"Good and evil" outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic. How to explain to a child what is good and evil if you are an atheist and do not want to involve religion? Good and evil through the eyes of children and adults

Natalya Drannikova
Synopsis of GCD for children of the senior group and parents "Good and Evil"

Synopsis of the GCD of children of the older group

Topic of the lesson: « Good and evil»

Educational area: Socio-communicative development

Purpose of the lesson: Shaping u children moral qualities and moral guidelines.



Learn to understand the meaning of terms « Good» and "Evil";

Teach children to generalize, draw conclusions;

To consolidate the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning;

introduce children with paper construction, origami way.


Develop a sense of tolerance, respect and sensitivity to each other, parents, surrounding people;

Cultivate the ability to feel and see good and bad.


To contribute to the development of communicative competencies (the ability to listen, sincerely express one's opinion, to show benevolence);

To improve the skills of cultural communication with peers, adults;

Encourage understanding of universal human values;

Develop imagination, attention, memory, logical thinking.


Apply the acquired knowledge in communication with friends, parents, teachers and other people around.

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, screen, speakers, pictures, drawing paper, paints, white paper, candle (safe, audio recordings with songs about kindness, videos.

Lecture hall: preparatory children groups and their parents

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive, artistic.

Conduct form: Team work

Activity progress:

Children enter the hall to the music (Dear of good)

caregiver: Hello guys. I came to visit you and I want us to play a little with you today, can I? My name is Natalya Sergeevna. And what is your name, you say in unison. One, two, three, tell me your name. Well done! You know that there is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do this, I will read a poem, and you at the end of each line you will loudly and unanimously add the word HELLO! There is a good sign, to give greetings to everyone in the morning. The sun is red.

Children: Hey!

caregiver: The sky is clear.

Children: Hey!

caregiver: People adults and kids.

Children: Greetings from the bottom of my heart!

caregiver: I have to ask you, guys: “Please close your eyes for a minute, smile (be sure to open your eyes, look: became brighter. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you are happy and kind faces. Which means here

gathered good people».

And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how our hands, from palm to palm, passes kindness. (We pick up the lit (safe) a candle and the children pass the candle to each other). See how the spark lit from our hearts. May she accompany you today.

Children sit on chairs

Educator Please look at the screen and think about what we will talk about today? (clip « Kindness» )

Answers children

Educator That's right, guys, today I want to talk to you about good and evil.

But first, let's set up your eyes (gymnastics for the eyes)

Let's rub our palms

Let's warm them up a bit. (Rubbing palms.)

We press our fingers tightly to each other,

We do not allow light to penetrate through them. (They make boats.)

Hands - these are our boats:

Let's close the left eye

Let's close the other eye. (Close their eyes.)

It's time to think about good things now.

Eyes closed, palms not touching...

Now the pressure is off.

(Think positive. the educator can give various kinds of settings such as: "Our eyes are good, our eyes are resting" etc.)

Let's take our hands a little,

Slowly open our eyes.

What became clearer

We will not hide from you, friends.

Educator What do you think good? kind person, what is he? What actions of people can you name kind?

Answers children

Educator Guys, what is evil? What do you think is an evil person? Do you know what actions can be called unkind, evil?

Answers children

Educator Tell me, who always teaches you what is good and what is bad? Who always helps and tells you what things to do and what not to do? (answers children) . Of course, these are your moms and dads, grandparents. They are always by your side. Do you want them to be with you today? Then close your eyes and think about them.

They enter the hall parents and stand with the children in a circle

Educator Dear parents we are talking about today good and evil. About good and bad deeds. Will you help us?

Answers parents

Educator Guys, look carefully, there are multi-colored envelopes in the hall, I suggest you take one envelope and, along with parents see, they contain pictures that depict good and bad deeds, look at them, and moms and dads will help you understand which deed and why is good and which is bad.

Children and parents looking at pictures, parents explain to children what actions are depicted on them

Educator Let's play with you. Parents stand in front of children. I will offer you situations, and you must show what emotions this situation causes in you. How will the child behave and how will he behave parent. Shall we try?

The game "Etudes"(situations: your mom, dad, grandmother have a birthday, you drew a beautiful drawing and presented it; you walked in the street and came home very dirty; parents leave on a business trip for a long time; parents gave you a gift that you have been dreaming about for a long time; you broke your knee; mother has a headache; Mom was gone for a long time and she returned home)

Educator Well done! Great! Well, now let's all have fun together and do a little exercise!

Musical physical education

Educator And now the task for our parents. Do you have proverbs and sayings written on the cards about good and evil. Please read them and explain to us how to understand these expressions.

Parents read and explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings

1. A good person teaches good

2. Good evil always wins

3. The world is not without good people

4. A kind word heals, and evil - cripples

5. Kindness without reason is empty

6. For good deeds - good pay

7. Good fame lies and the evil one runs

8. For good a hundred hands will raise a man

9. Who loves good deeds, that's why life is sweet

10. Kindness nowhere loses its dignity

11. Kind a word to a man is like rain in a drought

12. Live kinder you will be nicer to everyone

Educator And I have another game for you. I call you a word, and you have to name a word that is opposite in meaning.

The game "Speak the opposite" (kind angry, good-bad, cheerful-sad, joy-sadness, white-black, light-dark, honest-false, war-peace)

Educator What do you think, when there is peace on earth, is it good? This good? What then is war? That's right, war is the greatest evil. War is fear, pain, tears, grief. And especially for children who become absolutely defenseless against this terrible evil.

Clip "Cancel the War"

Educator Tell me, what emotions did this clip evoke in you?

Answers children and parents

Educator What do you think people need to do so that there is always peace on Earth, and what should not be done?

Answers children and parents

Educator I suggest that we all make a composition together, symbolizing the world and kindness. Do you agree? What do you associate the word WORLD with? The world is the sun, blue sky, love, happiness, mom is nearby. The dove is also considered a symbol of peace. Let's do this, moms and dads will draw a big beautiful sun, and we will make white beautiful doves. I will teach you.

Clip "Let there always be sunshine"

Parents draw the sun, educator with children makes birds in the origami way. Children and parents stand all together against the background of the picture. The teacher suggests taking balloons to the children so that the composition looks even more joyful and fun.

Educator Here we have such a wonderful composition. What shall we call her? Let me take a picture of you as a keepsake of our meeting.

Educator Well, now our meeting with you has come to an end. Guys, what did you like today? What didn't you like?

Answers children

Educator Dear parents Do you enjoy working with children? Were you interested? Maybe you want to say something?

Answers parents

Educator I also want to thank you very much, it was very interesting for me to communicate with you. I want to wish you that in your life you meet only good people to you trying to do good deeds for your hearts to be kind, attentive and loving! And in parting, I want to read you these lines:

Faces and dates are erased

But still until the last day

I remember those that once

At least they warmed me up.

Warmed with your raincoat,

Or a quiet joking word,

Or tea on a shaky table,

Ile simply kind face.

Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle

coming Kindness on earth.

And I won't forget about her

How do I forget about evil ...

Thank you. Goodbye.

Children along with parents leave the hall to the music (Dear of good)


Purpose: to form in students the desire to do good deeds, induce good feelings, develop self-esteem.

Making children feel that doing good brings joy;

To create conditions for the conscious choice of actions in accordance with moral principles, to cultivate the desire and need to bring good to people;

Understand that emotions, mental and business qualities determine the personality and life success of each person;

Know that these qualities can be positive and negative;

To know that everyone can change themselves for the better by making the appropriate decisions.

Organizing time.

Teacher. Good afternoon dear friends! I am very glad to see your beautiful, kind eyes.

Somewhere out there, far away, where the winds walk,

there is a wonderful place - the Valley of Goodness.

Many are looking for a way, but they cannot find,

only a good heart can lead to it.

Shout out to the clouds: "Hi!" - laughter and tears are shed.

You touch the raindrops... and they sing...

And rainbow strings you can play

the sun will caress with a bright warm beam.

Bells of happiness in the valley sound.

They give a gentle sound and give hope.

You quietly open the doors to the Valley of Good

and feel peace, peace of mind.

Do not look for that Valley in the sands or snows.

Believe, you will find the Valley... Everything is in your hands only!

What will be discussed? Yes, today we will talk about kindness.

Our lesson today will not be simple, but magical, and you know why? Because we will try to become wizards. Let's say the magic words to get to the Valley of Goodness. Hold hands, close your eyes and together we will say the magic words:

Fly fly petal

Through the west to the east

Fly around the earth

To be, in my opinion, led!

Here we have arrived. Let's sit in a circle.

In nature there is a sun. It shines on everyone, loves and warms everyone, demanding nothing in return, not expecting any praise. Having done good, enjoy the fact that another person has become good. Good gives us joy, new forces appear: the forces of health, happiness, joy.

What kind of person can be called kind?

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help in difficult times, he loves animals, the surrounding nature. A kind person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful in dealing with comrades and adults.

How often do you use kind words? They are also called "magic" words.

Children: thank you, good afternoon, e. evening, bless you, sorry, thank you, etc.

Prickly game:

And now I invite you to a prickly game.

Sitting on the rug, pass each other a ball (with spikes) and name everything that you know is prickly.

Children: Prickly tree, prickly bush, prickly pine needles, prickly scarf, prickly hedgehog.

Teacher: Is it possible to say “prickly person” or “prickly eyes”. What kind of person can you say that about?

Children: unkind, unsociable, secretive, evil, tough, gloomy.

Teacher: Do you like these qualities?

Children: No

Teacher: We will agree to call them the negative qualities of a person. Are there people with only one positive or negative qualities?

Children: no

Teacher. What do you think is more on earth: good or evil?

Let's listen to the parable "White and black wolf"

An Indian shared with his grandson

One ancient truth.

The granddaughter strove for knowledge

And ... to wisdom, as such

Grandfather told that in a man -

The fight of hardened two wolves.

One - for kindness in the world,

The other is for the kingdom of sins!

As soon as they run away,

How they cling to each other again.

One - to serve revenge on a saucer,

The other is for peace and love!

Grandson, listening fascinated,

I felt for the story.

He asked the question casually:

"Which wolf wins?"

Satisfied with this question,

And with wise cunning in the eyes,

Grandfather told, you see, not just

The story of two wolves:

“Well, if you asked a question, then listen:

To be undefeated

Only wolves want to eat

Who will you choose to feed!”

On the board are pictures of two wolves - a black and a white wolf. Words are scattered underneath. These words I called "black" and "white", like these two wolves. I suggest you place white words under the good wolf, and black words under the bad wolf.

Children divide the words into two groups.

Teacher: Let's read the white words. When we pronounce them, it becomes warm and cozy, joyful and calm from them. And now let's read the black words. You feel cold, fear, danger. Children, which wolf do you choose? (White) Using the example of two wolves, we saw that good triumphs over evil. Say more kind words. After all, if a person often pronounces them, it means that he has this quality - kindness.

Fizminutka - conducted by the student.

Every person has something good and something bad. But most importantly, what qualities are more, such a person. But not only words, but also deeds must be good

Since ancient times, people have striven for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed from mouth to mouth. Words are scattered on the rug. While the music is playing, you will have to collect proverbs from these words.

Remember good, but forget evil.

Pay good for good.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

Good deeds make a person beautiful.

Training "Magic Wand"

If you had a magic wand, what good deed did you do for yourself, for friends, for strangers? Approach whoever you want and contact with good wishes, affectionate words. (Children pick up a magic wand and, if they wish, say aloud what a good deed they would do)

Do you think it's hard to be kind? (children's answers)

What do you need to have for this? (Good soul, good heart).

Do you really need a magic wand to help people? This can be done without a magic wand.

Take a seat at the desks.

The game "Fairytale hero - good or evil"

Teacher: You all love fairy tales. And one of the main topics of Russian folk tales was the theme of good and evil. There are good and bad characters in fairy tales. Now we are going to play a game. I will show a fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If good, raise yellow cards, if evil, raise black cards.

Needlewoman, Kashchei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-swans, Baba Yaga, Malvina, The Snow Queen, Barmaley.

What character would you like to be like? Why?

Yes, if you look closely, you will see that there are much more good people in the world than evil ones. It is believed that the world rests on good people. In almost all fairy tales, good heroes win, evil ones are punished. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. A strong person shows real generosity, he is truly kind, and a weak person is kind only in words, but cowardly and cunning in deeds.

Teacher: Let us now also do one common good deed. Our planet is so lonely, sad, let's decorate it. You have patterns of flowers, trees, butterflies and birds on your desks. Also pieces of colored paper. Everyone takes one template and circles any figure on a piece of colored paper. We will work together, help neighbors who are not very successful. After all, we are working on a planet of goodness. We bring the finished crafts to the board and glue them to the planet with magnets.

It turns out a beautiful application.

What will we call this picture? (WORLD, How beautiful this world is, Good has conquered evil)

How did you feel doing a good deed? (Doing good is pleasant and joyful.)

May all the good that is in each of us only grow and develop, grow. Do not let evil into your hearts, souls. In memory of today's lesson, I have prepared gifts for you. Let these small gifts add a drop of goodness to your hearts. Try to do good to the people around you more often. V good hour, in a good way, be kind, thank you, good health!

Target: development of children's ideas about good and evil;

to separate in the representation of students the concepts of "good" and "evil";

convince of the need for kindness and good deeds.


To develop the moral ideas of children about the responsibility of each for their actions; to draw the attention of children to the fact that words must certainly be combined with good deeds;

To acquaint with the patterns of manifestation of good and evil in the personality of a person and the surrounding life;

To cultivate attentiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize, the desire to help people.



Lesson on spiritual and moral education Grade 3 "Good and Evil"

Prepared by the primary school teacher MOU Provodnikovskaya OOSh named after the hero of the Russian Federation A.S. Maslov

Target: development of children's ideas about good and evil;

to separate in the representation of students the concepts of "good" and "evil";

convince of the need for kindness and good deeds.


To develop the moral ideas of children about the responsibility of each for their actions; to draw the attention of children to the fact that words must certainly be combined with good deeds;

To acquaint with the patterns of manifestation of good and evil in the personality of a person and the surrounding life;

To cultivate attentiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize, the desire to help people.

Equipment: forms with a crossword puzzle, scales with bowls, tablets with the inscriptions “envy”, “Greed”, “rudeness”, “Betrayal”, “war”, “lie”), figures of smiling men, explanatory dictionaries of S.I. Ozhegov.

During the classes

  1. Organizational activities of students.

- looked at each other,

They smiled and sat quietly.

2.Introductory part

Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson with you, and you will formulate the topic yourself by solving a crossword puzzle. (children have blanks with a crossword puzzle) (work in groups: 2 groups of 8 people).

1. This is a human organ as a symbol of human experiences, feelings, moods.

2. Feeling of angry irritation, ill will against someone

3. Feeling of selfless, cordial affection.

4.Cheerful feeling, a feeling of great spiritual satisfaction.

5. Good wishes.

6. Help directed to the well-being of someone.

7. Close relationships based on trust.

3. The main part.

Today we will try to answer the question: “What is Good and what is Evil. And how it affects the world around us and society.

Can one of you already now say something about Good and Evil?

It's good that you have so many answers.

Name similar-root words for the word "good" ("evil").

Look, please, in explanatory dictionaries, find and read what definition S.I. Ozhegov gives to these words (work in groups on cards).

Group 1: kindness, virtue, kindness, kind, good-natured, good-natured

Group 2: evil, malice, malicious, villain, crime, gloating.

Children's answers.

Good - what is useful to people, society, contributes to its preservation, prosperity, what prevents enmity.

Evil - opposite to good, it disfigures the personality and relations between people, induces to commit bad deeds, incites enmity.

V real life Good and Evil meet; people do both good and bad things. The idea that in the world and man there is a struggle between the "forces of Good" and the "forces of Evil" is one of the important ideas that pervade the entire history of culture.

Legend of the Fall.

Do you know that once all people on Earth were kind and they lived beautifully in paradise. But one day they did a very bad thing. Having settled them in paradise, God allowed them to eat the fruits of any tree, except for the fruits of that tree, which was called the tree of knowledge, good and evil.

But Satan, the enemy of God and people, wanted to destroy the first people - Adam and Eve.

One day he approached Eve in the form of a serpent and said: “Did God really say: “Do not eat from any tree in paradise?” Eve replied: “We can eat the fruit of all trees, but only the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of paradise, God did not tell us to eat, so as not to die.” then the serpent, wishing to sow in the heart of Eve doubt in sincerity God's love, began to deceive her, saying: “No. You will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat the fruit, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.”

When Eve looked at the tree after the words of Satan, it seemed to her good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable, because it gives knowledge. Then she plucked the fruit from it and ate it, and gave it also to her husband, Adam. After that, God said to Adam: “Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree, about which I commanded you, saying:“ Do not eat from it ”, then the earth is cursed for you; in sorrow you will eat from it all the days of your life ... In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground from which you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.” Then the Lord drove Adam and Eve out of the beautiful garden, and they could no longer return to it. Thus the fall of the first people took place.

Since those ancient times, man and the whole world have changed. So many people began to commit sins - bad deeds.

Think about it, do we do bad things?

Children's answers.

Of course, we are not all sinless. But this does not mean at all that we are bad. Our behavior is bad.

How do we feel when we do bad things?

Children's answers.

We are hard at heart, ashamed of our act. This is called remorse. Have you repented of any action?

Children's answers.

One man prayed, "How can he be saved?"

And in a vision, paradise villages were shown to him. He approaches one monastery, the most beautiful, and asks the person living in it: “Tell me, servant of God, what did you do on Earth? Why did you get a home here?”

He replies: “I was an employee of an evil man. He did not pay me for the work, he only did evil to me. But I worked hard for him until the very end. And so I got a home here.”

He approaches the second monastery: “And you,” he asks, “what did you do?” and the one who lived in it answered him: “I have been sick all my life, but meekly endured my illness.”

What does "uncomplaining" mean?

Resigned means humbly, without discontent.


The life of each of us is very short, and it should not be spent on petty malice and irritation.

Without suffering (from evil) no life passes. Suffering is sent to a person as an exam, a test for goodness. We need to remember that in any life circumstanceswe must not let evil into our dwushu. If you can’t immediately restrain your inner anger, then at least hold your tongue. It's better to be silent.

There is one more piece of advice.

There is such most beautiful virtue.

You quickly forget grievances. A loving mother sometimes punishes you. You cry, even trying to hit your mother. But a minute passes and again you hug your mother.

Compliance is the beloved daughter of gentleness. We need it like we need air.


Do you want to see examples of disastrous intransigence (stubbornness)?

A fast and wide river flows. If anyone falls into her stormy and strong embrace, then that will not do well. The waters swirl. They will wrap, carry and swallow ... A narrow bridge runs across the river.

Only one can freely cross this bridge, and two can barely disperse.

Look here, look...

Two rams

(children's dramatization of a fairy tale)

On a steep mountain path

A black lamb was walking home

And on the bridge humpbacked

Met a white brother.

And the white lamb said:

"Brother, here's the thing:

Two can't get through here

You're standing in my way."

The black brother replied:


Are you out of your fucking mind?

Let my feet wither

I won't get out of your way!"

He shook his horns,

Rest your other feet...

No matter how you turn your horns,

And you can't get through together.

The sun is shining from above

And below the river flows.

In this river early in the morning

Two sheep drowned.

S. Mikhalkov


2. How could the situation be resolved differently?


But how do we live?

Helping an old woman cross the street or give up her seat on the bus was something that was taught in school, in books, in films.

Now it's not respected. “Taking everything from life”, and helping the elderly is almost shameful.

Goodness poem.

"I was very busy yesterday.

I worked with all my might,

He did good all day long.

Made a house for a cat

Gathered for a walk sister -

Found her a mitten

Sweeping the floor for mom

Grandma gave glasses

Helped dad to hammer a nail,

So he worked - exhausted!

In vain my brother thinks

That I'm just a braggart.

I don't boast at all

I'm just sharing the joy!

Children are encouraged to practice good deeds.

1. A grandmother is standing on the bus next to the boy. What should the boy do?

2. The girl met an adult at the door. Who must give way, and with what words?

3. In the yard in the middle of deep snowdrifts there is a small narrow path. It met a boy and a woman. Who must give way, and with what words?

Work with proverbs.

Creative work (collage)

The song "By the way of good" sounds (on a blank sheet of drawing paper, cut out in the shape of the earth, each child sticks a pre-prepared image: a house, a tree, children, clouds, the sun, flowers, birds, animals.)

What shall we call this picture?

How did you feel doing a good deed?


Today we learned that we must learn to love and do only good in this life!

It is so hard.

- Do not get angry when we are offended,

Give in to everyone

Don't fight.

We do not always succeed in doing good, most often we:

getting angry

Let's be stubborn

We're fighting.

We often meet with evil and see that much evil has become on earth. But we knew that good is stronger than evil and evil can be destroyed not by wars and murders, but only by goodness and love. We want to be strong in good.

The golden rule of a good man.

They say beauty saves the world...

Beauty is beauty!

Well, in the world it helps us to live




Bobko Maria, Varygina Ksenia

Work manager:

Educational psychologist

MOU "Magansk secondary school"


1. Introduction. p.3-4

2. Hypothesis, setting goals, objectives,

expected result. page 4-5

3. Interpretation of the concepts of "good" and "evil" in various sources. pp. 5-6

4. Heroes of Russian folk tales or the personification of the concepts of "good" and "evil" by representatives of past generations. pp.6-9

5. Modern fairy-tale heroes - a look at the concepts of "good" and "evil" by modern teenagers. pages 9-11

6. The results of the survey on the question: “What meaning do you put in the concepts of “good” and “evil”? page

7. Results of the survey on the question: “How would you depict the concepts of “good” and “evil”? pp.14-16

8. Conclusions. page 17

9. List of used literature p.18


All mankind as a whole can be represented as the sum of all the people living on the planet today. We are 6 billion people today.

If you look at how the number of people on Earth has changed, you can see that the movement was forward.

Time period

Number of people

End of BC period

50 million people

Beginning of our era

230 million people

Beginning of the Industrial Revolution, 1650

500 million people

By 1900

1.6 billion people

Early 20th century

2 billion people

6 billion people

Figure 1 Diagram "Demographic processes"

Humanity has been constantly growing. The accumulated experience, traditions, rules, views, ideas about the world, things were passed on from generation to generation, the continuity of culture was ensured.

But here is a paradox, a contradiction arises, sometimes people of different generations do not understand each other, as if they are speaking different languages, they have different views, examples to follow. This is often referred to as a generation gap.

In the past, it was believed that the elderly act as a storehouse of knowledge and keepers of the wisdom of many people. They were respected by other members of society.

And now the older generation is respected and honored, because their knowledge and experience is much greater than ours.

They preserve and transmit for us, by personal example, forms of behavior, patterns of rules, laws, values, knowledge, ideas, language, and traditions.

And yet they try to educate us on the ideas that have developed in their childhood. Time goes by and the world changes.

Now you can hear in our address, in the address of teenagers, that we do not value anything, we have nothing sacred, we speak in an incomprehensible language, communicating with each other by nicknames, we use jargon, profanity, we do nothing useful, we are barbarians who destroy everything, we are evil, unrestrained, irresponsible, rude, etc.

II. Hypothesis, setting goals, objectives, expected result.

The problem of "fathers and sons" is eternal, but we suppose that there is a bridge, a platform for negotiations, for mutual understanding.

After all, if people, even those who speak different languages, put the same meaning into concepts, have similar ideas about moral values, isn't this the way to mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutual respect?

Our work is devoted to such moral categories as good and its opposite - evil. What do children think about these concepts, what do adults think about these concepts? We'll see...

Target of our work: to prove that modern teenagers, adults, parents, grandparents, as representatives of different generations, have common, similar ideas about such moral concepts as "good" and "evil", and therefore are able to understand each other, build their own relations are not based on conflict, but peacefully through negotiations.

Tasks works:

1. Find out the semantic meaning of these concepts through work with various sources (explanatory dictionary).

2. Study the article about the heroes, get acquainted with the history of the personification of these concepts, through work with the dictionary of Slavic mythology.

4. Find out among teenagers what fairy tales and cartoons they prefer to watch now, whether there is good and evil. How they are portrayed now in modern fairy tales, cartoons.

5. Conduct a survey of representatives of different generations, professions on the question: “What do you think is “good” and “evil”?

6. Conduct a survey among people different ages on the question: “How would you portray “good” and “evil”?

7. Summing up, presenting them to society, through participation in the regional NOU, publication of the results of work in the scientific and methodological journal "Class Teacher".

III. Interpretation of the concepts of "good" and "evil" in various sources.

We used 3 "Explanatory Dictionaries of the Russian Language", and, the Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by the IG "Ves".

1.interpretation (dictionary and)

Good is something positive, good, useful. Positive moral quality, high morality.

Evil is something bad, harmful, a feeling of anger is hostility towards someone.

2.interpretation (dictionary)

Kindness is a blessing, a benevolent attitude, hospitality, according to one's own will, desire.

Evil - anger, disaster, need, grief, trouble, sadness, dirty tricks, violence, attacks.

3. interpretation - (universal dictionary of the Russian language, edited by IG "Ves") - repeats interpretation No. 1

In explanatory dictionaries there is no clear definition of these words, but, in our opinion, they reflect certain aspects of human life, the nature of human behavior, distinctive features the spiritual content of people, the feelings of people that are associated with some events in their lives. These concepts have many shades (for example, from anger to violence, from positive to highly moral).

IV. Heroes of Russian folk tales or the personification of the concepts of "good" and "evil" by representatives of past generations.

Our parents sometimes say that we watch nonsense on TV, that modern films are "empty and teach nothing." That in their youth and in the time of our grandparents, they watched Soviet fairy tales and films that told about kindness, love, showed the beauty of human relationships.

So the researcher of Russian history and culture in his encyclopedia "History of the Culture of the Russian People" writes that "in old Russian songs and fairy tales, folk wisdom is preserved, the strength and simplicity of the feelings of the Russian people are reflected."

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image004_1.jpg" width="276" height="318 src="> the world of the living and the dead, the hut is the gate to the dead kingdom. Having met the guest, Baba Yaga will show

discontent, feed the guest with his food,

heat up the bath. Having washed in the bath, the guest

washes away the "spirit of the living." Thereafter

Baba Yaga recognizes him as "his own" and can


https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image006_1.jpg" width="258" height="312 src=">

This old sorceress does not walk,

but travels around the world in an iron

mortar, and when he walks, he forces

stupa run faster, hitting it with an iron

club or pestle. And not to be seen

traces, they are swept behind her with a special tool - a broom or broom.

Like any deity, Baba Yaga is sometimes evil, sometimes good, but still, like any incomprehensible force, a lot of wisdom comes from her. She is served by frogs, black cats, various creatures in which both threat and wisdom coexist.

Sometimes Baba - Yaga gives magical things, advises. She does nothing herself, but indicates who to turn to for help. Commands the forces of nature and the animal world.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image008_0.jpg" width="231" height="279 src=">

Goodness in the literary works of the Russian people is a collective concept. It also contains wisdom, the beauty of a person, external and internal, the beauty of native nature, love for the Motherland.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image010_1.jpg" width="268 height=333" height="333">

This incomparable beauty is endowed with a prophetic mind, magical power, power

over the natural elements.

She is ready to do everything for the sake of the house, the family.

An ordinary person can not cope with it.

But for a hero pure in heart, mind,

loving his native land, she

ready to give up her sorcerous power and even part with it. She can turn into a beast, into a bird. She is a sorceress, mistress, gives wise advice, riddles.

V. Modern fairy tale characters

a look at the concepts of "good" and "evil" by modern teenagers.

Modern children and teenagers love to watch fairy tales, cartoons, films. We asked the guys, students of grades 1-6 of the Magan school, what do they like to watch? They named the most popular films, fairy tales and animated series: "", "Smeshariki", "WINX Fairy School", "Chronicles of Narnia", "Arthur and the Invisibles", "The Book of Masters".

Figure 2 Chart of film popularity among students in grades 1-6

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image012.jpg" width="433" height="229 src=">

Evil wizards are depicted in dark, sometimes incomprehensible clothes.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image014.jpg" width="159" height="200">.jpg" width="193" height="173 src="> Activities" href="/text/category/vidi_deyatelmznosti/" rel="bookmark">type of human activity and life experience.

In total, we interviewed 15 adults. We conditionally divided them into 2 age groups:

1 group from 20 to 40 years old - only 8 people;

Group 2 from 40 to 70 years old - only 7 people.



Doctor, nurse








auto mechanic, locksmith


1., 37 years old, mother of two children, teacher.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as peace, flowers, cheerful people, children and smiles, health.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as black, destruction of nature, nerves, tears.

2., aged 50, mother of two, teacher

Good - this concept is associated with such words as good hands, happiness of children.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as, very bad, scary, crying, loss.

3., 32 years old, mother of two children, teacher.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as a person's feelings, which are reflected in his behavior, happiness, decency, willingness to help, smile.

Evil is a concept associated with such words as great, which is peculiar only to man, but also to nature.

4., aged 43, mother of two daughters, general practitioner.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as people's health, care, help, joy, the birth of a child.

Evil is a concept associated with such words as illness, death, grief.

5., 44 years old, has a son and a daughter, a nurse.

Kindness is the happiness of children, a favorite profession, help, joyful experiences, peace at home, rest.

Evil is irritation, disobedience, harm, disease.

6., 37 years old, mother of two children, police sergeant.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as, do not break the rules, the law, a world without crime, no grief, something bright, always a day.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as someone's tears.

7. , 23 years old, student of the Pedagogical University.

Good - a loved one, the creation of a family, a desired child.

Evil is a quarrel, quarrel, illness, when dreams do not come true.

8. , 38 years old, mother of two children, housewife.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as bright, family, nature, a full cup.

Evil is a concept associated with such words as threat, fight, cold.

9., 42 years old, mother of two children, housewife.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as, the main thing in a person's life, good deeds, love for children, parents, husband, prosperity in the house.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as unexpected grief, a word offensive.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as decency in everything, in relation to people, family, children.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as misfortune, misfortune.

11., 69 years old, two children, pensioner.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as when everyone is happy, smiles, happiness for everyone.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as negative deeds, inhumanity, heartlessness.

12., 58 years old, has children, grandchildren, caretaker.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as the attitude towards everyone is kind, everyone should be fine.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as, I do not want evil.

13. , 46 years old, three children, military officer, reserve officer.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as the peaceful state of a person.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as aggressiveness.

14. , 44 years old, has a son, an auto mechanic.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as harmony in everything, peace, love, god.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as, it is very bad, crying, this is when you are alone.

15. , 39 years old, two daughters, accountant.

Good - this concept is associated with such words as a state of mind expressed to people.

Evil - this concept is associated with such words as a psychological trait of a person, a fight, a man.

And here are the answers children to the question "What is good"?

https://pandia.ru/text/78/224/images/image029.gif" width="213" height="263 src=">In this the answers of adults and children are the same.

2. Children and adults put a plus sign,

i.e. positive to concept " good»,

noting that this good deeds of a person

his behavior.

In that the answers of adults and children are the same.

3 . Both adults and children associate these concepts not

only with man, but also with nature. Moreover,

there were references to man destroys

nature, and this was regarded as evil, but also harm from natural phenomena was seen as an "evil response" of nature to man.

In this, the answers of adults and children coincided.

4 . Both adults and children would color "good" in bright color, a "evil" in the dark.

In that the answers of adults and children coincided.

5. Most often, both children and adults use the word “good” when they say: “good morning,“ good afternoon ”,“ Good health ”, wishing have a good day, good luck, showing joy and care.

Based on this, it can be concluded that adults and children invest the same meaning in terms of "good" and "evil".

And this means that we think the same way, we can understand each other without words, which means that the conflict of generations can be avoided, we are capable of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual respect.

IX. List of used literature

1. Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language, St. Petersburg: IG "ves", 2009

2. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and, Moscow, 2003

3. Illustrated Dictionary Russian language V.I.dal, Moscow, Astrel, 2006

4. Russian folk calendar, Natalia Budur, ROOSSA, 2007

5. History of the culture of the Russian people, Moscow, 2007

6. Russian history, Moscow, 2009

7. Internet resources

Epanova Love
Abstract class hour in the 1st grade "Good and Evil"

Class hour at 1"a" class on the topic« good and evil»

Target: the formation of a moral position in relation to good and evil.


Define good and evil; learn moral norms and norms of behavior; reveal qualities virtuous person;

Learn to commit virtuous actions consciously, voluntarily, everyday, disinterestedly, with self-respect;

Gain experience in communication.

Increase the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the team

Basic terms and concepts: good and evil as basic ethical concepts.

Security: computer, dictionary, multimedia projector, rays of the sun, proverbs and sayings, printed rules kindness.

Lesson progress

1. Organization of students' activities.


- good afternoon and good hour!

How glad I am to see you!

We don't have to write

We are in class today

We will discuss with you.

human kindness is amazing,

And the smile is amazing!

you smile at each other

And sit down quietly.

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, look at the screen. (2 slide)

What unites the pictures? (children's guesses)

Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? (children's answers)

I'll give you one more hint. (3 slide)

Look at the screen. Familiar heroes? What common theme unites pictures from fairy tales? (children's answers)

Guys, the topic of our today class hour« good and evil» (slide 4)

2. Post subject.

Teacher: Good and do evil always

In the power of all people.

But evil is done without difficulty,

Doing good is harder.

Guys, today we will talk about the basic concepts - good and evil.

You will learn:- What's happened good and what is evil.

Why should you strive for good and avoid evil.

3. Actualization of knowledge.

Guys, good is different. Which? (children reasoning).

Let's look at the slide. (slide 5) Good is(happiness, family, life, good, mother, caress, care, love, beauty, joy.

What does it mean to be kind person? (children's answers) (slide 6)

kind a person does good deeds;

Tries to help everyone

Caring for others;

Benefit others and yourself;

Respects elders;

Protects the younger ones.

Good you can hear - this is music, poetry, tender words. But there is good which cannot be touched, cannot be seen, heard, but everyone should have it: and you, and I, and your parents. This kind heart, kind soul, good words to help those who are in trouble.

I brought with me a dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov. Let's find the exact concept of the word good(slide 7)

But there is also the opposite effect of the word good-(this evil.)

How do you understand what evil is? What kind of person can be called evil? (children's answers)

Check the dictionary to see if you made a mistake in your answers. (slide 8)

Be lighter good or evil?

What do you think? Why? (children's answers)

4. Acquaintance with the drawings of children.

Human beings are born with a desire for beauty. Dobra, Truth, Beauty.

And what more in life: good or evil? Let's see your drawings that you have drawn. Tell us what you have drawn there.

(Children's stories)

Guys, on each of your drawings is drawn good, why didn't you draw pictures with evil? (because draw kindness is easier)

And what subject was often present in almost all the drawings? (Sun)

Why do you think?

Conclusion: the sun is a symbol of light, purity, peace, of good)

Now let's look at the slides and say, what is in these pictures: good or evil. (slides 9-17)

5. Making the sun.

Our life turns into a struggle over ourselves.

And what you become will depend on you. Doing good is hard. Let's imagine that we are the rays of the sun. And now we will learn to find these rays in ourselves. (slide 18)

Now in groups you will make the sun. You need to choose the appropriate rays with words and attach to the sun.

(On the tables are rays on which the words are written good, joy, peace, smile, friendship, quarrel, warmth, sadness, resentment, camaraderie, hatred, beauty, fight, love)

Guys, who would you like to give this sun to and why?

6.game moment: collect the proverb.

There are many proverbs and sayings about good. I will ask you to complete the task - to collect proverbs and try to explain its meaning. (connect these proverbs on the sheets that lie in front of you)

Good remember and you will reap

What you sow, then forget the evil

Per good does no good to anyone

Good for the one who pay good

Whoever follows the worst find no good.

Good overcomes evil

And what proverbs did you prepare? (children name memorized proverbs and explain some)

Life is given to good deeds.

Clothes do not make a person, but him good deeds.

The teacher concludes:Proverbs teach us:

Praise for good deeds and not always notice the shortcomings of people;

joke around - kind;

Do not rush to blame for something until you understand the reasons and many other useful things in our life.

Well done! Good job with the proverbs.

Most people consider themselves kind. They sympathize with the offended, cry when they see someone else's misfortune. They want everyone to live in peace and harmony. Let's try and make Good deed.

7. Let's play a game "Do It Good deed» (consult in groups)

How could you help?

Homeless dogs and cats;

Flowers yellowed from the heat;

To her grandmother who carries the bags;

Elderly, sick people in public transport;

Tired mom.

8. "Magic Words" (2 minutes.)

Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness. The person who does kindness to others feeling happy. Being polite to others is also kindness.

I suggest remembering polite words.

Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (Thank you)

Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good day)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (Thank you)

A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (Hello)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (I'm sorry)

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

Well done boys! We also completed this task.

9. Parable about good and evil. (4min.)

Guys, look at the next slide. (slide 19)

How do you think these animals are related to our topic? (Children make their guesses)

Viewing the parable "Two wolves"

And now I propose to look at one parable, which is called "Two Wolves". But what is a parable? A parable is a moralizing story.

(when viewing the parable, the teacher reads the text himself or a student who reads well (slide 20, video)

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. Another wolf presents good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

Which wolf wins at the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Tell me, what two wolves was the old man talking about?

What do you think is the easiest thing to do?

How do you understand the last sentence?

- Should I study? kindness?

Since ancient times, people have striven for good and hated evil, and we were convinced of this by the example of the parable. Yes, it's not easy to be kind person. This must be learned throughout life. And not only our parents and teachers help us in this, but also the old ones, good tales.

You all love fairy tales. And one of the main themes of folk tales was the theme good and evil. Found in fairy tales good and evil characters. Guys, now let's try to determine which hero kind and what an evil one. I offer you a game "Story"

10. Game "Story". (slides 21-23)

I will name and show the fairy-tale hero, and you answer, is he good or evil. If kind, you joyfully clap your hands, if angry - cover your face with your palms. (Ivan - Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-Swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Fox Alice, Malvina.)

What character would you like to be like? Why? (slide 24)

May your life always be like a fairy tale.

On our planet Earth, peace will always reign if there are many good, fair, honest people.

You can say a thousand times that you feel sorry for the elderly, but never give up your seat in transport to an elderly person, take care of nature in words and not notice the trash cans. Helps a person make good deeds friendship, respect, courtesy, kindness, understanding, smile.

11.ball game: circular conversation.

I feel happy when....

(good for everyone, everyone smiles, etc.)

12. "Rules kindness»

Do you think there are any rules kindness. Let's try to make the rules "Hurry to do good» . (slide 25) (printed rules appear on the board)

To do good deeds just like that, out of good intentions.

To love people familiar and unfamiliar, not to offend them.

Encourage others to treat each other well.

Make good for relatives and friends.

Don't envy.

Don't be mean.

Don't be rude.

Let's read our rules again.

13. The song "Dear of good "

(slide 26)

Do you want to be loved

Do people you good

You'll be convinced very soon

You are acting smart.

The man in whose heart kindness, looks nice, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face, a sweet smile on his lips. Let's smile at each other!

We will try to cultivate this feeling in ourselves and follow these rules. And finish coolhour I want the words of a famous fairy tale hero:

(slide 27) "Guys, let's kind»

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