy, and therefore lifting emotional backgrounds, and improving the mood. So, how to get out of depression on your own advice of a psychologist, how to get rid of stress, chanders, apathy, and poor mood Right now - 7 ways:

Method # 1: Take your condition

The first step to solving any problem is its recognition and adoption. Do not try to get rid of stress. Do not accept attempts to fight him, and instead, accept it. The protest always causes the opposite effect. If, for example, you are struggling with extra kilograms, without end weighing and counting calories, you hardly manage to lose weight for a long time. You and the case will want to eat another piece, you will be nervous and break away all the time. But if you release this struggle and take yourself and your body, the body will restructure and will return you to that form that is most favorable for you.

What you are struggling with, always fights with you too. And while you continue to fight, it will win. Therefore, take your condition, no matter how it is nowhere and no matter how much it las. Allow yourself to be buried or brought out. Take yourself time for it. You are not a robot to be on a positive all the time.

Method # 2: Where attention, there and energy

When you do something, and thoughts at this time are completely different, you thus significantly increase the cost of energy on what they are doing now. Among other things, you do not notice how more time leaves your business, and the quality of work falls greatly. If you concentrate all your attention at the present moment, it will greatly increase the amount of your energy, and therefore you will improve the quality of work and reduce the time.

Eat when you eat, and do not watch TV. So you will try the taste, more carefully work out food and, accordingly, your body is better working better nutrients. This applies to any cause. Keep focus of attention at the present. Is always. Where your attention flows - your energy goes there. Stop to give the energy to your past or heroes of the TV shows, pictures in the ribbon social networks. Live here and now, and it will help you save energy and send it to the right direction.

Method # 3: Collect your victories

Since childhood, we were taught to pay attention to mistakes. Stressed red what is wrong, instead of allocating green what happened well. And over time, we used to notice only our failures. However, Thoughts O. own errors accompanied by negative emotions, which means energy consumption. Stop to criticize yourself and scold for mistakes.

Focus fully and completely on your little victories. Get a "Diary of Success", where you will record all your small and great successes daily. For example, "Today I prepared the delicious Julien" or "Today I finally called the dad." Make a success diary what exactly you Consider victory for yourself. Record at least five success per day - so you quickly shift focus of attention from your failures to victory. Specially make something that you can then put in the diary. This will significantly add to you energy. One day you will feel the complete confidence that you all turn out, everything is easy for you. So the Diary of Success works.

There is safety in numbers

When you have a stomach hurts, you most likely run to the doctor immediately. But the problems of mental, mental state, most people in the post-Soviet space trying to solve themselves, as if they know what to do about it. It is very dangerous, and can lead to serious consequences.

I am a psychologist, and spend individual Skype consultations. Together with you on consultation, we can understand what exactly you have served as a reason for depression, and how to get rid of it.

Method # 4: Be grateful

Thanks for something always brings energy for something more. For example, if you are daily, without tired and sincerely thank you for everything you have, you will come to you much more. If you thank you for healthy, you will be even healthier. If you thank for material resources, they will increase. When you are truly grateful for something, you have extracted extra energy to get it. Just try! It works!

You can thank God, the sky, the Universe, the Earth or even just to say: "Thank you ...", if not yet decided on those who give us these opportunities. It is necessary to do this systematically and regularly, at best every day, and it is advisable to record. In difficult moments, when you feel bad or no strength, as well as in moments of happiness and joy, do not forget to thank, and your energy will increase significantly.

Method # 5: Compare yourself with you

Leave in your life only one-sole comparison: compare yourself today's yesterday. Make it with your daily habit. It will be wonderful if after five daily victories in the "Diary of Success" you will record what you were better than yesterday. If you succeed in doing it every day - over time you will stop envy and compare yourself with others. It will increase your energy daily, and after time it is significantly. And viewing your daily comparisons with you yesterday for a certain period, you can see the scale of your development.

Method # 6: Release the unfulfilled promises

Most of all we give thoughts about the past. Namely, the people who were once offended, and we did not forgive me. Incomplete business. Unfulfilled promises. Unnoticed goals.

In psychology there is so-called " the effect of Zeigarnik"- An experiment, which has proven that people tend to remember unfinished affairs and tasks many times better than completed. This suggests that we are not fulfilled by promises and unread purposes, we give a huge amount of our energy, dedicate them a lot of time and strength, although it may never fulfill them.

25% of our energy (as many as 25% of the calories eaten!) It goes on mental processes. And most of them are many of them give the past. So far, communicate in their heads with classmates who have not seen ten years. Mentally justify before mom for the situation from childhood. We are worried about the fact that many years ago they promised someone and did not fulfill.

Make a list of these people, situations and cases from the past, which still pursue you. How much energy they took from you for all these years! Talk to them mentally for the last time. Release them forever. Only so you can free yourself from them. Soon and forever today's day. And sometimes think a little about the future. But do not let yourself such a luxury as returning to the past.

In order for you to be guaranteed to stop giveing \u200b\u200benergy to past and incomplete business, I wrote for you a book. After reading it, you will learn to change your thoughts: you Close All those dialogues in your head and unfinished situations that have long completed physically, but remained in your thoughts. And also learn how to bring all things to the end. This book will help you take a strong, adulthy life position. And instead of being in the depressive state of pity for yourself, you will find determination and power to change everything that is not satisfied with you in life. Read the description and reviews, and you can buy a book.

Method # 7: Free head

Each day allocate your time to relax. It should be a lesson, during which your brain is almost completely disconnected. The head should be empty, and thoughts are dispersed. If you know how or want to learn meditate is the perfect way to relax. Any other occupation is also suitable, during which the brain is not involved - watching a comedy film, yoga, physical exercisesHaving enjoyed ... Continue this list for yourself. In general, sometimes let yourself draw yourself.

Do it regularly, assigned to it. special time, half an hour or hour per day. Rest for the brain - the most best medicine In order to fill the energy. The main thing is not to overdo it and all the rest of the time completely dedicate yourself to this time without spraying on other thoughts. And only in a specially designated hour of rest, do not think about anything.

A full-fledged rest is the main condition for efficient work.


In this article, we presented to your attention, how to get out of depression on their own advice psychologist - a woman or a man. We also reviewed ways to help not scatter energy and send it to the right direction. These methods will return you to the state of emotional stability and energy tone. They will also raise your awareness and internal fullness, you will be richer to live every day. After all, you will be completely in present, that is, more fully live your life.

You turn off the inner criticism and begin to realize who you were yesterday, and who became today. You will see that they are changing and improving every day, because thanks to these ways to learn more clearly track changes.

Why is it so important to lead the "Diary of Success", and even record? It helps to fix the results, bring order in the head, as well as looking at their daily changes, see the scale of its own development. This will help you significantly, and increase the amount of energy. And this, in turn, guaranteed to bring you out of stressful state.

Thus, the psychologist's advice given not only makes it clear how to get rid of stress and get out of depression on their own, but also help to accept and love themselves, increase their awareness, increase the amount of energy and resources, as well as learn to live in the present. Every day will be saturated, and the whole life is filled, and stress will no longer return to you.

Subscribe to My. Instagram. and YouTube. channel. Improve and develop yourself with me!

Follow the advice and go out of depression! Do not miss this life!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

The feeling of not passing longing, unprecedented fatigue and bad mood is familiar, probably each of us. A person may experience inner devastation, as a result of which the difficulties arise even with the most close people. Faced with similar troubles, called a depressive state, we are trying to get rid of them sooner. But how to get out of depression on your own?

It turns out that such methods exist. But in order to know how to raise yourself a mood, you should understand where the depression comes from, who is most prone to it and how to cope with it.

From the depressive state, you can also look for a way out.

Before you understand how to get out of depression, you should consider key featurespredetermining its occurrence:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • features of temperament - if in humans, for example, the overestimated requirements for their personality, he underestimates itself and is always unhappy with what reaches;
  • regular stressful condition, family conflicts, severe psychological situations.

The beginning of the depression will be guessing in such symptoms:

  • A stable reduced mood at which anxiety prevails and a feeling of longing. And nothing to do with this does not work: even something that could take the mood before, no longer acts.
  • Slow thinking. It becomes difficult to concentrate, select needed words. The number of ideas, a person, simply say "slows down" is reduced. Wherein thinking process Painted in negative tones, even if you think something joyful.
  • Motor inhibition associated with impaired will. It is impossible to make yourself do something.

With a persistent nature of such symptoms, you need to contact a psychotherapist who will advise how to overcome depression or try to start to pull out of this state independently.


What to do when depressed? How to help yourself and overcome this trouble without drugs? Psychology is described about a few steps that will help find the way out of seemingly the most hopeless psychological situations.

Maintaining your own diary

This will help to realize the causes of negative mood, assess the consequences of this state.

  • events;
  • thoughts;
  • emotions;
  • reactions.

The subsequent presentation of such a diary significantly facilitates the work of the psychotherapist, and it will be able to pick up suitable treatment for the patient's recovery.

The main thing: not to throw halfway the activities started by highlighting every day at least a quarter of an hour to new records (you can, for example, do it shortly before sleep).

Awareness of own emotions

Strong emotions should not be avoided, even if it is anger or sadness. Especially, you do not need to shy enthusias and joy. In normal condition, all emotional feelings turn out to be transient: anger passes, sadness subsides. From the same emotions as joy and delight, in general, it is possible to wait for a lot of positive fruits.

Some people helps to express emotions drawing or painting. Thus, it is possible to keep an internal equilibrium. The resulting drawings then show a psychotherapist well.

Attempts to avoid strong emotions and the desire to hide them sooner or later will lead to depression

Variety of physical activity

How to overcome depression yourself? Sometimes for this person needs to prove himself that he is worth something. Full reworking itself in a short time - the case is practically unreal, but it is desirable to change the way of life, for which, of course, it will take to make certain efforts. Start living anew - not so easy!

Even doctors confirm that physical activity in the form of exercises, jogs, swimming and walks contribute to the increase in vital tone. It is difficult to start, but if you still overcome yourself, after a couple of weeks it will not be possible to imagine life without such physical Loads. They will come into habit.

In addition, it allows you to improve sleep, which is extremely important for health, makes thoughts clear.

No - information overload!

If you constantly read what the media write, you can hardly learn how to overcome depression, since each second news has a negative shade. At least on the time to combat the described state, remove the receipt of this kind of information.

Do not sit in front of the TV or computer screen, forget about the TV shows. It is better to read the book or go for a walk, having met with friends to communicate. Sometimes, all this helps to cope even with a very strong depressive condition.

Building personal relationships

Life situations are constantly changing. Under these conditions, it is important to learn to maintain relationships with the surrounding people (especially with loved ones). These relationships should have mutual value.

If the construction of reciprocity does not work, the psychotherapist will be able to help. There are certain rules for the design of interpersonal communication, which is actually valid. All difficulties will overcome over time. Mechanisms that interfere with build relationships and set personality borders will be detected.

If necessary, you can go through communicative training, which usually benefits, helps to diversify the current life.

Getting rid of perfectionism, which leads to destruction

Perfectionists are most often dissatisfied with all that they manage to achieve and they do not receive pleasure from the activity itself. As a result, the personality is exhausted over time, increasingly subjected to stress.

Perfectionists are extremely slopes to depressive states

Fixing your attention on the negative, the person is inclined to paint in black tones even those events and phenomena that are positive. It is important that the amount of pleasure is fully compensated by the displeasure that had to feel in the process of work.

If you managed to cope with a difficult task, it should not be subsequently dissected its importance and importance of the work done. It is also not necessary to ignore the praise of others, perceiving them without exaggerations and excellence.

Helps the analysis of one or another situation at the psychotherapist. Over time, it will be possible to adequately evaluate its own capabilities and abilities - this will allow you to withdraw yourself from a very strong depression.

Yes - Little life joys and pleasure!

Do not be excessively ascetic, forbidding everything in a row. Some whims should be allowed. Doctors advise to establish the following rule: no less often than once a day deliver themselves at least one small joy.

Many, for example, helps shopping - however, for this there must be relevant financial capabilities. Sometimes it is necessary to afford an extracurricular sleep, without fear that the closest think: "They say, completely laid".

All ways to get out of the depressive status are associated with the ability to be happy. It is really really the most ordinary life detail. Even the fact that you woke up relatively healthy, have the opportunity to breathe air and communicate with the surrounding people - this is an excellent reason for joy.

Perhaps you will distract you from negative thoughts the journey is at least small, for example, a trip for the city.

The above steps can be the answer to the question: how to get out of depression yourself? However, if the case is really serious and reached the mental disorder, it is likely that they will not help. You will need drug treatment and psychotherapeutic methods, assigning only a qualified psychotherapist.

Medicia treatment

Exit from depression is possible by receiving certain medicinal preparations. Naturally, experimenting with it independently should not, otherwise you risk more harm yourself than to help. But to accept what the doctor writes is desirable, exactly observing the recommended dosage and reception frequency.

It is known about the participation of some chemical substances In brain chains and their direct influence on the mood. In particular, it is possible to recall the dopamine, norerained and serotonin - all these are neurotransmitters transmitting signals from some brain cells to others.

Researchers managed to open the relationship between the depressive state and the imbalance in the content of these substances in the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to receive antidepressants changing the sensitivity of neurotransmitters, as a result of which their availability is improved.

Medical treatment of depression can be appointed only by a doctor

As a result, a person increases the mood (although in the details the mechanism explains why everything is happening exactly that is not yet studied).

Here are the main types of antidepressants appointed by the doctor to get out of stress and protracted depression:

  • Selective inhibitors that ensure the reverse seizure of serotonin - they are aimed at changing the content of serotonin, which allows you to cope with nervousness.
  • Inhibitors responsible for returning norepinephrine, as well as serotonite.
  • Tricyclic funds - their use may be accompanied by side effectsTherefore, they are prescribed by doctors only in extreme cases.
  • Inhibitors of monoaminoxidase - they are traditionally resorted to them when other treatment options are ineffective. The same medicines are actively used in other therapies. mental diseases. It should be known that IMAO is dangerous to interact with the components of many other drugs, as well as with some products. That is why the therapeutic course involves compliance with a strict diet and is carried out under the close observation of the doctor.

Perhaps the appointment and other drugs, such as soothing means and stimulants. Separately in the fight against the depressive state, they are not effective (from constant disorder they definitely do not get rid), but in combination with antidepressants may be quite effective.

Treatment of depression in a woman

How to get out of depression on your own woman? Since B. different age Hormonal changes can occur at the female representatives, this directly affects the mood of a woman and its attitude towards the world around. Another reason can be the lack of nutritional components in the feminine body.

In addition, it is worth remembering that due to the high sensitivity of the woman more men are susceptible to stress and nervous shocks when the nervous situation contributes to the worsening of mood, heavier from all this is departed.

Often they are looking for a way to bring out of deep depression formed against the background of parting with a loved one (divorce with her husband), childhood diseases, deterioration of relationships in the team at work and so on.

But instead of pulling the Internet search requesters: " Help get out of the depressive state - I can not do it yourself"It's best to make an appointment with an experienced psychotherapist.

You can make yourself cope with light form disorders, but what to do and how to be, if the depression is permanent? How to get out of it and get out? Independently in no way - only with the help of psychotherapeutic sessions and, quite possibly, medication treatment. This also applies to women, and men.

It is not worth treating superficially to this disease, thinking that it will pass in itself and does not represent danger. In the absence of treatment (or if it is incorrect), the form of depressive disorder can be threatening, developing into more serious mental illnesses. Even hospitalization is possible.

But how to avoid and defeat the depression on your own? Is it possible to achieve this or yet without a psychotherapist can not do?

Permanent depression in itself will not pass

The main thing is not to panic, because it will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve the problem. It is best to defeat the described state at the beginning of the disease helps sessions from a psychologist. It cannot be said that the desired results will get to achieve quickly, especially if the state is severe, but it should not give up and lower your hands.

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