Mental retardation (PDD). Mental retardation is not a sentence Mental retardation concept of cause classification

Also in kindergarten distinguish babies who are different from their peers. They do it first, then they think, they are too impulsive, they cannot concentrate on a certain matter. A delay in the mental development of a child is characterized by a lag in speaking, concentration, motor skills, thinking, memory. Lag in studies, behavior regulation, uncontrolled emotional outbursts is manifested.

Children with mental retardation need a specially organized upbringing with medical support. Psychiatrists attribute this delay to minor deviations. MR in children does not belong to gross violations of the formation of the child's psyche, the problem is not associated with underdevelopment of the motor system, should not be confused with or disability.

Notice in children cRA symptoms, you can pay attention to some features of the child's behavior:

  • without the help of adults, schoolchildren do not learn curriculum (writing, reading, counting);
  • uncontrollable behavior, restlessness, inattention;
  • late mental, speech development;
  • it is difficult to express a thought correctly;
  • it is impossible to compose a retelling of a read or told text, they build only individual fragments of the story;
  • slow thought process;
  • noticeable decrease in memory;
  • do not pronounce all letters, sounds;
  • such children are naive, straightforward, dependent;
  • often conflict with peers;
  • find it difficult to perceive and fulfill school assignments, prescriptions;
  • some games cause fear;
  • poor performance;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • cannot play in an organized, harmonious manner;
  • learning material is learned slowly;
  • children are not curious enough;
  • impulsive, irritable;
  • they are focused on secondary points;
  • it is difficult to grasp the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe task;
  • fussiness, aggressiveness, insecurity, expressiveness are characteristic;
  • quick mood swings;
  • require constant attention and approval.

Find developmental delay in preschool age on the following grounds:

  • infant 6-8 months does not hold the head alone;
  • baby 7-9 months does not roll over;
  • after 7 months does not sit by himself;
  • by six months the baby does not babble, a year and a half does not speak simple words or syllables (pa, na, ma, yes, mom, dad);
  • the child is constantly walking on "tiptoe".
Important! If these symptoms appear, they seek advice from a pediatrician, psychiatrist.

Causes of developmental delay

The kid has difficulties with learning and social adaptation. Have unstable intellectual abilities. Toddlers can be classified as pedagogically neglected cases, indicating that the reason depends on the child's social status.

Possible causes of CRA that occurred during the mother's pregnancy:

  • rubella, chickenpox;
  • ARI, ARVI, flu;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • mother's contact with pesticides;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • different Rh factor among parents.

Postpartum factors for the manifestation of CRD:

  • injuries inflicted on the baby during childbirth;
  • asphyxia in infants;
  • a premature baby may develop signs of DPR;
  • jaundice;
  • entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • placental abruption.

Other causes of CRD:

  • attention deficit;
  • lack of psychological influence of parents on the baby;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • limitation of life activity;
  • quarrels, violence, alcoholics in the family;
  • excessive custody;
  • head injury, swelling;
  • hydrocyphalus;
  • rickets;
  • meningitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • delayed physical development;
  • excess weight, chronic diseases mothers;
  • nervous breakdowns of the expectant mother;
  • heredity.

Neuropsychological examination revealed a slow formation of the frontal parts of both hemispheres of the brain, which are responsible for behavior, thinking, attention, memory. It is expressed in the slowness of perception, processing of the information received. If a neurologist detects damage, then he will prescribe drugs that activate the work of brain cells, coordinating the excitability of the baby.

Modern children are closed in their world, computer games have a negative effect on development. Over time, there is a shortage of communication with peers, there is a fear of new acquaintances. There is a fear of contact with children and adults.

Problems with the baby's psyche can develop with impaired hearing, vision, speech defects occur. The child feels inferior, becomes isolated, stops communicating, becomes irritable.

ZPR classification

The cognitive, physical abilities of children with CRD are limited. Their intelligence is lower than that of their peers. They are not able to fully comply with the requirements. Games, certain interests come to the fore. These guys behave differently in different situations.

The somatogenic group includes children with somatic diseases (asthma, heart disease, renal failure, pneumonia, etc.). Past medical conditions affect brain function. The kids arrive for a long time hospitals... They are distinguished by low working capacity, absent-mindedness, with difficulty remembering material, they have superficial attention, lethargy. The new team is perceived difficult, adequately react to the environment, polite, do not show initiative.

Constitutional delay depends on heredity. Delayed maturation of the central nervous system leads to mental disorders, and to a delay in physical development. The behavior of these babies does not match their age. Some behave like kids, others try to show that they are adults. Children are spontaneous, they have insufficient memory, not concentrated attention, are not touchy, often good mood... They perform those tasks that are of interest to them.

PDD of a psychogenic nature occurs under unfavorable conditions of a social and somatic nature. This group includes neglect, lack or lack of parenting, cruel treatment, strong guardianship. Babies are characterized by impulsiveness, weak intelligence, lack of independence. The child becomes neuropsychic, restless, anxiety overcomes him. Overprotection leads to lack of will, lack of purposefulness. If there are no problems with the central nervous system, the child gradually adapts to the school environment, overcomes the barrier of communication with classmates.

Cerebro-organic origin is due to damage or abnormality of the brain and central nervous system, cerebral palsy... Violations affect any area of \u200b\u200bthe psyche, it all depends on the scale and area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

Who conducts diagnostics and when

The commission diagnoses a delay in the mental development of the baby. Composition: psychologist, neuropathologist, teacher, psychiatrist, speech therapist, defectologist. Parents, representatives of the kindergarten or school are present during the diagnosis. Their task includes:

  1. Give a conclusion or reject the diagnosis of CRD.
  2. The child is being tested on his knowledge. They check reading, writing, counting, logic, the kid answers certain tests.
  3. Experts study the perception, memory, thinking, attentiveness, self-awareness of the baby.
  4. The commission establishes a training program, what specific classes are needed.

Preschoolers under 6 years old undergo diagnostics. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe EEG, MRI, CT of the brain.

Parental actions with CRA

Such a diagnosis is not final, the child's development does not stand still, it just goes on at its own pace. The first years of study are important for personality formation. This is the time of laying basic knowledge, relationships with people around. Help involves psychological, pedagogical correction.

Adult action:

  1. Lagging development requires competent psychocorrection, you need to start practicing on time. You should not rely on someone (school, teacher), you need to take control of the situation.
  2. The correctional class will help you to get used to it faster, gradually master the educational material, and make friends with classmates.
  3. After the correction, the child is cured, he is ready to return to a regular school by the 5th - 6th grade, the lag will not be noticeable.
  4. You should contact different doctors. Consult a neurologist and psychiatrist several times a year. Undergo a course of treatment as directed.
  5. If the school does not have a speech therapist, you will have to find one yourself. Attend specialist classes twice a week, do additional tasks at home.
  6. Consultations, classes with a defectologist.
  7. Together with the teacher, draw up a plan to make up for the deficiencies in the classroom.
  8. Explain to the child the orientation in space (where is left and where is right, seasons, months, days, sort it out by the clock). Classes will give results if carried out in a playful way. Includes motor games, sandbox activities.
  9. The first time the lesson lasts 8-15 minutes, writing 5 minutes. Then they turn their attention to another lesson. After 40 minutes they take a break: they eat, run, jump, look at pictures.
  10. Tutors are hired whenever possible.
Advice! There are many educational games and exercises on the Internet for children with mental retardation.

The sooner adults pay attention to the baby's lag, the faster the recovery will come.

If the doctor thinks it is necessary drug treatmentthen nootropic drugs are prescribed.

Often, parents control every movement of the baby: they collect a portfolio, do lessons for him, feed him, dress him. Such excessive care deprives their child of independence, instills insecurity, makes them irresponsible. Control is needed, but it is impossible to limit completely independent actions. For example, dad asks: “What lessons did you ask? What subject will you start learning from? What did you put in your portfolio? Show the book you read? " Such questions form a sense of responsibility in the baby, push him to take independent actions, and help him make a decision himself.

Severe workload reduces the child's performance, lethargy, irritation, aggression, mood swings appear. It is difficult to perform increased loads, the child is nervous, worried, loses faith in himself.

Indifference, conniving attitude is observed in dysfunctional families and where parents are too busy they do not see the problem. With age, the situation begins to manifest itself, adults frighten with belts, cuffs, come up with different ways of punishment. In the future, this leads to irreversible consequences.

What to do?

  1. No matter how hard it is, you can't stop, give up, classes will eventually give results. Praise your child for every successful decision, for small achievements.
  2. Help the kid if he asks for help.
  3. Create a positive microclimate in the family. Spend more time together.
  4. To instill confidence in the son (daughter), to convince of success, to explain: you just need to make an effort.
  5. Arouse a desire to learn, follow a daily routine.
  6. Avoid overwork.
  7. Give more independence: let him eat, dress, put things, make the bed, wash the dishes.
  8. Help.
  9. Show different shapes, colors, count objects while walking. For example: “How much do the cars cost? What color are they? Show me a car, big and small? "
  10. Body-emotional contact: hugging, kissing.
  11. Observe the state of the baby from an early age.
  12. Consult a pediatrician.

The exercises that the baby can handle should be asked.

Advice! If there is a correctional educational institution in the city, it is better to send the child there.

The number of students in the correctional class is less than in a regular school, the teacher pays attention to each student. Teachers have experience with such children. It is worth having patience, you can not get lost on the child, he will become isolated, and there will be no opportunity to fix anything.

Delayed mental development (PD) is called a complex disorder in which a lag in the formation of the child's mental functions is revealed in comparison with the generally accepted norm for a particular age group. To properly build developmental and educational work with a preschooler, you need to know well the symptoms of mental retardation in children.

The concept of ZPR

Mental retardation (Mental Retardation) is a concept that was used until 1997 in preschool psychology and pedagogy, and could also be applied to primary school students. In 1997, by order of the Ministry of Health, definitions from the International Classifier were introduced instead of this term: "disorder of psychological (mental) development", " emotional disorder and conduct disorder in childhood and adolescence ”. For the establishment of an official medical diagnosis, the concept of "symptoms" is not suitable, but continues to be actively used in Russian defectology and pedagogy, in particular, in 2015, the Adapted Basic General Education Program of Primary Education of Students with Mental Retardation (SD) was developed and recommended for use, and in 2016 it entered into force in Russian schools.

Thus, the symptoms and signs of mental retardation (SD) include the characteristics of the development of memory, attention, perception, emotional-volitional sphere, and thinking of a preschooler at a pace that does not correspond to average age norms.

Reasons for DPR

Delay in mental development is a complex phenomenon that can be caused by reasons that have a different nature. Analyzing the signs of CRD in a child, the following are usually referred to the biological causes of CRD:

  • pathological course of pregnancy;
  • violation of oxygen supply during pregnancy and during childbirth;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • frequent diseases of the newborn;
  • early visual and hearing impairment;
  • heredity, etc.

In addition to biological, there are also social reasons for the appearance of CRA:

  • unfavorable family situation (insufficient care, neglect, overprotection, emotional instability);
  • psychological trauma;
  • lack of conditions for normal development (limitation of physical activity, lack of emotional and verbal contact with others), etc.

In most situations, indicate a complex socio-biological. In accordance with the indicated reasons, symptoms and signs of CRD are formed in preschool children.

Note! The reasons for the development of MR are often surgical operations, transferred in infancy, drug treatment.

Symptoms and signs of mental retardation (PDD) in a one-year-old child

It is rather difficult to diagnose mental retardation in newborns. However, there are some signs of CRD in children per year. For example, if by the age of 3 months a newborn does not know how to follow a toy with his gaze, does not recognize loved ones, does not turn to the voice or the appearance of a mother, father, grandmother and other family members, you should definitely consult a doctor. The signs that should alert the parents of a one-year-old baby are the following:

  • began to hold his head, turn, sit down, stand on his legs, walk later than normally developing peers;
  • has difficulty holding objects in his hand, including a spoon, bottle, cup;
  • the first babbling, a rare repetition of sounds and syllables appeared only by 12 months or did not appear at all;
  • by the age of 12 months, the baby most often lies quietly or sits in the crib, moves little, is unemotional;
  • uncoordinated movements, it is difficult for him to perform precise movements with his hands (take an object from a shelf, hold for some time, etc.);
  • the formation of chewing movements is difficult.

Of course, it is impossible to argue without consulting a doctor that these features are symptoms of CRD per year. Each baby has its own developmental characteristics, so it is worth continuing observation, working more with the child and be sure to consult a neurologist about the symptoms noted.

Symptoms and signs of CRD at 2 years

A normally developing little man by the age of one and a half to two years already walks confidently, speaks the first words and sentences with pleasure, is able to memorize small poems by heart, is mobile, active and curious, and successfully masters self-service skills.

Let us consider the most common and highlighted in the psychological and pedagogical literature symptoms of CRA in children aged 2 years:

  • does not know his name, does not respond to simple questions (show the ball where mom is);
  • does not say the first words (mom, give), does not try to repeat words after adults;
  • there is a flow of saliva, the tongue often protrudes from the mouth;
  • there are problems with sleep (difficult to bed, sleep is weak and intermittent);
  • tendency to whims, prolonged crying, irritation, etc.

Symptoms and signs of mental retardation (PDD) are difficulties with maintaining attention on any object or process. For example, children cannot concentrate on a book shown by their parents, on a poem that is read to them, they cannot concentrate on a simple game, they are not interested.

Important! A delay in the psyche can be indicated by symptoms such as various sleep disorders, appetite disorders, increased excitability of the child and his inability to calm down without the help of adults.

Symptoms of CRA in a 3-year-old child

Children are not alike, in modern preschool pedagogy the concept of “norm” is practically not used. Programs preschool education talk about what the child should learn and what he has the opportunity to learn. However, some features in the formation of cognitive abilities by defectologists are classified as signs of DPD at 3 years. Let's name the most noticeable symptoms:

  • active dictionary consists of 20 words;
  • fuzzy pronunciation of sounds, improper formation of word forms ("eats" the endings);
  • the grammatical skill of combining words into phrases and sentences is not formed;
  • there is no stable knowledge about the names and signs of familiar objects, body parts, names of colors;
  • the ability to understand a coherent text is not developed;
  • difficulties arise in fulfilling the requests and instructions of adults;
  • in play activity, the underdevelopment of the imagination, the same type of play actions are manifested;
  • inattention and fatigue;
  • it is difficult for a child to formulate his needs and requests;
  • tendency to aggressive behavior, hysterical reactions, etc.

When a child with these symptoms starts attending preschool educational organization, it is difficult for him to concentrate attention in the course of classes, to complete the task to the end. He has poorly developed mechanisms of logical actions, he finds it difficult to compare, classify, highlight the signs of objects, talk over the text or plot of the game.

Symptoms of CRD in children aged 4 years

By the age of 4, the differences in preschool children with developmental delay become more noticeable. Signs of development lagging behind the average age indicators can be divided into several groups (table).

Physical form Cognitive sphere Relationships with people
Inactivity, weak muscle tone Underdevelopment of coherent speech Isolation, self-absorption, disinterest in games with peers
Urinary disorders Inability to memorize by ear or visually Lack of interest in the world
Headaches, dizziness Distracted attention Anxiety, aggressiveness, alertness
Nausea in transport Unformed knowledge about the world Whims, mood swings
Fatigue Lack of interest in cognitive games Infantilism

In addition to these signs, one can name such symptoms of CRA at 4 years of age, such as difficulties with the formation of self-service skills (inability to dress, put on shoes, eat carefully, etc.)

Symptoms of CRD in a 5-year-old child

A five-year-old preschooler with a developmental delay noticeably differs from his peers, first of all, by signs of insufficient formation of the emotional and volitional sphere. He sees himself as very little child, therefore, in most situations, he is unable to make a decision on his own, to bring the work begun or received to the end, prefers to communicate with the younger ones. It is difficult for him to organize himself due to distraction of attention. He has poorly developed fine motor skills, it is difficult to work with materials for modeling, drawing with pencils and paints. Symptoms and signs of CRD in children at the age of 5 are noticeable, such as the fact that a preschooler cannot sit still, fidgets in a chair, moves his arms and legs, fiddles with clothes or other objects, speaks a lot, quickly and illegibly.

A five-year-old preschooler still has problems with memorization, performing mental operations, naming signs of objects, a holistic perception of objects and phenomena, improving phonetic and grammatical structure speech.

Important! Serious symptoms and signs of mental retardation (MAD) in a preschooler are lags in the formation of the phonetic, lexical, grammatical structure of speech and complex speech disorders.

Symptoms and signs of mental retardation in children (CRD) are varied and manifest in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from a teacher-defectologist, to constantly monitor the dynamics of the development of a preschool child. The kid needs a comprehensive examination and individual plan correctional work.


Working with children with mental retardation, I always reassure parents: “DPD is not the worst thing, with systematic lessons the child“ straightens out ”and even comes to the norm, depending on what is the cause of this pathology”. For the most part, Zeperki children are cute, very affectionate, docile. It is a pleasure to work with them. We will talk about the causes of CRD in children and the forms of solving the problem in this article.

What is mental retardation?

Physicians were the first to identify the problem of mental retardation. ZPR is characterized by a slow rate of maturation of mental and psychomotor functions and is reflected in the immaturity of the personality in the form of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, as well as cognitive abilities of the brain: memory, attention, thinking. The lag of children with CRD from their peers is manifested in the insufficient formation of all mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, transfer, abstraction. But these violations are not gross, are of a compensatory nature and have a reverse development.

A distinctive feature of children with mental retardation is their desire to have fun, their interests are unstable, motives are vague, they love changes in their activities, but at the same time they have an inadequate idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves, they often consider themselves exceptional. Children with CRD have an unstable concentration of attention, its low switchability and distribution, so they quickly get tired in the classroom. They have difficulty solving verbal and logical problems, find it difficult to determine cause-and-effect relationships, often confuse concepts, for example, seasons with months, do not know how to highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena, which affects the development of elementary ideas about them. The play activity of children is characterized by the inability to independently organize a detailed game without the help of an adult. Children of this category are often impulsive, hyperactive, anxious, aggressive, and have difficulties in learning at school. At the same time, mental retardation was called "mental infantilism », which is defined as age-inappropriate immature mental and physical status.

CRA can act as both a primary and a secondary defect against the background of a speech disorder, for example. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as cerebrasthenic and psychoorganic syndromes, may be present in the structure of the PDA defect. These syndromes can act both separately and in combination with each other.

Reasons for DPR

The dynamics of mental retardation is different and depends on many factors. The causes of mental retardation are usually divided into two large groups. The first group is organic or hereditary, the second is due to social factors, pedagogical neglect and emotional deprivation.

The first group, the causes of a polygenic nature, are due to local lesions of the brain zones during intrauterine development. This is due to infectious, somatic and toxic diseases of the mother, and can also be the result of fetal asphyxia or trauma in the natal or postnatal period. It is also possible genetic predisposition, which can cause the primary delay in the maturation of brain systems. 50-92% of these children have neurological symptoms, there are cases with signs of hydrocephalus, vegetative-vascular dystonia, with impaired cranial innervation. These signs can be identified on the EEG, where the absence of an alpha rhythm and a flash of delta waves is well traced. In addition, a number of encephalopathic symptoms were identified, caused by organic brain damage and entailing minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD).

A primary delay in the development of brain zones can lead to a secondary one, which is associated with a failure of certain cognitive functions, such as memory, speech activity, purposefulness of action, volume and concentration of attention.

The second group of reasons for social origin indicates that the child did not have enough stimuli for development: emotional and maternal deprivation, malnutrition and child care systems from early childhood. Pedagogical neglect acts as an important social reason, that is, the child was not given due attention in mastering any skill. Pedagogical neglect also has its own reasons: parental alcoholism, early orphanhood, conflict, family instability, authoritarian regime, lack of communication with others, mild mental disorders in parents, closed children's institution... Recently, one of the factors of pedagogical neglect has been called the negative impact of the school system of education and the teacher. Any pedagogical influence that does not take into account the individual characteristics of children can become a direct cause of mental retardation.

CRA is often formed under the influence of both biological and social factors. A child with MMD finds himself in an unfavorable environment, under the influence of improper upbringing in the family and at school, he begins to lag behind in development, and cannot learn the school curriculum. As a result, not only cognitive processesbut also the psyche. Any psycho-traumatic social factor leads an already sick child to developmental delay. The combination of two groups of reasons make it impossible to eliminate the developmental deficiencies with the age of the child, and as a result, his social maladjustment occurs.

Types of ZPR

Based on the causes of mental retardation, there are several types of it:

Delayed mental development of constitutional origin. Children of this category are distinguished by the simultaneous immaturity of physical, (small height and weight), and mental development, are distinguished by their infantilism, and attract attention from the first days at school with their curiosity about what is happening. They quickly find friends, enjoy respect and love because of their meek and easygoing disposition. The mood of such a child is generally always positive, he is affectionate, friendly. In the classroom, he is usually restless, talks a lot, does not know how to concentrate, is constantly late, disorganized, so academic performance suffers. Due to the lack of formation of mental operations, children have a small stock of knowledge about the environment.

Delayed mental development of somatogenic origin... Children of this group are born healthy, without hereditary pathologies. CRD occurs as a result of illnesses and injuries in early childhood, which affect the development of brain functions. Minimal cerebral dysfunction leads to a state of mental infantilism and asthenia with sufficient preservation of intelligence. These children at school have difficulties with adaptation, they constantly whine, miss their parents, are distinguished by helplessness, lack of initiative, inactivity, passivity, they have no motivation to learn, get tired quickly, refuse to answer questions, are disorganized. Their actions are often ridiculous, they often get sick, miss classes, refuse to work, are critical of difficulties and failure, as a result of which they experience failure very deeply.

Delayed mental development of psychogenic origin... Children are healthy and have normal physical development. The structure of their violation is associated with a socio-psychological factor, for example, children brought up in an orphanage, or in a dysfunctional family in a situation of neglect. First of all, their emotional sphere suffers, without maternal warmth and with the monotony of social contacts there is a delay in mental development and, as a result, intellectual development. The social environment is a traumatic factor leading to pedagogical neglect. These children are also infantile, heightened anxious, passive, dependent, downtrodden. They have an underdevelopment of analyzing activity, they do not distinguish between bad and good, existing from non-existent. Intellect is impaired vocabulary scarce, no generalizations. The behavior manifests itself in increased aggressiveness, individualism, bias in judgments, in some cases, on the contrary, adaptability, humility.

Delayed mental development of cerebral-organic genesis... In this case, CRD is associated with local organic lesions of the brain due to pathology during pregnancy, birth injury or infectious diseases in the first year of life. Such children have cerebral insufficiency, asthenia, leading to a decrease in working capacity, memory, concentration of attention, which leads to school failure by the end of the first year of study. Children are characterized by primitive thinking, decreased emotional reactions, lack of independence, increased suggestibility, decreased motivation and satiety, do not know how to build relationships with others, do not correlate the concepts of "want" and "need". Such children are either overly excitable, which causes frequent conflicts, aggression, irritability, assault, or inhibited, as a result of which they are passive, sluggish, whiny, slow, anxious and fearful.

Teaching children with mental retardation

Correction of ZPR is associated, first of all, with age stages. The earlier the form of developmental delay is identified and work is started to eliminate mental deviations, the better. The age factor can change the nature and dynamics of the development of the disease, mitigating its manifestations. Also at the stage of correctional and developmental work, it is important to know cause of CRA... If the reason is pedagogical neglect or another social factor, then with systematic classes with a psychologist and a defectologist, it is possible to completely eliminate the mental retardation and bring the child to normal.

Knowledge of the type of delay is of great importance in correcting the delay. So much for the constitutional ZPR forecast favorable. If a pedagogical influence is provided competently and purposefully, in a playful way for a child, since visual-active thinking is developed much better in children-DPR-ok than visual-figurative, then there will be no trace of the problem. Early education of these children with an emphasis on the development of cognitive functions: memory, attention, logical and abstract thinking, can completely solve the problem of developmental delay.

Lebedinskaya's classification, which is based on the main etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms that cause developmental delay and lead to a certain structure of the defect. Based on this criterion, 4 main forms of CRA.

CRA of constitutional origin (congenital). But often its origin is associated with mild metabolic and trophic disorders in the prenatal period and in the first years of life.

The child is distinguished by a special, infantile (childish) body type, he has a childish face and childish facial expressions, an infantile psyche (mental infantilism). A characteristic feature of this form of CRA is the combination immaturity of the emotional and intellectual spheres. At the same time, the emotional-volitional sphere is, as it were, at an earlier stage of development, in many respects resembling the structure of the emotional makeup of younger children. In children, emotional motivation of behavior prevails, there is an increased background of mood, immediacy and brightness of emotions with their superficiality and instability, easy suggestibility. Difficulties in learning for them are associated not so much with their intellectual inconsistency, but with the immaturity of the motivational sphere and the personality as a whole, with the persistent predominance of gaming interests. The prognosis for the development of such children is favorable; over time, they level out in their development and reach the level of their peers under favorable conditions for training and education. CRA of somatogenic origin. It is observed in those children who for a long time and often suffer from severe somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, oncological diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, etc.). Before the main disease, the child's development was uneventful, his nervous system also functioned normally, since initially there was no organic lesion. 1. The nervous system and the brain suffers, since somatic ill health has a harmful effect on all body systems, including the nervous system and the brain (intoxication, hypoxia). 2. Decreases the length of time the child is active, when he can play, study, communicate with other people, as this time is spent on the examination and treatment of the child. 3. Decreased mental tone due to general painful weakness (asthenia), increased exhaustion and fatigue, therefore, the child's development opportunities are sharply limited. In independent activity, they perform less manipulations with objects in comparison with healthy children. Reduced overall activity, and especially cognitive activity. There is a fluctuation of attention, concentration decreases. In the most severe cases, children also have cerebrasthenic phenomena. Cerebrosthenia syndrome manifests itself in a child not only in increased fatigue, but also in an increase in mental sluggishness, in a deterioration in concentration, memory, in unmotivated mood disorders, tearfulness, lethargy, drowsiness. The child has increased sensitivity to bright light, loud noise, stuffiness, headaches. All of this negatively affects academic performance. The long-term, painful and difficult process of treatment, long and frequent hospitalizations, also have a pathogenic effect on the development of the child. Children are prescribed numerous prohibitions and restrictions in nutrition, pastime, communication, related to the nature of the disease and treatment. Gradually, the content of basic needs also changes in children, the circle of their interests is built around the underlying disease, he is less interested in everything that healthy peers live with. The child cares and worries about his condition, the possibility of recovery. The main principle in the relationship between adults and children is hyperprotection, that is, excessive care. Hyperprotection in itself leads to a decrease in the child's activity, he expects that adults will do everything for him. Parents underestimate the level of requirements for a child, forming a consumer position, self-doubt, low self-esteem. Egocentrism is encouraged, the child's attention is fixed on his illness, and special significance is attached to it. Often in children, there is also a delay in emotional and volitional development associated with insecurity, fearfulness, fears, general anxiety, since the child realizes and feels his physical inferiority. Thus, in children with severe somatic diseases, developmental delays begin to accumulate gradually with initially normal development. Asthenization (weakness, lethargy) in combination with unfavorable socio-psychological conditions leads to a distortion of the formation of the child's personality. The prognosis of development in children with a somatogenic form directly depends on the severity, course and outcome of the underlying disease. CRD of psychogenic origin associated with unfavorable living conditions and raising a child, both in the family and outside the family. PDD of psychogenic origin often occurs in those children who, from an early age, were subjected to mental (deprivation of emotions, impressions) and social (deprivation of communication) deprivation, which is especially typical for children who are brought up in closed institutions (orphanages, boarding schools), in social dysfunctional families. Deprivation has long-term negative consequences, which are manifested in distortions of the development of the emotional-volitional, and later intellectual sphere. This form of CRD has a social origin, it is not associated with immaturity or brain damage. But with early onset and prolonged action, traumatic factors can lead to persistent changes in the neuropsychic sphere of the child. In infancy, such children have a sharply reduced need for communication, they do not form attachment relationships with close adults, in early age they show apathy and inactivity, lack of initiative, a decrease in general and cognitive motivation, a lag in speech development. In preschool age, depression, reduced emotionality, passivity are noted, empathic abilities are not formed. At primary school age, children do not develop arbitrariness, there is a lack of intellectual sphere, these children are prone to conflict and aggressive behavior. At the same time, they feel a great need for benevolent attention from others, their need for communication is not satisfied. In adolescence, children have a variety of problems of personality formation, its self-awareness, a fuzzy orientation towards the future develops, and all these features persist in adulthood. This type of CRA is considered to be quite favorable in terms of overcoming the temporary developmental lag. With timely commenced corrective work (as early as possible) and competently corrective work, when creating adequate favorable conditions for upbringing for a child, developmental delay can be overcome or significantly reduced. However, upbringing outside the family's conditions at a very early age cannot be completely overcome, because the state of emotional distress of the child that arises at this age persists in various forms throughout a person's life. Children with a psychogenic form of CRD do not have gross violations of the intellect or its prerequisites (memory, attention, performance) - these functions remain relatively intact. The main factor that leads to a decrease in intellectual productivity, to school failure, is a decrease in motivation and distortion in the formation of the emotional-volitional sphere. This form of CRA must be distinguished from the phenomena of pedagogical neglect. With pedagogical neglect, there is a lack of knowledge and skills of the child, the range of ideas is reduced due to the lack of information and the poor environment surrounding the child. When replenishing information, the child quickly assimilates and acquires knowledge and skills, accumulates impressions. CRA of psychogenic origin is a consequence of long-term pathological conditions acting systemically, and it cannot be overcome only by transmitting information and creating favorable environmental conditions. CRA of cerebral organic origin. The child has an organic lesion of the central nervous system. Brain damage in a child mainly occurs in the late stages of intrauterine development, during childbirth and in the first days after birth. In most cases, the developmental delay in such children cannot be completely overcome; it can only be partially compensated. A more favorable option is when the child's attention deficit and motor disinhibition comes to the fore, and memory and thinking suffer to a lesser extent. Markovskaya describes two variants of mental retardation of cerebral-organic genesis.1st option - with a predominance of the phenomena of organic infantilism: children have a lower severity of brain damage, the prognosis of development and overcoming developmental delay is more favorable. In children, the traits of immaturity of the emotional sphere of the type of organic infantilism prevail, violations of higher mental functions are mosaic and mainly dynamic in nature, due to low mental tone and increased exhaustion, underdevelopment of the regulatory mechanisms of the psyche. There are no primary intellectual impairments: verbal and non-verbal intelligence are on average within the age norm. Reduced mental performance and attention. This variant is also observed in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. For 2nd option characterized by a greater severity of cerebral lesions, their localization in the parietal and temporal regions of the brain, for them the prognosis is less favorable. In this variant, disturbances in cognitive activity, that is, memory, thinking and imagination, prevail. Observed primary deficiency higher mental functions: difficulties in perceiving complicated objects, impaired hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, phonemic hearing, auditory-speech memory, active speech, insufficient verbal-logical thinking. IQ indices (general, verbal and non-verbal), measured using the Wechsler test, are in the border zone between norm and mental retardation.

Today we will try to figure out one acronym that scares many parents. ZPR - what is it? Can this state be corrected?

In medicine, this is referred to as hyperactivity: the child is spinning, unable to stand still, unable to wait for a turn in the game, answers without hearing the question to the end, he cannot speak or play quietly.

Violations with CRA

What it is is now clear. ZPR is often expressed in the rate of speech development. As a rule, a child with this problem in communication pays more attention to gestures and intonation, having a limited vocabulary. At the same time, violations are reversible and can be corrected. Every year the child more and more catches up with his peers, overcoming speech impairment.

Lagging in all forms of thinking (analysis, generalization, synthesis, comparison) is also observed in such children. They cannot distinguish, for example, the main features when generalizing. Answering the question: "How can you call a dress, trousers, socks, sweater in one word?" - such a child will say: "This is all that is necessary for a person" or "This is all in our closet." At the same time, children with CRD can supplement the proposed group of objects without any difficulty. When comparing objects, this process is carried out according to random signs. "How do people differ from animals?" "People wear coats, but animals don't."

Problems of communicative adaptation of children with mental retardation, what is it

A distinctive feature of children with mental retardation is the problematic nature of interpersonal relationships for them, both with peers and with adults. The need for communication in such children is reduced. For the adults on whom they depend, many have increased anxiety. Such children are attracted by new people much less than new objects. When problems arise, the child is more likely to stop his activities than turn to someone for help.

Children with mental retardation are, as a rule, not ready for “warm” relationships with peers, reducing them to purely “businesslike” ones. Moreover, the games take into account the interest of only one side, and the rules are always rigid in nature, excluding any variations.

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