Is psychopathy inherited? Psychopathy is inherited

Schizophrenia Is a mental disorder that is accompanied by affective behavior, impaired perception, thinking problems and unstable reactions nervous system... It is extremely important to understand that schizophrenia is not dementia, but a mental disorder, a gap in the stability and integrity of consciousness, which leads to a violation of thinking. People with schizophrenia are often not capable of a full-fledged social life, have problems with adaptation and when communicating with people around them. One of the reasons why the disease progresses and develops is heredity.


Neurobiology is developing more and more every year, and it is this science that can provide an answer to the question of interest to many - is schizophrenia inherited or not?

Scientists have delved into the problem of finding a connection between relatives and a child with schizophrenia, but the reliability of the results is rather low due to the consideration of other genetic factors, as well as the environment of influence. There are no unequivocal statements that the transmission of schizophrenia by inheritance has every reason. As well as unreliable will be the statement that all people suffering from this disease, acquired the disease solely due to brain injury.

The head doctor of the clinic answers the question

Is schizophrenia inherited from the father

If a girl becomes pregnant from a man who suffers from schizophrenia, then the following scenario is possible: the father will transfer the abnormal chromosome to all daughters who will be carriers. The father will pass on all healthy chromosomes to his sons, who will be absolutely healthy and will not pass the gene on to their offspring. Pregnancy can have four options if the mother is a carrier: a girl without the disease, a healthy boy, a carrier girl, or a schizophrenic boy. Accordingly, the risk is 25% and the disease can be transmitted to every fourth child. Girls can very rarely inherit the disease: if the mother is a carrier, and the father has schizophrenia. Without these conditions, the chance that the disease will be transmitted is very small.

Heredity alone cannot influence the development of the disease, since it is influenced by a whole range of factors: from a psychological point of view, biological, environmental stress and genetics. For example, if a person inherited schizophrenia from his father, this does not mean that the probability of manifestation is 100%, since other factors play a decisive role. The direct connection has not been proven by scientists, but there are documented studies that show that twins whose mother or father, who have schizophrenia, have a higher predisposition to the occurrence of mental illness. But the disease of the parents in the offspring will manifest itself only with the simultaneous influence of factors that adversely affect the child, but are favorable for the progress of the disease.

Is schizophrenia inherited from the mother?

Researchers tend to believe that disposition can be transmitted not only in the form of schizophrenia, but also in other mental disordersthat can give impetus to the progress of schizophrenia. Gene studies have shown that schizophrenia is inherited from the mother or father due to mutations, which are mostly random.

The mother of the child can transmit to him a tendency to illness during pregnancy. The embryo in the womb is sensitive to infectious colds mother. The fetus is highly likely to develop schizophrenia if it survives the illness. Presumably, the season can also affect the disease: most often, schizophrenia is confirmed when diagnosed in children born in the spring and winter periods, when the mother's body is most weakened and influenza is more common.

Is there a risk of heredity

  • 46% chance that the child will get sick if the grandparents had schizophrenia, or one of the parents.
  • 48%, provided that one of the fraternal twins is sick.
  • 6%, if one closest relative is ill.
  • only 2% - sick uncle and aunt, as well as cousins.

Signs of schizophrenia

Research can identify potentially mutating genes, or lack thereof. It is these genes that are the first cause that can increase the chance of disease. There are approximately three types of symptoms that psychiatrists can use to determine whether a person is sick:

  • Disorders of attention, thinking, and perception are cognitive.
  • Manifestations in the form of hallucinations, delusional thoughts, which are passed off as genius.
  • Apathy, complete lack of desire to do anything, lack of motivation and will.

Schizophrenics do not have a clear organization and coherence of speech and thinking; the patient may think that he hears voices that are not in reality. Difficulties arise in social life and communication with other people. The disease is accompanied by a loss of all interest in life and events, and sometimes a sharp excitement may appear, or the schizophrenic may freeze for a long time in an unusual and unnatural position. Signs can be so ambiguous that they must be observed for at least a month.


If the disease has already manifested itself, then it is necessary to know the measures that are recommended to be taken so that the situation does not worsen, and the disease does not begin to progress very quickly. So far, there is no definite one medicine that can cure schizophrenia once and for all, but the symptoms can be alleviated, thereby making life easier for the patient and his relatives. There are several techniques:

Medicines. The patient is prescribed drugs - antipsychotics, which can change biological processes for a while. Along with this, drugs are used to stabilize the mood, and the patient's behavior is corrected. It is worth remembering that how effective the drugs are, the greater the risk of complications.

Psychotherapy. Often, the methods of a psychotherapist can muffle usually inappropriate behavior; during the sessions, the patient learns the life regime so that the person understands how society works and it is easier for him to adapt and socialize.

Therapy. There are enough treatments for schizophrenia therapy. This treatment requires the approach of experienced psychiatrists only.


So, is schizophrenia inherited? Having sorted it out, you can understand that only a tendency to disease is inherited, and if you or your loved one is sick and worried about your offspring, then there is a very high chance that the child will be born healthy and will not have problems with this disease throughout life ... It is important to know your family's medical history and see a specialist if you want to have a baby.

The cost of treatment in our clinic

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Psychiatrist appointment Sign up 3 800 ₽
Reception of a psychotherapist Sign up 3 800 ₽
Hypnotherapy Sign up 6 000 ₽
Home call Sign up 3 800 ₽
Inpatient treatment Sign up 6 400 ₽

Psychopathies are also called pathological or abnormal in nature. Descriptions of misbehavior, not accompanied by psychosis, have been contained in the works of psychiatrists since the beginning of the 19th century, but psychopathies have been most fully described by Russian psychiatrist P.B. Gannushkin at the beginning of the last century. Today psychopathies are called personality disorders.

Causes and prevalence of psychopathies

Psychopathy is a state of persistent personality disharmony with sufficient preservation of the intellect. Disharmony in psychopathy is so pronounced that it interferes with painless social and professional adaptation of the patient. The psychopathic personality structure is a permanent innate property of a given person. Among the adult population, psychopathy occurs in 5-15% of people.

The causes of psychopathies are constitutional predisposition (features of the structure and functioning of the central nervous system) and genetic factors that are inherited. Sometimes persistent deformities of character develop against the background of minor birth injuries and diseases of the brain, as well as with the unfavorable influence of the external environment or with improper education.

Signs of the main types of psychopathy

Psychopathies are divided into separate types, but this division is conditional, since mainly mixed types are observed. The following types of psychopathic personalities are distinguished: schizoid, paranoid, psychasthenic, asthenic, affective, hysterical, epileptoid, unstable.

How psychopathies progress

The main criterion for psychopathy is social inadequacy and inadequacy of behavior. With shallow anomalies, certain psychopathic abnormalities can long time remain not too noticeable and not cause social maladjustment. But regardless of the type of psychopathy, psychopathic personalities are hypersensitivity to the action of internal and external influences (stress, illness, injury, high physical and mental stress, and so on). Under their influence, the processes of social adaptation are disrupted, that is, the process decompensates.

There is a clear connection between decompensation and age. Exacerbations often occur at the age of 3 - 4 years, 7 - 8, 13 - 14, 18 - 20, 30 - 31, 42 - 43, 48 - 50 years.

These are the characteristics of a person's personality.

Korsakov, Gannushkin are engaged in psychopathy. Psychopaths% of the total population. This disease manifests itself in men 2 times more often than in women. Psychopathies are common in adolescence.

Reasons: biological, social.

The biological causes of psychopathy are heredity, alcoholism of parents, pathology of internal development: mother's illness, birth trauma.

The social causes of psychopathy are defects in upbringing at an early age, the influence of society.

Gannushkin - psychopathy manifests itself from youth, represents a number of features that distinguish them from the so-called normal people and prevent them from adapting to the environment painlessly for themselves and others. We are talking about such traits and features that are manifested in everything. Psychopathy is total, it captures the entire personality.

Gannushkin developed his own classification in the 30s of the 20th century.

Psychopathies arise early (this indicates heredity).

  1. initial stage 4-11 years. Signs are fragmentary, few in number, blurred
  2. structuring psychopathy - pubertal. The teenager's roles, status, behavior are changing. Behavior is maladapted first. The first diagnosis is made.
  3. final formation, determination of its type. Re-decompensation (re-manifestation of signs, the formation of psychopathological reactions).

According to Kerbikov, there are 2 types of psychopathy:

  1. nuclear psychopathy, which is individual constitutional characteristics. They determine the main characteristics of psychopathy. Congenital characteristics.
  2. sociopathy - arises in relation to social influence.

Classification of psychopathy.

Kraepelin is the first attempt at classification. There is no general criterion for distinguishing a group. The groups are descriptive.

Gannushkin is a descriptive classification. There are no strict criteria.

  • cycloids, asthenics (unbearable to the demands of life)
  • neurasthenics, psychasthenics, schizoids (schema people) - not sensitive to others, very vulnerable to themselves
  • paranoid - very active in the implementation of their overvalued ideas. Thinking immature, shallow, affectively colored
  • epileptoids - aggressive
  • hysterical characters - a person wants to be in the spotlight. There is no objective program in thinking. Inconsistency of judgments.
  • unstable characters - dependence on someone else's influence
  • antisocial characters - violation of the requirements of society, a threat to the life of others
  • constitutionally stupid - persons who can learn all the necessary skills, systems of concepts, can study well, cannot understand the emotional nuances of certain situations.

The main features of psychopathy:

1.Totality of personality changes

2.their relative stability

3. the severity of personality traits. Disharmony to the degree of social maladjustment.

Thought disorder is associated with emotionality. They do not exhibit these impairments in a situation that is emotionally insignificant to them. This is what distinguishes them from schizophrenics.

4. affective logic - the features of an affectively saturated attitude to a situation lead to a violation of thinking, while the thinking of psychopaths is determined not by the significance of a specific final goal, but by a subjectively experienced, affectively colored need (To be the best, at all costs). This need determines the sequence of their actions, leads to a violation of the processes of forecasting and reading past experience.

Psychopathy equates to personality disorders.

Experiment Guldan. The study concerned the characteristics of patients' self-esteem and the level of claims. There was a tendency towards choosing more difficult tasks, especially at the first elections. Inadequate response to success and failure.

1. In a situation of failure, psychopaths choose even more difficult tasks. It is characteristic of psychotypes of the hysterical circle, paranoid, sometimes epileptoids. Experience does not teach them.

2. Reaction to success - responds by choosing a more difficult task. Success consolidation tactics. It is characteristic of psychotypes - asthenics.

Experiment 4 scales. Scales: health, happiness, character, mind. Psychopaths tend to gravitate towards the poles. For hysterical psychotypes - there is a tendency towards "+", for asthenics towards "-".

Self-esteem among psychopaths is very specific. High dependence on significant environment. Through the opinion of others, the realization of one's "I" occurs.

Bratus: identifying the characteristics of the level of aspirations - the life line of such individuals is formed under the influence of violations of goal-setting tactics, insufficient differentiation of different-level goals. For example: the goal is to achieve success in life in general. The goal is to stay at work. The psychopath is poorly oriented towards goals. This leads to a decrease in the productivity of activity, the semantic sphere of psychopaths - they see in each situation a direct test of their "I". And that is why they are so dependent on external assessments, they react painfully to experimentally and vitally induced successes and failures.

Specific features of the semantic sphere, violations of the mediation of real goals - ideal - lead to the fact that it turns out that it is impossible for psychopaths to take an observing position that is relevant to needs.

For psychopaths, a detached view from the outside is impossible.

Studies of the level of Lavrinovich's claims. Research data on psychopaths.

As a material, Hickhausen's labyrinths (cards with labyrinths, one level of difficulty). The patients were asked to record how long they took to complete the maze and how long they took to complete the next and the other 5 labyrinths.

Accounting for learning in the process is assessed:

  • among those who are inhibited - it was noted whether the level of aspirations changed in case of failure
  • hysterical psychotypes - after failure, the level of aspirations increased. The subjective uselessness of the state of the plan was noted, and the formulated plan either did not determine the dynamics of goal-setting at all, or, in cases of an artificially low plan, allowed the subjects to achieve a deliberately positive external assessment.
  • in excitable psychopaths, a rigid adherence to the drawn up plan was noted, and in a situation of failure, the goal of the activity becomes a subjectively accepted result.
  • in retarded psychopaths, the subjective impossibility of changing the plan. They are too rigid for control and planning.

Bulldan's research: the initial hypothesis that the criminality of a psychopath is not an innate quality, but is due to the general orientation of the personality with the content of the value system.

Research: biographical method. The materials of the court case, the projective techniques of TAT, Rorschach, Rosenzweig were used. The main defects were found, according to the data: personal disharmony is localized in the orientation of the personality. The studies were conducted on more than 1000 people.

There are two main mechanisms of motive formation:

1.disruption of the mediation of needs (formed during life)

3 types of pathological motives:

  1. affectogenic motives, when all the behavior of the subjects obeys the actual affective state... It is aimed at harming another person. At the same time, there is no mediation of this motive by other goals, tasks.
  2. situational impulsive motives. Similar to field behavior. Random situational requirements.
  3. anetic, asocial motives. In his behavior, the patient does not rely on ethical rules, social norms. Social norms are often purely declared.

2. Mechanisms of violation of objectification of need

  • the emergence of motives of surrogates (replacing)
  • the emergence of motives of psychopathic self-actualization (extreme egocentrism is noted - the desire to achieve a goal at all costs). Extreme manipulativeness by others to achieve the desired result.
  • suggestive motives - motives suggested by other people. These motives are formed as the influence of other people, groups. A person cannot resist a group.

The pathopsychological syndrome has not been identified in psychopaths.

We are talking about a symptom complex. The traits that psychopaths have are also normal, but psychopaths have them more pronounced:

  • failure to take into account past experience in the required amount
  • lack of personal orientation or extreme rigidity. Not responsive.
  • insufficient mediation of the motivational sphere (arbitrarily set goals)
  • inadequacy and instability of self-esteem. Her undifferentiation (self-limiting position, gravitation towards the poles)
  • dependence on external evaluation
  • dissociation between the cognitive and affective spheres (the person knows that it is not good to fight, but cannot do anything)
  • egocentrism (pronounced in a situation of personal communication)


Personality disorder is a change in character associated with an age-related parenting disorder. Only a certain constitutional type can be inherited, and not the psychopathy itself. But if upbringing in childhood was normal, then the psychopathization of the personality will not develop. So you can get pregnant and give birth in peace, if you are sure that your husband will be able to take care of the child in the future.

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Is it possible to raise a child without a belt? - Lyudmila Petranovskaya

Good article on the extent to which physical and psychological violence against a child is permissible. On the methods of influence (belt / slap in the face / blackmail / humiliation, etc.), models of parent-child relations, in general, in my opinion, very useful reading.

About education and punishment. Wonderful article by Lyudmila Petranovskaya

Is it possible to raise a child without a belt? Why can we still physically punish children? How does physical punishment differ in different family models, in different relationships between parents and children? What to do for those who accept this method of punishment but want to stop? The teacher - psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya tells about this.


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Is it possible to raise a child without a belt?

the question is relevant. Here is an article on a topic of interest. Controversial. But I really liked

Lyudmila Petranovskaya: "To beat or not to beat a child?"

The article is complex, but still necessary. If a parent treats a child with empathy from infancy, then the child also learns empathy from him, even in early childhood he accurately perceives the parent's feelings, and after the maturation of the ability to keep the integral image of the parent in consciousness, about 9-10 years old, already very well represents what a parent feels in a given situation, even if he doesn't see him right now. And for him to doom a parent to the torment of anxiety is as unnatural as it is for a parent to beat him.

Parent-child relationship

Lecture summary of the candidate of psychological sciences Osnitskiy A.V. The lecture began provocatively, with the question “Do parents and children love each other?”, The answer is “no!”, If you answered “yes,” you should know - this is a myth! This is a delusion ! Parents are loved by children from disadvantaged families and those children who are abandoned by their parents. The so-called "Stockholm syndrome". In normal, good families, children do not like their parents: “If you, ancestors, would go to the dacha!” Puberty is the age of confrontation, war with parents. However, growing up, children begin to respect and respect their parents, if the parent is a person.

Parent-child relationship

Lecture summary of the candidate of psychological sciences Osnitskiy A.V. The lecture began provocatively, with the question “Do parents and children love each other?”, The answer is “no!”, If you answered “yes,” you should know - this is a myth! This is a delusion !

Raising a baby

Great article! Answer to questions: "How to wean a child from the hands. “.Wrote a smart and decent person :)

Psychologist Irina Tokareva: Congenital psychopathy will manifest itself only in an aggressive environment

Undoubtedly diagnosed. But it begins to manifest itself not as a disease, but as inadequate behavioral reactions in a child. And the sooner parents turn to specialists for help, the more favorable the prognosis will be. And, the more likely you are to help the child.

Is psychopathy inherited or environmental?

Congenital psychopathies, of course, exist, but, like most innate inclinations, it manifests itself only in a favorable environment for this. If there is an environment for the manifestation of psychopathy, then psychopathy will manifest. In the case when there are no environmental opportunities for the manifestation of psychopathy, when the child is surrounded by an adequate society and loving (adequate) parents, psychopathy has no chance. But if the child's parents angrily suppress his aggressive behavior, the baby will behave even more aggressively. AND behavioral disorder runs the risk of becoming sick.

That is, the aggressive behavior of the child should not be stopped?

The child must be "switched", explaining "this is not possible, but this is possible", to distract, to occupy, but not to fixate yourself and not to fix the baby on aggression. If there is no skill to manifest aggression, and the environmental conditions for its development are absent, then the embryo of this quality will not develop. Healthy children have every opportunity to overcome innate aggressiveness. Aggression is one of the basic emotions for survival, but you and I grow and change, gaining new knowledge that you can interact with the world in a different, more beneficial way. If all the necessary conditions are created for the child, then the aggression will manifest itself only when it is needed - when protecting oneself, in sports, with healthy competition. By the way, watching TV shows, films with scenes of violence can, among other things, affect the development of psychopathy.

Are there any prerequisites for the development of aggression? How to reduce the likelihood of developing antisocial behavior?

Firstly, the pathology of pregnancy, alcoholism or drug addiction of the mother can cause a predisposition to the rudiments of antisocial behavior. A person may often have a desire to fight, but he immediately drives away this thought. And in a child with brain hypoxia, inhibition processes begin to form later. Secondly, full pediatric support and competent specialists in neurology and child psychiatry are needed. Thirdly, the mother should have the opportunity to examine the child from the very birth in order to hear: “your child's excitation processes significantly prevail over inhibition processes” and explain how this will affect the future fate of a person.

Does a child with a predisposition to psychopathy need special supervision?

If the child does not have manifestations of psychopathy, an adequate environment is sufficient. Excessive aggression in childhood, which becomes a habit, can also provoke psychogenia due to hyper-care or hypo-care. Yes, overprotection of parents in the form of total control can provoke an aggressive state in a child. And this applies to both children with disabilities and healthy ones.

What kind of environment should parents create in order to slow down the development of aggression?

Developing and creative! An environment of freedom and reasonable restrictions is needed, when the child is not only prohibited from doing something, but also explained why it is impossible to do so. After clarification, the child should immediately be offered an alternative: “you can't do this, but you can do something else,” let us do it together. But, unfortunately, sometimes such techniques will only help to correct behavior to some extent, but not cure.

That is, there are situations when medical intervention is needed?

Yes. Sometimes, competent child psychiatry is needed, not so much medication as psychotherapeutic, when we form new qualities and an approach to the world in a child, teach him new communications with others. Such cases can be corrected, but competent specialists and time are needed. And, of course, parents need psychological help. After all, parents bring up their children more often the way they raised them in their time.

How do you know when it's time to go to the doctor?

Among the early predictors (signs, ed.) - any unmotivated aggression or cruelty as a reason to go to a child psychiatrist. It is one thing to tear off the wings of a butterfly: such an act should not be considered cruel, but the child needs to be explained why this should not be done. But if a child deliberately hurts the kitten, hurts other children, and at the same time laughs, he needs to be taken by the hand and taken to a psychiatrist. Sadistic inclinations are a sign for contacting both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. (as adjunctive therapy).

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How to identify psychopathy in a man and what to do if the husband is sick

Mental health is one of the main conditions for the comfortable existence of the person himself and his loved ones. And if one can put up with character traits, complexes and mental traumas, learn to cope or simply not notice them, then the signs of psychopathy in men require special attention. Such men can be not only extremely unpleasant in communication, but also socially dangerous.

What is psychopathy and why does it occur

Psychopathy is a characterological pathology that is not characteristic of mentally healthy people. The behavior of a person suffering from psychopathy differs from general human norms and rules. His way of thinking, style of behavior differs, he does not consider it necessary to follow any rules or norms of morality, obeying only the “law of force”. People suffering from psychopathy lack empathy, empathy, gratitude, unselfishness, and other higher emotions. But, if such a person has a high enough intelligence, he successfully portrays these feelings, manipulating others for his own benefit.

Today psychopathy is considered an extreme variant of the norm - it is no longer a "bad" character, but not yet a psychopathology that requires treatment by a psychiatrist. This pathology arises from the excessive development of certain personality traits and the underdevelopment of other character traits. For example, a male psychopath may have overdeveloped aggressiveness and egocentrism and almost undeveloped empathy and control of behavior. Psychopathy usually develops in childhood and adolescence and accompanies a person throughout his life. A person, as a rule, cannot independently cope with the pathology of character, he needs the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Psychopathy in men occurs several times more often than in women. Such men can be quite successful, occupy leadership positions, do business, and so on. But most of patients with psychopathy lead an asocial lifestyle, so, among male prisoners, every 3 suffers from psychopathy.

The exact reasons for the development of psychopathy in men are still not known. The predisposition to psychopathy can be inherited, it has also been proven that its development occurs under the influence of several factors at once, one of which is the main or "trigger" provoking its development. For the development of psychopathy, the environment and upbringing are of great importance, even with the presence of pronounced traits of psychopathy in a child, adjusting his development can prevent the development of certain "unnecessary" traits and maximize others.

The development of psychopathy can be triggered by:

  • Birth injury
  • Fetal hypoxia, infections and diseases transferred during intrauterine development
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions - exposure, exposure to radioactive and toxic substances during pregnancy
  • Infectious and somatic diseases transferred at an early age.

Any unfavorable factor that caused brain damage at an early age can cause the development of psychopathy.

In addition to organic factors, the development of psychopathology can be caused by:

  • Child abuse
  • Isolation, separation from the family and placement in a child care institution
  • Lack of parental attention
  • Overprotection, education in the style of the "idol of the family"

The presence of one or more predisposing factors does not necessarily mean the development of psychopathy, according to modern research - psychopathy develops as a result of some kind of "breakdown" in the brain and all of the above factors can only aggravate or provoke its development, but not be the main cause of psychopathy.

Symptoms and types of psychopathy

It is quite difficult to determine that a man is a psychopath with superficial communication or at the beginning of a relationship. They can hide their characteristics, imitate feelings and respond to the expectations of others - if they need it for some reason.

You can suspect psychopathy if you have the following symptoms:

  • Deceit - characteristic feature psychopathy. Such people lie constantly: in order to achieve their goals faster and easier, to attract attention to themselves, or simply "out of interest." When trying to catch a person in a lie, he can deny everything, be indignant, accuse others of lying, and if it is impossible to deny the obvious, confess and immediately start lying again.
  • Lack of Empathy - Psychopaths lack the ability to empathize with someone completely or partially. They can understand the feelings of other people, but do not empathize with them.
  • Manipulation is another hallmark of a psychopath. Such people tend to manipulate everyone around them: relatives, relatives, friends and coworkers. For this, any methods are used: lies, phoning, blackmail, shouting, up to assault and threats of suicide.
  • Aggressiveness, cruelty - a lack of empathy and selfishness, as well as a lack of desire to restrain one's reactions, cause increased aggressiveness and cruelty towards the weaker. Men suffering from psychopathy, as a rule, are domestic tyrants, harshly suppressing any attempts to "disobey" and without hesitation raising a hand against his wife and children.
  • Lack of deep feelings - all reactions and feelings of such people are superficial. Deep love, affection, sympathy are not peculiar to them.
  • Lack of remorse, admission of their guilt - men with this way of thinking do not feel remorse and do not admit their guilt. Instead, they attack the interlocutor, accuse him of bias, lying or any other vices.
  • The tendency to cheat, leading an antisocial lifestyle, taking alcohol, drugs - the desire to quickly get what you want without much effort becomes the reason for leading a promiscuous sex life or committing a crime.

There are several main types of psychopathy:

  • Asthenic and psychasthenic psychopathy is the safest form for others. Such people are distinguished by indecision, suspiciousness, a tendency to introspection and "self-examination". Increased sensitivity and excitability cause conflicts with others. Such people may seem very vulnerable and sensitive, but, in fact, they experience such feelings only in relation to themselves. They are indifferent to others and can be very cold and cruel.
  • Schizoid is a borderline disorder. Severe psychopathy of this type is often the cause of development psychiatric disorders... Schizoid psychopaths are reserved, they live in their own world and rarely let anyone in there. Their main feature is isolation from others, isolation and insensitivity to anyone's needs other than their own.
  • Paranoid - they are distinguished by increased aggressiveness, assertiveness, and a narrow outlook. They are constantly figuring out something, arguing, watching others and actively manipulating them.
  • Excitable - this type of man has almost no self-control. They are aggressive, irritable, sort things out with everyone around them. Such people most often commit illegal acts and wander about.
  • Hysterical - such a disorder manifests itself at an early age, children, and then adult men seek to attract everyone's attention, cannot stand it when someone else becomes the center of society.
  • Affective - characterized by easily changing mood or its pathological change. A person can be constantly gloomy or, conversely, silly, overly cheerful and active.
  • Mixed - combines several types.

What if a man is a psychopath?

As a rule, male psychopaths do not feel the need for treatment and are not going to seek psychological help. They are satisfied with everything: both in themselves and in their surroundings. But their wives, children and other people who are forced to communicate with them daily or live together are trying to get psychological help or at least support. The wives of psychopaths suffer the most from this disorder, who often find themselves in the role of a victim and do not understand what to do.

Unfortunately, so far effective treatment psychopathy does not exist. In extreme forms of pathology, patients are offered sedatives and antipsychotics, but most men with psychopathy refuse to visit a psychiatrist and treatment.

For less expressed forms psychopathy can be helped by treatment with a psychologist and psychotherapist, but here the patient's desire to change is also necessary.

Every woman who suspects her boyfriend or husband of having psychopathy should definitely visit a psychologist. This will help not only to understand whether loved one a similar mental disorder, but it will also give the woman herself the opportunity to understand these relationships.

Psychopathies - when nothing can be done

Psychopathies are also called pathological or abnormal in nature. Descriptions of misbehavior, not accompanied by psychosis, have been contained in the works of psychiatrists since the beginning of the 19th century, but psychopathies have been most fully described by Russian psychiatrist P.B. Gannushkin at the beginning of the last century. Today psychopathies are called personality disorders.

Causes and prevalence of psychopathies

Psychopathy is a state of persistent personality disharmony with sufficient preservation of the intellect. Disharmony in psychopathy is so pronounced that it interferes with painless social and professional adaptation of the patient. The psychopathic personality structure is a permanent innate property of a given person. Among the adult population, psychopathy occurs in 5-15% of people.

The causes of psychopathies are constitutional predisposition (features of the structure and functioning of the central nervous system) and genetic factors that are inherited. Sometimes persistent deformities of character develop against the background of minor birth injuries and diseases of the brain, as well as with the adverse influence of the external environment or with improper upbringing.

Signs of the main types of psychopathies

Psychopathies are divided into separate types, but this division is conditional, since mainly mixed types are observed. The following types of psychopathic personalities are distinguished: schizoid, paranoid, psychasthenic, asthenic, affective, hysterical, epileptoid, unstable.

  • Schizoid psychopathic personalities are withdrawn, uncommunicative, restrained, lacking in flexibility people. Schizoids can be sensitive (sensitive) and expansive. Sensitive schizoids are sensitive, vulnerable, dreamy, get tired easily, avoid violent manifestations of feelings, painfully proud. Expansive schizoids are cold, determined, strong-willed natures, indifferent to the needs of others, but at the same time they are vulnerable and insecure.
  • Paranoid psychopathic personalities are prone to the formation of overvalued ideas, in the power of which they later find themselves. They are distrustful, touchy, limited. This type includes pathological jealous people, bigots, barbarians, fanatics.
  • Psychasthenic psychopathic personalities are distinguished by a tendency to doubt, a lack of inner confidence in the correctness of their judgments and actions. They are scrupulous, conscientious, terrified of future troubles and are prone to getting stuck on little things, which interferes with their ability to carry out any work.
  • Asthenic psychopathic personalities are characterized by general nervous weakness, insufficient activity, irritability combined with timidity. In the process of work, their concentration is often impaired, and their efficiency decreases.
  • Affective psychopathic personalities are accommodating, kind-hearted, affable, good-natured people. Their distinctive feature - emotional volatility. Mood changes both under the influence of external circumstances and without them, which prevents them from adapting in society.
  • Psychopathic personalities of the hysterical type are characterized by a thirst for recognition, a desire to attract attention. At the same time, their feelings are superficial, and their judgments are devoid of maturity and seriousness. Such people are distinguished by theatricality and insincerity.
  • Epileptoid (excitable) psychopathic personalities are characterized by hot temper, irritability Irritability - try to control your mood, rancor, sometimes cruelty, sometimes combined with sadistic inclinations. In life, they are active, persistent, stubborn, claim leadership, intolerant of the opinions of others. They are prone to bouts of anger and rage, as well as violent actions.
  • Unstable (weak-willed) psychopathic personalities are characterized by lack of will, defenselessness, inconstancy, combined with an inability to pursue purposeful activity. Without hesitation, they change their decisions and attitudes, place of work and profession, do not complete the work they have begun, and easily adopt negative forms of behavior.

How psychopathies progress

The main criterion for psychopathy is social inadequacy and inadequacy of behavior. With shallow anomalies, certain psychopathic abnormalities may remain not very noticeable for a long time and not cause social maladjustment. But regardless of the type of psychopathy, psychopathic personalities are distinguished by increased sensitivity to the action of internal and external influences (stress, illness, injury, high physical and mental stress, and so on). Under their influence, the processes of social adaptation are disturbed, that is, the process decompensates.

There is a clear connection between decompensation and age. Exacerbations often occur at the age of 3 - 4 years, 7 - 8, 13 - 14, 18 - 20, 30 - 31, 42 - 43, years.

Treatment and prevention

The main method of therapy for psychopathies is psychotherapeutic treatment. Drug therapy carried out only with increased excitability, aggression or with a sharply depressed mood.

Prevention of psychopathies is the prevention of birth trauma Birth trauma - how do they threaten the baby? and a normal family environment. When the first signs of character disorders appear in a child, you need to contact a psychiatrist - this can prevent possible social maladjustment in the future.

Is psychopathy inherited

Our answers to your questions

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The Theories and Practices explain why this diagnosis has little to do with maniacs, why uncontrolled emotional upsurge is dangerous, and what prevents Stephen Fry from living.

Psychopathy: biological and psychological factors

PSYCHOPATHY: BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS Behavior of a psychopath Criminal psychopaths Peculiarities of psychopathy in women Racial and ethnic differences Basic neuropsychological concepts and terms Central nervous system (CNS) Studies of psychopathy with the help of EEG Interhemispheric asymmetry and psychopathy of the neuropsychological divisions of the brain Brain Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Studies of the Autonomic Nervous System Psychopath's Childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Psychopathy Loss of Parents Conclusions Throughout its history, the term psychopathy has been the subject of controversy and has been used to describe wide range social, attitudinal, emotional and behavioral characteristics.

Psychological Forum

Psychological forum Hello.

Happiness happened in my life, I finally met a man whom I fell in love with, and he carries me in his arms. I thought it was a dream that everything is not so perfect, in general it turned out to be, it does not happen. I know that my man is diagnosed with psychopathy and he is in the group, I also know that he used to have problems with alcohol, and he is coded.

Now he is a completely normal person, sometimes nervous, but all this is in moderation, he is the same as other people, no more and no less.

Difficult character: is this not about you?

There are people who are very difficult to love.

It's only harder to live with them. All my soul was taken out for the happiness of being near them.

Moreover, they don't even bother to take it out, and put it back in.

Konstantin Sutyagin, Someone in such cases speaks of a "difficult character", "difficult childhood" and "unloving mother."

Is psychopathy inherited

A holistic picture of personality, based on individual traits of personality manifestations, is called accentuation.

It affects the manifestation of all emotions, in particular the emotion of fear. Accentuation is the severity of any character trait, here it reaches its maximum value, and is at the extreme border of the norm.

Most common mental health problem.

It brings more than just unpleasant sensations. but modern medicine can successfully treat it, one thing is necessary for this - the cooperation of the patient and the doctor. Of course, it is best not to allow neurosis to develop.

Pathological intoxication

Pathological intoxication In the event of pathological intoxication, the quantity and quality of drunk does not play a special role.

This intoxication can also occur when taking a small dose of alcohol. According to many psychiatrists, the factor contributing to the onset of pathological intoxication is the previous brain damage, latent epilepsy, damage to the cerebral vessels, severe neuroses, psychopathy, advanced stage of alcoholism, and others.

Quite unexpectedly, several dozen people subscribed to me in anticipation of a post on psychiatry, which I did not promise, but since people are waiting, they will have to cut. I know that sociopaths are loved on the Internet, and we'll talk about them. "I feel like I'm a sociopath, what are the signs?" The first and only trait that a sociopath can identify for himself is that you have / have problems with the law (with a focus on violent crime).

- Do children diagnose early age psychopathy, or is it a "privilege" of adults?

- Undoubtedly, they diagnose. But it begins to manifest itself not as a disease, but as inadequate behavioral reactions in a child. And the sooner parents turn to specialists for help, the more favorable the prognosis will be. And, the more likely you are to help the child.

- Is psychopathy inherited or the result of environmental influences?

- Congenital psychopathies, of course, exist, but, like most innate inclinations, it manifests itself only in a favorable environment for this. If there is an environment for the manifestation of psychopathy, then psychopathy will manifest. In the case when there are no environmental opportunities for the manifestation of psychopathy, when the child is surrounded by an adequate society and loving (adequate) parents, psychopathy has no chance. But if the child's parents angrily suppress his aggressive behavior, then the baby will behave even more aggressively. And the behavioral disorder runs the risk of becoming a disease.

- That is, the aggressive behavior of the child should not be stopped?

- The child should be “switched”, explaining “this is not possible, but this is how it is possible”, to distract, to occupy, but not to fixate on oneself and not to fix the baby on aggression. If there is no skill to manifest aggression, and the environmental conditions for its development are absent, then the embryo of this quality will not develop. Healthy children have every opportunity to overcome innate aggressiveness. Aggression is one of the basic emotions for survival, but you and I grow and change, gaining new knowledge that you can interact with the world in a different, more beneficial way. If all the necessary conditions are created for the child, then aggression will manifest itself only when it is needed - when protecting oneself, in sports, with healthy competition. By the way, watching TV shows, films with scenes of violence can, among other things, affect the development of psychopathy.

Are there any prerequisites for the development of aggression? How to reduce the likelihood of developing antisocial behavior?

- Firstly, the pathology of pregnancy, alcoholism or drug addiction of the mother can cause the appearance of a predisposition to the rudiments of antisocial behavior. A person may often have a desire to fight, but he immediately drives away this thought. And in a child with brain hypoxia, inhibition processes begin to form later. Secondly, full pediatric support and competent specialists in neurology and child psychiatry are needed. Thirdly, the mother should have the opportunity to examine the child from the very birth in order to hear: “your child's excitation processes significantly prevail over inhibition processes” and explain how this will affect the future fate of a person.

- A child with a predisposition to psychopathy, apparently, needs special supervision?

- If the child does not have manifestations of psychopathy, an adequate environment is sufficient. Excessive aggression in childhood, which becomes a habit, can also be provoked by psychogenia due to overprotection or hypoopenia. Yes, overprotection of parents in the form of total control can provoke an aggressive state in a child. And this applies to both children with disabilities and healthy ones.

- What kind of environment should parents create in order to slow down the development of aggression?

- Developing and creative! An environment of freedom and reasonable restrictions is needed, when the child is not only prohibited from doing something, but also explained why it is impossible to do so. After clarification, the child should immediately be offered an alternative: “you can't do this, but you can do something else,” let us do it together. But, unfortunately, sometimes such techniques will only help to correct behavior to some extent, but not cure.

- That is, there are situations when medical intervention is required?

- Yes. Sometimes, competent child psychiatry is needed, not so much medication as psychotherapeutic, when we form new qualities and an approach to the world in a child, teach him new communications with others. Such cases can be corrected, but competent specialists and time are needed. And, of course, parents need psychological help. After all, parents bring up their children more often the way they raised them in their time.

- How do you know when it's time to go to the doctor?

- Among the early predictors (signs, ed.) - any unmotivated aggression or cruelty as a reason to go to a child psychiatrist. It is one thing to rip off the wings of a butterfly: such an act should not be considered cruel, but the child needs to be explained why this should not be done. But if a child deliberately hurts the kitten, hurts other children, and at the same time laughs, he needs to be taken by the hand and taken to a psychiatrist. Sadistic inclinations are a sign for contacting both a psychiatrist and a psychologist. (as adjunctive therapy).

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