How fast ditinon stops uterine bleeding. Ditinon - Indications for use and important rules for taking medication


The drug dicinon refers to hemostatic agents that are the activators of the formation of thromboplastin, simply speaking - it is used to prevent and stop bleeding. Bleeding can be of any origin - after surgery, as a result of injuries, blood discharge in gynecological diseases. If ditinon is appointed - instructions for use will tell in detail in what doses and how to take it inward, in the form of injections or otherwise.

Preparation Ditinon

Among medicinal preparationsghematas-regulating, a special place is occupied by a Ditinon medicine - instructions for its use states that it can be used as a means of ambulance with almost any bleeding, helps with hemorrhagic syndrome. In addition, ditinon strengthens the vascular system.

Composition and form of release

Ditinon is produced in the form of oral pills and a solution for intramuscular or intravenous injections. Pills white color, round shape, double-screwed, packed in blisters of 10 pieces. The solution is colorless, transparent, produced in glass ampoules 2 ml in a cardboard pack with instructions. The composition of the drug ditinon is given in the table below:

Pharmacological properties

Ditinon belongs to the group of hemostatics - drugs, stopping and reduce the bleeding due to the ability to help the production of thromboplastin. The drug enhances the inner surface of the vessels (endothelium), enhances the adhesion (clutch) of platelets to damage to the walls of vessels and the resistance of the capillaries, delays the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which increase the permeability of capillaries and exacerbate painfulness. The drug is noticeably shortening the time of bleeding, while not capable of increasing coagulation.

Ditinon does not narrow the vessels, does not affect general process Blood coagulation and does not contribute to thrombosis. It suppresses the splitting of the mucopolysaccharides of the vascular wall, slows the effect of hyaluronidase (solvent of hyaluronic acid) and histamine, reducing the permeability of the capillar strokes, which accompanies many diseases of vessels and inflammation. Ditinon is used to relieve intraventricular hemorrhages in the brain of newborns, which is confirmed by clinical trials.

Indications for use

Due to the proven high efficiency, safety in terms of the formation of thromboms, given the large range of diseases caused by weakness blood vessels and risk of bleeding, ditinon has wide spectrum Indications for the application specified in the instructions:

  1. To reduce abundant blood loss in microsurgical interventions.
  2. Operational ophthalmology when removing cataracts and other types of eye treatment.
  3. For operational interventions In dentistry (removal of patients with teeth, cyst).
  4. Gynecological operations, abundant menstruation, prevention of bleeding.
  5. Lucky and intestinal bleeding in emergency surgery.
  6. Neurology is a progressive ischemic stroke.
  7. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  8. Hematological pathology.
  9. Defeat capillaries with diabetes mellitus.

How to take ditinon

Drug therapy with ditinon has both local and overall impact on the human body. Tableted form according to the instructions should be taken with food or after it. The advice and dosage is for children over 14 years and adults depends on the type of disease. Ethalitis penetrates blood in 2-3 hours during oral use, after intramuscular injection - in an hour and a half, if intravenously administered after 15 minutes.

Tablets Ditinon

The method of receiving the tablet forms of dicinone, according to the instructions, depends on the disease and the cause of blood loss during the physiological process or surgery:

  1. Three hours before the operation in the amount of 2-3 tablets, 0.5-0.75
  2. After operations 1.5-2 pieces per day with a uniform distribution.
  3. When the capillaries of the eye retina (diabetic microangiopathy), the ditinon is applied to a duration of 2-3 months, a dosage of 0.25-0.5 g three times a day.
  4. With uterine bleeding or abundant monthly women with a course from 5 to 14 days 1.5 g per day, distributing a dose evenly.

Ditinon in ampoules

The scheme of applying an ampulon solution of dicinone depends on the factors caused by the features of hemorrhage. The following dosages are indicated in the instructions:

  1. In one hour before surgery, intramuscularly or intravenously administered 0.25-0.5 g.
  2. After emergency cases, the introduction of a solution for prevention of 0.25 g with a regularity of 2-3 hours.
  3. In the period after surgery 0.5-0.75 g injectable.
  4. If necessary, an emergency effect is administered intramuscularly or intravenously a one-time volume 0.25-0.5 g.

special instructions

The use of medication requires compliance special instructions From the instructions for the hemostatic drug. Here is some of them:

  • before conducting therapy, exclude other reasons for bleeding so that there is no hazardous consequences;
  • tablets contain lactose, so their purpose is not recommended for patients with intolerance to glucose congenital type, lactase deficiency, lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • if the solution for infusions is painted, it cannot be applied;
  • the solution can be applied locally - sterile tampon floss and apply to a wound for the equilibrium of blood microcirculation processes;
  • the medicine does not affect the ability of driving the car and control dangerous or requiring increased concentration by mechanisms.

Medicinal interaction

Combine the reception of dicinos with other drugs should be carefully referred to with the instructions. Below is a list of such interactions:

  • ditinon's entry after the administration of dextrans does not have a hemostatic effect, and before - prevents antiagregative effect;
  • a combination with aminocaproic acid, sodium menadium bisulfite is allowed;
  • incompatible in a syringe with other medicines, a solution of sodium bicarbonate and lactate for injections, saline;
  • it is forbidden a combination with the reception of anticoagulants;
  • the combination with the transkama threatens the activation of platelet formation processes.

Side effects and overdose

When applying ditinon, you should be aware of possible side effects and overdose from various organs and systems specified on the instructions pages:

  • headaches, dizziness, paresthesia;
  • nausea, gravity in the stomach, heartburn;
  • allergic reactions, redness of the skin of the face, decrease in blood pressure (systolic indicator);
  • there are no data on the consequences of overdose, no antidote.


Familiarize yourself with the contraindications before you start taking ditinon - instructions for use gives their full list:

  • acute porphyria;
  • children's hemoblastosis, lymph and myeloblastic leukemia, osteosarcoma;
  • thromboembolia, including development in the history of thrombosis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • increased sensitivity to composite components, sodium sulfite;
  • bleedings arising from anticoagulant overdose.

Terms for sale and storage

The drug is released by patients from pharmacy for recipe. Tablets and a solution should be stored in a place protected from light and humidity at temperatures up to 25 degrees. It is not allowed to access them children. After five years, shelf life expires.

Analogs of ditinona

The medication is produced in Slovenia by Lek, his russian analogue It is a ethalate or Ethailate-Feren. Pharmacies sell the following drugs based on the same active substance giving a similar effect on the use of ethanzilate:

  • Aglumin;
  • Altador;
  • Cyclonemine;
  • Ditinon;
  • Ezelin;
  • Ethalate;
  • Immedied

Price of dicinone

The approximate cost of the original Slovenian drug depends on which pharmacy network it is sold, and what package chooses the buyer. You can purchase and ampoules can be purchased. Larction of prices in Moscow:


Ditinon is a hemostatic preparation, a means to prevent and stop bleeding. The mechanism of action is due to the influence on the first stage of the hemostasis process (interaction between endothelium and platelets). Suppresses the splitting of the mucopolysaccharides of the vascular wall (antihialuronidase activity), and normalizes permeability in pathological processes. Ditinon acts hemostatically by increasing the rate of formation of primary thrombus.

The drug is prescribed for the prevention and control of hemorrhages in surface and internal capillaries of various etiologies, especially if the bleeding is due to the defeat of the endothelium.

After applying the standard dosage of ditinone tablets, the active substance is quickly absorbed from the tract and the maximum concentration is achieved by about 4 hours.

Important - Ethalitis penetrates breast milk and through a placental barrier.

Ditinon stimulates the formation of blood coagulation factor III, normalizes platelet adhesion. Does not affect the prothrombin time, does not have hypercoagulation properties and does not contribute to the formation of thrombov.

The angioprotective effect of ditinon is associated with the effect on the endothelium of capillaries and the basic substances of the inter-endothelial spaces. This angioprotective effect is manifested in the therapy of certain diseases associated with primary or secondary disorders of the microcirculation process.

Ditinon during pregnancy - instructions for use

On the early timing Pregnancy Ditinon is prescribed in the absence of danger for the embryo, only in tablets and under the control of the doctor. In the second and third trimesters, it is used:

  • To eliminate minor bloody expirations.
  • When detaching the elements of the placenta.
  • To combat nasal hemorrhages.

Indications for use in the general case

  • For prevention and stopping of parenchymal and capillary bleeding in otolaryngology during operational treatment;
  • In operational ophthalmology during keratoplasty, the removal of cataracts and the treatment of glaucoma;
  • With nasal bleeding against the background of arterial hypertension;
  • In dentistry in operational interventions;
  • AT urgent surgery to stop intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, in neurology - with a progressive ischemic stroke;
  • The testimony is hemorrhagic diathesis (including Verlgof's disease, Willebrand-Yurgen, thrombocytopathy);
  • Diabetic microangiopathy;
  • Intracranial hemorrhages in newborns and premature babies.

Features of use in gynecology:

Ditinon for stopping menstruation is very strong and effective drugBut apply it to stop abundant monthly follows only as a last resort, and only after consulting a doctor and the availability of direct testimony for reception.

In some situations, ditinon must be taken when bleeding caused by the use of intrauterine contraceptives - spirals. After removing the helix, bleeding stops using ditinon.

How to apply ditinon, dosage

Tablets for adults:

The standard daily dosage ditinon is 10-20 mg / kg body weight, divided by 3-4 reception. In most cases, one-time dose is 250-500 mg 3-4 times / day.

In exceptional cases, one-time dose can be increased to 750 mg 3-4 times / day.

Ditinon with abundant menstruation is prescribed 2 tablets 250 mg three times a day in a meal straggment. The studio lasts up to 10 days, starting five days before the start of bleeding.

AT postoperative period The drug is prescribed in a single dose of 250-500 mg every 6 hours to the disappearance of the risk of bleeding.

Hemorrhagic syndrome: three times a day, 6-8 mg / kg, the duration of reception to two weeks, according to the testimony it is possible to repeat the course in a week.

How much to drink ditinon? Duration and how much time to drink pills should be prescribed by the doctor, standard treatment up to 10 days.

Tablets for children (over 6 years old):

Standard daily dosage Ditinon for children is 10-15 mg / kg in 3-4 reception. The duration of use depends on the complexity of blood loss and ranges from 3 to 14 days from the moment of stopping bleeding. Tablets should be taken during or after meals.

There are no studies to apply patient dicinone tablets with impaired liver or kidney function. In these groups of patients, it is necessary to use the drug with caution.

Ditinon Instructions for use - pricks for adults

The optimal daily dosage is 10-20 mg / kg, divided by 3-4 V / m or in / in (slow) injections.
Diabetic microangiopathy (hemorrhagia): an injection of intramuscularly 0.25 grams 3 times a day, injections for 3 months.

In operational interventions are prophylactically introduced in / in or per / m 250-500 mg per 1 hour before the operation. During operation, 250-500 mg is introduced. After the end of the operation, 250-500 mg of ditinon is introduced every 6 hours before the risk of bleeding.

Ditinon - injections for children

The daily dose is 10-15 mg / kg body weight, divided by 3-4 injections.

In neonatology: ditinon is introduced in / m or in / in (slowly) in a dose of 12.5 mg / kg (0.1 ml \u003d 12.5 mg). Treatment should be started during the first 2 hours after birth.


It is contraindicated to the use of both tablets and injections of dicinion at:

  • hypersensitivity K. active substance or drug components
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism,
  • acute porphyria.

C care to prescribe during bleeding on the background of an overdose of anticoagulants.

Side effect Ditinon

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • itching and red skin,
  • nausea,
  • paresthesia legs.

Such reactions to ditinon are transient and not important.

There are information that in children with acute lymph and myelolomicosis, osteosarcoma ethalate, used to prevent bleeding, caused severe leukopenia.

After injection in the area of \u200b\u200bthe injection, it may appear red and itching, very rarely observed swelling of Quinka, bronchial asthma is sharpened. In some severe cases, a person may have anaphylactic shock.

Analogs of ditinon, list

Analogs of ditinon on the principle of action:

  • Ethailate
  • Oktanine F.
  • Octanat
  • Protamina Sulfat.
  • Revalide

Please note - instructions for use dice, price and reviews for analogs are not suitable. In any case, they cannot be used as a guide for the use and dosage of analogs! When searching than replacing the digest, a qualified physician is needed.


Active substance:ethanzila.

In 2 ml of solution (one ampoule) contains 250 mg of ethanzila.

In 1 ml of solution contains 125 mg of ethanzila.

Excipients:sodium metabisulphite (E223), sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.


Colorless, clear solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hemostatic means. Vitamin K and other hemostaticities.

ATX: B02BX01 code.

Pharmacological properties


Ethailate is a synthetic hemostatic and an angioprotective agent acting on initial stage Hemostasis (at the stage of interaction between endothelium and platelets). Due to the improvement of platelet adhesion and the restoration of capillary resistance, it reduces the bleeding time and blood loss.

Ethallate does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, does not affect fibrinolysis and plasma coagulation factors.


The peak level in a plasma equal to 50 μg / ml is observed 10 minutes after B / in the introduction of ethanzilage at a dose of 500 mg. At the introduction of the same dose of etching, the peak level in a plasma equal to 30 μg / ml is observed after 1 hour. Plasma protein binding is about 95%. Ethalitis penetrates through a placental barrier. In the blood of mother and cord blood, similar levels of the drug are observed. Does ethalate in breast milk penetrates, is unknown. Ethallate is weakly metabolized. Ethallate is derived mainly by the kidneys, with 85% - unchanged. The half-life of plasma is 2.1 hours (in / m) and 1.9 hours (in / c). About 70-80% of the dose is derived from the urine during the first 24 hours.

Lee pharmacokinetics of etching in patients with impaired kidney function and (or) liver is unknown.

Indications for use

Prevention of prevention, intra- or postoperative capillary bleeding with all complex operations or operations on well-vascularized tissues: in otorinolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology or plastic and rehabilitation surgery.

Treatment of capillary bleeding of any origin and localization.

Prevention of perivnricular hemorrhages in premature children.


Acute porphyry.

Bronchial asthma, increased sensitivity to sulfites.

Increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Precautionary measures

Due to the risk of falling blood pressure during parenteral administration in patients with unstable arterial pressure or hypotension must be taken care (see section " Side effect»).

The drug contains sodium metabisulphite, which can cause allergic reactions, nausea and diarrhea in susceptible patients.

Allergic reactions may be pronounced, up to an anaphylactic shock, and are capable of causeing asthma bouts. Prevalence of such allergic reactions Unknown, but, in all likelihood, it is low. Increased sensitivity to sulfitis in patients bronchial asthma It is observed more often than those who do not suffer from this disease (see the "Contraindications" section). In the case of the development of the reaction of hypersensitivity, the introduction of the drug must be discontinued immediately. In the case of skin reactions or increase temperatures, it is necessary to stop treating and informing the doctor, since such symptoms may be signs of hypersensitivity reactions.

If the drug is prescribed to reduce abundant and (or) long menstrual bleeding, and at the same time the desired effect cannot be achieved, it is necessary to exclude the presence of another pathology that can cause such a state.


The drug is suitable for applications in children in recommended doses.

The drug may be prescribed to prevent periodricular hemorrhages in premature children. For dispensing recommendations, see "Method of Application and Dose" section.

Patients S. renal failure

The safety and effectiveness of treatment with ethanzilate in patients with renal failure has not been studied. Since the ethalate is completely excreted by the kidneys, with renal failure, a dose reduction may be required.

Results of laboratory tests

The ethanzite used in therapeutic doses may affect the results of an enzymatic analysis of creatinine definition in the direction of decline in indicators.

To exclude any possible effect of the drug on laboratory indicators, before the first use of ditinon, initial analyzes are performed (eg, blood), which will be required during treatment.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical data on the use of the drug by pregnant women is limited.

Animal experiments did not reveal any direct or indirect toxicity affecting reproductive feature. As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of the drug during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of data on the ability of the drug to penetrate into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment. If breast-feeding It continues, the use of the drug must be discontinued.

Influenceon theabilityto managevehicles and work with mechanisms

Influence does not.

Method of application and dose

Adults and teenagers

Before surgery:1-2 ampoules in / in or per / m per hour before surgery.

During the operation:1-2 ampoules in / c, repeat as needed.

After operation:1-2 ampoules, repeat every 4-6 hours for the entire time, while the risk of bleeding is preserved.

With urgent situations and depending on the severity of the case:1-2 ampoules in / in or per / m, repeating every 4-6 hours before the risk of bleeding.

Local application:wheood the napkin with the contents of one ampoule and attach to the bleeding area or put into the cavity formed after the removal of the tooth.

If necessary, appliqué can be repeated. Possible combination with intake or parenterally.


Half dose for adults.


10 mg per kg of body weight (0.1 ml \u003d 12.5 mg) in the form of intramuscular injections in the first 2 hours after birth, then every 6 hours for 4 days.

Patients with hepatic or renal failure

In patients with hepatic or renal failure, clinical trials were not conducted. Therefore, care must be taken when appointing such patients with dicinon injections.

The injection solution is incompatible with solutions containing sodium bicarbonate or lactate.

The ditinon solution cannot be mixed with other medicines in one syringe.

If the drug is mixed with saline, it should be used immediately.

Side effect

Side effects observed when applying etchilage are listed below. Very frequent (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100,

Violations from the gastrointestinal tract

Frequent: nausea, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdomen.

Rare: bitter taste.

Disturbing from the skin and subcutaneous fabrics

Frequent: rash.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site

Frequent: asthenia.

Very rare: fever.

Nervous System Violations

Frequent: Headache.

Vessel violations

Very rare: thromboembolism, arterial hypotension.

Blood violations and lymphatic system

Very rare: agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Violations by skeletal and muscular and connective tissue

Rare: pain in the joints, back pain / lower back.

Impaired immune system

Very rare: hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock.

Violations from metabolism and nutrition

Very rare: acute porphyria.

These reactions are usually reversible after the cessation of treatment.


Active substance: ethanzila.

Each tablet contains 250 mg of etchilage.

Excipients: anhydrous lemon acid (E 330), corn starch, monohydrate lactose, povidone, magnesium stearate.


White or almost white, round, biconavid pills.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hemostatic means. Vitamin K and other hemostaticities.

ATX: B02BX01 code.

Pharmacological properties


Ethalizila is a synthetic hemostatic and an angioprotective agent acting at the initial hemostasis stage (at the stage of interaction between endothelium and platelets). Due to the improvement of platelet adhesion and the restoration of capillary resistance, it reduces the bleeding time and blood loss.

Ethallate does not have a vasoconstrictor effect, does not affect fibrinolysis and plasma coagulation factors.



When taking inside the ethalate is slowly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Absolute bioavailability is not installed. After receiving 500 mg inside the maximum concentration in the blood plasma, equal to 15 μg / ml, is achieved in approximately 4 hours.


Ethallate is well distributed in the tissues. Binding with plasma proteins is about 95%. Penetrates through a placental barrier. In the blood of mother and cord blood, similar levels of the drug are observed. Does ethalate in breast milk penetrates, is unknown.


Ethalate is metabolized only to a limited degree.


The half-life of plasma is an average of 8 hours. Approximately 70-80% oral dose is derived from the body unchanged with urine within 24 hours. Lee pharmacokinetics of etching in patients with impaired kidney function and (or) liver is unknown.


Information about the pharmacokinetics of the drug in children and elderly patients is absent.

Indications for use

In surgery

Prevention and treatment of pre-and postoperative capillary bleeding with all complex operations or operations on well-vascularized tissues: in otorinolaryngology, gynecology, obstetrics, urology, dentistry, ophthalmology or plastic and rehabilitation surgery.

In therapy

Prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding of any origin and localization: hematuria, bloody vomiting, melan, nasal bleeding, bleeding from gums.

In gynecology

Metrragia, primary menorragia or menorragia caused by intrauterine contraceptive means in the absence of organic pathology.


Increased sensitivity to the active or any auxiliary substance of the drug;

acute porphyria;

children's age up to 6 years (for this form of release).

Precautionary measures

If the drug is prescribed to reduce abundant and (or) long-term menstrual bleeding and the desired effect cannot be achieved, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of another pathology capable of causing such a state.


The drug is suitable for applications in children in recommended doses.

Patients with renal failure

The safety and effectiveness of treatment with ethanzilate in patients with renal failure has not been studied. Since the ethalate is completely excreted by the kidneys, with renal failure, a dose reduction may be required.

Results of laboratory tests

Ethalitis adopted in therapeutic doses may affect the results of an enzymatic analysis of creatinine definition in the direction of decline in indicators.

To exclude any possible effect of the drug on laboratory indicators, before the first use of ditinon, initial analyzes are performed (eg, blood), which will be required during treatment.

The drug contains lactose. Patients with such a rare hereditary pathology such as the intolerance to galactose, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose absorption, should not be taken by this drug.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical data on the use of the drug is not enough for pregnant women.

Animal experiments did not reveal any direct or indirect toxicity affecting the reproductive function. As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of the drug during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of data on the ability of the drug to penetrate into breast milk, breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment. If breastfeeding continues, the drug should be discontinued.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and work with mechanisms

Influence does not.

Method of application and dose

For receiving inside.

Adults and teenagers (over 14 years old)

Before surgery: 1-2 Tablets Ditinon 250 mg(250-500 mg) an hour before surgery.

After operation: 1-2 Tablets Ditinon 250 mg(250-500 mg) every 4-6 hours for the entire time, while the risk of bleeding is preserved.

In therapy: usually 2 tablets Ditinon 250 mg(500 mg) 2-3 times a day (1000-1500 mg) while eating, drinking with a small amount of liquid.

In gynecology at menometrorrhrigia: 2 tablets Ditinon 250 mg(500 mg) 3 times a day (1500 mg) during meals, drinking a small amount of liquid. Treatment starts 5 days before the expected time of the beginning of monthly bleeding and continue within 10 days.

Children (6. 14 years old)

Half dose for adults.

Patients with hepatic or renal failure

In patients with hepatic or renal failure, clinical trials were not conducted. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when appointing such patients with dicinone tablets 250 mg.

Elderly patients

Dose correction is not required.

Drug Pass

If you missed the drug, take the usual dose as soon as remember this. Do not take a missed dose if time is suitable next reception. Never double the dose to compensate for missed.

Side effect

Depending on the frequency of the emergence and system of organs side effects Classified in accordance with the MedDRA Convention as follows: Very frequent (≥ 1/10), frequent (≥ 1/100,

Violations from the gastrointestinal tract

Frequent: nausea, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdomen.

Disturbing from the skin and subcutaneous fabrics

Frequent: rash.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site

Frequent: asthenia.

Very rare: fever.

Nervous System Violations

Frequent: Headache.

Vessel violations

Very rare: thromboembolism.

Blood violations and lymphatic system

Very rare: agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Violations by skeletal and muscular and connective tissue

Rare: arthralgia (joint pain), back pain / lower back.

Impaired immune system

Very rare: hypersensitivity, anaphylactic shock.

Violations from metabolism and nutrition

Very rare: acute porphyria.

These side effects are usually reversible after the cessation of treatment.

The drug Ditinon has been used for many years in domestic medicine as a reliable bloodstand with hemorrhages (bleeding) various character. The main effect of this agent hemostatic, which is ensured by it active substance - etchilant. This agent has a pronounced effect on thromboplastin than stimulating blood coagulation, (3 blood coagulation factor) and acts on the wall of vessels, strengthening it, reducing the permeability for blood elements.

The effect when entering the body, it has after 3 hours oral reception, 1 hour after injection, and after 15 minutes with intravenous administration. Ditinon acts about 6 hours, and by the end of 24 hours its activity is gradually decreasing. After the course of treatment and directly cancel therapeutic effect It is saved for about 7 days.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in a tablet for 250mg (in packing 100 pieces) and in the form of solution for injection In the dosage 2ml in the ampoule (50 or 10 per pack). The composition and in that, and in another case, a similar: 250mg of etching.

Indications for the use of ditinone

Ditinon is allowed to use in such cases:

  • prevention of different bleeding;
  • stop bleeding at surgical treatment In such areas of medicine:
  1. dentistry (dental removal,);
  2. otolaryngology (tonsilectomy, ear operations);
  3. ophthalmology (, keratoplasty, cataract removal);
  4. gynecology and obstetrics (operation of a different profile);
  5. neoatology (prevention of perivnricular bleeding in newborns);
  6. urgent states in surgery (stop, lungs);
  7. neurology (stroke);
  8. plastic surgery;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • blood pathology;
  • metrragia;
  • bleeding gums.

Instructions for the use of ditinone and dosage of the drug

Dosing and multiplicity of reception depends on the form of release.

Ditinon injection

  • In the course surgical operations Adults is introduced in the dosage of 250-500mg 1 hour before the start of the operation and during its execution. After completion, the same dose is introduced 4 times in 24 hours, until the risk of bleeding will disappear.
  • Children's daily dose, according to the instructions for the use of ditinon, is calculated as follows: 10-15 mg per 1 kg body weight, which is separated by 3-4 administration.

Tablets Ditinon

  • The dose for adults is equal to 10-20mg per 1 kg of body weight. This is a daily dosage, so it is divided into 4 receptions.
  • One-time dose can not be higher than 500mg (750 mg is allowed only in certain cases and by appointing a doctor).
  • In the postoperative period, the drug is accepted at 250 - 500mg 4 times in 24 hours, to minimizing the risk of bleeding.
  • With menopragias and metrorals (abundant monthly, uterine bleeding in women), it is used for 750-1000mg per day. Reception should start from 5 days expected menstrual cycle up to 5 days of the next menstruation.


Instructions for the use of dicinosc categoric: Do not take the drug in such cases:

  • porphyry at the aggravation stage;
  • increased sensitivity to its composition;
  • thrombosis;
  • hemoblastosis;
  • thromboembolia.

Special instructions for the use of ditinone and caution

Ditinon is allowed to be used exclusively in polyclinic and medical institutions.
This means should be very careful to assign patients who have in the history of embolism disease, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
According to the instructions for the use of ditinon, it is forbidden to use the drug in the form of a solution if staining appeared in it.
Ditinon except oral and parenteral applicationIt is allowed to use local. For this, they are impregnated with a sterile bandage, after which they are imposed on the wound surface or tampony the wound (the removal of the tooth, the transplant transplant).

pharmachologic effect

Ditinon is a means with antigenorrhagic effect. It provides the following effects when entering the body:

  • antihialuronidase;
  • hemostatic;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • normalizes the permeability of the wall of the vessels;
  • narrows vessels (stimulation of the PGI2 prostacycline emission);
  • hypercoagulation properties has no;
  • reinforced thrombosis does not contribute;
  • an increase in blood pressure does not cause.

Side effects

The reception of ditinon may be accompanied by such phenomena:

  • dizziness;
  • feeling numbness of legs;
  • facial redness;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heartburn after taking a tablet;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

Ditinon interaction with other medicines

The instruction on the use of ditinon indicates that this agent is pharmacologically incompatible with other medicines, that is, it is impossible to enter it in one syringe medical preparations.

Interaction with alcohol

You should not combine the reception of dicinone and alcohol, since the latter also has a property of increasing blood viscosity. The effect of their reception can be unpredictable.

Overdose dicinion

There are no information regarding overdose cases.

Application of ditinone during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

His reception during this period is permissible when exceeding the benefit for the mother relative to the risk for the fetus. The drug can be appointed in such cases:

  • detachment of chorion of a fruit egg;
  • magniding discharge from the vagina;
  • pairing placenta;
  • nose bleeding.

The dosage in this case will be 1 tablet for a maximum of 3 times a day. It is proved scientifically that this drug penetrates through the placenta, and therefore can affect the fruit.

Ditinon for newborns and children

The newborn solution of dicinone is administered with a calculation of 12.5 mg (this is 0.1 ml) per 1 kg of body weight. It is important to start therapy for 2 hours after the birth. Children showing the reception of tablets at a dose of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight to a maximum of 4 times a day.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The tool must be stored in a dry place where the sun's rays do not come, at a temperature mode up to 25 ° C. Ditinon is 5 years old.

Expert opinion Medicallies Polismed

We collected frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them

How to take ditinon during menstruation

Hello, I am 21 years old, for more than a year, monthly steel has become almost a week and with severe blood loss. Apply to the doctor. I was advised to take it in tablets, if the monthly lasts more than 5 days. Tell me, can you take before?

Ditinon taking with abundant blood loss in menstruation should be strictly on the recommendation of the gynecologist. Usually it is prescribed after the third day of the abundant blood loss according to the instructions, but not more than 5 days, the second option - from 5 days of menstruation to 1TAill 250 mg duration of up to 10 days.

How quickly the ditinon begins to act

Medicallies, please tell me how the action of dicinone begins quickly

It all depends on the form of the adopted drug and its dose. If the ditinon is administered intravenously, its action begins 10 minutes after injection, the maximum of action is achieved after 2 hours, after intramuscular injection, the action occurs after an hour and a half, reaching a maximum after 3-4 hours. With oral use, the action occurs after 4 hours and is saved for several hours.

How to take ditinon - before or after eating

Hello, I was discharged from the hospital after bleeding and I was prescribed to drink ditinon 1 tablet 4 times a day. How to take it right: before eating or after?

Ditinon is accepted while taking food, or after eating. You should clarify the dose and multiplicity of reception, as well as the duration of the course of treatment. Since the drug is not designed for long use And has its own contraindications and side effects.

How often can you take ditinon

Hello, medcollegia, please tell me how long you can take dicinon and after what intervals of time to repeat with abundant bleeding during menstruation?

In case of abundant bleeding, ditinon should be applied 4 times a day. But not more than 10 days. You can repeat each cycle. But if bleeding continues and the intensity increases them, then it is necessary to consult a doctor without departure to clarify the causes of bleeding and appointment of treatment.

Is it possible to use ditinon during pregnancy

Hello, I have a term of pregnancy for 16 weeks. In 10 weeks there were small bleeding, the doctor prescribed ditinon and after 3 days everything went. Now the situation is repeated, can I repeat the course?

The question of the re-treatment of dicinion should solve the doctor to which you need to appeal to clarify the nature of bleeding. If there is nothing serious, then most likely dicinon will be prescribed. It is rather used to apply it categorically not recommended. Only the appointment of a doctor. Since the causes of secretions may be different.

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